OOC: Radients Vineyard.

For all those times you're not in character, try new "Out of Character"

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OOC: Radients Vineyard.

Post by Neon Icy Wings »

Reconstruction brings debris, it brings emptyness, it brings new life. ANd with one swift motion in the economical and political powers A new expansion occured.

Welcome all, To radient gardens expasion
Radient Vineyard
After much time in Radient gardens and the economys boost in success the neiborhood has bought more land around the area nearby allowing for ranchs and farms to be taken over by new owners and their pets. seeing that to be the now large town expanded to add may other features from a new mall to the Radient gardens vineyard and garden, and a small airport.
much of the original features have been refurbished as the years went by and now hope that those of you interested to join this lovely new neighbor hood will come with great enthusiasm. we hope you enjoy your stay, while your here be sure to check the towns theater and arcades if you just want to have fun.

Now with that out of the way lets move to the occurances and ruling,

As usual NO GODMODDING in your posts

characters are allowed by choice to have magic but it cannot exceed to a certain degree. (No superhuman strength or flying. If you think its too strong a power ask me. We will talk and make a deal.)

if you choose not to have a power thats ok also we accept all kinds of pets

if you have a large animal as a pet please get one of the ranch or farm houses outside of the town.

characters can be town, farm/ranch, or exotic pets.

As to town layout, well start that all country will be a short drive from the town itself, pets can get a ride from locals that drive in on fourwheeelers or bikes or walk or find someway to get to town (teleportation can be useful here) each ranch has few acres and three separate section that surround the house, farms contain one large area around the house with most of its land behind it. as one progresses further in, characters will find smaller housing districts that have some land and a house before reaching regular neighborhood housing then the small city itself. on the north side is the Airport, theater, and the garden/ vineyard. conglomerated within the center and eastern area is the park and all markets and the west holds the arcade and mall.

If you have any ideas for stories or arcs for the town or characters then feel free to message me about your ideas!

Character creation:
Name: like usual "i am such and such"....
Gender: boy or girl
Species: (cat, mink, dog, lynx,etc...)
Home: large ranch, small neighborhood house, medium abode?
about the character:
Powers or abilities
Special: numbers numbers numbers...
misc: anything else?

Buster: Sandy - Chinchilla - Female -- Rua Natanya - Black female cat? -- Bonnie - Dalmatian female
Neon Icy Wings: Amanda Bellus - White with light grey female Cat
Welsh: Kaylee. Tabby cat. Female.
Deske: Rig, Wolf, Male -- Noah-Cat-Male fights with aura (adopted from Legotron123)
hlaoroo: Sandy Ashcroft - Golden Retriever male -- Holly - Brown Rat Ghost female -- Socks - black and white male cat
Cyberdragon - Phoebe - Rabbit - female

Inactive Players:
Civilization: Furettia and Bianca- Ferrets- Both Female
Hotep the psychic: Horus-black fox- female
RandomGeekNamedBrent: Minnie Granger and Samuel- cat and fox- female and male
Mickey: Yensid - Male - Rabbit
Retlaw - Male - Mouse
MrNeonShot: Orange - Female - Asian short clawed otter
Vinny - Male - Pudelpointer canine
midnight - Eclipse Husky
Wolvenpaw15 - Zeke Warren alaskan Malamute - male
flanDab - Pierre - wolf- male
Gameb18oy - Ferrum Flash - Arctic Fox - male
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Re: OOC: Radients Vineyard.

Post by Mickey »

Here we go!

Name: Yensid

Gender: Male

Species: Rabbit

Home: A castle-shaped house. Despite being castle-shaped, it's not too big. About the size of a one story house with a tower spiraling upward.

Age: 6 human years/ 21 pet years

Appearance: Yensid's ears are white at the bottom, but black near the tips. His underbelly is white goes down to a small part of his inner thigh. He wears a blue cloak that clicks together in the front with a gem, a ruby. After a counter-potion to the spell his father had casted, Yensid's eyes are green again. His ears lean forward.

Personality: Yensid is careful and caring, but don't show him up. Yensid likes the spotlight for himself, but will share it with his friends if he wants/has to. Yensid is actually very kind and playful, but can be spiteful and cold-hearted if you do something he really doesn't like. He loves those who love him and respects those who respect him. If Retlaw gets lost, Yensid will destroy everything and everyone in his path.

Powers: Can being sketches to life, but they don't stay for long. Can fix missing things by using a Painted Sketch, but it takes more energy than a normal sketch. Has control of blue colored electricity and other types of lightning and machinery. Can remove his limbs and stretch them out. His ears function as a helicopter.

History: Yensid was trained and raised by a sorcerer named Saile. The sorcerer was a blind man, but was wonderful at what he did. Saile was also father to a small mouse named Retlaw, who Yensid hated on the outside but on the inside he had a huge crush on him. But one day, Saile got terribly sick. Yensid scrambled to brew up a potion to help and, in the process, accidentally dumped a growth potion in Retlaws cage and knocked over a shelf, drenching himself with all sorts of potions. He gained the ability to remove any and all of his body parts and stretch them to any length as well. He, however, failed to save Saile. Retlaw, now the size of Yensid himself, comforted the rabbit with a kiss. The two went out on their own, paw and paw. But they return to the home of their fallen father every month.

S.P.E.C.I.A.L Stats
S- 7 "I'll lift it myself, thanks."
P- 5 "Noting will happen if I mix the components!" *EXPLOSION*
E- 6 "I can fight a little more!"
C- 4 "So...is there a reason you're speaking to a stranger in such a friendly manner?"
I- 10 *long detailed magic babble*
A- 7 "Of course I can climb the tower and swinging on the flag pole!"

Name: Retlaw

Gender: Male

Species: Mouse

Home: A castle-shaped house. Despite being castle-shaped, it's not too big. About the size of a one story house with a tower spiraling upward.

Age: 6 human years/ 21 pet years

Appearance: Retlaw has snowy white shoulders and the whiteness continued all the way down his underbelly. He's as tall as Yensid. He wears a red cloak and has a pencil-sketch-thin tail. His cloak clicks together in the front with a gem, a sapphire. After a counter-potion to the spell his father had casted, Retlaw's eyes are brown again.

Personality: Retlaw is snarky and carefree. Retlaw doesn't like his friends getting hurt and will fight if he has to, but his mouse instincts will take over and he'll bolt. Retlaw is very sweet and playful, but can be spiteful and cold-hearted if you do something he really doesn't like. He can be a bit self centered at times, but that's way Yensid is there. If Yensid gets lost, Retlaw will destroy everything and everyone in his path.

Powers: Can being sketches to life, but they don't stay for long. Can fix missing things by using a Painted Sketch, but it takes more energy than a normal sketch. Has control of a red-paint-squirting paintbrush and other colorful paints with different elements to them.

History: Retlaw was trained and raised by a sorcerer named Saile. The sorcerer was a blind man, but was wonderful at what he did. Saile was also father to a rabbit named Yensid, who Retlaw hated on the outside but on the inside he had a huge crush on him. But one day, Saile got terribly sick. Retlaw watched Yensid with extreme concern as the rabbit scrambled to brew up a potion to help and, in the process, accidentally dumped a growth potion in his cage. Retlaw heard a crash, but he was more concerned with how his body was growing and changing. When he was sure it was over, Retlaw saw Yensid at Saile bedside, the young rabbit racking with sobs. Retlaw, now the size of Yensid himself, comforted the rabbit with a kiss. The two went out on their own, paw and paw. But they return to the home of their fallen father every month.

S- 5 "Little help?"
P- 7 "Yensid, wait!" *EXPLOSION*
E- 5 "But it's so far away. Fine, I'll keep going, but only do far.
C- 8 "Hiya, friend! We just met, but I already like you!"
I- 9 *long slightly-less detailed magic babble*
A- 6 "I, too, can climb the tower and swinging on the flag pole! But, uh, not as fast as Yenny."

Characters pre-approved by Hotep!
Last edited by Mickey on Sun Oct 25, 2015 9:16 pm, edited 3 times in total.
My characters!
I got too many colors to remember. I'll put them here to see. Aren't they nice? Yep! Absolutely!
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Re: OOC: Radients Vineyard.

Post by Buster »

Name: Sandy
Gender: Female
Color: Sand brown (#BF8040)
Species: Chinchilla
Home: Cottage on the outskirts
age: Between 3 & 4 years old
neighborhood: Radiant Gardens

Short and Fluffy would be the description most would start with. Showing up at only 75 cm tall, she's dwarfed even by the smaller breeds of cat and dog to say nothing of humans. Her collar height being about waist height on an average pet.
Her colors are the standard pattern for her species, rather than one of the variants breeders have come up with.
Her collar is purple and has what looks like a sandcastle on the tag.

Sandy is first and foremost, a motormouth. Get her talking about something she likes and she will ramble on and on and on, in squeaky rapidfire clumps of words that are coming out fast enough that sometimes it's hard to tell what she's saying. (Ie: "WellIfYou'reGettingASnazzyColorI'mGettingASnazzyColor. OhHiI'mSandyByTheWay. That'sACoolNameYouHave.") Spoiled rotten by her owner, and overly used to her abilities, expect her to be somewhat entitled, and have a minimized concept of things like privacy or personal space. She can also be hyperactive at times... okay most of the time.
She's also a complete nerd in love with everything sci-fi. Something she gets from her dad thanks to his collection of old VHS tapes models and other memorabilia. except of course for SyFy because that channel is terrible and an embarrassment to the term, that is watering down the genre with stupid pop-ified versions of what could have been decent shows. Also paramount are out of touch, Lucas is an idiot, Disney are going to ruin everything, Hasbro should never have trusted Bay...

um... okay, lets rephrase that. She's also a complete nerd in love with 70s, 80s, & 90s, Sci-fi. Something she gets from her dad thanks to his extensive collection.

Other notes:
While sandy refers to herself as having 'psychic powers' what she actually has is fully developed telepathy. she can 'hear' what you're thinking as if you said it out loud. Only conscious thoughts though. This will most likely translate to the RP in the form of constant abuse of meta-game knowledge.

Sandy absolutely HATES water, especially getting wet. If it does happen you'll likely hear her whine and complain for hours about her fur talking forever to dry, smelling gross, and things she will have to do to it to keep it from getting all slimy, assuming she doesn't just go home to try and do something about it. (chinchilla fur is too dense to let water evaporate properly, if they get wet they can stay damp long enough for mold to grow.)

S.P.E.C.I.A.L stats: (numbers in brackets are adjustments due to her size)
- Strength: 6 (3)
- Perception: 8
- Endurance: 6 (3)
- Charisma: 4
- Intelligence: 7
- Agility: 7
- Luck: 4
Most important thing I've learned from D&D?
No matter how tempting it may be, as a DM I can't both present a problem and solve it.
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Re: OOC: Radients Vineyard.

Post by RandomGeekNamedBrent »

alright, I'll be bringing back and altering an old character of mine, as well as making a new one.

Name: Samuel Granger
Gender: Male
Species: Red Fox
Home: small neighborhood house

about the character:
Age: 7 human years/ 24.5 pet years
Neighborhood:Radient Vineyard
Text color: this

powers:mild telepathy (occasionally hears someone's thoughts, usually just senses their feelings, just happens every now and then); slight probability manipulation (manifests as good luck in various circumstances, nothing ridiculous. just wins coin tosses and dice rolls a bit more often than most, or lands on his feet when he falls)

Appearance: your average red fox. wears a crystal pendant around his neck. green eyes that glow when his powers are active (the crystal glows too).

Personality: confused due to his strange circumstances, doesn't like new things he doesn't understand. doesn't understand modern technology, hates witchcraft. usually polite.

Background: he was born in the days of the Salem witch trials and, after an injury, was nursed to health by a nice woman. she was suspected of witchcraft and the last he saw of her, she was being taken from her home for a "trial" while he was hunted down as a witch's pet. while running, the pendant given to him by the kind woman began to glow, and the next thing he knew he awoke in a strange place.
other notes:
-speaks in some outdated language.

I:5(due to a lack of 200+ years of knowledge, but he can learn somewhat quickly)

Name: Minerva "Minnie" Granger
Gender: Female
Species: Cat
Home: small neighborhood house
about the character:
text color: #0000FF
Powers: none (unless you count knowledge of basic witch potions)
Appearance: Black cat with a cauldron shaped tag on an orange collar. yellow eyes.
Personality: playful, likes messing with people. strong willed. helpful. (I'm better at characterization through playing)
Background: adopted from a kennel by her current owner. helps her with potions occasionally, but usually just does her own thing.


name: Christina Granger
backstory: practicing witch (potions and such, not fictional witchcraft). Descendant of the woman who nursed Samuel to health. has lived in Radiant Vineyards with Minnie for a few weeks before Samuel showed up. working on getting paperwork to adopt Samuel.
Paradigm Shift by me
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Re: OOC: Radients Vineyard.

Post by Hotep the psychic »

alright so Buster and Brent your characters are accepted, when i have the IC up and running your free to post.

Mickey i pmed you on your character, ok?
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Re: OOC: Radients Vineyard.

Post by Civilization »

Well, I better try and get in here...

Name: Furettia
Gender: Female
Color: This One
Species: Ferret
Age: 7 human/ 25 animal years

Appearance: Light Cinnamon coloration, light brown eyes. Wears a black collar with a golden tag.
Home: Normal small neighborhood house

Personality: Very bright and curious of the world around her, always trying to examine stuff to get a full grasp on what it looks and feels like. Whenever she can she is outside 'exploring', usually just by walking aimlessly around. When it comes to others she is friendly, but not to outgoing, not that she doesn't like others, just doesn't kow how to go about really any social situations. At times she can get more focused on an inanimate object or, if the other allows, another someone.

Power: Can create illusions using mental enegry. Depending on how far she goes the time limit varies. If she can focus everything onto one illusion she can make it appear and feel how she wants, and if it's a creature illusion she can make it speak short sentences. Doing this takes a lot of her focus and any distraction destorys the illusion, even if she can focus she can only make it stay for a short period of time. If she just makes something visable, without any texture, pretty much just a phantom, she can make it last longer while doing other stuff, but not much more than talk and move around.

History: Grew up with a loving owner, and while growing up she realized that she had an adept abilitly to make things that were not really there appear to be there. After a few years she realized that the more she knew about an object she was trying to make appear, the more real she could make it appear later when making an illusion out of it. So when not spending time with her owner she went out into the world to 'research' different things. One day her owner never returned from work, waiting for his return she began to fear the worst. Not wanting to be with a new family or taken to a pound, she took what money her owner had saved up and made an illusion of him to continue to live her life in the house she was raised without attracting attention.

Strength: 5
Perception: 10
Endurance: 4
Charisma: 3
Intelligence: 8
Agility: 7
Luck: 5

Name: Bianca
Gender: Female
Color: This One
Species: Ferret
Age: 6 human/ 21 animal years

Appearance: Dark Cinnamon coloration, dark blue eyes. Wears a black collar with a golden tag.
Home: Normal small neighborhood house

Personality: Very hard to understand, she can go both ways when it comes to anything, or mostly just be right in the middle. Somewhere between just not caring about it or interested in it. She'll try to ajust to the personalities of those around her to try and not cause any problems. While she doesn't mind the company of others, she prefers to be by herself. But even after a while of that she'll want to converse with someone.

Power: She has the power of alteration. Though she is not able to create anything new, only able to take what she has to work with and reshaping or changing the material of an object, but can't enlarge or shrink objects. She has to have both her paws on the object to alter it, but once it is altered it stays that way forever. But while she is altering it she has to put all her focus on that object or she can't continue to alter said object.

History: She grew up with a loving family, not discovering her 'talent' until later and on accident. Not understanding what she could do she hid it from everyone else, though secretly praticing and enjoying it whenever she could be alone. That is how she met Furettia, by going out into the woods of their town to pratice her 'talent'. After a while of knowing each other they both relieved each others secret, she decided to live with Furettia, using her ability to fool other people while using her ability to turn paper into money which people seem to love to use. Not wanting to stay in their home town they worked together to get themselves out to Radients Vineyard.

Strength: 6
Perception: 4
Endurance: 6
Charisma: 3
Intelligence: 8
Agility: 10
Luck: 5

Name: Octavian
Gender: Male
Species: Human
Age: Mid 30's
Type: Minor

Notes: Illusion created and used by Furettia to help them get by in a human society. Looks like a typical male, average height, brown hair and eyes. While he is very quiet to those around him, when he does talk it is very monotone, sounding like three different voices put together or a computer generated male voice.
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Re: OOC: Radients Vineyard.

Post by Welsh Halfwit »

Name: Kaylee (Kay)

Gender: Female

Species: Cat

Home: A 2 up, 2 down in the area.

Age: 6 human years/ 22 pet years

Appearance: A common Tabby Cat with black patches under both eyes and white hand paws. Her leather jacket usually has everything she needs in there. Even a packet of Jelly Babies and some coins. Her identity tag looks like a sprig of Hawthorn. She chose it without knowing it to be associated with MANANNAN MAC LIR, the Celtic god of stormy weather.

Personality: Kaylee tries to be calm and cool at all times, leading to attempts at humour that rarely work. She will defend himself when threatened though and she often feels threatened easily.

Powers: She has control over wind. is control is now near perfect over wind speeds up to 30 mph enabling her to attack with gusts of wind if needed. She can also spiral wind around herself at much faster speed for moments at a time, creating a minor protection field. However, when scared, she has trouble focusing and holding her power in, resulting in more destructive winds around him. She seems to have partial protection against cold due to her wind powers.

History: Kaylee doesn't really have a master, just a human who owes her for saving him from a gang with his abilities. She's never had much luck with homes before now as she tends to put the household insurance up with her abilities. She has the lower power end pretty much mastered now but things can still be unpredictable if she gets scared

Colour = #8040BF
S.P.E.C.I.A.L Stats
S- 6
P- 5
E- 7
C- 7
I- 6
A- 6
L- 5
Last edited by Welsh Halfwit on Tue Jul 30, 2019 12:40 am, edited 3 times in total.
Commander Hawle. U.S.C. Loper. By the talented DDeer.
Kilo - 2-8-3-9-10-2-5
Leslie – 4-6-4-5-6-9-7
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Re: OOC: Radients Vineyard.

Post by Neon Icy Wings »

Character Name: Amanda Bellus (Bell-oos)

Gender: Female


Species: Feline/ Cat

Age: 5 Human, 17.5 Pet

Home: Medium two story house on a small ranch just out of town

Appearance: Miss Bellus is a careful mix of bright white and medium grey, with the grey only on her chest in a back and forth swirl pattern and back in the formation of stylistic wings. Her eyes are a bright, icy blue and she wears a bright teal bow behind her right ear. She is kind of small, about a head and a half shorter than Grape in the comics.

Personality: Amanda always attempts to be refined and dignified, calm and polite, as her family taught her, though sometimes her true nervousness or anger can poke through. What she truly feels can be a myriad of emotions, without her calm and polite face, she'd have a hard time controlling her emotions, though if caught in a more natural calm, she would be slightly more childish and fun loving.

Powers: She has basic telekinesis, that runs through the family and slight control of ice, but nothing large. Side effects include icy tears, frost covered blushes and a small resistance to the cold. Her powers rarely spike when emotional, the only time it happened was when she had a nightmare, and even then her surge wasn't that large.

Other notes: Amanda Bellus comes from a large family that has lived with a magician family for years upon years, where for every son and daughter there would be a cat companion for them. While the rest of the family ventured for more typical uses of magic, Amanda's 'father' went out to become a magician, and he did so pretty well. Amanda loves magic fiction, Dresden, Harry Potter and the like.

S.P.E.C.I.A.L stats:
- Strength: 4
- Perception: 7
- Endurance: 4
- Charisma: 6
- Intelligence: 8
- Agility: 7
- Luck: 6
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Re: OOC: Radients Vineyard.

Post by Legotron123 »

Had to check if my character was to over powered, so I wasn't able to get my favorite color. :cry: Anyways, having made the necessary edits, I can now show you my character!

Character Name: Noah Walker

Color: 8000FF

Type: Main

Species/Breed: Cat

Home: 2 story mansion with basement

Age: >5 HY/18 PY

Neighbourhood: Radiant Gardens

Appearance: Brown fur with black spots scattered about. Glasses on top of blue eyes. Brown satchel that holds his wallet, his cellphone, and whatever is Nintendo's latest portable gaming device at the time of posting. Along with his collar, his neck also has a silver medallion on it. The medallion is oval in shape, and has a triangle in the center of it. On each point of the triangle is an indentation with a small gem in it. The bottom left indentation has a red ruby in it, the bottom right one has a blue sapphire, and the top has a green emerald. In the middle of the triangle is, I'm just going to be honest with you, the Super Smash Bros symbol. On the back is a circle with a line going across the diameter, in the middle of which is another circle.

Personality: Noah is kinda shy and lack social skills. He's hesitant to make new friends, but to the ones he has he is incredibly loyal. He loves going to the theater to see good movies with his friends, even if he's already seen it. He has a secret though, one he (try's to) keep even from his parents. The medallion gave him the ability to manipulate aura.

Powers: He can control aura, basically this sort of regenerating life force that exists in every living thing. He can use it to heal himself, enhance his reflexes, read people's minds, shoot balls of energy that attacks YOUR aura, stuff like that. Theoretically, he could use if to plant thoughts in people's heads that they'd think were their own, but he's never tried that because it doesn't feel right. Using his powers too much drains his aura and makes him feel tired, but he gets it back over time, and he can speed up the process by siphoning the aura of other living things.

Other notes:
-His mom is an archeologist and his dad is a relatively high ranking Toysrus executive , so between the two of them, his family is moderately rich. Not Bill Gates rich, but rich enough that he always has the latest gaming consoles and action figures.
-He got his medallion from his mom. She found it on one of her dig trips.
-He has a butler named Stephan who takes care of him on those uncommon occasions where both of his parents aren't home.
-He just finished celebrating his 18th (pet years) birthday.

S.P.E.C.I.A.L stats:
- Strength: 6
- Perception: 7
- Endurance: 5
- Charisma: 4
- Intelligence: 8
- Agility: 6
- Luck: 6

EDIT: Noticed we needed to say what kind of home our pets live in. Mine's somewhat rich, so he lives in a mansion.
Last edited by Legotron123 on Fri Jul 31, 2015 2:24 am, edited 2 times in total.
Play The Hayseed Knight. This isn’t self promotion, I just really like the game.

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Re: OOC: Radients Vineyard.

Post by Hotep the psychic »

Civilization, welsh, and Neon

your characters are accepted, welcome aboard
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Re: OOC: Radients Vineyard.

Post by Deske »

Character Name: Váfuðr "Rig"

Gender: Male

Color: #00005C

Species: Canis Lupus / Wolf

Age: 700 HY / 2450 PY / Effective 5 HY - 18 PY

Home: A simple one floor cabin. Bedroom, kitchen, living/dining room and a small basement accessible from the outside.

Appearance: Light grey fur over his entire body, ring of runes, colored in light blue, going around his bicep denoting his original owners as well as down his right and left forearms to the wrist. His left eye is covered by a metal patch, engraved with runes, with no discernible straps, this however has little effect on his perception, simply making it harder to see to the left. His collar is a simple leather strap engraved with his name in runes, the pendant on the front is the symbol of the Norse pantheon. As for height, he's generally taller than the majority of dogs and cats.

Personality: He's friendly, but he doesn't exactly understand this world's customs to the best extent. He still feels rather alone in this world, his mannerisms, way of speaking, accent and native language all differ from everyone else's. But it's why he tries to at least make peace with the people he meets.

Powers: Runic magic. The runes of old carry with them great power and depending on which he invokes. They can be combined, but only by someone far more powerful than him.
Each rune syphons his energy by varying degrees with its use, however focus on it is not required, but forgetting about it can be lethal.

Other notes:
- I do have a list of what he can do, available on request.
- Referring to the lethality of the runes, there is a reason why he is missing an eye...
- His name means Wanderer.
- No, he is not immortal. But he won't be dying anytime soon.
- He can direct his magic at others as well as himself.
- He lives alone
- He's not omniscient, nor does he have extensive knowledge of his current residence. He has not been here for 700 years, try 5.

Backstory: One does not simply meddle in the lives of mortals without permission, even seemingly small acts can have great consequences to those not prepared to handle them. Rig was a companion to not one, but all the gods, most often brought out on hunting trips and feasts, otherwise, he travelled where he was allowed. But changing the life of someone without reason does not come without consequences. As punishment, he was cast from his home, destined to learn the true meaning of that which he had taken for granted, the value of life. What now remains is simply a fraction of himself, but even so fragments remain and knowledge is never lost forever.

S.P.E.C.I.A.L stats:
- Strength: 7
- Perception: 7
- Endurance: 5
- Charisma: 4
- Intelligence: 8
- Agility: 5
- Luck: 5
Last edited by Deske on Sat Jul 11, 2015 11:29 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: OOC: Radients Vineyard.

Post by Hotep the psychic »

Approved deske.

Ill have an IC up soon after i finish the edits to the first post adding everyone in.
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Re: OOC: Radients Vineyard.

Post by Legotron123 »

The powers that be didn't like me using religious figures for my characters powers, so they made me change it. Now he uses the power of aura.
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Re: OOC: Radients Vineyard.

Post by Hotep the psychic »

Aaaah ok thanks for letting me know


hey all i should have a IC page up when able so sorry for it taking time
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Re: OOC: Radients Vineyard.

Post by Buster »

No problem, just let us know when everything's ready.
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Re: OOC: Radients Vineyard.

Post by Deske »

How exciting, we're so close to getting this started!
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Re: OOC: Radients Vineyard.

Post by Welsh Halfwit »

Should we knock?
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Re: OOC: Radients Vineyard.

Post by Hotep the psychic »

sorry i have the post in a save file ill get today

i just moved into a new house for college so thats why i couldnt post yet.


its up,
may not seem like much but its all i had at the time and couldnt think up more. bt your all welcome to begin
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Re: OOC: Radients Vineyard.

Post by Welsh Halfwit »

Well I got that Doctor Who gag out of the way early enough.
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Re: OOC: Radients Vineyard.

Post by Buster »

So i did some reading on proper chinchilla diets, Apparently they have absurdly restrictive diets. (they have like, 5 things they can eat on a regular basis) I'm expanding it a bit (Basicaly just making things that are already okay in very limited quantities, just okay in general. they're the green ones.) for the sake of not having to make her insanely picky, but that still limits her to hay, alfalfa, pellets, grain products, dried herbs, dried fruit, and carrots.

That's it. She can't have sweets, nuts, Processed food (which ironically includes most commercial rodent treats IRL, even ones made for chinchillas), Dairy, fatty foods, meat, most vegetables, or most greens apparently.

Dairy, fatty foods, and meat, being restricted I was expecting, being a herbivore. But the others were kinda a surprise. I would have thought most of those were okay for a large rodent.
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Re: OOC: Radients Vineyard.

Post by RandomGeekNamedBrent »

sorry for the long-ish intro post, if you don't care about the minutia of Samuel waking up in the future, you can skip to the line of -------------------
Welsh Halfwit wrote:Well I got that Doctor Who gag out of the way early enough.
I slipped in a Sleepy Hollow reference. not a subtle one either.
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Re: OOC: Radients Vineyard.

Post by Deske »

I didn't catch the Doctor Who one, but something tells me it deals with Amanda. Did catch the Sleepy Hollow reference. Not a bad work in.
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Re: OOC: Radients Vineyard.

Post by RandomGeekNamedBrent »

Deske wrote:I didn't catch the Doctor Who one
"would you like a Jelly Baby" is one of the 4th Doctor's catch phrases.
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Re: OOC: Radients Vineyard.

Post by Welsh Halfwit »

RandomGeekNamedBrent wrote:
Deske wrote:I didn't catch the Doctor Who one
"would you like a Jelly Baby" is one of the 4th Doctor's catch phrases.
Just to confuse things he even uses it when offering liquorice allsorts.
My idea with the last post is not that she was flying - she wasn't - but that she was standing on a short column of wind. She will never fly.
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Re: OOC: Radients Vineyard.

Post by hypernovatic »

Mind if I join in and bring back Kamatari?
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Re: OOC: Radients Vineyard.

Post by Legotron123 »

You guys don't think I went too far with that last post, do you? Because I'm sorry if I did.
Play The Hayseed Knight. This isn’t self promotion, I just really like the game.

You ever realize that the two longest pieces of literature in existence are both fanfics? Weird right?
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Re: OOC: Radients Vineyard.

Post by Hotep the psychic »

Go ahead hyper :D
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Re: OOC: Radients Vineyard.

Post by Deske »

Legotron123 wrote:You guys don't think I went too far with that last post, do you? Because I'm sorry if I did.
Not dead, not missing limbs, I can heal quickly so it isn't permanent. I don't think you did, but it isn't really up to me.
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Re: OOC: Radients Vineyard.

Post by hypernovatic »

Sweet. Here's his character sheet for anyone who wants to see it. http://housepetscomic.com/forums/viewto ... 69#p558169
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Re: OOC: Radients Vineyard.

Post by Hlaoroo »

Legotron123 wrote:You guys don't think I went too far with that last post, do you? Because I'm sorry if I did.
Well, if Deske is happy (since it was his character) and the GM is happy then I see no problems with it. As a general rule of thumb though it's a good idea to let the person being affected by the magic choose how the spell, or at least to what extent the spell affects them. So, for instance. It's fine to say that Noah uses aura to enhance his shove at Rig, but it's better to let Deske decide how far Rig flies unless you pre-organise something with Deske in the OOC or via PM. The same idea applies to any other kind of magic too, as well as to any other interpersonal event in RPs. It's always best to let the person affected by any action choose how the action affects them rather than writing it yourself.

So, no need to change anything for now since everyone is happy. It's just something that might be useful to keep in mind in future.
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Re: OOC: Radients Vineyard.

Post by Buster »

I keep misreading that name as Katamari... >.<
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Re: OOC: Radients Vineyard.

Post by Mickey »

I don't think you noticed what Yen gave your character, Welsh.
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Re: OOC: Radients Vineyard.

Post by hypernovatic »

Buster wrote:I keep misreading that name as Katamari... >.<
I sometimes mistype the name as Katamari so it's fine.
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Re: OOC: Radients Vineyard.

Post by Welsh Halfwit »

Mickey wrote:I don't think you noticed what Yen gave your character, Welsh.
Yeah. Did miss that, soz. Hopefully Yen now knows doing silly things to scare her is a bad idea?
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Re: OOC: Radients Vineyard.

Post by Buster »

Who's assigned to handling the shop's NPCs? Is anybody?
Cause Civ's been doing a lot of standing around waiting for one...
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Re: OOC: Radients Vineyard.

Post by Deske »

I suppose anyone could do it for now. Just pick it up I suppose.
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Re: OOC: Radients Vineyard.

Post by Hotep the psychic »

Anyone can control store npcs except the jade dragon store. Thats my control.

Also id like to slow the posting speed some please because im having to catch up and u bet brent will have to too.
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Re: OOC: Radients Vineyard.

Post by RandomGeekNamedBrent »

Hotep the psychic wrote:Also id like to slow the posting speed some please because im having to catch up and u bet brent will have to too.
yep. I can;t get on until 10 at the earliest and by that time nearly a page has passed.
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Re: OOC: Radients Vineyard.

Post by Hlaoroo »

I'm watching too so you guys can feel free to send any questions my way too, just so you know. ;)
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Re: OOC: Radients Vineyard.

Post by Welsh Halfwit »

Hlaoroo wrote:I'm watching too so you guys can feel free to send any questions my way too, just so you know. ;)
How many pounds to the Aussie Dollar?

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Can you tell I'm taking the mickey with three of these questions?
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