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Re: Pet Friendly - Radiant Gardens

Posted: Sun Feb 07, 2010 8:40 pm
by The Game
The mouse gave him a questioning look. "What's a vet?" Wonder gaped at her. "An animal doctor..." she said. The mouse pretended to understand. "OHHHHH A vet!! No I don't need a vet...I think." She tried to change the subject. "Thanks for getting me down. BUt you don't know my name, and I don't know yours." she stuck out her little paw. "The names Booke. Saga Booke."

Re: Pet Friendly - Radiant Gardens

Posted: Sun Feb 07, 2010 11:16 pm
by Athlon2736
"Ya sorry 'bout showing up late guys....I out exploring when i just stumbled apon you," Zappa said from the roof, he jumped down and landed softly on a bush.
"Name's Zappa, how about your guys?" he said sticking his paw out.

Re: Pet Friendly - Radiant Gardens

Posted: Mon Feb 08, 2010 12:53 am
by Jack
"Names Jack. its a pleasure to meat you." said Jack while shaking the little mouses hand with one of his fingers. he put her on his shoulder and slowly slid down the rope. he extended his paw and shook zappa's paw. "same goes for you" he said.

Re: Pet Friendly - Radiant Gardens

Posted: Mon Feb 08, 2010 1:07 am
by Athlon2736
"Sorry for showing up late... I was just out exploring a new area and on my way home. Is there anything you guys need my house is just down the road a little," Zappa spoke shaking Jacks hand, "By the way you have the same name as my brother. I just hope Dal-"
"Ronald Birchwood! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" A basset hound yelled. Zappa instantly sqeezed Jakcs hand hard taking a paniced looked.
"I was making freinds..." He turned his head sqeezing harder as he did.
"Well Jackson has been out looking for you. He just came back saying that he couldn't find you. So i had to sniff you out, and you know how much that annoys me," The hound barked.
"Yes Dallin. I know how much you hate it," Zappa said.

Re: Pet Friendly - Radiant Gardens

Posted: Mon Feb 08, 2010 5:24 am
by Fox-Writer-Deluxe
Felan stared at the basset hound running up to them yelling his head off. "I should probably see how Jennifer is, would be a good way to get away from this loud mouth" he said to himself quietly while he continued to stare. he wasn't concerned with anything going on at the moment and began walking away.

Re: Pet Friendly - Radiant Gardens

Posted: Mon Feb 08, 2010 5:13 pm
by The Game
"Hey, my names Wonder." she shook hands with Saga. She looked incredulously at Jack. " Don't think me crazy for asking, but have we met before?"

Re: Pet Friendly - Radiant Gardens

Posted: Mon Feb 08, 2010 5:35 pm
by Jack
Jacks ears perked up at the cats question. he has been feeling the same notion this entire time. "I think we did, but... im not sure where. wait... did you say your name was wonder?" the dream he had earlier came rushing through his head, he completely forgot about it. "you! i- i saw you in my dream!"

Re: Pet Friendly - Radiant Gardens

Posted: Mon Feb 08, 2010 5:45 pm
by Athlon2736
"Dream? Heh Heh... you are his dre-" Zappa spoke up as the Dallin punched him in the back of the head.
"Oh no you don't!" he said.
"What? All I was going to say was they dream mate... its a effect that Jackson told me about, when someone meets some via dream, its very rare and only happens via stron personailties... like Jacks and.. um Wonder was it?" Zappa explained.
"Oh?" Dallin inquistively asked. He turned to ther others, "Well I might as well properly introduce myself. Names Dallin, ex-police dog. Might I get your names my freind?"

Re: Pet Friendly - Radiant Gardens

Posted: Mon Feb 08, 2010 7:25 pm
by The Game
"Like I said, I'm Wonder." she shook hands with Dallin. "Hey Saga, are you hungry or anything? I can only imagine how long you've been there..." Saga's stomached growled on cue. "Actually im famished. Are you offering me something??" she mouse asked. "Sure. Come to my house with me and I'll grab you a bite. Come to think of it, I'm hungry too. Anyone who wants to can come along." Wonder offered. I hope I don't sound like an idiot...

Re: Pet Friendly - Radiant Gardens

Posted: Mon Feb 08, 2010 9:55 pm
by Athlon2736
"Meh, sure, I will. I don't know if Dallin will come," Zappa said, "I'm sure my dad won't mind, and we can bring Jackson if thats ok?"
"I more then likey won't come," Dallin said, "I'm need to get some sleep all that comotion last night kept me awake. I expect you home by 7. Understood?"
"Yes Dallin."

Re: Pet Friendly - Radiant Gardens

Posted: Mon Feb 08, 2010 9:58 pm
by The Game
"Sure, I'm new here, and I think everyone in my family will be glad to see I'm making friends. Everyone can come and we can just talk. " Wonder felt confident of herself. I hope this ends up well

Re: Pet Friendly - Radiant Gardens

Posted: Tue Feb 09, 2010 9:50 am
by Jack
"well i would love to come! food sounds awesome!" Jack thinking: "mm... food."

Re: Pet Friendly - Radiant Gardens

Posted: Tue Feb 09, 2010 5:44 pm
by Athlon2736
Zappa looked at Jack.
"Jack don't you get any ideas. I read alot of faces, and you look like your schemeing," Zappa said. Turing he walked away, "I'll get Jackson and come right back. I think he'll be interested in meeting a few new people."

Re: Pet Friendly - Radiant Gardens

Posted: Tue Feb 09, 2010 6:09 pm
by Jack
"You got me mister Zappa. I am making a plan for food domination! mwuahahaha!"

Re: Pet Friendly - Radiant Gardens

Posted: Tue Feb 09, 2010 6:43 pm
by The Game
" Ha, funny." Wonder said. She watched as Zappa walked off, then turned to Jack. "SO=o, you're really that Jack?? How do you think our 'fates are intertwined' then?? I mean you did say that, right?" Jeez, I sound lika idiot with all my questions!!!

Re: Pet Friendly - Radiant Gardens

Posted: Tue Feb 09, 2010 6:51 pm
by Jack
Jack thought "oh god, i remember saying that! i must have sounded like a fool. ... and im going to keep sounding like a fool." "im pretty sure i am that same person! although im not entirely sure where that intertwined fates thing came from." Jack started blushing, he blushes very easily when he is embarrassed at something, even a bit. "but uh... *gulp* its uh, kinda hot today... hehe... but it is rather strange that we actually managed to talk to each other through a dream! not to mention that we never met before. maybe we are like, totally, supposed to be best friends!" when silliness is applied Jack gets less embarrassed.

Re: Pet Friendly - Radiant Gardens

Posted: Tue Feb 09, 2010 6:57 pm
by The Game
Wonder couldn't help but grin at Jack's blush, but the redness seemed contagious for she felt her cheeks become hot. "I didn't mean intertwined fates I just meant like maybe somewhere down the road we are going to make a big decision. WAIT! Not a decision like that but a...choice?? I don't know really, I just want to know why we could talk in our dreams!" Even though she'd finally gotten the question out, her cheeks still burned from the beginning sentences. Note to self: Kick yourself hard later!!

Re: Pet Friendly - Radiant Gardens

Posted: Tue Feb 09, 2010 7:14 pm
by Jack
"What? uh... i uh.." Jack started taking a very bright colour of red. "i mean, your very nice and pretty and im sure your just as great in personality but we onlyjustmetandimkindagonnagooutwithsomeoneand..." at this point he was so nervous that all of his words got mixed together, forming almost impossible to understand sentences.

Re: Pet Friendly - Radiant Gardens

Posted: Tue Feb 09, 2010 7:18 pm
by The Game
Her blush dimmed slightly and she began to giggle. "I can't really understand you, and that last sentence was totally lost. Try saying it again slower so I can understand?" She instantly felt her cheeks flare again. I'm talking to someone my age not a preschooler!!

Re: Pet Friendly - Radiant Gardens

Posted: Tue Feb 09, 2010 7:29 pm
by Jack
"ehehehehe..." Jack gave a nervous laugh "never mind that. so uh..." *sigh* Jack began to calm down and the red hue faded from his face. he walked over to the tree and sat underneath it and invited wonder to sit next to him with a hand gesture. "so," he's voice was calm and steady "this whole dream thing is kinda weird huh? awesome, but weird."

Re: Pet Friendly - Radiant Gardens

Posted: Tue Feb 09, 2010 7:32 pm
by The Game
Thank God we're past that She took his invitation and sat. "Yeah it's 'awesome' but it also make me think. Why us in particular and why now?"

Re: Pet Friendly - Radiant Gardens

Posted: Tue Feb 09, 2010 7:39 pm
by Jack
"seriously, i have no idea why. maybe we are like "soul mates" or something. i mean, we both know that we have in common the inability to operate under pressure." he gave a light chuckle. "and maybe there is something more to this! all i know is that we can only see where it goes from here."

Re: Pet Friendly - Radiant Gardens

Posted: Tue Feb 09, 2010 7:44 pm
by The Game
Wonder shrugged. "I guess,But that gets boring after a while...hey, where'd that mouse go?" Saga gave a loud cough. "I've been on your head for the past five minutes watching you giggle and blush at each other." Wonder tried to peer up at her head. "How did you get there? I thought you were in Jack's hand." Saga grinned. "I do stuff like that."

Re: Pet Friendly - Radiant Gardens

Posted: Tue Feb 09, 2010 7:49 pm
by Jack
Jack grinned "you sneaky little thing you." he looked over at saga "so what do you think 'bout all this?"

Re: Pet Friendly - Radiant Gardens

Posted: Tue Feb 09, 2010 8:05 pm
by The Game
Saga leaned coolly on Wonder's ear. "Well, from what I've heard, you guys dreamt about each other and could talk to the other. Then something about a decision and a date and what not. But I think your lives are going to meet up in some odd way. It'll probably happen when you least want it to or expect it, but like Jack said, maybe you're," she interrupted herself with a giggle. "Soul mates!"

Re: Pet Friendly - Radiant Gardens

Posted: Tue Feb 09, 2010 8:33 pm
by Jack
"that sounds... exciting, doesn't it? i wonder what will happen next." Jack leaned against the tree and looked up at the sky with his head full of ideas.

Re: Pet Friendly - Radiant Gardens

Posted: Tue Feb 09, 2010 8:52 pm
by EchoFireant
Once Marshall reached his home, he powered up his computer and check through some of his e-mail. One of the mails caught his attention particularly because of the title which was written in Russian -- Привет, meaning Hello. The sender of that email is ...Natalia?

He remember her as if it was yesterday, a word reminded him more so of who she was or more exactly, a place, the Urals. The mission detail for that suddenly came back, flooding his mind with images and then there was her, the beautiful husky with a voice of an angel which provided the the vital intelligence for the operation to succeed.

As he continued reading on, a phrase in Russian caught his attention. "We have been pulled out from the country as the situation has changed." That said a lot of things. Firstly, whatever they did during that time in the Urals, was ineffective in the long run, secondly, it would explain, at least part of the sudden training session in "The Orchard" and thirdly, things were getting dangerous for her and her owner and the decision was made to pull them out.

The mail ended with just a simple closing words "I will find you when everything is done. I have missed you ever since we met. Love, Natalia."

So she is coming here eh? It's been a long time since the last we met. Deep down, the feelings he thought he had suppressed about her slowly came back. It was during the long operation in the Urals that he developed his feelings for her. It could be said that it was love at first sight but he suppressed his feelings for the sake of the operation. The time that they spent together was mostly a get-to-know for team cohesiveness, shopping for supplies and of course, the initial reconnaissance when the op is a go. Would be nice having her here.

Somewhere over the ocean

"Soon we will live in our new home. Are you excited?"
"Да." replied Natalia while looking out from the window of the private plane.

Re: Pet Friendly - Radiant Gardens

Posted: Tue Feb 09, 2010 9:14 pm
by The Game
"Thank you so much for that Saga. You're already like the little sister I never had..." Wonder said. She couldn't help but blush at the mouse. When a thought came to her mind, the blush intensified. What if she's right? Her heart began racing and she looked at Jack. He was looking straight up, deep in thought. We just met, he's dating someone I got this idea from a mouse. It isn't true. It can't be true...but there's a slight chance it is.

Re: Pet Friendly - Radiant Gardens

Posted: Wed Feb 10, 2010 8:02 am
by Athlon2736
Zappa came back with Jackson in tow.
"Yo this is my little bro Jackson," he said.
Jackson leened out from behind Zappa, looking at Wonder and Jack.
"Ummm, H-hhii," Jackson spoke shaking softly.
"Umm he's alittle shy unless we say something he can get and point out things, like that thing about dreams," Zappa said making the Manx completely visable to the others by stepping away from him, making him blush hard, But his ears perked to the dream comment.
"D-do you mean Dreammates?" Jackson asked.

Re: Pet Friendly - Radiant Gardens

Posted: Wed Feb 10, 2010 4:03 pm
by Jack
"hi there Jackson! thats a great name you got there!" Jack let out a chuckle. he was also very giddy in the sight of the young cat, he was just so cute! he felt like putting him on his head. "sp please, Jackson, enlighten us about this "dreammates" thing you mentioned."

Re: Pet Friendly - Radiant Gardens

Posted: Wed Feb 10, 2010 5:37 pm
by The Game
Wonder snapped herself out of it. Thank God Zappa's back.... "Hey. What's up?" She asked the little cat. Saga waved from her place on Wonder's head. "I'm here too. My names Saga, and I am NOT for eating." Wonder swatted at her head. "Oh hush."

She turned back to Jackson. "So you 'specialize' in dreams, huh? Well, tell us what you know."
And please distract me!!

Re: Pet Friendly - Radiant Gardens

Posted: Wed Feb 10, 2010 6:51 pm
by Athlon2736
"Wel specialise isn't correct. I've begun to study it and Zappa got me to bring three books on it," Jackson said twisting ot show the bag, "Zappa can you pull the red one out."
"Sure," he said comign over. he reached in and pulled it out. Eyes of the Dream is what the cover read.
"Exellent. Hand it here please... unless we should go to Wonders house and discuss thsi sitting at a table as there is the chance that this will blow you minds.... literally. You'll go insane from t-" Zappa coughed hard. Jackson ears once again twitched and looked him, scowling at him.
"What?" Zappa asked.
"I'm speaking only the truth," he said.
"Pointing being?"
I have to speak the truth to the ones experiancin this or there will be a chance of.... well you remember what happened last time," he said.
"That was an accident and you weren't as axperinced as you are you bro, and I did forgive you," Zappa said, "Even if theres still a mark."
Jackson looked over at Jack and Wonder.
"Jack and Wonder, hmmm... Something just feels wrong... And yes I know you didn't tell me you names, I'll a little more connected then most 'readers'," Jackson said, tapping his forehead softly.

Re: Pet Friendly - Radiant Gardens

Posted: Wed Feb 10, 2010 7:46 pm
by Jack
"how can something so articulate come out of something so cute?" Jack asked himself. "well that does sound like a good idea." he turned to wonder "will you do us the pleasure of leading the way to your home?" he said kindly.

Re: Pet Friendly - Radiant Gardens

Posted: Wed Feb 10, 2010 8:15 pm
by Fox-Writer-Deluxe
Falen entered his new home and began looking for his owner. "Jennifer! I'm back." he yelled into the empty house. there was a groan from a nearby sofa. he rushed over as Jennifer sat up having been woken from a nap. "hey what's up with you?" she asked before yawning again. "I just got back, and I was worried about you" he said. walked into the kitchen following his owner who was checking on a cooking chicken.

Re: Pet Friendly - Radiant Gardens

Posted: Wed Feb 10, 2010 8:39 pm
by The Game
"Y-yeah. Sure. Right this way!" She leaped up. "Not very far, less than a block." She kept a quick pace as she lead them. Saga gave a small tug at her head. "Ok. What on earth is wrong with you. I crack a joke and suddenly you're all silent and blushy." Wonder slowed. "That was a joke??!" Yesssssssssssssss! "Well....not really. It was the truth but it was said jokingly." Wonder slapped her forehead. "That's not exactly what I meant."

She turned back around. Don't look at him, don't look at him.... "What were you and Jackson talking about Zappa?" sha asked, trying to cut Jack off her vision. She suddenly felt her foot hit something, and she fell over. That didn't just happen

Re: Pet Friendly - Radiant Gardens

Posted: Wed Feb 10, 2010 8:51 pm
by Jack
Not being the most agile pet Jack tripped over Wonder as she fell bumping his forehead in the back of her head. something felt funny. he was sitting on wonders back grasping his forehead with his paws until finally he realized that the funny feeling he got was from the mouse that fell so conveniently in to his mouth. he quickly opened his mouth and pulled Saga out. "ach! what a hirrid taste." he looked at saga "no offense, hehe..." he then noticed that he was crushing the cat that was underneath him. he quickly got up and proceeded to helping her up. "im sorry! are you okay? i must have knocked you down by accident! sorry... im not so light on my feet."

Re: Pet Friendly - Radiant Gardens

Posted: Wed Feb 10, 2010 9:06 pm
by The Game
"Oooof" Wonder could taste the grass. Then she felt a sudden weight on her. It not the wind out of her. She struggled for breath as the weight quickly got off, then she flipped over. She saw Jack, trying to help her up, and Saga on his shoulder. She looked wet and slimy. "Um...Ow!" Wonder coughed.

Re: Pet Friendly - Radiant Gardens

Posted: Wed Feb 10, 2010 9:09 pm
by Jack
Jack looked at her with watery eyes feeling really bad about what he did to her "im so sorry, im so sorry, im so sorry. i uh.. im so sorry!"

Re: Pet Friendly - Radiant Gardens

Posted: Thu Feb 11, 2010 1:32 am
by Athlon2736
"Well that was interesting," Zappa said, watching Jack pull her up.
"What we were talking about was Zappa's incounter with his dreammate. A Arctic Fox from Russia," Jackson said.
"Don't you dare bring her up," Zappa covering his ears.
"Too bad. Anyway, she was call Jessica, and she was just like me, well read in Dream arts and, well you guys can laugh, but magik as well. She arrived trying to find the one she was connected to. When she found him, she also found me. She taught us both understanding of the connections and how they work. Unfortanely Jessica returned back to the mother land and died of a uncureable Disease, and when the connection is broken, um well things get a little out of hand. The Second host, in that case Zappa, would go insane over a total of 24 days. While I was practicing, Zappa came into my room locked the door and start gibbering on about something, and told me about Jessica's death. Since I was still in my infancy of perfecting my magik skill, which is being able to dive into peoples minds and relax them or completely and utterly destroy them. He asked for help and I went ot work. The procedure for this as well as breakin these mind bonds is dangerous," Jackson said looking down after a second.
"Then came the event," Zappa said.
"Most of the time, the second host can break the effects by simply relaxing his or her mind, but Zappa being um.. a very active thinker, he couldn't stop this, so the procedure to stop insanity are to rid the persons mind of all thought. Literally purging the mind. Somewhere in the attempt, I screwed up. With this there was a backlash. Not on me but Zappa. The mindpurge happen but it happen with such strength that a bolt of energy shot out cut up Zappa back and then destroyed itself," Jacksonsaid looking back up.
"He's since praciticed long hours trying to perfect this, and preventing a backlash," Zappa said walking next to Jack.
"I'll explain it all when we reach your house okay, I don't like being out side when i discuss this."

Re: Pet Friendly - Radiant Gardens

Posted: Thu Feb 11, 2010 7:14 am
by Jack
"well thats uh... fun?" he looked at wonder "i promise i won't die and make you insane."