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Amazee Dayzee
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Re: H-Pets

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

Make sure that the pie hits the most muscular member of the team since they are bound to react with a lot more violence then necessary! :P
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Harry Johnathan
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Re: H-Pets

Post by Harry Johnathan »

CHAPTER TWELVE: Wolf's Clothing Part 1
A story by Trekkie and Harry Johnathan


The H-Pets made their way back to headquarters, all rode in the van except Silverbolt, who had taken the cycle along with Sabrina who wanted to feel the wind in her fur. This upset Fido, but then again, everything upset Fido. The ride, Max thought, was eventful, they had to stop twice once to stop a bank robbery and then to keep an elderly man from being mugged by hooligans. Both times the criminals, once they saw them, almost immediately gave up and ran away screaming in terror. During the mugging, Max had climbed the brick face of a building to drop a couple of stones on the attackers before they could get away and he clambered back down. He was clapping his hands together to get dome brick dust lodged out of his paws and, upon arriving home, started to relax by watching Rifftrax on his tablet when Grape appeared next to his seat. The purple cat was grinning at him slyly.

“Is this seat taken?” Grape asked, gesturing to the empty seat next to Max.

“It is if you want it.” Max said, grinning like an absolute idiot.

“That’s what I want to hear.” Grape continued to purr, “You were awesome back there.”

“Me? I sucked compared to everyone else.” Max lowered his ears and looked away.

“You’re awesome as well, Max, being abandoned doesn’t make you any less awesome, believe me, I know.” Grape turned the tomcat to face her with her tail and looked into his eyes.

“Were you abandoned too?” Max asked. His voice grew uncharacteristically soft.

“Yes, and so were you. I can tell.” Grape scratched Max’s back comfortingly, “Allow yourself to be loved, Max, you’re more than worth it. Is that Rifftrax you’re playing?” She looked at his tablet

“Yeah. I think-” Max mumbled, smiling wide.

“I love a cat who appreciates sarcasm.” Grape said and the two felines snuggled as they watched the tablet. In the living room Peanut turned from watching them. He had mixed feelings; while he was happy for the two cats he still had some lingering feelings of jealousy. In his heart he knew the cats belonged together, but he still felt jealous. Very jealous. He’d listen to some Weird Al and write in his journal, perhaps that would help.



The team were taking a jog when they saw a… rather complicated scene. There was a flatbed wrecker with the remains of the motorcycle on it, the flatbed driver was talking to Henry Milton, while Sabrina and Silverbolt were standing off to the side, gobs of goo in their fur. Henry Milton was pinching the bridge of his nose, irritated, Sabrina was glaring furiously at Silverbolt.

“On top of everything, we crashed into a pie stand.” Sabrina’s voice was furious, “The banana cream pie section. Do you know how hard it is to get that stuff out of my fur? At least you could’ve aimed for the Key Lime section. I love Key Lime pie.”

“I swear, I thought that truck would stop.” Silverbolt said lamely.

“Really, did you? It was an express train, you imbecile!” Sabrina growled.

Sabrina and Silverbolt were glaring at each other. Jata looked at the team and shrugged. They walked back to Milton Tech. Fido led the team to the side of the building, took out his ID, and opened a door marked “deliveries only”. The team entered and went to the elevator that would take them to their floor.


MILTON TECH, Int. - 1:00 P.M

When the animals got to the floor, they saw Tarot, the Pomeranian was clutching a tissue and her eyes were red-rimmed. The Pomeranian ran straight to Peanut and hugged the dog.

“I am so sorry about how I acted. I was so scared of losing you-.” Tarot was still crying a little

“It’s okay, Tarot, look why don’t we listen to some Weird Al and talk?” Peanut hugged her back.

“Okay then, hon.” Tarot smiled, feeling better. "I'm not the biggest fan of Weird Al, though-"

“Okay, we’ll start with his more acessible stuff, and go on to some of my favorite songs.” Peanut smiled and the dogs headed to his quarters.

The rest of the team went back to their own quarters to relax and unwind. Maxwell was in his room, reading a cookbook. Grape knocked on the door and entered, she looked at the book and grinned. Max looked up into Grape’s eyes and smiled .

“A guy who can cook? I am lucky.” Grape smiled at the book

“You’re lucky? I am the luckiest cat on Earth.” Max grinned as well. Grape began to snuggle with Max. The two cats were still enjoying each other’s company when a voice came over the public address system.

“If you can, please turn your televisions to channel 28.” The voice was obnoxiously overly chipper

Max turned the television to channel 28, and in a minute Henry Milton appeared. Keene was, as usual, wrapped around his neck.

“I’ve just been told that a group of wolves are causing trouble in the inner city."

Keene dooked and bit on Henry's ear. Henry batted him away.

"Stop that, Keene. Anyway, we'll all meet in a half-hour to discuss how we should go about this. I have emailed you the dossier on the wolves, please study it before the meeting.” The picture went to static.

“Well, back at it.” Grape sighed, “No rest for the weary, I suppose.”

She was making her way to the doorway but stopped when she saw Max had been staring at the television with a look of surprise and fright in his blue-green eyes.

“Wolves, did he say wolves?” Max continued to stare at the screen.

EPISODE TWELVE: Wolf's Clothing Part 1
Last edited by Harry Johnathan on Sat Sep 11, 2021 4:29 pm, edited 4 times in total.
Sarah was afraid, so she lied and said, “I did not laugh.” But [The LORD] said, “Yes, you did laugh.” - Genesis 18:15 (NIV).
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Amazee Dayzee
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Re: H-Pets

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

Really nice job but when I said I wanted someone to be hit with a pie, I was only talking about the one person who got it in the face. It was a nice attempt regardless!
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Harry Johnathan
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Re: H-Pets

Post by Harry Johnathan »

We'll get to the pie thing later. ;)

Also, don't thank me, thank Trekkie! He wrote most of this chapter. :D :oops:
Sarah was afraid, so she lied and said, “I did not laugh.” But [The LORD] said, “Yes, you did laugh.” - Genesis 18:15 (NIV).
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Amazee Dayzee
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Re: H-Pets

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

Make sure its a guy that gets hit in the face with one though. All too often, its a woman that gets hit for some reason.
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Harry Johnathan
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Re: H-Pets

Post by Harry Johnathan »

CHAPTER THIRTEEN: Wolf's Clothing, Part 2
A story by Harry Johnathan and Trekkie

MILTON TECH, Int. - 1:30 P.M

“Wolves.”, Max said as he turned the TV off. "Huh, wolves..."

"May Maxwell please meet me in my office?", Mr. Milton said over the megaphone. Max turned to Grape and asked her, “Do you think Mr. Milton has hidden mics in our rooms?”

“I don't think so,” Grape thought. "If he did, that would be rather creepy."

“I wonder if these wolves are the MilCretia wolves.” Max said as he was taking off his suit.

“MilCretia wolves?” Grape asked as she took out her cell phone from under her collar. (Mr. Milton had provided all of them with cell phones and collars. The collars were worn under their stealth suits, but were worn so that they'd protrude out a bit underneath, that the H-Pets could take a walk without being thought of as strays.)

“Yes, “ Max said, “they are three young wolves who, along with their parents, were taken from the wilderness by a circus. They shot their parents when they put up a fight, and dumped the young wolves on the edge of town, their reasoning being they weren't worth the trouble. To be completely transparent I first heard this story from my pals on the streets."

"Did you ever see the wolves yourself?", Grape asked.

“Yeah, during my early life of as an alley cat they ran a little protection racket. They made me and the other alley cats give them food or money, and if they didn’t, they’d kill us and eat our remains." Max began staring into blank space, his eyes filled with sadness. "They killed my mom when I was just a kitten. At least, that's what I think happened. My memory is... faulty."

Max paused, then continued. "Despite what they did to me, I've felt kinda sorry for them. I always sensed loneliness from them, and people treated them like lepers because they were wolves, and they just became hardened. People called me a worthless and pushed me away too, and I might’ve turned into a monster like them if it hadn’t been for the people at this one pet shelter I stayed at. They treated me kindly and taught me how to cook, and read and write. Maybe it is a case of, ‘There but for the Grace of God go I’ or maybe I’m a moron.“

“You’re not a moron, Max. You’d be a moron if you became a criminal like them.” Grape said comfortingly. “Regardless of what they've been through, I think those wolves are evil. And excusing what they did because of their tragic background is a slap in the face to people who've been through far worse and didn't turn out like them. I remember a dog who lived next door to me when I was a kitten and still loved with my owner. She was named Daisy. And her owner was sick in the head, and he abused her, and eventually threw her away, literally, threw her away in the garbage. But she got adopted by the garbage man and lived a happy life. She never wanted revenge against her owner, she wasn't mean to others because of what happened to her. She was the kindest, most loving soul I ever met."

“You’re right.” Max said, “And, tragic background or not, if the wolves hurt you or any of our friends, I will cut open each of those pathetic crooks with my own claws. I mean everyone else, and Mr. Milton, they're our family now.” Max’s fur and fluffed up in anger and he shook to calm himself. "You're my family now, and I love you."

Grape smiled a warm smile.

Max pulled up a file on the marauding wolves, “Sounds like the MilCretia wolves.” the cat sad, “or their doppelgängers, they didn’t have anyone with weapons training when I knew them before, but they said they had cousins who knew how to handle weapons. Hopefully we can stop them before they start killing again."

“I hope we can.” Grape said, “And you know what? With time and therapy, they’ll be good allies. But only if we can stop them soon, before they do something even Mr. Milton can’t smooth over. Well, Maxie, I’m going to go to go take a short nap.” The purple cat walked towards the door, and prepared to go to her own room.

“Have a good nap.” Max said, “Wait, Maxie?”

“My pet name for you.” Grape said, “if you don’t like it, I’ll pick something else, no problem.”

“No, I like it.” Max said, smiling. “See you at the meeting.”

“See you then, Maxie.” Grape purred and blew Max a kiss. Maxwell’s fur fluffed up again. He hoped he'd get used to that. The cat walked up the stairs outside his room to Mr. Milton's office, bumping into Fido along the way, causing Fido to hit himself in the face with a a pie he was carrying.

"Sorry!", Max called to Fido as he began to run.

"Screw you, Max!", Fido yelled. Sabrina had just told him off for walking in on her taking a bath, and overall he wasn't having a very good day.


"You're late, Mr. Maxwell.", Mr. Milton said, Keene wrapped around his neck asleep.

"Sorry.", Max said. He bumped into a chair. "Oops!"

"It's okay, chap. So I take it you've... run into these wolves before?"

Max gulped. "Yessir."

"I hope this mission won't bring up any unpleasant memories."

"Neither do I.", Max stated, staring into the blue skies above Babylon City.

EPISODE THIRTEEN: Wolf's Clothing, Part 2
Last edited by Harry Johnathan on Sat Sep 11, 2021 4:29 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Sarah was afraid, so she lied and said, “I did not laugh.” But [The LORD] said, “Yes, you did laugh.” - Genesis 18:15 (NIV).
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Amazee Dayzee
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Re: H-Pets

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

This was a very awesome read in my opinion! Lovely work!
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Harry Johnathan
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Re: H-Pets

Post by Harry Johnathan »

Even though I have grown tired of HP! and Rick in general, I fully intend to finish this fic or at least the current arc. It will be a way to get Housepets! out of my system and I don't want my story ideas wasted.
Sarah was afraid, so she lied and said, “I did not laugh.” But [The LORD] said, “Yes, you did laugh.” - Genesis 18:15 (NIV).
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Amazee Dayzee
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Re: H-Pets

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

Even though you aren't interested in Housepets! anymore I look forward to seeing how you finish this up! It was a very great story!
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Harry Johnathan
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Re: H-Pets

Post by Harry Johnathan »

CHAPTER FOURTEEN: Wolf's Clothing part 3
A story by Harry Johnathon


Herman Steward thought of himself as a rational human being. If a group of superpowered freaks attacked his bank, he would instantly do the sensible thing and blow their heads off with the rifle he kept under his desk.

There was a small problem with his philosophy, however. Because it's easy to say you're going to do one thing, but when it actually comes the time to do it, we often don't actually do it. It's simply human nature to make big claims and never follow up on them. Especially when the “freaks” in question also happen to be ravenous wolves.

“Alright, everybody!”, Poncho screamed at the bank patrons, who were screaming and panicking and began hiding under tables. Poncho fired a round from his pistol into the air, causing pieces of the fragile wood ceiling to fall. Poncho stared for a moment at the ceiling before he continued. “My pack wants $70,000…. per wolf. If you don't comply with this demand, we'll kill each and every single person in this place, including children and pets!"



All of the H-Pets, minus Grape who was still in Max's room, and Peanut and Tarot, were in Milton's office seated on the giant round couch that surrounded the room. Henry cleared his throat and looked at his watch. Kevin was asleep and snoring.

Sten looked at Jata and felt curious. "Hey, Jata, I hope you don't mind me asking, but why are you so… small, compared to the leopards I used to see at the zoo? I mean, you're still pretty big…"

Jata sighed. "My dad was a leopard. Mom was just a common housecat. She died while giving birth to me. The other leopards at the zoo made fun of me for being a hybrid, and I got fed up with it and escaped the zoo. That's when Henry found me."

"Oh. Sorry , I had no idea.", Sten stammered, but he was cut off when Fido entered the room while talking on the phone, wiping pie off his face.

"No, mom. I'm not breaking up with Sabrina. And stop telling me to date dogs, I don't HAVE to give you grandpuppies, you already have 2 other children…" Fido looked at the group and blushed. "Uh, sorry. Mom called from the shelter."

Henry raised an eyebrow. "How did she find my number, exactly?"

Fido looked like he'd rather be anywhere else on the world. "I told her."

Henry sighed and put his face in his hands. "Fido, remember the last time you had regular contact with your mother…"

"I know, I know, I promise that won't happen again."

"She burned my house down, Fido!" Henry's face was turning red. Sabrina began giggling underneath her hand. Fido looked at her with his "evil eyes" and she stopped.

Grape and the others then walked into the room. "Sorry we're late."

"It's fine, have a seat!" Res motioned for Grape to sit next to him, but she sat next to Max instead. Dejected, Res returned to writing in his notebook. Silverbolt poked Kevin in the leg, startling the doberman, who was awake again. "Sorry…", Kevin said through an embarrassed grimace, blushing. Henry cleared his throat again and began speaking.

"So, H-Pets. The wolves have taken the Steward Bank hostage."

'Steward Bank? That's not a legitmate bank, that's a front for the Thomasian Mob.", Silverbolt noted.

"Yes, Silverbolt. But regardless, the people trapped there, minus Mr. Steward, don't know that. We have to save them and stop the Wolves before they kill someone. So suit up. Jill will drive you to the Bank in the Milton Van. Now go!"

The H-Pets got up, saluted Milton, then ran to their rooms to get into their suits and then outside, where Earl opened the door for the H-Pets as they got into the van (minus Tarot and Peanut) with Jill in the driver's seat.

"Let's kick some fur.", Jill said as she turned on the ignition.


Tarot got seated at the Milton supercomputer J.E.E.V.E.S, which controlled the H-Pets' tech.

"Hello, Miss Tarot.", J.E.E.V.E.S said in his robotic British voice.

"Good day, J.E.E.V.E.S", Tarot said. "Bring me the police file on the MilCretia Wolves."

"With pleasure, dear girl…"


Henry was busy tucking Peanut into bed. Peanut was pouting again.

"Why can't I ever go on missions or help Tarot? I have a superpower too, you know."

"Yes, but you're crippled, and besides you're very young. I don't want you to get hurt again, remember that it was only 2 days ago you were kidnapped by that madman Orwell."

Peanut crossed his arms and made a noise. Henry sighed and shut off the lights as he walked outside.

Last edited by Harry Johnathan on Thu Sep 16, 2021 1:22 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Sarah was afraid, so she lied and said, “I did not laugh.” But [The LORD] said, “Yes, you did laugh.” - Genesis 18:15 (NIV).
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Harry Johnathan
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Re: H-Pets

Post by Harry Johnathan »

A story by Harry Johnathon


The MilCretia wolves: Poncho, the cousin with fighting experience, Natalie, who brandished a crossbow, Deathlazer, who true to his name had with him a lazer gun, Hawk, who was armed with nothing but a crude stick, and North Star, who had a gun pointed down Mr. Steward's back. Steward opened the vault using his key and the Wolves took giant handfuls of money, stuffing the cash into large sacks they had been carrying.

"Are you satisified?", Steward asked them in a disgusted voice.

"With the money? Yes. With you? Heck no."

Poncho proceeded to shoot Steward, killing him almost instantly. The other wolves laughed at this and North Star even ran up to Steward, kicking his body.

"Hands up!", Officer Bill yelled. Beside him was Ralph and the other officers.

"I surrender.", Poncho said in a mocking tone, comically raising his hands extremely high in the air and pretending to cry as he knelt before Bill. Then, he sprang up and attacked, slashing Bill in the face and pushing Ralph into the other officers, knocking them down like bowling pins.

"Ugh, no-", Bill groaned as he fell into unconsciousness on the ground. The hostages in the bank began to scream in terror.

"Alright, gang. Let's roll out-" Natalie was cut off by someone behind her.

"Hi." Fido proceeded to kick Natalie in the shins, before Res in Tiger form ran up and threw her and Poncho across the room, breaking several chairs and desks.

"Don't use too much force! We don't want to kill them.", Henry spoke through their headsets.

"Got it, Chief.", Max said. He ran towards the Wolves and gracefully glided, aided by Grape swinging him around, and he landed on North Star, knocking the young wolf unconscious. Meanwhile, Sten blasted Deathlazer towards the end of the room using his water powers.

"Remember me?", Max asked to Poncho and Natalie, who were getting up and groaning in pain.

"Poor little Maxwell.", Deathlazer taunted from across the room. "We killed your mom and now we're gonna kill you!"

This made Max very upset, for lack of a better term. In his rage Max teleported his way behind Deathlazer and began beating him senseless.

"Maxwell, stop it!", Henry cried from the headset.

"They said they killed my mom!" Max was so angry he was beginning to cry. Deathlazer was almost passed out from the beating he was receiving.

"They could be bluffing!", Henry reasoned. "Don't let your emotions rule you!" Max then stopped his beatdown, and let Deathlazer go from his grip.

Natalie pounced on Jata, knocking him to the floor. She was on top of him. They were face to face.

"Hi there, big guy.", she teased.

"Screw you.", Jata said through a broken nose.

"How rude.", Natalie taunted as she booped his nose as she got off of him.

"Bye, losers!", Poncho called out as he and the others escaped, North Star beind carried by Deathlaser.

"Chase after them!", Fido cried. Sabrina then used her powers. An eerie yellow glow was emitted around her.

Hawk felt like he was losing control of his own body. He felt his hand being forced to move as if he was a puppet or his hand had developed a mind of its own.

"What's happening to me?!", Hawk tried to call out, but he couldn't move his mouth. He heard a voice inside his head… a female voice. Sabrina's voice.

"If you don't stay behind, I'll make you shoot them." Sabrina was bluffing of course; she'd never allow any living being to die, especially if they had a family like Hawk did. But to stop Hawk from leaving so they could interrogate him, she had to threaten him. Sabrina would've just used her powers to control all the wolves to stay still, but she wasn't powerful enough yet.

"No, please!", Hawk pleaded inside his own head. Sabrina made his finger brush against the gun's trigger, causing Hawk to sweat. He was on the verge of tears.

"Then stay.", Sabrina called. Hawk lied down on the ground, his pack mates not noticing that he was gone as they escaped into the woods.

Hawk regained control of himself. He was about to run away when Fido appeard over him and pinned him to the ground.

"Good boy.", Fido joked.



After the H-Pets had gotten Bill to the hospital, they dropped Hawk off at the police station. Hawk was handcuffed to a chair.

Into the room walked a young Asian man with a thin frame and a noticeable limb. He sat down in front of Hawk. Hawk growled upon seeing him. Hawk thought all humans were evil, just like his siblings. Inferior creatures that exist only to torment animals.

"Hi. My name is Officer Kitamura. The police want to know about your involvement with the MilCretia wolves, your history, and said wolves' location."

"I ain't talking pipsqueak.", Hawk retorted. This was ironic considering he was just a cub and was far smaller than Kitamura.

"That's okay", Kitamura said. He got up and began walking out of the room. "But I'm sure he'll change your mind."

"Who will?", Hawk asked. The lights in the room turned on. He could feel a very large presence behind him. An angry presence.

Hawk gulped.

Sarah was afraid, so she lied and said, “I did not laugh.” But [The LORD] said, “Yes, you did laugh.” - Genesis 18:15 (NIV).
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Harry Johnathan
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Re: H-Pets

Post by Harry Johnathan »

A story by Harry Johnathon


Hawk felt his head being slammed into the table by a very large black furred jackal. He looked up. The jackal had a huge scar across the left side of his face. Although he was very tall, he was rather lean; however he had strange stretch marks on his body which seemed to indicate he had undergone radical changes in muscle mass and weight before. He was wearing a blue K9 vest and a part of his ear was missing.

"Who are you?", Hawk asked. He had a bloody nose now and a black eye. This jackal had to be very strong to do that amount of damage with a simple shove.

"My name's Mungo.", the jackal replied. He had an African accent. "Yours?"

"Hawk. Short for Rockstar Hawk." Hawk suddenly remembered seeing Mungo before. His eyes lit up. He was curious. "Aren't you the K9 whose partner was kille-"

Mungo proceeded to twist Hawk's arm around. Hawk began screaming in pain so Mungo let go. Hawk held his now sprained arm in tears.

"Rockstar Hawk, huh? That's a very stupid name." Mungo was smirking throughout the entire exchange. It was clear he enjoyed inflicting pain on others.

Hawk, exhausted and realizing now that Mungo was there to get information out of him, and not wanting to get hurt any more, told Mungo everything, from Miles and Lucretia's deaths, to Poncho teaching the pack how to fight, to their history of bullying strays.

"Thank you for your co-operation.", Mungo said as he left the room.

"Psycho", Hawk muttered under his breath.



Bill was lying in his hospital bed watching reruns of Mystery Science Theater 3,000 when Henry Milton walked into the room with flowers, Keene draped around his neck and nibbling on his ear. Henry left the flowers on the table beside Bill's bed and sat down.

"Hi, Bill.", Henry said.

"I hate you.", Bill replied. His voice was both calm and downright enraged. "I should've never trusted you with him."

Henry sighed. "It was an accident."

"You killed Fox. You killed my son."

"It was an accident. We were hunting down The Stranger. He was kidnapping pets."

"I don't care about specifics Henry. You were indirectly responsible for my dog's death! I told him he should've stayed with the K9s, but he trusted you. Eventually, I trusted you. We trusted you to keep him safe. And you failed us!"

Henry felt like crying. He had lost many good friends, and he didn't want to lose another. "Bill, please, it was years ago…"

"Screw you, Milton. Oh, and I never supported your little program. The old Mayor did. But then Thomas and Cecilia had him shot. And he deserved it, because he was enabling you to spread your chaos throughout MY city!"

That was it. Henry got up and left. And he took the flowers with him, casting them into a garbage bin.

Keene looked at Henry inquisitively.

"Not now, Keene…", Henry said as he stepped into his car.



Max walked towards Hawk's holding cell very slowly and quietly. Soon, he grew inpatient and just teleported to Hawk.

Hawk stared at the cat. He had seen Max before when he was a very young cub and when Max was just a kitten but barely remembered him. "What do you want?"

Max looked at Hawk in the eyes. "I really don't believe you guys killed my mom."

"You're right. I didn't. I don't know about my siblings though."

"Even if you did… I forgive you."

Hawk paused and looked at Max. "Thanks I guess.", Hawk replied in a dull monotone voice. Hawk sighed. "You're not the only one in the world who's lost someone close to them, I hope you know that Max."

"I know. You guys lost your parents when you were cubs."

"More than that.", Hawk said. He was begining to shake. "My parents had several litters before dying. I'm old enough to remember two at least. All of them died during the winter, and if they survived they were eaten by predators. Me and my litter survived by virtue of learning how to steal food. Mom and dad, they would have never approved, so we did it in secret. Then we were captured. Life was tough."

"I know.", Max said. The two of them looked at each other for a few more minutes in total silence before Max left.



Peanut was stewing in his room. He was still mad at Henry for not allowing him to help the team on missions. He didn't want it just for the adventure, he really wanted to help his family out. They were his family, along with Jill and Earl. Heck, even Ralph.

Peanut was drawing in his notebook, watching as his drawings of tanks began moving on their own and firing at each-other, when he had an amazing idea.

"Why didn't I ever think of this before?!", Peanut yelled out excitedly as he walked on his crutches across the room and took over a huge roll of paper.

Fido was walking by Peanut's open door, carrying some flowers he found in the trash at the hospital he was going to display in his room, and saw Peanut drawing a suit of robotic armor.

"What you doing, Peanut?", Fido asked.

"N-nothing, Fido!", Peanut cried. Fido shrugged and walked on.

Peanut grinned upon seeing his finished drawing. And then, the drawing became increasingly realistic on it's own, and soon one single finger popped out of the paper, feeling like cold hard metal…

Sarah was afraid, so she lied and said, “I did not laugh.” But [The LORD] said, “Yes, you did laugh.” - Genesis 18:15 (NIV).
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Amazee Dayzee
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Re: H-Pets

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

Looking forward to every single event that happens! You are a really talented writer!
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Harry Johnathan
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Re: H-Pets

Post by Harry Johnathan »

Amazee Dayzee wrote: Thu Sep 16, 2021 1:51 am Looking forward to every single event that happens! You are a really talented writer!
Have you read it yet? What did you think?
Sarah was afraid, so she lied and said, “I did not laugh.” But [The LORD] said, “Yes, you did laugh.” - Genesis 18:15 (NIV).
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Amazee Dayzee
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Re: H-Pets

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

I have started to read it but I got interrupted due to my dogs going crazy and fighting each other. But I find what I read so far really awesome!
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Harry Johnathan
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Re: H-Pets

Post by Harry Johnathan »

If anyone else is reading, please comment! :D
Sarah was afraid, so she lied and said, “I did not laugh.” But [The LORD] said, “Yes, you did laugh.” - Genesis 18:15 (NIV).
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Harry Johnathan
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Re: H-Pets

Post by Harry Johnathan »

A story by Harry Johnathon


Grape was walking through the halls of Milton Tech with Res when she spotted a yellow bandanna with an orange grid pattern, adorned with two pink and green buttons tacked to the wall next of a photo of all the H-Pets... minus Grape, Peanut, Silverbolt and Sten, of course. And there was another member she didn't recognize, a grey husky with a scar across his left eye wearing the same yellow bandanna that was now on the wall.

"Who's that?", Grape asked. Res cleared his throat a bit. He looked rather sad. "That was Fox. He was our best member. He was killed during a mission by an explosive." Res pointed to the husky. "That was him. It's funny, we took the photo before only a day before he died."

"Oh", Grape replied. Res began walking off while Grape stayed to stare at the photo. The image would haunt her for the rest of the day.



Henry Milton was wearing glasses and a brown racoon coat with a blue undershirt, Keene wrapped around his arm, as he walked to the Town Hall. He stepped into the Mayor's office with his usual warm smile.

"How are you doing, Mayor Ward?"

Julia Ward, the Mayor of Babylon City, was busy fastening her 9 year old son Marion's tie.

"Mom, I'm just going out to play with Lois!", Marion protested. He had red curly hair, pale skin and freckles and was overall very adorable.

Julian was grunting as she strengthened the already tight collar. "You're representing me, Marion, so you'd better look your best!"

"Ah, mom!"

Julian kissed her son on the forehead and booped his nose. Marion promptly ran outside, but not before petting Keene on the head.

"I'm sorry if I interrupted something?", Henry stated, but he was cut off by Julia.

"It's okay, Henry. Sit down." Henry did as he was told, and scooted his chair closer to Ward's desk. "We need to talk about your H-Pets."

"We tried to stop the wolves..."

"Henry, it isn't about that. My husband may granted you special government permission to have your animals perform their missions, when he was in office, but that might change, with me, if you continue to let them perform violent acts against the criminals they're only supposed to apprehend."

"Orwell was killed as self-defense..."

"That is true. But other cases haven't been like that. Your pets gave a very thorough beating to The Stranger, and let's not forget that yesterday Mr. Maxwell seemed very quick to brutalize that wolf cub. And that's not getting into all the property damage and civilian casualties. I'm sorry, Mr. Milton, but even your wealth couldn't defend you against thousands of lawsuits and the public despising you. If anything, you're incredibly lucky those haven't happened yet."

Henry paused and looked Ward in the eyes. He knew she was right; he couldn't let the H-Pets cause any more damage. It was immoral, and besides they had an image to maintain. "I'm sorry Mrs. Ward. Nothing like those incidents will happen again."

"Good.", Ward said, smiling. "We wouldn't want to spoil our city's special relationship with you, Mr. Milton." Milton grabbed his hat, and shook Ward's hand before leaving.



Poncho stuck his head outside the cave the wolves called home to see if any predators were around. There weren't. 'Good...', Poncho thought to himself. North Star was laying in the back of the cave by the weak fire, delirious.

The wolves sat down to a meal of a dear carcass. Poncho managed to buy more blankets and some canned foods using the stolen money from Cory and Jack, their regular junk dealers. They had to steal large amounts of money to meet Cory's disportunately high prices.

"Where's Hawk?", Natalie asked.

"I don't know.", Poncho said as he bit into the raw leg of almost rotten deer. It was disgusting, but hey. It was food. "But I hope he's alright, wherever he is."

"And if he doesn't come back, we'll look for him right.",
Deathlazer asked. He wore a cast made from toilet paper around his head and arm.

"Yeah. Sure.", Poncho said uncertainly.



Hawk spent the time in his holding cell doodling in a small notebook that Mungo had given him. Mungo had been assigned to be his guard. He wasn't as angry as he'd been during the interrogation process, suggesting to Hawk that he was already mad about something even before meeting the young wolf.

"I'm sorry about asking about your partner.", Hawk said. His voice had become mouselike, afraid of his arm being twisted again.

Mungo sighed. "It's okay." Mungo paused. "We weren't just partners before he left. I was... considering us becoming an item. It didn't work out. Turns out, he didn't exactly share my feelings. We were on bad terms the rest of out time in the K9s together. Then, he left, and then... well, he died."

"Oh. What was his name?", Hawk asked.

"Fox Lindbergh.", Mungo replied.



Tarot was exhausted from a day of chores. She didn't even see Peanut all day, which was odd. She sat down on the couch and turned on the TV.

This is Kate Gelato for BCTV. We're getting reports of a lone vigilante in a white iron suit/face mask and a red cape exacting justice on petty thieves throughout the city using a pencil shaped rod as a weapon. Here is a rare photograph of the vigilante people are calling The Superdog.

Tarot took a close look at the image on the TV. Then she realized something...

"Peanut?!", Tarot cried before passing out.

Sarah was afraid, so she lied and said, “I did not laugh.” But [The LORD] said, “Yes, you did laugh.” - Genesis 18:15 (NIV).
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Amazee Dayzee
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Re: H-Pets

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

I read it all and I liked it a lot so much! So does this mean that Fido is the most muscular member of the team? I had asked that the most muscular one be hit in the face with a pie. XDDDD
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Harry Johnathan
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Re: H-Pets

Post by Harry Johnathan »

Amazee Dayzee wrote: Thu Sep 16, 2021 11:19 pm I read it all and I liked it a lot so much! So does this mean that Fido is the most muscular member of the team? I had asked that the most muscular one be hit in the face with a pie. XDDDD
Sarah was afraid, so she lied and said, “I did not laugh.” But [The LORD] said, “Yes, you did laugh.” - Genesis 18:15 (NIV).
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Re: H-Pets

Post by Welsh Halfwit »

Sometimes I think your scenes are too short. But then I realise that's exactly what they are. They're scenes. You're, essentially, writing for the screen here and that's where your strength lies. Shorter scenes that move quickly and come together like a patchwork quilt. And you do it well.
Commander Hawle. U.S.C. Loper. By the talented DDeer.
Kilo - 2-8-3-9-10-2-5
Leslie – 4-6-4-5-6-9-7
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Corp Davidstow 6 - 6 - 7 - 3 - 6 - 6 - 5 (reactions 7 Combat 9)
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Harry Johnathan
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Re: H-Pets

Post by Harry Johnathan »

Welsh Halfwit wrote: Fri Sep 17, 2021 1:56 am Sometimes I think your scenes are too short. But then I realise that's exactly what they are. They're scenes. You're, essentially, writing for the screen here and that's where your strength lies. Shorter scenes that move quickly and come together like a patchwork quilt. And you do it well.
Thank you, Welsh! :D And yeah, my writing style is heavily inspired by plays and screenwriting. I like to keep my scenes short so I can progress the story faster, but I put in lots of scenes to progress the characters. I like to approach this fic not as a written story, but more as a filmic "tv" series.
Sarah was afraid, so she lied and said, “I did not laugh.” But [The LORD] said, “Yes, you did laugh.” - Genesis 18:15 (NIV).
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Re: H-Pets

Post by cogalinha »

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Re: H-Pets

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

That does sound good and it makes sense! I was hoping that Fox was still alive because I like him a lot.
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Harry Johnathan
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Re: H-Pets

Post by Harry Johnathan »

cogalinha wrote: Fri Sep 17, 2021 7:03 amNice
Thank you. :D And welcome to the forums!
Sarah was afraid, so she lied and said, “I did not laugh.” But [The LORD] said, “Yes, you did laugh.” - Genesis 18:15 (NIV).
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Harry Johnathan
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Re: H-Pets

Post by Harry Johnathan »

Amazee Dayzee wrote: Fri Sep 17, 2021 5:33 pm That does sound good and it makes sense! I was hoping that Fox was still alive because I like him a lot.
About that... I like to subvert expectations. ;) Also, I thought that killing him off added some depth to the story. It might even be a plot point later, who knows...
Sarah was afraid, so she lied and said, “I did not laugh.” But [The LORD] said, “Yes, you did laugh.” - Genesis 18:15 (NIV).
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Amazee Dayzee
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Re: H-Pets

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

If he was alive I would have nominated him for being the one that gets pied. :ugeek:
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Harry Johnathan
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Re: H-Pets

Post by Harry Johnathan »

By the way, the team uniforms look like this:
H-Pets uniform
H-Pets uniform
Untitled279_20210921213221.png (705.89 KiB) Viewed 5570 times
Sarah was afraid, so she lied and said, “I did not laugh.” But [The LORD] said, “Yes, you did laugh.” - Genesis 18:15 (NIV).
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Amazee Dayzee
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Re: H-Pets

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

That looks like it is a nice uniform they will wear! Great choice Harry!
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Harry Johnathan
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Re: H-Pets

Post by Harry Johnathan »

A story by Harry Johnathon


Hawk was sitting in his holding cell when he was approached by a single female officer. She gave Hawk a cup of water. He refused to drink it.

"What do you want?", Hawk grumbled.

"Hi. My name's Officer Holloway, you're to be relocated to the County Prison this afternoon."

Hawk simply stared at her for at least 2 minutes. He then lied back down on his bed and started crying.



"What are you doing?", Fido asked as Tarot began taking out her old H-Pets suit and a lazer canon she had invented.

"I'm going out to find Peanut.", Tarot replied as he put the canon onto her arm.

"Is he missing again?", Fido asked, an alarmed expression on his face.

"I guess you could say that", Tarot said as she ran outside.

"Tarot, wait!", Fido called out but she was already gone. "Mr. Milton is not gonna be happy about this…"



Peanut was having the time of his life, running about and jumping high in the air in his suit. As Peanut he could never walk, let alone run. But as Superdog, he could do just about anything, anything he wanted.

In an apartment complex in one of the seedier parts of the city, a woman watched as a cat was menacing her baby, dangling the crying child over the balcony.

"Please let him go! Just let him go.."

The cat, with grey fur and an empty eye socket, didn't seem to hear the woman. He seemed cold and emotionless. He was twitching and mumbling in a high pitched voice. It was clear he had some serious untreated mental issues, but he was also on catnip at the moment, LOTS of catnip, which wasn't helping at all. In his current delusional state, he was preparing to drop the baby in fear of a death god he invented in his own mind.

"Yes, master. I will drop it now..", the cat said. He began laughing as he dropped the baby.

"No!", the woman screamed. Then something happened. She heard a soft thud.

Peanut rose from below, carrying the baby in his arms and hovering in the air. "Here you go…", Peanut said as he gave the baby to the woman.

"Thank you. God bless you…", the woman said. She was on the verge of tears.

Suddenly, the grey cat ran up behind Peanut and attempted to stab his shoulder with a switchblade. It didn't work. Peanut punched the cat in the face from behind, rendering him unconscious.

"N-ugh!", the cat groaned as he fell to the ground, his head bumping on the hard wood floor.

"Do yourself a favor lady and call the cops.", Peanut said, his voice sounding robotic from his white helmet. The woman nodded her head and began dialing on her Iphone. Peanut took one last glance at the cat. His nametag read Steve.

"Huh.", Peanut said before flying off into the city again.



"He's been gone for days.", Deathlazer said. Then the nearly broken radio Poncho had gotten from Jack and Cory began to spark.

"It's working again.", Natalie said.

"This is Kate Gelato with BCTV. Hawk, a member of the infamous Wolf Pack gang, is planned to be being moved from a Babylon City Police Dept. holding cell to the County Prison this afternoon. He is expected to serve a life sentence."

Poncho and Natalie stood up, almost hitting their heads on the extremely low ceiling of the cave, and began shouting a colorful array of profanities at the radio. North Star, still laying on a dirty mattress in a cast, turned the radio off.

"That's it. That is IT.", Poncho growled. He grabbed a rifle while Natalie grabbed her crossbow. Poncho looked like a psychopath as he licked his muzzle. He had pure hatred mixed with a zealous, burning need to protect Hawk in his eyes. "They're gonna get it now." Poncho looked at North Star. "Stay here, you're injured" He looked at the rest of the pack. "Alright, Pack. Let's roll out!"



Tarot rode on Fido's motorcycle across the city streets, almost running over civilians, looking for Peanut.

"I think I've found him. He was reported saving citizens from a burning building on Wabash Avenue, Miss Tarot."

"Thank you, J.E.E.V.E.S", Tarot replied. She cranked up the speed of the bike and it sped towards Wabash Avenue.


Peanut was helping the last citizen, an old woman out of the building, just as Tarot pulled up.

"What on Earth are you doing, Peanut?!", she angrily demanded.

"Tarot?", Peanut said, his voice becoming small. He took off his helmet and he looked rather scared.

Tarot ran up to Peanut and slapped him across the face.

Peanut's expression changed from fear to anger. "Ow!", he reacted.

Tarot then kissed him on the lips. The kiss lasted for a good minute. She then slid back and proceeded to hug him, on the verge of tears.

"Don't you ever leave without telling me again. You scared me, Peanut."

"I'm sorry, hon.", Peanut said. "I love you" He stroked her fur.

"I love you too, Peanut." They stayed there for a few minutes, just hugging and in silence.



A wolf looking dog in a red uniform rode up to the skyscraper on a vespa, carrying a cardboard package.

"This is for Mr. Milton.", the wolf said.

A guard grabbed the package and carried it up to the office.

"Suckers…", Natalie chuckled to himself, driving away on her stolen vespa and in her stolen uniform.


Fido ran into Mr. Milton's office, looking frantic and worried.

"Mr. Milton, Tarot and Peanut are…"

Fido saw Mr. Milton on the ground, writhing and groaning and convulsing in pain. Keene was in the corner of the room looking terrified.

"HENRY!", Fido screamed, and he called for Sabrina.

"What is it Fido, oh my…", Sabrina said, walking into the office while drinking an orange soda. She noticed a cardboard box on Milton's desk, with some grey dust floating out of it.

That package was a mail bomb...

"Quick, get me a paramedic!", Fido cried. He began performing CPR on Milton, first by banging his arms onto Milton's chest rapidly and then by mouth to mouth.



Officers Bill and Kitamura approached Hawk's cell. Mungo moved out of the way so they could enter.

"Get up, chap. It's time to go…", Bill said before a huge truck came crashing through the wall, creating a giant hole. Out of the truck came Poncho, Natalie and Death Lazer.

"Bet you weren't expecting that.", Poncho said, smirking.

"Poncho!", Hawk called out. Natalie helped him out of his cell. Hawk hugged her tightly, crying. "I missed you-"

"I know", Natalie said. She kissed his head. Mungo ran into the room. "What the-?!", he said before Poncho ran up to him and twisted his arm, causing him to fall to the ground in pain. He then repeatedly kicked the jackal.

"That's what you get for locking up my cousin!", Poncho yelled as he spat on Mungo's mangled body.

Bill's arm was broken and he laid on the ground. Kitamura called for backup on his walkie-talkie. Then he sent another message, to a different kind of backup.

"H-Pets, I need you!" Deathlazer ran up to Kitamura and smashed the walkie-talkie with his foot. All that could be heard afterwards was Kitamura screaming in terror and the unseathing of claws.



Fido was beside Milton. Milton was laying on a medical cot while Sabrina was busy preparing medicine. Milton had a nasty burn on his neck, a cut across his cheek, some missing hair and a sharp piece of debris lodged in his ear from the bomb. Henry was holding Fido's hand tightly.

"Don't leave me. Please don't leave me…", Henry said on repeat in a state of delirium.

"I won't. I'll never leave you…", Fido said. "You're like a father to me. And I'll hunt down whoever did this to you... and kill them."

"Please don't, Fido. Don't hurt anyone. Mayor Ward will be mad..." Fido was crying at this point.

"I love you.", Henry said to Fido. His voice was extremely hoarse.

Fido choked up. "I love you too.", Fido replied.

Kevin came rushing into the room. "The wolves have invaded the police department. Officer Kitamura needs our help!"

Fido looked at Kevin, then at Henry. Henry placed one hand on Fido's face.

"Go.", he stated.



The Wolves were escaping via the roof towards the police helicopter; the truck was totalled obviously and the police cars were too loud.

"Go, go!", Poncho yelled at the others, as they began running towards the chopper.

"Hi.", replied a voice behind Poncho. He turned around to find…

...weretiger Res, who grabbed Poncho by the throat.

Deathlazer looked back to see the H-Pets gathered around, watching the scene.

"Can't you people ever die?!", Deathlazer cried. He saw Silverbolt launch a fox bomb at him. He dodged it, and so did Natalie. The Bomb hit the helicopter and completely destroyed it, ruining the wolves' chance of escape.

"You ruined everything!", Natalie screeched as she ran towards the H-Pets, in particular kicking Jata right in the chest, slamming him into the others and knocking them down. Deathlazer looked at Max and sneered. "When we killed your mom, we were laughing!"

"I know.", Max said in a deadpan tone. "And I forgive you."

"What?", Deathlazer replied before he was blasted with energy by Sabrina.

"Hey! Don't use too much force", Fido cried out at Sabrina. Sabrina rolled her eyes. Then, Fido saw Natalie running right at him! He shot her in the leg with a lazer gun, causing to convulse in pain. Hawk ran to her. "Natalie!" He tended to her, and looked up, and saw Max. The two locked eyes for what seemed like hours but really was only a few seconds.

Poncho grabbed Natalie's crossbow from her body and aimed it at Sabrina, who wasn't even looking, instead helping Jata get back up. "Bye bye", he said.

"Don't kill her!", Hawk screamed. This alerted Fido who looked and saw what Poncho was up to. "No!", he screamed as he ran to stop him. He didn't need to, though. For at that moment, Peanut and Tarot arrived, Peanut in the air with Tarot holding onto him for dear life. Peanut shot the crossbow out of Poncho's hand and shot a blast directly at Poncho's chest, knocking him down.

"Who was that?!", Poncho grunted. Peanut slowly descended unto the rooftop and took off his helmut. "Whoo!", he cried.

"Well, that was fun…", Tarot said as she hopped off him. She blew him a kiss and winked. The other H-Pets looked on in complete disbelief.

"How did you find us?", Sten asked.

Peanut was about to reply when he was cut off by Tarot. "J.E.E.V.E.S".

"Ah", Sten said.

Officer Bill was now up on the roof with his hand in a cast. He looked at Poncho. The blast had cut a line directly across his stomache. "I got you, now." Hawk looked at Max, and put his head down sadly. Max felt a great swell of pity for him and the other wolves. Max walked up to Poncho and whispered into his ear:

"I know that you're a good person deep down. Shame you never tried to show it. I hope that will change..."


Last edited by Harry Johnathan on Wed Sep 22, 2021 11:53 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Sarah was afraid, so she lied and said, “I did not laugh.” But [The LORD] said, “Yes, you did laugh.” - Genesis 18:15 (NIV).
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Amazee Dayzee
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Re: H-Pets

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

Really liking how this is coming out! Wonderful work Harry!
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Harry Johnathan
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Re: H-Pets

Post by Harry Johnathan »

Amazee Dayzee wrote: Wed Sep 22, 2021 5:30 pm Really liking how this is coming out! Wonderful work Harry!
Thank you, Dayzee. <3
Sarah was afraid, so she lied and said, “I did not laugh.” But [The LORD] said, “Yes, you did laugh.” - Genesis 18:15 (NIV).
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Amazee Dayzee
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Re: H-Pets

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

Really looking forward to the next installment!
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Harry Johnathan
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Re: H-Pets

Post by Harry Johnathan »

A story by Harry Johnathon


This is Kate Gelato of BCTV, Channel 7. The police have apprehended the Wolf Pack gang with the help of the H-Pets; they later found another member of the pack laying in a cave, injured. At least two casualties have been reported from the various fights between the H-Pets and the Wolf Pack, and Henry Milton is currently taking an extended break from his company Milton Tech after injuries sustained by a mail bomb sent to him by the wolves. The wolves are being relocated to a facility for animal criminals in River Ridge tonight. Footage at 11.

Grape turned off the TV and took a look at Mr. Milton. He was laying in bed, bandages around his head and in an arm cast. Milton smiled at the H-Pets.

"Well done, my H-Pets. Well done." Keene licked Henry's face, to his irritation.

Max stayed and stared at the blank TV as everyone else left the room. He hoped that, wherever the wolves ended up, they would have peace, and plenty of food. He hoped they'd never have to kill just to survive again, and that they could become better people. But only time will tell.

He left the room, Keene following after him, leaving Henry all alone. Then he heard his phone ring…



Max walked into the forensics lab where Terrance and Ralph were waiting for him. Ralph walked up to Max, looking rather relieved.

"We did some testing on her body. It was difficult, but we've concluded that your mother's death was not caused by a physical altercation. She simply died from undiagnosed cancer. She may have run into the wolves before, but they were most likely bluffing to trigger you."

"Thank you, Ralph.", Max said. He was about to close the door when he remembered something. "Oh yeah, and tell Terrance happy birthday."



Bill was waiting outside the hospital room, in constant prayer that Kitamura could survive his injuries. Then Dr. Stanley stepped out, clipboard in hand.

"Is he alright?", Bill asked.

Kitamura sighed. "He almost didn't make it, Bill. It's really a miracle he's alive."

Bill sat back down and sighed, putting his face into his hands and staying silent for a long time.

The doctor looked and put his hands on Bill's shoulder. "You know, it's funny how life could be taken away from you at any moment. How you never know when your time is going to be up. We have to make the most of our time. Life's too short to waste holding grudges."

"Grudges?", Bill asked.

"Everyone knows you aren't exactly Henry Milton's biggest fan. But you two used to be amazing friends. Fox's death was an accident, and years ago. It wasn't Henry's fault in the slightest. You need to let it go, Bill. You've lost one loved one already. You can't lose another."

Bill stared at Dr. Stanley before running off towards Milton Tech, huffing and puffing.



Bill burst into Henry's room and hugged him.

"What is this about?", Henry asked in a hoarse voice, his ribs hurting from the surprise hug.

Bill looked Henry in the eyes. "Life's too short to be spent holding grudges."

The two of them smiled at each-other for a good while afterwards.



Jata and Sabrina were strolling through the hallway, chattering, when they ran into Fido who was sitting by himself at a table eating a ham and BBQ sauce sandwich.

"Hey, Fido, where's Peanut and Tarot?" Jata asked. He took a look at Fido's sandwich and felt completely disgusted. Guess dogs really CAN eat anything...

"They're snuggling by the fireplace." Fido paused. "Oh, and Jata?"


"Stay away from my girl."



Max was sitting alone watching reruns of Pridelands the Animated Series. He had spent a few hours mourning his mother's death; it had been years but he still never really got over it. The crying helped though, and he felt far better; in fact, he was starting to feel great. Suddenly, Grape walked in.

"Hi.", she said. She smiled at him as she sat next to him on his bed. She looked at his eyes. "There's no need to cry, Max. You've gotten justice for her."

Max hugged her. "It's okay, hon."

"You were great back there.", Grape said.

He looked at her, smiling smugly. "I know."

She playfully pushed him and he did the same. They kissed, before she got up and left the room. Max continued watching TV. He wondered in his head how the wolves were doing. He hoped they were alright.

And how was he himself doing? Well, he was doing fantastic.

Sarah was afraid, so she lied and said, “I did not laugh.” But [The LORD] said, “Yes, you did laugh.” - Genesis 18:15 (NIV).
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Amazee Dayzee
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Re: H-Pets

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

Quite the amazing chapter you have written! Good work as usual!
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Harry Johnathan
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Re: H-Pets

Post by Harry Johnathan »

Amazee Dayzee wrote: Fri Sep 24, 2021 3:36 pm Quite the amazing chapter you have written! Good work as usual!

Thank you Dayzee. Anyone else want to comment about the story?
Sarah was afraid, so she lied and said, “I did not laugh.” But [The LORD] said, “Yes, you did laugh.” - Genesis 18:15 (NIV).
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Re: H-Pets

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

Even if people don't comment, I learned that it doesn't mean they aren't reading. They might not have anything to say.
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Harry Johnathan
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Re: H-Pets

Post by Harry Johnathan »

Amazee Dayzee wrote: Sat Sep 25, 2021 12:28 am Even if people don't comment, I learned that it doesn't mean they aren't reading. They might not have anything to say.
While still... :oops:
Sarah was afraid, so she lied and said, “I did not laugh.” But [The LORD] said, “Yes, you did laugh.” - Genesis 18:15 (NIV).
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Re: H-Pets

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

Yeah I guess it can be a downer when nobody does reply though. But you can't really force it.
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Harry Johnathan
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Re: H-Pets

Post by Harry Johnathan »

It makes me feel unappreciated.
Sarah was afraid, so she lied and said, “I did not laugh.” But [The LORD] said, “Yes, you did laugh.” - Genesis 18:15 (NIV).
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Amazee Dayzee
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Re: H-Pets

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

I know but if you take it personally, it makes you harbor resentment. Resentment isn't a good thing to have.
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