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Re: Housepets: A 'Simple' Date

Posted: Sat Nov 20, 2010 5:42 pm
by Blue Braixen
Don't worry, I'm working on it; it'll be up in about an hour or so, okay?

Re: Housepets: A 'Simple' Date

Posted: Sat Nov 20, 2010 5:53 pm
by KizerZin

*pulls out a whip and starts to hit Housedog with it*



Re: Housepets: A 'Simple' Date

Posted: Sat Nov 20, 2010 5:58 pm
by Blue Braixen
KizerZin wrote:NO IT'S NOT!

*pulls out a whip and starts to hit Housedog with it*


I could always STOP working. ;)

Re: Housepets: A 'Simple' Date

Posted: Sat Nov 20, 2010 6:06 pm
by ChristopherJackal
NOOOO!!!!!!! Must have the Grapenut!!!!!!!

Re: Housepets: A 'Simple' Date

Posted: Sat Nov 20, 2010 6:46 pm
by Karl
ChristopherJackal wrote:NOOOO!!!!!!! Must have the Grapenut!!!!!!!
What a desperation! =D

Well, better to not let Chris to wait any longer :)

Re: Housepets: A 'Simple' Date

Posted: Sat Nov 20, 2010 7:16 pm
by Blue Braixen
Karlos wrote:
ChristopherJackal wrote:NOOOO!!!!!!! Must have the Grapenut!!!!!!!
What a desperation! =D

Well, better to not let Chris to wait any longer :)
I'm afraid Chris will have to wait; I hit a stroke of imagination and am adding more to what I've already written. I hope y'all don't mind!

Re: Housepets: A 'Simple' Date

Posted: Sat Nov 20, 2010 7:19 pm
by copper
Not at all! Go ahead and make it even better than it already is, probably.

I'll just be waiting for it in the asylum.

Edit: I call those "fits of inspiration" and I find them quite stimulating, though they can come at the most annoying times.

Anyway, it's great to that you want to add more. It sounds exciting!

Re: Housepets: A 'Simple' Date

Posted: Sat Nov 20, 2010 7:23 pm
by Aarden
@Housedog, Great to hear

Re: Housepets: A 'Simple' Date

Posted: Sat Nov 20, 2010 7:57 pm
by Blue Braixen
Well, you guys have waited long enough, here's Chapter five!

Housepets: A ‘Simple’ Date
Chapter 5
Written by Tha Housedog (Writer switch MWAHAHAHA)
Reviewed by lightwolf21

Yes! I can’t believe it! Grape said yes! thought Peanut as he danced into the kitchen. He grabbed a bowl from the cabinet and placed it on the counter. He then removed a box of “Munch O’s” from the pantry and a carton of milk from the fridge. He mixed the two in said bowl and plopped down in a chair at the table to eat it. Peanut quickly and happily ate his “Munch O’s.”

About halfway through his meal, a thought hit Peanut. That’s great that I got Grape to agree to a date, but I haven’t done anything to get it set up. But who do I ask? Peanut mulled over this until he had about finished the bowl of cereal, when something clicked in his head. “I know who to ask!” Peanut sped out the front door of the Sandwich house, stopping only to grab his green scarf, leaving his bowl of cereal on the table.


Grape still stood there in their shared room, still dazed. What did I just get myself into, she thought. Why was I so eager to accept? It’ll kill both of our reputations! But, for some odd reason, I didn’t care. Maybe, just maybe.… Grape shook her head and sighed. “Well, I have a date tonight, better get freshened up. She left the room and made a beeline for the bathroom to fix her eyelashes up for the date.


Peanut took in the sights as he walked down the street. It was cold morning, and the snowstorm itself was numbing, but the layer of snow that blanketed everything was so serene that it could calm even the angriest of souls. Everything was covered in pure white: the houses, the trees, the fences… Even some animals, the few that were brave enough to be outside, were lightly cloaked in a thin layer of snow. Peanut stopped to appreciate the beauty of it all. A few moments later, he remembered what he was doing. “Oh, that’s right; I have to go see a certain someone.” Peanut resumed his walk down the street.

Eventually, he arrived at a pretty standard-sized doghouse. A sign on the side denoted its owner: Joey. Peanut tapped on the door a few times, and the door opened. A groan could be heard from inside. Joey poked his head out, and when he noticed it was Peanut, he opened the door farther and stepped out.
“Oh, hey, Peanut, what brings you here in this cold? If I had my choice, I’d be back in my doghouse wrapped up in a blanket.”

“Sorry to make you leave your cozy-looking doghouse, but it’s important!”

“ Important, huh? Okay, I’ll bite. What is it?” Joey folded his arms.

“You have to promise that you won’t tell anyone what I’m about to tell you, alright?” Peanut had a look of urgency on his face. Joey could tell Peanut was convinced that this was of the utmost secrecy. Joey nodded.

“No problem, Peanut. I promise I won’t tell anybody about what you’re about to tell me.” Joey held his right hand up as he said it, as if he was swearing upon a stack of Bibles.

“Okay.” Peanut’s voice dropped to a whisper. “I got a date with Grape, and, well, I need help getting it set up. Will you help me, please? Do you know anyone that could help?” Peanut’s hands were clasped together, and his face turned from “dog” to “puppy”. The eyes, oh yes, the eyes! Peanut’s sky-blue eyes had grown to three times their normal size, and his ears drooped back. He even started to whimper a bit.

“Whoa, okay, Peanut, there’s no need for the ‘puppy dog’ face. I’ll help. I even know a few people who could get this date set up without a hitch. You can count on me! Just have you and Grape ready by four this afternoon! I’ll call you around three with the specifics, all right?”

“Wow, sounds like you already have a plan!” Peanut beamed.

“A plan for what?” A tiny, squeaky voice had appeared. Squeak jumped on Joey’s shoulder and said, “Hey there, Peanut. How’s everybody’s favorite Spot (Superdog) writer?”
Peanut blushed. He had forgotten all about Joey (and by extension, Squeak) having gotten to read his Spot (Superdog) comics! “Uh… Nothing!” Smooth. “So, um… How did you like them?”

Joey replied, “Peanut, they were really good. I don’t get why you won’t see about getting them published! I’m sure they would do extremely well!” Peanut blushed harder this time. His face was completely red. He stammered, “U-uh… I um…I-I just don’t think it’s a good idea… What if somebody hates it?”

“Peanut, there will always be people who disagree with or flat out hate your work. But what matters is whether or not you feel comfortable with what you’ve drawn. Just keep that in mind, okay?” Squeak sounded almost… motherly.

Peanut felt better. “Thanks, Squeak. I’ll think about getting the comics published, but I won’t promise anything.”

“I’ll talk to you later, Peanut; I’m going to go make a few calls. When I have ‘it’ set up, I’ll call you. Bye! And good luck with ‘it’!” Joey waved as he went back inside his doghouse, Squeak still on his shoulder.

“Yeah, bye!” Peanut said, turning around. He walked down the street, but not back toward the Sandwich house. No, Peanut had somewhere else to go, first…
Next chapter is here: ... 88#p140488

Re: Housepets: A 'Simple' Date

Posted: Sat Nov 20, 2010 8:07 pm
by copper
Awesome so far. This update did not disappoint. I can't wait to hear about the "details".

Squeak and joey are awesome in this. So understanding!

Re: Housepets: A 'Simple' Date

Posted: Sat Nov 20, 2010 8:09 pm
by KizerZin
a Lovely update so much love… so much love… it’s almost sickening...

good work Housedog~

may Death close his eyes to you

Re: Housepets: A 'Simple' Date

Posted: Sat Nov 20, 2010 8:43 pm
by Aarden
Awesome, 'nuff said.

Re: Housepets: A 'Simple' Date

Posted: Sat Nov 20, 2010 8:59 pm
by Karl
Joey and Squeak are right. Peanut should start publishing his comic on internet. I even bet that he will become more popular than Rick Griffin.

Re: Housepets: A 'Simple' Date

Posted: Sat Nov 20, 2010 9:04 pm
by Blue Braixen
Thanks, all! And Karlos, I would love to see that. In fact... RIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIICK!

Re: Housepets: A 'Simple' Date

Posted: Sat Nov 20, 2010 11:50 pm
by Russiarules1
I need to read more, can't wait for the next part! Great job, Housedog!

Re: Housepets: A 'Simple' Date

Posted: Sat Nov 20, 2010 11:53 pm
by ChristopherJackal
Grape knows she's kinda excited for the date! She can't deny it! Also loved it Housedog! Also part two, Peanut should so get his stuff published!

Re: Housepets: A 'Simple' Date

Posted: Sun Nov 21, 2010 2:00 am
by valerio
*does the happy dance* YAY! Grape's happy for this date! Can't wait to see what happens next, my man!

Re: Housepets: A 'Simple' Date

Posted: Sun Nov 21, 2010 11:45 am
by 44R0NM10
I'm loving it! I really can't wait for the next update at all!

Re: Housepets: A 'Simple' Date

Posted: Mon Nov 22, 2010 7:46 pm
by Blue Braixen
Well, as the new writer of ASD, I need a schedule that can work. So, unlike Message, I''m going to TRY to keep the update schedule, but there will be a couple of changes. Instead of Monday/Friday updates, ASD is now going to update on Tuesdays and Saturdays.
So, expect an update tomorrow, and please bug me via PM if I don't update!

Re: Housepets: A 'Simple' Date

Posted: Mon Nov 22, 2010 7:57 pm
by copper
That works for me! Besides, even if it didn't, this is too good to not wait for. You two are great at this!

Re: Housepets: A 'Simple' Date

Posted: Mon Nov 22, 2010 8:20 pm
by Karl
Tha Housedog wrote:Well, as the new writer of ASD, I need a schedule that can work. So, unlike Message, I''m going to TRY to keep the update schedule, but there will be a couple of changes. Instead of Monday/Friday updates, ASD is now going to update on Tuesdays and Saturdays.
So, expect an update tomorrow, and please bug me via PM if I don't update!

Reminds me that I have to keep mine schedule aswell XD

Well then, waiting for tomorrow :)

Re: Housepets: A 'Simple' Date

Posted: Mon Nov 22, 2010 11:20 pm
by ChristopherJackal
Oooooh update can't wait! Joey has to plan the best date ever!

Re: Housepets: A 'Simple' Date

Posted: Mon Nov 22, 2010 11:33 pm
by copper
ChristopherJackal wrote:Oooooh update can't wait! Joey has to plan the best date ever!
Can I make a prediction? I think that you will either say D'awww or D'oh! by the end of this fanfic. I think that I know which one it will be too. ;)

Re: Housepets: A 'Simple' Date

Posted: Mon Nov 22, 2010 11:48 pm
by Blue Braixen
Who knows, copper, it may not end how you "guess"ed it to end. :twisted:

Re: Housepets: A 'Simple' Date

Posted: Mon Nov 22, 2010 11:54 pm
by ChristopherJackal
Irregardless, it'll end and be amazing! Looking forward to it!

Re: Housepets: A 'Simple' Date

Posted: Tue Nov 23, 2010 12:00 am
by copper
Tha Housedog wrote:Who knows, copper, it may not end how you "guess"ed it to end. :twisted:
I know. That's what is so fun. It's also why I added D'oh to the mix. You would change such a beautiful ending just because I came up with it in five minutes.

Re: Housepets: A 'Simple' Date

Posted: Tue Nov 23, 2010 6:32 am
by Blue Braixen
Alright, I'm about halfway done. If those stupid Er*ahem* objects wouldn't give me so much trouble, I'd be done and Chapter 6 would be in lightwolf21's inbox right now. Blame the unnamable objects!

EDIT: Now awaiting review by lightwolf21. You get to read it as soon as I'm done fixing it.

Re: Housepets: A 'Simple' Date

Posted: Tue Nov 23, 2010 2:27 pm
by Blue Braixen
Yay! I'm actually on time this time!

Housepets: A ‘Simple’ Date
Chapter 6
Written by The Housedog
Reviewed be lightwolf21

What a beautiful day! Nothing could ruin it for Peanut, no sir!

Peanut skipped happily as he checked his mental checklist of things to do to get ready for the date. Get date? Check. Get date set up? Check. Get stuff for date? Not check. But it might as well have been checked; Peanut was standing right in front of the convenience store.

The store wasn’t grand or anything like that. It just sold food and a few other assorted types of items. The building itself was slightly aged, maybe twenty years or so, and the paint on the front doors was so worn that the store hours were no longer visible.The (what used to be) red paint had faded almost completely. But there was no real need to spruce up the building; there was no competition for this store. Peanut took a shopping cart from one of the receptacles in the small parking lot and wheeled it inside.

The convenience store’s manager welcomed Peanut as he walked in. The man was in his late forties and wore a plaid red and white shirt with a black apron over it. Attached to the apron was a nametag: the man’s name was Sam. Sam resembled Earl Sandwich. In fact, if you gave Mr. Sandwich a pair of large glasses….

Peanut walked over to the man. “Hey, Sam! Uh, listen, I need a few things. Do you have any catnip?”

Sam laughed. “I’m sorry, we can’t sell that to pets. I do remember the last dog that asked that question was building a bomb…” Sam’s voice trailed off as his memory started to take over.

Peanut snapped his fingers. “Uh, Sam? Yoohoo, Earth to Sam! Alright then, where are the dog biscuits?”

Sam pointed down one of the isles. “Isle 4, right about in the middle. Anything else?”

“Okay, where are all of your flowers?”

“Ah, looking for a lady friend? They’re in the back of the store, just go straight back and you’ll see ‘em.“ Sam smiled.

Peanut picked out a medium-sized package of dog biscuits and headed for the back of the store. Along the way, he grabbed a package of candy. There, in a refrigerated bin in the back of the store, were about a hundred different species and colors of flowers. Peanut scratched his head, shrugged, and picked a bouquet of purple flowers, just like his purple flower at home.

He brought the flowers, candy, and the package of dog biscuits to the only register that was online and paid the six dollars for the items. Peanut bagged them and waved goodbye to Sam as he left. The man responded with, “Come again soon!”


After about two hours of trying to figure out just how Peanut had managed to flesh out her eyelashes, Grape had fixed up her left eyelashes and was almost done with the right ones when the doorbell rang. “Hold on!” She yelled as she finished with her right eyelashes. Grape opened the bathroom door and walked out into the living room. The doorbell rang again, and Grape, a little less calmly, yelled, “Yeah, yeah, I’m getting it!”

Grape unlocked and tugged open the door, revealing none other than Peanut standing in the doorway. He was holding a bouquet of purple flowers and a box of candy. “Happy Valentine’s Day, Grape!” He exclaimed, his tail going a mile a minute. Grape giggled. “Thanks, Peanut,” she said, “Happy Valentine’s Day to you, too.”

Grape took the candy and flowers, and asked, “Why purple flowers? Why not a rose?”

“Purple flowers for my purple flower, of course.” Peanut replied, grinning.

“Oh, Peanut, you watch too much TV.” Grape laughed. Uncontrollably.

“Grape?” Peanut’s ears drooped. His tail stopped, and he hunched over slightly. If you were to look in the dictionary, next to ‘disappointment’ would be that picture. “I’m not that funny, am I?”

“No, no, it’s not you.” Grape said, still laughing. “It’s just that the whole situation’s so… corny! It’s okay, corny’s good.” She put her hand on Peanut’s shoulder. “What you did was really sweet, and I needed a good laugh to take the stress away, anyway. So cheer up.” Grape smiled, her laughter now back under her control.

“Oh yeah, I have a surprise for you. I’ll show you later.”

“Another one? Any more surprises and I won’t be surprised by anything.” Grape had her hands on her hips.

“Don’t worry, it’s a good one! I just know you’ll be proud.” Peanut left it at that and disappeared into their room. Grape heard the sound of the computer booting up. Hmm… I wonder,… she thought.
Next Chapter is here: ... 14#p144014

Re: Housepets: A 'Simple' Date

Posted: Tue Nov 23, 2010 2:31 pm
by lightwolf21
I can't wait to see where this goes. XD
Will Grape finally accept her feelings for Peanut?
Will Peanut succeed in winning her heart?
Will anyone (other than Joey) ever find out about this date?...and if they do...
What will become of our heroes? :mrgreen:

Re: Housepets: A 'Simple' Date

Posted: Tue Nov 23, 2010 2:56 pm
by 44R0NM10
I like how this is turning out! Love the dicionary referance! I'm looking forward to this surprise as well. :D

Re: Housepets: A 'Simple' Date

Posted: Tue Nov 23, 2010 2:58 pm
by valerio
these updates keep melting us with cuteness.
Go, Peanut, don't give up till you win your true love's heart!

Re: Housepets: A 'Simple' Date

Posted: Tue Nov 23, 2010 4:34 pm
by Aarden
I really can't wait for the next chapter. :D

Re: Housepets: A 'Simple' Date

Posted: Tue Nov 23, 2010 4:41 pm
by Sleet
I usually don't read fan fiction, but this one didn't seem that long so I decided on a whim to read it. It's really good so far, you both did a great job!

Freaking Grapenut shippers destroying my shipping neutrality...

Re: Housepets: A 'Simple' Date

Posted: Tue Nov 23, 2010 4:42 pm
by Blue Braixen
Sleet wrote:I usually don't read fan fiction, but this one didn't seem that long so I decided on a whim to read it. It's really good so far, you both did a great job!

Freaking Grapenut shippers destroying my shipping neutrality...
Thanks! And you know it's no fun to be neutral. Those countries always get destroyed in wars. :P

Re: Housepets: A 'Simple' Date

Posted: Tue Nov 23, 2010 5:54 pm
by Karl
Now we know Mr. Sandwich's secret identity ;)

Re: Housepets: A 'Simple' Date

Posted: Tue Nov 23, 2010 10:24 pm
by copper
You know, I almost never smile. Some people say that I have an aversion to happiness, but every time I read a new chapter of this fanfic, a smile forms on my mouth. How do you guys do that?

Re: Housepets: A 'Simple' Date

Posted: Tue Nov 23, 2010 10:36 pm
by Russiarules1
This gets better every time...

Re: Housepets: A 'Simple' Date

Posted: Tue Nov 23, 2010 10:37 pm
by Barkeron
valerio wrote:these updates keep melting us with cuteness.
Go, Peanut, don't give up till you win your true love's heart!
This. ^

Re: Housepets: A 'Simple' Date

Posted: Tue Nov 23, 2010 11:31 pm
by ChristopherJackal
I love the purple flower comment! Also the cuteness rating for this is going way off the charts. Go Peanut! He got lucky he got himself a cat who likes dog biscuits!

Re: Housepets: A 'Simple' Date

Posted: Wed Nov 24, 2010 4:52 pm
by Teh Brawler
Two_Twig wrote:
KizerZin wrote:Can you all stop bugging him, you'll get him sad or mad and then he may quite and then there will never be an update.
I'd make the argument of saying that sort of thing really helps build character >_>
I'd second that