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Re: Joys And Sorrows

Posted: Mon Aug 24, 2015 3:15 pm
by Amazee Dayzee
My father is a math teacher, but he makes EVERYTHING too complicated when he tried to help us with out math homework.

Re: Joys And Sorrows

Posted: Mon Aug 24, 2015 7:37 pm
by HoundInATree
Sorrow: My internet failed on me and I couldn't post a chunk of advice I just typed out to go here... :cry:

Re: Joys And Sorrows

Posted: Mon Aug 24, 2015 9:39 pm
by Amazee Dayzee
Wow you know I really hate it when that happens to me and i lose everything I have typed up. :(

Re: Joys And Sorrows

Posted: Tue Aug 25, 2015 6:00 am
by ShadowLightning
Sorrow: I have a headache. It's only the second day of the trimester and I already feel like giving up. Hahaha... help me

Re: Joys And Sorrows

Posted: Tue Aug 25, 2015 6:14 am
by ArcWolf
I know school can get overwhelming,
but giving up is definitely not the answer.

:3 Just calm down
get with a small study group
and remember to have fun.

You'll be OK!

Re: Joys And Sorrows

Posted: Tue Aug 25, 2015 2:16 pm
by Sleet
Sorrow: Lost my job due to stupid crap. :(

Re: Joys And Sorrows

Posted: Tue Aug 25, 2015 2:27 pm
by Hlaoroo
Sorry to hear that, Sleet. I hope you're okay and that you can get back on your feet soon.

@Shadow: Don't give up. That only makes things worse. I know from experience.

Re: Joys And Sorrows

Posted: Tue Aug 25, 2015 3:25 pm
by Amazee Dayzee
Just push through it Shadow and it will be over soon!

And I do hope you get a job again Sleet.

Re: Joys And Sorrows

Posted: Tue Aug 25, 2015 4:07 pm
by Kyuunado
Joy: got a new keyboard. It's a Corsair K65 RGB mechanical. The lighting is customisable and just glorious to look at. Even has effects you can change as you type. The same software that runs it also works for my mouse as well, So I am running my PC with cool Blue LED lights and my peripheral devices in what I would call "Kitsune Orange" and pulsing Red and yellow in sequence as I type. Got certain keys used for gaming marked in green and blue too. :D

Re: Joys And Sorrows

Posted: Tue Aug 25, 2015 4:11 pm
by Dissension
Amazee Dayzee wrote:And I do hope you get a job again Sleet.
I don't think there was any question of Sleet getting another job. Losing one doesn't mean you're permanently out of the workforce.

Re: Joys And Sorrows

Posted: Tue Aug 25, 2015 4:42 pm
by Deske
Kyuunado wrote:Joy: got a new keyboard. It's a Corsair K65 RGB mechanical. The lighting is customisable and just glorious to look at. Even has effects you can change as you type. The same software that runs it also works for my mouse as well, So I am running my PC with cool Blue LED lights and my peripheral devices in what I would call "Kitsune Orange" and pulsing Red and yellow in sequence as I type. Got certain keys used for gaming marked in green and blue too. :D
Oh yeah I have a K95. The big one with the numpad and the macro keys that I don't need. Super nice though and since the lighting for K70 and K65 can't be used with the K95, I had to figure out how to make my own, so that's some good stuff as well.

Re: Joys And Sorrows

Posted: Tue Aug 25, 2015 4:50 pm
by Kyuunado
Hmm, I think it all falls under the same Category under the download option, but then it depends if the keyboard and mouse are compatible also. Mine gave a prompt, but it's a Corsair Sabre RGB mouse. Might be worth a check and updating any drivers though, they recently got fixes.

Re: Joys And Sorrows

Posted: Tue Aug 25, 2015 10:41 pm
by GameCobra
Dissension wrote:I don't think there was any question of Sleet getting another job. Losing one doesn't mean you're permanently out of the workforce.
As long as you have transportation and a place to stay =P

*hugs Sleet* Hope things work out, Sleet. :(

Re: Joys And Sorrows

Posted: Wed Aug 26, 2015 12:42 am
by Sleet
Dissension wrote:
Amazee Dayzee wrote:And I do hope you get a job again Sleet.
I don't think there was any question of Sleet getting another job. Losing one doesn't mean you're permanently out of the workforce.
Nah but it does mean I have no way of paying bills unless I get one!

Re: Joys And Sorrows

Posted: Wed Aug 26, 2015 1:23 am
by kurowolfe
Oh God, and from my understanding, the job market in the US is still very fickle right now. You'll need all the luck you can get in getting a new job Sleet, so good luck *throws four-leaf clovers like confetti and hugs*

Sorrow: I think I have something like a hangover headache this morning waking up, and I don't drink. My head was heavy and throbbing, my body was paining all over, I puked (but like usual, I swallowed it back down, reflex).

Joy: At least now at 2pm, I'm feeling better. A little

Re: Joys And Sorrows

Posted: Wed Aug 26, 2015 2:00 am
by Amazee Dayzee
Ooops. My bad. I meant to say I hope he gets a job SOON. I think I was out of work for about 2 months maybe?

Re: Joys And Sorrows

Posted: Wed Aug 26, 2015 2:50 am
by ShadowLightning
Joy: Feeling a bit better than yesterday. Well, trying to anyways, but whatevs. Thanks for saying all those nice things guys. That really helped.

And sorry to hear about that Sleet. Hope you get a job soon too.

Re: Joys And Sorrows

Posted: Wed Aug 26, 2015 2:59 am
by Saturn381
I'm sorry to hear that, Sleet.

Re: Joys And Sorrows

Posted: Wed Aug 26, 2015 3:42 am
by Invisan
I wish you all the best on getting a new Job soon Sleet :)

Sorrow: I still have problems with my back but its getting better. Hope i can go to the gym again this week.

Re: Joys And Sorrows

Posted: Wed Aug 26, 2015 5:24 am
by Serence Frostbite
sorry to hear that Sleet , I hope you will find a new job soon . Who knows , maybe in a week you'll be able to find a new one .
ShadowLightning wrote:Sorrow: I have a headache. It's only the second day of the trimester and I already feel like giving up. Hahaha... help me
the others are right Shadow , just try to relax a bit so you can get used to the pace of the studying , and it will be fine .

Re: Joys And Sorrows

Posted: Wed Aug 26, 2015 9:44 am
by ShadowLightning
Sorrow: My friend's sick. And has been for the past couple of days.
Another Sorrow: I feel... bad. I can't exactly describe the feeling. I think it's... jealousy? I don't like to admit it, and I sorta buried this feeling whenever I started feeling it. I thought maybe it would go away when I go to sleep. And it does, but it comes back all so suddenly, at the most random times. I guess... I'm just envious of people. I know I have a lot of things to be grateful for, believe me, I do.
But sometimes... I just can't help but feel jealous of others. They have friends. I only have about two or three, and I don't exactly get to talk with them as much as I want to. They've done something good with their lives, they've managed to succeed in a number of things I wish I could have done myself, and they're still doing things they like doing. I don't. I don't know. I'm sorry for just venting off like this, especially since you guys said some nice stuff to me earlier. I just can't help but feel like this sometimes. Like... I'm just wasting my time doing things I'm not even all that convinced would be all that good in the future. It feels like all I've been doing up to this point was just a joke, and none of all those things I've done are gonna come to "bear fruits" or... something. And I just hate this feeling so much, cause I know later on I'm just gonna stop feeling it, but I know it's gonna come back again in another time. I just don't know what to do with myself anymore. I mean... am I just putting myself in a bad mood? Or is there really something wrong going on in my life that I'm not fully aware of?
Bleh... I feel like crying. Gosh, I don't need this. It's like almost 11PM here, I should probably go to sleep. Sorry for my ranting.

Re: Joys And Sorrows

Posted: Wed Aug 26, 2015 11:26 am
by Civilization
Hey, it's okay to go rant, it's a good thing to do, it gets the stuff out there, and people here are really helpful, and really want to help people like you Shadow... I mean, I'm not good at helping others, but there had to be a reason you started doing the stuff you wanted to do and are doing right now, just try and remember that reason, think of your goals, I know how you feel and while it may be hard to go put a smile on your face every day, there are others, especially here, that know just what to say... So you shouldn't feel bad for ranting of all things.

Re: Joys And Sorrows

Posted: Wed Aug 26, 2015 1:24 pm
by Radio Blue Heart
Sleet wrote:
Dissension wrote:
Amazee Dayzee wrote:And I do hope you get a job again Sleet.
I don't think there was any question of Sleet getting another job. Losing one doesn't mean you're permanently out of the workforce.
Nah but it does mean I have no way of paying bills unless I get one!
There is no shame in drawing unemployment insurance, Sleet. I will keep the lights on until the next job comes along.

Do what I did. Go on and just apply like mad. I am sure there are hundreds of jobs in your area they can connect you with. Just make sure your resume is updated.

It will get better, Sleet!

Re: Joys And Sorrows

Posted: Wed Aug 26, 2015 5:49 pm
by Hlaoroo
ShadowLightning wrote:Sorrow: My friend's sick. And has been for the past couple of days.
Another Sorrow: I feel... bad. I can't exactly describe the feeling. I think it's... jealousy? I don't like to admit it, and I sorta buried this feeling whenever I started feeling it. I thought maybe it would go away when I go to sleep. And it does, but it comes back all so suddenly, at the most random times. I guess... I'm just envious of people. I know I have a lot of things to be grateful for, believe me, I do.
But sometimes... I just can't help but feel jealous of others. They have friends. I only have about two or three, and I don't exactly get to talk with them as much as I want to. They've done something good with their lives, they've managed to succeed in a number of things I wish I could have done myself, and they're still doing things they like doing. I don't. I don't know. I'm sorry for just venting off like this, especially since you guys said some nice stuff to me earlier. I just can't help but feel like this sometimes. Like... I'm just wasting my time doing things I'm not even all that convinced would be all that good in the future. It feels like all I've been doing up to this point was just a joke, and none of all those things I've done are gonna come to "bear fruits" or... something. And I just hate this feeling so much, cause I know later on I'm just gonna stop feeling it, but I know it's gonna come back again in another time. I just don't know what to do with myself anymore. I mean... am I just putting myself in a bad mood? Or is there really something wrong going on in my life that I'm not fully aware of?
Bleh... I feel like crying. Gosh, I don't need this. It's like almost 11PM here, I should probably go to sleep. Sorry for my ranting.
Civ's advice is good, Shadow. And he's right. Feel free to rant. It's good to get things like this off your chest.
Probably one of the big things I can add is to try not to compare yourself to other people. That never ends well. We always end up deprecating ourselves and just spiralling downwards into depression. Trust me, I know. I've been there. Don't go down that path if you can help it. Instead, you know you've got a lot to be grateful for so try to focus on those things instead of what you don't have. Think of how lucky you are to have what you have and to be who you are. If you can do things to improve your situation then do it. Try to get into closer contact with those friends and try to make more friends. Socialising is good for you. Remember why you chose to do what you're doing. It's definitely no joke. Focus on your hopes and dreams for the future instead of the difficulties of your current situation.

I think also that it's very possible that you are struggling with depression already. I'd definitely try talking to a doctor or psychologist or counsellor or therapist. They can help you. Again, speaking from experience, I know. Just feeling that you have support, that you have that lifeline, and that you're not alone and that people are looking out for you has been a huge help to me and I think it could be for you too. So do try to get help.

Feel free to send me a message here or on Skype any time you need to talk to someone too. I'm nearly always around and I'm happy to talk and help any time.

Re: Joys And Sorrows

Posted: Thu Aug 27, 2015 6:51 am
by SuperStar
Joy: My family just got a cat. It's a cute 3 month old yellow tabby. We haven't chosen a name yet.

Re: Joys And Sorrows

Posted: Thu Aug 27, 2015 8:55 am
by Deske
Excitement! It's raining with nice sharp cracks of thunder.

Re: Joys And Sorrows

Posted: Thu Aug 27, 2015 11:13 am
by Invisan
SuperStar wrote:Joy: My family just got a cat. It's a cute 3 month old yellow tabby. We haven't chosen a name yet.
Awww :3 Me want pictures nao :3 xD

Joy: My back is getting better daily.

More Joy: Bought a cheap 1 Year Old Freezer on eBay for 115€ which originally cost around 300€ plus i got a new Fridge for 129 € so i have a bigger Freezer now that with my old Fridge/Freezer Combo which i can now sell to my Sister since she is moving out from my parents home next month. So i still get some money and she has a Fridge and a Freezer ^^ Plus it seems i tricked the online System of a shop and bought a new washing mashine for 20% off the original prize which was taken of the page this morning. So maybe i receive the washing mashine or a mail from the seller which will state that they dont have the washing mashine anymore. We will see ^^

Re: Joys And Sorrows

Posted: Thu Aug 27, 2015 2:43 pm
by Amazee Dayzee
Then you MUST post pictures of your kitten SuperStar! Everybody wants to see how adorable it is!

Re: Joys And Sorrows

Posted: Thu Aug 27, 2015 3:36 pm
by HoundInATree
Joy: While I was looking for a decent Lord of the Rings meme I decided to look on google maps for directions form 'the Shire' to 'Mordor'. When I clicked on walking, it actual came up with somewhere called 'The Shire' and then gave walking directions to Birmingham New Street. This just made my day. XD

Re: Joys And Sorrows

Posted: Thu Aug 27, 2015 11:22 pm
by ShadowLightning
Joy: That feeling went away. Not entirely, but parts of it slowly faded out of my mind. I'm still not 100% better, but I'm okay now, so that's what matters. Thanks for talking with me, Hlaoroo.

Re: Joys And Sorrows

Posted: Thu Aug 27, 2015 11:37 pm
by Douglas Collier
That's good to hear, ShadowLightning. :)

Re: Joys And Sorrows

Posted: Thu Aug 27, 2015 11:45 pm
by Amazee Dayzee
Great to hear that you are alright! Usually your blues will probably go away in a few weeks or so!

Re: Joys And Sorrows

Posted: Fri Aug 28, 2015 2:54 am
by Hlaoroo
Glad I could help you, Shadow. Feel free to poke me for a chat whenever you like. :)

And that also goes for anyone else reading this that needs to talk to someone. I'm never far away so feel free to message me any time.

Re: Joys And Sorrows

Posted: Fri Aug 28, 2015 2:53 pm
by Amazee Dayzee
Joy: I'm babysitting my baby second cousin once removed tonight!

Re: Joys And Sorrows

Posted: Sun Aug 30, 2015 4:25 am
by ShadowLightning
A little Sorrow: Apparently our computer and/or internet can't handle having Skype on while browsing the web. So whenever I can't use Skype without our browser slowing down, or just stopping.
Excited/Anxious: An old highschool friend's inviting me over to his house to hang out this Tuesday. :P

Re: Joys And Sorrows

Posted: Sun Aug 30, 2015 2:53 pm
by Amazee Dayzee
Well I know how THAT sorrow feels! Sometimes my computer randomly slows down and won't respond at all!

Re: Joys And Sorrows

Posted: Sun Aug 30, 2015 3:56 pm
by Kyuunado
Have you tried either running stress tests or reformatting the memory? Might just be hardware is getting older or a fault with the harddrive, may be that you need more storage. Failing that if its just slow all around try getting more RAM or makin your primary drive an SSD running all the core functions with your existing one as a secondary with all your other data on it. :P

Re: Joys And Sorrows

Posted: Sun Aug 30, 2015 8:35 pm
by WeirdGamer
Joy: I get to return to my job at my colleges library!

Sorrow: But that means returning to college and classes.

Re: Joys And Sorrows

Posted: Mon Aug 31, 2015 1:37 am
by ShadowLightning
Kyuunado wrote:Have you tried either running stress tests or reformatting the memory? Might just be hardware is getting older or a fault with the harddrive, may be that you need more storage. Failing that if its just slow all around try getting more RAM or makin your primary drive an SSD running all the core functions with your existing one as a secondary with all your other data on it. :P
I... have no idea what you just said, but I'm gonna try asking my dad if he can get it fixed. But if I know him, he's probably gonna put it off till either or both of us just forget about it.

Re: Joys And Sorrows

Posted: Mon Aug 31, 2015 2:23 am
by kurowolfe
I believe SSD is still a little bit expensive around South East Asia, since it's not that widespread here just yet.

Shadow, I think what Kyuu means is that you might want to reformat your computer. If that's not it, then try upgrading its RAM (this one's cheap) or the storage space (maybe 500GB - 1TB? I think 500GB is reasonably cheap now, and the labour costs wouldn't be that high). The SSD is a newer storage space format that is better that the current one we're using (the hard disk drive, or HDD), but to my knowledge, they're still expensive. And I don't exactly know what stress test is...

Joy: Apparently my mum has some things she wanted me to do when I return home. Like taking up pastry baking classes and doing a small business selling pastries and stuff. And paying for me to go to the gym and "man up", as she puts it. I like cooking, and I've been meaning to hit the gyms and improve my general health before I hit my 30s. I also have a sneaking suspicion that she knew I was not going to pass college, hence all the plans. I'm still glad that she's okay with it.