The Power of Love

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Re: The Power of Love

Post by trekkie »

Thank you so much, for your kind words everyone. They really do help keep me going.

Chapter 7 Meeting Sister Lisa while the K-9s close in

Peanut and Max continued to read through the booklet given to them by Sister Clarissa. It was, the two thought, both amusing and frightening that people actually believed this nonsense. They then set the booklet aside and snuggled together while trying to figure out the identities of Lass and Syrup, and why they had informed the POOP members of Max and Peanut’s so-called ‘unnatural relationship’. Max and Peanut racked their brains but were unable to think of any animals save Duchess and her goons, who were bothered by their relationship. Soon the two animals heard voices outside, and went to the table, sitting where in the same spots as they had when Sister Clarissa left the room.

“Hungry?” Max asked

“Very.” Peanut said, “I was really looking forward to that pizza.”

“They’d better have some kibble at least.” Max said as the voices became louder

“Hello brother cat, brother dog.” The door opened to admit Sister Clarissa and a woman with a shaved head, it was the woman with the shaved head who was speaking.

“This is Sister Lisa our leader, “ Sister Clarissa introduced the newcomer

“How many of you are there?” Peanut asked

“On the current mission there are ten sisters, ten liberators, ten friends. Aside from myself and Sister Clarissa, there are Sisters Dora, Zoe, Guinevere, Veronica, Bella, Emma, Simone, and Sally. Not all of the sisters are here right now some are off on other missions. We don’t have any brothers at the present time, but we could call headquarters and some could come out if you’d like. “ Sister Lisa said.

“Who were the ones who physically, um, ‘liberated’ us?” Max asked

“That was Sisters Veronica and Sally.” Sister Lisa answered, “I’m sure that you want to thank them.”

“Oh, indubitably.” Peanut said

“They’re right outside,” Sister Clarissa said, “I can get them for you.”

“No that’s okay, “ Max said, “we need time to figure out how to properly thank them.”

“I knew you’d come around.” Sister Clarissa said

“This was a good choice of a mission, Clarissa, “ Sister Lisa said, “there’ll be a promotion in this for you. And of course Veronica and Sally.”

“I’d hate to be a bother,” Peanut said, “but do you have any food? Max and I are very hungry.”

“Oh, well, ah, I’m afraid that we haven’t gotten around to buying food for you guys yet.” Sister Lisa said, “ but we’ll pick some up later, don’t worry.”

“Wait,” Max said, “ you expect us to be your troops in this idiocy, and you don’t even have any food for us? My dog, you people are even stupider than I thought and I wouldn’t have believed that possible.”

“No food?” Peanut asked, “You have no food for us and you dare to criticize our parents? You all make me sick.”

“Now dearies,” Sister Clarissa began, “you have to understand.”

“Don’t give us that ,‘dearies’ carp.” Max said glaring at the women, “You dare to take us away from our loving parents and mates, and now you yell us that you have no food for us?”

“Are you all totally insane or do you just hate animals?” Peanut asked

“My, my you two are brainwashed. “ Sister Lisa shook her head while looking at Max and Peanut

“At least we have brains.” Max muttered

“ It is a good thing we rescued you,” Sister Lisa said, “once we purge your minds of these ridiculous ideas brainwashed into you by your so-called parents, you will be loyal soldiers for our cause and send us to the forefront of the animal and human army that’ll liberate all animals from their false belief in human animal cooperation.”

“The only place we want to send you is to prison.” Peanut said

“Or a mental hospital.” Max said

“Either one.” Peanut agreed

“I know what’ll get you on our side, “ Sister Clarissa said, “I’ll introduce you to your liberators. Sally! Veronica!”

“Tuna fish on a cracker, “ Max put his head in his paws, “and Sabrina says I’m thick.”

Meanwhile, the K-9s had picked up Grape and Tarot and were heading to the last known location of Max and Peanut. The Pomeranian and purple cat lay their paws on the digital crystal, and once they got to the spot where their mates had disappeared from view, Tarot said the magic(k) words and the two saw followed the voyage of the SUV containing their captured mates. The two were, quite naturally furious, but both kept their calm knowing it was crucial for the magic(k) to work out right. Sergeant Ralph sat in the front passenger seat with Davis driving, looking out the windshield, he was as mad as Grape and Tarot but he like they, knew it did the investigation no good to get too mad would not help the investigation. Again the German Shepard vowed to get his officers home safely, and to put those responsible away for a very long time.

“Exit 51” Tarot said, shaking Ralph out of his thoughts, “then turn left. The boys are in an abandoned hair salon called Holly’s House of Hair. It is in a mini mall called Penn Plaza.”

“Got it.” Ralph said, relaying the information to the rest of the team, “ Grape, Tarot, I know this is hard, but when we get to the mini mall, we’re going to have to wait for a search warrant. We’ll watch the front, Officer Coward, along with Fox and Terrance, will cover the rear. I’m going to call for a good bit of backup, and I’m going to try and get the entire K-9 team here. They deserve to be here. Keep watching though, if anything happens to Max and Peanut let me know and we’ll go in early.”

“We agree.” Grape said, she and Tarot continued to watch their mates and their captors through the crystal, Grape reached across and took Tarot’s paw and as they squeezed each other’s paws, Grape said, “Hold on boys, we‘ll have you home soon.”
Last edited by trekkie on Fri Aug 14, 2020 6:31 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: The Power of Love

Post by FireworkFox »

I loved reading this! Hopefully the boys will be aright. Those not-so-lovely ladies are cornered now.
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Re: The Power of Love

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

I really can't wait until they get what is coming to them.
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Re: The Power of Love

Post by Nathan Kerbonaut »

Hang in there, boys. Justice is close at hand :twisted:
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Re: The Power of Love

Post by trekkie »

Thanks everyone for your compliments, sorry it has taken so long to get this up.

Power of Lover Chapter 8

Back in Babylon Gardens, Bino had been called home by Jeff who told the dog what happened to Max and Peanut. Bino was horrified, despite his earlier nastiness, Bino really couldn’t imagine his life without the black and grey tomcat and Peanut had almost always been nice to him and gotten him that mailman toy filled with tripe that one Christmas. Jeff, after making sure Bino would be okay alone, went over to the Sandwiches to await word on Max and Peanut, leaving the Sandwiches’ home phone and cell phone numbers if Bino wanted or needed to talk. Why had he been such a jerk, Bino asked himself, looking through photo albums, the fear that he might never see Max again beginning to eat at the dog. Bino made a promise then and there that he would improve himself, he might not be able to erase his past bad behavior, but he would try not to add to it. He would do his best to help get Max and Peanut home, and to be a better dog. Well, he wasn’t going to get it done sitting here, Bino thought, and tucked the Sandwiches’ phone numbers and his cell phone under his collar, put in his hat and scarf and went out into the cold day.

Bino decided to go to the Good Old Dog’s clubhouse. There were usually some dogs around and he could see if any of them had seen anyone suspicious lurking around or maybe even Max and Peanut being taken. Dad had said that the police knew who took Max and Peanut, but more evidence never hurt. Getting to the clubhouse he was surprised to find it locked, it was usually open until eight or nine when he or another officer would lock up for the night. Using his key to get in he was making his way to his office, when he heard voices coming from Duchess’s office
Last edited by trekkie on Sun May 17, 2020 1:26 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The Power of Love

Post by NHWestoN »

Not sure if i'd respond as positively to a toy mailman full of tripe as Bino, but it'll be interesting see he recruits to help Peanut and Maxwell......
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Re: The Power of Love

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

Awww. Take a look at that. Bino really DOES care about Max and Peanut. :D
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Re: The Power of Love

Post by trekkie »

The Power of Love Chapter 8 Part 2

Peering into Duchess’s office he saw Duchess together with Griswold, Boris, Yeltsin, and of all dogs Colleen and Karo. What were those two doing here ? The two collies were Duchess’s rivals in the dog show circuit and the Saluki had always fought tooth and nail against their admittance to the club. Something told Bino to pay attention to what was going on inside the vice-president’s office. Bino flattened himself against the wall and listened.

“Are you sure it is safe to talk about this here?” Colleen asked

“Of course, we made sure the clubhouse was empty and only an officer can unlock the door.” Duchess sounded irritated

“You’re sure we can trust all the officers?” Karo asked

“All the officers that count are right here.” Duchess said, “I’m vice-president, Griswold is secretary, and Yeltsin is treasurer .”

“What about your boyfriend?” Karo asked

“Bino? That weak little idiot is probably freaking out that cat. Anyway, he may think he’s my boyfriend but he’s not.” Duchess said, “Oh, it’s fun to toy with him, but I’m switching to Griswold. A much better choice. Bino couldn’t even get me any decent gifts and he kept bringing me ragweed.”

What the howl is going on here? Bino wondered as he continued to listen

“Such disgusting conduct. Snuggling and dating cats! Thank dog we are finally taking action against those freaks.” Duchess said

“I had a personal score to settle with Peanut.” Colleen said, “Breaking my heart and then going out with cats and some weirdo Pomeranian. Nobody crosses me. By the way, darling, where did you get your information on those freaks our allies took them without being seen.”

“Bino is, pardon, was, good for some things.” Duchess said, “He told me they’d be at his house, of course I had to get Bino, out of there so he wouldn’t muck up our plans.”

“There are still others we need to get,” Karo said, “That disgusting K-9, that black cat, the purple cat, and that weirdo Pomeranian.”

“We’ll get them.” Griswold said, “And when they are purged from our community, it will be a fit place for dogs like us again.”

“Are you sure Bino doesn’t suspect anything?” Yeltsin asked, “What happens if he does find out?”

“He’s not going to do anything he thinks I love him.” Duchess smirked “If he does try well, we’ll just have to arrange a little hostile takeover of his club.” She smiled at the other dogs in the room who all smiled back.

I’ve got to tell dad and the police, and warn Grape, Tarot, Fido, and Sabrina. Bino thought as he quickly made his way towards his office

“Mistress,” he heard Boris say, “I heard someone outside.”

“Carp, carp, carp.” Bino muttered, ducking into his office and locking the door. Bino looked in his desk drawer, and yes, it was there, the small digital recorder Jeff had given him to record his poetry and club ideas. Thank dog it still worked. Bino turned on the recorder and slipped it into the drawer. He then took out his cell phone and called his father.

“Dad. I found out how those ladies got the information on Max and Peanut. Duchess, Karo, Griswold, Boris, Yeltsin, and Colleen are helping them. I went to the club to see if anyone knew about Max and Peanut, and they were discussing it with pride. They want to go after Grape, Tarot, Fido and Sabrina too.” Bino said

“Okay, Bino, stay calm, are Duchess and company still there?” Jeff asked, “And don’t worry, Fido, Grape, and Tarot are with the K-9s and I’ll call Sabrina and tell her to be careful.”

“Yes. Dear dog, dad I told Duchess that Max and Peanut would be at home and she relayed that info to those women. It’s all my fault dad if something happens to them...” Bino trailed off

“It’s not your fault, Bino, you didn’t cause this.” Jeff said reassuringly

“I guess not. But I’m sorry dad, you and Max were right about Duchess she doesn’t love or even like me. She was using me. I am such a stupid fool.” Tears of betrayal stung Bino’s eyes

“No you aren’t, Bino. Sometimes, when you’re in love you just can’t see a person, er dog’s faults. I’ve been there, Bino, believe me. You are not stupid.” Jeff continued to reassure his dog

“I love you dad, I love Max too. Please tell him that. They’re outside my office, dad.” Bino said hearing angry voices outside his door

“I’m on my way, don’t worry, you’ll be able to tell Max you live him in person, er, canine. Stay strong bud, I’ll be there soon. Love you too, Bino.” Jeff said and after calling Sabrina and telling the Sandwiches what was happening dashed out the door to try and rescue his dog.

“All right dad, see you soon.” Bino hung up, as Boris slammed into the door, “Hopefully.”

The door to the office flew off its hinges band Bino was left looking at six angry dogs who stood outside his office.

“Ever heard of knocking ?” Bino said, “You all owe me a door.”

“Shut up.” Duchess said as Boris grabbed Bino by the collar

“Duchess, if one single fur on Max or Peanut is harmed I’ll...” Bino began

“You’ll what? You could’ve had it all, Bino, but you are throwing it away for a cat, a cat.” Duchess sneered

“All you gave me was cruelty and lies.” Bino said breaking free of Boris and advancing on the Saluki, “As for Max, he is kinder, smarter, and dog knows has more class than you can ever hope to have you pompous, cruel, pathetic excuse for a dog.” Bino said grabbing Duchess’s collar, the memories of every one of her cruel words and deeds powering him until he heard her gag. He loosened his grip on the Saluki, not wishing to go down to her level, but still held her collar tight.

“ My, my. Temper, temper. Better watch it or you’ll black out.” Colleen said from behind Bino

“I haven’t passed out from anger, yet, Colleen and I don’t intend on starting now.” Bino then felt a prick in his shoulder, but he kept his grip on Duchess, after another prick, Bino’s world went black and he released the cruel Saluki.

“I warned him.” Colleen said holding a needle in her paw she then took out her cell phone and dialed, “I’ve got another one for you. Just as deluded as the others. Just combine my payment for this one with the cat and dog. By the way the drug works perfectly.”

Duchess got up and stood over Bino. She kicked the dog twice. “You always were the weak one, Bino. And you always will be.”

Meanwhile in the desk drawer, Bino’s recorder picked up every word.
Last edited by trekkie on Sat Aug 08, 2020 7:42 am, edited 6 times in total.
“Freedom has cost too much blood and agony to be relinquished at the cheap price of rhetoric.” - Thomas Sowell

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Re: The Power of Love

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

Wow I hope Duchess and Colleen aren't this evil in your other fanfic or else Elena and Delilah will be horrified being related to them.
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Re: The Power of Love

Post by Nathan Kerbonaut »

What a despicable pack of dogs, I didn't think Duchess could go this far. They've made their fatal mistake, hopefully it catches up to them in time. Great chapter, trekkie!
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Re: The Power of Love

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

No way is all their money gonna be able to save their *****.
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Re: The Power of Love

Post by FireworkFox »

I'm really enjoying these new chapters, Raph! Keep it up!
Duches is about to get what she FRICKING deserves.
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Re: The Power of Love

Post by trekkie »

Thanks for the compliments, everyone, and, wow, sorry it’s taken so long to get this up.

The Power of Love Chapter 9

Bino wasn’t sure how long he had been out. The last thing he remembered he had been expending some righteous anger at Duchess, but then he felt a needle prick. Awaking he found he was in the back of some sort of vehicle, he tried to use his senses to figure out where he was. He sniffed, and picked up the faint scent of, was that Max? Yes, it was Max, and Peanut as well. At first, he thought he was in the clinic, but there was no scent of medicine and cleaner, and then he felt movement and he realized he was in the back of a vehicle. Bino also smelled the unfortunately familiar scent of a particularly horrid type of veggie burger that one of his father’s ex-girlfriends always ate. She always made him and Max eat those revolting things, as well. After the woman and his father broke up, he and Max, had placed the burgers in strategic places around the yard. Kept the raccoons away at least. He and Max did feel kinda bad for whatever animal ate those things. The poor things had probably gotten indigestion, and...Focus, Bino told himself, continuing to sniff, he picked up a perfume, it smelled like the perfume favored by “veggie burger lady” as he and Max had dubbed the woman. What was her name? Bino searched his memory; it began with a G, it was a Tennyson poem, Guinevere, that was it. Her last name was Monk, as Bino recalled that his dad had given away all of his Monk DVDs as the title of the show brought up bad memories. He felt the vehicle stop. Bino lay as still as as quiet as death.

Back at the mini-mall, Sergeant Ralph had received a call that informed him of Bino’s disappearance. After Jeff found the Good Ol’ Dogs clubhouse empty, he had played the recording for the resending officer who relayed it to Ralph. Ralph told Fido what happened, and offered to let him sit out the raid, but Fido wouldn’t hear it. At long last the phone call the German Shepard had been waiting for came. A judge had issued a search warrant for the property, and a copy had been emailed to his phone. He looked back at Grape and Tarot who were monitoring Max and Peanut via the digital crystal. Max and Peanut, though visibly annoyed, were unharmed . Ralph showed the cat and dog the search warrant, and told them, for their own safety, to stay in the vehicle, until Max and Peanut were rescued. Grape and Tarot nodded in agreement. Soon, and very soon, the girls thought, their boys would be safe. Ralph exited the vehicle and made sure that every member of the team knew their job. Mungo volunteered to take point, and he along with local and state police officers, broke down the hair salon’s door after getting no response to their knocks.

“Police! We have K-9s and a search warrant!”

The words that Max and Peanut had been praying to hear rang through the abandoned salon. Sister Lisa’s eyes went wide and she turned, to try and run. Peanut launched himself at her, slamming into her back and grabbing the startled woman’s arms, pinning them behind her back. Peanut saw Max launch a similar attack on Sister Clarissa, the cat unsheathed his claws and held and held them at Sister Clarissa’s neck. If only Kevin had been here to see the tackles, Max thought as he held Clarissa’s wrists tightly with his other paw. He and Peanut heard the sounds of the officers making their way through the salon, and called out to their comrades. Kevin and Fido came in and each handcuffed a woman, Lisa and Clarissa were then helped up and led out by two human officers. The women screamed about Max and Peanut’s ingratitude as they were taken away. Max and Peanut resisted the urge to call Clarissa ‘dearie’. Mungo, who knew first aid the best, came in and checked on Max and Peanut. After being sure they were both okay, he gently hugged the cat and dog , and helped them through the salon. On their way out they heard the familiar voices of their petnappers and saw Fox and Terrance, handcuffing the women. The husky had a look of absolute fury in his eyes. Terrance looked more placid, Max noticed, though just as angry.

“We’ve got runners!” A voice called out, and the K-9s, Max and Peanut included, charged towards the entrance. When the team arrived in the parking lot, Max and Peanut saw Grape and Tarot crash into two women, even from this distance, Max and Peanut saw the anger of their mates. It was a good thing for the suspects that the police were here, Max thought as he saw Ralph and Sarah take the two women into custody. Grape and Tarot continued to stand nearby, looks of hatred on their faces. He and Peanut walked up to their mates.

“ I always knew you’d be good at tackling.” Max said

Hearing his voice, Grape and Tarot turned around and the looks of hatred were replaced with ones of delight and love. The four animals hugged, Max and Peanut finally feeling secure enough to let out all the emotions of their petnapping. The four saw a black Subaru enter the lot and stop. One of the arrested women said something to Officer Coward and a patrol unit charged towards the SUV. The driver of the Subaru turned the SUV around and tried leave but she carried too much speed into her turn and the SUV did a complete barrel roll landing on its wheels. In the back Bino, sensing the crash before it occurred rolled himself into a ball. When the SUV wrecked he did a quick checkup and found himself unhurt. Officers swarmed the vehicle, arresting the female occupants and setting Bino free. Bino was helped over to the K-9s, where he saw Fido rushing towards him.

“Bro, are you all right?” Fido asked as he hugged Bino

“A little dizzy, but, I think I’m okay.” Bino said as he saw Max, Peanut, Grape, and Tarot coming towards them. Bino braced himself for the anger of the foursome, but instead they closed around him protectively, and hugged the dog.

“Your dad found the recorder and played it for Tarot and I and we just played it for the boys.” Grape said, “Thank dog we found you. Thank you so much for helping.”

“I really didn’t do anything.” Bino said

“You found the courage to take on Duchess, and the others.” Peanut said

“That was an awesome denunciation. I’m so proud of you, bro.” Max said as he and Bino hugged

“We all are.” Tarot smiled at the green eyed dog,

Bino let the medics check him out, and was pronounced good to go. Max and Peanut invited him to watch the kung-fu marathon with them. Bino considered it, at the beginning of the day he would have scoffed at the idea. But now? Why not, why the howl not. It would be good to spend some time with those who respected and cared about him. He agreed, and three discussed what kind of pizza to buy. Fido came back over after having informed Jeff and the Sandwiches that everyone was okay, and he and Bino shared another long hug. The six animals stood in the parking lot, as the police continued to investigate, and search the salon. The investigation wasn’t over by a long shot, but right now, things were pretty good.
“Freedom has cost too much blood and agony to be relinquished at the cheap price of rhetoric.” - Thomas Sowell

“The only time I ever enjoyed ironing was the day I accidentally got gin in the steam iron.” Phyllis Diller
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Re: The Power of Love

Post by Nathan Kerbonaut »

This crackdown puts a smile on face. Duchess won't know what hit her :D Great chapter, trekkie!
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Re: The Power of Love

Post by CunningFox »

Nice chapter, Trekkie. Satisfying to see Peanut and Max reunited with Grape and Tarot, though I do hope we get another chapter to see Duchess getting her comeuppance.
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Re: The Power of Love

Post by NHWestoN »

Not to mention Karo and Colleen .... extra points for a great bring-back!
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Re: The Power of Love

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

Glad that the guys are reunited with the girls and they are all so happy to be back together! Wonderful job on this chapter!
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Re: The Power of Love

Post by trekkie »

So, just to keep people updated, I haven’t forgotten about this story by any means, but unfortunately some real life issues have kept me from working on it an making updates as often as I would’ve liked. I will however give you all a preview of what I have planned for the remainder of this story.

Bino, along with Grape, Tarot, Sabrina, and Marion joins the K-9s, Duchess and the other canine collaborators meet with two members of P.O.O.P. who escaped the raid, and grabbed backup. They decide to go after Pueblo and Olive, who decide to hang out together (“She’s cool but she’s still not my girlfriend.” -Pueblo) as well as the other pups who are being petsat by Max, Grape, Peanut, Tarot, and Bino, who has been hanging out with our quad-love group while he sorts out his life. Eventually we will get a final showdown, and I hope you’ll enjoy Duchess and company’s comeuppance.
Last edited by trekkie on Mon Oct 26, 2020 8:47 am, edited 1 time in total.
“Freedom has cost too much blood and agony to be relinquished at the cheap price of rhetoric.” - Thomas Sowell

“The only time I ever enjoyed ironing was the day I accidentally got gin in the steam iron.” Phyllis Diller
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Re: The Power of Love

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

That sounds like it will all be worth the wait! I'm sure we all will love to see Duchess cut down to size!
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Re: The Power of Love

Post by Crazy_Simone »

Wow! Those are sweet words to hear!
Looking forward to see more of the lovers!
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Re: The Power of Love

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

I'm also so very interesting at the same time I am being patient on seeing more on how a four-way relationship works. ^^
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Re: The Power of Love

Post by Hagus »

Finally got around to reading this story. You’re doing really great work! It’s interesting to see Duchess as someone who actually is evil, not just a jerk to Bino. I’m looking forward to reading more!
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Re: The Power of Love

Post by CunningFox »

Looking forward to it, trekkie.
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Re: The Power of Love

Post by NHWestoN »

"She's cool but she's still not my girlfriend." Keep telling yourself that, lad ... ;)
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Re: The Power of Love

Post by trekkie »

Thanks for the kind words, everyone!

Chapter 10 Wrapping up the scene, and heading home

Soon the six joined Sergeant Ralph, where German Shepherd stood watching SWAT and the K-9s clear the salon. The sergeant turned and saw the six animals approaching, he had breathed a sigh of relief when he had seen Max and Peanut emerge at full speed from the salon. While Ralph certainly believed in the magic(k) used by Grape and Tarot, it was good to get visual confirmation that his officers were okay. He took a minute to slow his heartbeat which had been racing almost since Fox had informed him of the petnapping of Max and Peanut. Part of Ralph wanted to get all the information he could from Max and Peanut, but he had good information from Bino’s tape as well the information relayed to Fox by Grape. If Max, Peanut, and Bino wanted to rest, and dog knows he didn’t blame them, he could wait until tomorrow. Thank dog too, Ralph thought, that the petnappers were occupying the space illegally. The owner of the plaza had been saving the spot for his sister, who wanted to open up her own salon. So now, they had trespassing charges to add to rapidly accumulating case against the captured women.

“Sarge?” Max asked , and Ralph turned to face black and grey tomcat, “How many women did we capture?”

“Hold on.” Ralph said holding up a paw, upon hearing Kevin’s “all clear” , he gave the response, “Eight in all. Why?”

“The woman who was talking to us in the room said there were ten, um, ‘sisters’ on this mission.” Peanut said, “But then, again, she didn’t seem all there” The brown dog rolled his blue eyes.

“She didn’t seem to be at all there.” Max said, “But it would probably be good to double check.”

“Yes, I know. Terrance and Mungo are gathering evidence. Hopefully, we’ll have good evidence on their operation.” Ralph said turning to watch the humans and dogs coming in and out of the salon. A paddy wagon had arrived and the handcuffed women were being loaded inside, they had all invoked their right to remain silent. Though one did shout, “We’re thinking of changing the name!” upon hearing Fox’s incredulous reaction to the group’s name. The woman was quickly shushed, however, and there were no further comments from the arrestees.

“Do you guys feel up answering questions?” Ralph asked

“Peanut and I can.” Max said, “Bino?”

“Sure.” Bino answered, “I don’t know how much help I can be, though, I don’t remember much.”

Bino, Peanut, and Max stepped into the mobile crime unit which had arrived with the paddy wagon, and faced Fox, Mungo, and Fido who would interview them. All five gratefully took coffee offered by a human officer and Fox set three tape recorders on the counter in front of him the three liberated animals. The husky hugged Max and Peanut, and then approached Bino. Bino extended his paw, but Fox wrapped is arms around the green eyed dog, and enveloped him in a hug. Both Bino and Fox seemed to be crying a little, bot both regained their composure.

“Proud of you, Bino. This day has shown me the beginnings of the dog I always knew you could be.” Fox smiled

“Thanks, Fox. I hope I can continue to earn your respect. I’ve been so stupid with by behavior, I just hope I can make it up.” Bino said

“I think you will.” Fox said, “I called King and Bailey and played the recording for them. They’re willing to give you a second chance. They really liked how you stood up for Max and Peanut, and told off Duchess. “

“I’ll be glad to have it.” Bino said

The interviews started, with Mungo interviewing Peanut, Fox interviewing Bino, and Fido interviewing Maxwell. All three told of being jabbed with needles, and Bino told what he heard at the Good Old Dog Club that had not been captured on tape. Fox got angrier and angrier hearing Bino’s report, the fact that these dogs had hurt two of his friends and fellow officers, as well as Bino, and had planned to capture Fido. They were despicable, the husky thought, as Bino continued to to report what had happened. Meanwhile, as Max and Peanut told Fido and Mungo what had happened after they had been petnapped, Ralph talked to Grape and Tarot. The senior year K-9 smiled inwardly as he listened to the cat and dog gave him information, these two would be good officers and Sarah always wanted more females on the force.

After the interviews were concluded Ralph gathered the police, along with Bino, Grape, and Tarot.

“Good job out there, everyone. The suspects are secured and nobody got hurt. The Miltons have sent out a couple of luxury SUVS for Max, Peanut, Grape, Tarot, and Bino. There is to be a media blackout on this, I’ve told your parents that you all are safe. You can tell them the details but no one else. In addition to the dogs who collaborated with the petnappers we still have two members of this group in accounted for.Once again good job. Max and Peanut, you’re off until Monday. Everyone go home and get some rest.”

The SUVs arrived and after Max, Grape, Tarot, Peanut and Bino climbed inside, they set off for Babylon Gardens. Soon after, the K-9s wrapped up their investigation and climbed into their vehicles. As he climbed into the car alongside Coward, the dog finally smiled, everything had gone well. Everyone was safe and there were eight subjects to interview. Ralph reached down to the radio and made the call he had been longing to make since they had arrived on scene.

“Sergeant Cowan to base. Everyone is safe.We’re headed home.”
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Re: The Power of Love

Post by CunningFox »

Nice work, Trekkie.
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Re: The Power of Love

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

I am really liking how this chapter has really came out here! You did wonderful work on it trekkie!
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Re: The Power of Love

Post by trekkie »

Wow, I’ve fallen way behind on this. Sorry, all.

Thanks for reading and for your kindness, guys.

Chapter 11 Homecoming

As the SUVs moved towards Babylon Gardens, Max, Grape, Tarot, Peanut, and Bino sat in silence. The day had been a draining one for all five of them, but Bino seemed particularly weary. The dog stared out the window and thanked heaven he, and everyone else was okay. On another level though, Bino was confused and depressed, Duchess had used him, and had nearly hurt Max and Peanut. And himself Bino thought, Duchess would’ve sacrificed him for her mad plan. Why hadn’t he seen it ? If he had only listened to Max, dad, Joey, and Fido maybe all of this could have been avoided. He’d have to try and patch things up with Joey tomorrow, maybe play an RPG and finally get to know Squeak. Then a sudden chilling thought struck the dog. He sat up.

“Joey!” He yelped

“You okay, bro?” Max asked, a concerned look on his face

“Duchess and the others never mentioned Joey, but he’s in a relationship with Squeak. He might be in terrible danger.” Bino said

“Hold on a minute.” Max took out his cell phone, which thankfully still had power, and dialed a number, “Fido? Max. Yeah, you might want to make sure that Joey and Squeak are okay. Bino just remembered them. Yeah, Marion and Lois too. Right. Good. Thank dog for that.”

“Good news?” Bino asked hopefully

“Yes, Uncle Jake has Joey and Squeak safe in the house. Marion and Lois are under guard in the ECP house.” Max said

“Well, that’s a relief.” Grape said she then turned to Max’s housemate , “Bino, don’t worry about Duchess. If she tries to hurt you again she’ll regret it. Count on that.”

“Yeah, hon, that Saluki bit off a lot more than she could chew. You’re going to be safe. We’ll make sure of that.” Tarot reassured Bino

“I’m so grateful you guys are giving me a second chance, I don’t know if I deserve it, but...” Bino was a bit overwhelmed by the care he was receiving

“You do.” Peanut said, “Everyone deserves a second chance.”

“Would it be okay if I hung out with you guys for a while?” Bino asked, “I’m going to see if I can make amends with Joey too. But, I don’t think I’ll be welcome at the Good Old Dog’s club for a while.”

“Of course, bro.” Max said, he looked at his mates who all gave their assent, “We’ll be glad to have you.”

“Thanks, guys, I need to move on from Duchess and maybe I should take a break from actual dating, but I don’t want to be alone.” Bino breathed a sigh of relief

“You won’t be.” Max said, “As long as you’re my brother and our friend you will never be alone.”

“Maxie’s right,” Grape’s yellow eyes smiled at the dog, “You’re not our mate, but you are one of us.”

“And as one of us, you can call me, Grape, Peanut, or Max at any time of the day or night.” Tarot said

“And,” Peanut said some excitement coming into his voice, “You can do Imaginates with us.”

“Just please don’t cast me as the villain.” Bino said, “I’ve had enough of being a jerk.”

“Oh, we cast Craig, a fox kit, as the villain usually.” Peanut said, “He likes it. Next time we’re doing It’s a Wonderful Life. I’ll put you down as Mr. Martini the bar owner.” Peanut made a note on his phone’s notepad.

“Awesome.” Bino said

The SUV took the exit for their neighborhood, and winded its way towards the home of the cats and dogs. As it did, snow began to fall, and the driver slowed, driving a little more cautiously. It seemed to take a lifetime before the driver stopped and the animals, looking out the window, saw the welcome sight of their parents and neighbors. Sabrina stepped forward from where she was standing with Fido’s dad, and hugged all five, and gave Bino her friendship as well. The Sandwiches also hugged all five animals, telling Bino he was welcome at their home anytime. Grape and Tarot went off with the Sandwiches, looking forward to their movies and snacks. And maybe some more training with the crystal. Jeff then stepped forward snow, coa his winter coat. Sensing he wanted to talk to Max and Bino, Peanut gave respectfully gave them some privacy.

“I thought I’d lost you guys.” There were tears in his eyes, as he hugged his pets, all three were crying now, as was Peanut, who watched. “That Saluki will never step foot in our house again. I am so, so, proud of you two. You too, Peanut. And Grape and Tarot. Oh, and don’t worry about paying for the pizzas. I’ll take care of that. I’ll order them as soon as we get home.” He turned to the blue-eyed dog then turned back to his own pets, he hugged them again , then signaled for Peanut to join them in another hug. After the hug, he took the three back to the house he shared with Max and Bino. As he walked down the sidewalk Bino knew his life, and he himself had changed significantly. He thought, Who cared about Duchess when he could have pizza Kung-fu, movies, love and respect. Bino smiled, a genuine smile of happiness as the snow covered the neighborhood in a beautiful, clean white blanket.
Last edited by trekkie on Sun Apr 18, 2021 3:39 pm, edited 1 time in total.
“Freedom has cost too much blood and agony to be relinquished at the cheap price of rhetoric.” - Thomas Sowell

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Re: The Power of Love

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

This chapter is really beautiful! Good work writing it as usual trekkie!
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Re: The Power of Love

Post by FireworkFox »

That was beautiful! So, is that the end of the story? Will we see more of the Peanut/Grape/Max/Tarot polycule?
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Re: The Power of Love

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

I usually would just call a 4-person relationship a quad relationship but polycule does sound much better. Anyway considering he hasn't posted anything in here for 2 years I would say that yes the story is done. XD
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Re: The Power of Love

Post by MischaTheWolf »

I have just one question. How have I not seen this before? This story is amazing. I don’t care if it gets finished or not, you are a great writer.
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Re: The Power of Love

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

People always tend to overlook things that they like no matter how hard they try not to. I know that I am guilty of it.
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Re: The Power of Love

Post by NHWestoN »

Actually, a "It's a Wonderful Life" Imaginate sounds like a lot of fun. Save it for nect Christmas, trek. :)
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Re: The Power of Love

Post by trekkie »

Thanks so much for your kind words, everyone, and no the story is not over, Duchess and company will comeuppance, and there will be an attempted pet napping, which is foiled by Max, Tarot, and Bino. Bino also starts dating again. Hopefully the updates won’t take months/years this time.
“Freedom has cost too much blood and agony to be relinquished at the cheap price of rhetoric.” - Thomas Sowell

“The only time I ever enjoyed ironing was the day I accidentally got gin in the steam iron.” Phyllis Diller
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Re: The Power of Love

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

Looking forward to seeing what happens in the next installment! This story does indeed deserve to be continued!

As does Resurgemus.
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