After the Carol...

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After the Carol...

Post by JageshemashFTW »

This is a sequel to my previous Christmas Carol story. It is highly recommended you read that first.


December 31

“Alright everyone, T-minus fifteen minutes before the big countdown!” Jeff called out throughout the house, scratching at the itchy elastic under his chin keeping his festive conical hat to his head. “Grab some champagne, or in the pets’ case some sparkling cider, grab someone to mack with and get your butts to the living room.”

Max shook his head as his dad blew into a noisemaker, the shrill whistling eliciting a laugh from Ryan as he passed by Jeff making him blow the noisemaker right in his ear. Just another Byron New Year’s party.

Max leaned over on his stool at the kitchen counter-top over to his brother. “Any resolutions this year, Bino?”

Bino cocked an eyebrow at the black cat. “You mean, aside from the obvious, right?”

“Hey, you just let me know if you run into any Ghosts of New Year’s tonight. If you get through this holiday haunting-free, I’d say you’re in the clear.” Max said.

“I don’t know why on earth I told you about that, and I definitely don’t know why you actually believe it!” Bino said, incredulous. “I mean, I lived it, and I’m still not sure if I believe it.”

Max shrugged. “Believe me, Bino, I’ve seen a lot weirder. I’m mates with Tarot too, y’know.”

Bino shook his head. “I still have no idea how that whole… situation works.”

“Honestly, I’ve just learned not to question it and just enjoy the love, wherever I get it from.” Max said, giving a cheeky grin.

“Speaking of, why aren’t any of your crew here?” Bino asked, looking around. So far, the only ones in attendance were Bino, his brothers (both biological and otherwise), their respective father figures, with Sabrina and Squeak along for the ride for… a certain New Year’s tradition.

“Well, Peanut and Grape are spending New Year’s with their folks. Tarot… I’m not sure what Tarot is doing right now. I called her earlier, but she just said she was busy with her own plans.”
“Seriously?! How many times is the world gonna get invaded by otherworldly entities?!” Keene yelled, hoisted in the air by the mucus-covered tentacle emerging from the portal.

“Less talk, more exorcising!” Tarot yelled out, furiously brandishing an exorcism slip at the thrashing tentacle.
“I think she wanted just a low-key day to herself, y’know?” Max said. “But, ah… What about you?”

“What about me?” Bino said, confused.

“Well, I’m tragically stag tonight cause of conflicting schedules. Fido and Joey got their sights on their respective lady-friends. Dad, Uncle Jake and Uncle Ryan are all in denial that their ‘young, hip, bachelor-types’.” Max’s toothy grin returned, shooting a knowing glance at Bino. “So where does that leave you, I wonder?”

Bino shrugged. “Unfortunately, I’m in bachelor-town with Dad and our Uncles. Or did you not hear about my tearful separation from Duchess?”

Max laughed. “Ooooh yeah, I heard about that. Word from Grape at the G.O.D. is that she pretty much spends her whole time there trying to blow your head up with her mind.”

“Oh, Duchess is a strong, self-reliant woman.” Bino said, unable to hide his smirk. “I’m sure she’ll bounce back… eventually.”

The two brothers shared a laugh as Max reached over to the already-opened bottle of cider, pouring himself and Bino a refill on their plastic cups.

“Y’know, If you want in on the show, I can give you another one of those Honorary Membership cards.” Bino said. “It was a huge success with Grape. Give her an actual position at the club, and turns out everyone friggin’ loves her.”

“Well, everyone except Duchess.” Bino amended. “But, at this point, I think she would disagree with anything I say or do just cause I’m the one saying or doing it.”
Yesterday, at the Good Ol’ Dogs club

“Freezing cold out today, isn’t it?” Bino said, making small talk with Rex, a cup of coffee in hand.

“Hot as heck.” Duchess remarked, shoulder-checking Bino as she passed, almost making him drop his coffee.

Watch this…” Bino whispered to Rex before turning his attention to Duchess, giving a fake smile. “Great coffee, though!”

“Rat-poison.” Duchess said, not even turning around.

Has she even tried the coffee?” Rex whispered.
Nope.” Bino whispered, before going back to Duchess. “Dallas is an incompetent, suck-up, loser.”

At this, Duchess turned around, pure honesty on her face. “Dallas is one of the finest, most upstanding dogs this club has ever had the privilege of hosting.”

As soon as the words left her mouth, Duchess looked as though she was about to puke. A look Bino was getting oddly used to seeing. Before Bino could say another word, she turned on her heel and quickly marched away.

“I’m telling you, I think it’s pathological.” Bino said, sipping his coffee. “I don’t think she can control it.”

Bino’s ears perked up when he heard a computerized typing sound behind him. Turning to the noise, he saw Dallas standing right behind him, excitedly tapping on his phone.

“Have you been there the whole time?” Bino asked the dalmation. “What are you doing?”

“I’m calling my Dad!” Dallas said, blissful elation on his face.
“Next time I see her, I’ll call her the smartest dog who ever lived, just to see what she’ll do.” Bino said, a sly smile playing across his face.

“It’s always nice when you and your ex can still have fun together.” Max said. “But back to my original question, what are you going to do when that clock strikes midnight?”

Bino raised an eyebrow in confusion. “I just told you, same as Dad. I’m gonna say ‘Happy New Year’, drink my cider, then go to bed.”

Max shook his head in annoyance. “Come on, Bro, don’t give me that. Are you seriously telling me you didn’t make any plans with Allegra?”

Bino gave Max a side-eye as he brought the cup of cider to his lips. “What does Allegra have to do with all of this?”

“Well, I mean, you two are dating after all, aren’t you?”

Bino sputtered and choked as the cider came back up from his throat, coughing up his lung as dribbles of cider came out of his nose.

“You… I… Allegra… What!

“Geez! Watch the spray!” Max said, raising a hand to shield his face.

Bino continued to cough as he tried to process what Max had just said. “You… You think Allegra and I are what?!

“Um, dating?” Max repeated. “I mean… Aren’t you?”

“No!” Bino exclaimed, utterly mortified. “What in the name of the Milton ferrets’ colorful pleated trousers gave you that idea?!”

“Well, I mean…” Max stammered, rubbing the back of his hand. “You gotta admit, you certainly act like your dating. Whenever you’re not at the G.O.D., you’re hanging with her at Heathcliff’s. And I know you don’t go there for the food.”

“We’re friends, good friends!” Bino explained. “We haven’t really… been friends for years. I’m just… making up for lost time.”

“Uh-huh. And… what about that kiss I’ve heard so much about?” Max said, smiling coyly.

“How did you…?”


“That gossipy little…” Bino grimaced. “Look, we were just under a mistletoe. It wasn’t even really a kiss, more just… a little peck. It’s tradition!”

“Okay, that kiss, sure.” Max began. “What about the five or six after that?”

Bino grumbled, smacking his forehead against the counter. “You saw that chat thread, same as everyone else. We were well under the influence when that happened. It meant nothing.

“And… Did it mean nothing to Allegra?” Max said, raising an eyebrow as he brought his cider to his lips.

“I don’t know! Why are you making me question all of this?” Bino said, throwing his hands up.

“I’m just saying, it seems like the two of you are already on lock. Why not make it official, is all I’m saying.” Max said, shrugging.

“Two reasons.” Bino said, holding up two fingers before putting down one. “One, regardless of the insatiable rumor mill in town, I’m still not a cat-lover.”

Max narrowed his eyes. “You mean to tell me, after everything you went through on Christmas, you’re still prejudice against inter-species relationships?”

“I never said I thought it was a bad thing.” Bino defended. “Well, okay, I don’t think that way anymore. At this point, I’m content to live and let live. But that still doesn’t change the fact that I’m not a cat-lover myself. I just don’t find cats attractive the same way Fido or, heck, even you do.”

“Except Allegra.” Max countered.

“Keep pushing me, Maxwell. See what happens.” Bino snarled.

“Aren’t you supposed to be nice now?”

“I am very much capable of maintaining a multi-faceted persona.” Bino admonished. “Anyway, the second reason is… If I had any such feelings for Allegra, and that is a giant IF, as in bright neon sign bigger than the Hollywood sign screaming ‘If’... I wouldn’t exactly be in any position to be pursuing any kind of… relationship with her.”

Max stared at Bino, confused. “And why is that?”

Bino looked away. “C’mon, Max. I was the ‘Old’ Bino not even a week ago. Take how I felt about cats and cat-lovers and mix that with how badly I’ve been treating Allegra and other cats like her for years. Do you really think I have any place at all to immediately turn around and ask Allegra to go steady with me?”

“Pete’s sake, I consider myself lucky that I managed to salvage my friendship with her, and even that’s been strained. Whenever I go over to Heathcliff’s, I can tell all those years of resentment are still there. Sometimes we talk about it, as civil as we can, at least. Other times, we just let it stew.”

“That’s not exactly a great place to start a romance.” Bino said, resting his head in his palm.

“So you have been thinking about romance, then?” Max said.

“Oh, for the love of…” Bino grimaced. “Look, this stays between the two of us as brothers. You don’t tell anyone else what I’m about to tell you, not even among our family.”

“Yeah, yeah, of course.” Max said, flippantly.

“No, I’m serious Maxwell.” Bino said. “I will straight up disown you all over again and probably have to endure another supernatural therapy session just to get over it.”

“Okay, jeez!” Max said, placing his hand over his heart. “I solemnly swear not to tell a soul.”

Bino breathed a heavy sigh, swirling the little bit of cider still left in his cup. “Look, I’m… I’m still not a cat-lover, and I don’t think I ever will be. But with Allegra… Things are different.”

“Different how?” Max asked.

“It’s just… I don’t consider myself attracted to cats. But with Allegra, it’s like attraction doesn’t even factor into it. When I’m with Allegra, all the reasons why I can’t or shouldn’t are a million miles away. I’m not a cat-lover, but…”

“But?” Max offered, probing Bino.

“Maybe, possibly, I might be a tiny, itty, bit of an… Allegra-lover.”

Max shrugged. “Makes sense.”

“It does?” Bino remarked, casting a side-glance at Max.

“Well, yeah.” Max said. “D’ya think I really had a thing for dogs before Peanut or Tarot?”

“I mean…” Bino trailed off. “Given your… usual company.”

“Haha.” Max fake-laughed. “My point is, when you actually know someone on a deep, personal level like that, the physicality of it can take a big backstep to, well, everything else.”

“Even after everything, I still don’t really think dogs are all that attractive. But I still love the carp out of Peanut and Tarot. Maybe it’s the same with you and Allegra?”

Bino snorted. “Even if all of that were true, it doesn't change the other factor against us.”

“What? The fact that you were a jerk to her when you were kids?” Max admonished. “Bino, you were a jerk to everyone, like, a week ago. And look where you are now! Pretty much the only person who holds it against you anymore is Duchess and, well, her priorities as a person are a little askew.”

“Maybe, but it’s not like I’m trying to date you.” Bino said, deadpan.

Max shivered a bit in his seat. “Oof, thanks for that mental image. My point is, you and Allegra have baggage, sure, but what couple doesn’t? Let me ask you something.”

“Do I have a choice?”

“Nurp!” Max said, happily. “My question to you is this: What makes you think Allegra isn’t asking these exact same questions to herself?”

Bino had to admit, he was a little taken aback by that. “I… I guess I don’t know. But, that also means I don’t know if she’s even given a single thought to it. Or if she has, and that thought is outright revulsion and disgust at the very idea of us hooking up.”

“But you don’t know.” Max reinforced. “And there’s only one way to know, and that’s to ask her.”

“Yeah.” Bino huffed. “I’ll get right on that.”

“Weeeell…” Max said, taking a sip of cider. “You might have a chance sooner than you think.”

Bino immediately perked up, glaring daggers at the black cat sitting next to him. “Why? What did you do?”

“This is good cider, what brand do you think this is?”

“Maxwell Percival Sydney Byron, what did you do?” Bino growled.

“Okay, look, don’t be mad at me, but…” Max grimaced. “I may or may not have invited Allegra over so you two could… kiss during the countdown.”

“You did what!?” Bino hissed, trying very hard not to yell out over the television set the rest of the family were watching in anticipation of the countdown. “What is wrong with you!?”

“Calm down! All I said to her was if she wanted to come to our New Year’s Party. I didn’t say anything about making out or the like since, well, up until a few minutes ago, I figured it went without saying.”

“Augh, Max!” Bino groaned, rubbing his face in his hands. “What… What did she say?”

“She said she would try to make it, but no promises.” Max said, trying to assuage his brother. “Look, we’re, what, five minutes from the big countdown? I’d think that, if she we’re coming over, she’d be here by now. I’m pretty sure you’re in the clear.”

Just then, the doorbell rang.

“Well Max, I guess I’ll see you next Christmas, cause you’re gonna be a ghost by the time I get through with you!”

“You’re supposed to be nice now!”

Ignoring the sounds of rough-housing coming from the kitchen, a very common occurrence in their household, Jeff made his way to the door, surprised to see a periwinkle cat standing on the other side.

“H-Hello, sir.” Allegra said, shivering as she stood in the cold, trying in vain to warm her hands by rubbing them. “Is Bino here?”

Jeff almost responded when he heard Ryan call out from behind him. “Hey, Allegra! Good to see ya!”

“Hi Mr. Byron!” Allegra waved from the door.

“Ryan, you know her?” Jeff asked.

“Yeah, she’s Bino’s ‘special friend’ I told you about.” Ryan said, smirking.

“Oooooh!” Jeff said, suddenly giving a wide smile to the young cat. “Well, it’s nice to meet you Allegra. Name’s Jeff. I’m Bino’s dad.”

“Pleasure to meet you.” Allegra said. “Um, I don’t know if Max told you or not, but he invited me over to watch the countdown with him and Bino.”

“Of course, of course! Come in!” Jeff said, only now taking note of how much the poor girl was shivering as she walked past him into the house. “Um… do your parents know that you’re over here? Do you need to make a call?”

Allegra’s ears folded against her head, but she kept her smile on. “Um, no. No parents.”

“Owners?” Jeff offered.


“Oh, I see.” Jeff said, coughing into his fist. “Um, let me go get the boys. Let them know your here.”

As Jeff left Allegra to her own devices, already getting flagged down by Sabrina to chat, Jeff tapped Ryan on the shoulder as he passed behind the chair he was sitting in. “We need to talk later.”

“What’s up?” Ryan asked, looking up from the New Year’s parade on-screen.

“Later.” Jeff said, before making his way to the kitchen, not the least bit surprised to see Bino and Max tangled up in a writhing ball of slapping.

“Hey guys.” Jeff said, paying no attention to the two’s altercation. “Allegra’s here if you wanna come say hello.”

As quickly as he poked his head in, Jeff ducked back out into the living room as Bino disengaged from Max, springing back up to his feet.

“Oh no! No no no! What am I gonna do!?” Bino stammered, pacing frantically.

“What are you so worried about? If you don’t want to make a move on her now, then don’t! Just hang out as friends for tonight.” Max said, dusting himself off.

“Oh yeah, we’ll be sure to keep a totally platonic mood while Fido and Joey are macking on their girlfriends not five feet away from us!” Bino barked. “She’s definitely not going to assume any ulterior motives!”

“How does a dog and a mouse smooch each other anyway?” Max asked, more to himself than to Bino.

“Focus!” Bino snapped. “What am I gonna do!?”

“Well, here’s an idea you haven’t entertained.” Max said. “Why don’t you try actually talking to her? You know, healthy discussion and working towards mutual goals for the both of you?”

“Brilliant!” Bino said, sarcastically. “And then we can get married and have a litter of mutant kitten-puppies. Will you take this seriously!

“I’m just saying, being open and honest with your feelings worked wonders for you on Christmas. Or do you really wanna try and risk ticking off the Ghosts of New Years, too?”

Bino stammered, sputtered, then groaned. “Augh… What’s the over-under that there actually are Ghosts of New Years?”

Max shrugged. “Eh, 50-50, probably.”

With everyone gathered in the living room for the countdown, it didn’t take Allegra long to zero-in on Bino as the two brothers emerged from the kitchen.

“Hey, Bino!” Allegra said, giving the strangely tense dog a hug. “Happy New Year’s Eve… Er, for the next few minutes at least. Then I guess it’ll just be New Year’s.”

“I’ll leave you two alone.” Max said, giving Bino a cheeky grin before walking to the opposite corner of the room, grabbing a fresh plastic cup of cider from the refreshment table.

“Sorry I took so long. I wanted to help out Heath as much as I could for the New Year’s rush before he pretty much shoved me out the door.” Allegra said, giving an apologetic smile to the brown mutt.

“Ah, it’s okay. At least you came before the countdown.” Bino said, trying to give his own nervous smile. “Actually, there’s something I wanted to… to talk to you about…”

“Oh! Hold that thought! I’m gonna grab us some drinks to toast to.” Allegra said before sprinting off to the refreshment table.

Bino sighed as he asked himself whether he was really going to do this. He gave another smile at Allegra as she looked back, pouring the two of them a cup of cider each. His gaze trailed past her to watch his dad and Uncle Ryan having a rather tense looking conversation, apparently regarding Allegra if their constant glances over to her were any indication.

No idea what that’s about, Bino thought to himself. But that was pushed out of his mind when he glimpsed at Sabrina, Fido’s arm wrapped around her shoulders, flashing a supportive thumbs up and toothy grin at the young mutt.

“Gossipy little…” Bino muttered under his breath before Allegra returned, drinks in hand.

“I’m back! What was that you wanted to talk about?” Allegra asked, offering Bino one of the cups.

“One minute left!” Jeff called out to any not paying attention to the TV.

“Oop, better hurry.” Allegra said. “What is it?”

“Okay, so…” Bino began, having trouble finding the words. “So… It’s been amazing being friends with you again. Way more than when we were kids, now that we don’t have to hide it.”

“Not that we ever had to hide it.” Allegra said, smirking as she rolled her eyes. “But, go on.”

“Allegra… I know I screwed up. I know I made a lot of mistakes, and I know I’m nowhere near done making up for all of them. More than that… I know I’ve done a lot of wrong by you.”

“Bino, you don’t have to keep beating yourself up over this. You’re doing better everyday, and I can’t tell you how happy I am to have you in my life again.” Allegra said, beaming brightly.

“Believe me, that goes both ways.” Bino said. “But… I don’t know, lately it feels like… like things are different.”

Allegra suddenly looked worried. “Different how?”

“30 seconds!” Jeff called out.

“I thought I would have more time, but…” Bino said. “I’m just gonna go for broke. Allegra, I like you. A-A lot. And… And if you’d be willing to give it a shot, do you think… maybe… we could go on a date sometime?”

Allegra stared dumbfounded at Bino for a solid few seconds, until…

“I… I thought we were already dating?” Allegra said, confused.

“What?” Bino asked, blinking once.

“I mean, we certainly act like we’re dating. Like, how many times have we had dinner dates at Heathcliff’s this last week?” Allegra said.

“W-wait, those were-?” Bino sputtered.

“Plus, we did make-out, like, super-hard on Christmas.” Allegra pointed out. “I would have thought it’d be pretty obvious we were a couple by then.”

“Ten! Nine! Eight!”

“But… The egg-nog…” Bino said.

Allegra rolled her eyes. “Egg-nog isn’t spiked right out of the box Bino. I figured you were just playing around, so I just sort of played along.”

“Seven! Six! Five!”

“Waitaminute! So you’re telling me this whole time, while I was going through all this soul-searching, building up the courage to ask you out, we’ve already been dating for a week!?

“Four! Three! Two!”

“You silly puppy…” Allegra giggled, wrapping her arms around Bino’s neck before pulling him closer.


Bino’s senses were blind to the world as Allegra closed the distance, bringing their lips together as Allegra tightened her grip, making Bino wrap his own arms around her waist, holding onto her as she pressed herself against him.

Bino assumed that Fido and Joey were in the middle of their own New Year’s celebration, but Bino couldn’t tell as he closed his eyes, losing himself in the kiss.


Their kiss lasted quite a good long while into the new decade before finally separating, each of them taking a short breath of air.

“So…” Allegra gasped. “To answer your question: Yes, I would love to go on a date with you.”

“That’s nice…” Bino said, dazed as he looked up at the ceiling. Allegra giggled before kissing him again on the cheek.

Max stared from his little corner in the living room, offering a bittersweet smile to the two lovebirds. Only thing missing from all of this was…

Max was taken out of his sullen reverie by a knock on the door. With everyone a bit too preoccupied with either smooching or guzzling down something a bit harder than cider, Max took it upon himself to answer the door, and was surprised to see Tarot on the other side.

A very ticked-off looking Tarot, covered in purple slime.

“TarOH?!” Max tried to say before Tarot reached out and grasped his collar, bringing him down into a forceful lip-lock.

With a ‘Pop!’ the two separated with Tarot keeping her grip on Max’s collar.

“We’re going to Peanut and Grape’s house.” Tarot stated, steely-eyed at the black tom.

“Okay…” Max said, calling back inside the house as Tarot was already dragging him away. “Dad, I’m going to Peanut and Grape’s house. Probably won’t be home tonight.”
February 14

Bino looked himself over in the mirror before checking his breath. Probably wouldn’t be a bad idea to grab a few Mentos on his way out the door.

“What do you think? Is the bowtie too much?” Bino asked, pointing at his spruced up collar as he addressed the other occupant in his room.

“Nah, It’s Valentine’s! You’re kinda supposed to go all out.” Max said, getting ready himself while appraising his leather jacket in the mirror. “Though, I gotta say, kinda sucks you and Ally are taking Heath’s all to yourselves these days. That was mine and Grape’s go-to date-night place for years.”

“What can I say?” Bino said, grinning. “You gotta have the right connections to move on up in this world.”

“Connections like smooching one of the waitresses?” Max said, side-eyeing his brother.

“Would I be implying anything else?” Bino said, straightening his bowtie. “Besides, it’s not like we clear the place out. You can still go there if you want.”

Max shook his head. “Nah, it’s gonna be all weird with you there too. Besides, this will be the first Valentine’s Day that’s gonna have all four of us… together. I’m thinking a re-evaluation of traditions are in order.”

“Well, you all have fun doing… whatever it is you all do.” Bino remarked.

“So…” Max began. “Have you told Allegra about her little ‘surprise’?”

“Wouldn’t be much of a surprise if I did.” Bino said. “No, I’m gonna wait until after dinner and then ask her to ‘take a walk’ with me. I’ll bring her to the house then.”

“How do you think she’ll take it?” Max asked, suddenly rather sullen.

Bino sighed. “Honestly? I don’t know. It’s definitely gonna be a shock for her, and I’m worried she might take it the wrong way. But…”

“But I love her too much not to try.”
“Look, I’m just saying…” Allegra said, arm hooked around Bino’s as the two walked down the sidewalk. “If they wanted to make such a big deal about her heritage, than they shouldn’t have explicitly said that her bloodline wasn’t a big deal in the last movie.”

“I don’t know, I thought it was an alright twist.” Bino said. “I mean, a bit silly. But the whole franchise is freakin silly.”

“That’s it. We need to break-up.” Allegra said. “I can’t date someone who dismisses the Saga so casually.”

Bino released his arm from Allegra’s before dropping to his knees.


Without missing a beat, he got back up to his feet. “So how was that? Worthy of an Oscar?”

Allegra ‘hmm’ed to herself. “Nah, you didn’t quite get the sheer anguish right.”

“Well, darn.” Bino shrugged before taking Allegra’s arm again.

“Sooo…” Allegra began. “Where exactly are you not-so-subtly taking me?”

“What are you talking about?” Bino asked. “We’re just walking around, taking in the sights.”

“Mmhm.” Allegra hummed, casting a glance at Bino.

“Alright, so I might have a bit of a surprise waiting for you.” Bino said, praising his timing as the house, just now, came into view as they turned the corner. “And, wouldn’t you know it, here we are.”

Allegra looked towards where Bino was gesturing, tilting her head in confusion. “Your Uncle Ryan’s house?”

Allegra turned to look at Bino. “Whaaat’s going on?”

“Okay, just…” Bino said, unhooking his arm from hers to take her hand. “Just know that this… might be a bad idea. Keep in mind that, one, I’m not the only one who came up with this idea. This was a collaborated affair by a whole family of knuckleheads.”

“Okay?” Allegra said, more confused than ever.

“Two… Whatever I do, whatever happens tonight, just know I did it all because I love you.” Bino said, staring straight into Allegra’s eyes. “So, will you trust me?”

Allegra smiled as she leaned forward, pecking Bino’s cheek. “Always.”
A knock on the door told Ryan that it was showtime. Seemed like it wasn’t that long ago when Jeff first passed the idea through him. He couldn’t exactly say he jumped at the plan when it was first brought up, but hearing more and more about Bino’s new girlfriend more or less made the choice for Ryan. Doubly so when Bino and Fido made their own case for it.

“Dad.” Fido said, looking up from the TV. “She’s here.”

“I figured.” Ryan said. “You ready for this?” He said, smiling at his dog.

Fido gave a nod, sporting a wide smile of his own.

With nothing more to say, indeed, they had discussed the issue more than enough beforehand, Ryan got up from his chair to open the door, not at all surprised to see who was waiting on the other side.

“Allegra, Bino! Good to see you two.” Ryan said, stepping aside. “Come in, we’ve been expecting you.”

“Thanks, Mr Byron.” Allegra said, still confused as to what Bino and his family were planning.

“Ah, just call me Ryan.” Ryan said. “Mr Byron makes me feel old.”

“Okay.” Allegra huffed, her patience wearing thin. “Are you gonna tell me what this is all about now?” She said, addressing her boyfriend.

“I… had a bit of an idea for a Valentine’s Day gift for you.” Bino explained. “Or rather, my dad and Uncle Ryan had an idea and my family worked together to try and make it happen.”

“What is it?” Allegra said, suddenly getting excited at the prospect of a big gift.

“Follow moi, if the lady pleases.” Ryan said, giving a flourishing bow as he gestured them towards the hallway of the side of the living room.

Fido rolled his eyes as he brought up the rear behind the couple following Ryan down the hallway, walking past a series of doors.

“Okay, you guys are starting to make me nervous.” Allegra said, smiling. “What is it?!”

‘It’ is right here.” Ryan said, stopping at a door down the end of the hall, opening it a gesturing for Allegra to step inside.

Allegra took a few tentative steps in and saw… a very plain, average looking room. It was almost bizarre how utterly lacking in furnishings it was. A small, pet-sized bed placed underneath a window and a small desk huddled into the corner with a mid-sized TV placed on top. That was it.

“I… I don’t get it.” Allegra said, nose scrunching. “Who’s room is this?”

Ryan and Fido shared a knowing glance while Bino awkwardly shuffled his feet.

“Well… If you want it…” Bino explained. “It’s your room.”

Allegra’s smile fell as a look of shock crossed her face. “W-What?” She muttered, barely louder than a whisper.

“Used to be a storage room, but I’ve already cleared out everything for you. Even made a pretty penny on eBay.” Ryan said.

“I’ll admit, it’s pretty spartan right now.” Ryan continued. “I didn’t really know what preference you had as far as decorations go, but I figured we could work on that together over time.”

Ryan raised his hands up. “Within reason. I am working off a budget here.”

“You… You can’t be…” Allegra was starting to tear up. She brought a hand to her mouth. “Why are you…?”

“Well, it’s not everyday I find someone who can appreciate the finer nuances of the Star Wars Holiday Special.” Ryan said. “That and, well, I heard about your current living conditions from Bino and… I just didn’t find them all that acceptable, to be frank.”

“But…” Allegra was openly crying now as Bino slowly took her hands into his own. “But I’m…”

“We know.” Fido said. “But you’re becoming a part of the family. And we don’t let family sleep on the streets, if we can help it.”

“Allegra…” Bino said, bringing her attention on him. “Welcome home.”

Allegra huffed, trying in vain to fight back her tears as she flung herself onto Bino, wrapping her arms around his neck and pulling him into a deep kiss.

“I’d say ‘Get a room’.” Ryan said. “But you literally just did.”

Allegra separated from Bino a bit to laugh. “You just now adopted me, and you’re already starting with the Dad jokes.” Allegra said, still crying through her smile.

“Yeah, get used to it.” Fido grimaced.

Allegra kissed Bino again before withdrawing, an uncomfortable look on her face. “Oh boy, what the heck am I gonna tell Heath?” She said, giving a strained laugh. “Gonna be awkward at work tomorrow.”

“You can worry about it tomorrow.” Bino said. “It’s still Valentine’s Day, y’know?”

Allegra rubbed her eyes as she giggled. “You are absolutely right.”

She pulled away from Bino to address her new housemates still lingering at her door. “Mr By- Ry- Er, Dad, I guess?!”

“Hoo, that’s gonna take a bit to get used to.” Allegra huffed, before a bit of confusion hit her. “Wait, if you’re my Dad now, doesn’t that make me and Bino…”

“Ah!” Fido said, waving his hands. “Don’t… think about it too hard. Trust me, it will hurt your brain the more you do.”

“Yeah, Fido and I aren’t even sure if this arrangement makes us brothers or cousins.” Bino said. “Just… forget about what things are supposed to be and call them what you feel like calling them.”

“Seriously, if you think this family is weird about that, remind me to tell you about the Sandwiches sometime.” Fido remarked.

“Er…” Allegra grimaced before finally just shrugging. “Okay! Um… anyway, I’m sure I’ll have plenty of time to get to know you and really bond with you as a family…”

With that, Ryan and Fido let out a respective yelp of surprise as Allegra suddenly shoved the two of them out of her new room.

“Buuuut I’m gonna go ahead and play the ‘daughter’ card of kicking you out of my room so I can make out with my boyfriend.” Allegra said before giggling again. “Oh my god, I have a room I can make out with my boyfriend in!”

Allegra went to close the door, before flipping it back open to wrap her arms around Ryan’s waist.

“Thank you…” She said, quietly, burying her head into his gut.

Ryan shook off the surprise as he knelt down, engulfing the young cat in a proper hug. “Welcome home, Allegra.”

With that, Allegra raced back into her room, grabbing Bino by the arm.

“You! Bed! Snuggles! Now!” Allegra dictated.

“Yes, ma’am!” Bino said, closing the door with his foot, leaving a nonplussed Ryan and Fido on the other side.

“Well!” Fido finally said, walking back towards the living room. “I think she’ll make herself right at home.”

“Bino too, assuming Allegra ever let’s him leave her room.” Ryan joked. “We’ll see how stoked she still is about being all ‘domesticated’ when we take her to the vet for her shots.”
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Re: After the Carol...

Post by trekkie »

Sweet and funny, good to see the brothers getting along and pretty awesome to see Allegra getting a home, and Bino getting a lover who appreciates him. I also love the quad love relationship with Max, Tarot, and the Sandwich pets. Great job!
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Re: After the Carol...

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

I love how you were able to make this follow-up fan-fiction come out! Great job!
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Re: After the Carol...

Post by Nathan Kerbonaut »

I'm so happy for Bino, he and Allegra are a great couple. Wonderful writing as always :)
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Re: After the Carol...

Post by CunningFox »

Great work.
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Re: After the Carol...

Post by kavviyenta »

It was nice reading the story and its epilogue. I wonder if the "adventure" will continue from there. Interesting to ship Bino with Allegra instead of Fox who may be with the Angels...or Mungo.

The ghosts seemed to resemble Sasha, Rex, and it's implied the third one is Fox or maybe like Bino's mom, the ghosts are none other than the late parents of the aforementioned trio...hmmm. my deviant gallery, nope there's no housepets in it

Unless you like Lilo & Stitch, kinda wish to see the experiments in housepets style
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Re: After the Carol...

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

I always wanted to know who was the one that came up with the idea of Allegra anyway? I thought that valerio was the one that made her.
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Re: After the Carol...

Post by JageshemashFTW »

Amazee Dayzee wrote:I always wanted to know who was the one that came up with the idea of Allegra anyway? I thought that valerio was the one that made her.
Far as I remember, she appeared way, way back in the comic only one time. She was the waitress who greeted Grape and Max during their very first date, and that was her first and last appearance.

But, fans liked her design so much, she pretty much became a ‘fanon’-canon character. Kind of like half the background characters in MLP. I don’t even think she had a name in the comic, I’m pretty sure that’s an entirely fan-thing. Like you said, Valerio might have been the first one to establish a lot of the “canon” for Allegra, including her name and the fact that she was originally pitched as a potential love interest for Fox when the fandom was kicking around the idea of Fox being a cat-lover.

Despite all of this, she was technically an actual character in the comic first.
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Re: After the Carol...

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

I have to go back and read that then when I get the chance because I don't remember her. Though if she is in the comic, she probably wasn't named. I'm wondering where the name Allegra came from? I like the name and its very pretty.
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Re: After the Carol...

Post by Nathan Kerbonaut »

Amazee Dayzee wrote:I have to go back and read that then when I get the chance because I don't remember her. Though if she is in the comic, she probably wasn't named. I'm wondering where the name Allegra came from? I like the name and its very pretty.
She appears in the arc "n-Ple Date" and is tagged as Heathcliff's Maitre D'. As for the name Allegra, Jageshemash will have to answer that :)
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Re: After the Carol...

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

Honestly I wouldn't be surprised if it was valerio that came up with the name. He seems to be the type to come up with sophisticated names. =P
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Re: After the Carol...

Post by Obbl »

Just went back and checked. She was given the name Allegra in Christopher Jackal's Fic Changing the Status Quo, which I'd forgotten about. It's also the origin of the Fox and Allegra ship (despite absolutely zero canon support :lol: ) which then indeed became a fan favorite for the time. Of course Valerio loved the idea and whole-heartedly adopted the name for his fic, so I wouldn't be surprised if more people remember it from there.
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Re: After the Carol...

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

I just remember it because I know that someone had a banner in the signature that said "Follegra Forever" and i was confused until I saw some of valerio's fanfic.
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Re: After the Carol...

Post by FireworkFox »

This was absolutely beautiful. Well done!
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Re: After the Carol...

Post by trekkie »

One of the things I particularly like is the vastly improved relationship between Maxwell and Bino. Although they tease each other, you can tell there is definite love there.
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Re: After the Carol...

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

Now that Bino is less abrasive and cruel, I wanna see him tease Maxwell the same way Maxwell teased him all the time which resulted in Bino getting annoyed at him and lashing out and we can see if Maxwell can handle the same teasing. LOL
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Re: After the Carol...

Post by trekkie »

I’m pretty sure Max can handle it he had Sabrina as a girlfriend and his current girlfriend is Grape. Plus, I see them both easing off on each other.
“Freedom has cost too much blood and agony to be relinquished at the cheap price of rhetoric.” - Thomas Sowell

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