What do you call a fic that's not a fic

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Post by valerio »

No prob at all! I like it that my readers interact with me on the development. 8-)
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Post by Legotron123 »

valerio wrote:No prob at all! I like it that my readers interact with me on the development. 8-)
Then could you PLEASE have king and fino interact? I can just tell it would be awesome.
Play The Hayseed Knight. This isn’t self promotion, I just really like the game.

You ever realize that the two longest pieces of literature in existence are both fanfics? Weird right?
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Post by valerio »

we'll see, Sir, we'll see... ;)
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Post by Cerberusx »

So that's a yes then... :lol:
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Post by kavviyenta »

No fancy tag, that collar must be beyond 24 carat! Mexico, I smell a plot for this mid-seasonal episode.

So to put it your story, Fino is the eldest and the ace of Babylon Gardens. His name became derived into his brothers with Joey being the odd name out.

Fido used to be a mischievous son of a dog in sheep's clothing in his youth before becoming a genuinely nice and responsible police dog. His meeting with Sabrina may or may not be a factor to his change.

Bino suffered from middle-child syndrome and has an inferiority complex who believe that Fido is abusing his power. He doesn't hold any grudge for Fino who has done nothing wrong to deserve it.

Joey is the "weird" yet well-adjusted dog who's basically the Seth of the siblings. Though he stated he's four, he's actually the same age as the others just only the runt of the litters. my deviant gallery, nope there's no housepets in it

Unless you like Lilo & Stitch, kinda wish to see the experiments in housepets style
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Post by valerio »

kavviyenta wrote:No fancy tag, that collar must be beyond 24 carat! Mexico, I smell a plot for this mid-seasonal episode.

So to put it your story, Fino is the eldest and the ace of Babylon Gardens. His name became derived into his brothers with Joey being the odd name out.

Fido used to be a mischievous son of a dog in sheep's clothing in his youth before becoming a genuinely nice and responsible police dog. His meeting with Sabrina may or may not be a factor to his change.

Bino suffered from middle-child syndrome and has an inferiority complex who believe that Fido is abusing his power. He doesn't hold any grudge for Fino who has done nothing wrong to deserve it.

Joey is the "weird" yet well-adjusted dog who's basically the Seth of the siblings. Though he stated he's four, he's actually the same age as the others just only the runt of the litters.
That much sums it up! Nice of you to write this down, I approvez! 8-)
As for Mexico, I think you just smelled it right... ;)
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Post by valerio »

Somewhere inside the Spirit Realm

They stood there, just like that.
A serpentine dragon whose body could span between planets, floating in the star-ridden ether.
A black cat standing on the edge of a cliff, his arms crossed in defiance –not exactly an imposing stance for a mere speck in front of the legendary creature.
And yet, Maxwell spoke without a hint of hesitation as his aquamarine eyes stared at Spirit Dragon. “So, are you going to pull a ‘it was all a dream’ stuff or what?”
“I can assure you this is not the case, Max,” the creature answered with a surprisingly…controlled tone. One would expect that, for a creature that big, a mere whisper would level cities. Instead, Dragon’s voice came as if through any other pet. “I am here because I need you.”
Max snickered. “Mister—“
“Lady, I am quite flattered, I can assure you, but I don’t think you’d fit in my basket. Not to mention that my love life is dressed in fur, not scales.”
Dragon smiled.
Max shook his head. He waggled a finger at her. “And don’t try to charm me into liking you, lady. I know that I am irresistible, but again—“
“I smiled because I knew you were the right choice,” she gently interrupted him, utterly sincere. She really couldn’t understand why Pete despised so much these fascinating creatures…
Max narrowed his eyes in suspicion. “What do you mean?”
“I am looking out for someone to be my…avatar in game. A game of great importance. I have examined the hearts and souls of many mortals in Babylon Gardens, but only you stood out like the one with the proper qualities.”
Max gave her his best mischievous grin. “A game, eh? Lady, you just found your best tomcat. Consider our team a winner.”
Dragon blinked. “Do you mean that…you accept?” And that was something new –or, rather, her kind had had their ample share of mortals bowing in respect, swearing their loyalty, without hesitation…But that would come out of fear or awe. It was their religions that pushed them to obey without questioning.
Peanut, her sweet Peanut, was the purest soul she had ever met, he had accepted her just as another part of his life, without fear or malice.
This Maxwell was, in a way, the opposite pole. Like Peanut, he was spontaneous and carefree in his decisions, but he was also more devious, wild, quite aware of his qualities.
And yet there was something…intriguing in him.
Max pressed his thumb against his chest. “So? I never turned down a challenge. And a team-up with a real dragon? Total awesome, if you ask me…especially a dragon whose idea of fun is pranking other people!”
Dragon hadn’t had the heart to tell him that it had just been a test, based on what she could’ve asked Peanut to do to stress out his loyalty. Perhaps, she should’ve just gone ahead and tell him that the idea was to help out the others, not going on a prank rampage—
“A real disappointment, if you ask me!” Max said all of a sudden, pulling her from her memories.
“ACK!” SD jumped, getting back to the present time and accidentally turning a star or two into supernovae.
“You okay, lady? You had…sort of phased out.”
Spirit Dragon turned. If a cosmic being could be surprised right now, that was her. “You…you are here?”
This time, Max was standing in the middle of an endless meadow. He shrugged. “Apparently, yes. Why the surprise? Hadn’t you left the hotline on for me to call you?”
Dragon blinked. Yes, she had, in the sense that she could summon him anytime or hear his pleas for a chat.
That this mortal could actually come to her realm was…unexpected, to say the least. And had Pete just let this specimen go? “Yes, that I did. I’m sorry, I wasn’t expecting you. Is there something troubling you?” This time, she just shrunk herself into a tiny shape, to rest easily over the cat’s shoulder.
“There may be…now…” Max was looking at the cabinet holding a giant stuffed dog. A little too real-life looking for his tastes. “Is that a Peanut plushy?”
Dragon blushed. “I don’t think you came for that, mortal.”
Max scratched his temple. He realized he didn’t want to think about that. “Right-o: I came because I am…well, I don’t really like this ‘good-doer’ line of the job. You had stolen my body to talk to Fox, and to help him find a girlfriend. Where’s the fun in it?”
Dragon sighed. “Call it a whim. After spending much time in touch with you mortals, well…”
“You decided you like to play matchmaker.”
Another blush. “Yes. I perceived the pain from that dog, and I felt moved to help him out. But I promise, there will be a reward for your cooperation in this plan.”
Max grinned while his ears flicked. “Now, that’s something I can relate to. What did you have in mind—“ then he suddenly assumed a dramatic pose, his arm covering his eyes, “No! Don’t spoil it! I will enjoy it a lot more when the time com—ACK!” this time, it was him to get interrupted when…Sasha glomped him and both fell onto the solid ground of the pathway to Lindberg house.
“It’s so nice of you to help Foxie-bon! I’d love to help him too, but Bino would not really like if I proposed as new girlfriend, don’t you think?”
You’re heavy! Max thought while trying desperately to expand his chest against the concrete. “My…duty…for a friend of…Bino…”
Sasha stood up and pulled up the poor cat. He saw that Bosco, standing behind his mommy, was giggling. “Something funny, pup?”
“Beaten by a girl, that’s funny!”
<Draggie, can’t I collect now that ‘reward’--> the cat thought out.
<No!> She interrupted him sharply.
<Fine, fine…> Max went to the door and knocked. A moment later, Bailey opened the door. “Oh, hi there black cat. You’re Bino’s housemate, right? Fox said something weird about—“
He raised a paw to interrupt her. “No need to make ads out of it. Is he home?”
“He is,” King said, emerging from behind the husky. “And I don’t think he needs you of all pets, to take care of certain business. Thank you for coming.”
The cat actually bowed. “Thank you.” He turned and waved at the Corgi. “Keep me updated, will ya?” But then, Sasha’s unexpectedly strong paws grabbed him by the shoulders and turned him around.
“*giggle* He’s so silly! He’s gonna help Foxie-Bon in return of some help to find a girlfriend, didn’t he tell you? Oh, and I know a lot of girls so I wanna help too, but I don’t know any cats. Do you guys know any cat?”
Bailey was blinking, looking like a robot whose processor had just suffered overload. Without moving a muscle, she whispered to King, “Is that normal?”
“You just humor her and you’ll be safe,” the smaller dog whispered back, standing equally still.
“Hi guys,” Fox said, walking out. “Max, thank you for coming. I appreciate it, but you shouldn’t have.”
“I’m trying to point out just that,” the black cat said, with a hint of despair in his eyes… Then an idea came to his mind. He suddenly sighed dramatically and shrugged. “Well, thinking about that, you don’t really need my help…for today and tomorrow, that is.”
Fox raised an eyebrow. “How so?”
Max looked genuinely surprised. “Didn’t you guys know? Fino is back to town for Fido’s wedding, and every pet is organizing a welcome back party at the Hexagon park!” This time he ogled at Fox. “And this means we’ll be in the midst of the largest female crowd ever.”
But Fox’s mind had taken another direction entirely. His eyes were big as saucers, and he had never looked so puppy-ish like now. “Fino is here? Where? At Fido’s? Bino’s? Joey’s? All of them at the same time?” Bailey, too, looked as if she could just decide to divorce from King and find herself a new hubby.
Max pointed his thumb over his own shoulder. “Peanut’s. If you hurry—“ a whoosh of air and the sudden disappearance of the Lindberg dogs told him enough. “Well, I guess I did my part: Once Fino will vouch for him, Fox will be surrounded by ladies ready to serve him their hearts.”
<That was a coup,> Dragon scolded him inside his mind.
<No, that was genius. Now wait until I called Fino, then we’ll talk about that…reward.>

“Why the hurry?” King asked, desperately trying to keep up with the overexcited huskies. “Who is this guy?”
“Fido’s older brother,” Fox answered, panting happily. “The Ace. The top dog. The cool pup.”
“Adventurer,” Bailey added. “Writer. TV star. Singer. Awesome!
Upon hearing that, King realized only one thing: If this guy belonged to that litter, it meant that he may as well be a jerk like Bino. And, given the description so far, he was just the kind of guy whose fame would turn into a social monster.
But Fox was so happy at the idea of seeing him, it would be so unfair to project negativity right now that his friend needed something good in his life.
But I’ll be keeping an eye on you, Mr. Finawsomeness! AND you better keep your nose off my wife’s butt!
Luckily, Sandwich house was close enough to Lindberg’s. Panting, Fox brought his knuckles to the door to knock…and the door opened, making him fall…into the arms of his hero!
“Maxie warned me, fluffo. I would’ve come to visit you as well, though.”
Fox hugged him hard, wagging crazy. He wanted to kill Bino for not telling him, but after all the Wonder Four deserved their own quality time.
The husky let go of the other dog, then stepped aside to introduce the others. “Fino, this is my cousin Bailey. She moved at my place from Kansas and works at the Foster’s farm. As you can imagine, she’s a total fan as well.”
“Eeee!” Bailey didn’t dare to move, she only wiggled her fingers while sporting an idiotic happy grin.
Fino took her paw in his two and shook it. “Happy to meet you, Ms. Fluffo…But is that a wedding ring?”
Fox nodded. “Yup! And that’s the owner of the other ring. Fino, meet King, my housemate and best friend ever.” He ignored Bino’s growl from inside the house.
Fino bent down and shook paw. “Ms. Fluffo’s husband? Well, I’m sure you two are lucky dogs, if not for being related to my pal Fox. Glad to meet you, King.”
King returned the gesture almost with…indifference. “Fluffo?” he asked.
“Fox’s tail. When we were pups, I loved to hug it.” He winked. “And I’m sure you love to hug this beautiful lady’s tail, hm?”
Bailey almost turned and offered hers. King blushed and flattened his ears. “Uh? No! Yes! I—“ He was interrupted by a paw slamming into his shoulders.
“Relax, shorty! I’m just pulling your leash! I’m sure you’re the perfectly snugglepup for her.”
King was just starting to detest him, but then Fino said something that surprised him. “You know? You’re the first one I ever met who is not making doe eyes at me. I think I like you for this.”
“That’s because he’s a complete sociopath!” Bino said, walking (or barging as you want) in. “I mean, far as I know he never even sniffed anyone’s butt!”
That made Fino raise a questioning eyebrow. “Honest to dog? That’s wicked!” He chuckled to stress the point. Bino joined him. Fido and Joey had the decence to look away in embarrassment.
The corgi felt those words – and especially that pack reaction! – sting like a slap. It was a miracle if he wasn’t already steaming through his ears. “Turn around a moment, Mr. Awesome,” he said to Fino.
Fox bit his lower lip, hoping this wasn’t going to ruin the day. Last – and only time – King had submitted to etiquette, it hadn’t exactly been a display of spontaneousness…. And now he was supposed to go public? In front of Bino of all dogs?!
Fino obeyed, raising his tail. “Seems like someone’s pride was—Wowie!” In fact, what he got was the deepest and longest sniff a dog could receive, as greetings came! The top hound wiggled his finger to his younger brother. “Bino, Bino, you really shouldn’t lie to me of all furs. The pup here knows his manners.”
To say everyone else was speechless was an euphemism. Fox’s jaws was hanging wide. It was Bailey who saved his brain by whispering, “We exercised.”
Now it was Bino who looked like he was going to erupt. “You did it on purpose, you little…Do you want to steal my brother now? Fox wasn’t enough?!”
King grinned like a cat. “Well, what I want right now…” he turned and bent down, offering his butt to the choleric canine. “Is to see how good your manners are! I don’t remember you ever greeting me properly, you know?”
Bino started blushing and stuttering. “Th-that’s because you rank like the fur I shed! I wouldn’t lower myself to—“
King actually wiggled his rear end. “Aw, c’mon Biney! It’s just a friendly greeting, right?”
Bino turned and crossed his arms, scoffing in his most snobbish way. “There’s no ‘friendly’ with you! You don’t deserve such a honor from me!”
The corgi turned and stood up. He started moving toward Bino much like a predator a moment before pouncing, his fingers flexing as if he wanted to unsheathe cat claws. “In this case, I think I will show you my respect first, Biney-pup!”
Bino’s eyes shrunk as his tail lowered between his legs. “No you won’t! Don’t you dare, you little monster!” He started running away with the smaller dog after him, sniffing madly. “Fino! Fido! Even Joey! HELP!”
Last edited by valerio on Thu May 30, 2013 4:13 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by Obbl »

Aww yeeeeah! Go King!
"We exercised." :lol:
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Post by Legotron123 »

Heck I'd do that to just to torture bino. I swear bino pushes every single hate button I have. I mean he's rude, selfish, mean, he has no room for a brain because he's filled with pride, he's *gos of on long rant about why binos a loser. Seriously I could talk about that for hours.* anyways good update. I like it when people use my suggestions.
Though I'm still hoping the season finale contains lots of giant robots and explosions. And the ballad of linkara. Because that song is almost as awesome as linkara himself.

hes like a god to me.
Play The Hayseed Knight. This isn’t self promotion, I just really like the game.

You ever realize that the two longest pieces of literature in existence are both fanfics? Weird right?
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Post by RandomGeekNamedBrent »

Didn't King sniff Sasha's butt in Two_Twig's end to All the King's Men? that won the contest, so it's canon. and that means Fox would know that King has the capacity to sniff a butt. Was he just surprised cause he did it so readily?

aaaaand my avatar makes me feel like a mean Prosecuting attorney interrogating a witness :3
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Post by valerio »

RandomGeekNamedBrent wrote:Didn't King sniff Sasha's butt in Two_Twig's end to All the King's Men? that won the contest, so it's canon. and that means Fox would know that King has the capacity to sniff a butt. Was he just surprised cause he did it so readily?

aaaaand my avatar makes me feel like a mean Prosecuting attorney interrogating a witness :3
Yup! Definitely Fox didn't expect King to react with such...eagerness :lol: :lol:
And if I remember correctly, Bino never learnt about that, hence his provocation. I'll check when I'm home and correct in case, but if you could update me on that...fact, I'd be happy to oblige.
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Post by RandomGeekNamedBrent »

no, I'm pretty sure there's no indication that Bino knows of that.

though it's in Sasha's character to have told him

though it's in Bino's character to stop her as soon as she said "King" and never find out
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Post by valerio »

RandomGeekNamedBrent wrote:no, I'm pretty sure there's no indication that Bino knows of that.

though it's in Sasha's character to have told him

though it's in Bino's character to stop her as soon as she said "King" and never find out
Know what? Too many implications.
I'll just rewrite it ASAP. Lucky me, Sasha wasn't present at the scene right now...but it will be SO fun imagining Bino's reaction when he tells her and she tells him :lol:

EDIT - added a paragraph to make more sense to the scene.
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Post by kavviyenta »

I don't recall that scene happening from Two-Twig's All The King's Men continuity unless you mean the one where Rick revised it to fit in canon. Also Rick stated it took place when King first met Fox and before they arrived at the GOD club. Part 2 make sense but Part 3 took place after the end of It's a Wonderful Dog's Life. Fox said he didn't know Sasha met King before but the alt-text stated Sasha glomp both Fox and King after Pete told the latter he won't return back to human. Long discussion, whew!

Let's see how the Foster pets react to Fino this time. ;) my deviant gallery, nope there's no housepets in it

Unless you like Lilo & Stitch, kinda wish to see the experiments in housepets style
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Post by valerio »

Calling out a teensy-weensy favor.
I need someone to realize, for my undending gratitude, the logo for 'Project: Prometheus'. here's the outline:

A human hand and an animal paw, cupping to hold a stylized dove flying under a sun. A symbol to the united efforts of animalkind and mankind toward mutual progress and peace.
At the left of the human hand, the vertical line, slightly curved outward, reading PROJECT
At the right of the animal paw, a similar line mirroring the left, reading PROMETHEUS

*bows* any help will be greatly appreciated! :D
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Post by valerio »

The Fulcrum, Administration Bureau, Lev. 50, Terrace High

“The wedding was supposed to take place in my garden!” came Martin Foster’s passionate voice through the door –which was a result in itself, considering that the door was built to be 100% soundproof. “You know how I value interspecies marriage, and it’s happening on my territory! With Fino as guest star!” The door was almost vibrating under the stress.
The moment that tirade came to an end, then came the cool, calm voice of his interlocutor. And it was scary that it could be heard so well. “Mr. Foster, even a…highly motivated individual such as you should realize that there is a physical limit to what you can organize. Unless you wanted to turn the whole of Babylon Gardens as a stage for this party, what we need is room, a highly organized structure, a tight security system and—“
“Say no more, Herr Gottschalk.” This time, Martin’s voice held a defeated quality.

The owner of the Lucky Charm Grove for the Abandoned and the Ferals was sitting on a couch, in front of an identical one occupied by its tall occupant. The two were separated by a glass coffee table. “I’ll ask the security staff of my shelter to do some extra turns to help police watch out for potential problems at the Gardens. This event had pretty much the effects of a massive exodus.”
“Please, you don’t need to do that. I’ll ask the First Line to do those turns. After all, what with the tight shifts at Prometheus, it was the scientists themselves who volunteered to stay working as long as possible to make sure the deadline is met. And the teams are quite eager to do something more than training.”
“Is there something I can do to help?”
“For once in your line of job, no. So, relax Mr. Foster. Cherish any day without stress.”
“I’d rather cherish a day where the Foster name is associated to a grand media event, partner…” in the pause that followed, one could almost hear the gears whirring. Then, Martin said, “Know what? I don’t think it would be a bad idea to use the event to advertise the shelter, after all.”
Gottschalk nodded. “You’re not one to surrender so easily, are you?”
Martin grinned. “I planned to surrender upon my death. And I am not really sure that will be reason enough.”

Outside in the waiting room, four dogs were waiting for the end of that dogfight.
“I must admire your owner,” Gauss Gottschalk, the GSD/Husky mix said. “I think he’s the only one who ever stood his ground in front of our—“
“Dad,” Curie, his sister, sitting next to him, said. She still believed she could convince her brother to think about their human as Dad, not just according to hierarchy.
Gauss grunted. “Whatever.”
“Yup! Our Dad is quite the fighter!” Aldebaran said. “So, what have you decided to do for the event?”
“Coordinate security. We’ll be really busy.”
“Just enjoy it all and let security do their job!” Curie wagged, drawing a shocked expression from her brother. Without even turning, she nudged him in the plexus with enough force to bend him in two. And while Gauss groaned and coughed, she added, “Not to mention that we’ll be having Fido’s partners at the ceremony, so we’ll be extra-covered. Isn’t that nice?”
“I…guess so,” Antares, Aldebaran’s twin, said. “Will you be bringing your boyfriend and girlfriend?”
“No time for that stuff,” Gauss grumbled, crossing his arms.
“I have my own boyfriend, I will be happy to show him around.”
Gauss turned his head so fast that his vertebrae creaked. He bared his teeth at her. “You got what?! Ouch.”
Curie ran a claw back and forth over his snout. “Unlike you, I made a constructive use of my free time. And since we work and live in the same place, I don’t think I’m breaking any ‘rule’ by keeping myself happy. In fact, you too should plan a family.”
Milton Manor

The limo had barely the time to stop at the entrance before the passenger door opened and a green-furred figure ran out of the car. “Volant! Yay!” Elpis Karahalios barked like a happy puppy, before jumping into the arms of the Rhodesian Ridgeback.
“Missed you too, pup,” Volant Milton said, hugging the smaller Terrier. “Everything ok at home?”
Elpis nodded as he was gently put down. “Yesh! A lot of things happened, I can’t wait to tell you everything…” then he remembered his manners, and, guided by his nose, he identified the presence of the two humans standing at the door. He also perceived their tension and…something wrong about them. Elpis hadn’t any special power, but he could tell by a combination of factors when someone was good or bad. After all, when you were blind, you learnt fast to use the other senses to compensate.
And yet, Elpis was a well-behaved dog. He kept those thoughts to himself while bowing slightly and saying, “Thank you for letting him come, Mr. and Ms. Milton. He’ll be back as promised.”
“Oh, take your sweet time together, dear,” Celia said, smiling. “This is such a grand event, Volant deserves to hang out with his friends after all. Tell Mr. Gottschalk that we are sorry we can’t participate, but we’re terribly busy—Is there something wrong?” she asked, this time frowning, while all of a sudden Elpis was fiddling with his collar.
The green-furred Australian Terrier produced an envelope and handed it out to the humans. “Ah, actually Mr. Gottschalk told me to give you this, in case you said just that.”
Thomas took the envelope and opened it. By now, nothing could really surprise him—
SMART MOVE, the letter read. Thomas just sighed. “Tell him ‘hi’ on our behalf,” he said, folding the paper sheet. That Nazi seriously crept him out! But that, at least for today, was compensated by the dog’s leave. He had stopped believing Volant would cause trouble enough to get impounded, but the longer that scary beast would stay away from them, the more he was happy. And, for once, Celia agreed with him on that.
Hunters House, Lev. 44, Apt. 441

“Are you sure this…thing will work?” the female white rabbit asked, looking with suspicion at the plastic material. It was as thin as film, how could this stuff work better than a bubble? And even those were fragile things. Jasmine couldn’t imagine how a bubble surviving in a crowd of animals and their claws. A flimsy…what had they called it?
“This Multi-Environmental Containment Suit, Jasmine” Curtis Hunters said, “is the latest from the laboratories where we work. It is just like a bubble, only human-shaped.” The man ran his hand along the fabric, then invited his 10 years old human daughter to do the same.
Clarice caressed the suit, her face struck with awe. “So smooth,” she giggled.
Her mother nodded. She then placed a sleeve of the fabric over her arm. She nodded to her husband.
“Now watch, love,” Curtis said. “This is the real miracle.” He produced a small knife wrapped in thick plastic. Every sharp object in the house must be carried with due precautions. Clarice’s skin was the last barrier between her and any possible germ that could kill her, due to her degraded immune system…
The man gave a stab to his wife’s arm! Not really strong, but enough to be compared to an accidental hit from someone holding a fork, or an accidental bump with a clawed paw…
Jasmine felt her heart stopping, as if that had been her dearest friend’s arm. Clarice gasped.
The arm was intact, not a scratch on it, and the suit itself was intact.
“Incredible…” Jasmine muttered
“Memory Kevlar, we call it,” Magda said. “Not bulletproof, but it will do its job, protecting your skin even from a fall. A second layer of artificial skin will act as filter so that you won’t have to wear a breathing apparatus. And you will have pockets at disposal for you to grab your special meals.”
Curtis ruffled his daughter’s hair. “And remember, little glutton: Not a morsel from the buffet. Do you remember why?”
Clarice nodded with enthusiasm. “Because any other food contains its own bacteria and germs, despite how well cooked and processed. And I’d get immediately very sick at the tummy.” She sounded so proud for remembering those lessons that many other children in her conditions would’ve found frustrating instead.
“Thank you for the trust you are—“ Jasmine started to say, but Curtis interrupted her.
“Of course we’d trust you to keep an eye on Clarice as you always do,” he said. “But on this particular occasion, Magda and I believe that you deserve some time for yourself…with your boyfriend, Shadow.”
For a terrible moment, Jasmine hated the rabbit just for existing! She couldn’t just imagine herself enjoying anything, knowing that her best friend could be in danger…outside the protection of their house! “So…will you two take care of her?” she asked, realizing that it must be so, of course. They had taken a permission for this party, it surely wasn’t just to send their offspring off into the wild. Jasmine felt ashamed for her bad thoughts.
Curtis and Magda nodded. The woman said, “It will be good to spend some quality time together, for once. And, to make sure that Clarice is safe—“ A chime sounded from the corridor. “Ah, the procedure’s done.”
Jasmine had wondered who was their guest, since Shadow hadn’t been invited –or so they had told her.
The door of the sterilization chamber – the much necessary measure everyone entering Hunters house had to submit to – opened…
Jasmine’s eyes went wide with fear. This was a joke, it had to be!
“Jaz,” Magda said, “meet Clarice’s guardian angel for tonight: Flash Gordon.”
“Hi there!” the big snow leopard said, waving his paw.
The Ancient Roads Spice Shop

Alem Sandor Hassid was the happiest man on Earth right now. Never since the opening of his shop had business gone so well –in fact, in this one day he was selling more than in the previous three months!
“Thank you, madam,” he said in a studied funny Arabic accent. “Your meals will draw the best success among your revered guests, have a nice day.” He closed the antique cash register –he had discovered that customers loved a touch of antique in the process of paying. Made them willing to come back and repeat the experience!
“Isn’t this party a great idea?” the next customer in line, a young woman no older than 30, said. “Our pets are so excited! I've never seen them so eager to help prepare it.”
“I am sure your part will be delicious, madam. You have come to the right place to make sure of it. That will be $4.99.” *Ding!* went the cash register as the tag popped up in the glass and the drawer opened.

“Yes, ma’am. This particular blend will turn a simple dish such as baked potatoes and carrots into a gourmet delice. Or you shall be dutifully refunded.” And, so speaking, the elder Basenji dog handed out a small vase elegantly painted in blue and white to the woman. The shop had turned into a stereotype manifesto, as there wasn’t a single male customer since the news of the party had spread.
“So,” the younger, same-breed canine busy loading up the racks with more spices –they were actually being sold out faster than he could take them from the store. “Did you actually meet Fino?”
“Sure thing!” Zuri said, panting lightly. Last time he had worked so hard, it was at the Cairo market. This was just like being there, it felt exhilarating. “Your mother and I were headed to Egypt, to sell the new merchandise, when we were attacked by Jihadist—“
Kwesi almost lost his fur color at those words. He wanted to know everything, asking his father why he hadn’t told him…Then remembered that, after all, it had been Kwesi to run away and abandoning his own family –ironically, to become a spice trader himself, and against the will of his father who wanted him to do something else with his life…
“I’m glad that everything went well,” he said with an apologetic tone…Then he felt a paw holding gently his shoulder.
“Don’t feel bad. You were no match for those humans anyway. Fino saved us, yes, but only because he managed to convince the Buwaran people to help him. The only stroke of luck was us being near their borders. At that time, Buwara was still a very…isolated enclave. Fino had gone there to write a book about the mighty leopards, descendants from the legendary jungle kingdoms.”
Kwesi nodded. Buwaran legends had, even earlier, spawned the basis for the Pridelands myth. “So, you owe your life to him.”
Zuri wagged his tail. “To him and to the brave leopards. So, please, tonight don’t act like a Western fanpup.” He patted his son’s shoulder. “You owe him respect.”
Kwesi found himself bowing, just like he used to do when he was a pup. “I will act properly, father, I won’t fail you.”
The elder dog sighed. He interrupted the conversation to deal with another woman. In a minute, he had sold her a box of assorted spices for the value of $18.99. Kwesi used that pause to put more merchandise onto the racks.
When Zuri was done, he said, “I would be also happy if you tried and search for a proper lady dog tonight. There will be plenty of them, after all.”
This time, his son let out an exasperated sigh. “Father, please! Why can’t you just accept that I am in love with Alandra, and that we will adopt a nice Basenji cub to keep the family line going?”
“Because I’d rather see the family bloodline going. You don’t need to marry her, if you really don’t want to. Be her mate and have her produce a fine litter! No need to adopt, they will be your puppies to educate.”
Kwesi blushed madly, hoping –no, praying that some human wouldn’t come and comment how cute would be that idea!
Last edited by valerio on Fri May 31, 2013 11:19 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Legotron123 »

Yep. It's official. Fino is a Mary Sue. Also I want that memory bubble suit what's-it so I don't have to worry about my sister threatening to bite or stab me whenever I do something she doesn't like.

That's not a exaggeration. She really does that.
Play The Hayseed Knight. This isn’t self promotion, I just really like the game.

You ever realize that the two longest pieces of literature in existence are both fanfics? Weird right?
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Fino is so totally Ace. We're lucky he's not Martin's dog, or they'd start adjusting heavens as well! :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Post by Legotron123 »

valerio wrote:Fino is so totally Ace. We're lucky he's not Martin's dog, or they'd start adjusting heavens as well! :lol: :lol: :lol:
all thats left is for him to bring back the dodos and beat a lucario in a fist fight (chuck norris is a sissy) and he'll be the ultimate mary sue.
Play The Hayseed Knight. This isn’t self promotion, I just really like the game.

You ever realize that the two longest pieces of literature in existence are both fanfics? Weird right?
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We can work with the Dodo thing...
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Milton Wolves house, Babylon Gardens (also, Milton Pet Beauty Parlor)

“Who was the genius behind this (censored) idea again?!” the brown-furred ferret asked. His fur was all ruffled up by stress, his eyes were bloodshot and he looked like he could eat a mouse made of marble.
The house looked as if the Wehrmacht Occupation Army had just barged in during the retreat from the Italian front in 1944.
“I believe it was Master Keene, Suh,” Jeeves said, moving with a certain ease in the midst of the thick crowd of furs. The butler was carrying a tray holding biscuits and drinks and offering it to the pets that had come en masse for one thing only: Become the prettiest ones for tonight’s party! Word that the ferrets’ new enterprise was a success had spread fast after Peanut and Grape were seen in their luxury attires. Peanut changing look had been a further testimony of said success: Customers had started booking the previous day already.
The news of the party for Fino had done the rest. Every pet beauty shop between the Gardens and the High had been put under siege. The ferrets had set a strict booking rule, and that had saved them from their first day of overwork ever.
Working had been the second trauma in the ferrets’ life, after losing their home and their assets to Thomas and Celia. They were not supposed to work, Dad had left them all he had to spare them from the hardships of life!
But Keene was right on one thing: They couldn’t just waste Henry Milton’s ideals for a new world of peace between humans and animals, even though so far it had been Keene only to work on that. This time, life had given them all lemons, and the ferrets couldn’t make tequila out of it.
Surrender and go belly up wasn’t an option, either. They’d rebuild their fortunes from scratch if it took that!
They’d only have to survive the process.
Rock grunted. “Oh, yes, him. And of course, he’s tucked himself behind the cash register.”
“Someone needs to keep track of the money,” Keene said, walking in. He was wearing a green cap. “Do you want to leave the job to Pit? He’d start spending it all between customers, without leaving the house.”
Rock sighed. “Touché. At least, he’s good at cleaning.” As a matter of fact, it was sort of odd – at least to those who thought they knew the ferrets – that they had had adapted so fast to this new life. Keene was doing what came natural to him, but the others had started working on their new jobs as if they had been doing it forever.
For example, Pit could be a total spendrift, but he couldn’t live inside a dirty environment. He didn’t mind cleaning after the customers… Not to mention that someone had to anyway: The wolves, aka the legitimate inhabitants of the house, may be busy with their job at the Garden of Eden farm, but Miles had made it quite clear that their welcomed guests would turn pretty un-welcome should the pack find a messed-up place when they got back.
“How are Dolores and Carmen doing?” Keene asked, trying to avoid thinking of the happy, fanged grin Miles had given him upon leaving. The two most recent acquisitions to the family seemed to have taken this new life less well than the others –and it stood to reason, the poor gals had just come from the shelter, they were supposed to live a pampered life, not work to—
“Ta-DAA!” the two females said, showing the result of her work as she walked out Lucretia’s room.
Whistles from the males and growls of envy from the opposite sex accompanied the female Saluki as she proceeded as majestically as a queen among her inferiors.
Duchess was dressed to kill! Her fur had been strategically fluffed up and smoothed down so that she looked like she was wearing a cape. She smelled like apricot. She wore a white collar studded with sapphires matching her blue eyes, a gold armband and an equally gold anklet.
Duchess approached Keene and produced an American Express Gold. “Perfect ain’t easy, but your girls know how to make a customer happy,” she almost purred as she handed out the card to the ferret. “Wish I met you guys at the last dog show, but I’ll make sure to book your services next time. And that you’ll be working only for me.”
Keene systematically ignored that not-so veiled threat. His eyes were glued to the card –and any customer bringing such credentials could dispose of him as he/she wanted! “Call us anytime, ma’am.” Then his gaze went to Dolores and Carmen. Question marks were blinking over his head.
Dolores scoffed. “What? Our Mom was a pet coiffeur before her business went down the drain and she left us at the shelter.”
The Good Ol’ Dogs Club

“Kudos, guys. You really improved the place since last time.” Which meant, since the inauguration of the first clubhouse. “I’ve read on your blog that now Fox is the President…Bino?” Fino turned to the hound who was busy looking around with uneasy eyes and his tail well tucked between his legs.
Fino went and rubbed his younger brother’s shoulders to console him. “Now, now, King is gone, he won’t sniff your butt anymore. Who’s a brave, bear-fighting doggie?”
“..I am,” Bino said, though not sounding really convinced.
Fino patted his back. “Good pup. Now, as I was saying, fluffo is the current prez, right? Is he doing a good job?”
Bino nodded. “Well, except for involving cats because of this Lundberg campaign thing, he hasn’t changed the rules in their favor so yes, he’s being a good boy. But it doesn’t change the fact that I’ll get the seat back, once I’ll have adjusted my priorities.”
Fino grinned at him. “I know you’ll do. And not because you wrote it in bold capital letters on the blog, but because you’re born for this. And the big pack needs you.”
Bino sighed, content. He then turned toward the Fido and Joey. “It’s good to know someone in the family understands that.”
“Mind if I ask you something?” Joey said, also to change argument, before Bino's hypertrophied ego would break the dam and flood the Gardens. “You said that you’ll be here for a week…perhaps a little longer…” he added quickly “This means that your Dad will be voting?”
Fino nodded solemnly. “See? You’re smarter than you show. Yes, Dad is still an American citizen and he’s going to vote for Lundberg. I think it was the first time I saw him actually threatening our Agent’s lawyers into letting us coming home.”
Fido nudged him. “Nah! You threatening to run away did it.”
“Perhaps. But what matters, guys, is that…” he drew a breath. “It’s happening. All around us.”
The quartet walked out the clubhouse, then sat down onto the grass. From that viewpoint, they could enjoy most of the neighborhood. “It is almost time,” Fino sighed. “You know, it’s funny how, after all, it was you pups who did the most for this community.
“I am only a media star, I run around the world for a documentary channel and have an Agent who’s good enough to turn even my hobbies into something to sell. But you?” He laid himself down, his arms crossed behind his head. “Fido, you work your tail off to teach the young and protect this community. Bino, you have given our dogs a sense of belonging…even if you really need to work on your PR toward cats. And you, Joey, you may have just started, but your club symbolizes those unity between species that should be an example to our furless friends.”
Joey blushed hard. “Well…it’s not that I thought about all of this when I founded my club. And I owe it to Peanut and Grape, for giving me the courage to do it…”
Fino kept looking at the sky. “But it’s there. And it’s thriving. The Club at Terrace High was born under the inspiration of your work. And last I saw on the Net, even the pets at River Ridge are working toward union...” He chuckled. “’Things happen for a reason’, goes the saying. And the reason is, it was all there, only waiting for a nudge in the right direction. Sorry, Bino, but it's true.”
Bino laid down with his head onto Fino’s chest. “And why do you think my pride is still hurting? I so wanted to see the Club to lead the revolution…and it took a cat lover to start it. Yuck.”
While the others joined Bino in the better position to rest against the oldest brother, Fino scratched his younger brother’s snout. “Spoke the dog who helped Joey advertise his own club and set it up.”
Fido and Joey turned their heads with the most incredulous expression in their eyes.
“Yup,” Fino went on. “You pups know how the local fauna loves to post in my blog and email me. I learnt pretty fast that Bino had sent his most trusted members to help with the means and the location.”
“I-I did it,” Bino stuttered, but not leaving that position, “b-because I didn’t want it near my club, it w-would ruin my reputation and—ack!” In a moment, he found himself the object of a group hug.
“I still can’t understand why you detest Peanut so much as to threaten his family,” Fido said, “but you’ll always be my good ol’ dog.”
Bino looked as if he had swallowed a sour lemon. Whole. “You guys tell anyone and I’ll turn you all into good ol’ canned dogs.”
“Okey-dokey, pup,” Fino said. “I’ll wait until the election. Then you will tell everyone—“
Bino sat up, his eyes shrunk to naught. “WHAT?!”
The others too sat up, not less shocked by that bomb. Fino wasn’t smiling anymore. “It’s time to reconcile, bro: I’m not asking you to change who and what you are, but if you’re responsible half of what you say every time, you’ll stop rowing against the world or at least pretend to. You’ll put a brave face and work in harmony with the other clubs, create that common effort we need to show. Tell me, do you believe in this equality thing? Because I do: I don’t take it for granted.” This time he gave his attention to all three of them. He was dead serious now. “I’ve seen how…different life can be for our peers just in this ‘civilized’ country, and I’ll spare you what I saw in other countries.
“Someone must start making the difference, somewhere. And if River Ridge must be that place, so be it. We can’t be just a bunch of cute pets, we must show humans that we believe in it. Believe me, we won’t have a better occasion than that.”
“But we’re pets!” Bino said. “What do you suggest? That we go…on strike? Start parading? Occupy PETA?”
Fino shook his head. “Organize,” he said, putting his paw over Bino’s shoulder.
“Humans will work to give us more rights. In the meantime, we will organize to show we can be more responsible, without asking for permissions or favors. We’ll start to think of ourselves as…persons. We’ll all teach our young, study, trade…One step at a time. This will take time, patience and resources, but it must come from us, bros. We’ll welcome human aid, and just like us now, our descendants will be grateful to our ‘masters’.
“But there comes a time when children grow and become adults. It is a scary thought, I know, because it’s easy to concede to fear and think that we will never be able to achieve such a goal…and you know what? It’s true, we can’t make it. Our generation can’t do it all, that would be arrogant.
“But we shall lay the foundations. We will lead the way, hoping that the others will follow. And if we can do it…” he stood up, imitated by the others. His gaze went toward the tiny skyline of River Ridge. “It’s because we believe we can.”
They stood there, immobile, each lost in his thoughts, each weighing the immense weight of the responsibility they were facing. Not everything depended on them, many were the forces at work in this peculiar moment, but that didn’t diminish their position.
To retire now wouldn’t just mean losing prestige in front of their peers: It would cause consequences, and none of them positive…
“Count me in,” Bino said. Fino extended his paw and a moment later Bino covered it with his own.
“I’ll do it,” Joey said, adding his limb. Fido came last, he didn’t speak, didn’t need to. This was their time, this was the place.
And no matter the cost, they would move Heaven and Earth to achieve the long-overdue equality!
Last edited by valerio on Mon Jun 03, 2013 11:36 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Legotron123 »

Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Birthday update!!!!!!!
Yep I've turned 14 today.
Though after today's us history class, I'm curious.
What's in the constitution in this universe? What about the bill of rights?
In fact, what difference did pets make in this universes history.
What were army's like?
Did more people survive pompe because pets were more able to help?
What are major franchises like in this universe?
Play The Hayseed Knight. This isn’t self promotion, I just really like the game.

You ever realize that the two longest pieces of literature in existence are both fanfics? Weird right?
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Post by valerio »

Legotron123 wrote:Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Birthday update!!!!!!!
Yep I've turned 14 today.
Though after today's us history class, I'm curious.
What's in the constitution in this universe? What about the bill of rights?
In fact, what difference did pets make in this universes history.
What were army's like?
Did more people survive pompe because pets were more able to help?
What are major franchises like in this universe?
Happy birthday Tron, then! :D :D :D (Yes, I am shamefully forgetful when it comes to checking for bdays *slaps self*)
as for your questions, of course Rick is the best source you could ask for. For what I can only imagine (and there's a lot to imagine!):

1) in US, pets share some basic rights with us but they are still properties and not regular citizens (unlike, for example, Itsuki. In Japan, Tanukis are full citizen), so they cannot decide for themselves when it comes to organizing their lives, create business, etc. Pets cannot testify in court, unless police dogs. They can't carry weapons, unless they are MWAs. They cannot have pets for themselves... In other words, they are legally just like the pets of our own world, only with some improvement due to their natural condition in the HPverse.
2) Armies must have been like ours through history, only with a more marked animal presence according to the country and the historical period. For example, think that Afroamericans weren't allowed into the US army for a long time, and even when they were, they started with the lowest rank jobs. Now, if our species can mistreat our own kind because of race factor, it's easy to imagine that animals weren't certainly granted a better condition.
3) If you mean 'Pompeii', difficult to say. That was a complete catastrophe scenario, panic was widespread, it was everyone for himself. In fact, animals could have suffered the most, for their furs would surely clog faster with hot ash. No, sadly they must have been the first victims.
4) Major franchise known: Pridelands, created by Rick. Then comes the brand 'I can't believe it's not chocolate!', appeared a couple of times; dogs are grateful for that. I created a couple of franchise but they are not canon
5) Transformers and Power Rangers may well be just like our own, only that Ravage could have been anthropomorphic (and so the Predacons), while Doggy Kruger must have been one hot actor! :mrgreen:
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Post by Cerberusx »

I've talked to you about this before, but what about Nativen American animals? They'd surely have more rights? After all they would be considered more as a person then a piece of property, but there would still be restrictions. Specifically having a handler like Marcus has with Damien.
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Post by Legotron123 »

valerio wrote:
Legotron123 wrote:Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Birthday update!!!!!!!
Yep I've turned 14 today.
Though after today's us history class, I'm curious.
What's in the constitution in this universe? What about the bill of rights?
In fact, what difference did pets make in this universes history.
What were army's like?
Did more people survive pompe because pets were more able to help?
What are major franchises like in this universe?
Happy birthday Tron, then! :D :D :D (Yes, I am shamefully forgetful when it comes to checking for bdays *slaps self*)
as for your questions, of course Rick is the best source you could ask for. For what I can only imagine (and there's a lot to imagine!):

1) in US, pets share some basic rights with us but they are still properties and not regular citizens (unlike, for example, Itsuki. In Japan, Tanukis are full citizen), so they cannot decide for themselves when it comes to organizing their lives, create business, etc. Pets cannot testify in court, unless police dogs. They can't carry weapons, unless they are MWAs. They cannot have pets for themselves... In other words, they are legally just like the pets of our own world, only with some improvement due to their natural condition in the HPverse.
2) Armies must have been like ours through history, only with a more marked animal presence according to the country and the historical period. For example, think that Afroamericans weren't allowed into the US army for a long time, and even when they were, they started with the lowest rank jobs. Now, if our species can mistreat our own kind because of race factor, it's easy to imagine that animals weren't certainly granted a better condition.
3) If you mean 'Pompeii', difficult to say. That was a complete catastrophe scenario, panic was widespread, it was everyone for himself. In fact, animals could have suffered the most, for their furs would surely clog faster with hot ash. No, sadly they must have been the first victims.
4) Major franchise known: Pridelands, created by Rick. Then comes the brand 'I can't believe it's not chocolate!', appeared a couple of times; dogs are grateful for that. I created a couple of franchise but they are not canon
5) Transformers and Power Rangers may well be just like our own, only that Ravage could have been anthropomorphic (and so the Predacons), while Doggy Kruger must have been one hot actor! :mrgreen:
3) that's what I ment.
4) I meant I real world franchises
5) yea but there's so much more to be answered.
What was beast wars/machines like?
How do series like wild force or jungle fury fare?
Is it any more awkward that most animal zords connect via the butts?
Play The Hayseed Knight. This isn’t self promotion, I just really like the game.

You ever realize that the two longest pieces of literature in existence are both fanfics? Weird right?
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Post by valerio »

I think (again, Rick would be a more reliable source on that) that Native American animals could expect a more fair treatment within the reservations, where NA humans can pretty organize their own legal system.

And, Tron, uhh... I guess that the animal robots would be so *totally* different in their design, as they'd be anthropomorphic in nature. So, for all I can imagine, the Zords, the Predacons, Voltron, ecc, do not 'lock butts'. End of this particular subject.
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Post by Legotron123 »

valerio wrote:I think (again, Rick would be a more reliable source on that) that Native American animals could expect a more fair treatment within the reservations, where NA humans can pretty organize their own legal system.

And, Tron, uhh... I guess that the animal robots would be so *totally* different in their design, as they'd be anthropomorphic in nature. So, for all I can imagine, the Zords, the Predacons, Voltron, ecc, do not 'lock butts'. End of this particular subject.
Yea I probably should have phrased that last part better.
It's more that their connector ports are located on their butts(I still feel weird saying that)
It wasn't meant to sound that disgusting(though the subject is already pretty gross I don't remember why I decided to bring it up)
Also I meant that wouldn't it be kinda pointless to transform when the only difference between modes is a lot of fur?
Play The Hayseed Knight. This isn’t self promotion, I just really like the game.

You ever realize that the two longest pieces of literature in existence are both fanfics? Weird right?
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Babylon Gardens Police Station.

“Nicole?” asked the big black dog, as he put on his best jacket. Green, with the K9-U logo in gold shining on the right side of his chest.
The female Shepherd, busy brushing her chest in front of the mirror, sighed inwardly. “That would be Sergeant Nicole, or Team Leading Officer Nicole, Officer Sturm.”
The male’s eyes went left and right as he reflected on those words. Then, “Uhh, Nicole. I’ve got an idea!” he added with a beaming smile.
That phrase had definitely started to get on her nerves in the last days. “Let’s hear it, Officer Sturm.”
The other canine could’ve easily been mistaken for a relative of Antares and Aldebaran Foster, except for the shorter fur, “We could hire a goon squad.”
Now that was something new, TLO Nicole had to concede. She stopped brushing, her green eyes narrowing slightly. “Elaborate.”
Sturm nodded, ignoring both expression and tone. “We hire some ferals. We’ll pay them handsomely in food, or even better, scraps. They like that stuff anyway. I don’t want to spend all my allowance, that’s for the Pizza Night. But anyway, we let them loose in the neighborhood. And then we say to the Chief that we can’t just go to the wedding because we’ve got our duty to attend! What do you think?”
I think it is nothing short of a miracle that you made it into the Unit. She thought in the same calm fury that was proper of Martin Foster, before someone really got hurt. “So, are you actually suggesting that causing havoc in the community or, even worse, endangering it, would be a more acceptable solution than attending the most important event of a brave colleague of ours?”
To his credit, Sturm actually thought about it…before answering, “Yes. And then no one must get hurt, we just want the humans to keep us here! We’ll play pretend to hunt the ferals down, but it will be more like a game of hide-and-seek. Right?”
Nicole sighed. “Guys, you do the honors.”
“Uh, what—GAH!” Sturm found himself propelled against the pavement…and then facing a fine double row of teeth an inch away from his face.
Sergeant Ralph came and squatted down near the bulky dog “As you may remember, Kevin has fought against a King of Champions and survived. And he also learnt something about pet fighting. I specifically instructed him to tackle down and incapacitate anyone of us who’d come up with creepy ideas like yours. And do you know why?”
Sturm might have been stronger and larger than the Doberman pinning him down, but there was no doubt that Kevin, right now, looked ready to draw blood. That day he had almost lost his life was the day his ‘inner wolf’ had been brought out. He had become a warrior at heart and when he got angry like this, no one would dare to contradict him.
And so, Sturm gulped and nodded. “Why?”
Ralph tapped his brush against Sturm’s muzzle. “Because Fido has never been nothing short of loyal to the Unit. He had worked hard to deserve respect, and I am guilty of conceding to your pathetic specism one time too much already. So, be you guys dead, alive or in between, you will attend this event and pay respect to a colleague who’d do the same for you. And who’d give his life for you. Oh, and by the way.” He stood up and smiled – just a hint of a rare smile from a dog not used to show such expression – and it didn’t look…cute. “Do not even think of carrying on that silly idea or any other similar strategy. Right now we aren’t getting pretty for the sake of the ladies at Fino’s incoming party, but to be introduced to the First Line, who is going to take our place in patrolling the Gardens. And although, like you, I haven’t read their files, I know that they are the special security forces for the nuclear fusion research team at the First National Energy Research Laboratories. Paramilitary troops. Humans and animals who kill for a living. Now do you see why this ‘plan’ of yours would end up bad?” He nodded to Kevin, who let go of his prey.
Nicole then addressed the other nine dogs present in the locker room. “On mine and TLO Ralph’s behalf, I’d like to point out that the expulsion of those members who had actively worked against the presence of Officer Fido in this Unit was a well-deserved one. So, if anyone got something to complain about the current situation, speak now and then go to Resources. Any—“
A GSD sporting a black patch over his right eye lifted his paw to interrupt her. “We all got it already, Sarge, and believe us: Sturm talked for himself. And as for Sonny and his friends, no love lost. And we’re ready to grovel before Fido, tomorrow, if it served to made us forgiven by you.” He wasn’t kidding: Save for a restricted few exception that had been dealt with, the humans of Babylon Gardens loved and protected their pets. They had invested time, training and money to make sure that the local K9-U was the finest corp.
When the Unit had started disintegrating because Fido’s relationship with a cat had come out – or, rather, when it had become evident that said relationship was causing undue stress in a few members, to the point of compromising the Unit as a whole – Chief Horton hadn’t taken it well at all. His men and dogs were supposed to work together, not fight against each other.
Sonny and other eight K9s had been discharged with dishonor from the Force. Ralph, who had previously convinced Fido to be moved to a less active duty for the sake of the Unit, instead of reporting that disciplinary problem to his superiors, had been suspended for two weeks –apparently, a lighter sentence, but a torture for a dog like him and a stigma for his career and reputation. When he had come back, he was almost ready to go into therapy himself, such was the shame.
And so, at the world of the eye-patched shepherd, Ralph sighed. “Groveling would cause him endless embarrassment. Not to mention that he forgave us already. Just be there and be happy for him.”
“I dunno,” said a voice behind him, startling him. “I liked the groveling thing.”
“Fido,” said a male with a dark-furred head and belly, sporting an orange collar with a tiny traffic light as tag. He went and hugged his team colleague. “Glad you could make it.” He looked around. “And what about Fino and the others?”
“They are at Sabrina’s. Fino insisted he wanted to meet Pixel, and I had this thing to attend to…” he looked at his colleagues. “Guys, please, relax: I invited you at my wedding, but attending is not mandatory. Tomorrow’s supposed to be a happy day, not—“
“Please!” Terrance said, finishing to comb his legs fur. “Discussed the matter. Solved the matter. You ready?”
At that moment, someone knocked at the locker room’s door. Everyone’s sensible nose was caught by the unmistakable whiff of…a wolf?!
And what a wolf: a female, her fur of a dark grey, almost black on her face and down to her belly. She sported the golden tag of the Milton wolves. “I’m sorry,” she said. “I was told that I could find Sergeant Ralph here?”
“That would be me, ma’am,” the German Shepherd said, approaching her. “And you are Natalie Milton, is that right? How can I help you?” His professional demeanor sort of faltered when he found an envelope pressed into his paw.
“I learnt that you guys are going to Fino’s party tonight,” Natalie said, keeping that envelope into Ralph’s paw and his paw into hers. And it looked like she wasn’t going to let go. “This is an invitation from me to you, Sergeant. You’ll be my partner for tonight.”
Ralph – and not only him – blinked repeatedly. “I’m sorry?”
“I like leaders. You are a leader.” Then she just grabbed him by the scruff of his neck and pulled him to her…before kissing him –or rather, trying to vacuum the inside of his mouth into hers! His fur stood up much like a cat’s.
When Natalie let him go, she nodded, apparently satisfied. “Good. Now you’re my boyfriend. Meet you tonight at my house, 6pm, sharp. You may bring a raw steak. Ciao!” She turned and left, making sure to sway her hips, her tail proudly lifted all the way.
The locker room was left in a thick silence for several minutes. “What happened?” Kevin asked, eventually.
“I don’t know,” Ralph said, still looking at the door. He was the only one wagging like crazy.
And this time, he was smiling in a pleased way. When he spoke again, he sounded as if he were slightly drunk. “But I think I’m in love.” And that was the real shellshock of the day!
Hexagon Park, Terrace High

It was an impressive scene.
When Raimund Gottschalk had showed the world the project for the park, inevitably part of the media had reported about a ’Typical German Attitude toward Compensating’.
Gottschalk hadn’t cared about that: He had stated in clear words that he wanted that his Hexagon and its subsidiaries structures – The Amadeus Mozart Concert Hall, The World Theater, The Noah’s Ark Biopark, The Gaia’s Greenhouse, The Coliseum Sports Center and The Omnibus Hall Museum, other than The Fulcrum itself – could host the pets from Babylon Gardens and River Ridge other than the residents, with room to spare.
Looked like it could just work.
“I knew that Fino was popular, but this…” Martin Foster scratched his head. All around, gazebos and stands were being erected, the sounds of transports, hammers and tools were like a finely tuned concerto. The man must concede it to Gottschalk: Babylon Gardens itself hadn’t the infrastructures for something this large. Of course, after tonight there would be Fido’s wedding, which meant more advertisement…
“Did you expect less?” Mizar chuckled. “Doesn’t a human popstar concert draw even the thousands? Not to mention that our kind doesn’t have as many stars as humans do. What we have, we really cherish.”
Martin felt himself blushing. He reached out and squeezed the white dog’s shoulder in an arm. “Touché. And when the new animal rights legislation will be effective, more stars will emerge in the industry. Oh, there will be humans wrinkling their noses at the idea of animals running their own showbiz, but the market will eventually sweep them away—“
“Very pragmatically spoken,” said a woman’s voice behind him. “You are more similar to my father than you think…Martin.”
*flip-flop* went Martin’s heart just hearing the voice. He somehow managed to regain his self-control, though, as he turned. Seeing the ‘fair lady’ of House Gottschalk gave him, again, a bad case of the butterflies. “I’ll take that as a compliment, ma’am—“
“Maud, please. After all, we are going to work together, remember?”
Martin remembered vaguely something her father had said with her being present in the room. Martin remembered agreeing. Also, thinking something on the line of ‘I want your litter!’.
The giggling from his pets didn’t help him! “And what will your position be, ma’am?” Mizar asked.
“I will be running the marketing section of both farm and shelter. Martin did an excellent job so far, but it’s time to go to the next level. Let’s just say that, in light of our scopes, our current niche is…a bit tight. Not to mention that we were bound to evolve: Soon, very soon, the idea of ‘shelter’ itself as we know it will be outdated. Cases like you, Mizar and Alcor, will no longer happen. But for now, let’s just enjoy this walk. Mr. Foster?”
The man offered his arm, and when she locked hers in it, he felt like Dante near to Beatrice. He didn’t notice Antares and Aldebaran bumping and winking, just like the other pet couple did.
“But where are those cute nephews of yours?” Maud asked a few instants later. “I really wanted to meet them.”
The way she referred to the pups, and so spontaneously, just added awesome points in Martin’s view. “Mortimer, Rigel and Naos are with the wolf pack.”
“Celestia wants to make sure that our pup never forgets his wolf roots,” Antares went on. “And so she’ll bring him to her side of the family. I think he’ll become a fine survivalist.”
“Naos and Rigel decided that it’s cool to have a wolf family handy,” Mizar sighed. “And so they join Mortimer during these ‘wild retreats’. But they’ll be here for the party.”
Maud nodded. “I see. Speaking of which, Martin, would you like to be my official date for tonight?” She threw those words with a casual tone.
He just felt the one-armed bandit going JACKPOT into his mind. His mouth was caught unsynchronized, though. “Ciripiripì.”
She giggled. “Do I take that as a yes? Because, you see, in my life father introduced me to any possible ‘best suitor’. People with the highest pedigree of nobility, businessmen who could buy nations with cash to spare, even purebred politicians with a certified noble soul. But each one of them would only see me as a sort of…medal. A label to stick to their own names, the key to the gotha, the future for their children. And, frankly, for how much I love father, I don’t want to sacrifice my dignity for his plans.
“But you, Martin…You are the first man I met, aside from father, who will put his ideals before his ambitions –well, at least the kind of man who father will recommend with high praises. And you didn’t start courting me right away. I appreciated it.
“I think I would like to start a good friendship, and then we’ll see how far we can go. What do you think?”
It was his turn to chuckle. “I think that you are speaking just like your father. No offense meant, of course. But I’d be honored to…start a relationship with you. Maud. And, just to stress out the concept—“
“Your family comes with you,” she interrupted him. “And will always come before everything and anyone else. I will notarize it if you so wish.” Then she addressed the four pets. “And what about you guys? Can I have your support?”
Four pairs of eyes exchanged glances, then Aldebaran asked with narrowed eyes and a suspicious tone, “Do we get to snuggle with you two?”
“Of course! You didn’t even need to ask.”
“And we get to give you too our special ‘good morning’,” Antares said. Definitely not a question.
This time, Maud’s eyes silently addressed Martin.
“The first time is a stress test,” the man said, nodding. “After that, if you survive, it becomes the first great joy of the day.”
The woman smiled –a teasing expression, something reflecting both her sweet and strong side at the same time. “A challenge, eh? Getting better and better. But for this, snuggling included, you wild beasts will have to wait until your Dad and I become an item. And I am not an easy quest, believe me.”
“Lucky me!” said a voice…coming from inside her purse. “Because if you get to go living with that…unspeakable ape, I will run away and risk being eaten by a cat, do you hear me?!” A moment later, out popped the head of that voice’s owner. “Oh, and charmed by the way.”
“Why, hello li’l Abner!” Mizar said, wagging. “How you doing?”
“I’m still alive, so I guess I’m doing fine. I think. And, please, don’t hug me, don’t squee, don’t anything! And if my vote counts something, I am *not* going to approve this relationship with that unspeakable slave driver! You should be listening to me, woman! Between the four of those furs, they make half of my brain!”
Martin was bewildered by such language. Maud just sighed, resigned. “Yes, I still think father gave him to me as a mean to punish me for all the times I shunned a suitor.”
The man smirked. “Guess it’s true what they say about pets and their humans being similar—Ouch!” That came when she hit his arm.
“Another low one like that, and you are going to pay me lunch for the next year! And I must warn you, my tastes are rather expensive.”
Level 26, the Fulcrum

“You’re lying!” Gauss said. “I know you are. We live together, we spend time together, we pretty much do everything together! I’d know it if you had a boyfriend!”
Curie just kept walking along the corridor. Her every move spoke of confidence, from the tall posture to the erect tail. “And this is why boys will be always inferior to girls, brother dear. One thing I learnt with the job, is to optimize my time. And that I did, while you waste it in…what do you call that? ‘Optimizing your energies’.”
Gauss blushed. “A good rest is as much important as a good exercise… But why did you stop? Are we there too met this—“ then he saw the number near the door.
Gauss felt queasy. “No. No, you can’t be serious, I forbid you to even think to tease me like that. It’s cruel!”
Curie smoothed her arms fur and then adjusted her breasts. “Watch me, bro.”
The door slid open a moment later.
And there he was, leaning against the threshold, a pirate grin on his face and a rose held in his teeth. “Welcome to the house of your pleasure, lass,” the Scottish Collie Pawdrick ‘Podge’ Ross, said. “Tonight it will be the crowd, us and all the romance I can promise to ye.”
Albert House, Babylon Gardens

“Aren’t you going to the party?” Zachary asked from the door to the pitbull laying on his bed.
Tiger sighed heavily, dramatically, his eyes glued to the ceiling. “To do what? Slobber after an overrated star? Not to mention that there will be all that food and…And I don’t want to stuff myself like a Turkey!”
The rabbit blinked. “I fail to see the connection.”
Tiger sighed again. “Zach, I’m loveless! I know how it will end if I go: Big-time wallpaper with a ton of savories to console me. Instead of dancing in sweet company, I will just be—nibbling. And I won’t be giving Bino the satisfaction of looking like a loser –which I am since the wolf love of my life has married that mass of muscles of Antares. So now leave me alone before I start playing ‘My teeth on your tail’ again.”
Zach gulped. For how bad had been seeing death straight in the face once, Tiger had still the power to scare him more than those horrible dogs. “Ok, fine. I’ll tell the girls you aren’t available.” He quietly left the room
Tiger sighed. A couple of seconds passed in a complete silence…before his eyes widened and his face assumed the funniest shocked expression!

“Sorry, girls,” Zach said coming down the stairs. “But he just said*grurk!*” Tiger plastered him against the wall.
“I told him I would be right with you,” the pitbull said, walking to them as if he was a Southern Gentleman’s dog, all the while the poor rabbit oozed off the wall. “Coke, Pepsi, what a pleasure.”
The ‘girls’ being a couple of mixed breed sisters, with some Shepherd for their faces and a really fluffy fur, close to a Chow Chow’s. One of them had white fur with pink face, throat and belly. The other was her opposite as far as fur pattern went. Both sported a black Spade tag hanging from their pink collars.
“We heard that you needed a date,” Coke, the pink-furred one, said.
“Do you have anyone on your agenda?” Pepsi asked in such a seductive tone that one could hear soft jazz music in the background.
Tiger smoothed hia flanks and cheeks, happy now more than ever that he had exercised. He sported his best grin as he offered his arms to the ladies. “My dear, we’ll show to the proletariat what happens when you pick up the best of the best.”
Zach stood up on shaky feet, massaging his nose, watching his domestic nemesis walk away, just happy for the chance of spending a night in peace—
“Salve, Opener of Ways!”
“GAK!” his heart almost exploded at the sudden appearance…of four raccoons. “How did you sneak up here?” he wheezed from the floor.
“Uh, we came from the kitchen,” Truck, the shortest and pudgy coon, answered. “Quick grab. Say hi to the Opener, kits.”
“Salve, Mr. Opener,” said the two raccoon kits.
“Hello to you.” Zachary smiled at them, recognizing the little ones he had risked his own life for. Even if in the end it had been Antares and Aldebaran to bring them to the Shelter, they had been grateful to him for ‘sending’ his ‘messengers’ and for coming to help them…
Zach’s missing ear tip twitched at that memory. He had never known fear until then, but he’d sure risk his life again for them. “Hi to you. What can I do for you guys?” he stood up.
It was Falstaff to answer, “Well, it’s about that party—“
The rabbit’s ears fell. “You want to go there and meet Fino, right?”
The adult coons grinned like true fanboys and showed him two autograph books. “See?” Falstaff then said to the kits in a reverent tone. “He can read minds, too, I told you.”
Zach just shook his head. Eventually, he had grown fond of them, even if they still thought that it would be him to ‘open the ways’ to the new golden age for animals –a job the humans were doing. “You know what? I was waiting for you after all,” he said and winked. “Now let’s go, and please don’t grovel when we’re there, ok?”
Last edited by valerio on Tue Jun 11, 2013 12:36 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Oh, and in case you were wondering who inspired me the looks of Maud Gottschalk, think PORTIA DE ROSSI
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Post by Obbl »

We're gonna get e'rybody hooked up :lol:
So... to what does "Ciripiripì" refer? :|
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nothing in particular. Just what happens when a dedicated single feels in the presence of the 'right one'
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Post by Legotron123 »

Strum...... No.......... Just... No..............
Play The Hayseed Knight. This isn’t self promotion, I just really like the game.

You ever realize that the two longest pieces of literature in existence are both fanfics? Weird right?
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Post by valerio »

Legotron123 wrote:Strum...... No.......... Just... No..............
Any names I am using for the still-unnamed members of the K9U (see the first two blue benches rows) is to be considered temporary until Rick reveals them. You'll have to stand Officer Sturm for now :mrgreen:
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Post by RandomGeekNamedBrent »

valerio wrote:Oh, and in case you were wondering who inspired me the looks of Maud Gottschalk, think PORTIA DE ROSSI
thank you, I will.
valerio wrote:
Legotron123 wrote:Strum...... No.......... Just... No..............
Any names I am using for the still-unnamed members of the K9U (see the first two blue benches rows) is to be considered temporary until Rick reveals them. You'll have to stand Officer Sturm for now :mrgreen:[/quote
I think he was talking about his plan, not his name
Paradigm Shift by me
I do not actually believe any of what I'm saying.
RP character sheets
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In this case...BAD, STURM, BAD DOG!
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Amadeus Mozart Concert Hall, Hexagon Park, Terrace High. The night of the party

“So, you too can’t eat all you want?” Clarice asked the big cat.
It was difficult to ask who was drawing more curiosity: A human child wearing a sort of plastic skin over her body or the snow leopard walking with her, holding her by the hand.
Flash’s tail swished a couple of times. “Yup. Only raw, unprocessed meat for ol’ me. Or I get reeeeally sick.” He put his paws to his neck and pretended to feel horribly queasy. Clarice giggled.
He took her hand again. “But I’m lucky. I can eat stuff that makes me big and strong!” He flexed a muscle.
“Well, I can eat all the stuff that makes me smart, so there!” And stuck out her tongue at him.
“Hey, no fair!”

“Are you convinced that she’s in good hands, now?” the black rabbit asked his white-furred date.
It was definitely weird see the couple stalking after the leopard and the girl. The female looked as if she had taken a full dose of anxiety.
“No. I will be convinced only when this stupid party’s over and Clarice will be in the safety of her home. You stop me I kill you.”
Shadow facepawlmed: This was so going to be a long night…

It was even weirder to see Sergeant Ralph dating someone.
A wolf added a lot to the general stupor of those who were from Babylon Gardens.
“I didn’t think we’d attract so much attention,” Natalie said, as she proceeded arm in arm with her date. “Have you never dated a girl before me?”
“More or less,” Ralph answered. “I always put my job before my personal interests. I joined the Unit back when I was a puppy, and that was all the company I ever needed since.”
“I can understand that: Being part of the pack means being more than part of a family. When you leave it, be it because you want to raise a family or because you’re exiled, it’s to never come back.”
A squirrel holding a small tray with savories passed by. Ralph grabbed a couple and handed one to Natalie. “And are you planning to raise a family? With me?”
Natalie swallowed her morsel. “You sound unfazed. I thought you domestics would go into panic mode for something so sudden.”
Ralph nodded. “In another occasion, I would have gone into panic. But I’m not getting any younger. One day, I’ll be forced to leave the Unit. I will requalify myself as an instructor…But I also know I will have another emptiness to fill.”
“A family.”
“Yup. And…I must admit it, I always had a soft spot for wolves.” This time, he blushed slightly.
“A law-abiding pup, flirting with danger. Even the more interesting. Sooo…How ‘soft’ is your spot?”
“Well…You’re cool,” was the first thing he could say. “I have collected some…stuff.”
Natalie’s ogle left few room to doubt. “Stuff like…documentaries? Nature books? There was this reality, The Wild Side…”
The poor shepherd’s ears were moving like radar dishes, desperately trying to make sure no one was snickering behind his back! “Nothing that wasn’t legit, ma’am,” he whimpered.
“I see,” Natalie said, keeping her voice on a normal level. “Then you’ll have to show me your collection.”
By now, Ralph felt as if he could spontaneously combust. Desperate for a change of topic, he said, “Thank you for choosing me. I wouldn’t have dared to ask you… In fact, I thought you’d stick with your kind.”
Natalie rolled her eyes. “I decided I was fed up with ‘traditions’ after seeing everyone marrying. I mean, first a cat and a dog, then another interspecies couple, and then…everyone else! But at first I dismissed those as quirks, human customs that had rubbed off on you.” She sighed. “And then Celestia took that big hunk of Antares and had a cub with him! I mean, she was adopted and she settled down before I did!”
Ralph was beginning to feel uneasy again. He fiddled with his collar. “So…uhm, you came to me because you didn’t want to be left out a contest or something?”
Natalie all but snuggled against the police dog. “Yes. But I mean, I picked you up because you’re the best domestic I know of! Smart, tough, brave, a leader, and a good donor if your litters can say so. So why waste yourself for some females you won’t raise a family with, when you can have the real thing? Oh, and you should feel honored at this point of this talk.”
The German Shepherd just mumbled something, nodding.
What had he gotten himself into?
Sandwich House, Babylon Gardens

“Thought you wanted to be at the event,” Jill said, as she brought some food and drinks in the living room. “Not that we mind, of course.” She put the tray down between Peanut and Grape and sat down next to her cat. She hugged her.
Grape snuggled against the woman with Peanut, sitting next Earl, added, "Besides, We got to meet Fino already, so why bother to be there in a noisy crowd? Not to mention that we get to watch the best show in the world already.” His eyes went to the kittens, who were busy being mauled by little Martin Gordon Sandwich. Just like any baby, he was making the best use of his hands to maul any protuberance of his siblings, who were showing a rare combo of patience, energy and gentleness in the attempts of subdue the baby. Of course, they hadn’t a chance. Every time they managed to ‘subdue’ their ‘prey’, Gordon would just giggle and gurgle, evidently immune to defeatist mood.
“Every time I see them together,” Grape said, “I think: They will be growing up together, not as owner and pets, but as equals. He’ll call them siblings and treat them as such and they with him. They are lucky.” She snuggled to Peanut. Earl and Jill hugged them.
“It will happen, Mom, will it?” Peanut asked, almost scared to.
Jill wanted to tell the truth: That it could take decades before law recognized the new families, the new rights…so much to do, whole Amendments to the Constitution to be added. The sheer political job was…staggering. Peanut and Grape might not be here to see it happen, and Jill silently cursed mother nature for giving such wonderful creatures such a short life span.
But Grape was right on one thing: Martin would not see the kittens as ‘pets’. The change would start with his generation, law or not law. “It will happen, sweetie,” she said to Peanut. “Don’t be afraid. It better happen, or I’ll seriously kick some butt in Washington.”
The human presence at the party was…limited, in lack of other words. Security, catering, some apprehensive parents, curious, spread like grains of salt in the furry crowd.
The highest concentration of the ‘naked apes’ moving around the guests of honor, flashes popping like crazy.
“It’s good to see that we still get some loving,” Keene said, sitting on Aldebaran’s shoulder, waving at the crowd. His trusty black glasses looked like 2001’s Monolith in the stars scene. “Do I owe it to your PRs, Gottschalk?”
The tall, austere man was proceeding with the Mayor candidate Gabriella Lundberg at his side. He barely mouthed the words, but the ferret heard him clearly saying, “No, Mr. Milton. You owe it to your own fame: Now that you have fallen from Olympus, gossip has gained new strength. Your fans have learnt about your new…activity. And everybody is wondering if you will live up to the American Dream despite the odds against you. Bookmakers are placing high stakes in your favor, and soon some high profile talk show will want to have a word with you. Now you are more famous than ever.”
The ferret moved his glasses aside a bit, revealing his frown. “Do you realize that I could be grateful to my not-so-dear ‘cousins’? Way to ruin a party, man.”
“Welcome to my world. Next time we meet, we’ll talk about my political contacts.”
“Only if I can use that in my posthumous biography and enrich the family foundation…But, hey,” Keene slapped the human’s shoulder, thus drawing a new flood of flashes. “’Grats on you, my man!”
“For what?”
“Nah, don’t be modest now: Congratulations for them,” Keene pointed at the media’s new hot couple. “Nothing boosts gossip & business like finding a fiancée for your daughter. I heard that so far she was a tad…reluctant, right?”
“She was,” came the dry reply, while Raimund looked at Maud and Martin enjoying their first public date. “I knew she’d make the right choice one day, that’s why I never forced a choice upon her.”
“Well, you surely did the right choice: If this thing goes all the way to the altar, you’ll have created a legal, brand new pet-oriented dynasty.” Keene was so having the time of his life, talking that way, making sure he was heard by the media humans. Every word was going to feed the buzz better than any interview. Thomas and Celia would just fade away –and to make sure they would, Keene said, “Are you still adopting, by the way?” It was a joke, of course, but then the tall human said,
“As long as the old laws are still in effect, I could seriously consider this option. Although I do have a Foundation ready to take over my business in case of my premature demise, I would like to see your position secured among my main beneficiaries of our common effort. Not to mention that, come the new laws, your own descendants, not to mention the Foster pets’ as well as any eventual Foster human descendants, will legally become the owners of our enterprise as a whole.” Words spoken with a casual, nonplussed tone.
Aldebaran and Keene looked as if their neurons had collapsed. By now, the reporters had started throwing questions as if they wanted to scream their lungs out of their chests, the other guests temporarily forgotten. Gabriella, who had been standing like a shadow, almost unnoticed, became as well the center of that questions flood. “No comment,” became her leit motiv for the rest of the night. That, and “I am here only to enjoy the party.”
Milton Manor

“Well, that should be good for us,” Thomas said, relaxing against the chair. And, seeing his sister’s acid expression, he decided he didn’t want yet another verbal lashing, so he prevented her by adding, “Come on! If that Nazi said it, it surely wasn’t for the lulz! And when those ferrets will take his name, we will never have to worry about them coming back at us! Sure, that darned dog Volant will stay with us, and we will have to own a pet anyway to respect uncle Henry’s will, but it’s in the bag!”
“Yeah,” Celia sighed. “And soon we will have to fight in Wall Street against a pack of rats who, by then, will be wealthy at least ten times us and out for a vengeance. What a great perspective.”
Thomas blinked. “Oh.”
“Yeah, oh. Now, we must only hope that our agent will do the job we handsomely paid him for without a glitch. Because if that Lundberg seats in the Mayor office, we’re done for.”
“If that was his idea for leaving us some room to breathe,” Martin said, “then your father has the weirdest sense of strategy.”
Maud shook her head. “I don’t remember him having a single weird idea, when it comes to business. And surely, Mr. Foster, you didn’t expect him not to try and merge your businesses under his own flag.”
Martin chuckled. “That was the first thing we talked and notarized about. I accepted because, by then, I didn’t know there would be a Gabriella Lundberg. And, should something happen to me, I wanted someone to take care of my business and my family. And better in his hands than some impersonal bureaucrat’s.”
“And didn’t you think to give it all to the Miltons?”
“To the Foundation, you mean: Again, wrong laws, then.”
Fox was sipping from a can of soda, when the voice caught his attention.
The voice of a familiar feline. His long face made way to a smile. “Oh, hey Allegra. You too a fan of Fino?”
The Russian blue/Tabby mix female giggled. “Guilty, your Honor. I read all his books. And you?”
Fox wagged his tail. “No need to ask! His trip to Buwara was so…inspiring. Imagine! A whole nation populated and run by the leopards, just like in a Pridelands novel—eep!“ Blushing, he put his paws to his snout so fast that it was like punching himself. He whimpered, unsure if it was with pain or shame.
Allegra covered her laugh with her paw. “You don’t need to feel embarrassed, silly. You wouldn’t be the first dog liking that series.”
Fox rubbed his snout, his ears low. Apparently, no one he knew had heard him. “Yeah, but I would be the first of Bino’s entourage to admit I have read it beyond the cape dogs scenes.”
“And liked it,” she said.
“And liked it. In fact, it was awesome. And the movies, too. Sometimes I suspect that Ms. Auburn must be a big cat in a human suit.”
“Believe me, it’s a widespread suspect…Oh, I wanted to tell you that I’m almost done with the books you lent me. The Survivor made me so sad, but it’s so…” she sniffled “so touching! That poor Lucky! I couldn’t imagine dogs could be so sensible!”
Fox chuckled. “Heh, we’re full of surprises. But I loved the Felidae books you lent me! Honestly, it was the first time I saw such a cool cat character since I was a pup and watched Doc & Smith. And if you tell anyone I said that, I’ll deny it.”
Allegra motioned to a human waiter and helped herself to a couple of bowls of water. “Here,” she said to the dog. “It’s going to be a long, warm night. Already it’s like standing inside a furry oven.”
Fox, who had started lapping at his bowl, laughed at that image…and spat some droplets against the cat. “Uh, sorry, I—“ He made as if pulling off his bandana.
“No, don’t.” Allegra licked her paw and smoothed down the stained fur. “Feline benefits. So, all alone? I thought that a cute, booksmart pup like you wouldn’t have company troubles.”
Fox sighed. “King and Bailey were with me a moment ago, but then Bailey wanted something to eat. They say they’d be back soon, but I think they’re more eager to…well, stay together. Not that I can’t understand them—“ He was interrupted again, this time by a finger delicately pressed against his lips.
“You don’t need to give me a blockbuster, ok? Relax.” And before he could speak again, she added, “Listen, I am without a date. You are without a date. We could look out for someone, but since we’re here and we’ve got something in common, species aside, why not just enjoy the evening?”
Any other option? Fox considered. Bino was not going to keep him company. King had all the rights to lose himself into the atmosphere. And Max was nowhere to be seen, but Fox had really never counted on him –in fact, he felt relieved as if he had just dodged a bullet.
Sure, if he spent the party with a cat, Bino was so going to turn him into the Club’s laughingstock, but…heck, why care?! It wasn’t as if Bino had worked hard – or at all! – to help Fox find a girlfriend..
“Fox, are you alright?”
He blinked a couple of times. “Zuh?”
Allegra looked concerned. “I never saw so many emotions run on someone’s face so fast. You really spaced out there.”
The husky sighed. “Nah, I…” Back was the smile and the wag. He offered his arm to the cat. “I was thinking that we both deserve a good time like everyone else here. So, ready to dance?”
At that moment, the lights started to fade, while the ones surrounding the stage lit up.
The crowd erupted in applauses and cheers…
Last edited by valerio on Thu Jun 13, 2013 3:04 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by Legotron123 »

Que the hearts kuz we got a ship arriving at port
For those who don't understand, when you "ship" two characters, it means you want them to become a couple.
Hence, a ship arriving at port.
Play The Hayseed Knight. This isn’t self promotion, I just really like the game.

You ever realize that the two longest pieces of literature in existence are both fanfics? Weird right?
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Post by valerio »

again, thanks to Cerberus for the awesome correction job...No, Cerb, not the whip! I'm allergic to it! Aio! Aio!
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Post by Cerberusx »


"Living is Hard Dying is Easy"

"The longer you stare into the abyss, the hard it is to find a reasons to turn back."
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Post by RandomGeekNamedBrent »

for future reference, the past tense of "lend" is "lent", not "leaned"
Legotron123 wrote:Que the hearts kuz we got a ship arriving at port
For those who don't understand, when you "ship" two characters, it means you want them to become a couple.
Hence, a ship arriving at port.
I don't think anyone reading this fic doesn't know what shipping is by now ^_^
Paradigm Shift by me
I do not actually believe any of what I'm saying.
RP character sheets