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Re: Pet Friendly - Brookshire Meadows

Posted: Thu Mar 22, 2012 12:21 pm
by Rook
The Moon Howler wrote:"We have a ride, remember?" Johnny grinned at Sergei.
Jack turned to Max "We still have a few minutes until the car comes. We sent Dad our coordinates, so we're on time."
"Thank you," Sergei replied, putting on a smile.
Sergei looked back at his brother.
'Whatever they gave you, I hope it was a big enough dose.'

Re: Pet Friendly - Brookshire Meadows

Posted: Sun Mar 25, 2012 10:54 am
by simple things
((OOC: This will be a post for Alexander from YsF, for the new arc we are to be beginning. Sorry for the length of it all. Also sorry it took me so long to get to this... =w=))

You know it’s always funny, how fast one’s life can change in a simple matter of months. Something so insignificant could be so…important. It was the same thing over again, the third night I had dreamt this dream. My father slowly slipped away into an eternal slumber, every time I saw it happen, a part of me would die. I was slowly killing myself with this.

And the thing is. It was the only memory I had of him…

Alexander turned in his sleep, his paws clutching at the bed sheets as his expression changed from that of peaceful slumber, to pain and suffering. A loud knock at his bedroom door suddenly shook him from his nightmare, his eyes quickly opening and with a quiet gasp he sat up in his bed.

Alex honey, you’re going to need to get up, he’ll be here soon.” The familiar tone of his harebrained mother nonchalantly echoed through his room, slowly leaving as she moved away.

I know mom…” Alexander whispered, throwing the covers over his body off and standing up on the cold floorboards of his room. He pulled up the blinds of his room, examining the bright and sunny day out. “Just another wonderful day I guess…” the hound said with a smirk, as he went on to have his morning shower, and clean himself up.

An hour later, Alexander had finished his usual morning routine, and was now putting away his empty bowl of cereal. “So how far did you say he came from mom?” Alexander asked, looking up into his mother’s shining eyes.

He’s coming all the way from across the country. He’s very important to me, so I don’t want you to say anything. And keep the AI under control. I just want everything to go smoothly.” Nisha said with a stern look, pushing her black curls behind her ear.

Yes Ma’am” the cattle dog replied, taking a seat on the kitchen counter. Just as he did, a knock was heard at the front door. “Oh! That’s him now” Nisha said, quickly fixing her hair and leaving the kitchen.

Brad, oh it’s so good to see you love” Nisha said with a chipper tone, hugging and quickly kissing the man at the door on the cheek. She then let out a laugh and a squeal as he then swept her up into his arms and kissed her again.

Brad, not here my love, my pet is in the other room, he’s ready to meet you.” Nisha said, smiling as she was let back down onto her heels.

Alright, let me go and see him then” the spiky haired man replied, smiling as Nisha took his hand, and led him to the Kitchen, where Alexander waited with an expressionless face.

Hey! There’s the dude I’ve been hearing about, how are ya bud?” Brad said with a fake smile, kneeling down on one knee and opening his buff arms.

So, this is the infamous Brad I’ve been hearing about” Alexander muttered under his breath, before he smiled back and slowly slipped off of the counter, approached the man, and slipped into his embrace.

Get your hands off of me, you fake slime.’ Alexander thought, sighing as he was held by the man.

It’s very nice to meet you, Brad.” The hound said in a monotonous voice

Yeah, you too pal, you and me, we’re going to have lots of fun together.” The man replied. Finally letting go of the dog, and smiling at him.

I don’t know what she sees in you, even I can tell you’re fake’ Alexander thought again, looking into the man’s eyes. A short silence fell on the pair as they watched each other, before Nisha finally stepped in.

How about a bit of breakfast then, hon?”

That sounds wonderful, love.”

Hon…love? What is this.’

You make me sick already…” Alexander blurted out, his eyes widening suddenly.

What was that, Alex?” Nisha said, raising her eyebrow.

I’m going for a walk; I’ll leave you two to talk. It was nice meeting you, sir.” The Cattle dog said suddenly, moving swiftly to the living room to grab his jacket, and opened the door, closing it gently behind him, as he left the suburban town house.

As the usual neighbourhood passed by, Alexander’s thoughts clouded his mind as he stuck his paws into the pockets in his jacket.

This is just wrong…I hate this. I mean what was wrong with what I had before…I don’t need him. I don’t need any of this!” Alexander shouted, taking a paw out of his jacket and placing it on his head.

He had walked almost all through the town when Alexander decided to completely change his direction, heading into a seemingly abandoned construction site. “Well I guess this is better than nothing…” The hound mumbled, continuing on through the dark interior of the area. He suddenly tripped, falling to the ground with a heavy thud.

Ouch…” He cursed, looking behind himself to see what he had tripped on. There, in the ground, a small device with a large red button was sticking out.

What the heck is…that?”

Re: Pet Friendly - Brookshire Meadows

Posted: Sun Mar 25, 2012 10:14 pm
by razgriz
Rook wrote:"Thank you," Sergei replied, putting on a smile.
Sergei looked back at his brother.
'Whatever they gave you, I hope it was a big enough dose.'
"So, are you gonna help me carry him or what?" Max asked, he could only carry so much at a time and Rook was a tad much. He could do it, but it was prefferable not too. There's not much harder to carry than a wolf twice your size.

Re: Pet Friendly - Brookshire Meadows

Posted: Mon Mar 26, 2012 7:52 pm
by Rook
razgriz wrote:
Rook wrote:"Thank you," Sergei replied, putting on a smile.
Sergei looked back at his brother.
'Whatever they gave you, I hope it was a big enough dose.'
"So, are you gonna help me carry him or what?" Max asked, he could only carry so much at a time and Rook was a tad much. He could do it, but it was prefferable not too. There's not much harder to carry than a wolf twice your size.
"Oop, Sorry!" Sergei apologized, grabbing hold of his brother's legs.
"Ready? One... two... THREE! Sergei used every fiber of his muscles to lift his brother. It was somewhat difficult, but all the workouts with Nicholas were really paying off.

Re: Pet Friendly - Brookshire Meadows

Posted: Tue Mar 27, 2012 1:17 am
by The Moon Howler
"Let us help!" Jack offered and nodded to Johnny. The blue eyed nebelung nodded back and both of them helped to lift Rook

Re: Pet Friendly - Brookshire Meadows

Posted: Tue Mar 27, 2012 5:59 pm
by Rook
The Moon Howler wrote:"Let us help!" Jack offered and nodded to Johnny. The blue eyed nebelung nodded back and both of them helped to lift Rook
"So..." Sergei said with a strain. When's your show? And, what are you two going to preform? Sergei was very fond of live preformances. He's especially had a fond taste for music and preforming concerts. He hoped it would be one of the two. He hadn't seen a live show for ages.

Re: Pet Friendly - Brookshire Meadows

Posted: Fri Mar 30, 2012 7:25 am
by simple things
Alexander shook his head with an angry expression on his face. “Stupid junk around this place, everything is a mess…” He said, patting off the dust and sand from his jacket. He began to move away from the device when suddenly he started to slow down, more and more, till finally he came to a stop. “Maybe it controls one of the machines here…or something.” He said, looking back over his shoulder to the clearly worn technology.

The hound turned around and began walking back to the small controller. He knelt down and took the protruding point into his paws, and with little effort and much care, he successfully removed the device from its hold. He then felt a small jolt in his paws, a feeling that slowly ran through him, then out of him through his feet.

That was so strange.” Alexander thought with wide eyes, looking closer to the small contraption.

This…doesn’t seem like a regular polymer material.” He contemplated, turning the device around in his paws, looking for a serial code, due to the lack of light; he could not seem to find one. He held the device up, allowing the sunlight to shine off of it. A glow then emitted from the device, shining like crystals onto Alexander’s body. “Wow…this is incredible…I’ve never seen anything like this before…”

A part of Alexander suddenly sparked to life; a smile rose onto the hound’s lips as he quickly slipped the device into his pocket and began to move away from the construction site. The hound completely forgot about the ordeal at his home as he began to continue his walk around the neighbourhood.

I have to study this!”

Re: Pet Friendly - Brookshire Meadows

Posted: Fri Mar 30, 2012 3:52 pm
by razgriz
Rook wrote:
The Moon Howler wrote:"Let us help!" Jack offered and nodded to Johnny. The blue eyed nebelung nodded back and both of them helped to lift Rook
"So..." Sergei said with a strain. When's your show? And, what are you two going to preform? Sergei was very fond of live preformances. He's especially had a fond taste for music and preforming concerts. He hoped it would be one of the two. He hadn't seen a live show for ages.

Max lead the way down the stairs and outside, "so, where's your dad at?" he asked, holding onto the wolf and looking around for someone in a car waiting.

Re: Pet Friendly - Brookshire Meadows

Posted: Sat Mar 31, 2012 11:12 am
by simple things
Alexander had now begun a powerwalk around the neighbourhood. He desperately needed to get back home to sate the bit of him that was so very curious about the new toy he had found.

I’m home now!” He said, smiling as he closed the heavy oak door behind himself. He wasted no time to sit with his mother’s new friend, or his mother, as he quickly rushed up the stairs and into his room.

Computer, I found something very strange, like…something I’ve never seen before.” Alexander said out loud, before a large core zipped out of his ceiling, a railing deployed for it to move with ease.

And what exactly might that be, sir?” the machine replied in a cocky tone, focusing its blue eye on the hound.

Here, I want you to scan this, test for all materials.” The hound said, taking the device in his paws and setting it across the multi-touch surface table. The device was then quickly surrounded by a blue grid, small inscriptions of code appear around the device, as the grid circles over it again and again.

It’s not like anything I’ve ever seen before, it even shines in the light…it’s like diamonds.” Alexander said, sitting down in a chair and resting his chin on his paws. As the computer scanned over the technology.

Polyethylene, Bio-degradable material, Acrylonitrile, Polycarbonate...there’s…so many different materials this device could have been made from.” Alexander said to the orb, before the grid disappeared and the machine spoke back to Alexander in a heightened tone.

Sir, to my calculations, the structure of this is somehow defined as old. It’s new again and then back to old. Its structure somehow changes, so that it’s always changing in age, as if it was jumping from one time zone to another all the time. From this…it’s impossible to tell just how old this device may be. It could be ancient, or made yesterday. But from the look of it i would say it's in a fairly good condition.”

Right…” The hound said.

Also, the material it's made from somehow acts as a defensive agent for the device, seeming impossible to snap, burn, freeze, or scratch. No material is this durable. This is something that’s not found on this planet sir.” The machine spoke. Even looking confused itself.

This…is beautiful…” The cattle dog spoke with wide eyes, before moving to handle the sleek device in his paws. He tilted his head slightly as he wondered what the button in the middle would do. He pushed it, but nothing seemed to happen.

Well, there’s only one way I’m going to find out what this is, Computer. And I’m going to need your help…” The dog spoke, smiling as he grabbed a pen and a few pieces of paper. Writing up a few letters.

Dear, The Yorkshire fields community and pets.

I invite you graciously to my home in the events of a new discovery. This may be the greatest find I’ll ever make, and I want all of you to be here to witness this for the first time. Please visit my home as soon as possible. Once everyone is here, the official test may begin, there will be snacks and drinks as the wait will be some time. But I’m sure it will be worth it.

Your fellow Pet.


Everyone has to see this!" He said, using the small devices he had made before to send the invitations to all the pets.

Re: Pet Friendly - Brookshire Meadows

Posted: Sun Apr 01, 2012 1:50 am
by RockstarRaccoon
simple things wrote:Everyone has to see this!" He said, using the small devices he had made before to send the invitations to all the pets.
Tiara, being an anti-social shut-in, didn't get one, and she wouldn't have been interested in something that scary anyway.
Flash... Where is Flash anyway? No one had seen him for quite some time...
Someone ELSE might have gotten the note though... Not saying who...

Re: Pet Friendly - Brookshire Meadows

Posted: Mon Apr 02, 2012 8:49 pm
by TheSilentChoice
((First post))

Even as the moving van rolled up the street to what would be his new home, Therin had not yet run out of things to complain about. Excusing the few hours where they managed to distract him with Salamandastron, he had been thinking up multiple arguments why they should move back. He did not want any more change in his life, and yet here they were pulling into the driveway.

Saying in a cheery voice as if to pierce Therin's gloom, Mark announced "Alright Therin, while me and your mother unpack the van, eat the snacks in your bag if you're hungry. Oh! Don't mark any territory yet or wander from the yard just yet, I want to keep an eye on you."

This of course was met by a whine from Therin in protest as he complained. "But DAAAD, I want to choose my room! I want one with a floor heater."

The truth was he loved to lie over it on a cold day and just enjoy the warm air blowing through his fur. Mark shook his head with a light chuckle at Therin's arguments as he started the ritual of unbuckling and exiting the car. Therin's dread only built as Pura and Mark got out and the first whiff of this 'Brookshire Meadows' hit his nose. The first whiff was reflexive, but as he climbed from the cab where he had comfortably sat between them on the ride over, taking his book and his little food bag with him, he took a second of many more whiffs at the breeze. This place didn't smell half bad actually."Still doesn't smell as good as home." He said to the air as he plopped down in the middle of the yard to eat.

Leaving Therin to his devices Mark and Pura split up into their pre-determined plan. Pura would organize what Mark brought in and put the food, laundry and books away as they came. As Mark carried books inside Therin gave a brief thought about sneaking inside to check it out and maybe help, but Pura and/or Mark would get onto him so he sat on the grass pouting a bit not wanting to be here and thinking about what he'd be doing right about now.

Inside the house during one trip Mark looked out the front facing window of the unglossy sky blue of the 3 bedroom 2 bath house. He said to Pura watching Therin on the lawn in a soft tone. "Do you think he'll be alright?"

With a resigned sigh Pura put aside the current piece of their entertainment system and moved to the window with Mark, fitting herself to him in an embrace as she looked at Therin with a worried expression saying reassuringly to Mark. "Don't worry so much hun. He's always so friendly, I'm sure he won't have trouble making new friends."

Smiling at her words he turned and gave her a quick tender kiss before moving from her to continue unpacking as he said absently. "I sure hope so.."

Re: Pet Friendly - Brookshire Meadows

Posted: Tue Apr 03, 2012 2:29 am
by RandomGeekNamedBrent
(in YsF)
Outside of Pike's pet gym, Kat was lost in thought. Then a small robot gave her a letter. "Oh, thanks robo thing."
as she read the letter, she got excited. She decided to call Rion to see if he wanted to see what this new discovery was.
Inside, Spike was getting done with a morning workout when kat was getting the phone. He noticed the letter on a table and asked "What's this about?"
"Oh, apparently that awesome scientist dog has discovered something big. I was just about to ask Rion if he wanted to check it out with me."
i should probably keep an eye on her. I don't trust her around Alexander, she'll somehow get him to make a doomsday device. Guess I'll ask Arin too.

Kat dialed Rion's number and waited for him to pick up.
Spike did the same with Arin.

Re: Pet Friendly - Brookshire Meadows

Posted: Wed Apr 04, 2012 1:50 pm
by The Moon Howler
Rook wrote:"So..." Sergei said with a strain. When's your show? And, what are you two going to preform? Sergei was very fond of live preformances. He's especially had a fond taste for music and preforming concerts. He hoped it would be one of the two. He hadn't seen a live show for ages.
Johnny grinned "Oh, you'll see. I just bet you'll like it."
Jack shook his head "Cut it, showoff!" he smiled "In short - we're going to flame-dance."
razgriz wrote:Max lead the way down the stairs and outside, "so, where's your dad at?" he asked, holding onto the wolf and looking around for someone in a car waiting.
An engine roar was heard nearby.
"Here he is!" Jack said, rolling his eyes.
Soon, the jeep parked in front of the house.
"Get in and buckle-" Lanses voice was heard from the opened window, but suddenly stopped, as the man popped out his head "What are you guys doin' with that wolf?"
"Long story, short on time!" Jack replied "Help us get him in, Dad."
"Ugh... Fine then... I guess." The man got out of the jeep, opened the rear door and helped the pets to get the wolf in. "I wanna know the short on that when I'll help working on your make up." He sat on his seat "Buckle up, guys!"

(Back at YsF)

Rion's phone rang, just as he got out of the bathroom. He quickly dried his paws and picked up the phone. It was Kat. The gray cat smiled and picked up the phone "Hey beautiful! How are you?"

Re: Pet Friendly - Brookshire Meadows

Posted: Wed Apr 04, 2012 2:28 pm
by RandomGeekNamedBrent
The Moon Howler wrote:(Back at YsF)

Rion's phone rang, just as he got out of the bathroom. He quickly dried his paws and picked up the phone. It was Kat. The gray cat smiled and picked up the phone "Hey beautiful! How are you?"
Kat giggled slightly. "I'm just fine, handsome. A flying robot thing just handed me a note about some new discovery that Alexander made. Wanna go check it out with me? It sounds big."

Re: Pet Friendly - Brookshire Meadows

Posted: Wed Apr 04, 2012 4:04 pm
by The Moon Howler
Rion smiled. He always liked to talk with Kat. "A robot thing from Alexander, you say? Well, knowing him he would probably send us one as well."
At that moment he heard shouting from the lower floor - Varg's shouting "Let me check on Varg." He said as he went down the stairs. What he saw was hilarious - Varg was in the kitchen, chasing a small flying robot with a rolled newspaper, raging at it.
"Kat, the view I have is priceless." Rion said just in time for Varg to hit the small robot and send it out of the open window.

"That'll teach ya not to crash into my bowl and ruin my meal!" The wolf growled victorious. Then he went to the sink and took a letter from there, turning to Rion "Read it while I clean that mess, okay?"

"Got it!" Rion nodded and went upstairs again "Kat, I just received the note."

Re: Pet Friendly - Brookshire Meadows

Posted: Thu Apr 05, 2012 11:51 pm
by TheSilentChoice

It wasn't long before Therin had to get up off his bum and throw away his snack bag in another of those trash bins that seemed to be the same no matter where in the world one went. It took the craftiness of a stick and leverage to get it in there without too much physical exertiona nd afterwards he went back to the exact same spot in the front yard to read his book, Salamandastron. It was from his favorite series and he had barely started it at all.

Mark watched Therin negotiate the trash bin to the way he desired with some interest, but was busy unloading the van. The heavier objects would have to be negotiated about with the cart. For the most part, organization was done and Mark was just trying to catch up so that even Pura was taking in and setting up the kitchen for lunch.

Re: Pet Friendly - Brookshire Meadows

Posted: Fri Apr 06, 2012 12:58 am
by Blue Braixen
Arin had also received a strange letter from a strange robot. As she read it, her first thought was to call Spike, and just as she started to, he called first. She immediately picked up. "Hey hon. Did you get one of those weird letters too? It's creepy ... I don't know if I wanna trust it, but if you're going, I'll go too."

Re: Pet Friendly - Brookshire Meadows

Posted: Fri Apr 06, 2012 1:09 am
by RandomGeekNamedBrent
Tha Housefox wrote:Arin had also received a strange letter from a strange robot. As she read it, her first thought was to call Spike, and just as she started to, he called first. She immediately picked up. "Hey hon. Did you get one of those weird letters too? It's creepy ... I don't know if I wanna trust it, but if you're going, I'll go too."
"Well, Kat's going, and I don't really trust her to not make something explode," he said laughing. "So I'll be going. If you get uncomfortable, we can sit outside and talk for a while."
The Moon Howler wrote:Rion smiled. He always liked to talk with Kat. "A robot thing from Alexander, you say? Well, knowing him he would probably send us one as well."
At that moment he heard shouting from the lower floor - Varg's shouting "Let me check on Varg." He said as he went down the stairs. What he saw was hilarious - Varg was in the kitchen, chasing a small flying robot with a rolled newspaper, raging at it.
"Kat, the view I have is priceless." Rion said just in time for Varg to hit the small robot and send it out of the open window.

"That'll teach ya not to crash into my bowl and ruin my meal!" The wolf growled victorious. Then he went to the sink and took a letter from there, turning to Rion "Read it while I clean that mess, okay?"

"Got it!" Rion nodded and went upstairs again "Kat, I just received the note."
"So are you gonna go with me? If so, we should probably head over there soon."

Re: Pet Friendly - Brookshire Meadows

Posted: Fri Apr 06, 2012 3:58 am
by Neko
The white fox leapt from the couch and shouted, "Aww, yea! Finally beat that stupid skeleton boss!" She dropped the controller onto the couch cushions and struck a victory pose, nearly identical to the warrior on the TV screen. The boss had been giving her trouble for quite some time now, but she finally got the attacks patterns down enough to beat him. Samantha flopped backwards, landing on the couch while admiring the victory screen. "Good thing no one is home, I would've gotten an earful for doing that."

She started the process of saving the game while glancing towards the clock, "Oh wow, did I really spend that long playing? Hmm, I think I'll go out for a bit. I need a good break after going through the tortue of that stupid boss." Sam got up and turned off the TV and Gaming system, going to the front door and putting on her roller blades. After adjusting the straps she went out the front door, pulling her house key out of her collar to lock the door behind her. Sam turned, returning the key to her collar, and took off down the sidewalk.

(Free for Interaction)

Re: Pet Friendly - Brookshire Meadows

Posted: Fri Apr 06, 2012 7:57 am
by The Moon Howler
RandomGeekNamedBrent wrote:"So are you gonna go with me? If so, we should probably head over there soon."
"Sure, but I need to dry myself first." Rion replied "It won't take long and I'll probably be able to take you from your place. Is that okay?"

Re: Pet Friendly - Brookshire Meadows

Posted: Fri Apr 06, 2012 9:35 pm
by Blue Braixen
RandomGeekNamedBrent wrote:
Tha Housefox wrote:Arin had also received a strange letter from a strange robot. As she read it, her first thought was to call Spike, and just as she started to, he called first. She immediately picked up. "Hey hon. Did you get one of those weird letters too? It's creepy ... I don't know if I wanna trust it, but if you're going, I'll go too."
"Well, Kat's going, and I don't really trust her to not make something explode," he said laughing. "So I'll be going. If you get uncomfortable, we can sit outside and talk for a while."
((Color derp in my last post))
Arin giggled. She liked Kat and her tendency to go nuts with everything. She secretly wished she was outgoing on that level, but that wouldn't happen for a while... at least, as far as she could see. "I'll meet you there, and... hopefully, that won't happen." She nodded, even though she knew Spike couldn't see it, and for the first time in a while, the words "I'm going out" left her lips without Spike being at the door. Mr. and Mrs. Colligi were pleasantly surprised, and left her to her own devices.

Re: Pet Friendly - Brookshire Meadows

Posted: Sat Apr 07, 2012 1:07 am
by TheSilentChoice
Therin would never in his life be called the most alert of his class, but he still looked up as he heard the sound of roller blades on sidewalk. Closing his book over his bookmark, which was in this case a piece of grass, Therin stood to watch a white fox rollerblading across the sidewalk. His book sort of dangled at his side as he thought over what it was he wanted ot do, his rusted color tail swaying in a passive way.

While he was still wary of making new friends or the possibility of enemies. He had not gotten that chance to meet a fox, and by her collar, she was a pet. Well, he thought Might as well say hello at least. So keeping his left hand down with the book, Therin waved at her with his right hand. The motion causing both the tags on his collar to sway. Sure he wasn't trying everything he could to get her attention, but that was his plan. He even called out to her in a quick bark.

"Heya! Fox!"

Not the most complex of greetings, but it would be understood.

Re: Pet Friendly - Brookshire Meadows

Posted: Sat Apr 07, 2012 2:17 am
by Neko
Sam bladed down the sidewalk, her body on Auto pilot as her mind wandered to other things. Her mind going over many issues, the troubling ones standing out more.
TheSilentChoice wrote: "Heya! Fox!"

Not the most complex of greetings, but it would be understood.
The white fox was called back to reality with the word "Fox." Sam Stopped her forward motion, tilting back her left foot to engage her rubber stop brake with the concrete. She turned and looked towards the sound, spotting a brown dog in a house's front yard. Smiling, Sam turned her body to the dog to properly greet him. "Ah, Hey!" Taking a moment to take in her surroundings and noticing the moving van she added in, "Just moving in I take it?"

Re: Pet Friendly - Brookshire Meadows

Posted: Sat Apr 07, 2012 2:47 am
by TheSilentChoice
Neko wrote: The white fox was called back to reality with the word "Fox." Sam Stopped her forward motion, tilting back her left foot to engage her rubber stop brake with the concrete. She turned and looked towards the sound, spotting a brown dog in a house's front yard. Smiling, Sam turned her body to the dog to properly greet him. "Ah, Hey!"

Therin couldn't help but smile at her acknowledgement. Even if he wasn't the fondest of new people, he loved to talk. Waving a second time after she called out to him. He relaxed a bit as he thought to himself, Well she's friendly enough so far..
Neko wrote:Taking a moment to take in her surroundings and noticing the moving van she added in, "Just moving in I take it?"

At the mention of the moving van he frowned in it's direction. The gentle sway of his tail ceasing. He had not yet forgiven the vehicle for his kidnapping. Shrugging it off mentally he looked back to her with a half smile and said calmly though his distaste lingered at the back of his tone."Yah, it even seems I'll be here a while."

He thought about it for a moment, before moving to the sidewalk and saying casually. "Nice to meet you, I'm Therin Gurass." He then extended his paw for her.

Re: Pet Friendly - Brookshire Meadows

Posted: Sat Apr 07, 2012 3:50 am
by Neko
TheSilentChoice wrote: At the mention of the moving van he frowned in it's direction. The gentle sway of his tail ceasing. He had not yet forgiven the vehicle for his kidnapping. Shrugging it off mentally he looked back to her with a half smile and said calmly though his distaste lingered at the back of his tone."Yah, it even seems I'll be here a while."

He thought about it for a moment, before moving to the sidewalk and saying casually. "Nice to meet you, I'm Therin Gurass." He then extended his paw for her.
"Likewise, I'm Samantha White, but I go by Sam." She shook his paw, using a firm grip while smiling. Her tail swaying slightly through the formalities. Sam noticed a slight change in tone, hoping it wasn't because of her. 'Probably just a bit down about moving or something,' she thought to reassure herself.

"Welcome to the neighborhood! I'm sure you'll like it here, there isn't much to dislike. I've been here for a few months now and it's been great. Nice houses and friendly people, pets and animals." Sam paused, trying to think other things that made brook-shire great. "Oh, we're real close to the mall and the forest here is amazing."

Re: Pet Friendly - Brookshire Meadows

Posted: Sat Apr 07, 2012 4:24 pm
by TheSilentChoice
Sam earned a smile from Therin as he shook her paw and said in a cheerier way,"Oh! Well hello Sam then." before releasing her paw. His tail hadn't started moving again since his mood didn't change, he was putting on a happy face for her.

That was until she spoke of a mall. Visually his entire body language changed drastically, both ears seemed to perk and his eyes went to hers in curiousity as they seemed to dance in their sockets. His tail immediately began to move in excited fashion. He loved going to malls. He asked excitedly of her, "Really!? Is it big? How many stores are there? Is it expensive? Is it popular? Does it still have that new linoleum smell?" This of course all came out in a jumble of excitement.

Mark and Pura were fully aware there was a mall nearby, but they had planned on waiting until they were settled in before they revealed this to him. This of course was ruined now that Sam had told him. Pura was watching Therin from the living room window as he talked with the fox while Mark was shifting the living room couch into place oblivious. Pura smiled seeing Therin's tail begin to wag, unknowing of the doom upon them Sam had unleashed.

Re: Pet Friendly - Brookshire Meadows

Posted: Sat Apr 07, 2012 9:35 pm
by Neko
TheSilentChoice wrote:Sam earned a smile from Therin as he shook her paw and said in a cheerier way,"Oh! Well hello Sam then." before releasing her paw. His tail hadn't started moving again since his mood didn't change, he was putting on a happy face for her.

That was until she spoke of a mall. Visually his entire body language changed drastically, both ears seemed to perk and his eyes went to hers in curiousity as they seemed to dance in their sockets. His tail immediately began to move in excited fashion. He loved going to malls. He asked excitedly of her, "Really!? Is it big? How many stores are there? Is it expensive? Is it popular? Does it still have that new linoleum smell?" This of course all came out in a jumble of excitement.
Sam chuckled at Therin's sudden burst of excitement. "Sorry, but I have no idea what you just said." She looked at his eager eyes, "Could you repeat that more calmly?" Stifling her chuckling, she took a moment to study Therin now that they were closer. So far, she gathered he liked something about what she said, that or he is just easily excitable. The dog was definitely normal only a few moments ago.

Re: Pet Friendly - Brookshire Meadows

Posted: Sun Apr 08, 2012 3:42 pm
by TheSilentChoice
At her telling him she didn't understand he rolled his eyes as if he was disappointed in her. He gave a heavy sigh and said only one thing, but managed to sound like a sentient being this time through. "How big is the mall?" He looked at her expectantly, not seeming to even notice she was giving him a quick look over.

Therin did not exactly look athletic even though his breed were usually hunting animals. His rust colored fur dominated his back and most of his body, but his front was swathed in right from his pelvis all the way up under his chin was a streak of white. He was not bigger than your average dog, nor smaller. His body was average. However, he seemed to give off an air of unpronounced confidence in whatever it was he was doing. Oh and his tail was wagging, you know. Still.

THough now he noticed her looking over him and struck a bit of a pose smiling temporarily distracted. "I will charge for extended viewing you know" No he wasn't flirting with her, he was just showing a bit of humor for her.

Re: Pet Friendly - Brookshire Meadows

Posted: Sun Apr 08, 2012 7:07 pm
by RandomGeekNamedBrent
(OOC: apparently, my text color for Kat is too bright and hard to read for some. I will be changing it to something else, but I'll wait until the timeline shift, as I feel that's a good time to randomly change text color. Raccoon has already ok'd the wait.)
The Moon Howler wrote:"Sure, but I need to dry myself first." Rion replied "It won't take long and I'll probably be able to take you from your place. Is that okay?"
"How about I just meet you there? Sammy seems like he's going too, So I'll just go with him."
Tha Housefox wrote:((Color derp in my last post))
Arin giggled. She liked Kat and her tendency to go nuts with everything. She secretly wished she was outgoing on that level, but that wouldn't happen for a while... at least, as far as she could see. "I'll meet you there, and... hopefully, that won't happen." She nodded, even though she knew Spike couldn't see it, and for the first time in a while, the words "I'm going out" left her lips without Spike being at the door. Mr. and Mrs. Colligi were pleasantly surprised, and left her to her own devices.
Spike said good bye and hung up his phone. Kat was still talking, so he just waited for her.
(another OOC: Raccoon, I believe you wanted to have Butch come talk to Spike right now, so get on that before they head over to Alexander's place.)

Re: Pet Friendly - Brookshire Meadows

Posted: Sun Apr 08, 2012 9:10 pm
by The Moon Howler
RandomGeekNamedBrent wrote:(OOC: apparently, my text color for Kat is too bright and hard to read for some. I will be changing it to something else, but I'll wait until the timeline shift, as I feel that's a good time to randomly change text color. Raccoon has already ok'd the wait.)
"How about I just meet you there? Sammy seems like he's going too, So I'll just go with him."
"Okay with me." Rion replied with a smile "Meet ya there!"

Re: Pet Friendly - Brookshire Meadows

Posted: Sun Apr 08, 2012 9:56 pm
by RockstarRaccoon
RandomGeekNamedBrent wrote:Spike said good bye and hung up his phone. Kat was still talking, so he just waited for her.
(another OOC: Raccoon, I believe you wanted to have Butch come talk to Spike right now, so get on that before they head over to Alexander's place.)
(( I was just waiting on you ))
At that moment a heavily built, yet expertly groomed doberman popped his head out of the weight room. He had a large white towel draped over his shoulders, wet with cold water to cool himself down, as well as an Armstrong bracelet and sporty knapsack slungover his shoulder. He glanced over and noticed that Spike, his fellow workout-enthusiast and the gym owner's pet, was sitting on a bench, and he seemed to have a strange item in his hands. Curious, the showdog edged over to the bench and peered in, "Hey buddy, what'cha lookin at there?"

Re: Pet Friendly - Brookshire Meadows

Posted: Sun Apr 08, 2012 10:24 pm
by RandomGeekNamedBrent
RockstarRaccoon wrote:At that moment a heavily built, yet expertly groomed doberman popped his head out of the weight room. He had a large white towel draped over his shoulders, wet with cold water to cool himself down, as well as an Armstrong bracelet and sporty knapsack slungover his shoulder. He glanced over and noticed that Spike, his fellow workout-enthusiast and the gym owner's pet, was sitting on a bench, and he seemed to have a strange item in his hands. Curious, the showdog edged over to the bench and peered in, "Hey buddy, what'cha lookin at there?"
"Oh, just something sent from this strange scientist dog. It seems he's made some big discovery and is inviting the neighborhood to come check it out. Kat wants to go, and..." he added in a whisper, "I don't exactly trust her unsupervised around things that could explode."
The Moon Howler wrote:"Okay with me." Rion replied with a smile "Meet ya there!"
Kat said goodbye and hung up the phone.
"Ri's gonna meet us over there, Sammy. Oh, hey Butch. Are you gonna come with us too?"

Re: Pet Friendly - Brookshire Meadows

Posted: Sun Apr 08, 2012 11:45 pm
by Neko
[BsM] (Adding this tag to make things a bit more organized)
TheSilentChoice wrote: Though now he noticed her looking over him and struck a bit of a pose smiling temporarily distracted. "I will charge for extended viewing you know" No he wasn't flirting with her, he was just showing a bit of humor for her.
Sam laughed, bringing her focus back to Therin's face. "Don't get any ideas now, I was just contemplating your breed. I'm gonna have to go with a spitz, right? I never met one before so I had to think for a moment. I didn't mean to stare.." Sam turned her gaze, slightly embarrassed realizing that she had stared. She turned her attention back to him, trying to recollect herself. "But yes, the mall is big. I've only ever been to a few malls in my life, this one is the largest I seen."

Re: Pet Friendly - Brookshire Meadows

Posted: Mon Apr 09, 2012 12:59 am
by RockstarRaccoon
[ YsF ]
RandomGeekNamedBrent wrote:"Oh, just something sent from this strange scientist dog. It seems he's made some big discovery and is inviting the neighborhood to come check it out. Kat wants to go, and..." he added in a whisper, "I don't exactly trust her unsupervised around things that could explode."
"Scientist... You mean-" he stopped, glancing down at whatever was grabbing at his leg. "Ah! Get off!" he growled, kicking downward and slamming whatever it was into the ground under his foot. It made some popping and soarking, exploding a little. "Ack!" Butch picked his foot back up and shook it off, a little bit of smoke rising from what he'd stepped on. He put his footpaw up on the bench and briefy inspected it for damage, grumbling about smoking leg-groping rats. He glanced down to see what he'd immediately stepped on, as he hadn't even thought to before. The twitching remains of one of Alexander's robots lied on the ground, still helpfully holding up the invitation it had come to deliver. Butch bent down and snatched it up, looking at it, "Lessee... Yorkshire fields community and pets..." he sneered a slight amount at the generality of it, "Alexander... Huh..." he glanced at Spike, "Alexander Salt, right? This the message you were talking about?"

(( Aww... he smashed a robot... That made me kinda sad... :< What do the robots look like anyway? I'm picturing a variation of the Illuminati-spybots that Satan uses in Sinfest: little parymids with wings, eyes, and claws... ))

Re: Pet Friendly - Brookshire Meadows

Posted: Mon Apr 09, 2012 1:46 am
by Neko

The small black and gray wolf pup ran up the stairs from the basement, tail wagging as he made his way to the front door. Matt had given him permission to leave the house and explore the neighborhood as he pleased, but the pup knew what he wanted to do. Darin opened the front door, tail still full of energy as he walked out and shut the door behind him. The wolf wasn't normally allowed to run around alone, but it seemed like Matt had finally let him off the leash; and quite literally at that.

Darin smiled as he walked down the driveway and onto the sidewalk. Taking in his surroundings his smile slowly faded, his tail slowing to a stop.'*Whine* I don't remember which way it is to ranger station. I can't ask Matt, he'll think I'm not old enough to be alone and keep me home more.' Darin began walking down the side walk, hoping to pick up a scent or see something familiar. He stopped when he saw the big fence, the fence that went around the neighborhood and kept the forest out.

With renewed vigor he ran across the street, looking both ways before crossing(as was burned into him from Matt's worried brain), and to the big wooden fence. Looking at it from up close made him realize there was no way he could climb over it."Maybe there is a door or somethin'..." The pup walked along the side of the fence, looking for a door handle when he came across a spot where the bottom of a few planks were ripped away. Dropping down to all fours, Darin was able to squeeze through the entrance with ease.

Now that the big problem was solved, all he had to do now was sniff out the raccoon's scent. He knew it would be easy, Rikki always patrolled around the forest. The raccoon's scent would be all over the place. Feeling relieved, Darin dropped to all fours to better track his friend and wandered off into the forest. It didn't take long before he caught a whiff of a trail and was on his way.

Before to long, the scent trail got stronger. Another few minutes and he could see the mischievous coon only a few meters away. Staying low, Darin slowly crept up to him, trying to get the jump on Rikki and surprising him.

Re: Pet Friendly - Brookshire Meadows

Posted: Mon Apr 09, 2012 1:57 am
by RandomGeekNamedBrent
RockstarRaccoon wrote:[ YsF ]
RandomGeekNamedBrent wrote:"Oh, just something sent from this strange scientist dog. It seems he's made some big discovery and is inviting the neighborhood to come check it out. Kat wants to go, and..." he added in a whisper, "I don't exactly trust her unsupervised around things that could explode."
"Scientist... You mean-" he stopped, glancing down at whatever was grabbing at his leg. "Ah! Get off!" he growled, kicking downward and slamming whatever it was into the ground under his foot. It made some popping and soarking, exploding a little. "Ack!" Butch picked his foot back up and shook it off, a little bit of smoke rising from what he'd stepped on. He put his footpaw up on the bench and briefy inspected it for damage, grumbling about smoking leg-groping rats. He glanced down to see what he'd immediately stepped on, as he hadn't even thought to before. The twitching remains of one of Alexander's robots lied on the ground, still helpfully holding up the invitation it had come to deliver. Butch bent down and snatched it up, looking at it, "Lessee... Yorkshire fields community and pets..." he sneered a slight amount at the generality of it, "Alexander... Huh..." he glanced at Spike, "Alexander Salt, right? This the message you were talking about?"

(( Aww... he smashed a robot... That made me kinda sad... :< What do the robots look like anyway? I'm picturing a variation of the Illuminati-spybots that Satan uses in Sinfest: little parymids with wings, eyes, and claws... ))
Kat looked down at the smoking remains. "Aww, poor mister robot," She said with a slight pout and a disappointed tone.
"Yeah, that's the message. Wanna go see what the guy's so excited about?" He asked, mainly because he Jack was out and he wouldn't feel right leaving Butch alone in the gym. He then looked at the pile of metal on the floor and added, "and maybe, take that thing to him for repairs?"

Re: Pet Friendly - Brookshire Meadows

Posted: Mon Apr 09, 2012 3:10 am
by RockstarRaccoon
(( "Poor mister robot" is right! Butch, you killed it! It's horrible! D: ))

Butch glanced back down at the poor robot's wreckage, "Huh...? Oh... Yeah... I should tell him not to make it grab my leg again, heh..." he gave a weak grin of half-jokingness, scratching the back of his head. He bent down, half-heartedly gathering up the parts and wrapping them in his damp towel, which he set on the ground with his knapsack, out of which he pulled out his collar and a small, dark blue, gentleman's flip-mirror, which he used to glance himself over and make sure his head was well groomed. He put his collar on and smoothed down an out of place hair before tossing the towel-wrapped hardware and mirror back into the bag. He pulled the strap closed and stood up, puffing his chest out a little with a confident grin: a well trained pose of confidence. "Alright then, let's go see this 'Mad Scientist', ha ha!" he gave a little chuckle at his own joke, even though it wasn't actually that funny...

==== Back in the Brookshire wildlife preserve ====
Rikki had his head in a hollow log. He peered about, his tail flicking as he pushed his head further in, his body following along with it. He wormed his way through the log, popping out on the other side and looking back at it with a nod, standing up. "Yep: Definitely a log." He walked along a little further, contemplating a visit to his son, as he was on the overlapping edge of his terrritory. He slowed, looking in that direction...
His tail twitched.
It twitched again, an odd little spasm.
His eyes narrowed...
Something was making his tail twitch, and it was coming from his son's territory... Strange... he thought, Usually I get this feeling from places like the ruins... Or the Ranger's Station on a full moon... Taku hasn't gotten himself into something has he? He bent forward a bit, dropping on a forepaw and peering more into the woods. He gave a few weak sniffs, his tail twitching erratically now. And then...
It stopped.
Whatever it was had been brief... Powerful, but brief, and it was over now... The odd part was that he didn't just feel it in Taku's territory, it seemed to go off much further, beyond the edge of the woods, beyond the preserve and into the no-mans-land that the humans called "Yorkshire Fields"... It was foreign to him, and when humans were involved, that usually meant trouble. He sighed, relaxing his posture: there wasn't much he could do about it now. He'd go see Taku later, when he was finished making the regular rounds.

He kept walking along, back at his normal pace and demeanor. He looked up through a small opening in the trees, watching a lone cloud as it floated so far above them. He'd always passively wondered about those... His father had told him once that the spirits that brought water and shade to the people lived in them, and that they cared for them when they were pleased, and worked against them when they'd been angered, and that such a pleasant cloud was a message of happiness... Jack said that clouds were evaporated water, and that their shape and color was all just wind and height, and that the rain they brought was just what happened when they cooled... He wondered if Jack was right... Humans were an odd people, the "lost people" as one of the elders had called them. Their world was alien, paradoxical, unnatural even, however possible that was... And yet, they lived on in it, and as it grew, it became harder for the people of the wood to live outside of their influence. Rikki had grown to accept this fact, but he still wondered, was it really better? Should he really be trying to live along side them? To forge a place for himself in their society, even as they continued to charge down the path of destruction? The "lost" path?

He sighed, sitting down on an old stump which was currently lit from the overhead sun, which peeked through a thin spot in the canopy where the trees somehow hadn't reclaimed the spot from their fallen companion. Rikki glanced over at the massive rotten log. It had fallen before he as born, and he remembered sitting on this log with his father. At first, with all of his siblings: Roko, Genesh, Kochi, but as the years went on, they'd left, until it was him and his father and mother. Even then, his mother...

He closed his eyes, taking a deep breath, Mother... I still remember your scent... He glanced down at his paws, claws bared. He could still see her blood on them...

And his father... In the human zoo, he'd learned, with a new mate, and Rikki's new half-siblings... He'd had some time to play with them, they were healthy and happy children, but he knew one day they would want more than an enclosure. He wondered how they were as he watched another cloud move into and out of view...

He closed his eyes again. He'd been alone with his memories, but he still knew he was in the present, with its own people, and its own needs. He looked over his shoulder, calling out, "Darin, would you like to sit with me, or are you practicing your stalking?"

(( Wow... Epic post there... And yes, that WAS a reference to the YsF arc just now. Think of this as about an hour after the current time there... ))

Re: Pet Friendly - Brookshire Meadows

Posted: Mon Apr 09, 2012 3:48 am
by Neko
Darin carefully followed Rikki, trying his best to remain silent as he slowly moved around on all fours.'I got him this time.' The coon was only about 2 meters away, the distance between them getting shorter.
RockstarRaccoon wrote: He looked over his shoulder, calling out, "Darin, would you like to sit with me, or are you practicing your stalking?"
He stopped dead in his tracks, surprised Rikki had known he was there. With a groan, the wolf pup stood up and walked in front of Rikki. Crossing his arms he did his best to glare at the taller raccoon, ears pointed forward and his tail still. "You're no fun."

Re: Pet Friendly - Brookshire Meadows

Posted: Mon Apr 09, 2012 3:57 am
by RockstarRaccoon
"You'd do better if you didn't try to get so close so slowly. The stalking style of a wolf is not one of slow movement, that just gives me more time to smell you, better to stop sneaking at a distance, and quickly ambush your target." He looked over at Darin, "And by that, I mean with the rest of your pack." He looked back up at the clouds, "Now come, young one, sit with me. Unless you have better things to do..." he patted the spot next to him...

Re: Pet Friendly - Brookshire Meadows

Posted: Mon Apr 09, 2012 4:16 am
by Neko
Darin turned off the serious act, listening to Rikki and climbing on to the stump with him. "You don't think I can hunt alone?" Looking up at the coon he got a look of determination. "Hmph, I'll get better and show you. Next time you won't even know I'm stalking you until I pounce!" Darin tried to growl menacingly and show his teeth, but was unaware how un-menacing it really was.