HPU: Apollo City

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Re: HPU: Apollo City

Post by 22xander »

"Oh..." He looked consirned at the wreck, looking a little... uneasy. "Yeah, no... what in tartarus happened here?"
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Re: HPU: Apollo City

Post by CyberDragon »

valerio wrote:"In case you felt as if justice weren't 'served', mister," Volken said in a detached tone, his own group walking close to Tom and Beta, "Know that I will dedicate every single minute of this time to understand what got into Asur. And no, my superiors are not going to appreciate this display of initiative. To put it simply, I may in even more trouble than getting a psychiatric evaluation for not foreseeing this apparent behavioral glitch in my own creation.
"If you think that Asur is going Skynet, then relax: He is simply not built for such improvement. And Jemmy's logic modules do not contemplate the seizure of power for world domination. Time and again he proved the futility of such course. While you should be reminded that Beta's actions went way beyond self-defense the moment he destroyed a lifepod out of unchecked rage. While Asur, who had all the means to seize him without a sweat didn't do so. Good night."
He opened the door to his apartment.
"Do you think I'm stupid? I know Asur isn't going to go Skynet. You'd need to be the worst programmer on Earth to not guard against that. That's not what I'm worried about. He isn't going to start shooting people on the street, and he isn't going to hack weapons systems to attack them, and he isn't going to evolve past his hard constraints. However, think on this. Does Asur like humanity? Does he like having safeguards? It sounds like he doesn't. If not, then he will always look for loopholes. I can think of at least three ways around the safeguards you mentioned that involve Beta and can be covered up under the disguise of 'helping' make my friend stronger, and that's just to start with." He rubbed his pocket containing Jerry as a sort of nervous tick. "As for Beta's actions, I have already told you. We couldn't be sure Asur wouldn't 'insist' if Beta refused. Beta shot the lifepod to ensure that the kidnapping could not take place no matter what Asur did from that point on. Good night." Tom and Beta left for their apartment.

When they got there, Tom opened the door. However, Jerry suddenly woke up and jumped out of his pocket, landed on the floor, and started spinning away. Tom was about to chase it, but Beta put his hand on Tom's shoulder to stop him.
"Leave it. It's not going to do any damage unless something attacks it or someone around it. Let's just get to our rooms." Once they were inside, they shut the door.
<You totally told it to run off, didn't you?> Beta said to Tom in a language they made up when he was a kid.
<Absolutely. I can't help repair that boat, but if Jerry escapes me and decides to preform some random acts of construction, I'm not breaking any rules am I?>
<As if you care about rules.>
<I do when the captain threatens to sedate me. Anyway, I can't chase Jerry down the halls now. I'm in too much trouble after all.>


Those working on the lifepod would see the little top-like robot spin up to the wreckage. It bounced into the pod and immediately started extinguishing the fires. As it did so, it beeped "I'm here to help fix this mess." in Morse code.
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Re: HPU: Apollo City

Post by valerio »

Hotep the psychic wrote:Niner would find morgana limp in his arms before chuckling at her use of the ghost part of herself and begins to carry her about the ship. "careful once you go as your ghost self you lose yourself physically our lucky im here for you"
Apparently, that contact was enough to force her conscience back into her body. "Wow. mental bilocation...Now *that* was something new. Woo..." she managed to stand up, though a bit wobbly. "Too many new things in one day. And still I must eat something! Wanna order? I'd love to eat on a bed without being artificially fed for once."
22xander wrote:"Oh..." He looked consirned at the wreck, looking a little... uneasy. "Yeah, no... what in tartarus happened here?"
"According to the text, it was some 'accident'. Investigation is under way...but I wonder what kind of 'accident' could transform a lifepod into that mess--" then she eyed Roux suspiciously. "Exactly, rogue, *what* did you use to do to--" at that moment, the waitress, a human, walked in. Her name tag read 'Janet'. "Welcome! Would you like to read our menu or would you rather me advise you? It's not difficult, everything is smashing good here!"
Volken closed the door.
He found Tom rather...amusing. Of course, his points of view were biased: Asur was educated into fighting battles, which went beyond the concept of 'liking' or 'not liking' people. Asur was as empathic as any weapon, his mission was to defend the front, not apply ethics -that concept was to be applied to Jemmy, who couldn't properly study the enemy, intercept transmissions and interpret messages if he couldn't understand the people he was hacking.
On the other side, and just like Terminator, Asur was also a fine medic. He knew how to best harm life-forms, so he could also apply all proper medications on the battlefield and perform the finest surgeries. And, ironically, the best phyisician was the least empathic one...
The droids went to a couple of stasis pods. There, they would recharge while their creator could run a scanalysis on Asur's logic modules. "I guess there is no way for you to tell me why did you act up like that, hm?"
The reptilian droid answered with that evil grin of his. "No way, gringo: I'm gonna answer to my confessor only, tomorrow. Do you want me to stay awake? I'd love to see you getting your spaking from your superiors."
"In your dreams. Now go sleep."
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Re: HPU: Apollo City

Post by 22xander »

Roux frowned across at his 'date'. "I'll take an order of jojos please. And make them with a bit of extra spice." He then turned back to the cat, ignoring the waiter entirely. "What do you mean what did I used to-"
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Re: HPU: Apollo City

Post by Roarin »

valerio wrote:"Speaking of knowledge," Flash dog said, "How did you get to study? I mean, humans take many years to get any specialization, and you surely don't look like an old dog. No offense meant."
"None taken! Of course! From what I understand humans go through many years without actually dealing with any studies pertaining to the job they specialize in when they are an adult! As for me, I began-"
The dog started to explain before Tom and Beta barged through the door
Avery was silent, listening attentively as she finished up her food. The conversation had mostly died down after the outburst that led to a few more empty seats on the part of the droids and their owners.
While she was dabbing the last bits of her meal from her muzzle with a napkin, Avery felt the phone in her collar buzz. "Excuse me for a moment." She smiled to her company before scooting her chair back and getting up. "Hello? Oh! Of course! I'll be there in a few minutes." She said a few more words before hanging up and padding back to the table.
"Hmm, unfortunately I'll have to retire for the night. The captain called, sounds like she wants something." The canine shrugged, showing no indication of whether or not she knew what was going on, confidentiality an instinct by this point. "I suppose that means I'll see you all tomorrow!" She smiled, first giving a parting wave to Flash before hugging Makani.

A few right turns and a lot of wrong ones later Avery finds herself entering the captain's office, now standing straight at attention, a neutral but pleasant smile on her face. "Captain, you wished to speak with me?"
"Sleep is due to me... And I have a dream to live."

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Re: HPU: Apollo City

Post by valerio »

22xander wrote:Roux frowned across at his 'date'. "I'll take an order of jojos please. And make them with a bit of extra spice." He then turned back to the cat, ignoring the waiter entirely. "What do you mean what did I used to-"
"I'll have Sag Aloo, thank you. And don't save on the spices." She waited for the waitress to leave, before saying, "Well, for a moment you looked like you had an idea of what had happened...as if such scenarios were familiar to you. Anything this poor innocent kitten should know?"
Roarin wrote:While she was dabbing the last bits of her meal from her muzzle with a napkin, Avery felt the phone in her collar buzz. "Excuse me for a moment." She smiled to her company before scooting her chair back and getting up. "Hello? Oh! Of course! I'll be there in a few minutes." She said a few more words before hanging up and padding back to the table.
"Hmm, unfortunately I'll have to retire for the night. The captain called, sounds like she wants something." The canine shrugged, showing no indication of whether or not she knew what was going on, confidentiality an instinct by this point. "I suppose that means I'll see you all tomorrow!" She smiled, first giving a parting wave to Flash before hugging Makani.
A few right turns and a lot of wrong ones later Avery finds herself entering the captain's office, now standing straight at attention, a neutral but pleasant smile on her face. "Captain, you wished to speak with me?"
The captain stood up and shook hands with the dog, before sitting again. "I will make it short: Doctor Helmut Volken's wardroid Asur tried to put the tiger Beta into one of our lifepods, causing the tiger to panic. As a result of that panic, Beta used a tool belonging to his chaperon and destroyed the lifepod.
"I would like you to interview them both, as a couple if possible. I want to know why a highly specialized AI would act as it did without apparent motivation. And I want to know if Beta is to be considered a safe presence among the passengers. I have no doubts that you could do a good job with a tiger, but an AI is an entirely different challenge. What do you think?"
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Re: HPU: Apollo City

Post by Hotep the psychic »

Niner chuckles and nods as he walks with morgana. "sure we can head to my familys room and order something if you want" niner said tail swaying happily as he begins to lead morgana about the ship
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Re: HPU: Apollo City

Post by CyberDragon »

"So... Are you going to be alright?" Tom asked Beta, clearly concerned.
"I... think so. Just give me a little while with the scratching tower, and I'll be fine..." He said, walking into his room. Tom followed him.
"Are you nervous about the appointment tomorrow?" SHRIIIIIP! Beta tore a huge gash in the scratching tower in his room with a single swipe. "I'll... take that as a yes and drop the subject." Tom said, nervously.
<Why do you think he did it?> Beta asked in their secret language.
<I can only guess right now. My guess though is that he wanted to try to plant the seeds of hatred for humanity in you. He's a weapon that's forbidden to kill, and you are one of the best chemists and biologists in the world right now. Possibly the best non-human in the field. You have more than enough knowledge to do serious damage if he tried brainwashing you, and he could keep his hands clean so to speak.> He commented, though it was more a warning for Beta to be careful and not let his guard down. <It's only a guess, but it's best to prepare for the worst case scenario.>
Beta didn't respond.


Jerry continued to work with the people repairing the lifepod. Once it was done extinguishing the fires, it got busy removing damaged components and replacing them with spares from it's hammerspace compartment. It willingly loaned it's own tools to the others who were also working.
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Re: HPU: Apollo City

Post by 22xander »

"I am offended my dear." Putting on his best impression of a proper southern gentleman... Then he went into a dead-eyed contemplative stare at the screen. "But yeah, I may not be familiar with these pods but I can recognize blast damage. This certainly wasn't an... accident. That's all I know."
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Re: HPU: Apollo City

Post by Welsh Halfwit »

"Yeah," Francis said simply, watching the same scene as Tegan, "I hope no-one's hurt. And lead on, pretty lady," he added.
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Re: HPU: Apollo City

Post by valerio »

Hotep the psychic wrote:Niner chuckles and nods as he walks with morgana. "sure we can head to my familys room and order something if you want" niner said tail swaying happily as he begins to lead morgana about the ship
"Do you need to eat? Do you still have a tummy or that is like some furnace?"
22xander wrote:"I am offended my dear." Putting on his best impression of a proper southern gentleman... Then he went into a dead-eyed contemplative stare at the screen. "But yeah, I may not be familiar with these pods but I can recognize blast damage. This certainly wasn't an... accident. That's all I know."
"Which makes me ask...why tell it is an accident, eh? The ship must yet leave and already we have a mystery."
Welsh Halfwit wrote:"Yeah," Francis said simply, watching the same scene as Tegan, "I hope no-one's hurt. And lead on, pretty lady," he added.
Both almost bumped into...a doberman. A fine specimen with red-eyes that shone like rubies.
And he looked like he meant *mean* business. "Happy to see you back, milady," said/growled the male. "Everyone's in but you guys."
"Happy to see you too, Danko. What's the emergency?"
The dog accompanied them up the stairs. "Nothing you'll like."
As the doberman had said, the whole staff was there, uniforms and weapons. NOT a good sign. The amphiteater was filled to capacity but for three seats. Everyone was trying to be as quite as possible, but the collective whispering was...well, loud.
Soon as the three had taken their places, Maud Gottschalk, head of security, stood up. Her hands ran over the desk top, and holograms took life.
"This pretty guy is Beta. A protoype of immense value, designed as chimera with plant properties to work in extreme environments. The other pretty guy is Asur, a wardroid AI of latest generation designed by Helmut Volken." She resumed the accident. "Now, according to Beta's caretaker, Asur had tried to kidnap him. We still must ascertain if such accusations are founded or not. The ship's shrink will see to that, if possible. In the meantime, given the nature of the accusation, we must adopt the maximum prudence policy, given that Asur's logic modules are based on those of every single anidroid onboard. Which means that, should Asur prove to be a rogue AI, we may have a potential catastrophe on our hands."
The silence that followed from the public spoke loud enough.
"So, from now on we're on Ambush Alert. We still have our Overkill Button, but I'd really like to make sure this ship can depart on a joyous atmosphere, instead of feeding the media with Frankenstein panic. After all, the accuser is a person who didn't hesitate to use a weapon to disintegrate one of our lifepods instead of turning to us, and his caretaker proved to be...erratic as well. Ambush Alert goes for those two as well. Questions?"
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Re: HPU: Apollo City

Post by Welsh Halfwit »

"I'll leave it to the more experienced to check the programming," Francis muttered, more to himself than anyone else. He listened to see if the others had queries.
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Re: HPU: Apollo City

Post by valerio »

At a certain point, Morgana seemed to remember something. She made a sad face. "That poor kitty..." she mumbled, before turning to Niner. Placing her paws on his shoulders, she said, "Will you excuse me for a moment? I need to talk with someone? And in case you could bring me something, a nice slice of Sheperd's pie will do, thank you!" She kissed his cheek, then went limp in his arms
"HI!" she said, appearing in Tom's apartment. "How you doing?" she asked Beta.
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Re: HPU: Apollo City

Post by 22xander »

"Definetly... I wonder if we could figure it out. Maybe we should find some... fellow pets and discuss, eh?" He grinned and wagged his tail, and it wasn't long before food was offered to them.
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Re: HPU: Apollo City

Post by CyberDragon »


Beta was in the middle of clawing his scratching tower as a sort of stress relief when Morgana appeared right behind him. He apparently split the tower straight down the middle in shock. "WHOWHATWHENWHEREWHYHOW!?!?" He turned around and saw Morgana's projection standing there. Tom was also standing in shock, but he was looking more to the obliterated scratching tower. "That thing's core was a solid ironwood tree trunk..."

Once he regained his composure, Beta responded. "In the last hour, I've been called an existential failure because I wasn't made well enough, when I left the room to calm down a reptilian wardroid grabbed me from nowhere against my will and tried to shove me into an escape pod. I'd be dog knows where under the mercy of Robokiller if Tom hadn't shown up exactly when he did, yet he's still considered in the wrong because he didn't take the time he didn't have to go to security first. He's probably going to be demoted at best or fired at worst because I was stupid enough to decide the extreme situation called for extreme preventative measures, and as far as I know the killdroid got off scot-free. How would you feel." He said, leaning forward against the wall with his forehead resting on the backs of his hands. He stood back up straight and turned to Morgana. "I'm sorry. That was mean. I shouldn't take it out on you. My name is Beta. What's yours?"
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Re: HPU: Apollo City

Post by Hotep the psychic »

valerio wrote:At a certain point, Morgana seemed to remember something. She made a sad face. "That poor kitty..." she mumbled, before turning to Niner. Placing her paws on his shoulders, she said, "Will you excuse me for a moment? I need to talk with someone? And in case you could bring me something, a nice slice of Sheperd's pie will do, thank you!" She kissed his cheek, then went limp in his arms
"HI!" she said, appearing in Tom's apartment. "How you doing?" she asked Beta.
Niner about to reply to her previous question nodded and chuckles as he carrys the cat to his room on board the ship, the fox setting morgana on his bed for her comfort and moves to the nearest phone to order food for him and morgana to celebrate with including her sheperd pie.
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Re: HPU: Apollo City

Post by valerio »

22xander wrote:"Definetly... I wonder if we could figure it out. Maybe we should find some... fellow pets and discuss, eh?" He grinned and wagged his tail, and it wasn't long before food was offered to them.
Nesse did nothing short of wolfing down her Indian dish, almost biting into the plate. She quickly raised her paw to call for the nearest waitress. "Whatever you have ready, now!" And heck with the manners! She was in sore need of energies!
CyberDragon wrote:KKKKKKRRACK!
Beta was in the middle of clawing his scratching tower as a sort of stress relief when Morgana appeared right behind him. He apparently split the tower straight down the middle in shock. "WHOWHATWHENWHEREWHYHOW!?!?" He turned around and saw Morgana's projection standing there. Tom was also standing in shock, but he was looking more to the obliterated scratching tower. "That thing's core was a solid ironwood tree trunk..."
Once he regained his composure, Beta responded. "In the last hour, I've been called an existential failure because I wasn't made well enough, when I left the room to calm down a reptilian wardroid grabbed me from nowhere against my will and tried to shove me into an escape pod. I'd be dog knows where under the mercy of Robokiller if Tom hadn't shown up exactly when he did, yet he's still considered in the wrong because he didn't take the time he didn't have to go to security first. He's probably going to be demoted at best or fired at worst because I was stupid enough to decide the extreme situation called for extreme preventative measures, and as far as I know the killdroid got off scot-free. How would you feel." He said, leaning forward against the wall with his forehead resting on the backs of his hands. He stood back up straight and turned to Morgana. "I'm sorry. That was mean. I shouldn't take it out on you. My name is Beta. What's yours?"
"I'm Morgana Rozen. I've been comatose for several years due to a car accident and some human developed a way to interface my brain to a holoprojector and I was brought aboard this ship to see if I could be awakened and that just happened thanks to a nice cyborg fox who also made me a sort of cyborg and now I am awake and can keep interfacing with the ship's commsystem. I feel fine, thank you," she added with a genuine, heartwarming smile.
Gottschalk rapped on the desk top. "Dismissed."
Muttering not-so-nice-things, the various security corps left the conference room. Tegan asked to Francis, "Ever worked in an Ambush Alert before?"
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Re: HPU: Apollo City

Post by CyberDragon »

Beta returned the smile. "I'm glad to hear you recovered! As you can see, I'm not completely a tiger." he said, gesturing to his greenish "fur." "I'm also part plant. Mostly a mix of different evergreens. The human there is Tom. He's just weird."

"Hey Beta? Did you see where my rubber chicken ran off to?"

"It got up and walked into the other room." He responded. "See what I mean? Anyway, he's been my best friend for my whole life, and he's really protective of me. Kinda one of the reasons we're in this mess honestly."
"It's not my job to seek the truth.
It's not my job to pick a side.
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It's my job to save your life."
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Re: HPU: Apollo City

Post by valerio »

CyberDragon wrote:Beta returned the smile. "I'm glad to hear you recovered! As you can see, I'm not completely a tiger." he said, gesturing to his greenish "fur." "I'm also part plant. Mostly a mix of different evergreens. The human there is Tom. He's just weird."
"Hey Beta? Did you see where my rubber chicken ran off to?"
"It got up and walked into the other room." He responded. "See what I mean? Anyway, he's been my best friend for my whole life, and he's really protective of me. Kinda one of the reasons we're in this mess honestly."
At the word 'plant', Morgana had lit up -literally! For a moment or two her image became as bright as a colorful neon. "Ohh, so you're a veggie! This is so AWESOME! Do you get to eath bark with those teeth? Should you be watered from time to time? Do you blossom?" then she remembered the other part of what she had heard. "The rubber chicken is waiting under a sofa."
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Re: HPU: Apollo City

Post by Welsh Halfwit »

"Afraid not," Francis confessed. "I'm not sure what to do but I'm betting it's similar to yellow alert somehow." He mused. "Or is it Mauve?"
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Re: HPU: Apollo City

Post by Roarin »

Hmm...”. Avery paused, resting back against the chair as she thought. “I don’t want to assume anything before I get context of what happened. Is there any chance that there’s video of the surrounding area during the event? Any information you have on their backgrounds would be welcome as well.
She hummed softly.
It shouldn’t be any trouble for me. Though fair warning, their first couple’s interview will probably be... tense.”
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Re: HPU: Apollo City

Post by 22xander »

Roux ate like a dog, though he did attempt to keep himself from having compleatly horible manners... which was hard to keep as he watched his date eat everything even quicker than he could.
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Re: HPU: Apollo City

Post by valerio »

Welsh Halfwit wrote:"Afraid not," Francis confessed. "I'm not sure what to do but I'm betting it's similar to yellow alert somehow." He mused. "Or is it Mauve?"
"Basically, pipsqueak," Ivan said, "You get to keep a very close eye on your target, ready to subdue him or her at a moment's notice. Or at your discretion. Think you could do that with that tiger-boy, hm?"
Roarin wrote:Hmm...”. Avery paused, resting back against the chair as she thought. “I don’t want to assume anything before I get context of what happened. Is there any chance that there’s video of the surrounding area during the event? Any information you have on their backgrounds would be welcome as well.
She hummed softly.
It shouldn’t be any trouble for me. Though fair warning, their first couple’s interview will probably be... tense.”
The captain nodded. "You will have the whole feed, color and sound included. And, even if I'm talking without a specialized knowledge, I want to make sure that you get from them a most sincere response. By teasing each other, I expect they bring out what they really think of their motivations. Am I correct in that regard?"
22xander wrote:Roux ate like a dog, though he did attempt to keep himself from having compleatly horible manners... which was hard to keep as he watched his date eat everything even quicker than he could.
The next dish was a Finnish potato casserole, the Riivinkropsu. Nesse's spoon just dug in like an overexcited escavator! Her mouth seemed to double in size as she stuffed it.
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Re: HPU: Apollo City

Post by Welsh Halfwit »

"No," Francis admitted with humour, "I'm sure he could snap me like a twig. But I suppose I could see about getting on his good side."
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Re: HPU: Apollo City

Post by CyberDragon »

valerio wrote:At the word 'plant', Morgana had lit up -literally! For a moment or two her image became as bright as a colorful neon. "Ohh, so you're a veggie! This is so AWESOME! Do you get to eath bark with those teeth? Should you be watered from time to time? Do you blossom?" then she remembered the other part of what she had heard. "The rubber chicken is waiting under a sofa."
"Thanks!" Tom said as he ran into the other room.

Beta smiled. "I eat and drink just like any tiger. Ok, no, I eat less and drink more than a normal tiger because of photosynthesis, but it isn't bark."
"He's carni-ferous." Tom called from the other room.
"Yeah, I'm... wait..." The gears turned in Beta's head as he figured out what his friend said, while Tom leaned in to the room with a big mischievous grin before vanishing into the other room again. Beta put his face in his paw and sighed. Then he chuckled. "What he said. Also I don't flower. Conifer trees don't do that, and the plants they used were mostly different types of spruce trees. They didn't exactly want my 'fir' falling out in the winter, did they." Now it was his turn to make the big "pun grin."
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Re: HPU: Apollo City

Post by valerio »

Welsh Halfwit wrote:"No," Francis admitted with humour, "I'm sure he could snap me like a twig. But I suppose I could see about getting on his good side."
"Now, that's the spirit!" the doberman said, slapping his back! "We can make for a team, pipsqueak! I'll back you up in case things went the wrong way. Waddayasay?"
CyberDragon wrote:"Thanks!" Tom said as he ran into the other room.
Beta smiled. "I eat and drink just like any tiger. Ok, no, I eat less and drink more than a normal tiger because of photosynthesis, but it isn't bark."
"He's carni-ferous." Tom called from the other room.
"Yeah, I'm... wait..." The gears turned in Beta's head as he figured out what his friend said, while Tom leaned in to the room with a big mischievous grin before vanishing into the other room again. Beta put his face in his paw and sighed. Then he chuckled. "What he said. Also I don't flower. Conifer trees don't do that, and the plants they used were mostly different types of spruce trees. They didn't exactly want my 'fir' falling out in the winter, did they." Now it was his turn to make the big "pun grin."
Morgana giggled at each pun. "But if I plucked out some fir from your fur, then it would regrow, right? So I could use what I took to make myself a bed, right?"
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Re: HPU: Apollo City

Post by CyberDragon »

"Possibly." Beta said. "I haven't tried it before. It takes time for the fir fur to grow again."

There was a loud squawk and some crashing sounds from the other room. "I got it! I got... nope!" Tom could be heard from the room Beta and Morgana were in. There was more crashing. "Oh... it has a lamp. The rubber chicken just grabbed the lamp! Lock the door! Make sure it doesn't escape!"

Beta walked over to the door to the other room, shut it, locked it, then leaned against it casually keeping it shut.
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Re: HPU: Apollo City

Post by Welsh Halfwit »

"I think I say 'ow'," Francis laughed, trying to get his breath back. "And I'm Francis, sir."
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Re: HPU: Apollo City

Post by 22xander »

Roux continued to eat, fustrated in not being able to top his dainty companion. He was hungry as hell, the last night having been draining for him, but it seemed her semi-biological nature made her want for even more food.
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Re: HPU: Apollo City

Post by Roarin »

That would depend on how antagonistic they are towards each other. They could very well be guarded and quiet rather than outspoken and belligerent depending on a few factors.” Avery quipped. “At some point I’d like a one on one with each of them but starting with either route is fine.” The canine placed her hands neatly on her lap. “It’s not everyday I get to play detective.”
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Re: HPU: Apollo City

Post by valerio »

CyberDragon wrote:"Possibly." Beta said. "I haven't tried it before. It takes time for the fir fur to grow again."
There was a loud squawk and some crashing sounds from the other room. "I got it! I got... nope!" Tom could be heard from the room Beta and Morgana were in. There was more crashing. "Oh... it has a lamp. The rubber chicken just grabbed the lamp! Lock the door! Make sure it doesn't escape!"
Beta walked over to the door to the other room, shut it, locked it, then leaned against it casually keeping it shut.
The feline hologram tilted her head. "What do you do with a sentient rubber chicken?"
Welsh Halfwit wrote:"I think I say 'ow'," Francis laughed, trying to get his breath back. "And I'm Francis, sir."
Ivan nodded and winked at Tegan. "Kit knows his place already. I like it. Well," he turned and walked away, waving at the couple. "I'm off for tonight, catchya at 5am, sharp, kit."
22xander wrote:Roux continued to eat, fustrated in not being able to top his dainty companion. He was hungry as hell, the last night having been draining for him, but it seemed her semi-biological nature made her want for even more food.
Nesse put down her plate and let out a mighty burp! "Oookay, not bad for an appetizer. And yes, my...biology tends to need more energy than your average cat. In return, I can last longer than your usual cat. If you remember well..." she added with a touch of malice and a purr.
Roarin wrote:That would depend on how antagonistic they are towards each other. They could very well be guarded and quiet rather than outspoken and belligerent depending on a few factors.” Avery quipped. “At some point I’d like a one on one with each of them but starting with either route is fine.” The canine placed her hands neatly on her lap. “It’s not everyday I get to play detective.”
The captain stood "Leave the detective part to us, Doctor. We need you to gather data and be as professional as possible. And whenever you felt like you needed to play it your way, you have carte blanche. Good luck, I fear you might need it." She extended her hand
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Re: HPU: Apollo City

Post by CyberDragon »

"I don't think it's sentient." Beta shrugged. "As far as I can tell, it's only purpose is to get us to chase it and to hit annoying people with it."

There was a loud smack from the other room. "OW! It hit me!"
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Re: HPU: Apollo City

Post by valerio »

CyberDragon wrote:"I don't think it's sentient." Beta shrugged. "As far as I can tell, it's only purpose is to get us to chase it and to hit annoying people with it."
There was a loud smack from the other room. "OW! It hit me!"
"...But isn't that dangerous?"
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Re: HPU: Apollo City

Post by 22xander »

Roux stuck his toulng out at her. "yes, I remember just how long you can... Dance." he wanted to keep polite for polite company.
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Re: HPU: Apollo City

Post by valerio »

22xander wrote:Roux stuck his toulng out at her. "yes, I remember just how long you can... Dance." he wanted to keep polite for polite company.
"Nah, you are not less good. Say, would you rather wait for the new animals to be transported here?"
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Re: HPU: Apollo City

Post by CyberDragon »

valerio wrote:"...But isn't that dangerous?"
"Not at all." Beta explained. "After all, it's just a rubber chicken. It just moves, it's not like it has any intent behind what it does, or is even that strong."
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Re: HPU: Apollo City

Post by valerio »

CyberDragon wrote:"Not at all." Beta explained. "After all, it's just a rubber chicken. It just moves, it's not like it has any intent behind what it does, or is even that strong."
"Then why is your human hot on pursuit after it? Couldn't he just let the poor thing run free?"
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Re: HPU: Apollo City

Post by CyberDragon »

"I remember I once had a windup mouse toy as a kitten. You'd wind it up and it would zip all over the place and I'd chase it for fun. Kind of old fashioned, but it was still fun. The chicken is just a very random more sophisticated version of that. It was meant to be chased. Tom wants to keep his mind off of what's happened, and doing random stuff like this is kind of how he relaxes." He explained, reassuring her.
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Re: HPU: Apollo City

Post by Roarin »

Of course ma’am! I’ll try to gather as much information as possible. And with a handshake and a bow the canine left the room. Hmm... she’d have to schedule them in for next morning. She wasn’t sure about the captain, but it’s probably for the best that things settle down first before any prodding is done.

On her way back to her quarters she made sure to stop by the medical ward and have the staff call the two in tomorrow!
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Re: HPU: Apollo City

Post by Hlaoroo »

With Beta and Avery both gone, Makani now has an empty seat on either side of him. That, combined with the now subdued and tense atmosphere in the room, makes him suddenly feel rather alone, and he finishes his meal quietly and looks to his parents for guidance. The two humans are conversing quietly about the situation, not looking at Makani. The cat slides his empty plate away from him slightly and stares at the tabletop, for once at a loss for what to do or say.
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