
Put down the character sheets and walk away!

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Post by Brittles »

Just glancing around here. I did notice you have an RP section.. but I've also noticed it's been over a week since anyone posted here hahaha. Likely because there ain't no role plays going on! I've had plenty of experience running the things so I figured I'd give it a shot. Just some things I'd like to get out of the way right away.

-This is a Suspenseful horror story. There will be some nasty things going on.
-Your characters will be 'ordinary' House-pets following the "Housepets!" style. The 'ordinary' part is important You can be unique, but not some cold stone bad-bubblegum zombie hunter. No Ninja-doggies, or Warlock-Kitties please, and none of you have had previous experience with anything super-natural.
-On that note:try to act realistically. Yes horror movies have given us all Genre savvy skills that will make us.. never split up, never scream, and never panic but this is all wrong.If your childish cat sees a severed head roll across the floor he's going to freak out. Respond with emotion not cold hard logic.
-This is a serious RP. Not a gag one so try to be mature eh?
-I expect some reliable players. Posting at least once every two days, preferably once or twice a day.
-That said, you'll have plenty of time to type up each post so put some effort into it. At least one paragraph per post, with the upper limits being around Five Per post.
-Try to actually accomplish something every second post as well. The story won't move forward if you just wait for other people to do things.
-I have yet to win any awards for my writing, and in turn don't expect you to be the master of literature either. Just.. well.. at least give each post a spell check, and a proof read alright?
-You won't know a whole lot from the start, as half the fun in the game like this is the mystery!

Yeah I know I'm a pain. Haha.. I just needed to get those things out of the way first thing! Bellow is the story of our game (a bit cliche but it works) along with rules for making your character. Once you have a hero in mind just post him on here following the rules given.

The Starting plot
Our story takes place in a typical Suburban area in the northern parts of the USA. It's a pet friendly place so there are plenty of cats, and dogs going about the streets at any given day. Over-all acting quite like children with games, and gangs of their own. The two biggest of these groups are Marty's:Which consists completely of Cats, and Dany's; which consists completely of Dogs. Not surprisingly the two share an on going friendly (sometimes not so friendly) rivalry. Still these groups are the hardly the only ones around, and there are plenty of groups of friends that just hang out, mixed-species or not.

New years just came, and went. The cats had their party, and the dogs had their own, both boasting their's were the wildest of course. Everyone in between had their own celebrations too, and that my good sir brings us to the real story here. One small group of pets, normally un-noticed by the others decided to have their New years celebration at an old abandoned house. All the other 'good places' had been taken... and they hardly wanted to have their fun at home seeing as their owners would ruin all the fun!

There are no rumors going around about this place. No ghost stories, nothing mysterious or strange. It's in no way isolated... smack dab in the middle of the neighborhood plain for all to see. Plenty of pets have passed by it, and plenty of pets have overlooked it. The Gang had spent time there before... a decent hang out spot they said.

New years was a week ago. They haven't been seen since.

Who are you in this story? You're a gathering of pets, perhaps all friends, perhaps little more then strangers. Whatever your origin you have a common goal:To find out what happened to them! The old house is the last place they've were seen... so it's a good place to start. You'll all be meeting there tomorrow afternoon... haha.. lets just hope you don't pull a disappearing act as well...

Ok some basic information is obviously needed here. Name, Gender, appearance, and personality. A paragraph or more should do you for Appearance/Personality . Background isn't TOO important. After all you're ordinary animals; how dramatic of a life have you been living? There are some specific things I'd like in addition to these so listen up.

Species:Cat or dog, maybe with breed attached. I understand some of you like other animals but this is a story about house-pets, not a zoo. There are no tigers, or lions here, this is not kenya! Wild animals like raccoons/Fox's are too busy trying to survive themselves to worry about something like this! Also keep in mind that since this is "HP!" style the size differences between Cats/Dogs is less extreme, you all have thumbs, and all walk upright.

Motivation:What is it that's making your character interested in finding this group? Is it the simple search for truth? Did one of your friends go missing along with them? A girl-friend? A sibling perhaps? Or maybe one of the other players is your friend.. and you're going along as a favor? It could be you're just out to do the right thing.... or for Fame... or even greed. Soo just take a moment, and describe why the heck you're doing this will you? If you have more then one try to stick to the one your character believes in most. If you're looking for a missing friend please give a basic description of them as well!

Attributes:Don't worry. There will be NO dice rolling, or anything like that here. This is still a normal typed up, acted out, RP. The purpose of these are just to give me a base line of what your character can, and can't do. How they compare to each other, and the challenges they face. A simple variation on the SPECIAL system.

Each of you get 42 points to spread out between the 7 attributes listed bellow. You must put at LEAST 2 in each, and the most you can put into one attribute is 10. An average attribute is around '5', any lower means you're sub-par in the area, and anything higher is above average. I would encourage everyone to try and vary from each other so that you're a well rounded group.

Strength-Easy to explain. Your pure muscle power. How much you can lift, and how much force you can put out

Perception- Your awareness of your surroundings. Your ability to sense what's going on around you, along with what's going on in the minds of others.

Endurance-Your physical health. Your resistance, and stamina.

Confidence-Your mental health. Your will power, bravery and sense of self. A character with this stat high doesn't need to have a large ego, nor does he need to be fearless... simply brave when he needs to be.

Intelligence-Your 'book' smarts. Your technical knowledge, and problem solving skills.

Agility-How fast you are. You dexterity, and coordination.

Luck-Self explanatory:how lucky your character is! Trust me this is more useful then it sounds, and might even save your life. Though it's no less or more important then other attributes.

Why no 'charisma' attribute you ask? The answer to that is simple:It simply wont come up enough in game to justify its presence as an attribute. When you do need to use the power of words I'll just consider whichever attribute makes the most sense given the situation.

Your characters 'common sense' is a simple mix of perception, and confidence.
Last edited by Brittles on Wed Feb 11, 2009 7:39 pm, edited 13 times in total.
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Re: Interest check:Horror Game

Post by Jumplion »

Alright, I'll try. I've never done an RP before, and even when I tried I failed miserably so this will be a new experience for me.

Just tells us the plot and how to profile our character or something and I'm all for it!
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Re: Interest check:Horror Game

Post by Ebly »

What kind of roleplaying length are you expecting?
Good lord I hate that I actually have to ask this, to be honest. It seems stupid to me, but I've seen people write huge three page documents for a plot and then the roleplay ends up going on with about a maximum of five lines per post. And those are the long ones.

So is this meant to be that three-line-per-post kind of roleplay (which is really best suited for faster forums where it's pretty much going on in realtime because it moves so fast) or a paragraph to five per post (which is my favourite by far) or a novella per post (which is way too much and I still can't figure out why people do that)?

I'd love to join this, because srsrps are just that awesome, but I'd have to wait until I'm back in Adelaide for that. Which means three or four weeks. So yeah. At least you know I'm interested? -hopefulface-
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Re: Interest check:Horror Game

Post by Brittles »

I have edited the first post of this thread to give a proper story, proper rules, and to answer all your questions so far. Please give it a read, and post characters in this thread if you're interested.
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Re: Interest check:Horror Game

Post by Jumplion »

ALRIGHTIES! Let's do this thang!

Name: Jumplion
Gender: Male
Appearance: Scruffy brown fur with 3 "lucky spots" on both of his sides and stomache. Wears an orange collar with a little engraved fang with the words "Keep on truckin'!" for some reason. Floppy ears.
Personality: While he is lazy at times, if he wants to do something he'll do it. At any time he can he puts in a snide remark or a sarcastic retort and sometimes even saying "That's what she said!" if only to put the spirits of his friends up. While he may be imature sometimes, he will do anything to keep his friends happy even if he has to get off the sofa. Because of this he is very knowledgable about his friends and know when they're unhappy. Sortof a 6th sense if you will.
Species: For irony's sake, I'm a dog.
Motivation: Jumplion wants to go along this search party mainly for his girlfriend. (just for the drama) His supposed girlfriend is in there. Her name is Leapfrog, but here's the twist....she's a cat (again, for ironies sake)! Though most people think they're just friends, the secret is going to be tough to keep if something happens...

Ungh, 72 points? I think it would be easier if it was something like 30 points, or maybe make the attributes something like the S.P.E.C.I.A.L system [/geek] But I'll try.

Strength: 4 (lazy)

Perception: 7 (knowledgeable with his friends, knows what’s upsetting them and how to cheer them up, ect…)

Endurance: 5

Confidence: 5

Intelligence: 8

Agility: 3 (lazy)

Luck: 10 (lucky spots)

Well, that's what I could think of on the top of my head. School is starting again soon (the holiday break n' all), but I should be able to be on atleast once or twice a day.

Can't wait till we start.
Last edited by Jumplion on Sun Jan 04, 2009 9:17 pm, edited 4 times in total.
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Re: Interest check:Horror Game

Post by Brittles »

Ok one little mistake there:The most you can have in one attribute is 16... so... no you can't have 30 in luck haha.. you'll have to spread those points out a bit. Keep in mind 6 is the absolute lowest you can have, while '10' is average for a pet. A 6 means you're VERY incompetent in that area... without being absolutely mentally disabled or crippled (which would likely put you at 3-4 but being that bad off would just be in-practical for the story)

Try to stick with one motive as well, whichever one your character believes in most. The other sure, are there, but I'd like to focus on what's driving you most.

I'll say I'm more accustom to using actual RP systems as well, such as SPECIAL but... yeah.. this isn't a gaming forum. We can't expect everyone to know the system. I used the D&D base line simply because it's what most people are familiar with... and it's basic enough for people to understand even if they have little PnP experience.

Edit:At a players request I've change the attribute line some. This post is out of date.
Last edited by Brittles on Sat Jan 03, 2009 1:39 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Interest check:Horror Game

Post by Jumplion »

Brittles wrote:Ok one little mistake there:The most you can have in one attribute is 16... so... no you can't have 30 in luck haha.. you'll have to spread those points out a bit. Keep in mind 6 is the absolute lowest you can have, while '10' is average for a pet. A 6 means you're VERY incompetent in that area... without being absolutely mentally disabled or crippled (which would likely put you at 3-4 but being that bad off would just be in-practical for the story)

Try to stick with one motive as well, whichever one your character believes in most. The other sure, are there, but I'd like to focus on what's driving you most.

I'll say I'm more accustom to using actual RP systems as well, such as SPECIAL but... yeah.. this isn't a gaming forum. We can't expect everyone to know the system. I used the D&D base line simply because it's what most people are familiar with... and it's basic enough for people to understand even if they have little PnP experience.
Alright, I'll edit it out to be more even. I don't have to use up all 72 points, right? Because if I do then I would be an extremely average character. I might have to edit the description a bit if my attributes don't reflect my personality, but no biggie.

I'll make my guy's motive for the girlfriend, for the drama of course!

And I think the SPECIAL system would be the best since it would be easier to spread out your attributes and the attributes you're giving us are similar to SPECIAL. It would be easier on you and everyone else if the maximum was 10 and the minimum was 1 (10 being the highest, 1 being the lowest). I mean, 72 is a big number isn't it? Just saying, it would be easier on everyone.

(To anyone who doesn't know, SPECIAL is;

(I love that coincidence)
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Re: Interest check:Horror Game

Post by daemonxblaze »

quick question. can i be a ferret?
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Re: Interest check:Horror Game

Post by Brittles »

Jumplion wrote: And I think the SPECIAL system would be the best since it would be easier to spread out your attributes and the attributes you're giving us are similar to SPECIAL. It would be easier on you and everyone else if the maximum was 10 and the minimum was 1 (10 being the highest, 1 being the lowest). I mean, 72 is a big number isn't it? Just saying, it would be easier on everyone.
Personally I don't see what the trouble is. By switching to SPECIAL all we'd really be doing is dividing the numbers in half haha. Regardless I used a modified D&D standard because it's what I'm used to. If the SPECIAL system would work better for people here I'm fine with it.
quick question. can i be a ferret?
I'm going to have to say no one that one. Allowing one odd pet opens to the door to pets of all shapes and sizes. The Cats/Dogs of HP! work because they're A) similar in build/abilities and B) human like in nature. A good horror story has heroes that you can relate to, which includes physically. When you start introducing creatures who are half the size of everyone playing, alien ways of thought, or who can fly etc it alters the mood I'm trying to maintain.

That said there's nothing stopping you from making up an interesting Canine or Feline for this haha. You hardly need a 'unique' race to have an interesting character. I mean heck, I could of run this same story with all humans, and the issue would've been moot. Buttt.. I'm not seeing as semi-fur stars fits the site more

Quick question. Long answer I guess haha. Man I've got to stop over-analyzing things so much.
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Re: Interest check:Horror Game

Post by daemonxblaze »

i agree D&D rules over SPECIAL... but only so long as its NOT 3rd or 3.5 ...i hated those editions.... as for 1st or 2nd... OOOH one word... that leaves 4.0.... is that what you're talking about?
also its cool that i can't be a ferret.... i was just thinking
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Re: Interest check:Horror Game

Post by Brittles »

daemonxblaze wrote:i agree D&D rules over SPECIAL... but only so long as its NOT 3rd or 3.5 ...i hated those editions.... as for 1st or 2nd... OOOH one word... that leaves 4.0.... is that what you're talking about?
I'm not using any sort of gaming system or rules at all actually. There will be no THACO ,classes, or anything in-between. The game isn't being tied down to anything like that. The only semblance of that are the 'attributes' which are for my own reference, not for dice rolling. So I know how you compare to each other in any given situation.

If I asked you to write your heroes IQ or how much he can lift it would be the same thing, and neither of those are tied to a gaming system. Using attributes just makes it more general, and easier to refer to, and easier to come up with. So... in the end it really makes no difference what attribute line we use hahaha. Pretend you don't know anything about gaming systems at ALL, and just follow the character rules given in the first post.
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Re: Interest check:Horror Game

Post by Ebly »

I probably would have preffered stuff like 'what academic level is your character at blah blah blah' because it gives more of an idea of what it would imply than just saying something like 'luck', but having done the whole game thing myself I know enough. Also it has the explanations there after the skills in the first post so whatever I'm happy. C|

So yeah now there's this new laptop thing that can actually connect to free public internet -from the place we're staying- and that's just sexy awesome. So I actually have somewhat reliable internet to use when we're there (which we're not right now but we will be back tomorrow so yeah) so I'll be able to do the whole character jazz and actually join in and everything.
So yeah I'm happy.
Though I'm bound to be nagged by Salem to roleplay with him for this. |B
Oh well. Yeah. That's all right now.
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Re: Interest check:Horror Game

Post by Jumplion »

Alright then, I'll be patiently waiting until this starts. Can't wait!
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Re: Interest check:Horror Game

Post by Brittles »

Ebly wrote:I probably would have preffered stuff like 'what academic level is your character at blah blah blah' because it gives more of an idea of what it would imply than just saying something like 'luck', but having done the whole game thing myself I know enough. Also it has the explanations there after the skills in the first post so whatever I'm happy. C|

So yeah now there's this new laptop thing that can actually connect to free public internet -from the place we're staying- and that's just sexy awesome. So I actually have somewhat reliable internet to use when we're there (which we're not right now but we will be back tomorrow so yeah) so I'll be able to do the whole character jazz and actually join in and everything.
So yeah I'm happy.
Though I'm bound to be nagged by Salem to roleplay with him for this. |B
Oh well. Yeah. That's all right now.
Yes some stats can be defined by real world descriptions very easily.. but things like Confidence? Perception? One descriptive line wouldn't be much different then the other for those two. As numbers it takes me a much shorter time to quickly glance them over in a scene.. then it does to say read through three+paragraphs for each character explaining individual skills, and talents. You're free to better define the attributes though;adding a little blurb after each one explaining where it comes from etc.

Good to know you'll be joining. You seem to be the reliable sort with a good head on his shoulders haha. That... and we don't have a whole lot of players as of yet heh. That said...
Alright then, I'll be patiently waiting until this starts. Can't wait!
We'll likely be starting once we have enough Characters (along with their sheets) posted here. I'd like somewhere between 3-5 heroes just in case your wondering, so there might be a bit of a wait yet. Be sure to re-read the Character section Jump. I made one or two little changes, pretty much at your request if memory serves.
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Re: Interest check:Horror Game

Post by Jumplion »

Oh ho! Alright, I'll edit my character sheet as needed. If you want to get this a bit more noticed you could PM some people here.
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Re: Interest check:Horror Game

Post by daemonxblaze »

what about an Ocelot? its a cat, AND legal to adopt in Texas!

also totally cute!
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Re: Interest check:Horror Game

Post by Brittles »

Sorry there blaze but I've still gotta say no. Perhaps a cat with distant Ocelot ancestry, but nothing further then that. We're trying to keep your heroes mundane here remember? Horror stories tend to have heroes of that sort or they loose their effect. Unless of course it's just your random zombie bashing fest, or something with fantasy/Medieval themes... which this isn't..

I do however concede that it is quite cute haha.

As far as PMing random members goes... erm.. that would be rather awkward, and possibly annoying to those not interested. Play-by-post forum games do tend to be a bit slow going don't you know. We won't be rushing to the finish line anytime soon haha. If people want to RP they'll check the RP section... hopefully.
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Re: Interest check:Horror Game

Post by daemonxblaze »

ok i'll just be an ocicat then.. they are abour the size ans weight and coloration of an ocelot... but are just domestic cats...
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Re: Horror RP-Currently recruiting

Post by no space »

Alright, I'll bite.

Zeppelin, male, dark brown mutt with white chest and patches on hands/feet. Only pet in a family of three: mother, father, and young daughter. While he is very smart, he is also easily distracted or bored. Friendly, but only when you get close to him. Doesn't have or want a lot of friends, and as such only fits in with a few of the smaller gangs.

Motivation- His family's daughter was very close to one of the pets who disappeared, so he promised he would help, but also because he's got a bit of a hero complex.

Strength- 3

Perception- 4

Endurance- 5

Confidence- 8

Intelligence- 9

Agility- 4

Luck- 7

Hope I didn't leave anything out. I don't think I did, but I was checking back and forth a lot.
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Re: Horror RP-Currently recruiting

Post by Brittles »

Woo that's two characters down. Need a few more folks.

I see that we have two clever, and notably lucky I love you thus far haha. Both Dogs too.. and here I thought Cats were suppose to be the smart ones.
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Re: Horror RP-Currently recruiting

Post by no space »

Huh. We are quite similar, aren't we? I pretty much just went with my Fallout 3 stats, and didn't pay much attention to Jump's. Ah, well, hopefully we'll get a couple of strong, unlucky cats to even us out. If not, I can always change a few things.
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Re: Horror RP-Currently recruiting

Post by Jumplion »

I think we're different enough, but I can change my guy a bit if you want. It's not problem, really.
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Re: Horror RP-Currently recruiting

Post by Ebly »

Brrrbl. Okay yeah here comes a boring ol' list. |B

I'm missing not being able to be a tiger.
Definitely my favourite animal.
Er, behind raccoons.

Name: Richard (Richie, Rick, whatever. Billy. He doesn't care. He just hates being called Richard. |B)
Gender: Male
Species: Purebreed Somali. That's a cat.
Being a Somali, his fur is close-cropped and orange, with white coming from just below his muzzle and down his stomach, as well as the inside of his legs and around his rear. He's shorter than most cats he knows, and is generally teased about his height - even though he's really only a few inches shorter. His eyes are a vibrant yellow, and many pets comment on how it looks like someone run a marathon in his eyes. He usually gets picked on a lot. His ears are larger than most cats', and come almost to a point. They, like his excessively bushy and more darkly coloured tail, are compared to that of a fox. Not without reason, too - after all. The Somali breed is considered to look like 'little foxes'. He even gets confused as such from time-to-time by people or pets that haven't seen him or anyone like him before.
History-wise (it's not exciting, it just has to do with the why), he was bought by a very rich family as a kitten. After all, they had to have a lot of money to afford a purebreed Somali. Not exactly the most common pet. So as such he's never really lived without luxuries. But he -has-, on the other hand, been pretty much the brunt of things over the years. Rich doesn't automatically mean popular. The point is, he's not used to living without luxury, but he tries to see things from all sides, which is something he started doing as a way to avoid seeing himself as a victim or something. It's like a kind of coping method that grew more into his way of thinking.
For a rich cat (in fact for most pets in general), he's deeply philosophical and thinks way too much. It doesn't make him anywhere near smart, though. He just can't understand overly complicated logical constructs, nor is he expecially good at problem solving (unless it regards abstract thinking). He's creative, not smart. He's also excessively spiritual at times, despite a lack of belief in a god. His spirituality is generally put down to his skill in 'reading' other people, which in turn is put down to him seeing all sides. He puts himself down a lot. That's something he got from other people putting -him- down.
He's overly nervous about meeting other people and is deeply introverted. On the other hand, he's a bit lacking in introspection and tends to think more about other people than himself. Not necessarily kindly - there's a reason he's nervous about people. An interesting contradiction about him is that he doesn't let people see his emotions and feelings about things, really, but he is willing to discuss his deepest thoughts and philosophies as if it's the most natural thing in the world.
His work ethic is poor. He's never really had to do too much for himself, so he's become very unmotivated - not necessarily lazy (he loves to exercise and keeps himself fit and strong - people often comment on how his stature beguiles his strength) but when told to do something he doesn't want to do, though he'll say he'll do it and will probably do it, he won't try very hard at all and will generally perform sub-par.
Motivation: He's just curious, really. He's a cat, what can I say?
Strength - 7
Perception - 9
Endurance - 6
Confidence - 4
Intelligence - 6
Agility - 6
Luck - 4

Und there you have it.
Last edited by Ebly on Sun Jan 11, 2009 12:36 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Horror RP-Currently recruiting

Post by Brittles »

And woo that's three characters! Enough to run this thing though I'd still like a few more. I'll do some more writing, and start up the in-character thread this Friday. I think one week is long enough of a recruitment time don't you?

Rick seems good, varied from the others, the first cat of choice with plenty of description. Though it amuses me that the 'cat' is the 'strong man' of the party surrounded by weak flimsy brainy-dogs haha. But hey, stereotypes were made to be broken ;)

Anyway as for the whole 'similar' attributes deal, and if the lucky dogs should change their stats... my suggestion is as follows:If we get any more players, keep them as they are, as we'll have enough variety that it won't matter. If we DON'T get any more players a few changes wouldn't hurt as in such a small group it'd be good to try and have more bases covered.

That is all.
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Re: Horror RP-Currently recruiting

Post by daemonxblaze »

i'll put up a char... but i wont be able to play for a while yet.... ccan i be a survivor of the house?

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Re: Horror RP-Currently recruiting

Post by Brittles »

daemonxblaze wrote:i'll put up a char... but i wont be able to play for a while yet.... ccan i be a survivor of the house?

*18 esspresso shots...not even joking holy *****
Hmm? Sure it's quite possible you're part of the first group... or another pet who decided to try and find them on his own prior to these guys. That was honestly how I was going to introduce any players who joined after we already started.
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Re: Horror RP-Currently recruiting

Post by daemonxblaze »

ok good i'llrollupa tune later when i'mnotpacking
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Re: Horror RP-Currently recruiting

Post by Ebly »

Brittles wrote:And woo that's three characters! Enough to run this thing though I'd still like a few more. I'll do some more writing, and start up the in-character thread this Friday. I think one week is long enough of a recruitment time don't you?

Rick seems good, varied from the others, the first cat of choice with plenty of description. Though it amuses me that the 'cat' is the 'strong man' of the party surrounded by weak flimsy brainy-dogs haha. But hey, stereotypes were made to be broken ;)

Anyway as for the whole 'similar' attributes deal, and if the lucky dogs should change their stats... my suggestion is as follows:If we get any more players, keep them as they are, as we'll have enough variety that it won't matter. If we DON'T get any more players a few changes wouldn't hurt as in such a small group it'd be good to try and have more bases covered.

That is all.
I actually ended up writing it and completely forgetting about the dogs (fff i prefer cats anyway)
so I guess I'd have to say that I made him with no influence and would have made him that way anyway.
and rick is totally brainy. just not smart. or intellectual. at all. okay fine he's not brainy. 8B

i'd kind of rather blaze as part of the group going in because then as you say we'll get more variety and blurr.
but it's his chatacter 8B

kind of waiting for your character here britface. |3

and yeah one week sounds fine.
I was going to make a joke but then I did.
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Re: Horror RP-Currently recruiting

Post by Brittles »

Well yeah, it's up to blaze, I'd rather him come in from the start as well but the dude is busy you know? Or that's what I figured. We could 'hold off' on the start date if you wish so he can join from the get go, but only if the majority of you agree.

Though waiting for 'my character'? I'm afraid to say I don't have one. I'm taking the role of story teller here:I control the house, the victims, and the horrors within. I realize there are games suited to have the guy running it have his own character... but ehn this isn't one of them I'd think. What's the fun of a mystery when you already know all the answers?

But yes I did say I'd start this 'Friday' and well it 'is' Friday. I'll have the IC thread up sometime this evening, I ended up having a few things to work on today, but nothing that should keep me busy all night.
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Re: Horror RP-Currently recruiting

Post by Ebly »

Brittles wrote:Well yeah, it's up to blaze, I'd rather him come in from the start as well but the dude is busy you know? Or that's what I figured. We could 'hold off' on the start date if you wish so he can join from the get go, but only if the majority of you agree.

Though waiting for 'my character'? I'm afraid to say I don't have one. I'm taking the role of story teller here:I control the house, the victims, and the horrors within. I realize there are games suited to have the guy running it have his own character... but ehn this isn't one of them I'd think. What's the fun of a mystery when you already know all the answers?

But yes I did say I'd start this 'Friday' and well it 'is' Friday. I'll have the IC thread up sometime this evening, I ended up having a few things to work on today, but nothing that should keep me busy all night.
Yeah yeah. x3
I don't mind, really. At all.

And yeah that's a good point. |O
Why do I never think of these things when I need to.
Oh well.

Take time with work, I don't think anyone's desperate.
But that aside I have to go in half an hour or so probably.
So yeah I don't think I'll be able to post in it today.
And I never know when I next have internet. ;A;
Oh well...

Actually, maybe you should give it something like two more days. Start it on Sunday or something. Unless you have something to do then.
I was going to make a joke but then I did.
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Re: Horror RP-Currently recruiting

Post by Brittles »

Ebly wrote: Yeah yeah. x3
I don't mind, really. At all.

And yeah that's a good point. |O
Why do I never think of these things when I need to.
Oh well.

Take time with work, I don't think anyone's desperate.
But that aside I have to go in half an hour or so probably.
So yeah I don't think I'll be able to post in it today.
And I never know when I next have internet. ;A;
Oh well...

Actually, maybe you should give it something like two more days. Start it on Sunday or something. Unless you have something to do then.
Hmm, I guess I can extend it that far, I am free on Sunday, and still a bit busy tonight haha. But no further then that. I don't want to put the game off for 'too' long. IC thread will be made sometime Sunday Afternoon.
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Re: Horror RP-Currently recruiting

Post by Korilaz »

kinda hate to say it but im gonn Have to pass on this..... ive got too much goin on to be able to pay attention to this board cuz tis the only one im really on any more.... i would like to but... i gotta worry bout my 4th char.... in my current dnd club...
yes... ive been gone a while.... yes its cuz of LK....
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Re: Horror RP-Currently recruiting

Post by daemonxblaze »

BUAHA! i'm back! back in BLACK perfectly wonderful person!!!

Name: Mal
Species: ocicat
looks like an ocelot stings like a paintball.... kinda sums him up rather nicely actually, a pet of few words, he has a tendancey to kick-butt first and ask questions later. he was never de-clawed and is very proud of the fact he can claw through a 2x4 in a bout an hour... (realistic or no? it can be edited) his adopted parents are both judo masters and his adopted father runs a dojo close to town, as such, he's just a bit more than good at hand to hand, but tends not to think before putting his fist in someones face... he is easily annoyed by tedious things like talking about feelings and actually caring about other people, in fact the only real reason he's going on this little venture is to satisfy his personal need for a challenge, and if nothing else he figures there might be a reward at the end of this
Motivation: he wants a reward for his hard work, but even if there is none... he'll at least kick bubblegum doing SOMETHING
Strength - 10
Perception - 8
Endurance - 8
Confidence - 6
Intelligence - 4
Agility - 2
Luck - 2

in short..
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Re: Horror RP-Currently recruiting

Post by Brittles »

Cats are strong things aren't they? Haha I assume the 'adoptive parents' are his human owners then? Last I checked the pets don't get to run their own businesses. But eh.

Now I'll say right now I most certainly have nothing against someone making a 'tough' character, which this guy most certainly is. The characters fine, and I'll be happy if you use it.

But all this combat oriented 'butt kicking' fluff makes me think I need to bring up the obvious point for everyones benefit. This is a suspenseful horror game. Not an adventure game, not fantasy, or action. The game will consist of long spans of suspenseful scenes which (if I do it right) will put your heroes on edge as you explore the house, and investigate the disappearances. The 'horror scenes' as they are in any story will be abrupt, fast, and made to inspire as much panic as possible. There will RARELY be a time that you can simply 'punch through' a problem, if at all. Strength will have its uses, no doubt about that, but punching out cthullu will not be one of them. The stories focus will be on the mystery of the house, and the effect the horrors have on the characters own minds.

Basically all I'm saying here is.. don't expect to be able to act like some sort of bad-bubblegum that can stand up against unholy abominations, and win. You'll be a splatter on the wall pretty darn quickly if you do, perhaps not as quickly as some of the other heroes, but the end result would still be the same. On a similar note, don't simply walk into a room littered with body parts, and brush it off with a scoff either... no amount of mundane martial arts training can prepare you mentally for something like that without prior experience.
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Re: Horror RP-Currently recruiting

Post by Ebly »

Wahaha, nice.

Now I have funny pictures of Richie beating up Cthulu.

Thanks for that. x3
I was going to make a joke but then I did.
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Re: Horror RP-Currently recruiting

Post by Jumplion »

Heh, I really do find it funny how all the dogs are weak smart people and the cats are strong tanks.

Pfft, and they said I couldn't toast breakfast cereal. Now look who's laughing!

Take that, society!
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Re: Horror RP-Currently recruiting

Post by Ebly »

Jumplion wrote:Heh, I really do find it funny how all the dogs are weak smart people and the cats are strong tanks.

Maaaybe. Maybe.
I know I didn't intend him to be a tank and I also didn't mean for strength to be 8 so that's kind of weird.

but you're right that that's kind of odd how it turned out.
I was going to make a joke but then I did.
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Re: Horror RP-Currently recruiting

Post by daemonxblaze »

nah i was thinking more along the vein of "hey! this door's locked! we gotta go around!" *bam!* "no we don't."
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Re: Horror RP-Currently recruiting

Post by Brittles »

daemonxblaze wrote:nah i was thinking more along the vein of "hey! this door's locked! we gotta go around!" *bam!* "no we don't."
Tom approves of this reasoning! Nice to see I have nothing to be worried about haha.

Realize it's a bit late.. but I'm going to be typing up, and posting that IC thread now. Lets see if we can get this show on the road.
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Re: LCN-OOC/Recruitment

Post by Brittles »

Double posting! I'm an evil, evil creature aren't I? The In character thread is now up. You may start posting whenever you feel fit. This is now the official out of character thread for the game.