Pet Friendly: Yorkshire Fields

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Re: Pet Friendly: Yorkshire Fields

Post by Hypergenesis »

"Beer?", asked the bartender dumbfounded, "Oh right. Beer.", he quickly said before he took out a bottle from under the bar and rang a bell.

Cesium read the note and thought for a moment. "He's my friend and yeah I call him NAIX, all capitals actually.". ""I'm surprised you spelled it right just hearing it though. Most people would spell it N-I-K-E-S.", said Cesium as a waitress brought Rezki's beer to the table.
"Fox who doesn't drink, minor, this is yours then.", she whispered as she evaluated those around the table and placing the bottle in front of Rezki.
As the waitress left, the ferret arrived at the booth and the fox scooched in to accommodate some space. "Good one Rezki, I haven't seen NAIX that surprised in years.", he complimented on the man's behavior.
"Yeah, this isn't really a bar, though he does keep a number of bar supplies around, but for a different purpose.", said Cesium a bit gigglish.
"Yeah, this place is a dessert shop which serves desserts from all over the world and the bar supplies are actually present to make those desserts."
"Which is why this place is so empty. Those that find it are those that are looking for a drink, but then they're disappointed that the place doesn't really serve their drinks."
"But, it does get full every now and then... Heh."
"Anyways, it's not limited to ice cream so if there's any dessert you'd like, feel free to order it as well.", Cesium invited as he waited for their orders to arrive.
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Re: Pet Friendly: Yorkshire Fields

Post by Blue Braixen »

RandomGeekNamedBrent wrote:Spike ran for maybe 10 minutes. then he stopped and asked, "so, wanna take a dip in the pool?"
Arin smiled, still panting lightly. "Yeah, going for a dip sounds like a fun idea." Without another word, she stood up and cannonballed into the pool.
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Re: Pet Friendly: Yorkshire Fields

Post by simple things »

Alexander smiled and walked towards Rosa, "here let me take that for you" he said placing his paw on the kart".
"I can put all the shopping in the back of your car for you ma'am".
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Re: Pet Friendly: Yorkshire Fields

Post by Kondog »

"I can put all the shopping in the back of your car for you ma'am"
Well aren’t you just the little angle” Rosie said as she reached down and gently pat Alexander on the head. “That won't be necessary, anyway your mom needs help putting her groceries . And Konnie's more than capable of helping me but thanks for your offer.” With that she turned her attention to Nisha, “I can't thank you enough for today Nisha.“ She reached in down her pocket and pull out an well embellished business card. “But maybe this can be a start, Since you're new to the area I imagine you’re going to need a trustee physician for you and your family. And I would just happen to be such a physician and even willing to give you a pretty good discount on your membership services as well should you be inclined to take my offer that is.” Rosa smiled and gave Nisha a hug passed her the card and began walking back to her car with Konnie trailing behind her. Konnie continued walking behind her mom and suddenly began feeling a slight bit of apprehension and she approached the car. “Hey mom … can I have a moment with Alexander before he leaves please.” Rosa nodded taken aback by Konnie’ s interest in Alexander. “just hurry back ok we need to get these groceries put away and food on the table before your father gets home.

Konnie hastily approached Nisha’s minivan just as Alexander's was finished loading the last groceries in the back of the vehicle. “Remember no peeking until you get home.” She quickly leaned in and pecked Alexander on the cheek. “Later Lexy; call me! “ she said softly and withdrew back to her mom.
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Re: Pet Friendly: Yorkshire Fields

Post by RandomGeekNamedBrent »

Tha Housefox wrote:Arin smiled, still panting lightly. "Yeah, going for a dip sounds like a fun idea." Without another word, she stood up and cannonballed into the pool.
Spike followed soon after. he climbed the small ladder and did a quick swan dive(which was more like a belly flop without a diving board). the water felt good after the work out.
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Re: Pet Friendly: Yorkshire Fields

Post by kurowolfe »

Hypergenesis wrote:"Beer?", asked the bartender dumbfounded, "Oh right. Beer.", he quickly said before he took out a bottle from under the bar and rang a bell.
"Hmm?" Rezki took a a glance at the surprised bartender, before musing to himself, "Why the surprised face?"
Hypergenesis wrote: Cesium read the note and thought for a moment. "He's my friend and yeah I call him NAIX, all capitals actually.". ""I'm surprised you spelled it right just hearing it though. Most people would spell it N-I-K-E-S.", said Cesium as a waitress brought Rezki's beer to the table.
"Fox who doesn't drink, minor, this is yours then.", she whispered as she evaluated those around the table and placing the bottle in front of Rezki.
As the waitress left, the ferret arrived at the booth and the fox scooched in to accommodate some space. "Good one Rezki, I haven't seen NAIX that surprised in years.", he complimented on the man's behavior.
"Yeah, this isn't really a bar, though he does keep a number of bar supplies around, but for a different purpose.", said Cesium a bit gigglish.
"Yeah, this place is a dessert shop which serves desserts from all over the world and the bar supplies are actually present to make those desserts."
"Which is why this place is so empty. Those that find it are those that are looking for a drink, but then they're disappointed that the place doesn't really serve their drinks."
"But, it does get full every now and then... Heh."
Tuah grinned at Cesium after hearing what seemed to be a compliment from the Arctic fox. He replied:
[Well, if there's one good thing that comes out from being mute, is that you tend to listen more, training your sense of hearing. But, it's more of a lucky guess than anything else, I think--]

He stopped for a while, looking at the waitress bringing the beer, and suddenly scooted closer to Cesium as if out of instinct, holding his paw. Once she left however, the cat realized what he did, and blushed bright red before returning back to his initial position. He grinned again, sheepishly this time, and replied:
[Errr.... Sorry about that, old habits.... Anyway, you really do have a lot of friends, Cesium. I wish I could be as outgoing as you the first time around.]

"Thanks," Rezki responded to the waitress absent-mindedly with only a brief glance at her. His eyes was focused on the pair in front of him. He chuckled to himself looking how Tuah's sudden actions. "Hehe, Tuah is really warming up to this guy. It's been a long time since I've seen him this expressive. I'm really glad we've moved here, it's doing wonders to him already!" he thought, taking a swig from the refreshingly cool beer. "Ahh, that hits the spot!" he spoke loudly, not realizing this.

Then, the ferret came to the booth and sat next to the fox, all three of them facing the man. Upon hearing the two's comments, the man laughed again, not for the first time today. "I didn't mean to do that, honest! Oh man, I guess I won't be making this place my new drinking spot then! I honestly thought that this place is an honest-to-God bar, which just happens to serve ice-creams too, not the other way around," he answered, calming himself down first. He then proceeded, "I sorta pity the guy though, and I can kinda see why this place looks as empty as it is now. He should try to do some advertising around town, if he wants to have more people coming to this place.... well, unless there's another reason to it...," Rezki finished his sentence there.
Hypergenesis wrote: "Anyways, it's not limited to ice cream so if there's any dessert you'd like, feel free to order it as well.", Cesium invited as he waited for their orders to arrive.
Tuah smiled again, and nodded with vigour listening to Cesium's introduction, his whiskers twitching with excitement. "Looks like this is going to be Tuah's favourite place now!" Rezki commented happily, looking at his son, before taking another swig from the bottle.Tuah then wrote something, and showed it to the fox:
[Cesium, you live at the Winter's residence right? Maybe I could come around and visit you sometimes? Well, if it's OK with you, that is.]

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Re: Pet Friendly: Yorkshire Fields

Post by Hypergenesis »

"There's always a reason for everything... Heh heh heh.", whispered the ferret to the air in a ghastly tone just as his plate of treats and the fox's pineapple Givré arrive. "Thank you." he said as he slid the large pineapple to the fox.
"We can go tonight.", Cesium said in response to Tuah's question. "Although you might say it's confusing to call it the 'Winters' Residence' as me and my dad live in different houses.". The fox then took a scoop of his dessert and chomped down on the spoon holding it, almost instantly swallowing the sweetened ice before returning to the cat. "Now as for friends, I can still count the number I have on my hands.", he informed before returning to his dessert again.
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Re: Pet Friendly: Yorkshire Fields

Post by Aquablast »

RockstarRaccoon wrote:
IRC wrote:Tiara whimpered, scampering frantically after Bullet...

Bullet ran and ran, unfortunately he was already quite wet by the time he arrived to his apartment.

Tiara ran after, whimpering loudly as she was completely soaked. She finally stopped and stood in the apartment, shivering and wide-eyed as she dripped on the floor. At first, she seemed to be very thin, but on closer inspection, it was clear that the thing that was thin was her fur: no longer combed into a fluffy state, the little bit of fur that she had was now plastered against her skin, revealing tiny bald-spots which covered her body. Tiara, intensely aware of this, sort of scrunched up into a ball and whimpered quietly in a state of near shock as she started to cry...

Bullet was a bit shocked seeing Tiara to react that way. "Are... Are you okay?" He asked Tiara worriedly, now a bit scared.

Tiara didn't hear him: she was far too upset already and wasn't paying any attention: her mind had gone blank. She just whimpered and buried her face in her arms, scrunching herself up a bit more and trying to cover herself...

Bullet immediately looked around for help, but there wasn't anyone. Not having any choices, he got closer to Tiara. "Tiara! Tiara! What's wrong?"

Tiara wasn't very responsive, just really upset from her current situation. Finally, she said something, whimpering in a oft, but high pitched voice, "Stop looking at me... I'm ugly..." she gave a little sob and tried to bury her face deeper into her arms...

Bullet shook his head, "No! You're not ugly, Tiara! Come on, let me get you a towel before you catch a cold!" he said trying to stay optimistic and cheer her up.

"No..." Tiara whimpered, not fully comprehending anything at this point, "Just... Go away..."

Bullet wasn't sure what to say anymore. "But... But..." He looked around again, but there still wasn't anyone. "I can't leave you alone here!"

"I don't care!" Tiara sobbed, turning her head away from Bullet a little, "I'm cold and wet and ugly..." she cried a bit more, going into a complete mental-breakdown...

"No! You're not ugly! And... And you won't be cold and wet once I get you a towel!" Bullet said as he desperately tried to talk Tiara out of her breakdown.

He Failed.
IRC wrote:Seeing that Bullet couldn't budge Tiara with his words, he decided to just get the towel from the balcony. He attempted to wrap the towel around Tiara.

Tiara recoiled against the towel as if she expected it to hurt her in some way, but didn't move to stop it or resist. She stiffened, shivering a little as Bullet dried her off...

"Do... Do you want to do it yourself instead, Tiara...?" Bullet asked, as he dried her gently.

Tiara sniffled a bit, calming down as he dried her. "...No... I'm ok..." she whimpered in a small voice...

Bullet continued to dry Tiara with the towel, though he wasn't sure if he should ask her about her past. Soon, she was a lot drier. "Okay! Now you're good and dry!" He said and smiled, trying to cheer her up.

Tiara was still shivering, but definitely drier. Eventually she reached out and timidly took the towel, wrapping it protectively around herself, as if she was trying to hide beneath it. She felt completely naked beneath it: she hadn't prepared for rain, or for anyone to see how thin and damaged her coat actually was beneath the careful styling she did every morning... She wasn't sure how she felt about Bullet, who she'd just met, seeing her like this. Fortunately, he seemed like a nice enough dog that she wasn't too timid about this...

On the other hand while Bullet noticed the scars, he didn't really know what to make of it. Maybe she... Got hurt somewhere? He thought to himself. The concept of a bad owner just didn't exist in his puppy brain. However, he also noticed that Tiara was very conscious about it. Not wanting to make her uncomfortable, he decided to change topic. "Um... While we wait for the rain to stop... What do you usually do at home, Tiara?"

"I..." Tiara was still whimpering a little, and was very cold and shy due to the arrangement of her damp fur, "I like to read..." she said in that small voice of hers...

"Oh... What kinds of book do you like to read?" Bullet asked, though he was beginning to notice that Tiara might still be cold and a little wet. "Uh, do you want to dry yourself with a hairdryer?"

"I... I'm fine..." Tiara said, still in that small voice, "I... I like... National Geographic... books about nature... and animals..." she shifted a bit under the towel, pulling it tighter around herself as she became a bit more lucid...

"That's cool! I don't have any books like that... But I like books with pictures!" Bullet said cheerfully, not knowing National Geographic IS a magazine with many pictures and photos. "Oh, by the way..." He suddenly blushed. "I... I wanted to ask, Tiara... What kind of animal are you?" He asked, a bit embarrassed.

"What... What kind of animal...?" Tiara was a bit confused, but then felt like she understood, and became very shy and meak, responding timidly, "I'm... I'm a rehab animal... I was rescued from a circus... I... I'm supposed to be learning how to stay calm on my own..."

Bullet's expression changed to a confused one. "Eh? I- I mean I am a dog, but I have never seen an animal like you before!"

"Oh... Oh..." Tiara said, suddenly understanding, "I... I didn't understand, I'm sorry... er... I'm a Raccoon..." she thought of how to explain it better, taking a bit of comfort in her knowledge of taxonomy, "The scientific name is 'Procyon Lotor'. We're both in Order Carnivora... The 'Dog-Like' suborder, actually... Because we have similar muzzle-formation...." she trailed off a bit, running out of really interesting facts...

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Re: Pet Friendly: Yorkshire Fields

Post by kurowolfe »

Hypergenesis wrote:"There's always a reason for everything... Heh heh heh.", whispered the ferret to the air in a ghastly tone just as his plate of treats and the fox's pineapple Givré arrive. "Thank you." he said as he slid the large pineapple to the fox.
"We can go tonight.", Cesium said in response to Tuah's question. "Although you might say it's confusing to call it the 'Winters' Residence' as me and my dad live in different houses.". The fox then took a scoop of his dessert and chomped down on the spoon holding it, almost instantly swallowing the sweetened ice before returning to the cat. "Now as for friends, I can still count the number I have on my hands.", he informed before returning to his dessert again.
Tuah's heart started to lift when he heard the waitress bringing something to the table, oblivious to Weiss's rather sinister musings, but it fell down on the ground again when they turned out to be Weiss's and Cesium's orders. He slumped back in his seat, slightly disappointed. But when he looked at what Cesium was having, he shot back up, sitting straight, his eyes opened wide and bright; what is this strange thing before him, a pineapple shell frozen and containing what looked like iced confection?

Cesium's response pulled him back to reality, and he stumbled with his thoughts before gathering them up and rearranged them, just enough to make out what Cesium was saying. He wrote:
[Oh, you lived separately from your dad? That's kinda weird, all the pets that I know of in my life live under the same house with their parents. And sure, if it's OK with Dad.]

The cat looked at his father for a while, who said, "Sure, I'll drop you there later, and pick you from there after that. I would like to bring all of you there, but I only have a motorbike, and I doubt we can all ride it in one go." The cat beamed, and continued:
[Yay, that's a yes then! I get to go to your house, Cesium! --- Continuing on, I really don't see why you don't have a lot more friends, Cesium. I mean, you're friendly, caring, jovial, good-looking...]

Rezki, on the other hand, was observing the three of them from his side, not saying anything while slowly drinking from his beer, deep in thought....

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Re: Pet Friendly: Yorkshire Fields

Post by Hypergenesis »

"Transportation's not really a problem actually. This city has quite a lot of taxi cabs as I have observed.", said the ferret, "And excuse me for a moment, I have a few words I need to have with NAIX.", he informed the others of his eventual departure.

Cesium watched as the ferret left their group and entered through the swing doors to the back rooms and then continued on with his dessert while in thought. "Well before Yorkshire, I never stayed more than three days in one place. Constantly travelling like that not kept me from making friends, but it also made me get used to not having any.", the fox suddenly started, "That said, I am actually comparable to a social recluse and I find it rare to find others who would accept me during those days. No permanent address, almost never in the hotel room and communications are usually one way.", Cesium continued, telling the story so nonchalantly and composed, "Oh, and I used to wear a mask like this.", he quickly added while showing a picture of a pure white gas mask in his cellphone to Tuah. "Maybe I could even say that another reason for it would be that I was always by my father's side.", continued the fox before the waitress once again arrived, this time she was carrying a large plate with a colonial chocolate ice cream boat resting on top of it. It was only when she placed the plate in front of Tuah did it became obvious that the sails were made of marshmallow, along with everything other than the boat itself. "Oh Weiss...", Cesium commented as he examined the boat, though quickly averting his gaze back to his own frozen dessert.
"And one rainbow gellato.", the waitress suddenly added before placing an ice cream glass with a rainbow colored gellato resting in it. In addition a rainbow liquorice arches over the whole thing while resting on while cloud-like biscuits. "Enjoy your desserts.", she said before pinching the fox at the cheeks and leaving quickly afterwards.
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Re: Pet Friendly: Yorkshire Fields

Post by kurowolfe »

"Ah, me and my slip-ups today! Yes, it is definitely better to take a cab, with our party size," Rezki corrected himself, getting a little flustered. He and Tuah just nodded when the ferret excused himself, and watched him disappear into the back room.

Father and son then listened to Cesium's story, Tuah more intently than Rezki. As he continued to listen, Tuah grew more and more emphatic towards the fox, realizing that the both of them were similar in circumstances, despite living different lives and having different personalities. The cat instinctively laid a paw on one of Cesium's and let it stay there, as he saw the picture in the cellphone, a bit intimidated by the freakish look of the white mask. This caused him to grasp the fox's paw gently, as in to offer something to the fox. He then took his notepad and scribbled something, not realizing that his order had arrived until he finished writing, and showed it to him:
[That must've been tough for you, Cesium. I hope you'll stay here in Yorkshire Fields permanently. If there's anything that I can do to help, I'll be there...]

The cat smiled warmly to him with this, his eyes staring straight into the fox's. Rezki, who was still observing them, closed his eyes and sighed. He knew that look, and he felt happy that he was able to see it again. When he opened them again though, his sight was filled by a truly colourful thing: his rainbow gelato. The man grew uncomfortable thinking that this multi-hued culinary art , fitting more for a little girl than a grown man, was his, but he sucked it all in and said thanks to the waitress, chuckling a bit watching her pinch the fox at the cheeks before leaving. He then called to his son, "Tuah, your order is here."

When Tuah finally saw his ice-cream, his eyes became wide again, and almost sparkled at the beauty that stood on top of the table in front of him. He had never seen such a wonderful sight, the most gallant of ships and the most extravagant of sails, made purely from chocolate ice-cream and marshmallow, his absolute favourite! His whiskers twitched in excitement, and he suddenly hugged Cesium tightly for no apparent reason before tucking into the boat, ironically slow and deliberate to really take in the beautiful taste in his mouth.

Rezki shook his head looking at the ginger cat, and took a scoop of his own ice-cream into his mouth. "Hmm, this is nice!" he thought to himself. He stopped for a bit, and asked the fox, "So, Mr. Winters, how far have you've travelled before you arrived here? I bet you've pretty much covered the whole Earth from how you describe yourself just now."

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Re: Pet Friendly: Yorkshire Fields

Post by Hypergenesis »

Cesium simply smiled with Tuah's actions, looking back unblinking when Tuah stared at him. With Rezki's question, Cesium lowered his spoon to the plate and thought for a moment. "Indeed. Dad really loved to travel.", he answered.

The ferret's head then emerged from the door, slapping his forehead when he saw the rainbow gellato on the table and quickly going back in the back room.

"Excuse me for a moment.", Cesium also excused himself when a chime came from his cellphone. He then stood up and passed by the bar and left a few bills on the bartop before going out to the alley. The barkeeper, who had changed while the trio wasn't paying attention, took the bill and readied the change.

The ferret once again came out from the backroom, holding a fruit arrangement that looked very much like a rainbow. He went to their table and placed the plate of fruits on the table. "Sorry for that one Rezki, I forgot to tell NAIX that the rainbow gellato was for you.", said the ferret as he waved his hand over the fruits, "So he made you this in apology. It's the same thing you're eating actually, with only the presentation and additions differing. The fruit represents the flavor of the gellato by the way.", he informed.

The fox then returned shortly after the ferret's explanation, taking his change and walking back to the table. Weiss stood up to let Cesium return to his seat and sat back down once the fox was seated. "So, did I miss anything?", Cesium asked.
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Re: Pet Friendly: Yorkshire Fields

Post by kurowolfe »

Rezki nodded listening to the fox's answer. "Ah, I see," he said briefly. He just stared with a puzzled look on his face when he saw the ferret facepawing himself and marched back into the back door, and smiled when Cesium left to pick up the call. Tuah, on the other hand, only glanced shortly at the fox as he left, and then returned to his own sweet heaven of desserts, grinning a grin that only a cat is capable of, oblivious to the surroundings as he consumed his ice-cream slowly.

Once the ferret returned back with what looked like a whole lot of fruits slices arranged elegantly, Rezki became the one who did the staring this time. "I must be a light drinker tonight; now I'm seeing a plate of rainbow fruits!" he thought incredulously, as he laid the large platter on the table. However, after he heard the explanation from Weiss, Rezki just smiled, and answered, "Aww, you don't have to do that, the gelato actually tastes very nice despite the look, my compliments to the chef!" He laughed as he said this, causing Tuah to look up and became confused for a while, comprehending the whole situation again. "I really appreciate the gesture though, I'll need to meet the good man later, to extend my gratitude," Rezki said again, looking at the back door. "And thank you to you too, Mr. Weissenklaussenshffer!"

When the fox returned back and sat next to him asking the question, Tuah answered, still a bit dazed:
[Well, apparently Dad just got a free platter of fruits from NAIX as an apology or something...]

He stared at the platter after that.

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Re: Pet Friendly: Yorkshire Fields

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"Ah, that's not really fruit.", Cesium said as he read Tuah's note.
"Yeah, only the leaves are real."
"The rest of the fruits are probably gellato."
"That they are."
"But it should still taste like the fruit.", Cesium said as he took another scoop of his dessert. "You're suddenly quiet.", he then said to the ferret.
"Yeah, travel fatigue finally caught up.", answered the ferret, "Haven't slept in a few days already."
"Ah, we should head home right after this then. Maybe you'd like to come with us Tuah?", asked the fox to the cat, "With your permission of course.", he quickly turned to Rezki and smiled.
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Re: Pet Friendly: Yorkshire Fields

Post by Blue Braixen »

Breeeeeeeeent wrote:Spike followed soon after. he climbed the small ladder and did a quick swan dive(which was more like a belly flop without a diving board). the water felt good after the work out.
Arin resurfaced and wiped the water away from her eyes. "Whoo! I needed this to cool off." She giggled, and went back under and did a backflip.
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Re: Pet Friendly: Yorkshire Fields

Post by kurowolfe »

Hypergenesis wrote:"Ah, that's not really fruit.", Cesium said as he read Tuah's note.
"Yeah, only the leaves are real."
"The rest of the fruits are probably gellato."
"That they are."
"But it should still taste like the fruit.", Cesium said as he took another scoop of his dessert. "
Tuah leaned over a bit to see the plate of fruits more clearly, and noticed that they are in fact sculpted from ice-cream. He told the two next to him:
[That's some pretty convincing arrangement, that much I can testify. I actually thought that they were actual fruits!]

"We might have to share it, though. I don't think I'm able to finish both at once," Rezki suddenly informed the rest, as he placed the plate in the middle of the table. "So feel free to have some yourselves." The cat nodded to this and continued to 'destroy' the boat in front of him.
Hypergenesis wrote: You're suddenly quiet.", he then said to the ferret.
"Yeah, travel fatigue finally caught up.", answered the ferret, "Haven't slept in a few days already."
"Ah, we should head home right after this then. Maybe you'd like to come with us Tuah?", asked the fox to the cat, "With your permission of course.", he quickly turned to Rezki and smiled.
"Yes, Mr. Weissenklaussenshffer, you do look a bit weary now," the man said, running his eyes once across the ferret, while listening to Cesium's request. "Sure, I'd be more than glad to let Tuah go and visit you two," Rezki smiled back, much to the delight of the listening cat. He then paused for a bit, thinking for a while, before continuing, "Hmm, this might seem like a sudden idea, but maybe Tuah can have a sleepover at your house, Mr. Winters? ..." Rezki for once, didn't know how to continue, and stayed silent after that, the cat now hanging to his every word.

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Re: Pet Friendly: Yorkshire Fields

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"That shouldn't-- Actually...", the ferret interrupted Cesium, "I made changes to your house while you were gone and turned it to a classic bachelor's pad, the one where it was still tasteful mind you.", he continued and yawning at the end.
"Soo... Only futons, sleeping bags, hammocks and sofa with duvets.", the ferret answered without even needing to listen to the fox's question. "Though the king sized bed should fit the two of you nicely.", he added before eating another semifreddo.
"Oh.. Uh... What do you think Tuah?", he asked the cat.
"I blame the weather for making me this tired.", mumbled Weiss while he continued on decimating the remnants of his dessert.
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Re: Pet Friendly: Yorkshire Fields

Post by kurowolfe »

"Well then, I suppose that's a yes then," Rezki said after the listening to the pair interacting like a tsukkomi act he once read of, smiling. Tuah beamed widely at the great news and almost soared over the table to hug his father. Instead, he wrote:

[Yay! Thanks Dad, Weiss, Cesium! It's my very first sleepover!]

He hugged Cesium once again, this time longer.
"Yeah, but now we need to get back home to fetch your stuff, Tuah. So, you'll need to finish that," stated Rezki matter-of-factly, almost done with his own dessert in the glass, and started to take a few scoops from the plate. Even he had to admit, the fruit-flavoured gelato tasted smooth and lovely in his mouth, that he could even ask for seconds!

Tuah, who was almost done with his ship anyway, let go of the fox, and finished the remnants of the ice-cream boat, and took a few scoops from the plate, just to satisfy his curiosity. Both father and son stopped at the same time, and Rezki then said, "I'm really sorry, but me and Tuah will need to rush back home to fetch some of his things, if it's OK with you, Mr. Weissenklaussenshffer, Mr. Winters. We won't be long, promise." Tuah nodded slowly to support this statement, and waited for their response.

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Re: Pet Friendly: Yorkshire Fields

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"I should give you my address first at least.", Cesium said as he pulled out a pen and wrote an address on a slip of paper he pulled out from his pen. "Though there isn't really much to do at home so it might be a bit boring unless you like playing computer games.", he added, talking from how he experienced the comforts of his home. "And I should probably get Weiss to bed as soon as possible as well, he doesn't look to good.", he noted seeing as the ferret was talking with his last semifreddo in a cryptic language.
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Re: Pet Friendly: Yorkshire Fields

Post by kurowolfe »

"Thank you, I'll come there later to drop Tuah off. Let me call some cabs to pick us up here," said Rezki as he received the address and slipped it into the pocket of his slacks. "I'm sure you and my son here will have a great time together, Mr. Winters! Regardless of the activities you do tonight," he continued with a smile and enthusiasm in his voice, before taking out his cellphone and calling two different cabs to come to the bar. He later closed it, and announced, "The cabs will arrive in about 3 minutes."

The man then walked to the bar to thank the barman named NAIX, but found someone else was taking charge. He then asked the other guy, "May I meet NAIX personally? I would like to thank him in person for the wonderful ice-cream dishes that he has prepared tonight."

In the meantime, Tuah, who was glowing with fullness and happiness, wrote something and showed it to Cesium:
[I'm so excited for tonight, Cesium! I mean, I never, ever stayed over in a friend's house before, it's a really new experience for me --]

Tuah was then struck by a sudden realization, and slowly continued, as if the pen he was holding is made of lead, dragging it across the notepad as he struggled to write:

[W--e--- we are--- frien---ds, rig--ht?]

He gazed at the fox with a look of apprehension in his eyes, his ears and whiskers drooping as he braced himself for the response...

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Re: Pet Friendly: Yorkshire Fields

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"Well yeah-- Of course we are friends~", the ferret suddenly uttered out. "Heh heh.", after which the ferret brutally murdered the treat with his mouth. "Uhh... Like I was about to say, yeah we are friends. What makes you think we're not?", he then asked.


The barkeeper looked at Rezki with an odd look, "Sir, everyone here's named NAIX, I kind of have an idea who you would be talking about, but do you want to meet the owner, the artist or the chef?", asked the bartender.
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Re: Pet Friendly: Yorkshire Fields

Post by kurowolfe »

Upon hearing Cesium's answer, the cat's expression flipped 180 degrees: he's now smiling wide, eyes closed from winking, ears fully upright. He hugged the fox yet again, purring in content and relief, chuckling in silence at the ferret's sudden outbursts. A single tear fell from his eye, as silent as its originator. He didn't write anything, or say anything, he just stayed there, in the hug...


Rezki's jaws became slack at the barman's response, and his eyes opened wide in disbelief. "What do you mean, all of your names are NAIX? That's just....," he started to say rapidly, but then he simply stopped, and rubbed his temple. "Huh, never mind, I've seen more bizarre things in life before. Can I meet the chef then please?" the man continued, regaining his composure though he was still massaging the side of his forehead slowly.

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Re: Pet Friendly: Yorkshire Fields

Post by Coatl_Ruu »

The Moon Howler wrote:As Phi and Dusk lead the group, Rion quickly left Varg and Alana behind and caught up with the other cats, leaning close to Phi and whispering as quiet as he can to him "Say, Phi, will you do me a favor and lead us and mainly them..." he lightly tilted his head towards Varg and Alana "... to some... let's say... more romantic place in the forest? I wanna see if there'll be some sort of continue of the story. Will you do that?" Rion added the last sentence with a serious expression.
"Hmm ... " Phi immediately understood what Rion was getting at, but he had to stop and think about his request for a moment. "Really, I'm not sure if I could find a good spot right off the bat. We might have to wander around for a while. I just moved in, so I've never really been in the woods before. But, I'm sure we'll figure something out," he finished with a faint grin.
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Re: Pet Friendly: Yorkshire Fields

Post by simple things »

Well aren’t you just the little angle
Alexander smiled, "alright ma'am, it was a pleasure meeting you". He said back to her in the most polite voice he could muster, Alexander's eyes fell upon Konnie. At least i have her, Alexander thought, a smirk making his way to his lips and a light blush washed over his cheeks.
“I can't thank you enough for today Nisha.“ She reached in down her pocket and pull out an well embellished business card. “But maybe this can be a start, Since you're new to the area I imagine you’re going to need a trustee physician for you and your family.
Nisha hugged Rosa back, "absolutely Rosa, i am glad to have met you" Nisha said back to Rosa, as she watched her walk away with Konnie. "I'm going to like that Rosa Alexander, come now sweetie, we can go back home and you can help me unpack some of the boxes hmm?" Nisha said back to Alexander smiling down at him. Nisha noticed that Alexander was staring vacantly out to the dark parking lot, then Alexander snapped out of the momentary trance and replied to Nisha. "Yes, alright then mom, no prob. Alexander said giving her a toothy grin.

Nisha was going to ask how the time he had with Konnie went, but she figured from his smile that everything went good. Nisha patted his back and they walked back to the minivan, once there Alexander began putting the groceries that Nisha had collected into the rather spacious boot. Alexander was almost finished putting the remainders of the groceries that were in the kart into the boot, until he heard Konnies voice call out to him.
“Remember no peeking until you get home.” She quickly leaned in and pecked Alexander on the cheek. “Later Lexy; call me!
Alexander was surprised to see Konnie again, then he felt her lips quickly press against his cheek and move away. Alexander felt his heart beat quickly, and he swallowed hard. "T-thanks k-k-Konnie" Alexander stuttered, taken off-guard by the kiss. He had never been kissed on his cheek before. Alexander watched Konnie make her way back to Rosa before he quickly loaded the rest of the groceries into the car, and placing his back into the upfront passenger seat. Alexander felt the car quickly coming to life and taking off, he rubbed his cheek gingerly for the beginning of the trip home, Lexy...huh?.
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Re: Pet Friendly: Yorkshire Fields

Post by RandomGeekNamedBrent »

Tha Housefox wrote:Arin resurfaced and wiped the water away from her eyes. "Whoo! I needed this to cool off." She giggled, and went back under and did a backflip.
"yeah, a dip in the pool is always nice after a good workout." he smiled as he watched her do the backflip.
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Re: Pet Friendly: Yorkshire Fields

Post by The Game »

The Moon Howler wrote: Varg blushed slightly at the compliment."The pleasure is all mine!" As she walked out Rion nudged him and held the door himself, giving his wolf sibling a look and handing him an umbrella. The wolf took the umbrella and followed the Samoyed with a smile and a slight wag of his tail. Rion turned to Phi and Dusk "Coming, you two?" he noticed Mrs. Balkansky to come down the stairs from the second floor "Hi, mom!"
"My, my, leaving so soon?" she gently patted Phi and Dusk's heads "Aww! You two are so adorable! I hope all of our guests had pleasant time in here?" as she added the last sentence she glanced at Rion, who grinned in return. "Say, where's you brother?" Rion tilted his head, pointing outside. when Mrs.Balkansky peeked she couldn't help but to let out a quiet "D'aaw!" Then she noticed with amazement Varg's tail. She came to Rion and whispered in his ear.
"<Bulgarian>Does he really wags his tail?</Bulgarian>"
"Da!" was Rion's quiet answer.
Rion's answer caused a wide smile on Mrs.Balkansky's face.
As the pets got out of the house, she said "Have fun, kids! And Varg, Rion, Don't be late!"
"Da, Da!" said both Varg and Rion as they waved for goodbye.
"Phi, Dusk, will you two lead once again?" Varg asked
As Phi and Dusk lead the group, Rion quickly left Varg and Alana behind and caught up with the other cats, leaning close to Phi and whispering as quiet as he can to him "Say, Phi, will you do me a favor and lead us and mainly them..." he lightly tilted his head towards Varg and Alana "... to some... let's say... more romantic place in the forest? I wanna see if there'll be some sort of continue of the story. Will you do that?" Rion added the last sentence with a serious expression.
Alana hardly noticed Rion passing them. "Where do you think we'll be going in the forest? It's kind of silly, but I've always felt like they were places for adventures."
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Re: Pet Friendly: Yorkshire Fields

Post by Hypergenesis »

kurowolfe wrote:Upon hearing Cesium's answer, the cat's expression flipped 180 degrees: he's now smiling wide, eyes closed from winking, ears fully upright. He hugged the fox yet again, purring in content and relief, chuckling in silence at the ferret's sudden outbursts. A single tear fell from his eye, as silent as its originator. He didn't write anything, or say anything, he just stayed there, in the hug...
Cesium hugged back though his faces says that he didn't really know what he needed to do in that situation.
kurowolfe wrote:Rezki's jaws became slack at the barman's response, and his eyes opened wide in disbelief. "What do you mean, all of your names are NAIX? That's just....," he started to say rapidly, but then he simply stopped, and rubbed his temple. "Huh, never mind, I've seen more bizarre things in life before. Can I meet the chef then please?" the man continued, regaining his composure though he was still massaging the side of his forehead slowly.
"One Moment", said the barkeeper as he rung the bell three times. A man whom Rezki never saw before stepped out from the back room and went to the bar. "He said he would like a word you.", said the barkeeper to the Chinese looking man who just stepped out. That man then looked at Rezki and greeted, "Ah, Rezki I presume. Sorry for that mix-up earlier, Dacier never told us the rainbow gellato was for you, but did you enjoy your desserts?", he asked going straight to the point.
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Re: Pet Friendly: Yorkshire Fields

Post by Blue Braixen »

RandomGeekNamedBrent wrote: "yeah, a dip in the pool is always nice after a good workout." he smiled as he watched her do the backflip.
Arin resurfaced again to answer and get her breath. "A dip in the pool is always nice, period." She giggled, and tossed a little bit of water up into the air so it could rain on her.
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Re: Pet Friendly: Yorkshire Fields

Post by kurowolfe »

Hypergenesis wrote:
kurowolfe wrote:Upon hearing Cesium's answer, the cat's expression flipped 180 degrees: he's now smiling wide, eyes closed from winking, ears fully upright. He hugged the fox yet again, purring in content and relief, chuckling in silence at the ferret's sudden outbursts. A single tear fell from his eye, as silent as its originator. He didn't write anything, or say anything, he just stayed there, in the hug...
Cesium hugged back though his faces says that he didn't really know what he needed to do in that situation.
After what seemed like an eternity, Tuah finally let go of Cesium, still smiling. Looking at the fox's clueless reaction, he tooke out his notepad once more:
[Erm... sorry about that. It's just that you're ... the first pet that actually said you're my friend. No one else, apart from Dad and his Dad, said that to me... And, well, I'm just elated, is all. So, we're sahabat, kan?] <literal translation: friends, right?>
Hypergenesis wrote: "One Moment", said the barkeeper as he rung the bell three times. A man whom Rezki never saw before stepped out from the back room and went to the bar. "He said he would like a word you.", said the barkeeper to the Chinese looking man who just stepped out. That man then looked at Rezki and greeted, "Ah, Rezki I presume. Sorry for that mix-up earlier, Dacier never told us the rainbow gellato was for you, but did you enjoy your desserts?", he asked going straight to the point.
"Dacier? Oh, you mean Mr. Weissenklaussenshffer," Rezki queried, wondering just how many names did the ferret have anyway. "Yes, I certainly did, it was one of the best ones I'd had for a long time, and it was kind of you to offer another plate for the mix-up, though it's not necessary. So, I would like to thank you for the wonderful dishes and extend my compliments to you," he then continued, grinning at the Chinese-looking man before extending his right hand to shake. "And my son there certainly loved your dish as well," Rezki said, pointing at the cat behind him.

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Re: Pet Friendly: Yorkshire Fields

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"Of course we are, I was just surprised as I'm not really used to the sudden hugs. We usually shake hands first before being pulled into a hug.", informed Cesium with his we most probably referring to the ferret. "Should we go then?", he then asked as he pushed the ferret and himself to a stand, remembering about when the cabs were supposed to arrive.


"Ah, well I'm just glad your family liked it.", responded the man and added "Chef NAIX by the way." as he shook Rezki's hand. "It looks like they are ready to go though.", informed the chef as he pointed Rezki's attention to the trio in the booth.
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Re: Pet Friendly: Yorkshire Fields

Post by The Moon Howler »

The Game wrote:Alana hardly noticed Rion passing them. "Where do you think we'll be going in the forest? It's kind of silly, but I've always felt like they were places for adventures."
"Honestly, I have no idea where they'll take us." He turned to Alana and smiled "And the forest is indeed a place for adventures and many more things. I was originally a wild wolf, but Dad and Mom saved me from a certain death."
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Re: Pet Friendly: Yorkshire Fields

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Alana's jaw dropped. "What happened?" she asked quietly, eyes wide.
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Re: Pet Friendly: Yorkshire Fields

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"Well..." Varg scratched his head a bit uncomfortable and continued with a quiet tone "It happened when I was just a cub. Not that I remember much of it, but all I do remember is that I was playing near a cliff, then I accidentally tripped and fell off of it and then blackness and pain." He shook his head "Guess I was growling and drew their attention, because for a short time when I was conscious I heard two worried voices, fairly saw two faces and was picked up and then fell unconscious again." he sighed "When I finally woke up I was in some kind of hospital, covered in bandages and casts and I was wired to some of the machines. Dad and Mom were staying next to my bed, watching over me..." he smiled lightly, looking back at Alana "That's the whole story from my point of view. Ever since that day, I'm their pet."
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Re: Pet Friendly: Yorkshire Fields

Post by simple things »

The minivan took of down the road, coming closer and closer to Yorkshire. "So Alexander how did the dinner you and Konnie have go?" Nisha said, snickering. Alexander's ears perked up at Konnies name. "Oh, it was great mom, the food they had there was really nice." Alexander said turning his head back to the window to watch the road pass by. Nisha smiled and extended her right hand to ruffle his fur on his head, "I saw the kiss she gave you, are you now her boyfriend?" Nisha said laughing, unable to contain herself.
Alexander's face flushed red, "mom I only just met her, that's her way of saying thank you. I bought her apple pie." Alexander said rolling his eyes. “Oh you are such a ladies dog" Nisha said laughing yet again. Alexander lifted his hood over his head and watched the passing road.

It was not 5 minutes before they reached Yorkshire, "now entering Yorkshire fields the pet friendly neighbourhood" Alexander read off the old wooden board with red paint. The minivan made a left turn onto a long road that had a sharp turn at the end of it; large town houses were placed along the side of the road rather squished up. But they had space between them, trash cans mailboxes, the usual, "so which ones ours mom" Alexander said watching the houses pass by. "That one sweetie" Nisha said pressing a button on the minivan a large door opened showing a much smaller Garage but it was big enough for the car. The minivan pulled into the parking spot, the door closed behind them and Alexander and Nisha stepped out of the car. Nisha flicked on a light switch on the near wall and the garage lit up, "wow mom this is...erm...roomy." Alexander said in a sarcastic voice “c’mon get those boxes and I will get these," Nisha said getting her boxes and waited for Alexander to pick up the remaining boxes.
Last edited by simple things on Mon Aug 29, 2011 9:33 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Pet Friendly: Yorkshire Fields

Post by The Game »

The Moon Howler wrote:"Well..." Varg scratched his head a bit uncomfortable and continued with a quiet tone "It happened when I was just a cub. Not that I remember much of it, but all I do remember is that I was playing near a cliff, then I accidentally tripped and fell off of it and then blackness and pain." He shook his head "Guess I was growling and drew their attention, because for a short time when I was conscious I heard two worried voices, fairly saw two faces and was picked up and then fell unconscious again." he sighed "When I finally woke up I was in some kind of hospital, covered in bandages and casts and I was wired to some of the machines. Dad and Mom were staying next to my bed, watching over me..." he smiled lightly, looking back at Alana "That's the whole story from my point of view. Ever since that day, I'm their pet."
By the time Varg had finished talking, Alana was wiping tears from her eyes. "That's so amazing," she said quietly. "Well, not the falling off a cliff part. The rest of it." She smiled at him, and had to resist the urge to reach out and pull him in a hug. "I....I'm glad they found you when they did."
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Re: Pet Friendly: Yorkshire Fields

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Varg's smile disappeared, as his eyes widened and his ears fell when he saw Alana wiping her tears. "Sorry, I didn't mean to make you cry!" he said softly and quietly as he wiped one of her tears away himself. He felt uncomfortable for making her cry, but when she smiled at him, every last bit of it vanished, changed by a warm comfort. Varg smiled in return, a blush appearing on his face "Yeah..." he managed to mumble "It was a miracle indeed..."
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Re: Pet Friendly: Yorkshire Fields

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"I'm not...really...uh." Alana's ability to speak seemed to vanish as Varg touched her face. She gasped quietly, watching his paw, and then his eyes. Without her consent, a blush made its way across her cheeks. "," she giggled nervously, "You don't n-need to apologize. I was...just being overemotional."

((don't forget to respond to Phi ^.^))
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Re: Pet Friendly: Yorkshire Fields

Post by The Moon Howler »

Varg gently grabbed one of her paws with his. "Overemotional - no, True and Honest - Yes! And for this you have my deepest Thanks!" he added the last as he answered her look.

Coatl_Ruu wrote:"Hmm ... " Phi immediately understood what Rion was getting at, but he had to stop and think about his request for a moment. "Really, I'm not sure if I could find a good spot right off the bat. We might have to wander around for a while. I just moved in, so I've never really been in the woods before. But, I'm sure we'll figure something out," he finished with a faint grin.
"Thanks, you're a pal!" Rion whispered, patting Phi's shoulder. As he peeked back for a second, seeing the two canines, he grinned, immediately turning forward. "Guess it might work on it's own..."
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Re: Pet Friendly: Yorkshire Fields

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Phi nodded slowly with a faint grin. He opened his mouth to say something in response. But, for what seemed like the first time in a long while, Dusk leaned in and spoke up. "Actually, guys," he whispered with a sly grin and a quick, pointed glance at Phi. "I might know just the place. Shall I lead the way?"

"Heh. Sure," Phi replied, a bit surprised. "Lead on, o great feline adventurer."

"Of course. Trust me, you guys are gonna love this." Dusk looked back at Varg and Alana. "Alright, you lovebirds, let's get goin'." He planted on hand on his hip and pointed the other off down the street. "Adventure awaits!" With that, the cat marched off down the sidewalk, in the direction of the woods.

Phi giggled quietly. "Alright, alright, let's get going." He set off down the sidewalk just behind Dusk.

((Yeah, I'm bringing back Dusk. Just for a while, though. The fact that The Broken Fox disappeared in the middle of a conversation left a bit of a plot hole, one that's I aim to close. ))
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Re: Pet Friendly: Yorkshire Fields

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Alana was actually very glad he took her paw, since she didn't have the guts to do that same. She grinned, "You're welcome."

She gave a start when Dusk called them lovebirds, blushing furiously and stammering too much to make a coherent sentence. After a few failed attempts at speaking, she raised her eyebrows at Varg. "Wh-what do you think they're up to?"