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Pet Friendly: Oasis Towers

Posted: Fri Jun 18, 2010 9:49 pm
by Anthroguy101
Here's the OOC. Please read this to know what's going on.

At long last, the Oasis Towers apartment complex is complete. The owner of the building has been getting calls for new residents. Now they are waiting outside to get into their bedrooms. He greets them as the doorman shows them to their rooms.

Re: Pet Friendly: Oasis Towers

Posted: Sat Jun 19, 2010 12:26 am
by Teh Brawler
Marc and David came out of the elevator, pulling a large cart covered with boxes, and a couple of large amps. "Here we are, floor 7," David said, smiling. "Right, Dad," Marc replied, walking alongside David. "Room 741, right?" "Yessir," David chimed. Which should be"

David opened the door, and the two walked in. The apartment had a kitchen, a living area, two bedrooms, and two bathrooms. Part of the living area had a stage where a small sound system was placed. Next to it stood the door to the storage facility that was next door. "The doorman said that we received this room especially for our needs, and that we can put your sound equipment in the storage." David pulled the cart into the room, and began taking boxes off. "Oh, wait," he said, stopping. He then reached into his pocket, pulled out a key, and threw it to Marc. "That's to the sound room for the concert hall. I mentioned your interest in music to the manager, and he said that the Tech guy would love to meet you."

Marc's eyes grew wide. "R-really?"

David smiled. "Yeah. Just don't let any of the other residents know. The manager doesn't want to be giving too many special privileges; most of these rooms that are occupied are already customized as it is."

"I won't. Thank you so much."

David smiled again, and said, "Why don't you explore the building? We'll unpack later."

Marc nodded, and headed out. He stepped into the elevator, looking in awe at the key, and pressed the first floor button.

Re: Pet Friendly: Oasis Towers

Posted: Sat Jun 19, 2010 1:22 am
by ctcmjh
Tobias waited in the elevator with his owner Alistair, as the elevator went up to their floor, "Here we are Tobias, the seventh floor. Help me find our room, it's number 732." Alistair said as they walked to their room. A bellhop carried three large boxes on a dollie behind them.

Tobias was holding a box that was a little big for a cat to be holding, but Tobias didn't trust others near his 'equipment'. As they came to the room, the bellhop deposited their boxes in the room. Alistair tipped the bellhop and closed the door. Tobias looked around their new home, checking out every detail.

There was two bedrooms, two bathrooms, a kitchen, and a living area. The living area and Master Bedroom were lined with bookshelves, and all of the bookshelves were filled with books. The smaller bedroom, which belonged to Tobias, had a door that lead to a small room that resembled an office. It had a wall that was completely covered with small computer monitors; Tobias had asked his owner explicitly for a room like this. All of the furniture had a very unique combination of Victorian-era and Modern furniture. All of the furniture was black, and the wallpaper was a lighter gray color. It seemed like a boring room, but it actually looked quite tasteful.

Tobias set his box down on the glass table, and put some of the items from the box into his collar pockets. Alistair had started to unpack one of the boxes, "Tobias, help me unpack, would you?" His owner asked using that calm-and-humble-yet-commanding voice that only elderly men seem to be able to do. Tobias walked over to the other box and started to unpack, "No problem, Dad." Tobias said as he started pulling things from the box. The items he pulled out included a human skull, a miniature castle, a pendulum made of solid gold, an old sword, and a whole bunch of oddities that the old man had collected over the years. All of the items were now placed around the room, giving the room a certain vibe that made one feel very curious.

Alistair sat down in the arm chair. He looked at Tobias, "Well, Tobias, since we are finished packing, I'm going to take a nap. You're free to do whatever you wish, just be home before supper." Alistair told Tobias before he nodded off to sleep. Tobias took this time to go into his office. He sat at the computer and typed away. The many monitors came to life, and all but one displayed a blank, blue screen. The one monitor that was right in front of Tobias displayed a normal screen. He opened a program marked, 'Awesome new program that I just coded. Nobody is allowed to open this! That means you Dad!' and all of the other monitors turned on, each displaying a live camera feed from the security cameras in the building. Tobias laughed maniacally like an mad scientist that just revealed his plans to his arch-nemesis.

After watching the monitors for a while, Tobias drew a complete and detailed map of the entire building. He used a red sharpie to mark the camera's blind spots. He placed the map in his collar pocket and turned the monitors off. Before doing so, he set them on record so he could have them for reference later. He left his office and grabbed his bag of 'equipment'. He went back into the room and placed all of the contents into the drawers of the desk. Shock-buzzers, whoopie cushions, lockpicks, catnip bombs, and every other pranking item he could think of was stashed in that room.

He took a small toolbox out of his desk and left the office. He closed the door and took a bunch of locks from the toolbox and installed them on the door: He took off the doorknob and replaced it with one with a lock, as well as six other locks varying from key-locks, to combination locks. "I should get a retina scanner and a paw-print scanner. Do they even make those? Who cares, I'll make one myself later." He remarked as he looked at his job well done. He looked at his bookshelf that was sitting a few feet from the door and had a great idea. He spent the next two hours speedily and accurately making a Hidden Door Bookshelf Thing. He smiled at his job well done, "Nobody will suspect a thing!" He said, as he left his bedroom and their apartment.

He wandered down the hallway looking for the elevator. He spotted it, with a dog inside. Tobias ran to the door and jumped in, right as the doors began to close. He regained his composure and smiled, extending a paw to the dog, "Hey, the name's Tobias. What's yours?" He asked.

Re: Pet Friendly: Oasis Towers

Posted: Sat Jun 19, 2010 4:57 am
by Kalvin
Cap was led into apartment #583, a prefurnished rather large apartment. He had been hesitant about moving but now that he saw the new place he got excited. However when Cap gets excited he gets... odd. His human father Brian, an author, had smiled as they came in "Here it is, home sweet home." Before he finished the sentence Cap crouched low to the ground, looking down at it and each specific detail.
Janice, his human mother and also an owner of an organic food store, yelled after him. "Dinner is at 6" but he was already around the corner. Sniffing, leaning in close and taking mental notes about the details of the apartment. He started by heading down a strange hallway. First door to the left was a bathroom. He looked at all the different tiles mumbling to himself in his rapid voice. "Slight discoloration around tub, could be soap scum. Shower curtains made of plastic, nothing else of note." Moving through to the first bedroom he saw a bed which he quickly moved over to. He zoomed in on it and looked all around. "Mattress appears to be new as it shows no signs of wear or use. Sheets, red, advertised thread count 600, actual thread count 530." (Intelligence 10, Perception 10) Moving over to an empty bookshelf he gasped. Rubbing his finger along the top and gathering some dust on his finger. He zooms in with his goggles, gives it a lick and then looks back inquisitively as if calculating. "Human skin cells, small amounts of plant pollen, human and animal hairs, textile fibers, paper fibres, minerals from outdoor soil, nothing out of the ordinary." Off in the corner was a master bathroom but he found no need to examine it.

He moved around further to come across another smaller room. "Pet bed, bookshelf, night stand, closet? Why would pets need a closet?" Shrugging he moves on into the living room which was quite large. There was a leather couch which lay across the wall. In all it was about 6 feet long, but it was backed into the corner and actually had a corner itself along the wall. There was also an entertainment unit with a flat screen TV, and a door leading to a plain balcony. Over on the far wall was a counter seperating a kitchen from the living room with 6 stools along the side. In the kitchen was the standard, refrigerator, washing machine, microwave, so on, nothing exciting. Having searched the whole apartment Cap wandered outside to see what was going on elsewhere.

Walking out to the hallway, observing every little thing before making it to the elevator. He presses the button and waiting patiently for it to open. When it finally arrived, he noticed a dog and a cat on the elevator which he dashed in to see. Observation and knowing who is around you is important, though he doesn't want to get to know them through social interaction (though it may lead to that). Instead he walks up to the dog and without introducing himself leans in uncomfortably close, not caring for personal space. He sniffs, zooms in, and looks all over his body. "Appenzeller Sennenhund, one of the four regional breeds of Sennenhund-type dogs from the Swiss Alps. Descended from the general Sennenhund type, bred to be a herding dog. Normally lively, high spirited, and suspicious of strangers. Headphones indicate appreciation of music, though type is unknown at this point." He takes the dog's hand and observes the palm closely. "No calluses or protrusions to speak of." He gets up close in his face and looks him in the eye, switching to regular view.

Re: Pet Friendly: Oasis Towers

Posted: Sat Jun 19, 2010 9:30 am
by The Game
The Castle's were lead to room #302, a very nicely furnished room with three bedrooms, and three bathrooms, a kitchen, and a living room. "Okay, Honey, and Stehpi, we're here!" Simon Castle explained happily. He put a hand lovingly on Casey Cstle's shoulder, then scooped up Stephanie in his strong arms. "What do you think, Stephi?" Casey asked, gushing over the furniture. Stephanie rolled her eyes and looked around the room. "I think it needs more purple, and a stage, and a lot more space, and some decent taste in furniture." Simon laughed. "You're so funny, honey! Let me show you your room."

He carried her to the biggest of the three rooms and opened the door, reveling a large room with a large bed, two large window, and a large closet next to the large bathroom. Stephanie squealed and jumped out of he dad's arms. "Daddy I love it! Thankyouthankyouthankyou!!" Simon laughed again. "you're very welcome Stephi. Now let's go unpack!" Stephanie sighed and rolled her eyes. "But I don't wanna unpack!" she whined. "Sorry Stephi, but we unpack as a family." Stephanie humphed, but allowed her dad to take her back to the front living room space, where they'd had walked in a dropped their stuff. "Okay, this box and these 4 boxes have Stephi's stuff." Casey said. "These 8 boxes have mine, these 8 have yous, honey, and this one and different shots, bloopers, and final releases of all our movies!" Stephanie, took one box, but found she couldn't lift it. "Daddy, can you help me lift this, and carry it to my room? It's too heavy." Simon nodded, and picked up two of the stuffed boxes in his strong arms, and carried them to Stephi's room. "Thanks!" she said as she ripped open one of the boxes. It was filled with all sorts of purple items (pictures, posters, lamps, bookshelves, bed spreads, alarm clocks) to decorate the room. "Okay, i want this here....and that there..." and she made progress.

After about 20 minutes, the room was nicely purple, and Stephanie walked out triumphantly.
"My room's almost ready!! It looks so pretty!!" she gasped happily when she saw the progress her parent's made. Now there were pictures of the whole family at a reunion, the two actors, Simon and Stephanie, Casey and Stephanie, movies that the parents ahd been in, and places they'd visited. "I love it!!!" Stephi squealed. Simon plugged in their blender and let it 'whirrrr' for a second, to make sure it worked. "If you want Stephi dear, you can go make friends around the Towers." he said as he frowned at the blender making a 'chunk chunk chunk' sound. "Okay Daddy!! Bye you guys!!" she grabbed her purse, and was out the door before they could change their mind.

Outside the apartment, Stephi marveled the place. "i was wrong. It totally rocks here!" She pulled out her headphones and began listening to them as she pressed the button for the elevator and waited.

Re: Pet Friendly: Oasis Towers

Posted: Sat Jun 19, 2010 11:10 am
by Teh Brawler
Marc was staring at the key when a cat jumped into the elevator and said, "Hi, my name's Tobias; what's yours?" Marc jumped back in shock, and stammered. "U-u-u-u-uh, I-I-I'm M-M-M-M-Marc." Marc didn't handle surprises well, and his shyness had just sprouted out again. He pushed himself into the corner of the elevator, instinctively trying to get away from Tobias. It wasn't anything personal; Marc was just really shy.

Suddenly, the elevator stopped on the fifth floor, and another dog dashed in, a dachshund. Instantly, the dog was all over him, checking everything. The dog instantly pegged his breed, and continued to analyze him. "U-u-um, I-I'd appreciate if y-you didn't do that," he stammered, trying to get his bearings. The fact that he was against the corner of the elevator didn't help much. The dog also mentioned Marc's headphones, at which Marc grabbed them with his paw. No one other than David knew his secret yet, and he was afriad someone would figure out quickly. He looked at Tobias with a frightened look, and looked back down to find the dachshund staring him straight in the eye. Marc went silent at this, completely taken off by the dog's behavior, and started blushing slightly out of embarrassment.

Suddenly, the elevator reached the third floor. Marc's eyes grew wide as it stopped, and the doors began to open. Oh no, he thought, not another one.......

Re: Pet Friendly: Oasis Towers

Posted: Sat Jun 19, 2010 11:15 am
by Zander
Matt got out of his limo, along with his Bodyguard and Owner. His dark sunglasses shone in the bright sunlight. Matt is the Founder and CEO of Outback steakhouse, a fancy international restaurant. His owner, Bill, helps run the place, and takes care of business when Matt's not around. As he was walking down the street, because there were so many cars parked in the parking lot, he pressed the answer button on his Blu-tooth.
"Oh, hey. Why are you calling me? i thought i said to wait."
"I said i'll handle it! Ok?"

"No- no. let them, just because a restaurant is considered "Fancy" doesn't mean pets aren't allowed."
He approached Oasis Towers complex and looked up, lifting his sunglasses above his eyes to get a better view.
The subject changed drastically in his conversation.
"Uh... I thought i told you to get a 5 star resort.... not... this." As he said that he held his hands out toward the building.
"What do you mean it says it is one? Im looking at it right now!"
"I guess that will do..."
"Ok fine. Talk to you later."

He pressed a button on his Blu-Tooth and walked up to the front door, along with his bodyguard.

Re: Pet Friendly: Oasis Towers

Posted: Sat Jun 19, 2010 11:57 am
by ctcmjh
Tobias laughed as Marc pressed himself up against the corner, "No need to hide Marc, I'm not gonna hurt you. And if I was, you wouldn't even know it was me." He said as the doors opened. When Cap entered the elevator, Tobias watched what he did. Tobias had a sly smile on his face, "You know, I could think of a million uses for those eyes and nose of yours. What's your name? I'm gonna call you Weenie, ya know, 'cause your a weenie dog!" Tobias said, as if he was extremely clever.

As the elevator opened, yet again, Tobias saw Stephi, "Hey! Another dog! And you're purple, I like that color." He said with a smile.

Re: Pet Friendly: Oasis Towers

Posted: Sat Jun 19, 2010 12:22 pm
by Kalvin
Cap turned his attention to the cat, curious as to the response. He reaches up into his hat and pulls out a pair of tweasers with which he pulls out one o the cats hair and closely examines it. "Smooth, silky, well groomed. Surface of skin indicates flea problem at some point in life. Unfortunate." He doesn't seem to pay attention to what people says. At this point he's just going through his examinations. He mumbles to himself a little as he sits in the corner before the dog in purple walks in. He raises an eyebrow and moves close again. "Fur pattern indicates a corgi of some sort, clothes, a purse, seems... familiar from somewhere. Can't put finger on it right now. Will pursue this thought later." He moves around her under her arms and behind her curiously.

Re: Pet Friendly: Oasis Towers

Posted: Sat Jun 19, 2010 2:46 pm
by ArgentFlame
Bastion sat on top of a stack of suitcases that was being pushed along on a trolley as his family was lead to their room up on the sixth floor. He looked around as they moved, eager to go explore, though his mom had said he had to unpack his stuff before he could go anywhere. He kicked his feet, watching several other families be lead to their apartments as well. Soon they came to a halt in front of the door to apartment number 606. His dad unlocked the door and wheeled the trolley inside, where Bastion jumped down and ran off to explore the apartment, which had three bedrooms, two bathrooms, a kitchen with all the standard appliances, and a pre-furnished living room. He chose one of the bedrooms and began to unpack his stuff, placing his collection on the shelves: a small ceremonial dagger, several figurines of unusual animals and mythological creatures, a beaten World War Two helmet, as well as several other things. He then moved his clothing to a chest at the foot of the bed. He took out a small black beret and put it on, before heading out of his room. "I'm going to go look around." he called, and was answered by his dad, who simply told him to be home for supper. Bastion exited the apartment and walked down the hall.

Re: Pet Friendly: Oasis Towers

Posted: Sat Jun 19, 2010 3:07 pm
by The Game
Stephi wasn't expecting the elevator to have other pets in it, let alone have one of them examine her. After carefully taking her headphones off and putting them in her purse, she turned and put a paw firmly around Cap's muzzle and tried to push him away. "You either say hi, or shake my paw, I'd even tolerate being sniffed, but I'm not at the vet so I don't need to be examined, thank you." she warned him, slightly shocked that he could guess her breed, but then figured it was easy with her size. "And yeah, I'm a you study breeds or something?" She heard Toby and grinned. "You like the purple? My parent's think i go overboard with it, but it's good to know someone else understands my color taste!" She stepped into the elevator, and saw Marc in the corner."why are you trying to hide in an elevator? That isn't gonna work very well ya know."said s she stood next to him, and snapped in front of his face, since he seemed kind of shocked. "I guess you guys must be new here too. I'm Stephanie Castle, but please, call me Stephi." she introduced herself, hoping they would recognize her last name and hoping they didn't freak out over it.

Re: Pet Friendly: Oasis Towers

Posted: Sat Jun 19, 2010 4:11 pm
by Teh Brawler
Marc was shell shocked. Not only had he been startled by the two other animals in the elevator, now a girl had come in. She was younger than him, but still old enough to scare him silly. "Agh, um, margledefreleck, *whine*" is all that could come from his mouth. The corgi snapped her fingers inn front of his eyes, which only shell shocked him more. He half stood there, half leaned against the wall in a state of pure petrification.

Man, why do I have to be scared of girls! he thought to himself, watching the elevator's floor number.

After what seemed like hours, the elevator hit the first level. Marc dashed out with a rushed "'scuse me!" and shot off, looking for a place to hide. He quickly saw the garden, and ran through the doors, not stopping until he had found a secluded corner. He sat down, breathing heavily, and tucked his head into his arms. "Ugh, that was terrible," he muttered, keeping curled up.

Re: Pet Friendly: Oasis Towers

Posted: Sat Jun 19, 2010 4:19 pm
by Tiggy
William was standing in the lobby, waiting for his mother to come. "Moom, come on! We can't stay down here all day long." He said, trying to drag her with him. "Honey, mommy is talking, why don't you go ahead to our room? It's on the third floor, room 309." Beth said as she gave the keys to William. "Bah, okay! And did you ask for the stuff I told you about, by the way?" William said, looking at Beth. "Yes, now go on, I'll be up in a moment. Okay?" She said, patting William on the head. William started to walk over to the elevator, "Hmm, will probably be someone in their, I think I'll take the stairs" He said to himself, walking towards the stairs. As he reached the third floor, he saw someone standing by the elevator with a purple piece of cloth on. "Now that looks weird." He mumbled. He reached the door with 309 written on it. As he entered, he quickly made his way through. He counted the rooms to two bathrooms, one kitchen, two bedrooms and a big livingroom. Everything was prefurnished, everything looking very fancy. He entered the room he thought to be his, and quickly noticed it was. The room was simple, a desk with a computer, a bed, a lamp and a TV. He heard the front door open, and shortly after it close. "Okay Li, I'm here." He heard Beth say as he left his room. "Wow, this place looks amazing!" She said. "Oh, and there's more pets in the building, maybe you should go get to know them?" She said, pushing him to the door. "Okayokay! I will!" He replied while trying to make Beth stop. He looked over to the Elevator again, thinking the exact same thoughts of when he had walked up. As he got down, he saw someone sprinting out of the elevator, leaving the building shortly after.

(Wall of text, sorry<.<)

Re: Pet Friendly: Oasis Towers

Posted: Sat Jun 19, 2010 8:13 pm
by thrasherblades
Soothing classical music played in the background as the Rigatelli family and their Border Collie Andre took the cozy and well polished elevator up to their apartment with the doorman following them with their luggage on a dollie. "Oh this looks like a lovely place. Isn't that right dear?" Angela Rigatelli said, kissing Andre on the head, making him smile and wag his tail in anticipation. He could hardly wait to start anew in the U.S and Italy had been a fun ride.

DING! The doors opened and they stepped out together onto the carpeted floor. "So where is uh....apartment number #932??"Miguel Rigatelli asked, seeing the numerals from a slip of paper he pulled out of his jacket earlier on. "Right this way sir!" the doorman said, leading them to their door which was coloured in red. "Well, this is it!" Miguel said, pulling out the keys and unlocking the door.

Fresh air hit them as well as a welcome sight of grand interior design. The wall paper was coloured a grand dark red with gold linings running down beside each other. There were 2 master bedrooms and 3 bathrooms, one which was also had a sauna connected at the other end. The living area was huge and it had a fireplace in the middle, where it was lit up during colder days. Above the mantel hung a picture of Miguel's grandfather and several paintings of Italy, musicians and composers dotted the apartment. The furniture consisted of a mix of French Renaissance-era carpentry and some thin steel framed chairs and glass tables, which reminded the family of home from time to time. There was a large screen TV and an upright piano and cello stood beside the living hall.

"Well, if you think that's that, you should check out the kitchen!" Miguel said, tapping Andre on his shoulder. The family turned and faced a mini arena of a kitchen, almost resembling that of one which you saw on Iron Chef. It had ovens for bread, pastry and other foods, a double doored stainless steel fridge, sinks, huge electronic stoves and the main chopping board area where it held Miguel and Andre's custom chef utensils in black cases. "Wow, just look at the kitchen!! Questo è impressionante!" Andre exclaimed, hugging his parents and thanking them.

"Mmmmm I can see the movers we hired did a pretty good job and at a good price too!" Angela said, stretching a little. The doorman wheeled in the dollie and placed theuir luggages inside the comfy home. "Thanks buddy." Miguel said, tipping him and he left, closing the dorr behind him.

"Okay Andre, you go ahead and explore and try to make new friends and stuff. Mom and I will help you unpack, but be back for dinner!" Miguel said, taking some of his luggage to Andre's master bedroom. Andre put on his jacket and stepped out, making his way back to the elevator. He pressed for the elevator to come up, humming a tune. as he waited.

Re: Pet Friendly: Oasis Towers

Posted: Sat Jun 19, 2010 9:39 pm
by The Game
Stephi almost forgot to walk out of the elevator. She was really flabbergasted, and felt bad for doing whatever that made Marc dash out like that. "Well...the snap kinda backfired..." she reasoned, looking at her paw. "Great, now I feel bad. I'm gonna go find him, make sure he's okay." she said to Tobias, and the peculiar dog that kept examining her. She rushed out of the elevator and looked around, trying to see where Marc had gone. She spotted William and ran up to him. "okay,I know this'll sound kinda weird, but I was in the elevator and i accidentally freaked a dog out and he came bolting out. Did you see him? " she asked him, looking around still for Marc. "Oh I'm Stephanie by the way." she added as an after thought.

Re: Pet Friendly: Oasis Towers

Posted: Sat Jun 19, 2010 11:57 pm
by Zander
Matt walked into the appartment building, holding his hand out to signal the bodyguard to wait outside.
He took a look around, noting that a few pets were waiting at the elevators, he walked over to the elevator with no one waiting. He kept his sunglasses on even though he was inside.
Eagerly waiting at the elevator he tapped his foot, looking around before pulling out a small piece of paper from his collar.
"room 389" he tried to think about what floor that would be on, but had no luck.

Re: Pet Friendly: Oasis Towers

Posted: Sun Jun 20, 2010 1:10 am
by thrasherblades
Teh Brawler wrote:
...After what seemed like hours, the elevator hit the first level. Marc dashed out with a rushed "'scuse me!" and shot off, looking for a place to hide. He quickly saw the garden, and ran through the doors, not stopping until he had found a secluded corner. He sat down, breathing heavily, and tucked his head into his arms. "Ugh, that was terrible," he muttered, keeping curled up.
Andre took the lift down to the lobby and walked across the reception area, which is pretty awesome with a chandelier hanging above the center of the ceiling. Well, he's gotta meet someone around here, he can't just walk around without knowing anyone. Andre went to the back and opened glass doors which led to a garden. Andre hadn't been in the fauna and flora too much since his days in Italy where lived beside the sea and started basking in the warm sunlight and among the flowers. He was enjoying himself, turning 360 degrees and saw nothing but greenery and...another dog? He seemed to be panting for some weird reason, like he just ran away from something.

"Signore? Are you alright?" Andre asked as he approached him.

Re: Pet Friendly: Oasis Towers

Posted: Sun Jun 20, 2010 1:38 am
by ctcmjh
Tobias hissed slightly at Cap's comment about fleas, "We've all had our run-ins with those little pests. It's not my fault I was locked outside!" After the elevators opened and Marc dashed out, he walked out of the elevators at the first floor, "So Purple dashed off in an attempt to find Shaky to see if he's okay. Then we'll decide to follow suit and Weenie, you'll use your very obvious senses to pinpoint him, then I, with my charming personality will become his first friend her, and you two will soon follow suit. Then He'll eventually open up to us in time. Over the course of the following months we each reveal our deepest darkest secrets to each other and share our personal history. In time, we will become a tight-nit group of friends who would do anything for one another, and of course, we would have numerous additions. But not that guy, he looks stuck-up." He said, pointing at Matt. He left the elevator expecting them to follow him. He looked back at them, "By the way, my name's Tobias: Prank-King Extraordinaire. Master of Mayhem, Count of Chaos, Duke of Discord, Earl of Extravagance, and your new friend!" He said, striking an epic pose.

Re: Pet Friendly: Oasis Towers

Posted: Sun Jun 20, 2010 4:07 am
by Buckdida
"...Bored." Jaxeh spat out the word like it was a vile saying. The Siberian Husky with a brown coat tossed his game controller on the ground, with his wireless mic soon following. "Four bedrooms, three bathrooms with full size Jacuzzis, gold crap everywhere, 20th floor penthouse suite, and nobody for me to brag about it to." He stood up, getting out of his velvet bean bag chair, receiving a head rush since he had been sitting so long. It threw off his balance for a moment, but he shrugged it off and shook out his head, his unusual flaccid ears (unusual for a husky, anyway) flopping around. He snatched up the remote, and turned off his wall-sized plasma TV before dropping the remote next to the controller and mic. It wouldn't matter that he was making a mess; Clark, the butler his family hired, would just pick it up later anyway.

"Can't leave the suite or have any friends over until the building is open to the public.' Oh, bite me. We're rich. Exclusive pre-move in my tumblebumble," he huffed. He wandered the mostly empty penthouse. It had a study with a library full of books, a kitchen (why would there be any need for a kitchen? Hello, room service? Well, actually, Clark cooked every once in a while) a full living room with a glass coffee table and a fireplace (exclusive to those on the top floor only, of course) a game room, a movie room, and, of course, a roof access. Coming in from the roof looked a lot like you were walking into a normal house; there was a front lawn with plants and everything. Not to mention there was also an exclusive high speed elevator on the roof which went express from the ground floor and vice versa. Jaxeh walked up to a window, which overviewed the cityscape. Jaxeh's left brown eye and right blue eye darted around to see the buildings, and the very long drop from the 20th floor.

"Man, don't think I ever noticed how up we are. Up, and more rich than every single person bellow me."


Jaxeh spun around, his golden (18 karat, to be exact) tags clicking around, as they were hung loosely from his custom leather collar with a silk inline. "What'da want, Clark?"

"The building opens to the public today. You are allowed to go out."

"Heck, why didn't you tell me that before?" Jaxeh shoved Clark out of his way, grabbed his messenger bag off the white marble counter, and made for the front door, flipping open his cell phone as he did so. He hit the speed dial as he opened the door to penthouse 2101...the only penthouse on the roof, of course.

*ring ring ring*

"Yo! Moov, find Klack and get your butts over to Oasis Towers. I'm allowed out again.......No, I don't care that you're sleeping in. Get here now! I'm bored. You know I hate it when I get bored." Jaxeh snapped the phone shut, and swiped his full access keycard into the elevator's control panel. The doors slid open, revealing a carpeted floor. "Cushy. I wonder how much it would cost if I had an accident on this..." he chuckled at his vulgar joke as the doors closed behind him.
A few moments later, Jaxeh arrived on the ground floor, rather unsurprised his friends were tardy.

Jaxeh scanned the lobby, a flurried with activity, but spotted no sign of his friends. Things were so less extravagant down here... He put on an annoyed look. "Peh. Those two idiots are always late. Maybe I can find some other pets in the meantime." A nearby elevator opened, and multiple pets rushed out, headed for the nearby garden in a hurry. "Heh, garden might be a good place to check. I bet all of them were holding it or something." He snickered again at his own joke, and plodded over to garden.

Re: Pet Friendly: Oasis Towers

Posted: Sun Jun 20, 2010 5:42 am
by Tiggy
The Game wrote:Stephi almost forgot to walk out of the elevator. She was really flabbergasted, and felt bad for doing whatever that made Marc dash out like that. "Well...the snap kinda backfired..." she reasoned, looking at her paw. "Great, now I feel bad. I'm gonna go find him, make sure he's okay." she said to Tobias, and the peculiar dog that kept examining her. She rushed out of the elevator and looked around, trying to see where Marc had gone. She spotted William and ran up to him. "okay,I know this'll sound kinda weird, but I was in the elevator and i accidentally freaked a dog out and he came bolting out. Did you see him? " she asked him, looking around still for Marc. "Oh I'm Stephanie by the way." she added as an after thought.
William, a bit startled by Stephanie, scratched his head lightly. "Uh, I think he ran out those doors over there, he looked like he was in a rush or something." Li said, pointing to the doors leading to the indoor garden. "Oh, and you can call me Li by the way, nice to meet you! Li said, stretching out his paw, in wait for the other part to shake it.

Re: Pet Friendly: Oasis Towers

Posted: Sun Jun 20, 2010 9:58 am
by Kalvin
Stepping out of the elevator, baffled by the cat's comments, Cap looks confused for a second. Eventually he manages to say aloud, "F-friends?" He stands there for a second before looking over to see a Siberian Husky over coming off of the "exclusive" elevator for the top floor residents. He immediately walked over and began his usual examinations. "Siberian Husky, sled dog, normally has large stores of fat to keep warm. Good fur condition, custom collar design, golden tags, appears 18 maybe 19 karat, indicate wealthy owners. Could mean subject is eccentric or flamboyant. Ears are abnormally limp, possibly causing hearing problems? Appears to be wearing contacts, unusual for pets. Also has two different colored eyes, normally only happens with the color blind, though not always." He continues to keep examining and taking verbal notes.

(Keep in mind with the jock description that Cap is just the target for ridicule for his weird behavior. Also on a side note I would've expected somebody to ask what Cap is doing by now, but I guess not.)

Re: Pet Friendly: Oasis Towers

Posted: Sun Jun 20, 2010 1:46 pm
by Anthroguy101
Meanwhile, in the Main Office, the owner of the building is checking the security cameras and financing. He is working overtime checking the Excel documents and crunching the numbers, trying to estimate the "break-even" point. The buyers have already paid for the cost of their living areas, including the furniture, and thus have already broken even. In a deviation from the norm, most of the buyers are on the lower levels and most of the renters are up top.

Okay, so if all goes according to plan, I can expect to break even in about a year and a half after taxes. That's not accounting for the restaurant on the second floor, which is also paying rent, so it should be sooner. Also, the meeting areas can be rented if it's used by non-residents,l so that helps. Oasis Towers was very a very expensive project. The apartment has a geothermal heating and cooling system to save on energy costs, which was part of the building's appeal. The water is heated by the sun, and some of that goes to the pool. It is highly energy-efficient, and all of the bulbs are LED.

I'm going to go home and go to bed. I've been up all night trying to figure this out. This is like my biggest project ever, and it's taking much more work than those other places I've managed. Owie, my head.

Re: Pet Friendly: Oasis Towers

Posted: Sun Jun 20, 2010 2:05 pm
by Zander
Matt had waited long enough, and the elevator hadn't come yet.
He looked around for management, and walked up to the front desk.
He looked at the person behind the counter.
"uhh- Hello?" He stared at him through his sunglasses and continued. "My accountant said she booked one of the best rooms, which floor is that? And also she says that she got me a "Card" I don't know what the heck she was talking about but she said it gave me some sort of privilage to secret "Areas"?" He looked away from the person and said to himself. "What kind of stupid apartment complex has secret areas?..pheh"

Re: Pet Friendly: Oasis Towers

Posted: Sun Jun 20, 2010 2:11 pm
by Teh Brawler
thrasherblades wrote:Andre took the lift down to the lobby and walked across the reception area, which is pretty awesome with a chandelier hanging above the center of the ceiling. Well, he's gotta meet someone around here, he can't just walk around without knowing anyone. Andre went to the back and opened glass doors which led to a garden. Andre hadn't been in the fauna and flora too much since his days in Italy where lived beside the sea and started basking in the warm sunlight and among the flowers. He was enjoying himself, turning 360 degrees and saw nothing but greenery and...another dog? He seemed to be panting for some weird reason, like he just ran away from something.

"Signore? Are you alright?" Andre asked as he approached him.
Marc jumped at the sound of the Border Collie's voice. Startled, he began shaking violently, but tried hard to calm himself down. "S-sorry. A lot of pets were in the elevator, and I'm really shy." he blushed again, and looked away. "I'm not neurotic or anything. I'm just not good at receiving attention, and all of that at once was shocking." He looked up at the border collie, and tried to gain his bearings. "I'm Marc, by the way," he said, slowly sticking out his paw to shake the border collie's.

Re: Pet Friendly: Oasis Towers

Posted: Sun Jun 20, 2010 3:00 pm
by CoffeeJunkie
As Coffee stepped out of the mini-van, he looked up and marveled at how tall it was. He wondered what it would be like to be as huge as the building, pretending to be a monster crushing the city and destroying the complex. Suddenly he snapped out of it when his dad tapped on his shoulder, "Come on, we need to get inside."

The interior of the structure was nice and elegant, not too flashy, and made Coffee think up more ridiculous scenarios in his mind. "What floor are we on anyways, dad?" Coffee asked entering the elevators, holding his finger out, ready to press the button, "Floor 8, room 15.". In a second he pushed the button and the elevator began to rise, playing a classical tune overhead. "Vivaldi's Spring from The Four Seasons. F-A-A-A-G-F-C..." Coffee thought to himself, moving his hands as if on a piano. The doors opened up and the pair walked to their room, an apartment with 2 beds, 2 baths, kitchen, and den. He finished packing and headed to the lobby.

Re: Pet Friendly: Oasis Towers

Posted: Sun Jun 20, 2010 3:53 pm
by The Game
[Stephanie already left the elevator, she isn't behind Tobias and Cap......]

Stephi grinned and shook Li's paw. "Nice cot meet you Li, thanks a bunch! I'd talk more but i wanna see if I can catch that dog before he leaves the Towers or something." She saw Tobias and Cap, and motioned for them to follow her. " C'mon Slow-pokes-whose-names-i-never-got." she said impatiently. Then, without waiting to see if they followed her or not, she jogged in the direction Li had pointed. Soon she found herself in the garden. "Oh I wish i got his name earlier..." she mumbled. She looked around, and saw the dog that ran off. "OH good, I found you," she said, jogging to the him. "Why did you dash out of the elevator like that? Did i scare you? Sorry if the snapping freaked you out, I didn't think that would happen." she said, not noticing Andre.

Re: Pet Friendly: Oasis Towers

Posted: Sun Jun 20, 2010 4:15 pm
by ArgentFlame
Bastion came to the bottom of the staircase out into the lobby, panting slightly. "Ugh, next time I'm taking the elevator." he mumbled to himself. It was pretty busy down here right now, with a number of pets around. He looked over all of them and his eyes widened as he saw the tiger, who was wearing a collar. "Whoa, I didn't know those could be pets." He wandered over to see what the group that included the striped feline was doing. "Hi."

Re: Pet Friendly: Oasis Towers

Posted: Sun Jun 20, 2010 5:10 pm
by Tiggy
Li stood on his spot, wondering what just had happened and watched Stephanie sprint off to the doors. He was just about to follow the corgi when he heard a voice behind him.

"Huh? Oh, h-hi! I was just about to uhm, go to the garden over there, maybe you'd like to come?" Li said, as he turned around and saw the creature that reminded Li of a ferret. "Uh, the name's William by the way, but if you'd like you can call me Li."

Re: Pet Friendly: Oasis Towers

Posted: Sun Jun 20, 2010 5:23 pm
by ctcmjh
"C'mon Weenie, let's go follow her." Tobias told Cap as he ran off to follow Stephi. He followed her to the gardens and saw her talking to Marc, as well as another pet he did not know (Andre) he walked up to them, "Hey Shaky, I'm sorry about scaring you like that. Let's start on a clean slate. I'll go first; Hey, my name's Tobias, what's yours?" Tobias asked in an attempt to calm Marc down.

Re: Pet Friendly: Oasis Towers

Posted: Sun Jun 20, 2010 6:53 pm
by D-Singer
A big, red, Kingsly Coach-house RV cruised down the highway, followed by a white SUV towards the newly opened Oasis Apartment complex. Stetson stood in front of the wide screen plasma TV in the den with his wireless guitar connected to the speaker system. Speaking the lyrics from one of his favorite bands

while expertly playing out the tune in perfect synch with his voice.

“...Oh, ohh, ohh, yeah-ha
oh, ohh, ohh, yeah-ha...”

“I was wroooong to think
that I could ever trust in you.”

“I wa-aaaas wrooong to think that you
might want to trust me too…”

“Here I am, here I am, here I stand!
Here I am, here I am, here I am, here I'll stand!...”

“Stetson!” The driver up front shouted back to him. “Wrap it up! We’ll be arriving shortly!” The singing dog stopped his practice and took off his earphones. “You mind repeatin that? Can’t hear much past this awesome new headset!” “We’ll be at the apartment in about five minutes! Pull yourself together!” Stetson set down his guitar and packaged up his new instrument and recording headset. “Ahh, Perfect! Took us long enough. The old man say anything about our new pad?” Without taking his eyes off the road, the human responded. “Everything’s already moved in. All that’s left is you...” He finished handing the pure bred Australian shepherd the room key card. “Jake and your escorts will meet you outside and will join you until your dad gets back.” Looking ahead, the apartment was now in full view. Stetson whistled at the building and scanned the windows of the penthouse suits on the top floor. “So which floor did he set us with?” The driver grinned as he carefully maneuvered the giant RV into the apartment’s parking lot, parking it in front of the lobby. “Top floor you lucky son of a-“

Before he could finish, Stet quickly reached over and pressed the center of the steering wheel several times. The powerful horns above the cab blared as he did so, causing the human to jump.

“Hey! Watch it! What was that for!” The smiling pure breed replied in a laid back, and confident tone. “Gotta make an entrance if I’m not the first on here. Hah!” He laughed as he walked back to the side door. The SUV that had been following them parked not too far behind. Four dogs wearing camouflage collars and dark shades stepped out and greeted Stet as he exited the brightly colored mobile home. “That drive was five hours too long Stet. Now which room are we staying in.” One snapped impatiently. Not too happy about spending the entire ride there in an SUV with several other dogs while Stetson took a cushy ride alone in a plus sized RV. “Ah, shut up and relax. Stick with me, and you'll be takin a free ride.” He slung his guitar case over his shoulder and strolled into the lobby, grinning widely. The four escorts following closely behind. “So what kind of suit are we talking here?” the Doberman asked. “Heheheh, three bedrooms with king sized beds, personal soundproofed studio, guest room, three bathrooms with jacuzzis, fully stocked kitchen, Den with new entertainment system, workout room, and to top it off, Balcony and roof access.” He proudly explained, flipping his key card around his fingers. One of the other guard dogs elbowed the Doberman. “See man, I told you; dogs would kill to be escorting 'the' Stetson Gardale. Enjoy it while it lasts.” “Oh yeah, my dad also has a personal garage down below too. We’ll be sure to check out everything.” The five dogs walked towards the exclusive elevator.

Re: Pet Friendly: Oasis Towers

Posted: Sun Jun 20, 2010 7:12 pm
by Buckdida
Kalvin wrote:He stands there for a second before looking over to see a Siberian Husky over coming off of the "exclusive" elevator for the top floor residents. He immediately walked over and began his usual examinations. "Siberian Husky, sled dog, normally has large stores of fat to keep warm. Good fur condition, custom collar design, golden tags, appears 18 maybe 19 karat, indicate wealthy owners. Could mean subject is eccentric or flamboyant. Ears are abnormally limp, possibly causing hearing problems? Appears to be wearing contacts, unusual for pets. Also has two different colored eyes, normally only happens with the color blind, though not always." He continues to keep examining and taking verbal notes.
Jaxeh put up his hands across his chest in a defensive position as a Dachshund came up to him and started sniffing him about. "What the...get away from me, you weirdo!" Jaxeh gave the personal space invader a quick, bashing shove that would knock most people away, and those with bad balance to the floor. "And I'll have you know I'm not fat." He cuffed cap on the side of the head. "So don't you suggest that again, because I can mess a wimp like you up," he added, bearing his teeth with a slight growl. Jaxeh moved around the creepy Dachshund and headed for the garden. Subconsciously, he reached into his messenger bag and pulled out a candy bar, unwrapping it and munching on it. As he entered the garden, he noticed a fair amount of pets gathering up. "Well, time to introduce myself." He walked up to the pets, ready to introduce himself if the others did not notice.

Re: Pet Friendly: Oasis Towers

Posted: Sun Jun 20, 2010 7:26 pm
by thrasherblades
Teh Brawler wrote:"S-sorry. A lot of pets were in the elevator, and I'm really shy." he blushed again, and looked away. "I'm not neurotic or anything. I'm just not good at receiving attention, and all of that at once was shocking." He looked up at the border collie, and tried to gain his bearings. "I'm Marc, by the way," he said, slowly sticking out his paw to shake the border collie's.
"Hi Marc! I'm Andre Rigatelli from Italy. It's nice to meet you!" Andre said, his paw shaking his. He then sat down beside Marc. "So are you new here? I am too, cuz Dad and Mom are starting up our Italian food and beverage franchise here in the U.S. So what about you?" Andre asked, pausing for a moment as he saw another dog entering a garden, munching on a candy bar.

"Hello!" Andre called, waving to him.

Re: Pet Friendly: Oasis Towers

Posted: Sun Jun 20, 2010 7:39 pm
by Kalvin
Cap is pushed over by the Siberian Husky, completely caught by surprise as his short limbs are unable to support his body under the circumstances.
Buckdida wrote:"What the...get away from me, you weirdo!" Jaxeh gave the personal space invader a quick, bashing shove that would knock most people away, and those with bad balance to the floor. "And I'll have you know I'm not fat. So don't you suggest that again, because I can mess a wimp like you up," he added, bearing his teeth with a slight growl.
He is completely taken aback by the turn of events, not sure what he did wrong, at all. He was just thinking aloud and saying what the usual case is when the other dog got angry at him. He honestly has no idea what he did at all as he stands up, tail between his legs as he tries to figure it out. He slowly makes his way to the garden, trying to stay a good distance away from him.

Re: Pet Friendly: Oasis Towers

Posted: Sun Jun 20, 2010 7:46 pm
by Zander
Without even giving the front manager a chance to answer his questions Matt heard some more pets behind him. He turned around just in time to see one push the other, then walk out to the gardens, then he noticed the other one starting to walk back out to the gardens, tail between his legs.
Matt walked over to the dog that was pushed. He got in front of him and lifted his sunglasses up to show his one green and one blue eye. "Hey, are you ok?"

Re: Pet Friendly: Oasis Towers

Posted: Sun Jun 20, 2010 8:30 pm
by CoffeeJunkie
Reaching the lobby took longer then he thought, on account that he took the stairs, but he finally made it. Coffee took a quick look around the 1st floor, memorizing the layout for future purposes, and noticed two dogs, one dachsund & one golden retriever. He walked over to the pair to introduce himself and try to get to know their names.

"Hello, my name is Coffee. I just moved in and want to know every pet iliving here." He noticed the smaller one had his tail between his legs. "Um, are you alright?"

Re: Pet Friendly: Oasis Towers

Posted: Sun Jun 20, 2010 8:43 pm
by Teh Brawler
"Andre, huh?" Marc smiled, and felt himself getting more comfortable. When he heard the question, he instinctively laid his paw on his headphones and paused. "Er, I, well.... I'm actually here because-"

As if on cue, a flock of pets poured into the garden, right where they were. There was Steph, Tobias, A Siberian Husky, the Dachshund from before, and a Golden Retriever. Marc instantly froze up, feeling overwhelmed by the sheer amount of pets, including the cute corgi. "N-n-n-no, I c-c-can't, I mean, I don't, argh....." He tried to get his bearings, but he couldn't handle the pressure. Tears began forming in his eyes, which only frustrated him more. "Darn it," he mumbled to himself, trying to get under control. Why can't I be at a gig right now.....

However, the pressure began to be too great, and he began to ball up again, trying to dissappear as the group surrounding him became more and more unbearable. "P-p-please, just go away," he whined quietly, unsuccessfully trying to keep from crying. As such, the more he cried, the more he shrunk down, eventually reaching his ball-like state from before.

((OOC: D'awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww, I feel bad now))

Re: Pet Friendly: Oasis Towers

Posted: Sun Jun 20, 2010 8:47 pm
by Kalvin
As the two other dogs came towards him, still somewhat surprised he kinda mumbles. "I-I'm fine." With that he abruptly moves away from the other two and out towards the gardens. He seems kind of rushed and somewhat worried.

Re: Pet Friendly: Oasis Towers

Posted: Sun Jun 20, 2010 9:10 pm
by ctcmjh
Tobias nodded, "Okay, we'll give you some space. But we can hang out later if you want." Tobias said as he turned and left. He noticed Cap from before, "Hey there Weenie, are you okay?" He asked, noticing his tail between his legs.

Re: Pet Friendly: Oasis Towers

Posted: Sun Jun 20, 2010 9:58 pm
by furryovrlord
Ace rode up in the elevator, leaning casually against the rail, ast he and his parent reached the 7th floor the elevator "binged' loudly and the doors slid open "c'mon Ace, our home is this way" His parent said, he was wearing hevily tinted shades and was skillfully flicking cards from one hand to another. "okay i'm coming, what number are we again? i remember it being kind of ironic" he thought quietly for a while and then his eyes widened as they stopped outside of their new home "OH! that's right! number 777 very ironic, eh dad? hehehe!"
"Well, yeah, that's why i chose this place, now, i'm going inside to run a bath, you feel free to wander around out here"
"sure thing, i'll be home in time for dinner"
"like ALWAYS!"
"daaa-aaad!" it was with that that Ian went inside his apartment and closed the door behind him leaving it slightly ajar so Ace could get inside if he needed.

ace was happy to have been adopted by such a man, he thought himself very luck, and now, weraing a big grin on his face he started to ream the halls, exploring every nook and cranny

Re: Pet Friendly: Oasis Towers

Posted: Sun Jun 20, 2010 10:40 pm
by Zander
Matt turned to look at the dog beside him, but before he could say anything his Blu-tooth started ringing, which Matt can only hear.
He didn't look at Coffee, but was turned toward him. His Girlfriend greeted him over the Phone.
"oOoOhhoo Hey sweetie cheeks. Ive been waiting for you... Rrrrr" He made a slight growling noise at the end.