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Re: Pet Friendly-Richardson Valley

Post by Kaido »

"That's good to hear." Pepper replied, smiling. It was good to see other people in relationships that made them happy. He had never really thought about one for himself while he was here. He noticed Alex looking in the direction of a house, but as he never saw his face, believed it to simply be a friend of his. He walked into The Wall after Alex, looking round.
"It sure is empty. But I'm guessing others will probably come later..."
He walked over to the counter.
"So a coffee then? I don't mind buying 'em! Anything specific you want?"

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Re: Pet Friendly-Richardson Valley

Post by Alex »

No, just coffee without milk. Thank you.
Alex smiled, while sitting at a table in the middle of the room. It has been a long time since someone treated him. He looked outside the window on the empty streets. Just a few humans, going to work, or being late for work, or just taking a walk, but no pets at all. He then looked at the counter, and was surprised. Where's that raccoon, or that coydog? They're called Venison and Pavelle, Alex was sure about that. Did they get fired? Ah well... it didn't bother him much. The important thing was that someone was taking orders.
Say, Pepper... I want to ask you something. You like to keep things clean, right? Do you know any way to make my fur less.... dense? It's kinda too hot with my fur as it is right now...
Alex took a gulp of his coffee. Apparently, he thought that if someones likes to clean stuff, they should know about makeover, too.

Mai heard the black cat yell. Not understanding most of the words, she ran past Pyxis and the dog, thinking that something bad happened to him again. Once she found him, she saw him just standing and yelling.
Hm... why are you yelling? - she asked innocently, while cocking her head to the right side, confused.
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Re: Pet Friendly-Richardson Valley

Post by Kaido »

Pepper was sat next to Alex. He took a sip of his coffee, pondering the question.
"Dense? Well, the easiest option would be to cut it, I guess. Though when the sun's blaring, it'd be easier to get sunburn... hmm..."
He tapped the side of his cup, thinking.
"They have special types of combs too. They kinda thin out your fur, so that'd probably help." Pepper replied, smiling, "though I'm not sure where you would be able to get one of those..."

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Re: Pet Friendly-Richardson Valley

Post by Alex »

Special combs, huh? Well, they should have them in a pet store. I'll go later and see if I can find one. I really can't stand the heat, you know.... So what do you do to endure it?
Alex took another sip of his coffee, and looked at Pepper's body. Perhaps his fur wasn't as dense as Alex', or perhaps he was more resistant to heat. All he wanted is not to be "disabled" during the summer. If it takes, he'll even shave his whole fur. However, Pepper was right about that. It's very easy to get a sunburn without fur, but there's a solution for that, too - suntan cream.
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Re: Pet Friendly-Richardson Valley

Post by caelei »

Ummm I was talking about the other pets there, actually..
If they weren't bad, aggressive, misbehaving pets, they wouldn't be there now would they?
Pavelle rolled her eyes, then looked at Rav, tone dry, and said, "Thanks for the compliment, Mr. Shepard. I hadn't known that you thought so... highly of me."
"I thought that you got out of that! Is this why Jerry or Jake or whatever his name is switched us to the dinner shift?"
Pavelle grimaced, but nodded her head. "Yep. I had to ask him to. The morning work schedule would've conflicted with the morning school schedule." She paused, thinking. "Ah, well. It worked out for the Wall, at least. Now they get more customers later in the evening, so..."

Magnus and Felix walked slowly towards the raft, each silent. Magnus simply didn't have anything to say, since he was busy chasing the early morning butterflies (and once, a startled rabbit), and Felix was too busy enjoying the fresh air of the walk to say anything. They continued on, at a leisurely stroll, towards the raft. Once it came in into sight, their pace sped up moderately, in excitement. Suddenly, Felix said, "Race you to the raft!" and sprinted forward. Magnus, surprised, tried his best to keep up, but, since he was an endurance runner, fell behind. When the Dane finally got to the raft, Felix was already checking it out. "Looks good to me, Magnus. Seems to have survived the night." The raccoon looked up, beaming, an expression that felt odd on his face. He never really smiled like that... but then again, he really loved that raft. Just the whole idea of building it to help someone float on water... very useful, and pretty dang awesome. Magnus loved the raft, as well. But mostly just because he thought it looked cool, and because Felix seemed to like it so much. Together, they walked in a circle around it, continuing to check things, like the stability of the wood and the strength of the rope, and anything else that needed to be checked.
(Richardson Valley)
Magnus: S-10 P-5 E-8 C-7 I-2 A-3 L-5

Pavelle: S-3 P-7 E-3 C-5 I-9 A-10 L-5
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Re: Pet Friendly-Richardson Valley

Post by Kaido »

Pepper smiled, "I don't really have a secret. Infact, I can't stand too much of the heat myself..."
He thought back to previous summers. He couldn't exactly remember much of how he got through them.
"I guess waterfights are a good way to cool off." Pepper laughed, before continuing, "though some animals dislike water... how have you got through the summers?"

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Re: Pet Friendly-Richardson Valley

Post by Teh Brawler »

Laxan wrote:Sal' shrugged also, she didn't understand the signals which were getting thrown around and decided not to attempt to decode them. "Let's go see how Brian is then." She stepped off the doorstep and headed towards Brian's with O'Connor still in tow. She then thought back to how he answered the door, "Any sign of Tory?" She was worried about her little feathered friend, he had become almost like a little brother to her.
O'Connor shook his head, with a slight look of worry on his face. "Nay, 'e 'asn't shon up ye'. Pop ahnd Ah don' kno where 'e is, and wit' evereh passin' dei, the chahnces o' 'im comin' bahck decreise." He continued to walk, but the gravity of the situation came back into memory. He refused to show any weakness about it, but O'Connor wasn't sure he could keep his strength much longer.
As they continued on, they eventually reached Brian's house. O'Connor forgot about his troubles, and led Sal' up the steps, knocking on the door. "Aftere this, wei'll go to the park, ahruight?" he said, smiling in his old-dog manner at Sal'.


Meanwhile, about twenty miles northward of Richardson Valley, a squirrel was brushing himself off after waking up. He stretched, and prepared for a long, hard day of foraging nuts. Just as he was about to begin his decent, however, a red blur whizzed past him, nearly knocking him out of the tree. "OI! Wotch where yer goin'!" he cried, trying to find what had nearly cut his day short. However, whatever it had been, it was now out of sight, most likely obscured by the trees. The squirrel brushed himself off again, muttered under his breath, and climbed down the tree.
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Re: Pet Friendly-Richardson Valley

Post by Alex »

Pepper wrote:I guess waterfights are a good way to cool off. Though some animals dislike water... how have you got through the summers?
Alex' eyes widened while listening to Pepper. Just the idea of waterfights made his fur ruffle.
No... no waterfights! During my previous summers, I spent the time indoors. Actually, ever since I got this scar, I spent my time indoors, almost never going out. This little town kinda changed me.
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Re: Pet Friendly-Richardson Valley

Post by Kaido »

Pepper grinned awkwardly, "Ah, so you're one that hates stuff like that too, huh?"
He giggled under his breath. Also, before Alex said just now, Pepper had never really gave his scar a second glance. If he asked about it, it may be prying into personal matters... but he couldn't help but ask.
"What.. actually happened with that scar? If you don't mind me asking of course. It looks as if it was painful..."

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Re: Pet Friendly-Richardson Valley

Post by Laxan »

Sal looked to the floor. She had only knew Tory for a few weeks she couldn't imagine how O'Connor must be feeling. "He'll turn up..." She smiled at him. "He's too boney to be a meal." She gave a small chuckle and hugged him on the doorstep, if he wanted to or not. Looking over O'Connor's shoulder she spotted Brian talking to two cats. "Look, there's Brian." She removed herself from him and pointed towards the dog.
'Cata acceptio obscuro mea ténebris ego fio totum' ~ Laxan Tanax Enore
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Re: Pet Friendly-Richardson Valley

Post by Alex »

Alex looked at Pepper, with a serious expression. It was the first time someone actually asked about his scar. Not that it bothered him, of course. It wasn't a story he liked, but he didn't mind telling it.
Well, you see, it was when I was very young. I was 1 year and 2 months old. We lived in a city, you know, that's not really a place for pets. I had just one friend, named Gary. He visited me one month ago, but anyway... Bored of the every day life, I started wandering outside, without my parents knowing. Until one day, I met a gang of stray dogs. Dumb as I was, I started pretending cool and all. They asked me if I'd like to hang around with them, and well, I said yes. It seemed like I was in their gang. I was dumb enough to believe it. All they wanted is a subject they can mock all day. I started smoking with them. It seemed cool to me. They were stealing cigs, so I did it, too. In the end, they started sending just me to steal it. Their excuse was that it's a very important task, and that I'm special enough to do it, and I believed it all. Of course, it was just so they don't get caught themselves. One day, one of them got some color sprays somehow. And they started spraying cars. I couldn't do it. I was still to frightened to destroy something that expensive, but to be cool, I pretended to spray them, just by holding the can above the car. And, of course, someone who saw us called animal control. Once they arrived, all the dogs pointed at me and said that I was the one who got the sprays and who sprayed the car. Of course, they arrested me. My parents somehow got me out, it was part of because AC seemed to believe me when I said that I didn't actually spray. I was a pet, after all. Once I got home, I immediately went for the door. So dumb... I wanted to go to the gang again. However, I met Gary on the door. He asked me where I'm going, and I said "To my friends.". Then we started arguing. I know now that he was right, but back then, I honestly believed that they were my friends. In the end... I remember it well.... Gary extended his claws, and it was him who gave me this scar, right there on the door of my apartment. I have no idea how he managed to do it... Claws aren't sharp enough to leave such an injury... but perhaps he had enough strength to do it, driven by his anger. Since that moment, I realized the truth... I just can't explain it, but the moment he hit me, to the moment I lost consciousness, I realized everything... that he's my friend, and they just used me and mocked me and all.... But yeah, that's how I got this scar.
After finishing the story, Alex took another gulp of his coffee, and looked back at Pepper.

(For anyone who wants to know, I thought of this story a couple of seconds after I created the character sheet of Alex.)
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Re: Pet Friendly-Richardson Valley

Post by Kaido »

Pepper was listening intently on Alex's every word. He didn't say anything until Alex had finished his entire story, and even then, he was lost for words.
"That's.... wow. That was quite a story." he took a sip of his coffee and tried to think of something, anything, to say.
"That pack of dogs... I've never heard of anyone being so conniving and... horrible."
There was silence for a couple of seconds as Pepper went over the story in his head. "So what about Gary? Who is he?"

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Re: Pet Friendly-Richardson Valley

Post by mathgrant »

Brian just stared at what was transpiring in front of him. Cats falling into a rose bush and not even noticing that a brown and white dog was in their midst? "I clearly came here at the wrong time," Brian said, as he turned around to head back to the Dewitts' property, where he saw that Scottish terrier from earlier, as well as some other pets, at his door. He smiled, realizing that they were coming to see him. "O'Connor! And others!" he shouted. "Long time no see!"

(OOC: I'm pretty sure the reason why Brian's existence wasn't acknowledged has something to do with the fact that I retconned/edited my post after other posts were already made, but whatever. :) )
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Re: Pet Friendly-Richardson Valley

Post by Djinn »

Djinn looked back at Mai, grinding his teeth a little as he pulls out a thorn from his side. "These $#%&ing thorns just hurt is all. Could you try to pull a few out of my back?" He sits down as he winces and gasps in pain as he pulls out the ones he can reach.
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Re: Pet Friendly-Richardson Valley

Post by Alex »

Alex smiled at Pepper's face. His reaction was funny.
Pepper wrote:That pack of dogs... I've never heard of anyone being so conniving and... horrible.
Well, such strays aren't unusual in big cities. Luckily, small towns don't attract such strays, so it's much safer to live for pets.
Alex took another gulp of coffee, and shuddered a little upon remembering the time with the dogs. Vandalism, smoking, swearing, mocking everyone, even beating up pets and random strays, be they young or old.
Pepper wrote:So what about Gary? Who is he?
Gary is my best friend. - said Alex, with a smile. The topic changed. He's a dark-red cat, a bit shorter than I am, and... yeah, that's all. He's cool. Sadly for him, he's still living in the city, but judging by his e-mails, and the IM chatting we do, he's doing fine.
Alex finally finished his coffee, and looked outside. The sun was already high in the sky, and it was getting warmer. His eyes rolled - it's gonna be another hot day.

Mai inspected Djinn's back. Some thorns could be seen, others not. Poor Djinn. She took one of the thorns with her fingers, and pulled it out, followed by Djinn's yelling. Mai backed off of him. She knew she's helping him, but causing him pain by pulling thorns out wasn't something she could do.
I can't... if you yell....
After a short while of just inspecting his back, Mai raised her arm, doing the "I've got an idea" pose. She grabbed a small rubber ball that was lying in the room, walked in front of Djinn, and pushed the ball inside his mouth, without even realizing that she hit his teeth, and probably caused some pain.
There! Just bite it and you won't yell anymore.
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Re: Pet Friendly-Richardson Valley

Post by Buckdida »

caelei wrote:Pavelle grimaced, but nodded her head. "Yep. I had to ask him to. The morning work schedule would've conflicted with the morning school schedule." She paused, thinking. "Ah, well. It worked out for the Wall, at least. Now they get more customers later in the evening, so..."
Venison put an annoyed look on his face. "With the paper route in the morning, pet classes midday, the shift at night, and caring for Magnus the rest of the time, it seems we'll need to find sometime for you to, maybe, sleep in that schedule somewhere? I'd hate to imagine your fatigue if I weren't working alongside. Why doesn't our favorite 'Raccat' help you out every so often as well? It couldn't hurt for him to figure out how we have to live these days."
Keeshah wrote:Why don't you sign up for a few classes, Venison. of all the pets in town, don't you think that your the one most in need of getting help with, getting along with an trusting humans?
Venison sighed and shook Rav off. "I'm not signing up for any pet classes. But I'm not about to let my two friends face this crap without me. I still think it's partly my fault that all of this is happening; don't try to convince me otherwise. And I still don't trust any of those trainers. If they slap a shocker on your neck, I'll have that lock picked out before they can blink." Venison tapped the lockpick hanging from his collar. "Shock collars are really easy, actually. You don't even need a turning tool; the lock just pops once you get it all lined up right."
Keeshah wrote: Ummm I was talking about the other pets there, actually..
If they weren't bad, aggressive, misbehaving pets, they wouldn't be there now would they?
"Oh, sounds fun. This is why I carry the shock knife. Hey, Dylan, you want to endure this with us, or do you want me to drop somewhere? Just a guess, I doubt there will be anything for you to do, and I don't want some crazy cat there eating you."

The group kept on towards the pet school.
Retired RP Character List (Sorry guys)
Richardson Valley: Venison and Ochen
Brookshire Meadows: Trinket
Oasis Towers: Jaxeh and Klack
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Re: Pet Friendly-Richardson Valley

Post by Teh Brawler »

O'Connor saluted slightly towards Brian, and walked over. "Aye, lahd. 'Aow're ye?Ahnd 'aow wus the trip?" he said, coming up to the younger dog and putting his paw on Brian's shoulder.
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Re: Pet Friendly-Richardson Valley

Post by Kaido »

Pepper noticed Alex finishing his coffee and gulped the rest of his down.
"It's good that you're keeping in touch with people from where you used to live."He placed his empty cup and the table and leaned backwards on his chair.
"This place sure knows how to make good coffees, huh?" he said with a grin, "but since we're done... what do we do now?"

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Re: Pet Friendly-Richardson Valley

Post by Alex »

Alex looked at his cell phone. It was almost 9:10. He has less than an hour to meet up with Mai and search for Balbaroy. So what to do? It has to be something that is fun, but that won't kill too much time. Doing something useful, like searching for that special comb, would last longer than an hour. Not much time available... Gotta go to Balbaroy's... Balbaroy! Alex still has to make up with him. The best way would be to buy him a gift. He inspected his collar. There were only 5 dollars inside.
So, uh.... want to come with me to a pet store and look for a gift for this one dog?

(Kaido, if Pepper agrees, you can "warp" them to the pet store, unless he wants to see/say something on the way there)
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Re: Pet Friendly-Richardson Valley

Post by Kaido »

Pepper smiled and nodded, "Sure!"
He stood up and walked out of The Wall, with Alex beside him. It wasn't too long before they had arrived at the Pet Store. Pepper opened the door and walked inside.
"There's quite a selection here... what are you actually looking for?"
He picked up various items, examining them, before placing them back in their rightful places.

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Re: Pet Friendly-Richardson Valley

Post by Alex »

Alex walked into the store, and looked around. Squeaky things, non-squeaky things, collars, ID-tags, electronic toys that are either plugged in or need batteries, and are way too expensive for Alex too buy, like a robot dog that walks on four legs, and then various food products, products that help keep healthy teeth, and finally, medicine for pets. And to think that this is just a small pet store - they'd have to go to the other one to look for a comb.
Well... I need a gift for a dumb dog that costs less than $5. - he said, while inspecting the collars. There were various collars that Balbaroy might like, but it didn't feel like the right gift.
So... got any ideas?

(Last post for today. I'm going to sleep.)
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Re: Pet Friendly-Richardson Valley

Post by mathgrant »

Teh Brawler wrote:O'Connor saluted slightly towards Brian, and walked over. "Aye, lahd. 'Aow're ye?Ahnd 'aow wus the trip?" he said, coming up to the younger dog and putting his paw on Brian's shoulder.
Brian froze still as a realization had hit him like several tons of bricks. Memories came pouring back of the times that the other animal residents of Richardson Valley had come by his house, probably just wanting to hear how he was doing, and how the trip was, but Brian, out of fear of the outside world and especially of Richardson Valley, didn't even give a polite hello. He wouldn't have even had to let anyone in the house or go out of the house to do so! Well, I've completely screwed up my chances of leaving a good first impression now! he thought to himself. He considered apologizing to them about it, but was fearful of somehow screwing that up, too. Brian eventually swallowed his fear, however, deciding that if he had truly ruined his first impression as much as he felt he had, then they wouldn't have come to his house just now to visit him. "My visit with Aunt Brittany was wonderful, O'Connor!" he replied. "If you guys want, you can be seated inside, and I'll tell you all about it."
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Re: Pet Friendly-Richardson Valley

Post by Kaido »

Alex wrote: So... got any ideas?
"I've never had to think too much on buying gifts for dogs... Sal would just be happy with a squeaky bone" Pepper replied, stifling a laugh.
"Why, what do you think they would like?"He still had no idea of who this dog was, and still believed it to be a good friend of Alex's.

(OOC: Alrighty, sleep well!)

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Re: Pet Friendly-Richardson Valley

Post by Keeshah »

caelei wrote:Pavelle rolled her eyes, then looked at Rav, tone dry, and said, "Thanks for the compliment, Mr. Shepard. I hadn't known that you thought so... highly of me."

Rav Whines, tucking his tail up between his legs, as he lays his ears back.
Oh, now i wasn't implying that you were as bad as they are. An i think very highly of you.

Buckdida wrote:Venison put an annoyed look on his face. "With the paper route in the morning, pet classes midday, the shift at night, and caring for Magnus the rest of the time, it seems we'll need to find sometime for you to, maybe, sleep in that schedule somewhere? I'd hate to imagine your fatigue if I weren't working alongside. Why doesn't our favorite 'Raccat' help you out every so often as well? It couldn't hurt for him to figure out how we have to live these days."

Actually, that wouldn't be a good idea, Venison. It wouldn't be good for her to seen with him by her dad.. An also, it would unnecessarily expose felix to possible capture, Since he is now a stray, that there looking for.

Buckdida wrote:Venison sighed and shook Rav off. "I'm not signing up for any pet classes. But I'm not about to let my two friends face this crap without me. I still think it's partly my fault that all of this is happening; don't try to convince me otherwise. And I still don't trust any of those trainers.
Rav exclaims wildly WHAT!!??? you going to follow us into the pet school?
Is'n that crazier than usual? I mean..yes, your wearing a real legal collar....but still. won't they ask questions why your there??

Buckdida wrote:"Oh, sounds fun. This is why I carry the shock knife. Hey, Dylan, you want to endure this with us, or do you want me to drop somewhere? Just a guess, I doubt there will be anything for you to do, and I don't want some crazy cat there eating you."

Keep that zappy thing hidden!! talk about drawing unwanted attention to yourself!! The aggressive pets will be shock collared, an keep a close watch on anyways. I know that for sure..Tapping the shocker collar he wears..

The group kept on towards the pet school.
across the pet park to it's far side, where they encounter a pet-bus waiting to drive the group of gathering pets across the busy highway, to the training center.
Hey! were like the three musketeers now.. or four if we count the mousie.
Rav/Ravage (RV) - M - German King Shepard: Str-7 Per-6 End-7 Cha-5 Int-5 Agi-6 Luck-6
Foxy Brown (Zootopia) - M - Coyote/RedWolf: Str-6 Per-7 End-6 Cha-4 Int-8 Agi-7 Luck-4
Oreo (RA) - M - Spotted Skunk: Str-5 Per-6 End-6 Cha-5 Int-7 Agi-8 Luck-5
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Re: Pet Friendly-Richardson Valley

Post by Alex »

Pepper wrote:I've never had to think too much on buying gifts for dogs... Sal would just be happy with a squeaky bone.
Alex barely hid his laugh. Sal is a bit older than other pets, and if she got a squeaky bone for every birthday.... He didn't even want to ask how many she has.
Pepper wrote:Why, what do you think they would like?
Alex grit his teeth. He had no idea what Balbaroy would want. After a while of looking around, Alex saw a very cheap slingshot. It was a bad quality one, and couldn't probably shoot anything further than 10 meters. Balbaroy would still have fun with it.... but then again, just the thought of broken windows made this item not attractive for buying. There was no other choice. Alex picked up a bone made out of semi-hard rubber, perfect for chewing, and according to the sign, impossible to chew through. Of course, it was false advertising, because it's too cheap for it to be impossible to chew through. Whatever, it'll do its job. Alex went to the counter and paid for it.
Eh, I already bought this. It's not squeaky, so it won't make the life of his neighbors and parents harder. Thanks for coming with me. *Looks at cell phone* Hm... it's half past nine. I should go now to his house and wait for my sister.... If you want, tag along. Actually, I'm encouraging that. It's gonna be super boring, so I could need someone to talk to... someone that isn't dumb, that is.
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Re: Pet Friendly-Richardson Valley

Post by Kaido »

Pepper grinned. He took the comment Alex give as a compliment and nodded.
"Sure, as long as you don't mind me tagging along. What're you meeting your sister for anyways? Just hanging out?" he asked, with a smile.

(OOC: Bah bad post.)

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Re: Pet Friendly-Richardson Valley

Post by Alex »

The two cats started walking the road towards Balbaroy's house.
Pepper wrote:What're you meeting your sister for anyways? Just hanging out?
Well, no, not really. This dog is her friend, and he's been missing for the past two weeks. Being shy as she is, my sister won't ask his parents about it, so I promised her to do it. As for the gift, it's just for an apology I owe that dog. That's all, we won't stay long, I promise.
That was true. Now that he thought about it, they really won't stay long - he'll just ask Balbaroy's parents about his whereabouts, and that's all. Not even a minute. So what after that? Alex would like to go to the big pet store, near the hospital, but he had to think about Pepper, who probably wouldn't want to just tag along. They could do something together, but what?
Let's go through the park, it's closer. - said Alex, once they crossed the bridge. They walked across the grass, and once they were crossing the small park bridge, Alex felt something detaching on his chest, then a metal noise, and finally, a splash. He looked down. It was his ID tag, detaching from the collar, bouncing against the bridge, and falling into the water. It could be seen sinking slowly, and the current took it a couple of meters away. Alex rolled his eyes.
How did THIS happen?! Well great..... at least I know what I'll try to do once I get the thing with Balbaroy done. There's no way I'm going into the water myself... at least it's heavy enough to sink on the ground, and the water current is weak, so if it gets stuck or something, it won't be taken away...
There was nothing that could be done now. He looked at Pepper, and they continued towards Balbaroy's place.
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Re: Pet Friendly-Richardson Valley

Post by caelei »

Oh, now i wasn't implying that you were as bad as they are. An i think very highly of you.
Pavelle smiled at his reply, saying, "It's fine, Rav. I was kinda joking about it."
Actually, that wouldn't be a good idea, Venison. It wouldn't be good for her to seen with him by her dad.. An also, it would unnecessarily expose felix to possible capture, Since he is now a stray, that there looking for.
Pavelle smiled at Venison's idea, listening to what Rav said after about it... her brow furrowed, and she said, "But Rav, it's not really a problem. Even though Felix is a stray, he's still in disguise. My father doesn't take time to go to the Wall, and he's never even seen Felix, whether in disguise or not. So there's no possible way of my father recognizing him... And as for that 'stray that they're looking for' thing you just said, is Felix really that top priority? He hasn't really done anything. I was the one who signed him up to be a pet and didn't tell my parents. And they have nothing linking either Felix, Magnus, or I to the animal control break-in, so..." She frowned again, looking down for a couple moments, then brought her gaze back up, directed at Venison this time. She continued, "Venison, of course it would be nice if Felix could help out, as well... but honestly, can you see Felix working anywhere? For humans? I have no doubt that he'd get fired one way or another, and end up throwing lattes on unsuspecting customers' heads, or something... but, if you absolutely want him to help out, you could always ask him. I can imagine the response you might get, but be my guest." She thought for a moment, then added, "Hey. I don't want anyone worrying about me, or my sleep schedule, for that matter. I'll survive. I'm not even tired..." She quickly stifled a yawn, then grinned afterwards.
"I'm not signing up for any pet classes. But I'm not about to let my two friends face this crap without me. I still think it's partly my fault that all of this is happening; don't try to convince me otherwise. And I still don't trust any of those trainers. If they slap a shocker on your neck, I'll have that lock picked out before they can blink. Shock collars are really easy, actually. You don't even need a turning tool; the lock just pops once you get it all lined up right."
Pavelle cocked her head to the side, saying, "Really? You're coming to pet school with us? I guess I hadn't thought that you would, especially so willingly..." At the mention of the shocker collars, Pavelle subconsciously reached up and touched her normal collar, eyes worried. "Honestly, I think I'm supposed to be wearing one now. But I wasn't about to put something like that on without saying 'no', first. I mean, what do they expect? Would they put something like that around their necks without I fight? I doubt it." She climbed silently onto the bus, frowning, and her stomach twisted a little. She was suddenly nervous.
(Richardson Valley)
Magnus: S-10 P-5 E-8 C-7 I-2 A-3 L-5

Pavelle: S-3 P-7 E-3 C-5 I-9 A-10 L-5
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Re: Pet Friendly-Richardson Valley

Post by Kaido »

Pepper looked over the side of the bridge as they continued onwards.
"Y'know, I don't mind water at all. I could go get it for you if you wanted."
Of course, he had no idea to the depth of the water, but it couldn't be that deep.
"Weird for it to detach like that though. What was it?"
Pepper began to fiddle with his bow-tie subconsciously, as if to make sure that it would not fall off.

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Re: Pet Friendly-Richardson Valley

Post by Dylan »

Dylan shrugged, You know me pretty well...I don't like the idea of school, but I guess I can check it out.

Pyxis could only facepaw at Djinn, I don't think I want to know how you get into this kind of stuff...how?
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Re: Pet Friendly-Richardson Valley

Post by Alex »

Alex bent over, and looked over the bridge as far as he could. The ID-tag wasn't visible in the water. He couldn't actually believe that there's a cat, besides Mai, that doesn't hate water. Whatever.
I don't know... it just got lose. Perhaps it broke or something.... Eh, don't bother with it now. I'll just fish it out later. Thanks for the offer, though.
Alex didn't want Pepper to go get it. It could be dangerous somehow. What if he drowns, or passes out? It would be Alex' fault probably. He shook his head to get rid of the bad thoughts, and continued moving. There was always the option to get a new ID-tag, although he really liked this one. It even had a place for a guitar pick.
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Re: Pet Friendly-Richardson Valley

Post by Kaido »

Pepper simply nodded. It did seem that the object that dropped off of Alex's collar was important to him, but he decided not to pursue it.
"Alrighty. I hope you're able to get it later then."
Pepper looked up to the sky as he walked besides Alex. It was a lovely day, that was for sure, and he was thankful that he was able to spend it outside with someone other than his sibling. He listened carefully to the sounds of the birds and the rippling stream which had taken Alex's tag.
"I'm really glad we moved here."

"FlintTheSquirrel cries for Kaido. He is the only one who understood me not understanding things. :("
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Re: Pet Friendly-Richardson Valley

Post by Teh Brawler »

O'Connor patted Brian on the shoulder, instantly reading his fears. "Dun' wurreh 'baout i', Bruian. Yer pahrents were kuind enough teh explain the setuation tu those of us hew came knockin'. Ah'd luv teh hear abaout it insuide." He led the dog over to Sal' and said, "Buian, this i' Sal'. She's also new te the neighburhud."
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Re: Pet Friendly-Richardson Valley

Post by Laxan »

Sal' saw O'Connor lead Brian towards her. "Hello." She beamed a smile at him. "Me and my bro moved in two weeks ago." Sal' nodded to herself. "Ever since I moved here I've been O'Connor's... em.." She wasn't very good with words and didn't know how to put it.
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Re: Pet Friendly-Richardson Valley

Post by Jimmy Jazz »

Sekhmet looked around at the fox "yeah, wh-... oh its you" she said the smile fading a bit. "you're the cat that lost her collar in the river, right?" Octavian asked. Sekhmet nodded "So who are you?" Sekhmet asked trying to redirect the conversation away from her. Octavian looked at the dog "yeah, I haven't seen you around before." he said.

(OOC: 'nother crap post. took so long due to confusion)

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Re: Pet Friendly-Richardson Valley

Post by ArgentFlame »

Cier entered the park, and headed towards the raft, passing by Alex and Pepper before coming to the place, where Felix and Magnus already were. He walked up to them. "Hello there."
Del zoomed down the sidewalk and around a corner, coming in to view of a trio of pets standing in front of a house. She recognized O'Connor, but the other two were unfamiliar to her. She drove her vehicle over the grass of the yard and came to a halt near the group. She stood up and waved. "Hey, O'Connor!" She called, smiling.
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Re: Pet Friendly-Richardson Valley

Post by D-Singer »

Jimmy Jazz wrote: Sekhmet looked around at the fox "yeah, wh-... oh its you" she said the smile fading a bit. "you're the cat that lost her collar in the river, right?" Octavian asked. Sekhmet nodded "So who are you?" Sekhmet asked trying to redirect the conversation away from her. Octavian looked at the dog "yeah, I haven't seen you around before." he said.
“Hmm?” Blood wordlessly walked in a circle around Sekhmet, looking her over carefully. It took him a minute, but he recognized her from the two weeks earlier. She was the cat who hopped that fence after those insane AC officers darted him not too far from The Wall. {PER-6 + INT-7} The coydog wiped off his smirk and his expression became slightly more serious. “...Well, you might not remember, but I do. I was that first dog AC tried to dart a few weeks back. Name’s Blood, I've been gone since then, but I’m back now.” He locked eyes with Sekhmet. “I remember seeing you scale over a fence into someone’s yard after they took a shot at me. I take it they never caught you.” Blood folded his arms, slightly tilting his head to one side. In the distance, he could see a small gathering of pets near the edge of the river, but kept his attention on the two in front of him.
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Re: Pet Friendly-Richardson Valley

Post by Djinn »

When Mai picked up the rubber ball to gag him with he actually opened his mouth in protest, so when she shoved it in it went right down his throat. Grabbing his neck and gagging loudly he begins to try to cough it up. Stumbling about and hacking and coughing, he finally hits himself in the gut so he can spit it out on the floor. Falling down to the floor panting, Dylan walks in about that time.
Dylan wrote:I don't think I want to know how you get into this kind of stuff...how?
Wheezing, his voice a little raspy he laughs a little and manages to say "What, you've never heard that pitch black cats are bad luck? Apparently all of mine goes to myself."
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Re: Pet Friendly-Richardson Valley

Post by Alex »

Pepper wrote:I'm really glad we moved here.
Yeah, Richardson Valley is really nice. I like the place, it changed my life.
The two cats finally arrived at Balbaroy's house. It was 9:50. They were a bit early, but better early than late. Alright.... now we just wait for her. - said Alex, while inspecting the house, wondering about the dog's absence. Perhaps they moved away? Not that it worried him, he was just curious.

Mai looked at Djinn, startled and confused. Did she do something bad? She just tried to help. So why was the cat saying it's bad luck? Nothing made sense to her here.
I... I'm sorry.... Here, I'll just pull them out.
Mai knelt down, and put a hand on Djinn's shoulder, not knowing that she just pushed a couple of thorns deeper inside.
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Re: Pet Friendly-Richardson Valley

Post by Djinn »

This time Djinn just gritted his teeth and bared it. It wasn't any worse than having them still in so he should tough it up. After Mai had pulled out the last one he turned around, sweating a little. "Well thank you for your help. I appreciate it."
Djinn: S-5 P-7 E-6 C-5 I-7 A-10 L-2
Glory: S-4 P-6 E-7 C-5 I-5 A-6 L-5
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