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Re: Pet Friendly-In Character

Posted: Thu Jun 25, 2009 10:18 am
by Jimmy Jazz
"well, it seems like every thing is in hand. see all of you later" he said and waved good bye.
he went out the door and started walking home Finally, some space to think a car Drove by splashing the side walk with water. it was still drizzling a bit, it was very relaxing, very refreshing after the hectic morning. When he finally reached his house he had been thinking about all the pets he had met since he had come here, but his mind kept going back to Venison.
Why would he so easily accept a collar, when he had been traveling so much. it doesn't seem like he would give up his ways so quickly. But now he was unlocking the door and soon the smell of dinner made him forget about Venison and the rest.

For now....

Re: Pet Friendly-In Character

Posted: Thu Jun 25, 2009 10:29 am
by caelei
Magnus wagged his tail as Rav touched his tummy, laughing. "Tickles!" He exclaimed, then cocked his head as Venison suggested he leave. He looked at the smaller dog, his lower lip trembling. "Go?" Tears shone in his large eyes as he hung his head, going for the door. He heard a familiar voice in the distance, and his tail wagged again, happy as he looked upon his sister in the distance. He sprinted out of the house, running to her side and grasping her small frame in a bone-crunching hug. The binoculars hidden under her jacket peeped out a little bit, shining dully under the cloud cover.

"Looks like it's clearing up," Pavelle said, hurriedly stuffing the binoculars into the raincoat again, looking up at the Ligerr house, through the open door that Magnus had forgotten to close. Nobody could have possibly seen...anyways, these binoculars could have been hers, who knew? She quickly returned Magnus' hug so that he would let up, then looked around. Might as well go to the coffee shop. They'd be open, right? Who didn't want coffee after a storm? "Mag? You got money?" Magnus shook his head, sniffing the fresh air and grinning, hardly paying attention. He waved at Rav, Venison, Sara, and Balbaroy collectively through the open door. Pavelle sighed. "Well, you have to pay next time, then. Lets go get some cappuccinos." Magnus jumped for joy, turned, and bolted for the coffee shop. Pavelle didn't have to worry about being turned away because she was a pet. She was a regular customer, and the owners of the place were pretty lenient towards pets buying. As long as they had money, who cared?

ooc: Sorry about not replying for a couple days... my computer was freaking out.

Re: Pet Friendly-In Character

Posted: Thu Jun 25, 2009 10:13 pm
by Keeshah
caelei wrote:Magnus wagged his tail as Rav touched his tummy, laughing. "Tickles!" He exclaimed, then cocked his head as Venison suggested he leave. He looked at the smaller dog, his lower lip trembling. "Go?" Tears shone in his large eyes as he hung his head, going for the door.

Rav pat pats the big dane's back, rubbing his firm tummy..
Perhaps it is best for now.. Vension must be feeling overwhelmed by all the pet that have come to visit, or just hiding from the storms, this morning..
We can meet again another day, an get to know one another better..

Rav waves from the door, as all the pets that are leaving trot off down the street.
Balbaroy wakes up with a fright. "Gah! I... whu... huh?" He looks at Venison in confusion, scrambling out from under him. "Uh... thanks for the wake up call. Bloody jet lag. What time is it?"
Rav gives Balbaroy a hug. Rav stares at the clock, counting an trying to see where the hands are.. then looks over at the digital one.
It's 3:34pm in the afternoon..

Re: Pet Friendly-In Character

Posted: Sat Jun 27, 2009 6:03 am
by Kalvin
"Oh, wow. It's been longer than I thought. I really ought'ta get home before me dad and uncle get worried." He sits up and stands up, only to slump to the ground. "Oof, legs asleep."

Re: Pet Friendly-In Character

Posted: Sat Jun 27, 2009 1:18 pm
by Keeshah
Kalvin wrote:"Oh, wow. It's been longer than I thought. I really ought'ta get home before me dad and uncle get worried." He sits up and stands up, only to slump to the ground. "Oof, legs asleep."

Rav kneels down, rubbing Balbaroy's sleepy leg to get the circulation going again..
You have two parents? that's neet, i only have the one. I guess i'll see you again soon, take care of yourself..

Rav travels back to his room and curls up in his kennel, to cat nap.. ZzzzzZZzzzz

Re: Pet Friendly-In Character

Posted: Sat Jun 27, 2009 4:38 pm
by Buckdida
'That honestly took more energy than a food run. At least all the other pets are gone...' Venison looked over the couch. 'Mostly gone, anyway.' Paragus was still on the doorstep, and Zack and Balbaroy were on the way out. And he also noticed there was still glass all over the hallway...and...something shiny? He got off of the couch and walked over to the mess, bent down and shifted two large pieces of glass out of the way. A housekey. He looked around. Nobody else was watching, and he picked it up. 'This must be Pavelle's. It probably fell out of her pocket when her jacket knocked down the vase,' he thought. 'Well, if she needs it, she'll come back. But Mangus probably has a housekey too, and I honestly don't see her coming back anytime soon.' He shoved the key into a pocket on his left inner thigh. 'In the meantime, I think I just got a bargaining tool; one that I'll need.' He grabbed the several large pieces of glass and walked into the kitchen where Sara was getting a broom.

"Hey, where would I put these?" Venison asked.

Re: Pet Friendly-In Character

Posted: Sun Jun 28, 2009 11:39 am
by caelei
Pavelle went after Magnus to the coffee shop. She slipped inside after him and saw him waiting at the counter, face pressed against the glass, looking at all the goodies inside. Truth be told, Magnus didn't really ever drink coffee, he just came for the delicious food. (Which was fine with Pavelle, because coffee had never agreed with Magnus) Brownies, tarts, and other pastries were served, and he had a good time trying them all. This time, he looked excitedly down at one such food labeled 'almond croissant'. His tummy rumbled. He looked hungrily up at the male teenage human, Jerry, who worked this shift. Pavelle approached the counter. "Hey, Jer. Today we'll have the almond croissant with drizzled chocolate and my usual, please." She opened up one pocket and reached in, drawing out a mere five dollar bill. Another reason she liked it here. It was pretty inexpensive. The human obediantly got their stuff, not asking questions. He didn't even wonder why they hadn't ordered pet foods. Pavelle and Magnus, unlike some pets, had always gotten along on human food, and liked it much more than the pet variety. Magnus liked it because Pavelle liked it, and Pavelle liked it because she felt more equal to her parents and other humans while eating their food. And, she thought it tasted just a bit better. An added bonus.

Jerry put their order on the counter. "Okay, one almond croissant and one cappuccino with extra milk, cocoa powder, a hint of cinnamon, and a dab of whipped cream. Only one today Pavelle?" Jerry was smirking. Usually she ordered two or three cups of the stuff and left the place hyperactive. Pavelle grinned back.

"Yeah. Only one today, it's been a long night. We just want to get home. Is it okay that we take the cup to go? I promise I'll bring it back in a day or two, washed and sparkling. Please?" Jerry seemed to consider, then nodded, amused. Last time, they had taken two cups and never brought them back. But why wouldn't the cute little raccoon, with her giant glittering eyes, get a second chance? Pavelle thanked him and turned around, Magnus on her heels. He stuffed the entire thing in his mouth in one bite, crumbs and chocolate smeared onto his muzzle. Humans. So gullable. All you had to do was smile and ask politely, and they'd do anything for you. They left the coffee shop, walking lazily home, enjoying the sweetened air after the storm. It still drizzled a bit, but they didn't mind getting wet. Well, Magnus didn't at least. That's why Pavelle had her coat.

They stopped at their front door, Pavelle sipping the last of the coffee from her glass cup. She reached into one of her pockets for the key out of habit. The door was most likely unlocked; Father would have gotten home at three. It was then that she realized her key was missing. She hurriedly checked all the pockets, her hands coming out empty every time. Of all the things to lose. . . maybe if she retraced her steps? She sent Magnus indoors with the cup, then turned and went back the way they had gone earlier that day. It wasn't anywhere. That meant it was in the house, or in the shop, and she hadn't dropped anything in the shop. The house, then. She moaned, then pulled herself together. She would just wait until night and sneak back in and retrieve the key. How hard could it be? And with Venison out of the way, because he must have surely gone off to wherever he lived, it would be no problem getting back in. She hoped.

Re: Pet Friendly-In Character

Posted: Sun Jun 28, 2009 2:20 pm
by Jimmy Jazz
*Clak crunch crunch crunch* Octavian had come home to a hot dinner and a rather crunchy salad.

"what is in this salad?" he asked

"some thing called 'croutons ' Quite Crunchy aren't they?"

"i feel like I'm chewing Dog food, i thought that's what it might be"

"did you meet any new pets today?"

"plenty, almost too many, it was a crazy morning, after you left the Twins chased us again, then we got invited into some other dogs house, Ravs to be exact, then chaos insured for a few hours after that. including a hawk, the story of a traveling pet, Rav himself, and a thieving Raccoon that tried to steal a pocket watch" he took another bite of the salad *Crunch Crunch* "Are you sure this isn't dog food?... well any way, it was a crazy morning and i have to eat some of my own words: this place is any thing but dull"

((OOC: wasn't sure what to post for a while))

Re: Pet Friendly-In Character

Posted: Tue Jun 30, 2009 12:16 am
by Keeshah
Buckdida wrote:'That honestly took more energy than a food run. At least all the other pets are gone...' Venison looked over the couch. 'Mostly gone, anyway.' Paragus was still on the doorstep, and Zack and Balbaroy were on the way out. And he also noticed there was still glass all over the hallway...and...something shiny? He grabbed the several large pieces of glass and walked into the kitchen where Sara was getting a broom.

"Hey, where would I put these?" Venison asked.
More broken glass.. sigh.. I guess there is a limit to the number of pets i should allow in the house at one time..
Sara drags a trash can out from within a kitchen cabinet.
You can put that in there.. I haven't seen Rav in a while, you know up he is up too?
She goes an sweeps up in the hallway, going around in the rooms, cleaning up after the pet stamped.
Have you though about what we were talking about, an have you made any decisions about what your going to do?

Re: Pet Friendly-In Character

Posted: Tue Jun 30, 2009 2:50 am
by Buckdida
"I thought we already talked about what I was going to do." Venison dropped the glass shards into the trash. "Becoming a true pet directly conflicts with my overall goal. I'll have to go eventually, but I can stay for a while. Could be a couple of days, could be a couple weeks. As entertaining as those long term plans sound, I really can't pursue them. Perhaps I have a need to directly stress that I must remain off the system for as long as I possibly can. And for many other reasons, as I've said, my goal is simply survival. Getting food, medicine and other such supplies. And then I have to move on before missing things become a regular occurrence rather than an odd indecent. And call me cynical, but even golden cages become tarnished and rusty. And what would I have then?"

*AhhhhhhYaaaahhhh* Venison yawned. "Gerff. I was up early this, the time really passes when I actually get to talk. What, it's 6:00 or something now? About dinnertime...Rav and I took catnaps, mine was short, Rav is probably still taking his."

Re: Pet Friendly-In Character

Posted: Tue Jun 30, 2009 2:34 pm
by caelei
Pavelle approached the Ligerr house, her stomach growling. She had resolved not to eat supper until she had her key back. In retrospect, that hadn't been very intelligent. She was already pretty tired, though the coffee had helped. Food would have boosted her energy. But she stuck to her decision. It had to be past 6:oo now, which meant that dark would fall in a couple of hours. And then she would be in her element. She scrambled up a nearby tree, careful not to be seen, and held the binoculars to her face, looking in the windows. It was hard to see into the house from this point of view, but it looked like one human and one dog were left occupying it; there were only two forms in there, one shorter than the other. Probably Sara and Rav. Now all she had to do was sit back and wait until they went to sleep tonight, sneak in a window, and search for her key. If it wasn't in there, she'd just have to get a new one. Though that would cost more money, and her funds were beginning to run low. *sigh*

Re: Pet Friendly-In Character

Posted: Wed Jul 01, 2009 2:38 am
by Keeshah
Buckdida wrote:"I thought we already talked about what I was going to do." Venison dropped the glass shards into the trash. "Becoming a true pet directly conflicts with my overall goal. I'll have to go eventually, but I can stay for a while. Could be a couple of days, could be a couple weeks. As entertaining as those long term plans sound, I really can't pursue them. Perhaps I have a need to directly stress that I must remain off the system for as long as I possibly can. And for many other reasons, as I've said, my goal is simply survival. Getting food, medicine and other such supplies. And then I have to move on before missing things become a regular occurrence rather than an odd indecent. And call me cynical, but even golden cages become tarnished and rusty. And what would I have then?"
A loving, caring family?
An i hope there are will not be things disappearing, now that your going to be staying here.. Lawyers are concittered officers of the law, it could cause issues if you were using my house as a base of operations for a thieving ring.

*AhhhhhhYaaaahhhh* Venison yawned. "Gerff. I was up early this, the time really passes when I actually get to talk. What, it's 6:00 or something now? About dinnertime...Rav and I took catnaps, mine was short, Rav is probably still taking his."
I sure hope he is sleeping, an he didn't sneak off somewhere, with someone.
He is more a, run around all night dog, than a morning pet. an we got him up very early this morning, to bring him home.

Have you two been getting along? have any issues come up between you two?

Re: Pet Friendly-In Character

Posted: Wed Jul 01, 2009 12:39 pm
by Kalvin
After dashing a few blocks down Balbaroy finally makes it to his front door and walks in. "Dad? Uncle Travis? Anybody home?" He wanders about finding nobody there. Eventually he wanders into the dining room where he finds a note on the table.
Your uncle and I have gone out for dinner. Leftovers in the fridge. Be back around 10.

He shrugs and lays the note back on the table. "They sure are gonna be long for a while." He checks the clock. 4:17 now.

Re: Pet Friendly-In Character

Posted: Thu Jul 02, 2009 12:32 am
by Buckdida
Keeshah wrote: A loving, caring family?
Venison's eye and tail twitched simultaneously, although Sara didn't notice.
Keeshah wrote:An i hope there are will not be things disappearing, now that your going to be staying here.. Lawyers are concittered officers of the law, it could cause issues if you were using my house as a base of operations for a thieving ring.
Venison restrained multiple snarky comments that would be considered "unfriendly" and bought himself some time to think by saying something else.
Buckdida wrote:*AhhhhhhYaaaahhhh* Venison yawned. "Gerff. I was up early this, the time really passes when I actually get to talk. What, it's 6:00 or something now? About dinnertime...Rav and I took catnaps, mine was short, Rav is probably still taking his."
Keeshah wrote:I sure hope he is sleeping, an he didn't sneak off somewhere, with someone.
He is more a, run around all night dog, than a morning pet. an we got him up very early this morning, to bring him home.

Have you two been getting along? have any issues come up between you two?
"I haven't known him long enough to make a real decision on if I'd be able to live with him," Said Venison, stressing another point that explained his decision. "But yes, I suppose so. 'issues...' but...he's...much more prone to outbursts of sillyness than I would ever be. It's funny up to a point, per se, but it's how he is, so I can't change that. Besides, it would honestly be a shame if he did change."

"...A base of operations for a crime ring. What about 'survival' don't people understand? I secure what I need. If the supplies I need are secure, then I have no need to secure more supplies. Avoiding attention is possibly one most important survival strategies. At this point, if anything goes missing, it..." *AhhhhhhhhYaaaaahhhhhh* Venison yawned again. "...isn't me. I think it might be time for me to go to bed. I'm still full from lunch, so I'm okay for dinner. Should I go fall asleep on a couch, or is there a guest bed or something?"

Re: Pet Friendly-In Character

Posted: Thu Jul 02, 2009 2:35 am
by Keeshah
"I haven't known him long enough to make a real decision on if I'd be able to live with him," Said Venison, stressing another point that explained his decision. "But yes, I suppose so. 'issues...' but...he's...much more prone to outbursts of sillyness than I would ever be. It's funny up to a point, per se, but it's how he is, so I can't change that. Besides, it would honestly be a shame if he did change."
I see, you mean he is acting more like a pet, than a person like you ever would. Altho the silliness is something new, he must be over-compersating for not being allowed to be a dominate dog anymore.
"...A base of operations for a crime ring. What about 'survival' don't people understand? I secure what I need. If the supplies I need are secure, then I have no need to secure more supplies. Avoiding attention is possibly one most important survival strategies. At this point, if anything goes missing, it..." *AhhhhhhhhYaaaaahhhhhh* Venison yawned again. "...isn't me. I think it might be time for me to go to bed. I'm still full from lunch, so I'm okay for dinner. Should I go fall asleep on a couch, or is there a guest bed or something?"
You can kennel with Rav if you don't mind, it should be quite big enough for the two of you.. if that doesn't work out, i could get another one in a few days.

Re: Pet Friendly-In Character

Posted: Thu Jul 02, 2009 3:48 am
by Buckdida
(OOC: lv.2 charisma impediment activate!)

Venison's tail and eye twitched again. Venison really wanted to argue, he thought of so many responses; 'I don't do cages,' 'What's wrong with the god-**** couch,' 'There's no way in H*** I'm sleeping that close' and other snippy responses, but none of these immediate responses were friendly and none of them could form in his mouth. So he couldn't argue, and all that came out of a clamped mouth was a very strained "Fine," although no contempt could be heard. But he calmed down in a matter of seconds.
"Right then, I'll find the kennel. Night," he said to Sara. Venison walked out of the kitchen to the living room, back to the hallway and past the den to where he found Rav, sleeping soundly.
'With some luck, I won't wake him up...' Venison thought. He looked at the kennel. Not a carrying one, for sure. It seemed more like an indoor doghouse; it was very big, about the size of a very small bedroom, and it basically took up the entire room. Made Venison wonder why Rav didn't just get his own room...Venison glanced back at the room's door. No lock. He looked at the kennel's cage-mesh door...It was a simple kwikset lock. It was easy to pick, if necessary. Venison took a deep breath, and walked in, closing the cage door behind him, hearing the lock click behind him. He walked to the opposite end of the kennel from Rav, and laid down. "If I woke you up Rav...sorry, good night and thank you for everything."

Re: Pet Friendly-In Character

Posted: Thu Jul 02, 2009 11:09 am
by Jimmy Jazz
"God, its been a Exiting day, hasn't it?" he thought spread eagle on his bed with the book "Artemis Fowl: The Arctic Incident" in his hand. he stared at the popcorn ceiling and tried to spot pictures in it. popcorn, how tacky he rolled over and fell asleep thinking about the days events. his dreams where filled with Cier, Venison, Rav, The great Dane and the Racoon,
Endellion, The hawk: Paragus. the dreams where just as crazy as real life.

Re: Pet Friendly-In Character

Posted: Thu Jul 02, 2009 12:29 pm
by Keeshah
Buckdida wrote:(OOC: lv.2 charisma impediment activate!)
Venison walked out of the kitchen to the living room, back to the hallway and past the den to where he found Rav, sleeping soundly.
'With some luck, I won't wake him up...' Venison thought. He looked at the kennel. Not a carrying one, for sure. It seemed more like an indoor doghouse; it was very big, about the size of a very small bedroom, and it basically took up the entire room. Made Venison wonder why Rav didn't just get his own room...Venison glanced back at the room's door. No lock. He looked at the kennel's cage-mesh door...It was a simple kwikset lock. It was easy to pick, if necessary. Venison took a deep breath, and walked in, closing the cage door behind him, hearing the lock click behind him. He walked to the opposite end of the kennel from Rav, and laid down. "If I woke you up Rav...sorry, good night and thank you for everything."

Rav's kennel is a pet show dog type. altho it is the very largest one made..
5' tall, 5' wide, and 8' long..
A PS2 is in one corner, with it's wires going through the cage to a TV in the room. several games (Okami, FF-7, Brigandine) an the TV remote are sitting on it's top. there is also a couple water bottles.
It has a 2" thick floor cushion. a bean bag, an 2 pillows, an a blanket.

Packing it in already? Yaaawwn-whine.. ok nite nite..
Rav giggles, as Venison try to lay down as far away as possiable..

Re: Pet Friendly-In Character

Posted: Thu Jul 02, 2009 3:44 pm
by Kalvin
After a small meal, Balbaroy goes outside to the hammock out back and reclines back in it. He hums to himself peacefully, thinking about the whole day. The sky is clear now since all the raining got done allowing a few stars to shine out. "Huh, got a better view back in New Zealand, but I guess this will do." He swings back and forth before he slowly falls asleep.

(Thank god for fur otherwise the temperature would probably be unbearable. It's still supposed to be winter, right?)

Re: Pet Friendly-In Character

Posted: Thu Jul 02, 2009 5:38 pm
by Jimmy Jazz
The next morning Octavian got up and ate, washed, and read a book for a while. it was about 8:26 when he felt like going out side. "Hey, dad, I'm going for a walk" he yelled considering he didn't know where his dad was.

"Okay, how long do you think you'll be gone?" came his dad's voice from the garage.

"Oh-ho.... 3 hours?"

"long walk?"


"Well, we do still have that old bike you know, come here and look"

he walked to the garage pulling his red coat of a rack along the way. when he got there his dad was standing next to a old kinda rusty bike. "you still remember how to ride this, right?"

"yeah, i didn't like it much, it broke to much"

"i've been working on it most of the morning, shouldn't brake down, plus it doesn't seem as though it would be as tough on the bike here, come on" he patted the seat "sit down"

"oh alright" he climbed onto the bike and peddled out and turned around and stopped in front of the garage.

"works like a charm, now, go i don't want to see you for another 3 hours" he walked over took the bike turned it around and pushed. Octavian rode out of the drive way scowling well, i guess i might as well wander he thought and shot off towards a few tall buildings in the distance.

Late night hyjinks

Posted: Fri Jul 03, 2009 5:05 am
by Keeshah
Rav gets up around 10:30pm.. Sara lets him out to pee, before returning him to the kennel, clicking the door close. Rav brings along two doggie bowls, spoons, an several cans of beef & liver flavor doggie chow, that he stacks by the kennel door.

Sara goes an showers, then goes to bed for the night herself, by 11pm.

Rav, clicks on the TV,turning the sound down low as to not wake up venison.
He then curls up in the blanket, as Chiller theater comes on.. (the brain from outer space!)
Peeking out from the blankets folds..

Re: Pet Friendly-In Character

Posted: Fri Jul 03, 2009 5:32 pm
by caelei
Pavelle saw her chance. The human and Rav were both in bed... she slithered down the tree and to a first story window. Unlocked. She hesitated just a moment before she slid it open and climbed inside. She made a little noise on the way in, but nothing too bad. Probably not enough to wake anyone up, especially at this hour. Pavelle stalked through the hallways, making sure that she didn't pass in front of too many open doors. She didn't want to get glimpsed and caught, if she could help it. No key. She was starting to get paranoid. What if someone picked it up? And kept it? They could get into her house, steal her stuff. Her collection. She came to a stop at one door, peering inside. Looking in, she removed her head from view as fast as possible. Two dogs. Why was Venison here with Rav's family? She decided she didn't care, not really. But now she thought it was a good idea to get out of the house before Venison could ruin her plans again. She walked carefully back to the living room, about to slide out the window. But the window was shut. When had that happened? She went to the door, unlocked it, and drew it open. *eeeeeeeeeee* The hinges whined as she opened it, and she made sure to leave quickly after that.

Re: A disturbing dream... (still night two)

Posted: Fri Jul 03, 2009 9:56 pm
by Buckdida
A small gray dog with an unruly redish-brownish ridge down his back and a green collar was walking through a large hallway, calling out. "MMMMOOOOOOOOOOMMMMMMMM!? DDDDDDDDAAAAAAAAAAAAAAADDDDDDDDDD!? Yeesh, where is everyone? I can't even find Joseph or Minka..." A tiny bit of movement happened by a nearby window. "Oh, hey, they must be outside." He walked outside, and shut the door behind him. "Joseph? Miiiiiiiinka? Are you guys out here?" He received no response, but he noticed a deer bound away. He sighed and tried to open the door, but it wouldn't budge. "Argh. Why haven't mom and dad installed those dang pet doors yet? They know I'm not strong enough yet to open regular doors...I'll have to find another way in."

The little dog walked around the outside of the mansion, looking for another opening. He found a vent. "Hmm. I think I can squeeze into this..." After removing the grate, the little dog started crawling through the vents, hoping he could find another opening soon. He did, although much sooner than he expected, falling down an air shaft before his eyes had adjusted to the light. He crashed straight on through a vent grate, and slammed down on a wooden table, knocking it over as he bounced onto the floor with a small splash, with a large amount of chemistry implements crashing around him.

"Unghhhh...." He groaned. "WHO'S THERE?" Yelled an extremely angry voice. The small dog sat up with a start, with something dark dipping off him. He couldn't tell what it was in the dark, because his eyes couldn't discern color in the dark.
"Dad! There you are. I got hungry but I couldn't reach the..."
"What? Where am I; I fell through that vent trying to get back inside..."
"GET THE HELL OUT OF HERE NOW! The small dog reeled in fear as a pungent smell of raw meat began to become recognizable.
"What did I do? What's in this room?"
"I SAID," the human grabbed the little dog by the back of his neck with one arm, and lifted him up. "GET OUT!" The human then rushed toward a door, which opened with an extremely loud noise, *eeeeeeeeeeeeeeee* before the small dog was hurled through, up a small flight of stairs, and into a wall with rather great force. The door slammed behind him.
"Unghhhh...." the little dog groaned. "Ooooooowwwwww...what was that about?" He shook his head slightly, to knock the stars out of his vision. And stood up, propping himself against a wall. Then he heard an angry female voice come from around the corner.
"That man can't do a single controlled ANYthing without my help, or without anything exploding or...OH MY GOD, Venison, WHAT HAPPENED?!?!
"I got knocked around a bit; I don't know why dad threw me like that..."
"Uh, yeah I'm fine, but I'm hungry, because lunch was..."
"MARK! IF YOU DID ANYTHING TO VENISON...!" The woman stormed through the door that Venison was thrown out of.
Venison was confused. "What would make her react like that? I've never seen her so worried and angry..."
And then he realized why. He looked down, and his fur distinctly reflected what he apparently had been doing just moments ago.

Lying face down in a thick pool of blood that wasn't his...

Venison woke with such a start that he hit the ceiling and knocked the entire kennel upwards, which in turn knocked over the PS2 and just about anything else that required standing. He stood up and reflexively tried to run, but ended up tripping over a certain German Shepard who was burrowing in blankets, accidentally flinging himself straight into the iron-mesh wall, tipping the kennel for a moment before it crashed back down to it's normal standing position.

"Ow. Talk about dreams imitating life. That muffins and cookies dream again...Uh, thanks for cushioning my fall...sorry for waking you up. I'm going back to sleep." Venison walked back over to his corner, and laid down. He really hoped Rav wouldn't ask about anything, but of course Venison knew the chances of that were slim.

Re: A disturbing dream... (still night two)

Posted: Sat Jul 04, 2009 1:03 am
by Keeshah
Buckdida wrote: Venison woke with such a start that he hit the ceiling and knocked the entire kennel upwards, which in turn knocked over the PS2 and just about anything else that required standing. He stood up and reflexively tried to run, but ended up tripping over a certain German Shepard who was burrowing in blankets, accidentally flinging himself straight into the iron-mesh wall, tipping the kennel for a moment before it crashed back down to it's normal standing position.

"Ow. Talk about dreams imitating life. That **** dream again...Uh, thanks for cushioning my fall...sorry for waking you up. I'm going back to sleep." Venison walked back over to his corner, and laid down. He really hoped Rav wouldn't ask about anything, but of course Venison knew the chances of that were slim.

Rav tumbles an rolls as he is trampled by the panicing dog...
Ooww. hey.. are you ok? Do these scarry movies get to you too?
Rav moves over the sit next to venison, wrapping the blanket around him comfortingly. his head tilted an looking concerned..
You had a dream? a bad one? you want to tell me abo..
AS he gets cut off, as Sara comes into the room.. opening the kennel door..

We have a prowler in the house! I found an open window and closed it, an now the front door is standing open!She pants, looking almost as paniced as Venison was..

Rav shakes out of the blanket, and charges out into the hallway, sniffing an going room to room looking for intruders.
I scent that rrrrrraaaacccooonnnn we chased out earlier!
he states as he come back around the circle the ranch style house makes.. he hackles up and his tail all bushed out in a puff, as he growls toothly, as he searches through the house more intently to be sure there is no one hiding any where inside.

Re: A disturbing Dream... (still night two)

Posted: Sat Jul 04, 2009 1:41 am
by Buckdida
Venison simply got up and rolled his eyes as he walked to the door.


"At ease Rav. I honestly made her look more harmful than she actually is earlier. I've got her key. She dropped it when she knocked over the vase. Anyway, she'll have to tangle with us eventually. And Sara? No real need to worry either. If she heard me, next time she'll knock. If not, then, well, you have Rav."

He flung the door shut behind him...
And of course, Venison froze and went noticeably rigid.

He was standing in front of the door as Mom closed the door behind her. He was frozen. His mind was simply in short circuit, overthinking, overstimulated. 'What's behind that door? Where did this blood come from? Why was dad so angry? What's with mom? What did she think Dad did to me? Why can't I go in there? What do I do?'
He was brought back to earth by a voice...his sister, and his brother, the human children of mom and dad came around the corner...
"Venison?" Minka asked in a fearful, shaky voice. "Are you okay?"
Joseph approached him slowly as he asked, "Did something scare you...Hello?"
Well, Venison knew what do do now. He broke into a sprint, plowing right through Joseph with a surprisingly strong, fear powered football tackle to get back to his room...

Sara stood dumbfounded at the fact that such a small, slender pet could have the power to knock such a big pet like Rav back 5 feet through the air. Rav lay in the hallway, incapacitated as if he'd just been hit by the shock collar, while the sound of the kennel door slamming could be heard back in the room.

Re: Pet Friendly-In Character

Posted: Sat Jul 04, 2009 5:53 am
by caelei
Pavelle was just scrambling back up the tree in the front yard when a frantic human appeared at the door. Why was it that she always had a knack for leaving doors wide open? Maybe it had to do with all the times she had nearly gotten caught in another's house because she couldn't open a door fast enough to vanish quickly from sight. The things were a nuisance, really. She watched warily as Sara disappeared into the house. And then as Rav and Venison showed up.

It was Venison, shouting into the night. She nearly smiled. So he had it. If she smiled and asked really nice, maybe he would just hand it back over. Unlikely, but worth a try, anyway. She hunkered down in the tree, watching the small group. And then something strange happened; she pulled out the binoculars and trained them on Venison. He was frozen, a strange look come over his face. And then, all of a sudden, he had pushed Rav literally through the air. He was stronger than he looked. She would have to be careful about getting on his nerves; truth be told, if she had a choice between fight or flight, she would almost always just flee instead of actually trying to overcome someone else. She wondered vaguely if Rav was okay. He should be, he didn't really look too breakable.

Re: Pet Friendly-In Character

Posted: Sat Jul 04, 2009 9:39 am
by steel_wing
Paragus had taken off sometime during the day after the rain to look for familiar landmarks. However after flying all day he has no luck, so he goes to the only person he know here. Landing on Sara's windowpane again he begins tapping on it. Specifically doing "Shave and a Haircut" repeatedly so it doesn't sound accidental like a tree branch or something.

Re: A disturbing Dream... (still night two)

Posted: Sun Jul 05, 2009 2:53 am
by Keeshah
Buckdida wrote: He flung the door shut behind him...
And of course, Venison froze and went noticeably rigid.

Sara stood dumbfounded at the fact that such a small, slender pet could have the power to knock such a big pet like Rav back 5 feet through the air. Rav lay in the hallway, incapacitated as if he'd just been hit by the shock collar, while the sound of the kennel door slamming could be heard back in the room.

Rav gets up an dusts himself off..shaking out his pelt to get it to lay back into place..
After several minutes of discussions with Sara, telling her of the bad dream venison had before, an follows Venison back into his room..
He opens the kennel door an goes inside, softly closing the door behind him..
Rav gets down low to the floor of the kennel as he approches Venison, looking small an submissive as he can..
You've had another of your bad dreams, while awake didn't you.he barks softly..
What is this dream.. what has happened to you in the past?he asks quietly.. avoiding direct eye contact..
If i'm going to be my friends punching bag when you have these back spells, i would like to know why, if i may.. Me an Mom do want to help you if you will let us..
Looking up at Venison with big puppy dog eyes look, and his tail wagging softly out behind him..

Sara watches from the corner of the door way, until she is sure that a fight between the two dogs is not going to break out, when she hears the tapping on the window..
Come back in the morning to get your key, she starts..seeing the wild bird is back..
She opens the window just a crack..
Can i help you?

Re: Pet Friendly-In Character

Posted: Sun Jul 05, 2009 7:29 am
by steel_wing
He leans over and speaks into the crack "Please ma'am. I be lost. I flew and looked around all day and couldn't find out where I was. I just need some shelter for the night and then I'll be out of your hair by morning. It's too cold for me to be out safely." He sounds quite exhausted and looks it to. "I don't even need a bed or anything. Just give me a chair and a blanket and I should be fine."

Re: Pet Friendly-In Character

Posted: Sun Jul 05, 2009 3:22 pm
by Buckdida
"In all honestly, Rav, it's best for you and Sara if you didn't know," replied Venison. He looked very worn out. "Besides, I can't talk about it anyway. And the times I've tried, it's very stressful, and nobody's believed me anyway, do to pre-made assumptions. I wish I could say more. Anyway, that's the first time in a year in which something like that has happened...I just didn't give enough cool-down time in between waking up and doing things. So it shouldn't happen again. And please don't push me about it. I'm not very stable right now and I'd absolutely hate it if you accidentally tier escape strategy."

'Although,' Venison thought, 'You'd probably already know what it would feel like, with that collar of yous.'

"Anyway, it's honestly hard for me to understand why you want to keep helping me. I mean, I just decked you. Any other pet or stray or feral would be coming at me with claws, teeth, and quite possibly a knife, depending on his or her personality. And why do consider me a friend, when that's a relationship of mutual trust; I haven't had any trust to give to anyone since 2 years ago. So why do you trust me?

Re: Pet Friendly-In Character

Posted: Mon Jul 06, 2009 3:02 am
by Keeshah
Buckdida wrote:"In all honestly, Rav, it's best for you and Sara if you didn't know," replied Venison. He looked very worn out. "Besides, I can't talk about it anyway. And the times I've tried, it's very stressful, and nobody's believed me anyway, do to pre-made assumptions. I wish I could say more. Anyway, that's the first time in a year in which something like that has happened...I just didn't give enough cool-down time in between waking up and doing things. So it shouldn't happen again. And please don't push me about it. I'm not very stable right now and I'd absolutely hate it if you accidentally tier escape strategy."
Rav snuggles up warmly against Venison's back, curling his body around to follow the smaller dogs contours. holding him close an comfortingly, safe in his arms.. adjusting a pillow to fit better under both dogs heads.

'Although,' Venison thought, 'You'd probably already know what it would feel like, with that collar of yous.'
Rav winces. My collar is pretty amp'ed up over the standard ones..
an he trails off on that..
"Anyway, it's honestly hard for me to understand why you want to keep helping me. I mean, I just decked you. Any other pet or stray or feral would be coming at me with claws, teeth, and quite possibly a knife, depending on his or her personality. And why do consider me a friend, when that's a relationship of mutual trust; I haven't had any trust to give to anyone since 2 years ago. So why do you trust me?
I have always tried to help an protect my pack mates.. i have found that if you want to be a lead dog, you have to be more than just beating the weaker pets into submission. You have to impress the others into wanting to follow you.
I saw you stiffen, an smelled the sudden fear on you.. just wasn't expecting you to come charging at me
his giggles softly..
Why did you agree to stay locked in this kennel with me, a red tagged dog? that sounds like something a would be trusting friend would do..
Rav snuggles, enjoying holding you in his arms.
In the morning, we will get to have a nice hot relaxing bath...
pulling the blanket up over the cuddled canines..
getting sleepy from there combined both warmth..
He leans over and speaks into the crack "Please ma'am. I be lost. I flew and looked around all day and couldn't find out where I was. I just need some shelter for the night and then I'll be out of your hair by morning. It's too cold for me to be out safely." He sounds quite exhausted and looks it to. "I don't even need a bed or anything. Just give me a chair and a blanket and I should be fine."
Sara sighs an opens the window to let the bird in..I know i'm going to regret this.Sara goes an sets an empty packing crate on it's side and fluffs a blanket into the box.
there you go. in the morning, i'll have Rav make it so you can big a nest out there in the old barns hay loft...

Re: Pet Friendly-In Character

Posted: Mon Jul 06, 2009 10:21 am
by steel_wing
"Thank ye ma'am. Ye truly be a kind soul." He moves around a little to make the blanket into a more circular shape so he can get to sleep himself which doesn't take long.

(Barn? Where exactly is this?)

Re: Pet Friendly-In Character

Posted: Tue Jul 07, 2009 12:31 am
by Buckdida
keeshah wrote:I have always tried to help an protect my pack mates.. i have found that if you want to be a lead dog, you have to be more than just beating the weaker pets into submission. You have to impress the others into wanting to follow you.
I saw you stiffen, an smelled the sudden fear on you.. just wasn't expecting you to come charging at me
his giggles softly..
Why did you agree to stay locked in this kennel with me, a red tagged dog? that sounds like something a would be trusting friend would do..
Rav snuggles, enjoying holding you in his arms.
In the morning, we will get to have a nice hot relaxing bath...
pulling the blanket up over the cuddled canines..
getting sleepy from there combined both warmth..
Venison was very locked in personal thought, while at the same time hearing Rav...and thus was distracted and didn't notice Rav slowly cuddling up to him...

"...because you're not a red-tagger," rationalized Venison. "Those guys are violent without cause. That's the difference. You're just an undomesticated dog, who didn't automatically accept humans as end-all pack leaders. Like myself. And I didn't have much choice about the kennel. And I...
Rav cuddling up to him felt uncomfortable, strange, foreign. Venison had never felt the friendly touch of another animal.
...and it was also kinda nice.
"Good luck getting me to take a bath," He sneered.
And both doggies drifted off into sleep for what was the rest of the night...

*********Next Morning*********** (and back onto day 3! Yeehah!)

*AhhhhhhYaaaahhhh* *peh* *peh* 'Yuck. I hate the taste of my mouth in the morning,' Thought Venison. 'Hmm?'
Rav's arms were still curled around him...
'Okay, okay, don't freak out, I'm sure there's a logical explanation for this...uh...oh right, I...I let him...? Well, so much for logical.'
Venison very carefully moved Rav's arms off of him, and scooted out of the blankets without waking Rav up. What time was it? Venison couldn't tell because the clock was too far away, outside of the kennel. 'Humph. Fine, I'll just have to walk up to it...'
And, of course, he tried to open the kennel door, and it was locked shut.
'Umm...crap.' He looked at Rav. Still sound asleep. 'Oh well, I can just wai...Eerr...' Venison realized that he had not yet gone to the bathroom since lunch yesterday...
Venison grabbed the lockpick and torque-bar that hung from his neck, and quickly picked open the lock, and pushed open the kennel door.

*some moments later*

"Ahhh. Much better," said Venison. He found a clock; it was about 5:30 or so. His clock was still thrown off from yesterday's early stomach wake-up call. 'What now?' He thought. He walked to the front door, unlocked it, opened it...'Yup, newspaper gets here early,' gabbed the paper, closed the door and re-locked it, taking the paper inside.

'Hum dum...let's see...' He paged through the newspaper. 'Doesn't involve a pet, doesn't involve a pet, doesn't involve a pet...wait, what is...
Venison read the headline to himself, growling.
Well Known Veterinarians Mark and Linda Galifer Make Breakthrough With Genetic Pet Disorders
Venison began yelling in anger. "WELL THAT'S SURE AS HECK BETTER THAN THE SUCCESS OF YOUR LAST PROJECT, ISN'T IT, YOU MESSED UP, PET TWISTING SONS OF... I was yelling that wasn't I? Okay, don't panic. Nobody's gonna be up this early, so, if anything, I just woke them up, and they just heard the tail end of that, if they weren't groggy. Rav and Sara were up late last night, so they're probably both dead asleep still. So I didn't tell them anything. Good. I'm talking to myself again. Bad. Just calm down."

Venison quickly wrapped the newspaper back into its bag, and put it back onto the front step.

"Okay, now back to the kennel."

(OOC: Yelling was contained in the house. Venison doesn't know that Paragus is in the house.
@ Steel: Richardson Valley is somewhat of a town. Sara is a lawyer, so of course her property is going to be a slight bit bigger...hence the barn.
@ Kesh: or maybe, it should be a very large storage shed, might be more conductive to the setting. But your call)

Re: Pet Friendly-In Character

Posted: Tue Jul 07, 2009 6:05 am
by Keeshah
Venison began yelling in anger. "WELL THAT'S SURE AS HECK BETTER THAN THE SUCCESS OF YOUR LAST PROJECT, ISN'T IT, YOU MESSED UP, PET TWISTING SONS OF... I was yelling that wasn't I? Okay, don't panic. Nobody's gonna be up this early, so, if anything, I just woke them up, and they just heard the tail end of that, if they weren't groggy. Rav and Sara were up late last night, so they're probably both dead asleep still. So I didn't tell them anything. Good. I'm talking to myself again. Bad. Just calm down."

Venison quickly wrapped the newspaper back into its bag, and put it back onto the front step.

"Okay, now back to the kennel."

Rav wag wags his tail, coming out of the bathroom an meeting Venison in the hallway, with a yawn, his pink tongue curling up cutely in his muzzle as he does so..
Having another of your spells? or yelling at that coon again?he asks sleeply.. clearly he didn't make out what he yelled as he staggers back into his room the lay back down in the kennel...patting his tummy for venison to come snuggle back up with him..
then Yawwwwwning hugely again..
Arrrrgh mornings are for sleeping..

Re: Pet Friendly-In Character

Posted: Tue Jul 07, 2009 7:47 am
by steel_wing
Paragus wakes up with a startle, letting out a loud squawk. He then begins to shout in response. "Quiet down you mangy doog, some of us are trying te be sleeping. What time is it?"

(Yes, he said doog, not dog. Us scottsmen are funny like that.)

Re: Pet Friendly-In Character

Posted: Tue Jul 07, 2009 10:55 pm
by caelei
Pavelle woke up very stiff and very confused. And very hungry. The first thing she heard was her stomach growling sorely. . . and then Venison yelling something about 'pet-twisting sons of -' and then something about 'doogs', whatever those were. She tried to sit up and nearly fell out of the tree. She was in a tree? The binoculars thumped once against her chest, hard enough to spark her brain into remembrance. Oh, yeah. The stake-out. So was she really going to just waltz up to the front door and ask politely for her key? She rubbed her forehead, which had begun to throb. Ugh. Yeah, she was. Maybe she could get breakfast off them. . .she didn't feel like explaining to her parents where she had been all night. She stiffly climbed down from the tree. Once her feet had safely reconnected with the ground, she stretched a bit, tucked the binoculars back under her jacket, and smoothed down the hair around her face. There. She marched to the front door, paused, then knocked. Loudly. Three times. Then she put on her best 'defeated' face, with just the touch of an early-morning scowl, and waited for someone to answer.

Re: Pet Friendly-In Character

Posted: Wed Jul 08, 2009 8:03 pm
by Keeshah
caelei wrote:Pavelle woke up very stiff and very confused. And very hungry. The first thing she heard was her stomach growling sorely. . . and then Venison yelling something about 'pet-twisting sons of -' and then something about 'doogs', whatever those were. She tried to sit up and nearly fell out of the tree. She was in a tree? The binoculars thumped once against her chest, hard enough to spark her brain into remembrance. Oh, yeah. The stake-out. So was she really going to just waltz up to the front door and ask politely for her key? She rubbed her forehead, which had begun to throb. Ugh. Yeah, she was. Maybe she could get breakfast off them. . .she didn't feel like explaining to her parents where she had been all night. She stiffly climbed down from the tree. Once her feet had safely reconnected with the ground, she stretched a bit, tucked the binoculars back under her jacket, and smoothed down the hair around her face. There. She marched to the front door, paused, then knocked. Loudly. Three times. Then she put on her best 'defeated' face, with just the touch of an early-morning scowl, and waited for someone to answer.

Sara answers the door wrapped up in a filly pink robe, an wearing bunny slippers..
hello there, have you come to ask for the key?

Re: Pet Friendly-In Character

Posted: Wed Jul 08, 2009 9:19 pm
by Buckdida
Keeshah wrote:Rav wag wags his tail, coming out of the bathroom an meeting Venison in the hallway, with a yawn, his pink tongue curling up cutely in his muzzle as he does so..
Having another of your spells? or yelling at that coon again?he asks sleeply.. clearly he didn't make out what he yelled as he staggers back into his room the lay back down in the kennel...patting his tummy for venison to come snuggle back up with him..
then Yawwwwwning hugely again..
Arrrrgh mornings are for sleeping..
"But for me, mornings are for walking." He closed the kennel door. "Sorry Rav, but I need to take a walk. Alone. But I'll be back, I promise. Now go back to sleep. I went to bed at six; don't know how late you stayed up though. If you would tell Sara..."


"Hmm? Who could that be this early in the morning?"

Venison walked back to the front door.

"Hello, Sara. Morning." She gave him an odd look in response. "Oh, right. You, uh, forgot to lock the kennel last night after..." Venison saw who was at the front door.
"...Paaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaavelle. It's far too early for this crap. Couldn't you at least wait until after breakfast, you overeager, coin-snatching 'coon? Eh." He tossed a hand into the air. "Whatever."

He turned his attention to Sara. "I was going to go for a walk anyway. I'll be back by breakfast." He walked out, paying no attention to Pavelle, going down the walk.

Re: Pet Friendly-In Character

Posted: Thu Jul 09, 2009 12:43 am
by steel_wing
Paragus stretches out his wings and his back, flying over near the door and perching near to Sara. "Sara, I need to go out and search for anything else I can see. I thank ye for your kindness, I may be back one way or another." He sighs and starts to flap his wings. "I should be able to tell where I am better with an overhead view." He swoops past Pavelle and Venison at a considerable speed before turning upwards to the sky.

Re: Pet Friendly-In Character

Posted: Thu Jul 09, 2009 1:00 am
by Kalvin
Waking up, Balbaroy finds it a little bit warmer than yesterday beginning to become spring. He stands up and walks into the living room; small television, large couch, recliner, coffee table, yada yada, typical. What's unusual is the TV is on. "There is a fifth dimension beyond that which is known to man. It is a dimension as vast as space and as timeless as infinity. It is the middle ground between light and shadow, between science and superstition, and it lies between the pit of man's fears and the summit of his knowledge. This is the dimension of imagination. It is an area which we call the Twilight Z-" Rod Serling's voice is cut off as he turns the TV off and begins going about his morning ritual (for which I will spare you the details). He looks at the radial clock in the kitchen halfway through breakfast. 5:47.