HPU: Exotic Acres

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Re: Pet Friendly: Exotic Acres

Post by WolvenPaw15 »

Marro looked both ways in the river, idly wondering how far it stretched "Wow... It seems to go on forever... I wonder if anyone else is swimming further down..." he smiled before diving back down underwater
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Re: Pet Friendly: Exotic Acres

Post by Roarin »

"Indigenous wildlife". Chem mused. "Fish, insects, will have investigate later.". Laying back he let himself float on the water, looking up at the sky and for a few rare minutes, not think about anything.
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Re: Pet Friendly: Exotic Acres

Post by musclecar326 »

Marine Fox wrote:Ryan followed was quite intrigued with everything but he found the machine that apparently measured everyone's feet to be even weird but after the others had went he stepped on it and waited not sure how long but he waited patiently until he was told to step off. And he looked at the others for proper guidance.
Alright Ryan your size is 8, good now we have everyone's sizes. Snowy announced as he went back to the counter. Hey Brett we got our sizes, they are 8, 9 1/2, 10, 10, and 11.Alright here you go boys, have fun. Brett told them as he put the "shoes" on the counter. Thanks Brett, so now grab your respective pair and put them on. Then we gotta go find the right sized bowling balls. And no this one does not need a machine, it is all guess and check. Snowy addressed Soren for the last sentence.
RandomGeekNamedBrent wrote:"I try my best... but Kleptomania is a hard habit to break," She said as she followed. "I think it runs in my blood, cause one of my ancestors worked on a pirate ship."
Really your bloodline goes back that far wow. Anyways I'll just keep a close eye on ya. Speedy answered Maria. Ok, at least their is glass between us and the rings. She said as they stood in front of the display case full of rings.

(OOC: 17th century fox Reference? really?)
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Re: Pet Friendly: Exotic Acres

Post by Argent »

In the shade of the trees by the river a dark form paced deliberately, almost hurrying in his eagerness to get back to his new house. Where the path was uneven or washed out he disappeared into the brush and ferns, muttering at the inconvenient openness of the canopy. Even in the jungle quarter the trees weren't really spaced for leisurely travel, that was about the only thing he missed from the zoo, the comfortable authenticity of the enclosure.

So Memaw had to stop frequently for a break, and perhaps a nap, and he's just resting his eyes, really, hidden by overhanging ferns when a sudden splashing and barking jerked him upright, and peering out over the river he bespied a pair of large canines disporting themselves in the water. Where did they come from? He couldn't have been asleep that long, could he?

Of course, sitting up against the sunlit ferns, he's no longer nearly so well hidden from the two big carnivores...
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Re: Pet Friendly: Exotic Acres

Post by RandomGeekNamedBrent »

musclecar326 wrote:Really your bloodline goes back that far wow. Anyways I'll just keep a close eye on ya. Speedy answered Maria. Ok, at least their is glass between us and the rings. She said as they stood in front of the display case full of rings.
"Glass cases really put a damper on shoplifting," Maria said, sticking her tongue out playfully. She then began to look for any rings with pink stones.
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Re: Pet Friendly: Exotic Acres

Post by WolvenPaw15 »

Marro swam back to the surface, he had found something in the mud on the bottom, it had caught his eye with a glimmer "I wonder what this is" he asked himself as he washed it a bit, it looked like an expensive hand mirror, and it seemed to be very old "Wow... this looks... beautiful..." he looked it over and at a certain angle, he caught Chem's reflection, not able to hold back a smile at his friends relaxed state
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Re: Pet Friendly: Exotic Acres

Post by CrystallineWolf »

It was a rather pleasant afternoon, and Echo felt it was time to stretch her poor legs, which had been cooped up for far to long for the long car ride to get here. Unpacking was easy, though it was the liger who did most of the work, and by mid-morning, she and her dad- the reputable Dr. Langston- were finished with setting up the essentials. Being a zoologist, Langston had absolutely refused to let his daughter go until he preformed a thorough basic checkup- something that Echo found endearing, but annoying.

"Daaaaad. Can I go now?" Currently, Eric was very lovingly brushing her blue grey fur, paying especial attention to the way her stripe patterns ran across it. "I want to explore before it gets too dark!"

"I won't let you go out and meet others without looking your absolute best! We want to bring out your beauty. I know you are absolutely beautiful, and now I want others to know it too...there." He finished, smiling at Echo's blush- due to his compliment of course. Handing the liger her backpack, he streched to pat her head. "Have fun. And don't be afraid to make new friends."

She made a half-hearted smile. " Okay Dad."

Half an hour later, with a quick run, Echo was in town. It was pretty, and not that far from her house in the jungle section of the neighborhood. It was certainly something to sit down and draw. She looked around in amusement, searching, perhaps, for a library. Books were her pleasure- as much she loved to put pencil to paper and create an image worth a thousand words.

Just as she was about to head across the street, she spied a store. It looked pleasant, and well stocked. With a curious expression she wandered in, hoping to find a cat toy big and durable enough to play with. This neighborhood catered to exotic pets- the store should have something that she couldn't break by clumsy accident.

Echo didn't see a shelf full of toys at first glance, but she did see a lot of beautiful accesories- no doubt her Dad would scour this place to find something that brought out her golden brown eyes. The liger gave a little laughter at the private thought- until she also saw two other pets; a cheetah and a...white-headed capuchin (if she could recall her Animal Encyclopedia correctly). Subsequently biting her lip, Echo remembered her father's words- Don't be afraid to make new friends.

With a slight sigh, she approached slowly, inconspicously browsing merchandise, so as to not frighten them- or procrastinate her way out of such an encounter...
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Re: Pet Friendly: Exotic Acres

Post by Hlaoroo »

"Strike!" Joey fist-pumped and did a little jump for excitement. Well, little for a 6 foot 2 kangaroo. His head grazed the bottom of the TV screen showing his and Jakes scores, making the set wobble precariously in its rickety bracket.
Jake, sprawled across the sticky plastic chairs, grinned. "Watch it or you'll bring the whole place down. And I wouldn't be celebrating just yet. You still need a turkey to beat me." It was a quiet afternoon at the bowling alley and only 2 other lanes were being used. Swapping spots with his brother, Jake called over his shoulder "Here, I'll show you how it's done!" Picking up the ball, he aims, takes a short hop-up, and then appearing to stumble, lets the ball fly at an odd angle. Somehow it still manages to knock down all but 2 of the pins.
"Ha! A 7-10 Split. Let's see you get outta that!" Joey gloats. With a smirk, Jake send his next ball spinning down the lane with a flick of his wrist. It neatly clips the side of the pin, sending it smashing into the other one. Joey's jaw drops.
"Anything else you wanna see?" quips Jake.
"Just the look on your face when you lose!" retorts Joey.
The door of the alley clunks open and a motley group of animals walks in. They get their shoes and then while they're selecting their balls Jake calls over to them.
"Hey, fellas, care to join us? I'm almost done thrashing Joey here."
Joey rolls his eyes. "Oh please! You haven't got a hope in the world, Jake! I'm just getting warmed up, is all. I'm giving you a headstart."
"Yeah, sure, whatever you reckon." snorts Jake in amusement.
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Re: Pet Friendly: Exotic Acres

Post by Roarin »

WolvenPaw15 wrote:Marro swam back to the surface, he had found something in the mud on the bottom, it had caught his eye with a glimmer "I wonder what this is" he asked himself as he washed it a bit, it looked like an expensive hand mirror, and it seemed to be very old "Wow... this looks... beautiful..." he looked it over and at a certain angle, he caught Chem's reflection, not able to hold back a smile at his friends relaxed state
"Hmm?". Chem's collar/tag jingled slightly as he tilted his head to try and get a look at what Marro was talking about, whilst staying on his back.
Managing to turn his head in the direction Chem grinned back, see Marro holding up a mirror, the black wolf's face reflecting back at him.
"Nice find.". Chem commented.
A few seconds later his nose picked up something else. Another animal maybe?
"You see another animal? Think I smell one...". He squinted, vision dulled by the absence of his glasses.
Last edited by Roarin on Sat Jun 08, 2013 12:29 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Pet Friendly: Exotic Acres

Post by Marine Fox »

Ryan looks at the shoes as they are given to him, not seeing the purpose of wearing such human clothing items but he followed as he was instructed and followed the others to get these bowling balls. And as he looked through them he saw they all had 3 holes and after seeing one that looked good he guessed and stuck 3 digits in seeing that it was a good fit he tried to pull it up with his digits, but it was very heavy and he barely got it an inch up before it slipped and he dropped it back onto the rack. Rubbing his slightly sore digits he looked at the other balls testing several out before finding one he could reasonably pick up. He returned with the others suspiciously inspecting his ball
"I think I found a good one"
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Re: Pet Friendly: Exotic Acres

Post by WolvenPaw15 »

Marro's nose twitched as he sniffed the air, before closing his eyes and focusing, he certainly felt another presence close by, and when he opened his eyes he saw just who it was, standing amidst the ferns, raising a hand up to give a wave "Hello over there" he smiled a bit, his tail swaying gently under the water
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Re: Pet Friendly: Exotic Acres

Post by Argent »

Memaw lifted his paw to wave back and ambled down to the edge of the river, long tail curled up and around his leg to keep from dragging on the ground. "Hello there. Um. Do you know if it's far back to the town down this way? I seem to have turned myself around somewhere."
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Re: Pet Friendly: Exotic Acres

Post by RandomGeekNamedBrent »

CrystallineWolf wrote:Half an hour later, with a quick run, Echo was in town. It was pretty, and not that far from her house in the jungle section of the neighborhood. It was certainly something to sit down and draw. She looked around in amusement, searching, perhaps, for a library. Books were her pleasure- as much she loved to put pencil to paper and create an image worth a thousand words.

Just as she was about to head across the street, she spied a store. It looked pleasant, and well stocked. With a curious expression she wandered in, hoping to find a cat toy big and durable enough to play with. This neighborhood catered to exotic pets- the store should have something that she couldn't break by clumsy accident.

Echo didn't see a shelf full of toys at first glance, but she did see a lot of beautiful accesories- no doubt her Dad would scour this place to find something that brought out her golden brown eyes. The liger gave a little laughter at the private thought- until she also saw two other pets; a cheetah and a...white-headed capuchin (if she could recall her Animal Encyclopedia correctly). Subsequently biting her lip, Echo remembered her father's words- Don't be afraid to make new friends.

With a slight sigh, she approached slowly, inconspicously browsing merchandise, so as to not frighten them- or procrastinate her way out of such an encounter...
Maria noticed the... it looked like a tiger, but not quite. she turned to get a closer look. "hi there," she said to the newcomer. "Mind if I ask you your species?"
Met's paws were pretty big, so he grabbed the ball with the biggest finger holes. "I've got my ball."
Hlaoroo wrote:"Hey, fellas, care to join us? I'm almost done thrashing Joey here."
Joey rolls his eyes. "Oh please! You haven't got a hope in the world, Jake! I'm just getting warmed up, is all. I'm giving you a headstart."
"Yeah, sure, whatever you reckon." snorts Jake in amusement.
"Oh, hey. I'd love to join you if everyone else is cool with it."
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Re: Pet Friendly: Exotic Acres

Post by razgriz »

Soren and Cody at first argued over who's boots/shoes were who's. They'd gotten the numbers mixed up after a private little spat that came out something like Abbot and Costello. After they finally found the fitting pairs, Soren examined his to see how they were designed. Small boot-like shapes, mostly rubber to provide the needed traction. It was a sort of smooth, yet gripping surface on the bottom. They felt very weird.
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Re: Pet Friendly: Exotic Acres

Post by Roarin »

Argent wrote:Memaw lifted his paw to wave back and ambled down to the edge of the river, long tail curled up and around his leg to keep from dragging on the ground. "Hello there. Um. Do you know if it's far back to the town down this way? I seem to have turned myself around somewhere."
Chem waved to the animal, continuing to stay on his back.
"Town? Umm..." The wolf took a second to ponder this, trying to calculate the direction based on their position.
'Town should be... north of here. Not too far." He answered.
"New around here?" Chem asked a moment later.
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Re: Pet Friendly: Exotic Acres

Post by Argent »

Memaw nodded, "Uh-huh, I was just going for a walk, and lost track of time and where I was. Hum, not used to such a large enclosure, I'm afraid."
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Re: Pet Friendly: Exotic Acres

Post by WolvenPaw15 »

Marro's ear twitched and he shook his head, images flooded his vision, he heard a faint voice saying something in his head, he shook his head again and everything cleared "Let us take you back... You might get lost, and we really wouldn't want that would we?" he gave a slight smile
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Re: Pet Friendly: Exotic Acres

Post by Argent »

"I'd sure appreciate that, young fella, but I don't want to interrupt your lovely swim. I'm, hum, not in any particular hurry, and it's pleasantly warm, do you mind if I join you?"
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Re: Pet Friendly: Exotic Acres

Post by CrystallineWolf »

RandomGeekNamedBrent wrote: Maria noticed the... it looked like a tiger, but not quite. she turned to get a closer look. "hi there," she said to the newcomer. "Mind if I ask you your species?"
Echo jumped a little at the greeting, not truly expecting for herself to be noticed. Then again, she was taller, stronger, and faster than most pets- and to top it all off, she was blue.

"Oh,um... hi. She replied, rather shyly. " And- er, no I don't mind if you ask... I'm a Maltese Liger- a hybrid between a lion and a tiger...." Echo struggled to meet the eyes of the monkey- instead she looked at her markings and fur, which were quite adorable in their combined composition."Would I be mistaken in observing that you are a White-Headed Cappuchin?"
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Re: Pet Friendly: Exotic Acres

Post by Marine Fox »

Ryan looked over as two marsupials invited them over, he didn't really know them but if everyone else was cool with it he would join them begrudgingly moving the thought aside that now he could embarrass himself in front of more pets.
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Re: Pet Friendly: Exotic Acres

Post by RandomGeekNamedBrent »

CrystallineWolf wrote:Echo jumped a little at the greeting, not truly expecting for herself to be noticed. Then again, she was taller, stronger, and faster than most pets- and to top it all off, she was blue.

"Oh,um... hi. She replied, rather shyly. " And- er, no I don't mind if you ask... I'm a Maltese Liger- a hybrid between a lion and a tiger...." Echo struggled to meet the eyes of the monkey- instead she looked at her markings and fur, whichever were quite adorable in their combined composition."Would I be mistaken in observing that you are a White-Headed Cappuchin?"
"wow, I've heard of ligers, but I've never met one. I'm Maria Mayer, and you got my species right," she said, offering her paw to shake.
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Re: Pet Friendly: Exotic Acres

Post by musclecar326 »

RandomGeekNamedBrent wrote:"wow, I've heard of ligers, but I've never met one. I'm Maria Mayer, and you got my species right," she said, offering her paw to shake.
Speedy had noticed the other animal as well but didn't think of say anything until Maria greeted her first, after their small talk she joined in the conversation. Oh, hello, my name is Speedy and I am a Cheetah. Also you look cool being blue and a Liger. Are you new to the neighborhood? She said very nice and rather happy.

RandomGeekNamedBrent wrote:
Hlaoroo wrote:"Hey, fellas, care to join us? I'm almost done thrashing Joey here."
Joey rolls his eyes. "Oh please! You haven't got a hope in the world, Jake! I'm just getting warmed up, is all. I'm giving you a headstart."
"Yeah, sure, whatever you reckon." snorts Jake in amusement.
"Oh, hey. I'd love to join you if everyone else is cool with it."
Snowy saw the kangaroos inviting them over, noticing that he had never seen them before, he decided it would be a great way to get to know the new people. Yeah sure we'd love to join you, if it is ok with you two. Snowy first said to the new animals then the second part to Soren, and Cody. Right after talking he went and grabbed his personalized ball from the nearby lockers.
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Re: Pet Friendly: Exotic Acres

Post by Hlaoroo »

"Alrighty then." says Jake, and then, collecting his black and green swirled ball from the return machine, sends it spinning down the lane in a strike and then a 9-4 split. Turning back to Joey he grins. "And that is game, set and match, little brother."
Joey snorts. "I let you win. I know how much you sulk if I don't."
Jake laughs. "And which of us is sulking now?" Hopping over to the control panel he punches in his and Joey's names for the next match and then leaves the cursor flashing for the next pet's name as Joey hops carefully back from the counter with a can of soda, trying not to shake it up too much.
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Re: Pet Friendly: Exotic Acres

Post by CrystallineWolf »

musclecar326 wrote:
RandomGeekNamedBrent wrote:"wow, I've heard of ligers, but I've never met one. I'm Maria Mayer, and you got my species right," she said, offering her paw to shake.
Speedy had noticed the other animal as well but didn't think of say anything until Maria greeted her first, after their small talk she joined in the conversation. Oh, hello, my name is Speedy and I am a Cheetah. Also you look cool being blue and a Liger. Are you new to the neighborhood? She said very nice and rather happy.
Echo gingerly shook Maria's paw, not wanting to hurt her by overestimating the monkey's strength compared to her own. "Th-thank you.She replied to Speedy's compliment, a bit unused to receiving them from other animals. ""I'm Echo Langston, and yeah, me and my dad just moved to Exotic Acres. It's beautiful here.
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Re: Pet Friendly: Exotic Acres

Post by WolvenPaw15 »

Argent wrote:"I'd sure appreciate that, young fella, but I don't want to interrupt your lovely swim. I'm, hum, not in any particular hurry, and it's pleasantly warm, do you mind if I join you?"
Marro smiled a bit "Come on in the water's great, not to fast either, its really relaxing" he nodded and let his body float to the surface to relax
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Re: Pet Friendly: Exotic Acres

Post by Argent »

The burly black animal tossed his little shoulder-bag on the grass and waded into the river dog-paddling a dozen yards and then simply vanishing, a brief flash of his prehensile tail arching like an otter's, a widening ring of ripples, and nothing.

The seconds dragged on.

Then a sudden snorting exhalation behind the two canines, and when they turned a skinny muzzle with drooping whiskers was grinning at them.

"You're right. The water is... hah... great!"
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Re: Pet Friendly: Exotic Acres

Post by musclecar326 »

Hlaoroo wrote:"Alrighty then." says Jake, and then, collecting his black and green swirled ball from the return machine, sends it spinning down the lane in a strike and then a 9-4 split. Turning back to Joey he grins. "And that is game, set and match, little brother."
Joey snorts. "I let you win. I know how much you sulk if I don't."
Jake laughs. "And which of us is sulking now?" Hopping over to the control panel he punches in his and Joey's names for the next match and then leaves the cursor flashing for the next pet's name as Joey hops carefully back from the counter with a can of soda, trying not to shake it up too much.
Snowy walked over to their lane and entered his name,"Snowy". So I see your names are Jake and Joey, which one is which. Wait let me guess that Joey is the younger one. My name is Snowy as you can see, Welcome to EA! He said happily to the kangaroos, extending his paw out to shake.
CrystallineWolf wrote:Echo gingerly shook Maria's paw, not wanting to hurt her by overestimating the monkey's strength compared to her own. "Th-thank you.She replied to Speedy's compliment, a bit unused to receiving them from other animals. ""I'm Echo Langston, and yeah, me and my dad just moved to Exotic Acres. It's beautiful here.
Why, thanks I take pride in my Dad's neighborhood, especially when someone compliments it. Echo thats a cool name, how did you get it if you don't mind me asking? Speedy asked the Liger.
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Re: Pet Friendly: Exotic Acres

Post by RandomGeekNamedBrent »

musclecar326 wrote:Snowy walked over to their lane and entered his name,"Snowy". So I see your names are Jake and Joey, which one is which. Wait let me guess that Joey is the younger one. My name is Snowy as you can see, Welcome to EA! He said happily to the kangaroos, extending his paw out to shake.
Met followed after and simply entered "MGM" into the machine. "I'm Metro Goldwyn Mayer, my friends call me Met," he told the marsupials.
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Re: Pet Friendly: Exotic Acres

Post by Marine Fox »

As the others proceeded over Ryan followed right after and seeing the others enter their names into the machine he did as well playing a little game of copy doing what the other's did before taking a seat and listening to see who was who in the marsupial duo.
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Re: Pet Friendly: Exotic Acres

Post by Hlaoroo »

Joey shakes the proffered paw. "I'm only younger by five minutes. That doesn't really count! I'm Joey Jackson."
Jakes follows suit. "I'm Jake Jackson and this is my twin brother Joey. Together they call us the JJ's. And, yes Joey, five minutes definitely does still count!"
Shaking the other paws and offering greetings, Jake continues. "We're new here; we only got in yesterday. We're from Australia if you hadn't guessed. Have you fellas been here long?"
Joey can't resist asking Met "So are you named after the studio or is the studio named after you?"
"Joey! Be polite!" admonishes Jake.
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Re: Pet Friendly: Exotic Acres

Post by RandomGeekNamedBrent »

"I was named after the studio," Met answered. "My dad's a director and he couldn't resist the pun."
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Re: Pet Friendly: Exotic Acres

Post by Hlaoroo »

"I do enjoy a good pun. Which studio does your dad work for? Would I have seen any of his films?" enquires Joey as he watches Jake bowl a strike. "Whoops, I'm up." Picking up his red and black ball from the return machine he sends it twice down the lane for a final score of 8.
"Darn! I can never get it to curve to the left for some reason." he laments as he retakes his seat next to Met and picks up his soda again.
"Snowy, its your go." announces Jake.
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Re: Pet Friendly: Exotic Acres

Post by CrystallineWolf »

musclecar326 wrote: Why, thanks I take pride in my Dad's neighborhood, especially when someone compliments it. Echo thats a cool name, how did you get it if you don't mind me asking? Speedy asked the Liger.
Echo scratched the back her head sheepishly. "Weeellll... when my dad first adopted me, I attempted to copy him in his study- everything he did I did too. Only, I couldn't touch most of the chemicals he was working with right then, so I settled for repeating everything he said..." a blush spread over her fur, making quite the contrast. "because I wanted to be a zoologist like him... he thought it was funny and called me 'his little echo' ."
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Re: Pet Friendly: Exotic Acres

Post by Roarin »

Chem grinned at the animal's agreement and slowly spun himself around to take his first look at it.
"Don't think we ever got a name.". He inquired.
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Re: Pet Friendly: Exotic Acres

Post by razgriz »

Soren and Cody joined the line at the machine, they entered their names while looking around, this particular form of bowling was new to both of them.
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Re: Pet Friendly: Exotic Acres

Post by Argent »

Memaw shakes his head, spraying water and fluffing up his pelt, "Huh, it's Memaw Natnak, if you speak Thai, but I usually go by 'Whiskers'. Whiskers Logan. That's me."
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Re: Pet Friendly: Exotic Acres

Post by WolvenPaw15 »

Marro nodded to Whiskers "My name is Marro, Marro Woods" he smiled and let himself float, his tail's movement creating gentle ripples on the surface of the water
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Re: Pet Friendly: Exotic Acres

Post by musclecar326 »

Hlaoroo wrote:"I do enjoy a good pun. Which studio does your dad work for? Would I have seen any of his films?" enquires Joey as he watches Jake bowl a strike. "Whoops, I'm up." Picking up his red and black ball from the return machine he sends it twice down the lane for a final score of 8.
"Darn! I can never get it to curve to the left for some reason." he laments as he retakes his seat next to Met and picks up his soda again.
"Snowy, its your go." announces Jake.
Thanks Jake, and hey, nice roll, lets see if I can do better. Snowy replied as he grabbed his black, gray, and white ball that looked like a snow leopard pelt. He walked up to the lane and started from the far right and threw it with a right spin while aiming to the left. Sending the ball into the pins perfect and getting a strike. And there we go off to a good start, Met you're up next. Snowy said as he sat down in his spot next to the marsupials.

(OOC: I actually bowl exactly the same as what was just said for snowy, so it does work well.)
CrystallineWolf wrote:Echo scratched the back her head sheepishly. "Weeellll... when my dad first adopted me, I attempted to copy him in his study- everything he did I did too. Only, I couldn't touch most of the chemicals he was working with right then, so I settled for repeating everything he said..." a blush spread over her fur, making quite the contrast. "because I wanted to be a zoologist like him... he thought it was funny and called me 'his little echo' ."
That is a nice little story, Echo. I'm glad you were happy to share it with us. Speedy said to Echo, smiling afterwards.
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Re: Pet Friendly: Exotic Acres

Post by RandomGeekNamedBrent »

musclecar326 wrote:Thanks Jake, and hey, nice roll, lets see if I can do better. Snowy replied as he grabbed his black, gray, and white ball that looked like a snow leopard pelt. He walked up to the lane and started from the far right and threw it with a right spin while aiming to the left. Sending the ball into the pins perfect and getting a strike. And there we go off to a good start, Met you're up next. Snowy said as he sat down in his spot next to the marsupials.
Met grabbed his ball and prepared to make his move. He stood in front of the lane, holding the ball up to his face with both paws, figuring out the best way to sent the ball. Once he was ready, he backed up then, pulling the ball behind him, he began to step up to the line and swinging the ball forward, releasing it into the lane... and straight into the gutter. "well, crap," he said as he waited for his ball to come back out of the ball return.

He grabbed his ball, and repeated his process, this time knocking down two pins. "I'll need to get used to this. It's more difficult than Wii Sports made it seem. Ryan, you're up."
musclecar326 wrote:That is a nice little story, Echo. I'm glad you were happy to share it with us. Speedy said to Echo, smiling afterwards.
"yeah, that was interesting," Maria said happily, holding some jewelry in her hands... "Speedy help, I don't know where I got these from," she said with worry in her voice.
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Re: Pet Friendly: Exotic Acres

Post by Hlaoroo »

Joey's jaw drops as Snowy bowls. "How do you do that? That spin thing, I mean. That's even better than Jake!"

"Bad luck, Met. But don't worry. You'll get the hang of it. Can I show you something? If you hold your paw like this as you swing and make sure you've got the opposite hindpaw forwards when you release you'll find it'll go straighter. You might also find it easier to forget the runup and just practise the swing to begin with." Jake demonstrates helpfully.
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