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Re: Are You A Furry?

Posted: Thu May 09, 2013 1:01 pm
by TarkaTarquol
Duster wrote:
Sleet wrote:To be fair, FA has a lot of creepy artwork on the main page even if the filter is on. I can see why it would turn people off. Not like it justifies being a jerk.

The furry fandom has one of the most vocal anti-fandoms, sadly. Sometimes people are just jerks.
I have to agree with Sleet on this one. A lot of things needs to change if FA is going to be something more than it currently is.
Don't get me wrong though, several fantastic artists and writers have accounts on FA, which is one of the main reasons I visit the site.
I would think that every image hosting site would have its share of creepy artwork. Even on DA I see creepy stuff. I just pay it no mind, disable searching for that stuff, and go on my merry way enjoying the good artwork and such... but I guess I'm not taking into account the fact that not everyone is as passive as I am.
Silly Zealot wrote: [...]I know this is an extreme case, but it is reflected to some measure with most people, who, as I have previously stated, are not accustomed to such high levels of surrealism, since they only see animals at face value and never wonder about things like “What would it be like if there existed animal-like people?”
Also, another important factoid, and probably the most important one at that, on why the furry fandom has acquired such an ill reputation, is all the indecent media portrayed by it, as well as the insistence from the press to cover this darker side of the fandom. Some of the most trauma-inducing stuff I’ve seen stems from the furry fandom, but I digress.
With no disrespect intended, TarkaTarquol, I must say that I am, sincerely, a bit preoccupied for you for not taking into account such factors when it came to ask why so many people dislike the fandom. Remember: Anthropomorphic animal characters are completely fictional and therefore, most humans, who are more of the “bound to Earth” mentality, are not used to see them, especially outside children books and such.
I suppose you have a good point here... but it's not like the entire source of indecency is furry. Everything has its darker side. But with the surrealism and the inability of the general populace to accept that... I mean, not accepting it is fine, but why outright attack it?
...That's just the world, isn't it? If there's something out there, someone hates it. There doesn't have to be a good reason - some will hate just to hate. This short-sightedness just makes me lose a bit of faith in this world, but it can't be helped. Just try and stick with those who share similar mindsets and bypass everyone else. ^^;
Argent wrote:I'd personally refer people to Deviant Art, y'know.
That only works if they have a DA to begin with.

Re: Are You A Furry?

Posted: Thu May 09, 2013 1:16 pm
by Argent
TarkaTarquol wrote:
Argent wrote:I'd personally refer people to Deviant Art, y'know.
That only works if they have a DA to begin with.
I mean, if you want to show someone what the community is like, show them stuff on DA rather than FA, because FA.

Re: Are You A Furry?

Posted: Thu May 09, 2013 4:00 pm
by TinFoilHats
Sleet wrote:To be fair, FA has a lot of creepy artwork on the main page even if the filter is on. I can see why it would turn people off. Not like it justifies being a jerk.

The furry fandom has one of the most vocal anti-fandoms, sadly. Sometimes people are just jerks.
I agree. I see trolls and other such jerks who bash the fandom harshly and say childish and hugely unnecessary things like "oh, it's a furry. LETS BURN IT AT THE STAKE!!!!!!!" or "All furries are pervs and I don't need no evidence to support my claim 'cause I'm superior!! TROLOLOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" are, basically, 9-12 year old's in adult bodies who, most likely, are probably trying to compensate for something(and that second quote is pretty much based on what someone on Youtube said about furries)....
...Sorry, I just think trolls are very annoying
Dang, I ranted. Imma disgrace :cry:

Re: Are You A Furry?

Posted: Thu May 09, 2013 7:28 pm
by Silly Zealot
I actually forgot to mention something:
TarkaTarquol wrote: At this point, the mods were warning the guy of the line he was about to cross, but he kept his condescending attitude and remarks, even saying that the fact that I was furry was pure comedy. He was then timed out.
I know that it is the moderators are meant to keep the peace and amiability within a conversation, but, still, that is so low! See? This is why face to face conversations are FAR superior to chatting. You need either a police or authority badge, good biceps, a group of people backing you, or a convination of any of the three to put a live action rabble rouser on time out.
TinFoilHats wrote:I see trolls and other such jerks who bash the fandom harshly and say childish and hugely unnecessary things like "oh, it's a furry. LETS BURN IT AT THE STAKE!!!!!!!"
Dang, I ranted. Imma disgrace.
Those ain't trolls, that's my split personality!
And this is the thread were you rant about furry stuff, so you are no more a disgrace for ranting here than for whatever else you are a disgrace for. XP

Re: Are You A Furry?

Posted: Fri May 10, 2013 5:20 am
by hyperfox
I totally agree with Silly. Couldn't be put better.

Re: Are You A Furry?

Posted: Fri May 10, 2013 2:23 pm
by Silly Zealot
TarkaTarquol wrote: This short-sightedness just makes me lose a bit of faith in this world, but it can't be helped. Just try and stick with those who share similar mindsets and bypass everyone else. ^^;
I've come to learn first hand that the more you isolate yourself from other points of view and only stick with those who are like-minded to you, you end up becoming a die hard chauvinist, thinking your ideology is the best without questioning it, and your self-criticism greatly diminishes.
And, believe me, furries are not a group you want to isolate yourself with. For all it's good things, some furries are hardly decent. You should see some of Mr. Griffin's commissions.
hyperfox wrote:I totally agree with Silly. Couldn't be put better.
You are wise to agree with me but, in what, exactly?

Re: Are You A Furry?

Posted: Fri May 10, 2013 9:38 pm
by JeffCvt
Silly Zealot wrote:some furries are hardly decent.
While there are those members of the furry fandom who aren't considered to be "decent," that is true with every fandom. Just look at the Brony fandom.

I will freely admit I don't call myself furry, but it has nothing to do with the negative view of the fandom. I will freely admit that I am a Brony, and I will admit that to anyone despite their preconceived notions about the fandom.

However, it's at this point that I ask the conversation be turned in another direction. This thread was made for the purpose of telling people if you're a furry or not, and for discussing the fandom in general, but we don't want this to turn into a discussion about things best left not discussed on this forum. It would be a shame if this topic had to be locked considering that most of the people on this forum are indeed furry.

Re: Are You A Furry?

Posted: Fri May 10, 2013 10:09 pm
by Silly Zealot
JeffCvt wrote:I will freely admit that I am a Brony, and I will admit that to anyone despite their preconceived notions about the fandom.

However, it's at this point that I ask the conversation be turned in another direction. This thread was made for the purpose of telling people if you're a furry or not, and for discussing the fandom in general, but we don't want this to turn into a discussion about things best left not discussed on this forum. It would be a shame if this topic had to be locked considering that most of the people on this forum are indeed furry.
Awww, cartoony humanoid animals may not be too far behind, but I still think that my little pony is like Barbie re-enacted by equines.

But, fiiine, I'll change the way this conversation is going.
So, what got you hooked into animal people? As I previously said, I think I blame Disney. Especially that Robin Hood movie, which, by the way, was the first time I ever saw or heard about any version of that character.

Re: Are You A Furry?

Posted: Fri May 10, 2013 11:10 pm
by GameCobra
Sailor Moon.

Not joking. Luna and Artemis when i saw them? I was like "talking real-life cats. Why has noone ever done that?"

Then the Lion King came shortly after that. =P

I never really liked Sailor Moon, but I wanted to see if there was a off-chance they would go into the details of talking cats. Apparantly, it was just the magic of the moon kingdom that made the cats talk like that. *shrug* I was hoping something more scientific, but oh well.

I think my moment of skyrocketing into deep, cute animal territory came when Digimon and Pokemon were introduced. Pokemon made me realize I loved Pikachu-like cute animals and Charmander was cool, but Digimon was worse with the likes of Veemon, Gatomon, Guilmon and even Renamon.

I never heard of terms like furry until i started hanging out on the internet. I don't really generally fit the trope of a furry in my opinion the more i think a bout it, but if i like cute animals, that sort of makes me think i'm something of a furry since 90% of the cute animals I like are either cats, have fur or Pokemon/Digimon.

Re: Are You A Furry?

Posted: Fri May 10, 2013 11:57 pm
by Sleet
Sonic the Hedgehog. Disney. Pokémon. Star Fox. It was a concerted effort.

Re: Are You A Furry?

Posted: Sat May 11, 2013 1:09 am
by hyperfox
what I was agreeing with, Silly, was what you said about moderators and other facts you were putting on the ideology of the furry fandom.

A lot has changed in it and I was once a Moderator for a site, it no longer exists, but to the problems or issues being done now from others, or trolls some call them, has gotten more active and different. I stopped being a mod when this "furry war" thing started. it only caused more problems and trying to tell people the most logical thing to do and pretty much being ignored, I just left and not long after the site was shut down. It was called mystic fox, a fan site for Tails from Sonic the Hedgehog.

Re: Are You A Furry?

Posted: Sat May 11, 2013 6:52 pm
by Cashuea
I been a furry since i was little really; cannot remember exactly when i discovered i was one, but when i did i just identified with it. I do not tell others about it though in the real world unless i know they too are furry. As far as the fandom goes, most other furs i meet were nice people, i only had to deal with a few bad ones. I guess that is true anywhere you go though!

Re: Are You A Furry?

Posted: Thu May 16, 2013 1:51 pm
by lasthunter
how true....

Re: Are You A Furry?

Posted: Mon May 20, 2013 6:59 am
by Nyaliva
I enjoyed Pokemon, Digimon, Disney movies etc. when I was a kid, but there was a huge gap when talking animals didn't specifically appeal to me. Then I saw a few furry things that I thought looked really cool but I didn't consider myself furry. Then I started searching out anthro stuff because I really liked the art style (the usual stereotypes lingered in the back of my mind so I refused to accept that I was a furry), and then I came here, realised most of the fandom was actually super duper awesome and now officially identify as furry. But yeah, no-one really knows and it's not as big a thing for me as many others so I don't call myself "furry" unless I'm within the fandom itself.

Also, as I grew up I liked dogs more and more, eventually going from wondering if the "man's best friend" thing was really all that true to loving them a big huggy bunch and d'awww-ing whenever I see them around. :3

Re: Are You A Furry?

Posted: Mon May 20, 2013 6:51 pm
by Silly Zealot
hyperfox wrote:A lot has changed in it and I was once a Moderator for a site, it no longer exists, but to the problems or issues being done now from others, or trolls some call them, has gotten more active and different. I stopped being a mod when this "furry war" thing started. it only caused more problems and trying to tell people the most logical thing to do and pretty much being ignored, I just left and not long after the site was shut down. It was called mystic fox, a fan site for Tails from Sonic the Hedgehog.
Yes, I can imagine how that transpired:
-Guy #1: I'm telling you, Tails' first tail is far superior than his third tail.
-Guy #2: Nuh-uh! Tails' third tail rules!
-Guy #1: Do not!
-Guy #2: Do too!
-Guy #1: Do not!
-Guy #2: Do too!
-Guy #1: Do not to infinity and beyond!
-Guy #2: Oh, yeah?! Well.... Tails' first tail smells! And it smells BAD!
-Guy #1: D:
-Guy #2: .....
-Guy #1: ..... :(
-Guy #2: ..... Guy #1? You okay?
-Guy #1: ...No..
-Guy #2: Too far?
-Guy #1: Too far. :cry:
-Guy #2: What are we doing? Why do we hurt each other so?
-Guy #1: I don't know, I think this forum encourages showing the worst part of our beings.
-Guy #2: You speak the truth! Let us leave the internet forever and become useful and inteligent individuals that put their efforts on making lasting contributions to society and the world as a whole.
-Guy #1: Agreed! Let us amend for our crude behavior and aim to become the better people we are meant to be!
-Guy #3: Sure, I'm in!
-Guy #4: So am I!
-Girl #1: Me too!
-Guy #5: I agree!
-Girl #2: We should do it!
-Guy #6: True dat, yo!

And so, the forum members, as one, left the forums in order to work together for a better tomorrow, eventually becoming stalwarts and paragons of justice, virtue, moral, wisdom, altruism, and stand-up comedy. Weeks later, the forum was closed due to inactivity.
There is a moral to be learned here, and it is that all of Tails' tails smell nice! ;)

Re: Are You A Furry?

Posted: Mon May 20, 2013 8:10 pm
by RandomGeekNamedBrent
and in all that argument, no one remembered that Tails only has two tails. Some fan site :3

Re: Are You A Furry?

Posted: Mon May 20, 2013 9:02 pm
by Silly Zealot
RandomGeekNamedBrent wrote:and in all that argument, no one remembered that Tails only has two tails. Some fan site :3
He grows and loses them, depending on his mood.

Re: Are You A Furry?

Posted: Thu May 23, 2013 11:53 pm
by hyperfox
haha ya I agree with the last two messages. it developed alright and a few people from that site are personal friends now and are going for their law degrees and one is going to become a doctor. What a coincidence! lol XD

And yes, I personally just like tails because he was a kind character that was creative in his own way. Just a simple fan. ^^ but he is wicked awesome though. as for his tails, I never knew that...huh... I learned something today. ^_^

Re: Are You A Furry?

Posted: Fri May 24, 2013 5:10 am
by Tatsuo
Nyaliva wrote:I enjoyed Pokemon, Digimon, Disney movies etc. when I was a kid, but there was a huge gap when talking animals didn't specifically appeal to me. Then I saw a few furry things that I thought looked really cool but I didn't consider myself furry. Then I started searching out anthro stuff because I really liked the art style (the usual stereotypes lingered in the back of my mind so I refused to accept that I was a furry), and then I came here, realised most of the fandom was actually super duper awesome and now officially identify as furry. But yeah, no-one really knows and it's not as big a thing for me as many others so I don't call myself "furry" unless I'm within the fandom itself.

:shock: Wow.....that pretty much sums it up for me. I still don't know if I consider myself a furry. Even sounds weird to type and say that I may be one. Still trying to figure it out. How I began my journey to finding my furriness side was searching youtube for techno. I found a mix with a dog/fox for the screen shot. Thought it looked so cool I even went out and bought a green shirt to match what he was wearing.

Re: Are You A Furry?

Posted: Sat May 25, 2013 8:36 am
by Nyaliva
Ha! Yeah I guess a few people would experience the fandom similarly. I still call myself an "anthro enthusiast" more often than furry so don't feel like you don't have a choice. As long as you know what the fandom is really like, no-one can begrudge you whatever you decide. :)

Also yeah, I've found a few songs on youtube that have anthro pics attached even though I wasn't even looking for anthro stuff. If the art's good, it's a pretty neat surprise.

Re: Are You A Furry?

Posted: Mon May 27, 2013 5:27 pm
by Silly Zealot
Tatsuo wrote: I found a mix with a dog/fox for the screen shot. Thought it looked so cool I even went out and bought a green shirt to match what he was wearing.
You bought the shirt because of the animal in the video? I consider myself to be a "reluctant furry", and yet that was more furry than pretty much anything I've ever done!

When it comes to music, however, I'd rather listen to original furry-related soundtrack, like I'm a kangaroo, by Kurrel the Raven!
Disclaimer: Be careful while browsing through the songs in that page, some are extremelly ugly, Especially "I'm not like that (in real life)" and "The commission" (And I guess the lead song, which is named, with the utmost originality, "The furry song", might be PG-13, since some verses alude jokingly to "the dark side of the fur")!
I think the rest of the songs are okay, though.

Re: Are You A Furry?

Posted: Tue May 28, 2013 2:57 am
by Tatsuo
Silly Zealot wrote: You bought the shirt because of the animal in the video? I consider myself to be a "reluctant furry", and yet that was more furry than pretty much anything I've ever done!

Lol it was just a green shirt. Since we're still talking about it:
That's pretty much where I starting with my journey to here. You know what, F it, I am furry. =D

Re: Are You A Furry?

Posted: Tue May 28, 2013 9:45 am
by Nyaliva
Yay! Welcome to the party! :D

Also, you have now taken the exact same path as me from start to finish, and almost exactly 11 months after me too:
Nyaliva wrote:I completely agree with GameCobra, but you know what? Screw it, on this forum I'm considering myself a furry!
I don't know what that means if anything but I think it's worth a chuckle. :P

Also, that techno song was pretty cool and the art was pretty good. The shirt does look good with the black jacket; did you get or have a jacket as well?

Re: Are You A Furry?

Posted: Tue May 28, 2013 10:55 am
by Sleet
I don't really understand the concept of "furry music," to be honest.

Re: Are You A Furry?

Posted: Tue May 28, 2013 11:23 am
by Silly Zealot
Sleet wrote:I don't really understand the concept of "furry music," to be honest.
You must explain this statement and opinion to us at once! The Termite King demands it!

Re: Are You A Furry?

Posted: Tue May 28, 2013 1:08 pm
by TinFoilHats
Oh crap, he worries me. Rick worries me BAD I just don't want Rick to go down this road. I mean, I look up to this guy 'cause he's one of the only anthro artists that I trust not to make this kind of stuff. If he does go through with this, then I'd be dealt a severe blow and I'd be saddened to take him off my dA watch. :cry:

Re: Are You A Furry?

Posted: Tue May 28, 2013 1:19 pm
by Argent
Oh come on, the example he posted is hilarious. Though he needs practice drawing band-aids.

Re: Are You A Furry?

Posted: Tue May 28, 2013 1:23 pm
by Kyuunado
I find your lack of faith in Rick disturbing. I am sure he won't do anything to ruin his artwork and/or reputation.
Also, define "furry" as I am not quite up to date with modern jargon. Though I do enjoy the notion of being a Kitsune.

Re: Are You A Furry?

Posted: Tue May 28, 2013 2:09 pm
by RandomGeekNamedBrent
TinFoilHats wrote:Oh crap, he worries me. Rick worries me BAD I just don't want Rick to go down this road. I mean, I look up to this guy 'cause he's one of the only anthro artists that I trust not to make this kind of stuff. If he does go through with this, then I'd be dealt a severe blow and I'd be saddened to take him off my dA watch. :cry:
you know who else did clean nudity in their work?
Leonardo Davinci (and a lot of other famous artists)

do you look down on them for it? Or do you accept that their nudes are done only in the interest of art?

Re: Are You A Furry?

Posted: Tue May 28, 2013 3:12 pm
by Dissension
Don't worry, it would all be clean, still, and no more suggestive than Rick's current drawings. (This is an OK topic, but please don't veer into restricted areas.)
Kyuubi Kitsune wrote:Also, define "furry" as I am not quite up to date with modern jargon. Though I do enjoy the notion of being a Kitsune.
I am part of an ancient and powerful secret order and have access to a vast storehouse of human knowledge. Look carefully, for I shall show you only once.

For our purposes, a "furry" or "fur" is an individual whose enjoyment of media involving anthropomorphized animals is largely due to the presence of said creatures, rather than the intrinsic value of the artwork.

Re: Are You A Furry?

Posted: Tue May 28, 2013 4:15 pm
by TinFoilHats
But it's just that I look up to Rick both artistically and in storywriting, and to see him make this announcement hits me hard.
Kyuubi Kitsune wrote:I find your lack of faith in Rick disturbing. I am sure he won't do anything to ruin his artwork and/or reputation.
Are you hearing yourself speak, man?! He's being serious ... -374443256. I mean, it does say that he'll only do it when it's really necessary(as in rarely), and at least that's a little comforting, but if you consider the grander scope of furry art on the internet, not everyones going to look at his art the way he originally intended; I don't want people looking at Housepets! thinking "Yay, clean stuff" and go to his art accounts, have their minds severely turned to pudding, post "Don't read Housepets! because it was created by a pervert!!!" on some site, and potentially hurt Rick's reputation. And theres the matter of Rick being Christian(I'm just gonna stop right there so I don't get the ban hammer).

Re: Are You A Furry?

Posted: Tue May 28, 2013 4:19 pm
by rickgriffin
TinFoilHats wrote:But it's just that I look up to Rick both artistically and in storywriting, and to see him make this announcement hits me hard.
Kyuubi Kitsune wrote:I find your lack of faith in Rick disturbing. I am sure he won't do anything to ruin his artwork and/or reputation.
Are you hearing yourself speak, man?! He's being serious ... -374443256. I mean, it does say that he'll only do it when it's really necessary(as in rarely), and at least that's a little comforting, but if you consider the grander scope of furry art on the internet, not everyones going to look at his art the way he originally intended; I don't want people looking at Housepets! thinking "Yay, clean stuff" and go to his art accounts, have their minds severely turned to pudding, and have them post up someplace: "don't read Housepets! because it was created by a pervert!!!". And theres the matter of Rick being Christian(I'm just gonna stop right there so I don't get the ban hammer).
Well I apologize, but at minimum in my writing I have always planned on venturing out into more adult areas. I still haven't really had any intention of venturing into softcore, though, even if some people think my other work has a million elements of it already. I'd rather be honest about it instead of leading people to believe I'm tricking them into thinking I'm some kind of art saint, and then post something pinuppy and have everyone assume I must be more of a deviant than other people not touted as "clean".

Again, I don't want to nor am I planning on going out of my way simply to be "dirty". It's just in some cases it feels like an arbitrary restriction on my art as a whole.

Re: Are You A Furry?

Posted: Tue May 28, 2013 4:27 pm
by RandomGeekNamedBrent
TinFoilHats wrote:And theres the matter of Rick being Christian
Adam is naked on the roof of the Sistine Chapel and Michaelangelo's David is also nude. this statement has no bearing on the conversation.

As long as he keeps it tasteful and only when he feels it necessary, it shouldn't effect anyone's view on him. and I wouldn't want to deal with people who automatically discount good art because they equate nudity with perversion.

Re: Are You A Furry?

Posted: Tue May 28, 2013 5:05 pm
by GameCobra
rickgriffin wrote: Well I apologize, but at minimum in my writing I have always planned on venturing out into more adult areas. I still haven't really had any intention of venturing into softcore, though, even if some people think my other work has a million elements of it already. I'd rather be honest about it instead of leading people to believe I'm tricking them into thinking I'm some kind of art saint, and then post something pinuppy and have everyone assume I must be more of a deviant than other people not touted as "clean".

Again, I don't want to nor am I planning on going out of my way simply to be "dirty". It's just in some cases it feels like an arbitrary restriction on my art as a whole.
People get into more adult areas all the time from what i've seen. We had these done very subtle when growing up and never even realized it. When people are serious about art they have to know what they are getting themselves into and remember that everything they do is for art in the same sense as science. The problem with art, though, is all in the eye of the beholder. To me, it's always been "you are what you draw", and drawing characters with more details as you described in the link are to me something most artists understands... it's just the depiction that's going to hurt you in my opinion. Deviantart is fine since I come to accept it as a sight for all sort of art, good or bad, but anywhere else off the site is a different story.

The way i see it, I would suggest making sure you keep the art on Deviantart or Furaffinity and make sure the image of professional art is kept there. If people started seeing this off the site, they might get the wrong impression.

Re: Are You A Furry?

Posted: Tue May 28, 2013 6:32 pm
by TinFoilHats
rickgriffin wrote:Well I apologize, but at minimum in my writing I have always planned on venturing out into more adult areas. I still haven't really had any intention of venturing into softcore, though, even if some people think my other work has a million elements of it already. I'd rather be honest about it instead of leading people to believe I'm tricking them into thinking I'm some kind of art saint, and then post something pinuppy and have everyone assume I must be more of a deviant than other people not touted as "clean".

Again, I don't want to nor am I planning on going out of my way simply to be "dirty". It's just in some cases it feels like an arbitrary restriction on my art as a whole.
*sigh* I know:(. It's ultimately your decision on what you want and I should suck it up and live with it, but be lucky that you can draw beautiful artwork and write awesome stories like Housepets. I'd give anything to have your gifts and your announcement has affected me more than you realize(I wasn't angry. Just saddened and concerned.). So after what I said, I guess your not too thrilled with me, huh?

(EDIT: *sigh* Right now, I honestly feel like I'm being judged for being concerned about this)

Re: Are You A Furry?

Posted: Tue May 28, 2013 8:15 pm
by rickgriffin
TinFoilHats wrote: *sigh* I know:(. It's ultimately your decision on what you want and I should suck it up and live with it, but be lucky that you can draw beautiful artwork and write awesome stories like Housepets. I'd give anything to have your gifts and your announcement has affected me more than you realize(I wasn't angry. Just saddened and concerned.). So after what I said, I guess your not too thrilled with me, huh?

(EDIT: *sigh* Right now, I honestly feel like I'm being judged for being concerned about this)
I don't hate you. Despite what it might seem like I value the opinions of other people deeply, especially the opinions of people who have a reason for them.

Re: Are You A Furry?

Posted: Tue May 28, 2013 9:00 pm
by tychoaussie
You aren't the only one who is concerned, tinfoil. I just thought you should know your thoughts mirror mine on this matter.

Re: Are You A Furry?

Posted: Tue May 28, 2013 9:18 pm
by Silly Zealot
I don't want to start any irated conversation here, but I wished to provide my opinion on the subjects at hand:
Kyuubi Kitsune wrote:I find your lack of faith in Rick disturbing. I am sure he won't do anything to ruin his artwork and/or reputation.
Also, define "furry" as I am not quite up to date with modern jargon. Though I do enjoy the notion of being a Kitsune.
This should answer your question, Mister Kitsune:
Silly Zealot wrote:The first things I heard about furries were about them being wierd, varying from childish to really, really bad in the head. Thus, I kept repeating myself "I'm not a furry! I'm not a furry!" until one day I ask on a chat "What's a furry, anyway? Someone who is fan of animals, or who wants to become an animal?" A guy then answered something along the lines of "Furries are fans of animals with human features and/or characteristics."
I then realized I was a furry and THIS was my mental reaction:
So yeah, I am a real fan of humanoid animals, so I guess that makes me a furry.
"Come, come, swift sword, and deliver me, that I may find the Lord again."
RandomGeekNamedBrent wrote:You know who else did clean nudity in their work?
Leonardo Davinci (and a lot of other famous artists)
Yes, it's true. He painted HUMAN nudes!!!!
Well, he did also paint a few nude animals, but animals don't wear clothes anyway. He definitely never drew naked "beastmen."

But, yes, Rick has been making non-PG nudes, although not nearly as bad as others, since before Housepets!
I think the worst case I've seen was a commission that involved a human-sized, fully dressed she-mouse with a mouse trap stuck on her left hand's fingers.

Re: Are You A Furry?

Posted: Tue May 28, 2013 9:28 pm
by rickgriffin
What, you mean this one?

Re: Are You A Furry?

Posted: Tue May 28, 2013 9:37 pm
by Silly Zealot
I think so, yup.