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NerdOffice - Nerd Culture

Posted: Wed Nov 14, 2012 9:51 pm
by Mctwisp
The NerdOffice is a program of diversity in the world nerd. News, movie trailers, commented, travel, history, major interests and about Alottoni Azaghal's day-to-day.

Alottoni and Azaghal are the presenters of the channel and Gaveta(Drawer) is the boss editor of the shows.

Unfortunately, there a few episodes which have english subtitle.

NerdOffice - Catchy Phrases, Diablo and Assisi

NerdOffice - Avengers, Mercenaries and Gaveta on Face!

NerdOffice - Agencies Tours, CASTLE Tours

NerdOffice - Credit, Cinque Terre and a Curved Tower

NerdOffice - Spoilers Classic Zone: The Blob