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Re: Pet Friendly - Richmond Acres

Posted: Wed Dec 07, 2011 1:28 am
by furryovrlord
Esper wrote:Mercury grinned widely when the large dog intoduced himself, "Nice to meet you Gilmore!" he managed befor the dog's strong shake nearly knocked him back down

"Wait, did you say swimming!?" Mercury enthused, "I love swimming! My dad used to take me swimming befor we moved here, where are we gonna go?"

Crimson spoke up, his back was turned because he was trying to scout for Ruby but he still spoke to the group "a nice little slow flowing river not too far from here, it's got plenty of shade, nice soft grass, a tire swing if i remember correctly, and the water is deep enough to dive into, so a competition of sorts can easily be accomplished if we so desired. oh," he turned to the group now "my appologies, my name is crimson" he smiled politely, in a friendly, but albeit, awkward way

Re: Pet Friendly - Richmond Acres

Posted: Wed Dec 07, 2011 5:32 am
by BlueAnubis
ChewyChewy wrote: Connie responded very shyly.

"N-No, this is more permanent than that. Royal and Window wanted to do something nice for those who aren't fortunate enough to live the good life in the city. It bothers Mrs. Pain, but they don't mind--on the contrary, they like it."

She continued to sweep, keeping out of sight of anyone else.
"Really? Wow, I suppose they have changed since last we met. They weren't, what I would have called, 'philosophical' when we were growing up." Ruby said thoughtfuly. I can't help but wonder if my memory of them is skewed because of what happened to me. She pondered.

Jack smiled as the new cat approached, then fell flat on his face. I guess it's gonna get pretty cold, the way Mercury is falling. He shook his head and cleared his throat. "Hello there, my name is Jack. Pleased to meet you."

Re: Pet Friendly - Richmond Acres

Posted: Wed Dec 07, 2011 4:24 pm
by ChewyChewy
BlueAnubis wrote:"Really? Wow, I suppose they have changed since last we met. They weren't, what I would have called, 'philosophical' when we were growing up." Ruby said thoughtfuly. I can't help but wonder if my memory of them is skewed because of what happened to me. She pondered.

Jack smiled as the new cat approached, then fell flat on his face. I guess it's gonna get pretty cold, the way Mercury is falling. He shook his head and cleared his throat. "Hello there, my name is Jack. Pleased to meet you."
"I...I don't know what you mean by 'philosophical'," said Connie, turning red. "But they've always been that way. They wanted to cut people a break by moving into their neighborhood. They figured it would give them some excitement in their lives to meet celebrities actually LIVING here."

Re: Pet Friendly - Richmond Acres

Posted: Wed Dec 07, 2011 4:28 pm
by Esper
Mercury grinned even more widely, "A pleasure to meet the both of you." his tail flicked to and fro. "Well, I'm glad to have met you guys! I'm ready to go when ever, wait, are you looking for something, Crimson?

Re: Pet Friendly - Richmond Acres

Posted: Wed Dec 07, 2011 9:41 pm
by furryovrlord
Esper wrote:Mercury grinned even more widely, "A pleasure to meet the both of you." his tail flicked to and fro. "Well, I'm glad to have met you guys! I'm ready to go when ever, wait, are you looking for something, Crimson?
"yeah, Ruby, she's a local cat that Jack and i know, and uhhm, heh, you could probably say we're dating..." *he blushed a little at the thought, it had nothing to do with the fact she was a cat, he didn't care about that. it was just the pure fact that he could actually say that about someone that caused him too.

"she's gotta be around here somewhere right? heheh. i wanted her to tag along with us to the river. so we could all have fun and get to know eachother and what not." he turned to jack again but this time, playfully tug at his ear to hopefully, finally get his attention

"Jaaa-aaaack. have you seen Ruby? I havent seen her since leaving your place"

Re: Pet Friendly - Richmond Acres

Posted: Wed Dec 07, 2011 9:57 pm
by Seth
furryovrlord wrote:
Esper wrote:Mercury grinned even more widely, "A pleasure to meet the both of you." his tail flicked to and fro. "Well, I'm glad to have met you guys! I'm ready to go when ever, wait, are you looking for something, Crimson?
"yeah, Ruby, she's a local cat that Jack and i know, and uhhm, heh, you could probably say we're dating..." *he blushed a little at the thought, it had nothing to do with the fact she was a cat, he didn't care about that. it was just the pure fact that he could actually say that about someone that caused him too.

"she's gotta be around here somewhere right? heheh. i wanted her to tag along with us to the river. so we could all have fun and get to know eachother and what not." he turned to jack again but this time, playfully tug at his ear to hopefully, finally get his attention

"Jaaa-aaaack. have you seen Ruby? I havent seen her since leaving your place"
Dating a cat? Haven't seen that before, but whatever floats your boat.

Re: Pet Friendly - Richmond Acres

Posted: Wed Dec 07, 2011 10:05 pm
by Esper
Mercury's tail picked up a bit of speed, he himself had a thing for dogs, "Well, I wish nothing but the best to you two." he said, continuing his grin

"So, if your looking for her, would it not be better to be mobile rather than stationary? I'd be willing to help you find her, I wanna meet more friends!" Mercury inquired

Re: Pet Friendly - Richmond Acres

Posted: Thu Dec 08, 2011 5:11 am
by BlueAnubis
Ruby sighed and smiled, "Ah, I see. So this way, people won't have to go out of their way to come and see your family, they can see them daily instead. That's quite a sacrifice they're making for people." She said without sarchasm or malice. Then again, perhaps my memory is fine.

Jack laughed as Crimson tugged his ear, "Great Horis, Crimson, it's been fifteen minutes. How did you last the night without her?" He said as he mussed Crimson's fur. "Here let me try something from a while ago." He said as he cupped his hands around his mouth and let out a pair of short yelps.

Ruby's ears pricked up when she heard Jack's call, then they went flat against her head. "Oh brother. What does that little Whelp want?" She stopped sweeping and turned to Connie "Seems Jackal boy is feeling lonely. What do you think, Connie? Would you like to meet my 'dear brother' now, or save that for a later date?"

Re: Pet Friendly - Richmond Acres

Posted: Thu Dec 08, 2011 9:46 am
by furryovrlord
BlueAnubis wrote:Ruby sighed and smiled, "Ah, I see. So this way, people won't have to go out of their way to come and see your family, they can see them daily instead. That's quite a sacrifice they're making for people." She said without sarchasm or malice. Then again, perhaps my memory is fine.

Jack laughed as Crimson tugged his ear, "Great Horis, Crimson, it's been fifteen minutes. How did you last the night without her?" He said as he mussed Crimson's fur. "Here let me try something from a while ago." He said as he cupped his hands around his mouth and let out a pair of short yelps.

Ruby's ears pricked up when she heard Jack's call, then they went flat against her head. "Oh brother. What does that little Whelp want?" She stopped sweeping and turned to Connie "Seems Jackal boy is feeling lonely. What do you think, Connie? Would you like to meet my 'dear brother' now, or save that for a later date?"
he turned to mercury and smiled
"i read, in a book of strategy once, that, it would be highly probable that, if you were to start moving about, the cances were, the other, would also be moving, and, it could be very likely that one would end up completely missing the other.. heheh."

he blushed then and turned to jack
"ehheh, let me tell you, it was with g-great difficulty." his natural and somewhat forgotten shyer nature definately showed when he spoke that. as jack made his call, his ears twitched wildly and then, settled again. he had a look of almost awe on his face that completely hid the look of blushing he had moments ago.
"wow! that was kinda cool jack! heh. can you show me that sometime? and i bet you've got some interesting tales to tell about the purpose for having used that in times " a while ago" right?" he piped down now, looking around, his tail wagging side to side at quite the pace, he as certain jack's call would work so now all he had to do was wait

Re: Pet Friendly - Richmond Acres

Posted: Thu Dec 08, 2011 1:42 pm
by ChewyChewy
BlueAnubis wrote:Ruby sighed and smiled, "Ah, I see. So this way, people won't have to go out of their way to come and see your family, they can see them daily instead. That's quite a sacrifice they're making for people." She said without sarchasm or malice. Then again, perhaps my memory is fine.

Jack laughed as Crimson tugged his ear, "Great Horis, Crimson, it's been fifteen minutes. How did you last the night without her?" He said as he mussed Crimson's fur. "Here let me try something from a while ago." He said as he cupped his hands around his mouth and let out a pair of short yelps.

Ruby's ears pricked up when she heard Jack's call, then they went flat against her head. "Oh brother. What does that little Whelp want?" She stopped sweeping and turned to Connie "Seems Jackal boy is feeling lonely. What do you think, Connie? Would you like to meet my 'dear brother' now, or save that for a later date?"
"Exactly," said Connie. "They've always been self-sacrificing. They understand how lucky they have it, and that not everyone has it so well."

Connie's ears pricked up when she heard the yelps, and she turned the corner. "I-I don't see why he'd want to meet ME, I'm nothing special. I'm no show rabbit--I couldn't even place."

Re: Pet Friendly - Richmond Acres

Posted: Thu Dec 08, 2011 6:36 pm
by Esper
"Oh, that makes sense." Mercury dug in his satchel and pulled a sketchbook and pencil free from its depths, "Until the time comes that we depart to the river, I hope you don't mind that I pass the time." Mercury crouched into a compact ball and began drawing a very detailed picture of Gilmore

Mercury smiled inwardly upon hearing Crimson speak of Ruby

Re: Pet Friendly - Richmond Acres

Posted: Thu Dec 08, 2011 7:28 pm
by Rhyzer
Esper wrote:..."Until the time comes that we depart to the river, I hope you don't mind that I pass the time." Mercury crouched into a compact ball and began drawing a very detailed picture of Gilmore.

Mercury smiled inwardly upon hearing Crimson speak of Ruby
Travis gave an acknowledging, though inconspicuous, nod to Mercury's gesture regarding his state for the time being. He stood a good few yards from the side of his field of vision, though he'd done so purposely on his own accord prior to motioning a bit farther to his preferred spot, which was below the sunlight's reach -- disoriented from the intervention of a courteous tree.
He stood aloof in his collected composure, drawing away further into his surroundings without much to say. In essence, he maintained this stature for the time being before venturing out with the other pets he'd befriended.

Re: Pet Friendly - Richmond Acres

Posted: Sat Dec 10, 2011 3:34 am
by BlueAnubis
Jack chuckled, "I haven't done that since I was a pup. That was how I would call my Mother when she was out hunting. I don't know why no one does it anymore, it is far less expensive than a cell phone." I gotta admit, Feels good to stretch out the old vocal cords. He thought as he waited for a reply.

Ruby smiled, positioned her fingers in her mouth and whistled loudly in response. "Two reasons; One, because Jack doesn't care wether someone is a sewer rat or one of the Queen's corgis, he still gives them the respect they deserve. And two, because you're my friend, and you are special to me, so there." She chuckled.

Jack's ears perked up and he tilted his head, "Huh, that is how she says 'Geeze, I hear you, hold your horses, Jackal Boy.' Or, at least, that's what she told me it meant."

Re: Pet Friendly - Richmond Acres

Posted: Sat Dec 10, 2011 2:20 pm
by ChewyChewy
BlueAnubis wrote:Jack chuckled, "I haven't done that since I was a pup. That was how I would call my Mother when she was out hunting. I don't know why no one does it anymore, it is far less expensive than a cell phone." I gotta admit, Feels good to stretch out the old vocal cords. He thought as he waited for a reply.

Ruby smiled, positioned her fingers in her mouth and whistled loudly in response. "Two reasons; One, because Jack doesn't care wether someone is a sewer rat or one of the Queen's corgis, he still gives them the respect they deserve. And two, because you're my friend, and you are special to me, so there." She chuckled.

Jack's ears perked up and he tilted his head, "Huh, that is how she says 'Geeze, I hear you, hold your horses, Jackal Boy.' Or, at least, that's what she told me it meant."
Connie cringed and covered her ears when Ruby whistled. It took her awhile to realize what Ruby had actually said.

"I--I still don't know.... I mean, I don't really deserve any respect, and I don't see what's so special about me...."

Re: Pet Friendly - Richmond Acres

Posted: Sat Dec 10, 2011 5:07 pm
by furryovrlord
BlueAnubis wrote:Jack chuckled, "I haven't done that since I was a pup. That was how I would call my Mother when she was out hunting. I don't know why no one does it anymore, it is far less expensive than a cell phone." I gotta admit, Feels good to stretch out the old vocal cords. He thought as he waited for a reply.

Ruby smiled, positioned her fingers in her mouth and whistled loudly in response. "Two reasons; One, because Jack doesn't care wether someone is a sewer rat or one of the Queen's corgis, he still gives them the respect they deserve. And two, because you're my friend, and you are special to me, so there." She chuckled.

Jack's ears perked up and he tilted his head, "Huh, that is how she says 'Geeze, I hear you, hold your horses, Jackal Boy.' Or, at least, that's what she told me it meant."
he giggled softly* "heheh, you two got a whistle and a yelp for everything then? heheh. and you're totally right about it being cheaper. quieter on the other hand, would be a different story. i dont think some of the parents around here would enjoy being woken up by such sounds at all hours of the night, am I right?"

Re: Pet Friendly - Richmond Acres

Posted: Sun Dec 11, 2011 10:05 am
by Esper
Tesla was in his garage tightening a bolt on, to an outside observer, a refrigerator with the back replaced with treads, "I wonder when mom will get home with the other U-Haul..." He muttered to himself. Tesla continued tightening until the machine exploded with a loud BOOOM, throwing him out of his open garage door and onto the sidewalk. "Oh come on, man! I worked all afternoon!" He shouted as he stood and looked into his garage.

Mercury's ears perked up as he heard an explosion and a shout, "Uh, did you guys hear that too?" he said as he rose from his crouching position and took a few steps towards the direction of the sound.

Re: Pet Friendly - Richmond Acres

Posted: Sun Dec 11, 2011 12:18 pm
by Rhyzer
Esper wrote:Tesla was in his garage tightening a bolt on, to an outside observer, a refrigerator with the back replaced with treads, "I wonder when mom will get home with the other U-Haul..." He muttered to himself. Tesla continued tightening until the machine exploded with a loud BOOOM, throwing him out of his open garage door and onto the sidewalk. "Oh come on, man! I worked all afternoon!" He shouted as he stood and looked into his garage.

Mercury's ears perked up as he heard an explosion and a shout, "Uh, did you guys hear that too?" he said as he rose from his crouching position and took a few steps towards the direction of the sound.
Travis immediately snapped out of his absentmindedness prior to the startling sound that just transpired.

"...An explosion!" he gasped, widening his eyes in mere shock that corresponded even more to his dazed behavior. Concern became an apparent abundance to Travis as he swiftly left for the scene of the explosion.

Someone could be terribly hurt, he thought as he hastily bolted to Tesla's location with little to no struggles ; it took him no less than fifteen seconds to arrive.

"H-hey! Are you alright?" he genially yelled as he approached Tesla, by which his worrisome gaze surveyed over his body for any signs of physical injury.

Re: Pet Friendly - Richmond Acres

Posted: Sun Dec 11, 2011 4:30 pm
by Seth
Rhyzer wrote:
Esper wrote:Tesla was in his garage tightening a bolt on, to an outside observer, a refrigerator with the back replaced with treads, "I wonder when mom will get home with the other U-Haul..." He muttered to himself. Tesla continued tightening until the machine exploded with a loud BOOOM, throwing him out of his open garage door and onto the sidewalk. "Oh come on, man! I worked all afternoon!" He shouted as he stood and looked into his garage.

Mercury's ears perked up as he heard an explosion and a shout, "Uh, did you guys hear that too?" he said as he rose from his crouching position and took a few steps towards the direction of the sound.
Travis immediately snapped out of his absentmindedness prior to the startling sound that just transpired.

"...An explosion!" he gasped, widening his eyes in mere shock that corresponded even more to his dazed behavior. Concern became an apparent abundance to Travis as he swiftly left for the scene of the explosion.

Someone could be terribly hurt, he thought as he hastily bolted to Tesla's location with little to no struggles ; it took him no less than fifteen seconds to arrive.

"H-hey! Are you alright?" he genially yelled as he approached Tesla, by which his worrisome gaze surveyed over his body for any signs of physical injury.
Gilmore followed after the other dog, he got there a good 10 seconds after travis.You alright little buddy? that sounded pretty bad!

Re: Pet Friendly - Richmond Acres

Posted: Sun Dec 11, 2011 4:49 pm
by Esper
Mercury saw the dogs run off and followed suit, arriving a few seconds after Gilmore, "What happened?" he asked

Tesla was stunned at the group of pets that came to him in rapid succession, "Heh, yeah, every thing is fine. My project blew up is all." he brushed himself off, raised his goggles above his eyes, and held out a gloved hand, "Sorry I scared you guys, my name's Tesla." his stubby tail wagged vigorously

Re: Pet Friendly - Richmond Acres

Posted: Sun Dec 11, 2011 4:53 pm
by Seth
Esper wrote:Mercury saw the dogs run off and followed suit, arriving a few seconds after Gilmore, "What happened?" he asked

Tesla was stunned at the group of pets that came to him in rapid succession, "Heh, yeah, every thing is fine. My project blew up is all." he brushed himself off, raised his goggles above his eyes, and held out a gloved hand, "Sorry I scared you guys, my name's Tesla." his stubby tail wagged vigorously
Gilmore grabbed the other dog's paw and shook vigorouslyI'm Gilmore. Are you new here too? There seem to be alot of pets moving in today.

Re: Pet Friendly - Richmond Acres

Posted: Sun Dec 11, 2011 6:51 pm
by Rhyzer
Seth wrote:
Esper wrote:Mercury saw the dogs run off and followed suit, arriving a few seconds after Gilmore, "What happened?" he asked

Tesla was stunned at the group of pets that came to him in rapid succession, "Heh, yeah, every thing is fine. My project blew up is all." he brushed himself off, raised his goggles above his eyes, and held out a gloved hand, "Sorry I scared you guys, my name's Tesla." his stubby tail wagged vigorously
Gilmore grabbed the other dog's paw and shook vigorouslyI'm Gilmore. Are you new here too? There seem to be alot of pets moving in today.
Travis' concerned expression subsided shortly afterwards and was replaced with his indifferent, and composed composure. He then scooted a few feet away from the agglomeration of pets, suspecting that his own naturally, albeit unusual, scent might reach to the whiffs of the others around him, which made him feel uncomfortable.
"Hm? Project?" he muttered, glancing over to the garage where the explosion occurred.

Re: Pet Friendly - Richmond Acres

Posted: Sun Dec 11, 2011 10:24 pm
by Esper
"Oh thank god, your not hurt!" Mercury sighed as he put his hand on the dog's shoulder

Tesla smiled as Gilmore shook his paw, "Really!? There's more pets moving in today?" he said, surprised. "Yeah, I just moved in too!" replied Mercury

Telsa's ear twitched when Travis spoke, "Yes, my project was a vehicle meant to travel well on land and water, but the engine blew up! I think I put the fuel line in wrong... I'll ask mom when she comes home." he replied to Travis, "Well, it's busted now, mind if I join you guys?"

Mercury grinned, "I don't mind, do you Gilmore? Travis?" he inquired

Re: Pet Friendly - Richmond Acres

Posted: Sun Dec 11, 2011 10:33 pm
by Seth
Esper wrote:"Oh thank god, your not hurt!" Mercury sighed as he put his hand on the dog's shoulder

Tesla smiled as Gilmore shook his paw, "Really!? There's more pets moving in today?" he said, surprised. "Yeah, I just moved in too!" replied Mercury

Telsa's ear twitched when Travis spoke, "Yes, my project was a vehicle meant to travel well on land and water, but the engine blew up! I think I put the fuel line in wrong... I'll ask mom when she comes home." he replied to Travis, "Well, it's busted now, mind if I join you guys?"

Mercury grinned, "I don't mind, do you Gilmore? Travis?" he inquired
'course not! The more the merrier.

Re: Pet Friendly - Richmond Acres

Posted: Mon Dec 12, 2011 4:53 am
by BlueAnubis
Jack instinctively turned toward Winch and Bianca's house when he heard an explosion, but was surprised to see that it was not their residence that the smoke was coming from. "Confound it all! Winch blew up one of the neighbor's houses this time! Come on, Crimson, we have to get there before Ruby kills him." He said before bolting off toward the smoke. When he arrived a moment later, he was surprised to see a distinct lack of ferret at the scene of the explosion, only a new dog. He glanced back and forth a couple of times before approaching the new dog, catching his name from his introduction. "Uhh... Hello, Tesla. My name is Jack, it is a pleasure to meet you."

Ruby turned when she heard the explosion, claws extended. "Winchester!" She hissed before retracting her claws and turning back to Connie. "Seems the introduction may be delayed a bit. Wanna see me maim a ferret instead? Fun times all around. I even think he wants me to do it." She said with a toothy grin as her tail flicked back and forth.

Re: Pet Friendly - Richmond Acres

Posted: Mon Dec 12, 2011 9:12 am
by furryovrlord
BlueAnubis wrote:Jack instinctively turned toward Winch and Bianca's house when he heard an explosion, but was surprised to see that it was not their residence that the smoke was coming from. "Confound it all! Winch blew up one of the neighbor's houses this time! Come on, Crimson, we have to get there before Ruby kills him." He said before bolting off toward the smoke. When he arrived a moment later, he was surprised to see a distinct lack of ferret at the scene of the explosion, only a new dog. He glanced back and forth a couple of times before approaching the new dog, catching his name from his introduction. "Uhh... Hello, Tesla. My name is Jack, it is a pleasure to meet you."

Ruby turned when she heard the explosion, claws extended. "Winchester!" She hissed before retracting her claws and turning back to Connie. "Seems the introduction may be delayed a bit. Wanna see me maim a ferret instead? Fun times all around. I even think he wants me to do it." She said with a toothy grin as her tail flicked back and forth.
Crimson quickly followed behind with a silent nod. when he arrived at the scene he was just as confused as Jack. he couldnt help but giggle however at jack's confusion, he then also spoke up. "And my name is Crimson it's a pleasure to meet you, err, and i do hope you are alright. where are winch and bianca when we need them? heh, they always seem to come out, the next day, however damaged and mangele their fur got. looking as fresh as daisies" he giggled and inspected the scene, walking up and standing by jack now, with rufinae having followed up also, behind him. they stood quietly then.

Re: Pet Friendly - Richmond Acres

Posted: Mon Dec 12, 2011 11:08 am
by Rhyzer
Esper wrote:"Oh thank god, your not hurt!" Mercury sighed as he put his hand on the dog's shoulder

Tesla smiled as Gilmore shook his paw, "Really!? There's more pets moving in today?" he said, surprised. "Yeah, I just moved in too!" replied Mercury

Telsa's ear twitched when Travis spoke, "Yes, my project was a vehicle meant to travel well on land and water, but the engine blew up! I think I put the fuel line in wrong... I'll ask mom when she comes home." he replied to Travis, "Well, it's busted now, mind if I join you guys?"

Mercury grinned, "I don't mind, do you Gilmore? Travis?" he inquired
Travis crossed his arms at the conceptualization of such a broad, but genuine idea. Travis' attention then reverted over to Mercury's figure,
"Not at all," he shook his head in agreement, replying briefly in his naturally formal tone.

Re: Pet Friendly - Richmond Acres

Posted: Mon Dec 12, 2011 3:45 pm
by Esper
"Wow, there sure are a lot of you guys, it's nice to meet you all!" Tesla said awkwardly, "So, if I'm coming with you guys-" He grabbed his backpack off of the garage wall, "-Where steer going?"

Re: Pet Friendly - Richmond Acres

Posted: Mon Dec 12, 2011 4:25 pm
by ChewyChewy
BlueAnubis wrote:Jack instinctively turned toward Winch and Bianca's house when he heard an explosion, but was surprised to see that it was not their residence that the smoke was coming from. "Confound it all! Winch blew up one of the neighbor's houses this time! Come on, Crimson, we have to get there before Ruby kills him." He said before bolting off toward the smoke. When he arrived a moment later, he was surprised to see a distinct lack of ferret at the scene of the explosion, only a new dog. He glanced back and forth a couple of times before approaching the new dog, catching his name from his introduction. "Uhh... Hello, Tesla. My name is Jack, it is a pleasure to meet you."

Ruby turned when she heard the explosion, claws extended. "Winchester!" She hissed before retracting her claws and turning back to Connie. "Seems the introduction may be delayed a bit. Wanna see me maim a ferret instead? Fun times all around. I even think he wants me to do it." She said with a toothy grin as her tail flicked back and forth.
Connie's ears stood on end, as did her fur.

"N-N-N-N-No thanks...." she said, trembling vigorously.

She went back to her sweeping, trying to pretend that Ruby was not there and that the explosion had not happened.

Re: Pet Friendly - Richmond Acres

Posted: Tue Dec 13, 2011 4:02 pm
by Rhyzer
Esper wrote:"Wow, there sure are a lot of you guys, it's nice to meet you all!" Tesla said awkwardly, "So, if I'm coming with you guys-" He grabbed his backpack off of the garage wall, "-Where steer going?"
"We're to commence over to the river's stead," Travis spoke briefly, his serene gaze resting upon Tesla's silhouette, "However, since a few more pets will join us here, we're expected to bide our time until then."
Travis then stood contemplatively emotionless and erroneously callous for the time being, basking in the tranquility of the breeze swaying past him.

Re: Pet Friendly - Richmond Acres

Posted: Tue Dec 13, 2011 4:52 pm
by Esper
"A river? So we must be going swimming!" the corgi's tail wagged energeticly, "That sounds like a lot of fun! I hope the others arrive quickly."

"So, Tesla, where did you get the parts for that fridge vehicle?" asked Mercury as he began the sketch the scene

Tesla turned to Mercury with an exited expression, "Oh, I like to go to a junkyard, they always have great materials." he replied

Re: Pet Friendly - Richmond Acres

Posted: Wed Dec 14, 2011 2:20 am
by BlueAnubis
Ruby chuckled, "Oh well, If you don't wanna go, I won't make you. You're gonna miss out though. Anyway, suppose I'll see you later then, Hmm?" She said with a smile. "Bye, Connie." She said with a wave as she made her way towards the smoke.
A moment later, she came into view of the group gathered outside someone's house. "Winch!" She shouted, claws extended and eyes narrowed.

When Ruby shouted, Jack turned quickly and ran to her with his arms stretched out. "Ruby! Hold on now! It wasn't-"
"I told him what I would do. I told him, and what does he do? He blows up one of the neighbors! Now I have to find some duct tape an-"
"Ruby! Stop! It wasn't Winch!" He shouted, grasping her shoulders, knowing full well he would be completely ineffectual if she wanted to keep moving.
She paused, "What? What do you mean 'it wasn't Winch?' Who else-"
"We have several new neighbors, and I can't introduce you to them if you're ready to kill someone. Now claws back, hackles down, and breathe." He said as he walked her to the group. "Everyone, this perterbed feline is Ruby. Ruby, this is Mercury, Travis, Gilmore, Tesla, and Rufinae." He said, hoping he hadn't forgotten anyone.

Re: Pet Friendly - Richmond Acres

Posted: Wed Dec 14, 2011 2:37 am
by Seth
BlueAnubis wrote:Ruby chuckled, "Oh well, If you don't wanna go, I won't make you. You're gonna miss out though. Anyway, suppose I'll see you later then, Hmm?" She said with a smile. "Bye, Connie." She said with a wave as she made her way towards the smoke.
A moment later, she came into view of the group gathered outside someone's house. "Winch!" She shouted, claws extended and eyes narrowed.

When Ruby shouted, Jack turned quickly and ran to her with his arms stretched out. "Ruby! Hold on now! It wasn't-"
"I told him what I would do. I told him, and what does he do? He blows up one of the neighbors! Now I have to find some duct tape an-"
"Ruby! Stop! It wasn't Winch!" He shouted, grasping her shoulders, knowing full well he would be completely ineffectual if she wanted to keep moving.
She paused, "What? What do you mean 'it wasn't Winch?' Who else-"
"We have several new neighbors, and I can't introduce you to them if you're ready to kill someone. Now claws back, hackles down, and breathe." He said as he walked her to the group. "Everyone, this perterbed feline is Ruby. Ruby, this is Mercury, Travis, Gilmore, Tesla, and Rufinae." He said, hoping he hadn't forgotten anyone.
Gilmore exteneded his paw to the cat
Hey Ruby, nice to meet you. I like your tag.

Re: Pet Friendly - Richmond Acres

Posted: Wed Dec 14, 2011 2:36 pm
by ChewyChewy
BlueAnubis wrote:Ruby chuckled, "Oh well, If you don't wanna go, I won't make you. You're gonna miss out though. Anyway, suppose I'll see you later then, Hmm?" She said with a smile. "Bye, Connie." She said with a wave as she made her way towards the smoke.
A moment later, she came into view of the group gathered outside someone's house. "Winch!" She shouted, claws extended and eyes narrowed.
Connie nodded but didn't say anything, nor did she look at Ruby.

She continued sweeping as though Ruby had not been there at all. Cats made her nervous anyway.

Re: Pet Friendly - Richmond Acres

Posted: Wed Dec 14, 2011 6:22 pm
by Esper
Tesla and Mercury bowed and extended their right paw, "Nice to meet you, Ruby!" they said simultaneously, giving eachother an odd look, "Umm, I'm Tesla, I was the one who blew up my garage." he continued as he rubes the back of his head

"And I'm Mercury..." Mercury trailed as he began adding Ruby to his sketch of the scene.

Re: Pet Friendly - Richmond Acres

Posted: Wed Dec 14, 2011 9:13 pm
by Rhyzer
<< As mentioned, the perspective won't change, save for a few specific moments. >>

Travis' unperturbed glimpse befell upon Ruby's arrival. Insisting that a decent greeting was required of him, he gave a short bow of the head with a glum smile.
"I'm Travis," he greeted briefly.

Re: Pet Friendly - Richmond Acres

Posted: Thu Dec 15, 2011 4:23 am
by furryovrlord
Crimson grinned and padded over to ruby, he greeter her warmly and giggled at the misunderstanding. "Where have you been Ruby? you almost had me worried. heheh" he smiled with a slight tail wag and wrapped an arm around her for a moment before releasing the hug and standing by her, looking over the wreck again.

Rufinae simply smiled over at Ruby and waved, his gold band shimmering in the light. "yet another pet! simply fascinating, i'm almost overwhelmed with curiosity now." he was vaguely reffering to Crimson and Ruby, but it could have been translated to mere curiosity at the volume of pets in the neighbourhood

Re: Pet Friendly - Richmond Acres

Posted: Fri Dec 16, 2011 4:25 am
by BlueAnubis
Ruby accepted each handshake as it was offered. She paused at Tesla, "So you're the one I have to thank for my pre-meltdown earlier. Good to know." She said with a sly grin. As she passed Travis, she patted him on the shoulder, "At ease, Solider. I don't bite too often." she said jokingly.

She smiled when Crimson hugged her and bumped his head with hers lightly. "Aww, don't worry, Red. If there's ever any reason to be conserned about me, I'll make sure everyone knows about it, especailly you." She laughed and poked the notch she had made in his collar the other day. She turned to Rufinae and grinned, "What is there to be curious about, my semi-aquatic friend? How so many pets can live in one area? How a cat and a dog can get along so well?" She laughed as she nuzzled Crimson, "Or perhaps how anyone can still belive that that hat is still in style?" She said as she pointed at Jack.

Jack grunted, "Hey now, you know you love my Trilby. Elsewise, you wouldn't keep stealing it to wear yourself." He said as he smoothed the brim with his finertips.
"That's because on me, it exentuates a thing of beauty. On you, it is just a thing of beauty on it's own." She said, sticking her tounge out playfuly

Re: Pet Friendly - Richmond Acres

Posted: Fri Dec 16, 2011 10:11 pm
by furryovrlord
BlueAnubis wrote: She smiled when Crimson hugged her and bumped his head with hers lightly. "Aww, don't worry, Red. If there's ever any reason to be conserned about me, I'll make sure everyone knows about it, especailly you." She laughed and poked the notch she had made in his collar the other day. She turned to Rufinae and grinned, "What is there to be curious about, my semi-aquatic friend? How so many pets can live in one area? How a cat and a dog can get along so well?" She laughed as she nuzzled Crimson, "Or perhaps how anyone can still belive that that hat is still in style?" She said as she pointed at Jack.

Jack grunted, "Hey now, you know you love my Trilby. Elsewise, you wouldn't keep stealing it to wear yourself." He said as he smoothed the brim with his finertips.
"That's because on me, it exentuates a thing of beauty. On you, it is just a thing of beauty on it's own." She said, sticking her tounge out playfuly
Crimson giggled and blushed then gave her a soft kiss on the cheek with a warm smile "it makes me happy to hear that, heheh, and it doesnt surprise me either."

rufinae, after a quick giggle spoke up "erm, heheh, mostly the first two, but, whatever you meant by that third point, i am sure, might also be a valid point. heh, by hat, you mean that silly little thing atop jack's head yes? i was unawares that housepets also followed along with the regualtions of... err, what was it called... fashion?"

Re: Pet Friendly - Richmond Acres

Posted: Sat Dec 17, 2011 12:41 am
by Esper
"Many of us pets go along with fashion." Mercury said, patting his flat cap, "I especially like my cap." his tail flicked back and forth

Tesla shifted awkwardly from one foot to the the other, "Umm...I really hate to be the one to break up our meeting, but could we possibly continue on our way to the river? The heat is getting unbearable..." he rubbed his gloved paws together

Mercury nodded in agreement, "Same here, it's to hot." he added

Re: Pet Friendly - Richmond Acres

Posted: Sun Dec 18, 2011 3:03 am
by BlueAnubis
Ruby laughed loudly, "'Hot'? This is 'hot' to you? Oh, isn't that adorable, Jack?"

"Yes, yes. You grew up in the desert, always hot as the sun, then cold as ice. Come off it." Jack growled, "Now, we're going swimming, but I won't have you if you're going to be so condesending. Understand?"

She was taken aback for a moment, then realized what she had sounded like. She cleared her throat and turned to Mercury and Tesla. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to be so insensetive. A swim does sound good." She said truthfully.