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Let's go back

Posted: Fri Aug 08, 2014 2:55 pm
by deepskycyan
I sure hope this is the correct place to post fan writing. I've never posted fan writing before, heck, I've never even submitted a new post before!

Behold! My very first piece of fan writing. I have NEVER done anything of this sort before, never considered myself much of a writer, so please be kind with the critique!

Hope you enjoy reading it!

Let's go back

"Just don't look into the future", she had said. "It never ends well".

Why. Why oh why did I listen to her? She was a conniving snake, I knew that from the very beginning. And yet I still listened to her.

For the first time, my loyalty and obedience had become my downfall.
If only I had disobeyed her. Perhaps taken a little peek. Then, I would have known the fate that were to befall upon me. But it is too late, what is done, is done.

Sometimes I find myself wishing for the ability to go back in time. I have never wished for that more than I did at this moment. Why can't I? Why can't I go back? To make things right again? To change things for the better?

In the end, I knew it was my mistake. Someone once said it was unwise to trifle with the gods. I should have taken this piece of advice long ago, before I entered my lifelong service. I was clear on the terms and everything, and it seemed like a good idea at the time. I just never thought it would put me into a position like this...

Gods! And Joel thinks he has it bad. Look at him! He's happy now! Together with his wife forever and ever. What's he got to complain about? She took pity on him after years of Pete's 'abuse'. Hah. It's me who gets the short end of this stick. Compared to her, Pete's given Joel nothing but love and kindness. What do I get? Huh?

I caught myself thinking about going back in time again. Its become an obsession of mine, and Sab tells me its unhealthy. I'll tell you what's unhealthy! Reckless interdimesional travel. Orange soda. Allowing her to claim victory over Pete.

Sab also tells me its not my fault, and that gods can be cruel, but its all for the sake of humanity. There was a time when I believed that, but not anymore. If only I could go back, I could have done something, something which prevented her victory. Why didn't Pete win? He had his chance. He played well and he played fair. But what did she do? Deception. Always deception. Tricked Pete out of his rightful victory like how she tricked me. If only I could go back, I could have done something. Betrayal, maybe? Sell her out? These acts seemed treacherous to me, but heck, nothing was ever treacherous enough for her.

Why did I allow this? I allowed myself to be used. USED. I hated it, there's no freedom in this deal, not when the gods aren't empathetic. I tried bargaining, I did, but she's just so eager to start a new game with some other jerk while Pete's on his little mortal adventure.

It was last week when she approached me, informing me of the new game. I was to be pulled away, far far away, away from the place I called home. Far away from Peanut.

I remember the way she spoke to me, her voice calm and soothing. Yet the truth was not so soothing. The harsh reality of it hit me then and there and I felt a tidal wave of anger washing over my head. I was drowning in it, I needed to find means of release, punch something maybe? Too bad you couldn't punch a hundred foot long flying snake.

And this isn't the worst of it. She's done this to me many times before. She's put me in places I've never wanted to go. Put me into relationships I've never wanted to be in. All for her stupid games. I no longer cared about her celestial games, but it's not like I could walk away. like I said, I was bound in service for life. This is my tenth game. Peanut is my tenth boyfriend. He is also the first one I truly loved.

For once, I was happy. Living a normal life with a normal boyfriend. I had never known a life like this before. It was all a dream to me, a dream that I wished would never end. Peanut was perfect. He would take me out on dates and it would be so romantic. We would watch bad movies together, laugh together, cry together. Oh, sweet Peanut with his sweet face and his sweet smile. Just thinking about him makes me happy.

I remember those long winter nights when Peanut would come over. We would snuggle by the fireplace telling stories and sharing marshmallows. Was I to never feel the warmth of his embrace again? All this happened half a year ago, but yet, it felt like an eternity.

Sometimes I thought about my future. My new home, and the new boyfriend she's gonna pair me with. It might turn out that he's a swell guy, but nobody could ever be compared with Peanut. I sighed in desperation and in defeat. It was no use thinking, it would not change anything.

Let's go back.

If only we could go back...

A sudden knock at the door broke my train of thought. I dropped my remaining possessions into my suitcase, ready to leave for a new city at a moment's notice. "Coming!" I yelled, as I raced towards the door. It must be Sab, back from her date with Fido. Why does she get to live a normal life?

I opened the door wide and felt my arms go numb as Peanut's smiling face appeared before me. "Can I come in?" He asked. I gestured him into the house and silently swung the door shut. I watched him as he sat himself down on the couch and I took my time in enjoying being in his company.

"So I was hanging out with Joey this morning, and you'll never guess what he told me..." He started. I paid no attention to what he said but only took pleasure in the sweet humming of his voice.

"Tarot?" "Tarot!"

I snapped back into reality, Peanut must have been talking for a few minutes but he was calling my name out now, for how long, I did not know.

I threw myself upon his slender body and tightly wrapped my arms around him. He returned the hug but he did not seem surprised. Nothing bothered him much, how could I make him understand?

"Tarot, I know when something is wrong. It's your turn to tell me about your day. Why don't you tell me what's wrong? Tell me what's on your mind? I could perhaps share some of your burden."

I looked up at his concerned face. He was so cute when he felt concerned for me. It made the truth all the more heart-wrenching to know that I could could not get out of this mess I got myself into, and yet, he was supportive of me, trying to help all that he can.

I looked up and managed a weak smile. "No, nothing's wrong, Peanut. I was just thinking".

"About?" He asked, inquisitively.

"Things". I replied.

He seemed content with that answer, and he hugged me one last time. As we embraced, he leaned over and whispered into my ear.

"It's alright, Tarot. Feel free to share anything with me when you feel like it. Just know that I'll always be here for you. Just like how you'll always be here for me. You'll always be here for me, won't you, Tarot?"

I wiped away a tear as I whispered back into his ear.

"I will, Peanut".

"I will".

Re: Let's go back

Posted: Fri Aug 08, 2014 3:29 pm
by Saturn381
Poor Tarot, getting the short end of the stick. :(

You did a great job Cyan.

Re: Let's go back

Posted: Sun Aug 17, 2014 3:26 am
by Silly Zealot
Nice little twist to the cosmic nerd story!
I do like the vocabulary in this tale. Quite endearing.

Re: Let's go back

Posted: Sun Aug 17, 2014 12:44 pm
by D3ath_0ps
Really good so far! Can't wait to see more! :D