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Re: Resurgemus

Post by NHWestoN »

Hard things, eulogies. Wish Max well on that. Wonder if Reverend Gurney is still around (he marriage counseled Bailey and King).
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Re: Resurgemus

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

If it is the same church that King and Bailey got married at then I would assume that he would be the one leading the funeral. I know the story moves at a different pace then the upload schedule but it feels like its been WEEKS since Jeff died and he should have been buried by now. xD
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Re: Resurgemus

Post by trekkie »

Sorry for the delay in posting this, guys, and thank you to everyone who read and thanks to everyone for their kind words. it does mean a lot.

Chapter 23

Becoming a Sandwich, reward for being catnip free, and Max's eulogy for Jeff

As Max ate his breakfast with his family he thought about that his mom had said about the food that Grape had taken home. Max thought about how his dad taught him to combine ingredients and about how his dad would take damaged boxes, and cans that he saw other shoppers reject, and use the contents which were just as good as those in undamaged boxes. Maxwell also remembered how his father would take ingredients that sounded as though they would be horrible together and make something magical out of them. While thinking about these things the idea for the eulogy came into his head and he composed it while finishing up his omelette.

"You've been quiet, Max." Earl said, "Are you okay?"

"Yes, I'm fine, I actually just got an idea for my late dad's eulogy. " Max said

"Well, there is something your mother and I needed to talk to you about, " Earl said, "it's nothing bad but we do need to talk to you about it."

"Did you want me and Peanut to leave the room, dad?" Grape asked, "Is this something that should be between you, mom, and Maxie?"

"That's up to you, Max, either way is fine with us." Earl said

"I'd like you and Peanut to stay if that is okay with you." Max said to Grape then turned to Earl, "What did you want to talk about, dad ?"

"Well, I'm going through your records to fill out the adoption form to make the adoption official and I can't find a middle name on your records. So, we have decided provided it is okay with you to give you the middle name Sausage. A Maxwell Sausage Sandwich is a type of sausage sandwich that originated in Chicago. It would also fit in with our theme of each of our pets being a type of sandwich."

"Maxwell Sausage Sandwich, " Max said smiling slightly "I like it."

"Good." Earl said, "We also found plans for you to receive a crawfish boil as a reward for staying off catnip, and we wanted to see if you still wanted to do it. Now, Jill, and I think that you definitely deserve it for giving up catnip and staying off it, but at the same time we understand it might bring up memories of your late father. So it is up to you."

"I'd like to have it, if you're sure that is okay. " Max said, "Maybe we can pay tribute to my late dad at the crawfish boil? Oh, and i wanted to add some other foods so Peanut and others could enjoy the food."

"That's very nice of you Max, and it is no problem having a tribute to your father, " Earl said, "just make sure to give us a date and a guest list soon."

"Are you sure it's no problem?" Max asked

"Max, it is absolutely no problem. " Earl said "You've done a good thing by staying off catnip, and that should be recognized, and if it helps you feel better after all you've been through, then its the least we can do."

"Also dad loves to barbecue." Grape added

"Also that." Earl agreed

"Okay,” Max said “ I'll give you a date and guest list as soon as i can figure it out." Max said and drank up the last of his orange juice

After the table had been cleared, Max went to his room to work on the eulogy. Before writing it down he called Bino and got his brother's permission to use his experiences in the eulogy. He had just finished writing it out, when he heard a knock on the door frame and turned to see Grape standing in his doorframe. Grape entered and the two cats snuggled on Max’s bed for a while. It was comforting, Max thought, to be able to snuggle with the most awesome cat in Babylon Gardens and to know that he was safe, secure, and loved, and that his new parents thought enough of him to give them their last name and to give him the crawfish boil. As he thought about all that had happened in the past days, tears, both of the grief from losing his father and of the happiness of being loved streamed from his eyes.

"What's the matter, Maxie? " Grape asked

"Just losing my dad, and the fact that I am cared for, I guess." Max said, "Thanks for snuggling with me I needed it after writing out the eulogy. Do you think it would be okay if I read it to you guys?"

"No problem as to the snuggling, and I'm sure that'll be okay, if you read the eulogy. Let me go get everyone, for you Maxie." Grape said and left the room returning soon after with the rest of the family Max gathered up his papers, looked at his loving family, took a deep breath and began to read:

"I don't know how many of you know this but my my father was very fond of cooking. He loved cooking for me and Bino whenever we made him proud and on our adoption days and holidays. I remember that when i told him that I wanted to learn how to cook, he was so pleased. We spent many an weekend afternoon cooking together. Those days will be memories I will cherish for the rest of my life.

Dad bought food in damaged packages, because he knew that it was the food on the inside that counted and not the damaged exterior. He made that food into amazing dishes. He also took in a kitten whose antics, both as a cat and a kitten I'm sure sometimes left a bad taste in his mouth. He made sure that I was well fed and although he let me take the heat of the mistakes he never left me on the fire for too long. He always saved me from getting too badly burned.

Dad also brought flavors together that sounded crazy to everyone else. Yet he made the flavors combine into something truly delicious. He brought out the qualities in foods that may have seemed damaged to others. He did that to me and my brother Bino too, he took in to animals were each in our own ways damaged. He saw that despite my bragging and swaggering, I was a painfully insecure and lonely cat. I didn't want people to painfully insecure I was, because I was afraid that they wouldn't love me. Bino, and i have his permission to say this, spent his life in his brother's shadow, at first wanting to be like him and then wanting to push him out of the way. He wanted to be seen as something other than Fido's brother.

I remember when I started cooking, and experimenting with flavor dad gave me some advice, what he considered the four rules of cooking, he said, "Maxwell,I want you to be bold but not bitter. I want you to be mild but not bland. Combine the flavors but make sure each is tasted. Make the food rich but not overwhelming." When i first heard the rules i thought they were contradictory., but I followed them anyway because my dad was, may dad and my guide in the wonderful world of cooking. When i thought about it later I realized that he may have been trying to give this awkward black and gray tomcat some advice about life. So, friends and family, you can honor my father by doing the following. Be mild but not a doormat, be loyal to your friends, but also to yourself. Live your life richly but don't overdo it. Be assertive but not aggressive. If we can do all these things maybe we can make this community a better place to live and I can think of no better tribute to my father than that. Dad, i love you and I miss you. Thank you.

"That was very good, Maxie" Grape said, "I I know your dad would be proud of it."

"I was, Max. I think you've captured both your father and your love for him very well." Earl said

"You had me a mom crying a little, "Peanut said and than added, "It is a good tribute to your dad."

Max thanked his family for their kind words and, after making sure he was okay they went about their own activities. He flipped through a Pridelands guide, when he heard his cell phone ring. Seeing it was Bino, he picked up the phone.

"What's up bro?" Max asked

"Do you mind if we move our meeting back two hours?" Bino asked, "I want to talk with Fido and Sabrina."

"No problem," Max said, "good to hear guy are spending time together. See you at two. Love you."

"Love you too, Max. See you at two, Max." Bino said

After hanging up, Max went to the window, and enjoyed the cook early fall air. The cool air seemed to blow away not only the heat and humidity but his own uneasiness and sadness as well. Max knew that those feelings, like the heat and humidity would return, but he also knew that he could deal with them, and just as the the heat and humidity, was replaced by what he considered the nicer days of fall, the sadness and uneasiness would in time, pass as well.
Last edited by trekkie on Mon Feb 17, 2020 3:03 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Resurgemus

Post by Nathan Kerbonaut »

What a wonderful eulogy. I was tearing up <3 Excellent chapter trekkie!
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Re: Resurgemus

Post by FireworkFox »

Very emotional, I loved it!
Gotta love those cuddle scenes.
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Re: Resurgemus

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

That eulogy was a very pretty and grand one that Max gave! Awesome job on writing it trekkie!
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Re: Resurgemus

Post by trekkie »

Thank you, everyone for your kindness and for reading.

Chapter 24 Memories

Shortly before two o'clock, Max bade his family goodbye and headed over to Fido and Bino's house to help Bino go through photos for their father's funeral. Bino greeted him at the door and they sat in the living room where Ryan and Uncle Jake had set out boxes of photographs, along with tissues. Bino had tun off copies of their father's two favorite poems "If" by Rudyard Kipling and "The Builders" by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow. Max went over the eulogy with Bino, who teared up, just as Peanut and Jill, did, and Bino in turn read the two poems which caused Max to get tears in his eyes remembering the times their father would read to them. After they had wiped their eyes with tissues, the two began to go through the photographs in the boxes. This, Max thought, was tough, he and Bino had seen these photos before but neither dreamed that they'd have to pick out photos for for their father's funeral. They looked through photos of Jeff with his parents, his high school and college photos and photos of the three of them at various stages of their life together. It was difficult for the cat and dog to seemingly reduce Jeff's life to a series of photos, no matter how many they picked. They divided the photos into eras; boyhood, early adulthood and pictures of the three of them at various stages of their life together.

"Do you remember this Christmas?" Max showed Bino a photo of the three of them all looking a good deal younger

"Yes, that was the first Christmas after you were adopted wasn't it?" Bino said looking at the photo

"Yeah. Bino, i want to apologize for how i acted when we lived with dad. I was pretty hard to live with I'm sure, i should have shown you more respect as the elder pet. I just, I don't know i was so afraid of being abandoned, that i didn't want to form any close relationships with anyone, lest I lose them. I also could have been a lot more tolerant. I just, I wish i could turn back time and change my behavior." Max said

"It wasn't just you by a long shot. " Bino said, "When dad adopted you I should have been more welcoming. But, I thought you were going to replace me, and I don't know, i felt so insecure about being Fido's brother. When dad first adopted me I thought I had finally won something, and when he adopted you I thought that I wasn't good enough, so he needed to adopt you. Also, I had that idiot belief in canine superiority. i wish we could've been more like we are now."

"There were time we were." Max said, "After I was dumped by Sabrina and you by Sasha we comforted each other. And after that time we shoveled the driveway I believe we watched a lot of TV together without fighting or even an argument."

"I do remember watching TV." Bino said, "For some reason we were watching one of the Spanish channels, and we were watching the A-Team. We knew them all by heart because we watched them every week with dad in English, but it was still entertaining. I think, because neither of us really had the energy to change the channel we ended up watching a couple of soap operas. Oh look, here's a photo of us slumped against each other. " He handed the photo to Max.

Max looked at the photo and smiled, then looked at the back and read, "My boys did a great job clearing the driveway. Got plowed in twice but didn't give up. They deserve this rest, I'm proud of them and I love them." Max then wiped a tear from his eye, "I wish he had told us that."

"I know." Bino said, "I guess he didn't want to disturb us. But, I'm glad he began to tell us that he loved us. That always made me feel better."

"Made me feel better too." Max said, "Dear Dog, Bino why did he have to die? There was so much more I wanted to do with him"

"I know Max, me too." Bino said, " i just, I saw the photo of the girl who killed dad, and she just looked so..."

"Ordinary?" Max said

"Yeah, I mean, I expected her to look crazy or like a monster or something, but she just looked like any other teenage girl." Bino said, "It was scary in a way."

“ I remember thinking she looked ordinary as well” Max said , "Maybe our minds just want us to think that people who do things like that, are monstrous looking, so we can avoid them, but sometimes killers can look plain and unthreatening. Hey look, a picture of dad and Joey as a pup."

"We should put that in too, " Bino said, "I don't think Joey will mind."

They continue on selecting photos from the various eras and placing the one the decided to display in neat little piles. When they had completed this they went to the kitchen, where Uncles Jake and Ryan were also doing some work for Jeff's funeral. The two men gave Max and Bino a series of printed photos, pictures of the two men and their father on their weekly guy's night. The cat and dog returned to the living room and selected the, in their opinion, the best photos. They then began to pin the photos to the project boards, and wrote out titles for each board. The photos were "childhood" ,"Schools", "Photos of Jeff as a young man", "Photos of Jeff as a young man with pets" , and "Jeff, Jake, and Ryan" . After a while, Jake and Ryan came into the living room and looked at the selection of photos. The photos were approaved by the two uncles and they then listened to Max's eulogy and Bino's reading of the poems. After Maax and Bino were done reading the two men were quiet for a while. Then Ryan spoke.

"No one can say he didn't have animals that loved him. That was excellent , guys, your father would be very proud."

"Very proud." Jake agreed

"Guys, I know this may seem like a sudden change in subject, but did you all have a favorite restaurant. We want to get one for the reception/wake. " Ryan said

"Cani Y Gatti, that Italian place over on Milton Boulevard, " Max said, "We all liked their food, and I think they do receptions and such."

"Cats and Dogs." Jake said, "That sounds like a plan. I'll call them when I get home and make the arrangements. Speaking of which, Max do you want me to take you home? I think we are all done for today."

"Yes, thank you." Max said, let me just call mom to let her know." Max did so and after hugging Bino he left with his uncle and went back home.
“Freedom has cost too much blood and agony to be relinquished at the cheap price of rhetoric.” - Thomas Sowell

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Re: Resurgemus

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

This part of the story was awesomely written! Wonderful job!
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Re: Resurgemus

Post by FireworkFox »

I'm gonna be honest; that actually brought tears to my eyes.
Wonderful job!
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Re: Resurgemus

Post by Nathan Kerbonaut »

Very touching, excellent chapter!
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Re: Resurgemus

Post by trekkie »

Thanks guys, knowing that readers enjoy reading this makes it worthwhile.

Chapter 25

Dinner and some (B) Movies

After arriving home and thanking Uncle Jake for the ride, Max entered the house and saw Peanut and Grape sitting on a couch watching a movie. They weren't snuggling this time, and both turned as Max entered. Max greeted the pair and at their invitation joined them on the couch. The movie they were watching was a goofy sci-fi film from the 1950's . After the morose task of putting together the photos for the funeral and all the sad thought brought up by doing so, watching a a fun movie with his loving housemates was, Max thought, just what the veterinarian ordered. There turned out to be a marathon of such movies , and after two particularly goofy but enjoyable film, the animals went to go wash up for dinner. As the family discussed their day, Max remembered that he wanted to ask permission to join the K-9s. It seemed to take a long time before it was his turn, and when it became his turn he talked about gathering the photos with Bino, and how Uncles Ryan and Jake were impressed by the eulogy. He then brought up the subject that had been eating at him since he began eating his dinner.

"Mom, dad, the K-9 squad is opening up its membership to all animals, well, all pets. I know this may seem sudden, and maybe strange, but I want to try out for the force. I want to help this community and give back, as its given me so much. " Max said, "I've given this a lot of thought since I first heard that they might be opening up the force to all pets, and this is something I really would like do. Having said that, I will, of course, respect whatever decision you make."

The Sandwich parents looked at each other and than Earl spoke, " Well, Max, we are concerned that being an animal officer might be a little dangerous and there is the possibility that you could get hurt or worse on duty and that would not be fun for any of us." he said "However, you could get hurt or worse crossing the street , and we have always told our pets that they can do anything they set their minds to, and since you are our pet too, that applies to you as well. So long story short, i know too late, you have our permission to try out for the squad. Know that whatever the outcome we will support you and we will be proud of you."

"I think you'll do great, Maxie." Grape said

"Yeah, go for it, Max." Peanut said

"You're doing a good thing, Max." Jill said, "I'm proud of you."

Max looked around the table, "Thank you for giving me your permission, and for the encouragement. I actually thought I might have to argue the point a bit further, and I had a set of arguments all ready. I'm a little disappointed that I won't be able to use them actually."

"We could always withdraw our permission and you could try to convince us." Earl offered

"I'm not that disappointed. " Max said smiling, he then turned pensive, "I hope I don't worry you guys too much. I've worried about my late dad and Bino and I know it is no fun."

"There is one thing I want to make sure of, Max. " Jill said, "I just want to make sure that you're not doing this because you think you have to be better than what you are, because as far as we're concerned you are a very decent cat. Yes, we would worry about you, but there is only so much we can control in life, and if you want to be a K-9 we won't stand in your way. "

"Well, I do want to better myself, not because I don't think I'm good enough, I've been reassured that I am, but because I want to grow as a cat, and do good for this community. I know I have an awesome family, who loves me, and that as you said, no matter the outcome of my tryout you'll all be proud of me."

"Okay then," Jill said, "I got donuts for dessert, so why don't we watch them while we watch them we watch those movies that you guys talked about."

Max and Grape cleared the table and each grabbed a glazed donut. They then joined their family in the living room, and joined them in watching the movie marathon. The movies were cheesy but enjoyable, and the family enjoyed watching the movies and just being with each other. After the movie marathon ended, the animals went to bed and Jill went to read in the bedroom. Earl watched the end of a baseball game before he too, went to bed, checking on all three of his animals, who were all asleep, before settling in beside his wife and joining them in dreamland.
Last edited by trekkie on Mon Apr 06, 2020 7:03 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Resurgemus

Post by NHWestoN »

Always thought the idea of a cat joining the K9 Corps would be a great story!
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Re: Resurgemus

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

Really great chapter to this story and it came out awesome! I'm just waiting foe the big pie fight that is happening and the K-9s being hit with pies. XD But I'm not rushing you.
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Re: Resurgemus

Post by Nathan Kerbonaut »

Jill and Earl are awesome pet parents. Max will do great as a K9 with such a supportive family.
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Re: Resurgemus

Post by FireworkFox »

I know Max will make an excellent K-9.

Great job as always, Raph!
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Re: Resurgemus

Post by trekkie »

Thank you all, for your kind words and encouragement. Sorry I haven't posted in this story for a while, I've had technical difficulties

Chapter 26 Officially becoming the fifth Sandwich of Babylon Gardens

When Max awoke the next day, he felt a good deal better. He had written the eulogy, picked out the photos for the funeral and gotten permission to try out for the K-9s. He made his bed and went to departments website to see what he needed to bring (shot records, leash, owner or parent permission slip.). He also made a note to see if he could find the graduation stuff came from the cat obedience school that his dad sent him to. He made it his way down the hall towards the kitchen, in the hall we ran into Grape who was coming out of her own room. The two cats chatted while until they enter the kitchen. In the kitchen, Earl was reading a car magazine, Peanut was texting on his phone, and Jill was sipping coffee looking out the window.

Max said good morning to everybody, and sat down at the kitchen table across from Grape. Jill turned from the window and walked over to the cats. She then spoke to them.

"Nice. Would you mind having just kibble or cereal for breakfast?" Jill asked

"No problem with me, mom, I'll have some cereal with milk and a glass of water, please." Grape said

"No problem with me either, mom, I'll have some kibble and a glass of orange juice." Max said

" Coming right up." Jill said as she turned to the refrigerator and then turn back, " Max, would you mind having water or milk. I am all out of orange juice. I'll pick some up today."

"Water, please." Max said, "I know this might seem strange for a cat, but I really don't like milk."

"I don't know how strange it is, hon, the only cats are taken care of for you and Grape." Jill said

"My late dad always thought it was strange, but I never did like it, not even as a kitten." Max said

"By the way Max, I went down to town hall yesterday and officially filed your adoption papers. So you are now officially a Sandwich." Earl said, "Sorry, I did not mention it before. I was going to mention it yesterday but then we got talking about the K-9 squad, and I just forgot. Hope I didn't worry you."

"No, I figured you would get it done soon." Max said, "Thank you. I am honored that you saw fit to give me your name. By the way, did you see any graduation certificate from a cat obedience school in my papers?"

"Yes we did, we put that with your other papers for the K-9s" Earl said

"Thank you for doing that." Max said, " I really appreciate you guys supporting me in this. Sometimes I feel very anxious, and very intimidated and all my insecurities flare back up and they told me that I am just a mangy alley cat will never be good enough for anybody or anything. I don't feel any temptation to use catnip, thank goodness. In the past I used the catnip so that I wouldn't have to feel these emotions. I'm never going to go back to doing that, but sometimes these emotions to get a little overwhelming. Sorry, I didn't mean to go on like that."

"That's okay, hon." Jill said, "we need to know when you are feeling overwhelmed. Max, you are not a mangy alley cat, you are quite a decent cat, and and we are happy to have you here as our pet. You are also the sibling of Peanut and Grape. If you ever need to talk to any of us, please do not hesitate to do so. Max, know that as long as you try your best you will not be considered a failure by anybody in this house."

"Mom's right, Maxie." Grape said, " You are a good guy and you deserve to be cared for , when I was first adopted I was very hesitant to go to mom, dad, or Peanut. I just wasn't used to living in a caring home. But we love you Max, and we are here for you. Please, don't hesitate to come to us at any time."

"Just don't wake up Grape when she's napping." Peanut said, “That tends to annoy her."

"He tells you not to annoy me." Grape said rolling her eyes, "While I might be annoyed please do feel free to come to me. Especially if you see a hunk."

"I can live with that." Max said as he went to get himself a refill of kibble. As he did so he smiled, there was a time when Grape's fondness for hunks caused him anxiety and nervousness, but he had come to realize that's who she was, and that she truly did love him, well, him and Peanut. Max knew something else as well, he knew that with the support of such an awesome family, he would make the K-9s proud.
Last edited by trekkie on Mon Apr 06, 2020 7:07 pm, edited 2 times in total.
“Freedom has cost too much blood and agony to be relinquished at the cheap price of rhetoric.” - Thomas Sowell

“The only time I ever enjoyed ironing was the day I accidentally got gin in the steam iron.” Phyllis Diller
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Re: Resurgemus

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

This has really came out very nicely! I can't wait for me! Especially the big pie fight. XD
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Re: Resurgemus

Post by Nathan Kerbonaut »

Don't worry about the wait trekkie, this is a very sweet chapter. :)
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Re: Resurgemus

Post by FireworkFox »

That was a wonderful chapter.
Its great to see Maxwell receiving so much support from his new family.
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Re: Resurgemus

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Re: Resurgemus

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

Thinking out loud here, but I wonder if Grape will fall even harder for a K-9 Max in uniform. =D
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Re: Resurgemus

Post by NHWestoN »

Amazee Dayzee wrote:Thinking out loud here, but I wonder if Grape will fall even harder for a K-9 Max in uniform. =D

That could inspire Maxwell to join up. Always thought having a cat try to join the K9s would be a fun story, and Max would be a great candidate with all his insecurities and cleverness.
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Re: Resurgemus

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

I assume that you mean in the actual comic?
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Re: Resurgemus

Post by trekkie »

Thanks everybody for your kindness and for reading , sorry it’s taken a while to get this chapter up.

Chapter 27 Funeral details, a new bed, and seeing the first Dark Cat strips

After breakfast, Max went to his bedroom and read, not Pridelands, but a Star Trek book that Dallas had read and recommended. Max enjoyed the book a great deal, and was made a note to thank Dallas for the recommendation. At the end of the fifth chapter, Max put in a bookmark, and took out some notebooks to work on some of his fan fiction. He had just completed a chapter when his cell phone rang in Bino’s ringtone.

“Morning bro.” Max said, “How are you doing?”

“Good morning, Max, I’m okay, something we forgot to mention yesterday, Dad’s funeral will be Tuesday morning at eleven at the community church. His viewing will be tomorrow night, at six o’clock. According to dad and Uncle Jake, we don’t have to do much at the viewing, except for accepting people’s condolences. Sorry that every time I call you it seems like we’re talking about the funeral and dad dying.” Bino said

“Oh, that’s okay, Bino, thanks for the information, bro. I’ll tell my parents. Bino, you think after the funeral we could hang out sometime?” Max asked as he made a note of the information

“I’d look forward to that.” Bino said, “Maybe we can make up for some lost time. Love you, Max, have a good day.”

“Love you too, Bino, have a pleasant day.” Max said

Max asked out of his room and out to the living room to tell his parents the details of the funeral. On his way past his housemates’ rooms he saw Peanut and Grape drawing and napping respectively. When he got into the living room he saw Earl on the computer, while Jill was watching TV. Max sat next to his mother, and watched TV with her until the show ended.

“Mom, um, I just got the details of my late father’s viewing and funeral from Bino, the funeral is Tuesday at eleven in the morning and the viewing is tomorrow night at six in the evening. “ Max said

“All right dear, I’ll make a note of that.” Jill said and put the details on the kitchen calendar then called to her husband , “Did you get that Earl?”

“Yeah, I’ll be sure and tell the guys at the shop so they’ll know I won’t be available .” Earl said, writing down the times, “Max, I’m ordering new beds for Peanut and Grape, and I’m getting you one too. I looked for your current model bed but it is out of stock, do you mind getting the same style as Peanut and Grape, but in blue?”

“No, thanks dad, that’s fine.” Max said crossing to the computer and looking at the bed, “ Thanks for the bed. “

“Not a problem, Max.” Earl said as he added the custom monograms to all three beds and paid

“Hey, Max, do you mind if I show you some Dark Cat strips?” Peanut asked having come out to the living room, “I’ve got them in my room.”

“No, of course not.” Max said and followed Peanut into the dog’s bedroom

Peanut had envisioned Dark Cat as a more muscular version of a Max. Dark Cat was, according to his back story, a playboy cat named Bruce Kent. After his parents were killed by politically powerful thugs, Dark Cat, frustrated by the lack of progress the police were making, decided to go vigilante. Dark Cat was assisted by his butler Albert, and by Commissioner Glenn who kept his identity a secret. Max loved what Peanut had done so far; it reminded the cat of how much he was loved and how lucky he was to have such an awesome family. He told Peanut this and gave further input for allies and enemies. On his way back to his own bedroom, Max hugged Peanut tightly.

“What was that for?” Peanut said smiling

“You like hugs,” Max said, “Peanut, thank you. You’ve really given me a lift with this. You’re a great guy. Love you.”

“Love you too, Max.” Peanut said, and while Max went back to his bedroom to read some more, the dog turned back to his strips to put some of Max’s ideas on paper.
“Freedom has cost too much blood and agony to be relinquished at the cheap price of rhetoric.” - Thomas Sowell

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Re: Resurgemus

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

This chapter is definitely very interesting to read! I love how it all came out! Nice job with writing as always!
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Re: Resurgemus

Post by FireworkFox »

That was great! I enjoyed it very much! I also like Max's comic idea.
Do I sense a romance kindling between Max and Peanut?
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Re: Resurgemus

Post by trekkie »

Thank guys! No romance between Peanut and Maxwell, he loves Peanut because just like Bino, Peanut is his brother, and he (Max) appreciates Peanut’s kindness.
“Freedom has cost too much blood and agony to be relinquished at the cheap price of rhetoric.” - Thomas Sowell

“The only time I ever enjoyed ironing was the day I accidentally got gin in the steam iron.” Phyllis Diller
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Re: Resurgemus

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

If you are looking for a romance between them then it would be in trekkie's other fanfic "The Power of Love" but that is also a four way relationship between Peanut, Tarot, Grape and Max.
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Re: Resurgemus

Post by trekkie »

I actually might do a crack-pairing wit Max and Peanut but that would be a different story.
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“The only time I ever enjoyed ironing was the day I accidentally got gin in the steam iron.” Phyllis Diller
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Re: Resurgemus

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

You mean like in the crack-pairing thread that is around here somewhere?
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Re: Resurgemus

Post by trekkie »

Thanks again everyone for your kind words. Sorry this has taken so long to get up

Chapter 28 Formal collars, Kung-fu, Burgers, and Baths

After reading some more chapters in his Star Trek book, Max put the book aside and went out to the living room. He saw that Grape had woken up from her nap and was sitting with Jill and Peanut watching a black and white comedy film, while Earl was working on his laptop. Max on Grape’s invitation sat next to her watching the movie, the comedy, Max thought, was pretty corny, but funny, and he enjoyed watching it with his mother and housemates. After it ended Jill said that she and Earl were going out shopping and asked the animals if there was anything they wanted from the stores. Grape asked for yarn and notebooks, Peanut asked for batteries for his Switch and a sketch pad, and Max asked for a college football preview magazine (He enjoyed watching it with his late father.) and pens for his fanfics.

Jill noted down their requests then turned to Max, “Max, hon, we’re going to get you a formal collar for you to wear at the funeral and viewing, do you have any preference as to color?”

“Um, I guess navy blue or dark grey.” Max said then asked, “What’s a formal collar?”

“A collar without a tag, basically, its just a little more subdued for weddings and funerals and such. Grape has a black one and Peanut has a maroon one.” Jill answered

“Okay, cool. I was just wondering because dad just had Bino and me wear our regular collars when we went to weddings and funerals. Do you think navy blue will look good with my fur?” Max asked

“It’ll go well, hon, I just read an article that stated that they actually go quite well together. Of course they were referring to clothes and not fur, but I’m sure you’ll look good.” Jill said

After the shopping had been settled, Max went back to his bedroom to read some more, while Peanut and Grape went to their own rooms to draw and read respectively. About fifteen minutes later, Jill came by to say that she and Earl were leaving and that Grape and Peanut were in Peanut’s room and that she was leaving the pets some money in case they wanted to order a pizza. After bidding his mom goodbye, Max continued to read, but as he’d did so he felt a sense of unease. This was the first time both his parents were out of the house since he moved in with the Sandwiches, and part of him flashed back to that awful day when his father died. If something happened to the Sandwiches, Grape and Peanut would be orphaned as well. Max tried to read to take his mind off that possibility, but it didn’t work. He got up and sought out his housemates, finding them in Peanut’s room, as Jill had said. Max joined them the three worked on Peanut’s Spot (Superdog) comics until they decided to order lunch.

After lunch was ordered, delivered, and paid for, the three pets decided to watch one of Max’s Kung-fu movies. All three of them, especially Max and Peanut, enjoyed the movie and the pizza. They were just finishing up the movie and throwing away the pizza box when their parents came home. Max breathed a sigh of relief at seeing his parents safe and sound. After the pets helped unpack the groceries, Earl and Jill handed off the pets’ items and the pets went to their rooms. Max put the magazine on his bedside table and put the pens with his notebooks he was trying on his formal collar, (in navy) when Grape knocked at his door.

“Hi Maxie, the collar looks good. Something I want to ask you, we’re probably getting our baths tonight, and I always try to avoid it. Is that just me or do you do it as well?” Grape asked

“Well, at the beginning I did try to avoid it but all I accomplished was to make dad mad. I never successfully avoided a bath. After a while I just decided it wasn’t worth running around the house and getting dad frustrated, and getting wet anyway. Plus dad gave me some cat treats if I was good for my bath.” Max said

“Maybe, I’ll try fussing less.I thought it was a universal cat thing, but maybe I was wrong. Worth a shot, like you said, we get wet anyway.” Grape said

Peanut then knocked on Max’s doorframe. “Hi guys, dad is cooking burgers and wants to know who want you want and whether or not you want cheese on your burgers.” the dog said

“I’ll have two plain burgers, please.” Max said

“I’ll have one with cheese and one without, Peanut, thanks.” Grape said

About a half-hour later the family went to the dining room for their Sunday dinner. After saying grace, they dug into the food. The burgers, Max thought, were excellent, on par with his late fathers. They all talked about their days, the animals talking about the Spot (Superdog) comics and the Kung Fu movie, and Earl and Jill telling their pets about some of the weirder customers they encountered while shopping. While dessert was being eaten, Jill told the pets that they would get their baths that night. Max volunteered to go first, and Grape second. Upon hearing the purple cat volunteer, Earl almost choked on his coffee. After recovering himself, he looked at the cat with amazement.

“Grape, I never thought I’d hear you volunteer to take a bath.” He said

“Well, Maxie doesn’t fuss, so I thought I’d try being cooperative.” Grape said

After dinner the family watched a couple of old game shows until it was time for the pets to get their baths. Max went to the bathroom and climbed into the tub, taking off his collar. Jill bathed him, being careful around his chewed ear and after it was done complimenting him on his good behavior. Max shook himself off, then grabbed a towel, and after bidding everyone good night went to his room and read. Max stayed up until he heard Grape get complimented on her good behavior, and then turned off his light, put his head against the pillow, and went to sleep.
“Freedom has cost too much blood and agony to be relinquished at the cheap price of rhetoric.” - Thomas Sowell

“The only time I ever enjoyed ironing was the day I accidentally got gin in the steam iron.” Phyllis Diller
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Re: Resurgemus

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

Really wonderful job on this chapter! Hopefully you will be able to update more soon!
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Re: Resurgemus

Post by Nathan Kerbonaut »

Great chapter! What a wonderful family :)
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Re: Resurgemus

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

So does this mean that the pie fight is coming up fairly soon? :lol:
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Re: Resurgemus

Post by trekkie »

Thank you for your kind words, Dayzee and Nathan, and thanks to everyone who read. Dayzee: The great pie fight won’t come for a while, but to whet your appetite, I will have Fox get hit with a couple of pies in some up coming chapters.

Chapter 29 Unwelcome Visitors

Max slept poorly that night, the thoughts of dealing with his father’s viewing and funeral in the coming days took their toll on the cat and left him feeling understandably sorrowful. He had read some Star Trek and Pridelands but nothing seemed to give him comfort. Max knew, thanks to Rufus, that his father was in heaven, and he further knew that both he and Bino were in good homes, none of this changed the fact however, that his father was dead and that the viewing and funeral might be the last chances for him to see his late dad. Max got out of bed, made his bed, and went to the kitchen for breakfast. He had encountered Grape in the hall and the two cats walked into the kitchen together, where they found there mother drinking coffee and Peanut playing on his Switch.

“Good morning, Max, Grape.” Jill said, “ Eggs and toast okay for breakfast?”

“Yeah, fine with me mom, I’ll have my eggs fried hard and toast.” Grape said

“Fine with me as well, mom, can I have my toast lightly toasted and eggs fried hard?” Max asked

“No problem, guys. Are you okay, Max? You look kind of upset and and when I went by your room late last night, I saw you reading. Did you have trouble sleeping?” Jill asked

“Yeah, I was thinking about Dad’s viewing today and his funeral tomorrow and that’s just hard. It just makes everything so real again. I mean I’ve accepted that my old dad is dead but, I guess this just makes everything to final, I mean after noon tomorrow I’ll never see my father again except in photos.” Max said, tears coming to his eyes

“Maxie, it’s okay, you’ll get through it, we will help you through it, don’t worry.” Grape said

“Yeah, Max.” Peanut said , “Don’t worry, we’re here for you, whenever you need us.”

“Thanks, guys, I am just so glad that you took me in, I don’t think I could’ve made it through the last several days without you. “ Max said

“No problem, hon, you’re family, and a quite decent cat. “ Jill said as she set breakfast in front of Grape and Max, “Now eat up, you two before your breakfast gets cold.”

Grape and Max ate their breakfast, Maxwell adding some hot sauce to his eggs and Grape adding some salt and pepper. As the cats ate, they talked with Peanut about Pridelands and The Dark Cat. Jill sipped coffee and listened to her pets chat, her heart broke for Max, burying your parents was never easy, and while she knew that the black and grey cat would be okay, she also knew that the sudden and unjust way that his father was killed would hurt the cat long after Jeff was buried. After eating and cleaning the table , Peanut and Grape went to their rooms, Jill went to her bedroom to read, while Max sat in the kitchen playing a game on his cell phone. The doorbell rang, and Max, after giving Peanut some time answered the door after the bell rang again. He then wished he hadn’t, for standing in front of him was the girl who had killed his father and a similar looking older woman, her mom, Max guessed. No one spoke spoke for a minute or two.

“Well, aren’t you going to invite us in?” the girl said petulantly

“My parents don’t like vermin in the house.” Max said

“Not very neighborly of you to insult us. We have a proposition for you.” The woman said, “Now by looking at this house you all aren’t exactly rich, and caring for three pets has got to be expensive.”

“Look, why don’t you two just go away.” Max said, “I honestly can’t deal with this now.”

“Well, maybe someone else can, cat.” The woman said grabbing Max hard by the arm and lifting him off the ground, “Someone who has more manners and sense.”

“Who’s at the door, Max?” Jill asked as she entered the living room

“People who can make you rich.” The woman said, “I’m Abigail Coniff this is my daughter, Blair and-“

“I know who you are.” Jill’s tone was icy, “I saw you on TV. Leave my cat alone, and get off my property before I call the police.”

Abigail Coniff refused to let Max go and in fact grabbed his arm even harder, “You all are very stubborn, I will not let Blair’s future be ruined on account of you. Just remember that.”

“Blair ruined the futures of six people. Now let my cat go.” Jill’s voice was steady but there was a fury in her voice that Max had never heard

“Fine, if you want to ruin your life on account of some losers that’s fine. Blair isn’t going to do any time, anyway. “ Abigail said as she let Max go and shoved him towards Jill

“Your owner was a loser, if he wasn’t he wouldn’t have adopted a loser cat like you, he would have put you in the pound where you belong.” Blair Coniff said to Max

“Shut up, you killer.” Max said

“Get off my property, I’m not asking again.” Jill’s voice had even more menace now

“Here’s some cash, just to show my word is good.” Abigail threw a couple of hundred dollar bills on the stoop

“Pick up your money, Ms. Coniff, there’s too much blood on it.” Max glared

“Nu-uh, that money is nice and clean, we just got that money from the ATM.” Blair said

“Be quiet, Blair. Now, lets get out of here. Some people cannot be reasoned with. No matter how nicely you ask.” Abigail said to her daughter then turned to Jill, “If you come to my senses and change your mind, here’s my number.” She handed Jill a business card.

“Want to do the honors, Max?” Jill asked

“Sure.” Max said ripping up the card and throw it in a nearby waste paper basket

“You’ll change your minds. We’ll be back.” Abigail said and then she and Blair left the Sandwich home

“Don’t bet on it.” Jill said as the two walked down the sidewalk
Last edited by trekkie on Thu Jun 04, 2020 9:46 am, edited 1 time in total.
“Freedom has cost too much blood and agony to be relinquished at the cheap price of rhetoric.” - Thomas Sowell

“The only time I ever enjoyed ironing was the day I accidentally got gin in the steam iron.” Phyllis Diller
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Re: Resurgemus

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

Wow I can't believe that the idiot girl who killed several people had the gall to show up at the house to threaten Max. What a bunch of degenerates! If they had British accents and they came from the UK, then I would assume that those two broads are Duchess's owners.
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Re: Resurgemus

Post by trekkie »

Dayzee: They’re not Duchess’s parents, but they are close to her (not related). Thanks for reading. Thanks, in fact , to everyone who read.

Chapter 30 Max finds out more about the Coniffs, is tempted, and talks with Jill

After making sure that the Coniffs had left their property, Jill shut the door, gave Max a reassuring hug, and, after making sure he didn’t want or need anything went back to her bedroom. Max, meanwhile, went to his own bedroom to read and rest up for the viewing. On his way to his room he nearly ran into Grape, who was coming out of her own room on the way to Peanut’s room. She went in and Max, at her invitation, followed. They found Peanut on his bed listening to Weird Al Yankovic through speakers on his phone. Grape approached Peanut and tapped him gently on the shoulder. The dog looked up and saw his feline housemates; he took off his earphones.

“Hi guys, what’s up?” Peanut asked

“Did we have any visitors? I had a nightmare, that my first family, the ones who abandoned me, were here. It sounded like them anyway.” The purple cat looked worried and scared.

“Well, I’ve been writing and listening to music, so I didn’t answer the door. Maybe Max or mom did.” Peanut said

“Well, yeah, that girl who killed my dad and her mom showed up. Tried to offer us money to forget about the case, I think. Mom told them to leave. Had to tell them a couple times, in fact.” Max said

“What did they look like, Maxie?” Grape asked, Peanut seemed about to protest, but Grape waved him off, “It’s okay, Peanut I really need to know.” Max gave a description of the Coniffs and saw a look of fear come onto Grape’s face. She sat on Peanut’s beanbag chair, and looked up at Max and Peanut.

“They were my first family.” Grape said, “Either that or their identical twins.”

“I’m sorry, Grape.” Max said, his ears lowering, “This is all my fault.”

“What’s your fault, Maxie?” Grape asked looking up at him

“Them coming into your life again.” Max said feeling dreadfully guilty, “If I hadn’t come over here, if I wasn’t your boyfriend, they never would’ve come here.”

“Oh, Maxie.” Grape said, “Don’t worry. I’m a little upset, but I’m okay, and I’m not mad at you at all. I’m angry at them, thinking they could do that to you, to us.”

“If they come back,” Peanut said a rare look of fury coming into the dog’s blue eyes, “I’ll make sure they regret it. They don’t hurt those I love.”

“You’re not going to do anything violent, are you? I mean it might be kinda fun to watch, but..” Max asked

“Of course not.” Peanut said, “I’m going to read them some of my earliest attempts at Spot(Superdog)”

“Worse for them than violence.” Grape said from the beanbag chair

The three animals laughed then hugged, Max and Grape went to their own bedrooms and Peanut went back to his writing and music. Despite Peanut and Grape’s reassurances, Max still felt uneasy. For the first time in a long time, Max felt the craving for catnip. Just a little something to take the edge off. He was about to call a catnip contact when the picture on his phone stopped him cold. It was a picture of he, Bino, and their late father. Max remembered how proud his father was when Max announced he was giving up catnip. Knowing he couldn’t disappoint his father, or his memory, he set his phone aside and went to seek out his mother. He looked in the bedroom and the living room before finding her in the kitchen making, he guessed, lunch.

“Excuse me, mom?” Max asked

“Yes, hon?” Jill turned to look at him

“Can I have so Nipporette? I just got a craving for catnip.” Max asked

“Sure, hon, that’s why it’s here.” Jill said and went to the bathroom to get him some. After returning and handing Max a couple pieces she looked at the cat, “How are you doing, sweetie?”

“I don’t know.” Max said, “Apparently, they were Grape’s old family the one that abandoned her. Also, I just feel so weak asking for the Nipporette. I just think that a good cat, a strong cat, wouldn’t need it, wouldn’t be tempted.”

“Max,” Jill hugged the cat, “Let me tell you something. Just dealing with these two today made we want to get a glass of wine or something stronger. You’ve been through a lot, Max, and you’re handling it very well. There is no shame in being tempted, as long as you don’t give in.”

“Thanks, mom.” Max said as he took and then chewed the Nipporette, “That makes me feel better.”

“It’s the truth hon.” Jill said, “So they’re Grape’s old family. Now, I have two very good reasons for disliking them. I wonder if they’ll be back.”

“Peanut said if he did he’d read some of his earliest attempts at Spot(Superdog).” Max said

“That’ll get rid of them.” Jill said

“That bad?” Max asked

“Hon, I love Peanut dearly, but his earliest stuff was not fun to read. As he’ll tell you himself.” Jill said smiling

“You need help with lunch, mom?” Max asked

“This is dinner, actually, hon, I’m just going to give you guys sandwiches for lunch. But I’ll take some help. Just be sure to wash your paws.” Jill said

Max did so and came back, helping Jill make a casserole, Jill explained that this could take care of dinner for today and tomorrow. It made Max feel good to help his mother with dinner, made him feel like he was back in his late father’s kitchen, learning at his side. The Sandwich house was his home, Max thought as he helped to make the sauce for the casserole, and he was so thankful for that fact. As for the Coniffs, well, if Peanut’s stories didn’t frighten them away he had a few stories of his own to share. The cat smiled and concentrated on combining the ingredients.
“Freedom has cost too much blood and agony to be relinquished at the cheap price of rhetoric.” - Thomas Sowell

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Re: Resurgemus

Post by NHWestoN »

Amazee Dayzee wrote: Sun Feb 23, 2020 10:26 pm This part of the story was awesomely written! Wonderful job!
Tender and poignant, really well done and deeply moving.
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Re: Resurgemus

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

Winderful job on writing this chapter also! I like how the scenes came out!
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Re: Resurgemus

Post by CunningFox »

Great work, Trekkie. That girl and her mother being Grape's former owners is an unexpected development.
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