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Re: Pet Friendly: Yorkshire Fields

Posted: Sun Aug 08, 2010 2:56 pm
by LucidDarkness
"Run away." Leopold answered quietly under his breath as they walked out onto the streets. It was still morning, but the sun was already up and bright. Leopold looked around, not sure what to make of this city... It was definitely a lot busier than his last home... There were no rolling fields, no sheep grazing in the grass, no forests or streams.

"So tell me, Fox, what's there to do around here?" Leopold asked, taking the bit of cash his master had given him and slipping it into the inner pocket of his collar. He brushed down his fur while his ears twitched around, listening to the sounds of a city instead of a village. It was all very unnerving..

Re: Pet Friendly: Yorkshire Fields

Posted: Sun Aug 08, 2010 3:06 pm
by Zander
Maple giggled as she fell off of Gary, she jumped at Gary again, clutching onto his leg with both legs and arms.
"you wouldn't eat me silly, I don't Taste good!" she said happily to him, nuzzling his leg.

Re: Pet Friendly: Yorkshire Fields

Posted: Sun Aug 08, 2010 3:07 pm
"Hey!" A voice called out, muffled by May's sleep. The otter girl groaned, rolling over. She buried her head in her own arms, trying to escape wakefulness, but the voice was persistent. A clawed finger prodded May in the side, accompanied by more words. "May! Time to get up! You've got your morning duties!" May snorted awake(very unladylike), and sat up. "Eh...?" She blinked sleep from her eyes, finding another otter girl looking back at her. "Anitta? What are-?" May remembered suddenly. She had slept in the otter exhibit last night to keep an eye on the new litter Spring had brought. It seemed there was some kind of virus infecting a few of the kits from other zoos, and she wanted to make sure that the ones in Yorkshire were unaffected. "Ah... How are the kits doing?" May sat up completely as she spoke, a yawn escaping her. The young otter girl that had been so kind to wake May up, Anitta, smiled. "They're fine. I think we dodged this "virus" you were talking about... All the kits are healthy." May nodded her head, breathing a sigh of relief. "Good." The otter girl adjusted the collar around her neck as she stood. "Well, I need to get to work. Tell everyone good morning for me." And with that, she slipped silently out of the den.

Nearly an hour later, after May had made her way around to all of the exhibits and found no problems(as usual), the otter girl checked out at the front desk and started her daily exploration of the housing area. Ever since the new Pet friendly laws had been enforced, May had gotten to know a few of the pets that lived in Yorkshire Fields. All very charming... er, most very charming. She made her way to the park, a favorite meeting place for the pets of Yorkshire. As she entered the oasis in suburbia, soft tunes drifted past May's ears. Music... She turned toward the sound, and saw its source. The otter girl made her way up the hill to the cat, playing some sort of instrument she had only seen on television and in books. What was it, a double bass? She waved cheerily to the cat, despite the obviously depressing notes that drifted from his instrument. "Morning, stranger. So you're the source of the phantom music I've been hearing..." She smiled, studying the cat's instrument. "I don't recall seeing you around before."

Re: Pet Friendly: Yorkshire Fields

Posted: Sun Aug 08, 2010 3:15 pm
by FunkyChickenFace
Windchimes barely reacted to the intrusion. Thankfully, the otter was not of the loud, annoying and excessively happy type. Without breaking the music, he smiled politely, eyes crinkling, expressing his profound welcome of the otter to his spot. He slipped out of minor key, instead playing slowly, quietly, and welcomingly in C-major. Windchimes nodded at otter girls question. He shrugged slightly, nodding toward the outskirts of town and then nodding at the nearby apartment complex. Windchimes tilted his head to the side questioningly, nodding at the hill and asking with his eyes: "what brings you out here, stranger?"

((Will translate in text if you need it, just ask in the RP in double parens like this.))

Re: Pet Friendly: Yorkshire Fields

Posted: Sun Aug 08, 2010 3:16 pm
by Alex
Dargh get off!
Gary tried to shake Maple off, just to find out that his legs were way too weak to even lift her up more than 5 inches off of the ground. The worst thing is that he didn't want her this close because of his smell. She's a girl, after all! A deep blush appeared on his face. Distracted, and out of strength, the weight on his leg caused him to fall down again, hurting his head on the concrete.
Jake wrote:Hey, are you alright?
No ********* get this ******* monster off of my **** leg or I swear I'm going to seriously hurt her!
While lying down, Gary tried to shake her off again, but his leg was completely powerless and exhausted now (STR3). His blush increased once he realized that the nuzzling felt good on a tired limb.

Re: Pet Friendly: Yorkshire Fields

Posted: Sun Aug 08, 2010 3:27 pm
May tilted her head slightly at the cat's strange mannerisms. He seemed nice enough, his attitude very inviting, but still odd. May's smile brightened back at him. "I see... That explains why I haven't seen you around." She promptly plopped down on the grass in front of the cat. "I'm going to assume you're wondering why I'm here. Well, I volunteer at the zoo, y'see, and I like to spend my break time exploring the city. Meet nice people, such as yourself." She laughed slightly, resting her elbows on her knees as she watched the cat play. "Oh by the way. I'm Makkida, but you can call me May."

Re: Pet Friendly: Yorkshire Fields

Posted: Sun Aug 08, 2010 3:36 pm
by FunkyChickenFace
Windchimes smiled back.
"Windchimes," he said softly, as it was difficult to mime windchimes without both hands. He tilted his head questioningly again, "Is there anything fun to do in the city?" he asked quietly, his low, bass/baritone voice catching slightly from disuse.

Re: Pet Friendly: Yorkshire Fields

Posted: Sun Aug 08, 2010 3:47 pm
by Neko
Jake watched the two cats with a raised brow, slightly confused. Maple seemed like she just wanted to cuddle, or something, but was being a bit to forceful. He reached down and plucked Maple of Gary's leg, with a bit of difficulty, then set her back down on her feet. "Can't you see that your bothering him? It's not very nice to just lung at people from tree's..."

Re: Pet Friendly: Yorkshire Fields

Posted: Sun Aug 08, 2010 4:00 pm
May blinked at him. "Nice to meet you, Windchimes. Interesting name..." The otter girl thought for a moment at the cat's question, rocking slightly. "Well... I like to just walk and sightsee really, talk to other pets, but there are some really neat stores around here too. Oh!" She beamed at Windchimes, an idea dawning on her. "There's a cool music store near here. I know the owner's pet pretty well. Maybe you could some use out of that?"

Re: Pet Friendly: Yorkshire Fields

Posted: Sun Aug 08, 2010 4:05 pm
by FunkyChickenFace
"Hmmm..." mused Windchimes, before changing back into minor and puling a 3 minute long mournful tune that could practically bring tears to your eyes. He ended on a long, sad note, before putting his double-bass back into it's case.
"That, miss, is not a bad idea," he said, "I should see that music store. Where is it? Would you lead me there?" As he spoke, he lifted the wheeled case and held it steady against the hill's gradient. He bowed slightly, asking not only with his mouth but with his entire body in the set of his tail and ears, the way he looked at May, and the way he held his body in an altogether almost-pleading stance.

Re: Pet Friendly: Yorkshire Fields

Posted: Sun Aug 08, 2010 4:11 pm
by Zander
Maple wiggled around in the Wolf's grasp, giggling.
She looked up at him when she was placed down. "but it's fun!..."

((Maples face- :3 ))

Re: Pet Friendly: Yorkshire Fields

Posted: Sun Aug 08, 2010 4:14 pm
by Tiggy
Marc looked at Leopold and tilted his head. "Uh, theres the park, a zoo, some kind of amusement park just outside town, a few shops... Something like that I think." Marc looked up at the morning sun and closed his eyes, basking in the rays of sunshine hitting his face.

"And I told you my name, and it's not fox!" Marc giggled as he gave Leopold a slight shove.

Re: Pet Friendly: Yorkshire Fields

Posted: Sun Aug 08, 2010 4:16 pm
May smiled at Windchimes as he put away his instrument. She stayed seated until he was done, and stood. "Great! It's actually just at the edge of the park, this way!" She beckoned the cat after her, hop-stepping down the hill. She looked back at Windchimes half way down, eyes curious. "So, uh, what brought you into the city? You seem really good at that instrument. Are you a career musician?"

Re: Pet Friendly: Yorkshire Fields

Posted: Sun Aug 08, 2010 4:23 pm
by FunkyChickenFace
Carefully, Windchimes wheeled the double-bass down the hill. He nodded, smiling, and shrugged.
"I do alright," he said modestly. "Frank's the figure-head of our group, but I've done some gigs of our own."

Re: Pet Friendly: Yorkshire Fields

Posted: Sun Aug 08, 2010 4:30 pm
May peeked over her shoulder at the cat. "Frank?" She asked as they trekked through the park. "Oh! You must be in some sort of band!"

Re: Pet Friendly: Yorkshire Fields

Posted: Sun Aug 08, 2010 4:31 pm
by Alex
Gary stood up, thankful to Jake for removing that crazy cat. He backed off a little, ready to jump away if needed.
Yes, it's fun for you. You can't just expect... eh, whatever. Thanks for saving me, wolf.
His anger went away, and Gary was calm now, but still in a bad mood. A day like this wasn't anything unusual, after all.
Errr.... does any of you have any food? - he asked, with a huge blush again, after another growl of his stomach.

Re: Pet Friendly: Yorkshire Fields

Posted: Sun Aug 08, 2010 4:37 pm
by FunkyChickenFace
"The Queen Nips," Windchimes said simply and without any fanfare. He hummed softly, looking about at the oasis that was the park.

Re: Pet Friendly: Yorkshire Fields

Posted: Sun Aug 08, 2010 5:39 pm
by Zander
Maples ears slowly lowered downward, her broad smile slowly turning into a smaller one. "oh.. Sorry.. I was just excited there was someone new to play with..." she looked up at the wolf "But if you don't want me around that's okay."

Re: Pet Friendly: Yorkshire Fields

Posted: Sun Aug 08, 2010 8:33 pm
by LucidDarkness
Leopold looked wide-eyed down at where Marc had pushed him, his mouth hung open offended. He crossed his arms and looked off in a different direction.

"I don't care. We'll do whatever you want." Leopold said off-sidedly. He looked up at the sun... Even the sun didn't seem to be the same... The air in the city felt slightly stale. Leopold frowned, feeling a little pain in his stomach of home-sickness.

Finally, Leopold looked back at Marc. He felt a bit sadder, and thusly not as mad.
"Pick somewhere and we can get going, Fox. You'll have to lead me there, though. And feel free to show me the ways of this strange city."

Re: Pet Friendly: Yorkshire Fields

Posted: Sun Aug 08, 2010 8:59 pm
by Neko
Angel glanced at Aiden. "Well, you'll love these. They're nice and soft and warm..." He grinned as they arrived at their destination. Shelves upon shelves of different colored and sized pet beds. "Take your pick!"

Aiden looked at all the pet beds, different Sizes and colors adoring the shelves. He went to the bottom shelf, which is the only one he could reach, and examined the beds there. They were all smaller sized for pups but they seemed like a perfect size to Aiden. He kneeled and sniffed at a brown colored bed that had a white fluffy interior. It had the same nice smell similar to the pet-seat.

Angel smiled at Aiden. The pup seemed to be taking more initiative now. "Go ahead and check out a few of them. Different brands have different styles, and they all feel different."

Aiden felt the soft interior, it was really soft and fluffy. "Mmm...But I really like this one." He turned to Angel, not realizing the big smile on his own face. "Can I have this one?"

Angel's eyes widened a little when the pup looked up at him. His own smile widened. "See? I told you your smile was better than that little excuse in the parking lot!" He laughed, ruffling Aiden's headfur. "Of course you can have that bed. Whatever you want."

Aiden's smile slowly faded away, I didn't even know I was...Wait, Whatever I want? He smiled lightly at Angel. "Can we get it and leave then?" He was hoping to avoid getting a leash, and whatever else they had planned.

Angel smirked at the pup. "Nice try, but even pets have rules." He laughed. "Well, cmon. Dad's probably gotten everything else we need by now." The husky took the pet bed off the shelf. He turned and walked back the way they had come, grabbing a red leash from one of the racks as he passed it.

Aiden sighed and followed behind Angel. Rules?! I already have to wear a collar, use a pet-seat, and now a leash....Just gotta look at the bright side. A nice bed, a house to sleep in, daily meals. It won't be too bad, and Angel doesn't seem to bad for a pet.

When they reached the checkout counters, Jacob was waiting for them with the rest of the things Aiden needed. "Hey guys. I got bowls and tags. Did you get everything else?" Angel nodded to his owner, handing him the bed and leash. He turned to Aiden, smiling. "Aiden, we need to give them the collar so they can scan it."

"Oh, sure." Aiden reached up and fumbled with the collar, but he hadn't a clue on how to take it off. He wasn't able to see what Angel had did before, and he had never worn a collar before.

Angel smiled, reaching back to unlatch the collar again. He pulled it from around Aiden's neck, handing it to his owner. "Don't worry. You'll get the hang of it." Seconds later, everything was checked out, and the trio were heading back to the car. Angel smiled at Aiden. "I told you we'd get you some cool stuff."

Yea, I'm so happy to have a collar and leash now... Aiden put on a weak smile, that was almost sincere. "Yea, cool stuff. It'll be nice to have a bed." His smile faded as they reached the car. Now for this again...

Angel glanced at Aiden. "It's not so bad, y'know." He gave the pup a quick pat on the back. "I told you I'd make you comfortable."

It was true, it seemed like Angel was sticking to his word. He felt himself warming up a bit to the husky, though his owner was a different story. Aiden nodded with a sincere smile "Yea."

Angel chuckled. When they were to the car, he pulled the door open as Jacob loaded the stuff in the trunk. Angel looked down at Aiden. "Do you need help getting in again?"

Aiden was a bit hurt at that, he had been a stray all his life. He could handle something as simple as climbing into a car. "Just because I'm small doesn't mean I can't climb into a car!" He turned and climbed up unto the car's floor then up onto the seat before plopping down into his pet-seat. He took the straps and tried to put them together.

Angel flinched at Aiden's tone. His ears drooped as he watched the pup climb onto the seat, following slowly. When he was in his own seat, he watched Aiden fumble with the straps for a moment. "Can I help?"

Aiden messed with the straps some more before finally giving up. He let go of the straps and buckles and sighed. "Go ahead..."

Angel slowly picked up the straps and buckled Aiden in. He sighed as he sat back in his seat. "I... Didn't mean to insult you." Angel said quietly as his owner cranked up the car and pulled out of the parking lot.

Aiden turned to Angel, feeling bad about his harshness. He had been only want to help afterall. "No, I'm sorry. Your just trying to be nice to me, and uh..." He cut himself short, he wasn't used to sharing how he felt to anyone but his parents.

Angel glanced at Aiden. "I understand if you're not comfortable talking to me..."

Aiden leaned back in his seat, not having much to say. "I'm trying-" his stomach interrupted him, growling loudly. He put his hands on it to try and silence it, turning his head and feeling a bit embarrassed. "S-Sorry..."

Angel turned concerned eyes on Aiden. "We're almost home..." He sighed. "Didn't they feed you at the shelter?"

Aiden's stomach quieted down, turning his head to the empty seat beside him and watching the passing scenery out the window. "I wasn't going to eat anything from them."

Angel raised an eyebrow at the pup. "What? Why? They just wanted to take care of you till you were adopted..." He didn't understand why Aiden was suspicious of everyone.

Aiden didn't move, but his anger towards those humans grew. "If they wanted to help they wouldn't have taken my parents away from me," he said coldly.

Angel flinched again. So Aiden was opening up. "I... I'm sorry... I'm sure there was a reason...?"

Aiden kept his gaze at the window. "I'm sure they just left me to die, one less stray on the streets."

Angel gazed at Aiden for a long while. He wanted to say something, but words failed him. Finally, the car pulled to a stop in the alley overhang that was attached to Jacob's store. Angel sighed, reaching over to unbuckle Aiden. "Welcome home..."

Aiden looked through the window, turning to look out the window by Angel. "A alley?"

Angel smiled slightly. "It's just where Jacob parks the car. Cmon, the door's around front." He finished unbuckling Aiden and slipped out of the car.

"Right..." Aiden slipped out of his pet-seat and hopped out of the car. He sniffed the air, the area smelled a bit familiar. He walked forward and onto the sidewalk, looking up and down before looking at the park. I should've guessed they lived in this housing area.

Re: Pet Friendly: Yorkshire Fields

Posted: Sun Aug 08, 2010 10:05 pm
by Aaron
Chase was out walking around the store district of town. He had spent a lot of the day home with his dad, who was done for the season with basketball and was just hanging out around the townhouse with him. They played some hoops at the park and played some poker back at home, and Chase was ready to get out and take care of some errands.

He walked towards Fine Tunes, and smiled as he saw Jacob in the alley by the store with Angel, and with an animal he hadn't met before, so he stopped and waved to Angel and Jacob. "Hey guys, how's it goin? Who's the new guy?" he said, not recognizing the new German Shepherd that joined the human and Angel.

Chase walked over and offered a pawshake to Angel and walked beside them as they headed towards the store...

Re: Pet Friendly: Yorkshire Fields

Posted: Mon Aug 09, 2010 3:48 am
by Tiggy
Marc tilted his head at Leopold and then looked around, sighing. "I don't like to command people around, please, you chose something to do." Marc giggled a bit and turned to Leopold. "Your wish is my command." He said in a deeper voice than usual, bowing.

Re: Pet Friendly: Yorkshire Fields

Posted: Mon Aug 09, 2010 4:56 am
by Alex
Maple wrote:"oh.. Sorry.. I was just excited there was someone new to play with..." she looked up at the wolf "But if you don't want me around that's okay."
Gary looked down at the ground. Maple was a genius. He was just tackled, kicked in the face and fell back-first on the ground twice because of her, and yet he feels bad! How was that even possible? It's not like Maple is super-cute (Cha 4). So how? Well, they've known each other for a long time, after all. He walked towards her and put his paw on her shoulder.
It's okay, Maple. You don't have to go.... Augh, I need food! My stupid dad didn't feed me yesterday at all!

Re: Pet Friendly: Yorkshire Fields

Posted: Mon Aug 09, 2010 8:02 am
by Zander
Maples smile returned, giggling as Gary put his hand on her shoulder.

Re: Pet Friendly: Yorkshire Fields

Posted: Mon Aug 09, 2010 2:08 pm
by LucidDarkness
Leopold sighed deeply and rubbed his temples. His new friend was a terrible tour-guide... Not to mention just as indecisive as himself at the moment.

"Fine. Okay.. Beings a already feel as though my life is being threatened, lets go to that amusement park.." Leopolf said, shrugging his shoulders and picking the first thing from Marc's list that popped into his mind. "You're going to have to lead the way, though."

Leopold started walking so that he would be closer to Marc. If the amusement park was on the edge of town, it would probably be a little ways away from their quaint little shopping district. It was now that Leopold was greatful for how often he went walking back in Ireland.. A trek through the city should be no problem.
Leopold watched as a few cars went passed and a shiver went down his spine. There was never traffic back home. Perhaps city walking was a bit more difficult. It was dangerous, to say the least.. Everything looked so much the same while they walked.

Suddenly, Leopold turned to Marc.
"Oh by the way, Fox.. If we get lost and die... I'm going to kill you." He said bluntly, his face deadpan. "With your own little sword there."

Re: Pet Friendly: Yorkshire Fields

Posted: Mon Aug 09, 2010 4:59 pm
by Tiggy
Marc sighed. "It's Marc." He said quietly.

He sighed again and looked at Leopold. "Rather not go there, at least not today. It's quite far, and it's not that cheap either." He chuckled slightly when he was finished speaking. I'm not that much of a tour guide, am I?"

Re: Pet Friendly: Yorkshire Fields

Posted: Mon Aug 09, 2010 5:39 pm
Aaron wrote:Chase was out walking around the store district of town. He had spent a lot of the day home with his dad, who was done for the season with basketball and was just hanging out around the townhouse with him. They played some hoops at the park and played some poker back at home, and Chase was ready to get out and take care of some errands.

He walked towards Fine Tunes, and smiled as he saw Jacob in the alley by the store with Angel, and with an animal he hadn't met before, so he stopped and waved to Angel and Jacob. "Hey guys, how's it goin? Who's the new guy?" he said, not recognizing the new German Shepherd that joined the human and Angel.

Chase walked over and offered a pawshake to Angel and walked beside them as they headed towards the store...
Angel looked up at the voice, smiling as he recognized the corgi approaching them. He took the dog's hand, shaking it briskly as they walked toward the door. "Oh... Hey, Chase! This is Aiden." The husky beckoned to Aiden as they started walking toward the store."We adopted him today! Anyway, what brings you over here? Your owner need some new strings or somethin'?" Angel asked, as Jacob brought up the rear with the new stuff.

Re: Pet Friendly: Yorkshire Fields

Posted: Mon Aug 09, 2010 5:43 pm
by Neko
"Hi..." Aiden spoke softly and stayed close to Angel's side as they walked. New strings? What would he need string for...

Re: Pet Friendly: Yorkshire Fields

Posted: Mon Aug 09, 2010 5:46 pm
by Alex
Gary moved his paw as soon as Maple started giggling. He wanted to make her comfortable, but not too comfortable.
Okay, now that we've gone through a one-second depression of a crazy cat, can someone give me any advice on how to get food and clean myself?

Re: Pet Friendly: Yorkshire Fields

Posted: Mon Aug 09, 2010 5:49 pm
by Aaron
Chase nodded and waved at Aiden when he was introduced, smiling at the German Shepherd pup. Chase then set his attention to Angel "Yeah, dad needs new strings, and picks. He loses picks every time he uses one, and he breaks strings all the time, too. He plays that thing non-stop in the off-season."

Chase then noticed all the stuff Jacob was carrying, "You got some new stuff, eh bud? That looks like a really comfy bed!" he said to the pup.

Re: Pet Friendly: Yorkshire Fields

Posted: Mon Aug 09, 2010 5:53 pm
Angel nodded, grinning slightly. "Yeah, it's a wonder how you are able to replace his stuff so often." The husky laughed, then glanced down at Aiden at Chase's question.

Re: Pet Friendly: Yorkshire Fields

Posted: Mon Aug 09, 2010 5:59 pm
by Neko
Don't remind me, stupid collar and leash... Aiden smiled weakly at Chase, still staying close to Angel's side. "Yea, I picked it."

Re: Pet Friendly: Yorkshire Fields

Posted: Mon Aug 09, 2010 6:02 pm
by Aaron
Aaron smiled and gently reached out to pat the pup on the back, not wanting to startle him. He said to Aiden "Well you picked a good one! I wish my bed was that cool and comfy. I need a new one pretty soon. But yeah, you're in a good home buddy. Welcome to our neighborhood! "

The corgi continued on his way towards the store with the two other dogs and their owner.

Re: Pet Friendly: Yorkshire Fields

Posted: Mon Aug 09, 2010 6:13 pm
Angel gave a thin smile at Chase's words. He pushed store's front door open, leading the others inside. "Hey, Dad, I'll take care of Chase." His father nodded, hoisting Aiden's stuff up the stairs, and Angel slipped behind the counter to turn on the register. "So, what can I get you, Chase?"

Re: Pet Friendly: Yorkshire Fields

Posted: Mon Aug 09, 2010 6:29 pm
by Neko
Aiden stopped following Angel once they entered the store, letting the two continue on to the counter. A store? He moved to the shelves after taking a good look at the guitars on display. So a guitar store...Oh, strings for a guitar! That makes sense, but how do you live in a store... Aiden turned his head towards the stairs and saw Jacob going up with all the things they had purchased. Where's he going? Aiden walked to the stairs, looking back at Angel and Chase before climbing up.

Re: Pet Friendly: Yorkshire Fields

Posted: Mon Aug 09, 2010 6:52 pm
by Aaron
"I need a some hard picks and some Ernie Ball strings, umm, it's for his electric, so the ones for electric..." Chase said, looking around at the counter and all the cool musical gadgets.

Re: Pet Friendly: Yorkshire Fields

Posted: Mon Aug 09, 2010 7:15 pm
Angel nodded, ducking down beneath the counter to rummage around for what Chase needed. The husky popped up again after a few seconds, holding a small back of hard, plastic guitar picks, and a pack of strings. He placed the packages on the counter in front of Chase. "Lemme ring this up real quick." He said, taping away at the register. "Cash? Or you got your dad's card-" angel stopped, looking arund suddenly. "Where'd Aiden go...?"

Re: Pet Friendly: Yorkshire Fields

Posted: Mon Aug 09, 2010 7:16 pm
by LucidDarkness
Leopold halted his walking and sighed. He looked back at Marc, his eyebrow twitching in frustration.
"You took the words right out of my mouth..." Leopold scoffed, running his paw over his face. "So then, what would you like to do?"

Looking further down the road, Leopold spotted what looked the entrance to a park. He vaguely remembered his master telling him something about how there was a park just down the street from the shopping district.
'Trees! Grass! Bugs! Nature thingies!! It'd be like back at home!' Leopold thought frantically, feeling actually excited for once. He grabbed Marc's paw and pointed in the direction of the gate.

"I-Is that the park!?" Leopold asked, shaking Marc's paw. "Do ya wanna go?"

Leopold didn't really wait for an answer before he started walking towards it, dragging Marc along with him.

Re: Pet Friendly: Yorkshire Fields

Posted: Mon Aug 09, 2010 7:21 pm
(Do NOT interact with them!)

May laughed, smiling back at Windchimes. "You're a member of the Queen Nips? I've heard Angel talk about them. That's the owner's pet." She made a thoughtful sound as they walked. "He was in a band too, y'know. Not as successful as yours, but they were pretty popular for a little while."

"Which one?"

May thought for a moment. "Ah... Starlight Prize. They were a popular local group that hit the big time for a short period. Angel's the only one left."

"I remember them. Not really in our genre, but were good competition for awhile."

May made a noise close to a chuckle. "Well, obviously people prefer your genre. The breakup hit Angel so hard he doesn't play his own music anymore." She sighed, kicking a rock across the turf.

Windchimes grimaced. "He, or she, should pick it back up. People should play for themselves, not others."

May nodded. "I see where you're coming from, but I must say that Angel was very attached to his band. It really hurt him to see it break up. I don't think I've seen him play more than two original songs in years..."

Windchimes grimaced even more. "Still, that's not really an excuse. Why did he even start in the first place? For the fame? The Money?"

May shook her head. "He hasn't told me much, but the word through the grapevine is that he first learned guitar from his owner... That might be why he treasure music so much. Anyway, he and the other members met up and played because they like what they do. The fame only came later." The otter girl sighed. "At least... that's how Angel saw it."

Windchimes sighed. "Well, I don't know." He lapsed back into silence, wheeling the double-bass in front of him, gazing sadly at the noisy city they were now walking through. Life just had to be so LOUD and COMPLICATED....

Re: Pet Friendly: Yorkshire Fields

Posted: Mon Aug 09, 2010 7:29 pm
by Neko
Aiden climbed to the top of the stairs and stopped, looking around and listening to Jacob in a different room. Oh, so they live on the second floor. That's kinda weird. He moved to where he heard Jacob, peering around the corner into the kitchen. His stomach growled loudly just then and Aiden quickly pulled his head back away from the corner to try to quiet it. No, shut up!