Peanut's Choice

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The Game
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Peanut's Choice

Post by The Game »

Peanut and Grape were bored. But then the moment Mrs. Sandwich called them to go to a welcoming party, they tried to look very engrossed in something. "C'mon guys! They have a cat and dog!" Peanut and Grape were by the door in a flash.


The house at the end of the street was bustling with people and pets. Grape, saw Marvin, Sabrina (she shivered), Zach, and...Max. She immediately blushed when she saw him, which earned her a cold look from Peanut that she tried to ignore. Peanut saw Bino, Rex, Fox, Joey, Joey's creepy friends, Fido, and...Tarot. His face reddened when he saw the strange pomeranian, getting him a hiss and warning cough from Grape. He looked at her at suddenly felt compelled to hold her close. Man, when can i tell Grape my feelings?, he thought, but was interrupted by the sight of someone. Someone beautiful, shy, and had a rainboow on her collar. A chocolate lab was standing next to her and had a snowflake on her collar. Noticing what Peanut was staring at, Mrs. Sandwich saw the someone and smiled. "That's Wonderland Deeter, the Deeter's cat" she whispered to Grape and Peanut. "Go say hi to her!" Peanut look terrified at the thought, but Grape grabbed his ear and led him toward the amazing cat. C-A-T cat. Oh no, nononono thought Peanut. I like Grape, I mean I like Tarot, I I like Wonderland Deeters.

"Hi, I'm Grape Sandwich and this is Peanut Sandwich" Grape said as the stood before Wonderland. "I-I'm Wonderland Deeters, but you can call me Wonder." said Wonder. " Um, gah ahh buhh....."whimpered Peanut. He shot a pleading look at Grape. She rolled her eyes and said, "Excuse us for a moment". When the two were safely out of earshot, Grape snickered. "Awwwwww, puppy love. How sweet!" Peanut's face was a very bright red. "It's not what you think....She's just.....I mean....I don't...Don't look at me like that..." Peanut stammered. This is just dreadful, he thought. Now Grape thinks I like Wonder. "It's sweet Peanut, really." Grape assured the red pup. She hadn't meant to embarrass him. She just thought it was sweet....but she was for sure that now her dream of her and Peanut was totally demolished. " She seems really nice. Maybe you should show her around the neighborhood. Oh, hey there's Max, catcha later Peanut!" Grape said trying to hide her tears. Now what? the still red Peanut thought. Guess I'll go talk to her.

Oh no, I already scared two possible friends and I've only been here for a couple minutes! Wonder, thought. And that Peanut, he's really cute! Grape seems nice too, but too popular to be my friend. I wish Mom and Dad hadn't decided to move. But of course, ever-perfect Winter is already making thousands of friends. Why can't she just put a sock in her super sweet act! Dumb dog..... Wonder's thoughts were interrupted by what she saw. Peanut was coming towards her, blushing crazily, alone. Oh, oh, i can't talk to him! Maybe if I can find Mom...but it was too late. Peanut was already there. " about that. I had to remind Grape of our....curfew?" Peanut apologized. the red had dimmed but was still parading loudly on his face. Wonder's eyes widened. " It's ok. You don't need an excuse. no one likes to talk to the new girl." Wonder practically spat. She didn't mean to be that mean but Peanut took it with way too much emphasis. "No that's not it." he sighed, his face shining. "I was wondering if sometime..I...could...kinda..." he was interrupted by none other than Bino, who was ready to pounce on the fact that Peanut was talking to a cat. "Hey, cat lover! How's the whole cat lover thing coming around??" Bino asked/spat. Peanut (if this was possible) became an even deeper shade of red. Bino smiled, that was the reaction he was looking for. "Put a sock in it Bino, I'm being a good neighbor. Try and follow my example, you might learn something." Peanut replied. He was totally sick of hearing Bino's trash talk and junk. For once, Bino was speechless and answered to Peanut's comment by spinning on his heel and walking away. Wow, I stood up for myself! Peanut thought proudly. But I was still talking to Wonder. "Anyway," Peanut continued, his face finally a normal shade of brown. "I was wondering if maybe I could show you around the neighborhood sometime." Wonder looked shocked. "That'd be wonderful Peanut! ....No pun intended." She giggled. Peanut gave a very happy sigh, but then he saw Grape with her cat friends. She looked sad for some reason. I hope I didn't offend her..Peanut thought. "Peanut! Grape! We need to leave guys!"called Mrs. Sandwich. Perfect timing, now I can talk to Grape. Peanut thought. "How about tomorrow? Ok awesome, I'll see you then Wonder!"

On the way home, Grape looked, and felt miserable. Maybe the tour will go horribly, she hoped after Peanut enthusiastically told her about it. Or maybe Wonder will turn out to be a jerk, but Grape knew that was so not gonna happen. Maybe I should tell him how I feel... but no, he showed that he liked Wonder. Now little old Grape Jelly is history. Grape felt like crying.No, I won't let Peanut see me cry. I'll....I'll just tell him. Tonight. I'll tell him how I don't like Max and like him. Tonight. Now Grape felt like throwing up.

Back at home, peanut was sitting on his bed and lost in deep thought. "Wonder, Grape,Wonder,Grape....I'm so confused!"He cried. Then he heard a timid knock on the door. "Come in." He was somewhat surprised to find Grape standing in the doorway. "Hi, um Peanut...we...uh..need to talk." Grape whispered. "Sure, Grape." Peanut patted the place next to him. Grape sat down, took a few deep breaths, and started just how she'd rehearsed. "Peanut. how would you react if I told you that Max and I are not an item?" Peanut's eyes widened. "I would be ecstatic" He replied. "Well, I kinda broke up with Max today." Peanut was dumbfounded. Then he smiled and pumped his fist, then realizing Grape's giggles, blushed and sat down again. "Peanut, I like you!!" Whoa! Where did that come from? Grape wanted to curl up and die, but Peanut smiled. He looked at her and held her gaze, and next thing she new, Grape and Peanut were inches away from each other. Then Peanut did the unthinkable. He kissed her. Grape felt dizzy but Peanut steadily held her. I could so, stay like this forever, she thought happily. But sadly forever didn't last long because Peanut let go. The usual childlike personality in him seemed to have disappeared and he seemed somewhat older and mature. He smiled at Grape, slightly blushing. "Well, I think you understood me perfectly" Grape said. Peanut kissed her again. When they let go, he sighed. "Grape I know hat you are thinking. Yes, I do like Wonder, but nothing on this planet could make me love her like I love you." He said. Grape didn't miss a beat. "I love you too silly pup." She replied. "And for the record, I think Wonder really likes you. Maybe I should talk to her some time. And Peanut, I won't tell anyone."
Peanut look really confused. "Tell about what?" "You and me,like it's not obvious." Grape stated. Peanut laughed. "Tell the world about us Grape, Bino will have to wear armor if he wants to interfere with everyone else's thoughts about me."

The next day, Peanut spent some time in front of the mirror trying to look decent for Wonder. "Well, what do we have here?" Peanut whipped around to find Grape standing next to him. He sighed. "Well this is embarrassing. I kiss you and you find me freshening up for someone else." Peanut blushed as he said it. "I'm not mad, I totally understand. Hand me that comb. Remember how you help me with Max? Well I'm about to return the favor. 10 minutes later when Grape was satisfied, she pushed Peanut out the door, and smiled as she watched him meet up with Wonder at the curb. She sighed, somewhat jealous, but shook off the feeling. After her tour, Wonder and her were going to the fish pond. Grape remembered what Peanut said to her when she first came*. "We are going to be the bestest friends EVER." Se hoped that Wonder wouldn't make that a lie.

*This is referring to my other story.

"Over there is the grove. Grape had this weird dream about it last winter...hard to explain." Peanut said as he pointed. Wonder nodded like he was giving her vital information, but she was annoyed at how much Peanut talked about Grape. Trying to get rid of her jealous thoughts, she tried to start a conversation. "Thanks for talking to me yesterday. The other pets ostracized me like I had a disease." "You're welcome. I noticed that and......" Peanut trailed off. He had almost said 'and show that you are amazing' but he stopped himself. "Peanut? What were you going to say?" Wonder only had a slight idea and wanted to know if she was right about what she thought he would say. "And wanted to let everyone else know that talking to you is fine." he finished. "Well that probably won't happen. Winter made friends quickly and was telling some...very embarrassing stories about me. The other pets only think of me as a laughing stock now." Wonder said sadly. As if on cue, Fiddler and Keys walked by and nearly busted a gut laughing and pointing and saying something about candles to Wonder. Apparently the was a main part of an embarrassing tale because Wonder reddened and took off. Peanut could normally outrun Grape easy but Wonder was something else. Peanut knew where she would go, judging by the wondrous look she gave the grove they hadn't passed to long ago. Sure enough, he saw her huddled up by a tree very still and quiet.

He sat next to her and thought about his words carefully. "I have no idea who those cats were, but nothing they said matters at all. If it helps, I have an embarrassing story I'm willing to share." He took Wonders silence as a yes. "About a year ago, my mom took me to obedience school. I was terrified and wouldn't let her go when we got there. After she shook me off her arm, she went on and on about me being a 'sweetie-dog' or something like that and all the other dogs there went crazy laughing at me. As if that wasn't bad enough though, she walked out the door saying 'and when you get home there is a mysterious spot on the rug we need to talk about'. Sometimes someone brings that up but I do my best to shake it off. Reacting is just what they want." Wonder finally looked up, and catapulted herself into Peanut's arms. They sat together, very quiet, until Wonder spoke."I-I'm sorry Peanut. I n-need to go. Thank you for the tour and the story. I feel better now." then she took off.

Back at home, Peanut went directly to his room to avoid talking to anyone. He sat on his bed and tried to get interested in a book, but his mind kept wondering to poor Wonder. She shouldn't be treated like that, he thought. He barely even noticed when Grape opened the door. "So, how was it?" she asked happily. "uh..fine. But I don't really want to talk now Grape. I think I'll just go to bed." Peanut answered obviously distracted. "Ok...sure Peanut." As Grape left the room, tons of thoughts darted around her head. Is he mad at me? Did Wonder tell him something? Did he run into Bino? possibilities were everywhere.

The next morininng Peanut looked ragged. His furr was a mess, he smelled funny, and he lookd an odd shade of green. Grape, who was still pondering over last night, was concerned about him. "Peanut are you okay?" she asked. "I feel horrible. And my mind is cluttered with too much stuff and I feel like I'm gonna" Peanut ran quickly to the bathroom and Grape heard retching sounds. She shuddered, but felt genuinley (sp?) sorry for Peanut. Maybe he passed some Oak yesterday. He's horribly allergic to oak.

Peanut felt like death. His stomache hurt from puking a whopping total of 10 times, and his mouth tasted of last night's dinner (which tasted a billion times worse the second time). Mrs. Sandwich took his temperature which turned out to be 100.0!! She was worried out of her mind so she took him to the vet where the got a real shoccker. Peanut was going through some serrious turmoil, not any disease. He needed rest and plenty of time to think and talk to someone. Being a parent, Mrs. S thought the 'someone' had to be Grape or Wonder. She quickkly took Peanut home (he was looking very angry suddenly) and was barely in the house before he was yelling at everyone who talked to him! Apparently, the vet forgot to mention that this 'turmoil' would give Peanut some serious mood swings.

After going to the animal clinic, Peanut felt even worse. And angry to boot. He wasn't mad at anyone or anything, just plain grumpy. When they got home, grape and barely said 'hi' when Peanut was barking at her (not literally). "Back off Grape! Would it KILL you to GIVE ME SOME SPACE!!!!" He said steaming. Grape was entirely thrown off guard, and it took a while before her Grape-ness kicked in. "If you enjoy breathing, I would advise you to NEVER speak to me like that again." She hissed. Then she spun on her heel on walked away, tail swishing,collar jingling, and hand/paw on hip. Peanut just stood there gaping. What the heck just happened, he thought.

Grape was having a nightmare. Peanut was diagnosed with big-grumpy-fathead-itus and was making everyone suffer. He had yelled at her with such force, her entire coat flew off! "GAAAHHHH!!!" She screamed, waking up. She sat in her cat-bed, panting, and pinching herself. Ok, i'm awake. she thought. But somehow, her dream had filled her with an intense....hollow feeling. She wondered if she should replace it with anger or sadness. "I'll go talk to Wonder" she whispered. Before she could even turn the corner, she saw Peanut, and boy did he look depressed. "Grape....I'm so sorry...." He stammered. Grape''s eyes narrowed, she hissed, and suddenly her claws shot out and dug into Peanut's arm. It didn't take long for it to start bleeding, and he just stared at it. He didn't move, didn't say a word, just started. Then he slowly turned and walked off. Grape was postitive that she heard him growl.

Ugh, I hate him for making me do that!!! Grape thought panicked. I better go to the Deeters' house before i get in trouble.

Wonder was sitting in her favorite tree when Grape came by. She jumped down agilely and immediately knew Grape was upset. "Hey, are you ok??" she asked, her intense Wonder stare reading Grape perfectly. "You better come inside, I have a feeling this is going to take a while."

Grape always loved walking through the Deeters' front door. A cozy blast of aromas immediatly filled your nostrils, and you suddenly felt cozy and warm. She was close to forgetting why she was here, and was about to start talking of random stuff when suddenly reality hit her like a brick (or a frying pan). She started sobbing and Wonder had to practically drag her to a private space in the house. "Ok, tell me what happened." Wonder asked, genuinle concerned. She sat patiently throught the 10 minutes of Grape's sobbing and explainiing. "And I scratched him and he just looked at me and he growled and now I think he hates me!!!!!" Grape wailed and buried her face in her bushy purple tail. Wonder sat trying to make sense of what Grape said. Suddenly it felt like Wonder's consiouc (sp?) Was pounding in her mind.
C'mon Wonder there's a plan somewhere in your brain! Grape really needs your help!! the angel said. The devil was flaming.
Don't help her!! She hurt Peanut! You should kick her out and never look back!

So Wonder sat there, weighing what to do. "Wonder, are you still on earth?" Grape asked with the crying hiccups. "Oh yeah!" Wonder said snapping back to reality. Grape titled her head. "I really wonder where your mind goes sometimes." Wonder was about to reply when Winter came trampling through the door. She was chewing gum and smacked it loudly before blowing a super giant bubble the ended with an obnoxious POP! She looked at Grape curled up and crying and sneered. "We're you laughing at Wonder's candle story?" Winter asked. Wonder's pupils shrank and she reddened. "What do you want here Winter?" Winter smiled at Winter's embarrasment. "Just wanted to let you know that there's a rather cute dog waiting for by the front door and that if you don't talk to him I will." Wonder blushed volently, and Grape paled. "No, no I'll talk to him. And if i were you, i'd stop blowing bubbles with that gum before you get it stuck in your headfur like last time." Wonder replied satnding up and finding her tongue (sp?). She dragged Grape, who was trying really hard to stay in that room, to the front door.

"H-hi Peanut." Wonder said. She suddenly remember her exit the last time they spoke and she suddenly felt awkward. Thankfully most of Peanut's attention was on Grape. Peanut flushed when he saw her, a crying mess. "Grape please, listen to me......" but Grape couldn't hear a word. She was just staring at the reddish bandage on Peanut's arm. "Grape??" Peanut and Wonder both asked. Wonder was about to read both their expressions when she looked up and saw Winter, gagging and waving a camera. Only then did she realize that she was really really close too Peanut. She grimaced and Winter falshed a picture. Oh, crap! She thhought. "Be right back" she told the silent pair of pets by her. She popped out her claws and set her targets on Winter. She knew she'd get pinned but 7,000th time the charm, right?

"I'm so sorry grape. Nothing I said was right. I don't know what happened...." Peanut said, ears flat against his head. grape was still sobbing. "I'm sorry too. Scratching you wasn't the best choice. It was dumb and I'm so sorry....." Peanut interrupted her with a kiss. "I guess you forgive me then." Grape giggled. "I can't stay mad at you forever," peanut whispered. They leaned in, eyes half-closed, and kissed at the exact same moment as 2 others things:
1. Wonder and winter stumbled still fighting
2. A blackout
If the blackout hadn't come, Wonder and Winter would've seen them kiss (talk about embarrassing!). The power came on quickly, and peanut and Grape were exposed. they still were looking deep into the others eyes, and holding around the waist. They were oblivious to the two sisters until Winter started laughing. "oh my gosh!! How cute!! We're y'all like, kissin' or something'??" She laughed, barely able to stand. """ Grape stammered, red faced, while peanut looked with new-found interest a a nearby painting. Wonder shoved her sister, and they continued brawling, as peanut and Grape took each others hands and watched two fight. I really wish they left after that, Wonder thought as Winter sat on her and the couple giggled.

"I made my choice." Peanut whispered to himself, as Grape nuzzled her nose in his neck.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------
A couple weeks later, grape came into peanut's room where he was writing a story.
"Hey Peanut..." she said. "GAAAH!!" peanut jumped from the chair he was in and frantically tried to find a hiding place for his notebook. Grape rolled her eyes playfully. peanut was kind of bad at keeping his own secrets. "Oh..uh..yes Grape" Peanut said trying to act like nothing happened. "Well, now you have me interested. What were you writing?" Peanut blinked and looked like he had truly forgotten. "I have no idea what you're talking about." he said a ridiculous look on his face to distract Grape. Grape giggled. "Whatever, but we need to talk. Mom and Dad really need to know about..." He didn't have to finish. Peanut immediately sobered up and stopped making faces. he furrowed his brow and pulled Grape close to him. "I guess you're right.."he said. "But we aren't telling them today. Or tomorrow. Or soon." Grape arched her eyebrows. "We have to tell them soon! they deserve to know!" Peanut looked at the ground. His face had the hint of a blush. "I know, but I guess...." Grape played with his collar. "Go on" she urged. Peanut sighed, really red now. "I guess it would make me fell uncomfortable telling them." Grape stopping trifling with the bone. She began to giggle. Blushing even deeper at her laughter, Peanut ducked his head. "Aw c'mon 'Nut ('Nut was his name. no pun intended). This isn't like the whole cat tail thing again." Peanut grimaced. "Yeah, but you know them. They;; be talking to other parent's and soon everyone know that...." he stopped. "That what?" Grape asked concerned. He looked away. "That I'm a cat-lover" he finished.

Grape was in shock. "But I thought you didn't care!" Uneasily, Peanut looked at her. "I don't, know...if..some dog figures out he might make me the laughing stalk of the entire neighborhood." Rolling her eyes Grape played with her tail. "Bino is not going to embarrass you like that ever again. You know Fido would keep him in line..." Peanut suddenly pushed Grape away, an angry red replacing the embarrassed. "I want to fight my own battles. I'm glad Fido's nice enough to do that but..." Grape began braiding her tail. "but what, Peanut Butter?" Peanut could only look at her. "Well when you're ready to talk I'm ready to listen" Grape said. She wasn't mad at Peanut, but as she closed the door and walked out, she was positive that he was embarrassed about her.

Sighing Peanut picked up his notebook again. He look at the first sentences written.
I shouldn't be in love with her, but I am, and I don't care what anyone else has to say. After all, it's what I think that matters, right?
He threw the book at a wall and fell on his bed. Maybe, I should go for a walk. Walks always help clear my mind, he thought.

The weather was chilly so he grabbed his red scarf before stepping outside. He walked a block before he would let his mind wander. Man, I really wish I could tell Mom and Dad. I shouldn't be embarrassed, they would never tell anyone if I didn't want them to.....would they? He wasn't paying attention to where he was that he accidentally bumped into King. "Oh, sorry King." Peanut said distracted. King looked about nervously as he answered. "No, it's fine, I wasn't going anywhere or anything..." Of course this made Peanut skeptical. "Really?" he asked smiling slyly. "Yup really, I am not going yo Sasha's place..." King's eyes widened as he revealed the words. Peanut only laughed. "You don't have to give be that deer in the headlights look. Just go" Peanut smirked as he stepped aside. King blushed and walked pass Peanut, only giving a little wave over his shoulder. After King was out of earshot, Peanut gave a good laugh. That dog could be so .....secretive sometimes. And Peanut was sure he was yelling at someone named 'Pete' after he left....

Peanut was tired but wasn't ready to go home yet, so he went to the park. He sat quietly on a bench and trifled with a leaf. He didn't notice Bino coming towards him. "Hey Peanut, can I ask you something?" Bino asked. Surprised that he wasn't being Bino-y, Peanut nodded. " you think Fido is hiding something from me?" Bino said. Peanut thought hard before answering. His first impulse was to say 'Yeah, he's dating a cat' but he couldn't do that. And looking at Bino's puppy-dog face was hard to not answer to, so he was forced to reply. "If he is, he isn't telling you for a good reason, which is probably because you're so...un-nice. Try being more kind to people and he might tell you." Peanut answered. Bino thought and shrugged. "Thanks, I might try that."

Peanut soon left the park and was nearing home. He had reached a conclusion about telling his parents. He wanted to tell Grape, but he saw her with a bag over her shoulder when he opened the door. "Oh, there you are 'Nut. I'm going to Wonder's for a sleepover tonight." Grape said. "Cool." Peanut replied. Well great, now we won't have time to talk, he thought. "Hey can I walk you to her house? I need to tell you something." he said. Grape shrugged. "Why not?"

"I think you were right. We should tell Mom and Dad." Peanut said. Grape smiled. "I knew you'd see it my way." she said tickling him. Peanut allowed himself to laugh and he tickled Grape back, and before he knew it they were tickling each other and laughing. After taking a few deep breaths to ease his laughter, Peanut became serious. "But I have no idea how we should tell them." Grape stopped laughing too. "I guess you're right, I never thought about that." she said. The two walked in silence a few steps before Peanut gave an exasperated sigh. "What is it?" Grape asked. Peanut opened his mouth to reply, but a large red van caught his eye (no rhyme intended). It was driving slowly and stayed around 7 feet away from them. Peanut had read enough books and watched enough TV to know that that van was following them. Without a word, he grabbed Grape's hand and cut through some trees. He looked over his shoulder again. Nothing.

The two walked in silence again, giving Grape the opportunity to get lost in her thoughts. Peanut was about to do the same when he saw the van again, gaining speed as it neared them. He realized what it would do immediately and only had a second to think of what to do. If they ran forward the van would only floor it, if they ran back they'd be running right into them. They're were no turns and crossing to the other side of the street would be trouble. So Peanut got together all the power he could muster and pushed Grape away from the road as he whispered 'sorry'. His arms were still outstretched when a hairy arm reached from the van and swiftly pulled him in.

Fortunately, Grape landed in someone bushes. Her head popped out and the hissed. "What did you do that for, Peanu-" She swiveled. Peanut was no where in sight. "Peanut?" She called. At any second she expected to see his bright red collar pop out from somewhere, giggling, but she saw nothing. She was entirely confused until she remembered the van. Following them, speeding up, being pushed away. "OH MY GAWD!!" she screamed as the facts fell in place. She let an agonizing cry flee her lips and starting running. She had no destination, just anywhere away from that place.
Fido was headed towards the Good Ol' Dogs clubhouse when he heard a blood-curdling scream. His ears pricked up and he realized it was getting closer. He spun around a second before Grape came barreling towards him. Her fur was on end, her tail sticking straight up, and she was screaming. "Oh my gosh, Grape was is it?!?" Fido asked. Grape stopped running but didn't say anything. Then she dropped to the ground and whimpered. "Peanut...P-P-Peanut was kidnapped." She stuttered. "WHAT?!?!" Fido said. He made Grape explain everything then walked her home, he wasn't sure if she would've moved from her place on the ground if he hadn't.

Mrs. Sandwich was typing on the computer when she heard the doorbell. When she opened the door, she was not expecting to find her cat shaking with a police dogs' arm around her. "Um, what's going on?" She asked, but she knew she wouldn't like it. Fido carefully explained everything, and that he had called the police and they would be around soon. Mrs. Sandwich was completely thrown off guard, and didn't make a sound. She took the still quivering Grape and thanked Fido before turning and going back into the house. She didn't even close the door. Instead she focused on calming Grape down, but her efforts seemed futile. She finally stopped trying and cried along side her pet.

Grape was home in her mom's arms, but the full force of everything had just hit her. Peanut was gone to who-knows-where. She cried until no more tears could be squeezed from her eyes.


The hairy-armed man had thrown Peanut to the back of the van, where he head his head with a loud KONK! "OW!" Peanut shouted with emphasis as he rubbed his head. "That hurt!" He took a quick glance up front to see his captors. They were both fat, with greasy stained shirts. The only difference was that the driver had on a red cap, and the other guy was bald.
Red-Cap grunted. "Hush up y'old pup. Be yourself a good lil doggie til we git where we need be going." In reply Peanut shouted threats he would never fulfill, and obscenities he would never repeat, until Baldy chucked something at him, narrowly missing his head. "Watch the head, Baldy." Peanut scowled. "Would ya just shut yer muzzle!!?!?" Baldy yelled. "Er else I just might chuck you outta this here car!" There was silence from the back, and Baldy thought he had finally shut the dog up, but Peanut came up with a witty reply. "That would become a strike against you." Baldy turned around and fumed at Peanut's grin.

"Cool it, ya old hot-head." Red-Cap spat. "If ya hit 'im, Jancy might not wanna buy him." Peanut stopped grinning. "Did you say sell me? AS in to a different person, that isn't my parents??"
Red-Cap gave a toothy grin. "Youuuu betctha!" Peanut shrank and his ego deflated. " you can't sell me. You canNOT. My life was just getting good." Red-Cap laughed. "Sucks for ya then, huh?" he said. Suddenly Red-Cap stopped the car. Baldy climbed and opened the back door. He held a tissue in his hand and quietly neared Peanut. "Come here little guy. This won't hurt much." his illiterate accent vanished and he sounded so calming and assuring, Peanut almost went to him. He managed to stop himself. "Stay away from me." he snarled. Baldy grinned. "Don't look so spooked. I promise this won't hurt." Peanut laughed. "I can smell the chloroform on that." he said. Baldy smiled and somehow grabbed Peanut by the collar. He hit a pressure point, and Peanut went limp. He could feel the tissue pressed gently and firmly on his nose. Don't inhale. he thought. Don't inhale....

Peanuuuuuuuuuut!!!! Where are you??? Peanuuuuuuuuuuuut!!!!!!! Why did you leave me?????? Peanut woke with a start. He blinked and rubbed his eyes. He was in a room, but it was pitch-black and he couldn't see a thing. "Just a dream..." he sighed. His spine chilled as he remembered Grape's voice calling him. "I never left you Grape..." he whispered. "Well...I'm not Grape but sure, you didn't leave me." came a voice from the dark. "Hey, I'm Knobs. Knobs White." the voice said, and Peanut could barely make out the outline of an extended paw. He shook it. "Peanut Butter Sandwich." he said. "Would you care to explain WHERE THE HECK WE ARE!!!?" There was a pause. "Not now..." Knobs said.

As his eyes adjusted, Peanut made the outline of two more animals. He also saw Knobs, but the look on his face said to drop the subject. "This is Wasp, and Kay." Knobs said introducing the other animals. Kay was a small dog that hid behind Knobs. Wasp was surprisingly tall for a cat and looked...well like a wasp. "Peanut." he said as he shook paws(?) with them. Peanut sat on the cold floor of the room. But as he thought it seemed more like a big metal box. This would be majorly suckish* if you were claustrophobic he thought. "So, how long have you guys been here?" Peanut asked as he took a seat. Knobs put a thoughtful finger on his chin. "Kay and I have been here no more than 3 weeks, but Wasp has only been around for 2." Peanut nodded, annoyed. "Where are we? Who are those guys? Why were we kidnapped? WHAT'S GOING ON???" Knobs flashed a look that shut Peanut up. Kay whimpered and buried her head into Knobs. "Knobsy, I'm scared. she said. Knobs took a deep breath. "It's okay, Kay-girl. We will get out of here soon." Kay was sobbing too loud to hear Knobs add to his words. "I hope...."

Kay's chest-heaving sobs soon became slow breaths as she fell asleep.Wasp curled himself beside her protectively. Knobs sat next to Peanut. "Okay, what were you saying?" he asked. There was a hint of irritation in his voice. "Where are we? Who are those guys? Why were we kidnapped? What is this place?...Why are we here??". Knobs pursed his lips. I can't answer all of those, but I'll try. I'm not sure where we are but it's in-state. Those guys are Tim Burgess and John Doe. Johhn is the one that probably lured you into relaxing so he could knock you out. i have know idea how the heck he does that, but it worked on all of us. I know Kay and I were kidnapped so we can be shipped off somewhere for animal testing, and sadly Wasp has the same fate. But as soon as i heard your last name, I knew you weren't kidnapped for the same reason." Knobs said. Peanut took a while for everything to sink in. "So why was i kidnapped." Knobs pretended not to here him. he traced his finger along the cold metal. "Who did you leave behind." he finally asked. Peanut shrugged. "Friends, family....a girlfriend." he sighed. Knobs grinned. "I left behind a crush."he blushed. Peanut raised his eyebrows. "Any details?" he grinned. Knobs became redder. " She's smart, beautiful, stubborn, understanding...and a dog."

A dog... Peanut couldn't help but raise his eyebrows. "Interspecies relationship? Story of my life." Knobs looked relieved that Peanut didn't laugh at him. "Really??? Your girlfirend is a cat???? It was Peanut's turn to blush. "Well, at the moments it's kind of a secret...from everyone. Even though we were planning on telling before...before this happened." Knobs gave sympathetic look. "Hey, I was going to tell her. Your plans aren't the only ones that got ruined by those goons."
4 days later......

Sitting at home was one of the things Grape didn't want to be doing. She wanted to be out there, looking for Peanut. She wanted to be slapping Fido and the other policemen for not trying hard enough. She wanted to slap her parents for telling her Peanut would be alright.But mostly, she wanted to backhand Peanut for saving her, and herself for letting him. "You idiot. You brave, cute, caring idiot." she sighed, on the verge of tears.

After wallowing in sadness, she decided to go see Wonder. She quietly left the house and took long, slow steps. She avoided the scene of 'the incident' as she now called it. Her eyes focused on every individual crack and line in the sidewalk, and she didn't realize Wonder was in front of her until they collided. Her sad eyes looked up. "Hey Wonder."
Wonder hadn't taken the news well. She did, after all, have a slight crush on Peanut and not seeing him was devastating. The day her parents told her, she went into a state of absolute shock. Everything she did was in a trance, and she didn't give effort into anything but sulking. She'd finally broken out of it yesterday, but her mind still swarmed with worry. Why am I so sad? I'm not his girlfriends, of his family. I haven't even known him for a month...Right now, Grape is probably the hardest hit by this. I should go talk to her. So she left her house for the brisk wind of outside.

All the parents in the neighborhood had taken major precautions for the safety of their pets. Wonder and her sister were some of the few still allowed outside 'unsupervised'. She walked along, eyes staring at nothing. Fortunatley she saw Grape, striding along. Her eyes never looked up and she looked like she would drop any second. Wonder ran towards her incase she did.

"Grape! Grape it's ok!! Peanut'll be alright!" She exclaimed. Grape's head turned up with a jerk. "How dare you say that!?!? Do you know how he's doing right now??? Have you seen him??? for all you know he could be half-way to Canada or something?!?!" someone had finally 'detonated her bomb'. Wonder let the outburst slide off of her. "Grape, I know because Peanut's smart and is probably doing all he can to get back to you." Grape's anger was replaced by tears. "Is that true?" Wonder smiled and put an arm around her friend. "Have I ever lied to you before?"

Peanut felt anxious in the box. There had only been 3 times when any source of light shone, and that was because Twiddle Dee and Twiddle Dum had opened the door to give them food. Even then, the two men were smart enough to drug the animals so they wouldn't escape. Because of that, all of them were feeling uneasy.

After using up almost all the space pacing, Peanut turned to Knobs, a hand stressfully on his chin. "Knobs. We have to get out of here."

Knobs rolled his eyes at Peanut. "I realized that the moment I stepped in here. The question is how we get out..." He glanced over at Kay. "And don't mention this around Kay. She's really...sensitive to this whole thing." Peanut ran a paw through his matted and dirty fur. "So when can I mention it! Knobs Kay understands this whole thing, she needs to know what we're planning!" Knobs shook his head. "No she doesn't. It's bad enough that she's here, we don't need her to dwell on it." Peanut took a deep breath. "There's no way she can't dwell on it. She's stuck in 6x6 foot metal box with only a tasteless paste to eat and a wall to stare at!" Knobs bit his lip. "Fine. You're right..I guess. Now what are you planning?"

Peanut tried his best to explain his thoughts without making it sound like gibberish. Knobs thought a moment. "So when they open the door to throw in the gruel we run out. The first one out of here distracts the idiots while the rest escape too...then what?" Peanut gave an embarrassed grimace. "I haven't gotten that far because i've never seen the outside of this place."

Knobs grinned slyly. "That, my friend, shall be left to me."
"Positions ready?" Knobs whispered. Kay nodded fearfully and Wasp tried to look serious. Peanut took in a breath. All of this is for my family. I willget out of here. He thought. "Ready."

On schedule idiot #1 opened a door. "Gruel!" he said quickly, then slammed the door shut, but it didn't catch. In the second it had been open, Wasp had shot out. "Hey Bubble Butt!" He shouted. "Over here!!" He dashed down a hall with the large man chasing after him. Knobs smiled. "Peanut it worked!" he said as he pushed the door open. Peanut gave a sigh of relief and stuck out his head to see if the coast was clear. "Come on guys." He grabbed Kay's hand and Knobs followed them both. "Okay, help me look around and see if there's a turn or a-" he was interrupted by a figure bowling him over. It was Wasp. "We don't have a lotta time. That guy got his foot stuck in a bucket somehow and now he's tryin to get it off." Peanut stifled a giggle. "Okay, now we need to find a way out. Where does the turn took lead to?" Wasp shook his head. "A dead end." Suddenly an icy hand grabbed Peanut's neck and he was hoisted into the air. "That's not the only thing that's dead."

Peanut relaxed at the guy's voice. It just had a weird soothing effect, that was incredibly scary. It was like he went into your mind and hit that spot where you feel vulnerable.

Wasp and Knobs relaxed too, yet they looked more scared then ever. Kay was bound to start crying, but she didn't. Instead she literally barked! "Peanut, c'mon this idiot can't make you relax! He wants to hurt you!". She got no response from the dog and took it upon herself to free him by jumping on Baldy. "Let go of him!". Her fierceness jerked the others out of their trance and they aided her, until Baldy was curled on the ground in a fetal position. Kay panted hard as she looked at the pathetic guy on the ground, then turned and wrapped Peanut in a viscous hug. "Don't make me do that again you gullible puppy." She said. Peanut laughed. "You won't have to...I think."

Knobs' eye twitched, and he pulled Kay off of Peanut. "Don't do anything like that again please." He said in a cold stern voice as he clutched Kay's paw. "I don't want anything happening to you." Kay looked dumbfounded. "Knobs! Wake up! I just saved y'all from a baddie!" She pointed at the whimpering man. "How can you say something like that!" She turned to Peanut. "Do you think I shouldn't have done that?" Peanut grimaced. Not wanting to take sides, he said, "We'll work this out later. Right now, our main focus is getting out of here. Did you guys get a chance to see where they took you from; I was out cold." Wasp shrugged apologetically. "I was too." Knobs wouldn't look at Peanut so Kay answered. "I was out cold but Knobs was conscious I think." She nudged him and pouted. "Knobsy, we need your help. We have to work together if we want to get out of here." Knobs glared at her and sighed. "I think it was somewhere from over there." he said pointing. He never looked at Peanut.

Knobs had demanded that Kay stay right by him. Wasp and Peanut followed. They all had their eye peeled, and Kay seemed like she was about to start crying. The jogged in silence down a really long hallway until Peanut heard something.
Clunk! Clunk! CLUNK!
He turned to see Red-Cap charging full speed at him; his foot still in the bucket. "Oops! Forgot about him!" Peanut growled. He surged ahead, pushing Knobs and Wasp forward. Red-Cap was incredibly fats for a fat guy with a bucket on his foot, and Peanut figured Kay wouldn't be able to outrun him. "Hold on Kay." he grunted and swung her on his back. She squealed, and would've enjoyed it more if she wasn't so terrified. She wrapped her arms around his neck tightly and Peanut immediately thought of how Grape always did that when she tried to get on his back. The thought of her made him run faster.

Peanut unleashed the 'speed king' inside him and ran faster then any other time he'd run before. Knobs and Wasp could barely keep up, but they did....until they came to a dead end. Peanut tripped over himself trying to stop, and fell. "Off!" he grunted as he looked at the walls cornering him in. "Oh no." Knobs murmured, and Wasp paled. The clunking got louder, and Peanut thought they were for sure dead until he saw....
"Guys! Look! On the ceiling, there's like, a door. It might be an attic, or it could our way out of here." Peanut gasped, pointing and standing up. Knobs, looking like all hope was lost, looked up. "Oh gosh, thank God you're right Peanut!" he said, which was the first time since they'd run into Red-Cap. "Wasp", Peanut directed. "Stand on my shoulders. Knobs, go up after him. I'll send Kay up there, so she's out first, then after she's up you get up and help Wasp and me." The clunks began to get louder. "Hurry!" Peanut added, and wasp began scrambling onto his shoulders. Peanut winced as Knobs climbed on and added his weight. "Kay...;" he grunted, and the little dog began climbing her way up the living ladder. She reached Knobs, who hugged her tightly. "Let us know if anyone's up there, okay?" he said. Kay nodded and buried her face into Knobs's neck as he unlatched and opened the door. Carefully keeping his balance, Knobs lifted Kay through the door. There was silence for a moment, and Peanut thought another guy was up there and had grabbed Kay, when he heard a little voice shout "Hey! There's like a window up here! It leads outside, and it's right above some crates!!" All three boys let out relieved sighs, and Knobs pulled himself through the door to confirm what Kay saw. "Yeah guys, it's like an attic in here, only a few boxes and such-"
Peanut's fur bristled, and he pushed Wasp onto his paws so he could reached the door. "Guys, HURRY!" he grunted. Wasp was pulled through, and Peanut was left standing far to low to reach the door. "Oh....I didn't think of how I'll get up there...." he whispered. Knobs and Wasp looked down on him, so far away, with looks of regret and hopelessness. Peanut remembered Grape, and after half a second of staring, began crying silent, hopeless tears.

There was a silence from the attic. “Peanut…?” came Kay’s slow whisper. He didn’t reply. Knobs sat down, his mind working doubly fast. Kay and Wasp watched him, and saw the light bulb turn on. “Guys, check those boxes. There has to be a rope in one of them.”
Kay and Wasp scrambled to the nearest boxes, tearing them open.
“There’s some light bulbs….an iron.... a jar of some antique peanut butter?….but no rope.” Kay concluded. I love irony
“There’s an old keyboard and computer in mine, along with a very old radio and some speakers, but no rope.”
Knobs swore under his breath as they searched the remaining boxes with no luck.
There was a heart wrenching sob. “Yes?”
“How close is bucket-foot?”
There was a pant, followed by a grunt and a yelp. Peanut was evading Red-Cap’s angry punches, but he looked like he was about to give up. Knobs was about to jump and land on Red-Cap’s head, when some threw the peanut butter jar. It nailed Red-Cap pretty hard in the head, and the fat man slumped against the wall as a goose egg grew on his forehead.
“What the…?”
“We need to get Peanut before Fatty there wakes up.” Wasp said seriously, holding back laughter from hitting a man with ancient peanut butter.
“How though?” Wasp and Kay shrugged.
“Guys?” Peanut’s quiet voice came from below.
“Hang on Peanut, we’re thinking.”
Kay buried her face in her paws, looking pained from thinking so hard. Suddenly she jumped up and ran to the first box Wasp opened. “The keyboard! The wire! He can climb up it!” she said, lifting the dusty keyboard from the box.
“What? Did you guys think of something?” Peanut called.
“Yes I did!! Peanut, can you climb??” Kay asked him.
“Given the circumstances then I’m pretty sure I can do anything.”
Kay punched the air with her fist. “Knobsy help me with this.” She said, trying, and failing, to unwind the wire from the keyboard. After another 10 frustrating seconds, they got the fully extended wire.
“Yes, yes, this should do nicely. Kay girl, you are a genius.”
Knobs lowered the keyboard down first, so Peanut could get a foot hold. “Peanut, use the keyboard to get a foothold, then climb up the wire.” He saw Red-Cap stir. “And fast. Very, very fast.”

Peanut was already almost halfway up. “Fastness is not an issue Knobs.” He grunted. Peanut worked his way, and made good progress. The sun hadn’t shone brighter before….but the clouds came back when Red-Cap finally got out of his daze. “
“What the…?” He looked at Peanut, at the jar of peanut butter and it took a second for his memory to come back. When it did….
“You li’l doggie…I’m gonna muzzle ya when I git my hands on ya!!!” he thundered, swiping at Peanut’s ankle. Peanut yelped, and would’ve dropped if not for Wasp. The cat grabbed his paw at the last second, so he seemed to be helping up Red-Cap, using Peanut as the rope. “A little…help…would be…nice! This guy…is…fat!” Wasp grunter, trying not to fall to the ground. Peanut winced in pain as Knobs grabbed his other paw. Together, the two got him in the attic, but not before pain could be avoided. There was a sound like someone cracking their knuckles, and Peanut grimaced and cried out. Red-Cap lost his grip and fell with his foot hitting the ground with a loud CLUNK!
“Peanut?? What happened?” Knobs asked, as he pulled the dog fully inside. Peanut grabbed his ankle and rolled around a second. “The fat head broke my ankle.” He said through clenched teeth. Knobs bit his lip and looked at Wasp.
“Well we’re free….”
“But now we can’t go anywhere.”
Kay quietly found her way into Knobs’ arms, holding in tears, and sat there, waiting for Knobs or Peanut to find away around the set-back.
But sadly, things weren’t look too bright.

They sat in there, listening to Red-Cap fall over and over again trying to scale the wall or jump and reach them. They all knew it was impossible to get Peanut anywhere with his ankle broken, but also impossible to stay until it he healed. More then once, Peanut had told them to go with out him, and more then once they all said NO. After a while, they weren't sure how long, Red-Cap got frustrated and stormed off, muttering about getting them in the morning, and breaking all their ankles. Even the old, stupid, fat guy knew they were trapped.

Kay cried herself to sleep, and Wasp curled up with her in a corner. It was hard to tell, but he had let a few tears out too.
" should take Kay and Wasp and get out of here. Really." Peanut said for the hundredth time. "Peanut, no. I'm not gonna leave you behind. We are not gonna leave you behind. We can find a way out of this...somehow."
Peanut gripped Knobs' shoulders and looked him in the eye. "Go without me. I'll be fine!"
"No! Peanut, you heard Fatso! He's coming in the morning! If we leave, you won't stand a chance!"
"How are you so sure of that!?"
Knobs got angry, and rose his voice from the whisper it had been. "You have a broken ankle! You can't walk with a crutch probably, and you can't stand without support! How could you take a giant, fat head human like him on your own?"
"I don't know, but I'll find a way. You have to get Kay out of here! She's only a puppy! Don't you care about she spends her puppyhood?"
Now Knobs was incredibly angry now. He spluttered, turning red for a moment, then burst into quiet tears. "How could you say I don't care? I'm saying what I'm saying BECAUSE I care!"
"Kay has grown so attached to you, she'd hate everyone forever if we left you behind! I want her to spend her puppyhood having an almost older brother that she looks up to!"
"What about you?"
Knobs looked at the ground. "I'm practically her parent, so I don't count."
Peanut put a paw on his shoulder. "No Knobs, you are her older brother. "
"I'm not."
"You are."
Knobs looked at Peanut, and felt like telling him everything, but he knew it wasn't the time or place. "Nevermind Peanut. The point I'm trying to make is that we can't leave you behind. Kay and Wasp would be crushed."
Peanut managed a grin. "Just them?"
Knobs, put on a smile. "And me."
Peanut patted Knobs' shoulder. "Good to know." A grimace overtook his smile and he grabbed at his ankle.
"Peanut you should sleep."
"With this pain? Impossible. You can take a nap but I'll stay awake and make sure 'our friend' doesn't come early."
Knobs seemed nervous about that. "Are you sure?"
"Yeah, I'm sure. I'll wake you if there's any trouble."
"...Okay. Goodnight I guess." He joined the pile that was Kay and Wasp and fell asleep curled up with them. Even in her sleep Kay found his paw and buried herself into his chest before becoming still again.
Peanut looked on and smiled. And he said he wasn't her older brother....

This is continued on page 3!
Last edited by The Game on Sat Nov 20, 2010 5:22 pm, edited 61 times in total.
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Peanut's Coice

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Working on my computer skills
Last edited by The Game on Wed Nov 25, 2009 9:42 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Peanut's Choice

Post by The Game »

A comment from someone told me to indent which a cant and no double/triple post so im moving what was here to the main story

and I'm electronically challenged
Last edited by The Game on Wed Nov 25, 2009 9:42 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Wonderland the Amazing Cat!!

Post by Buckdida »

Venison wrote:You do know that there is an "edit" button in the top left corner of every post you make, right? USE IT instead of this triple posting.
...and are you working on two fics at once? You should put effort into one fic and make it awesome, rather than simultaneously working on two and only doing an okay job. And com'on, the forums aren't your writing sandbox. Make it look good. Pharagraphs, for instance, make it much easier to read.

And welcome to the forums, by the way!
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Re: Wonderland the Amazing Cat!!

Post by The Game »

Yo sorry, I tried but the it didnt work very well. And i had two ideas at once, but Im finished with one already. That was kind of an afterthought anyway. So Im done with my writing. Im sorry i thought they were good. Ill make sure to only have a sentence in my next one...if i ever do one
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Re: Wonderland the Amazing Cat!!

Post by Buckdida »

I'm not saying quit. I'm saying develop more. Sentence long, actually, is worse than what you've got. As it stands though, I can't read what you've got. A wall of text is kind of hard to get though. If you want someone to read it, then make it readable. If you're not finished, then keep going, keep developing. You've got a base.

And you can't just let one person's opinion keep you down. You gotta keep going and trying. Anyway, sorry if I offended you. The triple post kinda cheezed me and set me off, to be honest.
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Re: Peanut's Choice

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Re: Peanut's Choice

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So totally sorry, but i think im going to end this. Im a good writer til i run out of ideas, like i have now. I f i wrote more it would be utter gibberish.
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Re: Peanut's Choice

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Its alright. If you hit a dead end, why should you continue to drag it on? Oh well, at least I read some of it.
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Re: Peanut's Choice

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If your a good writer, you should join Pet friendly...I mean, if your the kind of person that likes role play and such.
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Re: Peanut's Choice

Post by The Game »

I changed the experiment thingy, and now this story will end within 2-4 paragraphs.
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Re: Peanut's Choice

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Finally!! All finished! But, crap, now i need a new idea....
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Re: Peanut's Choice

Post by WolvenPaw15 »

Maybe you can continue this...even if just for a little while I want to know what happens when their Mom or Dad finds out that Peanut and Grape are...together...That would be Interesting

And what about Bino and the rest?

and will Fido take Peanuts side because of....I forgot his girlfriends name but shes a cat...

Theres so much more you can continue this with
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Re: Peanut's Choice

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That's a good idea! but at the moment I have a severe case of writer's block.
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Re: Peanut's Choice

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Think about It for a good bit and something will come to you and if that doesn't work do something else and while you're not worrying about it something might hit you...It works for me
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Re: Peanut's Choice

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I thought of something!! But it will be like sequel to this and i don't know if it will work out oo wel...
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Re: Peanut's Choice

Post by WolvenPaw15 »

Way to go I knew you would think of something well hurry it up and post it I wanna find out whats gonna happen
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Re: Peanut's Choice

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It's up there! :D
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Re: Peanut's Choice

Post by WolvenPaw15 »

WOW! Thats really good you must write more I gotta find out what happens next
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Re: Peanut's Choice

Post by The Game »

WolvenPaw15 wrote:WOW! Thats really good you must write more I gotta find out what happens next
Yay! I feel so appreciated!
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Re: Peanut's Choice

Post by WolvenPaw15 »

Peanut has grown up a bit in your Fanfics and the comic Its good to portray him acting like that but reading now I see he still has his Puppyness wonder what happens when Peanut and Grape go 18+ XD J/K don't write about that that would be to weird....although....

Anyways you now have a top fan of your work

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Re: Peanut's Choice

Post by The Game »

Somethings messed up with this thingy. When I add to the story it never says 'new posts' on the front page of the forums. the same happened to another story there.
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Re: Peanut's Choice

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Notification is only given for new posts in the thread. It doesn't work if you edit the same post over and over again.
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Re: Peanut's Choice

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Great, now I feel dumb......
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Re: Peanut's Choice

Post by WolvenPaw15 »

Oh my gosh PEANUT!! Grape go get help quick!!! Wow I'm saying this like they can hear me... I can be so...fictional...sometimes. It scares me really
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Re: Peanut's Choice

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Ok, there's some more up there now. Enjoyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy:D
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Re: Peanut's Choice

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Re: Peanut's Choice

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Ok, to anyone who reads this and wants an update:

My really hard Exams start tomorrow, so I won't be here for a while. I don't think I can even update today, because I'm studying....
So, sorry y'all!
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Re: Peanut's Choice

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Updates are back on!!! I've just added some more (but not much) Enjoy!
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Re: Peanut's Choice

Post by Jack »

peanut!! no!!! will he be okay? DON'T TELL ME!!! omg im so nervous.
when do you update?
Jack PFRG - S-10 P-7 E-2 C-8 I-6 A-4 L-5
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The Game
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Re: Peanut's Choice

Post by The Game »

Jack wrote:peanut!! no!!! will he be okay? DON'T TELL ME!!! omg im so nervous.
when do you update?
Um, i don't really have a schedule...
but usually it's Wednesaday, or the weekends
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Re: Peanut's Choice

Post by Jack »

yays! *looks at your name*
oh noez! i lostz! now i gots aidz 4 everz!

you have a lot of spelling to check in your story.
but i can live with that.
Jack PFRG - S-10 P-7 E-2 C-8 I-6 A-4 L-5
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Re: Peanut's Choice

Post by The Game »

Jack wrote:yays! *looks at your name*
oh noez! i lostz! now i gots aidz 4 everz!

you have a lot of spelling to check in your story.
but i can live with that.
Yeah i know. Can't say I like to emphasize spelling...even though im fairly good. most of it is just my shift key not working when i tried to capitalized and me being too lazy to change it
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Re: Peanut's Choice

Post by Jack »

The Game wrote:
Jack wrote:yays! *looks at your name*
oh noez! i lostz! now i gots aidz 4 everz!

you have a lot of spelling to check in your story.
but i can live with that.
Yeah i know. Can't say I like to emphasize spelling...even though im fairly good. most of it is just my shift key not working when i tried to capitalized and me being too lazy to change it
hmm... i know the feeling. laziness. ya.
Jack PFRG - S-10 P-7 E-2 C-8 I-6 A-4 L-5
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Re: Peanut's Choice

Post by The Game »

More is up there!!!!
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Re: Peanut's Choice

Post by Ebly »

Some of your dashes up there have become really page-stretching

It's not like it's a crime or anything, but I'd appreciate it if you deleted some of them to make it fit on the actual page. *giggle*
I was going to make a joke but then I did.
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Re: Peanut's Choice

Post by WolvenPaw15 »

I hate suspense!
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Re: Peanut's Choice

Post by Jack »

are you trying to kill me Game? ARE YOU!?!!!?!
Jack PFRG - S-10 P-7 E-2 C-8 I-6 A-4 L-5
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Re: Peanut's Choice

Post by The Game »

Ebly wrote:Some of your dashes up there have become really page-stretching

It's not like it's a crime or anything, but I'd appreciate it if you deleted some of them to make it fit on the actual page. *giggle*
I've been meaning to delete some, but I always forget....
Is it better now?
Jack wrote:are you trying to kill me Game? ARE YOU!?!!!?!
And no Jacky, I'm not trying to kill you..or trying hard at least. :lol: jk
Last edited by The Game on Mon Jan 25, 2010 6:38 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Peanut's Choice

Post by Ebly »

The Game wrote:
Ebly wrote:Some of your dashes up there have become really page-stretching

It's not like it's a crime or anything, but I'd appreciate it if you deleted some of them to make it fit on the actual page. *giggle*
I've been meaning to delete some, but I always forget....
Is it better now?
Yep! Thank you very much.
I was going to make a joke but then I did.
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