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2017/11/22 - How To Succeed In Temple Crashing

Posted: Tue Nov 21, 2017 11:00 pm
by Dissension
[ How To Succeed At Temple Crashing ]

Title Text: Come on, Lester, rainbows have nothing to hide

Lester's got a point! You definitely want a healer (and a tank, please!) for good team comp!

Re: 2017/11/22 - How To Succeed In Temple Crashing

Posted: Wed Nov 22, 2017 1:07 am
by Saturn381
Summon the rainbow! Taste the rainbow!

Re: 2017/11/22 - How To Succeed In Temple Crashing

Posted: Wed Nov 22, 2017 1:08 am
by Gbr23
*Insert epic battle music here* I was thinking in something like the Wonder Woman Theme

Re: 2017/11/22 - How To Succeed In Temple Crashing

Posted: Wed Nov 22, 2017 1:09 am
by IceKitsune
You should always have some form of healing on you. A dedicated healer is just the best and most logical option really.

Re: 2017/11/22 - How To Succeed In Temple Crashing

Posted: Wed Nov 22, 2017 1:12 am
by Krytus The Dreamer
Essentially me in overwatch.

Re: 2017/11/22 - How To Succeed In Temple Crashing

Posted: Wed Nov 22, 2017 1:13 am
by Welsh Halfwit
IceKitsune wrote:You should always have some form of healing on you. A dedicated healer is just the best and most logical option really.
But they can be boring to play. No-one lets you do anything dangerous.

So it’s Team Tarot vs the Nerd herd
inside the chamber of the Mana.
It’s a date to put in your diary
and a place to put in your planner.
Lester stands against all comers
and makes them all look like fools;
and this they learn against their will -
“By this axe, Lester rules!”
And finally we glimpse sweet Squeak,
a Rainbow Warrior for health;
saving all her mighty warriors
and keeping them up by herself.

Re: 2017/11/22 - How To Succeed In Temple Crashing

Posted: Wed Nov 22, 2017 1:19 am
by Powtoo
teams with healers usually get made fun of but COME IN IT'S NECESSARY

Re: 2017/11/22 - How To Succeed In Temple Crashing

Posted: Wed Nov 22, 2017 1:29 am
by Liam
"So long as you can tamp down your performative masculinity."

Someone watched Folding Ideas recently.

Re: 2017/11/22 - How To Succeed In Temple Crashing

Posted: Wed Nov 22, 2017 1:45 am
by Iceheart
Once made a second character for a D&D campaign because no one chose a healer and the campaign would either take too long or end very quickly without one.

Re: 2017/11/22 - How To Succeed In Temple Crashing

Posted: Wed Nov 22, 2017 1:47 am
by Bandit1990
In my game we just had an NPC cleric for a while. Now we have a Bard, which is almost as good. :D

Re: 2017/11/22 - How To Succeed In Temple Crashing

Posted: Wed Nov 22, 2017 1:47 am
by Sansash
Lester you have nothing to worry in regard to tamped-down masculinity, you are rocking that loincloth ;)

Re: 2017/11/22 - How To Succeed In Temple Crashing

Posted: Wed Nov 22, 2017 2:09 am
by CHAOKOCartoons
...did he do any damage there? :lol:

Also holy heck I was worried about Tarot not holding back, I just realized Lester now has a for real great axe :shock:

Re: 2017/11/22 - How To Succeed In Temple Crashing

Posted: Wed Nov 22, 2017 2:27 am
by Bandit1990
Team Tarot seems to have a very high defense. Either that, or Lester still thinks this is a game and is deliberately trying not to hurt them (too much).

Unless it happened off Panel, I don't remember Team nerd ever getting an explanation on how real this all is.

Re: 2017/11/22 - How To Succeed In Temple Crashing

Posted: Wed Nov 22, 2017 3:37 am
by D-Rock
Powtoo wrote:teams with healers usually get made fun of but COME IN IT'S NECESSARY
Though if you get a healer that's also a great combatant,
that'd probably be an awesome choice.

Re: 2017/11/22 - How To Succeed In Temple Crashing

Posted: Wed Nov 22, 2017 4:20 am
by Argent
Straight into PvP? Not even talking?

Come on Peanut, get here and solve this puzzle!

Re: 2017/11/22 - How To Succeed In Temple Crashing

Posted: Wed Nov 22, 2017 6:50 am
by HundKatzeMaus
Powtoo wrote:teams with healers usually get made fun of but COME IN IT'S NECESSARY
Really? Never heard of that one. I mean someone making fun of teams with healers.

I take a guess:
While the two teams fight each other, Grape and Max use their ninja abilities to sneak past all of them. At least I hope this is what is going to happen :lol:

Re: 2017/11/22 - How To Succeed In Temple Crashing

Posted: Wed Nov 22, 2017 6:52 am
by TeflonCougar
Masculinity? Where did that come from? He's not generating the rainbow, Squeak is.

Re: 2017/11/22 - How To Succeed In Temple Crashing

Posted: Wed Nov 22, 2017 6:54 am
by GameCobra
You know, as a dedicated healer: the fact they are getting hurt by Tarot's team would raise my eyebrows just how real this game really is and that i could heal would in the first place ~ but then again, i could blame Lester for not listening. Thanks, Lester. X3

I honestly expected Tarot to plow through them, but now i'm gonna call it - Peanut's team is going to sneak by them all with Grape and Max's ninja skills.

Re: 2017/11/22 - How To Succeed In Temple Crashing

Posted: Wed Nov 22, 2017 7:08 am
by Welsh Halfwit
Aren't we all forgetting someone?

Where's Keene?

Re: 2017/11/22 - How To Succeed In Temple Crashing

Posted: Wed Nov 22, 2017 7:09 am
by GameCobra
Welsh Halfwit wrote:Aren't we all forgetting someone?

Where's Keene?
Standing next to an elevator to B-99.

Re: 2017/11/22 - How To Succeed In Temple Crashing

Posted: Wed Nov 22, 2017 8:26 am
by NHWestoN
Whoa, magic menace and sharp objects ... And, actually, Sabrina, that's a pretty good question!!

Re: 2017/11/22 - How To Succeed In Temple Crashing

Posted: Wed Nov 22, 2017 9:06 am
by Buster
Welsh Halfwit wrote:Aren't we all forgetting someone?

Where's Keene?
Probably back at the mansion waiting for the summoning thingy they mentioned at the start.

Re: 2017/11/22 - How To Succeed In Temple Crashing

Posted: Wed Nov 22, 2017 9:22 am
by NHWestoN
...drinkin' coffee and trying to distract Breel from how far he's fallen away from what Heaven taught him.

Re: 2017/11/22 - How To Succeed In Temple Crashing

Posted: Wed Nov 22, 2017 9:25 am
by John-056
CHAOKOCartoons wrote:...did he do any damage there? :lol:

Also holy heck I was worried about Tarot not holding back, I just realized Lester now has a for real great axe :shock:
I think Lester's the one Holding back, or he's actually really bad at using the axe.

You obviously missed the fact that he's taking a beating with each Panel, in case you missed his injuries.

And apparently, B-99's elevator is Cargo sized.

Of Course, Keene's plan involves the use of the Scroll of Summoning, likely to summon himself down there. Seems he may have gotten even more research out of that Mana Block than we realized.

However, that now begs the Question. Does Team Tarot even have the Summoning Scrolls? If not, would that mean Team Tarot broke in illegally, Mungo being too scared to stop her?

How is Keene going to gather the Mana, considering he's a Mortal with no Celestial Power like those of the Avatars? (Both Tarot and Sabrina were able to use Dragon's Magic, Tarot likely able to handle more considering how she was Dragon's Main Avatar before rightfully turning on her.)

Why was Tarot already in were-form and seemingly prepared to fight the nerds while her Team was unaware of them being ahead of them? How is Team Sandwich going to handle this?

Who would touch the Mana First? What happens if it's touched in general? What happens if Peanut does touch it? I'm honestly getting worried.

I mean, going over some of his appearances, I get the feeling he's got a Darker Side. (Spot Santa Comic, he draws Spot not caring about Elves being burned alive, and a Pagenate, Violent end worthy of Game of Thrones. Both times involved Worried Family members, Grape for the first, Earl and Jill for the latter, though the latter two also was mixed with confusion.)

Re: 2017/11/22 - How To Succeed In Temple Crashing

Posted: Wed Nov 22, 2017 11:58 am
by NHWestoN
Along with the concerns you expressed, john-056, I was a little startled to see Mungo suddenly go aggressive combat warrior. Normally, I richly enjoy seeing a character reveal an unexpected side of their nature (think Daisy, previously seen as a self-absorbed dimbulb,articulating her anxiety about Sasha's disappearance) or discovering a new ability within themselves (think King boldly dynamiting the Bailey-Tarot-Sabrina show-down)
Or even Lester channeling all his merely resentments into battle energy.

But Mungo seemed unique. His immense bodily poise and strength found balance in his deep gentleness, bus good humor, his open regard for the pains and vulnerabilities of others while still maintaining an unwavering commitment to police procedure and therapeutic patience. This turn to violence sacrifices that very special psrsonality to an arc about a game, reducing Mungo to just another pug...and apparently not a very effective one. I'd like to think it's a spell, but instead of deploying his very special talents, the spell-enchanter reduces Mungo to just another overbearing muscle head.

But....the story continues, eh?

Re: 2017/11/22 - How To Succeed In Temple Crashing

Posted: Wed Nov 22, 2017 12:06 pm
by Bandit1990
Where are you getting aggressive with Mungo? Is it just his expression? Because the rest of his pose (to me anyway) suggests a defensive fighting stance with shields up. He's defending himself, not initiating.

Re: 2017/11/22 - How To Succeed In Temple Crashing

Posted: Wed Nov 22, 2017 12:29 pm
by Spazzmatt
I'm sorry Rick.... What was that about always choosing an attack hero?


Re: 2017/11/22 - How To Succeed In Temple Crashing

Posted: Wed Nov 22, 2017 2:01 pm
by Mctwisp
Welsh Halfwit wrote: But they can be boring to play. No-one lets you do anything dangerous.
Not Pip. I like to play him, way more useful than any healer I played.

Re: 2017/11/22 - How To Succeed In Temple Crashing

Posted: Wed Nov 22, 2017 2:22 pm
by Cesco
Oh, so that's it. Squeak is the healer... who heals with a touch of rainbow! :lol: Indeed, it's useful have an healer, the role that we wished Peanut could take... Anyway, at the end, Peanut had a more brilliant idea. ;) Careful with that axe! :o But, have an healer made you also faster to reach the final floor? :P

Re: 2017/11/22 - How To Succeed In Temple Crashing

Posted: Wed Nov 22, 2017 2:37 pm
by Vapor
I laugh at the idea that being a healer makes you a protected commodity. In a pathfinder game I'm currently in, I'm the cleric. There has been a few times now where I've been dropped to "dying" levels of HP because I had waded into melee not only because I can (clerics are just like, 2/3s fighter, 1/3 all of your needs for not dying), but because I was right behind the Paladin and Rogue in armor class (flat AC and Dex boosted AC respectively), so I could (not) take a few hits as needed.

Now, if MMOs didn't end up with a bunch of butts always blaming the healer when a party fails, I'd do more healing outside (virtual) tabletop games (and outside of shooters. I enjoy playing Medic in TF2, on my own terms [but not after the nerf to the vitasaw], and I even enjoy some tanks the time or two I've poked Overwatch, like Orisa), but bad experiences (even as the DPS) of people just assuming fault is wholly on the healer when it is often a bad DPS overworking said healer (but not always) has scared me away and usually into semi-offensive support roles if I'm not fully attacking classes (e.g. Torb and Engineer, vs like, Junkrat and Pyro)

Re: 2017/11/22 - How To Succeed In Temple Crashing

Posted: Wed Nov 22, 2017 3:16 pm
by D-Rock
Just remember, Team Tarot, take out the healer, and you force the opponent to play more carefully.

Or take out the other combatants first just to be cruel to the healer. They'll overexpend their magic on revives, and those usually aren't that great in RPGs. You know, usually only restore a fraction of health.

Re: 2017/11/22 - How To Succeed In Temple Crashing

Posted: Wed Nov 22, 2017 3:40 pm
by Adoring Fan
Team Joey!

Wonder-Nerd powers activate!

Re: 2017/11/22 - How To Succeed In Temple Crashing

Posted: Wed Nov 22, 2017 7:10 pm
by NHWestoN
Why is the role of mice in violent combat always underestimated???

Re: 2017/11/22 - How To Succeed In Temple Crashing

Posted: Wed Nov 22, 2017 7:37 pm
by CanzetYote
I have a feeling that Dallas will be sitting this fight out. He's like the Peanut of the nerd team, all intellect and no fighting skill (that I know of, I could be wrong).

Re: 2017/11/22 - How To Succeed In Temple Crashing

Posted: Wed Nov 22, 2017 8:20 pm
by Welsh Halfwit
CanzetYote wrote:I have a feeling that Dallas will be sitting this fight out. He's like the Peanut of the nerd team, all intellect and no fighting skill (that I know of, I could be wrong).
He has a phaser.

Re: 2017/11/22 - How To Succeed In Temple Crashing

Posted: Wed Nov 22, 2017 8:24 pm
by CHAOKOCartoons
John-056 wrote:
CHAOKOCartoons wrote:...did he do any damage there? :lol:

Also holy heck I was worried about Tarot not holding back, I just realized Lester now has a for real great axe :shock:
I think Lester's the one Holding back, or he's actually really bad at using the axe.

You obviously missed the fact that he's taking a beating with each Panel, in case you missed his injuries.
Those don't look like swings that mean good intent, not to mention holding back while attacking doesn't physically harm you :P . And yes, I saw the injuries, that's why I said that. The only damage he did was to himself, maybe he' using a "berserk" like ability that takes health in exchange for damage?
John-056 wrote:However, that now begs the Question. Does Team Tarot even have the Summoning Scrolls? If not, would that mean Team Tarot broke in illegally, Mungo being too scared to stop her?

Why was Tarot already in were-form and seemingly prepared to fight the nerds while her Team was unaware of them being ahead of them? How is Team Sandwich going to handle this?

Who would touch the Mana First? What happens if it's touched in general? What happens if Peanut does touch it? I'm honestly getting worried.

I mean, going over some of his appearances, I get the feeling he's got a Darker Side. (Spot Santa Comic, he draws Spot not caring about Elves being burned alive, and a Pagenate, Violent end worthy of Game of Thrones. Both times involved Worried Family members, Grape for the first, Earl and Jill for the latter, though the latter two also was mixed with confusion.)
What, you think Keene would just let Sabrina or her team just waltz in after the conversation she had with him?

Also, it's Peanut, anything seemingly "dark" is done for humor's sake. This is a slice of life comedy, remember?

Bandit1990 wrote:Team Tarot seems to have a very high defense. Either that, or Lester still thinks this is a game and is deliberately trying not to hurt them (too much).
He missed every shot, the only hit he landed was on Mungo, and he blocked :lol:
NHWestoN wrote:Along with the concerns you expressed, john-056, I was a little startled to see Mungo suddenly go aggressive combat warrior. Normally, I richly enjoy seeing a character reveal an unexpected side of their nature (think Daisy, previously seen as a self-absorbed dimbulb,articulating her anxiety about Sasha's disappearance) or discovering a new ability within themselves (think King boldly dynamiting the Bailey-Tarot-Sabrina show-down)
Or even Lester channeling all his merely resentments into battle energy.

But Mungo seemed unique. His immense bodily poise and strength found balance in his deep gentleness, bus good humor, his open regard for the pains and vulnerabilities of others while still maintaining an unwavering commitment to police procedure and therapeutic patience. This turn to violence sacrifices that very special psrsonality to an arc about a game, reducing Mungo to just another pug...and apparently not a very effective one. I'd like to think it's a spell, but instead of deploying his very special talents, the spell-enchanter reduces Mungo to just another overbearing muscle head.

But....the story continues, eh?
Dude, a dog was about to fall into spikes so he saved them and another swung right for him with an axe (to which he responded by blocking). Where on earth is this violence and aggression you keep speaking of??? :? You seem to be confusing a serious expression with a bloodthirsty attitude.
NHWestoN wrote:Why is the role of mice in violent combat always underestimated???
Because they're 4 inches tall... and have far less body mass and muscle than their opponents... and have small hands of which can only hold very very small weapons. Really the only thing they can be offense wise is a black or red mage (debuff or offensive spells) if not simply a thief class with the ability to inject poison via needle. The needle itself would only minorly inconvenience most anyone that they'd encounter here ^^;

Re: 2017/11/22 - How To Succeed In Temple Crashing

Posted: Wed Nov 22, 2017 8:37 pm
by jothki
Welsh Halfwit wrote:
CanzetYote wrote:I have a feeling that Dallas will be sitting this fight out. He's like the Peanut of the nerd team, all intellect and no fighting skill (that I know of, I could be wrong).
He has a phaser.
He may also have a medical tricorder, but I'm not sure if he'd be able to get any actual medical use out of it alone. It'd probably be handy for identifying things like enemy health and weaknesses and such, though.

Re: 2017/11/22 - How To Succeed In Temple Crashing

Posted: Wed Nov 22, 2017 9:50 pm
by Obbl
CHAOKOCartoons wrote:I saw the injuries, that's why I said that. The only damage he did was to himself, maybe he' using a "berserk" like ability that takes health in exchange for damage?
Actually it does appear that Tarot got in a hit after Lester swung at her. Axe's are tricky to wield.

Re: 2017/11/22 - How To Succeed In Temple Crashing

Posted: Wed Nov 22, 2017 10:18 pm
by NHWestoN
Hi, again, CHAOKO,
Some small things. You referenced Mungo's flying rescue of Peanut; I did not. My concern about his aggressiveness focused solely on the confrontation with Lester. You used the word "bloodthirsty" which I did not and, I think, exaggerated my characterization. This arc bas had more than a little violence but it's comic cartoonist stuff until now the axs are coming out - I'm sure it'll stay that way.

The random one-liner about mice as warriors was an attempt at off-beat humor. Apparently, it failed to amuse.


Re: 2017/11/22 - How To Succeed In Temple Crashing

Posted: Wed Nov 22, 2017 10:37 pm
by D-Rock
We've been hinted at that Mungo will take things seriously when need be, like when Fox initially seemed willing to withhold evidence. And here, there's a guy swinging an axe at you, I'd be taking it seriously there as well.

"Pacifist" doesn't necessarily translate to "doormat."