The Winds of Change

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Re: The Winds of Change

Post by dryideabat »

Amazee Dayzee wrote:Dryideabat wrote the whole of this chapter himself and I just cleaned it up. But at least he saved me the trouble of having to play an angry Sasha in the awkward breakup scenes! I did dread doing that but now we got over that hump. So yeah I hope you enjoy this chapter here. Things are finally gonna begin to get better.
That's why any complaints/death threats regarding this part should be directed to me (and I'll be sure to promptly respond in a way that only further angers you, for I never learn :lol: )... Well, it wasn't easy forming some concrete way of breaking these two apart without hard feelings. I mean, the last thing anyone wants is one of those situations where you're walking down the street and you see your ex on the other side and do nothing short of falling into a manhole to avoid. But yeah, now we can get to the fun part.
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Re: The Winds of Change

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

Besides, do you know how jerks and unprofessional it would look if Kevin held a grudge against a cadet and how weak and mild Fox would look being hazed so severely by Kevin? This way, we can break them up and make sure that the Fox and Kevin friendship remains intact! (Though I am more interested in Kevin/Ralph/Fido and Fox/King)
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Re: The Winds of Change

Post by Mistacheeeez »

Amazee Dayzee wrote:Kevin mournfully agreed. “As for Fox, don’t worry about him and me. Regardless of this, we’ll always be buddies.”
Did you put this part in just for me? :lol:
I thought about changing my signature but decided against it, it's too much work!
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Re: The Winds of Change

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

No. Fox is a rookie at the K-9 academy and Kevin is his superior. I didn't want to make Kevin a jerk picking on Fox just because Fox and Sasha might get together.
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Amazee Dayzee
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Re: The Winds of Change

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

Here is the next chapter. It will have to hold you over for a while because dryideabat is moving and I can't write by myself, so please enjoy this part! Like always, read and comment!

Kevin rushed over as quickly as he could to the mansion. A burglar had tripped an alarm to a vault containing the Milton's most prized treasures, automatically alerting the police. Within moments, the whirling red and blue lights of police cars surrounded the crime scene. However, it was already too late. Fox and Fido had arrived moments before Kevin. They were currently talking with all 5 of the ferrets.

Out of the corner of his eye, Fox saw Kevin come up to them. “Kevin! I was just wondering where you have been! We came here as soon as we could but we got here too late! The thief managed to make off with the contents inside the vault. Fido out out an APB on him." Fox said.

Kevin gave a quick smile at the rookie, admiring his command of the situation, while Fido promptly got on the radio alerted all officers of the escaped perpetrator. Pulling out his notebook, Kevin asked, "So, what was stolen?" he asked Keene, who was looking like he was in command of the situation.

”Three very precious family heirlooms: a golden watch, spectacles, and a novelty rolling toy ferret with a ball... Don't ask on the last one.” Keene replied. He was the calmest among his siblings, who all sat down with their eyes glazed in tears.

Fox nodded and looked at the other 4 teary-eyed ferrets. “Did you se what the perpetrator looked like?”

All four of them shook there heads. "We kind of had a late night of partying.” Keene explained. "Even Jeeves got in on the action,.” he added, pointing to the weary butler, who still had a lampshade over his head. "We do, however, have a security camera that caught part of the event. Unfortunately, it was very dark and the burglar was entirely cloaked in a robe." Fido listened intently to it.

“I thought that it kind of looked like a guy. Then I noticed he sort of had some long hair and thought it was a girl. Then I realized guys could have long hair also. But he didn’t seem to be the type. Then I just made myself confused.” the scatterbrained Lana said.

Keene stared at his sister for a second before continuing. "All we can say is that this guy or girl was shrouded like some sort of ninja. From what I can see on the camera, the figure was slender and a little taller than me."

Simon then got up and held his head as his world was still spinning from last night. “We were all SO out of it, we didn’t even hear him blow up the vault.” Simon said as he hiccuped

"Blow up?" Fido asked. "Let's take a closer look at that vault." Crossing over the yellow tape, Keene led Kevin, Fido, and Fox to the vault. The smell of explosive gelatin still lingered in the air, emanating from a modest-sized burn mark around the broken door handle. A few pieces of rubble from the surrounding walls lay scattered across the floor. The Kevin and Fox carefully sniffed around the room, while Fido continued to question Keene. "You really slept through this?” Fido asked. Keene merely clutched his throbbing head and nodded.

Simon followed everybody as he wobbled back and forth and nearly fell on his face. “We had like a TON of orange soda. We were like those chips! What is that word? Chips. Mmmm.” he giggled.

"Hey guys, I think I got something!” Kevin interrupted and soon everybody congregated over to where Kevin was.

“What do you smell? Because I don’t smell anything. Then again I think my senses are dulled from that orange soda. And not just my taste, but every sense I have. That’s how it works right?” Lana rambled

Kevin carefully sniffed the vault's control panel again. "I think it's definitely feral; maybe badger or raccoon. It's all over the buttons." Fido sniffed the air also. ”I smell it too now.” Fido added. "The perp must have taken off his glove in attempt to first hack the system; only resorting to the explosives as soon as the alarm was triggered." Fido said through sniffs.

“I think I may recognize the smell.” Fox said as he sniffed it more. He then got a repulsed face. “Oh gross, it smells like it could be…manure?”

"Decomposed crops to be precise," Fido added, taking another sniff. "It's probably green manure, though it still really stinks. In any case, our perp may be hiding at a compost heap used for mass producing this stuff for commercial use."

“I think I know of a place that stores it. Fox said as the idea hit him when he flashed back to the first time Bill let him venture out on his own.

"Really, where?" Fido asked as now everybody ended up turning towards where Fox was now to see what he had to say.

“Its down near Armstrong Boulevard. Its in a neighborhood that has a lot of rundown houses. All kinds of seedy people live there. Its great for crooks to hang out, as that whole place is generally a dump.” Fox said.

“Armstrong Boulevard huh? Isn’t that the Boulevard of Broken Dreams?” Simon asked falling over confusing the song with the street.

"It's definitely worth investigating," Fido replied. "Let's inform the others and get there ASAP. At the least, we might be able to get some idea where the perp was last seen."

“That sounds good. I will go tell me dad and hopefully he’ll borrow a cruiser.” Fox said as he went to go see Bill.

After they all told Bill of their suspicions about where the perpetrator was most likely hiding out, they all jumped in a Crown Victoria and headed towards the factor.

Far beyond the western outskirts of Babylon Gardens was a crowded impoverished suburb. Dilapidated homes, condemned public buildings, and unfinished construction sites formed an intricate network that wary travelers avoided to great lengths. The lawns were strewn with the rusty remnants of cars and virtually every standing structure was saturated by graffiti. Every now and then, the sound of sirens and even muffled gunfire could be heard in the distance. Passing by a particular house barred by yellow tape, a chalk outline of a fat squirrel and a small cane with an almond-shaped diamond head laid nest to a hopscotch path on the sidewalk. Fortunately, this was not the place Fox and the others were heading. Their destination was closer to Babylon Gardens, in a more rural, though still seedy neighborhood a few towns down. Fox gave directions to Bill of the way to go.

“So, how do you know of this place?” Kevin inquired to Fox as he looked over in the backseat where Fox and Fido were sitting.

“As a bit of a country dog, I’ve kept a mental record of where I can get the best fertilizers.” Fox replied. “A few times, I was tempted to grow my own crops- you know? Become self-sustaining.” Fox blushed when he thought about it.

“That sounds pretty cool.” Fido commented, thinking back to when he was just a pup and liked to pretend to be a bit of a cowboy.

“Yeah, I guess it was just me trying to bring the country home,” Fox added, adjusting his visor so that he could see better. “Anyway, I looked into this place online and it looked pretty well given it wasn’t too far away. The only issue was the less than reputable neighborhood surrounding it. Naturally, I sought other safer venues, but made a mental note of this one should things change.” Fox said.

“Yeah, this town has been that way for a while now,” Fido frowned. “It’s technically outside our jurisdiction, but we’ve occasionally worked with others on keeping the peace there. It’s been a long seemingly vain effort.”

Fox took note of some of the things he saw when he ventured there before deciding to turn back. “Its gonna take a lot for that dump to be fixed.” he murmured.

"In any case, it will not be easy finding our thief, even in this place." Kevin remarked peering out the window. “Though it shouldn't be that bad; we just go to the fertilizer place and take him down, right?" Kevin asked looking behind him to see Fido. "That's assuming he's still even there.” Fido replied. "At best, we can find some evidence of where he has been and maybe how he's choosing his targets." Kevin scratched his head and sighed. "Too bad it's not like in the movies where the bad guy makes a big slip when all hope in capturing him seems lost." Just then, Bill stopped short as a small dark figure scurried across the road. Looking at its hands, Kevin spotted a ferret-ball toy with a gold watch around its tail.

Fox went forward and hit face first in the leather driver’s seat across from me. After he got his bearings again, he looked up and gasped. “That’s him! That’s the guy that robbed the Milton’s! Unbelievable that he is still around!”

In a flash, the figure bolted to the alleyway. Kevin leapt out of the car first and took chase, with Fox and Fido following closely behind. "Alright, it's go time!" Kevin screamed excitedly.

Fox ran after the Fido and Kevin trying to keep sight of the thief who was still cloaked and only looked back to see if he outran the cops.

The thief had all the maneuvers of a parkour professional; bounding over fences, dumpsters, and other obstacles with the utmost elegance. Even Kevin started to ache and sweat as he struggled to match the target's moves.

As the their began to get more and more complicated with his jumps, Fox felt himself falling behind. “How does this guy know so many moves!?”

Fido desperately looked around to get a fix on where they were heading and find some way of heading their acrobatic quarry off at the pass. "I'm breaking right, you keep with Kevin!” he ordered to Fox. The gap between the officers and the thief began to grow. However, a glimmer of luck smiled upon the officers when the thief mistimed a jump. In a instant, Kevin closed in.

Fox began to pick up speed as the thief messed up a jump. “There’s an opening! Go for it!” Fox said as he tried to keep up knowing that he was falling behind rapidly.

The thief got back up, but the loss of momentum forced him to break toward a dead end. Kevin was but a few steps away from ending this.

Fox continues to run but then slips and falls on his face. “Go for it Kevin! It’s all you!" Fox said while on the ground.

The chase was over, as the thief was completely cornered. Kevin still could not identify him beneath the cloak, but could tell that he was at last exhausted. "Police! Get on the ground now, or I'll tackle!" Kevin yelled, still panting. "Hey I remembered to warn first!”. However, the thief would not go quietly and took a fighting stance. He put out his hand and gestured with his fingers for the Doberman to bring it on. With a deep breath, Kevin bounded forward with his arms extended. With adrenaline pumping through his system, the moment he spent airborne seemed to last for an eternity. Every detail, every minute sensation, was amplified tenfold as his mind raced as fast as ever. It was enough that he noticed a heart graffitied on the wall next to him. Inside it read, "Larry and Barbara 4eva." He focused on the detail for a few thousandths of a second too long and collided face-first with the toy ferret. The thief subsequently sprinted off while Kevin lay stunned from the shock.

Fox rushed up to Kevin not seeing what happened. “Kevin! You OK?! What did he do?!” Fox asked looking around for the thief.

“I don't know," Kevin said, holding his snout. "I guess he surprised me or something. Did you see where he went?"

Fox went over and helped Kevin up. “He was too fast for me to get at. I’m sorry." Fox sighed as he looked back where the thief ran.

Kevin sighed and shook himself off. He could not recall what made him miss his mark, though he felt a deep pain in his chest unrelated to his intense exertion. It was a feeling of hollowness more than anything, though he quickly refocused on the task at hand, not even looking back at the wall. Shortly after, Fido caught-up with them. "Well, this is one for the record books.” he said. "I can't tell where the howl he went now, though it looked like he bolted off into the woods."

Kevin quickly jumped back up "I'll go after him!" Kevin said. Fido placed his hand on his shoulder to stop him. "I don't think that's a good idea. With all those trees, we'll probably never find him now."

Fox sighed and looked over at his fellow officers. “Then there is nothing more we can do. We have to wait for him to strike again." Fox said remorsefully.

"It looks like it.” Fido nodded. "Though, let's search that area where they make the fertilizer. Again, maybe we'll still get lucky and find something that'll tell us where he's going."

Kevin smiled at that as he brushed off his vest. “That sounds good! Maybe Fox could buy a bag while he's there!”

Both Fido and Fox looked at him strangely as he had said that. Kevin looked back at them. “What? So that way you can by the fertilizer from that place.”

Both dogs face palmed and then looked at each other and gave Kevin a biting look, which made Kevin lower his ears as he realized that what he said was at the wrong place.

Fox turned back to Fido and nodded at him. “Going to the warehouse is the only lead. That sounds like a good idea. Lets go.”

The trio along with Bill then drove off to the warehouse where the thief had been hiding out. For the better part of the day, they combed the compost heaps and surrounding buildings for clues. The stench of rot and decay overwhelmed their noses, drowning out all other smells. Nevertheless, with great persistence, they kept at it throughout the afternoon. They were currently searching the last warehouse in the vicinity. “Howl, this was a fruitful endeavor.” Fido sighed. "Not really, we didn't find anything,” Kevin replied. Fido simply slapped himself on the forehead. forgetting that he still had muck in his fingers so his forehead was covered in a slime paw print.

Fox continued to look around, trying not to vomit until he stepped on a hollow part of the floor. Looking at it he realized it was a trapdoor. “Guys! I think I found something!”

Fido and Kevin promptly dashed over. "Good work!” Fido praised the rookie. After inspecting it more closely, Fido slid the door over, revealing a set of stairs. There was a light switch near the entrance, though the light was rather dim and eerily flickered every so often. The walls were lined with cobwebs and dust

Fox peered down. “Looks like an entrance." He aid though looking down into the hatch gave him a ton of chills.

"Yeah..." Fido said, a little spooked by the dreary ambience. After what happened with Teoxihuitl, the jaguar ghost, he was nervous about all dreary places. "Kevin, you take point." With Kevin leading the way, they slowly advanced down the stairs. Each step was metal and made an obnoxious rusty creak. The stairway lead down to a dank hallway, at the end of which was a single red door. There seemed to be light coming from behind the cracks. All three cautiously walked over, not knowing what to expect. "This is definitely his hideout.” Kevin stated, catching a familiar scent on the floor.

Fox looked like he was about to jump out of his skin at any minute. “Well then, we better go in and see if there is anything."

Kevin reached over and turned the door knob. It was unlocked. Fido and Fox waited, anticipating some horrific disturbing surprise. Kevin paused for a minute and let the knob go. "Shouldn't I kick it down or something?" he asked. Fox and Fido exchanged glances before shouting in unison. "Just open the door!"

When Kevin did open the door, Fox was on his guard. He already had enough nasty surprises happen to him and he didn’t want anymore.

Everyone let out a collective sigh. It was merely a small office; no skeletons or creepy things of that sort. Looking around, there were several file cabins against the walls, but all of them were empty. The desk had only a few newspapers and books resting on it. On the floor was a wastepaper basket, but all the papers in it were shredded beyond all recognition. "Maybe we can paste these back together," Kevin said aloud, inspecting the shredded paper.

Fox looked down at them. “I don’t think they will be of any use.” he went over to the desk.

Carefully sorting through the newspapers, Fox cringed. They were mostly comics, and not really funny ones at that. Though he eventually came across an article about the Milton’s and their many extravagant investments. It included a picture of Keene, standing in the room with the safe.

“Hey guys! I think I got something!” Fox called out as he held up the paper as Fido and Kevin came over to see it.

Fido studied the clipping long and hard. "Well, at least we know how he chose he target.” he said. "From this, he knew about the safe and the electric lock. Still, it doesn't help us find where he is or where he'll strike next." Fido said.

”Hey, I found something over here!" Kevin yelled. Fido and Fox jumped and walked over. It was a CD, with a picture of a familiar bat on the cover, titled "Nick's Hanging-down Tour." It was never opened.

Fox looked up and rushed over and then face palmed when he saw the CD. “What does that have to do with the thief?”

"I dunno," Kevin shrugged. "Maybe he's his biggest fan. Or only fan.” Kevin said, unaware that his fellow officers were rolling their eyes.

Fox turned back to Fido. “Maybe there is something else in the newspaper?” he asked as Fido went over to them.

Fido nodded as he looked down. “I think we definitely have our next target.” Fido said as he looked down and saw several newspaper clippings about Duchess, his brother’s girlfriend.
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Amazee Dayzee
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Re: The Winds of Change

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

OK everybody. Here is the next chapter. Since dryideabat is very busy, its hard to know when this will be updated. It may be a bit more sporadically since his comic is on an indefinite hiatus right now, but he is still very busy with this thing that he calls "his life" so I can't promise anything.

Anyway, the moment that you are all waiting for! Elena is finally introduced! Along with Holly and Heidi from dryideabat's comic which is ending for the moment. Please enjoy!

The K-9's rushed back to the station to plot their next move. They consulted with Ralph, who agreed that they should at least warn Duchess of the threat and have a few extra officers patrol her part of the neighborhood. Wasting no time, Kevin and Ralph went to the Cocker Spaniel's mansion. Bino answered the door with weary eyes. "Yeah, what do you want?" the dog snapped in the face of his brother’s coworkers.

“We’re here on official business! Ralph said authoritatively. “We need to speak to Duchess!” Ralph said again, keeping his cool.

"She's busy right now and doesn't want to be disturbed by solicitors.” Bino replied in his usual caustic manner.

“Well tell her to make time since what’s going on could affect her.” Ralph snapped at his coworker’s younger brother.

Bino shrank back and nervously called out, "Duchie-poo, can you come out?" He waited for his girlfriend to come to the door, dreading the attitude he would receive from her.

Duchess grumbled as she came to the door and gave Bino a rather nasty look. “When I tell you to keep people away from me, I mean it! How incompetent are you? And the next time you call me that Pencil-neck, I’ll shove your head up your own backside.” She snapped as she turned to the police and stood in front of Ralph and Kevin. “What do you want? I’m very busy.” she said somewhat icily.

Ralph spoke up. “Well we have reason to believe that you might be targeted for a robbery.” Ralph said

"You mean that crazy tiny ninja guy that Keene has put a bounty on?" Bino asked. Duchess moved to stand in front of Bino and push him back and muttered something nasty so that Bino could hear.

“WHAT!? I can’t believe it! That is totally gonna ruin the investigation! For Dog’s sake!” Ralph fumed as he face pawed. “I told him that the K-9 unit would handle it! He just couldn’t wait.” Ralph growled.

Duchess rolled her eyes. “He probably thinks its because the K-9 Unit are incompetent. I mean look at them? One cat lover who unfortunately has to be my loser of a boyfriend’s older brother and somebody who couldn’t realize the good advice I gave his girlfriend!” Duchess sneered.

Kevin and Ralph did their best to ignore that statement and stay focused on the matter at hand. It was their duty to protect and serve, not allowing personal matters to distract them. "Yeah, and besides, I can probably take him and claim the reward myself." Bino added.

"No, you can’t! He’d break you in two! If that hillbilly who married that whipped Corgi’s cousin could, you would be no problem. Pencil neck.” Duchess said derisively.

"I hate to say it, but she's right. Well about the burglar” Kevin replied, grabbing his nose. "This perp is a lot tougher than he looks." Kevin said, trying to keep calm in the face of Duchess’s nastiness.

“So then we’ll post up patrol cars all around your mansion to keep an eye for the burglar. That way we will be sure to catch him.” Ralph said .

Duchess simply gave him a look that would peel paint off a wall “Yes yes fine whatever. Do what you need.” Duchess grumbled as she crossed her arms. “I doubt the Keystone K-9s will be able to make much of a difference anyway. I’ll put my best men on it myself. And that does not mean you Bino. You aren’t the best at anything. Understood?” she said a bit forcefully.

"Understood.” Bino replied submissively, though the growing indignation now slightly audible. Duchess picked up on that and smacked the back of his head.

"Again, we wouldn't advise putting some average thug on this guy, no matter how much money you paid him.” Kevin said. "We'll handle it... He said. “But then again, when it comes to advice, you're pretty lousy." he thought to himself

“Yeah sure you will. I look forward to seeing you “handle” it. Duchess said eager to slam the door in their faces. “

So if there is anymore news, we will make sure to contact you.” Ralph said, in a slightly irritated tone. “That way we can keep you up to date.” He finished.

“Good, now if you excuse me, my deficient boyfriend is gonna give me a foot massage. Duchess said shooing Ralph and Kevin away.

“Just be on the lookout for anything—“ Ralph started to say before the door was slammed in his face. “—Suspicious.” he sighed

Kevin and Ralph exchanged irritated looks as they slowly walked away. "I wonder, if the perp steals all her stuff, making her poorer than the rest of us, would she be less of a snob?" Kevin asked, his face still flushed from Duchess's crack toward him.

“Even if that is so, we still have a duty to uphold the law which means we can’t let anything happen.” Ralph said a bit proudly as he remembered what the K-9s were all about. “Besides, after this, we won’t have to deal with her anymore.” Ralph said, with a bit of relief in his voice

"That's true," Kevin nodded. He looked up at the sky and exhaled a deep breath. "You know, I never really liked Bino, with all the grief he gave Fido and the whole thing with Sasha. But seeing him now, I really can't help but feel bad for him."

“Bino made his choice and he has to stick with it.” Ralph said a bit sternly. “Only he can decide what’s right.”

"I guess so," Kevin said, remembering how he once thought the same way about his own relationship. The sun started to set just as the two walked back to the car, the officer deciding to leave it to the K-9s to tell Duchess.

Weeks passed and there was no sign of the burglar. The K-9's did not relent in their patrol and search efforts, but it became evident that either the burglar was biding time somewhere outside of town or perhaps had completely moved on elsewhere.

“We need to be more diligent! We haven’t seen anything yet so far and its been 3 and a half months! We must have missed something!” Ralph growled as he paced back and forth at HQ in the gym

"We're doing all that we can, but there's been no sight of the perp anywhere, no additional robberies to go by," Fido exhaled. "Maybe we scared him off for good." Fido said looking at Kevin.

"I dunno," Kevin replied. "That guy didn't seem like the type afraid of anything." Kevin said as he met Fido’s glance to avoid looking at an agitated Ralph.

Everyone sat and contemplated heavily in front of the sergeant who seemed to be getting more annoyed by the second.

"Well, there's that CD I found at his former hideout," Kevin blurted aloud. "Maybe he's hanging-out there."

Ralph one again face palmed as he turned to Kevin looking very slightly and not too much angry. “Officer Beauregard. Please tell me why a crook would be hanging out with some washed-up comic whom Cadet Lundberg told me got shoved in a prize machine because of how bad he was?" Ralph said as he rubbed his temples as it looked like he had a throbbing headache.

"Well, it's one of the few things we haven't checked-out yet, right?" Kevin shrugged and Fox perked up at hearing his name, him trying to use the heavy bag but so far succeeded in injuring his fist and getting struck by the bag itself.

Fido pinched the upper bridge of his nose and sighed. "I hate to say it, but as desperate as things are and with all the thugs of decreasing reputability Keene and Duchess keep hiring, we may have no choice but to look into it. Granted, if there was a place that no one really goes, it would be that nightclub at that time."

Ralph sighed. “OK. I guess you are right. We don’t have any choice. Sorry for snapping at you Officer Beauregard. You did really good. I mean it Kevin.” Ralph gave a smile at the doberman. “Well, then I guess we go there.” he said staying calm and cool, despite the fact that the idea of a nightclub with a washed up bat comedian didn’t exactly thrill him.

"Alright, Fox and I got this!” Kevin shouted already pumped up to go after a perp and temporarily forgetting about what an awful comic Nick was.

Fox leered back at his fellow officer over having him volunteer for an hour of pain. "We should have drawn straws on it.” Fox thought to himself.

“Alright then I guess I can go with you.” Fox said. He groaned inaudible as he stood. “It can’t really be that bad.” Fox said to himself

Later that evening, Fox and Kevin arrived at the Midnight Howl. Pink and green neon lights in the shape of a wolf flickered brightly above the entrance. It was a busy night, the building packed with dogs looking for some time to unwind. However, as the officer and his cadet approached the building, many of them began walking out in packs. It wasn't that difficult, even for Kevin, to figure out why.

“So then. I guess its starting.” Fox said shuddering as he readjusted his K-9 coat and goggles while Kevin did the same.

They entered and took a seat in one of the shadier spots at the back of the room. Looking around, they saw a mere handful of attendances left. There were two sister poodles, one black and the other apricot, a raccoon drinking down a jug of orange soda, a weasel, a black cat, and a Boxer Samoyed who was sitting with the poodles. After a recorded introduction over the loud-speaker, the bat of the hour hobbled onto the stage. "Hey everybody, Waka Waka, gin and Vodka!" he exclaimed. Despite a lack of applause or laughs, he resumed with great enthusiasm. "But seriously, in the town I grew up in, the people are so wasted that the mosquitos are issued FWI's everyday." the bat brayed, unaware of the fact that only four people didn’t wish death on him.

Only the apricot poodle at the front table laughed, at the embarrassment of her smaller sister. She then stopped for a second and leaned over toward her sister. "Say, Holly, what's an FWI?" she asked, whispering.

"Why the heck did you drag me hear Heidi?" Holly groaned. The Boxer Samoyed looked from one sister to the other and drank her lemonade slowly.

"Because I saw this guy on a flyer!” Heidi answered. "He was wearing a funny hat so I thought it had to be funny."

The Boxer Samoyed finished sipping her lemonade and looked back over at Heidi. “When you messaged me on FaceBark and asked if you wanted to come to a show that you had three tickets for, I was hoping that the show was good.” the Boxer Samoyed said. She was very fit and had a good athletic body like she did gymnastics most of the time. She wasn’t buff and muscular like Kevin or Ralph, but she was sleek and slender. Her color was pink and had a fake diamond on it.

"Don't worry Elena101, I'm sure it's gonna get better!” Heidi insisted. "Funny hats don't lie!” The bat laughed nervously preparing for his next joke.

The Boxer Samoyed known as Elena101 smiled nicely and turned back to the bat on stage hoping this was just a warm up. She had only moved in to Babylon Gardens 2 weeks ago and she was trying to re-establish her training routine.

The bat swayed upright and continued. "Here's a joke I came up with in college. Where do bears go when their blood has an imbalance in pressure and density? Give up? A baroclinic!... Get it? Cause the whole definition of baroclinicity and sounding like bear..."

Once more, Elena101 winced as there the only one that was applauding was her newfound friend Heidi. She hoped that she could get through the night, as this guy really was bombing. Fox and Kevin were also groaning behind them. Little did Kevin and Elena know, that their lives would soon be changed.
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Amazee Dayzee
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Re: The Winds of Change

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

Not that anybody cares but here is the beginning of Elevin! I hope you enjoy it! (If you read it. :roll: ) Oh, Holly and Heidi are there also.
Elena continued to watch Nick try to save his routine, wincing every time he opened his mouth. "I hope this isn't his day job."

Holly shared in her agony and sighed. "Given he's a bat, I'm guessing his day job is sleeping. He should probably stick with that." Holly grumbled watching her sister who seemed to be enjoying the routine.

"Maybe he should go back to sleep and wake up with better material." Elena said worrying if there would be a riot from how awful he was.

"Yeah, and as painfully unfunny as this is, I'd say he's need a fortnight of sleep." Holly nodded.

"What's a fortnight?" Heidi asked, slurping down her water. "Is it a night inside a fort, because Holly one time made one of those out of pillows because she was a-scared of the boogey-man."

Holly slowly turned her head toward her sister with the most scornful look and stared for a minute though Heidi was more interested in the routine onstage which was growing more and more worse.

Elena also turned her head towards Heidi confused and unable to understand where she got that from.

Holly quickly looked back at her mixed friend, blushing. "It was a long time ago, after we saw a scary movie."

"What do you mean? It was last week!" Heidi chimed in, not realizing how much she was embarrassing her in front of their new friend.

Holly's eyes flashed red. "Well, if anyone has seen the stuff you bring to our house on a regular basis, they'd know to fear the darkness..."

Elena's look went from confused to a bit startled. "Oooook. Remind me to be on guard if I come over." the Boxer Samoyed said.

"Indeed." Holly replied, leering at her sister as she rudely slurped down the last drops in her glass. "Anyway, you live around here?"

Elena recovered from the shock of what she heard from Holly enough to answer. "I just moved here 2 weeks ago. I was on FaceBark looking for local dogs to hang out with." Elena said.

Holly took a swig of her drink and chuckled. "Right, that's how you got roped into this by Pinkie here."

Elena simply nodded as she sipped her lemonade through her straw. "Yes. Please tell me this isn't a routine that she comes here and watches this."

Holly looked back at her sister and rolled her eyes. "Thankfully no, though she always comes up with a new idea and a new means of infuriating me!" Holly groaned, burying her head in her paws."

At least I try to come with ideas! " Heidi said defensively. "All you do is stay by your computer, when not trying to get noticed by some movie producer."

Elena's ears perked up upon hearing that. "Interesting. I hear that it is very hard to break into the movie business." Elena said

"You have no idea!" Holly moaned. "You pretty much have to already know people in the business just to have a chance." Holly said as her heart sank.

"Or be very good." Heidi said, now licking the inside of the glass and not paying attention to her sister's growing fury.

"I am very good!" Holly growled. "I just have a bit of bad luck when it comes to trying to get noticed. Even when my plan is fool-proof, something always happens to thwart my advancement."

Elena turned over to her and was curious. "Like what sort of things?" she asked wanting to hear more about it.

Holly was too embarrassed to say anything and began taking continuous long gulps of her soda. Luckily for Elena and unluckily for Holly, Heidi told everything.

"Like the time she tried to sneak into this actor's yard by charming his dog." Heidi mentioned as she continued to lick her glass dry.

"It would have worked if the guy wasn't a girl!" Holly grumbled back at her sister who didn't pay her any mind.

Elena tried hard not to laugh but gave a little smirk. "Sorry. That's rude of me." she said as she regained her composure.

"That's alright." Holly smiled, blushing. "On hindsight, I kind of laugh at it myself." she said giggling a bit about it.

"Well at least you can laugh at something. All I got is this guy." Elena said pointing to Nick, growing more and more exasperated with how really awful he was.

Meanwhile, in desperation, Nick resorted to one of the riskier aspects of standup: singling out a member in the audience. "So what's the deal with all of those breeds you dogs got out there? You have your cocker-poodle, your golden doodle- lots of doodles out there... Poodles: the wildcard of all breeds." He then looked over at Elena. "Like look at this guy here. What combination of breeds did it take to make this poor fella?"

Elena shot Nick a very nasty look. "I'm a girl. Looks like you are as gender blind as your jokes are sucky."

Holly decided to join in. "Well, I guess that's not his fault since he's as blind as a bat," Heidi said. Holly and Heidi paused for a second before breaking out in laughter.

"Whoa, we got a heckler over here!" Nick replied, beads of sweat pouring down his cheek. "Sorry about that, I guess I need new contacts. But seriously, what are you, half Pekinese, half St Bernard, and half Boxer or something?"

Elena just looked down at her claws and didn't bother to acknowledge Nick. "My biological dad was a boxer. Be glad I don't know where he is because I'm sure he would just love to beat the crap out of you."

Nick began to sweat a bit more. "Your dad's a boxer?" Nick asked. "Hopefully he's not the last light-weight my boss bet on in the championship. The fool couldn't last three rounds before getting knocked out... Get it? A boxer as in boxing?"

Elena's glare grew nastier and she got up and cupped her paws to her mouth. "Boooooo! You SUCK!" she yelled as a smattering of similar cries also erupted.

"No you suck!" Nick jeered back, sticking out his tongue. Kevin and Fox were just about to split-up and interview the viewers when they noticed the commotion.

"I figured something like this was inevitable." Fox mumbled as he worried about the crowd possibly getting violent.

"Don't worry, I'll handle it." Kevin said as he kept a careful eye on people whom he thought would be the most likely to begin to throw things.

"Good, and I'll start talking with the cat and those other shady characters over there." Fox nodded. The two officers split-up and went to work.

"At least I know that I have no talent in joke telling!" Elena sneers eliciting a few laughs from the sisters she was with.

Before he goes, Fox takes a look at Elena. "Yeah. If somebody called my a girl in front of everybody, I would probably punch them in the face."

Nick was growing more nervous by the second. "Oh so you're all against me, eh?" Nick said. He pointed at Fox and laughed, not recognizing him. "Hey, check Mr. Ascot over here. It's like if Scooby-Doo and Freddy had a baby." But still there were people booing at him.

"I get it!" Heidi yelled. Fox could only silently stand there, mortified by the remarks from the bat he rescued not too long ago.

"That's rude on so many levels! No wonder why people avoid you like the plague!" Elena snapped and looked over at Fox. "And that's a bandanna you BOOB!"

Fox simply groaned and looked away. "Must. Resist. Urge. To. Flatten. Bat." he said to himself through clenched teeth.

"Bandana, what is this the wild west?" Nick laughed. "Geez, what a bunch of weirdoes this place brings? I see more personality amassing at the bottom of my old cave."

People looked like they were ready to tear the bat apart until a masculine voice cut through the uproar. "That's enough, you're way out of line!" Kevin barked.

There was such strong command in his voice that it bade Nick to sit back down. "Look, if you don't have anything nice to say don't say it! We all came here to have a good time, not to be harassed!"

Nick stared transfixed on Kevin. "Yes sir..." Nick said. A few minutes later, it suddenly struck him. "Hey, wait, you're the chump I gave free tickets too but never showed up to my sho-" Just then a cane from the side of the stage yanked him away. The announcer then introduced the next act: comedic singer Weird-Al-Yanko-ich. The lights dimmed as an Afghan with crazy hair slid on the stage, singing his parody of "Call Me Maybe."

Elena turned to see where the voice had come from and smiled upon seeing such an upstanding, fearless, muscular, honest and brave Doberman defending her. She also noticed that he had a K-9 vest on and smiled even more as he was also law-abiding.

Fox looked at Kevin and gave him a smile of gratitude before going back to looking for the perp, glad that Kevin got command of the situation.

"Now that was the best think I saw all night!" Elena said when Nick got yanked away and the people applauded when it happened.

"I agree, though I can't help but feel a little bad for the guy." Heidi said with both Elena and Holly giving her looks.

Elena burst out laughing at the song, genuinely liking it a whole lot and clapping. Her laugh was soft and passionate as she sat back down. She turned around for a split second when she thought that she felt someone who was staring at her to see and she saw Kevin. She smiled at him.

Kevin's heart fluttered for a second as she looked at him. He stalled for a moment to think of something to say, clearing his throat before regaining his focus. He then made the decision to talk to the Boxer Samoyed mix.

Elena turned back and had paid no more attention to the muscular Doberman and went back to laughing at the song and trying to sing along.

He took a deep breath and slowly walked up to the table. He was about to repeat himself when Heidi blew a wadded piece of paper from a straw. The projectile landed smack on his forehead, sticking on the spot. Holly angrily swiped the straw from Heidi's hands and growled. Kevin blushed for a moment, but quickly laughed. "Whelp, I got shot, so I guess I can retire now."

Elena laughed along with Kevin as she looked at him. Her eyes locked with his and she could feel her heart skipping a beat and she smiled. "So uh, a cop huh?" she giggled. "How noble." she couldn't help taking a quick peek at his muscles though.

"Yeah, always there to protect and serve." Kevin said, a tinge of bashfulness visible in his facial expressions.

"So then, I take it that you have lived around her for a long time?" Elena giggled, feeling herself getting hotter.

"Yeah, I've been around here for a while now," Kevin replied. "If you want, I can give you a tour of the town, since I know my way around the block." Kevin said not paying attention to the other dogs at the table which were two sisters.

"You do?" Heidi asked. "If so, then do you know if that hydrant down by fourth street is up for grabs or...?" she started to ask but Holly slapped a paw over her mouth,

Elena just laughed nervously at Kevin but couldn't take her eyes off of him. There was something about him. And it wasn't just his body.

Likewise, Kevin felt an inexplicable pull toward this newcomer. Her physique was slender and elegant like Sasha's, but with a bit more musculature. Still, he remembered that he was there on a mission, though the exact nature of it had escaped him at the moment. Instead, he tried to make small talk until he could remember. "So, I can see that you work out- if you don't mind me saying so."

Elena looked down at her slightly toned body. "Hm? This? Oh its nothing. Its not like a lift weights or anything. I run, jump rope, bike ride, swing on a swing set and use a punching bag. My true passion is gymnastics."

Kevin listened to every word she said and felt himself getting giddier. "Gymnastics, huh?" Kevin smiled. His eyes lit-up slightly, though he tried to downplay his excitement. "That's cool."

Elena smiled again as she continued to talk to him. "Yeah I hope to be the first house pet in the Olympics someday."

Kevin nodded at this and continued to look at her. "That really would be a first." Kevin said energetically. "And definitely be living one of my dreams." Kevin then thought to himself before grinning at her.

"So what else should I know about you other than being a musc-a cop." Elena blushed, not wanting to refer to him like a piece of meat.

Kevin thought for a moment. This all seemed a little too good and too soon to be true. Was it merely an infatuation driven by one mere coincidence? Like a bolt of lightning, an idea entered his head; a way of further testing it. "Well, you know, I like to watch movies. Yeah, I'm really into classic slow movies with complicated plots."

Elena gave him a baffled look. "Really? Because I personally like "A Pounce of Prevention" since it had just the right amount of action, comedy and danger. I liked the massive mud wrestling match between the hero and the assassin."

Kevin smiled, doing his best to restrain his amazement and excitement. Still, he couldn't maintain the bluff any longer. "Awesome, cause I really really want to see that movie! Truth is, I'm more into those kinds of movies and stuff."

Elena nodded and her baffled look vanished. "So you just told me what you thought that I wanted to hear." Elena smiled. "Oh I know how that feels."

"You do?" Kevin asked just glad that this dog whom he was really liking wasn't angry at him for telling a fib to try to make himself better.

"Back when I lived in my previous residence with my parents, there were only a few dogs I could hang out with, so I often lied about what I liked to have some friends." Elena explained

"I see. Sorry about the little fib. If only the world were simpler so that we could all be ourselves." Kevin said in a surprisingly enlightened manner.

Elena took her glass of lemonade and sipped it a bit more. "Yeah that is true. I never did ask, what is your name?"

Kevin's heart and mind started to race as she asked him and he couldn't understand why. "Oh right, my name is Kevin." Kevin stammered.

"That is a nice big and strong name. I'm Elena." She said, her brown eyes still looking at him and sparkling as they did so.

The two smiled at each other and shook hands. Holly nudged at Heidi to move to another table and give them some privacy, but Heidi proceeded to fire another spitball right in her face.

Kevin and Elena didn't pay any attention to anybody else as they were caught up in themselves and getting to know each other, with both wondering what this was.
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Re: The Winds of Change

Post by The-J-Man »

the arrival of Heidi and Holly, the bat totally bombing, Kevin finding a dog just like him...OOH! this story is getting GOOD!
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Re: The Winds of Change

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

Thanks for the feedback! I'm glad somebody is finally commenting!
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Re: The Winds of Change

Post by Douglas Collier »

I'll admit that I haven't read the story before this section, but you've written this section in such a way that I really didn't need to - I was just sucked into the storyline. Good writing! ;)

If I may, I would suggest that Elena might have had a pekingese grandparent (probably on the mother's side) - her nose is a little bit flatter than a purebred boxer/samoyed mix might have. Again, just a small suggestion. :geek:
Douglas isn't my real name, but because of a name block put on me by a higher-order being known as Djinni, I can't say my real name.
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Re: The Winds of Change

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

Well I guess it doesn't matter since as long as she looks like the picture, she'll be fine. So dad is a Boxer, mother is a Samoyed and paternal grandmother is a Pekingese.
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Re: The Winds of Change

Post by Douglas Collier »

You mean maternal grandfather, right? It'd be sort of hard for a pekingese to give birth to a boxer-sized or samoyed-sized puppy. The reason I say maternal is because a Samoyed / Pekingese mix would be more attractive than a Boxer / Pekingese mix.

(Note, the first picture is of an American Eskimo / Pekingese mix since I couldn't find any Samoyed / Pekingese mix pictures, but really the only major difference between appearance of the two would be size).
Douglas isn't my real name, but because of a name block put on me by a higher-order being known as Djinni, I can't say my real name.
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Re: The Winds of Change

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

OK then, maternal grandfather. Just as long as she resembles what dryideabat drew.
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Re: The Winds of Change

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

Next chapter that is long overdue. Sorry but we both had a LOT of crap going on.

While Kevin was chatting it up with Elena, Fox was making inquiries among the other attendance. He was currently approaching the black cat. Looking more closely at her, he was surprised by her familiar face and yellow eyes. "Hey, what brings you here Sabrina?" Fox asked in a familiar tone.

The cat whipped around and gave him a nasty glare. “Excuse ME!? I don’t know who you THINK you are, but my name is Claudette! Where do you get off?” she demanded angrily ignoring the fact he was a cop.

"Oh, I'm sorry," Fox said, blushing. "You look just like a cat I know named Sabrina." Fox said sheepishly as he took a step back.

Claudette didn’t let up and stuck her nose up at him. "What? you think all cats look alike?! Typical cop!”

Fox took a little bit of offense to that. ”Typical cop? What's that supposed to mean?" Fox asked, crossing his arms and looking at Claudette.

Claudette scoffed at him. “Just because we’re black that you assume that we are all the same! Well let me tell you something copper, that is just wrong!” she snapped

"Oh I see!” Fox replied. "You do realize the hypocrisy in assuming all cops are speciest. It was an easy mistake to make. In fact, look, I have a picture of her." He pulled out a photograph of Fido and Sabrina from his wallet.

Claudette looked up at him a bit confused and speechless for a bit. “Why do you have a cat picture in your WALLET!?”

Fox's face blushed even brighter, hesitant to divulge his friend's close relationship with a cat. "Umm... she's just a roommate of a friend of a friend, who happened to be in this shot."

Claudette simply smirked as she looked up at him. “Yeah. Suuuuuuuure that is the case. Let me guess? Your friend is a loser who can’t make it with a dog so he gets with a cat! Wow a CAT lover! Do you know what my family would do if I got with a dog! Creep!” Claudette hissed.

"Hey, my friend's a good dog and an excellent officer!" Fox said defensively. "He's most certainly not a cat-lover, though there really is nothing wrong with that... But if he was, he would never go for a hypocrite like you."

Claudette simply put her paw up to stop Fox from talking anymore. “I’m not from around here, but I know that where I’m from, that would NOT be tolerated. Doesn’t matter WHAT you say."

Fox clenched his paws as he watched Claudette. "Well, you're in Babylon Gardens now, get used to things being a bit different," Fox growled. Despite his outrage, he suddenly remembered his objective and changed his tone. He examined her and concluded that she was too tall to be the suspect.

Claudette gaped at him as she was insulted and then she noticed that Fox was examining her. “Is there anything that you like that you see?” she hmphed.

"No, not really," Fox said. "I'm just beginning to see that you really don't look like Sabrina after all. “She’s way skinnier.” Fox thought to himself and struggled to hold back a grin. "Nevertheless, you said you're not from around here, so, if I may ask, when did you move into town?"

Claudette sighed a bit getting annoyed. “I didn’t move into town. I’m visiting family. My cousins. I came here because I needed a laugh. Not too be interrogated.” she crossed her arms.

"I was just asking out of curiosity.” Fox shrugged. "As an officer, I like to know as many of the people in town as possible."

Claudette rolled her eyes. “Well you got your answer. Is there anything else officer?” she asked in a bit of a condescending tone.

Fox paused for a moment, noticing something familiar about her expression. "Yeah, again, out of curiosity, who are these relations of yours? I mean, most of the cats here know who Sabrina is and all and I find it odd that having family here you wouldn't."

Claudette groaned making her displeasure known. “My cousins really don’t pay much attention to the media to keep up with current events.If you must know, my cousins whom you probably will never see: Rob, Roy and Renee.”

Fox froze at the mention of the name ‘Rob’ and he hoped it was just a coincidence. “”Rob, huh?" Fox asked, remembering his encounter at the bowling alley. "He wouldn't happen to be a tall body builder with white fur?”

Claudette’s eyes opened wide and then she just sighed. “Who did he assault now?” she said casually as if it was a normal occurrence.

"Just the bat who performed on stage a few minutes ago," Fox answered. "So I take it that he's always angry."

Claudette didn’t even bother to look at Fox while answering. “Yes he is always angry. Obviously since he has to be better then everybody.” Claudette huffed

[5/30/15, 11:24:46 PM] Nicholas Leonardo: "Yeah, he kind of made that point abundantly clear.” Fox said. "It's only fortunate that Nick didn't press any charges and no one actually saw Rob stuff him in the claw machine. Regardless, he should really learn to mind that temper."

Claudette gave a smug look. “Go tell him that and see what he does." she said, hoping that Fox actually did do it.

A drop of sweat rolled down Fox's face. "Good point, but still." He sighed to himself, before getting up and looking at the raccoon over the next table. He looked back at Claudette, certain that she knew nothing of use, or manners for that matter, and tipped his visor. "Well, sorry for the interruption, please enjoy the rest of the show."

Claudette turned her back towards him. “Oh how I will try.” she said as Fox left, glad that the didn’t have to be around her anymore.

Fox casually approached the raccoon nearby. He was a short corpulent fellow, not quite possessing the right physique to be the perp in Fox's mind. However, he did have a familiar smell to him and may know something of use. He was currently slumped over on the table, holding a large pitcher of orange soda. He was awake enough such that his eyes locked onto Fox's as he prepared to sit. "So, having fun tonight?" Fox asked, not quite knowing what to say.

The raccoon stood up and giggled a bit as he swayed from left to right. “I wanna say that I am, but that bat. Oh my God, he was so BORING! I wanted to drink myself into a stupor.” he hiccuped.

"I'd say you weren't the only one," Fox chuckled. "At least you were among the few to stick around." Fox noted that he still had 3/4s of his orange soda left in the jug.

The raccoon tried to sit up straight but almost fell out of his chair. “That’s because my ride isn’t here yet. I asked them to stick around with me, but they said that it was a bad idea. I guess I should have believed them."

Fox nodded. "That probably would have been a good idea." Fox thought carefully for a moment before continuing. "But I can give you a ride back if you like. I take it that you live near the wood north of town, like by the manure plant?"

The raccoon guzzled down another glass of orange soda. “Let me think about that for a minute. Oooh! I forgot where I lived! Can I come home with you?"

Fox scratched his head and sighed. "Uhh... Sorry, but no, and I think that you've had enough for one night."

The raccoon gave a small frown. “Awwwww. But I was really having fun!” he hiccuped and sighed. “Oh now I know where I live! On the other side of the bridge. Not near no poop factory!” the raccoon burped.

It was clear that no reliable useful information could be ascertained from the inebriated Procyon. Fox scratched his head and sighed. “Look, at least let me call you a cab.” he said.

“No-no, no need.” replied the raccoon, hiccuping afterwards. “I just remembered, I brought my BlackBerry with me, so I can just call my friends to get me.” He slowly reached down and pulled an over-ripened berry up to his ears.

A small drop of sweat formed by Fox’s temple as his brow lowered. “Is this character for real?” he asked himself.

“Hello?” the raccoon called into the berry. “Is this thing on? I swear I can never figure out how to work these things. Oh well, I’m sure they’ll be back by the time I wake up tomorrow, just like the last time.” He then abruptly passed-out on the table, snoring loudly. Fox was unsure as to what to do in this situation, but decided for the time being to let him slumber. With the rivers of drool cascading down his mouth, it was clear that he would not be going anywhere for a while.

Deciding not to waste any more time, Fox promptly moved on with the investigation, still determined to find some information on the thief’s whereabouts. There was an unscrupulous vibe about the whole place that began to bother him, though he couldn’t quite place it. The fact that such a horrible comedian could still have a job at the club for more than a month was perplexing. It was one of those minor details that would not escape the back of his mind to the point that it began to disturb him. Perhaps this was police intuition? His apprehension only strengthened his suspicion that his target was near.

Fox timidly walked over to the next table, still rattled from the previous two interviewees. There, a slender brown and white weasel quietly sat, enjoying a small non-carbonated beverage. He looked over at Fox and gave a warm smile. “Good evening officer.” he greeted, raising his glass.

“Hello there citizen!” Fox responded, wincing shortly afterwards upon realizing how awkward he sounded. “Liking the entertainment?”

The weasel smiled again. “Indeed, this has been an entertaining evening; one of Nick’s better performances thus far, if I do say so myself.”

“You mean you regularly sit through his routines?” Fox asked a bit shocked at that. How anyone could sit through that idiot’s routine was beyond him.

“Indeed, I do.” the weasel nodded. He took a small sip of his beverage as he was talking to Fox. Fox was getting VERY suspicious about this character for some reason but couldn’t understand why.

Fox’s left eyebrow rose up on his puzzled face. “And you honestly enjoy them?” Fox said, trying to keep the shocked out of his voice.

The weasel sipped his drink before answering. “Let’s just say I find it amusing to watch a comedian who ceaselessly insists that he’s funny while never once knowing the praise of laughter. Such honesty cannot be feigned; such delusion cannot be scripted... It’s almost like he tries so hard to be funny that he’s unfunny to the point of being funny again.”

Fox held his chin in thought. “I guess that makes sense. I hadn’t really thought of it like that, but now that you mention it, it is kind of funny... though still sad.” Fox said.

“I suppose it’s the sadistic side in all of us,” the weasel remarked. “It’s what makes slapstick and awkward sitcoms so funny. But if it makes you feel any better, remember that he still has a job here. He’s had it since I first came to town a few weeks ago.”

Fox grew more interested in this insightful gentleman. He certainly was one of the more amicable individuals he has met this evening. It was to the point he began to let his guard down and talk more familiarly, even indulging in an orange soda. “By the way, my name’s Fox.”

“I’m Marten, Marten Maloney.” replied the weasel, shaking Fox’s hand. “I take it by your accent that you too are not originally from here.”

“No,” Fox answered. “I grew up in the country, but came to Babylon Gardens when I was a year old. What about you?”

Marten looked up and exhaled. “Oh, I’ve been around, pretty much everywhere.” Marten said. Even though Fox’s guard was being lowered, there was still something in the back of his mind that was suspicious. He could only wonder: could his new friend be the perp?
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Re: The Winds of Change

Post by Saturn381 »

Nice update, Amazee and dryideabat. :)
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Re: The Winds of Change

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

Thank you for that! Don't worry. I'm sure we will find a way to post more!
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Re: The Winds of Change

Post by DigitalBrave3 »

I don't really like fanfiction, but this is pretty decent.
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Re: The Winds of Change

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

Thanks for that! As soon as my cowriter's personal life clears up we can continue on!
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Re: The Winds of Change

Post by DigitalBrave3 »

Can't wait!
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Re: The Winds of Change

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

Trust me, neither can I. :geek:
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Re: The Winds of Change

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

Got the next chapter up! I guess the lesson is if you find a girl you are infatuated with, your brainpower goes up. :geek:

Fox continued to converse with Marten, becoming more relaxed by the minute. Though something about this stranger still bothered him, Fox began to really like him such that his apprehension steadily waned. As far as he could tell, he was a down-to-earth well-balanced fellow.

“This town is certainly amusing.” Marten remarked, looking at a picture of a boy and his golden retriever. “Of all the places I’ve been, the pets and pet-owners here seem the most at ease.” Marten smiled at Fox.

“Yes, the late Henry Milton built Babylon Gardens to be a paradise for humans and animals,” Fox stated.

“So he did,” Marten said. His jaw clenched ever slightly beneath his smooth smile, only barely enough for Fox to notice. “While it’s safe to assume that this paradise doesn’t quite extend to feral creatures like me, it’s innovative and amusing nonetheless.” Marten stated.

“Well, to be fair, that’s an entirely different matter altogether.” Fox said. “In regard to pets and ferals, it’s obvious that no place is perfect. But hey, you’ve certainly been getting by in your few weeks here; given you can afford to go to nightclubs.” Fox said.

“I suppose that’s true, though even amassing the few dollars for this place wasn’t easy.” Marten replied. “No respectable business will hire a wild animal out of fear of ticks and rabies, so I’ve had to forage through muck for any tradable goods I could find.” He looked back at Claudette and smirked. “Speaking of foraging through muck, I surmise that infatuating specimen wasn’t meant to be the one.” He snickered.

“Oh no, I wasn’t asking her out,” Fox said defensively. “I just needed some information from her, though it somehow escalated into something else. To be clear, I’m not a cat-lover, but I respect those who are.” Fox said.

“I understand.” Marten nodded. “I too respect interspecies relationships. I even had one of my own a while back, though ultimately it proved to be nothing more than a transient thrill...” Marten trailed off.

“Really?” Fox asked. “Please, elaborate.” Fox was curious about who he had dated that was of a different species. All that he knew was that around there, dogs and cats were taboo.

Marten took a quick sip from his glass before speaking. “There isn’t that much to elaborate; I had a brief love affair with a ferret- a non-feral of all things. We shared some fun times together, but complex circumstances forced us to part ways.”

“Oh, I’m sorry,” Fox frowned feeling bad that his relationship was forced to come to an end so soon as he seemed to enjoy being with that girl.

“There’s no need to apologize.” Marten said. “I certainly have no regrets over how things transpired, as those were some of the finest moments in my life. In fact, I honestly don’t have any regrets over anything in my life to speak of.” He paused for a moment, studying Fox before smiling. “Excluding that feisty feline, I can see that you’ve been searching far and wide for a soulmate.”

Fox closed his eyes and sighed. “I have, but with no success. That’s not to say that I haven’t come across any candidates, but they never worked out due to... complex circumstances.” Fox said.

“Let me guess: it was a simple matter of overthinking and waiting too long?” Marten asked as he took another sip from his glass.

“I’m afraid you more or less nailed it on the head.” Fox answered, scratching the back of his ear in both surprise and embarrassment.

“Well, here’s my opinion.” Marten said, clearing his throat. “With life being so uncertain, it’s always best to just go for it and run,” Marten said. “When an opportunity falls within your sights, seize it without hesitation or asking questions, as you may never get a second chance.” He said.

“I suppose that’s true in some cases.” Fox said. “But I don’t want to hurt anyone, nor do I want to be hurt.” Fox said.

“Well, that’s just part of life.” Marten replied. “There’s always the risk that events will not play out in the most desirable fashion. It boils down to just trying it, all the while living with no regrets so long as you see it through. It’s the philosophy I go by and it’s never failed to surprise me.” He looked over at Kevin and Elena. “I see Kevin over there is practicing this idea well; pushing himself out of the sorrow of a past relationship and starting anew.” Marten observed, not realizing he made a very serious mistake.

“You really think so?” Fox asked, not aware that Kevin and Sasha were no longer a couple. However, carefully studying Kevin interacting with Elena, the validity of Marten’s assessment became apparent. It was the first time in a while that he had seen his fellow K-9 so ebullient and happy. He was actually laughing.

A brief moment passed before Fox’s heart skipped a beat. “Wait, how did you know his name?” He asked, growing serious.

“Well, you told me about him earlier.” Marten replied, shrugging his shoulders hoping that Fox wouldn’t remember otherwise.

Was that true? Fox did not recall mentioning Kevin, though he had two glasses of orange soda circulating through him. “Maybe he’s just that insightful, that he read that piece of information from me.” Fox hoped to himself.

Just then, an oversized buff squirrel sauntered up to their table, holding a gold watch in his hands. He held it up to Marten’s face and grumbled. “Hey, buddy, we can’t take this as it’s got custom engravings on it.” he said in a gruff tone.

Fox’s eyes lit up. It was the Milton’s watch! All of his fears had been proven truth. There was indeed a reason that he initially felt that there was something off about him.

Marten nonchalantly sipped his glass again and sighed. “Really? Such impeccable timing that you’d almost think this was staged... Oh well.” He simply said.

The room seemed to freeze in silence as Fox’s adrenaline spiked. His feet burned beneath the table. “Why? Why did you do it?” He demanded, glaring through his visor.

“It’s as I said; I see an opportunity, I seize it with no regrets.” Marten replied with a calm smile. Meanwhile, the buff squirrel scratched his disproportionately small head in confusion, oblivious to the tension.

“You know I have to arrest you?” Fox said; his haunches ready to charge at the weasel that he was once talking to and building a rapport with.

Marten remained seated without the slightest show of anxiety. He finished his drink and smiled. “Then by all means, officer, try your best.”

With a mighty bolt, Fox leapt forward, shouting, “This is for Kevin’s nose!” Marten jumped up and threw a pellet down on the table. With a loud burst, it instantly shrouded the entire room in smoke. Amongst the coughing of the others nearby, the fierce struggle could be heard from inside the noxious veil; the sounds of tables falling over and glasses shattering. Just as Kevin was about to join the fray, there was a loud thud followed by dead silence.

Seconds later, the smoke cleared and everyone regained their bearing. To everyone’s dismay, Fox had not captured the perp. Instead, he had crashed face-first into the massive chest of the squirrel. “Hey kid,” the squirrel growled. “I’m flattered and all, but you probably want to take me out for dinner first.”

Fox rose and shook himself, more embarrassed than hurt from the impact. The thief was long gone and he backed up and held his nose, feeling it starting to bleed and hearing people laughing at him. He blushed a bright red.

Kevin walked over and knelt down next to Fox. "You alright?" he asked his partner as Fox held his nose hoping to stop the bleeding.

Elena saw the commotion and heard what happened as she looked over to where Kevin went. She got up and wandered over. “Uh, are you OK man? I think everybody saw what happened." She said.

Fox merely nodded, avoiding eye contact. He felt way too embarrassed to say anything to the young Boxer Samoyed mix who was standing next to Kevin and eying him with interest.

"Gee, that guy got us both now.“ Kevin commented, scratching his nose as another patron handed Fox some napkins to stop the bleeding.

“Yeah but at least we know that he is the one that was behind the thefts so we can nail him.” Fox said wincing as he put some pressure on it.

"I take it you got a good look at him- maybe got his name or something?" Kevin asked, blushing a little as Elena stepped next to him.

“Yeah. He told me his name was Marten Maloney. It was strange how friendly he was before I figured out who he was.” Fox said still not making eye contact with Elena or the two sisters.

Elena blinked at that. “What is strange is that he lasted here this long sober. I was only here for an hour and I wanted to throw myself out a window.” She said making gagging noises remembering Nick’s routine.

Kevin thought for a moment. "That is strange. He's probably the only one to come to that bat's standup knowing what to expect but not wanting a few drinks." Kevin thought aloud.

"Yeah or being dragged along by someone who thinks everything is funny," Holly mumbled, listening in on the conversation.

"Look Holly, it was a ninja!” Heidi said, sniffing the residue left by the smoke bomb. "I told you they were real. Told you!"

Holly's eyes squinted. "I never said they weren't," she growled. "It's just who practices ninjutsu anymore like that?" Holly said crossing her arms.

“Naruto fans," Heidi replied, smiling, not knowing that her casual remarks were making Holly scream inwardly at how uninformed her sister was.

"I- I sometimes wonder if you really are dumb or if this is some ruse to get a rise out of me.” Holly growled.

Elena looked back at the sisters and laughed nervously. “Well I do hope that you find him and arrest him for whatever crime he committed.” Elena said, not knowing what he did.

"Don't worry about that, we will," Kevin said. He turned over to the squirrel as he was slowly walking away. "Hmm, that's Milton's watch. Sir, please hand that over as it is stolen." Kevin said in an authoritative voice/

"Whatja got for it?” The squirrel asked, holding the watch close to his chest and eying Kevin warily despite the fact that he was a police officer though he didn’t care.

Kevin was at a momentary loss for words. "I-I don't got or need anything for it; it's stolen and doesn't belong to you." Kevin said.

"Fine, whatever, here.” mumbled the squirrel. He tossed the watch down at Kevin's feet and waddled off to the back of the room.

“That was kind of easy. I bit too easy though.” Fox mumbled as he looked to Kevin, and then back at Elena as she tried to diffuse the situation with the sisters.

"I'm starting to question the morality of this place.” Kevin said aloud. "I don't know about you, but there's something suspicious about this whole club that may warrant it's own investigation." Kevin crossed his arms and looked around.

“Come to think of it, this club kind of gives me the creeps.” Elena said, satisfied that she stopped Holly from strangling Heidi.

"Alright, let's call in a patrol over this area, though I can't imagine that our nimble friend will be within ten miles from here by now." Kevin said. He was in rare form now, taking control with the same command and clarity as Ralph. "Let's get a team to collect some samples and do a more thorough investigation of this club. Maybe he's tried to trade other items." Kevin finished off by saying.

Fox just stood there in shock, not knowing what to say. “Kevin. I’ve never seen this side to you before." He said with eyes widened.

"Huh, you're right," Kevin said, scratching his head. "I don't know, I guess I've hit my stride tonight." Kevin said a bit bashfully.

"I know what it is, you're trying to impress Elena101!“ Heidi said, still calling the female mix by her onscreen username she found on the computer.

Holly rolled her eyes and clenched her forehead. "Why do I even bother?" she asked as she noticed Heidi snickering a bit.

Elena blushed a bit at that then turns back to Heidi. “Just call me Elena.” she said looking back at Holly who looked like she was gonna burst an aneurysm.

Fox gave the orders via his walky talky and, within mere minutes, a small team arrived. They also provided bandages and soap for Fox's nose.

"Well, Fox and I best be on our way.” Kevin said, stretching his arms. "We should probably take this back to Keene first before he hires another bounty hunter." He looked back at Elena and smiled. "It was nice meeting you. Hope to see you around... in a nicer place than this." Kevin said trying not to blush.

“Same here. Oh actually there is a place where we can meet up again.” Elena said now remembering it.

"Oh really? Where?" Kevin asked. He was already looking forward to seeing this new girl again though he didn’t want to show it because he feared it might drive her away.

“Well someone in town is throwing a “welcome to the neighborhood” party for me. Someone who I don’t know well enough, but hey, free party." Elena said happily.

Kevin's ears perked up. "Oh, I see. I don't know if I got an invitation as I've been working non-stop the past few weeks, but I'll check." Kevin said.

"It's probably Peanut then, since he and that Grape guy were the original protagonists of this story.” Heidi stated. Everyone stopped and gawked at Heidi, having no idea what she was talking about.

"I don't know what to say other than that you have lost all connection with reality.” Holly grumbled as she took a few steps away from her sister.

“Yeah that sounds about right. When I got the letter and saw the name, I wanted some peanut butter.” Elena said still looking at Heidi.

“That does sound like something Peanut would do.” Fox admitted as he also was trying to figure out what Heidi was going on about.

"Alright, so I'll see you then," Kevin smiled. He really couldn’t explain how he was feeling and he was confused by it since he never felt this way before. He felt pure ecstasy and he couldn’t place his paw on why. All he knew is that when he was around this lithe and nimble female dog, he felt his stomach doing somersaults.

As everyone parted ways, the raccoon awoke, still tipsy from before. He stopped Heidi just as she and Holly were passing by to leave. "Take me home with you," he slurred.

"Okay!" Heidi said. She was all too eager to have some more company though she didn’t know that he meant he wanted to live with them.

"No!!" Holly screamed as she grabbed Heidi’s hand and dragged her away from the drug raccoon who was making grabbing motions in the air and hiccuping.

Elena’s eyes widened. “Why would you wanna take a random STRANGER home with you?” the raccoon fell over and started snoring.

“Why does this one do anything at all? I swear I think that she needs to be tested!” Holly said as Heidi went over to said raccoon to try to poke him.

“Oh that wouldn’t be any good because I don’t really do good with tests.” Heidi said as Holly lead her away grumbling under her breath.

Elena smiled and waved goodnight to Kevin and Fox. She then followed after the sisters as they were gonna be her ride home as she came there with them. Elena couldn’t really explain it either as when she saw Kevin, she thought she was feeling a bond form with him. Elena was worried that because he was muscular, it was just lust but in the back of her mind, she found herself attracted to his personality and some of his slow-witted statements. Only time would tell.
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Re: The Winds of Change

Post by jrh150482 »

Awesome fanfic. I started at the beginning an hour or two ago and read all the way through it. Nice job, and I hope you post the next chapter soon.
*in Christopher Walken style*

I have a fever... and the only prescription... is more Kingley!
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Amazee Dayzee
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Re: The Winds of Change

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

Thank you! Its really nice to have some fans here! Please comment more peoples!
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Re: The Winds of Change

Post by Saturn381 »

Nice update, Amazee. :)
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Amazee Dayzee
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Re: The Winds of Change

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

Glad that people are finally digging the story and commenting!
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Re: The Winds of Change

Post by dryideabat »

Yes, and just wait when Kevin reveals himself to be a cyborg from the future: Kevinator v911... Come on! I've said it before, but can't you see it?! :lol: Sasha Hartford = Sarah Conner. Fox = Kyle Reese. Kevin's perfectly ripped for the role and I can just hear the one-liners from him in Arnold's voice. "I'm all bark and all bite." And with the new one coming out, I can also picture the good Kevinator (his redesign) facing his older self (original draw)...

...OK, I'm just kidding in all of this (though it would be funny)... Now to wait and see what AD says.
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Re: The Winds of Change

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

We've been through this! I said before no Kevinator of any kind in the story! How many times do I have to say it? Don't make me get the jello Pokeball!

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Re: The Winds of Change

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

The newest chapter is up! Read and comment! Tell me what you like!

No one at the station slept for days as all efforts were again focused on tracking down the thief. Search parties and patrols relentlessly scanned every orifice throughout Babylon Gardens, but returned empty. Fortunately, the elusive target now had a face and a name, and the golden watch was returned to its rightful owners. It was enough such that Keene halted his enlistment of any more bounty hunters... at least for the time being.

However, a week passed and the Milton’s other prized possessions were still missing. They were not among the items bartered at the Midnight Howl, which harbored its own horde of illicitly-gained materials and unscrupulous characters. In fact, upon closer inspection, the club was revealed to be secretly run by one of the squirrel mafia families: the Ghianda’s. This family was notorious for loan sharking and smuggling, and had been using the club as a front. While the squirrels had no information on the thief, the K-9’s found some solace in shutting down their operation... along with Nick’s comedy routine.

It was currently three in the morning and Fox, Kevin, Fido, and Ralph were sorting through all of the available information. “Okay, let’s go over again what we know.” Ralph started, flipping through his notes. “This thief, who goes by the name of Marten Maloney, is a weasel with the tricks and tools of a ninja. His previous hideout was at a fertilizer plant, but he clearly has others in which he’s stashing his loot and weaponry. The only place he has been seen without a cloak is at the Midnight Howl, where only a handful of semi-lucid witnesses ever got a good look at him, including Officer Lindberg.”

Fido let out an aggravated yawn as he finished reading through the computer database. “There are no files on a weasel named Marten Maloney.” He looked over at Fox with bloodshot eyes. “Are you sure that’s what he called himself?” Fido said, trying to keep his eyes open.

“I’m absolutely positive!” Fox stated adamantly. “Did you try different spellings of the name?” Fox said, starting to doubt himself a little bit.

“I’ve tried it all, but no matches!” Fido groaned, banging his head against the screen. “Then again, you did say he was feral, so no record of him is probably to be expected.”

Kevin looked over Fido’s shoulder and scratched his chin. “You know, I just noticed if you jumble the letters a bit, his name says something.”

Fido gawked at his friend like he had daisies growing from his forehead. “What on earth are you talking about?”

Kevin started writing down the name on paper, albeit with not the most legible penmanship. Nevertheless, everyone looked on in silence, as he quickly illustrated his point. When rearranged, Marten Maloney spelt “Not my real name.”

Fox’s eyes widened. “Go figure he’d use an anagram.” He slowly turned to Kevin in amazement. “How did you do that?”

Kevin just shrugged his shoulders. Perhaps it was the power of confidence restored by hope? “Alright, so now we know that he’s been using an alias.” Ralph said, not as impressed.

“A bit cliché, but apparently good enough to even fool the Ghianda’s.” Fido remarked. “If they knew who he was, they probably would have recruited him. But apparently he prefers to work alone.”

Fox sipped his cup of coffee and sighed. “That’s not too surprising. Talking with him, I got the impression that he’s the confident type who likes to sit back and watch everyone else make fools of themselves... He’s certainly been doing that with us, me especially... Nick filled that role for him perfectly; endlessly amusing him while clearing the building of all but a few sane people. A fairly clever system, aside from the riot Kevin narrowly averted... I assume we never got any useful information from Nick.”

Fido shook his head. “No. In fact, the poor fool was completely oblivious to being used by the Ghiandas as a cover. He really thought that he was a decent enough comedian to earn his keep; paying off his enormous debt.” Fido said, trying to keep a straight face.

“That’s not too surprising either.” Fox said with a plain face. “But aside from that, I also gathered that he resents wealthy non-ferals. That makes Duchess a prime target, as also indicated in the newspaper we found at his hideout. He most likely has the confidence to pull the heist even now if he wanted... and who’s to say we can stop him?” Fox lamented.

“We will stop him!” Ralph barked. “Let’s not lose our confidence, for no weasel is going to make a monkey out of the best darn K-9 unit around! Right?!” Ralph shouted.

“Yes sir!” Kevin yelled, not fully aware why Ralph was yelling. He had drifted off in deep thought back when Fox mentioned the riot he broke up; thinking about Elena.

Ralph leered around at everyone before continuing. “Anyway, word is that Duchess is going to be holding some exclusive banquet next Tuesday. If it’s anything like the Milton’s party, that will be the perfect opportunity for our friend to strike. Even though none of us were invited, we should all be on standby around the area.”

Kevin’s heart sank. The other day, he had finally received an invitation to Elena’s welcoming party. It was to be held at the Sandwich house on that day. He full-heartedly hoped that they would capture the thief before then, but understood that that may no longer be possible.

“Understood,” Kevin replied listlessly. “May I use the restroom sir?” Kevin said, not really wanting to go but just needed to clear his thoughts.

“Yes, but hurry-up, we have to start strategizing!” Ralph replied. a bit impatient and a little irritated as he was as tired as the rest of the squad was.

Fox and Fido watched Kevin walk out and exchanged concerned glances. Only Fox was privy to Kevin’s attraction toward Elena and knew of the welcoming party. He quickly cleared his throat and spoke up. “Sir, I think Fido and I can handle this. I mean, we don’t want to draw too much attention by having all of us around, right?” Fox asked.

“Absolutely not,” Ralph said. “We need every available K-9 to catch this one.” Ralph said, wondering why Kevin of all people wasn’t enthusiastic.

“At least let’s give Kevin a break.” Fido chimed in. “He has been working very hard and desperately needs it.”

Ralph shook his head. “No, we need him on this one too. I would think he most of all would be pumped for this.” A brief pause ensued, as Fox and Fido looked at each other again. Fido then leered at his Fox through his sunglasses and crossed his arms as he asked, “Okay, what’s this all about?”

All stares were now on Fox, who began to wrestle with a myriad of thoughts. Should he reveal that Kevin might be taking a liking toward the new girl in town? Was his assessment of the situation even correct? Kevin never even mentioned that he had broken-up with Sasha. What if he’s cheating on her? Then again, Fox had come to understand Kevin well enough to know that he would never do anything like that. The awkward moment of silence had carried on for too long. Fox had to say something.

Fox looked around as everybody in the room began to stare at him and Ralph began to look testy that he couldn’t continue to go over the plans for the K-9 Unit to capture the alias-using weasel. Though Fox was still worried about Sasha and thoughts about her began to consume him, he still felt everybody’s stares drilling into him.

Luckily, he didn’t need to answer, as Kevin walked back into the room wearing a long dejected look on his face. He had a trail of toilet paper on his foot. "Alright, I'm back.” he sighed. "So, what's the plan?"

Fido looked over at Kevin and scratched the back of his head and grimaced behind his glasses. “Uh Kevin? You know that you have uh…something stuck to your foot?”

Kevin looked down and blushed. "Oh, s-sorry." He promptly disposed of the passenger and turned back to Ralph. "So, sir, what's my part in this mission."

Fox continued to worry about Sasha and the fears that Kevin was maybe going behind her back with the new girl. Still, Kevin seemed so broken-hearted at not going to party. He decided to talk to him after the briefing. “Yeah sir, we would like to know what our parts are also." Fox asked.

"We'll need to covertly scout the perimeter and surrounding streets.” Ralph began, sprawling out a detailed map onto the table. "Kevin, you take the northwest corner hiding behind those bushes. Fox, you take the east side behind the fence. Fido, you have the back via a treehouse the next yard over. I'll look-on the main entrance from across the street, coordinating with the patrols going down the road."

Fido nods at his assignment as he stretches in the computer chair. “That sounds good. Since he seems to be a bit too arrogant, I have a feeling we will catch him soon.” Fido said facing the depressed Kevin. Fox was worried about both Kevin and Sasha

Ralph stretched his back and folded-up the map. "Alright, so I'll run this by the other teams first thing tomorrow. We'll all go over it again in more detail, but right now we should all rest up. It has been a long week."

Fox nodded as he got up and looked at the time. “That sounds good. Don’t worry sir, we will make sure that everything goes to plan. He won’t be able to breach Duchess’s house.” Fox said as he watched as Fido shut down the computer.

Everyone took a collective yawn before walking on out of the station. Kevin was the last to close the door behind them and lock it. He started slowly shuffling his way home, looking down at his feet, when Fox turned back and walked up to him.

Fox didn’t know how to broach the subject and swallowed a bit, but he took a deep breath and he gave it a try. “So you really wanted to go to that party?" He asked gently.

"Yeah, I really do.” Kevin nodded, still looking down at his feet. He looked up, sucking in his cheeks before exhaling. "But duty comes first in all of this. I'm sure they'll be other opportunities to see..." He stopped himself.

Fox found his opportunity to ask about Elena and he quickly jumped on it. “Elena you mean? Your eyes lit up when talking with her."
Kevin's ears twitched from surprise. "So you saw that, huh," he said. Kevin put a paw behind his head and scratched his neck, trying not to look embarrassed.

Fox chose his words carefully. “Yeah it was really something. Like you were trying to impress her." Fox said.

"I guess I was.” Kevin sighed, slowly turning back towards Fox and giving him a small smile. A long moment passed before Kevin resumed. "Well, I haven't told anyone this, but Sasha and I kind of broke up a while ago. We're still buddies, but felt it should stay just as that. I'm still searching for my soulmate and think I may have found the one, but I want to make sure and see this as the perfect place to get to know her and all."

Fox’s heart nearly stopped when Kevin admitted that he and Sasha had broken up. His mouth dropped open and he tried to regain his composure. “So you and Sasha are just friends now? You aren’t dating? She’s single?” Fox stammered and butterflies seemingly filled up his stomach.

"Yep.” Kevin nodded. "She's completely single, available to anyone she chooses. Whoever it is, I'd hold no hard or angry feelings against."

[7/18/15, 9:37:02 PM] DJ Bilodeau: Fox was still taken completely off-guard. “I had no idea. The two of you seemed to like each other a lot!” he said.

["We liked each other, and still do, but deep down we didn't like like each other/“ Kevin said. "We were just... too different for things to work out, for both of us to be happy for long... Sorry I never told anyone- not sure why I didn't."

Fox nodded, still hung up on his words about him not caring if anybody went after Sasha. “I see. Well its nice you are still close friends." he said.

"Yeah, that's the good news in all of this," Kevin smiled. "I treasure having such a kind friend. But that now leaves a big lonely hole to fill; a hole that's been keeping me up at night." He said a bit sadly.

“Oh I understand. So you were really hoping you could go to the party?” Fox asked again, wondering if he could find someway to fix this.

Kevin just nodded, looking up at the half-moon. He began to fear him completely missing his chance with Elena and her dating someone else/

“Look it, why don’t I try to talk to Ralph. I’m sure he would understand." Fox said hoping to do something for a good friend.

"You can try, but I'm not sure he'll allow it.” Kevin sighed. "As you figured-out, he's not exactly the easiest guy to convince to change a plan. He really can be a Mr. Grumpy Muzzle."

Fox laughed at the nickname knowing that it was Sasha’s idea. “What about if we tell him the circumstances? You know, you falling in love with the new girl." Fox said sensitively.

"I guess that's okay, as it's the truth and all. I really want to get to know her better- make sure she's the one... Look at me. You probably think I'm a wimp for not asking him myself." Kevin said.

Fox shook his head. “Actually I admire you for wanting to get to know her first. I don’t think I would be able to ask Ralph for time do that either.” Fox sighed, his thoughts plagued by Sasha

"Yeah, it's even more awkward given that Fido and I are his rightpaw officers. He counts on us the most to carry out his orders without question. Also, I'm not great with words and couldn't make an argument even if I had the nerve." Kevin admitted.

“He is a pretty intimidating guy. I wonder if he has time for romance?” Fox thought aloud trying to picture Ralph on a date.

"Hmm I wonder.” Kevin said, scratching his chin and picturing an equally grumpy-looking female version of Ralph. Kevin cringed at the image and shook his head. "It's never really come up, but I guess as you once told me, there's someone for everyone."

Fox smiled and shook his head. “Yeah there is. Just look at my cousin and King.” Fox said, very happy that they were expecting puppies.

Kevin let out a yawn and cracked his back. "Well, you can talk to him if you like. Whatever he says, I'll be grateful to you for just trying. But, with it being Ralph, I'm not getting my hopes up."

Fox frowned. “I’m sure he has a romantic side, but you are right, I can’t promise anything." Fox said hoping the truth would convince him.

"Alright then, thanks and good luck. See you tomorrow." Kevin said as he trudged back to his house in town.

ox nods. “Yeah. I will see you tomorrow also. Hopefully everything will be sorted.” Fox said as he headed towards his own house.

After a short nights rest, the K-9s promptly returned to the station to resume work. Weary faces slowly entered the building one by one. The weather didn't help to invigorate spirits, with mixed skies and variable light winds. All officers were bustling about as usual; all except for Kevin. This greatly concerned Fox, as Kevin was always there before him every day. Still, he remembered that he promised to talk to Ralph and try to convince him to relieve Kevin for just that day. He took several deep breaths before entering the sergeant's office.

Fox knocked on the door and waited for Ralph to reply. He started to go over exactly what he would say in his head.

Ralph was currently on his computer. "Officer Lindberg, good morning!” he greeted, while still typing. "Be with you in just a minute, have a seat." Fox slowly and nervously sat in the chair in front of the desk, narrowly missing it, though Ralph was too preoccupied to notice. Ralph quickly finished and turned his attention to the nervous husky. "Okay, so what do you have?" Ralph asked.

“Its nothing about that but its actually about Kev—Officer Beauregard and the reason he wanted to take one day off.” Fox said as he inhaled sharply.

"Ah, right, Officer Beauregard.” Ralph replied with his usual stern expression. "It's strange that he's late today—definitely a first in his career. Do you know if he's sick or something; maybe needs a checkup?"

Fox quickly shook his head. “No its not that sir. The problem is he is actually is quite taken with the new girl in town.” Fox said.

"A new girl?" Ralph asked. "What about—what's her name—Sasha? Never really liked her and her nickname for me." Ralph asked as he looked back to his computer to see if he had any files on Elena.

Fox looked at him weirdly, not used to Ralph expressing his opinion about anything else but police business. “Yeah. The new girl that is moving in. Peanut is throwing a party for her."

Ralph's eyebrows subtly rose, though the rest of his face remained stern. "Oh, her. I believe her—Elena Whittaker. I know about the party, but it's on the same day as Duchess's; our chance to bag the thief. So what's this have to do with him wanting to take the day off?" Ralph asked, not getting it.

Fox looked at Ralph. “Its because he is attracted to her." Fox said trying to sound as professional as possible.

Ralph's eyebrows rose again. "I see, so he's no longer seeing Sasha Hartford? I noticed a decrease in Kevin's productivity coinciding with him dating her…” Ralph said, which made Fox nervous because HE was in love with Sasha.

“No they are not sir. They broke up, but they are remaining friends.” Fox said, beginning to think more about Sasha.

"I see, so he wants to get to know Elena better; to better understand his target through the party!” Ralph said, in an interested tone.

“Yeah that would be one way to phrase it.” Fox said, pretty much expecting Ralph to phrase it as if it was a mission.

Ralph thought for a long moment, tapping his finger on the desk. "Well, it's unprofessional and we need all available agents on this case... But, on second thought, I think it's best to dismiss Kevin from the mission."

Fox’s face lit up. “So he’s excused from this mission! That is so kind of you sir! I promise we’ll work twice as hard! Just wait until I tell him the news!"

Ralph's facial expression remained the same. "Sure, I'm a kind kind of guy. I figure that this is the best way to get him back to his old efficient self. It seems that his productivity has decreased even more after the breakup. Although hopefully she can do his reports a lot more legible and in regulation ink and not give me any rude nicknames. If so, I think this Elena should be able to keep him happy but focused."

Fox stood up and agreed. “Yeah I’m sure she will also. They both smiled a lot when they met at that club for the first time.” Fox recalled.

"Okay, but you and Fido are still on duty," Ralph said. He then turned back to his computer and clicked on a message that just popped up. His eyes widened as he quickly read through it. "And apparently we're going to have a guest with us on this one. Keene decided to enlist his own help after all to accompany us." Ralph said, a bit irritated.

“That doesn’t sound good. Who exactly did he hire to come with us while we do this?” Fox asked, starting to worry.

"According to Keene's email, he should be here by now.” Ralph replied, still focused on the computer. Just then, someone standing right behind Fox said, "Here I am, as ordered." Both Fox and Ralph jumped out of their seats in complete surprise at the sight of a human-sized white hare with sunglasses and jeans.

Fox fell down on his face but then quickly got up. “I assume that Keene Milton is paying you to tag along with us? Am I right?” Fox asked, a bit intimidated by his size/

"Yes.” the hare replied. He didn't say much and was very difficult to read given his perpetually impassive expression. "If the thief is there, he's as good as captured."

Fox still looked wary. “As long as capture doesn’t mean pummeling him into oblivion or worse, we’ll be glad to have you.” Fox said still unsure.

Both police dogs looked at the newcomer and worried about how he would act. Ralph as right: they needed all the help they could get, but this hare looked shady. Hopefully he wouldn’t do anything to jeopardize the mission.
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Re: The Winds of Change

Post by Saturn381 »

Great job, Amazee!
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Amazee Dayzee
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Re: The Winds of Change

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

Thank you for the praise!
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Re: The Winds of Change

Post by jrh150482 »

Yes, great chapter.
*in Christopher Walken style*

I have a fever... and the only prescription... is more Kingley!
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Re: The Winds of Change

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

Thank you for taking the time to read it! This story would be nothing without readers!
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Re: The Winds of Change

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

Sorry for the almost month-long hiatus, but the next chapter is up for everybody to read!

A week passed and the afternoon of two decisive celebrations arrived. Kevin readied himself for Elena's welcoming party, carefully wrapping up his gift for her. He wanted to make a great impression and got her something he full-heartedly hoped she'd enjoy: an exercise ball. Meanwhile, Ralph and the rest of the K-9 team rushed to their posts around Duchess's soiree on the other side of town. Following Kevin, the tension in his every muscle could be felt from the other side of the street. He nervously walked up to Peanut's house, already teeming with festivities, tightly clenching his present. "What if she doesn't really like it?" he thought to himself. "I really hope I'm right about this, about her." He was now walking up the driveway to the front entrance. "I also hope Sasha doesn't have any hard feelings." The thought hadn't dawned on him until now. Nevertheless, he shook his head, took a deep breath, and rang the doorbell.

Elena was busy talking with Tarot and Sabrina when she heard the doorbell ring. Since it wasn’t her house, she looked towards the door. “Is that another guest coming to see me? I’m flattered!"

"I got it! I got it!" Peanut said, bolting to and opening the door with his usual enthusiasm. "Hey Kevin! Glad you can make it! Come on in." Kevin just nervously smiled, as the corner of his eye quickly spotted Elena but a few steps away. She had resumed her conversation with them and hadn't noticed him. "Say something, stupid!" he rebuked to himself in his head. "Why are you worried? You weren't this bad during your first day at the academy! Remember your training!" Just as he was about to say something, a balloon in the room popped. On an impulse, Kevin bolted forward, yelling "Gunfire! Everybody get down!" By a fluke, Peanut had narrowly sidestepped his charge, which instead pulled down an unsuspecting Tiger walking by. He looked around and blushed, as everyone stared at him with concerned looks. Both Tarot and Sabrina face palmed as Elena walked over. "S-sorry everyone, force of habit whenever I hear a pop.” he said, smiling with his eyes closed.

"That's well and all, now get off me!" Tiger growled, still pinned under Kevin. Kevin jumped back and released the frazzled mutt, who then gave him the stink eye as he hobbled back up and walked away into the other room.

Elena just laughed and clapped at the show not knowing that this was a normal occurrence with Kevin and him overreacting. “That was awesome!" Tarot and Sabrina walked away.

Kevin let out a sigh of relief. "Okay, that went well, but at least she's not laughing at me!” he thought to himself. He still had the present in his arms and awkwardly walked up to Elena. "Hi, Elena!” he said, still a bit nervous.

“Hi Kevin! It is nice to see you here! Glad you can make it.” she eyed up his muscles, noting how firm and big they were and hoping that she wasn’t caught by anybody ogling him.

He looked down at the package and hesitantly handed it to her. "I got you this to welcome you to the neighborhood. If you don't like it, please don't be afraid to tell me. I won't be offended."

Oh Kevin! You did remember what we talked about! That I liked exercising! This is perfect!” she gives a bright smile

"You like it?" Kevin said, full of excitement. He felt the sensation of butterflies fluttering around in his stomach as he watched Elena take the big blue ball out of the box.

“Oh I really do like it! I need something I will be able to do in between gymnastics! This will work fine!” Elena said in a happy but sweet voice.
[7/26/15, 1:40:56 AM] DJ Bilodeau: "Awesome!” Kevin cheered. "Now I know the design looks simple, like it could be a rip-off, but it's actually very good at training abs." Kevin said.

“Yeah, I know, right? You'd never imagine it could be so effective. Not to mention it can burn those pesky back and pelvis muscles. It's an all-around core-trainer." Elena said happily as she continued to hold it an look at Kevin

Kevin's eyes widened. "Will you marry me!?” He winced realizing what he said shortly afterwards. Everybody was looking at him now. King rolled his eyes.

Elena burst out laughing again. “I really like you a lot! You are funny and sweet!” Elena said not knowing that Kevin blurted it out as a jerk reaction.

"You do?" Kevin asked, smiling. "T-thanks, I really like you too." His stub of a tail wiggled wildly as he felt more butterflies within his stomach.

Sasha noticed Kevin and came over. “Kevin! I’m so glad that you could make it! Hi Elena!” Sasha said happily.

“Hello Sasha!” Elena replied back, with neither of the girls noticing that Kevin was looking a bit uncomfortable.

Kevin kept smiling, though his ears dropped ever slightly. "Hi Sasha! Long time no see!" Kevin said, worried about how his ex would react to the girl he was falling for.

“So are you having a good time?” Sasha asked Kevin. Elena was still eying Kevin’s muscles. Kevin really wasn’t paying much attention since he was trying to think of something to say that wouldn’t upset either girl.

"Yeah, it's been a blast so far!” Kevin said. His muscles tensed ever slightly. His mind was once again put through gymnastic loops over what to say next. "How about you? You've been doing okay?" Kevin asked Sasha, shifting his eyes away to the corner and scratching the back of his head.

“I have been fine! What about you?” Sasha asked happily not picking up on Kevin’s discomfort or Elena’s attraction to him.

Elena watched the exchange. “So you two are friends huh? Everybody is so close with each other!" Elena said.

"Yeah- in fact we dated for a while but now we're... just... friends..." Kevin replied, only catching what he was saying toward the end. His face turned beet-red.

“Oh wow. That is so nice. Its great that the two of you are still friends." Elena said not noticing Kevin sweating a bit.

Kevin was really starting to come up with a loss of words around Elena. Was she just saying that to be nice? Was she really not bothered by this. However, looking into kind eyes and seeing that genuine smile, he realized that it was all well with her. He then briefly looked over at Sasha, who returned his awkward yet relieved smile with her own.

“So have you two met before or…” Sasha asked wondering how the two of them had become so friendly with each other.

“Yeah! We met at a club where this really awful bat was performing. He was horrible.” Elena said as Kevin winced, thinking of the failure comedian formerly known as Nick.

"Yeah, that was some night!” Kevin said not realizing the possible implication. Max who was nearby heard this and snickered at it.

"I mean, I was on duty to find the thief that robbed the Milton's, and he turned out to be hanging out there of all places." Kevin said, continuing the story.

Sasha looked a bit confused. “Why would a thief go to a stinky old club?” she asked.

Elena shook her head. “While he might have taste in the finer things in life, comedy isn’t one of them.” Elena pointed out.

"Yeah, that place was pretty bad.“ Kevin added. "But that's where we met, as I just stopped her from walking up on the stage and curb-stomping the entertainment."

Elena blushed a bit. “I wasn’t gonna curb-stomp him! Just give him a swirly and slap him around a little bit.” Elena said, wondering if she should be revealing what she planned to do to a police officer. It was too late now.

Sasha looked confused. “What’s a swirly?” she asked. Elena looked to Kevin, not knowing what to say.

Kevin was also at a loss for words. "Well, uh, let's just say that it's a water-ride that's available in every home but you never want to go on it."

Sasha still was a bit confused. “OK but where is this ‘watery ride’?” she said looking around as Elena looked away a bit embarrassed.

Just as Kevin was about to interrupt Sasha's rambling, he felt a tap on his shoulder. He turned around to meet face-to-face with Marvin. The two quietly exchanged surprised stares for an awkward moment. However, Kevin looked around the frazzled cat and noticed that he was being pushed forward by his brother Tiger. "Hey, I don't know what you have against me, but I think it's time we settle it here!" Tiger said, using Marvin as a shield. "Yeah, you just love to push me down- the little guy- but I'm finally standing up for myself!"

Marvin rolled his eyes back. "Really Tiger? This is happening?" Marvin said face pawing and not trying to make eye contact with Kevin or Elena.

Sasha who was babbling on, noticed the confrontation that was happening and smiled. “Oh it looks like Tiger wants to talk to you! Then I guess I’ll leave you too it! He sure is a nice guy to get to know. Well. Laters! Sasha said as she walked off, leading Kevin t the mercy of the deranged mutt.

Elena simply blinked and looked from Tiger to Marvin to Tiger again. She took a step next to Kevin. “Uh, what is going on here?”

Kevin shrugged his shoulder's, though he had a suspicion that it had to do with the incident not more than a few minutes ago. Marvin tried to break free of Tiger's grip and turn back to reason. "You know, if anything, he should be angry at you after you blew-up a studio while he-" Marvin began to say but Tiger cut him off.

"No one's ever going to let that one down!" Tiger interrupted. "I'm paying my debt back to society but jerks like these- who only tip a lousy 20 cents- that make it impossible! Society's to blame!"

Elena blinked as he looked towards Tiger and chuckled nervously. “Should we uh, call somebody?” She was concerned that Tiger was gonna have a massive coronary. He didn’t look that fit.

Tiger quickly peaked around, still shielded. "Yeah, we can call a cop that's not a complete-" He froze mid-sentence upon setting eyes on Elena. His eyes widened and face flushed as he examined her from ears to toes.

Kevin did not notice this, as he was now focused on Tiger's grievance. "Yeah, looking back I realize that was not a great tip.” The doberman said, looking a little embarrassed. "I learned about tipping since then. And as for me tackling you earlier, I said I was sorry." Tiger remained transfixed, silently staring at Elena, but still maintaining his grip on his brother.

Marvin began to squirm away. “Tiger! What are you doing!? Why are you staring!? Its rude! What the he—“ Marvin stopped in mid-sentence when he realized what was happening. “Oh no…” he said in a deadpan tone.

Tiger had a zombified look on his face, still staring at Elena. He began to mumble softly, but loud enough for Marvin to hear and grow more uncomfortable. "Such beauty, with fur white as the bubbling cheese atop a pizza, mixed with the still delectable burnt crust of brown and black. It brings about strange new emotions that... make me willing to like Thursdays to be close to her. Such beauty."

Elena still had no idea exactly what was going on. “Is he normally like this?” Elena asked to no one in particular as he Tiger still stared at her.

“Oh you have no idea on how he’s like.” Marvin said, still deadpanning. He wasn’t about to cause the new girl to run off screaming by pointing out that his certifiable brother was in love with her.

"Again, I can't say how really sorry I am.” Kevin said, interpreting Tiger's strange aloof behavior as anger. "I definitely didn't do it to get back for the whole exploding studio incident. So much time has passed that I've completely forgotten about it." Still receiving no apparent response, Kevin thought carefully before clapping his hands. "Tell you what Tiger, I'll treat you one of these nights to dinner, say at The Meat Wagon.” Kevin asked.

Elena’s eyes opened wide. “You like The Meat Wagon also? This is so insane! I haven’t found anybody else to go with me! People say that its tacky! But I like cowboys a lot! So manly! and who doesn’t like a delicious steak!?” Elena said a bit too happily.

“I know, right?" Kevin agreed, his tail wagging again. "It's just about the best thing ever! Elena, you are the most awesome-” Kevin started to say before Tiger cut in.

"Elena... Elena..." Tiger repeated. "Beauty does have a name." He said still staring longingly at her and wishing to sniff her butt.

Marvin let out a large groan. “OK Tiger! I’m sure that they get it now! Can we PLEASE get away?” Marvin said, wrenching himself away from his brother.

Just then, to Marvin's relief, Max called out, "Hey, anyone up for Twister?" Max wasn’t thinking about the enjoyment of the guests, but more of a way to impress Grape.

“Twister! Oh my God! I just LOVE Twister! But I can never find anybody to play it with me! I’m up for it!” Elena said heading towards the sound of the voice.

Kevin quickly followed her. "Say, what is Twister?" he whispered to her on the way to the mat. "It doesn't have to do with those things out west that send cows and trailers flying, right?" Kevin shuddered, thinking about it.

“No. Its real easy! I’ll show you how to do it when we get to the mat.” Elena gave a big smile as she continued on towards the mat.

The new couple walked up to Max, accompanied by Grape, Peanut, Tarot, King, and Bailey, though King briefly voiced his fears about how the game could be bad for Bailey’s pregnancy, Bailey shut him up by shoving a hot dog in his mouth.

“Well you see, the referee spins the spinner and whatever color it lands you have to put your paw or foot on that color." Elena said simply.

"Oh, that sounds easy enough," Kevin replied. Everyone positioned themselves next to their respective partner.

“So how flexible are you then Kevin? Because I know that I am really bendy since I’m a gymnast.” Elena boasted.

Kevin scratched his head. “I’m not really sure. I haven’t played this game before. I guess we will find out soon enough! Lets DO THIS!” Kevin shouted enthusiastically.

Sabrina stood off to the side as the spinners. “As this party’s lady of honor, Elena should go first.” Sabrina announced. She briefly looked over at Kevin, whose eyes were glued to Elena’s, and gave a quick half-smile before continuing. “Followed by Kevin, Peanut, Tarot, Grape, Max, King, and- last but not least- Bailey.”

Everyone expressed their contentment with the lineup and stretched one last time in preparation. Elena cracked her knuckles as she readied herself for the first move.

Following Elena’s example for the first two rounds, Kevin became comfortable with the feel of the game and showed his impressive flexibility. He never knew he could bend like that. Meanwhile, Elena effortless adjusted herself with each additional command, much to the amazement of the others.
Spectators and participants alike giggled as the house pets became more convoluted in a variety of ridiculous poses. The chaos continued through ten rounds without anyone toppling over. Even King and Tarot were able to stretch and contort their way along in spite of their shorter limbs. All the while, each player managed to stay in contact with their respective partner, though a couple of awkward scrapes occurred here and there. Grape and Peanut were forced to touch hands at the same spot. They shyly looked toward and away from each other, minding their lovers flanking their sides like bookends.

Bailey, who never got to sniff her husband’s butt now got to opportunity to, as she as behind him. She took a big whiff while King let out a groan of anger and embarrassment. “Really HONEY!? You had to do that now!?” Elena, Peanut, Max and Bailey snickered.

Afterwards, everybody was too busy with their own persons to notice Kevin and Elena growing closer; the silent yet fiery passion enveloping the new cardio couple. Each round, each left hand green and right foot red, further intertwined the two. At one point, Elena was wrapped under Kevin’s left arm; her snout pressed up against his chest. The strong sound of his heartbeat and the tropical-like warmth emanating from his body made her close her eyes and smile. She sensually rubbed her cheek up against his iron-hard pectorals, letting out a gentle sigh. In turn, Kevin gently stroked her back with his free right hand. He relished the fine texture of her fur, the firm yet streamline feel of every contour slowly going up to her shoulders. His heartbeat quickened as he rested his muzzle atop of her head, becoming intoxicated by her fragrance of nightfall on an ice-covered peak mixed with the crisp clear air laced with cool mint and earthly patchouli. It seemed that the entire world around them froze in silent black and white.

“Umm... Elena?” Sabrina called to the Boxer Samoyed mix. “It’s your turn... Right hand blue.” Sabrina announced as everybody else snapped to attention.

Elena finally came to, noticing the strained stares from the other players struggling to hold their positions. “Oh yes, s-sorry.” she blushed, quickly repositioning herself.

Her arm accidentally swept Kevin off balance, causing him to fall down on top of her. In a split adrenaline-filled second, the two were pressed heart-to-heart, staring into each other’s eyes. All that was left was for them to lean their heads forward a little more. However, just before they simultaneously made the initiative, puckering up their lips, the avalanche of bodies triggered by Kevin’s fall finally gave way around them. When the commotion settled, the only one left in his proper position was Grape, though owed to a last-second nudge of support by Max.

The whole room echoed with laughter and cheers for the winner. The only one not cheering was Tiger, who remained frozen in place in the other room. He had been standing there alone throughout the whole game, wearing the same dumbfounded expression. His arms were still extended forward, now clenching onto nothing after Marvin quietly slipped out some time ago. “Elena.” the petrified mutt whispered to himself. “I never felt this way about something other than food... or Poom. Yet this is somehow different. Maybe this is love, meaning all of those songs on the radio aren’t complete garbage.” He gradually turned his head toward Kevin and Elena as they rose up and dusted each other off. His eyes squinted at the sight of the unwary joyous couple. “I know your game. Now you’re trying to take her from me. But rest assured my nemesis, in the end, I’ll be the one who wins her over. And I’ll do it the only way I know: by cheating.”

Kevin and Elena continued to look at each other as they smiled. There was definitely a connection there. The two didn't know it, but their firs big challenge was just across the room, vowing to make Kevin look like the biggest idiot in the world.
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Re: The Winds of Change

Post by Saturn381 »

Nice job, Amazee. :)
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Amazee Dayzee
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Re: The Winds of Change

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

Thank you so much for reading it! I will try to make sure that the next chapter doesn't take a whole month to get up if I can!
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Re: The Winds of Change

Post by dryideabat »

Yeah, sorry about the delay, but as I said... things. And, sadly, my schedule is about to get much more involved.
Ah Twister: the risqué game named after a natural disaster. Next time, Tiger retreats into the sewers, puts on a mask and cape, and learns to sing arias about his love and the night... Just kidding, can you imagine?
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Re: The Winds of Change

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

I very much doubt that Tiger would be able to stand the sewers since he seems to be so dainty. ;)
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Re: The Winds of Change

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

Sorry for the long hiatus but we have both been busy in the past so we didn't have time to collaborate which is why we are three months behind. But we got something and we hope you like it. Just as before, please read and comment!

Sasha said her goodbyes right before her father's car pulled in. He laid into the horn, calling out for her, though in a nicer and more enthusiastic tone than usual. At that moment, all Phil wanted to do was to get over to the Rowling residence in order to brownnose Duchess’s wealthy parents, Alexander and Sophie Rowling who made their fortune founding a billion dollar catering company, Rowling Gourmet. He was wearing the nicest clothes that he owned to show off, hoping that he would be inducted into the Elite society of Babylon Gardens.

Sasha, who had no clue what her father’s intentions were, eagerly dashed into the 1994 Oldsmobile Cutlass Ciera, waving one last time to everyone from the window as they drove off. In her heart of hearts, she would have rather stayed, but did make a promise to Duchess.

On the other side of town, Duchess's outdoor banquet was in full spirits. The dry scoffs and pompous chuckles of opulently fashioned canines filled the air along with the aroma of exquisite hor d'oeuvres. Indeed, there were no interesting incidences thus far to speak of, aside from a terrier dropping his monocle in his crystal bowl.

Unbeknownst to the guests, the K-9's were strategically stationed outside, monitoring every little detail. It had been hours, with no sign of the thief anywhere. Fox was currently hiding behind the bushes outside the premises with Harrison.

Fox simply gives an aggravated sigh as he watches the party in full spring. “You know, even though I hate how Duchess acts most of the time and the way she treats my ex-best friend is horrible, I still wish we could talk with people, but no. She doesn’t want us tainting her high society friends.” Fox says with a grumble.

"Mhmm," Harrison replied, remaining motionless as he scanned the darkness. The tall hare was focused on scanning for the party for the thief.

Fox shuffled his body away from Harrison uncomfortably, realizing he couldn’t strike up a conversation with the bounty hunter. “OK then. Do you see anything suspicious so far?"

Harrison simply gave a small shake of his head, only looking at Fox for as long as he needed to. "No.” Harrison replied, just as cold as before.

Fox simply sighs as he continues to keep a watch for anything. He notices that Phil Hartford’s old and clunky station wagon pull up and his heart skips a beat. “I didn’t know that Sasha was supposed to be here. I thought that she was at that new girl’s party.”

Beneath his sunglasses, Harrison's eyebrow rose ever slightly at the sight of Fox's anxious reaction, noticing his tail wag. "So, another invited guest?" he asked.

Fox didn’t look back at Harrison and just absentmindedly nodded. “I know that they spent some time together once while trying to repair her relationship with Kevin, but not that they still hang around."

Harrison raised his other eyebrow and grumbled, "Relationships, heh? I'd stay away from those and keep your mind focused on the task officer."

Fox looked back at him and gave him a look. “I can focus on doing my job. No need to worry about that.”

The hare rolled his eyes rather annoyed. ”For your sake, I hope so," Harrison replied. An awkwardly long silence ensued as Fox kept his eyes glued to the party. However, the husky could not help but glance over toward Sasha every now and then.

Harrison took notice to this and sighed. "So, I see you really like this girl in particular." Harrison knew that unless he asked about this, the officer wouldn’t be able to fully focus.

Fox spoke as he watched Sasha enter the party and attempt to mingle with some of the other members. “The two of us are close. She’s a very good friend and I do care for her a lot. She’s kind and smart even if she doesn’t seem it. But I don’t feel that she fits here.” Fox said, thinking about the time that Duchess beat Bino with a riding whip and almost made him bleed

Harrison nodded. "Hmm... I see, a girl smarter than she looks or acts. Sounds a lot like someone I know," he thought aloud, thinking about a certain apricot poodle.

Fox didn’t pay any attention to him and kept watching Sasha. “Sasha could be friends with anyone that she wants and I hate to see her taken in by Duchess."

Harrison glanced over at Sasha and then contrasted her with Duchess, who was currently scolding Bino over something. "Well, sometimes people, even good ones, have to make their own mistakes before they learn," he said.

Fox simply nodded sadly at that. “Yeah. And hope that she isn’t chewed up and spit out by these people."

Just then, there was a loud rustling from the trees overhead. A small shadowy figure bolted down into the bushes several feet away. Both Harrison and Fox turned their heads and quietly readied themselves, expecting it to make a run for the house. Fox felt a lump in his throat as he tiptoed over. However, he shook it off remember that he was a K-9 and angrily gritted his teeth. In a flash, the figure bounded out, narrowly crashing into Fox's face. The K-9 fell over from the surprise, but quickly recovered on his feet. The aggression on his face melted as he set eyes on the target now standing in the light. It was Reuben the Robin.

"Well, if it isn't you again?” Reuben said, folding his wings glad that a certain doberman or his crazy girlfriend who didn’t have a full brain between them.

“Reuben? Wait a second? What are you doing here? I didn’t expect to run into you. Nor did I expect to see you.” Fox said very surprised.

"Hey, you got my name right!" the robin loudly interrupted. "... But I suppose it's a moot point in that I finally changed it to Robin ANYWAY, but oh well." Robin said speaking as loud as he could and getting the duo dirty looks shot over where they were hiding.

"Tell your bird friend to keep it down.” Harrison whispered, also shooting dirty looks back at the wealthy canines though they couldn’t see him.

Robin angrily puffed himself up and hopped over to the towering hare. “Uh, EXCUSE me, but who are you to tell me what to do?! It's a free country!" He chirped angrily.

“Reuben uh I mean Robin, please you have to calm down! We are in the middle of a sting and you are gonna alert the perpetrator and draw attention if you keep on shouting like that!” Fox hisses.

"Ah, a sting!" Robin chirped. He continued to loudly talk in spite of Fox's gestures to hush him. "Yeah, if a robber's going to make a move, this is the place to do it. I mean, I was here in case there was any good food, but I can see how someone would be tempted to take all of this tinsel lying around. To top it off, the girl running this whole festival is a real-" With a swift, seemingly gentle poke, Harrison knocked the rambling bird unconscious.

Fox looked up at Harrison and just gaped at him. “What the heck did you do to him?" Fox asked a bit horrified at what he did.

"Pressure points.” Harrison calmly responded. "Don't worry, he'll live." Harrison said noticing that Fox was giving him a paralyzed look of fear.

Fox looked at Harrison in amazement. “Where did you learn to do that?” He figured that it would be a good technique to learn.

Before Harrison can even say anything however, Sasha who heard Robin yelling came over to see what was going on. “Hey Fox! What are you doing in the bushes? Oh hello there!” she says to Harrison as if it was perfectly natural. “Hey is that Reuben!?” Sasha said, finally getting the bird’s name right, although he had changed his name.

"Oh, h-hi Sasha," Fox stuttered with a dumbfounded look on his face, trying hard not to turn the brightest shade of red imaginable.

"No one else has noticed yet”” Harrison whispered over to Fox. "Should I knock her out too?" Harrison said, getting ready to pounce though Sasha was oblivious.

"N-no!” Fox growled, mortified by his thought process. "I'll handle this." He turned back over to Sasha and smiled. "Soo, nice night for a party, huh?"

Sasha also didn’t take any notice of Fox’s stuttering at all. “Its nice to see you here! Why are you and your friend hiding in the bushes? Man he’s tall!"

Fox looked around, scratching his head. "Well, I'll be honest, we're on the lookout for a thief who we have good reason to believe will strike here. We'd be among the crowd, but Duchess didn't want us around."

Sasha gave a sad look. “But why? You have as much right to be here as everybody else does! And how are you gonna catch this meanie if you are stuck in the bushes?” Sasha asked

"I guess we don't measure up to Duchess's social status.” Fox sighed. "We explained the situation to her, but she refused to make an exception. So the K-9's and I... along with Harrison here, are watching things from a distance."

Sasha frowned at that. “That really stinks you know. If this was my party, you and the big easter bunny and Reuben would definitely be able to get in!” Sasha said, not knowing that she was making Harrison uncomfortable.

Robin's body seemed to twitch upon her calling him Reuben again. Fox nervously chuckled. "Yeah, that would have been nice. But I'm not really into these upscale parties anyway. I'd probably never fit in."

Sasha looked away at Duchess chewing out Bino.. “Yeah I know what you mean.” Sasha says looking back at Fox. “I’m here because Duchess said she would help me to mingle and find a better boyfriend."

Fox’s ears perked up at that for a bit. "Oh.” Fox said, pausing for a minute. "But you don't need her help finding a boyfriend. You're perfectly capable of finding one on your own. I mean you're kind, smart, and pretty..." He stopped himself and blushed a little.

Sasha smiled happily at Fox. “Thank you for thinking that Fox! But I don’t think I can manage on my own! I mean I know most people think I’m kind of dim so that’s one obstacle.” Sasha frowned. “Duchess said that everybody here wouldn’t care about that."

Fox gave a small grin at her. "You shouldn't worry so much what other people think of you," Fox said, looking her in the eyes. "Trust me, you aren't dim. All you need is more confidence in yourself and you'll be fine."

Sasha looked deep into Fox’s eyes and gave a small smile. “It means a lot coming from someone as very smart as you are.” Sasha said, her eyes twinkling.

Fox's heart fluttered and his fur blushed a deep red. "Oh, you really think I'm smart?" he asked looking at Sasha with a lovestruck expression in his eyes.

Their talk however was cut short when a sharp and icy cold voice cut through the ear, piercing Fox and Harrison’s ears. “Exactly what do the two of you nimrods think you are doing?"

The deep red in Fox's fur turned white. He struggled to conjure the words facing that cold steel stare. It really made him wonder what beauty Bino could see in her. With a deep breath, he mustered the courage to talk in a professional clear tone. "Look, we're just scouting the surroundings for that thief.” he confessed. "We're staying off your property and doing our best to stay out of sight."

Duchess replied with a thundering fury. “But you aren’t staying out of sight are you, you idiot? You are talking to a guest at my party when you have no right!"

"Well, sorry about that, we ran into a noisy little bird.” Fox said, pointing at the still unconscious Robin. "We promise to be more discreet. It won't happen again."

Duchess pointed very nastily at Fox and Harrison. “You’re right it won’t because you broke the terms of our agreement.” Duchess snapped. By now a whole group of partygoers started to arrive around Duchess and proceeded to make very insulting remarks about Fox and Harrison.

Harrison stood silently, absorbing a slew the quips before finally cracking his knuckles and stepping forward. "Look, we were just trying to help." Though he was still using his low speaking voice, the anger behind it was loud and clear. "It's part of a job and nothing more. I personally could care less about all of you. But if you pompous idiots are happy to be robbed then far be it from me to stay."

Duchess’s eyes began to wince uncontrollably and she let out and angry yell. “BORIS! GET OVER HERE! I DON’T CARE IF THEY ARE THE COPS OR NOT!” she began to hyperventilate. “I want you two MORONS out of here!” she jabbed Harrison with her nail. “Especially you! I’ll make sure NEITHER of you work in this town again! Kiss your jobs goodbye! BORIS! Where ARE you!?”

Like a juggernaut, Boris came thundering through the crowd. He had been playfully wrestling with Yeltsin and rushed to the scene with the bull-terrier still in his headlock. “Yes Mistress, I’m here!” Boris grunted. “Who’s bothering y-?”

He stopped mid-sentence and dropped his friend when laying eyes on Harrison. An eerie chill ran up his spine upon seeing the oversized hare’s white feet and blue jeans. The color in his face faded even more as he looked up at his long ears and sunglasses.

A period of tense silence followed before Duchess raised her hands in the air and shouted, “What are you waiting for Boris?! Throw them out!”

Boris began to go white with shock. “I remember you,” he gasped, ignoring Duchess. “I remember, the UFC tournament two seasons ago, you beat Drackin the Crackin.”

Fox contorted his face in a perplexed expression. “UFC? You mean that show, Ultimate Fi-?” he began to say before Yeltsin interrupted him.

“No, Uber Furry Combat,” Yeltsin interrupted, getting back to his feet next to Boris. “This banana-eared freak KO’d da reigning champ in one blow.” Boris was still speechless at the sight.

“Funny, I always thought that whole thing was fake,” Fox inaudibly mumbled to himself when he noticed nobody was looking.

“That’s old news.” Harrison said plainly, simply brushing it off as he didn’t see how any of this was relevant to the case at hand.

Boris clenched his fists and stood more upright. He leered at Harrison with increased resolution. “Drackin was a great wrestler. There’s no way he could have been beaten so easily. You cheated.”

Bino forced his way through the crowd and peeked through to see the commotion. “Wait, Drackin... Drackin...” Bino thought aloud among the crowd. “Wasn’t he the big guy from Pounce of Prevention?” Duchess slowly looked over at him, squinting angrily. “Of which I wouldn’t know in that I didn’t see it.” he added nervously.

Harrison stood quietly with his arms folded, wearing the same impassive facial expression in spite of the irate canine standing before him. He waited a moment before calmly responding. “No, your idol was too concerned with theatrics. He’s better suited for acting.”

Boris grit his teeth angrily. “How dare you,” Boris growled. He took a step forward, but Harrison’s unyielding gaze made his foot quiver and froze him with terror again.

Fox gave a stern look at Boris and Yeltsin as the two of them looked ready to attack. “You can’t throw us out because we were assigned here. If you have a problem with us, then you need to talk to Sergeant Ralph.”

Duchess’s face quickly began turning dark shades of red in fury. “I DON’T CARE IF YOU WERE ASSIGNED BY THAT UPTIGHT IDIOT TO STAY HERE! I want you and your redneck scumbag of a rabbit partner OUT!” she ranted looking positively frightening.

Yeltsin approached Fox, cracking his knuckles. "Alright, Boris you get da freak and I'll grab lil' shrimpy ova here. Sorry, but orders or not the lady wants you's out, so you's gotsa go." He went to grab Fox, but met nothing but grass as Fox sidestepped him.

Fox glared at Yeltsin. “I would suggest you don’t do that again. Unless you wanna be charged with assaulting a police officer."

Yeltsin jumped back on his feet, blushing at the crowd watching him. He turned back to Fox and growled. "Okay wise guy, I was gonna take it easy on ya, but nows I'm mad!" He charged again, fist-first this time, but Fox managed to get him in an arm lock and restrain him.

Fox growled as he twisted his arm to get him on the ground. “I told you that wasn’t a good idea! Now you are under arrest for assaulting a police officer!"

Yeltsin let out several angry yelps. "Geez, ya askin' for it," Yeltsin grunted, struggling to no avail to break free. He turned his head over to Boris, who still hadn't charged Harrison. "Hey, Boris, mind givin' me a hand ova here?"

Boris was still shaking at seeing Harrison but quickly snapped out of it as he saw his friend being attacked.

“What are you waiting for you idiot!? Go help him!” Duchess snapped looking like she was about to explode like a bomb.

“Right! Now you are gonna get it you book reading freak!” Boris launched himself over to Fox and jumped on him.

Boris's charge was halted by Harrison, who grabbed him by the tail Boris turned to throw a punch, but Harrison caught it with his other hand and kicked him in the back of the knee. The blow stumbled the behemoth canine down to the ground, his wrist still in Harrison's grasp.

Boris tried to kick at Harrison while Yeltsin was flailing around. Duchess turned to Bino. “Do something why DON’T you!?”

Bino gave her a bewildered look. "Are you crazy? What can I do?" Bino asked, remembering all the times that Fox viciously broke several bones in his body, in defense of King usually.

“That slop jockey of a police officer used to be your friend right? Offer him your friendship if you get him to back off!” Duchess raged.

"Oh, umm, right okay," Bino quivered. He slowly approached Fox and called out, "Hey, Fox, old chum. If you just forget all this and leave, I'll be your friend again. I'll even let you back into the club." Bino said with an insincere smile.

Fox looked up bewildered. “You know you don’t have to put up with her! You may have a large ego and be full of hot air, but you do’t deserve HER cruelty!” This gave Yeltsin enough time to break out and punch Fox in the face.

Bino paused to think for a second, looking up and not paying attention to the ensuing action. Fox quickly found himself pinned to the ground. Seeing this, Harrison raised his hand to deliver the finishing blow to Boris.

Right before anything could come to a head, Sasha stepped forward from her position in the crowd and gasped. “What is going on over here!?” she shouted.

Yeltsin pulled his punch and looked over at her. "Haven't you been payin' attention? We're tryin' to deal wit these uninvited guests claimin to be cops." Yeltsin said in aggravation.

“Well stop it! The two of you re not being nice! They are just trying to prevent Duchess from getting her nice things taken away!” Sasha said as she looked at Fox.

“And I told them we don’t need their help!” barked Duchess. My men are more than capable of handling this little cat burglar!” Duchess said tapping her foot and waiting for the uninvited guests to be ejected. Preferably after a very brutal beating.

“I wouldn’t be sure about that,” Sasha said, with a serious expression on her face. “Not even Kevin can beat him and he’s really strong.”

Yeltsin quickly gawked over at Sasha and looked back down at Fox. “Y-ya kiddin’ me? Dat lil’ guy beat Kev?” he asked.

Fox, still under Yeltsin’s restraint, nodded, closing his eyes in anticipation of the laughter. “Yes, i-it’s true,” he exhaled. “He clobbered him square in the nose while he was in mid-charge. But then again I think Kevin was distracted by something and might have dropped his guard.”

Boris tried to reconcile this fact. “I guess Kevin’s not as tough as I thought,” Boris murmured, also still under restraint.

A tinge of worry began to show on Yeltsin’s face. “I dunno. That Dobe trains like a machine. He pinned down a full-grown man once, not to mention he survived an explodin’ buildin’. Also, that Fido character ain’t no pushover either, aside from him being a shameful disgrace to all of canine kind and a loser who people wouldn’t spit on if he was on fire.”

Boris nodded in agreement. “Hmm, this is true,” Boris agreed. “Even if it was a sucker punch, it must have had a lot of force to take the likes of Kevin down. Maybe we could use the K-9’s help, while just having the hare leave.”

Duchess began jumping up and down like a petulant child. “I can’t believe I’m hearing this!” Duchess cried out. “Yeltsin, throw a blasted punch already! And Sasha, go back and mingle with the others as we discussed. You don’t know what you’re talking about here.”

Sasha stood upright with her arms akimbo and growled. “I know what I’m talking about here just fine, better than someone who can’t even tell Beethoven apart from Bach!”

The arrogant cocker spaniel looked at Sasha like she had gone rabid. “W-what?” She stuttered. Fox and Harrison both couldn’t help but smirk.

Sasha eloquently elaborated. “The pianist you were yelling at before was playing Bach, concerto number 7 to be more accurate, not Beethoven. It’s kinda an easy mistake to make but not really.” Sasha pointed out as if it was common knowledge.

“Thank you!” the pianist shouted from afar. Half of the crowd turned to the pianist and growled, causing the pianist to shrink down close to the piano.

Everyone besides Duchess stared at Sasha in amazement. “That couldn’t have less to do with anything!” Duchess barked.

“It has to do with you not always knowing what’s best about everything,” Sasha explained. “Yet you keep on being mean to everyone, telling them what to do like you own them or something. Your looks and family’s money don’t make you the boss.”

Duchess rolled her eyes and brushed her ear aside. “Well, they kinda do, but whatever. In the end it’s my party and if you don’t like it you can leave. Remember, I only let you come to help you find a boyfriend, since you can’t maintain a stable relationship on your own.”

Sasha glowered at Duchess which took her aback a bit. “I don’t need your help,” Sasha objected. “You fooled me into thinking I did, but now I see that taking your advice would make me someone I don’t want to be. So I’m leaving now, but not before you have Yeltsin let go of Fox and let him do his job.”

“And what gives you the right to order me?” Duchess asked haughtily as Bino looked on at his ex-girlfriend in confusion.

“I don’t have lots of money, but I have something you taught me about that’s just as good: leverage,” Sasha replied mysteriously.

“What are you talking about?” Duchess said hoping that she didn’t mean exactly what she thought she did.

“Let’s just say I snooped around a little bit inside your house and found a certain secret of yours.” Sasha chirped happily.

Duchess’s eyes widened. “I don’t know what you think you’re talking about... But besides that, it looks as though these two have learned their lesson anyway and, if it means so much to you, I’ll look the other way on this one. Yeltsin, let him go...”

Yeltsin promptly lifted himself off of Fox. In response, Harrison released Boris from his grasp. The two liberated dogs lay on the ground, struggling to catch their breaths.

“In fact, being so generous, I’ll permit you two to walk around outside the premises, so long you don’t screw up again,” Duchess added. “Apparently my guards need Bino’s help to take you on, so by implication you might be useful.”

With the drama at an end, the congregation of spectators moved back to the buffet to resume their dining. Hidden among them was Duchess, who quickly snuck upstairs to her bedroom and locked the door behind her.

Sasha rushed over to help Fox get back to his feet. “Are you alright?” she asked noticing that he only looked a little bit dirty.

“Yeah, just a little winded.” Fox panted as he slowly rose to his feet trying not to wobble too much or fall on his face.

“Boy, you’re really good at fighting,” Sasha commented. “You looked like one of those UFC guys my dad used to watch, though I always thought they were fake.”

Fox smiled a bit. “Funny, before this day, I thought it was all fake too,” Fox said, scratching his head. “But, yeah, I owe it all to Kevin’s training.”

Sasha nodded. “That explains how you’re almost as strong as him too, but every bit as determined to do your job,” Sasha added, rubbing his shoulder.

Fox’s tail began to wag. “Oh, thanks. I like the way you know your music.” Fox said looking bashful at Sasha’s comment.

“Yeah, kind of one of those things I picked up as a pup while listening to old cassette tapes in the attic.” Sasha smiled.

Fox looked up back at the mansion in curiosity. He watched as Duchess’s silhouette frantically raced back and forth in one of the windows upstairs. “So even Duchess has her vulnerable little secrets,” he pondered.

“Actually, I just said that so she would let you go,” Sasha confessed. “I have no clue what she’s hiding, but I had to say something so she would let you go. Sorry.”

Fox smiled. “In any case, it worked, and I thank you for that.” Fox smiled. The two stared into each other’s eyes not noticing anybody else but themselves.

The tender moment was interrupted by Harrison, who had walked up behind them without being noticed. He cleared his throat, causing the two of them to jump.

“Dog! Please don’t do that!” gasped Fox as he felt his heart getting ready to jump right out of his chest.

“You dropped your walkie-talkie.” Harrison mumbled as he held out the device to Fox and Fox laughed sheepishly.

“Oh, right, I should really contact the others.” Fox said, taking the device and raising it to his ear. “Sergeant Ralph, this is Officer Lindberg reporting.” he began. He was surprised to hear no answer, until he noticed it was turned off. After slapping himself on the forehead, he switched it on and repeated.

A few seconds passed before an irritated Sergeant Ralph answered. “Lindberg? Where the heck are you? We’ve been trying to contact you for the last 15 minutes!” he barked.

“Sorry, technical difficulties, but I’m back at the side of the mansion,” Fox replied, curious as to where everyone else was to not see his altercation. “Did something happen on your end?”

Ralph responded over the walkie-talkie. “Yeah, the Milton’s reported a suspicious figure, possibly our target, roaming their property. We just got here and so far haven’t found anything aside from some graffiti.”

Fox nodded at that and spoke back to Ralph. “Alright, Harrison and I will be there ASAP,” Fox answered. He looked over at Sasha and sighed. “Well, I have to get going. Duty calls and all. But enjoy the party while you’re here for me.”

Sasha smiled happily at that and waved goodbye. “I really enjoyed seeing you also! I hope that we can meet up at another party again soon!”

Fox left the party smiling very happily. He had made a lot of headway with both Harrison and Sasha and he was glad that he made a friend in Harrison. He was more glad however, that Sasha’s feelings for him seemed to be turning into something more.
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Amazee Dayzee
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Re: The Winds of Change

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

The next chapter is up. PLEASE READ AND COMMENT!

The eventful night had exhausted Fox. He slowly walked past the side gate with Harrison to the front yard. Though the thief was a no-show, the progress in his relationship with Sasha left him with a feeling of accomplishment. Thinking about it made him feel he could barely keep his feet on the ground His elation turned to dread as he walked toward where his human officer had parked. The cars were gone. "Don't tell me they left without us!” Fox sighed angrily. "Darn it. The Milton's Mansion is several miles from here."

Sasha skipped happily over to her owner’s station wagon and was almost there when she saw Fox and his friend staring into an empty space and looking a bit sad. So she went over there instead. “Fox? What’s the matter? You have a frownie face on you. I know Duchess can be a big meanie, but you don’t have to be sad!” Sasha said as she gave him a big smile.

Fox looked up at Sasha. ”It's not that.” Fox replied. "We need to get to the Milton Mansion in a hurry and our fellow officers drove off without us."

Sasha simply frowned at that and shook her head. “That’s really terrible! I know you have to get there quick to prevent any meanies from stealing more of their toys but how will you get there now?” Sasha’s face lit up. “I know! Why doesn’t my daddy give you two a ride?!”

Fox's ears perked back up and his eyes gleamed. "Ah! There's an idea. That'll work out just fine... though only if we're not imposing too much. I don't want to put your dad out."

Sasha gave a big smile. “Oh of course its not too much! I’ll just go an ask him! The two of you wait here!” Sasha said as she went over to the badly scratched Oldsmobile.

Fox looked back at Harrison and laughed. "It's funny how things work out sometimes." he said very happily.

"Yeah, funny.” Harrison mumbled. "Though do we really have to go with her? Can't you just tell your boss that we need a ride?"

Fox turned to him in that moment. ”Hush you! This is perfect as is!" Fox gushed, pausing upon realizing his emotions were showing. He cleared his throat and closed his eyes. "No, it's best if we don't aggravate Ralph, or he'll not only thoroughly lambaste our driver, but us as well for not being observant." Harrison rolled his eyes beneath his sunglasses.

After a few minutes, they could hear the sound of Phil cursing and yelling and Sasha being oblivious to it all even as he smacked the horn which died mid-blare causing more anger. Eventually he calmed down and Sasha jogged back to Fox and Harrison. “it’s all set up! You guys can ride with us! You just need to stay quiet. Daddy’s in one of his moods!” Sasha laughed.

Harrison looked over at Fox, his ears twitching slightly with Phil's shouts. "Don't worry. He's harmless.” Fox assured him. "Just be on your good behavior."

Harrison once more rolled his eyes but because of the sunglasses, Fox was unable to tell. ”Sure..." Harrison answered. The three of them briskly walked over, with Sasha grabbing onto Fox's arm.

As soon as Phil saw Harrison, he turned as white as a sheet. Then he tried to pinch himself hard. When that failed he banged his head on the steering wheel a few times. "I've seen pink elephants, but this is a first. And I'm not even drunk." he moaned.

Sasha giggled. “Oh daddy can be so silly sometimes! Come on! We all sit in the back!” Sasha said as she went to to driver rear door.

Fox opened the door to let Sasha in first. He wanted be courteous to Sasha and show how polite he was.

Sasha shook her head and stepped aside. “No Fox. You are the guest. You go in first." she said motioning him to get in.

"No, but I insist, ladies first!” Fox smiled, always have been taught to let a lady go in front of you in order to show some respect.

Sasha looked back at Fox. “But you have always been so nice to me! I just wanna return the favor.” Sasha said not budging.

Fox shyly scratched the back of his head with one hand, still holding the door open with the other. "Yeah, but it's your dad's car and I can’t let you wait for me.” Fox gave a warm smile at Sasha.

Sasha also smiled back at Fox and dragged her foot on the ground. “I know you just wanna be nice but it would be fitting if you go in first.”

Fox opened his mouth to reply but Phil had lost whatever little patience he had. "Would you two please just get in!?” Phil screamed, clutching the steering wheel with white knuckles. He was convinced that Harrison was just an illusion. Harrison ended the stalemate and pushed them both out of the way to get in.

Phil wanted to continue to scream at them both SO bad but even if the large rabbit in front of him was just an illusion, he didn’t want to get on his bad side and muttered backwards from 100 under his breath and stared ahead. Sasha landed in Fox’s lap. “Thanks for the catch! You are really good with your hands!” Sasha smiled.

Fox gave a wavy half smile and blushed, trying his hardest to stay cool. However, he let out a weird noise that was kind of like a giggle. Harrison just looked over at the couple and shook his head.

Phil couldn’t handle it anymore and lost his temper. “Would the two of you please cut the bu—“ Phil began to say but then he saw Harrison and kept his mouth shut. He was SO terrified he went in reverse at first before flooring it and heading to the mansion being afraid of what Harrison might do. By the time they got to the mansion, Phil was hyperventilating.

Sasha laughed. “Daddy is so silly. Well here is your stop! It was nice to see you again! I hope we meet up soon!” Sasha said to Fox with a smile. “Nice meeting you too Mr. Cottontail!” Sasha referred to Harrison.

Harrison clenched his jaw, making the side of his mouth twitch. The mere gesture made Phil sweat. Fox never noticed this and kept his eyes on Sasha as he exited the car. "Thanks a lot, Sasha. And thank you too Mr. Hartford. Hope to see you soon."

The very second he closed the door, Phil drove off at full speed trying to put as much distance between himself and Harrison as possible because he was petrified Harrison would come after him.

Fido saw Fox and Harrison come up out of the corner of his eye and rushed over. “Fox! I was worried about you! I was afraid that you wouldn’t be able to get here in time! Your dad is beating himself up over leaving you behind. Luckily Ralph hasn’t noticed yet.” Fido said.

Fox nodded with determination though he felt bad about his dad beating himself up over forgetting them. ”That's fine, we hitched a ride with Phil and Sasha.” Fox explained as they walked over to Ralph. The sergeant was standing by a tree with Keene, Lana, and Duke. The four of them were currently conversing intensely.

Ralph looked at each of the ferrets and eventually the arriving Fox, Fido and Harrison intently. ”So let me get this straight: the shadowy figure, which you, Duke, only saw on its way out, managed to circumvent your upgraded automated security system and sneak past your guards?” Ralph recapped aloud. "And he did this for the sole purpose of carving 'FERAL 4 EVA' on this tree?”

Duke nodded vigorously. “That’s it exactly! I don’t know how he was able to do it, but he did it! It’s not like it really matters. We don’t care about the tree. We just want our stuffs back.” Duke moaned.

Fox gave him a reassuring look. "And I assure you we're working on it.” Ralph said. He tapped his chin to think. "It's just strange that he would go through so much effort just to carve graffiti on this tree."

Fox inspected the markings more closely. "It looks as though only the F, E, and A are new," he observed aloud. "Was there anything on this tree before?"

Lana looked over at the tree and concentrated on it. “No that can’t be it. Can’t it? Its not like he… No, I’m just reading too much into it. But could it be…” Lana said looking confused.

Ralph picked up on this and turned towards Lana. "What is it?" Ralph asked her. "We must explore any possible lead."

Lana looked away but Keene knew what she was thinking. “That is impossible! You left that loser in yours…and all of our pasts years ago! No way would he be still bitter!”

Fox looked to the both of them. "But it makes sense that it would be someone you knew; perhaps someone with some sort of personal grudge?" Fox said. He kneeled down next to Lana, who was becoming misty-eyed. "Please, tell us what you know.” he said gently.

A few tears slid down Lana’s cheeks and splashed on Fox’s K-9 uniform. “It has to be him! There is no other way around it!” Kana was on the verge of bawling.

Keene grit his teeth. “After all these years, that slime bag comes back NOW!” Keene was getting visibly angry.

Duke looked over at Ralph. “We think it might be Lana’s ex-boyfriend Rusty, but we haven’t heard from him in a while!”

Fox asked the next question. "So, is there anything you can tell us about this “Rusty”?” Fox asked, looking at all three of the ferrets assembled before them.

Lana managed to compose herself enough to talk to them. “We were close before our dad passed away and we got all of that money from him in the will. He was extremely prideful and he hated to let me pay for anything and couldn’t stand it.” Duke shook his head. “He wanted her to run away with him so that they would both be on equal footing.”

Keene rolled his eyes through his sunglasses. “I stopped that and put my foot down. However Rusty was jealous that we, her family had more sway over her and he broke it off.”

Lana nodded in conclusion. “I’ve never really seen him after that.” she ended as she looked like she was ready to burst into another round of tears again.

Fox, Ralph and Harrison all looked at each other. While it didn’t make a ton of sense why after all these years this “Rusty” would come out of the woodwork now, it was there only lead and they had to follow up on it.
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Re: The Winds of Change

Post by dryideabat »

To go along with the story, here's a little sketch of what Rusty (alias Marten Maloney) might look like during his interspecies fling with Lana. Ferals are such lady-killers.
Rusty and Lana.jpg
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