HPU?: Apollo City OOC

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HPU?: Apollo City OOC

Post by valerio »

Hi there everyplayer!
Yes, you are reading it right: I am the new GM by general dictatordemocratical consensus. I am here to replace Mr. NeonShot, who is leaving to attend RL matters. Since I think RL is overrated, here I am^^
I am not here to cause havoc in the current status, in respect of the previous and successful management. But I AM here to insert more action, more SciFi, more excitement. I firmly believe that Apollo City offers all the opportunities to go up in the adventure level. I hope I can do a good job with this^'.

A brief Human History:
America had fought a great war in claiming the moon as a state. The Russians wanted to keep the moon as a military base.
But, the Americans and the Britain's had looked at it as an opportunity to start life on other planets.
Eventually, the Great Britain and America had won, but at a severe cost. Apollo City was such an expensive program, that both the U.K and the American Government had to join together in order to create their dream.

During this war, Russia wanted to design a chemical weapon to attack it's enemies. So, they did testing on Pets.
This weapon was regarded un-successful, because it never got past harming pets.
So, they disposed of it.

The virus spread and multiplied, creating a mass genocide to the animal kingdom.
Eventually, the humans were able to create a cure, but by then there was already a massive loss to them.
The remaining pets who were unharmed were sold to the highest bidder, and put into a special breeding program.

But, because the humans loved the pets and animals so much, they decided to create a program called the ani-droids.
(In ARGO, the ani-droids were given a restriction on how much expression and emotion the could have. In this, the ani-droids are designed to emulate actual pets. In other words, they are designed to act exactly like living creatures.)

When different companies got a hold of the ani-droids, they made modifications to them to perform certain tasks specific to the jobs given to them. Like, for engineers, the ani-droids were modified with prototype x-ray vision (only able to see through buildings with schematics and security camera's), and Repulser ray cutting crystals in the forehead.

When emergency services saw what these companies did, they modified ani-droids as well, but specified them to a certain wild animal.
Medical ani-droids were created to look like foxes.
Police ani-droids were created to look like wolves.
and Fire Department ani-droids were created to look like Dalmatians.

Since this modification craze kept going, you can't find a normal ani-droid anywhere.

The pets who were effected by the virus, had to get special treatment done to them.
The infected parts of the body were amputated, and replaced with ani-droid parts.
These pets willingly modified themselves, because they were so grateful to the humans, they wanted to do everything they could to repay them.

Apollo city was the perfect place for the Cy-Pet's to live. They could learn to use their new body parts AND help with the development of the city. So, the Cy-Pet's and a certain amount of citizens from both America and Great Britain moved to Apollo City.

Now, Apollo City is a bustling city. The lamps on the streets would grow bright to show it was day time, then would dim when it became night. There were major corporations that moved to Apollo City. The flag planted by the astronauts long past was turned into a memorial park, where humans and pet's alike could relax.
Then for the wild animals, Apollo City built a sanctuary, which had REAL grass and REAL trees. The wild animals could stay in the sanctuary like they would normally on earth. But, there was an invisible wall set up to keep the wild animals from leaving the sanctuary.

Then Apollo City built giant farms on the moon. The plants were given artificial sunlight to help grow, and they were watered by the ani-droid farmers. The farms thrived on Apollo City.

Because of Apollo City being so popular, people from around the world wanted to live there.
Eventually, the news spread to beings from other planets, who couldn't suite make it to earth, but could make it to Apollo.
So, when they reached contact with the people of Apollo City, the humans set up the Moon Base, to filter foreign activity, as well as humans who wanted to do harm. The Moon Base turned into a wall, so nobody could land on Apollo without going to the Moon Base first.

In conclusion, Apollo City has just started excepting aliens from other planets. It's still new to the humans, but the aliens (named Serpientes) were able to learn Spanish quite well. Eventually, you'll see the odd alien who could speak English, but every other corner, you could see a Spanish speaking alien, just doing what he or she would normally do.
The Cy-Pet's became watchers over Apollo City.
And Filthy rich humans brought pure pet's to Apollo City with them.
Apollo City is doing great, and they are still excepting new people,
Whether your a human, an alien, a Pure Pet, an ani-droid, or a Cy-Pet. You are welcomed to Apollo City.

A brief Serpiente History:
DISTANCE FROM EARTH: 83 light years
PLANET TYPE: Rocky planet
ORBITAL PERIOD: 11 months, 22 days
SATELLITES: None. Gor has a temporary ring of debris caused by the tidal destruction of its moon
SURFACE AREA: 164697493 km
ESCAPE VELOCITY: 18.332 km/s
AXIAL TILT: 45 deg, 30 min 18.111 s

Gor is what you could call a hard place to live!
Gor used to have a small moon and its orbit was relatively stable. But with time, the tidal interaction between its two stars caused its orbit to degenerate. Gor is slowly falling down toward its sun, Zeta Cancri C. Its moon, Taor, started to fall toward Gor until the tidal forces broke it apart and transformed it into a spectacular though unstable ring of debris.
Occasionally, pieces of the newly formed ring fall toward Gor’s surface, causing havoc, and interfering with the space program of planetary evacuation.
The planet’s axis is progressively tilting toward the sun. As of today, Gor is presenting already a very strong thermal exchange between days and nights, with a growing amount of storms. Soon, astronomically speaking, the tidal lock will force the planet to show only one charred face to the sun, the other immersed in a perpetual polar night.
The planet’s dominant species, having a name which no human could accurately translate, had the advantage of evolving without serious accidents, thus quickly evolving into the most advanced life form. Unfortunately, being their homeworld the only one in their solar system, and being their sky too rich with other stars to perfection the art of planet-hunting, they spent many millennia in a cultural, theocratic stasis, believing themselves the most perfect of species -and the only one in the cosmos.
But then, the orbital decay started, the moon Taor started to fall toward the planet! The same theocrats who for generations had refused even the idea of life beyond Gor, of planets beyond their star-filled skies, offered in sacrifice their own beliefs if their world was spared. They would open to science, to new ideas, to that ‘force’ they had opposed to, as long as their future generations would live.
And when all seemed lost, when the fate seemed sealed, when most of the temples were burned and destroyed by the irate populations who counted on their gods to save them…The fall stopped. Taor started to crumble apart, becoming the ring that would forever illuminate Gor’s nights.
And while life adapted to the new changes, century after century, with masses continously moving by the millions to the safest areas, the new elite- the technocrats and scientists- invested every possible energy in the evacuation of their world, now that it was clear that it, too, was falling toward their sun.
Working as hard in a century like Earthmen hadn’t done through their whole existence as civilization, the ----- located faint echoes of coherent radio transmission from Earth! A mishmash of radio and television shows pinged Gor’s electronic ears, and soon everyone knew they had a chance!
Technocrats worked not less hard to bypass the Speed-Of-Light barrier, and came up with their first wormhole generator: Basically, their ships would use the stars’ massive gravitational fields to further bend the space-and-time tissue and connect one star with the other. Problem was, the ship must be made with the most durable alloy to survive a contact that also caused a massive superheated plasma exchange. No forcefields could be used, since they would collapse during the tremendous energy-and-matter exchange.
The ----- tested several of these ships using the stars of the Cancri constellation, losing all of them and their brave volunteers, until at last a scientist invented not only the ultimate durable league, but also a system to absorb most of the plasma’s energies to fuel the ship itself!
The Ariyongar (‘Intrepid Venturer’), was the first ship to succeed in traveling from star to star, thus inaugurating the -----’s space age.
And it was the Ariyongar that first appeared in Earth’s solar system, near Sol, to get in touch with the local dominant species.
The -----, knowing what pride had caused them, accepted the Earthmen’s condition of temporarily living on the Moon, at Apollo City, in a reciprocal study program, so to learn from each other in peace as much as possible.
In this context, the ----- found extremely fascinating the Spanish culture, which even in this modern century is strongly influenced by the Catholic Church. Despite the ----- being today socially more evolved, to them Catholicism is like their old theocracy and from there they started to explore every nuance –including the less religious aspect,the easier-to-learn language and accepting to be dubbed themselves ‘Serpientes’ (Snakes)
Yet, not wanting to put their existence as species in the hands of fate, the Serpientes also employed a secret fleet of ‘Seeder Ships’, smaller ships with the purpose of leaving fertile couples on Earth so to study on the field the effects of their potential new homeplanet on their biology. The Serpientes on the moon – except for a very restricted handful of elements – are not aware of this program. Those who know have orders and means to interfere with the Terran authorities so to hide their ‘seeds’ and protect them from prying eyes.
It should be noted that the Serpientes have no intentions of conquering Earth; they are desperate and know they will lose their world, literally, one day. It is of primary importance that they keep seeking for a new homeworld. In this regard, their scientists at Gor are still collecting precious data and working to assemble their greatest colonization fleet so that one day they can terraform their best best candidate in case the Earth option failed...

So, some users brought this up to me, saying there are other users from Russia who might be offended. So, the storyline is now that Russia was turned into a Mafia run country. But, because they still have pride for the space race, this is why they fought.
Last edited by valerio on Tue Dec 23, 2014 4:13 pm, edited 4 times in total.
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Re: Apollo City: A Roleplay

Post by valerio »

Signing up:
You have 2 Main Character Slots (which can be boosted under some circumstances)
2 Owner slots (Can't be boosted unless adopted by somebody.)
and 1 Guest Character Slot (which can be boosted in some circumstances.
You don't have to use these all at once.
[Update]Just a heads up, I think we have enough High Class people. If your character absolutely has to be high class, say you want to be a pure pet, just put it in your sign up sheet.

You can pick from three classes of Pet's.
Ani-Droid: All class. Can have 3 modifications, can only use them one at a time.
Hybrids excepted under payment of one modification.
Cy-Pet: Medium and High Class. Can have 2 modifications, can use them at the same time.
No hybrids.
Pure Pet: High Class. They can be given "Power Suits", designed to hold one modification.
No hybrids.
-Pick a species (be aware you can only be a pure wild animal if your in the sanctuary)
-Pick a name
+Visual (optional)
-Pick out stats
What happened to other notes?
If you want to, go ahead and write it, but we need some mystery to your character, don't we?
Back stories and what not? >:)

Next, you must pick if you want the owner of your character(s) to be human, or alien.
Humans: All Class. High Endurance.
Serpiente: All Class. Super Flexible.

Your Owner can be
Low Class (poor)
Middle Class (good enough)
or High Class (Filthy Rich).
Low Class can only afford ani-droids.
Middle class can afford ani-droids and Cy-Pet's (rehab program)
High Class, not matter how nice they are, only take living pet's.
(Pure Pet or Cy-Pet.)
-Pick Name
-Pick a Job

Now, you must pick a place to live and work.
(The map has been drawn, and will be entered when the post is set.)

Due to the previous complex stat system, we have switched to the basic SPECIAL system

So, you want to be an alien, but you don't know Spanish? Me Too!
This is where google translate comes in.
Or, to make it less realistic, just use <this> to say that the words were translated to English.
E.G Hola, señor. Las estrellas se ven muy brillante esta mañana, ¿no?
*used google translate
<Hello, sir. The Stars look very bright this morning, don't they?>
+used the <> function.
That's Racist!
No, this is just adding a mix of culture to the RP.

People who are playing are listed here:
Legotron123: Noah walker
S: 5 P: 5 E: 5 C:7 I: 7 A: 5 L: 5

Hypernovatic: Dust Glacia, Gionni Santorinni
S: 4 P: 5 E: 7 C: 8 I: 4 A: 8 L: 6
S: 7 P: 5 E: 6 C: 6 I: 5 A: 6 L: 5

Roarin: Avery Johnson, VI-R14
S: 7 P: 6 E: 5 C: 9 I: 5 A: 6 L: 4
S: 5 P: 6 E: 6 C: 7 I: 8 A: 4 L: 6

Esper: Caeruleus Springer
S: 2 P: 8 E: 5 C: 4 I: 9 A: 7 L: 7

Hlaoroo: Kelly Doyle, Todd Doyle*
S: 5 P: 6 E: 5 C: 10 I: 5 A: 6 L: 5
S: 6 P: 9 E: 8 C: 3 I: 7 A: 7 L: 2*

Valerio: Jemmy
S: 5 P: 7 E: 6 C: 4 I: 7 A: 7 L: 6

Inactive players:

MrNeonShot: Orion Atlas, Rosie Gracia, Wealthy Cat
S: 5 P: 3 E: 5 C: 9 I: 4 A: 3 L: 9
S: 7+ P: 6 E: 7 C: 4 I: 9 A: 5 L: 4
S: 6+ P: 10 E: 10 C: 4 I: 7 A: 6 L: 4

kurowolfe: Ashe Smith, Hajime
S: 2 P: 4 E: 5 C: 10 I: 5 A: 10 L: 6
S: 9 P: 7 E: 5 C: 6 I: 4 A: 8 L: 4

Cheat Sheet by kurowolfe
Apollo City Cheat Sheet
[Also, to keep the RP rolling, at least try to post once a day.]
Last edited by valerio on Sun Jan 04, 2015 3:07 pm, edited 23 times in total.
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Re: Apollo City: A Roleplay

Post by valerio »

Here is a new map of Apollo City.
C1: Atlas Incorporated. There is a floating house above the building itself, both owned by Valerio.
C2 and C3: Other major company buildings.
C4: K-Corp, a company that manufactures modifications and modification suits.
C5: A major company building: Ask if you want it. High class citizens only.
C6: Pharmacy owned by kurowolfe
C7: Storage facility.
C8: Modification repair building, owned by Hypernovatic
C9: Minor company building. Ask if you want it, Middle to Low class citizens only.
C10: Walmart.

11 - 44: Middle class houses. They are off the map in this version, for they are too small.
L1: Apartment building, used for low class citizens. No player residents.
L2: Apartment building, used for low and middle class citizens. MrNeonShot (Rosie), kurowolfe (Ashe), Esper (Caerulius), and Legotron123 (Noah) live in here.

F1: Burger joint. Ask if you want it.
F2: Pizza joint. Ask if you want it.
F3: Sufficient Grounds Cafe, owned by Roarin.

E1: J.D Theater and Co., owned by Hlaoroo.
E2: Laser Tag. Ask if you want it.
E3: Movie Theater, for all your movie going needs.

Last edited by valerio on Tue Dec 23, 2014 4:25 pm, edited 8 times in total.
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Re: Apollo City: A Roleplay

Post by MrNeonShot »

So, this pretty much sums it up.
I hope you guys enjoy the RP.
I do need a certain amount of people in order to get this started.
So, Sign up, and tell your other Roleplaying friends.
I hope to see you in the RP.
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Re: Apollo City: A Roleplay

Post by CyanShinobi »

This sounds like my sort of RP. Might I inquire if I may join?

Also: Under what circumstances may I use violence? And may I have BLASTER CANNONS?
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Re: Apollo City: A Roleplay

Post by MrNeonShot »

Well, it all depends on what your character is.
And we'll need a load of more people to join.
Send in a reference sheet about what you want your character and owner to be, and what not.

Also, refs of the Serpientes, the Cy-pets, and ani-droids will be posted later.
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Re: Apollo City: A Roleplay

Post by Legotron123 »

I'm thinking of joining this, but it sounds like it might be too hard to grasp the rules.
If I do join I'm defiantly taking a cy-pet. I've always wanted a jet pack.
What my cy-pet would have depends on the violence rule, though my pet would DEFINATLY NOT KILL ANYONE. they'd probably just have a stun blast machine cannon. (Think a machine gun, combined with a shockwave style cannon)
So basically I might join this but I'm not certain.
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Re: Apollo City: A Roleplay

Post by MrNeonShot »

Totally join it. It would be awesome having another cy-pet on here.
Mine is named Orion. Posting him as the cy-pet ref.
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Re: Apollo City: A Roleplay

Post by RockstarRaccoon »

Wow, someone doesn't like Russia...
You... may want to turn it down: Russia is a liberal-democracy, and we have a few members from there... I dunno if it's appropriate for you to use them as the bad-guy nation...
I can get back to you on it though...

*needs to read through the rest of this...*
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Re: Apollo City: A Roleplay

Post by Legotron123 »

RockstarRaccoon wrote:Wow, someone doesn't like Russia...
You... may want to turn it down: Russia is a liberal-democracy, and we have a few members from there... I dunno if it's appropriate for you to use them as the bad-guy nation...
I can get back to you on it though...

*needs to read through the rest of this...*
I like to think that the Russian mafia took over and while the rest of ther world TRIED to do something about it, it was to hard and they just gave up.
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Re: Apollo City: A Roleplay

Post by MrNeonShot »

RockstarRaccoon wrote:Wow, someone doesn't like Russia...
You... may want to turn it down: Russia is a liberal-democracy, and we have a few members from there... I dunno if it's appropriate for you to use them as the bad-guy nation...
I can get back to you on it though...

*needs to read through the rest of this...*
Well, I thought, since America and Russia had the whole "Space Race"
There could be something like the space wars?

It just seems logical to me. Iraq isn't going to fight for the moon.
But, if the Mafia took over Russia. I THINK I just got an idea about the first ark of the story.

I don't have anything against Russia. All I get is the news reports.
Don't worry, people.
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Re: Apollo City: A Roleplay

Post by CrystallineWolf »

I'm interested to play as an ani-droid! What are the relations between the pure pets, the cy-pets, and the ani-droids?
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Re: Apollo City: A Roleplay

Post by MrNeonShot »

I'm not sure I understand the question.
But, Pure-pets are some of the last of the animal kingdom.
Cy-Pets are pure pets with missing limbs.
Ani-droids are designed to emulate pure pets.
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Re: Apollo City: A Roleplay

Post by MrNeonShot »

So, just got the character references done.
The cy-pet is going to be my character.
The ani-droid is an open character.
The serpiente is just a basic look for all of them.
Ref sheet.jpg
Ref sheet.jpg (155.79 KiB) Viewed 57663 times
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Re: Apollo City: A Roleplay

Post by hypernovatic »

I'll join. I just have one question. What do you mean by modification?
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Re: Apollo City: A Roleplay

Post by CrystallineWolf »

MrNeonShot wrote:I'm not sure I understand the question.
But, Pure-pets are some of the last of the animal kingdom.
Cy-Pets are pure pets with missing limbs.
Ani-droids are designed to emulate pure pets.
I meant is: what do Pure-pets in general feel about Cy-pets and Ani-droids, what do Cy-pets in general feel about Pure-pets and Ani-droids, and what do Ani-droids in general feel about Pure- and Cy- pets? As in what is one group's general feelings towards the two others (of course there's always exceptions)?

But otherwise I'm definitely game to play in this neighborhood!
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Re: Apollo City: A Roleplay

Post by MrNeonShot »

Okay, starting with the feelings and such.
that all depends on the character, but,
Pure Pets feel that they need to do all they can to ensure the rest of the animal kingdom survives. That involves giving support to the cy-pets.
Ani-droids feel that they are actual pure pets, even though they have wiring underneath.
Cy-Pets feel the same way toward Pure Pets as pure pets feel toward cy-pets.
Basically, they care for each other.
But, like I said, this all depends on the character itself.

Moving to modifications.
Modifications are special abilities.
Abilities added to the designs of the ani-droids or cy-pets.
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Re: Apollo City: A Roleplay

Post by The Moon Howler »

I have a few questions about the RP. (aside from "why is Russia the 'bad guy' around here and why is it always only Russia has bad sides...")

1. is that an SRP?

2. about the stat system - with how much points do people start?

3. About those Abilities - what are the restrictions for them?
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Re: Apollo City: A Roleplay

Post by Legotron123 »

I'm not sure if the "modifications" on the cypets means the metal limbs or the stuff like jetpacks, though if its the former I probably won't join. If its the latter, then I have a character I might use.
Here's a basic run-down of him, I'll add more if things turn out the way I hope they will.
Name: Noah walker
Species: cypet dog German Shepard
Personality: thrill seeker
Arms: left arm completely robotic, lower right arm robotic.
Legs: lower legs robotic.
Head: right eye robotic, lower jaw robotic.
Torso: entire top robotic, back of lower torso robotic.
The enhancements are where things get tricky. There are multiple things that effect how these will work. (The rules about violence, wether a enhancement is limited one part of the body, etc.)
A cypet can only have 2 enhancements so I've narrowed it down to three options:
A stun machine cannon.
A force field generator.
Or a flight mechinism. (A winged jetpack with rocket boots for stabilizers)
So I need some clarification on weather these need any changes in order for them to fit this RP.
Last edited by Legotron123 on Fri Sep 27, 2013 6:42 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Apollo City: A Roleplay

Post by MrNeonShot »

Stat points are 58.

the modifications are anything added that isn't originally apart of it.
The limbs are not modifications.

Well, a stun machine gun is a bit much, but if your dealing with a large riot, it works.
Maybe having a function to switch from single shot to automatic.
Your not going to rip off heads, but there will be some violence. Stun guns are good.

I don't think cannons would be logical. If your police or military, you want to stop them, not fry them to death. Plus the emp would take out the electricity of the city.

Legotron, you are good to go.
If you are participating, have your sheets filled out.

For the Russia thing, there was a convorsation between me and RR. Russia was fighting for the moon, but during the war, the mafia took over and created the chemical that killed the majority of the animal kingdom.
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Re: Apollo City: A Roleplay

Post by CrystallineWolf »

Name: Gionni Santorinni

Species: Ani-Droid Fox

Age: 2 years (I'm assuming since Ani-droids are robots, they don't take penalty for being too young)

Assumed Gender: female

Character Type: Main Character!

Neighborhood: Apollo City!

Appearance: Gionni is a fresh-green colored Ani-droid, with dark greenish-brown socks on all four limbs and white fingers and toes. Her belly is white, and the coloring goes up her neck, aligns with her eyebrows and comes down to loop around her nose, leaving her bridge green. Her face is slightly babyish, with a shorter snout than most, and her forearms enlarge just enough to make it seem like she's wearing tight sleeves that hide her primary knuckles (same goes for her legs). She also has bright yellow-golden eyes. I may add a picture later....

Modifications: Pop-out roller blades, A hand that switches out for a precision laser, x-ray vision

Personality: Gionni is a kind and caring- but naïve- Ani-droid. It's not like she's a ditz- she just doesn't know that much about the world, considering her age. But she has a good head unit on her shoulders and isn't afraid to tell somebody off if they've gone too far. However, she has a rather peculiar glitch in her programming that deactivates her central core processor at the sight of blood...

Health: 8
Power: 5
Strength: 4
Agility: 8
Flexibility: 3
Endurance: 7
Intelligence: 4
Perception: 5
Charisma: 8
Luck: 6

Other notes: Gionni used to be a medical ani-droid for a short time, until her glitch was found. Her name is a mispronounciation of Gianni, thanks to the toddler of the household (which consists of a man and wife, a teenage son and a little girl).

Color: #40FF00

Name: Benito Santorinni
Species: Human
Class: Middle
Appearance: Benito has olive skin, much like the rest of his family, and black hair, which is receding a little. He has a strong build, but leans on the side of lanky, with brown eyes, and a caring smile.
Job: a Bio-mechanic- he fixes Ani-droids and Cy-pet prosthetics, as well as usual machinery

Lives: I don't quite now where a mechanic might live...
EDIT: They live in C-9 and own the storage place to use as a private buisness
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Re: Apollo City: A Roleplay

Post by MrNeonShot »

Holy Crap, I love your character!
The story will get intense, and I can imagine her reaction!

Where should they live? Most likely a house.
live in an appartment and work at one of the companies.
If he does a private company, the storage place can double as a workshop.
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Re: Apollo City: A Roleplay

Post by CyanShinobi »

alrighty, my turn!

Name: Erik Moor

Species: Calico Pure Cat

Appearance: Erik is a calico with yellowish eyes. There are patches of orange and black on his head, arms, legs, and back. He always has a serious look in his eyes that belies a calm, cool demeanor. His Power suit is a black and red lightly armored bodysuit that leaves his feet, tail, head, and left forearm bare, and his teleportation controls are on his right arm gauntlet.

Mods: A teleportation device in his power suit. the suit is connected to him on a mental level, and reads his bio-signatures to determine where to teleport to and when to teleport. The suit's controls are for fine tuning.

Personality: Erik is always calm, no matter the circumstances. In home life, he is playful and loyal to his family, and will defend them to the death if necessary. In combat, Erik is a natural leader, directing allies to successfully combat any enemy.

Health: 8
Power: 7(he can teleport to the top of an 8-story building and back in 3.5 seconds. He must, however, be able to see or visualize where he is teleporting to.
Strength: 6
Flexibility: 5
Endurance: 8
Intelligence: 5
Perception: 7
Charisma: 5
Luck: 5

Notes: Erik gets a real kick out of teleporting, and will do so without hesitation even when it is not necessary. he likes to show it off.

Color: FF0000
Owner: Dirk Moor
Species: Human
Class: High
Appearance: Dirk is a short, pale-skinned man with brown hair. He always wears his labcoat during work hours, even at lunch, and it will always seem to have his "stains of genius" for a while, until his wife forces him to wash it. After losing his arm in a work accident, he now has a cybernetic right arm.
Job: He owns a experimental prosthetic creation business that provides prosthetics for human, Serpiente, or pet clientele.
Home: H-3(Large suburban house)

And done!
Last edited by CyanShinobi on Mon Aug 12, 2013 4:26 pm, edited 5 times in total.
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Re: Apollo City: A Roleplay

Post by MrNeonShot »

sounds like a good character!
your in!
your work is in building C11.
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Re: Apollo City: A Roleplay

Post by The Moon Howler »

I hope you still have a free spot, cause I wanna join too. I have prepared a character, but gonna wait for MrNeonShot
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Re: Apollo City: A Roleplay

Post by Legotron123 »

Name: Noah walker
Species: cypet dog German shepard
Age: 6 (14 pet years)
Gender: male
Character type: main
Noah has Black fur in the spots that aren't robotic. Here is a list of the parts that are robotic:
Lower jaw
Upper torso
Entire back
Left arm
Lower right arm
Lower legs
Modifications: his left arm can turn into a stun gun that can be set to single shot or automatic. His right arm can project a force field that can with stand bullets.
Personality: Noah is a police dog, who joined Becuase he likes the thrill it gives him to chase down criminals. On days where nothing happens, he begins to wish for crime to happen, though he feels guilty about it. Off the job, he is very kind and brave, and he does not hesitate to use his authority to stop bullies. If somebody tries to Billie him, he just ignores him. Unless they press the wrong button. Then he SNAPS into a fit of rage and it takes a while to calm him down.
Stats: (I'm assuming that five is average)
Note: He REALLY likes using his stun gun.
Color: 0000FF

Owner: James walker
Species: human
Class middle
Job: Internet reviewer. (ie. He reviews movies, comics, video games etc. in a comedic fashion) he makes money off of the ads and merchandise. Noah frequently appears in his reviews.
Appearance: James has a average build. He's not too tall, not too small, not too weak, not too strong. He has black hair and blue eyes plus a goate. He has a "reviewing uniform" which consists of a unbuttoned black suit over a white shirt with a red tie, a hat with the same shade of black as the shirt, blue jeans and some fake glasses.
Personality: James is a HUGE nerd. He like power rangers, Pokemon, transformers, Lego, and is a firm believer in FIBRIR. However he does place family over collectibility. No action figure is worth more than Noah, though AFA grade 80 megatron comes close money-wise. He has a lot of fans of his show, though not all of them all of them are nice. Most of the he just ignores their whiny complaints, but if he reads them while he's feeling sad, it makes him so depressed that he can't do anything other than watch old doctor who episode till Noah cheers him up.
Home: I don't know, an apartment?
Last edited by Legotron123 on Tue Aug 13, 2013 5:22 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Apollo City: A Roleplay

Post by The Moon Howler »

Last edited by The Moon Howler on Mon Aug 12, 2013 4:51 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Apollo City: A Roleplay

Post by MrNeonShot »

At first, I was like "dude, you already have a cy-pet."
Then I looked back at the name and was like "oohhh."
So, I'm assuming James is somewhat of a nerd.
Thats gonna be awesome for what I have planned.

The Moon Howler-
Woah. The back story blew my mind.
But, I must point out that we already have a teleporter.
The stealth sounds awesome.
And I must limit you to one of those weapons.
Battons or stun gun?

Humans don't have stats because your not playing as a human.
When you do the things pointed out, then your ready to go.
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Re: Apollo City: A Roleplay

Post by CyanShinobi »

Huh...So pretty much everyone wants to be a Cy-Pet.

Okay. But teleportation is MINE!

Btw...Mr Shot, are you going to set this up on the RP board? And on a scale of 1 to 10, what will be the average amount of awesome explosions per adventure?
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Re: Apollo City: A Roleplay

Post by The Moon Howler »

Okay! Let's remake a character!

(code)Name: Polaris

Age: ??

Gender: Male

Type: Cy-pet

Species: Wolf

(former)Occupation: Secret military anti-terrorist section (S.M.A.T.S)

Neighborhood: Apolo city

Appearance and cybernetics:
A large Arctic wolf with snow-white fur. His left eye is steel gray and his right - cyan blue. He wears his dog tags on a silver chain (he doesn’t have a collar.)
His right arm, left leg and his left part of the head (around the muzzle) are cybernetic. His eye was changed with a cybernetic one.
He wears a black head-rag, black tank-top and dark camo shorts.

Has Military behavior. He’s very abstemious, quiet and generally not very talkative and usually give short answers. Most of the time he’s very calm and polite, but his seemingly endless patience has its limits. When he’s angered, he usually doesn’t listen to anyone, but his trainers. Luckily for him and those around him, he calms down quickly.
Trained how to behave as a civil and blend in in pretty much every kind of crowd.


S.M.A.T.S. is no more. Over 30 years the organization is wiped out by criminal contingents after it became known to public and abandoned by most of its sponsors. Long before that, only a few years after the mysterious disappearance and return of Polaris, he was lost again when a well-armed separatist group ambushed the mini-submarine that was to deploy Polaris’ team for a special mission under the icy shelves of Antarctica.
2 years ago a random expedition found the remains of the submarine and the few escape pods. Polaris was the only survivor there, frozen in his pod in the ice. They almost lost him in their attempts to revive him. When he started asking questions, they found that he had a bad case of amnesia, for he did not know even his own name. Only thanks to the pod’s limited info-storage did they found out who he was. In the following year he was a permanent patient for the doctors, because his weakened body managed to be infected with the last remnants of the virus. In the end, he needed a lot of medical care from all kinds of medics, as well as psychologists in order to stabilize him both physically and mentally. To the doctors’ surprise, Polaris handled the cybernetics way better than any other patient they ever had.
His return to the living however brought upon him the attention of Admiral Jacob Khark, who took him under his wing. After about a month of testing his skills, the military had abandoned the tests on the wolf, claiming that he wasn’t fit for what he was trained to be anymore. Soon after that, Admiral Khark retired from duty and took Polaris with him as a pet. Little did they know that Khark was a descendant of one of the greatest agents of S.M.A.T.S. For him, Polaris was a living legend, a reminder of ideals now forgotten.

Health: [----6----]
Power: [----8----] {he can open warp portals as long as he locks the location with his cyber-eye}
Strength: [----8----]
Agility: [----6----]
Flexibility: [----5----]
Endurance: [----5----]
Intelligence (IQ) [----5----]
Perception: [----5----]
Charisma: [----5----]
Luck: [----5----]

Other info:
Skilled in melee fight.

Gear: Stealth generator, Teleportation devise and a couple of stun-batons (on his back) that can be assembled in a (stun) staff.

Mod A: "Specter" Stealth generator
Mod B: "Blink" Teleportation device


Owner: Admiral Jacob. T. Khark

Species: Human

Class: High class

Appearance: Dark hair tied in a tail, a short black beard with chin-lock, silver eyes and skin tone, looking as if his owner was staying way too much under the sun (which is not true) are all descriptions people usually give Admiral Khark. Though he looks a bit crude on the outside, those who live a while with him will find that under the crude shell lies an incredibly gentle and caring being, which turned into a cold-hearted soldier whenever he had someone to protect.

Background: A man in his early 50s, Khark is exemplar of a patriotic soldier. He personally led his forced in many successful battles and never knew the taste of defeat. His role in the war was limited to only commanding because of a few crippling wounds he received when he was kidnapped by assassins. The admiral managed to dispatch his captors and barely made it alive to the closest road. The medics deemed him unable to fight himself, but able to lead from distance. The admiral never hesitated and accepted the harsh words with pride. After his retirement he continues to work for the military, but in other forms.

He owes a company that produces custom and mass production of non-military mods of all kinds for the market. The company also manufactures "Blink" Teleportation device and "Specter" Stealth generators strictly for military uses.

Job: President of K-Copr

Last edited by The Moon Howler on Wed Aug 14, 2013 11:51 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Apollo City: A Roleplay

Post by Legotron123 »

Yes James is a pretty big nerd.
He's not like Steve urkell level nerd, but if he sees a SDCC 2013 exclusive green ranger legacy morpher, well let's just say at that point trying to stop him is like trying to stop the T-800 from terminator 2: it's futile and you might wind with a broken leg.
EDIT: So moon howler, I guess Polaris doesn't have any memories of his time in snow tunnels ether huh? :D
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Re: Apollo City: A Roleplay

Post by The Moon Howler »

complete and irreversible amnesia.
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Re: Apollo City: A Roleplay

Post by MrNeonShot »

What exactly are warp portals?
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Re: Apollo City: A Roleplay

Post by MrNeonShot »

I guess it's about time to tell you guys.
The moment the characters who sign up get to Apollo City...
The Moon Base crashes down.
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Re: Apollo City: A Roleplay

Post by The Moon Howler »

Warp portals are portals similar to those in Portal (the game). They're called warp portals simply because it makes them sound more awesome.
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Re: Apollo City: A Roleplay

Post by MrNeonShot »

I had a convorsation about something like that.
Teleportation is still very new to the future. Otherwise, you wouldn't be taking a trolley to Apollo.
Plus, Warp portals still sound like teleportation.
I hate to rain down on you, but seriously, teleporting has already been taken.
I am willing to make an exception.
Only non-living items can pass through the portals.
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Re: Apollo City: A Roleplay

Post by The Moon Howler »

portals are not the same as teleportation.
Teleportaion is destroying matter on sub-molecular level and recreating it at another spot.
Portals are tunnel-like anomalies through the time-space continuum with varying frequencies and spectres. They can allow fast travel between two points of space and even time (past or future) and that is if we do not consider travelling to other dimensions... that is if the math is right. if not... the best case is copy of the events in HGttG. The worst - chain implosions in the time-space continuum annihilating the entire universe...
So yeah - Portals are not the same as teleportation. They could be, but not necessarily.

Just because two actions give the same or very similar results doesn't mean we have to place a taboo on all the other ways to do it just because we have one already... There a plenty of ways to get past a fence.
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Re: Apollo City: A Roleplay

Post by Legotron123 »

*reading posts while humming in a happy fashion*
*sees post about moon base crashing*
:shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:
Uuuuuuuuummmmmmmmmm................................. Okay.
Crashing into what?
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Re: Apollo City: A Roleplay

Post by MrNeonShot »

Okay. If you want to put it like that, Time travel isn't possible. Not because it hasn't been done, but because screwing with the past could change the present dramatically. Even stepping on a butterfly.
But, Portals from portal don't do anything listed here. Therefore, the style is different, but the fact remains. It is still fast travel between 2 different spaces.
Pick something else.
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Re: Apollo City: A Roleplay

Post by MrNeonShot »

Legotron123 wrote:*reading posts while humming in a happy fashion*
*sees post about moon base crashing*
:shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:
Uuuuuuuuummmmmmmmmm................................. Okay.
Crashing into what?
Flip a coin.
Heads to Earth.
Tails to the Moon.
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