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A Place to Share Your Babylon Gardens-based OCs and Fursonas

Posted: Wed Aug 06, 2014 11:03 pm
by Douglas Collier
Not sure if there's already a thread on this, but I didn't find any. Anyway, I have created this thread for anyone who wants to share any original characters or fursonas they have created that live in Babylon Gardens (since the RP forums don't have anything set in Babylon Gardens itself). Here you can post pictures, character sheets, background information, etc. of your OCs/fursonas and chat about them.

All forum rules apply here, so don't post anything inappropriate.
I'd ask that you don't post long stories and such, but feel free to share links to them or attach them as document files.
If you make changes to your characters, you can edit your post - just make sure to make it known that the post has been edited.

I'll start:
Got his surname from Thomas Collier, his and Stan's new caretaker in Babylon Gardens.
Some edits to the style and details.
Major changes to style - more Housepets-y.
Some changes to fur pattern
(I'll probably end up editing this more as needed)

Have fun! :D

Re: A Place to Share Your Babylon Gardens-based OCs

Posted: Wed Aug 06, 2014 11:25 pm
by Saturn381
Thought I'd bring this character back.

Name: Alexander "Alex" Borowski

Species: Dog (Samoyed)

Gender: Male

Age: 4

Appearance: His fur is pure white from top to bottom. His eye color is Cyan. His collar is Indigo with a orange ice cream bar symbol for a tag.

Personality: A complete worry wart. Always worrying when something bad happens (even if it doesn't involve him) and speaks in his native language (Russian) when he starts panicking.

Background: He was born and raised in Russia, but his mother decided for them to move to America for a better place to live. Eventually, they made it to Babylon Gardens where Alex's mother works in a ice cream parlor. While unpacking, he met Grape and Peanut who both showed him around Babylon Gardens and gave him the shortened version of his name. While he considered Grape and Peanut to be his only friends at first, he would later open up and made friends with everyone (though Tarot's psychic abilities weird him out most of the time).

Re: A Place to Share Your Babylon Gardens-based OCs

Posted: Thu Aug 07, 2014 12:25 am
by Douglas Collier
My friend gave me permission to post his OC that I created for him. He's the friend mentioned in my bio.
Stanley Reference.jpg
Stanley Reference.jpg (227.89 KiB) Viewed 27994 times

Re: A Place to Share Your Babylon Gardens-based OCs

Posted: Thu Aug 07, 2014 12:26 am
by Douglas Collier
Fun character, Saturn! :)

Re: A Place to Share Your Babylon Gardens-based OCs

Posted: Thu Aug 07, 2014 12:47 am
by FoxRocks

Siberian Husky

White fur, light gray chest, black tail tip

Born in Germany (not sure where, was born from Americans)

Blue collar, also wears a locket sometimes.

She has a temper, real hot head sometimes, pretty obvious in the fanfic

Angel concept sketch:

Re: A Place to Share Your Babylon Gardens-based OCs

Posted: Tue Aug 12, 2014 5:37 am
by valerio
OK, guys! With the magnificent help of DOUGLAS COLLIER (Fanfare! Confetti! WOOT!) I can introduce the first rendition with some basic basic info from my own characters, starting with the most adorable of 'em all!
here you go, a round of appluase for the artist and for DAYSHAUN SANDWICH

Re: A Place to Share Your Babylon Gardens-based OCs

Posted: Tue Aug 12, 2014 9:00 am
by D3ath_0ps
I absolutely LOVE this rendition of Dayshaun! He's so adorable! He looks just like his father. :P

Re: A Place to Share Your Babylon Gardens-based OCs

Posted: Tue Aug 12, 2014 2:58 pm
by Saturn381
Dayshaun looks so cute! :D

Re: A Place to Share Your Babylon Gardens-based OCs

Posted: Wed Aug 13, 2014 8:47 am
by Macsen
I mentioned this to val on FA, but might as well say it here. Since "officially" Alcor is Dayshaun's "biological" father, I'm of the opinion he should be listed as a relative. :P

Re: A Place to Share Your Babylon Gardens-based OCs

Posted: Wed Aug 13, 2014 9:19 am
by valerio
Kitch wrote:I mentioned this to val on FA, but might as well say it here. Since "officially" Alcor is Dayshaun's "biological" father, I'm of the opinion he should be listed as a relative. :P
well, there are so many info that I could put it, but in this wiki 0.1 I wanted to keep them on the strictest basis, so for now there won't be other addtions

Re: A Place to Share Your Babylon Gardens-based OCs

Posted: Thu Aug 14, 2014 3:39 pm
by valerio
BEHOLD! Douglas Collier's hand once again brought to awesome life the thirdborn in the PB&J's litter, PARNOK SANDWICH THE MIGHTY. Bow in front of your prince, roar!


Re: A Place to Share Your Babylon Gardens-based OCs

Posted: Thu Aug 14, 2014 3:49 pm
by Saturn381
I always thought Parnok took a lot from uncle Max. ;)

Re: A Place to Share Your Babylon Gardens-based OCs

Posted: Thu Aug 14, 2014 3:50 pm
by valerio
Saturn381 wrote:I always thought Parnok took a lot from uncle Max. ;)
oh, Maxie is VERY happy to have his own pupil ;) :lol:

Re: A Place to Share Your Babylon Gardens-based OCs

Posted: Thu Aug 14, 2014 4:55 pm
by FoxRocks
Look like Parnok is the evil mastermind! :twisted:

Re: A Place to Share Your Babylon Gardens-based OCs

Posted: Thu Aug 14, 2014 11:58 pm
by Douglas Collier
Stan, Douglas, and Peanut playing Super Smash Bros. Brawl. :)

Re: A Place to Share Your Babylon Gardens-based OCs

Posted: Fri Aug 15, 2014 12:01 am
by Saturn381
Great job Douglas! :D

Re: A Place to Share Your Babylon Gardens-based OCs

Posted: Fri Aug 15, 2014 12:07 am
by Douglas Collier
Thanks! (again) :)

Re: A Place to Share Your Babylon Gardens-based OCs

Posted: Fri Aug 15, 2014 2:29 am
by valerio
wow, that's one nice portrait of 'em! Bravo!

Re: A Place to Share Your Babylon Gardens-based OCs

Posted: Fri Aug 15, 2014 3:17 pm
by valerio
And LO, the secondborn of Grape and Peanut is here! TAROT!
Again, thanks to Douglas Collier!


Re: A Place to Share Your Babylon Gardens-based OCs

Posted: Fri Aug 15, 2014 4:01 pm
by Saturn381
No doubt she takes after her aunt Tarot. ;)

Re: A Place to Share Your Babylon Gardens-based OCs

Posted: Fri Aug 15, 2014 4:26 pm
by kavviyenta
Tarot is actually secondborn and Parnok thirdborn :geek:

Re: A Place to Share Your Babylon Gardens-based OCs

Posted: Fri Aug 15, 2014 6:07 pm
by dryideabat
Very nicely-done Douglas! Excellent job on Peanut and the details on the controllers.

I'm not sure if my image for a duo of Housepets characters will show (though maybe it is best for this half-baked idea to never be seen). They are "loosely" based on my dogs. In any case, if I did this correctly, I hope it gives you a chuckle.


Re: A Place to Share Your Babylon Gardens-based OCs

Posted: Fri Aug 15, 2014 9:06 pm
by Douglas Collier
Great picture, dryideabat! I don't think I've ever seen a poodle cut on a Housepets! dog before. :)

Re: A Place to Share Your Babylon Gardens-based OCs

Posted: Sat Aug 16, 2014 3:00 am
by valerio
kavviyenta wrote:Tarot is actually secondborn and Parnok thirdborn :geek:
note to self: do NOT attempt posting when under stress.

Re: A Place to Share Your Babylon Gardens-based OCs

Posted: Sun Aug 17, 2014 10:02 am
by dryideabat
Thanks Douglas. To be honest, I wasn't sure how to convert my dogs into Housepets-esque caricatures (eg. which features to exaggerate), but got lucky on the second try.

To give everyone an idea of the shenanigans of this duo in the Housepets universe, I've attached a quick/unfinished comic that I made last night. Enjoy.

Re: A Place to Share Your Babylon Gardens-based OCs

Posted: Sun Aug 17, 2014 10:30 am
by Douglas Collier
Now that is awesome! You've done a job with the comic. :D
If I may give a couple of suggestions of how you could improve it: I'd add a few swords sticking out of the swordnado in panel 3, and in the last panel, I would put Holly a little further back on the couch. ;)
I must say, though, you've got real talent! :)

Re: A Place to Share Your Babylon Gardens-based OCs

Posted: Sun Aug 17, 2014 11:28 am
by dryideabat
Aw thanks again. It was originally going to be "sharknado," but apparently that's already a thing. I realized shortly after posting this that Holly is kind of floating there on the last frame (albeit her unmitigated ire will likely cause her to levitate and spin her head 360 degrees). Whenever I get a chance, I will make these changes and add color before posting it on DeviantArt.

Re: A Place to Share Your Babylon Gardens-based OCs

Posted: Sun Aug 17, 2014 2:44 pm
by Douglas Collier
dryideabat wrote:Aw thanks again. It was originally going to be "sharknado," but apparently that's already a thing. I realized shortly after posting this that Holly is kind of floating there on the last frame (albeit her unmitigated ire will likely cause her to levitate and spin her head 360 degrees). Whenever I get a chance, I will make these changes and add color before posting it on DeviantArt.
If you could post it here too, that'd be awesome. :mrgreen:

Re: A Place to Share Your Babylon Gardens-based OCs

Posted: Tue Aug 19, 2014 12:47 am
by Douglas Collier
So here are a few other characters that are or will be in my story. I'll update as I learn more about them.

Thomas Collier - Human; owner/caretaker of Douglas and Stan. In his mid to late 20s. Very kind and religious, but very quiet. His parents died shortly after he finished college and, being an only child, he inherited his childhood home in Babylon Gardens, where he lived with his childhood pet and best friend, Garry. Garry died of old age a couple of years later, devastating Tom and causing him to become withdrawn to the point of becoming a recluse; but since the arrival of Stan and Douglas, he's been opening up more. Tom works from home. He enjoys cooking and fishing, and has a mild interest in gaming (mostly PC games, though he does have a Wii).

Shelly Goldstein - Sheltie mix. About 6 years old. Quieter than most dogs, but friendly and compassionate - especially toward Douglas, whom she thinks is cute. (Doug has a crush on her that compares to King's crush on Bailey, and similar questions about the implications of dating a dog, since he was previously a human)

Mary Goldstein - Human; owner of Shelly. In her mid 20s. Loves science fiction and fantasy. Attends the same church as Thomas, but never got a chance to really meet him until recently. But she sees in him a lot of potential, and wants to bring it out.

The Genii - Demigod. The Genii was banished to this universe and trapped in an old bottle as punishment for being such a troll in Universes and Unrealities. He keeps himself entertained by granting random people's wishes, but with a twist or two - nothing malevolent, just unexpected and vaguely annoying at worst - and then watching passively from afar (sort of the cosmic equivalent of watching soap operas). As an expert in cosmic law and the rules of U&U, he is very good about spinning webs of red tape and loopholes (part of the reason he was kicked out), which make any wishes he grants practically impossible to be overturned by the Heavenly court - at least not until after a good millennia or two of paperwork (not even subjective time makes that less of a drag).

Re: A Place to Share Your Babylon Gardens-based OCs

Posted: Tue Aug 19, 2014 5:51 pm
by Amazee Dayzee
Vivienne McGuire - She's a mix of Brazilian Terrier and Russell Terrier. She was adopted by the McGuires when she was just a puppy, as her mother wasn't ready to be a parent yet and she wasn't mated to anybody nor was she ready to be a mother. The McGuires moved to Babylon Gardens a few years ago. Vivienne suffers from being painfully shy and very insecure about herself so she tends to stay to herself most of the time so her parents try to get her to socialize more often. Her hobbies usually including watching soap operas and reading books as well as drawing caricatures of various people on the internet. She's a bit well off since her father works as a computer hardware engineer and her mother works as a nurse practitioner at a retirement home. Oh, she has a crush on Kevin.

Roger McGuire - Vivienne's adoptive father who works as a computer hardware engineer for a local computer company. He's in his mid-to-late 30s. He comes from a big family. His parents were never married, so he has 5 half-siblings with 4 from his mom and 1 from his dad. He originally went to school to become a physical therapist, but found out that he has an affinity towards computers instead. He married his wife Elena about 10 years ago. The couple always wanted a child, but a miscarriage left Elena sterile. Rather than adopt a child, they settled on adopting Vivienne. Roger's brother-in-law had an acquaintance whose dog got pregnant so they adopted Vivienne as soon as she was born. He drives a 2003 Mercedes-Benz G-Class.

Elena McGuire (née Wilcox) - Vivienne'a adoptive mother who works as a nurse practitioner at a retirement home. She is in her early 40s and is an only child. Growing up she didn't have any pets but she had a large group of friends that acted like her siblings, all the way down to the petty fighting and making up. She always knew she wanted to work in the health care field so that is what she studied. After graduating college she immediately got a job in a hospital. She met her husband Roger and got pregnant, but miscarried which lead her sterile. After they married, they tried again but couldn't conceive so they adopted Vivienne. When they moved to Babylon Gardens, she got a job in a retirement home. She drives a 1997 Lincoln Town Car.

Re: A Place to Share Your Babylon Gardens-based OCs

Posted: Wed Aug 20, 2014 5:38 pm
by dryideabat
I fear that I may have ruined this picture, but as a scientist I cannot help but to experiment. I am still new to using the paint program on my laptop (eg the first and last frames) and my scanner does some strange things with the colors of my pencil/pen-drawn work. Nevertheless, I present my quasi-finished work, as well as a new character to thicken the plot.

Re: A Place to Share Your Babylon Gardens-based OCs

Posted: Thu Aug 21, 2014 12:59 am
by Douglas Collier
So Holly was turned into a human? :shock: Nice job with Chimera, by the way. They really look like they could be Pete's friend(s).

Re: A Place to Share Your Babylon Gardens-based OCs

Posted: Thu Aug 21, 2014 10:33 am
by valerio
And finally, the last ones in my ficcie's most famous litter: Nutella and Louise, the new twin wonders! Again, big thanks to Douglas Collier!


Re: A Place to Share Your Babylon Gardens-based OCs

Posted: Thu Aug 21, 2014 12:39 pm
by Saturn381
Both of them look so cute!

Re: A Place to Share Your Babylon Gardens-based OCs

Posted: Thu Aug 21, 2014 3:38 pm
by herobrineharry
So, who else... AH-HAH! Do all the characters from the second season so we can get a better idea of what they look like, Valerio.

Re: A Place to Share Your Babylon Gardens-based OCs

Posted: Thu Aug 21, 2014 3:40 pm
by Douglas Collier
herobrineharry wrote:So, who else... AH-HAH! Do all the characters from the second season so we can get a better idea of what they look like, Valerio.
That would be a lot of drawing for me. :roll: (But I'd be up to it, provided I don't have to draw too many new linearts from scratch. ;) )

Re: A Place to Share Your Babylon Gardens-based OCs

Posted: Thu Aug 21, 2014 4:12 pm
by Amazee Dayzee
Take your time. We don't expect you to do it all a once. Rome wasn't built in a day.

Re: A Place to Share Your Babylon Gardens-based OCs

Posted: Fri Aug 22, 2014 7:39 pm
by herobrineharry
Elpis should be fun to see...

Re: A Place to Share Your Babylon Gardens-based OCs

Posted: Thu Aug 28, 2014 1:34 pm
by Douglas Collier
Shelly Goldstein Concept Art:
Shelly Goldstein.png
Shelly Goldstein.png (82.77 KiB) Viewed 27410 times
Ideas about what mix she is?

Re: A Place to Share Your Babylon Gardens-based OCs

Posted: Thu Aug 28, 2014 1:38 pm
by Saturn381
She looks cute!

Great job Douglas! :D