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Re: Burning Desire: The Power Within

Posted: Fri May 18, 2012 9:53 pm
by copper
Too Easy! :lol:

Re: Burning Desire: The Power Within

Posted: Fri May 18, 2012 9:55 pm
by JeffCvt
Is it that easy?

Re: Burning Desire: The Power Within

Posted: Fri May 18, 2012 11:28 pm
by sean21
JeffCvt wrote:And I'm surprised that no one made a comment about a black dog appearing out of nowhere with an evil grin...
at first i thought he was Prowler but he left so yeah i'm confused about him, my guess is he's that other guy Prowler was talking to.

Re: Burning Desire: The Power Within

Posted: Sat May 19, 2012 7:35 am
by JeffCvt
JeffCvt wrote:The black dog just said “Fair enough. My name is Jiff, and I could see it in your eyes.”
That's what I'm surprised about.

Re: Burning Desire: The Power Within

Posted: Sat May 19, 2012 9:31 am
by sean21
your refuring to when Jiff introduced himself to Stealer, but i see now the teacher is actually evil too right, thats why it would be surprising, sorry i didnt get that the first time, i've been gone for at least a month ^_^

Re: Burning Desire: The Power Within

Posted: Sat May 19, 2012 11:15 am
by legendario13
sean21 wrote:your refuring to when Jiff introduced himself to Stealer, but i see now the teacher is actually evil too right, thats why it would be surprising, sorry i didnt get that the first time, i've been gone for at least a month ^_^
Jiff is bad too!? :o
What did i missed this time?
A long time, Good to see you again!

Re: Burning Desire: The Power Within

Posted: Sun May 20, 2012 9:53 am
by JeffCvt
Alright, I fixed everything so it should all look like like my previous update. Not as big a chore as I thought it would be, but still time-consuming.

I'm sorry to anyone who it looked funny to, and I won't be doing it like that again. I wish I had known sooner so I could have made sure that it looked fine to everybody.

Re: Burning Desire: The Power Within

Posted: Sun May 20, 2012 8:52 pm
by JeffCvt
Alright, small update.
This was going to be part of a larger update, but I decided they would be better if they were separate.


This isn’t good. It’s about to rain, and she ran in the opposite direction of her house. How am I ever going to get out of this?


That was Kyria! Bino thought. It came from the park, I have to get there as fast as I can!

He started running as fast as he could, not caring what he might see once he got there.

Please tell me she’s ok. Please.


“So Kevin came and talked to you?” Fido asked.

“Yes, he did.” Ralph replied. “Thanks to him, I came to my senses and realized that I’m not in this alone. We work as a team, and I can never forget that.”

Kevin stopped sniffing and turned around. “Hey guys, I’ve been following this scent for a little while and I think I might know where it ends up.”

“AHHHHHHHHHH!!” A scream came from the park.

“Let me guess, you think it ends up at the park, where we just heard that bloodcurdling scream come from.” Sabrina said.

Kevin nodded and they all started to run to the park.


Stealer, Fox, and Joey were all looking for any trace they could find of Bino or the cat that he ran after.

While they wanted to find them as quickly as possible, they weren’t even sure where to look. None of them saw which direction Bino or the cat ran in, so they simply walked along the sidewalk hoping they went in the right direction.

“Fox, is Bino usually like that? He seemed a little… off.” Stealer was trying to make some conversation since they had been fairly quiet after they left the clubhouse.

“He was off. I can’t say that I have ever seen him like that before.” Fox had a worried look on his face. “I can only hope that he doesn’t do something that he’ll regret later.”


All three dogs froze when they heard the scream.

Squeak popped out of Joey’s head fur. “That sounded like the cat from the club!” she said.

“Bino… wouldn’t hurt another pet, right?” Stealer asked.

Fox and Joey looked at each other with worried looks in their faces, then all three started running to the park, where the scream came from.


Max was walking outside. He had gotten up early that day to get a head start on cleaning the living room, and decided that it was time for a break right now. The rain wasn’t coming down yet, so he decided a walk outside might be good for some fresh air.

Although that was the last thing on his mind at the moment.

That tan colored dog said I was a bully. All I ever thought I was doing was having fun, but now that I think about it, I was being a bully in some cases.

*Sigh* All it took to realize this was a near death threat and enough soda that I woke up in a corner of the living room with a lampshade on my head, unable to remember the night before. I need to start re-thinking my self image. The one that I have now is pretty lousy.


The sudden scream startled Max, but he quickly recovered.

That scream sounded like it came from the park! I better hurry and see who’s in trouble!


Sasha was in her doghouse.

I thought I could trust him.

She usually didn’t come out here.

He promised he would make Bino a better dog.

Only when she got locked out of her house, or when she was sad or upset and just needed some time alone.

But all Prowler did was hurt him.

Right now, she had never been more upset in her life.

Prowler hurt everybody. Me, Bino, Joey…

Just, everyone.

I should have seen it after that day in the park. I was going to go see Bino at his house, but when I went there, Kyria was at the front door. I decided that I should wait until she left, so I went to the park to wait.

To my surprise, Bino actually approached me at the park. I should have known something was wrong when he asked me what I thought if him. He’s never been like that. I should have kicked Prowler out that day.

At least I can be thankful that he never hurt Kyria. That jerk Danny did enough, I’m not sure how well she would have taken Prowler. Prowler seems to know how to hurt on a deep level.


“That sounded like Kyria!” She yelled out loud.

She ran out of the doghouse and started toward the park.

Please tell me that Prowler isn’t back. Please tell me he’s not back.


I give Silentprincess828 credit for reviewing my story for mistakes.

I promise that there is going to be some action in the next part.
And some things that you probably never saw coming. ;)

Re: cell phone post

Posted: Sun May 20, 2012 9:29 pm
by legendario13
Such a cliff hanger!
I want to know if i have the right clue already.
It never bothered me the "funny text" thing, but I like to see you really want to do a good job.
Keep it like that writer

Re: Burning Desire: The Power Within

Posted: Sun May 20, 2012 10:12 pm
by 0404
can't wait *shivering*

Re: Burning Desire: The Power Within

Posted: Mon May 21, 2012 1:01 am
by copper
:lol: Yeesh, everyone heard her, huh?

I think it will be a large crowd watching Kyria and Jiff kissing. :lol:

This was a fun update. Very well done.

Re: Burning Desire: The Power Within

Posted: Mon May 21, 2012 8:27 am
by JeffCvt
legendario13 wrote:Arrgghh!
Such a cliff hanger!
I want to know if i have the right clue already.
That's one reason I decided to separate this. The other reason is that the other part just seemed like it needed to be separate to me.
copper wrote:I think it will be a large crowd watching Kyria and Jiff kissing. :lol:
Well that's an... interesting prediction.

Re: Burning Desire: The Power Within

Posted: Mon May 21, 2012 5:19 pm
by legendario13
JeffCvt wrote:
copper wrote:I think it will be a large crowd watching Kyria and Jiff kissing. :lol:
Well that's an... interesting prediction.
he already knows the end!!!
@ copper: YOU Monster!

Re: Burning Desire: The Power Within

Posted: Mon May 21, 2012 9:36 pm
by JeffCvt
Two updates in two days!
(Warning: Surprising information in this update. Read with caution)


Bino was the first to arrive at the park.

To his horror, he saw a huge black dog with red, evil looking eyes, standing in the middle of the park, holding one paw over Kyria’s mouth to keep her from screaming again.

Kyria was struggling to free herself, but to no avail. The dog had an iron grip over her mouth; he didn’t even seem to notice Kyria trying to pry herself away.

“Maybe you can help me.” The dog said with a voice that sounded like that of a demon when he saw Bino. “This one doesn’t seem to know anything.”

The dog’s eyes narrowed in on Bino’s as he said in a fairly calm manor “Where is Jiff?”

“Wh- where’s who?” Bino stuttered out.

“WHERE’S JIFF!?!” The dog screamed.

Bino fell backward from the surprise of the dog yelling. “I- I- I don’t know.” He had never been so terrified in his life.

“YOU LIE!!” The black dog yelled back at Bino. “I know he’s here! Do you think I’m an idiot or something?!”

Bino focused on Kyria for a second. She had stopped struggling to escape. She was now in too much pain to do so.

“WHERE IS JIFF?!” The dog demanded again. His grip tightened on Kyria as he yelled. She was now in even more pain.

Bino had no idea what to do. This dog was sure that there was a “Jiff” in Babylon Gardens. And he seemed to think that Bino knew where to find him.

And every time he yelled, his grip tightened on Kyria. Pretty soon, it would do more than just hurt her, it would harm her. There was only one thing Bino could think to do in this situation.

He stood up and ran at the dog. Bino was going to make him let go of Kyria.


Fido, Ralph, Kevin, Sabrina, and Tarot all arrived in time to see a huge black dog smack Bino away with his free hand.

“Bino!” Fido called out as he ran to help out his brother. Bino had landed some fifteen feet away from where he was hit.

Fido knelt beside him and started to check the extent of Bino’s injuries.

Sabrina just stared at stuttered “I-I- is that P-P-P-”

“No” Ralph said. “Whoever this is, he’s worse than Prowler.” He didn’t seem fazed by this dog at all.

Fido came back with Bino, supporting him on one of his shoulders. “What were you thinking? You’re lucky that you aren’t seriously injured.”

“I had to try and do something.” Bino managed to say. He may not have been seriously injured, but everything still hurt. He was struggling to walk, even while leaning on Fido’s shoulder.

Ralph spoke up. “Fido, we need to get that cat away from him. There’s no telling what he might do to her. We should split up and all charge at him from a different direction. He can’t stop us all at once.”

Fido let Bino down. “Alright, I’m ready.”

“I am too.” Kevin said with a look of determination on his face.

Ralph turned to Sabrina and Tarot. “I want you two to stay back here. This guy is mean and I don’t want you to get hurt.”

“But-” Sabrina started to protest but was cut off by Tarot.

“We’ll stay right here and watch Bino.”

“Right.” Ralph turned to Fido and Kevin. “Alright, let’s go in three… two… one!”


Stealer couldn’t believe what he just saw. A huge black dog had just repelled a three-way attack with only one arm. In his other was the cat from the meeting earlier.

The three dogs he repelled all backed away and regrouped with three other pets, one of which looked like Bino.

“Is that the best you can do!?” The black dog yelled. “HAHAHA! You can’t even touch me! How pathetic!”

Stealer, Fox and Joey all ran over to the other group of pets.

“What’s going on?” Stealer asked. By the looks on everyone’s face, he already knew it wouldn’t be a pleasant answer.

Bino answered him. “That dog out there has Kyria. He won’t let her go and wants to know where some dog named ‘Jiff’ is.”

Stealer’s jaw dropped. He looked back at the dog.

So, this dog-

he must be-

Jiff’s student?

“Alright, we need to try again.” Ralph said to Fido and Kevin. “We have to rescue that cat at all-”

“No!” Stealer yelled out. “You can’t try again! There’s only one dog who can stand a chance against him!”

The black dog’s interest had been peaked.

His grip over Kyria’s mouth loosened a little bit. “So, it seems that someone here does know about Jiff.”

Stealer suddenly realized the mistake he made.

The black dog’s grip on Kyria immediately tightened again. He smiled an evil looking grin.

“If you want this cat to see the light of day again, you’ll tell me where he is. NOW.”

“I DON’T THINK SO!” Yelled a black cat with a bite taken out of his right ear as he ran at the black dog. His claws were unsheathed, and he looked ready to tear some stuff up.

When the cat got close enough, the black dog simply smacked him away like Bino.

“Will you ever learn?” The black dog looked back at Stealer. “I’m tired of playing these games. Tell me where Jiff is or else.”

“I- I don’t know.” Stealer seemed to plea with the dog. “I only met him once, I don’t know where he is now. Please believe me. I would tell you if I knew, but I just don’t.”

“Well that’s too bad.” The black dog almost seemed to enjoy himself as he said “I guess that your friend here will just have to pay the price for your ignorance.”

“NO!” Bino screamed.

But it was too late. The dog took the paw that was covering Kyria’s mouth and moved it to cover her mouth and nose. Kyria could no longer breathe. He was going to suffocate her.

Everyone watched in horror as Kyria struggled to pull the paw off to no avail. Her struggling slowly weakened until she was simply putting all of her effort into staying conscious.

“It seems like it’s almost over.” The black dog said with an evil grin.

Kyria’s eyes started to slowly close. She had given up.

When her eyes closed, there was a flash of lighting, followed instantly by the roar of thunder.

In this brief second, a tan dog ran in, pried the paw off of Kyria’s face, and pulled her to the safety of everyone before they could realize what was going on.


Sasha ran into the park, only to see Bino, Fido, and Sabrina all leaning over another pet who was lying down, maybe passed out.

She saw Joey, Tarot, Fox, Max, Ralph, Kevin, and a another dog with a fur that was a little darker than Fox’s all watching the two dogs facing each other in the park.

There was a huge black dog, easily twice the size of a normal dog in Babylon Gardens. And the dog that he was staring at was- was-

“Prowler?” She quietly said to herself in amazement.

“She’s awake!” Sabrina yelled.

Sasha suddenly noticed that she didn’t see Kyria, but she knew that it was Kyria who screamed. Sasha ran over to join up with Fido, Bino, and Sabrina. It was Kyria who was lying down.

“Kyria! Are you alright?!”

“Uh… I- couldn’t breathe. Who saved me?”

Fido answered her. “It’s alright, you’re fine now. You’re not injured, just shaken up. A dog named Prowler saved you.”

“Wait.” Sabrina said with shock. “That tan dog is Prowler?”


Who is this? Who could possibly have the strength and speed to rescue that cat from that evil dog’s paws? He was too fast for me to see his face. Stealer was despite to figure out who that tan dog was.

Lightning flashed across the clouds. As if it was waiting for that signal, the rain started to come pouring down. Not just a normal rain, but one of the heaviest rainstorms of the year.

Everyone was dripping wet in a few seconds.

However, Stealer noticed something more dripping off of Prowler’s body. It was the rain water and… his color?

The water dripping off of Prowler was the same color as his fur. It was dye coming off; the dog had dyed his fur!

Slowly, Prowler’s fur changed from a tan color to a pure white, whiter than a fresh snowfall.

The now white dog turned his head and yelled “You all stay in the group that you’re in! If you stay together, I can protect you. But if you run off on your own, I might not be able to help if he goes after you.”

Stealer saw the dog’s eyes when his head was turned, even if it was only for a second.

Those eyes, so full of anger.

So full of resent.

So full of…


There’s only one dog who could have eyes like that. The only dog who can help us in this situation.

“Jiff” he whispered to himself.


I give Silentprincess828 credit for reviewing my story for mistakes.

And there it is. The secret is out. Now you just need to wait for the next update to see what happens...

Re: Burning Desire: The Power Within

Posted: Mon May 21, 2012 9:49 pm
by 0404
YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Finally!
that's what I can say for now

Re: Burning Desire: The Power Within

Posted: Mon May 21, 2012 10:14 pm
by copper
Awww, no kissing? :lol:

So Jiff is Prowler. Nice. I like the White and Black thing there. Very nice.

Let us hope this fight ends well.

Re: Burning Desire: The Power Within

Posted: Mon May 21, 2012 10:20 pm
by JeffCvt
copper wrote:Awww, no kissing? :lol:
Sorry, maybe in some future update.
copper wrote:So Jiff is Prowler. Nice.
A surprise at every turn. And I'm not done yet.

Re: Burning Desire: The Power Within

Posted: Tue May 22, 2012 5:16 pm
by Roarin
Twist! + epic showdown time! If tan Prowler was actually Jiff...does that mean the real Prowler is the black dog or...?

Re: Burning Desire: The Power Within

Posted: Tue May 22, 2012 5:25 pm
by legendario13
Keep going man

Just WoW!

Gona have that aspirin now

Re: Burning Desire: The Power Within

Posted: Wed May 23, 2012 10:34 am
by sean21
wow two update, i just now read them and they're awesome, a bit confusing but awesome.

Jiff was pretending to be his evil student thats what confused me.

Re: Burning Desire: The Power Within

Posted: Wed May 23, 2012 4:29 pm
by JeffCvt
sean21 wrote:Jiff was pretending to be his evil student thats what confused me.
He was not pretending to be his evil student.

I plan on having his actions explained in one of my upcoming updates.

Re: Burning Desire: The Power Within

Posted: Thu May 24, 2012 9:16 pm
by JeffCvt
Alright, I have a question for everyone.
I'm working on the next part, and I am having trouble deciding where to end it. So I'm going to leave it up to you.

Would you like a shorter update that has a cliffhanger at the end of it (And will be updated sooner), or a longer update that goes right up until the end of the fight between Jiff and the (Currently) nameless black dog (And will take longer before the update)?

I am split 50/50 between each decision, so it's up to you.

Re: Burning Desire: The Power Within

Posted: Thu May 24, 2012 9:20 pm
by musclecar326
I'd like the longer update because if the short update were put out i'd be sitting on the edge of my seat waiting to see what happens next, wondering about will happen. Distracting me from my work.

Re: Burning Desire: The Power Within

Posted: Fri May 25, 2012 4:23 pm
by JeffCvt
Ok, it seems that I got to the part that I would cut the update off if it was the short one.

Because the only vote so far is for the longer one, I'm going to keep working on it. If I get several votes for the shorter update by tonight, I will change and start typing up the shorter one. (Note: I'm only finished my notes on the shorter part, I haven't started typing it yet. Just because you vote for it does not mean it will be up today.)
But for now, I'm sticking with the longer version.

Re: Burning Desire: The Power Within

Posted: Fri May 25, 2012 4:31 pm
by legendario13
For the sake of musclecar's work and my mind, i would go for the longer version.

Re: Burning Desire: The Power Within

Posted: Fri May 25, 2012 5:53 pm
by Karl
Well, I was always a supporter of tension. Shorter.

Re: Burning Desire: The Power Within

Posted: Sun May 27, 2012 2:22 pm
by 0404
heee ya!!

it's Jiff!
I think I should do something about eyebrows


Re: Burning Desire: The Power Within

Posted: Sun May 27, 2012 2:24 pm
by JeffCvt
And it looks great! :D

I have fanart!

Re: Burning Desire: The Power Within

Posted: Sun May 27, 2012 2:29 pm
by 0404
Glad you are happy with it :D :D
it worth a effort
and for incase


Re: B-day!

Posted: Sun May 27, 2012 3:13 pm
by legendario13
You did all of that with paintool SAI?

Re: Burning Desire: The Power Within

Posted: Sun May 27, 2012 3:27 pm
by 0404
I certainly did, except the rainning effect part. I did it in Photoshop.
And thanks. :D
PM me if you want to know about sai paint tool more.

Re: Burning Desire: The Power Within

Posted: Sun May 27, 2012 10:43 pm
by JeffCvt
Wow, you guys get an awesome picture of Jiff and an update in one day. Are you all lucky or what?


“So you finally showed yourself Jiff. I have to say, I didn’t think that it would take so long.”

“Well, I never expected to see you here, Nox. Although I shouldn’t be surprised.”

“Wait, what’s going on here?” Ralph asked no one in particular.

Stealer answered him. “A fight that we should hope Jiff wins. If he doesn’t, we might be in some major trouble.”

Jiff and Nox continued to stare at one another, each one waiting for the other to make a move.

“Why don’t they do something already?” Kyria asked. She had gotten up, and was watching the scene unfold like everyone else.

Stealer answered once again. “Neither one wants to do something stupid. They are both incredibly powerful, and one wrong move could mean the end for whoever makes it.” Stealer never diverted his eyes from the two dogs.

“Listen.” Fido said. “If that black dog really is that powerful, we should help out Prowler, or Jiff, or whoever that dog is.”

Jiff overheard the comment and immediately turned his head and yelled “Don’t you dare! This dog is strong enough to fight all of you at once. Even a few highly trained Ukrainian mountain dogs wouldn’t stand a chance against him!” Jiff looked back at Nox. “I’m the only one who can handle him, so stay out of this.”

“What do we do?” Kevin asked Ralph.

“We do what he told us too.” Ralph said. “We stay back.”

All of the sudden, Nox dropped down on all four limbs and ran forward like a bolt of lightning. He flew past Jiff and headed straight for everyone else. He was so fast that Stealer barely had time to register that the massive killer dog was heading straight for him. I’m done for. He thought.

However, Jiff seemed to come out of nowhere from the dog’s side and kick him hard enough to send him flying. “This is our fight Nox, leave them out of it!”

The kick that Jiff had delivered to Nox would have probably ended the fight right then and there should any regular dog have received it. But Nox just stood up as if nothing had happened. “And what fun would that be? I can’t be expected to follow all of the rules. But if you want me to so bad, I guess that I can attack you next!” Nox yelled as he charged straight at Jiff with the same kind of speed that he had displayed earlier. Everyone was sure that Jiff was a goner, but he dogged the attack, seemingly with ease.

“Is that all you got Nox? You’ve slowed down since last time.”

“Oh, I got plenty more!” The giant black dog yelled right before charging at Jiff again.


The fight was something to behold. Each dog moved with a speed almost too fast to follow. They were delivering powerful hits that not even one of Kevin’s tackles could compare. Neither dog seemed to notice the torrential downpour of rain.

The entire time, Jiff managed to keep himself between Nox and everyone else. He knew that if given the opportunity, Nox would attack them.

“What’s the matter Jiff? You getting tired?” Nox teased him.

*Huff Huff* “You wish.” Jiff said breathlessly.

“Well that’s good. I wouldn’t want this to get BOREING!” Nox yelled as he once again charged at Jiff.

Jiff tried to dodge the attack, but due to the long battle his movements had become sluggish.

He was not able to move in time and Nox’s fist plowed straight into his gut with enough power to send him flying back, landing in front of everyone else.

Everyone was shocked by what they had just seen. Kyria was even on the verge of tears.

Nox started to walk slowly toward Jiff. He seemed to take his time, as if he wanted to let Jiff suffer as much as possible.

Jiff tried to stand up, but his body had taken pretty much all it could take from that one hit. He tried as hard as he could, but was unable.

“Prowle- Jiff, why try to stand up?” Ralph asked. “You can barely move, much less fight.”

“Because- URK!” Jiff was struggling to even speak his body hurt so much. “Because I’m the only one who can stop him. I can’t give up no matter what.”

This time Stealer spoke up. “But if you get up, you won’t survive! Don’t you see that? Even if you manage to somehow win this fight, your body won’t be able to stand up to everything!”

Jiff looked over at Stealer. He smiled as he said “I do see that. Even if I defeat Nox, my body wouldn’t be able to survive. But if don’t do something, he will go after all of you next.”

Nox was getting closer.

“But why fight for us?” Kyria nearly yelled “You don’t even know us! You have no ties to Babylon Gardens!”

“Does that matter?” Jiff almost seemed to find some strength. Not a lot, but enough to talk with fire in his voice. “Just because I don’t know someone, I can’t fight to try and protect them? Just because they don’t hold some special place in my heart, I can’t risk my life for them?”

Everyone got quiet as Jiff tried to stand up once again. Despite his best efforts, he still couldn’t.

Nox continued to get closer. But then, something stopped him. Something he had not been expecting.

Stealer was standing in front Jiff, arms stretched out from his sides, ready to protect Jiff with his life.

Jiff’s eye’s grew wide with surprise. “What- Ack!” The sudden outburst caused him pain, but he continued with the question anyway. “What… are you doing?”

“I’m protecting you. If you’re going to put your life on the line for me, I’m going to do the same for you.”

“How touching.” Nox said with a sarcastic tone. “But you won’t be able to stop me alone. No one can.”

“He’s not alone.” Kyria said as she stood next to Stealer. “Jiff risked his life to save mine. Now I’ll do the same for him.”

Now Nox was more annoyed than amused. “Fine, if you both want to stand there, I’ll simply take both of you out.”

“Not two, five. We’re going to help too.” Fido said as he got up with Ralph and Kevin. “He needs our help now, and we’re going to give it to him.”

Now Nox was angry. But before he could say anything, Bino got next to Kyria. Then Joey, and Fox too. Even Max and Sasha stood in front of Jiff.

With Stealer in the center, everyone formed a barrier, while Tarot and Sabrina stayed next to Jiff to help him should his condition get worse.

Nox was beyond annoyed, he was beyond angry, he was furious. All of those pets had been cowering in fear only a few seconds ago, and now they were standing up to him. Well, he would show them.

Nox launched himself right at Stealer, the center of the formation, with his claws ready to mow down any obstruction in his path.

“NO!” Jiff yelled. Get up! Come on body, Get up! Get up! GET UP!

Nox raised his paw, and brought it down in a terrifying lust for bloodshed.

The claws met skin.


Right as Nox brought his claws down, Jiff found a burst of strength and managed to jump up and push Stealer to the side. Unfortunately, in doing so, Jiff put himself in the path of the claws. They came down, slashing his across his chest.

Jiff, now in total agony, dropped down to one knee while holding himself across the torso.

Nox looked at him with a look of victory. “It seems that you took a bullet for someone you don’t even know, and it has cost you even more than winning this fight. Too bad, I was hoping that this could have lasted longer, but I guess that it just wasn’t to be.”

And with that, Nox kicked Jiff as hard as he could, sending him flying back.

Everyone else took a step back, realizing what this meant for them.

Everyone except for Stealer, who was still on the ground from when Jiff pushed him out of the way.

Nox grabbed him by the collar, and lifted him off of the ground. “I think you’ll be the first.” Nox said as he brought his fist back. “This will teach you to be brave.”

Stealer looked him straight in the eyes and said “Bring it.” without any fear or hesitation in his voice whatsoever.

Nox got ready to punch Stealer with every ounce of power that he could muster in his arm, but stopped when he heard “Don’t

He looked and saw Jiff standing up, right where he had landed after being kicked. His head was hanging, breathing was labored, he was swaying side to side, and didn’t look like he could even walk, much less fight. But he was standing none the less.

Nox released his grip on Stealer’s collar. He didn’t dare take his eyes off of the white, swaying dog twenty feet in front of him. “You don’t look like you should be able to breath, much less stand.”

Jiff lifted his head and looked straight at Nox. “I did my very best to alienate myself from these pets, to strike at their weakest points so they will hopefully never want to see or speak of me again. And despite that, they still put their lives on the line to protect mine.” *Cough! Cough! Cough!* Small amounts of blood came up as he coughed. It was obvious he has severe internal injuries, as well as external. He needed a vet as soon as he could.

“Everyone here has reminded me what it means to want to protect someone, and I won’t let you hurt them because of that.”

Nox seemed rather amused at what Jiff had just said. “You hardly seem in the condition to back that up.”

“I think you underestimate me.” Jiff said as he nearly fell over.

“Well I’m going to make sure that this is the last time I ‘underestimate you’” Nox said as he got on all fours. “Once I’m done with you, I’m going to enjoy the pain that I inflict on everyone else before I finish them off too.” Then he charged with a wild, bloodthirsty look in his eyes.

Jiff simply stood where he was not even attempting to move or get out of the way.


Nox came closer.


Nox leaped the last few feet, determined to tear Jiff in to pieces.

“WON’T!!” Jiff yelled as he brought his fist down right on top of Nox’s head, plowing it into the ground and stopping all forward momentum of the massive dog almost instantly.


Everyone was astonished at what they just saw happen.

They all stared at the massive black dog, half expecting him to get back up.

But he didn’t. He didn’t get up, he didn’t move. He didn’t even seem to be breathing.

It was over. Nox wasn’t going to be getting back up ever again it seemed.

Jiff started to slowly stagger toward everyone.

He took one step at a time, almost falling over each time. He slowly made his way to Stealer.

“Hehehe. Well, it looks like you were right.”

Stealer was confused. What was he right about? And why was Jiff laughing?

“Hehehehehe.” Jiff continued. “I got up, and you were right. I didn’t survive.” Jiff dropped to his knees. “Hehe. Oh well.” He mumbled as he fell face first in to the mud, with the spring rain falling all around him.

End of Chapter 1.

I give Silentprincess828 credit for reviewing my story for mistakes. (Once I get the hard copy to her)

Yea, so I decided to make this the end of chapter one.
I will have an intro to chapter 2 which will explain all of the loose ends that I haven't tied up yet.
In the meantime, I hope that you enjoyed my story that I have worked so hard on. Chapter 2 will be a little different than Chapter 1 in ways that I will explain after the intro. (Spoilers, you know)

Re: Burning Desire: The Power Within

Posted: Mon May 28, 2012 7:41 pm
by 0404
:o :shock: :o
Wow, I never tought prow--Jiff can be that.. that angry,offensive, I didn't expected him to be Fighter.
And it is DRAMATIC!
I wonder what's going to happen at the next chapter, whole new Fighter story?

I should make Jiff look more Offensive in the picture above.

Re: Burning Desire: The Power Within

Posted: Mon May 28, 2012 9:51 pm
by copper
Hmm... this was interesting indeed. Jiff is as hard headed as some anime characters I have seen. :roll:

Great pic! He looks ready to fight indeed.

I wonder... seems as if Jiff is going to I will keep it to myself, thank you very much~. I wonder if I am right... ;)

Re: Burning Desire: The Power Within

Posted: Tue May 29, 2012 6:01 pm
by legendario13
Dang...Better it was worth it
Even a few highly trained Ukrainian mountain dogs wouldn’t stand a chance against him

Re: Burning Desire: The Power Within

Posted: Tue May 29, 2012 6:50 pm
by JeffCvt
Season 2 Introduction: Part One

Everybody was hiding in the GODC clubhouse.

They were all scattered around the first floor, hiding in pairs or small groups of three. They felt better that way. The lights were out.

Occasional whisper could be heard. Things like “Do you think he’ll find us?” or “How could he still be alive?” There was even a “Did you hear what he did to that dog they found face down in the park?”

All of the sudden, a dog who had been given the job of looking out the window in case he came said “SHHH!!! He’s coming! Everyone hide and hope he doesn’t find you!”

Everyone immediately hid if they weren’t already hidden. They just hoped that it would all be over soon.

Slowly, the door to the GODC opened.

He flicked the lights on. It was over. He knew.

So I tried to wait, but I just couldn't. I don't think the next part will take too long. I hope it doesn't.

Re: Burning Desire: The Power Within

Posted: Tue May 29, 2012 8:14 pm
by legendario13
now i'll cant sleep tonight, which whisper belongs to which dog!

That last line...
He knew or they knew.
It can change everything!

Re: Burning Desire: The Power Within

Posted: Tue May 29, 2012 8:18 pm
by JeffCvt
legendario13 wrote:Edit:
That last line...
He knew or they knew.
It can change everything!
"He" knew. He meaning the dog that walked into the clubhouse.

Re: Burning Desire: The Power Within

Posted: Tue May 29, 2012 8:49 pm
by legendario13
:twisted: more destruction and pain ahead or sweet relief then 8-) or confusion
Oh the waiting... :(

Re: Burning Desire: The Power Within

Posted: Tue May 29, 2012 10:30 pm
by copper
Sounds ominous. I am expecting a mind freak, like Bino coming in and everyone thinking he did it or something! :lol: :lol: