SRP - Terra Ridge

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Re: SRP - Terra Ridge

Post by RandomGeekNamedBrent »

"I'm not tired, but you're right. some rest wouldn't hurt." Flynn sat down against a cave wall, lowered his fedora over his eyes, and put his paws behind his head.
More comfortable than some of the alleys I've slept in. His years on the streets meant he was at least semi-alert any time he slept, so nothing would sneak up on him.
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Re: SRP - Terra Ridge

Post by Roarin »

Everyone wrote:With Alyse tending to the small fire everyone soon found themselves drifting to sleep to the sound of crackling wood, despite promises to stay up.
Flynn wrote:The blackness of sleep slowly fades away as you open your eyes. Looking up it is clear you are no longer inside the cave. A thousand stars twinkle above you and the sound of waves crashing echo in your ears. Much like before you awaken near the ocean, but this time you feel the soft cloth of a towel underneath your body, and the water isn't washing against your feet.
"This is my favorite time of the day." A voice says idly near you. Soft and sweet. Next to you sits a white feline wearing a mint green sundress and a white sun hat. She had her phone out and was tap tapping on it, the sounds of a carnival could be heard in the distance.
Familiar, yet different.
"It's when the stars have just come out to play and the long shadows cast by the sun fade into the darkness." She smiled and turned to look at Flynn with a grin on her muzzle. Her eyes flashed green in the moonlight. "Or did that sound too cliche?" And boy was the moon bright tonight...
Robin wrote:Consciousness tugs at your mind, fishing you out of the sea of sleep and back into...reality. Despite being aware that you are awake the world is a pitch black. It takes a moment for you to realize the familiar cloth over your eyes. Right... Your black bandana. The next thing you notice is that you're not lying on the ground but in fact sitting up in a quite cushy and comfortable seat. The sound of quiet conversation and mumbling could be heard all around you as well as the occasional movements of people getting up or sitting down in their seats. You are certain that you are not in the cave any longer. Suddenly the quiet mumbles are overtaken by a jumble of noise. What is that? Strings? Harps? Trumpets, percussion instruments,
"Ah, seems like their warming up right now." Says a voice right next to you. Sweet and light, like the sound of a flute. "You know, there are not many who appreciate the joys of sound anymore... Too consumed in the sights they see. Et is nice to find someone who appreciates what comes into one's ears." A light French accent? And was she talking to you?
Scraps wrote:"Hey hey! No slacking off! What the howl do you think you're doing? What if the boss catches you?!" You are jolted awake by a boop to the nose. In front of you is a quizzical looking shiba inu wearing a mechanic's uniform topped with a yellow hat with holes for his ears to stick out of. His tail was wagging at a hundred miles per our behind him and his face changed from inquisitive to happy in the blink of an eye "Give me a hand with this tire." Looking around you find that you're sitting on a plastic chair in the middle of a...workshop, garage? Must have fallen asleep... The smell of gasoline is faintly in the air and furs of all kind, most drenched in sweat and wearing oil stains were hustling and bustling about. Not waiting for you to respond the canine walks over to a tire and began to roll it over to a... Racecar?! Now that you think of it, you can hear the sound of something rumbling on the outside of the garage as well as the faint sound of cheering. A racetrack then?!
Nadia wrote:Cold... Cold cold cold cold cold cold cold. Gosh dang it was cold! You open your eyes and figure it's best to move closer to the fire. But... It only takes a moment to realize that you're not in the cave anymore. No... White walls? Circular dome shape? It was unmistakable. You were in an igloo. But how? Actually you should probably concentrate on how to get warm, and the fire in the middle of the igloo looks mighty inviting at the moment. If you listen carefully you can hear the rumbling of a snow storm swirling all around you. The entrance of the igloo was sealed up with snow. And it'd probably be a death wish to go outside in this condition...
Aliah wrote:One two three, one two three, one two three, one two three. Back and forth, now to the side. You were being led. Swaying to and fro. Slowly your eyes opened and you realized you are standing. No, moving! No... dancing? Back and forth. A hand is gently clasped with yours and another supports your back. Your hand is on someone's shoulder. The next thing you notice is the person holding onto you, moving with you, your dance partner? A leopard with faded tan fur wearing a nice three piece suit and a red tie. Handsome was the first word that came to mind. And he was smiling at you.
"Hmm, you truly are a good dancer." He says softly. Around you you see others dancing as well. And some people watch at tables, eating food, drinking, talking. A formal party? A wedding? You couldn't tell? But all of them were furs just like you.
"Sleep is due to me... And I have a dream to live."

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Re: SRP - Terra Ridge

Post by RandomGeekNamedBrent »

Roarin wrote:
Flynn wrote:The blackness of sleep slowly fades away as you open your eyes. Looking up it is clear you are no longer inside the cave. A thousand stars twinkle above you and the sound of waves crashing echo in your ears. Much like before you awaken near the ocean, but this time you feel the soft cloth of a towel underneath your body, and the water isn't washing against your feet.
"This is my favorite time of the day." A voice says idly near you. Soft and sweet. Next to you sits a white feline wearing a mint green sundress and a white sun hat. She had her phone out and was tap tapping on it, the sounds of a carnival could be heard in the distance.
Familiar, yet different.
"It's when the stars have just come out to play and the long shadows cast by the sun fade into the darkness." She smiled and turned to look at Flynn with a grin on her muzzle. Her eyes flashed green in the moonlight. "Or did that sound too cliche?" And boy was the moon bright tonight...
Flynn was a bit taken aback by his new location... and the strange cat he'd never seen before, talking as if they were close. However, if this pretty cat thought she knew him, he wasn't about to blow his unintentional cover.

"Cliches exist for a reason," he replied. "Sometimes everything there is to say has been said before."
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Re: SRP - Terra Ridge

Post by Serence Frostbite »

Roarin wrote:
Nadia wrote:Cold... Cold cold cold cold cold cold cold. Gosh dang it was cold! You open your eyes and figure it's best to move closer to the fire. But... It only takes a moment to realize that you're not in the cave anymore. No... White walls? Circular dome shape? It was unmistakable. You were in an igloo. But how? Actually you should probably concentrate on how to get warm, and the fire in the middle of the igloo looks mighty inviting at the moment. If you listen carefully you can hear the rumbling of a snow storm swirling all around you. The entrance of the igloo was sealed up with snow. And it'd probably be a death wish to go outside in this condition...
"How....?" Nadia muttered , rubbing her eyes as she stood up from the cold floor . Where were she ? What happened ? That wasn't a dream.....was it ?
The fox sighed , hearing the raging stop outside as she moved closer to the fire to warm herself up , weapon still in paw just in case.
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Re: SRP - Terra Ridge

Post by ~\Rook/~ »

Roarin wrote:
Aliah wrote:One two three, one two three, one two three, one two three. Back and forth, now to the side. You were being led. Swaying to and fro. Slowly your eyes opened and you realized you are standing. No, moving! No... dancing? Back and forth. A hand is gently clasped with yours and another supports your back. Your hand is on someone's shoulder. The next thing you notice is the person holding onto you, moving with you, your dance partner? A leopard with faded tan fur wearing a nice three piece suit and a red tie. Handsome was the first word that came to mind. And he was smiling at you.
"Hmm, you truly are a good dancer." He says softly. Around you you see others dancing as well. And some people watch at tables, eating food, drinking, talking. A formal party? A wedding? You couldn't tell, But all of them were furs just like you.
"..Ah? I-I.." Aliah stuttered, staring into the leopard's eyes. She could have sworn she was in a cave just earlier.. No.. This is too real.. was that a dream? She looked down at herself for a second, she was wearing a beautiful long red dress.. Almost exactly the same as one she saw in a high-end boutique back in Paris.. She shook her head to regain composure. "I.. *sigh* F-forgive me monsieur, I-I must have had my mind o-on other things.." She said, looking back up. "M-may I ask where we are? I seem to have forgotten.."
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Re: SRP - Terra Ridge

Post by hypernovatic »

Robin jumped as he heard the voice, a bit alarmed, but he was soon soothed by it. He turned to it and started sniffing. "Hello. Who are you? And where am I?" he asked, all the while trying to reach out and touch the unknown stranger.
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Re: SRP - Terra Ridge

Post by Seth »

Roarin wrote:
Scraps wrote:"Hey hey! No slacking off! What the howl do you think you're doing? What if the boss catches you?!" You are jolted awake by a boop to the nose. In front of you is a quizzical looking shiba inu wearing a mechanic's uniform topped with a yellow hat with holes for his ears to stick out of. His tail was wagging at a hundred miles per our behind him and his face changed from inquisitive to happy in the blink of an eye "Give me a hand with this tire." Looking around you find that you're sitting on a plastic chair in the middle of a...workshop, garage? Must have fallen asleep... The smell of gasoline is faintly in the air and furs of all kind, most drenched in sweat and wearing oil stains were hustling and bustling about. Not waiting for you to respond the canine walks over to a tire and began to roll it over to a... Racecar?! Now that you think of it, you can hear the sound of something rumbling on the outside of the garage as well as the faint sound of cheering. A racetrack then?!
"Sure, no problem." Scraps got up groggily and went to help with the tire. Waiting for the other dog to take the lead so he knew what to do.
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Re: SRP - Terra Ridge

Post by Roarin »

Flynn wrote:"Mmh." The feline nods in agreement and smiles, seeming to like the answer. "I suppose", her smile turned amused as she observed Flynn for a moment, studying his expression. "Though it pains me a bit to see his that applies to other things. Time goes on, history repeats, but The Sun Also Rises no?" Her smile turned a bit somber, "Even in your situation, Flynn Fram."
Aliah wrote:"Hmm?" The leopard tilted his head a bit to the side, seeming to act confused by her behavior, but there was a twinge of amusement in his violet eyes. "Why we are at a celebration!" He smiled, looking at her as if that was pretty obvious. "If you are not feeling well, why don't we go over to one of the tables?", the leopard suggested, already moving her towards one of the tables against the wall. There was an assortment of food on the table. Though a curious thing was, what was on the table before, wasn't the same when they got to it, instead it was filled with things Aliah herself loved to eat!
Nadia wrote:The fire did well to warm the fox up and minutes past by without anything happening, until...!
The wall that covered the entrance to the igloo suddenly broke open bit by bit and a gloved paw pulled out more snow until it could fit inside. A figure clothed from head to toe in snow wear stomped into the small dome, the entrance magically reforming on its own. A scarf and goggles hid the figures face as it brushed the excess snow it had on its body.
Slowly though it unraveled its scarf and took off its goggles to reveal the head of a red fox. He had a grin on his muzzle and a twinkle in his warm sky blue eyes, "Phew, it's getting chilly out there!" He says. He sounded young and energetic. The fox sat down next to Nadia and began to warm his hands. "I think I owe Boreas one. How are you holding up?" The fox asks, a wry grin on his muzzle.
Scraps wrote:The shiba inu rolled the tire up to a racecar propped up on a lift so the backwheel were off the ground. Or... Where the backwheel should have been. "Just hold this in place." The canine instructs, placing the tire in the correct position before going over to a workbench to get some screws and a electric powered driver. He smiled as he returned, his tail wagging at the usual 100 mile per hour pace. "You alright there bud? You seem a bit, out of it." The shiba chuckles.
Robin wrote:A soft paw reaches out to greet Robin's hand, taking it in their own and gently resting it on the armrest of the chair. "Do not worry, you are in a safe place." The voice laughed softly, like chimes in the wind. "I am called many things, me and my sisters that is... Most though prefer to call me a muse. There to guide and help in the creation of beautiful and horrific things." At that moment the sound of instruments began to start up again, slow this time, but harmonious. "For now though, my dear Robin, I am your muse."
"Sleep is due to me... And I have a dream to live."

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Re: SRP - Terra Ridge

Post by Serence Frostbite »

Roarin wrote:
Nadia wrote:The fire did well to warm the fox up and minutes past by without anything happening, until...!
The wall that covered the entrance to the igloo suddenly broke open bit by bit and a gloved paw pulled out more snow until it could fit inside. A figure clothed from head to toe in snow wear stomped into the small dome, the entrance magically reforming on its own. A scarf and goggles hid the figures face as it brushed the excess snow it had on its body.
Slowly though it unraveled its scarf and took off its goggles to reveal the head of a red fox. He had a grin on his muzzle and a twinkle in his warm sky blue eyes, "Phew, it's getting chilly out there!" He says. He sounded young and energetic. The fox sat down next to Nadia and began to warm his hands. "I think I owe Boreas one. How are you holding up?" The fox asks, a wry grin on his muzzle.
Nadia didn't answered right the way , instead she watched the fox a little bit , then eventually turned her look away from him and back to the fire "........I'm...fine , I guess . Was expecting the snake to come in , but since you're know him as far as I can tell , who're you ?"
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Re: SRP - Terra Ridge

Post by hypernovatic »

Even though Robin was a bit scared, he was soothed by the girl's laugh. "Alright Miss Muse. Can you tell me your name?" he asked, calming down as he felt along her paw.
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Re: SRP - Terra Ridge

Post by RandomGeekNamedBrent »

Roarin wrote:
Flynn wrote:"Mmh." The feline nods in agreement and smiles, seeming to like the answer. "I suppose", her smile turned amused as she observed Flynn for a moment, studying his expression. "Though it pains me a bit to see his that applies to other things. Time goes on, history repeats, but The Sun Also Rises no?" Her smile turned a bit somber, "Even in your situation, Flynn Fram."
"and what situation would that be?" Flynn asked. though he had a feeling he might already know what she meant.
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Re: SRP - Terra Ridge

Post by Seth »

Roarin wrote:The shiba inu rolled the tire up to a racecar propped up on a lift so the backwheel were off the ground. Or... Where the backwheel should have been. "Just hold this in place." The canine instructs, placing the tire in the correct position before going over to a workbench to get some screws and a electric powered driver. He smiled as he returned, his tail wagging at the usual 100 mile per hour pace. "You alright there bud? You seem a bit, out of it." The shiba chuckles.
Scraps tried to shake the cobwebs out of his head as he held the tire in place. "Yeah I guess I am. Couldn't tell you why though. Must just be an off day." He sounded as if he was trying to convince both himself and his co-worker.
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Re: SRP - Terra Ridge

Post by ~\Rook/~ »

Roarin wrote:
Aliah wrote:"Hmm?" The leopard tilted his head a bit to the side, seeming to act confused by her behavior, but there was a twinge of amusement in his violet eyes. "Why we are at a celebration!" He smiled, looking at her as if that was pretty obvious. "If you are not feeling well, why don't we go over to one of the tables?", the leopard suggested, already moving her towards one of the tables against the wall. There was an assortment of food on the table. Though a curious thing was, what was on the table before, wasn't the same when they got to it, instead it was filled with things Aliah herself loved to eat!
Aliah lowered her ears, mentally kicking herself for what seemed such a silly question. She let out a sigh as the leopard lead her to the table. Her ears perked back up as she notices the food. Most of it was, of course, french cuisine. She began to smile as she looked over the ensemble. "Oh mon dieu*.. This.. This is étonnant*!.." she gasps, surprised. She then sits and proceeds to help herself to a couple of croissants. "Ah, oh how I love these.." Aliah says as she quickly finishes them. "You know, I have them every morning.. It ah.. Becomes a little bit of a 'habit', oui?"

(* Google Translate: My goodness and Surprising, in that order.)
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Re: SRP - Terra Ridge

Post by Roarin »

Aliah wrote:The leopard chuckles as he watches her eat the croissants, looking very amused, though he is polite enough to look away as he smirks. "Please, eat to your heart's content here. It wouldn't be a party if you weren't a bit gluttonous." He chuckles again and looks out onto the dance floor where pairs were still dancing. "You know it takes a level of trust to dance well with one another. Especially for the following roll." In the back of Aliah's mind she was beginning to get an unsettled feeling of reality. A hazy memory of a cave. The name of some of her new acquaintances...
Flynn wrote:The feline sighs, "I will not lie Flynn, there is an arduous task ahead of you, and you will face many challenges. You and your compatriots." Her eyes looked seriously at him as she spoke, carefully scanning his expression. "It is a long road with many pitfalls and traps..."
Her face then softens and she hugs her knees to her chest, suddenly looking very solemn. "It is a fickle thing being a god sometimes... And it becomes too easy to forget what it is like to be mortal..."
Nadia wrote:The fox tapped his chin in thought, looking a bit confused by what you said for a moment. "Snake?" He snapped his fingers a moment later, a look of enlightenment on his muzzle. "Ah, I see so that's now it." The fox then stands up brushing out the wrinkles in his clothing as he spoke. "I, my furry friend, am called by a few names... Hmm, I believe the space here can be manipulated a bit..." With another snap of his fingers the scenery around them changes. The igloo becomes the mouth of a cave looking out onto a sunny clearing in a forest. The fire still burns brightly but the embers look more golden. A warm breeze blows through Nadia's fur. The fox then bows theatrically. "I am Zephyrus, the West Wind, at your service."
Robin wrote:"I am called a few names, but most know me as Euterpe. The Muse of Music." The orchestra begins to pick up, playing louder. "I'm actually a bit surprised you are this lucid in a dream. I picked a good one indeed." She laughs lightly again.
Scraps wrote:It only took a minute for the skilled shiba to drill the tire in place, standing back up afterwards and taking a step back to look at his handiwork. "That should do it, thanks!" He puts the drill on a nearby workbench and wiped the grease on his hands onto a towel. "You still kinda look dazed, maybe you're workin too hard." He let out a light chuckle and pats Scraps on the shoulder. "How bout we take a break? I won't tell the boss."
And in an instant Scraps found himself in a crowd of furs, sitting down in one of the seats of the stadium, watching the cars race. "To be honest I'm not really a fan of this whole nascar thing." The shiba quips, sitting in a seat next to him. It is then that the memories of reality flood the canine's mind, reminding him of where he actually was, and the predicament he was in.
"Sleep is due to me... And I have a dream to live."

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Re: SRP - Terra Ridge

Post by RandomGeekNamedBrent »

Roarin wrote:
Flynn wrote:The feline sighs, "I will not lie Flynn, there is an arduous task ahead of you, and you will face many challenges. You and your compatriots." Her eyes looked seriously at him as she spoke, carefully scanning his expression. "It is a long road with many pitfalls and traps..."
Her face then softens and she hugs her knees to her chest, suddenly looking very solemn. "It is a fickle thing being a god sometimes... And it becomes too easy to forget what it is like to be mortal..."
normally Flynn would think she was crazy at the mention of being a god... except he felt that deja vu feeling from earlier again, and from what she said earlier, he thought he knew why.
"I've been here before, haven't I?" Flynn asked to confirm. "That's what you meant about my situation repeating itself? In that case, I survive once, I'll figure out how to do it again."

He then grabbed her paw in his and kissed it. "I'd hate to make such a pretty immortal worry."
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Re: SRP - Terra Ridge

Post by hypernovatic »

"Wait, Muse... Muse... You're a goddess? And I'm only dreaming?" Robin asked, wanting to know what she looked like.
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Re: SRP - Terra Ridge

Post by Serence Frostbite »

Roarin wrote:The fox tapped his chin in thought, looking a bit confused by what you said for a moment. "Snake?" He snapped his fingers a moment later, a look of enlightenment on his muzzle. "Ah, I see so that's now it." The fox then stands up brushing out the wrinkles in his clothing as he spoke. "I, my furry friend, am called by a few names... Hmm, I believe the space here can be manipulated a bit..." With another snap of his fingers the scenery around them changes. The igloo becomes the mouth of a cave looking out onto a sunny clearing in a forest. The fire still burns brightly but the embers look more golden. A warm breeze blows through Nadia's fur. The fox then bows theatrically. "I am Zephyrus, the West Wind, at your service."
Nadia's eyes got bigger for a moment as the vixen tried , and failed , to hide her surprise . She just sat there , stared at the other fox for a few moments , before finally calmed down enough to took her eyes off him
"Sorry , but I find that hard to believe" she said
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Re: SRP - Terra Ridge

Post by ~\Rook/~ »

Roarin wrote:
Aliah wrote:The leopard chuckles as he watches her eat the croissants, looking very amused, though he is polite enough to look away as he smirks. "Please, eat to your heart's content here. It wouldn't be a party if you weren't a bit gluttonous." He chuckles again and looks out onto the dance floor where pairs were still dancing. "You know it takes a level of trust to dance well with one another. Especially for the following roll." In the back of Aliah's mind she was beginning to get an unsettled feeling of reality. A hazy memory of a cave. The name of some of her new acquaintances...
Aliah gives a surprised cough at the leopard's words, now thinking about her actions. She pushes the plate she used away from her and smiled as best she can. "Ah, y-yes.. But then there's keeping appearances.." She said, smoothing out her dress. She then started to watch the crowd as her partner talks of dancing, she then starts to sway and hum along with the music as she replies. "Oui.. Trust is very pivotal.. If there is not trust, then you shall be tripping over each-other.. That's what madame Sylvia.."

She stops as the memories form.. The cruise, the ocean, Flynn, the cave.. She shakes her head, as if shaking away the thoughts.. Yet they keep coming back..

She sighs audibly, then stands, looking around for the bathroom..
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Re: SRP - Terra Ridge

Post by Seth »

Roarin wrote:
Scraps wrote:It only took a minute for the skilled shiba to drill the tire in place, standing back up afterwards and taking a step back to look at his handiwork. "That should do it, thanks!" He puts the drill on a nearby workbench and wiped the grease on his hands onto a towel. "You still kinda look dazed, maybe you're workin too hard." He let out a light chuckle and pats Scraps on the shoulder. "How bout we take a break? I won't tell the boss."
And in an instant Scraps found himself in a crowd of furs, sitting down in one of the seats of the stadium, watching the cars race. "To be honest I'm not really a fan of this whole nascar thing." The shiba quips, sitting in a seat next to him. It is then that the memories of reality flood the canine's mind, reminding him of where he actually was, and the predicament he was in.
Scraps sat down with a digh, glad to get away from work for a second. He stiffened up for a moment when he remembered where he was and what was going on but he decided to play it cool, though he was fairly sure he was just being pulled along by the dream logic. " Yeah same here. But y'know what they say about the best laid plans.... Guess we're just stuck here for now."
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Re: SRP - Terra Ridge

Post by Roarin »

Aliah wrote:The leopard stands up as well, mostly out of curtesy for Aliah. "Are you alright?" He asks, looking a bit concerned as she looks around. "Is something amiss?" The leopard asks with a slightly knowing glance.
Flynn wrote:The cat smiles softly, tilting her head lightly to the side. "He told me you were a charmer. Though I suppose that's why he chose to follow you in the first place." She placed both hands in her lap and looked out into the sea a bit nervously. "Things... Should be similar this time around. The Game hasn't changed... Oh." She hit the side of her head gently. "I suppose since you forgot about the last time you don't know any of this..."
Nadia wrote: "Wha?!" The fox almost tripped where he stood. "I-I'm sorry, but what makes you say otherwise?" Zephyrus looked more than a bit surprised, sitting back down and looking at Nadia in his own astonishment and childish wonder. With the change in setting and better lighting, she could tell the God look a bit...young.

Robin wrote:Close, but I'm no goddess." Euterpe laughs softly, "But I do appreciate you calling me that." She laughed again and became quiet for a moment, listening to the orchestra play. "I understand it must be difficult for you, and friends, being thrust into a situation like this..."
Scraps wrote:Mmh..." The shiba nods as he looks ahead towards the track with a smirk. "How did it go again? The best laid plans of mortals and gods...always go awry?" He chuckles, glancing over at Scraps for a moment accompanied now by a broad mischievous grin "I very much hope so."
"Sleep is due to me... And I have a dream to live."

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Re: SRP - Terra Ridge

Post by hypernovatic »

"Oh, you're not? I've always heard that Muses were goddesses. Robin said, a bit confused. He looked around, trying to figure out what the room he was in was exactly. "What do you mean?" he asked,scratching his paws.
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Re: SRP - Terra Ridge

Post by RandomGeekNamedBrent »

Roarin wrote:
Flynn wrote:The cat smiles softly, tilting her head lightly to the side. "He told me you were a charmer. Though I suppose that's why he chose to follow you in the first place." She placed both hands in her lap and looked out into the sea a bit nervously. "Things... Should be similar this time around. The Game hasn't changed... Oh." She hit the side of her head gently. "I suppose since you forgot about the last time you don't know any of this..."
"It's... hazy. Like a long forgotten dream," Flynn replied. "I only remember small details here and there when something reminds me of them."
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Re: SRP - Terra Ridge

Post by Seth »

Roarin wrote:
Scraps wrote:Mmh..." The shiba nods as he looks ahead towards the track with a smirk. "How did it go again? The best laid plans of mortals and gods...always go awry?" He chuckles, glancing over at Scraps for a moment accompanied now by a broad mischievous grin "I very much hope so."
"Yeah? And why would that be?," scraps asked trying (without much success) to hide a growing uneasiness bordering on resentment. His attention was no longer on the race or anything around him. He turned to look at the other dog.
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Re: SRP - Terra Ridge

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Roarin wrote:
Nadia wrote: "Wha?!" The fox almost tripped where he stood. "I-I'm sorry, but what makes you say otherwise?" Zephyrus looked more than a bit surprised, sitting back down and looking at Nadia in his own astonishment and childish wonder. With the change in setting and better lighting, she could tell the God look a bit...young.
"why would a god , aside from a certain snake , want to spend his time talking to me ?"
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Re: SRP - Terra Ridge

Post by Roarin »

Flynn wrote:The goddess lets out a soft sigh and nods. "Well, it doesn't matter now. All that matters is that you and your friends survive." She leans back, propping herself up on her hands as she looks up at the moon. "With your charisma and smarts I doubt that will be a problem for you, Flynn Fram."
Nadia wrote:Why? Well... Why not?" The fox retorts back as he regains some composure. "To tell you the true Miss Nadia, you may be the strangest of the bunch, in the supernatural sense. Not many mortals can manipulate magic like you can, no less come in contact with a god before this instance. Besides..." The god a reached the back of his neck, "They said you'd be more compatible with a wind God... Maybe Coyote should have handled this..."
Robin wrote:The Muse laughs softly again, "Finding yourself off the cruise ship. That is a predicament is it not? Or maybe you mortals are more used to dealing with these situations hmm?"
Scraps wrote:The shiba frowns and lets out a soft sigh. "There is a problem with being immortal. One loses the concept of the preciousness of time. And the respect for those beings that are, in all sense, mortal. It's one thing to play chess with pieces, it's another to play war with men... Me, along with a few others hold this belief."
"Sleep is due to me... And I have a dream to live."

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Re: SRP - Terra Ridge

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Roarin wrote:
Nadia wrote:Why? Well... Why not?" The fox retorts back as he regains some composure. "To tell you the true Miss Nadia, you may be the strangest of the bunch, in the supernatural sense. Not many mortals can manipulate magic like you can, no less come in contact with a god before this instance. Besides..." The god a reached the back of his neck, "They said you'd be more compatible with a wind God... Maybe Coyote should have handled this..."
".........*ahem*....well....." Nadia replied , hesitantly "my apology , I guess , for being a bit rude . I'm just going through a rather bad time , and thus , in a bad mood myself. A few days ago the "god" ...." she said with a sarcastic air quote "who I have a contract with told me that I needed to go on a certain ship , "for something important" he said , and then I found myself stranded on this island , with only a few others who I just met , one of them even attacked me ." She sighed "And then , there's this"
As the vixen finished her sentence , she stabbed her crystal spear down so it would stand upright next to where she was sitting . "Since you already know , yes , I have a bit of experience with wind magic and this weapon here is what I usually use to invoke my abilities , but something happened . I don't know what , I don't know when , I don't even know how or why , I just know that when I woke up on this island , it's already reversed to its bare form like this , I can't even feel its power anymore ,so....*sigh* I'm sorry , Zephyrus , but I don't know what to do right now and....I don't know if I can help you , which I assume is the reason that you're here anyway"
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Re: SRP - Terra Ridge

Post by Seth »

Roarin wrote:
Scraps wrote:The shiba frowns and lets out a soft sigh. "There is a problem with being immortal. One loses the concept of the preciousness of time. And the respect for those beings that are, in all sense, mortal. It's one thing to play chess with pieces, it's another to play war with men... Me, along with a few others hold this belief."
"What makes you so sure I'm going to play along with your game or war or whatever you call it? I hate to break it to you but I don't take direction particularly well."
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Re: SRP - Terra Ridge

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"Ah. No, I'm not used to this at all." Robin said, standing up and sniffing around, hoping to figure out what was around him. "So, can you tell me why I ended up here?" he asked.
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Re: SRP - Terra Ridge

Post by RandomGeekNamedBrent »

Roarin wrote:
Flynn wrote:The goddess lets out a soft sigh and nods. "Well, it doesn't matter now. All that matters is that you and your friends survive." She leans back, propping herself up on her hands as she looks up at the moon. "With your charisma and smarts I doubt that will be a problem for you, Flynn Fram."
"It definitely won't," Flynn replied confidently. "Now, I'd hate to do that whole 'it was a dream' thing without knowing the name of such a beautiful goddess. Would you mind telling me?"
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Re: SRP - Terra Ridge

Post by ~\Rook/~ »

Roarin wrote:
Aliah wrote:The leopard stands up as well, mostly out of curtesy for Aliah. "Are you alright?" He asks, looking a bit concerned as she looks around. "Is something amiss?" The leopard asks with a slightly knowing glance.
Aliah sighs again.. "Ah, Je suis désolé*, I.. I'm fine, I-I just need.." She looked up into the leopard's eyes, she saw his knowing glance.. "..M-monsieur, w-would you mind telling me your name?" She asks, tilting her head.

(*Translation: I'm sorry)
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Re: SRP - Terra Ridge

Post by Roarin »

Aliah wrote:"My name? Ah." The leopard touched his palm to his forehead and chuckled softly. "Did I forget to introduce myself?" He bowed deeply, one hand gentlemanly across his chest. "I. Am Dionysus, at your service Madame."
Flynn wrote:The feline smirked and gently rolled her eyes. "Charming as always. Let's see..." She turned to look into the distance in front of her, biting at her claw-nail for a moment. "I... am not sure how it would be pronounced in your tongue... But many of the mortals simply call me, Luna."
Nadia wrote:"Is that how it is..." The fox mumbles, looking intrigued by his fellow vulpine's story before shaking out of his apparent daze. "Oh! And of course you can! That was the whole reason you're here in the first place!" He smiles, his tail wagging behind him, and acting like he cleared up everything. He nods again in affirmation.
Robin wrote:The Muse laughs again and gently takes a hold of Robin's hand, ushering him to return to his seat. "Best not to disturb the other patrons while the orecestra is going on." She whispers. And like a light switch was hit, Robin found that he was looking at a stage. The music he was hearing was coming from the large number of musicians on the stage. From violins to trumpets they continued to play. And beside him, holding his hand was a beautiful cheetah in a fancy dress. He himself was dressed for the occasion in a tux. "And I brought you here to talk to you. A...private conversation away from prying eyes, so to speak."
Scraps wrote:"Look." The shiba raises his hands in surrender. "I am not ordering you or making you do anything. I'm just telling you I...we. Have your best interest in mind." He puts on a nervous smile. "You can trust me on that."
"Sleep is due to me... And I have a dream to live."

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Re: SRP - Terra Ridge

Post by RandomGeekNamedBrent »

Roarin wrote:
Flynn wrote:The feline smirked and gently rolled her eyes. "Charming as always. Let's see..." She turned to look into the distance in front of her, biting at her claw-nail for a moment. "I... am not sure how it would be pronounced in your tongue... But many of the mortals simply call me, Luna."
"A name every bit as beautiful as it's owner," Flynn responded. "Well, Luna, I won't let you down. I'll make sure I... we... get out of this situation in relative safety... Is there anything else I should know before waking up?"
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Re: SRP - Terra Ridge

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Robin, as usual, was soothed by the Muse's laugh. As soon as he saw the stage, his eyes started adjusting to the light after not seeing it for a long time. He stumbled a few times and almost fell over, but he caught himself. Robin wondered where his bandana went, and looked down and freaked out a bit at how his clothes changed, but he composed himself. Robin gasped when he saw Euterpe. "Wow, you're much more beautiful than I pictured." he said, amazed at how she looked. "Ah, okay. That makes sense. I have one question though. Where are my old clothes?"
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Re: SRP - Terra Ridge

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Roarin wrote:
Scraps wrote:"Look." The shiba raises his hands in surrender. "I am not ordering you or making you do anything. I'm just telling you I...we. Have your best interest in mind." He puts on a nervous smile. "You can trust me on that."
Scraps sat back in his seat and sighed. He was suddenly very aware of how lost he really was . What about the other ones I landed with? Are you on their side too? Because that's the closest I've got to friends right now ."
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Re: SRP - Terra Ridge

Post by Serence Frostbite »

Roarin wrote:
Nadia wrote:"Is that how it is..." The fox mumbles, looking intrigued by his fellow vulpine's story before shaking out of his apparent daze. "Oh! And of course you can! That was the whole reason you're here in the first place!" He smiles, his tail wagging behind him, and acting like he cleared up everything. He nods again in affirmation.
"How exactly ?" Nadia asked , raising an eyebrow
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Re: SRP - Terra Ridge

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Flynn wrote:"Mmh... I believe that is all for now Flynn Fram. Just keep your friends close and play your cards right." She smiles, "And you should have no problem surviving this... ordeal." She gives her fellow feline a wink and suddenly Flynn finds himself back at the campfire.
Nadia wrote:"Well.. I'm not sure how much I can tell you but..." The fox opened his mouth to say something else when his ears pricked up. "Aww, man, already?" The god took a deep breath and walked up to Nadia, putting his hands on her shoulder, a wry grin on his face. "Looks like my time is up, anyways, I'll sure you'll figure it out" And just like that, she found herself by the campfire, wake, if a bit groggy.
Robin wrote:The Muse laughs, covering her mouth out of modesty. "You sure are a curious animal Robin. Of all the things you ask. It is a dream after all. I am sure your clothes will be where you left them once you wake up." She glances over at the orchestra as they begin to wind down. "Which should be anytime now." She smiles. "It will a tough journey but if you keep your wits about you everything will be fine." And as the curtains of the stage drew to a close Robin found himself back at the campfire.
Scraps wrote:The shiba shrugs, looking more than a bit mischievous. "As of now, yes. We wish you all to make it out of here alive but..." He sighs. "Look, I'm gonna be frank. We. My compatriots and I, are not the only ones competing for your loyalty. Maybe the next time we meet you may be singing a different tune." His smile softens, "But I trust you. Don't let me down." And as the racecars pull into the finish. Cameras flash! The checkered flag waves! And the dog suddenly finds himself back by the campfire.
"And oh, please don't tell any other... suspicious types I talked to you. It would be much obliged." The voice echoed in his head, before all was silent.
The fire continues to crackle and darkness is still strangely around them. Was it still night time? The feline they met before, Alyse was poking at the fire, trying to keep the small flame alive. It was very apparent though that they would need new wood very soon.
"Sleep is due to me... And I have a dream to live."

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Re: SRP - Terra Ridge

Post by RandomGeekNamedBrent »

Roarin wrote:
Flynn wrote:"Mmh... I believe that is all for now Flynn Fram. Just keep your friends close and play your cards right." She smiles, "And you should have no problem surviving this... ordeal." She gives her fellow feline a wink and suddenly Flynn finds himself back at the campfire.
The fire continues to crackle and darkness is still strangely around them. Was it still night time? The feline they met before, Alyse was poking at the fire, trying to keep the small flame alive. It was very apparent though that they would need new wood very soon.
Flynn smirked as he woke up, thinking, It doesn't matter how you play your cards if you're guaranteed to have the right ones to play
He then stretched and yawned, looking around at the others. Guess I shouldn't scam anyone here, at least not until we're safe.
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Re: SRP - Terra Ridge

Post by hypernovatic »

Robin was about to say something, but he woke up. He cursed under his breath and realized the world was dark again and he was in his old clothes. "Alyse? I have a question. Do you mind telling us more about yourself?" he asked.
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Re: SRP - Terra Ridge

Post by Seth »

Roarin wrote: The fire continues to crackle and darkness is still strangely around them. Was it still night time? The feline they met before, Alyse was poking at the fire, trying to keep the small flame alive. It was very apparent though that they would need new wood very soon.
Scraps stood up and stretched, he was embarassed to have fallen asleep when he was so sure he could stay up. But at least it was still night time. He could probably still make up for it. "Not to interrupt Robin, but it looks like we need some firewood. I'll go grab some, anyone wanna come with?" He turned to leave hoping someone would follow but not willing to turn back if nobody did. He wanted to make a half way decent impression on the group if they were going to have to survive together.
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Re: SRP - Terra Ridge

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Dionysus wrote:"My name? Ah." The leopard touched his palm to his forehead and chuckled softly. "Did I forget to introduce myself?" He bowed deeply, one hand gentlemanly across his chest. "I. Am Dionysus, at your service Madame."
Aliah faltered for a moment at hearing the name."W-well, Monsieur Dionysus, I apologize for my.. Unseemly behavior. It's just.. I.." She sighs. "Pardon me monsieur, but I-I think you know more than you are letting on.. Who e-exactly are you? How did I get here? I want the truth.." As Aliah says this, she steps up to the leopard and looks him in the eyes. "Please, monsieur, I-I must know.."
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