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Re: Art Thread

Post by Chieris »

Nadia didn't know anything about what happened with Solar in the past, she had no idea about his old friends, the only thing she knew about his past is that he used to have a brother. So when Nadia was invited to an Imaginate session in the Sandwich house and Max was there, she had no idea that they have another mutual friend outside Peanut. Nadia had to leave early because she agreed to go stargazing with Solar and when she mentioned his name, it immediately drew Max's attention who didn't hear anything about Solar for almost two years at that point. They had a short discussion where Solar's ghosting story was partly revealed, he even asked Nadia to let him join them so he can see his long lost friend. Max's request to join was politely declined and Nadia offered to organise a meeting between them, she wanted to find out more about this first, wanted to hear Solar's side of the story. While she found Max's sudden emotional reaction and worry genuine, she still had many doubts. Max had one last question, he asked if Solar is still singing all the time and when Nadia replied that she only heard him singing once or twice, he reacted with sadness in his voice: "Then he is not alright..."
These few words convinced Nadia about Max's intentions, it made her determined to reunite Solar with his old friends and make him happy again.

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And here's a more lighthearted thing, a few people on Discord made Retrospring accounts dedicated to their characters and I made one as well for Nadia and Solar, here is the profile picture I drew for it

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Re: Art Thread

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

Those are some very beautiful and nicely done pictures Rocky and Chieris! Always a treat to see more artwork done from you!
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Re: Art Thread

Post by NHWestoN »

That they are - those two are developing quite a following. ;)
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Re: Art Thread

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

It is always nice when some new characters you make end up become popular right away. You don't have to work as hard to keep them having their fans.
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Re: Art Thread

Post by Chieris »

Thanks guys!

Here are the four borzoi siblings of the Devon-Romanov family, Frodo, Nadia, Tony and Olga. All four of them were show dogs and they were quite decent ones to, except Nadia. Despite now living separate from them, Nadia is still contact with her siblings. I will try to describe them shortly, but I'm afraid I will still make a wall of text again.
Fedor Nikolaievich Devon-Romanov or simply just Frodo is the smallest sibling out of the four. He always considered himself as the second weakest link after Nadia (who never took offense by that because she also knew she is the 'worst' out of the four) and after she moved to Babylon Gardens he became anxious about him being the next one who gets scolded over the smallest mistakes. He would never admit it, but he is jealous of Tony because of his successes and attractiveness, besides the jealousy, Tony's occasionally arrogant attitude can make Frodo go crazy, thus making the relationship of the two brothers sour. He is also a huge fan of soccer team Manchester United and the team's fluctuating form in the past decade can cause him frustrations as well.
Nadezhda Nikolaievna Devon-Romanov, now living as Nadia Thompson in Babylon Gardens. She was the black sheep of the family who always stood out due to the her clumsy nature and lack of gracefulness. After lots of persuasion and arguments, she finally managed to convice her mom so she could leave and start a new life with a new owner.
Anton Nikolaievich Devon-Romanov, but he prefers Tony, he is the golden child of the family. He is quite chill but he can be arrogant sometimes and he is insufferable during these episodes. He is the most successful in the family, almost constantly finishing in the top 3 in all dog shows. Tony is protective towards his siblings, even Frodo, he often stood up for Nadia when she was berated for making mistakes.
Olga Nikolaievna Devon-Romanov is the brain of the family. Whenever a sibling wanted to something without their mother's knowledge, they always turned to Olga and she always came up with a plan. She is actually a nerd, who loves videogames, role-playing and a huge fan of Pridelands. The seemingly pretty and soft-spoken Olga is always up for a good banter and can be intimidating when she wants to be. She is always there to separate Tony and Frodo whenever they get into an argument.

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Re: Art Thread

Post by NHWestoN »

Good group shot, there - family photo and all. ;)
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Re: Art Thread

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

That picture has really come out nicely Chieris! Just one question I wanted to ask though. Are their snouts SUPPOSED to be super long as that is part of the breed or is that just how you draw them?
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Re: Art Thread

Post by Chieris »

Thank you! Yes, the long snout is intentional, I try to draw smaller snouts whenever I'm drawing other canine characters
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Re: Art Thread

Post by Chieris »

Returning back to the Solar-story. After Nadia's and Max's short discussion about him, the two got into touch and started making plans about the reunion, Marvin, Fiddler and Keys also joined the discussion, providing further details about this, but despite all the new information, she wanted Solar to confirm it. One day, when Solar visited her home, Nadia decided to bring up this topic carefully. Solar got very anxious as Nadia questioned him, he thought of two possible outcomes, either he lies and his old friends will hate him even more or tells the truth and Nadia will turn against him as well. Eventually he came up with a middle of the road response by saying that it was his fault, not theirs and he refused to elaborate by saying it's too painful for him. Nadia felt bad for causing him such distress and reassured Solar by saying she will do whatever she can to help him, but he refused by saying he doesn't deserve help. All these bad thoughts and anxiousness caused Solar to feel unwell, so he excused himself and went home. Hearing Solar's quiet sobs as he walked out left Nadia with guilt, but seeing the way Solar behaved made her even more determined to make him happy again.

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Re: Art Thread

Post by NHWestoN »

Gotta admire Nadia's resolve after all this emotion.
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Re: Art Thread

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

I really like how much emotion this conveyed and think it is quite nice! Especially the blurred background!
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Re: Art Thread

Post by Chieris »

Thanks! This is a very important thing for Nadia so she is especially careful to keep her composure. Obviously the main reason she does this is to help out Solar, but she has a little more "selfish" motive as well. With that she wants to prove that she can do things right after being labeled as the one who always messes everything up at her old home.
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Re: Art Thread

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

Yeah I can see why she would want to prove to everybody she is capable of doing things right in that case then. It does look like she is proving everybody wrong though about messing things up.
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Re: Art Thread

Post by Chieris »

After that rather unpleasant and short discussion between Nadia and Solar, the borzoi told what she could get out of her friend. Her, Max, Fiddler, Keys and Marvin discussed when, where and how should this reunion happen.
Then came the big day, Nadia managed to get Solar to come with her. Solar was confused as they never went on this route, while Nadia was hopeful that everything goes well. At the meeting point they ran into Max, who greeted Nadia and wanted to greet Solar too, but he got scared and hid behind Nadia. As his breathing got heavier, Solar took a look around and noticed that not only Max, but all of his old friends are there to take revenge on him for what he did. In that moment, she pushed away Nadia, who was surprised by the sudden push and when she and Solar made eye contact, she saw something she'll never got, a look full of pain and betrayal. Before she could even say anything, Solar took off running.
The four felines stood there, feeling sad seeing how their old friend to their presence, while Nadia felt extreme guilt. All she wanted is to help reunite Solar with his old friends, yet everything ended up being much worse than before and she thought that it's all her fault. Maybe her mom was right, she really does mess everything up...

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Re: Art Thread

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

This picture gives me such sad emotions and is distressing with how bad Solar feels. I hope they get it all worked out soon!
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Re: Art Thread

Post by Chieris »

Well,I'm already working on next one and I'm afraid I did a little too good job at drawing Nadia's facial expression, because it's just makes me feel really bad for her. And Solar is feeling just as "good", pretty much losing all the trust he had. But, little spoiler, things will get better, I'm aiming for a happy ending
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Re: Art Thread

Post by Chieris »

The happenings of the reunion hit Nadia very hard, as a middle man dog, she felt responsible for both destroying Solar's trust and giving false hope to Maxwell and the others. She immediately tried to reach out to her friend to apologise, but Solar, expecting to be swarmed by hateful messages and threats, turned off his phone. Despite Fiddler's and Marvin's, then later Daisy's attempts to make her feel better, she remained inconsolable, thinking that she just proved her mom right and she can't do things right.

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Re: Art Thread

Post by Chieris »

Good news that sad stuff are coming to an end for now, but before that let's that talk about the most recent of piece of Solar's story. I wrote down this part of the story in more detail in the submission's description.
After running away, Solar shut himself off from the outside world, turned off his phone and hid from everyone, so he didn't have talk about what's wrong. One night, after crying himself to sleep and seamlessly traveled to the world of dreams. Solar opened his eyes after feeling a slight breeze and he saw a hilly landscape surrounding him. While looking at the beautiful landscape, he heard a deep and commanding voice calling him, a voice he hadn't heard for a long time, a voice he shouldn't hear because the owner of it died months ago. When he turned around, he saw his brother, Sonar towering over him, but he wasn't the scrawny and fragile feline Solar saw before his death, Sonar was slightly muscular and his presence was imposing, like the first time they met at the shelter years ago.
Solar was shocked to see his brother, he even thought that he died for a second, but Sonar tried to comfort him, saying the reason of his visit is to help his little brother. Sonar tried to make Solar talk about the things bothering, but Solar didn't want to talk about it. However, Sonar was not the kind of cat who gives up easily and he wanted make Solar talk. And his efforts ended up being successful, Solar snapped and told everything about how he "turned his friends against him", but after his monologue he started crying. Sonar hugged him tight and encouraged him to reach out to his friends, because even if his apology gets rejected, at least he tried and he can put an end to this chapter of his life and start a new one. Sonar also shared that as a stray he did horrible things and when he realized the effects of his actions it was already too late and had no way to make up for it, but he learned from that to be a better cat in the future and advised Solar to act while he can or else he has to live the rest of his life in guilt, like Sonar did.
Sonar then asked Solar to recall why he thinks that Nadia hates him too, as he talked about the events of the reunion, he realized one thing, nobody seemed to be angry that day, maybe they don't hate him and all those fears are nothing but figments. Seeing his little brother reaching the correct conclusion made Sonar very happy, but that also meant that now his task is finished, so he said goodbye to Solar and left through a door that appeared out of nowhere. Solar wanted to follow his brother through that door, but when opened it again and went through, instead of finding himself in Heaven, he found himself in his room. Despite being early morning, he felt really refreshed and he felt ready to go and make up for his mistakes. He turned on his phone and immediately saw Nadia's begging for apology, so he knew who he has to visit first.

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Re: Art Thread

Post by Chieris »

I don't know what's going on but the forum is unwilling to display this picture if I use the Deviantart link (I already know that linking the image from FA won't work), uploading attachments here is tricky (sometimes it says HTTP error and sometimes it lets me upload images without a word), I just hope that the previous images of mine can be seen by others.

After his dream, Solar felt courageous, he was ready to act and save his friendships before it would be too late. After having a breakfast, he left his home but as he got closer to Nadia's house, his courage was starting fade and his doubts returned. He stood in front of the door, hesitating whether he should do it. He remembered Sonar's words, he has to face this, he took a deep breath and knocked on the door, waiting for his friend to open it. When Nadia was shocked to see his friend standing in front of the door, she kept thinking that she lost Solar's trust and she ruined their friendship by bringing him to the reunion, yet here he is again. Solar backed a little, but when he saw Nadia's expression, he was convinced that she won't scream with him, then he got closer and hugged Nadia. He apologized for running away, telling her that he realized her good intentions but he let his bad thoughts get in the way. Solar also added that a dream changed his perspective and he was ready now to share what actually happened, but that's something he wants to do with the everyone being present. Nadia immediately agreed and ran back to get her keys before going to Solar's house. As the borzoi ran to her room, a small smile appeared on Solar's face, his brother was right, maybe he can get his friends back.
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Re: Art Thread

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

I love how touching and emotion this picture is! You did a good job with it!
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Re: Art Thread

Post by Chieris »

Thank you!

Small disclaimer: NOT MY ART!
Didn't plan to post any pictures here for at least a few days, because I still need to make the sketches for the next part of Solar's story, but I got a really pleasant surprise yesterday evening which I'm still very excited about. I never expected to see fanart featuring my OCs, but it actually happened! Here I am at 22, but I'm grinning like a 5 year old, it just feels so nice! The artist who made it is JorbyTheArtist from Deviantart, check him out, he makes really cool stuff.

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Re: Art Thread

Post by Cesco »

Very good work with all the draws and the stories of your characters, Chieris. :D Very nice fanart, too. ;)
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Re: Art Thread

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

This picture is really heartwarming and came out really emotive! JorbyTheArtist did such a nice job with your characters expressions!
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Re: Art Thread

Post by Chieris »

It takes a lot longer to finish the next (and I think final if I don't count the epilogue) piece to Solar's story than expected, but hopefully I can get it done by the end of the week.
Until then here's a little doodle featuring Nadia in the future. Originally I thought every character of mine and their stories would be set in an AU where Heckraiser just didn't happen, while I'm still not fan of the arc's ending, I decided to include. Nadia would move in shortly before My Life As A Teenage Squirrel, during the spring blooming. Then most of Solar's story would be set during the 6 months gap at the end of Teenage Squirrel arc. I have some ideas about some things that would happen until Heckraiser, but one thing that would happen after it is that Nadia gains citizenship and starts working as a library assistant.

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Re: Art Thread

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

I can totally see her being an assistant at the local library and helping everybody out who needs it! Nice job on the picture!
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Re: Art Thread

Post by NHWestoN »

Wow! What a visual and narrative roller-coaster that sequence was! Your story-telling and illustrations weave together with so much color and intensity. I'm impressed with the vividness and energy your words and depictions convey.

While I really enjoy all the individual depictions this thread receives, I'm all the more delighted that it has become a forum for "Guest Artistry" as sequential story-telling. You've dramatically and wonderfully changed this whole venue, Chieris, and it's a triumph. Others will, I hope, follow - we gotta lotta talent in the fan based here.
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Re: Art Thread

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

I would hope that other people would follow his example but the only way to do that would be if we were able to make newer members stay longer. I think you have noticed we do have a problem with people deciding to hang around after posting on the forum initially.
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