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Re: Pet Friendly: Sunset Plateau

Posted: Wed Dec 28, 2011 5:30 pm
by IceKitsune
Jenny giggled at Mitche's embarrassment "Don't worry Lance will keep them off of him." She said as she pat Lance on his head. "Well now that everyone here is ready lets get the stuff in the car." Rob said as he picked up Jenny and his small suit cases and took them out to the door. "Lance you can take yours and Mitches stuff to the car." He said as Lance nodded and grabbed up his and Mitches stuff and went out with his dad to the car.

Rob opened up the trunk and put his in first then Jenny's in next to him pushing it up close to his saving as much space as he can. Lance did the same with Mitches and his stuff as well. Lance looked to his dad and his tail wagging he asked. "So who else is going with us?" Rob looked over to Vals house and said "Val,His boyfriend, and Rikki, will be coming with us along with Mitch." He said and Lance began laughing a bit. "Oh this is going to be a fun car ride for sure." He said

Re: Pet Friendly: Sunset Plateau

Posted: Wed Dec 28, 2011 7:13 pm
by DismayWolf
Lucky had moved from drawing to watching out the window, listening to some random video game music. He had had dinner already, and was getting ready for bed.

Re: Pet Friendly: Sunset Plateau

Posted: Thu Dec 29, 2011 5:18 pm
by xhunterko
"Rikki's riding with us? Oh boy," Mitch said, "So, what's all in here mom?"

"Oh, the usual, blankets, pillows, bathroom stuff, you need to look nice for those girls," she said winking, Mitch rolled his eyes, "Heh, oh yes, your pens, ink, some new, non-brush pens, though you might like pencils instead, so I included some supplies. Your crossbow of course, some low level poison bolts..."

"I don't think we'll need those," Mitch said worried.

"A couple extra roots and a few other necessary things for ya," she said, "I also managed to get you a shake up flash light so you don't have to rely on batteries. Heh."

"Aw, thanks mom!" he said, giving her a hug.

"Just promise me you'll try to have a good time?" She asked.

"I will mom," he said.

"All righty, then, I suppose I leave him in your hands," she said to Jenny, "Well, if you don't need anything more from me, I'll se you all later then."

Re: Pet Friendly: Sunset Plateau

Posted: Thu Dec 29, 2011 5:29 pm
by valerio
IceKitsune wrote:Jenny giggled at Mitche's embarrassment "Don't worry Lance will keep them off of him." She said as she pat Lance on his head. "Well now that everyone here is ready lets get the stuff in the car." Rob said as he picked up Jenny and his small suit cases and took them out to the door. "Lance you can take yours and Mitches stuff to the car." He said as Lance nodded and grabbed up his and Mitches stuff and went out with his dad to the car.

Rob opened up the trunk and put his in first then Jenny's in next to him pushing it up close to his saving as much space as he can. Lance did the same with Mitches and his stuff as well. Lance looked to his dad and his tail wagging he asked. "So who else is going with us?" Rob looked over to Vals house and said "Val,His boyfriend, and Rikki, will be coming with us along with Mitch." He said and Lance began laughing a bit. "Oh this is going to be a fun car ride for sure." He said
"You can say that again, pretty boy!" Valiant said, surprising him from behind. He had come, together with Belisarius and a small backpack. Belisarius had nothing with him. "Ready to rumble?"
ctcmjh wrote:"Thanks, Rikki, I really appreciate it." She smiled a little, "Who knows, maybe this camping trip is just what I need?" She joked.
"If you believe it, sis, then go get ready. Knowing my relatives, they'll be already on the warpath. See ya!"

Re: Pet Friendly: Sunset Plateau

Posted: Thu Dec 29, 2011 8:41 pm
by ctcmjh
valerio wrote:"If you believe it, sis, then go get ready. Knowing my relatives, they'll be already on the warpath. See ya!"
"Okay, see ya! Wait, where are we going camping? Can't I just hitch a ride with whoever's driving you, Rikki?" She asked, "Once I grab my stuff, of course."

Re: Pet Friendly: Sunset Plateau

Posted: Fri Dec 30, 2011 1:57 am
by razgriz
YingBlanc wrote: Ying followed behind Archy for a start but it didn't last, give it 5 minutes and he was even behind Nate, panting. "God this is killing me" he exclaimed stopping and arching his back.

Nalo on the other hand started last off at running and managed to reach Archy, about to over take him as if it was the race in the arcade again.

((OOC: No worries Raz, I have one as well, I can just point out the obvious right now with a tiny bit of detail. =P))
It didn't take long to reach the neighborhood, Archimedes went by Specter's house without stopping and went straight to his. There, he saw his dad loading the motorcycle with everything it seemed that it could carry. There was even a little motorcycle trailer being loaded up, which looked sort of silly for that model of motorcycle.

Several minutes later, Nate had caught up and was looking over it all. "So, where do we ride?" he asked excitedly, seeing something was up.

"Well, two of you will ride with someone else" Mr Dresner said, "and one of you three gets to ride on the bike."

"Where are we going" Archy asked, unaware of anything big going on just yet.

"Oh, we're going on a little trip, tonight" Mr. Dresner said, "so, go in and pack, then throw on what you can and we'll head out with the others."

There wasn't a second after those last words that the two pets were still standing there. Practically by the time their dad had said 'others' the duo were already in the house. In Nate's case, this was largely to help the dog pack and grab what of his posessions he had. He'd lived pretty simply so, not much stuff really.

OOC: Archy's agility is higher by a point or two, no over-taking :b

Re: Pet Friendly: Sunset Plateau

Posted: Fri Dec 30, 2011 4:10 am
by valerio
ctcmjh wrote:
valerio wrote:"If you believe it, sis, then go get ready. Knowing my relatives, they'll be already on the warpath. See ya!"
"Okay, see ya! Wait, where are we going camping? Can't I just hitch a ride with whoever's driving you, Rikki?" She asked, "Once I grab my stuff, of course."
"Far as I know, our family should join Lance's," Elio said. "But Rikki, I think it's not a problem if I carry you two girls with me. So you can do some bonding and planning the demise of the male genre at the camping, right?" He winked at the cat and at the ferret.
Rikki grinned like a shark. "Grande! Count me in, Dad! And you, Eris?"

Re: Pet Friendly: Sunset Plateau

Posted: Fri Dec 30, 2011 3:28 pm
by IceKitsune
valerio wrote: "You can say that again, pretty boy!" Valiant said, surprising him from behind. He had come, together with Belisarius and a small backpack. Belisarius had nothing with him. "Ready to rumble?"
"Hey you two. Yeah I'm totally ready to rumble." Lance said smiling as he opened the door to the car for them and then got in himself. "This is going to be great." He said

Eve walked up to Archy and hugged him tight. "Hello! Where are we going?" She asked excitedly but with a bit of a yawn

(OOC: razgriz I'm gonna have Eve fall asleep in the car and basically sleep the whole first night ok? Unless Blackcateyes comes back before that. After that I will have to think of something else.)

Re: Pet Friendly: Sunset Plateau

Posted: Fri Dec 30, 2011 3:46 pm
by razgriz
"Camping" Archy answered quickly while throwing things he'd want to have a long into a duffel bag. It was the military-type so, nice and big. Inside it had a foam pad unrolled around the duffel bag to give it its shape. The bottom was a mix of books, games, toiletries and everything a dog could find useful. "Go on, go pack, we're leaving soon."

With that, he quickly bolted out the door, Nate trailing behind him. "So, who's riding with dad?" he asked on the way down the stairs.

"I'll go with dad, maybe you can ride with Ying or Nalo? You seemed to really hit it off singing with him" Archimedes said as they bolted out the door. He dropped the duffel bag into the motorcycle's trailer, then jumped up on the back to find his harness adjusted for a pet a good big bigger than him. He stood on the seat adjusting it until the black cords fit just right.

The cat meanwhile looked around, considering which way to go. He had a small backpack with his things in it. Not a lot of stuff, but who needed posessions when you spent 95% of your time at a school anyway.

OOC: Eve'll have to ride with someone else... Mr. Dresner's got room for one... and sleeping is not advised on motorcycles...

Re: Pet Friendly: Sunset Plateau

Posted: Fri Dec 30, 2011 3:57 pm
by ctcmjh
valerio wrote:"Far as I know, our family should join Lance's," Elio said. "But Rikki, I think it's not a problem if I carry you two girls with me. So you can do some bonding and planning the demise of the male genre at the camping, right?" He winked at the cat and at the ferret.
Rikki grinned like a shark. "Grande! Count me in, Dad! And you, Eris?"
Eris cracked her knuckles and grinned just as wide, "Of course I'm in!" She said excitedly.

Re: Pet Friendly: Sunset Plateau

Posted: Fri Dec 30, 2011 5:17 pm
by valerio
Elio nodded. "Then go home and pick your bag. I'm sure your parents provided already. Then come back here. We'll be waiting."
Rikki took her phone to call Val and tell him she'd be coming with Dad.

Re: Pet Friendly: Sunset Plateau

Posted: Fri Dec 30, 2011 10:01 pm
by xhunterko
"Hey, wait, wait a second," Mitch said as he hurried to the trunk, he quickly grabbed out of his bag a paper notebook, a book to read, and some pens and pencils.

"There, sorry bout that, I've not been on a real long car ride before," he said, "So, I have no idea what it'll be like." Then he paused.

"At least, on a real, long ride with friends that is," he finished, forgetting for a moment his time in captivity.

Re: Pet Friendly: Sunset Plateau

Posted: Sat Dec 31, 2011 7:05 am
by The Moon Howler
The Moon Howler wrote:...
"Come in and buckle up!" the man said "We are going home to have dinner and then we'll be ready for whatever happens."
In 10 minutes they arrived at their new home. They entered just in time for Sid to run and get the stew off the stove.
Soon after they were already at the table dining on the fine chicken soup Sid had made.
It wasn't long before they finished with the dinner and cleaned the dishes.
Then they just waited for the neighbors to call them.

Re: Pet Friendly: Sunset Plateau

Posted: Sat Dec 31, 2011 5:59 pm
by Forty Six & 2
"... So we're going on a camping trip and you're coming with us." said Dakotah's father. Dakotah was a bit surprised "That's cool" he said nodding. He had woke up from his uncle's house not too long ago and at home now, discussing with his parents about the camping trip. "This is a good thing too," his mother said as well. "This will be a great way to get to know the people around the neighborhood, and you can spend more time with your friends at camp. Think of how fun that'll be." "Yeah, I know, what should I bring?" Dakotah asked his parents. "Well, I'd get a pillow and a blanket, an extra collar, whatever else you would like" said his mom, "But be quick, we're going to be leaving soon" "Oh!" Dakotah said and ran up to his room to pack things up for the camping trip. "This will be fun," thought Dakotah "I haven't been camping in a while, maybe since I was pup."

Re: Pet Friendly: Sunset Plateau

Posted: Sun Jan 01, 2012 12:31 am
by IceKitsune
Jenny picked up her phone and began to call some of the neighbors starting with the Folceans, and moved on to the Clovers asking them if they where ready for the trip.

Eve finished packing up her stuff and yawned again So tired... she thought as she walked out side and pulled out her phone

(OOC: Sorry about the lazyness with the calling Also I don't know Lucky's owners last name so I just called them The Clovers :P and who can take Eve? She is just going to sleep the whole time.)

Re: Pet Friendly: Sunset Plateau

Posted: Sun Jan 01, 2012 4:47 am
by Leafolawl
Specter had run as close to non-stop as he physically could home(literally needing to stop to catch his breath once in awhile). He was glad to see that the lights in the dining room were still on, since that meant they'd yet to eat. He scurried up to the door and went inside, making as little noise possible with it. He startled when he turned around to see a female figure kneeling down next to him. "There you are Spec. I was about to go looking for you." She said as she hugged the cat as he froze up in fear for a moment.

"You look stressed... Maybe you should go out and take a nap in the car, I'll get your stuff. As he looked up like he was about to say something, she stood up and rubbed his head. "Don't even say anything, we're not eating at home today. Remember to buckle up before you nap though." She said as she started up the entryway stairs. "Also, you mind telling me about where you got that thing some time? She'd asked, to which he simply nodded.

((OOC:I'll leave him at this for when everyone starts heading out. Sorry, but he's not to be ridden with. Second car though, so people can go in that one.))

Re: Pet Friendly: Sunset Plateau

Posted: Mon Jan 02, 2012 2:32 am
by The Moon Howler
IceKitsune wrote:Jenny picked up her phone and began to call some of the neighbors starting with the Folceans, and moved on to the Clovers asking them if they where ready for the trip.
Sid was a bit surprised when the phone rang, but he remembered that he kept the previous owner's phone-number.
The man went to the and picked it up "Sid Folcean here. I'm listening."

Re: Pet Friendly: Sunset Plateau

Posted: Mon Jan 02, 2012 8:23 pm
by ctcmjh
valerio wrote:Elio nodded. "Then go home and pick your bag. I'm sure your parents provided already. Then come back here. We'll be waiting."
Rikki took her phone to call Val and tell him she'd be coming with Dad.
Eris nodded and took off, "I'll be back super soon!" She said as she ran off towards her house.

After grabbing the bag her dad had packed for her, some extra tools and things she grabbed, she gave her dad a hug and ran off to where she left Rikki and Elio. She ran for a bit, but she quickly got tired of running with all that extra weight. So she just walked the rest of the way, waving to Rikki and Elio as she approached.

Re: Pet Friendly: Sunset Plateau

Posted: Tue Jan 03, 2012 2:16 am
by IceKitsune
The Moon Howler wrote:
IceKitsune wrote:Jenny picked up her phone and began to call some of the neighbors starting with the Folceans, and moved on to the Clovers asking them if they where ready for the trip.
Sid was a bit surprised when the phone rang, but he remembered that he kept the previous owner's phone-number.
The man went to the and picked it up "Sid Folcean here. I'm listening."
"Hey Sid are you guys all ready to go on the Camping Trip?" Jenny said as she got into the car in the front seat. "Our family is all ready to go. I'm just calling to make sure the others are."

Re: Pet Friendly: Sunset Plateau

Posted: Tue Jan 03, 2012 2:37 am
by valerio
"Talk about fast, lass! Hold on a sec." She took her cell phone and dialed Mitch. "Giovanotto, are you ready? You are with me and Eris. Elio will carry us."

Re: Pet Friendly: Sunset Plateau

Posted: Tue Jan 03, 2012 3:11 am
by The Moon Howler
IceKitsune wrote:"Hey Sid are you guys all ready to go on the Camping Trip?" Jenny said as she got into the car in the front seat. "Our family is all ready to go. I'm just calling to make sure the others are."
"Ah, miss Jenny, if I'm not mistaken. Good evening. Yes, me and Sid are ready. We will join you in a jiffy, miss."
the man said, covering the speaker with his hand and called his cat "Will, to the car."
Will quickly went past his Dad, got out of the house and into the car. there he quickly fastened the seat-belt and stood there, waiting for his owner.
"Okay, miss Jenny, I have to hang now. See ya soon." he hanged the call and quickly went out, closing the door behind him and locking it. Then he got in the car and started the engine.
"Will, this will be a short trip."

Re: Pet Friendly: Sunset Plateau

Posted: Wed Jan 04, 2012 12:05 am
by DismayWolf
As Lucky looked out his window, he heard a knock on his door, calling for his mom to come in. After a few moments, Lucky's tail began to wag vigorously as his mom started telling him about a camping trip that had been planned. When she finished, he quickly dashed around his room, putting his art supplies, camping gear, along with other things into his bag. Though when he tried to make sure his inflatable life vest still fit, the vest inflated itself, rendering the poor dog helpless at the moment.

Re: Pet Friendly: Sunset Plateau

Posted: Wed Jan 04, 2012 2:25 pm
by YingBlanc
By this time as well, Ying and Nalo we're home.

Nalo's dad was loading up the Ice-Cream Truck with stuff to take on the camping trip. Nalo came up the drive just as the tents were being put in the back. "Ah, there you are son, I'm sure you probably heard of the camping trip we're having, the whole neighbourhood. Well we were invited as a little, "welcome to the neighbourhood" gift. Pack your things and we'll be rolling" to which Nalo replied slightly speechless, "wow....really...okays." before rushing into the house and up into his room, seemingly already unpacked, he made a mental note to himself to thank his dad and started to pack.

Meanwhile in Ying's house, he was taking it with more enthusiasm "OMG A CAMPING TRIP" his eyes lit up as if they we're headlights and he started to fling random equipment into the back of the car they had, some for recreational and some, well who can blame both of them, they're paranormal investigators. "This is going to be awesome...OH THINK WE'LL SEE SOMETHING, what if their's a monster in the lake...or...or a secret military base where they could be reverse engineering space craft" Ying rambled to himself going through all the things there might possibly be.

Re: Pet Friendly: Sunset Plateau

Posted: Wed Jan 04, 2012 2:49 pm
by xhunterko
Mitch felt his cell phone ring and was surprised.

"Hello?" Mitch answered, "Oh, yeah, I'm good. I thought I was going with Jenny though? Since my stuff is in her car. Oh well, I'll be over in a bit."

"I guess I'm going with, with Rikki," he sighed to Lance, "See you guys there I guess."

He quikcly stuffed what he could in the bag that had his new brushes and ran over to the Leone's.

Re: Pet Friendly: Sunset Plateau

Posted: Wed Jan 04, 2012 3:45 pm
by ctcmjh
valerio wrote:"Talk about fast, lass! Hold on a sec." She took her cell phone and dialed Mitch. "Giovanotto, are you ready? You are with me and Eris. Elio will carry us."
"Of course it was fast, I have a reputation to keep up!" She said, grinning. She listened to Rikki talk to Mitch on the phone. When she was done, Eris smiled, "So, Mitch is riding with us? I bet you're pretty happy about that." She teased.

Re: Pet Friendly: Sunset Plateau

Posted: Wed Jan 04, 2012 3:54 pm
by valerio
"Look who's talking. I can say the glitter in your eyes, lady! Shall we have to fight for him?"

Re: Pet Friendly: Sunset Plateau

Posted: Wed Jan 04, 2012 8:14 pm
by ctcmjh
valerio wrote:"Look who's talking. I can say the glitter in your eyes, lady! Shall we have to fight for him?"
Eris blushed slightly, but smiled, giving a hearty evil-villain laugh, "Let us duel at dawn!"

Re: Pet Friendly: Sunset Plateau

Posted: Wed Jan 04, 2012 9:56 pm
by xhunterko
"Just so long as the duel is painless and I'm not the him your fighting over," Mitch said, coming up behind them grinning. Hinting that he was kinda of right.

Re: Pet Friendly: Sunset Plateau

Posted: Thu Jan 05, 2012 1:23 am
by valerio
Rikki posed as a wanting damsel, a paw to her chest. "But of course it is you, monsieur! Who else would be worth of our desires and longing? Surely not some spineless 'civilized' pet for sure." Then she grinned at the panda, in a very un-damsely fashion. "It's the duel or the cold, bureaucratic turns. But I won't complain anyway."

Re: Pet Friendly: Sunset Plateau

Posted: Thu Jan 05, 2012 3:51 pm
by ctcmjh
Eris posed in a stoic position, which looked quite silly when she did it, "Yes, Mitch, we fight for none other than you! You who is a proud master of the wilds in our eyes. a 'King of the Jungle' so to speak!" She declared, shooting a teasing look at Rikki, "And no less than a fight over you shall be honorable enough!" She declared, a paw to her chest in a saluting manner. She dropped the bravado and giggled, "Also, your pretty cute."

Re: Pet Friendly: Sunset Plateau

Posted: Thu Jan 05, 2012 4:04 pm
by razgriz
YingBlanc wrote:By this time as well, Ying and Nalo we're home.

Nalo's dad was loading up the Ice-Cream Truck with stuff to take on the camping trip. Nalo came up the drive just as the tents were being put in the back. "Ah, there you are son, I'm sure you probably heard of the camping trip we're having, the whole neighbourhood. Well we were invited as a little, "welcome to the neighbourhood" gift. Pack your things and we'll be rolling" to which Nalo replied slightly speechless, "wow....really...okays." before rushing into the house and up into his room, seemingly already unpacked, he made a mental note to himself to thank his dad and started to pack.

Meanwhile in Ying's house, he was taking it with more enthusiasm "OMG A CAMPING TRIP" his eyes lit up as if they we're headlights and he started to fling random equipment into the back of the car they had, some for recreational and some, well who can blame both of them, they're paranormal investigators. "This is going to be awesome...OH THINK WE'LL SEE SOMETHING, what if their's a monster in the lake...or...or a secret military base where they could be reverse engineering space craft" Ying rambled to himself going through all the things there might possibly be.
"Well, there's Ying," Nate said, "I'll go see if I can ride with him." With that, the cat walked off across the open yards to the dog. "Hey, is there any chance I could ride with you?" he asked, "my dad's motorcycle doesn't have enough room for me and Archy."

Re: Pet Friendly: Sunset Plateau

Posted: Thu Jan 05, 2012 4:19 pm
by xhunterko
Mitch froze for a moment.

Be assertive, be assertive, be assertive, be assertive. Gulp.

"Heh, heh, well, I, uh, won't try to stop you then, heh, uh," Mitch managed to stammer, "I guess, I, uh, better, uh, wait in the car then, heh." At that, he quickly ran in the car and buckled himself up.

Both of them? But, why Eris? Yes, she's cute, but, Rikki, understandable, but, Eris?

He shook his head. Then he opened his book and shoved his nose in it to desperately take his mind off things.

"Now, where was I?" He said to himself, "Oh yes, and shoving the sword into the gullet of the spider..." He let his voice trail off.

Re: Pet Friendly: Sunset Plateau

Posted: Thu Jan 05, 2012 4:33 pm
by valerio
Rikki nudged the cat. "You're right. I don't know about the jungle, but he's king of cute."

Re: Pet Friendly: Sunset Plateau

Posted: Thu Jan 05, 2012 5:29 pm
by ctcmjh
valerio wrote:Rikki nudged the cat. "You're right. I don't know about the jungle, but he's king of cute."
Eris smiled a toothy grin, "He definately is the King of Cute." When Mitch had gotten gotten himself into the car, and she was sure the door was closed, she winked at Rikki, "But I don't think I would want to be his Queen. Maybe someone else would want to?" She nudged Rikki back.

Re: Pet Friendly: Sunset Plateau

Posted: Fri Jan 06, 2012 2:27 am
by valerio
Rikki sighed. "I'd crown myself, if i was sure he'd return the feeling. Perhaps if I kidnapped him and brought him to a den in the Aspromonte, where we'd be all alone for a year or two..."

Re: Pet Friendly: Sunset Plateau

Posted: Fri Jan 06, 2012 4:45 am
by IceKitsune
"Ah ok then thats fine." He said to Mitch as he left.

Eve called Jennys phone and asked to come with her on the trip. As she got to the car and got in she fell to sleep right away.

(OOC: I will be taking Eve since Mitch is going with Eris and Rikki. Don't talk to her unless Blackcateyes comes back)

Re: Pet Friendly: Sunset Plateau

Posted: Fri Jan 06, 2012 12:20 pm
by YingBlanc
razgriz wrote:
YingBlanc wrote:By this time as well, Ying and Nalo we're home.

Nalo's dad was loading up the Ice-Cream Truck with stuff to take on the camping trip. Nalo came up the drive just as the tents were being put in the back. "Ah, there you are son, I'm sure you probably heard of the camping trip we're having, the whole neighbourhood. Well we were invited as a little, "welcome to the neighbourhood" gift. Pack your things and we'll be rolling" to which Nalo replied slightly speechless, "wow....really...okays." before rushing into the house and up into his room, seemingly already unpacked, he made a mental note to himself to thank his dad and started to pack.

Meanwhile in Ying's house, he was taking it with more enthusiasm "OMG A CAMPING TRIP" his eyes lit up as if they we're headlights and he started to fling random equipment into the back of the car they had, some for recreational and some, well who can blame both of them, they're paranormal investigators. "This is going to be awesome...OH THINK WE'LL SEE SOMETHING, what if their's a monster in the lake...or...or a secret military base where they could be reverse engineering space craft" Ying rambled to himself going through all the things there might possibly be.
"Well, there's Ying," Nate said, "I'll go see if I can ride with him." With that, the cat walked off across the open yards to the dog. "Hey, is there any chance I could ride with you?" he asked, "my dad's motorcycle doesn't have enough room for me and Archy."
Ying saw over the side of the car Nate walking through the gardens towards him, then stepping around from the side of the car and exclaiming "HEYA NATE!!! YOU ON THIS TRIP AS WELL." and when Nate asked his question was practically automatically answered and he said "Okays but let me see what dad thinks" He then turned towards his dad and pleaded "PLEAASE Can Nate ride with us dad!!" to which his dad said with a sigh "A friend of yours is a friend of mine" giving off a smile while putting a box onto the front seat "You can ride in back with Ying."

Meanwhile Nalo finished packing up the Ice-Cream Truck and hopped into the shotgun seat and waited for his dad to lock up thinking of what might happen during the camping trip, smiling to himself.

Re: Pet Friendly: Sunset Plateau

Posted: Fri Jan 06, 2012 8:30 pm
by ctcmjh
valerio wrote:Rikki sighed. "I'd crown myself, if i was sure he'd return the feeling. Perhaps if I kidnapped him and brought him to a den in the Aspromonte, where we'd be all alone for a year or two..."
"Per-haps!" Eris said, sounding out the word in a teasing tone, "I don't know, he blushed pretty hard when we said how cute he was, maybe he feels a little something and just needs some help pulling it out?"

Re: Pet Friendly: Sunset Plateau

Posted: Sat Jan 07, 2012 2:22 am
by valerio
"I'm already working on it, but it's not easy: he may be pretty tight on opening himself. Any suggestion?"

Re: Pet Friendly: Sunset Plateau

Posted: Sat Jan 07, 2012 4:43 am
by ctcmjh
valerio wrote:"I'm already working on it, but it's not easy: he may be pretty tight on opening himself. Any suggestion?"
Eris put a paw to her chin and thought, "Well, you should take a break from teasing him every now and then, you don't want it going stale. Try and find him alone, and talk to him seriously about things. Gently throw some hints his way, you know."