Writers up for this crazy Housepets!/tv crossover idea?

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Writers up for this crazy Housepets!/tv crossover idea?

Post by Howellfan »

First of all - hello! *waves meekly* First post to the forums.

Second, big internet cookie to anybody who can guess the online freefic author referenced in my username. ;)

Anyways, I was thinking about the Housepets! universe. It's a human's world much like ours, despite the fact that the series entirely centers on a cast that isn't. Babylon gardens is a 'special neighborhood', thanks to it's wealthy founder, though we've only so far seen in what way in fairly general terms. It's arcs and cast of characters include a magical cat, a former human who's fallen in love with another dog, massively larping, almighty 'powers-that-be' and their willing mortal avatars(in principle) - such as a mystical pom-pom, because who cares about the humans that are somehow still running the joint, :P

Ahh, yes, that's the other thing - for all it's humor and fluff, the comic very meta-whistles 'past the graveyard' of some complicated questions raised by the setting - some of them, if you think about it, quite dark. The ownership and status of 'sapient pets' is bad enough, but the inescapable fact of the comic's universe is that the 'the most dangerous game' is day-to-day reality in the wild - and of course, accepted by we furless monkeys in that universe as well.

And you know what tv show's universe the sum of that tone and those ingredients sound remarkably, surprisingly similar to, inverted and and seen 'through a glass lightly'?

Buffy: the Vampire Slayer.

Seriously - that series had meddling, and less 'nice', powers-that-be. A witch. A soul-possessed vampire and a straight-up vamp that was somehow able to slowly choose his humanity and eventually go and get himself a soul for his love of the slayer. It's set in a very 'special' town indeed while the wider, 'normal' world goes about it's business unawares and it too uses heaping dollops of humor to plough through some dark and awfully weighty issues, which in what ways I'll leave to the forum but do parallel those of the the Housepets! universe in surprising ways. And the more I think about it, the more I think that a dropping the core - at least a core two or three characters of one - into the other, and seeing what commences as the metaphysical carp hits the fan could be bloody interesting. Though, ONLY if handled very, very right.

I would love to see some very confident, ambitious, dedicated fanfic writer take this on, and specific enough that I I'll see it without asking.

So - anybody out there feel up to it? *Hopefull look* :geek:
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Re: Writers up for this crazy Housepets!/tv crossover idea?

Post by Obbl »

Hello, Howell, welcome to the forums :D

I've never seen Buffy (it's on my "probably-should-see-it-sometime" list), but that sounds like an interesting idea. You don't want to take a stab at it yourself?
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Re: Writers up for this crazy Housepets!/tv crossover idea?

Post by Howellfan »

Thanks for the welcome! :)

Alas, my knowledge of the Buffy universe is limited to a couple episodes, a bit of online searching, and what I've gleaned from fanfic, and mostly a single author's - Lyn Gala - at that; Usually very adult and sometimes very graphic ( I.e. Beautiful Broken ), but absolutely mint STORIES first and foremost - just be warned. And I'm only about 70 percent conversant with Housepets! :P

Also, tablets *taps tablet* aren't made for writing the sort of truly epic length story that would truly do the idea/s justice. :shock:

Besides, it's often more fun to receive. :lol: :P
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Re: Writers up for this crazy Housepets!/tv crossover idea?

Post by Howellfan »

Hmm - no nibbles?

Maybe as a collaborative effort, with somebody much more familiar with the buffyverse - that really is the largest reason why I didn't feel I could tackle this myself. Maybe I should slap together a 'concept' one shot - not a story per se, but just a scene-prompt, and/or a few drabbles to get someone to bite. :mrgreen:

If interested in a collaborative effort, e-mail me at [email protected] .

Also, *bump* :P
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Re: Writers up for this crazy Housepets!/tv crossover idea?

Post by copper »

I have seen a few seasons of Buffy, as well as knowing much of the HP! universe, but I cannot see enough of a correlation to see any real substance to a crossover such as the one you have described. Perhaps someone else can see it though, and I wish you luck in your search!
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