HousepetZ: Survivor Tails

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Re: HousepetZ: Survivor Tails

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

Lets just hope that Lana will be able to soften Jata.
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Re: HousepetZ: Survivor Tails

Post by SeanWolf »

Amazee Dayzee wrote:Lets just hope that Lana will be able to soften Jata.
Maybe she already has ;)
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Re: HousepetZ: Survivor Tails

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

I guess we will just have to see.
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Re: HousepetZ: Survivor Tails

Post by SeanWolf »

Kevin: "Here, I think you need this"
Narrator: What's this?
Kevin: "A list of all the survivors in Daisy' mansion...I noticed you kept forgetting a few existed"
Narrator: Lemme see..shoot I did forget about a few of these...can you blame me though?
Kevin: "No but consider this for future reference"
Narrator: Thanks..though admittedly, you can argue the reason some weren't in the Karaoke chapter was that they were out scavenging
Kevin: "Still, better keep this on hand"
Narrator: Yeah, thanks..hey where's Joey?
Kevin: "Ah he's outside getting some fresh air"
Narrator: Alright.

HousepetZ: Grimm Souls
Chapter X: Would You Offer Your Love To The Leopard With The Red Rose?

Since there were no churches close by, the crew held the wedding ceremony in Daisy's backyard with Deadeye as the minister, as it turned he did have the required certifications to offically marry people. Within four fours, the ceremony was ready and every sat there and watched as both Jata and Lana made their way down the make-shift aisle as Fiddler played "I Was Born To Love You" on the keytar. With how high everyone's spirits were, one could easily forget a zombieggedon was taking place outside but, for this moment in time, none of that mattered as they all watched the soon-to-be couple walk the aisle and up to the podium. Deadeye began the speech while Jata and Lana looked each other in the eyes and smiled, both of them knowing that they have finally found true love and happiness, while mentally laughing that it took a epidemic to do it. Then, at the end of the speech and the ring ceremony, Deadeye said the one thing everyone was waiting for: "By the powers invested in me....I now pronounce you, Jata and Lana, Husband and Wife. You may now kiss" which they both did to a thunderous applause. During the festivities (which was mainly just eating and chatting like they normally do), Sabrina walked over to Jata and congratulated both him and Lana on their wedding, to which they both thanked her and Jata then adds that while he's sorry it never really worked out between them, he is happy he finally listened to his heart and waited for Mrs. Right, something that Lana also agreed with. Sabrina just chuckles and adds that she wished that Peanut was there to see this before asking if they seen him leave his room at all, which Lana said that she hasn't but he probably has a good reason if that sign is out on his door. Nodding, Sabrina wishes them well again and heads over to the snack table for some noms while the rest either partied, relaxed or, in Jata's and Lana's case, cuddled on the porch swing. Later that day, both Keys and Fiddler did some songs for the crew to dance to, ranging from classics to a few current hits to even 'Safety Dance', in which Deadeye proved he can still keep up with the rest of the young ones. For the first time in everyone's lives, everyone was at peace and happiness. Of course they knew it wouldn't last as they would go back to the same ole song and dance the next day but, for one day, all they cared about was enjoying themselves and relaxing. That night, once everything was wrapped and cleaned up, Jata and Lana were in their room ready for their first night together as a couple when Lana's phone went off. At first, they both were worried about who it was as many a theory went through their heads quickly but, deciding to trust their instincts, Lana answered...and what replied brought a second smile to her face: "HI LANA!" It was Pit! Quickly putting the speaker on, both her and Pit began speaking and both were realived the other was still alive during this entire ordeal, with Lana bringing up how she's now married and introduced Jata, to which Pit tells him that he made a amazing choice with Lana and that to she is one of the most caring and loving lady's out there, which made Lana turn redder then a apple, before changing subjects and telling them both what he's been up to...which is when Jata interrupts him and tells him they already know about his game. Pit chuckles and adds that even a zombie apocalypse can't dampen his personality and he figured this would not only be a great way for people to let off some steam, but a way to lower the zombie count in the world, something that both Lana and Jata agreed is a good idea though it's a bit silly. Pit just chuckles and tells them both that if they are ever up to it and feel like making some cash, to come try out a few rounds of his game, which Lana said they'll think about it but as of now their focus is on them and the rest of the survivors there at the mansion. Understanding, Pit then said his goodbyes as he needs to get ready for that night's showing, to which both Lana and Jata also said goodbye as it was late where they were and, once the phones were hung up, both of them crawled into bed and spent the rest of the night in each others arms.

*rings*...."Hey, it's Cerb!...We're doing good, how about you?...Hm, still upset over what happened?...Yeah, I do...He's still alive and doing well, though I should tell you Rex and his newest band of survivors left for Florida sometime ago...Yeah, them, Pennsylvania, Texas, and a few others we can't recall are considered safe...What do you mean?...What could be worst then a zombie?...*pic received*...Oh my gosh...This is worst then he realized...Anubis, you met him after that day, remember?...Mmhmm...Alright, stay safe. I guess there is nothing either of us can do to convince you to return here?...While I don't agree with you, I do understand. Again, stay safe and talk with you later...Bye" *click* Placing the phone back on her kitchen counter, Cerberus (Narrator's Note: Hope she's OK with me calling her Cerb at times) heads over to her closet and grabs some gear consisting of a bundle of crossbow bolts and a crossbow (she decided not to use a standard bow and arrow this time just to mix things up) and heads out to check on a few of her traps to see if any zombies fell in them or any survivors were sort of stupid to get caught. If it was the later, she was going to take care of them since Rex wasn't there anymore but if it was the former, the she would just kill them right there and reset the trap (Nothing to major, just ropes and pits sans spikes). As she was walking through the woods checking on her traps (and was relived not to see anything in any of them), she hears some gun shots go off in a quick matter. "That sounded like a shotgun" Left-Head remarks as they ran to investigate the noise only to find, to their horror, a bus being besieged by a horde of undead creeps. Inside the bus? More survivors, including children, while on top of the bus were two survivors trying to take out as many as they can. Realizing that they wouldn't last another minute (and not caring if she is seen in her Celestial form), Cerberus literately jumps into action and starts taking out the zombies left and right, using only her fists again. All the survivors watched as this big feminie creature was massacring the zombie hordes and they wondered if it was also a zombie or if it was there to help...which the Right-Head quickly turns to face the survivors and joyfully quips in a Tracer-like mood "Don't worry, we're here to help!" and, within a matter of minutes, the zombies were deader then ever before. Looking to the survivors, Cerberus asks them if they are OK, to which they all said yes, which was followed by her asking where they were headed. The driver of the group, who turned out to be Daryl (Narrator's Note: The muscle one, not the cute chubby one), who said he drove up from Florida to get some of people out of Babylon Gardens and take them down to Florida for safety. Realizing they wouldn't make it out of the city without her help, Cerberus tells them she'll help them but they must spend the night at her place as it is much safer then the she wanted to check to make sure the children were OK. Even though he didn't want to spend any more time there, Daryl agreed and Cerberus, to the shock of all of them, lifted the bus up and carried it to her house in the woods, to which they all got out and went inside. After making sure the children of the group were OK (along with offering hugs to them), Cerberus went right to work making food for everyone as the survivors got settled in for a day's rest. Daryl, meanwhile, texted his family (who were down in Florida as well) and informed them that they will be delayed but everything is fine as they found someone to watch over them for the night. The next morning, after saying their goodbyes to Cerberus, everyone pilled onto the bus and awaited her to pick up the bus again to carry them out of the city....but that's not what she had in store for them. Looking to Daryl, she tells him to make sure to tell both King and Bailey that their friends are still alive and well and they shouldn't worry, which Daryl agreed to and tells her they're ready to go...*poof*...but before anyone could brace themselves, they soon found themselves and the bus five miles outside of Florida...turns out, what Cerberus had in store was much safer: She just snapped her fingers and POOF they were there! While a few good minutes of silence filled the air, everyone soon cheered as they realized they were out of that nightmare and were soon going to be in a safer area. As for Cerberus, all three heads smiled as they knew they saved alot of people today and they decided to spend the rest of the day kicking back with a bowl of ice cream and binging on classic cartoons, starting with Jayce & The Wheeled Warriors.

Bino: "Who was Cerberus talking too?"
Narrator: You'll find out later.
Joey: "Is it Kitsune?"
Narrator: I can confirm it's not.
Bino: "Speaking of names, I need to correct you on mine."
Narrator: Correct me?
Bino: "'s actually pronounce Bye-no and not Bee-no"
Narrator: Really? Why tell me this now?
Bino: "I honestly just thought of it. But if you're more comfortable with Bee-no, I'm fine with it"
Narrator: Hey, I wasn't arguing, but if you're fine, then that's OK with me.
Bino: "Cool cool"
Kevin: "Hey, how many chapters are left?"
Narrator: Five plus two epilogues.
Kevin: "Taking the Marvel route, eh?"
Narrator: There is a reason why there will be two *wink*
Kevin: "Can't wait to read them!"
Joey: "Speaking of reading, how goes the transcribing?"
Narrator: Good, just need to finish it off. Might be a couple days, why?
Joey: "Cause I'm already for tonight's D&D session"
Narrator: Hehe alright.
Host Of The Realm Of The Metal Wolf: Where Metal Is King
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Re: HousepetZ: Survivor Tails

Post by Nathan Kerbonaut »

Wow Cerberus, you're a champion of the people! If only there were someone out there to give an award...

Great chapter! The wedding was very cute :D
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Re: HousepetZ: Survivor Tails

Post by SeanWolf »

Small treat for everyone! I wasn't sure how to label this (I had planned it as an epilogue but due to when it takes place, I started to wonder if it should be called such and research didn't help) consider this a free bonus chapter/prequel to future events!

HousepetZ: GrimmSouls

"How's it going over there, Cerb?" Anubis asks as he works on placing his collection of N64 Games (Mint in box) on the newly installed shelf in his game room. Earlier that week, he just moved into the now vacated temple that once belonged to Pete The Gryphon and was busy doing some renovations to it, one of which included a room dedicated to his hobbies, which was games, movies, and music. Down the hall, Cerberus shouts "It's going fine! Surprised Pete didn't have much down here stashed away." Placing the last N64 game on the shelf (He still had a bunch more systems and games to go), Anubis walks over to where Cerberus is and, after grabbing two sodas from the fridge, tosses her one and replies "Well, he kept most of it up there in his room, remember? So much of the more interesting things we would've found we won't" which brings forth a chuckle from both of them as Cerberus continues to pack the rest of Pete's belongings away while Anubis heads to go back to the game room. All of a sudden, Cerberus spots something odd. "Hm?" she thinks to herself as she spots a random CD case with the words "Reborn" on the case, "What's this?" Opening the case and taking the insert out, she looks at the listing while raising an eyebrow while trying to figure out what the CD on a whole meant. "Cerb?" Anubis shouts from the game room, "You gone quiet all of a sudden, you OK? Cerb?" Walking out, he spots Cerberus looking at something and heads over to her, asking her what she was looking at. "Huh? Oh, here, check this out. I found it over here." Cerberus replies, a bit startled as she was deep in reading, as she hands the CD over to Anubis who is equally confused at the title and listings. "Reborn?" Anubis goes on to ask while looking at the CD, "What, is this a mediation thing?" to which Cerberus replies "I don't think so, this is a burned CD. Plus, look at the song listing: You got 'The Monster Is Loose' by Meat Loaf, 'Out Of Control' by Battle Beast, and 'The Vengeful One' by Disturbed to name a few". Looking over the setlist, Anubis look changes from curiosity to confusion as he asks "Why would he have those songs chosen? I never took him as a metal-head" while looking over the insert, which sadly only contained the name of the burned CD and the song listings. Cerberus shrugs and, after taking a swig of the soda, replies "I have no clue, though I'm more puzzled about" before handing Anubis a slip of paper that was inside the case. On the slip of paper was the following:


After reading the quote, Anubis looks up at Cerberus and, while handing the CD case and paper back, replies "I recognize that's from the manga/anime 'Beserker'. Why would he have this quote in there?" Cerberus, taking the two and placing them in the box with the rest of Pete's things, shrugs and just said "Don't know" before chuckling and adding "Maybe he was prepared to go through an Emo Phase after losing the U&U game" which got Anubis to almost spit out his soda in laughter as he adds "Possibly! Hey, speaking of losing, want to take a break and go a few rounds in Smash Bros Ultimate?" Placing the CD in the box, Cerberus chuckles and replies "Sure, as long as you don't choose Wolf" to which Anubis laughs and replies "OK, but you can't choose Samus!" which makes Cerberus laugh again. As they made their way to the game room, Cerberus decides to ask "Been meaning to ask: How's King and his family doing?"
"Oh they're doing wonderful!" Anubis replies as he sets up the game, "They're vacationing in Florida for a few months, I paid for the entire trip and everything, and I sent one of my best men down there to watch over them. Remember Merick Wilson?"
Sitting down and grabbing a controller, Cerberus' ears perk up at the name as he was one of the earliest souls she brought when she first took her job, "The detective from 1905? I didn't know he was your reaper!" To which Anubis smiles and replies "Yep! Gave him the job when I first met him, which was a few months after you brought him up there! He's not only my top reaper, but I use him to help keep an eye on people I protect from people like Pete and Dragon! AMAZING with children, heh, you should've seen the lil' pups eyes light up as he told them stories of yore!" before plopping down onto the couch next to Cerberus and saying "Now then: Ready to get your tail whooped?" to which Cerberus only had one thing to say: "You're on!"
Host Of The Realm Of The Metal Wolf: Where Metal Is King
Creator of the ongoing fic - HousepetZ: Survivor Tails
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Re: HousepetZ: Survivor Tails

Post by Nathan Kerbonaut »

This is a welcome surprise, indeed. I like the idea of these celestials enjoying our mortal entertainment :lol:
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Re: HousepetZ: Survivor Tails

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

Great job on this chapter! I really do think it came out swell!
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Re: HousepetZ: Survivor Tails

Post by SeanWolf »

HousepetZ: GrimmSouls
Chapter XI: A Fox and a Kitsune enters a bar...

" could be a good home, but we would be too exposed to a full frontal assault" D-Rock states. A few doors down from the main hall, the K9's of both Babylon Gardens and Pavillion were in the auditorium discussing a potential new safe house in the event that their current one's defenses go down or they need to move to accommodate new survivors they keep rescuing. While they do have the resources and vehicles to move everyone, they were more concerned about where to move everyone if they had to leave. Which is when Ralph suggested a nearby college he had a crew scope out and investigate, in which they brought back pictures showcasing that it would have some great defensive capabilities on the side and rear, the front entrance would be too exposed due to how little ground zombies would have to cover, as explained by D-Rock. Even after Pavillion K9 Member Giovanni suggested they could take the first set of doors and wield them shut while putting something unbreakable over the windows of those doors (like a a steel wall) and wield that to it, Ralph brings up that while that is a good idea, they would be effectively trapped if the zombies found a way in via the other entrances. Babylon Garden's K9 Member Vash then asked why don't they meet up with Terrance and his crew and set up shop there, which D-Rock mentions that the mansion wouldn't have enough room for everyone and he's pretty sure that they have enough problems to deal with and them coming in would cause more issues. This debate had been going on for two hours straight and was effectively going no where as no one could agree on where they should go if their current place's defenses fall, to the point where most were saying they should just leave and head to a Safe State and wait out the epidemic while trying to rebuild their own lives, which is met with praise but some skepticism as they don't even know if they have enough resources to even make the journey to any of the states. Basically, any idea they bring up, they find multiple problems with it that takes them back to square one. Even Fox, who was the most level headed of the squad, was feeling like they had no options remaining. "I need some fresh air" Fox thinks as he stands up and makes his way to the exit of the auditorium and towards the make-shift break room. Once there, he takes a huge breath and lets out a sigh of relief before grabbing a drink from a nearby machine as he notices Gery Kestuna, the multi-tailed fox survivor that his Superior Ralph was making a big deal over, sitting at one of the tables enjoying an MRE (Narrator's Note: An MRE is a Meal-Ready-To-Eat and are standard issue in the military). Making his way over, he asks if Gery wouldn't mind some company, to which he said he would love some and Fox sits down to drink his soda. "Sorry if I look out of it" Fox tells Gery, "The K9's are having a meeting that was going nowhere fast."
"I understand the feeling" Gery remarks as he eats some ravioli, "At my job, I have those all the time so trust me when I said I understand"
"Where did you work before this happened, if I may ask." to which Gery responds that "I used host...Table Top Game Sessions out of my home..."
"You got paid for that?" Fox interrupts as he never heard of someone getting paid to host game sessions out of their home, which Gery brings up "It was...a monthly subscription thing. The players paid a monthly fee of..$40 and they can play" Again, Fox never heard of this and suspected Gery was hiding something (or that his actual job was boring and was telling him his hobby) but decided not to pursue those thoughts as they weren't worth his time at that moment as there was a zombie epidemic going on and he was pretty sure no one is going to get arrested anyway.
"But yeah, most of the sessions we had" Gery continued while finishing the raviolis, "The players had these discussions about either an event, monster, or anything that I SWEAR droned on for HOURS at time. Heh sometimes the talks were fun but most of the time they weren't, especially the last game I hosted. The two players were some of THE most egotistical players out there and they tried everything to either get around my rules or they would debate me to no end." Fox chuckles as he was imagining two gamers getting into an argument over something and Gery just sitting there with a face that screamed 'I am SO done with this' before asking if he knows what happened to those two gamers...and Gery's face suddenly went from smiles to sadness, "Well...I don't know, to be honest. Last I heard, they were...out in the woods trying to survive but that was last year. For all I know, they're dead and rotting." He then sighs heavily before perking back up and apologies for going all depressing at the end, which Fox said that it was fine and it was probably good that he got it all out and probably felt better now, which Gery chuckles and said he did. Finishing his drink, Fox stands up and tells him that he enjoyed the little chat but he needed to get back to the meeting and said his goodbyes and Gery waved back as he watched Fox leave the room before returning to his meal. "Good job with the disguise, Kitsune" he thinks to himself, relishing in the fact he was able to fool a mortal again and he was sitting on cloud nine, until something odd came to him. Flashing before his eyes, scenes of the very first U&U game started to play out again, for some reason that confused him, which he was able to tell it was the first game as he recognized Pete and Dragon along with..."Anubis" just saying the name made his blood boil something fierce. He then watched as the vision he was having jumped forward through all the games they played until the last one with Anubis, when he kicked him out for not following his rules (Though he believed he was fated to do so via his Book Of Fates). Then another vision played and this one confused Kitsune. The image in question showed Pete's old temple but there was something odd as the door was open. "Why is the door open...I thought it was shut" Kitsune wondered until he saw two figures approaching it, one he immediately recognized as Cerberus and the other? The moment he saw who it was, his hand snapped into a closed fist, his teeth gritted together, and his eyes burned with fire, for the person entering the temple? Anubis. "Why is he entering the temple?!" He thinks to himself as the vision begins to end before realizing something that made him even more furious: "He's gonna get an Avatar...he wants payback. Not on my watch...I told him he is banned forever from playing U&U and LOTA. Oh there is a special place in Pandemonium for Celestials like him..." With that, Kitsune readies himself to leave...until he realized he would've sensed another Avatar by now and, since he couldn't sense one, he couldn't do much of anything, so for now, all he could do is just hang out there and wait for Anubis to make his move and then? "Checkmate, Anubis."

At the mansion of the survivors, Deadeye was heading outside for some fresh air and some quiet time when he began to hear some gunshots from the backyard, followed by sounds of frustration. Looking into it, he spots Joey outside holding a Beretta M9 Pistol and attempting to shoot some empty soda cans he placed to little avail. "Dang it" he mumbles as another shot misses its mark, "I knew I needed some training after that day when I didn't hit anything but I never realized I was this bad..." Sighing, he tries another shot but misses again and hits the ground in front of the can.
"Can I show you something?" Deadeye quips as he approaches Joey, who jumps a bit.
"Deadeye! Ah you startled me!" Joey exclaims before adding "Well if you can help me improve my shooting, go ahead" Deadeye smiles and then begins to show him by first taking Joey's hand and adjusting his grip...
"First of all, you never use the Cup-And-Saucer Grip (Narrator's Note: This is when your left hand is cupped under the right hand) when aiming a handgun or revolver. Take your left hand and place it on the side of your right hand with your thumb facing forward. Same time, loosen your grip a bit, but not too much as we don't want the gun to fly out of your hand or recoil back and smack you in the face." With the grip adjusted, Deadeye then went on to explain how to aim by telling Joey to not squint before firing and to not take a deep breath as the later can actually affect your aim, contrary to what Call Of Duty tells you. Instead, Deadeye tells Joey to let out some air to relax himself and quickly pull the trigger instead of slowly pulling it. With those thoughts in mind, Joey does just that, focuses on a can, and pulls the trigger....*keBANG*...*CLANG!*..."I HIT IT!" Joey exclaims as the can flies off the perch, to which Deadeye smiles and congratulates him and asks him if he can hit the rest, and in no time at all, Joey manages to hit the rest of the cans with Deadeye's training. Placing the gun back on the table, Joey quickly hugged Deadeye and thanked him for teaching him, and Deadeye returns the hug and tells him he's welcome then tells him to meet him in the Weapons Room a bit later and he'll show him how to properly care for and clean a weapon. Inside the mansion, Terrance was watching the whole thing take place with a warm smile (and a cup of tea) before heading to the living room to do some light reading. He, too, was proud that Joey learned how to fire a gun and was able to help them defend the mansion in the event of another zombie horde attack. Plus, combined with Daisy's leadership skills, in Terrance's mind, they were going to see the end of this epidemic with everyone alive and well.

Bino: "Quick interruption, but I got a question in regards to Borderlands here..."
Narrator: 'Sup?
Bino: "How are you supposed to beat Crawmerax?!"
Narrator: Do you have the Leviathan Rocket Launcher?
Bino: "Yeah, why?"
Narrator: OK, you see that little ledge over there on the left where you spawn in?
Bino: "Uh..yeah I do...why?"
Narrator: Run there and he will not be able to hit you at all.
Bino: "Seriously?"
Narrator: Yep! It's how I beat him.
Bino: "OK..thanks! Sorry for interrupting"
Narrator: No worries.

Back over at the K9 safe house, the auditorium lets out for recess as they still couldn't figure out a plan in case they need to leave the safe house for a new location for any reason. As Fox was walking out and chatting with one of the other K9's, Ralph calls for him and asks him to meet him in his office and, after arriving and seeing D-Rock there too, Fox asks if anything is wrong, and Ralph assures him nothing is wrong but that they both been actually discussing one other possibility and they wanted to know his opinion on it: They wanted to know if he'd be OK with leaving Pavillion and heading down to Florida. Fox ears perked and he asked why they didn't bring up in the meeting, to which D-Rock said "I was going to but I wanted to hear all the suggestions before I give the obvious one I knew everyone would agree with" something that made Fox nod and agree with as, even though Babylon Gardens is his home, right now there is nothing left and leaving just seems like the better option. "But what about Terrance and his crew?" Fox then asks and, with a shrug, Ralph replies "Well, if they want to come along, that's honestly up to them. Truth be told, they're doing much better then us so I think they'll probably be staying at the mansion for a long time. Why? Did..did you want to stay?" Fox was about to answer yes but he then remembered that his buddy King was in Florida already and he wanted to see him again and show that he is still alive, so instead he responds "At first, I would've said yes but, honestly? I think I rather be in a safer area away from the zombies then in an area that can be attacked at any time."
"So, all three of us are in agreement, then?" Ralph quips to which both Fox and D-Rock nods, "Right, get the K9's back in the auditorium. We'll inform them of our decisions and see if they are OK with it."
"But what if they aren't?" Fox asks as they made their way out the door.
"If they aren't...well I guess it's back to square one again...again." Ralph said with an eyeroll at the end as he too was tired of this debate. Thankfully, they wouldn't have to go back as once D-Rock revealed their decision to the K9's and asked if they were OK, everyone agreed, which made Ralph give one HUGE sigh of relief. So, after the choice was made, both D-Rock and Ralph headed to the Survivor Area and informed everyone that if the safe house were to fall, they would head to Florida which garnered cheers from everyone, along with one cheer from a rowdy survivor that got D-Rock to shout "Hey watch it buddy! I know you are excited but there are children here!" which made everyone laugh! At that moment, everyone's spirits were high again and the rest of the day was spent in pure bliss.

Bino: "WOO! GOT HIM!"
Narrator: Congrats!
Bino: "No rare drops though...DANG IT!"
Narrator: Yeah, you have to be playing on the second playthrough to get a chance at rare drops from him.
Bino: "Well at least I know what to do now in the future!"
Narrator: Yep you do!
Bino: "Say, Joey and Kevin want to watch Hard Boiled up here, you want to watch it with us?"
Narrator: Sure! I could use the break!
Bino: "All right, I'll get them! They'll downstairs playing the Wii"
Narrator: Get some popcorn! I'll prep the film a while!
Host Of The Realm Of The Metal Wolf: Where Metal Is King
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Amazee Dayzee
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Re: HousepetZ: Survivor Tails

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

Awesome chapter that you have done! Really on the edge of my seat here!
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Re: HousepetZ: Survivor Tails

Post by Nathan Kerbonaut »

Glad to see the K9's finally reached a decision... meanwhile the celestial conflict is heating up. Great chapter! :D
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Re: HousepetZ: Survivor Tails

Post by SeanWolf »

HousepetZ: GrimmSouls
Chapter XII: Seperate Ways (Worlds Apart)

"Anubis! What's wrong?" Cerberus asked as she watches Anubis storm past her in a hurry. It was not more then a few minute ago that she finished her duties along with a few personal errands and was going to pick Anubis up from the U&U session he was in as they had a date that day in Babylon Gardens and, while she was familiar with him being mad at people (Mostly just Kistune and Pete), this was the first time she ever saw him this mad. "Honey, wait up!" she shouted as she catches up to him and placing a hand on his shoulder, "What's going on? I never seen you like this." Anubis then turned around and snapped "I'm FINE!" before seeing it was Cerberus and apologizing quickly.
"I'm sorry, honey. It's just that...A promise I made to a mortal had to be broken and it cost them their life...all for the pleasure of that idiot bird and that...that fox." he then huffs as he enters his room to pack everything (literately everything) up as he adds "Now, not only did Kitsune kicked me out of the game and banned me from playing as he quote 'Didn't think I ever played the game correctly' and not because I lashed out at Pete, as he admitted he knew I was going to...he told me I'm banished to the mortal plane because of my actions." Cerberus heart dropped as she never knew Kitsune to do this to anyone. "Oh my gosh...I...I don't know what to say, Anubis" she solemnly quips as Anubis stops packing and walks over to her and tells her "Me neither, neither" before they both embraced and share a kiss between each other, which did lift their spirits but not by much. Once they were done, Cerberus watches Anubis pack the rest of his belongings away before asking where would he go, to which Anubis could just shrug and reply "I don't know. They way I played, I never had a temple as I was more concern about keeping my Avatar safe and happy and living a good life. I may just buy a house in Babylon Gardens..." which is when Cerberus had an idea: "Say...Pete isn't using his temple anymore, you could move in there." Anubis turned to look at Cerberus when she made that suggestion and asks "Really? Isn't that the temple with the big mana pool?" and Cerberus answered yes while adding that there is plenty of room for his stuff and his hobby. "Plus" she adds "I could come and visit you more often then." Anubis chuckled and tells her "Sounds like a plan. Could you help me with moving there? I know I promised you a date to that restaurant and we can still go there afterwards" which Cerberus answers with a smile that she'll help...then she woke up from the dream. Walking over to her bathroom, she splashes some water on her faces to wipe the sleepiness out as she then stands there and looks at herself before heading to the kitchen to make something to drink. In her mind, she was still thinking of the day Anubis was forced to leave due to Kitsune and how hurt he looked to the point of broken-ness. She knew how he played those Avatar-style games and she even helped him at times, so why Kitsune didn't like it and forced combat onto him was beyond her. Then another thought entered her heads and this one brought a smile to her faces as it was the day she and Anubis first laid eyes on each other and fell in love instantly. Finishing the drink they made (which was a simple glass of orange juice), she walked over to the one shelf and brought out a small picture frame. Inside the frame, was a picture of both her and Anubis on their very first date. Her smiles soon brought some tears as she continued to look at it before placing it back on the shelf and reaching for the crossbow as she decided to head out and check a few things. Before leaving the house, however, she looked back at the picture and blows a small kiss towards it.

Bino: "That's not how I remember that scene ending..."
Narrator: Yeah I changed it. Originally I was going to show she had a young child, a Three-Headed Puppy named Kiba, and Anubis was the father but I never hinted towards that at all nor did I ever imply that so I changed it to what you see now.
Bino: "But Anubis and Cerberus are still a thing?"
Narrator: Yep.
Bino: "But their child isn't."
Narrator: Correct
Bino: "Alright"

That evening in the Milton's Mansion, Osiris was in his office looking out the window while reminiscing about the day this all happened. To him, each passing day and each passing human death brought him one step closer to his goal: Complete Animal Domination Of The World. "Normally, the death of a human being by us animals would illict a tear from me...but this brings nothing but a smile to my face and joy to my heart." Osiris thinks to himself while a smile slowly crosses his face as the last remaining minutes of sun shine on his face as it sinks beneath the ocean of tress while the glow of the moon begins to envelop the land. As he watched the glow of the moon light the land, his mind is soon filled of his visions of a utopia free of humans altogether, a place where pets and animals can run wild and free, a place where they make the rules and not be restricted by anyone. "And I can achieve it all thanks to this wonderful gift" he thinks as the light of the moon fully encompasses the land. With that, he turns around and heads towards his room for a nights rest, but not before stopping by his computer and checking up on a small program and uttering "Soon, my friend."

Res was outside on the balcony of their mansion that same night, sniper in hand, watching the horizon in case any zombie found it's way over. While they haven't had a repeat of what happened last year, they still played it safe when it came to any zombie spotted near their mansion, be it one or hundreds. Res was used to staying up all night as, other then being a cat, his writings usually involved him working very late and burning the midnight oil constantly so being on sniper duty was, to him, his vacation. As he watched the horizons, scanning for any sign of activity, the door behind him opens and Sabrina walks out as it was time for her to take over for a bit. Res handed her the rife and tells her to have fun and that if she needs him, he'll be in the living room getting some writing done. Sabrina nods and turns her focus to the horizon and continues the zombie watch job, which is when she felt a slight buzzing in her vest. Realizing it was her phone, she pulls it out and sees she got a text from Tarot which read "Kitsune is getting fidgety. Something is bothering him badly" which Sabrina texts back "Well, we should be OK, right? I know Pete is dead but, if push comes to shove, we can get Dragon to help, right?" After a few moments, Tarot texted back "Dragon's dead." Sabrina mouth dropped when she read that. "Dead?" she texts back "How could she have died?" which is when a reply from Tarot popped up that read "Call it a hunch, but I have a feeling that whoever started this whole ordeal and did those experiments on Pete killed Dragon." All Sabrina could do now is just shake her head and reply "So, we're basically on our own? No Celestial help whatsoever?" in which Tarot texts back something that puzzled Sabrina "Not exactly. Some reason my mana's been higher then ever before, but I have zero access to it, so while there is another Celestial here, I just don't know who else it could be." After raising an eyebrow, Sabrina then realizes her mana was back too but she too had no access to it, so she texted "Whoever it is, it's probably why Kitsune is all anxious and stuff. Anyway, I need to get back to my duty. Chat wit u later!" and Tarot replies back "OK. Cya!"and Sabrina places the phone back in her vest and returns her attention to the outside world watching for any zombies to show their ugly head. The whole time, Sabrina was trying to figure out why Kitsune was here and, for that matter, if the outcome of the U&U game had anything to do with what's been happening lately, though she dismissed the later as there would've been some zombie animals as well, but the only occurrence of a zombie animal were both Boris and Duchess, but other wise it's been just human zombies. Something was just not adding up about this whole epidemic including the fact why it's only affecting humans and not pets, but she knew that if she spent any more time trying to think about it, she would go crazy from all the theories so she decided to return her focus, for the time being, to her current job and, when she had a bit of free time and was able to chat with Tarot again, they would discuss both Kitsune and the zombies in full and try to figure out what is the truth behind the outbreak.
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Re: HousepetZ: Survivor Tails

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

Nice job on this chapter as always! Can't wait to see more!
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Re: HousepetZ: Survivor Tails

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rip dragon
Nice job with the chapter :)
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Re: HousepetZ: Survivor Tails

Post by Bandit1990 »

Wait, how long has Anubis been barred from Heaven? The U&U game we saw in the comic was just Pete, Dragon, and Kitsune; and that's the one that ended with Pete and Dragon becoming mortal. So even if Anubis was in the same game and was kicked out early, Pete's temple wouldn't have been available immediately like that, would it?

Sorry, my brain snagged on that little detail, and now it's going to bother me.

Unless you want to go with time just works different in Heaven. I'd be willing to go with that.

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Re: HousepetZ: Survivor Tails

Post by SeanWolf »

HousepetZ: GrimmSouls
Chapter XIII: The Truth May Hurt...But Sometimes You Need To Hear It

*knocks*..."Honey? I brought us some lunch." said Jata as he opens the door to their room they were sharing. As he enters, he spots Lana, hunched over on her chair with her face in her paws, with the sounds of weeping slowly coming out. "Lana?" Jata asks while place the lunch on the bed, "Is something wrong?" Walking over and placing his paw on her, Lana head slowly turns to face him, her face conveying all possible sad emotion one could think of. "Oh Jata..." she weeps as she buries her face into his chest, all the sadness beginning to poor out as she softly wept, with Jata wrapping his around her like a warm winters blanket while comforting her. "What's wrong?" he asks again, fearing that something really major happened to someone she knew and Lana, with the tears still running, simply just looks at him and tells him, with a tear stained voice: " my brother Keene..." Jata just sat there holding Lana as she continued to wept as that revelation begins to digest in his head. Osiris? Is Lana's brother Keene? He knew Keene was a bit crazy thanks to him trying to arrange his wedding but he never knew him to change his name to the Egyptian God of the Dead or, for that matter, wanting to cause an human apocalypse. Looking down at Lana, he asks if she is sure that it is her brother and she replies that she is sure as she kept looking at all the stuff Jeeves sent her before he was killed along with the description of the ferret that was scene in Babylon Garden and she is not only positive it's Keene, but the description that both he and Deadeye gave of the ferret, especially of the face, matches how Keene was looking BEFORE she was kicked out of the Milton's House. At this point, all Jata could do is sit in silence as Lana continued to wept into him while the news that Osiris was Keene was still registering with him. He knew in his heart Lana wasn't working for him but he was worried more about: How would the rest of the crew take this news? Looking down at Lana, who was still in tears, he put that thought behind him as the only thing he should be doing now is comforting her and calming her down, which he proceeds to do along with slow rubs on her back to help with the calming. After a few minutes of comforting, Lana lifts her head towards Jata and thanks him again for calming her down again, but even she was worried about what the crew would say, which Jata assured her that no matter what happens, he would be there for her even if it meant leaving the safety of the mansion. "I say this from the bottom of my heart: When I said during our vows that I would journey through the Netherworld and back just to be with you and that no matter what happens, I would always be there for you, Lana...I meant every word of it. It's a promise I never intend to break." Wiping the tears away from her face, Lana looks at Jata, nods, and after having their lunch, both of them head downstairs to the back porch (where the rest of the crew were having their lunch this time as it was a nice day out) and Lana told them she has something important to say and went on to explain everything from a quick recap of the events after their last visit to a temple to the biggest revelation to the crew that Osiris was in fact Keene Milton. Once that was said, Lana braced herself for the crew's response, who all were just trying to process that fact and, same time, trying to figure out why Keene is doing what he's doing. It was all very quiet until Bino spoke up and asked the one question that was on everyone's minds: "How long have you known, Lana?"
"I found out he was my brother." Lana went on to explain, tears beginning to form again "When I was kicked out, again, I told Jeeves to keep an eye on him in secret and let me know of everything he done. He never got the chance to tell me his name change as the last email I got from him...was his death...Please, believe me when I say that I had no clue Keene is Osiris until Deadeye and Jata saw him in Babylon Gardens last week." All Bino could do was sigh and reply "Look...I don't think any of us are mad at you for hiding this from us as...this is alot to soak in. Speaking personally, I still trust you as you were always the sane one of your family, truth be told" a remark that did end up bringing a chuckle out of Lana as even she'll admit that as well. Continuing, Bino then adds "But if Osiris is really Keene...I don't think there's any hope for him now..."
"What are you suggesting?" Terrance asks, worried at what Bino had in mind, to which Bino simply states the following: "With how long it's been since Z-Day and since Lana was kicked out her house, I'm pretty certain Keene is dead and this Osiris persona has taken him over like a symbiote. I think...I think we're going to have to kill him. Are you...OK with that, Lana?" he then asks while looking to Lana, who was in tears again but did understand what Bino was saying. But before she could say anything, Bruce suddenly chimes in and asks "How do we know she's even telling the truth about being kicked out? For all we know, she could still be working with him!"
Suddenly, a voice from behind Bruce speaks out, "She is telling the truth. I was let go the same day she was kicked out" Turning around, Bruce sees Deadeye standing there staring him down, which made Bruce cower a little in Roosevelt's arms, who asks Lana "You said he was different after entering a you suppose something happened in there that changed him?" to which Lana shrugs and replies "I really don't know. The one day he was all fine then the day after he went into the temple, he...started to change, claiming he saw a vision of something and he knew his purpose then." Roosevelt nodded as Zach chimes in, asking "Did he ever say to you why he was doing this or were you kicked out before you knew anything?"
"The only thing he ever told me was that I didn't fit with his plan and I was forced to leave" Lana replies, to which Zach nodded and said "Well, call it a hunch, but because he changed his name to the Egyptian God Of The Dead and has a folder with the name Ragnarok on it, I can assume he wants to cause the end of the world...but why he's not going after pets, I don't know"
"You think he wants to create a utopia for pets that doesn't involve humans?" Joey asks and Zach shrugs and replies "It's possible and a good theory..." Which is when Kevin speaks up and asks the one question he's been waiting to ask for a while: "So! When do we go kill that furry snake?" and everyone quickly shuts up and look at Kevin in surprise as he adds "What? I believe Lana and, as you guys said, Keene is too far gone and all that's left is Osiris so...I'd say we march over there and go all Expendables on him." The crew sat there for a bit until Lana speaks up and tells them "If you are going to kill him...could you make sure you destroy the mansion too?" Realizing she was OK with them killing him, Bino nodded and jumped onto the the table and made up a quick plan which went like this: He, Grape, Terrance, Bruce, Kevin, and Zach will head over to the mansion to end this and possibly look for any cure for this epidemic while the rest will stay here and guard the mansion (Lana was going to go as well, but she elected to stay behind as she wants to leave her past dead) in case anything was to attack. Once everyone was OK with the plan, Bino then tells the crew going with him to grab their gear and ready themselves...they would be leaving soon. "I hate making speeches so I'll keep this brief" Bino goes on to say, "Right now, we are the last line of defense and the only people willing to put an end to this...we will soon be marching into the worst nightmare of our lives and if we don't make it out...I'm confident there is a special place for us in the hall of heroes where ever we end up." The crew nodded in agreement and, with all that said, went in and Bino's crew started to gear up while the rest triple-checked the mansion's defenses. The tour of destruction was about to begin...


Bino: "I see the notes you wrote didn't work out hehe"
Narrator: No they worked! I just need to stop putting what chapter I want them to be at as I end up not putting them in said chapter *laughs*
Bino: "Well at least you gave me a pretty good speech! Short but to the point!"
Narrator: No problem!
Bino: "Speaking of short, I take it cause you didn't follow your notes, you cut Chapter's 14 and 15 and ending it on 13?"
Narrator: Yeah. Not as long as the first arc but still pretty good length. Next arc will be longer, though.
Bino: "Hm. Hey, want to go a few rounds in UMVC3?"
Narrator: Sure!
Last edited by SeanWolf on Fri Mar 01, 2019 10:51 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: HousepetZ: Survivor Tails

Post by SeanWolf »

HousepetZ: GrimmSouls

*rings*..."Hello?...Cerberus! How are you?...As good as I'll ever be in this world...Not as much but, I dunno I guess the whole thing just changed me, you know?...How is he, anyway?...Oh, really? Didn't realize Florida was a Safe-State...Yet the rest are infested with zombies or what I've been dealing with...Turns out you were right: Two of the Miltons are here but, along with zombies, they brought along something else...*send pic*...Yeah...who?...Oh yeah, I remember him...*low rumbling*...Hey I hate to cut this short but I gotta go. Another Milton Caravan is going through and there's a home I know of that needs those supplies more then the Miltons...Cerberus, I already made my choice: I don't want anything to do with that place anymore, not even those who lived there. Too many memories I don't need...Yeah, you too...Bye" *click* Returning the phone to their bag, the figure hops back on their motorcycle and, with a roar of the engine, heads off to meet the caravan to do some "business" with them, though said business involving a couple of rounds of lead and a few swings from her knives. "Remember" the figure thinks to themselves, "No survivors." With that, the figure reaches the small caravan, consisting of a pickup truck and two bikes for protection, and in a span of a few minutes, the ones protecting the caravan and driving the truck were dead, with one barely breathing. Walking over, the figure leans in close, removes their shades and hat, and whispers to the dying soldier "Where ever you end up...tell them Sasha sent you." which was followed by the last thing the soldier would ever see and hear: The swinging of her knife towards their neck. Peaking around the truck, she takes all of the supplies on it (which were just two boxes of food and drinks), along with any ammo from the bodies, ties the boxes to her bike while placing the ammo in her satchels, and drives off to the house she promised the supplies for. Arriving, she places the boxes on the doorstep, along with a note that read FROM YOUR WASTELAND ROBIN HOOD, knocks, and drives off out of sight but just far enough so she can watch the door open and the faces of the family inside light up in happiness as they open the boxes for their gifts. Smiling for but a brief moment, Sasha turns back to face the road and drives off for where ever the road takes her...
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Re: HousepetZ: Survivor Tails

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I guess that's what Sasha been up to. Not what I'd guess, but I've learned the apocalypse changes people in unexpected ways. Bring on the fight! :D
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Re: HousepetZ: Survivor Tails

Post by SeanWolf »

Nathan Kerbonaut wrote:I guess that's what Sasha been up to. Not what I'd guess, but I've learned the apocalypse changes people in unexpected ways. Bring on the fight! :D
But WAS it the apocalypse that changed her...or something else?
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Re: HousepetZ: Survivor Tails

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With a hint like that, something must be up ;)
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Re: HousepetZ: Survivor Tails

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Gonna look out for clues that something is brewing in the background and will be revealed when all hope is lost. 8-)
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Re: HousepetZ: Survivor Tails

Post by SeanWolf »

Amazee Dayzee wrote:Gonna look out for clues that something is brewing in the background and will be revealed when all hope is lost. 8-)
But even when all hope is lost...there is still a small flame that continues to burn ;)
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Re: HousepetZ: Survivor Tails

Post by NHWestoN »

One of the only pleasures of getting ill is the opportunity to catch up on your reading. Quite the roller-coaster you've been laying out in this story, slashing "biker-chick Sasha being the latest twist. The energy remains undiminished, so much the humor as well. Need another nap, though, to get ready for the epic assault on Milton Manson.... ;)
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Re: HousepetZ: Survivor Tails

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

I have to admit biker-chick Sasha was one of my favorites when it came to this chapter. :)
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Re: HousepetZ: Survivor Tails

Post by SeanWolf »

Bino: "Man..either the movie is longer then I thought or they're still shopping. He said he was going to do the chapter today but it all depends on what time they get back. Hm...well...hope he doesn't mind if I write the first chapter for him. It'll save him some work plus we can just relax the rest of the day. Right, that's what I'll do...let me just get some background music and then I'll get to typing. I DID recall he's dropping color coding for the lines as it became too cumbersome for him..have to remember that"

HousepetZ: Ragnarock & Roll Machine
Chapter 1: Welcome To The House Of The Dead...

" that's our main goal: Get into the mansion, look for any sort of cure, and kill Osiris" Terrance explained as the team (consisting of himself, Bino, Grape, Bruce, Kevin, and Zach) got into one of the trucks they had. Earlier that day, the team had learned that Keene Milton, the brother of Lana Milton, was indeed Osiris and the cause of the outbreak that had turned their city and others into a literal land of the dead. While some of them weren't sure if they could still trust Lana after the revelation, they did realize that if she was still working for him that she would've already attacked them by now. Getting into the cab of the truck, Terrance looked out the window and saw the remaining members outside saluting them, with Daisy shouting good luck, to which Terrance nodded and, after checking to see if his crew was ready, he started the engine and they began their journey to the Milton's Residents to, hopefully, end this once and for all. As they made their way to the mansion, the crew observed the desolate and destroyed land they once called their home with sorrow in their hearts as some of them wonder why Keene did this in the first place as he always strived for equality among both pets and humans so why he suddenly started a human genocide campaign was beyond them. A silence soon took over the occupants as they each looked out at what was once their home, each one trying to remember the days of yore, when Kevin broke the silence and asked "Why do you think Peanut lies to himself?" which got Bino's attention when he asked what he meant and Kevin responds "Well, ever since I knew him, he always seemed to never pay much attention to what was going on around him and he always believed that everything was fine. I never seen him once show emotion when he had to go to the vets or when his girlfriend Tarot left him for a bit to go to Australia. Tell the truth, he always seemed to be in his fantasy world he makes where everything is fine and there is no problems." Zach then chimed in "I think I know why: He told me once that the reason that real life doesn't really affect him like how it does others is that he chooses to face each day with a smile on his face and his fantasy that he made is one of the ways he chose to do so. That doesn't mean he's blind to the world, he knows there were troubles going on, but he didn't want to live each day in fear and worriedness, hence his escapism." While Kevin kind of understood what Zach was getting at, he added that "But why lie to himself? Sooner or later his fantasy will break and he will be exposed to the realities of the why does he lie to himself now that everything is fine?" And Zach's response? "One has to start out learning to believe the little lies before believing the bigger ones."
"Bigger ones?" Bruce asked, who was now listening in on the conversation
"Yeah, you know: Justice, mercy, duty, trust, freedom...those things" Zach answered, which got Kevin a bit riled up in his response as he yells "Hold up...those aren't the same as believing a fantasy!" to which Zach shoot Kevin a look that actually scared him as Zach goes on to say "Really? Take this universe and grind it into the best powder out there and take it through a sieve then show me one atom of justice, one molecule of mercy, one iota of freedom...and yet you act as if there is some ideal order in this world, some rightness in the universe by which it may be judged." Kevin just stared and replied "Yeah...but people have got to believe that, or what's the point..."
"My point exactly. You need to believe in things that aren't true. How else can they become? In other words: Peanut believing in his fantasy world is helping him be ready to face the harshness of reality" Zach interrupts before returning to the world outside the truck window as silence once again took over the occupants. No one knew how to respond back to Zach as, other then his comments about Peanut, this was the first time he had ever spoken up and showed some real courage. It has been said that certain events change people and effect them in various ways and who would've guess that a zombie apocalypse would be what it took to give Zach the courage he needed. Leaning over, Grape whispered to Zach "When we get back to Daisy's, I owe you a drink. First time anyone ever got a K9 to back down" which made Zach chuckle just a bit.

After another hour of driving, the crew finally arrived at their destination: Milton Manor...but there was something off about the place as, the moment they arrived, the gates to the manor were wide open, like they were being invited in. "Park here" Bino told Terrance, who stopped just a few feet away from the gate, "Everyone grab your gear: It's time." Leaving the truck behind, the crew slowly made their way to the entrance of the manor, not noticing that they were being watched from one of the windows overlooking the front yard where they were. "Well..." Osiris mutters to himself as he turns away while pulling out his phone, "They may have gotten here alive...but they won't be leaving alive" and taps a button the screen and waited. After a few seconds, the sounds of screams suddenly took over the manor but then, just as quick as it began, the screaming stopped. Smiling, Osiris made his way back to his study to ready his surprise, all the while thinking "There'll be some happy mouths tonight". Meanwhile downstairs, the doors to the manor opens up as the crew, with weapons drawn, made their way inside as Bino whistles and quips "Y'know, this place isn't actually half bad, aside from the tube snake that occupies this place. I wouldn't mind moving in once this is all done" which Bruce replies "You'd be the envy of everyone here, that's fer sure." Closing the door, Terrance then turns to Bino and asks where they should start looking, which is when Grape suggested the idea that they split up as they'll be able to cover more ground the way, which was an idea Bino shot down with "No, no splitting up. If there is any zombies in here, for whatever reason, and anyone of else is cornered by them, we can kiss our rears goodbye. We're gonna stick together as we can defend each better and, same time, I promised myself I get you all back to our home safe and sound. OK?" Everyone nodded and they began their search of the manor, but their search was soon to be in vain as no matter where they looked, they could not find any trace of what Osiris/Keene was doing nor any signs of zombies, other then a groan coming from somewhere in the house. As they inspected the basement, Bruce comes across a fuse box and thinks to himself "Well, if there are any traps here, they'd be disabled if I take out all the fuses, right?" and then proceeds to cut the power to the entire house, which when the lights cut out where they were, the crew jumped before Bruce said that he cut the power just in case there were any surprises in store for them. While Bino was a bit miffed at what Bruce did, he did agree that it probably was smart and it was as, a few seconds earlier in the study of the house, a bar on Keene's computer had reached 85% and Osiris/Keene went on to say "Once it hits full power, those" when the power suddenly went off, along with the upload and the computer itself. Tapping a few buttons, he then groans as he realizes the power went out but quickly remembered that they had a backup generator...which was broken. "Well..." Osiris flatly said to himself "That sucks...well if they ever make their way up here, I guess I'm just going to have to kill them myself...shoot..." Back downstairs, the crew were in the library exploring when Zach noticed something odd about one of the book shelves. Looking closer, he noticed one of the books was labeled "Glories Of The Pridelands" except it was missing the letter 's', so he went and pulled it out, thinking it was a early draft, but then the book only came out half way. Suddenly, the entire shelf unit started to open like a door towards him as he lept out of the way and he saw what the unit was hiding: A secret passage. "Someone was playing way too much Resident Evil" he mumbles while getting the crews attention and telling them he found a secret entrance and while they at first were hesitant to go down it, they summed up their courage and made their way down the stairs and opened the door at the bottom. On the other side, they were amazed at what they saw: They had found a huge laboratory of sorts...along with the walking dead.
"No wonder why the mansion was empty" Terrance said while taking out a zombie that got close to him, "Everyone inside is dead! Keene must've done this...alright folks, we better speed this up: Find a computer and look for any sort of mention of a cure...same time kill any zombie you see." Everyone nodded and went to work, zombies dropping left and right as they quickly made their way through the labs. As they made their way around, Grape stops at one of the rooms and tells everyone to hold up as she wanted to inspect said room, which Zach said he'll join in and everyone else stood on guard in case something were to happen. Inside, Grape and Zach were looking around when Grape saw something that made her drop her gun. "Something wrong?" Zach asks, to which Grape looks at him then points to what she was looking at. A few feet in front of her was a machine hooked to a chair and on said chair? The body of someone she knew...the corpse of Spirit Dragon. "Did you...know them?" Zach then asks as he looked at the body as Grape nodded and told him she did before walking over to close Dragons' opened eyes while thinking "I'm so sorry for whatever did this to you..." then, suddenly, Dragon screams as she reaches out to grab a nearby item, which in this case was Grape, which made Zach react to the surprise and fires one round right at Dragon's head, killing her instantly.
" OK, Grape?" Zach shouts as he runs over to help Grape up who replies "Yeah...yeah..thanks for saving me. Come on, lets get out of here" and Zach nodded as they leave the body of Dragon behind. Outside the room, Bino asked what the shooting was and Grape replies "Zombie" and they all went back to looking for any leads on a cure. Finally, after some time, Kevin shouts he found a working computer and jumps on it to begin searching. While there were files upon files about the virus and various test subjects, including footage of a failed one that made Bruce lose his lunch, Kevin soon came across a video labeled PROJECT: CHIMERA and clicks on it. The video showed a few scientists, along with Keene in a room talking to someone that Grape immediatly recognized as Pete, who was strapped into a huge device of some sorts. As they watched, they soon realized that Pete actually wanted to do this based on one thing he said which was "It's time for me to have my happy filth on Earth deserves it" which Bino recalled him saying when they encountered him in Babylon Gardens. The video then showed a white fluid of sorts being pumped into Pete and they watched in terror as Pete made his lethal transformation into what they encountered and eventually destoryed: The Chimera. Closing the video, but making a copy of both it and everything they saw onto a thumb drive so Lana can take a look at the stuff, Kevin shakes his head and looks to the crew before saying "Sad way to go..." in which the crew nodded as Kevin got back to work on looking for a cure..but they soon came to a horrible realization. The reason why they couldn't find any mention of a cure? There wasn't any at all. Removing the thumb drive and placing it in his vest along with taking out the computer's hard drive and popping it in his bag making sure not to break it, Kevin and the rest of the crew just stood there disbelief before Bino said "Well...if we can't find a cure...we can still do the other thing we came here to do: Kill Osiris." While they were still disappointed and sadden that no cure exsists, they knew they still had a job to do. So, dusting the failure off themselves, they made their way back to the labs entrance, back into the manor, and made their way upstairs to the second floor: It was time to end this...
Host Of The Realm Of The Metal Wolf: Where Metal Is King
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Re: HousepetZ: Survivor Tails

Post by NHWestoN »

" .... and drinks at Daisy's al'round !!"
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Re: HousepetZ: Survivor Tails

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

Just try not to drink so much you can't walk. ;)
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Re: HousepetZ: Survivor Tails

Post by SeanWolf »

*Phone buzzes*
Bino: "Hm? Oh it's the narrator...ah..figures, movie was a bit longer so they're getting something to eat and doing some shopping then. Alright, guess I'll do his second chapter too"

HousepetZ: Ragnarock & Roll Machine
Chapter 2: Power Of The Celestials

"Man, I forgot how big this temple was" Peanut said while taking a small breather as both he and Anubis were still traversing the temple to their destination. "Yeah, my bad" Anubis answers, "I also forgot...then again as a Celestial I can just appear anywhere in a second so I never really knew about the length..." before a thought occurred to him: Why didn't he just snap both him and Peanut to the location before? "Peanut" Anubis then said "Do me favor: Brace yourself" before snapping his fingers and, in no time at all, they were standing outside a huge door marked HOUSE OF ANUBIS. Peanut stares in awe at the door before noticing the name and saying "Is this the entry to that show on NickOUCH!" but didn't finish as Anubis gibbs-slaps him on the back of the head and saying "This is my house, not a sitcom. Come on." Other then the pain in his head, Peanut's mind was racing with the thoughts of what is in Anubis' room. Would it be riches beyond belief? Could it ancient artifacts from a race long thought gone? Or, perhaps, it head the answer to life, the universe, and EVERYTHING (Narrator's Note: 42..which I heard has something to do with death...). As Anubis opened the door and revealed what was behind said door, Peanut's eyes went wider then the moon as it was better then he could ever imagine as inside was a Nerd's Paradise. Walls filled with movie and game posters along with metal bands (Narrator's Note: One of Anubis' favorite bands? Hevisaurus). Rooms filled with every game ever made from SpaceWar to the latest release, every console ever made from the Magnavox Odyssey to the Xbox One X, to even every computer ever made. Anubis wasn't just a Celestial: He was a pure bred nerd.
"Holy nerd culture, Batman!" Peanuts remarks as he stares in awe at everything, "This is just...incredible!" A remark that brought both a smile to Anubis' face and a chuckle as he responds "Yeah, I've been collecting this stuff ever since it was introduced. I figured since every other Celestial has a hobby of sorts and you mortals like collecting, I'd figured I get one myself!" He then asks Peanut to follow him to his main game room and Peanut stares in awe once again as he sees how incredible the room looked and, most importantly, smelled as it smelled of cleanliness.
"It must take you hours to clean these rooms!" Peanut quips while looking at his collection of Playstation titles (a few of which he never heard of) to which Anubis reminds him that as a Celestial, all he has to do is just snap and everything is clean, a power Peanut said would help him with his room. Anubis then excuses himself as he wants to change out of the clothing he has on and tells Peanut to make himself comfortable on the couch and, if he wants, he can watch TV for a bit. Peanut nods and proceeds to do just that while waiting for Anubis to return. During the wait, Peanut looks about the room from the couch and is still surprised at how much stuff Anubis has and everything was neatly organized and mint in package too, though some of the posters did make him raise an eyebrow as some of his tastes were...different to say the least. Posters of bands such as Meat Loaf, Def Leppard, and ZZ Top and movies like Star Wars and Mad Max: Fury Road were standard as even he had a few Star Wars posters himself but then he saw posters for bands and films he never heard of including a band called Gloryhammer (which he thought looked like they belonged in Power Rangers) and a film entitled Fritz The Cat...though his eyes went a bit wide as he saw the rating on it. Suddenly he heard the door open and he turns to see Anubis walking out wearing blue jeans and a Three Wolf Moon-Moon shirt. Plopping down on the nearby chair, Anubis begins to speak:
"OK, now since I'm more comfortable now and out of that getup, let's get down to brass tacts. Firstly, tell me what you know about zombies" and, after a few seconds, Peanut answers "Well, they used to be living people...they hunger for flesh and they say Brains alot...Oh, and they like to complain about stuff online and jump the gun on any news story!" Anubis cups his hand over his mouth to hide his laughter when Peanut made the last comment, after which Anubis adds "OK, ignoring the fact that you may have insulted half the world, you are right about zombies, though you confuse these guys with the ones from Return Of The Living Dead. Any way, next question: Do you know what usually causes a zombie epidemic?" a question that Peanut replies while shrugging "Viruses?"
"Correct and this is where you come in" Anubis replies, "See, I know who started the outbreak but therein lies and issue: I can't intervene."
"Why? You're a Celestial, aren't you?" Peanut asks, interrupting Anubis, which he replies "Well...yeah but see I took an oath: Never To Interfere With The Affairs Of Mortals Which Requires Violence and this? Well it would require me to get very violent and I hate doing that..which is why I have to ask you something that I never thought I'd have to do: I need you to fight for me in this instance." Peanut raised an eyebrow before asking "I thought you weren't allowed to do that were banned?" In that moment, Anubis slouches back in his chair with a look of sadness as, sadly, Peanut was right: He couldn't do anything. Looking back up at Peanut, he sighs and clicks his tounge before saying "Oh...right...some reason I just forgot now...guess I got so wrapped up in this idea that I...well there goes that idea...that actually took the wind out my sails a bit" Standing up from the chair, he turns to Peanut and asks if he wanted any pizza as he's going to throw one in the oven, which Peanut said he would love some and Anubis goes to make some. Looking around the room, Peanut at that moment, felt like playing one of his games and he shouts "Hey, Anubis! Do you mind if I play one of your games?" which Anubis shouts back "Actually, if you like, I have Smash Bros. loaded in the Switch at the moment if you want to play it while I make the pizza" and, in that moment, Peanut quickly jumped onto the couch, grabbed a controller and started Smash Bros up while Anubis made the pizza.

Returning to the room, Anubis sits the pizza down in front of the couch, sits down next to Peanut, and watches him play World Of Light while munching on a slice and remarking "You're pretty good at this game. You play it alot?" and Peanut answers with "Yep! One of my top favorite games on the Switch! I play it every chance I get. Other wise, I'm playing something else or working on my Spot comics."
"Oh, really?" Anubis quips in between munches, "I seen you work on them. They are very enjoyable to read!" a statement that got Peanut to blush a little as he always enjoyed getting new fans of his work. "If you don't mind me asking" Peanut then asks "How did the other Celestials react to your collection?"
"Well, Kitsune thought it was ridiculous and Pete never really gave a toss...but Cerberus loved it and helped me with acquiring some of the titles and even Dragon helped!" which made Peanut confused as he asked him "I thought you and Dragon never got along?" Realizing he never explained that part, Anubis goes on to say, while wiping some pizza from his mouth "No, what I said was she was just a bit of a crybaby. In actuality, me and her were friends, in fact she helped me when me and Cerberus first started dating. Did I agree with her actions during the last U&U Game? No and she knew that but she honestly wanted to beat her brother and become the DM hence why she did what she did, though she told me before she became mortal via a text that she regretted ever joining that game in the first place and said that she rather have played LOTA with me and the rest instead of U&U. Honestly, Dragon was a sweet-heart, she just lets her emotions get the best of her at times." Peanut nods as he knew what he was referring to and continued to play Smash as Anubis looked on. Peanut then paused the game and said to Anubis "Hey, forgot to say but thanks for saving my life when Z-Day began."
"Oh you 're welcome" Anubis answers while finishing off a slice, "I had plans for you and I didn't want to see you die...speaking of which can I see your neck?" Peanut nods and, after pausing the game, removes his collar to show him his neck and the infection. Looking at it, Anubis smiles and places his hand in a claw-like position above the infection and, in a matter of painless seconds, the entire infection is removed from Peanut's body and manifests itself as a purple glob of goop mixed with white liquid floating above Anubis' hand.
"What's that white stuff?" Peanut asks while pointing to the glob and Anubis explains that the white liquid is Mana. "This is what I placed in your body to prevent the infection from affecting you...before you ask, this can only work on pets and not humans. Different biological stuff and all. Anyway, yeah, this mana was preventing the virus from doing any damage to you. Yes, the virus doesn't affect pets, though why it did to Duchess and Boris still escapes me, and the most that would happen is that you would either be under the effects of pneumonia or die out right as this is only supposed to affect humans...still, better safe then sorry." Anubis then separates the mana from the virus and returns the mana to the mana pool via one of his portals, that Peanut immediately recognizes from when he and his buddies went into the temple but was surprised to see how big the pool was now as it was almost Olympic sized. Finally, he took the virus that was floating in his hand and destroys it via lighting it on fire very quickly, "There, you're cured. And before you ask, no, I can't do this to humans as this way ONLY works if there was already mana in them." Peanut just shrugged and went back to playing Smash as Anubis sat back down on the couch and watched as Peanut continued to whoop all kinds of butt in the game. The Peanut decided to ask something else..."So was King always fated to be a dog?"
"Yeah" Anubis answered, "See, I originally planned on coming down here to meet King when he was a human and was going to give him a chance to redeem himself but as a dog. If he liked being a dog after a while, which I knew he was once he met Bailey, then I would've made him a dog forever and removed any chance of him being human ever again from him and would've left him live the rest of his life in a happy marriage with Bailey. But after I got kicked out, somehow Pete knew about the idea and took it upon himself to do it but without the marriage...which still happened and, thus, he wanted to destroy the marriage as it didn't fall within his plan. You know the rest then." and indeed Peanut did as Tarot told him everything when she came home. Returning to the game, Peanut continues to show how good he is as Anubis continues to watch in awe, feeling a bit jealous of his skills.

Just then, a thought occurred to Peanut which, in turn, made him ask Anubis "You said you were banned from playing U&U, right?" Anubis nodded and Peanut followed up with "You also said that there are multiple versions of U&U, with the one you were playing being the 10th one, correct?" Again, Anubis nodded before asking what he meant by all of this and Peanut explained "Well, the way I see it: Kitsune never really told you what U&U you were banned from playing so....couldn't you use the ruleset from a previous or newest edition to do what you wanted to do?" Anubis was about to say something until he gave it some thought then realized that, some how, Peanut was right. When he was banned, all Kitsune said was that he was banned from playing U&U but he never specified which U&U he was banned from and the rules up there DID state one is supposed to be VERY specific in what they are being banned from. A huge smile then crossed Anubis' face and he quickly hopped up from the couch, scooped up Peanut, and gave him the biggest hug of his life while shouting "PEANUT YOU ARE A GENIUS!" and Peanut could only laugh and reply "I have my moments!" Placing him on the couch, Anubis runs over to his U&U book collection and grabs the latest edition of the ruleset, which was Edition 12, and jumped right to the Avatar/Combat section and began to read it as Peanut sat there waiting patiently. After a few minutes, Anubis turns to Peanut and said "Peanut..well actually I need to ask: Are you OK with being my Avatar until this is completely over?"
"You mean putting a stop to the person who made this outbreak?" Peanut inquires while leaning back on the couch.
"Well until a cure for this epidemic is found. See, this is what I had in mind: You are going to be my Avatar but a Free-Will Avatar, meaning I will not force you into any situation nor will I force you to fight for me. Instead, you will have complete free-reign over when you use you Avatar Powers and will have them until a cure is found, distributed, AND works. Once those three requirements are met, your contract with me is done and the powers return back to me. Sound good?" Peanut thought for a bit as this did actually sound cool and the fact that he was going to have free-will brought a sigh of relief to him, he did have one question: "If the epidemic ends...can I keep the powers for fun?" Thinking for a bit, Anubis chuckles and said if he wants to, he can, which made Peanut squee a bit then adds "I kind of feel like a Power Ranger now!"
"Minus the spandex" Anubis chuckles before telling Peanut to following him and saying "Now before I have you sign anything, let me show you how you are going to appear to Keene..." Peanut suddenly stops..."Keene? Why Keene?" Anubis then sighs, "Yeah...Keene is the reason for the virus outbreak...sorry, he calls himself Osiris Garmr now. Why he's doing this, again I don't know but if I were to hazard a guess, he wants the world to be only animals" This wasn't the Keene Peanut remembers but if he is the cause of this, then he knew he had to end him. Arriving at the destination, which was a garage, they enter the room and Anubis throws pulls a sheet off of an object, which makes Peanut stare in awe.
"I'm not going to have you just poof up're going in style!" Anubis exclaims before summoning his own contract and handing it and a pen to Peanut...which turns out the contract was a sheet of paper with literately everything he told Peanut before but with an added addition to the bottom. Seeing said addition, Peanut looks at Anubis and asks "You think it'll work?" Anubis nods and Peanut smirks and signs the contract. Just then a flash of light suddenly engulfs the room for a few seconds then dissipates as Anubis rubs his eyes for a bit. Looking up, he then smiles and said "Good luck" before a roar echos throughout the room as whatever Anubis was looking at leaves for it's destination, "I'll be waiting."
Host Of The Realm Of The Metal Wolf: Where Metal Is King
Creator of the ongoing fic - HousepetZ: Survivor Tails
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Amazee Dayzee
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Re: HousepetZ: Survivor Tails

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

Really awesome chapter! You are doing a great job at writing this story!
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Re: HousepetZ: Survivor Tails

Post by SeanWolf »

Amazee Dayzee wrote:Really awesome chapter! You are doing a great job at writing this story!
Thank you! Is it easier to read without the color coding now?
Host Of The Realm Of The Metal Wolf: Where Metal Is King
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Re: HousepetZ: Survivor Tails

Post by SeanWolf »

*Door opens*
Narrator: We're home! Sorry for being late, movie was a bit longer then expected.
Bino: "No big deal. Oh, I posted the two chapters for you."
Narrator: Oh thanks! By the way, we're going to be doing D&D tonight after I'm done with this as Joey here has a new quest for us to do.
Joey: "Yep! Literatly inspired by a store we went to...that I swear I didn't want to leave hehe"
Narrator: You should've seen how long he spent looking at all the player handbooks *laughs*
Joey: "Hey you spent the same amount of time at the DVDS so no complaining!"
Narrator: *laughs* Hey I'm gonna go help Kevin prep dinner for us. Bino, would you mind doing Chapter 3?
Bino: "Sure!"

HousepetZ: Ragnarock & Roll Machine
Chapter 3: The Hero Has Arrived

With the disappointment of there being no cure behind them, the crew exited the lab and began to make their way to the second floor of the manor with the goal of ending Osiris/Keene along with finding out why he's doing what he's doing. "Remember, even though Bruce cut the power, we don't know what kind of surprise he has in store for us so be ready for anything" reminded Bino as they reached one of the bedrooms, though it wasn't the room they wanted as the moment they opened the door, they realized they got the wrong door as said door led to Duke Milton's room, which was oddly empty and devoid of any life. The other rooms were the same, save for one that Terrance quickly found out was the bathroom (a very cool looking one, to say the least) which led the crew to think that maybe the other Milton's made it out OK or they were already among the dead outside. As they reached the final room, Bino tried to open the door but quickly found out it was locked from the inside...somehow. "Kevin," Bino then asks "I need you to kick down this door. Everyone ready?" to which everyone nodded and got into positions on both sides of the door, weapons hot and ready to go. At that moment, Bino nodded and Kevin, with all his might, lifted his leg and not only kicked the door down, but utterly destroyed it in the process. "ThereOH HECK!" Kevin quickly dives out of the way as a burst of gun fire quickly emerges from the room, one of the rounds grazing his arm.
"Nice try, pets!" A voice then calls out after the firing ceased, "But you ain't getting the drop on me THAT easily!" Grape recognized the voice and calls out "Is that you Keene?"
"Keene's dead! I'm Osiris!" the voice, who was indeed Osiris, answers while inserting a new magazine into the assault rifle, "And y'all will soon be joining him if you don't get out of my house!"
Terrance leans over and whispers to the crew "I grabbed a flashbang off one of the guards in the lab. After I toss it in, wait two seconds then all of you rush in. If he starts firing, dive for the nearest cover, got it?" They nodded and the plan was put in action: Terrance pulled the flashbang out and pulled the pin, took a breath, then tossed it in....*kipflash*..."GAH!" Osiris/Keene yelped as he get's blinded by the light. In that amount of time, the crew quickly rushed into the study but Osiris had already recovered the moment Zach entered and began firing again, scattering the crew for any cover they could find. Then with a smirk, Keene griped the guns grenade launcher attachment and fired a shell out at the entrance where Terrance was positioned. "Ah fuzz!" He yelps as he quickly dives out of the way of the explosion, which while not powerful, still had enough force to knock the wind out of him for a bit.
"Terrance!" Bino shouts, "You OK!"
"Yeah...*cough*...I'm fine!" Terrance replies back while brushing some wood chunks off of him.
"Face it pets!" Keene shouts "You lost! You can't stop what's happening and you can't stop me! I got plenty of ammo to keep me going and I'm small enough to avoid most of your puny guns, so just give it up!" Bruce gets Bino's attention and motions that he has a clear shot at Keene's right leg and can take him, but Bino motions for him to hold fire then shouts "Why do you want to kill our owners and, for that matter, all humans?"
"Humans done nothing for us. They showed that we can not live in harmony as all they want to do is keep us locked up or us as for their own entertainment and what not. I seen far too many pets get left by the way side or straight up killed and I have had enough." Keene explained while readying another grenade, "Sure, I was all for humans and us pets coexisting but no more. I'm going to make a world that is a utopia for us!"
"Utopia for us...?" Grape thought as she began to inch closer to Keene, making sure to stay out of his sight, "If his utopia means the death of all humans, then he has a very warped sense of thinking." Bino, meanwhile, just shook his head and chuckled before saying "You been reading way too many comic books. Utopia's like that are nigh impossible to achieve!" which was followed by a response of laughter from Keene followed by him saying "It is possible! Too bad none of you will be alive to live in it!" then another round of gun fire erupts from his assault rifle as the crew did their best to stay in cover while Zach and Kevin fired off a few rounds from their guns at Kevin to try to disable him, though Keene was keen enough to duck below his desk to dodge the fire.
"Keene!" Zach shouts, "Keene I know you're in there still! If you can hear me: Drop the Osiris act and tell us if a cure exists!"
"How long do you want me to repeat myself?! KEENE IS DEADER THEN THOSE FREAKS OUTSIDE!" Osiris roared before letting off another burst of gun fire towards Zach's direction, which thankfully his cover did prevent any rounds from hitting him, though he did have to lower his ears as a few rounds did whiz past them. But as he was lowering them, he could've swore he heard a low audible roar coming from somewhere and, maybe he was imagining it, but the sound was very similar to a with a mean engine and a thrist for power. "Who'd be driving a bike that loud in this area?" Zach quickly thinks to himself before being interupted by Osiris who shouts "I must commend you folks though! Killing my Chimera...took a lot of guts to pull that off! Made me quite sad to see him die like that...but then you, HAD to go a chop his head off like that THEN light him on fire!" then fires off another grenade round above Bino's cover location, sending wood splinters and a few books down onto him.
"Well, I'm thankful I did cause who knows what you would've done, you sick freak!" Bino retorts as he wipes the debris off of him, a statement that riled up Osiris to the point where he unloaded the rest of the magazine towards the survivors.

Just as he emptied his last magazine, Osiris goes to grab one more before realizing he has no more ammo left but one grenade remaining. Loading it up, he readies himself and pops up from behind cover to fire...but quickly stops as all the survivors were standing in front of the desk with their guns pointing right at him.
"Better make your next choice wisely" Bino states as he watches Keene's paw finger the launchers trigger, "Cause at this range, that grenade will not explode and, even if you do manage to fire it off, you wouldn't have time to even reload as you will be dead before the grenade even hits the target" Osiris grunted while looking at the survivors pointing guns at him, his finger still on the trigger and was ready to squeeze it at a moments notice. It was now late afternoon and the sun was beginning it's descent to make way for the moon's nightly song. The rays of light shone through the windows of the study, illuminating the war torn place and the occupants inside. While most were facing the direction of the light, one had their back towards it as, to him, the light was nothing more then a reminder of a life he left behind to die a painful death. To him, the light was happiness and he wanted nothing to do with happiness until his dream of a world where mankind was extinct was achieved. When he had achieved that, then he would let the light back into his life. For the survivors, as the light illuminated their faces, it was a reminder of days of yore, when zombies only existed as a creation of movies and games. A reminder of the good times they all had when all was right within in the world. It was a reminder of the happiness they once had and still yearn for once the nightmare was over. To them the light was their personal sign that all was not lost and that hope was still within reach. But there is something very curious about hope and salvation that many fail to realize. Sometimes it has the uncanny ability to make itself known in the most unexpected ways and little did everyone know that salvation was on the way in the shape of a beast and it's coming was signaled by a rumbling...

"Er...What's going on?" Kevin suddenly asks as he feels the room they're in begin to shake a bit as everyone, even Osiris, looks about, each one wondering the same thing. As Grape makes her way to the window to see if there's anything odd outside, Terrance suddenly storms towards Osiris and pins him to the chair, demanding to know what he did and, in a surprising turn of events, Osiris exclaims "I swear on everything that exists that this is not my doing. Yes, I had planned on sending something to kill you but power went out before the upload could finish!" and Bruce responded saying "Yeah, I cut the power just in case you had any traps lined up..." before Grape suddenly interrupts saying "Hey...there's something burning outside..." At that point, everyone, even Osiris walked over to the window to see what Grape was looking at and indeed there was something burning and said burning Osiris immediately recognized it and it brought a smile to his face. Looking at the survivors, he told them all that "It looks like my friends have arrived" thinking that it was the exact thing he was thinking of, until Grape shouts that something is coming out of the burning which was followed by Terrance taking one look then shouting "CLEAR THE WINDOW!" Suddenly, a loud roar was heard which was followed by the windows exploding in a shower of glass as something came flying through the window into the study, knocking everyone to the ground as glass rained down on them while the roaring continued. But as quickly as the roar began, it stopped and the only sound remaining was the sound of the wind outside the now broken window. As each of the occupants looked up from their position, they had no words for what had entered the room. Even Osiris/Keene was silence with the only thought running through his mind was that of "That's not who I thought it was..." and indeed it wasn't. For what stood before them was a black with crimson highlights Harley Davidson motorcycle with the skull of a goat at the front and wheels embroidered with chrome and stained with blood. And on top sat the caretaker of the beast, a canine with fur as black as the midnight sky, muscles that could give Jata a run for his money, and whose was dressed in a combination of both Ghost Rider and Alucard. The being removed himself off of the beast and stood there, taller then the occupants there and slowly turned to face them and, in that moment, while no-one recognized him at first, the moment Grape saw it's face, she immediately knew who it was, for she has seen this being before years ago and it brought a sense of hope to her but also lead to a few questions as well. For who Grape saw was indeed a figure from her past and this figure had indeed returned for a reason that both she and everyone in the room would soon find out. This figure also had a name and the name it went by would soon send chills down the ones who would hear it. The figure's name? SATAU.
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Re: HousepetZ: Survivor Tails

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

Yeah it is very much easier to read the color coding now and it helps a lot. Also, wonderful job on this chapter! It is awesome! :mrgreen:
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Re: HousepetZ: Survivor Tails

Post by Nathan Kerbonaut »

I take a break from the forums for two days and I miss three huge chapters?! I'm not complaining, this is a great way to wrap up the week. This is awesome!! :D
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Re: HousepetZ: Survivor Tails

Post by SeanWolf »

Nathan Kerbonaut wrote:I take a break from the forums for two days and I miss three huge chapters?! I'm not complaining, this is a great way to wrap up the week. This is awesome!! :D
Heh thanks :) Yeah this arc's chapters will be VERY long compared to the last arc, I can assure you of that :)
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Re: HousepetZ: Survivor Tails

Post by NHWestoN »

Yeah ... Satau as "Ghost Rider" works. Ptah in a side car not so much...... ;)
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Re: HousepetZ: Survivor Tails

Post by SeanWolf »

NHWestoN wrote:Yeah ... Satau as "Ghost Rider" works. Ptah in a side car not so much...... ;)
Never go by sight alone for sometimes the eyes can trick you ;)
Host Of The Realm Of The Metal Wolf: Where Metal Is King
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Re: HousepetZ: Survivor Tails

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

You might not think it works but actually it could be something that is really nice.
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Re: HousepetZ: Survivor Tails

Post by SeanWolf »

HousepetZ: Ragnarock & Roll Machine
Chapter 4: The Only Easy Day Was Yesterday...

"It can't be..." Grape thinks to herself as she looks upon the canid Satau whom she first met years ago when he was sent to their time via Spirit Dragon then was sent to his time where she met a spoiled cat named Ptah. But something was not adding up in her head: How was he there? Didn't Tarot tell Dragon to forget about the incident and wasn't Dragon, in this time, dead? Something just wasn't right but all that mattered now was that he was there, best case scenario, Satau was going to help them. But worst case and the one she feared the most due to how he was looking at the moment, Satau was going to kill them all. As for Keene, the only thought running through his head was that of fear and anger. Fear that the Netherworld was betraying him. Anger that whoever this was destroyed half of his house just to drive his bike into his study. Standing up, still holding the rifle-combo-grenade launcher, he looks Satau dead in the eye, shakes his head, and remarks "I don't care who you think you are...cause you are nothing but a dead dog to me" then pulls the trigger, launching his final grenade towards Satau. In his head, he could already see the body of Satau hitting the ground as nothing more then a lifeless corpse with a huge hole in the middle of his body. As the grenade flew out of the tube, Keene smiled as he awaited the results only to watch as Satau reaches up and grabs it out of the air and tosses it aside like it was little then piece of cardboard. In that moment, Keene's face went from that of anger to that of pure shock and horror as at that moment, he knew he was up dung creak without a boat and paddle. Then, Satau began to slowly walk towards Osiris, each boot covered footstep making an audible thud as they hit the ground, combined with the sound of broken glass that was laying there. Osiris/Keene started to stumble backwards as he tried to get away from the approaching beast as he had no idea what he had planned for him.
"L-l-l-l-look, can't we make a deal? I-i-i-i can give you anything you want! You want money? Power? Uh the keys to this house? You name it, it's yours! Let's j-j-j-just talk, OK?!" Keene/Osiris stuttered as Satau continued to get closer to him before almost falling out of the manor onto the ground below which still had a circle there burning brighter then the midnight moon. Suddenly, Osiris yelps as Satau giant paw grabs him, lifts him off the ground, giving Osiris the best and most horrifying look at Satau's face as it looked his there was a literal fire burning in his eyes as he made one less final plee, with tears in his eyes, for mercy but he did it not as Osiris...but as Keene Milton: "Please...they made me do it..." But in the time that Keene spoke, the circle outside suddenly made an image that brought absolute fear to him as his heart began beating faster by the minute and sweat began to poor down his face like a waterfall for the circle wasn't just any firey circle. It was a portal...and portal to The Netherworld.
"No...NO NO NO NO NO!" Osiris began to scream and writhe in Satau's grip as he is brought closer to his face, "YOU CAN'T DO THIS TO ME! I WAS PROMISED POWER AND PROTECTION!" As the portal got bigger and bigger, the sky became more ominous and the sounds of beastly roars were heard emerging from the portal along with the screams of those who were condemned there. This whole time, all the survivors could do was watch as the events unfolded before their eyes and waited for what was going to happen next to Osiris/Keene. Once again, he tried to plee with Satau but before he could get one word out, Satau's thumb came up and covered his mouth, followed by him looking over at the portal before turning to Osiris and saying the last words he will ever hear on that mortal plane: "Your friends are waiting" Then with a flick of his wrist, Osiris is tossed out of the building and finds himself falling straight for the portal, all the while screaming like never before heard. The moment he enters the portal, it was like it became a mouth as it suddenly slams shut and dissipates away with a fiery roar....then all was silent.

The survivors walked over to the shattered window and looked out, only to see that everything was calm again...well as calm as it can be in a zombie apocalypse. "What...what happened?" Bruce asked but before anyone could even answer, Satau looked at them all and told them to leave and return to the safety of Daisy's Mansion for he was going to "Destroy this evil from the face of the world." While at first they didn't move, they soon realized he was telling the truth and hightailed it out of there and back to the truck. As they left, Grape looked behind and saw both Satau and his bike outside the manor as well just staring at it before lifting his arm up. As he did, a bright light started to shine from it then, like a shot from the Death Star, it rocketed it out of his arm and began to travel all throughout the manor and into the laboratory. Then Satau made a grip and, in a matter of seconds, the lab and manor were engulfed in a fiery explosion, ultimately destroying both. A mile away, the survivors in the truck felt the shock-wave of the explosion and stopped to see a giant fireball that was once Milton Manor light up the night-sky in a bright feast of red and orange. After a few minutes of silence and staring at both the fireball and each other, they all got back into the truck and drove back to the safety of Daisy's Mansion. As they pulled in, everyone in the mansion rushed out to greet them and to make sure they were OK as they too saw the explosion.
"When I said I wanted you guys to destroy it, I didn't mean for you to nuke the dang place!" Lana quips before asking if Keene was dead and Terrance nodded but added that they didn't kill him, per say, but someone else did. As Lana inquired what he meant, Terrance told them all about the being on a motorcycle that emerged from the depths of the Netherworld who took Keene and tossed him into a portal before destroying the mansion and lab, which Bruce adds he saved a hard-drive from one of the labs computers as he thought Lana could find something they missed. Which is when they brought the sad news up: There is no cure for the outbreak...but before anyone could even feel any sort of sadness, a familiar roar echoed throughout the night skies. Looking about, Grape shouts "LOOK! Over there!" as she spotted what was making the sound: It was the exact bike that crashed through Keene's window and on top of it was Satau...and they were heading in their direction. As Deadeye was about to go grab a weapon, Terrance told everyone to stand down as he'll do the talking, which is when Daisy chimed in and said that he did make her leader so she'll do all the talking. Terrance, once he remembered he did, nodded and after Satau pulled in and parked, Daisy walked up to him and, after admiring his looks, thanks him for what he did and adds that he is welcomed in their home if he needs a place to stay. Satau said nothing but instead just closed his eyes as another bright light emerges from his body, blinding everyone for a moment before it went away. When everyone regained their sense, they were all shocked at what they saw standing before them wasn't Satau but charming, lovable, sweetheart of a dog named Peanut Butter Sandwich and the very first thing he said wasn't his usual Peanut-ism but a sincere "You are quite welcome, Daisy."

"Peanut?! You're Satau?!" Grape exclaims while Sabrina looks on in horror as she was beginning to fear that the game had begun again and Peanut was now a Avatar for one of the Celestials. "Yep! Gotta say, it felt good having all that power!" Peanut exclaims as Grape rushes over to glomp-hug him. Suddenly another voice came into existence, one that Peanut recognized but no one else did: "Hey, I helped! Where's my hug?" Everyone then turned in the direction of the voice and they saw who else but Anubis, who was standing there, leaning against the hood of the trucks in a pair of jeans and wearing a Perfect Dark T-Shirt.
"Everyone!" Peanut begins as he points to Anubis, "Meet Anubis: The First Celestial and whom I'm the Avatar for." With an introduction like that, Anubis waves and walks over to the survivors as everyone just stare in awe at him as they never seen anyone like him before. Sure, some of them have encountered Celestials and interacted with them and they knew what they looked like, but they never saw one that looked how Anubis did, what with how he dressed and behaved. In other words, he didn't come off as a typical Celestial.
"Did...did the game restart?!" Sabrina suddenly shouts in a panic as she looks upon Anubis, "Is that why my mana is back?!" Sensing her fear and everyone's confusing, Anubis explains that the game has not restarted nor has it begun a new round but he wanted to help the mortals fight off the zombies so he chose Peanut as his Avatar to do so. "And Sabrina, I can assure you of this: Even IF the game had restarted or started back up...You, Tarot, King, and Bailey are safe as the rule state that any returning player to U&U can not, in anyway/shape/form, pick any of the same mortals that were in the last game as a Avatar again for they are deemed Safe Mortals. If they are chosen via standard way or by trickery, then the game is immediately forfeited and all players in the game, even the DM, are sentenced to be mortals for a lifetime. So, in other words: You are safe, Sabrina. Now as for the mana, I do have a mana pool so that's probably why your mana is off the charts." Some reason, after hearing the explanation from Anubis, Sabrina breathed a sigh of relief, though she was still a bit uneasy about the whole situation.
"Still though, that brings up a question: Why Satau? Aren't the Avatars in the game usually something more fitting?" Grape then asked which Anubis goes "Huh? Actually, I'm using the rule-set of the latest version which states out Avatars can look like what ever we want and originally Peanut here? Well I was going to make him look like the dude off the Painkiller album but I ended up going with Satau as...well I didn't want him to scare the heck out of everyone! Plus, I knew Satau personally at the time so he was a safer choice to go with." Grape then added that since he gave Peanut powers, couldn't he give them all powers? Sabrina then answered this by saying that a Celestial is only allowed one Avatar, something that Anubis confirmed. Which is when Terrance asks the one question that was on everyone who was there at the manor's mind: "Did Peanut here send know...there?" Though instead of Anubis answering, Peanut replies "Actually, Anubis has him in his place. The portal was just for show. To quote the contract I signed: The portal is just to be used to make someone pee themselves...and I think it succeeded!" Anubis laughed and added he will show everyone the place as they are welcomed there anytime and that " Osiris is in suspended animation as I'm working to remove any trace of his Osiris-side." He then tells them that he was thinking it over and he decided to allow them all to visit him whenever they want and adds something that brought the biggest smile anyone had ever seen to Peanut's face: "I'll even let you guys use my Mana Pool for your Imaginates as I really enjoyed watching you guys put them on! Plus, I'm pretty sure y'all have some crazy ideas cooking in your heads right now..." Before he could finish what he was saying, a voice not belonging to anyone there suddenly emerged from behind them and Anubis just stood there with a look of 'oh boy' as he knew who the voice belonged to: "I am VERY disappointed in you, Anubis"

"Hello, Kitsune..." Anubis answered as he turned to face Kitsune, who was standing there in his normal form of that of a nine-tailed fox minus his clothing who replied "Hello, Anubis. Fancy seeing you here...then again, you always were soft when it came to mortals, as you proved in the game" Kitsune said while walking towards Anubis, seemingly ignoring the others standing there, including Sabrina who had the most interactions with him, "I told you that you Were banned from playing any Celestial game and what do I see you doing? Making this mortal your avatar just so you can help them fight off the dead" Clicking his tongue, Kitsune then reiterated that he was VERY disappointed in him. It was then at Anubis spoke up and said very sternly "Well, none of this would've ever happened if we just stuck with Life Of The Avatar! But no, you and Pete had to come in with your U&U stuff ruin most of the mortals lives! Face it, you two never cared about them...all you ever cared about was your stupid game and that flippin' book of yours!"
"I'LL have you know that the Book Of Fates is important and very valuable!" Kitsune retorts, now fuming with anger, which only made Anubis scoff and shout back "Oh yeah, it's important all right! Like how Veronica's life was to her and me and how Michael's life was to him and Spirit Dragon? Again, you don't care about mortals!" The last statement brought fire to Kitsune's soul as he suddenly shouts louder "Don't you DARE bring Dragon into this mess! This is not about what she felt! This is all about you and how you are breaking the rule and everything."
"Oh, so it's MY fault that Veronica died?! MY fault that Dragon lost her Avatar to Pete?! That Pete threatened King's marriage?! Right from the outset, you never liked me and this just proves it even more, you nine-tailed freak!" Anubis exclaims, throwing his arms in the air, Kitsune, meanwhile, just stood there and waited to say his peace as Anubis continued saying "You knew right from the beginning Pete was going to pull something like what he did in both that game and ours! You HAD the power to prevent him but did you? Noooo! You wanted any excuse to get me kicked out and banned for being a better player then you two! I dealt with egos before but you and Pete? You two are the worst! As for me breaking the rules...I'm not breaking any: YOU ARE." Kitsune raised an eyebrow when Anubis said that he was breaking a rule instead of him and asked him to elaborate, which he did by stating "The rule in EVERY Celestial game states that if the DM is to ban any player, they MUST SPECIFICALLY state what they are banned from. Thanks to Peanut, I was able to recall that you just said I'm banned form U&U and Life Of The Avatar but you never said how much of either I am banned from. So, you broke the rule, not me." At that point, Kitsune just snapped as, once again, Anubis was able to prove he was smarter then him which made his even more furious. Gritting his teeth, Kitsune exclaims "I have had enough of you, Anubis. I don't care if you are the first Celestial or the last, I should've done this eons ago..." Suddenly, the skies started to become ominous, lightning began to flash, and thunder began to roar as Kitsune's eye began to glow as he spoke very threateningly:
"With the powers in my soul, I, Kitsune, shall banish you Anubis to the plains of Pandemonium for an eternity, along with the powers you gave illegally to the mortal known as Peanut. I also shall banish the one known as Keene Milton to the plains as well to keep you company for an eternity. When you arrive, you will be stripped of all your powers and will be nothing more then a weak mortal. You will feel pain like never before and be tormented forever. ANUBIS...PREPARE TO FACE ETERNITY!"....a flash of light then lights up the entire area for a brief moment, blinding everyone again and when it was gone, everyone looked about which is when Sabrina spotted something that surprised her. For instead of two Celestials, there was only one and it was the one she wasn't expecting. For standing there...was Anubis.

"...uh...what happened?" Sabrina asked him, "Where's Kitsune?"
"I snapped him back to where he was before he arrived here," Anubis states while turning to look at Sabrina, "In this case, was the K9's Safe House in Pavillion. Except..he's just a normal Arctic Fox now: No powers, no nine-tails, no nothing. Same time, anyone who saw him, save one, with those tails there, their minds are altered to think that they dream the whole thing." That confused Sabrina as she always thought Kitsune was the strongest and most powerful Celestial, which is something she brought up to him. Which is when Anubis revealed the one thing he forgot to mention to Peanut when he was explaining himself to him: Not only is he the First Celestial, he is also THE most Powerful one. "More powerful then Kitsune, Pete, and Dragon separately or combined. But I'm not THE most powerful one, that honor belongs to Cerberus, then Bahumat"
"Then, if you are powerful," Joey asked, "Why can't you just cure everyone of the zombie virus now?" This was a perfectly logical question and, surprisingly, Anubis had a reasonable answer. He replies "I can't do that as...even I don't know where the virus came from. Even if I did, I can't help as we Celestials are not allowed to help mortals in ways like that. Most I can do is cure Keene and have Peanut be my Avatar, but even then I'm taking more of a spectator approach." Joey nodded and Daisy then pips up and asks him since he's going to be helping, if he would like something to eat, to which Anubis, after thinking it over, said "Sure" and follows Daisy into the mansion, followed by everyone else as, even though Keene was gone, they still had a zombie epidemic to deal with and they weren't going to give up fighting. While inside, Anubis makes asks Daisy if he could do one small change to the mansion and Daisy, looking a bit hesitant, nodded and watched as he went to a nearby blank wall and snapped a door frame into it, which on the other side was his place.
"I love portals" Anubis quips before telling everyone that if they would like to visit him, just to walk through this portal here. He then reiterated that the Mana pool was open to all but if they leave the mana area, they lose the mana they had so they can't go and kill zombies as Superman. "To put it simply, the mana is only to be used for your imaginiates" he adds and everyone nodded before going off to do their own thing and he and Daisy heading to the kitchen so she can make a quick meal for him. As for Peanut, even though his infection was gone and he was now an Avatar, he still didn't let the zombie outbreak bother him as the very first thing he decided to do, now that he's back, was to head up to his room that Daisy picked out for him and work on a new story for SuperSpot. A tale he was calling "SuperSpot Evolution".

Bino: "Hold up...Keene didn't make the virus?"
Narrator: You'll see later who actually did.
Bino: "How much later?"
Narrator: Probably not until the epilogue, which we are nowhere near yet.
Bino: "OK..but just to clear this up: Anubis IS the most powerful Celestial, but he won't be helping the survivors fight other then curing Keene and having Peanut be his Avatar?"
Narrator: Correct and even then, Peanut was told not to use his powers unless he absolutely has to.
Bino: "And seeing that Peanut rather not fight zombies, he probably won't be?"
Narrator: Correct
Bino: "Clever."
Host Of The Realm Of The Metal Wolf: Where Metal Is King
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Re: HousepetZ: Survivor Tails

Post by Nathan Kerbonaut »

Peanut: Destroyer of Worlds, Banisher of Souls, and World-Famous Creator of Spot (Superdog)

I'm loving the longer chapters. The Celestial stuff is very well done and a huge pleasure to read. Awesome job :D
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Temno the wolf
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Re: HousepetZ: Survivor Tails

Post by Temno the wolf »

Just finished reading the previous chapters and I'm not disappointed (Keep up the good work!)
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