Always There *REVAMP*

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Always There *REVAMP*

Post by Saturn381 »

Chapter 1

Today was a great day for Grape. She had a nice date with Max, she just got the new Pridelands book, and now she’s resting on her favorite spot on the couch with no interruptions. Nothing could possibly ruin this day. She was about to close her eyes and drift off to sleep when she heard a familiar voice.

“Grape?” said the familiar voice.

Grape knew that it was her best friend Peanut, but something felt off. He didn’t scream her name like he usually does, and he said it in a sober tone, something very unlike him. She lifted her head and saw him with a sad look on his face.

“Peanut, what’s wrong” said Grape.

“I don't feel so good today. Can I sleep with you?” said Peanut.

Grape thought about it for a few minutes before she decided.

“Sure, but don’t drool on me like last time.” said Grape.

Peanut nodded as he sat next to Grape on the couch and snuggled close to her.

“Thanks Grape.” said Peanut as he closed his eyes and drifted off to sleep.

“Don’t mention it.” said Grape as she did the same.


The next day, Grape was in the kitchen finishing her Lucky Charms. Grape could tell that something was wrong with Peanut yesterday. Not even a bad day could’ve made him that sad. She had to know what was going on. Her parents had told her that Peanut had already left for a meeting at the dogs club, and that was where she was heading. But first, she made a quick stop to Peanut’s girlfriend Tarot’s house. She wanted to make sure if either something happened at the club, or that Peanut and Tarot had an argument.


The D'Angelo Residence

Grape opened the door and saw Tarot fiddling around her crystal laptop.

“Hey Tarot.” said Grape.

“Oh hey Grape. Please sit down. Can I get you a drink?” said Tarot.

“No thanks. Hey listen, can we talk about something?” said Grape as she sat down.

“Sure. What’s wrong?” said Tarot.

“Did you and Peanut have an argument? Because when he got home yesterday, he told me didn't feel good.” said Grape.

“Actually, I was going to ask you the same thing. He had that same look on face when he came here. I asked him what was wrong, and he said he same thing.” said Tarot.

“That’s strange.” said Grape.

“I'll try to see what's wrong with him. In the meantime, why don't you go and talk to him. I'm sure he's not busy." said Tarot

“I’ll try. Anyway, I’m off to the dogs club. Maybe something happened there. Thanks for your help, Tarot” said Grape.

“You’re welcome.” said Tarot.

Grape closed the door and headed for the club.


The Good Ol' Dogs Club

Once Grape got there she opened doors hoping Peanut was there. Instead she saw Fox, cleaning the floors.

“Hey Fox.” said Grape.

“Hey Grape. What’s up?” said Fox.

“Nothing much. Hey listen, can I ask you something?” said Grape.

“Sure. What is it?” said Fox.

“Did something happen to Peanut yesterday that got him a little droopy?” said Grape.

“Actually, no. When he got here, he had…” said Fox before he was interrupted by Grape.

“A sad look on his face and when you asked what was wrong he said he didn't feel good?” said Grape.

“Yeah. How did you know that?” said Fox.

“That’s what he told me and Tarot.” said Grape.

“Maybe he’s just getting sick.” said Fox.

“I guess so. Thanks for your help though.” said Grape as she walked out.

“Don’t mention it.” said Fox.


The Sandwich Residence

Grape made it back home before it got dark and saw Peanut lying on the couch watching TV.

“Peanut?” said Grape.

“Hey Grape.” said Peanut as he lifted his head and looked at her.

His face looked much droopier than yesterday and his fur looked a little pale.

“Are you okay.” said Grape.

“Not really. I have a headache and my stomach hurts.” said Peanut.

“Maybe you should go to bed.” said Grape.

“That’s a good idea. Night Grape.” said Peanut as he got up and went to his room.

“Night Peanut.” said Grape as she could hear his door close.

“Maybe he’ll be alright tomorrow.” said Grape, talking to herself.


Hey guys! It's been awhile since I've touched this fanfic hasn't it? For those who even remember this one, you're probably wondering what happened? Well the answer is very simple actually. I got burned out. You see I had several ideas for it that ultimately didn't work out, and eventually I basically lost interest in it. Even when I try go back into it, I couldn't think of what to write next. Thankfully that burn out is over. I was able to finish this fanfic on Deviantart yesterday and now I'm able to post it here. However I decided to create a new thread since the old one is a bit of a mess and I felt starting over from scratch would be for the best. With that said, I hope you guys enjoy this story.
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Re: Always There *REVAMP*

Post by Harry Johnathan »

Glad you're starting this up again.
Sarah was afraid, so she lied and said, “I did not laugh.” But [The LORD] said, “Yes, you did laugh.” - Genesis 18:15 (NIV).
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Re: Always There *REVAMP*

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

I just can't wait to see what you have planned! Something tells me I will really like this story!
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Re: Always There *REVAMP*

Post by Saturn381 »

Chapter 2

Grape and his mom Jill were eating breakfast at the table. Grape’s dad Earl had already left for work a couple of minutes ago. It wasn’t long after when Peanut joined in. However, his face looked much droopier and his fur much paler than the day before. He almost looked like a ghost.

“Hey guys.” said Peanut quietly.

“Peanut you look terrible!” said Grape.

“Yeah I don’t feel really good.” said Peanut.

“Do you need some medicine sweetie?” said Jill.

“Nah. I’ll just lie on the couch and have a nap.” said Peanut as he headed towards the living room.

“What do you think is wrong with him mom?” Grape whispered.

“I’m not sure. I’ll go to the vet to see if we could get a checkup for him. Just make sure he doesn’t go outside okay?” said Jill as she got up and headed off to work.

“Alright. Bye mom.” said Grape.

“Bye honey.” said Jill as she closed the door.

Grape ate what was left of her cereal when her phone started to ring. She got up and grabbed it to see what it was. It was a text message from Max saying that he’ll meet her at the movie theater for the new Pridelands movie.

“Oh Carp. I forgot.” said Grape.

Grape headed towards the living room where she saw Peanut awake watching television.

“Hey Peanut, Max and I are going to see the new Pridelands movie today, so I’m gonna be away for a while. Just don't go outside until I come back, okay?” said Grape as she out the door.

“Okay.” said Peanut. "Bye Grape."

“Bye Peanut.” said Grape.

Grape closed the door and ran to the movie theater. Once she got there, she saw Max standing in line.

“Glad you can make it, Grape.” said Max.

“Hey Max. Hope I’m not too late.” said Grape.

“Nah you’re fine. We only got thirty minutes before it starts.” said Max.

“Okay, that’s good.” said Grape.

The two waited in line for about ten minutes. During this time, Grape contemplated if she should stay and watch the movie, or get back home and watch Peanut.

“Max I don’t think this good day for me. I should head back.” said Grape.

“Are you still worried about Peanut? I’m sure he’ll be alright in about a da-OH MY GOSH!!!” yelled Max.

Grape turned around and saw Peanut with a ticket in his hand.

“Hey Grape.” said Peanut.

“Peanut what are you doing here? I told you to stay at home!” said Grape.

“But you forgot your… You forgot your… Your…” said Peanut before he fell back losing consciousness.

“Peanut!” yelled Grape.
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Re: Always There *REVAMP*

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

Really wonderful work with this chapter! I can't wait for more!
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Re: Always There *REVAMP*

Post by Saturn381 »

Chapter 3

Tarot arrived at the hospital where she knew Peanut was at. When she heard the news about him, she got up and ran out the door. She opened the doors and entered the waiting room. She saw doctor passing by and walked towards him to ask where Peanut was.

“Excuse me, I’m looking for someone named Peanut Butter Sandwich. Do you know where he is?” said Tarot.

“Yes I do, he is in room 10 to your left.” said the doctor.

“Alright, thank you” said Tarot as she headed to her destination.

“You’re welcome.” said the doctor.

Once she got there, she saw Maxwell with a worried look on face as he looked through the door window. He turned his head and saw Tarot.

“Hey Tarot.” said Max.

“Hey Max. I heard about what happen and thought I could help. How’s Peanut doing?” said Tarot.

“Not so good. I more worried about Grape though. Ever since Peanut got here, she just sat next to his bed staring at him. I’m surprised the doctor’s even let her stay.” said Max.

“Mind if I check and see?” said Tarot.

“Be my guest.” said Max.

Tarot opened the door and walked in. She saw Grape sitting in a chair next to Peanut’s bed staring at him, just as Max said. Peanut just laid there unconscious his fur was still as white as it could be. Tarot sighed as she turned her attention to Grape.

“Hey Grape.” said Tarot.

Grape turned her head to Tarot and smiled a bit.

“Hey Tarot.” said Grape.

Tarot walked towards Peanut and hoped in a chair from the other side on the bed.

“Tarot, do you know anything that can fix this.” said Tarot.

“Well that's actually why I came here Grape. I don’t know if I can do anything, but I do know someone who can.” said Tarot.

“Really, who?” said Grape.

“He’s another psychic from out of town. I met him once at a convention.” said Tarot.

“Is he any good?” said Grape.

“Well from what I heard, he cured a rabbit who apparently had the same illness Peanut has right now.” said Tarot.

“Great, just call him and we’ll be all set.” said Grape.

“Now Grape, I don’t if he'd be willing to help. He’s always busy, and I haven’t spook to him in years.” said Tarot.

“BUT WE HAVE TO DO SOMETHING!!" shouted Grape as tears started streaming down her face. "I DON'T KNOW HOW LONG HE'S GONNA MAKE IT!!"

“Okay, okay, calm down. I’ll get on the phone tonight and ask him to come.” said Tarot.

“Alright.” said Grape as she wiped the tears from her face.

“Well I better get going. I’ll tell you if he's available or not tomorrow.” said Tarot as she jumped out of her chair and headed to the door.

Grape turned her head as Tarot open the door and saw Max waving goodbye.

“Bye Grape.” said both Max and Tarot.

“Bye guys.” said Grape as she turned her head back to Peanut. “Hang in there buddy. Help is on the way.”
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Re: Always There *REVAMP*

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

This was such a touching chapter! Nice work on it!
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Re: Always There *REVAMP*

Post by Saturn381 »

Chapter 4

The next day, Grape went back to the hospital and headed to Peanut’s room as quickly as she could. She opened the door, only to be sadden when she Peanut still unconscious in bed. Grape sat in a chair that was next to Peanut’s bed and for a good five minutes, she kept looking at the door, hoping Tarot and that person she said was going to help out come in real soon. Just then, the door opened, and a large Leonberger with reddish-brown fur was standing right in front of her.

“Hello. You must be Grape.” said the dog.

“Can I help you?” said Grape.

Before he was about to say anything, Tarot appeared right by his side.

“Grape, this is Anthony. He’s the other psychic I told you about.” said Tarot.

“Please to meet you, Grape.” said Anthony as he offered his hand.

“Same to you.” said Grape as she shock Anthony’s hand.

“I supposed this sick dog in bed right there is Peanut, I presume?” said Anthony as he walked towards Peanut’s side.

“Yes he is.” said Grape.

“And how long has he been like this?” said Anthony.

“Since yesterday.” said Grape.

Anthony examined Peanut for ten minutes.

“So what’s wrong with him?” said Grape.

“I believe he has something that I like to call the Osiris disease.” said Anthony.

“The what?” said Grape.

“It’s an extremely rare disease that causes the victims skin to turn pale white and make them weaker and weaker, and in just a few weeks, the victim dies from it.” said Tarot.

“WHAT! WE CAN'T LET HIM DIE!!” yelled Grape.

“Take it easy, Grape. There is a cure for it.” said Anthony.

“There is?” said Grape.

“Yes. Luckily when Tarot here told me about this, I’ve managed to get the ingredients for it just in case if it was said disease.” said Anthony.

“Great, let’s make it right now.” said Grape.

“Grape, don’t get too excited. Making stuff like this takes time.” said Tarot.

“But there’s no need to worry either. A cure for the Osiris disease usually takes a day to make. So hopefully, we’ll probably have it by tomorrow. Tarot, maybe you should come with me and help out.” said Anthony.

“Sure thing.” said Tarot.

“And what about me?” said Grape.

“Just make sure nothing happens to Peanut during this time.” said Anthony.

“Alright. Bye guys.” said Grape.

“Bye Grape.” said Anthony and Tarot as they headed out the door.

“What did I tell ya, Peanut? Things are going to get better.” said Grape.
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Re: Always There *REVAMP*

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

I love how this chapter has come out! Really great job once more!
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Re: Always There *REVAMP*

Post by Saturn381 »

Chapter 5

The next day, Grape did as she was told and headed toward the hospital and made it to Peanut's room. She sat down next to him and for the next thirty minutes she kept looking back and forth between the door and Peanut. Things went quiet until the door opened, revealing Anthony and Tarot.

“Ah, glad to see you're here Grape. Took us all night but we have something that might be a cure.” said Anthony.

"Are you sure this is going to work?" said Grape.

"Don't know, but we'll see." said Anthony.

Anthony walked towards Peanut and poured the cure into his mouth. The three waited five minutes to see if it would work. Just then, Peanut's fur began to take color again.

"Peanut?" said Grape.

But no answer. Peanut still laid there unconscious.

"It doesn't seem to be working." said Grape.

"Hold on Grape. The fact that his fur color is back must mean we're on the right track." said Tarot.

The three waited for waited for a few more minutes, but no response.

"Hmm, this is strange. Usually the patient would get up in a snap when they drink the cure." said Anthony. "It seems we're going to need something more."

"Like what?" asked Grape.

"I don't know." "I'll call my dad tonight and see if he knows what to do." answered Anthony.

"Good idea." said Tarot.

"Is he any good?" asked Grape.

"Trust me. He taught me everything I know." said Anthony.

"Well I guess we better get going." said Tarot. "Make sure to call us if Peanut suddenly wakes up.

"Got it" said Grape.

As they left, Grape turned around and walk towards the chair that was close to Peanut's bed. She sat down and rested her head on the edge the bed.
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Re: Always There *REVAMP*

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

Really good work on this whole thing! I can't wait for the next part!
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Re: Always There *REVAMP*

Post by Saturn381 »

Chapter 6

Max walked in the hospital with a envelope in his hand and head straight for Peanut's room. Once he got there, he opened the door seeing Grape and a still unconscious Peanut still inside.

“Hey Grape.” he said.

“Hey Maxie” said Grape who noticed the envelope Max was holding. “What's that you got in your hand?”

“It's a get well card for Peanut the guys at the dogs club wrote. They wanted me to give it to you.” he said as he handed the card to her.

“Thanks.” she said as she putted the card on the table next to her.

“So did the potion thing work?” asked Max.

“Not really.” she answered as she tuned her attention to Peanut. "I mean.. He got his colors back, but he's still out cold.”

“What went wrong?” he asked again.

“I really don't know.” Grape replied.

Just then, the door opened Tarot , Sabrina, and Anthony came right in.

“Hey Grape. Hey Max.” said Sabrina.

“Hey guys.” said the two simultaneously.

“Alright so I spoke to dad about the whole situation last night.” said Anthony.

“What did he say?” said Grape.

“Even he's confused about the whole thing because that cure was supposed to work. His only solution is that something must be going on inside Peanut's head that's preventing him from waking up.” he answered.

“So what do we do?” asked Max.

“Well my guess is that one of us has to go in his head and see what's going on.” answered Anthony. “I'll go in there myself and...”

“I'll go with you.” Grape interrupted.

“Well Grape it's nice for your consideration, but I think it would be better if either Tarot or...” he said before he was interrupted.

“Just let her do it.” said Tarot. “She's not going to back down either way.”

“...Alright. If you're really that determined, I guess I can't stop you.” said Anthony.

“Great. So how do we get in there?” she asked.

“By this.” he answered by walking up to Peanut and hold his hand. “Now go on the other side and hold his hand.”

“Alright.” she replied as she did what she was told. “Um, how is this suppose to....”

“Shh!” he whispered before closing his eyes. The two stayed in that position for a few minutes.

“Uh, nothing's happe ...” she said. Before she could finish she felt huge rush in her body and everything around her going pitch black.
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Re: Always There *REVAMP*

Post by Saturn381 »

Chapter 7 (Finale)

Grape opened her eyes and saw she was back in her neighborhood. It was already nighttime.

“Grape?” said a voice from behind, which caused her to jump a little. She turned around and saw Anthony in front of her. “Sorry, I didn't mean startle you.”

“That's alright.” said Grape. “So... Why are we back in my street? I thought we were going inside Peanut's head.”

“We are.” answered Anthony. “This must be what he's thinking right now. All we have have to do now is to find him. But where do we go first? He could be in any of these houses.”

While Anthony was talking, Grape noticed a few flashing lights coming from her own house. “How about here?” she said.

“Huh, simple as that.” said Anthony as he and Grape headed towards the door. When they opened it, they saw a huge crowd of pets were all playing and dancing around, almost like it was a birthday party.

“Hmm, could be very difficult to him.” said Anthony gazing at the crowd. Just as he said that, both he and Grape heard loud voice coming from the living room.

“Oh Peanut, your so talented!” said voice shouted.

“Hmm, convenient.” Grape said.

“You said it.” replied Anthony.

Both made their way through the crowed and saw Peanut sitting on the couch, showing his comics to a bunch of people.

“Now as you can see here, the shading of the red on Spot's collar is a little...” he tried to explain before he got interrupted.

“Peanut!” Grape shouted. Peanut turned around and saw the two in front of him. His eye grew big and his tail started to wag.

“Hi Grape!” he yelled as he put down his comics and walked towards them, away from the crowd. “Who's your friend?”

“I'm Anthony, nice to meet you.” said Anthony as he shook Peanut's hand.

“Peanut, can we go and talk somewhere more quiet?” whispered Grape.

“Oh sure!” said Peanut. “I'll be right back guys!” Everyone once again cheered as the three headed upstairs to Peanut's room. “So what is it you guys wanna talk about?”

“Peanut, this is really nice and all, but it's time for you to get out of this place for good.” said Grape

“Oh, well... Actually Grape, I don't think I wanna go back.” he said.

“.... What do you mean you don't wanna go back?” said Grape.

“Well, I kinda like it here.” answered Peanut.

“Peanut, you've been in here for a long time.” said Anthony. “Not the mention, none of this stuff is real.”

“I know that. But in here, I feel like I'm important. Like people will care and be there for me” He explained.

“Are you still going on about that?” said Grape. “Peanut, told you this before. You have plenty people like me, Mom, Dad, and a whole bunch of other people that care about you.”

“But how long will that last.” asked Peanut in a more aggressive tone.”How long will it be till all those people will just go away and leave you alone.”

“What are you talking abo...” and suddenly Grape realized what's really going on. “Oh, I get it now.” Her confused face slowly turned into one of both caring and understanding.

“Get what?” he said before Grape walked towards him and wrapped her arms around his waist. “Gr... Grape?”

“Peanut, I know what it feels like to feel alone in the world. I went through the same thing when I was a kitten. I felt that I had no one, and it was going to be that way forever. But then I got adopted by Mom and Dad, and suddenly I had a loving family. And over time, I met other people who cared about me like Max, Res, and you. And just like that, those previous feelings I had went away. So just remember that me and plenty of other people, even if we're far away, will always be there no matter what.”

Tears started rolling down Peanut's as me made the biggest smile he could. He wrapped his arms around Grape's neck, hugging her tight.“Thank you...” he muttered, burying his face onto her shoulder, while Grape stroked his back. The two held on to each other for a few minutes as the world started to fade away.

“All better now?” she asked as the two let go of each other.

Peanut nodded his head as wiped some tears from his eyes “Yeah, all better.”

“Well, now that everything's all settled, I guess it's time for us to go back.” said Anthony.

“How do we do that?” asked Peanut.

“Simple.” explained Anthony. “We hold each others hands like before.” he held out his hands as both Grape and Peanut did the same. “Then... We wake up.”

In just a second, all three of them were back in the hospital room like before.

“Oh good, you're back.” said Tarot.

“So what happened, how did you get him to wake up?” asked Max.

“He just needed someone to talk to. Simple as that.” answered Grape.

“Yeah..” Peanut replied in a groggy voice. Just then a doctor came in to check on Peanut.

“Well what do you know? First the your fur color comes back and now your awake.” he said with a chuckle.

“Does this mean I get to come back home?” asked Peanut.

“Well not yet. We still need to do a few tests to see if you've made a full recovery, but from what I see here, the tests shouldn't take that long.” the doctor explained.

“Well in that case, I guess it's time for me to go.” said Anthony. “If some like this happen again, just give me a call.”

“Aright, see ya Anthony.” said Tarot as he made his way to the door.

After a few more tests the next day, Peanut was finally able to come back home. Later that night, Grape was laying on the couch watching a Pridelands movie on the TV. As the movie was nearing its climax, Peanut walked up to couch, blocking Grape's view.

“Mind if I join you Grape?” asked Peanut.

“Sure.” said Grape as Peanut jumped on he couch and sat next to her.

“Hey Grape.”

“Yeah Peanut?”

“Did you mean all those things you said in my head awhile back?” he asked. Grape couldn't helped but chuckle at that question. “Yes Peanut, I meant it.”

Peanut smiled as he wrapped his arms around Grape.”Thanks Grape, that really means a lot.”

“Don't mention it.” she said as she returned the hug happily.

The End


And with that after all these years, Always There has finally come to a close. Thank you all so much for your patience. I hoped you enjoyed it.
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Harry Johnathan
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Re: Always There *REVAMP*

Post by Harry Johnathan »

Sarah was afraid, so she lied and said, “I did not laugh.” But [The LORD] said, “Yes, you did laugh.” - Genesis 18:15 (NIV).
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Amazee Dayzee
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Re: Always There *REVAMP*

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

Glad that I was able to read all of this! It was very nice!
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Re: Always There *REVAMP*

Post by NHWestoN »

Serious "Awwwww ...." ;)
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