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Videogames, Music, Movies... Whatever!

Posted: Tue Oct 28, 2008 3:07 am
by Tomfox
The suggestion was made in the "Name" topic to make some sort of Fable 2/ Videogames topic, I thought that was a little narrow a topic so talk about anything you want here, that is related to the above title. Let's hear what everyone's spending their free time on (besides reading the comic, lol).

Personally between me and all my roommates here's the current breakdown: WoW, Soul Caliber 4 (PS3), and Fable 2. Also DnD, but it's so hard to pull everyone off the consoles to get pen and paper stuff done.

Re: Videogames, Music, Movies... Whatever!

Posted: Tue Oct 28, 2008 5:45 am
by Korilaz
like i said ill ply ne one lrlz even in table top dnd..... it s fun, but yes snd a mssg and ill ply if i have the game but i only have a 360 right now.....

and if i had a ps3 tho dood i wuld def have to challenge u at SC4 lrlz i am insane at it lrlz

Re: Videogames, Music, Movies... Whatever!

Posted: Tue Oct 28, 2008 6:07 am
by Ebly

Forgive me, but I am proud. <3

Either way. First order of business in my post: Max Payne. Don't watch it.

Now. Things I've been spending my time on.
Frankly, I haven't done any gaming in AGES. Console or not. I used to be fairly good at it, too, but I don't have enough money to keep up with the software. It's not that I don't have the time or motivation, simply that I have no money for it.
Internet, on the other hand. I live here, I swear. x3 No matter how much schoolwork I get, no matter if my mother's best friend dies, or anything like that... I'll always find some room for the internet and run around being an idiot somewhere.
Creative things have been taking up my time too. Drawing, acting, writing, music making, whatever. I've been doing a lot more of it lately, and it's been taking up a lot of my time. A tonne of funne, too. I've even completely made up a language (but of course, being my first, it's nothing special and still needs a LOT of work and expanding). o:
Not to mention my friends have been dragging me away from the computer a lot more lately (no complaints here, I need to get out more) so they've been taking up a good chunk too.

That's pretty much it. Also in the middle of reading a book, but I don't remember its name. I might also start on the Alphabet books and get them out of the way, because I've been looking at those books for way longer than anyone should without doing a thing about it.

Re: Videogames, Music, Movies... Whatever!

Posted: Tue Oct 28, 2008 8:40 am
by Krista
Eh... I'd have to say that I'm on the same page as Ebly; the internetz is my life. Though I frequent Ragnarok Online very often, most of the other times i'm browsing/checking art sites and imageboards and/or comic sites or chatting via IM.

I have a Wii, and I'm proud of it because I'm an adventurous girl who likes platformers and platforming puzzles like Klonoa or Mario games... Competitive play really doesn't appeal to me, so I don't PvP on MMOs or really go online very often with Brawl. I have so much more fun working alongside others to complete objectives that I become somewhat of a sage-type in games... Which makes me suck in games that are completely competition orientated unless they're team-based.

Gunbound was fun... mh...~ Blah; Maybe I'm just picky over genres.

Re: Videogames, Music, Movies... Whatever!

Posted: Tue Oct 28, 2008 1:42 pm
by Korilaz
Ebly wrote: Internet, on the other hand. I live here, I swear. x3 No matter how much schoolwork I get, no matter if my mother's best friend dies, or anything like that... I'll always find some room for the internet and run around being an idiot somewhere.
... i do the same thing and that is like the perfect quote for me... i just normally dont play my 360 that much... but ma lappy is broken so i just play it now...

Re: Videogames, Music, Movies... Whatever!

Posted: Wed Oct 29, 2008 7:55 pm
by BeyondUshuaia
Strange how having some time alone with the internet lessens the magic. Last winter, I was off in the middle of nowhere with nigh but a link to the digital world. Suffice to say I settled my fair share of internet land, what with mmo's forums, games, comics, StumbleUpon, and such. This may sound sacrilege, but I just got tired of it after awhile.

Anyway, I spend much less time online and play from game to game. I like to keep a pattern though so I'm online on a regular basis. Speaking of videogames, I'm really digging Fable 2 right now. Takes a bit of getting used to, after playing Fable.

Re: Videogames, Music, Movies... Whatever!

Posted: Thu Oct 30, 2008 2:10 am
by Ebly
I'm not going to kill you for getting tired of the internet.

I'm just going to motion you over to these conveniently placed torture devices...

Seriously though, I know what you mean. I always find myself getting sick of the net if there's nothing else to do. I like it when it's an option, not a sentence. =w=

Re: Videogames, Music, Movies... Whatever!

Posted: Thu Oct 30, 2008 5:42 am
by Korilaz
... yeah but its always a sentence if you have no fun games to play on it.... plus u gotta expand or it does get boring...

Re: Videogames, Music, Movies... Whatever!

Posted: Thu Oct 30, 2008 8:02 am
by BeyondUshuaia
True, I can agree to that. Although I sorta found my little piece of what I want, and it keeps me happy.

Re: Videogames, Music, Movies... Whatever!

Posted: Sat Nov 01, 2008 2:15 am
by Madman
I've been playing Mercenaries 2 lately, and having a really good time.

Re: Videogames, Music, Movies... Whatever!

Posted: Sat Nov 01, 2008 9:52 am
by Korilaz
lrlrlrlz yeah mercs was fun but i found that it just wasnt as good as the last one...its still fun tho but the motorcycly wif the track is just stupid tho....

Re: Videogames, Music, Movies... Whatever!

Posted: Mon Nov 03, 2008 12:08 am
by Madman
Yeah, I hardly use it, or the other custom vehicles. Sports Cars all ze way!

Re: Videogames, Music, Movies... Whatever!

Posted: Mon Nov 03, 2008 3:02 pm
by Korilaz
always for sports cars it always makes things easier cuz they handle the best and they r always fast... and they help every time...

Re: Videogames, Music, Movies... Whatever!

Posted: Tue Nov 04, 2008 12:50 am
by Madman
The fuel-air RPG the chinese sell you in Mercs 2 is just AWESOME. 1 shot will kill most (if not all) tanks, and is simply a joy to use against buildings. BOOM! no more building. :twisted:

Re: Videogames, Music, Movies... Whatever!

Posted: Tue Nov 04, 2008 10:46 am
by Korilaz
lrlz dood u need the Fatman from Fallout 3 dood

Re: Videogames, Music, Movies... Whatever!

Posted: Wed Nov 05, 2008 5:11 am
by Ebly
Hmhmhm. It kind of sucks that I can't afford to get into the current console culture. xD

But then, I'm not really missing much. Wahaha. I genuinely lost over ten kilos after my X-Box went out of date. x'3

Re: Videogames, Music, Movies... Whatever!

Posted: Wed Nov 05, 2008 9:55 am
by Raikoo
Heh, I'm a gaming nut. For consoles RPGs are my passion from FF IX, Disgaea, Ar Tonelico to the Silent Hill and Resident Evil series, though SH and RE are technically Survival Horror or something.. Still a free night, a fresh 2-liter bottle of mountain dew and those games are my my favorite combo. That is only because no one local plays DND or Werewolf the Apocylepse.. I'd much rather do the pen and paper with an unneccesary aboumt of dice style RPgs i given the option. Really, they're so much better when you can get a group fully into it than playing alone on a console.

Re: Videogames, Music, Movies... Whatever!

Posted: Wed Nov 05, 2008 2:55 pm
by Korilaz
OMG yes DND ftw lrlz i really dont care for werewolf but i luv DND but no ne one else getting Gears 2 this week.. i cant wait im goin to midnight release tommrow night and every thing lrlz

Re: Videogames, Music, Movies... Whatever!

Posted: Thu Nov 06, 2008 1:00 am
by JakJak
I WOULD get it but unfortunately I am a poor hobo lol.

Re: Videogames, Music, Movies... Whatever!

Posted: Thu Nov 06, 2008 1:34 am
by Ebly
Raikoo wrote:Heh, I'm a gaming nut. For consoles RPGs are my passion from FF IX, Disgaea, Ar Tonelico to the Silent Hill and Resident Evil series, though SH and RE are technically Survival Horror or something.. Still a free night, a fresh 2-liter bottle of mountain dew and those games are my my favorite combo. That is only because no one local plays DND or Werewolf the Apocylepse.. I'd much rather do the pen and paper with an unneccesary aboumt of dice style RPgs i given the option. Really, they're so much better when you can get a group fully into it than playing alone on a console.
silent hillllllllll
silent hillllllllllllllllllll
silent hillllllllllllllllllllllllllllll

i reckon that's all i need to say on that

doom 3
half-life 2

Re: Videogames, Music, Movies... Whatever!

Posted: Thu Nov 06, 2008 12:33 pm
by Tomfox
OMG yes DND ftw lrlz i really dont care for werewolf but i luv DND but no ne one else getting Gears 2 this week.. i cant wait im goin to midnight release tommrow night and every thing lrlz
Oh man I'm gonna be doing the Midnight thing for Lich King, I'm all pre-ordered and ready to go 8-)

Re: Videogames, Music, Movies... Whatever!

Posted: Thu Nov 06, 2008 4:18 pm
by Korilaz
cant wait for that either...

Re: Videogames, Music, Movies... Whatever!

Posted: Tue Nov 11, 2008 6:42 pm
by Cormyr
Raikoo, ever tried FFVII ? one of the best FF's methinks - storyline wise, don't let the old-school graphics turn you off of a great game ^^

Total gaming nut here, Fable II and GoW II are a near-MUST for anyone with a 360 and xbox-live... it's a shame that Fable II's co-op feature (when fighting only, when not fighting it's near-perfect) lags a lot, i'm talking - 3 enemies appear *begin fight* - *insert crazy lag here* - *you finish while your co-op partner is still getting hit and also 'hitting' nothing*..... yea sorta sucks. completed it and gotta say... for some reason the ending seemed a let-down. no more on that! :P

GoW2 though (Gears of War 2), i gotta say... wow. Horde is an AWESOME mode, got to Wave 27 the other day and I had to leave. my mum... bleh. enough said. i was the flippin host too (playin with my mate, talkin on skype, and he said when i left the game ended) ... how crap is that!? but yeah. im lookin to get to wave 50, thing is i keep runnin into muffins and cookies IDIOTS. *sadface* :c (is it so hard to pick someone up RIGHT NEXT TO YOU!? :'( )

So yeah, i s'pose anyone with live, add me : TaperManiac2004 (don't ask... just don't.)


Re: Videogames, Music, Movies... Whatever!

Posted: Wed Nov 12, 2008 5:20 pm
by Korilaz
/ask...... but no dood what diff are you on in Horde.... i wont play horde unless it is on atleast Hardcore..... and im at wave 19 wif a 3 man team...... and i know this part contradicts what i just said but.... i am able to beat up to wave 16 by my self on Day One on casual... which is hard because it seems as if soo far the lower the difficulty the more the locusts.... because when my 3 man did 16 on hard core there were only have the locusts but they were also 3 times harder to kill...... also i hate the fact that it takes 3 head shots from the torque to kill all the diff types of boomers....

Re: Videogames, Music, Movies... Whatever!

Posted: Thu Nov 13, 2008 7:59 pm
by Cormyr
I've only played Horde on a 5-man "Normal" (2x bonus) game...
since that's the only type you can play if you play a public game, now with a 2-man team i've done to 10 on hardcore, just because that's how me and a mate decided to get the *complete 10 waves in horde* achievement. after that we left and went into a 5-man public horde... got to 27 from there then people started leaving... so muffins and cookies annoying!

Seriously, i've got to 3 wave 27 games now and EACH AND EVERY time, someone has left. leaving us a man down on a hard(er) point in the game mode. Bad feedback much? methinks YES!!! >_< :D

all fun isn't it? on a side note, looking at some PC games today, can anyone recommend any good MMORPG / stratedgy games? i'm not talking free as such, i don't mind buying discs - but no subscriptions. (Also i already have FFXI and thats subscription so meh... :P )


Re: Videogames, Music, Movies... Whatever!

Posted: Sat Nov 15, 2008 12:29 am
by Madman
Well, I've been playing this text based MMORPG called Improbable Island. It THE funniest game I have ever played. And Its free. :mrgreen:

Re: Videogames, Music, Movies... Whatever!

Posted: Sat Nov 15, 2008 6:31 pm
by Cormyr
Don't like text-based MMO's for some reason. Tried 'em before but it just doesn't work for me, thanks for the suggestion though :D


Re: Videogames, Music, Movies... Whatever!

Posted: Mon Dec 08, 2008 1:55 am
by Akuma
World of Warcraft, Fallout 3, Fabel 2, Okami, Ramen. I dont ever need to leave the house.