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Re: Housepets: Projectiles of Protection (PG-13)

Posted: Wed Oct 20, 2010 7:01 pm
by lightwolf21
Private Elliot wrote:To people that care, I'm getting a tablet Thursday at the earliest.
And no this post wasn't just to bump this thread.
Thanks for the thread bump, Elliot. :mrgreen: Hope you get a lot of use out of your new tablet. w00t, new page first!

Re: Housepets: Projectiles of Protection (PG-13)

Posted: Wed Oct 20, 2010 7:05 pm
by Private Elliot
lightwolf21 wrote:
Private Elliot wrote:To people that care, I'm getting a tablet Thursday at the earliest.
And no this post wasn't just to bump this thread.
Thanks for the thread bump, Elliot. :mrgreen: Hope you get a lot of use out of your new tablet. w00t, new page first!


Oh no, I see a fence...
*runs off*

Re: Housepets: Projectiles of Protection (PG-13)

Posted: Wed Oct 20, 2010 8:58 pm
by Blue Braixen
Private Elliot wrote:
lightwolf21 wrote:
Private Elliot wrote:To people that care, I'm getting a tablet Thursday at the earliest.
And no this post wasn't just to bump this thread.
Thanks for the thread bump, Elliot. :mrgreen: Hope you get a lot of use out of your new tablet. w00t, new page first!


Oh no, I see a fence...
*runs off*
Light, may I do the honors? :twisted:
In all seriousness, I hope you have fun with your new tablet.

Re: Housepets: Projectiles of Protection (PG-13)

Posted: Tue Oct 26, 2010 11:39 pm
by lightwolf21
Chapter 6

Martin spoke with Keith and Light for several minutes after that, regarding Babylon Gardens and a very brief background on its origins. After a while, Martin noticed the time. It was getting to be late, and he still had much to do to get ready for the vacation. “I am sorry, but that’s all the time we have for today...” Martin said. “As you know, I’m going on vacation with the lovely Sandwich household to their relative’s farm in the country and I have yet to finish packing.” He gestured for Martin and Light to follow him as he got up from the table and opened the door. As Keith and Light left the room with Martin, he presented the keys of the shelter to Keith. “I trust you can keep the shelter in one piece until I return?”

“Are you sure you want to give me the keys to the shelter? I’m not quite ready to start…maybe a couple days from now but…” Keith started to say.

Martin smiled. “I’m going on vacation, remember…take this time to get used to the neighborhood and shelter…I expect you to be able to find everything quickly by the time I return.”

Keith saluted. “Yes sir.” He replied, while Light stood at attention. Keith quickly relaxed after the salute. He’d just thought of something. “Oh, um…is there any chance I can stay at the shelter until my house is processed for ownership? A couch would be fine.” He rubbed the back of his head. “I don’t want to waste any time in getting to know the neighborhood…or the shelter…and the drive is a bit much.”

Martin thought about it for a brief moment. “I don’t see why not…as long as nothing happens to it while I’m gone.” Keith smiled, thank you “Si-…um Mr. Martin.” Keith felt it was a reasonable compromise, showing some friendliness while still giving his new boss some form of subservience. “He was sure Martin was going to have a good time on his vacation, from what he told him about the Sandwiches. Light thought the name was a bit odd, but didn’t say anything.

They walked down the hallway, Light heard King mumbling something about him from another room…but he felt he’d caused enough trouble that day…just once he wished for moving to a neighborhood without giving a bad first impression…since there were already wolves here, maybe I have a chance. Keith received an employee’s pass from the front counter. After he’d gotten it activated, the group waved goodbye to Miss Sunman, got in the car and left through the gate they’d entered through. After dropping Martin off at his house, Keith and Light waved goodbye and left for their apartment.

The ride home was uneventful, if you can call a wolf that doesn’t say much suddenly finding all kinds of things to talk about, uneventful. “…and did you see the size of that yard!?” Light said, excitedly. His tail was wagging 50 times a second.
“I think this will be a good change of pace for us.” Keith responded. “Seems much safer than what we usually do, right?”

Light looked at Keith with a skeptical look. “Alright…you are you and what have you done with Keith?”

Keith laughed. “Surprising, huh? You think I’ll get bored there, don’t you?”

Light leaned to the side against the window; he was staring out the windshield in front of them. He sat there a moment, his tail still wagging. As the cars on the opposite side of the road passed, their headlights caught Light’s eyes; each one causing them to glow eerily, for a brief second. “We won’t regret it.” Light said, breaking the silence. Soon, he was fast asleep.


Keith arrived at their apartment, just in time for dinner. But, tonight, they’d eat out to celebrate…the start of a new career, and a new life. Keith came to a careful stop in the parking lot, so as not to wake Light. He quietly got out of the vehicle and went to his apartment. He checked the lower hinge of the door. The pencil lead filling was still in place…unbroken. He unlocked the door and walked inside, quickly getting the supplies they’d need for staying a few nights at the shelter. He grabbed some instant noodles from the kitchen; on the off chance the cafeteria wasn’t ready to serve customers. He went into the bedroom and threw a few changes of clothing and a tactical vest in the duffel bag he’d placed on the bed. He got his toiletries, some spare ammunition, his 9-millimeter, and packed his Cheytac Intervention in its bag along with its accessories and attachments. He’d try to get some time in and check out the firing range, if Martin would allow him. He checked for his ghillie suit, before realizing he already had it in the trunk of his car. “Oh yeah, that’s right.” He said under his breath, remembering. He’d want to bring it to modify it accordingly, to fit into the area surrounding the shelter, in Babylon Gardens…just in case, he thought. He grabbed some of Light’s essentials including his laptop, and packed them into his bag as well.

Keith had carried everything back to the Honda Civic, and put the bags in the trunk, before getting back in and starting up the car. Light stirred in his sleep on hearing the starter switch followed by the engine. He slowly opened his eyes, and realized they’d stopped. “Are we home?” he asked.

“What are you talking about, Light?” Keith asked, looking over his shoulder and backing out of the parking space. “We don’t live here anymore. Remember?” He said with a smile on his face. He briefly looked at Light, before putting the car in drive and pulling out of the parking lot.


Light started wagging his tail again, his stomach growled from hunger. Keith stifled a laugh…he was just realizing they hadn’t eaten since breakfast and they were both hungry. After several minutes of driving, he pulled off the highway and pulled up to the drive thru of Light’s favorite fast-food place. McCleod’s. It was a family-owned hole-in-the-wall place that served nutritious meals for humans and canine pets, and Light couldn’t get enough of them. After Keith had ordered, he pulled up to the window…the sight of the wolf in the car gave the window operator a slight shock. She recovered quickly, though, and handed Keith the food after he’d paid for it. Keith thanked the person and as he was pulling away from the window, Light grabbed his sandwich wrap and took a big bite…he savored every moment of the smoked salmon and crisp green lettuce, an assortment of various complementary flavors…as he slowly satiated his hunger, bite after bite.

Keith was always amazed at watching a wolf, which would normally ‘wolf down’, pardon the pun, their kill after a hunt. Perhaps it was the years of living in human society that had given Light a refined sense of taste. Suddenly, Light scarfed down the remainder of his sandwich and let out a loud belch.

“’Scuse me.” Light said, not embarrassed in the least…

“Well, so much for that thought,” Keith said to himself, under his breath.

Keith pulled onto the freeway and started heading back towards Babylon Gardens. The sun was getting lower in the sky, and Keith was hoping to arrive at the shelter before it got dark. “Lucky Charm Grove…” he said to no-one in particular.

“Hmm?” Light asked groggily. He was almost falling asleep from the large meal he’d just consumed…the car ride wasn’t helping either. His eyes were slowly closing.

“It’s just an amazing concept, isn’t it, Light?”

The wolf nodded, his eyes were closed, and he was on the verge of sleep. As Keith was looking at Light, a jeep cut him off and raced down the highway. Keith had to swerve into the other lane to avoid hitting him, jostling the car…and Light out of his slumber. “What happened?!” Light asked, instantly awake.

“Some jerk in a tan colored jeep just cut me off…” Keith replied…a bit annoyed. “You’d think these people would learn how to drive by now…”

It took a little while for Light to recover from the adrenaline surge. He leaned back against the seat and sighed. He shut his eyes and tried to sleep, but he’d been jolted awake and was still a bit uneasy. He got out his smart phone and started typing using the touch screen keyboard…he was working on his writing. He enjoyed writing. It always helped him calm down when stressed, and he was hoping to get some of it published someday…whether or not he could get it published, he still enjoyed it.

After a while, Keith and Light arrived at Babylon Gardens. Keith carefully proceeded through the neighborhood towards the shelter. He didn’t want to hit anyone by accident. Keith pulled up to the gate and was greeted by security…the same man that was operating the gate, earlier that day. “Good evening,” Keith said, pulling out his employee ID. “Martin said I could stay at the shelter while he was on vacation.”

The man looked at the identification with his flashlight, and used the same flashlight to look at Keith’s face. Keith instinctively squinted from the sudden brightness. “Yeah, Martin said that was the case…” he replied, giving the ID back to Keith. He walked back to the security booth and opened the gate, allowing the Honda to proceed through.

Keith thanked the security guard and drove, following the signs, to the parking area. He pulled into a parking spot that said, “Reserved: Security” “Hey, that’s pretty cool...Our own parking spot.” Keith said, while getting out of the car.

“Huh?” Light responded, still typing on his Smartphone.

“C’mon, Light. I need your help carrying some stuff inside.”

Light sighed and saved his work before putting the phone away. He got out of the car and grabbed several of the bags Keith had in the trunk. He could hear several construction workers in the area. Most of the heavy construction seemed to have been completed, but they appeared to be working on installing utilities that evening. They must have been working night and day, to be staying on schedule, from what Martin had told them. He followed Keith to the entrance of the building labeled security.

Keith got out the keys Martin had given him earlier that day and opened the door. They walked inside and were stunned. The top of the line security monitors and computer systems. NASA would have been so lucky. Nearly every angle of the Lucky Charm Grove was covered by video cameras…a single security guard was in the room watching the monitors with a steaming mug of coffee in his hand. He looked over at Keith and Light as they entered. “Whoa! A wolf!?…that’s so cool!”

Keith walked over to the man; Light followed…a little more reluctant. Keith offered his hand to the man. “Hello. I’m Keith Greyfield, the unofficial new head of security.” Keith noticed the muscles of a martial artist as the man stood and grasped his hand. “Alan Scott.” He replied. “Excuse me, but…unofficial?” Keith rubbed the back of his head in embarrassment. “I didn’t have time to make it official before Martin had to leave for vacation…but I have an employee all-access pass and the keys. I’m basically staying here for a couple weeks…getting to know the neighborhood and shelter before it opens…when was it again?”

“Two weeks.” Alan, replied. “So…yeah, we got coffee on, over there.” He pointed to a kitchen area walled off from the Comm. Room they were standing in. “…if you want some?”

“No thanks, Alan.” Keith held up a hand in polite refusal. Light was standing behind Keith…afraid of making another bad impression. “So…this is my wolf, Light.”

“Oh, he’s a magnificent creature to be sure…” Alan replied.

Light came out from behind Keith. “Hello.” Light said, offering his paw. He’d try to take a different approach this time, and try to relax.

Alan took the paw and shook it…”Hi, Light.” He smiled.

Light smiled too, trying not to look threatening. Keith saved Light from the moment. “So, you’re the only one here watching the camera feeds? There seems to be a lot.”

“Well, it’s actually pretty easy. The camera system is set up on a motion detection setting…and mainly focuses the screens on the main monitor that aren’t in heavy traffic areas. It just takes one person to watch a larger area of potential danger, without much trouble. See…” He indicated a camera feed that just came on the screen showing a feral rabbit that was wandering too close to the electrified fence. It suddenly ran off as if startled by something. “We have a warning system that can scare ferals and warn them about the fence…some of them can’t read the signs…and we figure scaring ‘em a bit is better than them getting electrified.”

Keith nodded in agreement. Well, I think I’ll head over to the gym and take a shower before bed.” He said, yawning. It’s been a long day, and I have to get up early to check out the shooting range…care to join me?”

“I’m working until morning…but if I’m not too tired, I might come check it out. I haven’t actually had a chance to yet.”

“Great.” I’ll see if you can shoot. “You going to be okay here, Light?”

Light nodded. “Okay, I’ll be right back.” Keith carried his bathroom supplies down the hall of the security building. “They’re in the third door on the left.” Alan called out, before drinking more coffee and turning back to the monitors. He turned towards Light in his swivel chair. “There are some rooms down the hallway that have beds in them for us to use for sleep in case of extended work shifts.”

“Thanks,” Light said. He walked down the hallway and turned towards a room with a bed. He was tired from the busy day. He didn’t often meet so many new people and pets in such a short amount of time. He opened the door and turned on the light. It was a small room with a couple of bunk beds. From the size of it, it didn’t appear to be of much use, other than to sleep in. Light hopped onto the top bunk, landing on his back, with his paws behind his head. For a bunk bed this is pretty comfortable. he thought to himself, as he slowly drifted off to sleep.

Next chapter (7): ... 22#p125022

Re: Housepets: Projectiles of Protection (PG-13)

Posted: Tue Oct 26, 2010 11:45 pm
by Blue Braixen
Light's smarter than me, I need to start saving my work before I send it -_-'

Re: Housepets: Projectiles of Protection (PG-13)

Posted: Tue Oct 26, 2010 11:48 pm
by Private Elliot
Argh! Foiled by sleep again!

Good update again :)

Re: Housepets: Projectiles of Protection (PG-13)

Posted: Tue Oct 26, 2010 11:58 pm
by valerio
Another excellent update, Wolf!
Keep 'em coming! :D :D :D :D

Re: Housepets: Projectiles of Protection (PG-13)

Posted: Thu Oct 28, 2010 1:48 pm
by lightwolf21
Just a quick approx. 16 minute drawing I did of simplified cartoony style: I'm hoping to post more fan-fic this weekend, but I don't think I'll be able to make my goal of Friday...sorry :(

Re: Housepets: Projectiles of Protection (PG-13)

Posted: Sat Oct 30, 2010 4:12 am
by lightwolf21
Hoping to get some more Housepets! characters in these next couple of chapters. :D

Chapter 7

A loud *piff* sound came from the gun beside Light. He was watching downrange and saw the rising sun glinting off the bullet as it flew towards the practice target. 2 mils right, he called out to Keith for aim correction, just before the bullet struck the target. Keith looked at the tics on the crosshairs through His scope. 2.5 mils to the left…Oh, so close.
“Not bad, Light. Just a half a mil off, and before it hit the target, too.” Keith said, correcting his aim. “Sharp as ever.”

Light smiled. His smile quickly disappeared as his ears perked up. He heard an ATV in the distance…the same model as the one they’d taken to get here. “I hear an ATV…the same as that one,” he said to Keith as he indicated the ATV behind them.
“Must be Alan.” Keith replied, unmoving. He squeezed the trigger and let another round fly. This time he saw it strike the target, near its center. “Nice.” He said to himself.

Light wasn’t watching…he was just listening. He scanned the fenced off range, for anything suspicious. He had…a feeling they were being watched. His muscles tensed. His instincts were finely honed…almost, too much so. Most of the time he felt like this it turned out to be nothing…but it was moments like these that reminded him of his feral side. He took a deep breath…smelling everything within a mile radius…holding his breath, holding the energy of the surrounding forest. He slowly exhaled, releasing the tension. He opened his eyes to see Alan in the distance, approaching on one of the shelter’s ATVs.

Keith stood up and flagged him down.

The ATV came to a stop in front of the man and wolf and Alan got off of it. “Good morning,” he said to Keith and Light, as he was taking off his helmet. After placing it on the back of the ATV he brushed his hair back with his hand. He looked around him at the field and firing range. “Wow, this place is awesome!…the pictures don’t do it justice.”

“I know, right?” Keith said, in agreement.

Alan looked over at Keith’s rifle. “That’s a nice weapon. I think I’ve seen that before…it was in ‘Shooter,’ wasn’t it…?”

“Did you want to try it out?” Keith asked, casually.

“Yeah.” He replied, with a big smile.

Keith helped get him set up and showed him the proper sniper pose to fire from the ground using the rifle’s bipod. “Hey, Light?” he called out to the wolf.

Light was typing on his Smartphone. “Yeah?” He replied, not looking up from the small screen.

“Come spot, for Alan.”

“I’m busy...” Light replied.

Alan looked at Keith with surprise. “What?! You mean…Light is your spotter?!”

“Cool…huh?” Keith replied with a smug look on his face. He walked over to Light and swiped the device from him.

“Hey!” Light said, looking up at Keith. The man had a serious look on his face and his arm was outstretched and pointing towards the firing range.

“Okay, okay.” Light said, while he stood up and walked towards Alan, with his ears against his head.

Keith looked at an excerpt on the Smartphone’s screen.
’Spooooot! Watch out!’ Light cried out as he leapt in front of Spot (Superdog) and took a hit from an orphanite bullet (a bullet made out of orphanite, which is Spot (Superdog)’s weakness). Light, looked back at Spot (Superdog)…
Keith scratched his head…What is this…I don’t even…


Alan was able to hit the target fairly easily, with Light’s instructions. Keith was impressed as well. After Alan stood up, Keith patted him on the shoulder. “So Alan…I’m just going to cut to the chase. I’d like you to be on the security team. I could use someone familiar with the neighborhood...I’m sure Martin wouldn’t mind, seeing as how he’s already hired you.”

Alan smiled and his eyes were saying, Where do I sign up? “…Martin’s arranged for specialization training once I’ve gotten a group together…only problem is I don’t know very many people I can really trust.” Light took his phone back from Keith and walked back to where he was sitting before. “…anyway, I’m hoping you know a few people that might be interested?

“I may know a few...” Alan replied. “I’d be glad to join, and it doesn’t hurt that you have such an awesome firearm…man, using that thing was awesome. Well, I assume we’d start the training as soon as Martin’s back?”

“Well, once we have a team assembled…but Martin’s going to take a while to run background checks, before he signs them on… I get the feeling he’s some sort of control freak, but I mean that in the nicest way possible.” Keith didn’t want to say anything bad about his new boss…but he couldn’t find any other way to describe him…besides admirable.

“Well…” Alan paused, while yawning. “…you get used to it after a while. I’m beat…I’m going to return the ATV, then head home…”

“Okay,” Keith said, before turning his head to Light. “Light. Pack up the gear, please. We’re going to be visiting the neighbors.”

“Oh!” Alan exclaimed, before getting on the ATV. He turned to Keith, “Thanks again for letting me try out your rifle.” He turned his head towards Light. Light looked up from his phone screen. “Thanks, Light. You’re a great spotter!” Light blushed a bit. “Uh…thanks he replied.” His tail was wagging. He liked it when humans acknowledge him, he couldn’t explain why. Maybe it was just the way pets felt.


After packing up the gear and driving the ATV towards the shelter, Light was getting nervous. He knew many of the neighborhood pets had met wolves…oddly enough they were living right there alongside them. Maybe it wouldn’t be so bad to meet some animals, since he’d be living here. It wasn’t long before Light and Keith had arrived at the shelter and, after transferring vehicles, were driving past the homes of Babylon Gardens. Keith had said their first stop was that of the Arbelts. Light looked through the dossiers Martin had provided. Three pets…a dog, a cat, and a rabbit. Tiger, Marvin, and Zach. Owner: Jerry Arbelt. Light looked again at the photos of the pets and the names written under them. That’s strange, he thought. Someone mislabeled these. The car came to a stop in front of a house.

Light looked out the window and got out of the car. He heard a piano and keyboard from next door and remembered the information he read about two instrument playing cats. He assumed they’d be heading there next. He anxiously waited for Keith to ring the doorbell. A man answered the door…”Can I help you,” he asked Keith. The wolf threw him off-guard, but only for a second…a pet friendly place, indeed.

Keith extended a hand. “Hi, I’m Keith Greyfield…I just moved in and I’ll be working at the Lucky Charm Grove, once it opens. Please to meet you.”

“Jerry Arbelt.” The man, opened the door. He looked a little depressed…or worried, Keith couldn’t put his finger on it…wait a minute
“I heard about what happened to Zach.” Keith said, feeling that was the cause of the man’s dejected look. “I heard about it from Fido…my condolences. It’s a terrible ordeal to happen to such a nice neighborhood...and such a nice rabbit. We wish him a speedy recovery.”

Light walked up beside Keith and extended a paw to Jerry. “Hi.” He said. “Keith and I will be sure…to, um well, we won’t let something like that happen again… I’m sure Keith would say.”

Keith placed his hand on Light’s head…ruffling his fur…you got that right, buddy.”

Jerry smiled a little, but only a little. “Marvin…Tiger! We have some new neighbors. Come say hello.” He called out, over his shoulder.

An orange cat and peach colored dog, entered the living room and walked to the front door. These are my ‘children’ Marvin and Tiger…Marvin and Tiger this is Keith and Light, they’re going to be neighbors. Don’t worry, Light is friendly.” Jerry said, indicating the wolf. The cat extended his paw, Light shook it. “Nice to meet you Tiger-“

The dog cleared his throat, loudly. Light looked at him, worried once again, he’d done something wrong. He looked back at the cat. “I’m Marvin.” He said, indicating his tag. Light saw the clearly visible M, and saw the T on the dog’s tag. He face-pawlmed.

“So the dog is named Tiger?” Keith asked, with his fingers under his chin, a parody of being deep in thought.

“Sorry,” Light said…so the files were correct he thought to himself. “It’s a common mistake,” Tiger said, shaking the wolves paw. “Just don’t make it again.” He left the room followed by Marvin.

Keith and Light said their goodbyes to Jerry and began walking next door. Light looked over his shoulder at the house they’d just left. Did Tiger just threaten me? he shook his head of the thought, and ran to catch up with Keith.

----------*random chapter end*
Next Chapter (8): ... 94#p128594
I wanted to update before I went to was turning out to be longer than I expected...sorry for the sudden chapter ending...but I need my sleep.

Re: Housepets: Projectiles of Protection (PG-13)

Posted: Sat Oct 30, 2010 10:40 am
by Blue Braixen
Oh no, he used "I don't even". :(
Light as a spotter? I guess that makes sense.
Great job, dude!

Re: Housepets: Projectiles of Protection (PG-13)

Posted: Sat Oct 30, 2010 12:42 pm
by Private Elliot
Haha, Light is such a fanboy. And you got that line from me! :x
Figures that Light is a spotter...

Re: Housepets: Projectiles of Protection (PG-13)

Posted: Sat Oct 30, 2010 4:27 pm
by lightwolf21
I thought I mentioned earlier that Keith and Light were a sniper team...I guess I wasn't specific enough. -_-;

Re: Housepets: Projectiles of Protection (PG-13)

Posted: Sat Oct 30, 2010 6:36 pm
by Blue Braixen
I just caught the "face-pawlmed" part.

Re: Housepets: Projectiles of Protection (PG-13)

Posted: Sun Oct 31, 2010 7:35 am
by valerio
hehe, cute random update. Loved it!! :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

Re: Housepets: Projectiles of Protection (PG-13)

Posted: Thu Nov 04, 2010 2:32 pm
by lightwolf21
Chapter 8

Keith broke off from the route towards the next house and walked back towards the car. Light followed, a little confused. “Umm, Keith…weren’t we going to be visiting the neighbors.” He asked, scratching the back of his ear. Keith didn’t answer and got into the car. Light began to worry…was Keith mad at him, did he do something to offend him in front of the new neighbors…he couldn’t be sure so he entered the car with his ears laid back and closed the door. A moment of awkward silence followed. Light was dying from the anticipation.

“You look like a tourist,” Keith finally said, with a serious face. Light whined. Keith reached over and Light was expecting a punishing tap (really, they aren’t more than taps) on the nose. But instead, Keith opened the glove compartment and got out a large jewelry box. Light looked at the box and then at Keith with a confused look and took the box offered to him. He ran his paw slowly over the lid, contemplating what it could possibly be. A gift…given…not during the holidays?

“It’s just a little something to help you feel welcome…help you feel…like you belong.” Keith said, finally smiling.

Light flipped it open. Inside was a specially modified collar tag…it looked like what one would see looking down a rifle’s scope…Crosshairs. Light smiled.

“I got it last night after you were asleep. Had to pull a lot of strings to find a nice place to get it made at that hour. You noticed the pets around here, right?…in Babylon Gardens? They all have a custom tag design…so I thought maybe you’d feel more like you belong here, if you had something to represent that.” Light reached around Keith giving him a hug.

“Thanks, Keith. It’s the best…you’re the best.” Light replied, as he replaced his old, plain collar tag.

“I know,” Keith said, as he started the car and drove to their next stop. He thought it would be a little better for Light to start off with meeting some of his own kind that lived in the neighborhood, before moving onto the 'regular' dogs and cats.


Yay! Light gets his collar tag...that's shown in all the drawings I've done of him. Short chapter today...long chapter coming up tomorrow...written by a special guest writer. ;D
Also, expect an additional chapter by weekend's end. I was busy last weekend with the Halloween Party and the hangover and everything.
Keith: Don't drink alcohol until you're legally old enough, kids...and even then, just in moderation.
Light: ...and definitely don't drink and drive, it's the law (and just plain common sense)...and now you know.
Keith/Light: ...and knowing is half the battle.

Next Chapter (9): ... 33#p128833

Re: Housepets: Projectiles of Protection (PG-13)

Posted: Thu Nov 04, 2010 2:36 pm
by valerio
awww, that was a very cute moment. Loved it!

Re: Housepets: Projectiles of Protection (PG-13)

Posted: Thu Nov 04, 2010 3:21 pm
by Private Elliot
lightwolf21 wrote:Chapter 8
Keith: Don't drink alcohol until you're legally old enough, kids...and even then, just in moderation.
Light: ...and definitely don't drink and drive, it's the law (and just plain common sense)...and now you know.
Keith/Light: ...and knowing is half the battle.
/facepalm at bold text

Re: Housepets: Projectiles of Protection (PG-13)

Posted: Thu Nov 04, 2010 4:42 pm
by Blue Braixen
Private Elliot wrote:
lightwolf21 wrote:Chapter 8
Keith: Don't drink alcohol until you're legally old enough, kids...and even then, just in moderation.
Light: ...and definitely don't drink and drive, it's the law (and just plain common sense)...and now you know.
Keith/Light: ...and knowing is half the battle.
/facepalm at bold text
You facepalmed at Chapter 8?

Re: Housepets: Projectiles of Protection (PG-13)

Posted: Thu Nov 04, 2010 4:47 pm
by lightwolf21
:lol: Once again, T.H., you and Pvt. Elliot have managed to amuse me. :mrgreen:

Re: Housepets: Projectiles of Protection (PG-13)

Posted: Thu Nov 04, 2010 4:49 pm
by Blue Braixen
lightwolf21 wrote::lol: Once again, T.H., you and Pvt. Elliot have managed to amuse me. :mrgreen:
I do my best. ;)

Re: Housepets: Projectiles of Protection (PG-13)

Posted: Fri Nov 05, 2010 1:09 am
by lightwolf21
Chapter 9
Written by Special Secret Guest Writer...VALERIO! :mrgreen:
…corrected Google translation by Lightwolf21

Shepherd’s Main, Babylon Gardens

Okay, this place was officially crazy.
In short, he had grown up with traditional family values; live his life hunting and fighting for his meals, wait to find a suitable partner, and with said partner, start a new pack. Easy. Simple.

Humans were notorious for complicating these simple concepts. So when they involved their pets in these complications, it was annoying. In his opinion, a dog should not be the living mirror of its ‘owner’, another concept he abhorred. Since when, could a life be owned like an object? It’s okay to kill for food on. Even worse, he had just discovered that humans were able to bribe the feral. Of his fellows, who now lived in that house, dormitory, worked, and played the part at being human, just to have a more comfortable life?!

“Light,” a voice called out behind him.

The white wolf turned around. And there he was, Keith Greyfield, the only human who could be considered his friend. Not only a companion in battle and the one to whom he owned his life, but the only human with whom he felt he could share…something really profound. A fellow pack. Both had much in common, they were warriors, and their family had been exterminated by humans.
Light did not blame those hairless apes…much. After all, his clan had repeatedly raided their livestock, attracting their ire. It was inevitable that a response would follow. In the struggle for survival, brute force was not enough, what was needed was common sense, and his family had shown little. Luckily, he, on the day of the massacre, had grown enough to be away from the den, engaged in his first exploration of new territory…

On the day of that tragedy, Light had learned an important lesson: if you want to use fangs and claws against the humans, be sure to be well armed, or avoid them. A lesson, he had failed to learn from. During a very hard winter, on his journey to find a name for himself, he’d gotten hungry and made the same mistake as his parents. Attempting to get some food from a farm had earned him a bullet in the shoulder.

Keith saved him. A 'first time' that had left an indelible mark as the spirit of the wolf without a name that would be baptized Light ...

Keith put his arm around the shoulders of his wild, white-coated friend. "I know you want to meet them, Light. Come on, they don’t bite."

"I'm going, but before I do, wipe that grin off your face or I'll bite it off." Light said, in front of the house.

* Tsk * "Promises, promises. As long as the break lasts, I’ll be back and get you later. Now, get going. "

The wolf opened the door and got out. The vehicle departed soon after, leaving him alone. The new neighbor of the neighborhood * dramatic music please! *

In fact, Light was nervous about moving into uncharted territory without Keith ... but what the heck, he wasn’t a lost puppy! He couldn’t rely on him all the time!
Light walked toward the house, under the curious eyes of many dogs and cats. Of course, no one dared to approach him, but he had the collar, right?

With a medal, shaped like a crosshairs-Hi, I’m a good housepet, I'm one of you guys!
The wolf tried to greet a peach-colored pit bull who was walking on the other side of the sidewalk. He even brought out his best diplomatic smile.

The dog stared at him... and slammed against a lamppost. Ouch! Light decided to avoid the petty diplomacy for now.

Light stopped in front of the house colored as delicate green leaf. A brass plate on the bell proudly proclaimed

for The Recovery and Equal Chance Program
(If you can read this plaque, you have a minute to think about it.)

Deciding to ignore the last line, Light rang the doorbell.
The door opened immediately after – Were they lying in wait? – and Light was found in the presence of a wonderful gray female! The celestial creature was wearing a green apron with the words 'Sniff the Cook' and a smile that emphasized her big blue eyes. Light did not even notice his wagging tail as he said, "Nice to meet you. Greylight Field. That is, Fieldlight Grey. That is ... " He finished giving himself a slap on the forehead. Way to go, champ!

The wolf chuckled and held out her hand. "Lucretia Milton. My pleasure, ..?"

"Light Greyfield," he finally managed to tell her, grabbing her paw, strong and gentle at the same time. Her fur smelled of leaves and autumn. Why had they not met in the forest? "Enchanted ... I mean, new neighbor…more or less. My house, that is the human with whom I live, is at the end of the … … neighborhood … “

If Light had been able to talk to a dog named Peanut Butter Sandwich, he could have found in him a very understanding shoulder in understanding that clumsy introduction worth a clumsy puppy’s first crush. Okay, so it was his first crush, more or less. A worthy son of the forest didn't waste time in wooing, when he saw a potential mate; you must first kill a rabbit for her. Too bad that the only one he knew was recovering at the shelter's vet clinic… “Do you have a mate?” Please make it a beta, or better, an omega. Please please please!

This time Lucretia looked at him maliciously. “Oh-ho, we are bold, big guy. Anyway, yes, and we are an alpha pair. And we have puppies. Sorry about that.”


Lucretia stepped aside and invited the new neighbor to come in. “Please make yourself comfortable. It’s nice to have visitors. For some reason, when I answer the door, most people faint or run away screaming.”

“I wonder why,” Light said, sincerely. He couldn’t imagine a more beautiful scene….Clean thoughts, soldier! “Nice apron,” he added, in a desperate measure to change the subject.

Lucretia closed the door. “Oh, I love it.” If he is concerned with the glitter in his eyes. “It’s so provocative, and I like to wear something that reminds others I work with the food! Humans have their faults, but their notes are a paradise. That Mr. Foster was so friendly…gave me enough cookbooks to fill half a library.”

Light understood her perfectly: the first two weeks with Keith, he was really surprised to see the variety and amount of food that were available to humans. If it was up to him and his survival instincts, he would eat half a waiver of Keith and the other he’d bury in the garden to keep an eye on it.

As if to underline the words of the wolf, just as he entered the room, Light's nose was assaulted by the smell of biscuits and salted meat ... A huge tray was placed on the table in the middle of the room, sublime temptation!

"I suggest you to give the proper compliments to the cooking of my mate, neighbor," said one of the strongest gray wolves that Light had ever seen. The creature looked like the brother of Foster's giant wild dogs, but was wearing metal rimmed glasses, holding a newspaper in one hand and showing a friendly smile. "Otherwise we will put on weight, since we don’t throw anything away." Then the wolf held out his paw to Light. "Nice to meet you. Milton Miles, pack leader. "

“Light Greyfield, sir.” Calm or not, that guy commanded respect. The young white wolf felt the need to tuck his tail between his legs.

Miles took off his glasses. “No need to be so formal, Light, really. We saw you drive a car before, remember?” Light blushed slightly. “Ah, yes. I was trained and I have a special military license…although I think your neighborhood police officer didn’t think too highly of the idea.”

Miles laughed. “Agent Bill! I’ve never seen a man more attached to regulation. If you want to conquer him,” he winked at Light. “…offer him a steak, thick and raw.”

Light decided not to ask questions about that. He wanted, instead, to satisfy the curiosity for which he had knocked on their door. "So, you want to be included in human society, in all respects?"

Miles pointed to a chair. The white wolf sat down, while his host took his place on that front. Lucretia immediately brought to light a plate full of cookies and meat. As soon as the guest had taken it, she kissed her mate on the forehead. "I'm going to prepare chine of pork. See you later! "

“Fortunately, we do a job that makes us use of a lot of calories," said Miles. "We are on the the security staff of the Milton ferrets’ estate. Theirs is a large property, and each patrol is a good exercise session."

Among the many things that Light would have to get used seriously, was the idea that the real masters of the lives of all inhabitants of Babylon Gardens was a group of six ferrets, very eccentric and filthy rich.

"Well, I’m going to be working for the security of the new Lucky Charm Grove for the Abandoned and the Ferals," Light said, biting into a biscuit. The idea was to behave politely while eating the snack, as Keith had taught him, but as soon as his taste buds were overwhelmed by the divine taste, his eyes lit up. Light took two more cookies and ate them at supersonic speed. Then he turned an imploring look to the rest of the plate, not knowing whether or not the alphas had received their portions...

"Don't worry," said Miles. "I said you can have it all… So, it's true: Mr. Foster has reestablished the old shelter?"

"Mm-hmm," Light replied, his cheeks deformed by the enormous mouthfuls. Keith would have scolded him until next week, but it would have been worth it! He swallowed before continuing, "It’s incredible. It seems in every way a suitable town to humans, nothing is missing. Everything’s on the cutting edge. "He glanced at the library that decorated two walls of the room." And they have a huge library and a school. Foster made it his personal mission to teach all their guests to read. He’s convinced that an animal with schooling has a better chance of being adopted, even if ... " He left the sentence suspended, for good luck. As he grew up practically as a lone wolf, Light hated the concept of 'abandonment', now that he was part of a pack. Every so often he found himself thinking that if he had not thought of the idea to go alone, it never would have happened...

Miles nodded. “Wise man. I appreciate it, and I know from personal experience that he is correct.” He sighed. “If more ferals decided to study, as I did, the process of integration between the human world and the forest would be easier with less trouble for everyone. When you meet him, Light, tell him that I offer my most sincere congratulations. And if he needs a teacher, I’m available. I do not think that ferret’s goal…even though I should go on a diet at that point!“ he shouted towards the kitchen.

"I'll cook the pork with apples and balsamic vinegar," said Lucretia cheerfully.
The stomach of the two males grumbled. They whined, pitifully pleading like two puppies.
Light tried to concentrate on the conversation. "... Once integrated, I guess you will also need to become someone's pet, right? I don’t think you are the owner of yourself."

Miles took a biscuit. "Hmm, it's a bit…complicated here: technically, we're not, given that we belong to the foundation that runs the program, kind of like a student with a temporary visa. If we are expelled, we’re forced to return to the forest and its inconveniences. On the other hand, we actually have a job, our own money, and answer only to ourselves. In fact, the program aims to make us walk among the people without being ‘arrested’ by Animal Control. You are lucky, Light, although I must admit, we do not aspire to be forced to wear collars." Miles put his glasses back on and looked at Light’s medallion-shaped lattice. "Interesting choice…Military?"

"Keith is an ex-marine; a sniper. He taught me to be his scout and spotter. We are a good team," he glossed with pride. "By law, he’s called my 'master', but I could not count on my peer and best friend."
Miles sighed, and took off his glasses. "Then you're a lucky creature, indeed…the both of you are. I hope that at least my children can find a very special person to live with. "He stood up and stretched out a leg muscle to his guest. "Now, I'm sorry, but I really must go: I want to finish a research report, regarding interspecies friendship, between Argos and Odysseus."

"Sounds interesting." Light shook his hand. "Good luck, then ... By the way, do I still have time? Can I meet the puppies? I'm really curious." And he was. He lacked the presence of some real play fighting in his life, let alone, females who wished to start family ...

"Oh," said Miles. "They have certainly found time to meet you," and walked a few steps. "By the way, they seem to have taken the habits of Foster’s domestic animals. Good luck."
Light bent his head to the side in curiosity.
* Fthump! * The sound was like what he did when he jumped on prey. The white wolf scarcely had time to notice the three figures who were bearing down on him ...

"HELLO!" roared three voices in unison, just before the house was rocked by a kind of explosion.


Once again a big thank you to our renowned fan-fic writer, Valerio, for this chapter. I knew he wanted to write the scene with Light meeting the Milton wolves...and he delivered. :mrgreen:
Next chapter here: ... 24#p135024

Re: Housepets: Projectiles of Protection (PG-13)

Posted: Fri Nov 05, 2010 1:23 am
by Private Elliot

And... by "explosion" you mean in a manner of speaking, right?

Re: Housepets: Projectiles of Protection (PG-13)

Posted: Fri Nov 05, 2010 1:48 am
by valerio
Private Elliot wrote:POUNCE!

And... by "explosion" you mean in a manner of speaking, right?
yes, I meant to quote one of the favorite scenes from my ficcie, when Antares and Aldebaran give their 'good morning' to Martin just this way.
Causing an eartquake or a small h-bomb explosion.

Re: Housepets: Projectiles of Protection (PG-13)

Posted: Mon Nov 08, 2010 6:30 pm
by lightwolf21
I didn't forget about this story... I just...haven't been able to get around to it lately. I was busy all weekend with reviewing a fan-fic for someone. I'm also working on a couple of other fan-fics, but I'll get back on this as soon as I can. Thanks for understanding. X3

Re: Housepets: Projectiles of Protection (PG-13)

Posted: Mon Nov 15, 2010 3:19 am
by lightwolf21
Chapter 10

Keith pulled up to the Milton wolves place just as Light was slowly crawling to the curb. “Help…me…” Light called out just before collapsing.

Keith got out of the car and waved to the wolves that were standing at the front door to see Light off. “Get a hold of yourself, Light” He said as he rolled his eyes. “C’mon” he said, as he picked Light up and slung him over the shoulder.

“Bye Uncle Light!” the wolf cubs called out. Light blinked a few times before opening his eyes. He weakly waved ‘bye’ to them while swinging back and forth over Keith’s shoulder.

Keith put him in the passenger seat and closed the door before walking around the car to get in. “Did you have fun?” he asked Light, as he started up the car.

“Let’s just say…I’m not ready to have cubs.” Light answered, rubbing his temples.

Keith let out a small chuckle as they drove a few houses down. A few of the ‘masters’ of the house aren’t home, so we’re going to be visiting the ones that are. We don’t want pets to be caught home alone, with a wolf at the door.”

“That could cause a problem.” Light concurred.

The next address they pulled up to belonged to a family with seemingly unusual taste. Light noticed the outside of the house appeared to be a bit creepy, seeing as how the clouds above it were darker than the others, and more…active? Light’s fur stood on end, but it wasn’t because he was scared. He felt… well, he didn’t know how to describe it. The closest he could come up with was attributing it to an animal’s sixth sense.

Keith approached the home with a much more nonchalant attitude than Light. Perhaps he wasn’t sensitive to whatever it was Light was feeling at the time. “Light, cmon.” He called out when he noticed Light falling behind.

“Uh, sorry Keith,” Light replied, walking a bit faster to catch up. “This place feels strange.” He continued, telling his owner how he felt.

“I’m sure the family is very nice.” Keith responded in a reassuring manner. Once the wolf was beside him, he raised his hand to knock on the door but the door was answered before he had a chance. It opened with a silent creak.

“Hello, Mr. Greyfield, I’ve been expecting you,” said the middle-aged woman standing in the doorway. She had black wavy hair and a bandana wrapped over her head. Other than that, she was dressed quite normally.

“Oh…you were expecting me?” Keith asked, looking a bit skeptical.

“Yes, I got a phone call from Jerry saying that there may be a man coming by to say hello.”

“Oh, yes…well of course… And I don’t mind you calling me Keith. It’s okay…really.” Keith replied, in a polite manner.

“…and a wolf.” she said, looking down her nose at Light. “Yes, a very nice wolf, indeed, Keith… I am Florence Ambrose.”

Light wasn’t sure if she was being sincere or not, but he didn’t want to be impolite so he held out his paw. “Pleased to meet you, Ma’am.”

She just looked at it. “Yes… Well, you may come inside and make yourself at home.” She said as she walked back inside her house toward the kitchen. “Can I get you anything? Coffee…tea…”

At least she knows how to be hospitable to guests. Keith thought to himself, a little annoyed with how she had greeted Light. “I’ll have some green tea, please Ms. Ambrose…if you have it.” He walked inside the house with Light.

The woman stuck her head out from the kitchen doorway. “Please, call me Florence. I feel old enough without having people refer to me by my last name. Make sure you wipe your feet and paws, dears… I just swept the floors.”

“I heard that you have a dog and a cat?” Keith asked, while wiping his shoes on the mat just inside the front door.

“Yes, but I can never get them to come when I call… They’re always too busy it seems.” Florence replied while stacking teacups on plates the kitchen. You’re free to go see them if you wish, wolf. They don’t get many visitors.” I have a name, you know, Light thought to himself, calm down, Light. He took a deep breath.

“Go ahead Light, I’ll speak with her while you get acquainted with Tarot and Sabrina.” Light nodded and walked down the hallway, smelling and listening for the dog and cat.


Light happened upon a doorway from which he heard chanting. I didn’t sound like a language he recognized, and while he couldn’t understand words from every language, he could usually at least identify what the language was. As he quietly approached the door the chanting stopped. The door slowly opened and a pure black cat stood in front of him, starkly contrasting with his pure white coat. “You’re a bit taller than I expected, Light.” She motioned him to follow her. She began walking down the steps to the basement.

“Uh…thanks?” Light replied, scratching behind his ear in confusion. He started to follow her down the dimly lit stairway.“ did you know my-“

“Name?” Sabrina interrupted. “The same way I know you’re going to hit your head.” Just as she was saying this Light hit his head on a water pipe that cut across his path.

“*Ow.*” he said quietly to himself as he rubbed the spot on his head. “Okay, now that was impressive.” He said, smiling a bit.

“Oh really?” she said in a playful voice. “What makes you think that I wasn’t just distracting you so you weren’t paying attention?” She smiled mischievously.

Light was about to respond but then thought back to what happened just before he hit his head. Her tail was swishing back and forth. As a predatory animal, Light had fallen for the oldest trick in the book. His eyes were naturally drawn to an object in motion. He had been distracted. He covered his face with his paw. “Okay…you got me, Sabrina” For some reason Light felt comfortable…much more so, than he was outside this particular house. Maybe it was the female cat making him feel at ease.

Sabrina turned toward the white wolf, “…and how did you know my name, hmm?”

“As the future security team leader of Lucky Charm Grove, it’s my duty to know the neighborhood and its residents.” Light looked off to the side proudly.

Sabrina giggled a bit. “You’re ridiculous,” she said as she continued back down the stairs.

She reached the bottom after a few more steps and continued on toward a strangely decorated corner of the room. Light could only describe it as occult. His eyes fell upon a Pomeranian meditating on a large pillow surrounded by several candles. The dog opened its eyes. There were a beautiful yellow color that reflected the candlelight surrounding her. Light opened his eyes in amazement.

A few seconds later Light finally spoke. *gasp* “You…are…”

Tarot nodded slowly.

“…simply adorable.” Light continued with his hands outstretched toward her.

A surprised face appeared on Sabrina and Tarot. If this was an anime, a giant sweat drop would have appeared behind their heads as well. “eh?”

Light composed himself. *ahem* “Sorry. I mean…I’ve seen a lot of dogs and you’re one of the cutest I’ve ever seen.” He blushed a little bit.

“Oh. Thank you, Light,” Tarot replied. “Shall we begin?” She indicated the two pillows in front of her, each between two lit candles. Light saw Sabrina sit on one and he reluctantly sat on the other.

“We aren’t doing anything illegal, are we?” Light asked Tarot.

Tarot’s eyes began glowing green. The white wolf started freaking out. Sabrina’s placed her hand on his shoulder, calming him. “It’s okay, Light. She’s just contacting the spirits.”

“She’s contacting the what?!” Light shouted, surprised.

Sabrina held her finger up to her mouth gesturing a ‘shush up,’ to Light. The wolf had seen quite a few things in his life. Even members of the occult, but he’d never seen an animal involved in something like this. His fear soon turned into worry as he thought what Keith would think if he saw him participating in this activity. But soon his worry turned into curiosity. What reason could these two have, for making him participate in…whatever it is they were doing? He had to know.

Sabrina placed Tarot’s right paw in Light’s left paw, and she grabbed Light’s right paw with her left. Their hands were joined in a circle. “Try to relax, Light. This will only take a moment.”

If there was anything Light was good at, it was relaxing. He did yoga daily with Keith, so he focused on his breathing and was soon feeling very relaxed. More relaxed than he’d ever felt actually. He felt himself falling, yet he didn’t feel fear. He wasn’t sure if he was imagining it or not, but he found himself standing in a different room than the one he was just in. Tarot and Sabrina were sitting at a table with a crystal ball. He walked over to the table and sat down without even thinking about it. It was as if his actions were being controlled by someone or something else, yet he didn’t mind.

Tarot looked into the crystal ball. “There’s not really anything in here,” she said to Light, indicating the crystal ball. “It’s just for show.” She closed her eyes and rubbed her paw over the crystal ball. “I sense a great hardship will befall you.”

Light chuckled a little. It sounded so hokey, and if he hadn’t seen her eyes glowing earlier, he wouldn’t have been taking this as seriously as he was. He began listening intently to the Pomeranian. “Why aren’t her eyes glowing?” Light whispered to Sabrina.

“She’s put all of us in a trance-like state. We’re not really physically here. Did you ever see the Matrix?” Sabrina asked, also whispering. The wolf nodded. “It’s kind of like that,” she added.

Tarot peered into Light’s future. “The spirits are showing me very little for some reason. I was hoping to get more information on what is to come.” She opened her eyes and turned her head toward Light. “You will find acceptance of your fate.”

Light wasn’t happy with the cryptic answer the small dog was giving him. “Is that it?” Light asked, a little disappointed. “Can you at least tell me what that fate is?”

Tarot shook her head slowly. “Sorry, Light. It doesn’t work that way.” She closed her eyes. “I’ll attempt to look into your past to make up for it.”

Light nodded. Why did I nod? She can’t see me with her eyes closed. I’m such an idiot, sometimes.

You’re not an idiot, Light. Tarot’s voice reverberated through Light’s mind. He suddenly looked surprised.

Sabrina noticed and spoke to him with her thoughts. Don’t worry, Light. We can’t see everything you’re thinking. We can just speak through our minds to each other when linked.

Tarot was nearing Light’s past. She gasped, suddenly breathing very hard. Soon, she started going into convulsions. Sabrina looked very frightened. “Tarot?” she called out. “Tarot?!”

“What’s happening?” Light asked Sabrina, in a panic. He was really worried, now that the cat that keeping him calm was panicking, herself.

“I don’t know.” Sabrina replied. “This has never happened before.” She was trying to hold Tarot down.

Light grabbed Tarot’s other limbs and with his free hand took his wallet out of his collar and stuffed it in her muzzle to prevent her from biting her tongue. He could always count on his military experience to help him improvise. “How do we wake her up?” he asked.

“The strain might be too much for her mind, right now.” Sabrina knew Tarot to be the most experience at communicating with spirits and she had a strong mind...the strongest mind she knew. To see her like this… What did she see in Light’s past? A few moments later and the convulsions stopped. Tarot was still appeared unconscious.

“Why didn’t we go crazy…if our minds are linked?” Light asked Sabrina. He was still panting from the ordeal and the adrenaline made him want to run.

“We use a…redundancy in…deep reading. Me.” Sabrina replied. She was also breathing heavily. “It helps…strengthen the…connection.” *whew* “It looks like Tarot is calmed down, now. We should be able to wake up.” She closed her eyes, and Light felt himself fall backwards, off the pillow. He felt as if he’d just awoken from a bad dream. He was breathing heavily and his pupils were dilated, as were Sabrina’s. They looked toward Tarot and found the Pomeranian unconscious. Sabrina grabbed some smelling salts from an airtight canister on a shelf nearby. Light could smell them just as strongly as if they were under his nose, and he covered it. Sabrina waved the salts under Tarot’s nose and her eyes suddenly opened, glowing green. They slowly faded to their normal yellow color. Tarot held her head as if it was in pain. “What did you see?” Sabrina whispered in her ear as she helped the Pomeranian to her feet.

“I’m a little curious, myself,” Light replied, crossing his arms and looking very serious. Sabrina and Tarot looked at the wolf with worry. Sabrina was sure Light wouldn’t have been able to hear that but she also figured Light would have asked the same question, regardless. Sabrina helped Tarot sit back down on her pillow and lightly held her up. “Is this a common occurrence in mind reading?” Light added.

Tarot shook her head. “There are some things better left, unknown,” she replied. Sabrina looked at Light, still supporting Tarot in her pillow.

“That’s not good enough.” Light responded. “I’m sorry you had a bad day because of me… So I’ll let you rest for now. You’ll know where to find me, when you can talk.” Light stood up and began walking toward the steps leading up.

“Wait.” Tarot said in a whisper. “Light…”

Light stopped and turned around.

“You’ll know, someday…but not through me. It shouldn’t be through me.” Tarot’s gaze was unwavering.

Light understood…he wouldn’t be able to learn what he needed to know from her. However, knowing that he would eventually know about it was enough for him. He nodded to the dog and cat in the corner of that room and walked back up the stairs. There must be something in my past that even I don’t *CLANG* Light hit the top of his head coming up underneath the same pipe he’d hit before. His vision blurred as he fell backwards down the stairs.

Light came to with the scent of smelling salts, assaulting his brain. “Whoa. What hit me?” he asked.

“The pipe…” Sabrina answered. “You got a nice bump there. You hit it pretty hard.” She helped him stand up.

Light felt the top of his head with his paw and pulled his head away from it as he touched the bump. “Are you okay, Light?” Tarot asked, helping him stand from the other side.

“Yeah, I’m fine.” Light replied. “I had the strangest dream. Tarot and Sabrina looked at each other behind Light’s back.

“Care to share?” Sabrina asked Light.

“Yeah, I dreamed we had a meeting, or séance or whatever…and Tarot started going crazy and it was just a big mess.” He rubbed the bridge of his nose with his paw. “Keith would kill me if I did something like that…especially if it harmed such a cutie like you, Tarot.”

Tarot looked at Sabrina behind the wolf’s back again. Her eyes said, ‘don’t tell him.’ But to reaffirm it, she said to Sabrina telepathically, “It’s best if he doesn’t know, just yet.

Light was able to stand without support. “Thank you, Sabrina and Tarot. It was a great time…besides the bump.” He bowed to them and walked up the stairs, keeping really low. He was practically crawling up them.


Keith set down his tea instantly when he saw Light’s bump. “Jeez, Light. What happened? Are you okay?” He grabbed the wolves head and inspected it, parting the fur. “Florence, do you have an icepack I could have?” The woman walked to the fridge and opened the freezer to get one.

Sabrina and Tarot walked up behind Light. “It was a trap.” Light replied, smiling. Keith chuckled. They were always making cheesy and overly popular meme references to each other. Ms. Ambrose handed Keith the icepack and he applied it to Light’s head. The icy coldness swept over the wolf and he felt the pain lessen a little after a while. Keith gently placed Light’s paw on the icepack. “Hold that there, Light.”

Light nodded slightly. “I hit my head on a water pipe.” He said to Keith. He turned to look at Tarot and Sabrina “It’s nothing. I’ve had far worse.”

Keith stood up and turned to Ms. Ambrose. “Florence, would you mind if I took the icepack for the day.” I’ll return it to you as soon as I can.”

Ms. Ambrose waved him off. “You can keep it, I’ve got several others.”

“Thank you very much.” Keith responded.

“Yes, thank you, miss.” Light added.

Keith and Light walked out through the front door, with the three of them seeing them off. They walked to the Keith’s car and got in. “Always getting into trouble, hmm?” Keith asked once they were in the car.

“Well, you know me…” Light replied; still holding the icepack on his head. “I like to keep things interesting.”

Keith started up the engine. “That’s enough sight-seeing for today. Let’s head back to the shelter.”

“Okay.” Light said, nodding in agreement.


Sabrina and Tarot remained on the front porch as their mom went inside the house.

“So what did you see, Tarot?” Sabrina asked.

“His past was so muddled and mixed up, I couldn’t get much.” She replied, disappointed. “…but the fact that it’s so messed up must mean something. I just wish the spirits would tell me what it is.”

Sabrina turned and walked back into the house “Well, there’s no helping it if they won’t cooperate... He’s a smart guy, he’ll figure it out.”

Tarot sighed and followed the cat inside.


:shock: :?
Next chapter here: ... 05#p138205

Re: Housepets: Projectiles of Protection (PG-13)

Posted: Mon Nov 15, 2010 5:38 am
by NykVerien
A bit confusing. I will probably have to read it again and again and again. ;) Not that I mind, mind you.

PS Am I the only one getting the Freefall reference here. Ms Florence Ambrose. Or was that unintentional.

Edit: I just realized that this Ms Ambrose is human instead of a Bowman's wolf. Heh. Too bad.

Re: Housepets: Projectiles of Protection (PG-13)

Posted: Mon Nov 15, 2010 8:01 am
by valerio
NykVerien wrote:A bit confusing. I will probably have to read it again and again and again. ;) Not that I mind, mind you.

PS Am I the only one getting the Freefall reference here. Ms Florence Ambrose. Or was that unintentional.

Edit: I just realized that this Ms Ambrose is human instead of a Bowman's wolf. Heh. Too bad.
Oooo, spooky! me appreciates.
Also, yes, the idea of calling Sabrina and Tarot's mom Florence Ambrose was mine since the "Ballad of the New Days", a humble homage to another great comic such as Freefall. :mrgreen: I'm happy you got the reference

Re: Housepets: Projectiles of Protection (PG-13)

Posted: Mon Nov 15, 2010 9:40 am
by Blue Braixen
Awesome! Why didn't you tell me you were working on this again?
Looking good, buddy! :mrgreen:

Re: Housepets: Projectiles of Protection (PG-13)

Posted: Wed Nov 17, 2010 12:35 am
by Private Elliot
@Light: Yes I have already read this, just didn't have anything to say.

What did Tarot See? :?

Re: Housepets: Projectiles of Protection (PG-13)

Posted: Wed Nov 17, 2010 1:32 am
by lightwolf21
Private Elliot wrote:@Light: Yes I have already read this, just didn't have anything to say.

What did Tarot See? :?
Hmmm...I wonder. :twisted:

Re: Housepets: Projectiles of Protection (PG-13)

Posted: Sat Nov 20, 2010 12:42 pm
by lightwolf21
Chapter 11

Keith and Light had arrived back at the Lucky Charm Grove about mid afternoon. Light still held the icepack on his head, as Keith drove through the security gate. It was much easier, now, since he had clearance. Keith got out of the car once they’d parked in their spot and walked around to the passenger side of the car. Light got out and followed behind Keith as he headed toward the newly built clinic facility. Light looked annoyed. “Keith, I’m telling you, I’m fine.”

Keith stopped and turned to look at the white wolf. “I just need to be sure,” he said as crouched to eye level with Light. “I can’t have my spotter unable to spot,” he added with a wink.

Light placed a paw behind his head and blushed a little. “I’m…sorry to put you through all this,” he said with his ears down.

Keith sighed as he stood up. “Don’t be,” he replied as he walked through the entrance to the building, with Light following behind him.

For a clinic room it was incredibly clean…and brand new apparently, just like the other buildings of the complex. Keith walked up to the front counter as the sliding doors shut behind him and Light. The ex-marine rang the bell on the counter. It resounded with a pristine, *ding* Light’s ears twitched. Surprisingly the sound didn’t bother him at all. It sounded almost musical. Classic he thought.

A few moments later a man walked up to the counter carrying a clipboard and writing on it. He was a thin man, about 60 years old, with graying hair and a jet black goatee. “What can I do for you,” he said, looking up from his clipboard, “…gentle-…men?” The pen fell to the floor as if in slow motion. The look of shock he gave was the same as that of Keith and Light.


Light remembered it like it was yesterday. He was sleeping soundly in the arms of the man that had just found and bandaged him up…essentially saving his life. Traveling over the deep snow was a task all its own…but carrying a wolf? The wolf’s ears twitched as he heard a vehicle through the forest…several vehicles. He opened his eyes and looked up at Keith, then looked in front of where the he was being carried to. He opened his eyes in shock. There was a large open area enclosed by a high fence. Buildings and large, strangely painted vehicles littered the area. The vehicles were coming and going, being temporarily stopped at gates. Then Light saw the humans. They were patrolling the perimeter, as were several guard dogs. He noticed one thing all the humans had…guns. He started to struggle in the arms of Keith while Keith tried to hold him. “Hey hold still!” Keith shouted. “You’ll open your wounds.” Light wasn’t listening, he knew enough about people to know they wanted to kill him. A sudden burst of pain caused the wolf to wince, stopping the struggle. He looked down at the bandages…dark red seeping through. Already weak from having lost so much blood, the wolf’s vision started to fade, Keith’s voice sounded more distant. “What’d I tell you?” Light heard, before blacking out.

Light regained consciousness to find a man in a white coat standing over him speaking to Keith on the other side of…he didn’t know what it was…only that it was strangely comfortable. He suddenly lunged at the more unfamiliar of the two men and bit down on his hand as hard as he could. The man in the lab coat shouted in pain as he tried to pull his hand away. Light let the man’s hand go and he tried to get out of bed, but he felt a sudden, sharp pain on his rear. He looked back and saw a syringe sticking out of his flank. His vision started to blur again, and he went limp. He could still hear and see a bit though, his heavy breathing slowed to a more relaxed rate.

Keith pulled his hand away from the syringe. “Sorry about that, Dr. Stanwick,” Keith rubbed the back of his head, and hung his head in shame. “I didn’t think he’d react that quickly.”

“It’s alright,” Dr. Stanwick replied, while tying the wolf down with bed straps. “…you reacted pretty quickly yourself.” He gently placed his hand on the wolf’s head. “I won’t hurt you…I’m trying to help you, understand?” he calmly said to Light.

Light slowly nodded. He would accept his fate. There was no escaping it now. He’d surely be put to death for what he’d done. His eyes started to tear up as the breathing mask was placed over his muzzle. Not like this…not like…this… his vision faded to black.


Light awoke inside a dimly lit room. It smelled of blood and sweat…but mostly blood. He slowly sat up. His whole body hurt. He looked down and saw new bandages wrapped around where he’d been shot. Several small metal splintered objects rested at the bottom of a tray with strong smelling liquid, a thin layer of blood collected at the top of it. There were no humans around. He made his way over to one of the doors, and tried pushing on it. It didn’t budge. Across the room, the doors opened and Keith walked through, shutting them behind him. Light quickly got beneath the operating table. Keith just stood there. “Light?” Keith called out. “I saw you get under there and try not to move around so much, your wounds are still healing.”

“No thanks, I can see fine,” the white wolf replied looking down at his bandages.

Keith chuckled. This annoyed Light. “I don’t see what’s so funny. I am grateful for saving my life… But I never agreed to…this?”

Keith shook his head, smiling. “I mean with the ‘Light’ thing…that’s a pretty good one.”

Light stuck his head out from under the table and sniffed the air. He was convinced Keith was the only one in the room with him. The rest of his body slowly followed. He turned his head to once side in confusion. “What do you mean…pretty good one, what?”

Not Keith was the one that looked confused. “Oh, it’s a…never mind.” He acted like he was taking a step toward Light and the wolf took a step back. Keith pulled back his foot. “Hmm...” Keith put his fingers under his chin as if in thought. “I was afraid this might happen…but what choice did I have? You needed medical attention, Light.”

“I said I don’t need the lights turned on, I can see fine.” The wolf said, supporting himself by placing a paw on the side of the operating table.

Keith looked at the wolf in surprise. “You’re serious?” He suddenly looked embarrassed. He’d realized the wolf might not have heard him call him Light, yet. “Oh, Light is the name I gave you when I became your owner. He quickly put his hand into his pocket and Light hid behind the table. “It’s okay,” Keith said raising one of his hands above his head. “I’ll move slowly, alright?” he continued, as he slowly pulled out a piece of paper and unfolded it. He held the piece of paper out as Light slowly came out from behind the table and looked at the paper. It was a registration form, for military registration of a white wolf, Light, to be under the ownership of Keith. Light looked into Keith’s eyes. “I couldn’t let the alternative happen.” The man said in a serious tone.

Light turned around when he felt his eyes start to water. *sniff* “I thought for sure…” he started, as he began to sob. “…I mean…I…I bit that man…how could…I still be alive? I don’t understand.”

Keith bent down and hugged him. “Shhh, it’s okay, Light.” Light started to calm down a bit. A human…hugging a wolf…he laughed to himself.

Just then, Dr. Stanwick walked in with a bandaged hand. Light’s ears flatted against the sides of his head as he was hit with a wave of guilt. “It was quite difficult to perform surgery with a broken hand.” He said as he stopped at Keith’s side. Light whimpered. “Don’t worry,” he whispered to Light, winking. “…nobody else knows you did it.” He held up the bandaged hand.


Keith coughed breaking the tension. “Um…small world. Eh, Doc?” he said, looking at the Veterinarian in front of him, nervously smiling. He gave a small nudge to Light.

“Oh, uh…what a surprise,” Light said, snapping out of his surprise, his ears hung in shame. He felt he owed his life to this human as well.

He shook his head in disbelief. “Lieutenant Greyfield and Light,” he chuckled, “What are the odds?” he said slapping the countertop.

“What are you doing here?” Keith asked extending a hand in greeting to the doctor he hadn’t seen in so long.

Dr. Stanwick shook Keith’s hand. “I lost my German Shepherd, Hunter, to a landmine and fell into a severe depression. I was deemed no longer useful to the military and discharged. I needed the money and couldn’t find a job, until I found this shelter. Although it was a terrible place, I felt I could at least try to do some good in that pit of despair.” His eyes glazed over as if remembering a sad time of his past. From the sound of it, it probably wasn’t the best of times. He wiped his eyes. “But that’s in the past, and Martin is giving me a chance to actually help some of these poor souls…make up for lost time,” he said with a smile.

Light extended a paw. “Thanks again for saving the life of a wolf you’ve never met before,” Light said, rolling his eyes. It sounded better in his head.

Dr. Stanwick grasped the paw with both hands. “Think nothing of it, Light.” He smiled. “What happened to your head, there?” he indicated with his head toward the icepack Light had been holding on his head.

Light blushed. How could he explain a pipe got the jump on him. Don’t say a pipe. “I hit it on a…pipe.” Light replied. He pictured himself facepalming, in his mind.

“Well come on back and I’ll take a look. I’ve been meaning to try out the new CAT scan machine.” Dr. Stanwick said, smiling.

Keith and Light followed the doctor into the examination rooms.

A couple hours later the three were back in the lobby of the clinic going over the test results. Dr. Stanwick had given Light a full physical to test out all the facilities and was now flipping through Light’s chart. “Well, Light. You’re as healthy as a horse.” Keith snickered at the thought. Somehow animal comparisons didn’t work as well on animals, as they did on humans. “I’ve never seen a healthier wolf.” He said looking up at Light, from his clipboard.

“Thanks, Doc.” Light said, hopping off the chair. He was a bit happy to finally meet someone he knew in Babylon Gardens, even if the previous meeting was brief. Keith followed Light and also thanked Dr. Stanwick before closing the door behind him.

Dr. Stanwick waved goodbye. Any time, Keith and Light…anytime.

Next chapter here: ... 69#p146769

Re: Housepets: Projectiles of Protection (PG-13)

Posted: Sat Nov 20, 2010 12:47 pm
by valerio
Great update here! Absolutely loved DA HUG scene!! DAWW, Keith cares!

Re: Housepets: Projectiles of Protection (PG-13)

Posted: Sat Nov 20, 2010 1:47 pm
by copper
I just started reading this, and I love it. Light just can't stop making a fool out of himself, can he?

Re: Housepets: Projectiles of Protection (PG-13)

Posted: Sun Nov 21, 2010 11:34 am
by NykVerien
Awww. Hug scene melts hearts. I know it did mine.

Re: Housepets: Projectiles of Protection (PG-13)

Posted: Thu Dec 02, 2010 3:57 am
by lightwolf21
I apologize for the extra long wait, everyone. -_-' To make up for it, here's an extra long chapter. I know how much you all love my stories, well here's the thrilling conclusion of this "Keith and Light arc."


Chapter 12

The next week proceeded with Keith and Light meeting the remaining residents of Babylon Gardens, except for the Sandwiches, including the several that have been trapped by the security on the Foster mansion for a number of hours. Keith had also used the time to gather several potential candidates for positions on the Lucky Charm Grove Security Detail and arranged for a time they could come in and meet with Martin. He’d texted back and forth with Martin to coordinate a schedule. (…being careful not to disturb him when he was busy.) He and Light were exploring one of the top floors of the central building…twenty stories tall, it completely overlooked the surrounding area. It had been a week and a half and Martin would be returning soon. Keith and Light had gone over the neighborhood several times now, and knew the shelter like the back of their hand/paw. They entered onto the roof, normally inaccessible to residents, and sat down at a small two-person table. Major construction had been completed and the bubble they had been using for muffling the noises had been removed. The view of the surrounding forests in the afternoon sun was beautiful…at 260 feet above the ground.

Having paradropped behind enemy lines several times, Light had gotten used to heights, despite not knowing what an airplane or helicopter was, before meeting Keith. He got up from the table and walked to the edge…despite the door to the roof being locked…the roof had standard safety fences around the perimeter. He was conflicted by the simultaneous caged feeling of the fence and the feeling of freedom and serenity that came with the view. Keith followed behind him. Light caught a glimpse of a small pinpoint of bright light out of the corner of his eye from the forest below. Instinctively, he jumped on Keith and brought him to the ground…not a moment too soon. His ears clearly heard the bullet cutting through the air as it flew past.

Keith didn’t hear much, other than his head hitting the ground. *Oomf!* he exclaimed…”Light! What’s going on? You want to play, huh?”

Light didn’t exactly know how to respond, at first. The bullet had passed right through one of the rings of the chain link fence, a precision shot. “Keith, a sniper almost hit you!” Light quickly said, staying low to the ground.

Keith suddenly became serious. “Oh, no warning, huh?! What a cheating I love you…” He began crawling until he was closer to the center of the building. The sniper was aiming for him while he was on the roof…not an easy shot…and not much line of sight, either. When he was a few yards from the edge he stood up and ran to the stairway, with Light on his heels.

They headed for the nearest security intercom. Keith pressed a button so he could be heard on all of the speakers throughout the complex. “This is Keith Greyfield, from security…please proceed indoors and stay low to the ground and away from windows until further notice. Thank you.” The phone on the wall beside the console rang. Keith picked it up.

Keith, a man called requesting to speak to you.” Miss Sunman said, from the other end of the line.

“Now is not a good time…as you might have heard.” Keith said in response.

He said his name is Juan Morales.” Keith and Light’s hair stood up on the backs of their necks. “I…I see…” Keith stuttered. “Put him through.”

A few seconds later, the call was connected and Keith remembered the mission a year ago in Colombia. He hadn’t killed the man known as “The Chameleon”, the brother of the notorious drug lord he had killed, for the mission. He was now regretting that decision.

Hello, Juan Do… or should I say Keith Greyfield.” The voice on the other end of the line was smug…and unmistakable. Even though it was in English, Keith recognized it as the one that had conducted the meeting from which he had gotten the information on the whereabouts of his target. He’d used Juan Do as an alias while in Colombia…not a very good one, but Morales shouldn’t have found out his real name…he was very careful. He suddenly worried about the man and his cat, Hector and Alandra, which they had helped. They were the only ones he’d told his real name. “I tried searching for that man that should have died at my brother’s hands…I thought he might have been working with you…but he disappeared.” Keith breathed a sigh of relief…so Hector is okay.

Anyway, it wasn’t too hard to track down non-Colombians that leave the country when you belong to a network like mine…or should I say used to.” Keith stayed silent on the other end of the line…he knew how people like Morales thought…they always liked to talk…

So, I tracked you down and eventually found you …My name is Juan Camillo “The Chameleon” Morales, you killed my brother…prepare to die.

“Someone’s fond of memes.” Keith finally spoke.
Oh ho, so you were listening. That’s good, I don’t like repeating myself.” Keith hung up the phone. As long as the workers and everyone else at the shelter listened, and stayed indoors there wouldn’t be a problem. However, Martin would return in 3 days…he would have to solve the problem in about 68 hours. He was deep in thought…in planning.


Light was worried…he knew they didn’t have as much time to formulate a plan as they normally did, Keith was being targeted by a rival sniper…and a good one at that. And the shelter was in danger…not a good position to be in for an employee that hasn’t officially been hired yet. He started sprinting down the hallway, and then he remembered their gear was in the security building. He rubbed his temples trying to figure out what to do. They were practically pinned down in this building… the only thing he knew was ‘The Chameleon’ had shot…at Keith on the…eastern edge …. The white wolf suddenly realized what to do. He hoped the sniper hadn’t relocated, because he was about to do something very dangerous. He exited the building on the west side sprinting towards his goal, the security building was within site and the large 20-story living-accommodations building was behind him. Light figured the sniper wouldn’t see him…he just hoped he had time to get back to the building with their stuff before the sniper could get into a position where he would be seen.


Meanwhile, Keith had called Miss Sunman on his Smartphone. “Miss Sunman, could you please confirm that everyone here at the shelter is staying inside. I don’t want to incite panic but there’s a sniper outside and he’s come here to kill me. I kind of, uh…killed his brother. Anyway please do that for me. He might try to start targeting others if I don’t give myself up…which I have no intention of doing… I’d rather the police not get involved; since they’re most likely not equipped to handle this… I’ve got it. Thanks…and be safe.” As soon as Keith hung up his phone it rang again. He answered it.

You hung up on me… Don’t do that again.” Juan’s voice sounded colder than it was earlier. “As you might have already guessed I’ve been a sniper for a while and I am not to be messed with.

“Why don’t you get to the point, Juan, or do you prefer Chameleon?” Keith finally spoke. “What do you want, huh? A sniper duel…or just to kill me?” As Keith was talking, he could tell Morales had gotten him worked up a bit. It’d be a different story if I had you in my crosshairs.

Relaaaax, Mr. Greyfield… I’m just returning a favor owed to you by my brother. Do you not think I could have killed you where you stood on that roof…or any time you were wandering around the complex? Noooo, I took my time to learn layout of the area and I am unlike you…I give my prey a sporting chance.” This time it was Morales that hung up the phone. The cocky man was starting to get under Keith’s skin. The ‘Chameleon’ was practically asking Keith to hunt him down, but the ex-marine knew he was at the disadvantage. Morales had a weapon and he didn’t. Things looked bleak.


Morales lit a cigarette. He was walking from his original shooting position to get a point of view that covered a larger area of the Grove compound. He knew a cigarette was on the list of sniper no-nos, but he had Keith pinned, he knew the ex-Marine couldn’t make it to the security building, where he’d left his weapon and gear. The Colombian chuckled, quite pleased with himself for this plan. He’d watched Keith moments ago, waiting until he had been far from his weapon and in the open. He glanced at the compound and saw a white wolf sprinting from the large central building toward the security building…the same wolf that had knocked his target out of the way, when he’d finally had a chance to get his revenge. Morales cursed and put out his cigarette by tossing it on the ground and stepping on it. He got in a prone position and set the scope on his rifle just as the wolf was entering the security building.


Light knew the sniper had been where he was because that side of the complex gave a better vantage point of the large building in the center of the Grove. He also knew that the sniper would have to relocate since Keith knew where the shot had come from. He quickly gathered their gear in a duffel bag and grabbed Keith’s rifle case before making his way back to the living quarters building. As he was sprinting back, a bullet ricocheted off the ground at his feet. The wolf unflinchingly continued sprinting toward the central building complex. He calculated the time it would take an average sniper to reload and/or realign the shot and took a short stutter step before sprinting again. Again the bullet missed as it hit the doorway of the building as he ran through the sliding doors. He noticed something strange about it…but he was too concerned with living to give it much thought. Why do they have to open so slowly? the wolf asked himself regarding the automatic doors as he finally made it to the safety of the building. He didn’t take any chances though, as he continued sprinting until he was at Keith’s side, safe within the interior of the living quarter building.

Keith smiled when Light showed up with their gear, panting. He rubbed him on the head and behind the ears, “Good boy, Light.” Light just rolled his eyes. Still panting he started to get the gear out of the bag. He took out his tactical vest, sniper issue. Keith followed the wolf in stride. Keith heard the phone console beside him ring. He put the Bluetooth on his ear and pressed a button on the phone on his belt. A few seconds later, Miss Sunman answered. “Eveyln, patch him through on this line,” Keith requested.

Light was finishing gearing up and helped Keith put on his ghillie suit. The Bluetooth connected. ”Clever, having your dog do your work for you.” Light ignored the comment he’d overheard. It was basic psychological warfare, trying to get him and Keith to distrust one another....what Morales didn’t know was that Light had risked his life to get their gear of his own accord.

Keith helped Light put on his ghillie suit. It wouldn’t do them any good in an urban environment, but Keith was planning on taking this battle away from the shelter…away from people. “Well, let’s set some ground rules for this encounter…” the ex-marine said, into the Bluetooth. “…I don’t want to make things too easy for me.” Light smiled. Keith was holding the Cheytac and with that, the two’s fear diminished…confidence replacing it. The wolf sheathed his knife and with that, he was ready to go.


Morales had relocated, again, after shooting at the wolf. He kept his scope shifting between the several entrances of the building, occasionally looking up from the rifle at the compound to expand his view range. He didn’t know how much trouble the wolf would be, but he was prepared. He could hold his own against any beast, even at short range with his knife and 9-milimeter. But as long as he had his rifle, it wouldn’t be a problem; he’d be able to see that wolf coming from a mile away with that fur color. No…he knew his biggest threat was Keith. The ex-marine had killed his brother, was an excellent sniper, and for now… his opponent. He was apparently also very annoying as the gloating comment from him, had struck a nerve with The Chameleon. “Laugh now…die later, American dog,” he hissed into his Bluetooth, sneering. before hanging up.


The offroad truck peeled out of the garage attached to the security building as it drove at insane speeds for the amount of road it had toward the western gate of the Grove. Keith had selected the sturdiest looking vehicle he could find for this gambit. Unfortunately the gate didn’t raise fast enough…and there was no way Keith was going to slow down to make himself a target, so he just ran through, shattering the fiberglass red and white striped arm gate. Oops, he said to himself, smiling, as he made a sharp right and drove along the side of the forest. He was hoping Morales would take the bait. He didn’t want anyone at the shelter to become a potential target.


The Chameleon saw the truck barreling out of the complex and had a slightly quizzical look. “Ahora…¿a dónde vas?” he asked himself quietly as he followed the truck in his scope. He lead the target and squeezed off a round, aiming for the tires.


The truck lurched as Keith struggled to maintain control. He knew he hadn’t run over anything. He hit the tires? Keith noticed, a bit surprised. He was better than he’d initially thought. The tire was on the driver’s side rear. He kept driving for as long as he felt the rim could take it. Eventually he pulled off the path and went into the forest out of view from where he considered The Chameleon could have been shooting from. Not as far away as I’d hoped, but it’ll have to do. He quickly got out of the truck and ran into the trees, staying low. “The game begins.” The ex-Marine said quietly to himself.


“Mweheheh.” The Chameleon laughed to himself. Dio en el blanco <Got it.> He slowly headed for the direction the truck was going before he’d lost sight of it. He knew he was at a disadvantage. A human and a wolf versus a human, hardly seemed like fair odds.


Light was reviewing information over his Smartphone, his own earpiece nestled in his ear, to give Keith status updates concerning weather and other information that he knew he would need for this fight. What Light didn’t know…was why Keith had asked him to stay behind. He said it was to watch over the others in the shelter, but the wolf wasn’t buying it. Is this another one of Keith’s lessons that he puts together so incomprehensibly…as if he’s expecting me to guess the right answer… Light shook his head and rubbed his temples with his knuckles. He brought up the weather updates, and saw a Summer storm was approaching. “Ohhhh great.” he said to himself uneasily. He pushed the number for speed dialing Keith on his Smartphone and gave the ex-marine the update.


Several hours later, the sun was setting, but you couldn’t see it. Dark gray clouds blanketed the area, pouring rain down upon Babylon Gardens and its surroundings. The Chameleon was quietly swearing to himself. He’d been trudging through mud for the last 30 minutes and his energy started to fade. He hadn’t spotted his rival since he’d shot the truck’s tire and when he’d got to the truck, he found it abandoned…and locked…he tried breaking the window with the butt of his rifle but it was a no go. He even considered trying to break the window by shooting it with his pistol, but he knew it could give away his position. He couldn’t guess where the drive had gone since the rain had made it near impossible to track anyone. He slipped back into the forest when he determined the truck was useless.


Keith had spotted Morales through the forest while he was searching the LCG’s truck. He also noticed the weapon…it was the same rifle Keith was carrying. He wouldn’t try an attempt from here…not with the rain. He knew in a battle between snipers, if you didn’t get it the first time, you may as well already be dead. He knew he had to get it in the first try and the rain was the ultimate variable. Not only were the drops of water heavy enough to affect the trajectory of a projectile, but they were randomly placed. No, it would have to wait until the rain stopped. But as long as he knew where Morales was and Morales didn’t know where he was, he was feeling pretty good about things.

What happens in the rain doesn’t let up, Keith?” he heard the wolf ask in a worried voice, over his headset.

“Well, I’ll just have to think of something, won’t I?” he whispered back.


More time passed. Light didn’t like this…Keith had been gone for more than 6 hours and night was falling and he had turned off his phone to save on power. Light couldn’t remember the last time he’d been separated from his best friend for that long…if he’d ever been separated for that long. He decided if nothing’s happened by now, and Keith had informed him Morales wasn’t near the shelter it would be okay if he left. He’d shuddered at the thought of disobeying a direct order ‘…but it’s to help Keith,’ he convinced himself. He picked up the phone from a console and dialed Miss Sunman at the front desk. “Evelyn,” Light started. “I’ve decided to go help Keith.” “…the employees should be able to leave the shelter if they want.” He listened to her response. “Yeah, Keith led the sniper further away…it’s safe for now.” Light headed out into the heavy rain, walking through one of the checkpoints equipped with his tactical vest and wearing his ghillie suit, he made his way out into the forest in the direction Keith lured ‘The Chameleon’ Light chuckled at the thought of the name…it was so non-sinister sounding, but it was appropriate for a sniper to have as a ‘codename.’ Focusing his attention back on the task at hand, he became serious. He hoped he would be able to find Keith before Morales did…the rain wouldn’t make tracking easy.


The rain continued through the night. Keith hadn’t slept in over 24 hours and kept a distance of at least 600 yards from Morales. The rain finally let up around sunrise…the clouds still loomed over the landscape, letting little light through. He turned on his Smart phone and tried calling Light. It rang a few times. C’mon Light, I need some information here. The wolf didn’t pick up and it went to voicemail. Son of a… He mentally punched a punching bag, trying to get rid of his frustration. The ‘no sleep thing’ was getting to him. It had been a while since he’d gone this long without it, but he forced himself to remain calm. He set up the M200 Intervention and targeted Morales in his crosshairs.


Morales was thankful for the rain, it was familiar territory for himself. He continually moved in unpredictable patterns in case he was being watched. When the rain stopped, he started to worry…he knew the moment that the sniper rifles could actually be useful had arrived and he was being extra cautious. In the thickly forested area, he figured this ‘sniper’ battle, could easily turn into a short ranged melee if neither of them couldn’t get line of sight on the other. A bullet impacted near his head against the tree he was walking around and he quickly jumped back behind it. Listening for the gunshot, he reached into his backpack and put on his ghillie suit, greatly increasing his ability to hide. He took out a mirror on a stick and used it to look behind the tree.


He’d missed his first shot. If Light was with him, it would be easier; the wolf was an excellent spotter. Keith was doing everything himself, the process was slightly slower. He lined up the mirror in his crosshairs, but knew better. The Chameleon was trying to find him, but he knew he wouldn’t be able to at that distance, not unless he fired at the mirror; it eventually disappeared back behind the tree. He waited. After another hour, there was no sign of his opponent, and Keith began to wonder if he’d slipped away somewhere behind the tree…he might have gotten lucky and known his point of view, or he could have guessed it from seeing the direction the round he had fired struck the tree at. Either way, he was fairly certain he’d have to track his prey all over again.


Light heard the bullet impact the tree, but the surrounding woods muffled and echoed the noise so he couldn’t be sure where it had come from. He stayed low, unmoving, in some tall grass that blended with the suit he was wearing. He was listening for anything that could help him, but nothing came. His sense of smell wouldn’t be useful for some time…the entire area was cleared by rain, of any scents that might have been left by someone coming through that area in the past. He stealthily checked his Smartphone and realized it was turned off…Shoot…it must have turned off when I was crawling earlier. He turned it on and checked his missed calls, one was from Keith. “Great,” Light whispered as he hung his head and sighed. Keith will never let me hear the end of that one.” He attempted to call Keith, but he got voicemail again. He left a message saying he’d have his phone on for now. He didn’t think it would do much good though; the coverage was spotty, at best, out here. He put away the phone and continued on…slowly.


Night was falling on the second day. Keith had used almost all of the food he was carrying…he hadn’t slept for 48 hours and was exhausted from concentrating for so long and moving at a crawl…and to top it all off, he had no idea where Morales was at that point. It didn’t help that the Colombian had a ghillie suit of his own. Keith was expecting to have finished this battle sooner. He started to worry, but since ‘The Chameleon” hadn’t returned fire recently; he must have lost him as well…at least for now. The two had exchanged shots ever since it had stopped raining, over the last 24 hours. The ex-Marine was down to two rounds. Better make ‘em count, he reminded himself. He’d been taking as good as he’d been giving, so he wondered how much ammo his opponent had left. Leaning up against a tree he starting dozing off, when he snapped back up to alertness. That was close, he thought rubbing the bridge of his nose. He silently yawned and pinched his cheek, to feel a bit of pain…to try to stay awake. He didn’t have as much riding on this fight as the Colombian did. He imagined the determination of ‘The Chameleon’ was unwavering. He turned on his Smartphone to call Light. He was going to request his help out here…he didn’t know how much longer this battle would last. His Smartphone vibrated; he checked the screen and saw the call was from Light. He pushed the button to answer it and turned on his Bluetooth. “What’s up, Light?”


“Sorry, Keith, I screwed up.” Light spoke into the receiver that was being held in front of his muzzle. His head still ached from where he’d been hit by the butt of Morales’ rifle. The wolf’s hands were tied behind his back. The man took the phone away from Light’s head and brought it up to his ear, keeping his 9 millimeter aimed at the wolf. “I am getting tired of this game, Mr. Greyfield. I admit defeat as you are the better sniper…however,” he added, grinning. “…I now have the upper hand.”

“What do you want, Morales?...You want me to just walk into the middle of an open field and let you shoot me...then shoot my wolf? Cause I don’t think that’s going to fly…”

“I could always shoot your wolf first. I think I’ll start with the leg.” He pulled the hammer back on his pistol.

Light cowered back against the tree. He didn’t like being shot…he’d had enough of that to last a lifetime.

“Okay!” Keith was heard shouting into the phone. ”J-just…just let me say goodbye to my wolf first.” Morales shrugged as he held the phone up to Light’s ear.

By now Light was really scared…not for himself, but for Keith. Is he really going to sacrifice himself…for my sake? He spoke into the Smartphone. “Keith?”

“Whisky Oscar Lima Foxtrot Zero Two Activate… Command Priority One” Light’s eyes glazed over as he relaxed.
"Time Delay…Zero Nine…Escape-Stealth…Command Priority One…Time Delay…One Zero…Attack Target…Juan Morales…End Command” The wolf started counting in his mind. ”Goodbye, Light.”

“I understand… Goodbye Keith” Light replied, in a monotone voice.

Morales brought the phone back up to his ear. “Here are the coordinates...” He sent a text to Keith with the coordinates to the center of the field. “...where I want you to stand…and don’t bring your rifle…or else…”

”I got it, Morales…just don’t hurt him.”

Morales looked at the wolf and smiled. He knew if he hurt the wolf, Keith wouldn’t show up and would probably make sure he would regret it. But after Keith was dead, what was to stop him from killing the wolf. “Mweheheh.” He started to mock the wolf. “Your owner is an idiot, you know that?” He slapped the wolf with the back of his hand, the force causing Light to fall over onto his side. The wolf looked back at Morales without anger or hate…it was almost pity and it disturbed Morales for some reason. He quickly turned away, unable to look at the wolf, and he set up his rifle aimed at the center of the field…now it was just a matter of time.

Keith didn’t have much time, he was pretty far from the coordinates and he knew Morales would act if he didn’t get there soon. He had to move slowly enough so as not to be seen easily, but still move quickly enough to get there as soon as possible.

Eight minutes had passed, and Keith was finally near the edge of the field. He looked through his scope at Morales. He was scanning the area for Keith and just as he thought, he was kneeling behind Light. There was no way he could risk that shot…not in this situation. He called Light’s Smartphone. “I take it you’ve arrived?” Morales asked as soon as he answered. “Yeah, I’ve arrived, but I want insurance that you won’t shoot me until I’m in the center of the field.”

Please, Mr. Greyfield, I’m a man of honor…besides, what’s more insulting than a sniper gunned down in the center of a wide open field. Mwahehehh, I’m surprised you agreed to it…does this mongrel mean that much to you? much as oh, let’s say…a brother?” Keith didn’t like the tone with which Morales said that. Will he kill Light before me? Suddenly the game had changed and Keith was second guessing the plan…he checked his watch timer. One minute remaining. He had to risk it. He laid down his rifle as he slowly walked toward the center of the field. “Your brother was a bad man, Morales…he paid for his crimes. I was hoping you’d learn a lesson from his fate…to change for-"

"Take off the ghillie suit too, I don’t want you disappearing in the tall grass after I shoot you…you could pretend to get shot, and try to slink away…was that your plan?”

Keith gave a surprised look to Morales…he knew he was watching him through his scope. He reluctantly took off the ghillie suit, sneaking a glance at his watch as he did so. ’10 seconds’ he continued to walk slowly until he was near the center of the field.

“You know that whole argument you made…about you wanting revenge for your brother because I killed him?”


“What about it?” Morales asked in a carefree attitude, looking at the man suddenly stare straight at him and smile in his scope.

“I have a wolf…
Your argument is invalid.”
he heard the ex-Marine say over the Smartphone.

The rifle was suddenly pulled out from under ‘The Chameleon’ and swung into his chin knocking him off the ground and sending him backwards.

“Qué…” Morales asked, dazed. Light continued to strike the man that was holding him hostage not moments ago, with the heavy end of the rifle, until he overheard Keith’s voice over his phone on the ground. ”10-34 Alpha Tango Juan Morales One Zero Mike”

He stumbled a bit but regained his balance as he realized he was holding a Cheytac in his hands and Morales was on the ground...and in bad shape.

“Good job, Light! You got him,” Keith shouted from the field as he began running toward Light.

“Are you okay, Light?” Keith asked as he quickly checked Light over for injuries, before hugging him. “I thought I told you to stay put,” he looked at the wolf in a scolding manner.

Light wasn’t exactly sure what happened, but he was glad Keith was okay so he hugged him back. “I’m sorry, Keith,” he replied, tears forming in his eyes. “I promise I won’t disobey you again…at least not on purpose.”

Keith laughed and ruffled the fur on the wolf’s head. He took Morales’ weapons off of him and started walking away.

Light picked up his Smartphone and followed Keith but looked back at the man groaning and bleeding, clearly in pain…his legs were broken, so there’s no way he could have walked out of there. Are we really going to leave him here?...I mean, he’d do that to us, but aren’t we better than that?

Keith took his phone and pushed the button to dial RMMS. After a couple of rings someone picked up. “Hey, this is Keith Greyfield… password: bravo delta echo echo charlie zero two one, yeah, I’d like to request a pickup at these coordinates…” he said as he copied the coordinates from his GPS system on his Smartphone. “…Juan ‘The Chameleon’ Morales…There’s a bounty? Yeah, have it transferred into my account, thanks.” He hung up and put the phone away. “So, Light…” he said turning to the wolf. “How was that for our last unassigned job with RMMS?”

Light looked at Keith with an aside glance, complete with raised eyebrow, that said, ‘Oh it was fine, except for the being held hostage and the pain, and the fear…

Keith laughed, heartily. “Yeah, I think it could have been better too.” He pulled the wolf beside him with his arm over his neck and rubbed his head again.


“I don’t believe this?!” Martin shouted furiously at the wolf and ex-Marine seated in the chairs opposite the desk from him. They hung their heads in shame as they took the full force of the assault from the Lucky Charm Grove’s owner. “I haven’t hired you and already, you get attacked…and at the shelter no less. …not only that, you didn’t inform the police…” he was pacing back and forth behind the desk, his fury knowing no bounds. “This is not the kind of scandal I want the day before opening!”

“W..Well I th-“ Keith started.

Martin banged his fist on the desk, interrupting Keith…the fury of his drunken father showing in his eyes. “I hope you have a good explanation for this…” he said with an icy cold tone.

“Sir…” Keith said calmly. “No one was hurt, RMMS is discreet at handling these types of things, and since I’m still under their employ, I’m taking full advantage of their resources in making sure nobody knows what happened. I already informed Miss Sunman to explain to those working here that night that it was a mandatory safety drill...” Keith stood and placed a hand on the desk looking Martin in the eyes. “…and I know if the police had gotten involved, so would the media…and you know they would have loved to spin this wouldn’t have been pretty.” He turned around and sat back down. Light was looking from Keith to Martin, worried a little that a fight between the two would break out at any moment. He felt it best not to mention the piece of the residency building that was missing from the bullet that hit it.

Martin sat down in his chair. He ran his fingers through his hair and looked at Keith. “Alright, you get one more shot…but the next time something happens to my shelter, you’re gone…understand? I can’t keep a liability hired as an employee.”

Keith and Light stood at their chairs and stood at attention. “Understood sir!” They replied in Unison.

Martin chuckled. “Okay you two, get out of here. I understand we’ll be getting the rest of the security forces, soon?”

Keith and Light eased up on their stances. “That is correct, sir.” Keith replied.

“Well, I have some trainers I want them to look forward to.” Martin smiled mischievously. “We’ll make the Navy SEALs look like Navy seal pups.”

*snrk* Light held up a paw to his mouth. Keith looked over at him. “What?” Light replied. “…it was kind of funny.”

Keith and Light left the office and drove back to their house. The bank had cleared it surprisingly fast, and tonight they would finally get to live in it. Keith pulled up to the house and Light hopped out of the car and started hopping up and down on the front porch; Keith following behind, a little more slowly. My first house… He was enjoying the moment. He eventually joined Light on the porch.

“Excited about our new house, Light?” Keith said, smiling as he unlocked and opened the front door.

“Yes, but I also needed to go to the bathroom,” the wolf replied as he rushed past Keith and frantically searched for the bathroom.

Keith laughed and rolled his eyes as he shut the door to their new house.

The End

Thanks for reading…I may have another chapter that introduces the other members of the Lucky Charm Grove security forces.

...and here it is: ... 36#p154236

Re: Housepets: Projectiles of Protection (PG-13)

Posted: Thu Dec 02, 2010 4:00 am
by valerio
YAY for another exciting chapter!
Poor Martin, to think he wanted to lead a smooth, tranquill business... :mrgreen:

Re: Housepets: Projectiles of Protection (PG-13)

Posted: Thu Dec 02, 2010 9:53 am
by Blue Braixen
lightwolf21 wrote:I have a wolf. Your argument is invalid.
Wahahaha! :lol:

Re: Housepets: Projectiles of Protection (PG-13)

Posted: Thu Dec 02, 2010 10:35 am
by lightwolf21
Tha Housedog wrote:
lightwolf21 wrote:I have a wolf. Your argument is invalid.
Wahahaha! :lol:
Yeah, I thought you guys might like that. :mrgreen:
I'm surprised you still remember that.

Re: Housepets: Projectiles of Protection (PG-13)

Posted: Thu Dec 02, 2010 12:21 pm
by copper
Pretty good ending there, Light wolf.

Re: Housepets: Projectiles of Protection (PG-13)

Posted: Thu Dec 02, 2010 1:12 pm
by lightwolf21
copper wrote:Pretty good ending there, Light wolf.
Wait...O_o so only the ending was good? *sniffle* :cries: