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Re: HPU: Blue Peak Shore

Posted: Sun Feb 28, 2016 2:37 am
by valerio
hypernovatic wrote:Shukaku widened his eyes as Lyla charged at him. He decided not to risk jumping over her in case he failed, so he rolled to the side, tripping the hyena as she ran past.
"Huff...good plan," Lyla she rolled like a cat, turned...and grabbed Shukaku's tail in a grip! "But there is a reason why I told you to jump."
Hlaoroo wrote:"Thank you muchly. No medical assistance needed. I'm a better flier than that." he jokes, bringing the plane to rest beside the pier. As it bobs gently in the waves, he runs through a checklist.
"Carburetor cold, flaps up, transponder standby, electrical off, magnetos off, throttle idle, mixture idle, ignition off, master off, control lock on, fuel check, flight plan closed and we are good." Once his propellor has stopped and his checklist is done, the pilot exits the aircraft through his door and makes sure he's satisfied that the ground crew have secured the plane to the pier. He then opens the passenger door in the rear and invites his passengers to disembark via the ladder built into the plane's rear strut, the same way they entered the aircraft before standing aside to do his paperwork and to let the ground crew assist the passengers, starting with the honeymooning couple, followed by the cats and then their owners. From the strut it's a simple matter to step to the pier, just like stepping off a boat.
"Finally! Ve are here!"
"Oof. Is hot." exclaims Aleksandr as the air-conditioning gives way to the heat of the day as he springs lightly from the plane to the pier followed by his sister who concurs with his assessment as she adjusts her dark glasses. Next to disembark is Ilya who pauses on the strut to help his wife down as she takes each step slowly, careful not to overbalance.
Once the family are assembled on the ground they move away from the plane, pausing to gaze up at the mountain dominating the island before turning to the ground crew for instructions.
Two figures approached from the beach. One, a human, was none other than Mr. Richard Spencers, all formally dressed up in spite of the heat. "Welcome aboard my humble dominion, gentlefurs and gentlemen. I confide you had a good trip." He extened a hand to gently take the woman's and kiss it gallantly with a bow. The sun reflected on a dog tag hanging from his wrist. The dog tag read "USELESS".
The other figure was...a male grizzly bear. A fully-grown adult, who was pushing a wheelchair that in comparison looked like a dolly toy.
Spencers indicated the wheelchair. "Madame, please sit down. Everything is ready for your best accommodation." He then turned to the cats. Aleksandr and Dinara, I guess. "Я уверен, вы будете приятно провести время, здесь." (I am sure you will have a wonderful time, here.) "And please, forgive my terrible accent." He extended his hand for a shake.
"Dragon Nectar," said the tiny Hubert appearing over Donau. "Admittedly, a classy and a most generous and rare gift." He eyed the bottles with a sparkle of avidity. "So long since I could taste such a delicacy."
Donau chuckled. "A side of you we never got to know."
The tiny dragon made a snobbish expression as he *hrrumph*ed. "That is because you never offered me dragon nectar."
The rabbit shook his head then turned to Anubis. "I am truly sorry for scaring you, earlier. a carnivore in this condition, but I would never do you or these good creatures any harm."
kurowolfe wrote:Haq looked at the Hunter's wistful expression, offering a small smile of his own.
"Ai anderstand," he said. "We will start wit wan hut first, forr us."
The wolf scanned the area again, a little slower and deliberate this time, and spotted an area that was flat and clear of any signs of ruins or bones. He closed his eyes tightly and imagined the design of a hut with a base of boulders, walls made from wooden logs with holes for two windows and a doorway, and a roof made from grass weaved around a base of large twigs. He opened his eyes with a sigh, and addressed the village's resident spirits again.
"Everyone, I am sorry for not being respectful of your past livelihood. Now I have a new plan for just one hut, as the base of our new enclave. Return anything not used back to its position, and collect only wood, grass and stones. Arrange them in my mind's image and strengthen their bonds into a sturdy home. Go!"
With that, he turned his attention back to the Hunter. "Is dis better?"
"Much better. I appreciate how fast you learn. Now, tell me, what do you know of the enclaves of the Green Ring Forest?"
xhunterko wrote:"EEEEEEEEEEEEE heh heh heh eeeeee heh heh heh heh, ahem, heh ha ha ha heh eh heh heh, ahem, hello you!" Monique said to her orb.
Roarin wrote:Flint raised an eyebrow as he watched the others two react to absorbing/ingesting of the strange spirit. Seeing no real I'll side-effects the canine places his against his heart and closes his eyes. "Alright, let's see about this..."
The pulsing orb easily passed through the flesh....but it didn't pass through the chest. Instead, it entered Flint's paws and for a moment the canine's limbs became translucid, shining with light, before the light focused on his claws.
"Dexterity, heart and soul. Mostly interesting, the Martians seems to know you already," The God said. "Do not question now, do not debate, do not hesistate. You have accepted them, you have saved a species. You did well and good things will come to you for this." He bowed his head thanks, his crest of stellar gases floating with fiery lights.
xhunterko wrote:Khun waved to Janus, then pointed at the paper under his arm.
"May I?" Khun asked, then he turned to the ferret and waved to him as well, then back to Janus.
Janus lit up. "Sure!" He handed out the parchment.

Re: HPU: Blue Peak Shore

Posted: Sun Feb 28, 2016 7:14 am
by Hlaoroo
valerio wrote: Two figures approached from the beach. One, a human, was none other than Mr. Richard Spencers, all formally dressed up in spite of the heat. "Welcome aboard my humble dominion, gentlefurs and gentlemen. I confide you had a good trip." He extened a hand to gently take the woman's and kiss it gallantly with a bow. The sun reflected on a dog tag hanging from his wrist. The dog tag read "USELESS".
The other figure was...a male grizzly bear. A fully-grown adult, who was pushing a wheelchair that in comparison looked like a dolly toy.
Spencers indicated the wheelchair. "Madame, please sit down. Everything is ready for your best accommodation." He then turned to the cats. Aleksandr and Dinara, I guess. "Я уверен, вы будете приятно провести время, здесь." (I am sure you will have a wonderful time, here.) "And please, forgive my terrible accent." He extended his hand for a shake.
"Sank you, sir. Is nice to be here." Aleksandr smiles, shaking the proffered hand. "Your accent vas not bad. I sink you have been to Russia, da?"
"Is a pleasure, sir." Dinara concurs, shaking the hand before dabbing some sunscreen on her nose as Ilya and Arina introduce themselves.
Arina can't help but eye the bear nervously when she's invited to sit. She had expected a warm welcome but it had never crossed her mind that she might be getting a bear hug from a real bear. "Er... Ze bear is trained, da? Sorry. I have just never met a bear before."

Re: HPU: Blue Peak Shore

Posted: Sun Feb 28, 2016 6:50 pm
by Hotep the psychic
"I assumed so master Donau, its good to see you still at peace with the world after what i had told you in the past." Anubis said with a bow to the rabbit. Only to be greeted by a yell and a large puff of smoke "ANUBIS!" Kritaros yelled looking around before grabbing Anubis by his fur "ANUBIS! YOU LEFT ME IN ANCIENT TIMES!" the spirit said huggin him closely and seeming to nearly sob at not being with him. ANubis chuckled and patted kritaros's back comfortingly "oh kritaros sorry i thought you merged with me when i fell asleep" anubis said before kritaros stood and calmed himself before noticing donau and bowing to him "master Donau pleasure to see you once again" Kritaros said

Re: HPU: Blue Peak Shore

Posted: Sun Feb 28, 2016 11:55 pm
by RandomGeekNamedBrent
valerio wrote:
xhunterko wrote:Khun waved to Janus, then pointed at the paper under his arm.
"May I?" Khun asked, then he turned to the ferret and waved to him as well, then back to Janus.
Janus lit up. "Sure!" He handed out the parchment.
Levi was waiting a bit inside the ruins, when he heard the others showing up. "Took you guys long enough," he said as he approached the others.
"What can I say, Janus needed to paint me." Buster replied. "you can't stop inspiration."

Re: HPU: Blue Peak Shore

Posted: Mon Feb 29, 2016 8:10 am
by xhunterko
Amber was a bit stunned at the appearance of Kritaros, but after some thought, just shook her head and accepted it, same with Luke. He stared at the apparition for a moment, then shook his head as well. Then he leaned over to Anubis and whispered.

"Technically, if she wanted herself to be heard, she wouldn't need help," he said. Amber waited a few more moments for things to calm down. Before pointing towards Luke, and waving her finger for him to come beside her, which he did, albeit, not without a whine. She nodded, then began.

"Thank you very much Maquiss. Good, good, now that hopefully everyone is here, I do hope it's everyone," Amber said, pausing a moment, "There are quite a few things that need to be addressed here concerning mortals and spirits alike. But first, Donau, can you see what Raijda is doing without disturbing her, and if she's available, see if she can make her appearance here? She might be upset if she is left out of this. Kritaros, if it is safe and Maquiss doesn't mind, do help yourself to a little of the Purewater Dragon Nectar to lift your spirit, if possible."
Monique bowed towards the dragon in return.

"Well, the soul bit is easy to figure out, eh heh, sweet thing," Monique said, "But, but now what do we do for them? We know next to nothing and are unsure about when our time with them is fulfilled. We don't mean to be impertinent, it is just, well, what's next? And how is this working? We know so little and would be grateful for a little enlightenment. "
"Thank you," Khun said, taking the parchment, unfolding it, and, was stunned. As much as he was at the quality of the work, and as much as he was at the subject matter.

"Wow," he said. He then looked at the work, then up at the ruins, then down, then up, then down, then up again. Then he looked to his left to the dragon.

"Where are they going?" He asked of the lion spirits.

Re: HPU: Blue Peak Shore

Posted: Mon Feb 29, 2016 8:42 am
by The Moon Howler
xhunterko wrote:"Thank you very much Maquiss. Good, good, now that hopefully everyone is here, I do hope it's everyone," Amber said, pausing a moment, "There are quite a few things that need to be addressed here concerning mortals and spirits alike. But first, Donau, can you see what Raijda is doing without disturbing her, and if she's available, see if she can make her appearance here? She might be upset if she is left out of this. Kritaros, if it is safe and Maquiss doesn't mind, do help yourself to a little of the Purewater Dragon Nectar to lift your spirit, if possible."
Maquiss shook his head "It is yours, not mine." he looked at Kritaros and Anubis for a few seconds, before adding "Half a cup, at best. Else there might be hilarious consequences." He looked back at Amber "Since I know little of how much you can handle Purewater Dragon Nectar, I would suggest the same for all of you. Hubert is of course excluded, since I am more than sure he can dry both bottles in one breath without any consequences."

Re: HPU: Blue Peak Shore

Posted: Mon Feb 29, 2016 9:15 am
by hypernovatic
Shukaku yelped and jumped slightly as Lyla grabbed his tail. "Ow! Well, you could've grabbed my tail if I had jumped too."

Re: HPU: Blue Peak Shore

Posted: Mon Feb 29, 2016 11:18 am
by Hotep the psychic
"oh no thank you none for me, as much as i appreciate the drink I will have to pass." Kritaros said the spirit slowly seeming to become mortal as he softly touched the ground and sighs with a smile "I myself would need to know what made the drink before consuming it. Ive had an overpowering addiction to kritaros's Dyon's vine after a certain event in greece." Anubis said nudging kritaros who now stood a jackal of black fur as tall as anubis "Ugh had to bring up the pantheon again" kritaros said rubbing his face at the thought "it took me years to get that amount back" kritaros said slumping some in a sad defeated tone. Anubis chuckled "agh cheer up kritaros i havent had that happen since then" he laughed"Liar you hide a flask" kritaros snuck in to himself

Re: HPU: Blue Peak Shore

Posted: Tue Mar 01, 2016 10:51 am
by kurowolfe
valerio wrote:"Much better. I appreciate how fast you learn. Now, tell me, what do you know of the enclaves of the Green Ring Forest?"
The red wolf turned his sights back to the construction, but kept most of his attention towards The Hunter.

"All of de enklaves are built in seperate aisolated areas in de forest, and most of dem doo not want any kontact wit de outside world, not even among each odder. Dey follow de hai-hai-haiarchy sistem from ancient times, from de Alphas to de Omegas. Some enklaves are barely able too sustain deir villejers, while a few are..."

Haq stopped for three beats, thinking of his lost brother.

"... decimated either by nature or by war." He scratched his shoulder. "Why did you ask, Hunter?"

Re: HPU: Blue Peak Shore

Posted: Tue Mar 01, 2016 12:30 pm
by Civilization
valerio wrote:
xhunterko wrote:"Correct," Khun said, "It's figuring out the means that's the tricky part. Any ideas?" He approached the ruins group about a yard away, waving. Then he tapped the wolf dog on the shoulder.
Janus turned, wagging harder his tail. "Heyy, Khun! Oh, hi there Hubert," he waved to the spirit perching on the dog's shoulder.
"Greetings," the entity said, then turning to the ferret. "Welcome to my dominion, mortal."
RandomGeekNamedBrent wrote:
valerio wrote:
xhunterko wrote:Khun waved to Janus, then pointed at the paper under his arm.
"May I?" Khun asked, then he turned to the ferret and waved to him as well, then back to Janus.
Janus lit up. "Sure!" He handed out the parchment.
Levi was waiting a bit inside the ruins, when he heard the others showing up. "Took you guys long enough," he said as he approached the others.
"What can I say, Janus needed to paint me." Buster replied. "you can't stop inspiration."
Tutter looked at the newcomers, making them into an even bigger group now, he waved back at the stranger until being pretty much dumbstruck by the Dragon creature. He couldn't say much after that, or follow what any of the others were doing, he had seen many strange things and heard plenty of unofficial stories. But this island was just wrong in every sense of sanity and reason.

Re: HPU: Blue Peak Shore

Posted: Tue Mar 01, 2016 3:16 pm
by valerio
Hlaoroo wrote:"Sank you, sir. Is nice to be here." Aleksandr smiles, shaking the proffered hand. "Your accent vas not bad. I sink you have been to Russia, da?"
"Is a pleasure, sir." Dinara concurs, shaking the hand before dabbing some sunscreen on her nose as Ilya and Arina introduce themselves.
Arina can't help but eye the bear nervously when she's invited to sit. She had expected a warm welcome but it had never crossed her mind that she might be getting a bear hug from a real bear. "Er... Ze bear is trained, da? Sorry. I have just never met a bear before."
Spencers accompanied the woman to the chair. "Graucus is the sweetest fella you could meet here. He used to perform in a Russian circus, and it was him who taught me my terrible Russian. He will be your supervisor for your new job here."
"Добрый день. Как дела?" (Good afternoon. How are you doing?) asked the grizzly, with a warm smile.
"An American grizzly for a Russian circus. His slavers had a funny sense of humor. He was among the 'dismissed' animals when the circus closed, and I got him and some of his workmates transferred here."
Hotep the psychic wrote:"I assumed so master Donau, its good to see you still at peace with the world after what i had told you in the past." Anubis said with a bow to the rabbit. Only to be greeted by a yell and a large puff of smoke "ANUBIS!" Kritaros yelled looking around before grabbing Anubis by his fur "ANUBIS! YOU LEFT ME IN ANCIENT TIMES!" the spirit said huggin him closely and seeming to nearly sob at not being with him. ANubis chuckled and patted kritaros's back comfortingly "oh kritaros sorry i thought you merged with me when i fell asleep" anubis said before kritaros stood and calmed himself before noticing donau and bowing to him "master Donau pleasure to see you once again" Kritaros said
The rabbit bowed in return. "The pleasure's all mine. You are indeed a powerful spirit if you can travel in time and find your companion so easily. I am admired."
xhunterko wrote:Amber was a bit stunned at the appearance of Kritaros, but after some thought, just shook her head and accepted it, same with Luke. He stared at the apparition for a moment, then shook his head as well. Then he leaned over to Anubis and whispered.
"Technically, if she wanted herself to be heard, she wouldn't need help," he said. Amber waited a few more moments for things to calm down. Before pointing towards Luke, and waving her finger for him to come beside her, which he did, albeit, not without a whine. She nodded, then began.
"Thank you very much Maquiss. Good, good, now that hopefully everyone is here, I do hope it's everyone," Amber said, pausing a moment, "There are quite a few things that need to be addressed here concerning mortals and spirits alike. But first, Donau, can you see what Raijda is doing without disturbing her, and if she's available, see if she can make her appearance here? She might be upset if she is left out of this. Kritaros, if it is safe and Maquiss doesn't mind, do help yourself to a little of the Purewater Dragon Nectar to lift your spirit, if possible."
"Rajida is here, as you requested, milady," the panthress said, a belt of rats hanging by their tails draping her hips. "And she brought fresh food." She regarded Maquiss with a wary expression. "A Trickster. I am impressed, the supernatural must be fascinated in this new tribe, indeed."
The Moon Howler wrote:Maquiss shook his head "It is yours, not mine." he looked at Kritaros and Anubis for a few seconds, before adding "Half a cup, at best. Else there might be hilarious consequences." He looked back at Amber "Since I know little of how much you can handle Purewater Dragon Nectar, I would suggest the same for all of you. Hubert is of course excluded, since I am more than sure he can dry both bottles in one breath without any consequences."
"Doesn't mean I cannot appreciate the taste. I miss it so much..." Hubert made his best puppy eyes to the Trickster.
RandomGeekNamedBrent wrote:Levi was waiting a bit inside the ruins, when he heard the others showing up. "Took you guys long enough," he said as he approached the others.
"What can I say, Janus needed to paint me." Buster replied. "you can't stop inspiration."
"Speaking of which," Janus said, leaning on his shoulder. "Any idea for our next destination? Hub said he can bring us anywhere, anywhen. And I want to explore everything and everywhere, if I'm with you." And he pecked the rabbit nose.
xhunterko wrote:"Thank you," Khun said, taking the parchment, unfolding it, and, was stunned. As much as he was at the quality of the work, and as much as he was at the subject matter.
"Wow," he said. He then looked at the work, then up at the ruins, then down, then up, then down, then up again. Then he looked to his left to the dragon.
"Where are they going?" He asked of the lion spirits.
Janus scratched his head, puzzled. "I really don't know. I just...perceived them. Sometimes, when I paint or sculpt something, I feel like I'm connecting with another world. Hubert says that it's because of my long near-death experience." He shivered saying those words, but he felt he could speak more easy about it now. "Hubert says it's the reason it's easier for him to carry me to any world. My mind is like a beacon." He pointed at the lion looking in the artist's direction. "See that? I'm sure he saw me as well. I felt as if he was calling to me to paint him."
Civilization wrote:Tutter looked at the newcomers, making them into an even bigger group now, he waved back at the stranger until being pretty much dumbstruck by the Dragon creature. He couldn't say much after that, or follow what any of the others were doing, he had seen many strange things and heard plenty of unofficial stories. But this island was just wrong in every sense of sanity and reason.
<Which is not a good thing,> Hubert spoke directly to the ferret's mind. <The lions have been exiled from space and time. That one was so powerful as to tap into Janus' consciousness. The poor dear used the proper word: he *is* a beacon.> he then extended a tiny paw to the ferret. <But forgive my manners. I am the local deity. You may call me Hubert. People have problems speaking my real name.>
xhunterko wrote:Monique bowed towards the dragon in return.
"Well, the soul bit is easy to figure out, eh heh, sweet thing," Monique said, "But, but now what do we do for them? We know next to nothing and are unsure about when our time with them is fulfilled. We don't mean to be impertinent, it is just, well, what's next? And how is this working? We know so little and would be grateful for a little enlightenment. "
"A soul needs a body, a new vessel to fill so that the oneness of a living being can find a place in this vast universe. Your task is to let things happen, wait until you will find such vessels. No harm will they cause to you in the meantime. Just be patient and enjoy your symbiosis. Oh, and wake up," A moment later, everything was gone...except the darkness of a room in a hut where the animals were laying.
hypernovatic wrote:Shukaku yelped and jumped slightly as Lyla grabbed his tail. "Ow! Well, you could've grabbed my tail if I had jumped too."
"If you just jumped, yes. In a combat, though, you would have used a kick to my neck bone to daze me into unconsciousness. First I wanted to see how good you could jump. Got it now?"
Hotep the psychic wrote:"oh no thank you none for me, as much as i appreciate the drink I will have to pass." Kritaros said the spirit slowly seeming to become mortal as he softly touched the ground and sighs with a smile "I myself would need to know what made the drink before consuming it. Ive had an overpowering addiction to kritaros's Dyon's vine after a certain event in greece." Anubis said nudging kritaros who now stood a jackal of black fur as tall as anubis "Ugh had to bring up the pantheon again" kritaros said rubbing his face at the thought "it took me years to get that amount back" kritaros said slumping some in a sad defeated tone. Anubis chuckled "agh cheer up kritaros i havent had that happen since then" he laughed"Liar you hide a flask" kritaros snuck in to himself
Immediately Hubert appeared over his shoulder. "I could use your ration, you know."
kurowolfe wrote:The red wolf turned his sights back to the construction, but kept most of his attention towards The Hunter.
"All of de enklaves are built in seperate aisolated areas in de forest, and most of dem doo not want any kontact wit de outside world, not even among each odder. Dey follow de hai-hai-haiarchy sistem from ancient times, from de Alphas to de Omegas. Some enklaves are barely able too sustain deir villejers, while a few are..."
Haq stopped for three beats, thinking of his lost brother.
"... decimated either by nature or by war." He scratched his shoulder. "Why did you ask, Hunter?"
"You know much enough, the Hunter nodded. "What you don't know is that as chief and shaman of this new enclave, you need strong warriors, new blood and a good diplomat. We shall go to the most important enclave, and there you will talk as a dignitary on behalf not only of this place, but of your species. Look there." He turned and pointed at a hut entirely built out of bones.

Re: HPU: Blue Peak Shore

Posted: Tue Mar 01, 2016 5:10 pm
by Hotep the psychic
Anubis groaned at kritaros's statement before smiling as he notices the small dragon at his shoulder. "well i wouldnt mind from my own amount. " Anubis answered kneeling to take off his backpack and remove a hand sized metal flask that seemed to radiate spiritual power. he uncapped the flask removed a small glass for hubert and poured half of the glass in amount to share the liquid seemed godly purple with a hint of red and white as if all the wines in the world made up this specific concoction for spirits and supernatural to drink and enjoy. "Donau i beleive you may be familiar with a certain item" Anubis said after passing the small drink to hubert and returning the flask to his bag his body smelled its fragrent aroma of grapes and alchohol mixed with sweeter smells that seemed to draw anyone to the drink it was a wonder to smell and the taste may have been even more so. However ANubis wanted very little to none if possible as he removed three papyrus scrolls and set them in front of donau.

"Donau here are the scrolls i had from when we met so long ago being my master to the aether i beleive its right you still had them" ANubis said to the rabbit

Re: HPU: Blue Peak Shore

Posted: Tue Mar 01, 2016 5:55 pm
by The Moon Howler
valerio wrote:"Rajida is here, as you requested, milady," the panthress said, a belt of rats hanging by their tails draping her hips. "And she brought fresh food." She regarded Maquiss with a wary expression. "A Trickster. I am impressed, the supernatural must be fascinated in this new tribe, indeed."
Maquiss wasn't looking very amused "You forgot me so quickly, big lady? Or is it my guise is too strange for ya? It's either that or I seemed to have cast a spell of forgetfulness on ya when I wasn't looking." He once again raised his voice "Which is highly unlikely!"
valerio wrote:"Doesn't mean I cannot appreciate the taste. I miss it so much..." Hubert made his best puppy eyes to the Trickster.
"You kno-" Maquiss blinked as the dragon was no more where he was, he then immediately turned towards the dragon... and somehow ended next to the fox without even moving an inch "Rude god you are! No manners! As I was saying - You know where the bottles are. Table is quick when it comes to delivery." he pointed at the altar with the two bottles of sparkling amber liquid in it (among other things) and the small table standing faithfully, awaiting it's next order "Just don't drink it all at once! I'd like to keep my oldest reserves for at least a century more and as you would most likely not know, the process takes forever to make a decent batch back at the Sanctum!"
The Trickster then looked at the Fox "Hey there! Mind if I check that Dyon wine out? I might have a solution against addictive properties to mortals! If I can make a Pure Dragon Nectar into a Purewater version, then I will surely can help there... after I try a few samples of course. Brewing is all about trial and error, you know!"

Re: HPU: Blue Peak Shore

Posted: Tue Mar 01, 2016 9:47 pm
by RandomGeekNamedBrent
valerio wrote:"Speaking of which," Janus said, leaning on his shoulder. "Any idea for our next destination? Hub said he can bring us anywhere, anywhen. And I want to explore everything and everywhere, if I'm with you." And he pecked the rabbit nose.
"Not every day needs to be an adventure," Buster said calmly. "I'd be as happy just staying home and watching a movie with you as I would be anywhere else," then he thought for a second. "Wait, are fictional worlds included in that? cause if so, I have a few shows and movies I'd like to explore."
valerio wrote:Janus scratched his head, puzzled. "I really don't know. I just...perceived them. Sometimes, when I paint or sculpt something, I feel like I'm connecting with another world. Hubert says that it's because of my long near-death experience." He shivered saying those words, but he felt he could speak more easy about it now. "Hubert says it's the reason it's easier for him to carry me to any world. My mind is like a beacon." He pointed at the lion looking in the artist's direction. "See that? I'm sure he saw me as well. I felt as if he was calling to me to paint him."
Levi looked at the drawing, figuring out exactly what was drawn "Oh, so you can see the lions? If you can talk to them, too, let Koros know I could use some more dreamwalker training. I still can't quite get my aim right over long distances."

Re: HPU: Blue Peak Shore

Posted: Wed Mar 02, 2016 6:57 am
by Hotep the psychic
"Pure!? my word you know nothing of wines dear Trickster. Doing that to this drink would definativley Ruin its substantial taste. Its made by spirits to please the soul and mind and body. The only reason Anubis is Addicted to it....well lets say it had to do with Anubis being born to a russian heritage" Kritaros said not wanting to delve into the details as he waved a hand summoning a small glass with the drink "however if you wish for it i will share a very small amount however in return id like a sample of the purest dragon necter you may have." The jackal said to maquiss as he pured some into a different glass for himself to enjoy

Re: HPU: Blue Peak Shore

Posted: Wed Mar 02, 2016 7:23 am
by xhunterko
"Ooo, thank you dear, stand with us if you will, right next to me, thanks," Amber said, then she turned her attention back to the gather animals.

Amber clapped her paws together again.

"AHEM. I do think we mortals should save the drinking for another time perhaps, because, in cause you hadn't noticed, there is a teeny, tiny little problem, and something that needs to be addressed," Amber said, "First of all, there are only four of us interested in living, breathing, dying, and, ahem, working here to build something new. Me and Luke, and I have invited Rajida as well, given our specie's nature, to start a family and possibly a new tribe here, however, I don't know about everyone else. What are all of your intentions towards this place and it's new people? One at a time if you please."
Monique blinked her eyes, trying to adjust to the dim light. Wondering where they were and hoping they weren't invading anyone's home.
Khun nodded in agreement.

"As little as I know but as a huge nerd I am, he probably did," Khun said, then he rolled the paper into one hand, holding that out to Janus to take, and held his other paw out to Tutter as well.

"Terribly sorry, sometimes art gets the better of me, don't believe we've met," Khun said, "Khun, Khun Woodsman."

Re: HPU: Blue Peak Shore

Posted: Wed Mar 02, 2016 7:45 am
by Hlaoroo
valerio wrote: Spencers accompanied the woman to the chair. "Graucus is the sweetest fella you could meet here. He used to perform in a Russian circus, and it was him who taught me my terrible Russian. He will be your supervisor for your new job here."
"Добрый день. Как дела?" (Good afternoon. How are you doing?) asked the grizzly, with a warm smile.
"An American grizzly for a Russian circus. His slavers had a funny sense of humor. He was among the 'dismissed' animals when the circus closed, and I got him and some of his workmates transferred here."
"Ah. У меня все в порядке, спасибо. Как дела? Рад встрече." (Ah. I'm well, thank you. It's nice to meet you.) Arina greets politely, seating herself in the chair.
"Russian circus was bad ven ve vere paid. I cannot imagine vhat must have like ven you vere slave. I sink zose bad circuses vere not normal zough."
"Da... But I sink is nice to be here instead. Zis island looks even more pretty zan in ze photos. Sank you for inviting us, sir. Is an honour to be here."

Re: HPU: Blue Peak Shore

Posted: Thu Mar 03, 2016 9:13 am
by hypernovatic
"I didn't think about that. Yeah I get it." Shukaku said, trying to free his tail.

Re: HPU: Blue Peak Shore

Posted: Fri Mar 04, 2016 1:51 pm
by Civilization
valerio wrote:<Which is not a good thing,> Hubert spoke directly to the ferret's mind. <The lions have been exiled from space and time. That one was so powerful as to tap into Janus' consciousness. The poor dear used the proper word: he *is* a beacon.> he then extended a tiny paw to the ferret. <But forgive my manners. I am the local deity. You may call me Hubert. People have problems speaking my real name.>
Tutter listened without hearing the Dragon Hubert speak without speaking to him. Which just added to the list of how odd this place was, so much more than was ever to be expected. Even when supernatural beings acknowledge something as not a good thing, he felt like things could and most probably given the way things were here go even worse. The only bright side to any of this, he got an answer to the Lion question.
xhunterko wrote:Khun nodded in agreement.

"As little as I know but as a huge nerd I am, he probably did," Khun said, then he rolled the paper into one hand, holding that out to Janus to take, and held his other paw out to Tutter as well.

"Terribly sorry, sometimes art gets the better of me, don't believe we've met," Khun said, "Khun, Khun Woodsman."
It was probably more than a few seconds before he realized that he had been acknowledged himself, and that he had just got two greetings too. Forcing some composure into himself. "No we have not. Tutter." Giving a brief moment to shake paws with Hubert, which was really odd for him to do, and Khun.`

Re: HPU: Blue Peak Shore

Posted: Sat Mar 05, 2016 4:57 am
by valerio
Hotep the psychic wrote:Anubis groaned at kritaros's statement before smiling as he notices the small dragon at his shoulder. "well i wouldnt mind from my own amount. " Anubis answered kneeling to take off his backpack and remove a hand sized metal flask that seemed to radiate spiritual power. he uncapped the flask removed a small glass for hubert and poured half of the glass in amount to share the liquid seemed godly purple with a hint of red and white as if all the wines in the world made up this specific concoction for spirits and supernatural to drink and enjoy. "Donau i beleive you may be familiar with a certain item" Anubis said after passing the small drink to hubert and returning the flask to his bag his body smelled its fragrent aroma of grapes and alchohol mixed with sweeter smells that seemed to draw anyone to the drink it was a wonder to smell and the taste may have been even more so. However ANubis wanted very little to none if possible as he removed three papyrus scrolls and set them in front of donau.
"Donau here are the scrolls i had from when we met so long ago being my master to the aether i beleive its right you still had them" ANubis said to the rabbit
Donau took one the scrolls with reverence, as if not believing his own yes.His expression became even more stupefied when he opened it. "The lost knowledge of our people...Oh, Fate, thank you for bringing us your Agent." he bowed to Anubis once again, and when he lifted his head, he was crying with joy. "These parchments are invaluable. They...they will help rebuild our future here. You..." he lost it and hugged tight the fox. "You brought our future back to us!"
The Moon Howler wrote:Maquiss wasn't looking very amused "You forgot me so quickly, big lady? Or is it my guise is too strange for ya? It's either that or I seemed to have cast a spell of forgetfulness on ya when I wasn't looking." He once again raised his voice "Which is highly unlikely!"
The panthress put the food in the provisions stack. "You are one of charm, Trickster. Perhaps your mere presence confused my memories, who knows?" She threw a leer at the supernatural entity.
xhunterko wrote:"Ooo, thank you dear, stand with us if you will, right next to me, thanks," Amber said, then she turned her attention back to the gather animals.
Amber clapped her paws together again.
"AHEM. I do think we mortals should save the drinking for another time perhaps, because, in cause you hadn't noticed, there is a teeny, tiny little problem, and something that needs to be addressed," Amber said, "First of all, there are only four of us interested in living, breathing, dying, and, ahem, working here to build something new. Me and Luke, and I have invited Rajida as well, given our specie's nature, to start a family and possibly a new tribe here, however, I don't know about everyone else. What are all of your intentions towards this place and it's new people? One at a time if you please."
Hubert looked with longing at his drink but answered first.
"My intentions are as clear as I have spoke them: I am your Deity, you are under my protection as any true native of Tricana."
Donau cleared his eyes, then nodded. "I will be your shaman, pro tempore, until you are a fully functional tribe. With the help of this parchments, and *much* diplomacy, I will make sure that my people is restored to their original status, and you will find in us powerful and loyal allies. In the end, should our tribes merge, it will be but a step toward the reunification that our people waited for so long."
xhunterko wrote:Monique blinked her eyes, trying to adjust to the dim light. Wondering where they were and hoping they weren't invading anyone's home.
Reginald sniffed around. "Oh, I know this place. We're somewhere in the ruins! MOOOOM!" He stood up and ran toward a sliver of light that was shining from behind a corner.
Hlaoroo wrote:"Ah. У меня все в порядке, спасибо. Как дела? Рад встрече." (Ah. I'm well, thank you. It's nice to meet you.) Arina greets politely, seating herself in the chair.
"Russian circus was bad ven ve vere paid. I cannot imagine vhat must have like ven you vere slave. I sink zose bad circuses vere not normal zough."
"Da... But I sink is nice to be here instead. Zis island looks even more pretty zan in ze photos. Sank you for inviting us, sir. Is an honour to be here."
"The honor is mine. Yours is an impressive curriculum, and this resort needs talented performers. So," he said to the cats. "Are you as good as I read, when it comes to playing with fire?"
hypernovatic wrote:"I didn't think about that. Yeah I get it." Shukaku said, trying to free his tail.
Lyla didn't let go of it, though. "I am an enemy ready to pounce at you. You have one attempt to free youself, what shall you do?"
RandomGeekNamedBrent wrote:"Not every day needs to be an adventure," Buster said calmly. "I'd be as happy just staying home and watching a movie with you as I would be anywhere else," then he thought for a second. "Wait, are fictional worlds included in that? cause if so, I have a few shows and movies I'd like to explore."
RandomGeekNamedBrent wrote:Levi looked at the drawing, figuring out exactly what was drawn "Oh, so you can see the lions? If you can talk to them, too, let Koros know I could use some more dreamwalker training. I still can't quite get my aim right over long distances."
Hubert was about to answer that question...when he head what Levi had just told.
And the universe stopped.
Just like that. everything stood in place, motionless. Reginald on a run, just leaping out to his mom. Tutter in the middle of a sentence, grais of dust. Spencers fishing his pockets for something. Khun looking around. Lyla grinning. ..everything.
But not everyone.
The dragon god, in all his majesty, was towering above Levi, Janus and Buster.
And he didn't look pleased.
"You met the lions, Levi? How did that happen?! ANSWER!"

Re: HPU: Blue Peak Shore

Posted: Sun Mar 06, 2016 2:51 am
by RandomGeekNamedBrent
valerio wrote:Hubert was about to answer that question...when he head what Levi had just told.
And the universe stopped.
Just like that. everything stood in place, motionless. Reginald on a run, just leaping out to his mom. Tutter in the middle of a sentence, grais of dust. Spencers fishing his pockets for something. Khun looking around. Lyla grinning. ..everything.
But not everyone.
The dragon god, in all his majesty, was towering above Levi, Janus and Buster.
And he didn't look pleased.
"You met the lions, Levi? How did that happen?! ANSWER!"
"I'll try to remember all the details but my memory's not always that great," Levi said, only mildly phased by the current situation. He calmly explained what he could remember.
"I went to the beach with Reg and there was a lioness named Koros there with a couple wolves and some lycaons. She immediately knew I was a dreamwalker, and offered to train me. I left for a while, and when I came back she did some spellor something and suddenly there was a big red wolf on the beach. His name was... Ariba or something? Apparently she'd taken us to Zilnawa. They were already training a dog, so I sort of had my first lesson and then left."

Buster looked around at all the others frozen in place. "Did you really need to freeze everything to ask that?"

Re: HPU: Blue Peak Shore

Posted: Sun Mar 06, 2016 8:42 am
by The Moon Howler
RandomGeekNamedBrent wrote:
valerio wrote:Hubert was about to answer that question...when he head what Levi had just told.
And the universe stopped.
Just like that. everything stood in place, motionless. Reginald on a run, just leaping out to his mom. Tutter in the middle of a sentence, grais of dust. Spencers fishing his pockets for something. Khun looking around. Lyla grinning. ..everything.
But not everyone.
The dragon god, in all his majesty, was towering above Levi, Janus and Buster.
And he didn't look pleased.
"You met the lions, Levi? How did that happen?! ANSWER!"
"I'll try to remember all the details but my memory's not always that great," Levi said, only mildly phased by the current situation. He calmly explained what he could remember.
"I went to the beach with Reg and there was a lioness named Koros there with a couple wolves and some lycaons. She immediately knew I was a dreamwalker, and offered to train me. I left for a while, and when I came back she did some spellor something and suddenly there was a big red wolf on the beach. His name was... Ariba or something? Apparently she'd taken us to Zilnawa. They were already training a dog, so I sort of had my first lesson and then left."

Buster looked around at all the others frozen in place. "Did you really need to freeze everything to ask that?"
Somewhere close to the group a small urn appeared in a blink of an eye. To those who didn't pay attention to that particular spot, it would've seem that the urn was there all along.
The strangest thing about the urn, though, was that it had a picture of a grinning feline on it and even though it's colors were mostly faded, the eyes of the feline were strangely preserved... almost alive...

Re: HPU: Blue Peak Shore

Posted: Sun Mar 06, 2016 9:20 am
by Hotep the psychic
Everything was frozen Anubis, Donau and everyone else there however Kritaros looked confused untill his fur shivered at feeling a large and powerful prescense then again anything spiritual made him shiver in someway knowing something was going on he soon faded away soon appearing next to an urn he leaned against its resting spot letting a finger trace the circular top as he spotted the dragon god and levi. however even he knew the urns real identity but his curiosity had him watch hubert and levi as a faded appearence as if an apparition

Re: HPU: Blue Peak Shore

Posted: Tue Mar 08, 2016 3:42 am
by valerio
RandomGeekNamedBrent wrote:"I'll try to remember all the details but my memory's not always that great," Levi said, only mildly phased by the current situation. He calmly explained what he could remember.
"I went to the beach with Reg and there was a lioness named Koros there with a couple wolves and some lycaons. She immediately knew I was a dreamwalker, and offered to train me. I left for a while, and when I came back she did some spellor something and suddenly there was a big red wolf on the beach. His name was... Ariba or something? Apparently she'd taken us to Zilnawa. They were already training a dog, so I sort of had my first lesson and then left."
Buster looked around at all the others frozen in place. "Did you really need to freeze everything to ask that?"
"A necessary measure, to ensure our privacy. Any leaking information is *extremely* dangerous at this point.
"Levi, the lions committed their highest crime when they tried to harness a power far greater than the one they already had. In doing so, their ambition came close to destroying half of this planet. The only thing I could do to avert the disaster was let them sacrifice Zilnawa, whose ruins you can admire now, and isolate a temporal fragment of the city in a limbo from which there must be no escape. I could not imagine the lions were so subtle as to subvert my ruling, for they did not know the art of dreamwalking. That is why they wanted you, and that is why they are seeking others to do their nefarious bid.
"Levi, you need someone else to train you, you need to stay away from the lions' lure: They only want a pawn, a willing slave."
he turned his attention to Janus. "As for you, they tried another road: By using your spit to make that painting, you created a link to the limbo. Had I missed what Levi said, that painting would have become a door. I am sorry, but it must go." A flicker of his immense clawed finger, and a blue flame wrapped the parchment, immediately turning it into ashes.
Janus looked a little sad at that display. Even if he understood the reasons behind that gesture, he didn't like to see art treated like that. He looked at the dragon god with a pleading expression. "Can Buster and I stay here until the day's over, at least? The program say there is a new show on the beach..."
"Granted. As long as you stay away from any form of depiction, you are welcome to stay for the time being. Any question, Levi?"

Re: HPU: Blue Peak Shore

Posted: Wed Mar 09, 2016 2:03 am
by RandomGeekNamedBrent
valerio wrote:"A necessary measure, to ensure our privacy. Any leaking information is *extremely* dangerous at this point.
"Levi, the lions committed their highest crime when they tried to harness a power far greater than the one they already had. In doing so, their ambition came close to destroying half of this planet. The only thing I could do to avert the disaster was let them sacrifice Zilnawa, whose ruins you can admire now, and isolate a temporal fragment of the city in a limbo from which there must be no escape. I could not imagine the lions were so subtle as to subvert my ruling, for they did not know the art of dreamwalking. That is why they wanted you, and that is why they are seeking others to do their nefarious bid.
"Levi, you need someone else to train you, you need to stay away from the lions' lure: They only want a pawn, a willing slave."
he turned his attention to Janus. "As for you, they tried another road: By using your spit to make that painting, you created a link to the limbo. Had I missed what Levi said, that painting would have become a door. I am sorry, but it must go." A flicker of his immense clawed finger, and a blue flame wrapped the parchment, immediately turning it into ashes.
Janus looked a little sad at that display. Even if he understood the reasons behind that gesture, he didn't like to see art treated like that. He looked at the dragon god with a pleading expression. "Can Buster and I stay here until the day's over, at least? The program say there is a new show on the beach..."
"Granted. As long as you stay away from any form of depiction, you are welcome to stay for the time being. Any question, Levi?"
that was a lot of info to take in at once. "Huh... so they... half the planet, really? well I guess I'm lucky you guys showed up today or I'd have just gone along with it... any recommendations for a new trainer, or should I just ask around the villages?"

Re: HPU: Blue Peak Shore

Posted: Wed Mar 09, 2016 5:50 am
by valerio
RandomGeekNamedBrent wrote:that was a lot of info to take in at once. "Huh... so they... half the planet, really? well I guess I'm lucky you guys showed up today or I'd have just gone along with it... any recommendations for a new trainer, or should I just ask around the villages?"
The Deity nodded. "Up north, you will find a new settlement, it is populated by a couple of cougars and their allies, including a fox who is bonded to a spirit, and a rabbit shaman. He may help you developing your talent. Plus, as a feline, you will provide further help in the building of the new fourth tribe meant to replace the lions. Do you accept?"

Re: HPU: Blue Peak Shore

Posted: Wed Mar 09, 2016 7:22 am
by xhunterko
Monique flew out of the small structure they were in and landed at the threshold. She spoke up before Levi could answer. She gave a small curtsy.

"I'm sorry for eavesdropping, AND interrupting, deity, but I couldn't help it and couldn't help but over hear and the nerd in me has compelled me to speak," Monique said, lowering her head submissively when she spoke, "Being a ghost has afforded me travel and experiences. And one of those I encountered this saying: The image of a thing can become the thing. If it is that powerful, and if I may suggest tenderly. That perhaps the image should be, if possible, completely eradicated from their memory entirely?" Done, she stepped back and kept her head lowered.

Re: HPU: Blue Peak Shore

Posted: Wed Mar 09, 2016 7:44 am
by valerio
xhunterko wrote:Monique flew out of the small structure they were in and landed at the threshold. She spoke up before Levi could answer. She gave a small curtsy.
"I'm sorry for eavesdropping, AND interrupting, deity, but I couldn't help it and couldn't help but over hear and the nerd in me has compelled me to speak," Monique said, lowering her head submissively when she spoke, "Being a ghost has afforded me travel and experiences. And one of those I encountered this saying: The image of a thing can become the thing. If it is that powerful, and if I may suggest tenderly. That perhaps the image should be, if possible, completely eradicated from their memory entirely?" Done, she stepped back and kept her head lowered.
The Dragon smiled and nodded at her, leaving Levi the time to ponder on his own answer. "Well spoken, my friend, but though I have the power to do so, what would be the consequence for Janus? By robbing him of his memory, I would rob him of the experience he gained by his much involuntar mistake, and he would be likely to repeat it.
"Furthermore, and even more important, such an action would not only show arrogance and mistrust on my side, but would also rob Janus of his own free will."
he looked affectionately at the wolfdog and his rabbit mate. "You two can count on each other, your love is strong. You deserve this chance, and I know, Janus, that you will make the best of this experience." then he turned again to Monique. "I hope my answer was satisfactory to you."

Re: HPU: Blue Peak Shore

Posted: Wed Mar 09, 2016 7:51 am
by Hotep the psychic
"if you will great dragon what has me worried is what happened in time that the lions have done to cause such uproar. after Being with ANubis as you know the lions of zilnawa seemed peaceful. now with Anubis added to the past time will he find out of his part leading to this? was it his doing? i am suprised that these events took place through Egypts history." Kritaros spoke as how bows politly however now worried for ANubis's sake "as well Knowing Anubis he will feel something off with this time freeze and will learn of this event perhaps a message to him as to keep him on a noble path?" Kritaros asked as he floated there

Re: HPU: Blue Peak Shore

Posted: Wed Mar 09, 2016 8:01 am
by xhunterko
Monique curtsied again with a nod, after Kritaros had spoken.

"You know best deity, I am simply worried if it IS that powerful," Monique said.

I don't know how else to explain my worry, I hope he knows best. Monique thought.

Re: HPU: Blue Peak Shore

Posted: Wed Mar 09, 2016 8:04 am
by valerio
Hotep the psychic wrote:"if you will great dragon what has me worried is what happened in time that the lions have done to cause such uproar. after Being with ANubis as you know the lions of zilnawa seemed peaceful. now with Anubis added to the past time will he find out of his part leading to this? was it his doing? i am suprised that these events took place through Egypts history." Kritaros spoke as how bows politly however now worried for ANubis's sake "as well Knowing Anubis he will feel something off with this time freeze and will learn of this event perhaps a message to him as to keep him on a noble path?" Kritaros asked as he floated there
"I am sorry, Kritaros, but Fate cannot be tampered with so easily. Not without dire consequences.
"What I can tell you is that Anubis has no faults in the events as they unfurled. He is wise enough for me to trust him and send him to that time, with other purposes than causing the end of Zilnawa.
"Also, know that the age he lived in is still far from what would happen. In fact, his return to this era brought forth a new hope for the rabbits tribe, so no foul was done.
"Kritaros, you are free to tell him or not, for I confide in both of you. Put your fears to a rest."

Re: HPU: Blue Peak Shore

Posted: Wed Mar 09, 2016 8:16 am
by Hotep the psychic
Kritaros smiled and bowed politely seeing his own feelings on the dragon were correct to be trusted he slowly faded off without fear and left an air of peace with whats to come

Re: HPU: Blue Peak Shore

Posted: Wed Mar 09, 2016 9:52 am
by The Moon Howler
"Hrmh mmh!" a sound came from inside the urn "Mrph mph mmhhrph hrmhph!"
Then with a small explosion of confetti and fireworks, the urn broke (the pieces turning into said confetti and fireworks) Maquiss popped out. He was in his cougar form, with scruffy, dried fur and rugged and torn black cloak with a cowl. His Cheshire smile was never-changing.
"As I was saying - your great deity is correct!" Maquiss said "Timelines are hard to twist without consequences, even for my kind." he looked around "Speaking of my kind, I forgot to introduce myself - I am the famous and incredibly handsome in all of my forms, the bane of demons and the hated by many who dared disrespect me! I am the one and only Maquiss the Trickster!"
then the Trickster glared at the dragon "Speaking of forms, thank you for freezing my other form! Do you happen to find tormenting poor exhausted Tricksters funny? I may be able to go around as fast as you, but I am no omnipresent like you! Being in two places at once takes a lot from me!" then he glanced at Levi "And if you're looking for alternate ways to travel around, I may have a thing or two you might like. You could even ditch that old-fashioned unreliable Dream-walking."

Re: HPU: Blue Peak Shore

Posted: Thu Mar 10, 2016 3:59 am
by RandomGeekNamedBrent
"I think I'll stick to dreamwalking," Levi responded. "I get to visit with my mom that way. and I'll check out that new settlement."

Re: HPU: Blue Peak Shore

Posted: Thu Mar 10, 2016 4:12 am
by valerio
"The choice has been made. Go fulfil your destiny, Levi. May Fate be favorable to you." A snap of his fingers, and time started flowing again.

Re: HPU: Blue Peak Shore

Posted: Thu Mar 10, 2016 4:28 am
by Hlaoroo
valerio wrote:
Hlaoroo wrote:"Ah. У меня все в порядке, спасибо. Как дела? Рад встрече." (Ah. I'm well, thank you. It's nice to meet you.) Arina greets politely, seating herself in the chair.
"Russian circus was bad ven ve vere paid. I cannot imagine vhat must have like ven you vere slave. I sink zose bad circuses vere not normal zough."
"Da... But I sink is nice to be here instead. Zis island looks even more pretty zan in ze photos. Sank you for inviting us, sir. Is an honour to be here."
"The honor is mine. Yours is an impressive curriculum, and this resort needs talented performers. So," he said to the cats. "Are you as good as I read, when it comes to playing with fire?"
"Aheh. I like to sink I am. I have special trick prepared for tonight's show. I sink you vill like. I hope." Sasha grins self-conciously yet proud at the same time.
"Ooh! I sink ze baby agreess viz you, Sasha." smiles Arina, putting a hand on her belly as the child kicks. Ilya smiles and squeezes his wife's hand as he walks beside the chair.
"Have you seen show like ours before, sir?" Dinara queries politely.

Re: HPU: Blue Peak Shore

Posted: Thu Mar 10, 2016 7:30 pm
by The Moon Howler
valerio wrote:"The choice has been made. Go fulfil your destiny, Levi. May Fate be favorable to you." A snap of his fingers, and time started flowing again.
"First forcing me to be in two places at once and now stealin' Tri-" Maquiss began, but did not have a chance to finish, for he was slingshoted back to his canine form. Where he once was there was a purple envelope. on the front it was written "Quicktravel portal to Argon enclave. Try it!".
Back at the soon to be Argon village, the essence of Maquiss slammed into his canine form with strong enough force that he was knocked few meters away. The fox was in his way...

Re: HPU: Blue Peak Shore

Posted: Thu Mar 10, 2016 8:00 pm
by Roarin
valerio wrote:
xhunterko wrote:Monique blinked her eyes, trying to adjust to the dim light. Wondering where they were and hoping they weren't invading anyone's home.
Reginald sniffed around. "Oh, I know this place. We're somewhere in the ruins! MOOOOM!" He stood up and ran toward a sliver of light that was shining from behind a corner.
"Oof... Gotta get used to this celestial space warp... Time travel thing. As much fun as it is for deities to play three card monte with your body..." Flint groaned as he sat up, holding out his paws he wiggled his fingers, testing out the flexibility of his digits like a practiced magician. When everything seemed in order the dog hopped to his feet. "Ugh, and where are we now? Ah- Regi, don't go too...! Far..." The canine sighed and followed after him, giving a cursory look around the hut before heading towards the light.

Re: HPU: Blue Peak Shore

Posted: Fri Mar 11, 2016 6:40 am
by Hotep the psychic
Anubis was bowing to doanu when time continued to flow his body slowly rising to show Doanu his smile as he removed a lether bound wrap from his bag to set in front of Donau with a few other scrolls with other information he had copyed. HOwever his senses soon came into play when He felt a small tinge of power so very faint only assumed that few may have felt it. he looked to his surroundings seeing nothing having changed or had altered. Kritaros was spotted and as he was rejoined with his life long family freind and spirit he soon with that gaze explained what occured and smiled back at him the two sharing a small freindly gaze into each other seeming to exchange information when a question rose in Anubis that made him turn back to Donau

"master Donau? i know Zilnawa may be gone but you said few things like yourself survived and evolved greatly over time. what can you tell me about the other masters? did they survive?" The fox only wondered but what else worried him was something else

"Also what of the Titan snakes that knew the same magical arts? are any of those grand beasts still alive in the temple ruins?" Anubis asked last before being slammed by Maquiss and catching him in a aetherical web that slowed his approach before standing him in anubis's hands he had only done what he felt right as if he had done so before. he could feel the suden surge as if sensing something was coming then acted accordingly in front of donau then brushed maquiss off some and blinked "whoa you ok?" He asked before looking at himself " did i do that?" he wondered

Re: HPU: Blue Peak Shore

Posted: Sun Mar 13, 2016 8:45 am
by kurowolfe
valerio wrote:"You know much enough, the Hunter nodded. "What you don't know is that as chief and shaman of this new enclave, you need strong warriors, new blood and a good diplomat. We shall go to the most important enclave, and there you will talk as a dignitary on behalf not only of this place, but of your species. Look there." He turned and pointed at a hut entirely built out of bones.
Haq sneezed once, rubbing his nose and wondering whether it was getting cold. He dismissed it as a random sneeze, as he thought of populating the budding enclave with villagers and warriors, wondering where to find them.

The wolf followed the Hunter's pointing, seeing the rather morbid hut. "Ai hav seen it, but Ai never realy knew its purpose. You know anithing about it, Hunter?"