HPU: Blue Peak Shore

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Re: HPU: Blue Peak Shore

Post by kurowolfe »

valerio wrote:A moment later, a specter appeared in front of Haq. A female, an elderly yet vigorous speciment, as silent as the others, looking with hatred at the young, living male.
"You need no courage," the Hunter said, walking to the ghost, who actually seemed to tremble as the more powerful entity approached. "You just must avoid prudence, fear, anything that can be interpreted as weakness. You will *harness* them, make them serve you, do your bidding. You must be a leader to them, and as such you must show no hesitation of any sort, or they will make a feast out of you. Like this wretched creature, my dearest mother.
"My first sacrifice."
Haq looked at the scornful face of the elderly apparition, silent as he watched her cower at the sight of the Hunter approaching. He was not feeling sad; he never knew who his mother was, and his only real family was Qonun. Pity maybe, seeing how the soul was no longer able to rest. He began to speak.

"Everywan feels fear, Hunter; its wat makes us sen..sen-ti-unt beeings." He had to enunciate the word slowly. "Its foolish too avoid fear altogeder, its how we handel it dat is important. Kourage is important too, too face and konvert dat fear into power."

He approached the fearful female as well, and stood side-by-side with the Hunter facing her. "If we arr too be leaders, we should kommand respek and loyalty, not fear alone." He smiled at her, and extended his paw with the skull on it towards her. "You will join us, o Mother of the Hunter," he said simpy.

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Re: HPU: Blue Peak Shore

Post by Civilization »

valerio wrote:Janus had dropped the charcoal. He took the a small box, containing a yellow dry pigment. He opened it, and...spat on the canvas. Immediately, the wolfdog blew the colored dust onto the saliva smear and used a brush to spread it at great speed, before it dessicated. While working like that, he almost absent-mindedly put a small stone into his mouth and chewed to generate more salive, before repeating the operation with other colors...
Derek made a face, though he *was* intrigued now. As if perceiving those feelings, janus turned briefly his head to say, "I discovered this technique one day we had no water at home. Broken pipe. And I *really* needed to paint. Like today."
Tutter continued to watch as the wolf-dog continued to work, then looked at his partner, who was the focal point of the artwork. He was waiting for the kid to want to go, but since he was finally interested too, looks like they would be sticking together a little bit longer. Which was fine by him, he had seen enough interesting already, though he knew he would have to see it eventually.
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Re: HPU: Blue Peak Shore

Post by valerio »

hypernovatic wrote:Shukaku thought for a moment and noticed Lyla's legs were spread apart. He dashed forward and moved like he was about to punch the hyena. Just before he got in range, he fell to the ground and slid between her legs and jumped back up and lightly hit the hyena's back.
Lyla looked at the cat with admiration. "Excellent job! Either they taught you *good*, or you are a natural at this. Now, ready to play dodge?"
xhunterko wrote:"Incorrect," Khun said, "If that is your temple, then that was to you. Granted the faith I was raised in is not in worship to you, I was, however, taught respect. Especially by my sensei."
"Wise words, indeed. So, since you established a link with me, please tell me what was the sacrifice for."
xhunterko wrote:Monique looked at the lights in front of her, scratching her head.
"What are those?" She asked curiously, though possibly knowing the answer, she wanted clarification.
"These are...a sample, if you like. A selection of those creatures, their very souls if you want. And I am asking you, Monique, Flint, Reginald, to carry them with you, in your own age, so that an inheritance of them may live on."
Hotep the psychic wrote:"I dont know, Last i remember was falling asleep in the temple surrounded by the masters of each nature." he said "where am i master Donau? am i still on the island?" he asked
xhunterko wrote:"That is correct, and how and why, may I ask, you are within our tiny little holy place?" Luke asked. A tree fell behind them as Amber knocked down another tree. She turned around, noticing that a fox was, for some reason, now among them, and in their shrine? Amber rushed forward with the hatchet, stopped by Luke, placing it's blade on the fox's neck.
"WHO ARE YOU AND WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?!" Amber shouted firmly. Luke face palmed.
"And HONEST TO GOODNESS YOU MALES," she continued, "A stranger just pops up out of know where and you just stand there!"
"Talking," Luke said. Amber looked at him, then back to the fox.
"Then he'd better START," Amber said, still holding the hatchet to the fox's throat.
"Milady, NO!" Donau's reaction was immediate, as he lifted a paw as if to protect the fox...and the hatchet just *melted* like a piece of butter by the fire! "He is a good friend of mine, an old acquaintance. He means no harm! Please, let us not be rush!"
Civilization wrote:Tutter continued to watch as the wolf-dog continued to work, then looked at his partner, who was the focal point of the artwork. He was waiting for the kid to want to go, but since he was finally interested too, looks like they would be sticking together a little bit longer. Which was fine by him, he had seen enough interesting already, though he knew he would have to see it eventually.
...And it was done. Janus' brush fell from his trembling paw. The poor wolfdog looked as if he had gone through a tremendous exercies, his tongue was lolling out in panting. "Well...that was...intense..." He took the painting and showed it to Buster.
It depicted the black rabbit, standing by the arch...only that he wasn't alone. All around him, majestic figures walked by, and the arch itself was but the part of some vast glass gallery! Yet everything but Buster looked...blurry, fuzzy, like an out-of-focus picture.
The Hunter was laughing hard, clearly satisified with himself, as the specter retreated into the skull.
"You did well, my apprentice, you did SO well! They died in hate and fear, they know nothing else than strength. They respond to nothing but *harnessing*. And you taught them that you are a force to be reckoned with: My most sincere congratulations, I knew I had chosen well!"
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Re: HPU: Blue Peak Shore

Post by RandomGeekNamedBrent »

valerio wrote:...And it was done. Janus' brush fell from his trembling paw. The poor wolfdog looked as if he had gone through a tremendous exercies, his tongue was lolling out in panting. "Well...that was...intense..." He took the painting and showed it to Buster.
It depicted the black rabbit, standing by the arch...only that he wasn't alone. All around him, majestic figures walked by, and the arch itself was but the part of some vast glass gallery! Yet everything but Buster looked...blurry, fuzzy, like an out-of-focus picture.
Buster stared in awe at the work. He knew Janus was a great artist, but to produce something so involved in such a short time? and with his tools limited no less. "How do you keep finding ways to surprise me?" he asked. then he realized he had a real question. "and more importantly, who are those figures behind me?"
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Re: HPU: Blue Peak Shore

Post by valerio »

RandomGeekNamedBrent wrote:It depicted the black rabbit, standing by the arch...only that he wasn't alone. All around him, majestic figures walked by, and the arch itself was but the part of some vast glass gallery! Yet everything but Buster looked...blurry, fuzzy, like an out-of-focus picture.
Buster stared in awe at the work. He knew Janus was a great artist, but to produce something so involved in such a short time? and with his tools limited no less. "How do you keep finding ways to surprise me?" he asked. then he realized he had a real question. "and more importantly, who are those figures behind me?"[/quote]
"That's the funny thing: I...don't know. It's as if I had, I dunno, switched off and let my vision take control..." He looked at the arch. "It felt real, I could even smell them. Lions, they were lions, I remember them from a visit at the zoo back when I was a cub, before the...incident." Then he wagged his tail. "But I'm happy you like it."
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Re: HPU: Blue Peak Shore

Post by RandomGeekNamedBrent »

valerio wrote:"That's the funny thing: I...don't know. It's as if I had, I dunno, switched off and let my vision take control..." He looked at the arch. "It felt real, I could even smell them. Lions, they were lions, I remember them from a visit at the zoo back when I was a cub, before the...incident." Then he wagged his tail. "But I'm happy you like it."
"Well, we probably shouldn't keep the others waiting," the rabbit said. "Though I'd hate for this to get messed up. Do we have any way to keep it safe while we check out the ruins."
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Re: HPU: Blue Peak Shore

Post by valerio »

RandomGeekNamedBrent wrote:"Well, we probably shouldn't keep the others waiting," the rabbit said. "Though I'd hate for this to get messed up. Do we have any way to keep it safe while we check out the ruins."
"Oh, you can leave it where it is," Derek said. "People do not steal tourist stuff on this island, Mr. Spencers doesn't tolerate it."
Janus nodded. "Guess I'll trust you on this, kid." He left everything as it was, before leaning to Buster. "Sorry, luv, but I do feel tired. Guess I'll lose that race after all, heh."
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Re: HPU: Blue Peak Shore

Post by Hotep the psychic »

Anubis stood confused before hearing Amber then when his sight cleared he raised his arms to defend himself! but no power came as he relaxed upon seeing the axe against his neck then gone when donau came to his defence. Anubis sighed relaxing some more, soon lifting the "melted" axe on the ground and letting it shape to a small ball in the air. "Milady? Donau your in service to her? and your alive? after so long a time your alive?....im sorry i have many questions but i am very confused at the moment" he said slowly reshaping the ball into the axe that amber had carried and reforming it onto the handle she held to allow the material to re-solidify.

"As to the questions to me i will answer them Master donau its only correct." Anubis then smiled to amber and bowed politely "my name his Anubis, I arrived at this island awhile back if time is correct. I know donau well for me, Master Donau in the past to learn the arts of the aether." anubis explained as he stood there his tail waving behind him as he turned to look at the ruins still standing behind him. then looked inside to find his backpack and belongings still intact. "hey my bag is still intact" he said moving to pick up the pack and rejoin Donau with amber and luke.. "may i ask if you introduce yourselves" Anubis curiously inquired to the animals around him
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Re: HPU: Blue Peak Shore

Post by xhunterko »

ooc: Forgot Raijda's full name and the horse's names. I should put them down somewhere.

Blasted insufferable MAGIC! Should we be attacked early we wouldn't stand a chance! Still, he knows Donau at least. Still, NOT a time for quips kid. Amber thought. She rested the axe on her shoulder, still cautious.

"I am Amber Kries (like Greece) de Argon Camp daughter of the Chief Antares Kries of the Mantuk pride fiance' to Luke Argon, prideleader of the Argon pride," she said with authority, "There was no need for the magic, Donau, I had no intention of harm. But I didn't know HIS intentions. So please excuse me for being cautious. Seeing, he popped up out of nowhere in the middle of sacred Argon territory." She looked to Luke, who rolled his eyes at the word prideleader.

"I am Luke," Luke said.

"Ahem, Prideleader Luke," Amber interrupted, Luke sighed.

"I am prideleader Luke Argon de Argon Camp of the Argon pride," Luke said, "She is out hunting, but we have another member. Our lady of the Sisterhood, Raijda. You seem to be already acquainted with our friend, Master Donau. Also, these are our horses..." Luke waved his hand towards them, indicating they should follow suit and introduce themselves.
Here again, Khun blushed with embarrassment.

"Well, well," Khun said, "I was thinking, I bet it's a strange thing for a foreigner to offer at a temple like that, I wonder what it's effect would be. Then I thought, well, a little luck goes a long way. So, I remembered a common fruit on this island, though it might not be that easy to find. So, I grabbed a couple, one for the east side, one for the west. And I thought of the old saying, a little luck goes a long way. So that's what I'd figure I'd pray for. The butterfly effect, you see. So, I grabbed my fruit, entered the temple, removing my earthly belongings, of course, then, when I noticed something might be in progress, I slipped aside and asked about making an offering. When the rabbit commented, I thought, you know, this is silly and foolish just leave it and get. Whoever's in charge upstairs will appreciate it any way. My idea was: A little luck goes a long way, and this might be just a strange enough thing to catch somebodies attention. So I thought to, well, ask that the entire island, everyone (except myself of course), and everything, be blessed with a little extra luck today for their good." Khun noticed ahead that the group was looking at an artwork. He hurried a bit, not to miss out.

"So, sorry, for the ramble, but, yeah," Khun said, "If you can do that, that's what I request. Please. I know it sounds silly and foolish but."
Monique paused for a moment. Wanting to desperately, but. She hesitated, reaching out.

"Is, is it overall, safe?" She asked. Thinking of the effects invasive species have on a native population.
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Re: HPU: Blue Peak Shore

Post by hypernovatic »

Shukaku smiled and nodded. "Thanks! Yeah, I'm ready."
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Re: HPU: Blue Peak Shore

Post by Civilization »

valerio wrote:
RandomGeekNamedBrent wrote:"Well, we probably shouldn't keep the others waiting," the rabbit said. "Though I'd hate for this to get messed up. Do we have any way to keep it safe while we check out the ruins."
"Oh, you can leave it where it is," Derek said. "People do not steal tourist stuff on this island, Mr. Spencers doesn't tolerate it."
Janus nodded. "Guess I'll trust you on this, kid." He left everything as it was, before leaning to Buster. "Sorry, luv, but I do feel tired. Guess I'll lose that race after all, heh."
Tutter listened to the others explain the picture, then how to deal with it, this island was something. "Well then, guess that means we are heading off then."
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Re: HPU: Blue Peak Shore

Post by kurowolfe »

((OOC: This post is made in accordance to valerio's greenlight in the OOC thread))

Finally, Haq was able to take the ethereal wolf into his command, but not without almost risking his life in the first place. His chest heaved heavily in and out as he sat on the ground with his legs outstretched, and his body was still hurting from the unprecedented attack. Even when there was no physical wounds on him. He looked at the now submissive ghost, and growled at her menacingly.

"You were testing me," he said at the Hunter standing at the side. "Arr all de ghosts agressive like dis one?"

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Re: HPU: Blue Peak Shore

Post by Roarin »

"Hmm? They just kinda look like... Lights." Unlike the wiser ghost Flint reaches and picks one up, holding it in his palm. "Well I guess I'd happily take one back but... What do we do with them?" Mmh, and they much be worth a fortune back in their time...
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Re: HPU: Blue Peak Shore

Post by valerio »

xhunterko wrote:ooc: Forgot Raijda's full name and the horse's names. I should put them down somewhere.
Blasted insufferable MAGIC! Should we be attacked early we wouldn't stand a chance! Still, he knows Donau at least. Still, NOT a time for quips kid. Amber thought. She rested the axe on her shoulder, still cautious.
"I am Amber Kries (like Greece) de Argon Camp daughter of the Chief Antares Kries of the Mantuk pride fiance' to Luke Argon, prideleader of the Argon pride," she said with authority, "There was no need for the magic, Donau, I had no intention of harm. But I didn't know HIS intentions. So please excuse me for being cautious. Seeing, he popped up out of nowhere in the middle of sacred Argon territory." She looked to Luke, who rolled his eyes at the word prideleader.
"I am Luke," Luke said.
"Ahem, Prideleader Luke," Amber interrupted, Luke sighed.
"I am prideleader Luke Argon de Argon Camp of the Argon pride," Luke said, "She is out hunting, but we have another member. Our lady of the Sisterhood, Raijda. You seem to be already acquainted with our friend, Master Donau. Also, these are our horses..." Luke waved his hand towards them, indicating they should follow suit and introduce themselves.
"I am Boomer," the female said.
"Botticelli," the male bowed his head respectfully. He also eyed Anubis with curiosity. "Funny, a non-native magic user, never saw one."
xhunterko wrote:Here again, Khun blushed with embarrassment.
"Well, well," Khun said, "I was thinking, I bet it's a strange thing for a foreigner to offer at a temple like that, I wonder what it's effect would be. Then I thought, well, a little luck goes a long way. So, I remembered a common fruit on this island, though it might not be that easy to find. So, I grabbed a couple, one for the east side, one for the west. And I thought of the old saying, a little luck goes a long way. So that's what I'd figure I'd pray for. The butterfly effect, you see. So, I grabbed my fruit, entered the temple, removing my earthly belongings, of course, then, when I noticed something might be in progress, I slipped aside and asked about making an offering. When the rabbit commented, I thought, you know, this is silly and foolish just leave it and get. Whoever's in charge upstairs will appreciate it any way. My idea was: A little luck goes a long way, and this might be just a strange enough thing to catch somebodies attention. So I thought to, well, ask that the entire island, everyone (except myself of course), and everything, be blessed with a little extra luck today for their good." Khun noticed ahead that the group was looking at an artwork. He hurried a bit, not to miss out.
"So, sorry, for the ramble, but, yeah," Khun said, "If you can do that, that's what I request. Please. I know it sounds silly and foolish but."
"So all you need is a charm for the bad times?"
xhunterko wrote:Monique paused for a moment. Wanting to desperately, but. She hesitated, reaching out.
"Is, is it overall, safe?" She asked. Thinking of the effects invasive species have on a native population.
Roarin wrote:"Hmm? They just kinda look like... Lights." Unlike the wiser ghost Flint reaches and picks one up, holding it in his palm. "Well I guess I'd happily take one back but... What do we do with them?" Mmh, and they much be worth a fortune back in their time...
"These are souls. Their existence will not interfere with any ecosystems, but in bringing them with you, you will give them a chance to keep existing, in a familiar environment."
"YAY! Friends!" Reginald grabbed his light and held it in his paws. "Ohh, it feels so warm!"
"Worry not, you won't have to keep them forever if you don't want to. Just let them exist within you."
hypernovatic wrote:Shukaku smiled and nodded. "Thanks! Yeah, I'm ready."
Her paw just...well, the moment he had spoken she landed a blow on his chest with the flat of her palm and pushed him down. "You weren't ready," Lyla said, grinning.
Civilization wrote:Tutter listened to the others explain the picture, then how to deal with it, this island was something. "Well then, guess that means we are heading off then."
Janus left his painting kit nearby the arch. He rolled up the painting, carefully, and kept him under his arm. "Guess you're right. High-ho, to see our friends we go!"
kurowolfe wrote: Finally, Haq was able to take the ethereal wolf into his command, but not without almost risking his life in the first place. His chest heaved heavily in and out as he sat on the ground with his legs outstretched, and his body was still hurting from the unprecedented attack. Even when there was no physical wounds on him. He looked at the now submissive ghost, and growled at her menacingly.
"You were testing me," he said at the Hunter standing at the side. "Arr all de ghosts agressive like dis one?"
"Depends. These ones, in particular, are among the most aggressive, since they left this mortal plane in a mostly...upsetting manner, heh. But worry not about your scruples: I appreciate them, you spoke wiselu about leadership: Just remember to apply that to the living. Keep a proper balance, and you will make a great Chieftain."
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Re: HPU: Blue Peak Shore

Post by Hotep the psychic »

valerio wrote:
xhunterko wrote:ooc: Forgot Raijda's full name and the horse's names. I should put them down somewhere.
Blasted insufferable MAGIC! Should we be attacked early we wouldn't stand a chance! Still, he knows Donau at least. Still, NOT a time for quips kid. Amber thought. She rested the axe on her shoulder, still cautious.
"I am Amber Kries (like Greece) de Argon Camp daughter of the Chief Antares Kries of the Mantuk pride fiance' to Luke Argon, prideleader of the Argon pride," she said with authority, "There was no need for the magic, Donau, I had no intention of harm. But I didn't know HIS intentions. So please excuse me for being cautious. Seeing, he popped up out of nowhere in the middle of sacred Argon territory." She looked to Luke, who rolled his eyes at the word prideleader.
"I am Luke," Luke said.
"Ahem, Prideleader Luke," Amber interrupted, Luke sighed.
"I am prideleader Luke Argon de Argon Camp of the Argon pride," Luke said, "She is out hunting, but we have another member. Our lady of the Sisterhood, Raijda. You seem to be already acquainted with our friend, Master Donau. Also, these are our horses..." Luke waved his hand towards them, indicating they should follow suit and introduce themselves.
"I am Boomer," the female said.
"Botticelli," the male bowed his head respectfully. He also eyed Anubis with curiosity. "Funny, a non-native magic user, never saw one."
Anubis looked to boticelli confused "never seen one what?" he asked "if your refering to seeing a horse your mistaken." anubis said smiling as he bows politely to the two horses before perking his ears some "however if i may boomer sounds familiar, have i met you before?" he asked looking between her and botticelli as he waited for donau to answer his questions
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Re: HPU: Blue Peak Shore

Post by kurowolfe »

valerio wrote:"Depends. These ones, in particular, are among the most aggressive, since they left this mortal plane in a mostly...upsetting manner, heh. But worry not about your scruples: I appreciate them, you spoke wisely about leadership: Just remember to apply that to the living. Keep a proper balance, and you will make a great Chieftain."
"Ch-chieftain?!" Haq exclaimed incredulously. He reflexively jerked forwards, and the still lingering pain made him wince. "Ai donno how too be a chieftain!"

The wolf stopped in his tracks when he heard himself. He looked around, and saw only ghosts and a crimson spirit. Technically that meant that he was the only candidate for chieftain, when this place becomes a new enclave.

"Lets build de villej first, den Ai kan be a chieftain," he said, as he stood up slowly and grimacing a bit. "Kan dese ghosts karry rocks and stiks and stuff?"

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Re: HPU: Blue Peak Shore

Post by hypernovatic »

valerio wrote: Her paw just...well, the moment he had spoken she landed a blow on his chest with the flat of her palm and pushed him down. "You weren't ready," Lyla said, grinning.
Shukaku yelped and fell on the ground. "I should have seen that coming." he said, coughing a bit.
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Re: HPU: Blue Peak Shore

Post by valerio »

Hotep the psychic wrote:Anubis looked to boticelli confused "never seen one what?" he asked "if your refering to seeing a horse your mistaken." anubis said smiling as he bows politely to the two horses before perking his ears some "however if i may boomer sounds familiar, have i met you before?" he asked looking between her and botticelli as he waited for donau to answer his questions
"Can't say I have. You're not from Liberation, they have no black foxes there, last I remember."
Donau patted the fox's back. "I can imagine you are. Since the day you were...gone, may things have happened. But a few of us , like me, managed to master the aether magic enough to put a Veil on time itself." His snout pointed at the cougars. "As for me being in their service, well, they are rebuilding the fourth tribe and I am to be their...spiritual referee, their shaman and ambassador pro tempore until their own tribe will be able to stand for itself...magic included," he added to Amber with an apologetic smile. "I am truly sorry for that trick I pulled on you, but I promise you, one day you guys will have your own shamans and they will teach to the young, and...well, no one will mess with you."
kurowolfe wrote:"Ch-chieftain?!" Haq exclaimed incredulously. He reflexively jerked forwards, and the still lingering pain made him wince. "Ai donno how too be a chieftain!"
The wolf stopped in his tracks when he heard himself. He looked around, and saw only ghosts and a crimson spirit. Technically that meant that he was the only candidate for chieftain, when this place becomes a new enclave.
"Lets build de villej first, den Ai kan be a chieftain," he said, as he stood up slowly and grimacing a bit. "Kan dese ghosts karry rocks and stiks and stuff?"
The Hunter nodded. "They are yours to command. When angry spirits are left to tend to themselves, they become what humans call 'Poltergeists', but at your command they will move things according to your desires. After you are done, *then* we will seek for the new inhabitants of this enclave."
hypernovatic wrote:Shukaku yelped and fell on the ground. "I should have seen that coming." he said, coughing a bit.
She leaned over and offered the cat a massive paw. "Of course you didn't: Your enemies won't give you a fair warning."
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Re: HPU: Blue Peak Shore

Post by Hotep the psychic »

Anubis gasped in realization "master donau this is the tribe i was to be the shaman for as i told you in the past!" the fox said before soon frowning hearing the rabbits words. "wait....few of us?.....how many and who all do you know survived?" Anubis asked worriedly now feeling as if he had some part in this
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Re: HPU: Blue Peak Shore

Post by hypernovatic »

valerio wrote:
hypernovatic wrote:Shukaku yelped and fell on the ground. "I should have seen that coming." he said, coughing a bit.
She leaned over and offered the cat a massive paw. "Of course you didn't: Your enemies won't give you a fair warning."
"Yeah." Shukaku said, getting up by himself, not wanting to take the chance of being caught off guard.
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Re: HPU: Blue Peak Shore

Post by kurowolfe »

valerio wrote:The Hunter nodded. "They are yours to command. When angry spirits are left to tend to themselves, they become what humans call 'Poltergeists', but at your command they will move things according to your desires. After you are done, *then* we will seek for the new inhabitants of this enclave."
"Ai need too do sumthing first," Haq said. He fell into a squat and began tracing the ground with a stick he picked up nearby. The wolf drew in a moderate pace, and when he was done, some sort of floor plan was roughly etched. A plan for the enclave, similar to his ruined home, but different at the same time as well, utilizing whatever ruins were left of this old place. Haq stood up again, closed his eyes and imagined how the village would look like with the plans as a guide. He took in a deep breath and began to speak loudly, again enunciating every word.

"Spirits of the village, heed my call! I need you to carry stones and wood to form houses and buildings in the image of what I envisioned. Search the area for materials and use the base of this village, so that we can build a new life together! Now go!"

Because of his naturally melodious voice and the silent atmosphere, his voiced commands had that powerful push behind them that most orotund leaders have. It also turned out that the slight wolf automatically speaks fluid English when he shouted them out like this.

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Re: HPU: Blue Peak Shore

Post by xhunterko »

"Yeah, rather silly isn't it? Though as far as I know, the times don't seem bad, unless I'm missing something," Khun said, "I mean, I thought wondered what a little extra luck could do to everybody's day here? And if it's too small or silly just forget it. I mean, who knows, I might need a little divine favor sometime later?"

Like, a little help getting a girl hey don't talk like that around a god! Besides, now that, THAT would be something silly to ask for! Khun thought to himself. He could see the group now, he wasn't that far from the entrance. He did notice the wolf dog had something under his arm. He reasoned that he must have just made it, making a mental note to ask him about it.
"I think you owe us more than a few explanations Donau," Amber said, looking at him cross.

Luke nodded, looking from Donau to Anubis.

"Well, I, I suppose all right then," Monique said, cupping her light in her hand, "Though, how exactly is this supposed to work then?"
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Re: HPU: Blue Peak Shore

Post by Civilization »

valerio wrote:Janus left his painting kit nearby the arch. He rolled up the painting, carefully, and kept him under his arm. "Guess you're right. High-ho, to see our friends we go!"
Tutter nodded, looking at the other two that now made up the group. Ready to go off and see what continual surprise and information this place would bring to him. As they prepared to go on their adventure to whatever the journey would take them, since it was seemingly changing while the location stayed the same. "So what brings you here to this island?"
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Re: HPU: Blue Peak Shore

Post by Roarin »

"Cool! I guess I wouldn't mind keeping an extraterrestrial soul around. Certainly would be an interesting conversation starter." He cupped his light in both of his paws. "But umm, does it do... Anything? Can I talk to it? Hello?"
"Sleep is due to me... And I have a dream to live."

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Re: HPU: Blue Peak Shore

Post by RandomGeekNamedBrent »

Civilization wrote:
valerio wrote:Janus left his painting kit nearby the arch. He rolled up the painting, carefully, and kept him under his arm. "Guess you're right. High-ho, to see our friends we go!"
Tutter nodded, looking at the other two that now made up the group. Ready to go off and see what continual surprise and information this place would bring to him. As they prepared to go on their adventure to whatever the journey would take them, since it was seemingly changing while the location stayed the same. "So what brings you here to this island?"
"Same thing that brings most people to exotic islands," Buster answered. "We're on vacation."
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Re: HPU: Blue Peak Shore

Post by valerio »

Hotep the psychic wrote:Anubis gasped in realization "master donau this is the tribe i was to be the shaman for as i told you in the past!" the fox said before soon frowning hearing the rabbits words. "wait....few of us?.....how many and who all do you know survived?" Anubis asked worriedly now feeling as if he had some part in this
xhunterko wrote:"I think you owe us more than a few explanations Donau," Amber said, looking at him cross.
Luke nodded, looking from Donau to Anubis.
Donau rubbed his head, feeling like a freight train of a headache incoming... Time traverls, oy... He then sighed, trying to come up with something that, he hoped, wouldn't screw with his friends' minds...too much.
First of all, he lifted the Veil and returned to his normal state for Anubis to see. "Time after you started visiting us, Anubis, something happened: the lions, the fourth tribe as it is known today, got ahead of themselves, they started...lusting for more power than they could manage. And they were powerful enough, since their shamans could harness the very power of the light from the Sun. We don't know why yet what triggered this folly, but they managed to harness much more than they could handle, trying to break into the Aether magic...And our beautiful Zilnawa, our monuments, everything...it was destroyed." a tear fell from his eye, a rare display of emotion from a being that looked as if he could feel nothing but primordial hunger... "The 'Ruins of Atlantis' are all that's left. Those, and a handful of the other citizens that at the moment of the cataclysm were away exploring the island and building minor settlements. As for the lions, the God confined them in a temporal limbo from where they cannot escape, condemned to spend eternity in the mockup of the realm they wanted to control.
"Since then, from one tribe we became three again, and we lived in peace, not wanting to fall into the clutches of greed as the lions did...but, generation after generation, our numbers started to grow too much for the island to sustain us all...and thus the tribal wars started."
He looked at Luke and Amber. "We rabbits turned from friends to first choice of pray, and thus we used our gifts to hide away, to separate ourselves from our predators, waiting for one side to overcome the other...And the God punished us by turning us all into the monsters we were inside. The only way to lift the curse, thus the God said, is that we work for a new peace, a new coexistence, though he never said us how.
"But now that the God blessed you, Luke and Amber, I am sure that you are the first step toward that new peace. That is why I will do everything in my power to help you, with all my heart. Please, believe me."
he went down on his knees and bent until his brow toched the ground.
hypernovatic wrote:"Yeah." Shukaku said, getting up by himself, not wanting to take the chance of being caught off guard.
Lyla smiled. "Well thought, I'll give it to you, but..." and this time, her leg flashed in a kick that...stopped just a hair's breadth from Shukaku's nose. The mere air moving ruffled the cat's face fur. "Next time, don't just get up, roll backward so to put some distance between you and your adversary." her toes wiggled and a claw tickled Shukaku's nose.
kurowolfe wrote:"Ai need too do sumthing first," Haq said. He fell into a squat and began tracing the ground with a stick he picked up nearby. The wolf drew in a moderate pace, and when he was done, some sort of floor plan was roughly etched. A plan for the enclave, similar to his ruined home, but different at the same time as well, utilizing whatever ruins were left of this old place. Haq stood up again, closed his eyes and imagined how the village would look like with the plans as a guide. He took in a deep breath and began to speak loudly, again enunciating every word.
"Spirits of the village, heed my call! I need you to carry stones and wood to form houses and buildings in the image of what I envisioned. Search the area for materials and use the base of this village, so that we can build a new life together! Now go!"
Because of his naturally melodious voice and the silent atmosphere, his voiced commands had that powerful push behind them that most orotund leaders have. It also turned out that the slight wolf automatically speaks fluid English when he shouted them out like this.
It would've made a sight to behold! At the red wolf's command, the air was suddenly filled with light orbs of different colors, each shining like a small sun! And then, as the orbs started moving around, they started collecting random pieces of loose material laying around...but really, little of what was needed. After that, they just stayed there, floating, waiting...
"Not your fault, chieftain," the Hunter said without irony. "You cannot ask them to destroy their houses nor to move their bones. They are part of this place: try to tear it down, you'd lose all control over them, unless you were a god. But I'm sure you can think of another way to do what you need. And remember, this project goes far longer than you can think, for if it works, it will be a step toward that intertribal peace this island has lost so long ago..." There was a longing, this time, in the feral spirit's expression. "My beloved spoke to me of what the spirits said of those days, and I swore to him that I'd work for peace, for unity..."
xhunterko wrote:"Yeah, rather silly isn't it? Though as far as I know, the times don't seem bad, unless I'm missing something," Khun said, "I mean, I thought wondered what a little extra luck could do to everybody's day here? And if it's too small or silly just forget it. I mean, who knows, I might need a little divine favor sometime later?"
Like, a little help getting a girl hey don't talk like that around a god! Besides, now that, THAT would be something silly to ask for! Khun thought to himself. He could see the group now, he wasn't that far from the entrance. He did notice the wolf dog had something under his arm. He reasoned that he must have just made it, making a mental note to ask him about it.
"I have no quailms in giving a help. It is only you who must decide the means. All I ask from my adorers is that they choose *wisely*. Nothing like hurry can spoil a well-meant wish."
xhunterko wrote:"Well, I, I suppose all right then," Monique said, cupping her light in her hand, "Though, how exactly is this supposed to work then?"
Reginald showed his own answer...by popping the light into his mouth and swallowing it! he then giggled and shook. "hehe, it tickles my head!" And after that, a small light turned on in his chest, where his heart stood. "Ohh, cute." The pup rapped his chest with his knuckles. "Hey, Mr. Martian, are you there?" A pulsing glow answered him. Reginald wagged. "Cute!" He shook again. "It's tickling my head again....It's like when a grownup is talking but you can't really pay attention."
Roarin wrote:"Cool! I guess I wouldn't mind keeping an extraterrestrial soul around. Certainly would be an interesting conversation starter." He cupped his light in both of his paws. "But umm, does it do... Anything? Can I talk to it? Hello?"
The light in the canine's paws pulsed just like it did for Reginald. But no voice sounded into Flint's mind.
"You must accept it inside you first, Flint and Monique, like Reginald did," the stardragon said, while a pulsar danced in his chest.
Civilization wrote:Tutter nodded, looking at the other two that now made up the group. Ready to go off and see what continual surprise and information this place would bring to him. As they prepared to go on their adventure to whatever the journey would take them, since it was seemingly changing while the location stayed the same. "So what brings you here to this island?"
RandomGeekNamedBrent wrote:"Same thing that brings most people to exotic islands," Buster answered. "We're on vacation."
Janus nodded. "We're staying here for the night. Tomorrow we will be back home. Advantages of being magicked wherever we want." He winked at the rabbit.
Last edited by valerio on Fri Feb 19, 2016 8:21 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: HPU: Blue Peak Shore

Post by Hotep the psychic »

valerio wrote:
Hotep the psychic wrote:Anubis gasped in realization "master donau this is the tribe i was to be the shaman for as i told you in the past!" the fox said before soon frowning hearing the rabbits words. "wait....few of us?.....how many and who all do you know survived?" Anubis asked worriedly now feeling as if he had some part in this
xhunterko wrote:"I think you owe us more than a few explanations Donau," Amber said, looking at him cross.
Luke nodded, looking from Donau to Anubis.
Donau rubbed his head, feeling like a freight train of a headache incoming... Time traverls, oy... He then sighed, trying to come up with something that, he hoped, wouldn't screw with his friends' minds...too much.
First of all, he lifted the Veil and returned to his normal state for Anubis to see. "Time after you started visiting us, Anubis, something happened: the lions, the fourth tribe as it is known today, got ahead of themselves, they started...lusting for more power than they could manage. And they were powerful enough, since their shamans could harness the very power of the light from the Sun. We don't know why yet what triggered this folly, but they managed to harness much more than they could handle, trying to break into the Aether magic...And our beautiful Zilnawa, our monuments, everything...it was destroyed." a tear fell from his eye, a rare display of emotion from a being that looked as if he could feel nothing but primordial hunger... "The 'Ruins of Atlantis' are all that's left. Those, and a handful of the other citizens that at the moment of the cataclysm were away exploring the island and building minor settlements. As for the lions, the God confined them in a temporal limbo from where they cannot escape, condemned to spend eternity in the mockup of the realm they wanted to control.
"Since then, from one tribe we became three again, and we lived in peace, not wanting to fall into the clutches of greed as the lions did...but, generation after generation, our numbers started to grow too much for the island to sustain us all...and thus the tribal wars started."
He looked at Luke and Amber. "We rabbits turned from friends to first choice of pray, and thus we used our gifts to hide away, to separate ourselves from our predators, waiting for one side to overcome the other...And the God punished us by turning us all into the monsters we were inside. The only way to lift the curse, thus the God said, is that we work for a new peace, a new coexistence, though he never said us how.
"But now that the God blessed you, Luke and Amber, I am sure that you are the first step toward that new peace. That is why I will do everything in my power to help you, with all my heart. Please, believe me."
he went down on his knees and bent until his brow toched the ground.
Anubis frowned as he listened after jumping near out of his skin at the sight of the new form for Donau, however so he sighed feeling his sadness himself and moved to the rabbits side. Although he was a primordial form he knew that power was dangerous and his mind seemed to put things together quickly for the history that passed. soon the fox knelt down to Donau and rubbed the beasts back comfortingly before hugging him close. "Master Donau, do rest easy. You were a master of mine in the past and to me are a freind. no matter how you look."
Anubis said holding the rabbit closely "But not everything is lost Master Donau you live in this time and i still hold scrolls from the past. with that we could make a new atlantis with Amber and luke. we can help them make a tribe, and coexist peacefully" Anubis said shuddering inside at the sight of donau. Something he hadnt truly always seen but would get used too.
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Re: HPU: Blue Peak Shore

Post by xhunterko »

ooc: I know your post is long and hard to keep track of, but it should be Flint and Monique. Not Khun and Monique. ^^

Monique looked at the thing in her paw curiously. She was not about to eat it, however. She looked at it with a loving kindness.

"Well then, may as well," she said, holding the light towards her heart.
Having seen this form before, they were not as shocked as Anubis. Amber gently knelt down, setting down the hatchet, and slowly brought Donau back up by his paws.

"You have no need to doubt our belief Donau, and we gladly accept your help and friendship," Amber said, hugging him as well, "I just hope our generations are up to the task." She said.

Luke stood there stunned a moment.

The power of the sun! With something like that we could even control the human hey, hey hey! Remember what happened to the book people? That people? And the others? Learn from them. Still, wouldn't hurt for a good defense...now that'll drag you down a wrong path too. We'll think about defense later. AFTER we get a settlement. And I'm sure there's alternatives to that that are much, much, MUCH more powerful. Is there not magic here after all? We can be satisfied with that alone. Now snap out of it before you start looking like a power crazed warlord who has just been given rifles! Luke thought to himself. Luke shook his head and put a paw on Donau's right shoulder.

"Agreed, Donau," Luke said, then he turned to the fox, "I don't doubt we can eventually achieve that goal. However." He waved a hand over the small camp and sections of forest.

"We've a lot to work to do before we can even think about building cities," He said.

"Correct," Khun said, "It's figuring out the means that's the tricky part. Any ideas?" He approached the ruins group about a yard away, waving. Then he tapped the wolf dog on the shoulder.
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Re: HPU: Blue Peak Shore

Post by hypernovatic »

Shukaku yelped and widened his eyes as Lyla kicked at him. He sneezed as her claw tickled his nose. "Point taken. I'll keep that in mind."
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Re: HPU: Blue Peak Shore

Post by The Moon Howler »

xhunterko wrote:Having seen this form before, they were not as shocked as Anubis. Amber gently knelt down, setting down the hatchet, and slowly brought Donau back up by his paws.

"You have no need to doubt our belief Donau, and we gladly accept your help and friendship," Amber said, hugging him as well, "I just hope our generations are up to the task." She said.

Luke stood there stunned a moment.

The power of the sun! With something like that we could even control the human hey, hey hey! Remember what happened to the book people? That people? And the others? Learn from them. Still, wouldn't hurt for a good defense...now that'll drag you down a wrong path too. We'll think about defense later. AFTER we get a settlement. And I'm sure there's alternatives to that that are much, much, MUCH more powerful. Is there not magic here after all? We can be satisfied with that alone. Now snap out of it before you start looking like a power crazed warlord who has just been given rifles! Luke thought to himself. Luke shook his head and put a paw on Donau's right shoulder.

"Agreed, Donau," Luke said, then he turned to the fox, "I don't doubt we can eventually achieve that goal. However." He waved a hand over the small camp and sections of forest.

"We've a lot to work to do before we can even think about building cities," He said.
"Touching... Well, almost.. for me, at least..." said a coyote who wasn't there just a second ago. He wore a worn out costume, that would've fit perfectly on a gentlefur along the time of the WWII. A familiar floating crystal was hanging around his head, a beautiful crystal necklace hung on his neck (somehow fitting the costume perfectly) as well as another chained to his belt. He was also sitting on a small wooden keg and held two wine bottles in his paws. A familiar cane was resting on his lap
The coyote was grinning, but something was off in his look. He continued with a cheerful, if not slightly jesting tone "I'm back! And I carry gifts!" he lifted the two bottles "Also, who are the other guests in your soon-to-be village?"
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Re: HPU: Blue Peak Shore

Post by Hlaoroo »

"There it is now!" The pilot yells over the roaring engine. "I need to circle around a few times to lose altitude so I can land. The best view will be out the right window." The small seaplane bumps over an air current and an expletive lost in the noise indicates that at least one passenger has left a solid nose print on the window.
"Is bigger zan I vas expecting." opines the larger of the two cats, rubbing his nose.
"Da, but is cute neverzeless. I sink zat mountain vill be good to climb." answers the smaller, her voice rendered slightly less musical by the volume at which she has to yell to be heard.
"Da. Look! Zere is zee hotel." The pair of cats continue to chatter as the plane circles lower and lower, having already been cleared to land. After about four laps the pilot skilfully touches the floats to the wave and a few moments later the plane is bobbing slowly towards the pier on which a small crew is waiting to receive the plane.
"Thanks for flying with Blue Sea Charters. Enjoy your stay on the island. For your safety please stay seated with your seatbelt securely fastened until the engine is off and I've given the signal to disembark. Your baggage will be brought to you on the pier. Please wait patiently and do not try to retrieve it yourself. Watch your step and your head when you disembark and please follow all instructions from our crew once on the pier. Once again, on behalf of all of us at Blue Sea Charters, thanks for flying with us and we hope you have a wonderful stay on the island!" the pilot calls back to his half-dozen passengers as he responds to a hand signal from one of the shore crew. Today he's flown not just the Melnikovs but another couple who've booked a honeymoon on the island. The bulk of the hold though, is Sasha and Dinara's gear for the shows they've been hired to perform for the guests. If the first few shows are successful then the resort will be giving them a permanent contract so the two cats are keen to impress.
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Re: HPU: Blue Peak Shore

Post by valerio »

The Moon Howler wrote:"Touching... Well, almost.. for me, at least..." said a coyote who wasn't there just a second ago. He wore a worn out costume, that would've fit perfectly on a gentlefur along the time of the WWII. A familiar floating crystal was hanging around his head, a beautiful crystal necklace hung on his neck (somehow fitting the costume perfectly) as well as another chained to his belt. He was also sitting on a small wooden keg and held two wine bottles in his paws. A familiar cane was resting on his lap
The coyote was grinning, but something was off in his look. He continued with a cheerful, if not slightly jesting tone "I'm back! And I carry gifts!" he lifted the two bottles "Also, who are the other guests in your soon-to-be village?"
"Timeo Danaos et donas ferentes," Donau said, donning the Veil once again. "Before the new guest introduces himself, please let it be known that the cougars accepted the resident Deity as their own. And I am the current shaman. You are powerful and cunning, but please respect your boundaries in this place." The rabbit bowed respectfully.
xhunterko wrote:Monique looked at the thing in her paw curiously. She was not about to eat it, however. She looked at it with a loving kindness.
"Well then, may as well," she said, holding the light towards her heart.
The glowing essence fused with the bat, for a moment engulfing the tiny body, before shrinking into a tiny dot in her head.
And she was filled with the other's joy. Not thoughts, nor words. Just the purest sensations, the simple and burning joy of being alive of thankfulness to a level that words couldn't describe...
xhunterko wrote:"Correct," Khun said, "It's figuring out the means that's the tricky part. Any ideas?" He approached the ruins group about a yard away, waving. Then he tapped the wolf dog on the shoulder.
Janus turned, wagging harder his tail. "Heyy, Khun! Oh, hi there Hubert," he waved to the spirit perching on the dog's shoulder.
"Greetings," the entity said, then turning to the ferret. "Welcome to my dominion, mortal."
hypernovatic wrote:Shukaku yelped and widened his eyes as Lyla kicked at him. He sneezed as her claw tickled his nose. "Point taken. I'll keep that in mind."
"Very well. Now, do you think you're good at jumping as well?" and with that...she charged at Shukaku, a fist ready to strike him down!
Hlaoroo wrote:"There it is now!" The pilot yells over the roaring engine. "I need to circle around a few times to lose altitude so I can land. The best view will be out the right window." The small seaplane bumps over an air current and an expletive lost in the noise indicates that at least one passenger has left a solid nose print on the window.
"Is bigger zan I vas expecting." opines the larger of the two cats, rubbing his nose.
"Da, but is cute neverzeless. I sink zat mountain vill be good to climb." answers the smaller, her voice rendered slightly less musical by the volume at which she has to yell to be heard.
"Da. Look! Zere is zee hotel." The pair of cats continue to chatter as the plane circles lower and lower, having already been cleared to land. After about four laps the pilot skilfully touches the floats to the wave and a few moments later the plane is bobbing slowly towards the pier on which a small crew is waiting to receive the plane.
"Thanks for flying with Blue Sea Charters. Enjoy your stay on the island. For your safety please stay seated with your seatbelt securely fastened until the engine is off and I've given the signal to disembark. Your baggage will be brought to you on the pier. Please wait patiently and do not try to retrieve it yourself. Watch your step and your head when you disembark and please follow all instructions from our crew once on the pier. Once again, on behalf of all of us at Blue Sea Charters, thanks for flying with us and we hope you have a wonderful stay on the island!" the pilot calls back to his half-dozen passengers as he responds to a hand signal from one of the shore crew. Today he's flown not just the Melnikovs but another couple who've booked a honeymoon on the island. The bulk of the hold though, is Sasha and Dinara's gear for the shows they've been hired to perform for the guests. If the first few shows are successful then the resort will be giving them a permanent contract so the two cats are keen to impress.
The big woman at the console said in a cheerful voice, "Flight BLUE-28, Ground Control: You are granted permission to sea landing by pier 3. Correct your route to 35°SE. You have a gentle tail breeze but I guess you knew that already. Our staff is standing by in case you needed medical assistance."

Outside, on the pier, a German Shepherd wearing ground staff blue-and-green uniforms was giving indication with a couple of glowsticks.
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Re: HPU: Blue Peak Shore

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Shukaku widened his eyes as Lyla charged at him. He decided not to risk jumping over her in case he failed, so he rolled to the side, tripping the hyena as she ran past.
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Re: HPU: Blue Peak Shore

Post by Hlaoroo »

valerio wrote:The big woman at the console said in a cheerful voice, "Flight BLUE-28, Ground Control: You are granted permission to sea landing by pier 3. Correct your route to 35°SE. You have a gentle tail breeze but I guess you knew that already. Our staff is standing by in case you needed medical assistance."

Outside, on the pier, a German Shepherd wearing ground staff blue-and-green uniforms was giving indication with a couple of glowsticks.
"Thank you muchly. No medical assistance needed. I'm a better flier than that." he jokes, bringing the plane to rest beside the pier. As it bobs gently in the waves, he runs through a checklist.
"Carburetor cold, flaps up, transponder standby, electrical off, magnetos off, throttle idle, mixture idle, ignition off, master off, control lock on, fuel check, flight plan closed and we are good." Once his propellor has stopped and his checklist is done, the pilot exits the aircraft through his door and makes sure he's satisfied that the ground crew have secured the plane to the pier. He then opens the passenger door in the rear and invites his passengers to disembark via the ladder built into the plane's rear strut, the same way they entered the aircraft before standing aside to do his paperwork and to let the ground crew assist the passengers, starting with the honeymooning couple, followed by the cats and then their owners. From the strut it's a simple matter to step to the pier, just like stepping off a boat.
"Finally! Ve are here!"
"Oof. Is hot." exclaims Aleksandr as the air-conditioning gives way to the heat of the day as he springs lightly from the plane to the pier followed by his sister who concurs with his assessment as she adjusts her dark glasses. Next to disembark is Ilya who pauses on the strut to help his wife down as she takes each step slowly, careful not to overbalance.
Once the family are assembled on the ground they move away from the plane, pausing to gaze up at the mountain dominating the island before turning to the ground crew for instructions.
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Re: HPU: Blue Peak Shore

Post by Hotep the psychic »

"beware those who bear gifts" Anubis thought to himself with a smile as he looks to the coyote. his clothes were all to familiar to him. WW2 era to be precise, however how he got it was more the question that sparked his intrest. the fox bowed with doanu to him and stood closely his eyes wandering between everyone however his mind in utmost caution to his calm and freindly showing demeanor. Anubis soon spotted the crystal floating bout the coyote.

"to whom do we owe the pleasure of meeting if i may ask?" Anubis asked the coyote curiously
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Re: HPU: Blue Peak Shore

Post by The Moon Howler »

valerio wrote:"Timeo Danaos et donas ferentes," Donau said, donning the Veil once again. "Before the new guest introduces himself, please let it be known that the cougars accepted the resident Deity as their own. And I am the current shaman. You are powerful and cunning, but please respect your boundaries in this place." The rabbit bowed respectfully.
Maquiss jumped, making somersault in the air and landed perfectly a few feet in front of the keg. Somehow the two bottles were on a small decorative round wooden table next to the keg (which wasn't there a second a ago either). In his left paw, the canine held his cane and above the right one the crystal was floating calmly.
"Why I never!" he said his grin disappearing for a second as he gave the rabbit a stern look. His usual Cheshire expression (somehow strangely fitting his canine face) appeared "You of all would know better than to throw such accusations, Donau!" the crystal in his paw darkened as if a storm was gathering within it. the coyote glanced at the crystal for a second and raised his brow "Now, now! Manners!" the crystal restored his previous color. "As for whom they accepted as their one and only god or lord or savior or all of the above..." he paused and looked around "Well, I've only seen one candidate and that's that. Speaking of the transparent scalie within the automobile - the two bottles are for him. Pure Dragon nectar. The keg is for my not-so-long-ago guest that never really entered and her mate. Purewater Dragon Nectar, safe for mortal in small quantities."
Hotep the psychic wrote:"to whom do we owe the pleasure of meeting if i may ask?" Anubis asked the coyote curiously
The Coyote looked at the fox as if he just realized he was there
"Ah! Finally someone with manners! Marvelous!" he lifted his cane nad pointed at the fox with it's upper part, speaking in a louder tone "I already like you!" he realized he didn't answer the question "As for your question, mister gentlefur - I am the famous and incredibly handsome in all of my forms, the bane of demons and the hated by many who dared disrespect me! I am the one and only Maquiss the Trickster! But until tomorrow at dawn I will be wearing this. And it's not for you! It's for the honor of someone special!"
I am The Moon Howler - the being with no exact form. I serve the Moon Goddess and in return, she gives me my muse and my shape.

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Re: HPU: Blue Peak Shore

Post by kurowolfe »

valerio wrote:It would've made a sight to behold! At the red wolf's command, the air was suddenly filled with light orbs of different colors, each shining like a small sun! And then, as the orbs started moving around, they started collecting random pieces of loose material laying around...but really, little of what was needed. After that, they just stayed there, floating, waiting...
"Not your fault, chieftain," the Hunter said without irony. "You cannot ask them to destroy their houses nor to move their bones. They are part of this place: try to tear it down, you'd lose all control over them, unless you were a god. But I'm sure you can think of another way to do what you need. And remember, this project goes far longer than you can think, for if it works, it will be a step toward that intertribal peace this island has lost so long ago..." There was a longing, this time, in the feral spirit's expression. "My beloved spoke to me of what the spirits said of those days, and I swore to him that I'd work for peace, for unity..."
Haq looked at the Hunter's wistful expression, offering a small smile of his own.

"Ai anderstand,
" he said. "We will start wit wan hut first, forr us."

The wolf scanned the area again, a little slower and deliberate this time, and spotted an area that was flat and clear of any signs of ruins or bones. He closed his eyes tightly and imagined the design of a hut with a base of boulders, walls made from wooden logs with holes for two windows and a doorway, and a roof made from grass weaved around a base of large twigs. He opened his eyes with a sigh, and addressed the village's resident spirits again.

"Everyone, I am sorry for not being respectful of your past livelihood. Now I have a new plan for just one hut, as the base of our new enclave. Return anything not used back to its position, and collect only wood, grass and stones. Arrange them in my mind's image and strengthen their bonds into a sturdy home. Go!"

With that, he turned his attention back to the Hunter. "Is dis better?"

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Re: HPU: Blue Peak Shore

Post by xhunterko »

Amber walked up to Maquiss.

"Thank you for keeping an eye on him sweetie," she said, patting the crystal. Then she put a paw on one of Maquiss's cheek.

"Ohhhhhh poo," She said, "Whatever happened to that handsome earlier form? Too jumpy? I could always add more males to my harem." Luke's face fell and he whined.

"Of course I'm kidding dear," Amber said, then she removed her paw and returned to Maquiss.

"It is not that we don't want to be mannerable with you Maquiss, it's just that you are making it VERY difficult to do so! Now," She said, "Please be a dear and place the wine in the shrine. We can celebrate later though our god would probably love to celebrate now." Amber then stood in front of the group and clapped her paws loudly, trying to gain everyone's attention.

"EEEEEEEEEEEEE heh heh heh eeeeee heh heh heh heh, ahem, heh ha ha ha heh eh heh heh, ahem, hello you!" Monique said to her orb.

Khun waved to Janus, then pointed at the paper under his arm.

"May I?" Khun asked, then he turned to the ferret and waved to him as well, then back to Janus.
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Re: HPU: Blue Peak Shore

Post by The Moon Howler »

xhunterko wrote:Amber walked up to Maquiss.

"Thank you for keeping an eye on him sweetie," she said, patting the crystal. Then she put a paw on one of Maquiss's cheek.

"Ohhhhhh poo," She said, "Whatever happened to that handsome earlier form? Too jumpy? I could always add more males to my harem." Luke's face fell and he whined.

"Of course I'm kidding dear," Amber said, then she removed her paw and returned to Maquiss.

"It is not that we don't want to be mannerable with you Maquiss, it's just that you are making it VERY difficult to do so! Now," She said, "Please be a dear and place the wine in the shrine. We can celebrate later though our god would probably love to celebrate now." Amber then stood in front of the group and clapped her paws loudly, trying to gain everyone's attention.
Argon literally purred when she patted him.

Maquiss only raised an eyebrow. He stepped back and bowed slightly "My current form is a memento. For now I will do my best to be tolerable... at least until tomorrow morning. And since you asked so nicely, I will do as you said." The Trickster clapped his own paws and the table jumped in place, surprisingly keeping the two bottles in perfect balance "To the altar, gently. Place the bottles in there." The table quickly headed for the altar to fulfill it's task. "Argon, please amplify her voice." he said to the crystal, hanging in his hand.

Argon did a somersault in the air and floated next to Amber, ready to do his Master's bidding.
I am The Moon Howler - the being with no exact form. I serve the Moon Goddess and in return, she gives me my muse and my shape.

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Re: HPU: Blue Peak Shore

Post by Roarin »

Flint raised an eyebrow as he watched the others two react to absorbing/ingesting of the strange spirit. Seeing no real I'll side-effects the canine places his against his heart and closes his eyes. "Alright, let's see about this..."
"Sleep is due to me... And I have a dream to live."

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