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Re: [Pet Friendly?] Apollo City: OOC

Posted: Fri Mar 07, 2014 8:59 am
by hypernovatic
And Rock trying to fix Dale's mod.
hypernovatic wrote:Rock started to mess with the insides of Dale's legs, seeing how they work. Eventually, Rock got things as normal as he could figure out. "I've put things back to normal as best as I could, considering I'm not well versed in this type of mod." he said.

Re: [Pet Friendly?] Apollo City: OOC

Posted: Fri Mar 07, 2014 11:25 am
by kurowolfe
Oh my God, I forgot to write that John floated into the elevator but not Ashe!
Erm, Neon, should I change my post so that he stayed in, or should I change it to let him be left behind?
I'm sorry @_@

Re: [Pet Friendly?] Apollo City: OOC

Posted: Fri Mar 07, 2014 11:28 am
by MrNeonShot
I'll have Lilly wake up and give John a pass to go upstairs, as well as have her lead him around.

Re: [Pet Friendly?] Apollo City: OOC

Posted: Fri Mar 07, 2014 11:36 am
by Hlaoroo
Is Rosie going up too or is she staying to chat with Hinata and Kelly?
Never mind. I just saw that you posted.

Re: [Pet Friendly?] Apollo City: OOC

Posted: Fri Mar 07, 2014 12:07 pm
by kurowolfe
Erm, ok, I'll edit the earlier post then.

Re: [Pet Friendly?] Apollo City: OOC

Posted: Sun Mar 09, 2014 3:07 pm
by Legotron123
Two things I wanted to tell you guys.
1: I'm waiting for hlaoroo to respond
2: I just realized Noah dosent know about the moon base attack yet. He was knocked out when it happened and no one told him about it when he woke up. Any ideas on how to break the news to him?

Re: [Pet Friendly?] Apollo City: OOC

Posted: Sun Mar 09, 2014 3:17 pm
by MrNeonShot
news report?

Re: [Pet Friendly?] Apollo City: OOC

Posted: Sun Mar 09, 2014 3:37 pm
by kurowolfe
He's in the recovery ward or something right? I'm sure there are TVs inside (or something similar).

Re: [Pet Friendly?] Apollo City: OOC

Posted: Sun Mar 09, 2014 4:20 pm
by Hlaoroo
Sorry, Lego. I replied now.
As for how to break the news, what Kuro said. Perhaps he could ask for the remote to put on the DisNick Network and end up watching the news instead.

Re: [Pet Friendly?] Apollo City: OOC

Posted: Tue Mar 11, 2014 4:48 pm
by Legotron123
One last thing I want to know before I post: are the painkillers the nurse gave Noah instant or do they take a while?

Re: [Pet Friendly?] Apollo City: OOC

Posted: Tue Mar 11, 2014 6:57 pm
by Hlaoroo
I don't think it would be possible for it to be instant. They need time to get to where they have to go. Given that they're injected they'll be fairly quick though. They'd start to work within a couple of minutes, I reckon. Say, five minutes tops? It'd be at least one or two minutes though, I think.

Re: [Pet Friendly?] Apollo City: OOC

Posted: Thu Mar 13, 2014 10:54 am
by Legotron123
Soooooooooooooooooooooooo..... Can somebody play the news station? I'm not sure i can do, since i barely watch the news myself.

Re: [Pet Friendly?] Apollo City: OOC

Posted: Thu Mar 13, 2014 10:28 pm
by Hlaoroo
I'll do it. Remind me, was it a terrorist attack that brought down the moon base or what?

Re: [Pet Friendly?] Apollo City: OOC

Posted: Thu Mar 13, 2014 10:40 pm
by MrNeonShot
Yes, and there was only one very injured, and several with minor injuries.

Re: [Pet Friendly?] Apollo City: OOC

Posted: Thu Mar 13, 2014 10:43 pm
by Hlaoroo
Thanks. I shall amend my post.

Re: [Pet Friendly?] Apollo City: OOC

Posted: Fri Mar 14, 2014 2:25 pm
by Legotron123
One thing I just noticed. What's up with Ashe and the "controlling voice?"

Re: [Pet Friendly?] Apollo City: OOC

Posted: Fri Mar 14, 2014 3:08 pm
by kurowolfe
Well, when John converted his limbs to blood supply for Ashe, he also added in some chemicals to 'block' any bad memories at Annette's apartment: Caeruleus resetting, the quarrel with Dust, the fear of cypets in general etc etc. If any attempt was made to reach those memories, the chemical cocktail will.. erm.. 'redirect' the attempt towards some constructed 'false memories'. Somewhat like mind control, or something like that. The voice is basically said chemicals.

Also, if you guys noticed, I mixed up both Ashe's and John's personalities, the former being calmer, while the latter more anxious with new surroundings. Let's just say it's a side effect of that blood transfusion.

.... yeah, it sounded better in my head, and I'm making way too much infos =w=

Re: [Pet Friendly?] Apollo City: OOC

Posted: Fri Mar 14, 2014 3:54 pm
by Hlaoroo
No, I think that sounds good, Kuro. Very creative.

Re: [Pet Friendly?] Apollo City: OOC

Posted: Fri Mar 14, 2014 4:24 pm
by MrNeonShot
Very creative! :3

Re: [Pet Friendly?] Apollo City: OOC

Posted: Fri Mar 14, 2014 6:30 pm
by Legotron123
It creative, but mind control always makes me feel a bit icky. Be it hypnosis or brainwashing, it makes me feel, almost dirty. But eh, she your character, so as long as it's within the rules, you can do whatever you want with her.

Re: [Pet Friendly?] Apollo City: OOC

Posted: Sat Mar 15, 2014 5:15 am
by kurowolfe
Is it creative? I always thought that kind of plot device is rather cliche, blase even. But I'm an amateur writer, so I like using them ;3.

And no, I'm not going in that direction! :evil:

Re: [Pet Friendly?] Apollo City: OOC

Posted: Sun Mar 16, 2014 1:15 pm
by Hlaoroo
How's that for a distraction, Neon?

Re: [Pet Friendly?] Apollo City: OOC

Posted: Sun Mar 16, 2014 2:35 pm
by MrNeonShot
It's super effective!

Re: [Pet Friendly?] Apollo City: OOC

Posted: Tue Mar 18, 2014 6:09 am
by Legotron123
Hlaoroo can you respond now? Sometimes I feel like I need to ask if I want a response.

Re: [Pet Friendly?] Apollo City: OOC

Posted: Tue Mar 18, 2014 6:56 am
by Hlaoroo
Sorry, Lego. Apparently 7 RPs take a bit of keeping up with. ;)

Re: [Pet Friendly?] Apollo City: OOC

Posted: Tue Mar 25, 2014 5:06 pm
by Roarin
With edited Owner/Handler
VI-R14: Vi (rhymes with “Hi”)

-Character Type-
Main Character

Swift Fox

6.28 Dog Years (22 Human Years)

Apollo City

Vi has a slender body type built for agility and speed. She stands around 3 foot 8’’, which is short even for her species. Her fur is mostly a dusty tan with white fur on her paws, tip of her tail, and running down the front of her neck and belly. Vi has a pair of amber eyes. Though she doesn’t have a collar, a microchip was injected into her neck and can be scanned to give her identification number and other general information about her.

Vi’s life as a feral has taught her to be quick and assertive. She prides on herself on her cleverness to get out of sticky situations. Though she previously didn’t mind the quietness of the forest, once she was introduced to the metropolis of Apollo City the idea of living in the fast paced bustle of a city intrigued her, and for months now she’s been looking for a way to get out of the Sanctuary. Because of this she has a complicated relationship with the law and wouldn’t bat an eye at breaking one or two if it meant reaching her goal. And though she almost always means well, she has a hair-trigger temper that can be indiscriminate if the right buttons are pushed.

As far as life for a feral fox goes, Vi’s was pretty simple and uncomplicated. Living in the plentiful land of the Colorado forests was the ideal ecosystem for a Swift Fox, though they might have to watch out for the occasional hunter. It wasn’t until after the virus outbreak that things got… bad. Food became scarce and there was always the terror of catching the disease that was making all the animals around her die. Things were looking pretty grim until some humans from the nearby wildlife foundation found, captured, and transferred her to an enclosed facility, probably hoping to save as many of them from dying before the disease got them. For a month Vi lived in the facility, culture shocked by all the humaness around her and then one day she was shipped to Apollo City and released into the Sanctuary there. For awhile she was content to get back to the life of the feral, happy with the ecosystem provided by the Sanctuary. But for the past few months life has become… mundane from her, and the memories of being in the human-made shelter as well as the trip from Earth to Apollo City still weighed greatly on her mind. During the transfer she got to see the technology and innovation humans had as well as meet and greet a variety of intellectual races. The thrill of being in a crowded room where a million things were going on at once still seemed exhilarating to her and she cherishes the short trips she gets to make every once and awhile to the big city (accompanied by one of the Sanctuary staff of course). But, she knows that every time, she eventually has to make her way back to the boring Sanctuary. She hopes one day she can live in Apollo City and be free to go where she wants.

Strength - 5 “I’m as strong as I need to be.”

Perception - 6 “I saw that.”

Endurance - 6 “Sprints are fine. Marathons are another thing altogether…”

Charisma - 7 “Just don’t get on my bad side.”

Agility - 8 “ ~Catch me if you can!” : P

Intelligence - 4 “I can be smart if I wanted to!”

Luck - 6 “I think I can count myself lucky.”

Colouur = #8040FF
Handler: Katerina "Kat" Watson

Occupation: Sanctuary Employee

Appearance: Kat stands around 5 2" with neck length auburn hair that's usually tied in a ponytail. On the job (which she mostly is) Kat wears a Sanctuary employee T-shirt with a light-greyish blue sweater over it. She also wears a dark green cap.

Re: [Pet Friendly?] Apollo City: OOC

Posted: Tue Mar 25, 2014 10:56 pm
by MrNeonShot

In other news, I know 4 characters is a lot here, so, if you don't mind Hlaoroo, I'm going to leave Hinata as a guest character. I want Wealthy to be a main, though.

Re: [Pet Friendly?] Apollo City: OOC

Posted: Wed Mar 26, 2014 5:50 am
by Legotron123
Hmmmmmmmmmmm.....l not sure what to post now. I can't think of anything good enough to post. I hate it when I have to do what basically amounts to talking to myself.

Re: [Pet Friendly?] Apollo City: OOC

Posted: Wed Mar 26, 2014 7:11 am
by Hlaoroo
Sorry, Lego, but I really couldn't think of any more reason for the nurse to hang around.

Neon: That's OK. I know that's al she was intended for anyway.

Re: [Pet Friendly?] Apollo City: OOC

Posted: Wed Mar 26, 2014 3:07 pm
by MrNeonShot

Re: [Pet Friendly?] Apollo City: OOC

Posted: Wed Mar 26, 2014 4:54 pm
by Legotron123
Sooooooooooooo......... What's playing at that theatre again?

Re: [Pet Friendly?] Apollo City: OOC

Posted: Wed Mar 26, 2014 5:00 pm
by Hlaoroo
"Toast and Butter", a humorous take on life in the 70s.

Re: [Pet Friendly?] Apollo City: OOC

Posted: Wed Mar 26, 2014 7:51 pm
by Legotron123
1970s or 2070s?

Re: [Pet Friendly?] Apollo City: OOC

Posted: Wed Mar 26, 2014 11:02 pm
by Hlaoroo

Re: [Pet Friendly?] Apollo City: OOC

Posted: Fri Mar 28, 2014 8:34 pm
by Legotron123
One thing I've been thinking about lately. All cypets had the virus at one point in their lives right? I realized I never mentioned anything about Noah's experience with the virus, or even how he met James. All I've decided on is that they met around when Noah was three(pet years). Anyone have any ideas for the rest of the backstory?

Re: [Pet Friendly?] Apollo City: OOC

Posted: Fri Mar 28, 2014 8:49 pm
by MrNeonShot
Noah could've been born in Russia, where the virus started. James could've been a reporter at the time to research some Russian company!

Re: [Pet Friendly?] Apollo City: OOC

Posted: Sat Mar 29, 2014 9:23 am
by Legotron123
It's okay, but I imagined that James was still a reviewer at the time, just really obscure and Noah helped boosted his rating. Ooo!! What if Noah was italian? That would explain how he could talk to gionni and her father!

Re: [Pet Friendly?] Apollo City: OOC

Posted: Sat Mar 29, 2014 11:44 am
by MrNeonShot
I miss Gionni. She was a super awesome character!

Sounds like a plan!

Re: [Pet Friendly?] Apollo City: OOC

Posted: Sat Mar 29, 2014 5:01 pm
by Legotron123
I miss her too. At one point I was thinking of her and Noah falling in love and dating (with permission from her player), but now it probably won't happen.

So we've got where Noah came from, now how about how he and James met. Should it be before or after Noah got the virus?

Re: [Pet Friendly?] Apollo City: OOC

Posted: Sat Mar 29, 2014 5:13 pm
by MrNeonShot
After! ^.^