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Re: RGV: Radient Gardens Vineyard

Posted: Mon Mar 28, 2016 6:40 pm
by MrNeonShot
Hotep the psychic wrote:Horus giggled and smiled as she watch's orange "careful hon we dont want you turning back to normal again do we? I like you the way you are now" The fox said as she looks to vinny and nods "elemental or like full metal alchemist?" She asked
"Woah, what do you mean normal? Did something happen to her back when she lived here?" Vinny asked. "Also, I'm not picky on either alchemy styles, but let's start with Fullmetal Alchemist style." Vinny replied.
Orange giggles at Vinny before walking around the corner to check out the magic wands.
"Kama, Horus, do either of you remember if I ever got anything from the store? Besides my new look~ She said, swaying her tail.

Re: RGV: Radient Gardens Vineyard

Posted: Mon Mar 28, 2016 8:35 pm
by Hotep the psychic
Horus thought for a moment as a small tome floated towards vinny. It's spine and cover both tough with a lock and key on the page side that held the small red book closed. Soon hors snapped her fingers and chuckled "You got a potion Orange and so did kama but both had different effects.....but I only remember kamas"horus answered as she walks to kama to hug him happily

Re: RGV: Radient Gardens Vineyard

Posted: Wed Mar 30, 2016 8:15 am
by Hlaoroo
Sandy falls about laughing, literally rolling on the floor, when the rabbit gets twisted.
"All that needed wath that ratchet thound to make it perfect! You know, that kgkgkgkgkgkg thound!" he giggles, doing his best to imitate it.
"Here. Let me try to fikth* you." Taking Yensid's shoulders, he twists, wondering what will happen next.


Holly starts and nearly falls off Kaylee's shoulder in surprise as Stephan speaks.
"Stephen! I... Uh... I mean... Um... How much of that did you hear?"

Re: RGV: Radient Gardens Vineyard

Posted: Sat Apr 02, 2016 2:05 am
by RandomGeekNamedBrent
Civilization wrote:"Nice t.v." Furettia added, "So Sleepy Hollow?"
"Actually, that may be better saved for later," Minnie replied. "I'd rather not devote an hour to watching TV while we could still go out and do stuff in town."
(OOC: watching an hour long TV show does not a good RP make :P)

Re: RGV: Radient Gardens Vineyard

Posted: Sun Apr 03, 2016 4:32 pm
by Legotron123
Noah thought for a second, then mentally shrugged. Fair enough. Though I think the chainsaw's cool too. Literally tearing a hole in space-time is kinda awesome. He paused for a moment. So, do you really not use the internet?
Most of it. Steph said, a hint of a smile on his check. You two do make quite the pair. Not romantically, of course. Contrary to what movies tell you, it is possible for a boy and a girl to be just friends. Anyways, just check out the paintings. I'll just supervise. Looking over the various bits of art, it would be apparent that the Walkers preferred art that captured a moment. While there were plenty of paintings of scenes from ancient mythology, most of them appeared to be recreations of photos. Those ranged from one of a younger Lupa at what was clearly her wedding, to one of a rather dirty kitten in a fancy hotel room, to two of that same kitten, now cleaned up and revealed to be a young Noah, at what appeared to be a pop culture convention. I can explain some of these, if you'd like.
Um, it's the one I brought out earlier? The one that tried to get one of us to put it on? Lupa said sheepishly, clearly embarrassed and confused as to why she did that. Um, so anyways, what would be the best time for me to visit that "Matriarch" of yours? Because I still have a lot of questions on Magic, and from what you've said, she's the most knowledgeable on the subject.

Re: RGV: Radient Gardens Vineyard

Posted: Sun Apr 03, 2016 4:50 pm
by Welsh Halfwit
"I'm tempted to ask what Noah did to get that filthy," Kaylee said, ignoring the 'boy' inference as she looked over the paintings. She wished she had glasses so she could look intelligent. "He seems so... free now but he acts as though he's been the loneliest of us."

Re: RGV: Radient Gardens Vineyard

Posted: Mon Apr 04, 2016 12:03 am
by Neon Icy Wings
Amanda tapped her chin thoughtfully, "Well, she is in town currently to check up on me and drop something off for my father. You might catch her at my house later today, depending on what time it is now, or tomorrow, if it's too late by the time we get there." Her head tilted as she tried to remember family policies, "And in regards to your artifact, it would require the Matriarch to be accompanied by someone qualified to contain and transport dangerous artifacts, which is really fifty fifty as I forget who was on the current guard listings."

She glanced around, taking note of where her friends were, and saw most of them, though Kaylee must have slipped away and Sandy chinchilla was still physically absent. She then started to, really, take in the rest of the room. She rubbed her bow a bit, repositioning it as she wondered what the rest of the day might bring.

Re: RGV: Radient Gardens Vineyard

Posted: Tue Apr 05, 2016 5:55 pm
by Mickey
To fulfill Sandy's wishes, Yensid makes the noise rather expertly, but it still sounds a bit off doing to being made with his mouth and not an actual crank.

Re: RGV: Radient Gardens Vineyard

Posted: Fri Apr 08, 2016 9:43 am
by Hlaoroo
This amuses Sandy to no end.
"You're a cartoon! I can't breathe! I can't breathe! You're really a cartoon!" he cackles and howls.
"Hey, Retlaw," he queries when he regains his composure. "Can you do that thtuff too?"

Holly is absolutely mortified to learn that Stephen had been there the whole time. She splutters a few times, her ears turning very pink as Kaylee stands to look at the pictures, before jumping off the cat's shoulder and into a clay vase with a narrow neck on a hall table. The vase wobbles briefly and then is still as the ghost curls a foetal position in the semi-darkness inside, burying her head face in her knees and wrapping her tail around her body.

Re: RGV: Radient Gardens Vineyard

Posted: Fri Apr 08, 2016 9:47 am
by hypernovatic
Kama hugged Horus back, smiling. He moved sand all along the floor of the store, feeling at home here.

Re: RGV: Radient Gardens Vineyard

Posted: Fri Apr 08, 2016 10:17 am
by Mickey
Hlaoroo wrote:This amuses Sandy to no end.
"You're a cartoon! I can't breathe! I can't breathe! You're really a cartoon!" he cackles and howls.
"Hey, Retlaw," he queries when he regains his composure. "Can you do that thtuff too?"
"Me? Nah. Only the growth potion landed on me, the others landed on Yensid. The only abnormal thing I can do is summon paint."

Yensid freely spins and twists his limbs, before snapping back into his original self. Yensid decided to amuse Sandy even more and sketched up a grey boat steering wheel. Along with this came a long white hat, white pants, and a white pair of shoes. He forcefully dressed Retlaw in these items and now, the 4 foot mouse looked like he jumped right out of the 1928 cartoon, "Steam Boat Willy". Yensid jumped behind the couch and outta sight, making a steam boat whistle noise to the best of his ability.

Re: RGV: Radient Gardens Vineyard

Posted: Sun Apr 10, 2016 5:52 pm
by Legotron123
From what I understand, he had to do quite a lot of dumpster diving in order to find food as a stray. Said Stephan. I'm surprised Miss Lupa managed to get most of it off with just a standard hotel shower. He tilted his head at Hollys reaction. Maybe he was a bit out of date with social norms. Maybe Holly was getting upset over nothing. Maybe he was written by a guy with the social skills of a rock. Whatever it was, he couldn't figure out why Holly was so upset. What's wrong? Is it because I said you and Sandy make a good pair?
Lupa raised an eyebrow. Guards? She said somewhat incredulously. How big is your family?

Re: RGV: Radient Gardens Vineyard

Posted: Tue Apr 12, 2016 2:02 am
by Neon Icy Wings
Amanda tapped her forehead as she tried to remember, "Well... we count a lot of distant cousins who are talented with magic as a part, but there are not that many direct descendants. Overall I'd say, no more than fifty direct bloodline connections and four hundred overall, with six family houses, consisting mainly of the direct blooded ones, spread here and there that all answer to the Matriarch. Not counting the human house of the family of course. They handle most of the legalities, such as ownership."

She hugged her snowman happily and gave a slight grin as a torrent of memories flooded her mind, with a few distinct feline faces flashing by, though a select few memories were deliberately kept from her minds eye. She quickly stopped thinking about the memories to continue, "Most of the family generally get basic training for their powers then go on about their lives, a few exceptions are there, some have volatile powers that need to be monitored, while some seek some more training to be more proactive in the family. These family members can be called on to escort the Matriarch when needed, but only some are allowed to handle the transport of potentially dangerous magical artifacts." Though hard to spot, her brow creased unhappily during the first part of the exceptions, but quickly vanished from her face, her slight grin never leaving.

Re: RGV: Radient Gardens Vineyard

Posted: Tue Apr 12, 2016 7:01 am
by Welsh Halfwit
"It's all right, Holly," Kaylee said, now looking into the vase her friend had hopped into. "I don't think Stephen meant to overhear, sweetie. And I don't think he'd tell anyone, would you, Stephen?"

Re: RGV: Radient Gardens Vineyard

Posted: Tue Apr 12, 2016 2:50 pm
by MrNeonShot
Vinny took the book and inspecting it. Seeing that the book was under lock and key, he wasn't sure if he should open it.
"Should I, uh... unlock the book or leave it as it is?" Vinny asked.
Orange chuckled as she looked around.
"I see. So is there anything new in the shop?" she asked.

Re: RGV: Radient Gardens Vineyard

Posted: Fri Apr 15, 2016 4:35 pm
by Civilization
RandomGeekNamedBrent wrote:"Actually, that may be better saved for later," Minnie replied. "I'd rather not devote an hour to watching TV while we could still go out and do stuff in town."
"Okay then." Looking at Bianca and then the other two, mostly at Minnie, "What do you have in mind then? Can't possibly do any more shopping now." She added the second part with a chuckle.

Re: RGV: Radient Gardens Vineyard

Posted: Fri Apr 15, 2016 8:05 pm
by Deske
(I swear I handed Rig off to someone... Maybe I forgot.)

Meanwhile, Rig, having finished his pizza, had wondered off into another part of the house, having seen and heard Yensid and Retlaws antics, and partially to distance himself from Bonnie in order to try and put her at ease. He wandered around the house, opening cases, or rather prying open some of them, picking up various artefacts and looking at them before stumbling into the library and snagging a few interesting looking books to read, finding the only interesting one's to be the ones with his language or runic markings on the front. He sat down in a nearby chair and cracked one open.

Re: RGV: Radient Gardens Vineyard

Posted: Sun Apr 17, 2016 4:46 pm
by Legotron123
Oh, that's what you're worried about? He scoffed. Of course I'm not going to tell anyone! What possible benefits could I gain from revealing your emotional secrets!? He paused. Although, if Miss Lupa asks, I am going to have to tell her. But that's due to the curse placed on me, otherwise I wouldn't say anything. Let's just drop the topic, to avoid giving Holly any more emotional distress. My offer to explain the paintings is still up. On top of the ones previously mentioned, the pair would also find a few depicting Lupa and what appeared to be a group of her friends at various locations around the world.
It was lucky Lupa wasn't drinking any of her soda, otherwise she'd have done a spit take. FOUR HUNDRED?!?! And I thought my husbands family was big. She paused, as an inquisitive look appeared on her face. Actually, I wonder if they're related to the human side of your family. His family can't cast any spells, they just have this one "gift" that's been passed down. Does the name "Prevones" sound familiar to you?

Re: RGV: Radient Gardens Vineyard

Posted: Wed Apr 20, 2016 12:45 am
by Neon Icy Wings
Amanda was amused by Lupa's reaction, but put her amusement aside to ponder the question, "I have to say it does not. Few of the human side of the family delve into magic as much as we. In fact most of them are everyday people with some exceptions. They have a hard time casting spells if they can at all and have the basic telekinesis like my side of the family." She gently floated her snowman in front of her, "I am sure there are at least a handful of separate magical families anyway, so their not being related to my father's family isn't the strangest thing in the world."

Re: RGV: Radient Gardens Vineyard

Posted: Wed Apr 20, 2016 5:17 am
by Deske
Rig flipped through the pages of an old dusty book until he found what he was looking for. A few minutes of reading and rereading to translate the image in the book was all. He raised a paw and drew the sign in front of him, a rather complex one at that. A couple of tries, at first earning nothing but a few sparks but finally a faint blue glow formed between his paws before taking the shape of a V, the point pointing towards the living room where the rest were sitting. Carefully he stood up and walked to the living room, shifting the arrow to a single paw. "I found a book in your book room, a few of them. I hope you do not mind that I took them down."

Re: RGV: Radient Gardens Vineyard

Posted: Fri Apr 22, 2016 2:25 am
by Hotep the psychic
Horus looked around in some thought before shaking her head " not that i can think of right away but there is alot" she said soon joining kama to hug him happily

Re: RGV: Radient Gardens Vineyard

Posted: Sat Apr 23, 2016 6:21 pm
by RandomGeekNamedBrent
Civilization wrote:"Okay then." Looking at Bianca and then the other two, mostly at Minnie, "What do you have in mind then? Can't possibly do any more shopping now." She added the second part with a chuckle.
"well, we could watch an episode of Steven Universe, that shouldn't take too long," Minnie suggested.
"Perhaps you could show me some things which haven't changed since my time," Samuel suggested. "I believe I've learned enough new information for today."
"I... don't actually know much about your time period, I'd need to find some info online." Minnie said. Then she had an idea. "Actually, you were a feral weren't you? I don't think feral life has changed all that drastically. But I'm not sure if we actually have any woods nearby."

Re: RGV: Radient Gardens Vineyard

Posted: Sun Apr 24, 2016 2:26 am
by Hlaoroo
"That's not it!" Holly calls, her voice echoing and hollow in the vase. "It's... It's the fact that you heard at all! ... That was private. I was vulnerable! It... Only Kaylee was supposed to hear it." she finishes, sounding miserable.

Unfortunately for Yensid, Sandy, having lived on the streets for so long, isn't well-versed enough in cartoons or movies to know of Steam Boat Willy. He does recognise Mickey Mouse though.
"Ha! It'th Mickey Mouse! Brilliant! What other cartoonth can you do?"

Re: RGV: Radient Gardens Vineyard

Posted: Sun Apr 24, 2016 2:50 am
by Welsh Halfwit
"C'mon, Holly," Kaylee said, carefully reaching into the vase to grasp her Rodenty friend. "I think you can trust him, yeah? Let's go see the other massive photos of Noah as a Kitten."
Andrew watched the show appreciatively

Re: RGV: Radient Gardens Vineyard

Posted: Sun Apr 24, 2016 2:01 pm
by Mickey
Hlaoroo wrote: Unfortunately for Yensid, Sandy, having lived on the streets for so long, isn't well-versed enough in cartoons or movies to know of Steam Boat Willy. He does recognise Mickey Mouse though.
"Ha! It'th Mickey Mouse! Brilliant! What other cartoonth can you do?"
"Well," Yensid leans over the back of the couch, "Whaddya wanna see?"

Re: RGV: Radient Gardens Vineyard

Posted: Tue Apr 26, 2016 4:45 am
by Hlaoroo
"Hmm... Bugth Bunny! A-and make Retlaw do Minnie Mouthe!" Sandy giggles.

"Yeah... I guess... It's just... It was personal, that's all... Sorry... I guess I'm acting like a brat, huh?" The small spectre allows herself to be grabbed by the cat.

Re: RGV: Radient Gardens Vineyard

Posted: Tue Apr 26, 2016 5:42 am
by Legotron123
Not at all. Stephan said. I walked in on something very personal and emotional to you. It's perfectly natural for you to react that way. He smiled and turned back to the paintings. Now come on. At this point, I actually kinda want to explain these.
Eh, I knew it wasn't likely. I just figured I had to ask anyways. Lupa turned over to the Yenlaw duo and smiled, clearly amused by their antics. See if you can recreate that one scene from Roger Rabbit. Though who's going to play Eddy?

Re: RGV: Radient Gardens Vineyard

Posted: Tue Apr 26, 2016 6:14 am
by Welsh Halfwit
Kaylee gave Holly a sly kiss on the spectral cheek and popped her up on top of her head before following Stephan around the portraits.

Re: RGV: Radient Gardens Vineyard

Posted: Tue Apr 26, 2016 8:21 am
by Deske
Rig shrugged, having lost the conversation, and quietly moved back into the library, studying the books and experimenting with the more simple spells the books held.

Re: RGV: Radient Gardens Vineyard

Posted: Tue Apr 26, 2016 10:40 pm
by Neon Icy Wings
Amanda nodded in understanding at Lupa's small explanation of the question. She turned to where the current center of attention was and felt out of place, not really having much knowledge of cartoons aside from a few classics. She had half a mind to look around the house, but she didn't want to intrude around the house, as every current member seemed preoccupied, and she felt Kaylee could use a break from her. She hummed to herself, rubbing her bow as she leaned back into the couch, content to mull thoughts over in her mind for the moment. Though, not all thoughts, as some she wanted to remain private in the company of two mind readers.

Re: RGV: Radient Gardens Vineyard

Posted: Tue Apr 26, 2016 11:45 pm
by Welsh Halfwit
"I'm not sure which scene you mean, Lupa," Andrew said, feeling he knew who was to 'volunteer' to be Eddie.

Re: RGV: Radient Gardens Vineyard

Posted: Wed Apr 27, 2016 10:58 am
by Civilization
RandomGeekNamedBrent wrote:"well, we could watch an episode of Steven Universe, that shouldn't take too long," Minnie suggested.
"Perhaps you could show me some things which haven't changed since my time," Samuel suggested. "I believe I've learned enough new information for today."
"I... don't actually know much about your time period, I'd need to find some info online." Minnie said. Then she had an idea. "Actually, you were a feral weren't you? I don't think feral life has changed all that drastically. But I'm not sure if we actually have any woods nearby."
Bianca looked at Furettia, "Well there are those farms outside of town..."
"Walk far enough in any direction and there is some form of wilderness. Depends on, well, ready to take another trip then?"

Re: RGV: Radient Gardens Vineyard

Posted: Wed Apr 27, 2016 12:37 pm
by Mickey
Hlaoroo wrote:"Hmm... Bugth Bunny! A-and make Retlaw do Minnie Mouthe!" Sandy giggles.
Retlaw blushes, but Yensid pulls him behind the couch anyway. After a few comical magic poofs, Yensid jumps out from behind the couch, his black fur grey and added white spots to make him look like the requested rabbit icon.

"Come on out, Minnie!" Yensid had his voice thrown to do a rather impressive, but slightly off, Bugs Bunny impression.

Retlaw hesitantly walks out from behind the couch, dressed in a pink polka dot dress and matching bow, with pink high heels to finish the look. He was blushing through his fur and spoke through clenched teeth.

"Of course, Bugs."

Re: RGV: Radient Gardens Vineyard

Posted: Wed Apr 27, 2016 3:21 pm
by Welsh Halfwit
Andrew chuckled at the sight. "I don't know about Bugs, he told Sandy, "but Retlaw's definitely bugged about something."
Outside, and with a Rat on her head, Kaylee looked along te paintings with her paws behind her back like a professional gawker. She stopped in front of one, particular, painting. "What was going on with this one, Stephan?"

Re: RGV: Radient Gardens Vineyard

Posted: Thu Apr 28, 2016 4:35 pm
by Legotron123
Stephan stared at the painting Kaylee pointed at as he tried to remember. Hmm. I believe that one's of Noah's first San Deigo Comic Con. He was very excited by all the exclusives. It wasn't until next year that he started making us cosplay. His form turned misty for a bit before solidifying again, now looking like the DCAU version of Alfred. Guess who I went as.
You know, the one where Eddie's in Toon Town, and he's fallen out of a skyscraper, and then he comes across Bugs and Mickey skydiving? Although it won't be exact, since we have Minnie, not Mickey, plus I'm not sure how we can recreate a free fall. Lupa thought for a bit before turning to Amanda. You said you had telekinesis abilities, right? How much can you lift?

Re: RGV: Radient Gardens Vineyard

Posted: Thu Apr 28, 2016 6:00 pm
by Neon Icy Wings
Amanda sat forward at the question, still rubbing her bow, "Well, it depends on certain factors, like my emotional state. Noramlly I can lift multiple small objects, but a more exact estimate would be a grand father clack, but only for a few seconds and it would be very draining. Now if I were in distress, fear or angry, while it could vary widely due to the intensity of the emotions, I could easily pick up and throw this couch, or perhaps... even overturn this entire room." She ended, a tad hesitantly and wincing as she did, as she quickly halted an intrusive memory from entering her mind.

Re: RGV: Radient Gardens Vineyard

Posted: Fri Apr 29, 2016 9:48 pm
by Deske
Rig tucked the books under an arm and walked back out to join the others so he could have at least some form of company while he studied what he could find. He stood up and walked out into the living room, sitting himself on a vacant chair and opening a book in his lap.

Re: RGV: Radient Gardens Vineyard

Posted: Tue May 03, 2016 9:29 am
by hypernovatic
Hotep the psychic wrote:Horus looked around in some thought before shaking her head " not that i can think of right away but there is alot" she said soon joining kama to hug him happily
"True. So got anything new?" Kama asked, hugging back.

Re: RGV: Radient Gardens Vineyard

Posted: Tue May 03, 2016 5:37 pm
by MrNeonShot
hypernovatic wrote:
Hotep the psychic wrote:Horus looked around in some thought before shaking her head " not that i can think of right away but there is alot" she said soon joining kama to hug him happily
"True. So got anything new?" Kama asked, hugging back.
Orange giggles
"I just asked that~" she said with a smile.
"Hey, is there anything we can do here?" Vinny asked as he picked up a magic wand and twirled it around.

Re: RGV: Radient Gardens Vineyard

Posted: Fri May 06, 2016 11:16 am
by Mickey
Retlaw walks back behind the couch and another magical poof resounds. He hops over it, dressed in red shorts with white buttons and bright yellow shoes. He seems much more happy in this outfit.

"Heya kids!"