Let's Imaginate: Phantom of the Opera! [COMPLETED]

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Harry Johnathan
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Let's Imaginate: Phantom of the Opera! [COMPLETED]

Post by Harry Johnathan »

Based on the works of Rick Griffin and Gaston Leroux
A Story by Harry Johnathan


Once upon a time (and by that I mean New York, 1911) there was an Opera House - the Babylon Opera House, situated right next to the Department of Sanitation on 126 Worth Street. It wasn’t a grand or big or even a good Opera House, but it was certainly an Opera House, and you could listen to music in it, provided you ignore the peeling wallpaper, wet seats, and falling sandbags that had the potential to end any of the performers at any given time.

And in that Opera House, in the manager’s office at the very top floor, a deal was being made. The old owners, who went solely by Bruce and Roosevelt on a first-name basis, were selling the venue to Keene and Breel Milton, a wealthy and respected couple who made their fortune in clothes sewn by starving, impoverished children; Keenes’ father called them “essential workers”.

“Just sign here and the Opera is yours!”, said Bruce, pressing his hand atop a lengthy contract on yellowed paper. Breel attempted to sign but his paw trembled too much, causing an irritated Keene to push him out of the way and sign the paper himself. “Pleasure doing business with you”, said Roosevelt, shaking Keene’s paw before rolling up the contract and stuffing it in his waistcoat. The two kangaroos were heading out the door when Keene called out, “Hey! Where are you going?”

“Back to Australia”, said Bruce matter-of-factly. He was about to shut the door behind him when he suddenly paused. “Oh, and one last thing: you might receive notes from a certain ‘The Phantom of the Opera’. It’s usually advised to reserve Box Five for him at all times and always listen to his… uh, suggestions.” Keene and Breel looked at each-other for a moment and burst out laughing. “That’s the stupidest thing I’ve ever heard!”, replied Keene.

“This is no joke. Accidents have been known to happen around here when The Phantom is ignored….”, said Roosevelt before Bruce finally shut the door; Keene could hear VERY fast footsteps heading toward the staircase. Breel looked genuinely frightened; Keene just shrugged.

“I’m sure they’re just joking, honey, or they’re insane”, said Keene. “Or both.” His words provided absolutely no comfort to Breel, so Keene sighed, opened the office door and said “Look, we’ll ask one of the workers around here about this ‘Phantom’ character and be done with it.” The two mustelids exited the office and approached the nearest person they could - Mrs. McGillicuddy, the elderly human concierge, who was currently feather-dusting a shoe and completely ignoring a suspicious stain on the wall right behind her.

“Ma’am, do you mind if I ask you something?”, asked Keene. McGillicuddy looked up at her new boss with a disturbingly large and dopey grin and answered “Yes, dear?”

“Would you happen to know anything about a ‘Phantom of the Opera’?”

Breel expected a look of horror to wash over McGillicuddy’s face, but that never happened. Her smile never wavered, the spark in her eyes never vanished and she appeared perfectly calm. “Oh, him? Yes, yes who doesn’t know? The managers used to pay him 30,000 francs a month because they were afraid of him, but there’s nothing to fear, he’s actually a very nice man, he always gives me generous tips when I enter the Box, but he always hid his face from me-”’

“Hold on, did you just say you have access to Box Five?”, asked Keene emphatically. “Well, of course I do, silly. I’m the concierge!”, replied McGillicuddy. Keene grabbed McGillicuddy, which as you can probably imagine looked very awkward considering he was only 4 feet tall, and shook her vigorously. “Well, don’t just stand here! Take us to him - there’s a concert going on right now, he’d surely be there if he were real!”

After a brief walk all the way around the rotunda, down the twin staircase, through the actual theater, into the lower offices, down a hatch, through the furnaces, up another staircase, through the storage closet, down a long corridor, up yet another staircase, all the way around the rotunda again, the trio arrived at the door of Box Five.

“Well… here he is.”, said McGillicuddy as she pulled out her keychain, stuffed the skull-shaped key into the lock, and opened the balcony door.

Keene and Breel entered the box, and while they weren’t certain what exactly they’d be seeing, they didn’t expect a small, completely non-imposing figure huddled up in a black blanket swaying and rocking to the music.

Upon realizing his safe space had been intruded upon, the figure turned around, covering his face with one hand and using the other to throw a variety of objects at the duo, including an empty toilet-paper roll, a Hanukkah candle, and a bag of Beef Jerky. “Get out of my box, get out now!”, cried the figure in a nasally tone, and Keene and Breel obeyed, visibly shaken by the whole ordeal.

Several days had passed, and the cast and crew of the Opera House were preparing for another production, “Pridelands”, about a war between lions and hyenas in the Sahara which ended with thousands dead, the hyenas in slavery, and the Lions’ kingdom in economic shambles. It was light entertainment.

“I can’t perform in this thing!”

Duchess, the Prima-Donna, was busy pestering the director, Grape, while fussing around with her costume, which was a perfectly fine and normal-looking dress. The entire problem for Duchess, of course, was that it was a perfectly FINE and NORMAL dress.
"Stop being ridiculous. We only have a couple hours till showtime", said Grape. Duchess scoffed. "I refuse to perform unless the dress is fixed. I want it painted with polka-dots and cut a bit shorter around the neckline and legs. And add some tassels to the arms, that would look swell, don't you think? Of course you think so, I always had the best ideas, after all-"

"Good lord, does she ever shut up?", one of the Chorus Girls said. Sitting next to her was another Chorus Girl, Sabrina, a black cat in a white dress very similar to Duchess' own. Sabrina shook her head "no" and gave out a light chuckle.

Sabrina watched with a mixture of bewilderment and sad pity as Duchess stormed off to her dressing-room after Grape vetoed her suggestion that her character should be given a chihuahua sidekick with matching outfits. Grape herself was currently arguing with the baritone, Rex, about some obscure stage directions while doing her best to ignore Peanut, the horse-wrangler, who was completely hysterical, flailing his arms around and desperately trying to get her attention.

“GRRAAAAAPE, Caesar is gone! Caesar is gone! A man in a hat and a mask and a cape came out of the walls and he took Caesar and I was so scared that all I could do was stand there and they fell through the floor and are you even listening an-”

An irritated Grape sighed and motioned to one of the stagehands, Jack, a wolf with a missing ear and sickly-green fur. “You, One-Arm! Deal with him.” Jack promptly escorted Peanut outside, gifting the crew approximately 5 seconds of peace and quiet before Duchess came back and started screaming her head off. “This is an outrage! I will not stand for this”, cried Duchess as she walked over to Grape with some kind of letter in her hand. “What is it, now?”, Grape asked. "I found this on my desk!", said Duchess. She handed Grape the letter, which read:

Dear Duchess,
Your singing voice is quite good but your acting makes me want to cough and your off-stage behavior makes me want to vomit.
I would advise you to be just as “ill” as I am tonight and let Sabrina D’Angelo, the chorus-girl, fill your role.
Love, The Phantom! :)

Duchess, with a face as red as a tomato (which is rather impressive given she's covered in fur) stomped her feet and declared “I will not let this nobody threaten and extort me! I'm singing tonight whether this Phantom likes it or not" before storming off. Again.

2 hours later, hundreds of patrons had already taken their seats and the orchestra was playing the overture. Up in their balcony, Keene and Breel sat along with their new patron, Fido Byron, Viscount, Earl, Sheriff, and Head Dentist of Lansbury-on-Newton-On-Forkroad-at-Chilligogogo, Normandy.

"Thank you so much for sponsoring us, Viscount. We might actually be able to afford repairs for once!", said Breel. "Might being the keyword with this economy", Keene interrupted before Breel shut him up with the evil eye. "By the way, you've been single for ages, when are you planning on getting married?"

Fido chuckled. "Why would I ever want that? All the married people I've ever seen have been utterly miserable - um, no offense."

"But you're alright with a casual fling?", Keene cheekily asked before Breel jabbed him in the ribs. Suddenly, the music stopped and the curtain raised for Pridelands' debut, and sure enough, Duchess was up there on the stage, fully prepared to sing her heart out. But something strange happened, because when Duchess opened her mouth, beautiful music isn't what came out. Instead, Duchess croaked like a frog!

The audience remained silent, not quite sure if that really just happened, and Duchess opened her mouth once more only to let out yet another croak. And then another. And as she desperately kept trying and trying to make herself sing, the audience could no longer hold in their inhibitions and began roaring with laughter, louder and louder until they drowned out Duchess completely, who was reduced to tears and ran off the stage. Keene and Breel gestured to the technicians who lowered the curtain, and the orchestra began playing filler music on their own accord.

Backstage, the cast and crew were thrown into chaos, with Duchess nowhere to be seen and Sabrina being viciously interrogated by Grape and the stagehands while vehemently denying any involvement. The interrogation was paused when Keene and Breel rushed inside and cried out "What the hell is going on?!" The exhausted Grape walked over and handed them the Phantom's note, which Keene poured over for at least 2 minutes before summoning Sabrina to his side.

"Are you behind this note?", asked Keene. "No, sir", replied Sabrina. Keene didn't look like he believed her at all but tried his best to play along. "Can you sing?", he asked. Sabrina belted out "so la mi fa so la" in a voice more small and mousey than an actual mouse. "She's beyond mediocre", opined Grape, who was absolutely correct, but they were running out of time, money, and sanity so she would have to do. Keene ordered the costumers to fit Sabrina before he and Breel headed back to the balcony.

Following the performance, Sabrina sat alone, away from the others backstage, afraid they might accuse her of sabotaging Duchess, when Viscount Fido of all dogs came up to her with a bundle of flowers and wine!


Fido looked off to the side, trying to avoid any and alk eye-contact with her out of nervousness, which also had the amusing side-effect of making him appear blind. "Sabrina! Don't you remember me?", he exclaimed.

"Hey, what's going on?", asked Grape, who just happened to be standing nearby. "When we were children", began Fido, as several others gathered around to listen in "Sabrina and her father lived with our family as servants. One day, I took her to the beach, and her pet mouse was swept out of her hair by a strong wind and landed in the sea. I dove into the water to save him but accidentally swallowed him and required emergency surgery to get him out. It was very painful."

The crew tried their best to hold in her laughter, and began to rapidly lose oxygen. Fido pulled out a ball of gray fur and very small, very yellowed bones from his pocket and asked Sabrina "do you remember me now?"

Sabrina looked off to her side; she saw turquoise eyes peering at her from behind a vent on the floor, and two gloved paws gripping the vent bars tightly in anticipation. “Well, do you?”, Fido asked again. Sabrina turned to him and replied “no”, causing nearly the entire Opera, cast members, orchestra, and even a few of the horses to burst out in hysterical laughter. Fido's face turned bright red and he threw the furball that was once a mouse to the ground and stormed off, huffing and puffing.

While this was going on, One-Armed Jack led Rex and the ballerinas over to the side of the room, where there was a large trapdoor. He opened it and entered, motioning towards them to follow him into the cellars. “Are you sure this is a good idea, Jack?”, asked Rex. “One of the chorus-girls told me that The Phantom lives down there, and that he kills anyone who sees his face.” Jack let out a raspy wheeze Rex assumed to be an attempt at a deep belly-laugh and replied, “Why? Are you too chicken?” Rex was indignant. “No!”, he said, and puffed out his chest in an attempt to appear tough, a facade which fell apart almost immediately as he spotted What Chicken next to him brandishing a frying-pan and almost jumped out of his skin. Jack chuckled. “Well then, let’s continue”.

As they ventured further down into the cellars, Jack began regaling the group with tales of the Phantom’s various misdeeds. “They say that, once, The Phantom replaced all of the toilet-paper with sandpaper when the toilet seat was cold! That he put sawdust in the salt-and-pepper shakers when the concierge was late, and mailed live cockroaches and rats to each of the Orchestra members’ homes after they fumbled a song!” With every word it seemed, Rex was getting more and more frightened, to the point his bodys’ shakes were causing a mini earthquake and his teeth chatterings sounded like the typing of a particularly angry letter.

Jack kept on rambling, walking backwards so he could always see the terrified expressions on the rest of the groups’ faces, when he bumped into something hard. He turned around and saw a tall, imposing, female bobcat, with scars on her face, dressed in a three-piece suit and fez hat.

“Oh, um… sorry, ma’am”, Jack said, looking absolutely terrified. The bobcat just stood there, inhumanely still, and with a blank expression. Jack nodded his head and let out a nervous little laugh before running as fast as he could back upstairs, Rex and the ballerinas swiftly following suit.

Last edited by Harry Johnathan on Wed Oct 25, 2023 3:07 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Sarah was afraid, so she lied and said, “I did not laugh.” But [The LORD] said, “Yes, you did laugh.” - Genesis 18:15 (NIV).
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Harry Johnathan
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Re: Let's Imaginate: Phantom of the Opera!

Post by Harry Johnathan »

Based on the works of Rick Griffin and Gaston Leroux
A Story by Harry Johnathan


It was nighttime now. The entire Opera House was quiet, very quiet, so much that you could hear the sawdust falling from the ceiling and the mice scurrying around. Sabrina was one of the last people left, partially because she had been very busy answering questions from her colleagues and partially because she had nowhere else to stay.

“Sabrinnnnaaaa~”, called out a ghostly voice with a Spanish accent, reverberating through the entire room in a way that made tracing its' origin impossible. “It's the Phantom!", cried Sabrina with terror as she turned around to face her mirror, inadvertently knocking down several bottles of perfume and lotion with her tail in the process; in the mirror appeared the image of a disembodied, flaming feline skull. "No, it's me, your teacher, The Angel of Music. You have done well tonight, but you are never allowed to speak with that Viscount again." Sabrina was shocked. "Why?", she asked. "Because he's just like all the others, while we are different. We're artists, Sabrina, and he will never understand you the way I do", replied The Phantom.

"But I knew him since we were kids, I've only known you for six months", protested Sabrina "He was my friend." The Phantom laughed heartily in response. "Friend? He was never your friend. He only pretended to be because he felt sorry for you! People like him will laugh at you behind your back and pick apart every one of your flaws! Believe me." And with that, The Phantom's image disappeared, and Sabrina collapsed onto her couch.

Keene and Breel were in their office, pouring over papers, when Duchess and her lover, Lord Bino, burst into the office. She was holding the latest edition of The Post in her hand. “This is an outrage!”, cried Duchess as she threw the paper onto the table. Keene picked it up and began to read:

Last night, the Babylon Opera House put on a production of Res Auburn’s opera “Pridelands”. To be perfectly honest, we found the story somehow both incomprehensible and totally predictable at the same time, and Mrs. D’Angelo’s performance was lacking, but Duchess finally taking the hint and vanishing into the wind was a welcome delight and brought the entire office much joy!
- Douglas Lameleg, staff critic.

Duchess started to “sob” and Bino’s face became as red as a tomato. “You will give her back the lead role this instant or we will sue you into oblivion!”, Bino screeched at the top of his lungs. Keene assured Bino that he would work something out while Breel attempted to comfort Duchess, which was a futile effort as her tears were entirely fake.

Unbeknownst to everyone, The Phantom was watching them and hissing...

That night, the curtain raised once more for Pridelands’ second show, and sure enough, Duchess was up there on the stage, fully prepared to sing her heart out. Off on the sidelines, Sabrina sat, sipping on a bottle of orange soda. She saw Fido up in the balcony and began chugging the drink faster.

Suddenly, a booming voice was heard from the ceiling. Duchess looked up and saw a masked man up in the rafters, sawing away at the chains of the Grand Chandelier with a file!
“Behold, she sings to bring down the chandelier!”, cried The Phantom. Duchess screamed as the chandelier fell onto the audience below, crushing several people and causing a mass panic as patrons rushed to the exits, trampling each-other and tripping on each-others’ feet. Some stagehands rushed to the crash-site and lifted up the chandelier to find a miraculously still-concious old lady quite literally squashed into a flat disk, like a pancake. Sabrina, who had been watching the entire spectacle with utter horror, got up from her chair and ran off. Fido saw this and followed after her “Sabrina, wait!”

“Sabrina, why weren’t you in the show? Is it the Pha-”

Out in the hallway, Fido swam through a sea of panicking patrons and workers as Keene was busy selling the movie rights for the incident off in the corner. He saw Sabrina enter her dressing-room, but as he tried to follow after her, he bumped into someone and fell to the floor. He got up and began berating them, only to discover that this obstacle was actually the very same bobcat Jack and the ballerinas had encountered previously.

“Oh, um… sorry”, stammered out Fido as The Bobcat began walking away, which is rather fortunate considering Fido had just wet himself.

Sabrina stood in the middle of her dressing-room, utterly terrified and also feeling incredible guilt.

‘Oh carp, is this all my fault?’, Sabrina thought to herself. ‘The Phantom always mentioned me in his letters, but I don’t know him. Maybe it doesn’t matter - Duchess might blame me anyway!
“Sabbbrinnnaaa~”, cried out a familiar ghostly tone. Sabrina whipped around so fast she thought her neck might break, but there was no flaming-skull in the mirror this time. Instead, a pair of hands and a face appeared out of the glass, which and beckoned for her to pass through it. Sabrina, hesitant at first, became compelled to follow her angel, taking his paw and stepping through the mirror.

A white flash of light blinded her eyes and when her vision returned, she was down deep in the Opera cellars, with no entrance they could’ve come from in sight. And holding her paw was not an angel, but another black cat - The Phantom, dressed in a black cloak, mask, and fedora (which he was wearing completely wrong, by the way.)

“Who are you?”, asked Sabrina. “It’s me, your Angel!”, replied The Phantom; his accent was completely gone by this point and his voice was noticeably more higher-pitched and nasally. “Okay”, said Sabrina with a side-long smirk “I’ll play along.”

The Phantom led Sabrina toward a tunnel where a rather malnourished and pale-looking horse was kept chained to a ring in the wall. The Phantom unleashed the horse and hoisted Sabrina onto it. The horse tried to buck Sabrina off, causing her to scream. The Phantom covered her mouth with his paw and kicked the horse until it calmed down. They walked about 6 feet before the horse started acting up again, and by this point The Phantom had enough and just carried Sabrina on his own, abandoning the horse down in the catacombs entirely.

The duo walked for what felt like hours until they reached a ledge overlooking a vast, black sewer, where a boat was tied to a wooden pole hammered haphazardly into the concrete. The Phantom and Sabrina entered the boat, which began moving on its’ own accord. Sabrina’s face scrunched up in disgust at the smell of the place and she covered her nose with her dress.

“What’s your name, anyway?”, Sabrina asked. The Phantom scoffed. “The Angel of Music, I already told you”, he said. “No, I mean your real name”, replied Sabrina. The Phantom paused for a few moments before answering “Maxwell. But I prefer Max”.

Eventually, the boat reached a ramshackle-looking wooden house situated high-up upon wooden beams over the water. Max and Sabrina got out of the boat and climbed up a ladder to the homes’ entrance, which was merely a blanket hung over an empty door-frame.

The houses’ interior was warmly lit via a lantern hanging from the wall. There was one window overlooking the lake, a strange hole in the ceiling, Russian-style rugs and newspaper clippings dotting the walls, a makeshift oven laying on the floor, an astonishingly small pipe organ in the corner with some kind of large box and a chamber-pot right next to it, a curtain on the other side of the room, and a doorway leading to what Sabrina presumed was a bedroom at the end.

“How… cozy”, joked Sabrina, who was feeling incredibly tense at the moment. She tip-toed over the rats and creaky floor-boards to inspect the box in the corner more carefully only to realize it was actually a coffin, and screamed.

“That’s where I sleep!”, Max said cheerfully.

Sabrina took a few steps backward and bumped into another wall. She turned around and noticed a rack of various weapons, ranging from automatic machine-guns, sawed-off shotguns, knives, medieval maces, a potato peeler, and a Vinyl record from the Cherry Sisters. Sabrina, a shocked expression on her face, turned and pointed at her ‘angel’. “Y-you are the Phantom of the Opera!”, she said breathlessly. “It is what is, babe”, said Max before he grabbed Sabrina by the shoulders and pulled her towards the curtain on the other side of the room.

“Look at what I made for you!”, he said before opening the curtain to reveal a mock-wedding scene between her and Max, represented by very bizarre-looking mechanical dolls. Upon seeing this, Sabrina instantly fainted. Max panicked and rushed to catch her before she hit the ground, before carrying her into the bedroom.

The next morning, Sabrina was awoken by an extremely loud, awful noise that caused her to instinctively cover her ears and groan in disgust. She hopped out of the viking-boat styled bed Max had prepared for her and rushed out the door to find him banging on the keys of his organ like a toddler while laughing maniacally.

“Can you tone it down, please?”, cried Sabrina, but Max’s “music” drowned out her voice. In a last-ditch attempt to get his attention she reached behind him and pulled off his mask, which definitely got his attention but probably not in the way Sabrina wanted. Max stood up from his seat and began convulsing as if he were having a seizure, covering his face and screaming. Sabrina, shocked and filled with guilt, reached out to touch his shoulder only for Max to turn around and reveal his face to her, causing her to gasp…

…before immediately becoming very confused, as she was expecting him to be hideously deformed. Instead, Max looked like a perfectly normal and even somewhat handsome black and gray cat, with the exception of a torn left ear and one missing whisker.

“What have you’ve done!”, cried Max in utter despair. “Look at me! I’m hideous!” Sabrina snorted and replied “No you aren’t”, which caused Max to become very angry. He grabbed her face and forced to stare at him. “Either you are half-blind or you’re a terrible liar! Nobody could possibly love me if they saw my face, if I let you leave you’d never come back, so now you must stay down here forever!”

Sabrina was now terribly afraid, and began wringing her hands, pleading with Max with tears in her eyes. “No! You can’t do this to me!” Max merely snorted. “Consider it a favor”, he said as he began walking away, completely ignoring Sabrina, who proceeded to grab onto his cloak, tearing it, which made him pause. “No, please! Let me go and I promise I’ll keep visiting you! I swear to God!”

Max considered Sabrina’s words for a few seconds before reaching into his pocket, pulling out a golden signet-ring with an image of an owl on the face. “Alright, you win. I’m not sure why you’d want to go back up there, but I’ll let you go. But promise me you’ll wear this ring at all times. Never take it off, even when you’re sleeping!”, he said. “I promise!”, cried Sabrina, and she took the ring, putting it on her claw. “Alright”, said Max, as he handed her a white blindfold. “Wear this, and I’ll take you back up to the surface.”

It was almost midnight now. Fido was up, freezing on the roof of the Opera-House, holding a letter in his paw. It read:

Dear Fido
Please wait for me on the roof of the Opera-House at midnight. I have something I need to tell you.
Love, Sabrina.

Fido stuffed the note into his coat-pocket as he heard the roof-hatch open and light footsteps approaching from behind him. He turned around to see Sabrina, her white dress covered in water stains and rat-hairs. She hugged him tightly while holding back tears, which he appreciated, but he was unable to ignore the horrible stench she was emanating.

“Sabrina, I love you, but why do you smell like Victorian London?” Sabrina ended the hug and sighed. “I was… kidnapped. By the Phantom of the Opera. He took me down into the sewers and tried to make me live with him”, said Sabrina. Fido turned his head in confusion. “Sabrina, are you drunk?”, he asked. “No! Of course not”, Sabrina hissed before sighing and rubbing her temples. “Look, Fido, I know I probably look crazy right now, but I swear I’m telling the truth. I don’t know what to do anymore, he’s everywhere, he might kill you now, I’m so scare-”

At this, Fido embraced Sabrina and patted her head. “It’s okay, I’m here if you need me”, he said. “And you don’t have to worry about me. I’m not scared of ghosts… okay, maybe I am, but I’m not scared of this ghost, alright?” Both Fido and Sabrina started laughing, and when they had finished, Sabrina kissed him on the cheek. “Thanks, Fidey”, she said.

She started walking back toward the gorter before Fido called out to her. “Sabrina, will you marry me?” Sabrina stuck out her tongue. “Not a chance!”, she said, before climbing down the hatch. Fido rolled his eyes before he walked over and climbed down after her.

Unbeknownst to either of them, The Phantom had been hiding behind one of the angel statues that lined the rooftop, having been listening to them the entire time, and was currency bawling his eyes out. He stopped himself, sniffling, and screamed in rage at the moon, shaking his fist.

“You’ll curse the day you didn’t listen to me!”, he cried before bursting into maniacal laughter, grabbing the end of his cape and rushing to the roof-hatch.

Last edited by Harry Johnathan on Wed Oct 25, 2023 9:39 am, edited 1 time in total.
Sarah was afraid, so she lied and said, “I did not laugh.” But [The LORD] said, “Yes, you did laugh.” - Genesis 18:15 (NIV).
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Amazee Dayzee
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Re: Let's Imaginate: Phantom of the Opera!

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

I like the start of this and think it came out strong! Can't wait to see what happens next!
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Harry Johnathan
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Re: Let's Imaginate: Phantom of the Opera!

Post by Harry Johnathan »

Based on the works of Rick Griffin and Gaston Leroux
A Story by Harry Johnathan


6 months have passed, and no new Phantom activity has occurred so far. Duchess was back as Prima-Donna, with Sabrina demoted to her understudy (which was still a huge step-up from mere chorus girl) and Fido had scrounged up enough money to install a new, crash-proof chandelier. The only strange thing was that One-Armed Jack had stopped showing up for work all together, but everyone had just assumed he was wasting away in brothels and bars and didn’t pay his absence any mind.

To celebrate their newfound good fortune, Keene and Breel had decided to throw a massive masquerade ball, with no entrance fee or restriction on species or class. As long as you had some kind of costume, you could join in. And join in they did, because over 600 people were currently scurrying around the Opera House’s grand staircase, where the ball was being held.

“Isn’t this great, Breel?”, asked Keene, who was dressed up as a goofy-looking robot, barely able to hold a wine-glass in his c-shaped claw, “Starting off the year right, and with minimal cost!” Breel, who was dressed as an angel, smiled and blushed. “Well, one does his best. But what a pity that The Phantom can’t be here!” At this, both Keene and Breel burst into laughter before clinking their glasses together.

Dancing together among the crowd was Sabrina and Fido, neither of whom wore any kind of costume or mask. Fido seemed on edge. “Sabby, we’ve been dating for months, why don’t you let me take you out anywhere? Why do you hush me whenever I try to say ‘I love you’?” Sabrina didn’t answer. “Sabrina, please talk to me. It hurts me when you do this.” Sabrina ignored Fido and looked to her side, and thought to herself ‘everyone here is wearing a mask. Anyone could be Max. He could be listening right now-’

“Sabrina, are you listening to me?”, asked Fido, when he heard one of the ballerinas screaming. “It’s him! It’s The Phantom of the Opera!” Sabrina and Fido turned around to see Max at the top of the staircase, dressed as The Red Death and brandishing a sword.

Max began walking down into the crowd, slowly and deliberately, one step at a time, making sure to stomp his feet loud enough to thunder throughout the room. “Why so silent?”, he asked, continuing his walk down. “Did you really think I’d left you all for good? No, of course not. I’ve just been busy, that’s all!”, he said, before pointing at the managers and Duchess. “You dance, drink, and fornicate on the tombs of tortured men. I’d advise you to be careful - I know where all of you sleep.”
The Phantom began purring upon spotting Sabrina in the crowd. He began approaching her as she backed away before pausing and poking the tip of his sword onto her signet ring. “Remember, you belong to me!”, he screeched before vanishing in a ring of fire, causing a mass panic. People began rushing towards all available exits and screaming in terror. Sabrina ran off, and Fido followed after her. “Not this again!”, he cried, while struggling to break through the hordes of terrified partygoers.

Sabrina was about to leave through the back entrance when she encountered The Bobcat. The Bobcat pointed one claw at a door on the opposite side of the room and said “Not this way, that way.” Sabrina ran toward where The Bobcat told and said “Thank you.”

After a freezing, painful 33 minute walk, Sabrina arrived at the gates of the Green Wood Cemetery. She stepped inside and approached a large, gray crypt. There was a plaque above the door - it read: DR. STANLEY D’ANGELO 1853-1895. Sabrina knelt down and began praying silently when she heard rustling behind her. She ignored it, before she began to hear laughter, and then the distinct sounds of music.

Sabrina turned around to see two cats, one calico and the other black, sitting atop random gravestones, playing the fiddle and electric handheld keyboard, respectively. They began walking towards Sabrina, who was now slowly backing towards the entrance to the crypt.

“Who are you”, asked Sabrina, her back now brushing against the crypt’s front door. “The muses”, said Fiddler. “Your father sent us to take you to Heaven”, said Keys. “Join us, join us, stay with us forever” Sabrina appeared to give in, walking slowly towards them with a blank expression on her face, before shifting gears and tearing a torch off the wall of the crypt, swinging it wildly at Fiddler and Keys. “Get back, I’m warning you!”, cried Sabrina. Fiddler and Keys’ faces turned demonic and they reached out to grab at her; in retaliation she struck both of them with the torch. To her shock, the torch just fazed right through them as if they were made of air, before merging into one person; Max. The illusion was broken.

“Sabby!”, cried Fido, who was rapidly approaching toward the cemetery gate, causing Max to run off. Sabrina rushed to the gate and opened it, embracing Fido. “Are you alright?”, he asked. Sabrina didn’t answer.

Keene and Breel were in their office, assessing how much money they’ve lost so far with their steward, when Duchess and Bino burst in through the door. Keene had become so used to this that he didn’t even notice Duchess’ screaming until Breel nudged him on the shoulder and pointed it out to him. “He’s at it again!”, cried Duchess as she threw another of the Phantom’s letters onto the desk. Keene picked it up and began to read aloud:

To the entire Opera House:
Besides this letter, the envelope you hold in your hand also contains a copy of my new opera, “King Ptah Triumphant”. You WILL perform it, and Sabrina D’Angelo WILL play the Princess. After all, there are far worse things than a broken chandelier.
Signed, The Phantom.

“This is going too far”, said Keene as he skimmed through the score of Max’s opera. “I refuse to produce this. It’s terrible!” Just then, Sabrina burst through the door. “Oh look, it’s the lady of the hour”, said Duchess “Haven’t you terrorized everyone enough?” This made Sabrina very angry; she grabbed Duchess by the throat and began shaking her vigorously. “How dare you accuse me of this, you bit-” Bino quite literally jumped to Duchess’ defense, grabbing onto Sabrina until she let go. Sabrina and Duchess were about to start again before Breel stood in between the two and prevented either from continuing the fight.

The group heard a loud “Ahem”, and turned around to see that someone else had entered the room while nobody was looking. The Bobcat from earlier. “And who are you supposed to be?”, asked Keene. The Bobcat proceeded to whip out an FBI ID badge. “My name is Agent Gale, I’ve been investigating your Phantom for years, even before I joined the FBI.” Everyone stared at each-other in shock and disbelief before turning their attention back to Gale.

“Why”, asked Keene. “Why would you do that?” Gale cleared her throat. “I was born in the country of Ferraga, but my parents sent me to live with my uncle in America so I would have more opportunities. I felt very lonely until I met him.”, she said. “The Phantom!”, guessed Bino. Gale nodded her head. “Back then, he was called Max, and he was just like any other kitten. He was brilliant, a musical prodigy, but he was a rascal and kept getting into fights, and one day he lost a whisker and a chunk of his ear.” Gale then lovingly rubbed the scars on her own face.

“Nobody thought much of it, but he just couldn’t get over it - he became lost in self-loathing, believing I was only his friend out of pity, and this extended to his music. He didn’t think he was talented, he thought all his fans were part of some cruel conspiracy to lie to him, and one day he was so stressed he showed up to a performance drunk. When the audience booed at him and told him to go home and get sober, he took this as validation of his beliefs and he set the entire theater on fire before disappearing.”

“And ever since, you’ve felt responsible”, said Sabrina. Gale nodded. “Sabrina is the key to catching him once and for all. I’ve never seen him this obsessed with someone before, we can use her to lure him out and stop him before he does something even more drastic. But ultimately, it’s her choice.” Everyone stared at Sabrina, who considered Gale’s words for a moment before her eyes lit up with inspiration.

“I’ll perform”, said Sabrina, “And during the performance, Fido will have a carriage or a motorcar parked at the West Entrance. Max will most likely be in Box Five, so the police should be stationed there or in the rafters. After the show, me and Fido will hurry to the exit and flee to Canada, where he can never find us.”

Gale nodded in agreement, as did everyone else in the room. “Alright”, said Keene, “let’s do it. Breel dear, call the Viscount. Miss Gale, inform your friends at the police.”

Sarah was afraid, so she lied and said, “I did not laugh.” But [The LORD] said, “Yes, you did laugh.” - Genesis 18:15 (NIV).
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Amazee Dayzee
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Re: Let's Imaginate: Phantom of the Opera!

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

Really liking how this is following the story exactly. Some of the Imaginates tend to take some creative license with them.
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Harry Johnathan
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Re: Let's Imaginate: Phantom of the Opera!

Post by Harry Johnathan »

Based on the works of Rick Griffin and Gaston Leroux
A Story by Harry Johnathan


It was the night of the big performance. Hundreds of patrons had already taken their seats and the orchestra was playing the overture. Up in their balcony, Keene, Breel, Fido, and Gale shared a balcony. Fido looked over to Box Five, where several policemen were currently camping. He then stared up at the rafters, where even more police were stationed.

"I hope she’ll be okay", said Breel. Suddenly, the music became quiet, so quiet you could hear a pin drop, and the curtain raised for the opera’s debut. On the stage was Sabrina, in her role as The Princess, and Rex, in the role of King Ptah. "She will", said Fido, “She’ll be okay. I know she will.”

The performance went on for a few minutes before a scene-change began. Sabrina stayed off on the sidelines, while Rex decided to head backstage and take a brief rest…

…when he was intercepted by Max, who began strangling Rex with a rope from a fallen sandbag!

After a few minutes, the performance continued. Sabrina’s character was to walk down the pyramid as if it were stairs and embrace Ptah, who was hidden inside a cloak, at the bottom. When she finally descended, however, she noticed something was… off about Rex. He seemed to have lost a tremendous amount of weight in only a few minutes, and his singing voice was completely different. Sabrina quickly realized the truth, and tore off this impostor’s cloak to reveal Max, who was completely maskless.

Max hissed, and expected the audience to scream at his hideous visage, covering his face in anticipation, but there was total silence. That is, until Sabrina began crying out “It’s him! It’s the Phantom of the Opera!” causing a massive uproar. People began booing, hissing, and throwing things at the stage, and the admittedly clumsy policemen stationed up in the rafters began firing wildly in all directions, nicking Max’s shoulder.

Max let out a primal yell, yanking on a rope above his head, causing the garroted body of One-Armed Jack to fly in above the audience, inciting a mass panic, before grabbing Sabrina by the arm and running backstage. “After him!”, cried Fido, and he and Gale followed them. “We’re ruined, Breel! Ruined!”, cried Keene as the two of them fled the scene in terror.

Fido and Gale found Max and Sabrina entering her dressing-room. Fido rushed to the door and attempted to open it, but it was locked. Gale pushed Fido to the side and used her titanic strength to knock the door down entirely.

Inside, they found the mirror had been smashed to pieces, glass shards now dotting the floor, to reveal a deep, black tunnel behind the golden frame. “Well, here goes nothing”, said Fido as the duo ventured into the darkness.

Max burst through the door of his underground house with incredible speed and pushed Sabrina onto the seat before his organ. Sabrina’s face was filled with defiance; she spitefully spat at him. Max began flailing his hands through the air, his eyes bulging and face red with rage. “How could you do this to me?”, he said. “I taught you how to sing, I watched over and protected you, I was there for you whenever you were down, and this is how you repay me?”

Just then, the two of them heard thunderous footsteps coming from up above. “It’s an angry mob!’, said Max, showing real fear in front of Sabrina for the first time ever.

Fido and Gale had been walking for what seemed like hours at this point, their only light-source being Gale’s lantern. The two made sure to keep their hands at the level of their eyes, in case The Phantom tried to strangle them like he did with Jack and Rex.

“Did you hear something?”, asked Fido, when the floor gave out beneath both of them and they fell, fell far below further and further until they landed with a thud inside a dark, metal closet-sized space with only a small window on the side providing any illumination.

“Honey, we have guests!”, Max gleefully declared. Sabrina walked over to the little window cut into the wall to see Fido and Gale, before gasping in horror. “Oh my, what awful luck! They landed in the incinerator’, said Max, who turned the knob on a small control panel under the window, which activated the furnace and caused Gale and Fido tremendous amounts of pain. Fido tore off his shirt in agony and began clawing the ground, unable to stand the horrific heat. Max’s maniacal laughter filled the house.

“Let them go!”, cried Sabrina. “Why should I?”, declared Max. “Remember what I told you - they’re just like everyone else!” This made Sabrina very angry, and she started to yell. “No! Nobody talked behind your back! Nobody hated you! But now everyone does hate you and everyone does fear you, because of the things you’ve done, not because of your stupid ear! I hate you! Do you hear me? I HATE YOU!’
Max stood completely still, almost impossibly still. His whole world felt like it had been torn apart, and put back together again in the span of a few seconds, by the power of a few words. He clutched at his chest and fell down, kneeling before Sabrina.

“I’m… sorry”, he said, “You’re right… there’s something wrong with me.” Sabrina bent down and kissed his forehead. “Don’t you start again”, she said. Max burst into tears, rising to his feet and pressing a button on the control-panel, causing the furnace to power-off and the window to open. Fido and Gale rushed toward the fenestration where Sabrina was waiting for them, and helped them climb through. Upon seeing her, Fido hugged her and started crying.

Hundreds of stomps, as loud as thunder. “He’s here, The Phantom of the Opera!” The swinging of a torch, the scraping of pitchforks against the concrete. “Revenge for Rex and Jack!” Chunks of rock from the ceiling were beginning to fall down, and the walls began to shake.

“The mob!”, cried Max, who had led the group about midway into the sewers by foot. “If they see you with me, they’ll attack you too. They aren’t thinking straight! Quick, take the boat!”

“But you’ll die”, said Sabrina. Max smiled. “That’s alright with me”, and shoved her, Fido, and Gale into the boat. “Go now and leave me!”

Sabrina began rowing furiously, and the trio were safely far away when the mob had finally reached Max, who stared them down, completely unafraid.“Stand back! I have a bomb”, cried Max as he appeared to pull something out of his pocket and held his fist up high in the air. Then, he started cackling, opening his hand to reveal… nothing. Furious, the mob rushed at him, kicking and beating him senseless for several minutes until he was finally dead…

“Peanut, this sucks”.

Peanut had been sitting patiently (well, as patiently as he could, anyway) in his chair while Grape read his latest comic. “There’s literally no way a guy could hide in an opera house and do all this crazy stuff without getting caught. And a torture chamber? Really? And why did you have to use real people we know in this? That made everything kinda awkward.”

Peanut began fidgeting with his hands. “Sorry, Grape. I didn’t think yo-”

“Oh, it’s alright. It’s just a dumb little comic, anyway. It’s not like you wrote an award-winning film or a Broadway musical or something.” Peanut snorted. “Yeah, you’re right”, before crumpling up the entire comic and throwing it in the trash. “I think I’ll stick to Spot comics from now on.”

Sarah was afraid, so she lied and said, “I did not laugh.” But [The LORD] said, “Yes, you did laugh.” - Genesis 18:15 (NIV).
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Re: Let's Imaginate: Phantom of the Opera! [COMPLETED]

Post by NHWestoN »

Well, that was really fun. Marvelous job, Harry ... and thanks for bringing the "Imaginate" format back. I've always thought those wer among Rick's funniest extended stories. :D 8-)
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Harry Johnathan
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Re: Let's Imaginate: Phantom of the Opera! [COMPLETED]

Post by Harry Johnathan »

NHWestoN wrote: Wed Oct 25, 2023 3:14 pm Well, that was really fun. Marvelous job, Harry ... and thanks for bringing the "Imaginate" format back. I've always thought those wer among Rick's funniest extended stories. :D 8-)
Thank you so much! It means a lot to me when people comment on my work.
Amazee Dayzee wrote: Wed Oct 25, 2023 12:51 pm Really liking how this is following the story exactly. Some of the Imaginates tend to take some creative license with them.
And thank you too, Dayzee. I was actually originally gonna do this as a goofy, paper-bag script fic but decided to go all-out at the last minute (this was done for a contest on OUHP, the other Housepets! discord server.)
Sarah was afraid, so she lied and said, “I did not laugh.” But [The LORD] said, “Yes, you did laugh.” - Genesis 18:15 (NIV).
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Amazee Dayzee
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Re: Let's Imaginate: Phantom of the Opera! [COMPLETED]

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

Did you win the competition you took part in on the other server? This is just very well-written and so engrossing!
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Harry Johnathan
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Re: Let's Imaginate: Phantom of the Opera! [COMPLETED]

Post by Harry Johnathan »

Amazee Dayzee wrote: Wed Oct 25, 2023 8:26 pm Did you win the competition you took part in on the other server? This is just very well-written and so engrossing!
...No. :lol:
Sarah was afraid, so she lied and said, “I did not laugh.” But [The LORD] said, “Yes, you did laugh.” - Genesis 18:15 (NIV).
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Amazee Dayzee
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Re: Let's Imaginate: Phantom of the Opera! [COMPLETED]

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

Well then that was their loss honestly. This story is REALLY something that is very thrilling and gripping!
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Re: Let's Imaginate: Phantom of the Opera! [COMPLETED]

Post by NHWestoN »

Yeah, nuts to`em.
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Amazee Dayzee
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Re: Let's Imaginate: Phantom of the Opera! [COMPLETED]

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

I can't wait to see what happens next with the story! I just love the take on it you are doing!
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Harry Johnathan
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Re: Let's Imaginate: Phantom of the Opera! [COMPLETED]

Post by Harry Johnathan »

NHWestoN wrote: Fri Oct 27, 2023 8:44 pm Yeah, nuts to`em.
If you saw the winner, you'd know they deserved it, lol.
Amazee Dayzee wrote: Fri Oct 27, 2023 9:58 pm I can't wait to see what happens next with the story! I just love the take on it you are doing!
Dayzee, it's uh.... it's already over. :lol:
Sarah was afraid, so she lied and said, “I did not laugh.” But [The LORD] said, “Yes, you did laugh.” - Genesis 18:15 (NIV).
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Amazee Dayzee
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Re: Let's Imaginate: Phantom of the Opera! [COMPLETED]

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

Oh. I didn't really see the final chapter part at the end since just as I was getting tot he last lines I got pulled away. That's my bad.
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