Page 18 of 64


Posted: Thu Dec 01, 2011 11:08 am
by angelusbr
great chapter


Posted: Thu Dec 01, 2011 1:18 pm
by Seth
I need to make some time to get caught up, its been like 2 days and I'm already 3 updates behind.


Posted: Fri Dec 02, 2011 2:11 am
by valerio
Episode 14 – The Enemy Within

Foster House, Babylon Gardens

Martin Foster had a problem.
A really big one. In a way, even worse than what he had to face so far.
If, in a way, he could be seen as an idealist for his rigorous dedication to help the less lucky animals, on the other hand he was realist enough to know that the sentient creatures that shared the planet with the humans were not Disneyesque entities. Some may be and were lethal.
Yet, despite a recent bad experience, on one thing Martin was ready to bet his soul on.
And now he was hearing the whisper of the netherworld claiming its prize.
Question was: what could he do?
Martin examined the two figures sitting in front of his couch. “Light, forgive me for asking: are you absolutely sure of what you just said?”
The white wolf nodded solemnly. No words were needed.
Martin felt his guts knotting. If the report was true, PETA had accomplices…within the Babylon Gardens Police Force.
Canine accomplices.
Talk about oxymorons! How could a pet, even worse a cop dog work for those crooks?! Every furball raised within domestic walls knew what happened to those unfortunate who ended up in those fanatics’ hands: they got ‘set free’, truned into ferals, abandoned to hunger, sickness and even death, far from home, from their friends and parents.
Those animals needed some good luck to find their families or to be found before something really bad happened to them.
How was it possible?
Martin stared at his reflex in his glass of cold tea. He wished it was Long Island Tea.
“I have not enough data to go to Kostya. And even if he started an investigation right now, we’d burn our surprise factor. But I can’t work with him not knowing, or I’ll be incriminated for hiding evidence…” Martin drank a sip of tea. “Keith, Light, needless to say, nothing gets out of here. If the infiltrators had somehow reached my staff at the Grove, I’ll know eventually.” He wasn’t boasting. He had littered the Lucky Charm Grove with more cameras and mikes than a room at the Soviet Embassy at the peak of Cold War.
And he had an agreement to divulge to the DA office all useful information he collected in case of criminal investigation.
“I don’t understand their mistake,” Keith commented. “To use an open frequency like that. Anyone could intercept them.”
Martin nodded. “Could be a sign they’re in a panic. At least one of Coppers’ accomplices fears to be discovered.” Martin thought about that. “Perhaps that dog is too close to someone who could do the math…” Martin downed the last of his tea. The ice bomb that hit his gullet gave him some lucidity in that stormy sea of hypotheses. “Light, I need you to go to Joey Parker. He needs to find Spo, and he’s got friends in the feral mice community. Perhaps they heard things we need to know.”
Light nodded. By now, every pet knew of the performance of the heroic little mouse during the last crisis.
The wolf stood up and left the room.
“Greyfield,” Martin went on. When he used the surnames it meant business. “You’re officialy on sick leave. Go home, spend your free time with your sister and her dog. Keep a low profile. I’ll take care of the investigation. I’ll try to fix this thing quick and without scandals. The last thing we want is the press telling our K-9 Units are not reliable at all.”
“Will you deliver the culprits to the DA?”
The gaze Martin gave him frightened Keith. And it wasn’t an easy thing to do…
Babylon Gardens Police Precinct

For what concerned him, Officer Fido Byron was puzzled.
Joel Foster had come, punctual as always, to sign the registry, as the DA had asked as part of the probation agreement.
After putting the pen back on the book, Joel looked at the police dog with a strange expression. Joel looked sad, like a child wanting desperately to pet the nice doggie, while his father admonished him not to try to…
Joel made as if holding out his hand to pet the dog’s head, but retracted it at the last moment.
Fido had a problem connecting this person to the same guy who had been an accomplice in the kidnapping of Fox. Perhaps, he had repented, after all…
Joel sighed. “Officer, I… I’m sorry for lashing at you, that day. You’re a good dog.” He turned and waved at him. “See you in twelve hours.” He went for the door.
At the last moment, Fido walked to him. And, despite what regulations said, he gave a hug to the human. Without saying a word, just telling him with his body that there was a chance, that law wasn’t just punishment, after all.
Joel didn’t return the gesture, but his voice trembled when he whispered, “Thank you,”.
When the man had left, Kevin said, “You surely can pick up the weird ones, eh?”
Fido shook his head. “You know, I remember perfectly the kind of man he was when we got him. This guy is different, better in a way. So no, you can’t tackle him.”
The Doberman’s ears lowered. “Aw.”

Joel went into the shelter’s car. He wasn’t still allowed to own one. Luckily, he had his rich brother to take care for those details.
He inserted the ignition key, made as if turning it…and stopped before turning it.
Then he let go of the key and relaxed against the seat. “Could a guy’s life get more complicated than this?” He had stopped thinking about the nothing that his existence had been between his last day as King and being back to human. Or, rather, every time he tried to focus on that, his mind refused to indulge on that train of thoughts, as if a safety switch prevented him to contemplate the…what? The Great Unknown? The Cosmic Cemsor?
He knew he should be glad to be back in his furless shell, but he knew this was a sort of farce: ol’ Pete could decide to get rid of him if he didn’t play the good puppet. And this time he wouldn’t get another canine body. He’d get limbo.
“Are you talking to me?” said a voice behind him. Joel had a heart attack. He jumped so hard, he bumped his head against the roof. “Owie!”
Joel looked in the rearview mirror. “You? How did you get in here?”
“I was waiting for you here at the station,” King said. “And I still remember how to pick locks. Long time no see, self.”
It was a surreal situation: it was the first time the man looked at his dog incarnation, knowing that every memory and experience he had lived resided in that fuzzy small body. While he was a human soul in a fake human body. Karma at its best!
Or, Pete’s best sense of humor.
“What can I do for you?” Joel said, eventually. “I remember there was a sort of no-crossing border between us. And I respected it so far. Why can’t I-you do so?”
King crawled his way to the passenger seat, and from there to the pet seat. “Because I never got to do this,” he said, laying then a finger on Joel’s arm. Under the man’s puzzled eyes, he retracted it. “Hm, funny: in the movies, we’re supposed to merge in a flash of light, then fight for the possession of our true body. Or something like that.”
Joel found it creepy hearing that creature mirror his way of thinking and talking. “Do you need something?”
“Just an amiable chat in the Marvel style. Look, we know each other better than anyone else. You know I do not want to be a human ever again. But what can I say about you? Can I trust you to become a better person?”
“Buckle up,” Joel said, turning on the car. Once King had obeyed, he started. “If you say you know me so good, what do you think?”
“I think you’re trying to cope.”
Joel wished he had something to drink. “Soul smart. That’s why I never tried to contact you: I don’t need a reminder. Just leave me alone. Please.”
King grinned like an imp. “Now, come on! I get to torment the ghost of my Christmas Past, how could I miss it?”
Joel serrated the wheel as if he wanted to strangle it. “I should say that I hate you, but I fear that would bring me straight to the nuthouse.”
“So, I take it you’re going to be a good boy for real?”
Joel rolled his eyes. “I’m not gonna hurt an animal anymore, alright? And I’m gonna enjoy my life with my very human brother, OK?”
He drove in silence for a while, before Joel muttered, “I can’t believe it.”
“What, self?”
Joel grumbled like a hungry dinosaur. “I can understand staying a dog: an easy way out of responsibilities, but…a dog girlfriend? I mean, yuck!”
King felt like blushing. “Hold your horses: as an item, Bailey and I are still at base one, and we’re happy with that. Second, I have a life. I have friends, a family. And a lovelife. All things you never had and you still don’t have. And they didn’t come at once. I worked to improve myself, while I’ll bet your concept of ‘attraction’ is still limited to biochemistry!” King scoffed. “Sheesh, I can’t believe I used to be like you. You know? I’m happy we had this chat: if I had any doubt about my choice, they are definitely gone.”
Joel curved against the wheel. “Glad to be of service.”
Sandwich House

Grape Jelly wanted to die.
Every new day got her closer to the moment she’d be mother in all respect. That made her happy and proud.
Of course, Dr. Stanwick had warned about the…physical setback.
Knowing about them and live them, though, weren’t exactly the same thing. No warning or handbook mattered, when you started swelling like the full moon. Nothing could prepare you to the sickness, the weight pinning you dow.
Grape, like any other animal, could get on all fours to adjust her ‘payload’ and save herself the back pains. But it felt so much like regressing to a…primitive beast. It was humiliating!
Although nothing was humiliating like the square box waiting for her in a corner of the bathroom, near the toilette. “The sandbox?!” Grape wanted to dig herself a hole down to Earth’s core and hide herself forever in it. “Mo-oom! I stopped using that when I was six months old!
Although Jill Sandwich was handling well the physical aspect of her pregnancy, she had recently started manifesting those hormonal up-and-downs that, in the worst cases, made her more dangerous than Tisiphone herself.
Yet, when the woman looked at her waiting daughter, all tension seemed to melt away. One gaze, and she would smile like the happiest woman on the whole world.
Jill sat down on the stool and helt out her arm to pet Grape’s head. “Love, what did the doctor say about physical efforts?”
Grape’s eyes fell down together with her gaze. “Must avoid them as the pregnancy progresses.”
Jill nodded. “Take it from a bipedal, girl: doing your business will become a torture. The sandbox allows you to stay on all fours. You’re darned lucky: in this stupid male world, no one thought of bathroom for waiting women.” For a moment, the Fury emerged in her voice, then she relaxed again. Her hands felt the small protuberances swelling along her belly. “But believe me, all troubles, all the sacrifices, you’ll forget everything when your kittens will nurse to you. And you’ll feel like wanting more.”
Grape purred. “I’ll use the sandbox, promise.”
Jill nodded. She was now turning a nice shade of green. “That’s great. Now forgive me, Mom really needs to get rid of her breakfast.”
Grape ran out the bathroom and closed the door just in time.
Masterson House

Janet’s satphone buzzed.
She took it and looked at the screen: it read CONFIDENTIAL. A cursor was flashing in the password bar under that word.
The black-dressed woman quickly inserted the password, then the screen read SECURE SATCHANNEL OPEN. She brought the device to her ear. “Masterson.” Of course she knew who was calling.
Martin’s voice recapped the situation of the PETA infiltrators. “When Joel testified, he said that they used fake adoptions to ‘release’ the animals in the wild once again. If that is the case, the infiltrators have a contact at animal control, to advise him about the best candidates for release. Start looking from there. If we’re lucky, the guy is the owner of one of the infiltrators: this operation requires a strong discipline, a bond as only a team can have. No police dog would do that without being absolutely convinced that he’s doing the right thing.”
Janet traced her finger on the table. “Are you sure? Perhaps we’re dealing with an idiot dog. Certain qualities are not our copyright.”
“I will not say that pets are like children with a strong dependency on us, but of one thing we’re sure: they hate to be abandoned, just like any human would hate to lose everything he holds dear.”
“Touché. Then we could be dealing with a feral, hm?”
The voice on the other end paused. Janet could almost see the wheels in her friend’s head whirring.
“You’re right,” Martin said. “A former feral, one who could actually believe the free life beats being domesticated. Good call, look for such a dog. Call me when you hit jackpot.”
Janet turned off the phone. “This is going to be interesting.”


Posted: Fri Dec 02, 2011 6:26 am
by RandomGeekNamedBrent
Okay, so I've still got a ways to go before I'm caught up (I just finished part 2 of Crossover) But I just have to say: Yours is the only fic that can drive me to stay up until 6:15 AM when I have to wake up at 8:30.

EDIT: and I'm here now. almost there.


Posted: Fri Dec 02, 2011 6:46 am
by valerio
RandomGeekNamedBrent wrote:Okay, so I've still got a ways to go before I'm caught up (I just finished part 2 of Crossover) But I just have to say: Yours is the only fic that can drive me to stay up until 6:15 AM when I have to wake up at 8:30.
My colleague at office is asking me why I'm smiling like a crazy fox. :D
Thank you and thank you all folks. Unfortunately for you, I've got MUCH more planned... *laughs maniacally*


Posted: Fri Dec 02, 2011 8:16 am
by Renkun
yes i can say what i want but that her to reading is much better than movies or any stupid thing.

If you make more updates in the late at nights i never find more time to sleep only maybe for the monitor :lol:


Posted: Fri Dec 02, 2011 9:12 am
by angelusbr
Why do i think of Inception when i see Joel and King next to each other. XD


Posted: Fri Dec 02, 2011 9:16 am
by valerio
Masterson House, Babylon Gardens

“How long since last you hacked into the Police’ personnel database? I ask because, you know, I’d hate to spend the rest of my life in a pound.” Despite the words, the Doberman Ivan ‘Danko’ was drinking quietly from his glass of milk and fruit juice. He sat beside his partner, Janet, an ex-cop that had lost her career and job due to her excessive dedication against pet abusers.
“You know I did worse, boy,” she said without keeping her eyes off the screen. Her fingers flew on the keyboard. “Remember when I hacked the FBI to solve that Pet Fight Club problem?”
“They got us, in fact. They just decided they didn’t want a scandal and let us go with a not so friendly warning.” He drank again. “Heck, I can’t believe any cop dog could be a PETA accomplice. I know almost every single operative, I helped training them. I could bet what remains of my tail on their reputation.”
Janet chuckled. “Not much to bet then, sweetie. Anyway, I think that something happened between their recruitment in the force and their service. Something that caused such a trauma to shake their dedication. Deeply.”
Danko frowned. “So, about Martin’s hypotheses..?”
Janet shook her head. Clickclickclickclic... “Didn’t want to start an argument. He’s a good guy, but he doesn’t have any experience firsthand at the Academy.” She was right on that: she had worked as instructor herself, there. Every single dog formed at the Academy was a motivated one. Too many tests, too much training –no, one couldn’t simulate all the way through the diploma. You were the best, or you were out, plain and simple.
And when a dog left for the police, he was assigned to an equally motivated human. Janet had been expelled from the force because she had been a bit too rough on a guy guilty of beating his cat…
The idea hit her all of a sudden! And what if..?
Janet started looking for a particular name –okay, it was a desperate attempt, but if she was right…
And there it was. Every data she needed, a perfect fit with the model she had theorized.
“Looks promising,” Danko said.
She looked almost seraphic. “I love you karma.”
Sandwich House

“They moved!” Peanut said.
The dog was keeping his ear glued to Grape’s belly, his tongue tip sticking out while he focused to listen to his offspring’s activity. “Hmm, bet this is Dayshaun.”
Layin on her back, Grape petted her dog’s head. “And how can you tell, daddy Peanut?”
Without moving his head, he said, “Easy: he’s the more impatient, he moves around a lot. Tarot is the nocturnal type, she loves moonlight.”
Grape had to agree on that: her daughter surely had some link with the white orb. Every time there was a full moon, Grape felt her stirring.
Her daughter.
Grape had a vague memory of her own mother. She remembered the smell of cardboard and paper, mixed to her fur. And then the strange smells coming from the world her blind eyes could not yet see.
Her mommy was her world, and she didn’t remember her. She had lost her to a car accident, one of those events humans barely gave notice. It was only a feral, right? Poor thing.
But Grape’s litter wouldn’t be born in an old box, in a dirty corner of an alley. They would smell home, a safe place, and they would never, ever be separated from their mommy…
“Grape, why are you crying?”
She wiped her eyes. “Only thinking of how much I am lucky, silly mutt. *sigh* how can you look at me like that? I look like a watermelon, I feel like a watermelon.”
Peanut helped her sit up, then positioned himself behind her so to hug her and pet her belly. “You’re so pretty, I’d like to sculpt a monument for you… Ohh, they’re moving again! Looks like there’s some jealous kittens here.”
They knocked at the door.
“Come in, Mom,” both pets said.
“Snuggles for a poor jealous grandmommy, please,” Jill said with a mock trembling, raucous voice. When she sat down, it was Grape who sniffed at her mom’s belly.
“My boy,” the woman said to the life growing inside her, “You will have the most wonderful uncle and aunt in the whole world. They will be there to watch over you, and you will have so many playmates and you’ll never get bored.”
Grape believed her, believed every single word. The times in which just the mention of a baby would scare the fur off her were gone. She couldn’t wait to see him playing with her kittens! “You and Dad chose the names?”
Jill and Earl got to name each a kitten. The woman rolled her eyes. “Heavens help us! Earl must have spent whole nights writing down the list. When he got to ‘Peanut Brittle’, I promised I’d get a divorce and would run away with you.”
Parker House

Joey shook his head. “Sorry, Light, but I really don’t know how to help you. I can spread the word, but almost every feral mouse left the community in favor of the wild and the shelter’s leftovers, and Squeak and Spo spend their time with them. And they haven’t invented mouse-sized cells, so… I’m really sorry.”
“Joooeeey? He’s still out there?” came the voice from the doghouse. “C’mon, don’t you want to see me in this cute dog suit?”
Light just raised an eyebrow.
Joey blushed and wiggled his fingers at the wolf, grinning. “Oh! Hehehehe! You know, for the Christmas party, charity and stuff. See ya!” And he disappeared inside.
At that moment, Light’s phone buzzed. He put the auricular to his ear and listened. At the end of the communication, he just said, “Got it. Over.” Then he smiled.
This was going to be interesting. And amusing.
Ramona Tristan, Martin’s personal assistant, lifted her head from the PC screen. “Ma’am?”
“Please, call me Evelyn. Only my pupils would go formal. Today, it makes me feel old.”
Ramona was a plump Hispanic woman, with bronze skin and solid muscles that one could mistake for fat. Her parents had spent themselves poor to send her to college, and yet she had ended up cleaning hotel rooms.
It had been during her shift that she had found the ad from the shelter’s asking for a qualified secretary. Ramona didn’t have experience, but she was single, in dire need of money, loved animals as much as Mr. Foster did, and knew her law. Martin had liked her immediately, and after visiting the new shelter she had decided she’d kill for him.
“Ramona, when do I find Mr. Foster?” Since he had given up the role of Director in favor of Miss Sunman, to stay more with his family, he was at the shelter only in the morning hours of workdays.
The woman had a nice smile filled with pearl-white teeth. They had earned her some money for a toothpaste spot, though her acting career had not improved since then. “Ah, he said there was this emergency family matter at home, he really sounded nervous. He also said he didn’t want to be called…” she read through a note, “’except in case of WWIII.’ Pretty unusual, I’d say. Can I help you?” Her eyes went to the thick manila envelope the elder woman was holding in her hands.
Evelyn hesitated, then handed the envelope to the secretary. “Just put this over his desk. It is very important, Ramona.”
Ramona took it. “I’m sure Mr. Foster treats everything from your part with the utmost importance, don’t worry.”
Evelyn left the room mumbling her thanks.
Funny, it was the first time she saw that dear old woman so edgy. Who knew why?
“One word and you die,” Joel said. “Just one word, mutt, remember.” Why had he asked himself if things could go worse, why? By now he should know better, since there are powers, out there, that are listening.
King would not speak a word even if his life had been at stake.
This was simply too fun to watch.
He had actually forgotten there would be a high time fringe benefit for staying a dog.
Like Joel, Martin felt as enthusiast as a man walking toward execution. For a fleeting moment, he asked himself if a jury would pardon him on self-defense.
Therefore I killed, Your Honor!
“So, boys, is that the welcome a poor old lady deserves, after coming all the way to help you out?”
The ‘poor old lady’ looked like one of those 40 years model with a make-up to make them look sixty and healthy, while they recited in those spots that promoted third age as carefree lifestyle on exotic beaches.
The problem with the woman standing on the threshold of Foster house was that she was a 60ish years old retired who lived as if she hadn’t a care in the world. She wore a white suit, kept her auburn hair long to the shoulder, and the only wrinkles on her face were those near her eyes –the ‘happy’ wrinkles. Her smile was dazzling. One could reflect himself in those teeth.
“Not even a hug to your old grandmother?” the woman said, before squeezing the two brothers. Behind her, there was a worrisome amount of baggage. Enough to make one think Lady GaGa had come to town.
And when Eunice Jewel Robinson moved with her wardrobe, it meant she was there to stay.
“Welcome home, ma’am,” King said, holding out his paw, keeping a formal smile on, enjoying every moment like a true sadist. Joel tried to burn him with his mind. “My name is King, I’m just here to meet Uncle Martin’s pets, will be leaving soon.”
The woman sniffed at the air. It was hard to miss the combined scent of five animals living under that roof. She shook her head in disapproval. “My, you two are still into animals! I hoped you knew better by now, especially you, Joel, after what those horrid beasts did to you… But it doesn’t matter! I have neglected you children long enough, time to live as civilized beings!” She stepped inside.
<Peeete..!> Joel thought.
<Not my doing,> came the griffin’s amused mindvoice. <Though I wish I had thought of that. At least, one of you seems to enjoy this development.>
Joel looked at King. King wiggled his fingers at him.
Jameson House

Darkness had enveloped the sky over Babylon Gardens, when the German Shepherd Ralph walked back home.
Just another day in the life. No immediate threats, the case for the Aztec Gold was solved and the jaguar ghost was gone. Sabrina must be celebrating with Fido by now, and Fido’s career was back on tracks. Ralph would commend the boy for a promotion soon: it was time Fido ran his own Unit.
Note to self: go visit Mizar, tomorrow.
Ralph felt thrilled and ashamed at that thought. Normally, he wouldn’t spend hours thinking to his offspring –he had donated other times, but he had his career to think about, he had worked hard to get to his position. A long-term relationship wouldn’t do for him.
Yet, with Mizar it was different. She was a real think of beauty, strong, independent. He was actually curious to know how her pups would look like and be. Perhaps Terrance was right, they’d make fine police dogs if they took even from one pare*oomph!*
Ralph’s fantasies came to a halt when he hurt a wall…made of muscle and fur! “Oh, sorry, friend, I was—Oh.” He found himself staring at a pair of penetrating green eyes. “Light. I wasn’t expecting you. Is there something I could do for you?”
The white wolf nodded. “Yes, you could.” He gave Ralph a folded piece of paper. “I’d like to know why a good officer such as you works for these people. But I think we should discuss about that in private. Perhaps you’ll persuade me not to kill you.”
There was only one word printed on the paper.


Posted: Fri Dec 02, 2011 9:40 am
by angelusbr
PETA strickes back.
*waits and see PETA destroy itself while eating diet popcorn (yes, it exists)*


Posted: Fri Dec 02, 2011 12:23 pm
by Renkun
Blanche or one from the another bigglesworth cats in a dog suit ok....
But that's is equally strange how joey in his cat suit but i like the idea. 8-)

The first time i have thinking that's the cat troop make a bad prank over joey and his affectation for cats.
let's hope that's she not breaking joeys poor heart he is to good for that a little weird but nobody is perfekt.


Posted: Fri Dec 02, 2011 12:30 pm
by Daggy
A fantastic two chapters. Interaction between King and his former self is...rather amusing and fascinating. I like.


Posted: Fri Dec 02, 2011 3:55 pm
by valerio
Sandwich House, Babylon Gardens

Grape examined the new jingly mouse, all wrapped up in a glossy red ribbon. “How much could that cost?” she asked, handing the toy to Peanut.
“Hmm, twenty dollars, no less,” Peanuts said after a brief examination. “Very pretty.”
“You can keep it then. I know you would anyway, right? Not to mention I won’t teach our kitten to learn to hunt a prey with your scent on it.”
Peanut blushed. “I promise not to touch it. Here.” He put the gift in their share of the huge pile of gifts Grape, Mizar and Sasha had received for the litter shower. Santa, Valentine and Saint Anthony had tag-teamed. “So Mom will save on their first present.”
The gifts had been gladly bought by the members of the neighborhood’s three main pet clubs. It would be an exciting Christmas, since there would be eight new lives born at the same time. Plus, they got to live with their family! A sign of good luck for the new year, if there was one.
Alcor threw Peanut a puzzled look. “You…played with her jingly mouse?”
Peanut felt as if he could light a cigarette with his cheeks. “Uhh, I used to…collect some…stuff.” He clicked his claws. “Don’t do it anymore, tho.”
“You can say that again, smart guy,” Grape said, nudging him. “Now all my stuff is in our room.”
“Aw, that’s so sweet,” Sasha said, lifting her eyes from the sheet music she had been given for her Peanut piano. “I kept some tuft of Bino’s fur, that he lost after making Fox angry again.” She wagged. “And what about you, Peanutty? Did you keep some tufts of Grape?”
“Errr…” Peanut squirming told enough.
Grape caressed his neck. “Yes he did that too. Poor dear, by then, before the farm, I wasn’t returning his affection and he coped how he could.”
“And you hadn’t understood he was in love with you?” Mizar asked.
Grape nodded, still looking at her dog, still scratching his head. “I guess I knew he had a crush big time. I realized after seeing his special photo for the first time.”
“Graaape!” Peanut almost jumped out of his fur. “You promised you wouldn’t tell!”
Too late: Mizar and Sasha were staring at the cat with blazing grins and sparkling blue and pink eyes. “Special photo?” they asked together.
The cat hugged the still whimpering dog. “When Fido came back from the Academy, we accidentally caught him and Sabrina kissing, and Peanut had snapped a picture.
“Later, he had it recolored with gel pens so to match their fur colors with ours. He kept it hidden under his mattress, until…well, we came out. And after that he ripped it, being there no sense in keeping it now that we were an item. Poor dear, until the end he had feared that would be the only thing he could have of us.” She was trying to kept an amused tone, but hormones kicked in. Grape fell into a depression spiral. It was like getting drunk on soda, but without the fun part. “Poor, poor Nutty. So sorry for keeping you waiting all that time.” Then she started bawling.
Peanut wanted to console her, but suddenly she yowled at the top of her lungs, “And Sasha has not Bino by her side!!” The glass trembled. In the distance, a coyote howled in response. “Stupid crazy mutt! How can he leave her all alone to go that Academy?! Peanut is my hero, and you come here, dizzy! You both need love!”
Both dogs found themselves wrapped in a furry vise. Looking at them, Alcor was glad his beloved dog wasn’t a hormonic girl. He opened another gift. “Ohh, Cashmere yarn.”
Grape let Peanut go. The poor dog was half in a coma. “*sniffle* Gimme, that’s mine. Or I’ll hang you with your own tail, so there. You wouldn’t make a lady stay without her ball of yarn, would you?” and she bawled again.
“It’s in moments like this that I wish Max would recover from his cold,” Peanut said, massaging his neck.”
Costner House

“I want to die! Let me die, cruel world!”
A certain black cat was laying in his bed, wrapped in two layers of thick blanket as if he was the filling of an enormous spring roll. An ice bag was laying on his brow. An empty cup of broth lay on the table, together with a dusting of bread crumbs.
Max could stand being sick, especially now that Bino was away: he got all the cuddles from Dad and nice food. But that was before Grape: not only he missed her company, but he didn’t even dare to phone her, for fear of transmitting something nasty to her! Martin, Earl and Ryan had promised the eternal sufferance in the death pits of Rath if someone threatened their girls’ health.
Luckily, the Lord had invented Skype to the benefit of the tormented souls. Max stared at the tablet with all the anguish a sick cat could muster. “My friend, let us forget what divided us in the past. Please come to me and have mercy on me: finish me with a last, honorable blow. You owe me this last sign of respect!”
On the screen, Marvin looked as if he was ready to commit a desperate gesture himself. Even his purple eyes looked paler. “Had I the strength to do that, Max, I’d answer to your call right now. At least I’d end up in the shelter: a good deal for getting rid of my patient—“ Then a shrill howl filled the communication and caused the image to blur.
“MAAAARRRVIIINNN!! Where is my pizza?!?
Max didn’t even have to ask, His headache had just worsened because of that call.
Marvin sighed with resignation. “I think he’s the only dog in the world who gets stronger with sicknesses. Also, his pizza consume ratio has grown alarmingly. Last time the pizza boy came, he was wearing a cap reading ‘Go Team Tiger’. Now I go try to kill him. See ya later.” The connection went dead.
Maxwell grunted and stared at the ceiling. *sigh* he wanted his nurse kitty!
Then he remembered something.
Or rather, someone. He started skyping a phone number. Silly tomcat, why waste yourself over a lost cause, when you have such a winner handy?
When he got the connection, he was greeted by a sweet vision. “Hello, Allegra. I’m so sick and alone. I need a nurse or I’ll wither like an old autumn leaf.”
Allegra looked troubled at the sight of her friend. “Oh, poor Maxie! I will be there in a minute. I have just what it takes to cure you!” The line went dead a moment later.
Max felt already better.
Foster House

“Is this the guestroom?” Eunece Jewel Robinson asked. “Well, at least it’s tidy and neat. I must say, nephews, I feared to find pawprints and layers of fur everywhere at least, instead you two know how to surprise a guest.”
Martin and Joel were still trying to recover from the Dantesque punishment of carrying her baggage upstairs. After they had laid down the last valise, they had made a promise to each other with their eyes: to burn the hag on the pyre of her stuff if she asked them to place it in the room.
“It is, grandmother,” Martin said.
“Isn’t the bed too big? Or do you plan to rent your room for some…meetings?”
Martin’s eyes flashed. “The bed is designed to host at least two adults and four pets, much like mine. Joel was using it, but he’ll sleep with me.” His voice made it clear that Joel would have to adapt himself to much fur in his next nights.
Animals slept here?” Eunece said. She sounded as if she had just been told that the Devil had it most romantic meetings in that room. The woman turned to the Gardens’ richest human. “Young man, buy another bed right now, am I clear?!”
Martin showed the first smile of that dreadful day. Usually, that smile preluded to big troubles, as Mac could testify. But, instead of slugging his relative, the man said, “You are always free to go to the nearest hotel. Tab’s on me. Oh, and please do not expect the manager to expel any animal on your account: in case you hadn’t noticed, this is a pet-friendly community: meaning that there is at least one for each single house you’ll see. They are allowed everywhere, from private homes to diners. If you don’t like them, too bad. If you try to keep my children out of the house, you get out.” Then his expression changed to a somber mode that would have scared an orc. “If you hurt them, do not worry of what you’ll be eating: you’ll be needing a tube. My house, my rules.” And back was the smile. “Any question, dear grandmother?”
Her face turned lemon-sour. “One would imagine you’d be a better man, what with all that money you have, and here you are, threatening your kin! And calling those pests ‘children’…” Then she laid a fingers against his chest. “Well, grandson, just remember: you kick me out, I’ll have all media know what kind of…man you really are!”
In response, Martin started to roll up his left sleeve. “Do you know what kind of man I am, to the media?” When he was finished, he showed a single scar encompassing the arm just over the elbow. “I am the kind of man who can stick his arm down the throat of an assassin feral and crush his windpipe. The media love me, and in this community you’ll have problem walking around if you open your mouth in regard of pet matters. So, please, do me a favor and call the media. Oh, and by the way, whose husband you drained the bank account? Knowing you, you should be at number 10. I ask because the media will love to know this particular about your irreprehensible life. And would you like also to talk about how you abandoned your daughter when your first husband was arrested for fraud?”
The woman fell silent, but her eyes still spoke pure hatred. She at on the bed, cautiously, as if expecting a mine to go off at any moment. “My husband, William, left me and took all the money I had saved with him. I am penniless, Martin. I spent my last money to come here and ask for your help. You won’t dare to send an old woman on the street.”
Martin decided he’d run a thorough check on her, just to stay on the safe side. “Say it.”
She flushed. “You won’t dare, Martin Judah Foster!”
Martin grinned. “Consider it a first installment for choosing my middle name. Say it.”
The woman drew in a deep breath. “Please, grandson, help me. I need you”
Martin nodded. “You learn quick, good. When my children are back, you’ll meet them. Oh, and one of them has a girldfriend. She’s rather..unique. So please, don’t scream when you see her. Can I get you anything to eat? Your usual Dagwood?”
“That will be fine. Thank you.”
“Well?” Light asked. His tone and expression suggested he wouldn’t have accepted less than the truth.
The wolf and the German shepherd Ralph walked down the street like a couple of old pals, in no hurry, their gestures denoting relax, not tension.
But Light had no reason to feel tense. Ralph may be trained at the Academy, but Light was trained in the wild first, and then by a professional soldier. If he didn’t get a rational and valid explanation about why a decorated officer of the K-9 Unit was a PETA infiltrator, he’d tear him apart. Period.
Ralph knew he had a gun pointed at his head. He could even try to run for it, but to what use, now? “Fine, I’ll tell. No lies. Just one thing, though. Please.”
“Go ahead.”
“If Mr. Greyfield knows, Mr. Foster knows. And I know Ms. Masterson, she got the talent to hack into our database, she ran a course at the Academy. Who else knows?”
“The humans in the list. And Sergeant Danko. Martin does want to keep this as hush-hush as possible, no public scandals.”
“I see. How did you get to me?”
“You were intercepted while talking with an accomplice on an open frequency. Very careless. I gave Janet the frequency ID, she got to your transmitting unit.”
Ralph nodded. “I knew that Zeke had made a mistake. With Coppers gone, he’s become nervous.”
“He’s got reason to. You seem cool about it.”
Ralph allowed himself an amused grin. “Perhaps because, my dear CSI emulators, you got the chance to waste your time with the wrong dog.”
Light stood silent.
“I’m still the good guy, here. I’m working as undercover agent for the DA for months now. And you are this close to ruining it all.”


Posted: Fri Dec 02, 2011 6:37 pm
by Wanderer
:shock: Wow I wonder how I will ever be able to read all of this.


Posted: Fri Dec 02, 2011 7:19 pm
by Daggy
Them twists. Cute.
Wanderer wrote::shock: Wow I wonder how I will ever be able to read all of this.
With lots and lots of free time. :3


Posted: Fri Dec 02, 2011 7:40 pm
by angelusbr
Great chapter.


Posted: Fri Dec 02, 2011 11:35 pm
by valerio
Wanderer wrote::shock: Wow I wonder how I will ever be able to read all of this.
"A long read starts with the first episode" :mrgreen:


Posted: Sat Dec 03, 2011 3:45 am
by Renkun
Wanderer wrote::shock: Wow I wonder how I will ever be able to read all of this.
A big pot coffee or something and when you have first reading 4 episodes is going faster and faster :mrgreen:


Posted: Sat Dec 03, 2011 3:53 am
by RandomGeekNamedBrent
also, a bit of warning: you may reach a point where you get discouraged and don't read for a while. I did. but that means you'll have even farther to go when you start again.

EDIT: Now I'm here.


Posted: Sat Dec 03, 2011 7:12 am
by Wolfy
Yay ralph really is a good guy, that's a relief since I liked ralph. Lucky and Felix??? well I definatly was not expecting that to happen but that is very sweet. Hahaha Bino may be in for a bit of a shock when he hears that news. Well done for suprising me I give you a round of applause :P


Posted: Sat Dec 03, 2011 7:24 am
by valerio
Thank you, thank you very grazie! :mrgreen:


Posted: Sat Dec 03, 2011 8:54 am
by angelusbr
great chapter


Posted: Sat Dec 03, 2011 11:42 am
by Renkun
you surprise us more and more but we should say everyone for your excellent work here, thank you for so many hours of reading fun ;)


Posted: Sat Dec 03, 2011 4:14 pm
by angelusbr
dramatic music to match this great chapter.


Posted: Sat Dec 03, 2011 4:49 pm
by kavviyenta
Yeah, Bino was hoping King and Fox's relationship weren't what he thought they might be which isn't, and then an actual one came up in the form of cat and dog. cue certain pinball noise.

More dalmatians in the police unit. I know Rick avoided introducing dogs from the fire department. More importantly, the season's conflict is beginning to rise. oh my!


Posted: Sat Dec 03, 2011 7:56 pm
by musclecar326
You my sir are the best writer i know that does not publish their works into a book. I dare say this, You put out more chapters, more details, drama, action, happiness, and surprises than Rick Griffin does in a week. (Sorry Rick if you read this but it is true.)

Awesome updates man, when Joey went "oh.... Oh" it took me almost 2 minutes just to figure out what happened. OMG :o the Dalmatians are working for someone else that is more powerful :twisted: this is not going to turn out very well. Lets just hope that Mizar, Sasha, and Grape aren't hurt at all. Bino is going to have to either dig his own grave or be put in jail for the amount of trouble he will stir up once he gets back home. I am trying to wait patiently for the next update but it is almost impossible to do so. I bless you for all your updates.


Posted: Sun Dec 04, 2011 5:01 am
by valerio
Season II
Episode 15 – New Life, Old Grudges

Lindberg House, Babylon Gardens. 6am

When Officer Bill had bought his house, his friends and colleagues believed he’d get a wife. He had bought a big house for a man and his dog, after all.
Few had thought that he had left a family in Kansas, his birth country. And that said family could be needing help.
Unfortunately, twisters didn’t bring you to a magical land where you could live the adventure of your life. No, they razed your house and your life, and all you could do was hope to find another place to stay, and soon, while rebuilding took place.
And so, Angela Lindberg had found refuge by her brother, together with her two children and two of the family dogs, while the rest of the family had moved to a rich cousin’s in Terrace High.
This had involuntarily turned into a blessing for a certain corgi dog, the latest acquisition in Bill’s family.
For the event had brought his first crush. His first love.
It was funny, that since the day he had been transformed against his will, King could actually admit that feeling. After a lifetime of denying it, of barely accepting he’d still feel some…sense of endearment.
Dog, I love this creature, he thought while laying down on the ground, all wrapped by the female husky’s curled up body, in the middle of a doggie pile, with Fox sleeping with his back against Bailey’s, mirroring her pose, and the Australian sheepdog laying on her back, snoring, her head resting against the belly of the slumbering malamute Lucky.
Bill had equipped the cellar with cots, since he had to make room for Angela and her sons, but eventually the guest females’ sleeping habits had prevailed, and the mattress had been moved down on the ground.
King didn’t mind that at all.
There was something else, sleeping like that, and that was the reason he gladly shared Fox’s bed in the husky’s room: this kind of contact made him feel protected. Since the first time he and his best friend had slept together, the corgi had realized he had missed that sense of protection, the presence that would keep his nightmares at bay.
Perhaps that too played a part in his acceptance… That, and the fact that he had at last understood that no matter what he has suffered in the past, it was the present he was living in, now!
But did he really care? Why worry about the ancient magic of love, when there was a more pressing matter?
Bailey would leave. She would go away, in what? Two, three months tops. And King didn’t want to think ‘just another female’, didn’t want her to go!
He sighed -story of his life, he got something good just to see it slip away between his fingers…
Liar. You got a family, you got Lucky and Fox, and Fox is the friend who would do everything but let you go!
King always thought that positive thinking was a bunch of balderdash. Yet he now found himself thinking that things would end up well, that a Christmas miracle would happen, because life couldn’t kick him in the teeth again.
Perhaps I should go with Bailey! Yes, corgis are cattle dogs, I could help her and Jolene. And if there’s a competitor for the job I could tear him apart… He was already seeing himself over a pile of fallen enemies, with the lady of his life clinging to him in a seductive pose, when he heard her voice saying, “Good morning.”
King melted again. He started getting in touch with reality, heard Jolene yawning herself awake, heard Fox stirring and grunting, and soon even Lucky was mumbling his greetings and using his foot to scratch at his ear. Delicious kitchen smells came from under the door. Their guests were used to wake up at ungodly hours, 5am was almost late for them. Angela lamented often, jokingly, that she was getting soft…
“Good morning,” King said, then turned so to peck her chin. How much he wanted a tail to show his appreciation!
Fox rolled and then his head emerged from behind Bailey’s back. He was showing that impish grin. “I’d ask you if you slept well, little buddy, but I know it would be redundant.”
Babylon Gardens Police Precinct

Had Fox asked the same question to Fido and Light, as they went out of the interrogation room, following the two human detectives, the answer would’ve been something unrepeatable. For sure, they didn’t look happy at all.
Chief Horace Norton felt his hopes sinking. Useless ask them how did it go.
Alex Costantin, DA, and Sergeant Budweiser felt equally discomforted.
“We tried them all, save for torture,” one of the detective, a woman, said while filling a plastic cup with water. She drank. “They didn’t even falter. I hope human criminals don’t learn from them.”
“Nothing would help, unless they fear something,” Light said, shaking his head. “And they know no fear.”
“You’re no telepath, mister,” said the second detective, a man. To Alex he said, “You saw him. All he did was sitting there in a corner and look at us working ourselves sick all night to pry even a flinch from those…” he caught himself before saying something offensive to the whole canine category.
“He studied them,” Said Keith Greyfield from the bench. The ex marine and current head of the LCG security staff stood up and went to the special glass. He saw the two dogs looking at him with utter defiance in their eyes. Last time he had seen a pair of mutts like those two guys, it had been during Special Ops in Afghanistan. Light was right: those two would die before talking. “He was a feral for most of his life, understanding body language and attitude makes a difference between life and death. You can trust his judgment.”
“Well, that’s just great.” Costantin growled. Though the I.R. was soundproof, the two dogs grinned as if they had heard him. Light was sure they would make exceptional foes, had they been wolves. “I almost wish it was PETA... Sergeant Budweiser!”
The hound stood on attention. “Sir!”
“When these two lowlife were sent back to the Academy for reeducation, they were under your responsibility, right?”
“That is correct, Sir!”
“And despite your high reputation, they were able to mock you, to mock the entire Academy, to mock the Police and finally be accomplices in the death of dozens of pets. Sergeant Budweiser, wasn’t your responsibility as an instructor officer to know your underlings?”
Bud nodded once. “It is clear I have failed, Sir.” His voice was firm as usual, didn’t shake. Admitting a mistake didn’t mean acting like a scared pup. “This disqualifies me as instructor. I hereby require to be stripped of my rank and be expelled by the K-9 Corps, while better qualified personnel will reexamine every file of my cadets. Sir!”
Costantin knew that was the protocol, in cases like this. Budweiser only wanted to make it clear he knew the full consequences of his mistake in judgment. Alex had worked with fine dogs trained by him -what a way to end a long and brilliant career!
The PA turned to Keith and Light. “Call the shelter, you just got yourselves two new guests. The Court will decide when they will be sent to the City Pound.” Not ‘if’. Given the situation, Zeke and Quincy Jones would be considered completely unfit for adoption. What they had done would put them in the death row. The shelter was for now the only safe place from where they could not escape. “And, Sergeant Budweiser?”
“Chief Norton and I had a chat about this: you won’t be publicly ashamed. Your records are impressive, and I won’t get them down the drain for a single mistake. Officially, you’ll be leaving earlier to attend family matters. Your class will be taken by another instructor. We don’t need to shame you and the Academy.”
“I see, Sir. Thank you Sir.”
The wall phone in Bill’s kitchen rang.
For a moment, everyone present at the large table froze. The pets, as per house rules, were supposed to receive calls from their peers only 8am to 8pm. Bill worked 12-hours shift, and Fox himself would enforce the rule to respect his Dad’s right to rest.
Bill’s colleagues knew they could call him only for an end-of-the-world emergency when he was consuming his domestic morning rites.
Perhaps it was Angela’s family.
Bill went to the phone. Elwood, one of Angela’s sons, sneered at King. “I hope it’s for one of you fleabags,” he whispered. For some reason, he had developed a very Bino-ish attitude toward the corgi. Fortunately, his pranks and teases were very limited –the boy had, simply, too many enemies to deal with. Once he had thrown a balloon filled with paint. King had spent the next three hours at the beauty center to have it washed away. Elwood had spent them at the E.R. recovering from Fox’s and Bailey’s answer to that prank. And after that, he had been grounded for a week by his own mother, while Bill had promised him even more dire consequences if he tried to hurt the dog once again. And of course, Jake, Elwood’s brother, had taunted him during the whole week.
That hadn’t calmed Elwood’s temper at all. Only made him more prudent. And King had decided he’d take his revenge personally. A sitzkrieg had started between them, while boy and corgi studied each other, each ready to wait for the right moment to strike…
“Officer Bill speak—Oh, good morning, Mr. Foster.” Three pairs of ears perked up. King knew Martin, the man wouldn’t call at that hour just to say good morning, and Fox and Lucky knew that too. “Yes, we are all here now, my turn starts in one hour… Hm? Is it that urgent? Couldn’t it wait till tonight? All right, just let me know when you’re going to be here—“ The doorbell rang at that moment. Bill hung up. “And I was even asking…” he muttered, while going for the door.
“He looks upset,” Bailey asked, while chewing a piece of sausage.
“Nah, Dad’s a man of habits, that’s all,” Fox said. “Last time he came here, it was to convince him, and successfully, to adopt Lucky. Uncle Martin has this way with people, a real charmer.”
In the meantime, Bill had opened the door. All five dogs leaned ears and heads to make out the conversation at the threshold. As usual, Bill preferred to wait outside before allowing someone in. A moment later, the two humans walked in. Martin remained in the living room. Bill went to the kitchen. “Sorry to interrupt your meal, folks, but you should really listen to this.”
Bill was smiling.
Sandwich House

“In how many ways could I tell you ‘thank you’?” Jill asked from the couch she was laying on. It was so…frustrating she had to concede to her worsening physical condition. She was an active woman, she was ‘Calamity Jane', rally pilot, for Pete’s sake! Pregnancy problems belonged to other women, not her!
Now she really regretted not hiring a nurse.
“Don’t say it, dear,” Eunice Robinson said. “I was only waiting for the moment I could be useful to someone, and what better than helping an expecting mother?” It was true: living in that animal house that was her grandson’s place was a living nightmare. And even if, in the end, she had to accept that she’d find an animal at every corner of Babylon Gardens, at least taking care of a pregnant human being beat dealing with Martin’s…pack. “At last I got to make my famous vanilla muffins. I’m happy you appreciate them, dear.”
Jill looked at the tray, where only three of those muffins were left. “Who wouldn’t?” It was true what they said about hungry mommies. She and Grape had eaten a boxful worth of them. And Jill had been too busy stuffing herself with muffins to notice the upset look of Eunice when Grape had been offered to share the pastries.
But again, Eunice knew better than trying to incur in these animal-lovers’ wrath. Here, she wouldn’t find friends –heck, even the cops had not less than two animals! One of them had five of them!
Grape was laying on the special cot Dr. Stanwick had given her. Sated, she was purring like a car engine, while Peanut was lavishing her with the sweetest attentions. Looking at her, Jill wondered how that poor kitty could carry such a litter without her belly ripping! She had never seen a pregnant cat so huge. Jill would die for sure, or at least her spine would crush under the weight!
Five kittens. Jill’s mind went numb with joy at the thought. Five mewing little lives that would bring so much more joy to their lives…
The doorbell rang. Peanut’s eyes perked up. “I’ll get it!” He jumped over Grape’s cot, momentarily terrorizing the cat near to miscarriage, and ran to the door.
“I’ll have to have a word with him about that attitude of his,” Grape muttered.
“You should know better than wasting your time, love,” Jill sighed.
Peanut opened the door, finding himself looking at a man in a UPS uniform. “Peanut Butter Sandwich?” He asked to the dog. Beside him there was this box, big as a trunk.
Peanut nodded eagerly, while holding out his paw to take the e-pad and then sign it. “Can you please bring it to the garage, please?”
The man groaned.

When the box had been brought to destination and the courier had left, Peanut took the cutter and opened the box. Once, Dad would have scolded him for using a cutting object without permission, but at the Academy Peanut had learnt to be prudent with certain things, and Dad had to trust the fact he had been taught well.
At that moment, Grape said, “You ordered that? What’s it?”
“Gak!” Peanut dropped the cutter and turned, miserably trying to cover the box with both arms. “Grape! You’re not supposed to look! Go away!”
The cat chuckled. In a way, it was reassuring to see him on the edge, like old times. He had even stopped interrupting her naps in his loud way, and his attitude was growing more mature by the day. He was more than the father of their kittens, he was growing into adulthood. And Grape must admit she missed the big pup sometimes…
Peanut walked to her, gently pushing her away. He was whining. “Sorry sorry sorry, but this something really super extra mega important! I must…work on it, can’t tell you anything.” And he silenced any possible objection with one of his special, long, deep kisses.
Grape felt his fangs touching hers and she melted. In love, Peanut was sweetness embodied, an angel who really knew how to make her feel good!
When they separated, the cat said, “All right, all right, buffy lug. I promise not to peek. But can you give one little spoiler?”
Peanut nodded.
“Is that my Christmas present, perhaps?”
“Yup! I’m sure you’ll love it!”
She rubbed her head against his throat. “Silly, you made me the best there is already. Now go inside, you better be done before Christmas.”
Peanut ran inside and closed the door with the remote. He had talked with Dad, the car would stay outside for the duration of his work.
“This means that now you’re my plaything, now, ma belle,” said a familiar voice behind her.
“Maxie! You’re fine now!” The black cat had been absent due to a pernicious cold. She was really happy to see again her best friend and confidant –though, like everyone else beside her and Martin’s family, Max couldn’t know about the truth of her pregnancy.
“And just in time, I daresay,” he said, looking at her like a lion at the gazelle. “Ma belle, for you I’d heal from a trifle thing as death itself. And now kitty wants to cuddle. A lot.”
Grape, still on all fours, walked back in the house. “I guess you deserve that, alley cat.”
He flashed his familiar grin. “I’ll make sure you’ll forget your hubbie in no time, lady.”
Grape slapped him playfully with her tail. “Dream on.”


Posted: Sun Dec 04, 2011 7:39 am
by angelusbr
Come on king, do the move!


Posted: Sun Dec 04, 2011 12:49 pm
by valerio
Lindberg House

The picture was a Photoshop depiction of a farm. Of sort.
Instead of there being a field covered with acres of edible vegetation, the crops were protected by a series of crystal galleries, each gallery large up to 30 ft and long 100.
Project Evergreen started with the Milton ferrets’ idea of cultivating dressing herbs all year round for their meals (and grow their own cocoa trees),” Martin Foster said, handing the picture to Angela Lindberg, Bill’s sister. The dogs had been asked to be present at the meeting as well, since this concerned their future as well.
“Eventually, I convinced the ferrets that their idea could be applied to create a biological foods market for Babylon Gardens. They have the means to build up the infrastructure, I have the money to be their best customer. The only thing we needed was a competent staff to run the project.” Martin showed more pictures of the structure, once he’d been completed. “I honestly don’t know why they first wanted to make sure there was a staff at all before the place was built, but I stopped trying to understand them. What I know is that they just signed the contract.” From the briefcase, this time he produced a contract. “I proposed your family, Ms. Lindberg, to run the place. Read it carefully. You don’t have to sign now of course, but if you do, you’ll discover the benefits are…quite good. The ferrets love to spend their money, and their pockets are deep. And with me starting the internal market, your income is as sure as the gold in Fort Knox.
“I understand this is not like owning your own land, but this place is unaffected by tornados. Plus, in case of natural disaster, it won’t be you to lose money.”
Angela examined the papers carefully. She liked to know something about law, when it came to her department. Her lifestyle and location didn’t allow for a constant contact with her attorney –not to mention that being prepared helped in striking deals… “I know the Milton…family to be rich enough to take care of the farm, but if I understand it well, its existence depends on our sales not on charity. Right?”
Martin nodded.
“And how much money we’re talking about?”
Martin nodded again. “Between what my shelters will buy for our guests, the pet food market and the human food market…” Martin gave the prospected annual income.
Bill whistled. The dogs tensed up. Angela felt ad if the President of the US of A was giving a speech in her living room. “You’re kidding, right?”
Martin shook his head. “The ferrets and I have a thing in common: we think big. In fact, your staff will be mainly composed by working animals, from the Miltons’ domesticated wolf pack to several guests of my shelter, who will come living to the farm as part of the deal. That will save a lot over staff expenses. And with the proper advertising, it will be easy to convince the Gardenites to buy fresh products straight from the producer, just 20 minutes away from their homes. In the amount I gave to you there is a supply for Terrace High and the Academy as well.” Martin smiled only with his lips. “As I told you, we like to think big. And you will start big.”
Angela and Bill exchanged a glance, while their inner calculators made the sums. With all that money a year, heck, after five years of work they could extinguish the mortgage on the Kansas land and buy the bank! Five more years and they could decide to buy their own land cash front! Their family wouldn’t have a problem in the world…
King had clasped his paws in his lap in a praying gesture. His mind was reciting all the litanies he could conjure. Say yes say yes say yes…
“There are a couple of things, though,” Martin warned them.
Bill and Angela went on suspicion mode.
King felt his heart sinking. Fox felt his stomach knotting. Martin, do not dare, not now!
Lucky Charm Grove for the Abandoned and the Ferals. Two hours before.

Evelyn Sunman lifted her eyes from the book she was reading, when she heard the knock at the door. “Come in,” she said, putting off her glasses. She had sold her old apartment in the city. Now that she could dedicate all the time she wanted to the shelter, especially now that it was no longer the lager it used to be, she had no reason to waste her energies going to and fro the concrete jungle.
“I knew I’d find you awake,” Martin said, opening the door.
Evelyn smiled. “Good morning, boss. Shouldn’t you be taking your sleep with your family?”
The man entered the small one-room. “Had to work on the papers you left me. Not exactly the easiest decision I have to take so far as owner of this place.” He closed the door. He took a seat and sat down near the rocking chair the elder woman was using.
Evelyn waited. Friendly relationship or not, he was still the boss.
Martin crossed his legs. His eyes were inquisitive. “You want to resign because you want to adopt Mirai and Otis, right? Not because you are tired of this job.”
The ex-teacher and now Director of the shelter nodded. “They need a family, a stable one. I can’t give them that if I work here all the time. Much as I love this place with all my heart, I believe I must try to be a mother this time.” She spoke calmly, but determined, just when she was giving her lessons at school. “Otis tried his best to help Mirai. He didn’t know the facts, and he was misled into doing a terrible thing. And even worse, now little Mirai has no family anymore because of that mistake. And if it weren’t enough, even before that mistake he was raised to be a thief, he never had a chance to a better life. Helping Mirai was his first attempt to be a better dog than a burglar.” She put a hand on Martin’s thigh. “Adams vs Washington, remember?”
Martin snickered. “Difficult not to, since you attached the papers of that trial.” It was a very similar case. An abused dog had ended up hurting a woman to help a female pup the dog had honestly believed she was in danger of abuse herself. The pup’s owner had to be hospitalized from the bite wounds, but the court had eventually certified the Washington dog’s goodwill to spare the victim from abuses such as he had suffered. It ended up with a fine, but no lethal injection.
Martin exhaled through his nose. “I’ll tell my lawyer to prepare the papers, but on one condition.”
“Which would be?” Evelyn didn’t think it would be a big deal, now that the harder part had been done with. In fact, she could barely keep the excitement from her voice.
Martin told her about the farm project. “I’ll be needing a coordinator of the animal staff, and you are the right woman. Otis will be part of the staff, so that he can keep himself busy and prove to the Court he can work his way to redemption rather than rotting away. Mirai will not be forced to leave him, and will live in a healthy environment and keep receiving the cures she needs.
“Housing consists of a single building for all species. It will be a hard job, but I’m sure you won’t fail me. Not to mention that you’ll be assigned to an expert family of farmers.” He patted her hand. “So relax, you won’t get bored.”
“And so, this Miss Sunman will be the coordinator?” Angela asked. “Along with these two…particular dogs.”
Martin nodded. “That’s one of the two things I mentioned. She’s worked with animals all her life. You won’t get a better assistant. And she’s not a career hound, so you won’t have to worry she’ll make a fuss when the retirement time comes. All she want is a place to raise her new family.”
Angela shook her head, “Spare me the sweet stories, Foster: a farm is not a charity. It’s hard work, every day. I hope this gal you’re recommending is good as you say. It’s hard enough already to think that there will be actual wolves running around, I don’t want other troubles--”
“She was a teacher most of her life. At high school.”
That impressed the woman. “You could’ve said so before. And these…wolves?”
“They sustained the GOE and are pets in every regard. You won’t get best guardians.”
“And the dogs and cats you propose to add?”
“Bailey and Jolene can pick them and then teach them all they need. I have a school building at the shelter and a training ground.”
Another exchange of looks between Bill and Angela.
“And what would be the…second thing?” she asked.
King felt like he was reading the number of the winning lotto ticket, not daring to peek at the last one.
Sandwich House

Eunice rapped at the garage’s door. “Peanut, boy! Your sandwiches are ready. I made them like your Mom asked. Come and get them.”
“Thank you, Ms. Robinson! Please put them down, I’ll get them.”
Thank Lord for small favors! Martin’s grandmother thought, putting the plate down, sorely tempted to let it fall… But no, better keep playing the part.
A moment later, the door opened and a furry arm dirty with clay came out and dragged the plate inside. To protect his privacy, the dog had closed the windows as well.
Eunice shivered at the thought of that…dirty thing walking around a pregnant woman. She couldn’t help saying, “When you’re done, boy, you’ll be needing a bath.”
“I know!” came the merry reply. “Thank you Ms. Robinson.” Then came the munching sound mixed with the sounds of his work.
“Why are you keeping your tail that way?”
Fame had a drawback: it was stressful. Grape was a popular cat, and walking around the neighborhood had become a sort of exercise in parading. And in her conditions, she didn’t need a lineup of admirers, though she could understand them. She belonged to a privileged circle now.
And she was grateful to Max for choosing a nice place for a walk in a more tranquil part of the neighborhood.
“But couldn’t you keep for yourself such questions?” she asked, flushing. “No, say it louder, perhaps they didn’t hear you the first time! And you don’t have to play primitive with me. Stop mocking me.”
The veterinarian didn’t need to ask Grape to get along her body’s needs. If she could walk on all fours, she’d darn do that. It didn’t mean she didn’t feel like she was exposing herself to the world!
“Mock you? Ma belle, I’m just being supportive with you. And it gives me an excuse to show the ladies I’m available!” He raised his tail, shaking his butt, his tongue sticking out in a mischievous expression.
Grape’s back fur went up in indignation. “Maxwell Costner, shame on you!”
He sighed theatrically. “I know, I know, it’s so hard to be me!”
Grape chuckled. Peanut was the sweetest creature in the world, but she had also missed the cat’s attitude. “It’s not easy to be with you, you vain creature.”
“That’s because ‘vanity’ equals to ‘splendor’, in my case. And I do have my fans, you know.”
“Yes, I heard you and Allegra are an item. Of sort,” she couldn’t help to add.
Max’s ears fell. “Aw, and here I thought maternity had softened you.” Then back was the impish gleam. “But I like it.”
“Daww, but aren’t they cute?” said a new voice.
And at that moment, the situation went downhill. Because the sarcastic voice sounded with threat. Grape’s protective instinct went into overdrive. Max not only had the same reaction, but pure fear shadowed his thoughts.
He had recognized the voice.
And its owner. “You!” Max growled.
Hunter’s Academy, Locke’s County

The III Class of the Propaedeutical Course of Attack and Defense stood at sharp attention while their Drill Sergeant addressed them for his last time.
The news that Sergeant Budweiser would leave the Academy due to age requirements had been welcomed with a festival of confetti and circus show. Tobee had distributed half of his cookies reserve to celebrate. Sigmund had booked a white choir. Hannibal asked Athena to marry him. It had been a great moment.
And now here they were, thanking the heavens for making that last period at the Academy definitely smoother. They had tasted the Son of Apocalypse, it couldn’t get worse than that.
“Well,” Bud said, nodding solemnly. “It seems that my last Mission: Impossible was a success. I turned you larvae into half-decent dogs. And since I won’t be having the pleasure to turn you into real dogs, I’ll make sure you suffer in the process. As I said once, I don’t care if you make it out of here dead or alive.”
A doubt started creeping in the minds of Bino, Sigmund, Hannibal, Athena, Clementia and Tobee. Bud was known for not joking…
“Did you honestly think I was hard on you?” the hound grinned. “I guess you know the old trick of the ‘good cop and bad cop’, right? Well, I was the good cop!” His head snapped forward like a snake’s. Then he snorted like a bull. “But enough with playtime, you had your fun, it is the moment to meet your knew Drill Sergeant—“ he had turned his head…finding nobody.
The cadets felt relieved. If the new guy was a latecomer, they would eat him for breakfast. They had suffered enough as it was and were in for sweet revenge!
Bud barked in the direction of the door. “SERGEANT! Stop hitting your mother and come here RIGHT NOW!”
Even Hannibal felt his bladder twisting. Surely he wasn’t being serious, was he?? Bino actually felt as if was sweating through his skin.
A moment later, in came a Czech Wolf. A monster of a dog, with steel-grey eyes set in a dark mask. He was taller than life, and his grades were shaven into his shoulder fur! He was looking at the cadets as if they were his next meal.
Bud nodded, evidently satisfied of the delicious scent of terror that had suddenly filled the air. “Larvae, meet your new Drill Sergeant, Viscount Aloysyus Odifreddo Cobram IV! Since I’m feeling good, I’ll spare you his curriculum for your little hearts’ sake. I’ll leave to him to explain his teaching methods. Sergeant.” He took an iron bar laying on the mattress and tossed it to the colleague.
The wolfdog grabbed it in mid-air. He showed it to the cadets. “This is your back when you start your day,” he said with a slight German accent. “At the end of the day, I expect to see you in the same conditions, straight and strong. Otherwise…” He grabbed the bar with both paws and with a sharp movement broke it in two pieces against his thigh! Then he showed the fragments to the cadets. “Otherwise, this will be your back at the end of the day. Got it?”
“I’d say so,” Bud said, looking at the indecorous pile of unconscious dogs. An unmistakable stench had filled the air.


Posted: Sun Dec 04, 2011 1:34 pm
by Daggy
Eeeeee, hope Angela chooses to stay! Also, new drill sergeant sounds like he's super buff. :3


Posted: Sun Dec 04, 2011 6:17 pm
by valerio
Lindberg House, Babylon Gardens

“I need you to leave the police, Bill,” Martin Foster said.
It was still too soon to say it was too good to be true. Since he had walked in the house, the second richest resident in the Gardens had prospected quite a rosy future for the family of Officer Bill. The ferrets wanted to buy their own farm, produce the edibles for the animals and humans of the pet-friendly community. Martin offered Angela and the rest of the family a job at the farm. It was all good, since Angela was a farmer in Kansas, and after she had lost everything to tornado season, and the mortgage was still there to pay, the idea had met no resistance from her.
Why drag Bill in this matter? Surely Martin was asking because he thought Bill was a farmer as well, but the man was not. In fact, he had left the country life to help pets with his muscles and the law, and had brought Fox with him to give him a better life than in the country. Bill and Angela had stopped talking to each other for one year before he apologized. He could be the man who could break wolves in two, but Angela was his big sister.
Bill looked at Martin as if the other man had suddenly sprouted a third eye, two horns, hooves and were smelling like sulphur. “And you’re asking this because..?”
“Because now that the current Director resigned, I need someone reliable to fill her place. Miss Sunman will be too busy arranging the pet stuff for the Milton & Foster farm to attend to her duties. Of all the people I know, you are the better qualified: the residents know you and trust you, you have experience in animal protection and you won’t hold your tongue in front of a crook.”
Bill frowned. “I am honored, Sir, but—“
There were two humans in the world who could interrupt him: Angela and Martin. And Martin did. “You will work eight hours a day instead of twelve, although you’ll be expected to work on weekends as well. Higher wage, complete medical and retirement plan.”
“Mr. Foster—“
And power.”
“Please?” The tension was palpable now.
“With your position will come power. The Supreme Court vs Louisiana. After that appeal, a new federal law permits pounds and shelters in all States to act as a private security enforcement division in matters of animal protection and control. Alas, since most of the pounds cannot afford the expenses for a continual patrolling, said activity is limited to occasional raids, performed in very…unkind manners.”
King, sitting on the couch with his housemates Fox and Lucky, and Angela’s Bailey and Jolene, knew how much that was true. Before falling for the lure of PETA, he had worked with ASPCA, and had documented some of those raids…
“As Director, Bill, you can set up your own patrols and check for animal abuse just like you’re doing now. Only that, instead of crashing against some frustrating rule, you’ll have green light to intervene. I will keep up with the paperwork, after all I’ll still be your boss, but I do not expect you to turn into a softbelly. In fact, I am sure you will enjoy to see the shelter at work.
“And do not forget that, as Director, you’ll have a privileged line with the DA – don’t say that to Costantine, or he’ll deny it in a press conference. And you get access to PetAidNet.”
Martin chuckled. He was in his element and gloated shamelessly. “How do you think I’m making extra money? PAN is a project partnership with Gottschalk Electronics to digitalize and link every single shelter’s database in the USA. It’s a heckload of federal money. PAN will consist of a Cloud with every possible info about the recovered animal, including records of his previous owners. This will allow the shelters to put a red flag over the names of any animal abuser, to prevent them from adopting another victim. So, do you still think I am downgrading you, somehow, Director Bill?”
Bill looked as if he was looking at the open gates of El Dorado. A part of his mind told him he was going to be late for work. He ignored it while he extended his hand. “I say that I like the title, Foster.”
Angela just said, “I’ll sign that contract. And I will kill anyone in the family who will dare to contest my decision.”
King was sure his skin had cracked, so wide was his smile. He didn’t even think about it, he just jumped up over Bailey’s lap, wrapped his arms around her neck and head and kissed her. So far, it had been pecks, tender moments, teases in a relationship he wouldn’t dare to develop for fear of breaking his heart when Bailey would leave.
But now Bailey would stay, she would stay and he loved her and by the way she returned his kiss…oh YEEEAAHH!
Martin stood up. “I guess someone appreciates the idea. Very good, ladies and gentlemen, I will send you all the papers. Director, I expect you to take position on next Monday. You have my numbers, call me any moment. Bailey, Jolene, you’ll report with him and Angela. We must organize the courses, there’s a lot of work to do. I’ll rent Sasha’s former house for the rest of your family, you’ll need extra room. No offense, Bill.”
“None taken...boss.”
A far less happy situation had just developed for a certain couple of cats, in a less frequented area of the Gardens.
Grape Jelly Sandwich had her own personal demon: abandonment. No matter how good her life could be, nor how rosy her future could appear, somewhere in the depths of her soul there were hunger and suffering waiting for her.
Maxwell Costner had known abandonment when he was a kitten, but that wasn’t his personal demon. No, he had grown up proud and independent, a tough cat who knew how to fight for his life.
Max’s demon was more concrete than an old trauma: it was a dog. A big mean monster who had chewed half of his right ear, scarring him forever. Max had fought for dear life, he had survived, but he had also learnt to avoid confrontations with the enemies of the species. He loved to give torment to dogs to exorcise the memory of that single encounter.
He had hoped he’d never had to meet that monster again.
But there he was. Even bigger and buffer than he remembered.
And he wasn’t alone.
“Well well well, fishbone got ‘self a girlfriend, eh? Ain’t it true what they say about the pearls and the swines.. Whoops, if I saw any pearl of course!” he chuckled again, a sound that held no joy. He was an Argentine Dogo, with a black patch over his left eye and one black ear. He was accompanied by two pitbull/Rottweiler mixes, just a bit less buff than their boss.
Max was scared to death, this was his nightmare coming back to haunt him. One two, Freddy’s coming for you… He was scared, but the heck he’d show it.
Still on all fours, Max stepped in front of Grape, his fur puffing up. “Funny, I was thiking the same thing smelling you, Fredd,” he growled.
Fredd’s lackeys stepped forward. Fredd did the same. His steps sounded like those made from one of those big foster twins. “I hope you weren’t planning to bring your delicious mate to that poor excuse of a restaurant,” he said with that evil joy. Fredd tapped his blood-red collar. “Dad told us to clear it out. Sorry, enough with your raids for garbage, though I feel almost guilty for letting you starve.”
Max’s thoughts went to Allegra. His eyes showed fear. She worked there!
Fredd licked his chops. “Relax, kitty: no one got hurt. That was a pleasure I was going to save for you. Still want to clip your other ear…” his eyes went to Grape. Last time she had seen that expression, it was in the eyes of a certain monster, and she had so hoped she wouldn’t have to live through that again…
But now she had her kittens to think of. Her instinct screamed to run for dear life, get to the nearest tree and hope they wouldn’t follow her.
“Or should I give a love bit to your pretty mate? Hm, so you’ll know she’s with you, though I’m sure your spawn will look ugly enough to tell.”
The other two dogs joined his chuckle.
This time, it was Max who stepped toward the pack. His face was transformed into something evil, fangs completely bared, eyes larger than life and ears completely flattened. He was the Matagot, ready to fight to death for his friend. “You won’t touch her, got it, Fredd? You want me, here I am, but you will not even look at her!”
The pack stepped forward once. Fredd crackled his knuckles. “Funny and witty, kitty, but I’ll respect your chivalrous death wish. I still owe you big time for stealing food in my Dad’s territory and getting beaten for that. Guys, get him. Possibly in one piece.”
“Grape, run!” Maxwell said without turning, while they ran toward him.
Grape didn’t. She knew, she just knew they’d come for her too… But she couldn’t abandon Max, he was risking his life for her, she couldn’t.
Forgive me, Peanut!
At that moment, two shadows, two blurs ran past her and Max!
They hit the two mastiffs! Parallel bloody lines appeared on the muzzle of one, while a tremendous punch cut completely off the other’s breath!
Both dogs fell down, one whimpering pitifully and holding his wounded muzzle, the other gasping, bent in two.
Fredd was simply amazed. This was not possible, these two…interlopers could not have done this!
Grape felt relieved to no end. “Lucky! Felix!”
The Alaskan Malamute and the red tabby were standing between predator and preys, showing a cheeky smile. “Hi there, Musketeer,” Felix said, without turning. “You just can’t do without us, eh?”
“Three against one and a pregnant cat,” Lucky said, clicking his tongue. “*Tsk* Come on, try your luck with a real street dog, boys.” And he actually called to them with the ‘Matrix’ wiggle.
The two dogs had recovered –they had seen worse in their lives, and now they were out for blood! They roared and ran toward their adversary…
…Exactly as Lucky had planned. The Malamute ran toward them at equal speed, baring his fangs as if he wanted to bite them –instead, at the last moment, he used his arms to hit her at their throats. Lucky could appear like a soft-furred pet, but under that fur there were the steel muscles of his breed, the same muscles that could allow him to pull a sled under a snowstorm, and that had earned him the name of ‘Fang the Terrible’! Two scallies used to fight against weaker animals weren’t even a challenge!
Lucky’s arms hit and the collars broke. The skull tags clinked when they hit the concrete. Both dogs fell down on their backs, gasping and wheezing, barely conscious at all.
Lucky felt like rasping the dirt and covering them while he stared at them with scorn. Then he turned to Fredd, crackling his knuckles, “Now it’s your turn. I promise this will hurt, a lot.”
Fredd was ready. “Think you can scare me, pup?”
Felix walked to Lucky. He patted his arm. “Hey, big oaf, what am I, chopped liver? Save something for me too.”
Lucky showed an embarrassed smile, while putting his paw behind his neck. “Heh, you’re right. Sorry, buddy: help yourself.”
Grape and Max stared at each other. Now, that was calling it a death wish!
Fredd laughed. “Oh, that is the part in which I should cower in fear cuz you know kung fu, kitty boy?”
Felix unsheathed his claw and went down on all fours. “I know better, bully.” And he ran –no, he dashed forward, his ferocious eyes gleaming in the reflected sunlight. To him, Fredd was slow like a slug. And when the dog moved to stop his adversary…
…there was this sound of ripped paper, and it was over.
Felix stood up right behind the dog, his claws glistening with the blood of his enemy. “I know Kill Bill.”
Four deep parallel gash ran along Fredd’s body, from the chest to the thigh, sparing by an inch more vital areas. Fredd fell on his knees while trying to pad that single wound with his paws. “You darned…” And before he knew it, he found those same claws brushing his throat, and the cat’s mouth whispering in his ear.
“By threatening our friends, smart pup,” Felix hissed, “you just signed a death warrant. Something happens to her, no matter if it’s your fault, or your Dad’s, or your friends’, I come to you and put an end to your days. Are we clear on that?”
“Yes,” the dogo growled, his eyes promising revenge, though.
Felix let him go. “I’ll pretend I believe you. Now leave, before I change my mind.”
Once the trio had left, wobbling and cursing, Lucky patted his paws. “Say, it’s been really too long since I’ve had this fun. Musketeers!” he gave his fist to Felix. Max and Grape joined.
“I don’t know how to thank you,” Grape said, her heart still beating fast. “Hadn’t it been for you being here—“
“Because I took care of sending for them!” said a new voice. A moment later, a raven landed on Lucky’s shoulder. “Now you know why ol’ Beanbag told me to watch over you too, Meadow Flower,” Nevermore said.
Grape snorted. “Then thank you, Never. Peanut and I owe you big time.”
The bird saluted smartly. “To serve the People! Aye aye!”
Lucky Charm Grove for the Abandoned and the Ferals

Sara Winston, 35, Yale degree, had started working occasionally at the shelter. Usual routine, a few cases here and there, trying to catch up with the workload, then back to her office at Social Services, Pet Care Division.
Ironically, her office had dealt with less cases, during the old management –but of course, the Milton brothers had taken care to hide all the difficult cases. It made their records shine, and it kept prying eyes from them.
The new management had uncovered the worm can. And that new PAN service, though still limited between the LCG and the city pound, was filling the can with more worms.
Eventually Sara had asked to be moved temporarily to the Grove just to filter out and examine all those applicants who had a criminal record. Someone at the PCD wasn’t going to be happy… But all revolutions brought discontent, right?
This time, Sara could examine a less troubling file. It had come to her attention not because of precedents, but because of her age.
“Miss Sunman,” she said to the woman sitting on the other side of the desk, “Your credentials are impeccable, I wish I was in your economical conditions, but… Otis is relatively young, and a pet of his breed and good health can have pretty well 20 to 25 years of life ahead. I don’t know about Mirai, her conditions are not really good to start with, but I’m sure she can have at least fifteen years of life, given the best cures. And I’m sure you’ll provide them. Which means…” the woman sighed. “You’ll be ninety when Otis is expected to die of natural causes, and eighty when Mirai reaches her limits. I’m sorry to be blunt, but us humans don’t get better with age. Mirai and Otis require a lot of work, and you are going to get one, at this…farm. Do you think you will have the time they need? Otis is a…difficult dog, he can’t be just left alone.”
Evelyn nodded. “I will not leave Otis alone. He’ll be with me all day. Him and Mirai will have the company and of the other dogs, and the shelter is nearby he farm. Mirai will have her cures.”
“Have you chosen the names of the new applicants in case you found yourself unable to assist them? As per conflict of interest, you know it can’t be Mr. Foster, nor his brother due to precedents.”
“In all honesty,” Evelyn said, “the best place they can go to should something happen to me, is the shelter itself. I have no family connections, or rather, they have their lives and will not take care of these two poor souls.”
Sara stamped APPROVED on the form, then signed the stamp. “I know this structure, and hope it will still be there by then, but believe me, miss Sunman: I’m sure you won’t let go, for their sake.”


Posted: Mon Dec 05, 2011 12:38 am
by copper
Finally all caught up again! A pleasurable read as always, my good Sir!


Posted: Mon Dec 05, 2011 1:41 am
by valerio
Your attention please.
The following is an edited repost of two deleted updates that the moderator had to remove due to rating policy.
I am sorry for causing any inconvenience, it won't be repeated. Now suff...err, enjoy.

Zeke and Quincy Jones.
You know them only as part of the organization chart. Two good dogs, two brothers made in the Academy to replace two older hounds. The usual routine.
They loved their job, perhaps too much sometimes. They were big fan of Kevin and Danko. They played rough and trusted unconditionally the system and its representatives.
Or so we believed.
Ours can be a hard job, depending on the case.
Zeke and Quincy worked together to a case of pet abuse. A bad one. There was this guy, Steve Murdock: he had bought a place here only to save money, but we didn’t know that. We knew he had also adopted two lovely kittens, three months old, from the old shelter. Only now that the old records are open, we have the proof the shelter accepted a bribe for a man with precedents in pet abuse.
If you ask about Rose and Sage, everyone will first smile thinking about them. They were the rockstars, so lively and friendly, it was hard not to love them.
Then they started to get sick. They were still their old friend selves, and they were tenaciously clinging to their lives. We visited them, played with them whenever we could… But they just kept getting worse, day by day.
Their demise came as no surprise. Father Ghetti had more hair on him then, he performed a splendid eulogy. Part of it it’s been inscribed in their tombstone. Murdock looks devastated.
Not much later, Zeke and Quincy, while working on a scandal of mail orders for pet abuse material, happened on a stack of VCRs. It was already hard as it was to monitor that stuff, but eventually they had to watch a whole movie regarding…those kittens.
Still today, I can hardly conjure a single frame of that horror. I wasn’t born at the age of the Whiteman House scandal, but the images of Murdock…killing those poor creatures, day by day…for $100 a tape…
Well, that show was the Whiteman House of my generation.
DA wanted the guy’s blood. A very good lawyer got his client five years and a $10,000 fine. Not much, considering the heckload of money Murdock had made selling that…stuff.
On top of that, he was out on parole after three years. The following day he left the State and we lost all tracks of him.
The K-9 Unit was by then composed by me, Sergeant Ivan Danko, Zeke and Quincy. That was also the case after which Sarge and Janet were asked to leave. Their methods in apprehending Murdock almost cost us the whole case. And I didn’t defend my superior officer, because I believed the system must apply correctly, always.
Zeke and Quincy took it…worse. The system in which they believed so much had failed them, badly. And when Murdock’s lawyer tried to sue the whole team for the unorthodox arrest, they almost went for his throat like two rabid ferals. It took a lot of diplomacy to convince the lawyer not to prosecute. And I guess that skinny human was too scared at the idea of getting near those two guys, though they were immediately sent to the Academy for some good reeducation.
When they came back, on paper they were fit for the job, but I knew something inside them had irreparably broken. A dog’s eyes don’t lie, and there something dark in them, although they were good to play their part. No more disciplinary problems, they were still friends with the colleagues. In short, I had only suspicions, they had gained popularity.
My career had moved on, I got my grades and my own unit with Fido, Kevin and Terrance. I tried to focus on my new responsibilities and not think about Zeke and Quincy.
The first sign that my fears weren’t ill-placed was Fox’s first kidnapping. Like in the second case, there were a couple of PETA scouting the area, looking for a ‘slave’ to set free. What better target than a young friendly dog who trusted all humans he met? After all, in Babylon Gardens what human didn’t love animals? The scandals were rarely spoken of, it was not the topic you used to break the ice.
Zeke and Quincy helped the PETA guys to kidnap Fox. They had developed a…particular mindset. They had convinced themselves that domestic life was a danger for an animal. That life a feral was safe. Or, at least, safer than living under the same roof of the wrong owner.
Luckily for him, Fox loved books, made a point of being informed. He suffered, but he could easily find his way home and live through the experience.
Zeke and Quincy, who were patrolling the area, got an admonition for their mistake and were moved to the paperwork department for a while.
That was our second mistake, though of course we didn’t know that.
Using their new position, the two brothers worked hard to collect all available data on PETA, their offices, their contacts, the way they worked…
After getting in touch with them, gaining their trust, they informed them over a series of targets in the City, where the organization could work without being noticed. They were smart, they used snail mail, paper notes, everything that couldn’t leave an e-track.
In the end, we tracked no less than fifty pets ‘liberated’ this way. All of them were dead. I’ll explain you later.
Let’s go back to then: using the information about security, PETA kidnapped…Fox. Good ol’ irony, always can count on her.
Again, Zeke and Quincy got away with it because Carl didn’t speak, and Joel had been moved by mistake to the prison before he could go before the court, and anyway, as his deposition evidenced, he didn’t know anything about those dogs. He had just been recruited in the organization, certain information were kept from him.
But that arrest and Joel’s apparent disappearance had made the guys nervous. And so they decided to run a risk…

“…They got in touch with you,” Light said,
Sergeant Ralph nodded. He bowed over a fountain and drank greedily. All that talking had dried up his throat.
It was night, and that area of the park was desert. Keith Greyfield’s wolf and the police dog could speak without fear of being disturbed. And Light’s senses were much sharper than the dog’s, no way someone could surprise them. They had chosen an area rich with dry leaves and twigs, so that an intruder couldn’t pass by without being unnoticed.
The German Shepherd wiped his muzzle with his arm. “I was their friend and superior officer, I worked with them at that case, they knew I was equally shocked and enraged. They needed me to better select their targets and avoid prying eyes.”
Ralph sat beside the wolf, feeling like a pup in front of a grownup. No surprise pets were nervous with the Milton wolves, not only for the fact that the pack came from the woods…
“I don’t understand a thing,” Light said. “Weren’t they in touch with Coppers? You could have learnt something to prevent that latest crisis.”
Ralph shook his head. “Coppers was an unforeseen variable. Putting a bomb under Martin’s house was his own idea. He had gone over the edge after losing his position due to the arrest. The PETA never authorized that stunt, and now they’re still paying dearly for it.
“But the dogs’ contacts at the organization made it clear that Babylon Gardens was to be considered off-limits. You don’t mess with Uncle Martin, period.”
“And that made your ‘friends’ nervous.”
“A lot, since they made one last mistake and got intercepted by you.”
“You were saying something about dead animals..?”
Ralph nodded. “Something curious, even on a statistical side. No one of those pets ‘rescued’ thanks to Zeke and Quincy was found ever again. I can understand the City is big and Police doesn’t give top priority to missing animals, there, but…just disappeared? Like that? Even a scared pet will go to the nearest police station, ask for help.” He snarled briefly. “I fear there is something bigger involved.
“What will you do now?”
Ralph shrugged. “We will keep collecting data. We have enough about them, but they were smart enough not to make the names of their accomplices. We arrest them, we’re left with an empty thread. Costantin wants a round-up, before the Federals barge in and takes the investigation, since they already are hunting down the organization on ground of terrorism.”
“And so you drew the attention to yourself, to put them at ease about their own position. But how can you sure there aren’t corrupted humans in the police staff?”
Ralph grinned. “Martin’s not the only one who knows to run a check of the personnel files. Humans are okay and so are the other dogs. But you’re right on one thing: I must involve Martin, his knowledge of the shelters’ network will help investigations. For sure, despite the pressure, I don’t feel like arresting those guys. ASPCA would make a fuss if we interrogated them too harshly, investigation would slow, what remains of the PETA would have time to clear their tracks.”
“So they never confided to you?”
Ralph sighed. “They don’t trust me that much. But time is of the essence now. If Zeke is so nervous, sooner or later his accomplices will decide to drop him.”
Light reflected over it. “And what if I told you there was a better way to get the golden eggs? Clean and quick.”
“I’d tell you that I was an idiot for not coming to you before. What miracle had you in mind?”
This time, it was the wolf’s turn to grin. “Just get a warrant, first.”
Parker House

Joey was finishing his roast beef, when the door rang.
His Dad threw him an inquisitor look. “I thought we had an agreement, Romeo.”
The young dog blushed, embarrassed. His sudden relationship, his first relationship with a cat, had become a serious item. At the point that Joey had started spending less and less time with his friends to spend it with Blanche Bigglesworth. And if the Common Life Society Club all rooted for the Founder and President, the D&D circle was less…enthusiast. Lester had become hysteric like the fat lady without an audience. Joey was the only one who leaned his ear when Lester started talking with enthusiasm about an anime he adored (all of them) or to spit sour words against an animated American production (all of them).
But Joey had a girlfriend! A real, live, smexy feline who shared his tastes, dressed in a dog suit and capable to put spice for two in their relations. She was as lively as Joey was clumsy. She got bored without him, he got desperate without her.
On a sidenote: after the cat had decided she could live with the new name (but it was suspected no Bigglesworth had one, beside the same ‘Mr. Bigglesworth’ inflicted by their crazy Mom) Joey had suggested, her 10 twin housemates had decided to give themselves one, too. And so they came Berenice, Bob, Butch & Billy, Buck, Bradley, Bubba, Baby (don’t ask!), Benito (call me Bennie!) and Barbie (I’m such a STAR!). During a creative frenzy, Bubba had designed a costume, all red, with the ears protruding out of the mask and a BB logo on the chest.
The only problem is Joey’s relationship (once he decided to eat nothing for a day and let the world roll on his tongue while looking at a picture of Blanche) was that the cat tended to appear at the most unusual hours, especially at night. Dad had ended up setting a rule, no exception: unless it was for a date, Blanche would not come visit during meals.
Hearing the knock repeating, Joel took the plate and poured its content into his mouth, gulped it down, beat his chest and drank half a jug of water to make sure it stood down. Then he grinned at his Dad.
The man knew it was a lost cause. He threw his thumb at the door. “Go get, champ.”
Joey barked excitedly and ran for the door.
Simon would surely not put himself against his son’s happiness: and to see him go with a cat only added to the general cuteness of the thing.
And it kept pups out of the way…

Joey opened the door. “Hi, Blan—“ happiness turned to puzzlement so fast, one would think the dog’s face had been photoshopped.
It wasn’t Blanche.
Though of course he knew them –to be honest, Joey remembered every pet’s faces, just like Bino remembered every scent of his neighbors.. But he knew this two even better, since they belonged to Grape’s most intimate circle of friends.
Back was the smile. “Lucky, Felix! How can I help you?”
Dog and cat exchganed an hesitant look before Lucky asked. “Urm, can we enter, please?”
Joey stepped aside. “But of course! This is the club’s office after all.”
Again that hesitant look. Felix cleared his throat. “Well, it does concern your club. It’s…private. Sort of.”
Joey raised an eyebrow. “Come upstairs then.”

Once Joey had closed his room’s door he said, “So? Why the mistery?” He went to his desk and took the box containing the registration kit. He opened it. “Do you want to register to the Club?”
They nodded, even more nervous now. Joey understood them, it was a big step. Among the various clubs in the Gardens, the CLS was the weirder, since it dealt with mixed couples only. Bino was not exactly enthusiast at the idea of such a club, but since Grape and Peanut, Mizar and Alcor, were members, he knew better than take any action. For now.
Joey beamed. “Great! That makes five dollars each. One for every member of the couple. Then it’s two dollars each a month. Only cash. I have nice cards. And if you add five more dollars, you get premium membership. Bodyguards are included in the benefits, should someone harass you. And self-defense classes for two more dollars, I’ll give you the complete list.” Joey took a stylographic pen and an inkwell, gifts from his Dad. He dipped the pen in the ink, took out an elegant book, opened it and started writing down the names of the new members, giving the back to his guest. “So? Name of the lucky girls?”
“Uh,” Lucky said. “Well, there is none.”
Joey, who had just finished with Lucky and Felix’s name, stopped in mid-motion. “I’m sorry?” He then set the pen near the inkwell. He turned and looked at the two animals with suspicion and resentment. He accepted, he coped with the fact of being the family’s weird guy. It was his life and as long as they didn’t go beyond words, he could accept their scorn.
But coming to mock him in his house, in his Club? No way, José! “Guys,” he snarled, “This is not fun—“ and he stopped.
Do you remember that drawing Peanut had shown to Grape and then to Bino?
The drawing of a female canine with a cat’s tail?
Joey had been the only one to show sincere appreciation for that piece of art. Peanut had felt relieved, he had thanked Joey for his nice words.
And then Joey had said something really weird. I want to wear her skin.
Peanut had gone BSOD all the way. His sense of reality had temporarily gone on vacation after tasting Joey’s tendencies for the first time.
And so it seemed impossible that, of all pets in the Gardens, Joey could understand Peanut’s reaction. He spent the next two minutes staring at Lucky and Felix. Unable to focus, despite seeing how those…guys held paws just like two…
Shortcircuit again. Joey’s neurons couldn’t find a word. And he knew Japanese for dog’s sake!
“Oh,” he said at last. “Oh.”

Foster House, Babylon Gardens

Eunice Jewel Robinson had the right to choose the middle name of his father’s firstborn. She had nagged her daughter-in-law to have a female, in fact she had been adamant, as if the law of genetics could be bent by force of will alone.
When Martin Robinson was born, she had felt betrayed by that helpless infant. She had been adamant in imposing ‘Judas’, to make him remember the very first delusion she had received.
Eunice Jewel Robinson never liked animals. She felt they were a parody of the Lord’s work with Man, a mockery of Devil’s handiwork. Her son was more…moderate in regard of this viewpoint, but when he got drunk the hatred he had been taught would reemerge. Martin and his brother Joel (another male, another betrayal) had paid the price of those prejudice together with the pets they had been tried to rescue.
Eunice Jewel Robinson was sure that Martin was gloating big time, now that he was filthy rich and could throw in her face everything she stood against. She was sure he had cultivated his…vile tendencies just to spite her.
Eunice Jewel Robinson tried to keep a brave face, but she felt dirty only looking at the parade standing in front of her. This was a nightmare. Because if it was a test for her, she didn’t believe she could have done anything so bad to deserve such a treatment!
“These are Alcor and Mizar,” Martin said, introducing his furry family to his granddaughter. “They are married, and she’s waiting as you can see, thanks to a donor.”
Married! There was anything sacred left at all?! Eunice wanted to scream. And that…female thing would fill the house with even more filthy—
“These are Antares and Aldebaran. They were born in Ukraine and raised as military dogs. Despite their appearance, they’re good guys.”
Russki monsters! Figures that this ungrateful brat would go all the way to their direst enemies just to break her poor heart.
Martin placed both hands on the shoulders of the last in line of that parade. “This is Celestia, the latest acquisition: she’s Antares’ girlfriend, and I believe she’ll give me a fantastic litter in the next year.”
A wolf! The hound of the Netherworld itself! A savage, bloody brute! Suddenly, the idea of burning this place down, run away and live in some cheap hotel didn’t look so bad. Her son had been such a failure of a father! “And what are…they, doing here?” she asked, looking at the two dogs, a black Labrador female and a corgi, sitting on the couch –and without even a cover for their naked butts!!
Martin went to ruffle those pets’ heads. “This girl is Daisy, she is Aldebarans girlfriend. They make a very cute couple, especially since they just look like Mortimer and Daisy, if you read that book.
She nodded, trying not to remember their enthusiasm for that stupid story. She had tried to give her better books, such as The Three Musketeers, but those brats had always showed a natural tendencies for tales featuring animals! Eunice had stopped giving them any presents at all.
“King here is another guest, he just passed to say ‘hi’.”
As if there weren’t enough monsters walking around, of course!
King waved at her.
Joel, sitting next to King, wished he was a pitbull himself. He wanted to rip that amused expression off the mutt’s face, and then eat his ‘beloved’ grandmother one limb at a time. Joel wasn’t really fond of animals, though it wasn’t related to his grandmother’s zealous hatred, but seeing her made him understand what he could become if he didn’t make a reality check, and soon.
King was just happier and happier he had remained a dog. He was having the life had always dreamed. After this visit he’d go back to his house, to his new family…and to Bailey.
When Joel had used the word ‘girlfriend’ as if he had eaten a sour lemon, King had felt as proud as the mightiest male on Earth! She was everything he had dreamed of as a dog, husky amazon, strong and sweet.
It was too bad she’d have to leave once her home in Kansas was rebuilt… But he also would make sure he’d have the time of his life before that dreaded date came!
“…And that would be all,” Martin said. “These are the pets you’re gonna see around most frequently.”
The woman just walked to the stairs. “You’ll find me in my room,” she said simply. She sounded like a featherweight boxer after 10 rounds with Mike Tyson. “Could you get me something to drink, at least?”
“Sorry, grandma,” Martin called out. “Remember? You had the time to teach only dad to drink!”
When the door upstairs slammed shut, Martin nodded, satisfied.
“That was a nice touch, brother,” Joel said. He couldn’t be an animal lover himself, but now they had a common enemy, and that made his rich brother his best friend!
“Isn’t she a bit young to be your grandmother?” Alcor asked.
“Family’s got a tradition to spawn at a young age,” his Dad answered. “I still wish they invented a DNA-rewriter, so that I can delete all traces of my bloodline.” The local gossip business had flourished with his family history. Martin had just let the talk cool off, preferring facts over tittle-tattle. Eventually, the interviews over his troubled past had left place to the reports about his shelter and his contribution to the community of Babylon Gardens. That had been Martin’s second revenge over his father and a grandmother who never cared for her own blood.
“She’s right on one account,” Joel said. “You’re allowing her here to make her suffer.”
Martin shook his head. “No. It would simply bad PR if I abandoned her. But I don’t surely want to replenish her bank account so that she can waste it over her next husband. Heaven knows how much work my attorneys have done to make sure my fortunes will not be split between a horde of step-parents. I won’t add another to the list.”
“So what’s the plan?” Mizar asked. That woman reminded her too much of all those people who would pick on her because she was a stray… She touched her belly. “She’s already scaring off my pups, I can feel they’re nervous.”
Martin looked at the stairs. He grinned. “I think I just got an idea.”
Parker House

“Guys, do that again and they will have to recover me in intensive therapy! I'm serious!"
"Aww, c'mon, Joey-boy," Felix slapped his back. Lucky was still wiping his tears while chuckling madly. "Don't tell me you can't stand a joke!"
The young dog growled. "Actually, I stood a lot of them so far, thank you. No wonder you're among Grape's best buddies: she has a knack for pranks... Now, are you actually here to waste my time, or do you want to join my Club?"
Canine and feline paws "JOIN!"
Joey eyed them with suspicion. "Lucky?"
The malamute shrugged. "I always liked Princess. I guess I was too stupid to tell her, but now I want to concede myself a second chance with some other local beauty."
"I'm his best buddy, we're Musketeers. Where he goes, I go. Period."
Joey sighed. "Well, the Common Life Society is not exactly a club reserved to romantic couples, so I guess you two qualify. I just don't want any problem here, okay? There's been enough false rumors about King and Fox." He shuddered. "Now, sign here. membership options?"
Felix fished his wallet and from there he took a bill. He handed it to Joey. “A donation for the Club. Consider it an apology for nearly killing you, that was mean. But funny.”
Joey’s eyes went pinpoint. “One hundred dollars?? Felix, I can’t accept all this—“
The cat put the bill into Joel’s paw and closed it around the paper. “Every time Dad went to a mission, he’d leave a lot of money so that I could support myself in his absence. Please, accept it.”
Joey took the money. “All right. At least, this will cover part of what we spent for the litter shower. Thank you guys.”
Lucky Charm Grove for the Abandoned and the Ferals

“Mr. Foster, what a surprise! Working overtime?” Theoretically, Ramona was supposed to be home by now with the two dogs she had adopted from this shelter, but she was used to work late. And she never left her workplace without being finished. A finished job is a good job, her mother used to say, God bless her soul.
“Hola, querida,” he said. “Yes, I need to do something really urgent. Any news that can’t wait?”
“Miss Sunman was here, she left an envelope for you. Important and urgent. The rest can wait.”
“How did I do without you before?” He went into his office. He closed the door, then went to the desk. The manila envelope was there, plain, without stamps or labels. Must be something really personal; Miss Sunman was a very precise woman, he had made her Director because of that quality, among the others.
Martin hoped it wasn’t some bad news, he didn’t need another weight on his mind, not with all the stuff he had to deal with, his grandmother first in line.
At least, his Mizar was pregnant. No matter how many lemons life threw at him, within the end of the year two beautiful pups would cheer his place. His first grandsons!
Martin’s eyes blurred as he took the envelope. Two pups! He couldn’t wait to see them running around the house, exploring it, nibbling at their toys. He already could feel their warmth as he’d hold them in his arms.
His had been a hard life, but it had brought him the greatest of gifts: a loving family.
Martin sighed and opened the envelope, revealing a stack of papers clipped together. His smile faded into puzzlement as he read the first paper.
A resignation letter?
Martin reread the letter. Perhaps, lost in his thoughts, he had misread…and yes, he had missed a couple of lines here and there. “Will you fancy that..!” Yes, it was a resignation letter, but the enclosed documentation also explained why Evelyn Sunman wanted to take such a drastic step. It took guts, he had to concede that to her. Guts, and knowledge, she had put to good use what she had learnt about the new special program…”
Martin smiled. “Nicely done, Director,” Martin said. He decided his grandma could wait. It was time to be Mary Sue again!
And since he was at it, he thought while picking up the phone, he could also try to solve the problems of another good friend, yes…
After he had dialed the number, he said, “Keene! And Lana, and Pit, and Rock, and Duke, and Simon, and Carmen, and Dolores. Yes, this is a business call…no, it’s not boring, so you can turn off the launch pad. Say, remember that special project? Which one? Number 1,534, yes, that one. What would you think if I told you I got the staff? Complete. With experience… No, I did not open a cloning factory, and why would I pay in caramel pudding? Yes, Rock gets to do the commercials. It’s a deal? Great! Send me Mr. Steward ASAP. Good night.”
The next number Martin dialed led him to his lawyer. “Carl? Yes, I had a hunch you’d be up and working. Listen, I need you to work a way to get legally rid of my grandmother. She came here, says she’s penniless and I can’t just kick her out, so forget everything else you’re doing and find a way, no matter how cruel, but legal, to send her away from mine and Joel’s life. Because if she hurt my family, especially Mizar, next time you’ll be hearing me from prison for multiple homicide… Yes, I’d kill her several times… What do you need to know? Of course, just come here tomorrow, I’ll tell you every single fact regarding her. Let’s just make sure she can never claim one dime of my properties.”
Babylon Gardens Police Precinct

Zeke and Quincy Jones looked nothing like villains. They were Dalmatians with short silky fur and a dusting of black spots.
When they entered the locker room, they didn’t know that was the last night of their career. For all they knew, this was supposed to be a private talk with their old friend, Sergeant Ralph. “Wanted to see us, Sarge?” Zeke asked to the dog sitting on a bench.
Ralph nodded. “Yes. Light, the door please.”
Before the two dogs knew what was going on, the door closed behind them. They turned in time to see the white wolf locking it.
And Light was looking at them as if they were his next meal.
“Ralph..?” Quincy asked
“You know what to do,” Ralph said to Light.
In a blur of movement, Light grabbed the dogs and slammed them against the wall, hard enough to hurt a lot but without breaking bones. His growl was so monstrous that it was a miracle the two brothers didn’t lose control of their bladders right there and then. For now, they understood they were in no position of doing anything.
Ralph stood up and walked next to Light. “Now I’ll explain you what’s going to happen: Fido and Kevin and another Unit are searching your place for evidence of your involvement with PETA. I know you, Quincy, and I know you wouldn’t allow those humans just to drop you without dragging them with you. You two are going to speak into Light’s recorder while you’re in one piece. And if you’re asking why should you, better you know that you’re going to end up in Foster’s shelter after we’re done with you. If cooperate now, interrogation won’t get worse than this. If you refuse to cooperate, you’ll talk at the shelter. After Light and the rest of the security staff, and several guests are done with you. PETA threatened their boss and hero, no matter if Carl was a loose cannon. You don’t associate with the baddies and get away with it. Now, do you feel talkative?”
At that point, Zeke…grinned. “Heh,” he said, repeating it, and again…until he started laughing out loud!
Ralph and Light definitely had not expected that.
Quincy said, “My my, Sarge, I was going to ask how long would you take to get to this moment. Zeke had bet another month, at least.”
Zeke chuckled. “Thank you for believing we were still associated with those losers. It means we worked really good.” Then his grin transformed into a mask of fear and his voice shook as he said, “Sarge, what can we do? Carl is dead! Foster will increase his surveillance, they’ll discover us!”
Ralph examined their expression. There was really no evil, rather…a complete lack of conscience. For the first time, the German Shepherd knew he was looking at two monsters. The good hounds he had worked with were truly gone. He shivered. “Who are you really working for?”
The toothy grin Quincy showed made Light think of the Shadow Wolf his mother told him about to scare him off venturing outside the den when he was a pup. “I would tell you, but then you’d have to die, and believe it or not I still like you Sarge. Despite the fact you’re still working for the wrong side.”
Zeke sighed dramatically. “Now you can tear us apart, wolf. We’ve completed our task. Our real masters have everything they need.”

Episode 14


Posted: Mon Dec 05, 2011 1:59 am
by EvanAierkan
valerio wrote:Your attention please.
The following is an edited repost of two deleted updates that the moderator had to remove due to rating policy.
I am sorry for causing any inconvenience, it won't be repeated. Now suff...err, enjoy.
You like walking along the razors edge when it comes to the rating policy, don't you? :lol:

And for the chapters earlier, I'm surprised someone did actually decided to adopt Otis. Hopefully he won't mess up this new chance, but I do hope he learns to live as a normal pet for Mirai.
Peanut surely won't take this latest incident lightly, can't wait to see how that turns out!


Posted: Mon Dec 05, 2011 2:26 am
by RandomGeekNamedBrent
honestly if I were you, I'd have edited the new parts into some of your old posts. I know you posted at least twice between episode 14 part 3 and the beginning of episode 15. it would eliminate confusion for new readers when they get to this point.

EDIT: all the way up here now.


Posted: Mon Dec 05, 2011 6:15 am
by angelusbr
I know I sound like a MC Donalds ad, but I'm lovin it.


Posted: Mon Dec 05, 2011 8:30 am
by Daggy
RandomGeekNamedBrent wrote:honestly if I were you, I'd have edited the new parts into some of your old posts. I know you posted at least twice between episode 14 part 3 and the beginning of episode 15. it would eliminate confusion for new readers when they get to this point.
Yeah, I'm trying to catch the parts that were edited. I think I got them all, but I can't be sure :(


Posted: Mon Dec 05, 2011 9:14 am
by Big Fan
Daggy wrote:
RandomGeekNamedBrent wrote:honestly if I were you, I'd have edited the new parts into some of your old posts. I know you posted at least twice between episode 14 part 3 and the beginning of episode 15. it would eliminate confusion for new readers when they get to this point.
Yeah, I'm trying to catch the parts that were edited. I think I got them all, but I can't be sure :(
You have a better memory than I. I can't tell the difference. :oops:


Posted: Mon Dec 05, 2011 10:15 am
by valerio
and now we're back on our official numeration. :mrgreen:


Posted: Mon Dec 05, 2011 10:22 am
by valerio
Sandwich House, Babylon Gardens

The ultrasound machine’s screen was showing the five developing fetuses. The amplifier transmitted the sounds of five tiny, healthy hearts, the most beautiful orchestra in the world.
Grape herself was using the scanner, after she had been taught by Dr. Stanwick how to use it. She was so tempted to stay like that until the birth day.
Mordecai was checking the exams’ results. “Everything here says you and your litter are just fine.” He turned off the machine. Grape pouted, but gave him back the scanner. “Don’t worry, there is nothing to fear here, and these kittens will be strong like their mommy."
Grape knew everything was all right, a mommy just knew it. Those tests had been made to comfort her parents and friends –everyone was worried sick over her. Grape hadn’t really understood how much the others cared for her, not until she almost stop thinking that! “I’m sorry for worrying you all,” she said.
Jill hugged her daughter. “Don’t be. This is a good neighborhood, certain things are not…supposed to happen, not between resident pets. Not even Bino would dare do such a thing.” She kissed her between the ears.
The nurse carried the hardware back to the shelter’s ambulance, walking between two lines of worried pets. Soon as the rumor of Fredd’s gang attack to her and Grape, many had volunteered to watch over her.
Grape yawned loudly. Jill kissed her again. “Now my Princess lay herself to sleep, This was a rather exciting day.”
The lavender cat felt herself slipping rapidly into unconsciousness. Perhaps she needed some sleep, yes… “Peanut,” she muttered, before closing her eyes.

Downstairs in the living room, Peanut Butter looked like that day he had attacked the monster dog.
He felt frustrated, he felt angry, he felt scared, even more than that time. His offspring had been put in danger, and he wasn’t there to protect his wife. “I trusted you to keep Grape out of troubles, and you…you almost got her…” he couldn’t bring himself to finish the sentences. The meek, merry dog had been replaced by a killer. He slammed the cat Max against the wall one more time.
The cat looked as if his will to live had abandoned him. He had made it so far thanks to adrenaline, but now the knowledge of what had happened had stroke him fully.
He had carried Grape for a walk in an isolated area, and she risked at least to miscarry, at worst…
“Do you have something to say in your defense?!” Peanut growled. He didn’t care how much he hurt that...that…
“I have nothing to say,” Max said, hanging limply in Peanut’s paws. He hadn’t even the strength to stand up. “Peanut, I’m…I’m so sorry, I…I messed up everything. I just wanted to have some private time with her, I have no excuses, I…” his voice broke into wrecking sobs. “I know she belongs to you, I missed her company, wanted only to pretend we were, we were atill… But I didn’t know Fredd was out for me. Peanut, I’d die before letting something happen to her, believe me, I’m so sorry, I—“ At that point he kept repeating that phrase over and over, as if he could undo his mistake by sheer force of words.
Max didn’t even notice Peanut hugging him. “I am sorry, Max. I know you wouldn’t harm her, that’s why I trusted you.” The dog’s bitter tears wet the cat’s shoulders. “Just promise me that next time you’ll tell me where you’re going. I don’t want Grapey to feel scared of everything out there, but I am.” He looked straight into Max’s eyes. “So please, please, from now on you’ll let me know where you two are going, okay?”
Max sniffled. “I have this sensation we’ll be watched over anyway. That raven really saved the day. And those two guys.”
Peanut nodded. But there was one thing that puzzled him. “Max…why was that dog so intent in getting a piece of you? What happened between you two?”
Max went to the kitchen. There, he helped himself to the jug of milk. “I just stole some stuff from the junkyard he was supposed to watch. And I mocked him just a bit, and, well, stuff. I knew he had a temper, but he really wanted to kill me then.” Then he pointed at his clipped ear. “And now you know how I got this. Worst scare of my life.” He went and took a glass from the counter. He filled the glass, drank.
When Max spoke again, he sounded more in control, though still shaken. “Peanut, I honestly didn’t even know he was here in the Gardens! I would have never exposed Grape to such a risk.” His head drooped. “You worked so hard to protect her, and I…”
Peanut took his paw into his. “You are forgiven, alright? Stop torturing yourself, Grape told me how you were ready to fight for her. And that’s what counts. Dad and the others will take care of the matter, now.”
Babylon Gardens’ landfill

“Curse those (censored),” Diego said, while pressing an ice pack over his scarred muzzle. The Rottie/Pitbull mix’s voice was a wheezing whisper after that Lucky had almost crushed his trachea. Dad had given them an earful for losing the collars, though they had recovered the tags. No physical punishment had been inflicted, since they had been punished enough as it was.
“They will pay dearly for this, will they Boss?” asked Armando, Diego’s twin.
Fredd’s wound had stopped bleeding. He would show that scare for a long while, since Dogos’ fur was short. It stung him every time he flexed his muscles. Felix was the name of that accursed tabby, was it? Well, Fredd had an idea or two on how to exact revenge on him and that Malamute. Then he’d pay a visit to Max. And to his girlfriend, yes…
He was impressed, he must concede that: that fluffy boy was really stronger than he thought. “But I’ll get him too,” he said, indirectly answering to Armando.
“Do you have a plan already, boss?” Diego asked.
“Sweet like candy. We’ll pick their friends first, show ‘em who’s the meanest dog in the ‘hood. Then—“ he was interrupted by the sound of a car incoming. He didn’t even wonder who could it be, Fredd and his bros needed only to vent on someone, possibly on a legal technicality!

The dogs walked out of their doghouse and from there to the mesh fencing. The car was a blue and white minibus with the LCG logo Out of them stepped in the order: a man with a thick beard and matching brown hair. Another man dressing a grey expensive suit. A husky with silvery grey fur and a yellow bandanna wrapped around his neck, a female cat with half his body perfectly black and the other perfectly white, divided down to her tail, with almond blue eyes.
The three dogs looked at each other in puzzlement while the dandy pets walked to them. The humans went for the barrack/office of their Dad.

Earl Sandwich knocked at the door. It opened, and a sturdy individual smoking a Garibaldi strong cigar stepped out. “Can I help—“ he said. Before he could finish the sentence, Earl had grabbed him by the shirt collar and punched him in the face! An incisive and the nose broke. Confused and in pain, the landfill’s manager covered instinctively his face. Earl punched him harder, this time on the solar plexus.
Earl then pushed the man away with such force to send him flying against the table at the center of the room, and from there down on the parquet.
The manager was gasping for dear life, bent in two, unable to breathe through his nose. Earl grabbed him again and pulled him up without effort. His eyes spoke murder, but he almost threw the other man against a chair, forcing him to sit down.
“The pregnant cat that your dogs wanted to maim, this morning, is my daughter Grape. Grape Jelly Sandwich. Learn that name, mister, because next time I will not be so lenient! Now tell me you didn’t understand, I’d so love to repeat the lesson!”

“Hi there, sweetie,” Fredd said to the cat. “Came to play with us?”
The husky and the feline exchanged a brief glance. Then the dog said, with grim eyes, “My name is Fox and she is Selene. We represent the Good Ol’ Dogs Club and the Schrodinger Circle, respectively. In other words, we represent the dogs and cats of Babylon Gardens.”
“So what?” Armando asked.
In that moment, Earl started working on the landfill’s manager. The three dogs were about to bark their rage for that affront, but Fox said, “We were here to kindly ask you to keep staying where you are, don’t show yourselves around ever again, if you value your physical safety.”
The door in the office closed. The dogs looked at these two dandies as if they were some freaks of nature –these scrawnies were actually making threats?! “And what if we told you that you better watch your back from now on?”
Fox bent forward, almost coming nose-to-nose with Fredd. “Then prepare to deal with the whole B.G.’s pet population, for a start. You gave enough problems as it is, and it was once too many. We don’t want animals like you around.”
The Dogo snorted like a bull against Fox’s muzzle. “Dandy boy, this is a free country and we’ll walk around as we please. And I just wanna see who got the guts to pick on us. You? Please, I could easily have you as snack!”
Fox smiled. “Since you’re asking, let’s start with them.” At those words, a cloud suddenly obscured the sun. Fredd looked over the husky. Over and…up. His ears flattened in fear. Diego and Armando whimpered.
Behind Fox there were two monsters with black fur, big and buff like wolves, and evil eyes.
“You threatened our sister Grape,” Antares said.
“We don’t like who threatens our sister Grape,” Aldebaran said. Their voices were rumbled like thundering clouds.
The three watchdogs started stepping back. “Listen,” Fredd said. “P-perhaps it was only a misunderstanding. We really didn’t want…”
The two Kings of the Mountains grabbed the mesh gate.
“What are you doing?”

The manager heard the sound of the gate being ripped open, then the gate falling on the ground.
Then followed roars and the whimpers and the sound of bites and fists. If the watchdogs weren’t dead by now, they were spending the worst five minutes of their lives.
“Those,” Martin said, “are my dogs giving the works to your dogs. I am usually disinclined on harming pets in order to teach them a lesson, but I am glad to make an exception in this case.” He produced a wad of money and put it on the table, together with his business card. “There’s enough to cover damage and medical expenses. I’m truly sorry, believe me, that it had to come to that, but as Grape’s co-tutor I have a personal interest in this. Now, can we know why you allowed such dangerous and untrained dogs loose in the neighborhood? Or do I have to impound them?”
The manager looked at them in disbelief. “There must be a mistake, guys,” he said.
Earl grabbed him by the shirt again. “Oh, yes! You made one big time, bub.”
The manager went pale and lifted his hands protectively. “I was told to get rid of that pest!”
Earl and Martin didn’t believe their ears! “You were…” Earl said.
The manager nodded. “The landfill’s owner told me that Grape and…Maxwell, those are their names, were two ferals who kept stealing the trash for their private restaurant or something. It was a matter of public health, and my boss wanted to get rid of the problem! I was paid to close that place and an extra to find and get rid of the ferals! I didn’t know they were property!”
Earl’s fist tensed again. “Not even when they saw those cats wore collars?”
The manager scoffed, which caused a sharp pain of his broken nose. “Ferals will steal that stuff to look like pets. As I told you, I had my orders.”
“And who would give you such orders?” Martin asked. He gave the manager his death-stare. “Heathcliff’s is a legitimate place, the pets pay a license to the Council for the use of the land and respect the hygiene dispositions. And no use of brute force is allowed against animals within this community, so you are lying. Who gave you the orders?”
The man’s guts twisted. He gave out the name.

When the minibus left, Martin said, “They wanted to take it on me. They did it because we spoiled their strategies. I expected them to try something to repay the favor, but this…”
“What will you do?” Earl asked. To know that someone out there wanted to hurt Peanut and Grape because of a stupid feud…
Martin took his mobile. “I’m on it already.” He was about to speed-dial a number, when the phone went live. The man answered. “Foster… What?” And for the moment, while he listened, he forgot the current problems. “I see. I’ll be there ASAP.”
Florence House

“Sabrina, stop it!” Fido was almost breaking his paws, but he kept hammering at the door of her girlfriend’s room. “Please, tell me, what’s happening? You’re scaring me!” Never he had felt so frustrated. A moment before, they were walking in the park, holding paws, free to express their feelings without shame or fear. Their future was a canvas to be filled with wonderful colors…
And all of a sudden, the black cat had fainted! Just like that, as if something had pulled the plug of life out of her body. Only Fido’s reflexes had prevented her from getting hurt. Fido had already taken his phone, ready to call for an ambulance, when his girlfriend had regained conscience.
And the look she had given to him had scared the fur off his body. It was as if she had saw him dying, or worse.
Then, without a word, Sabrina had run back home, with a speed even he couldn’t match. And when she had run in, she had slammed the door shut and locked, leaving the hapless dog to wonder what on earth had happened.

Sabrina ignored the pleas from Fido. She could have ignored even a war, everything.
Her eyes were only for the sight that was welcoming her from Tarot’s room.
The sight of a pentacle drawn around Tarot’s table, the one she used to reading the cards and her crystal sphere. That same sphere that was shattered as if something had exploded within it. The sight of the charred cards whose ashes were held together by puddles of wax of different colors, one color for each mood of she who had performed the spell, at the vertexes of the pentacle.
Sabrina laid her back against the wall, feeling her legs wobbly.
How could have she missed the signs? Tarot was her friends, her pupil, as she was hers. Sabrina’s failure was far worse than one could imagine: lost in her bubble of happiness, she had completely forgot the pain of her sister… And now, two worlds may be at stake.
“Tarot, what have you done?”
Lucky Charm Grove for the Abandoned and the Ferals

“Repeat it, Lieutenant, and try being convincing this time.”
Martin, the head and vice head of Security, keith Greyfield and Kevin Marsh, together with their partners Light and Colombina, were walking in long strides along the terrace, toward a room that was supposed to be empty. Guests had their assigned rooms, and the empty ones were locked so to not contaminate them with smells that a new guest would find unnerving in a new environment.
“He just materialized, Sir,” Kevin said. “Cameras and scanners went off at 15:00 sharp.” No one of them still knew that it was the precise moment Sabrina had collapsed in the park. “Electronic lock on, as per protocol. Last time the cleaning staff had visited the 111 was a week ago. Registry doesn’t show any other activity. No blackouts. One hour before the event, videos confirm, the terrace was empty.”
“Negative on all accounts for what PAN is concerned. We’re trying to contact the shelters still not linked, but—“
“But it will take time,” Martin said. “At this point, let’s just talk with him. Stuns on, gentlemen.”
Both humans drew their tasers. Use of lethal force was forbidden within the shelter, unless absolutely necessary.
Kevin, who was head of the day shift, slid his electronic passepartout in the scanner. The door opened with a soft *click*.
Light and Colombina walked in first… But, apparently, there was no reason for hostilities.
The mysterious intruder, a black cat on whose back ran a scarlet stripe that ended at the tailtip, looked like Primo Carnera’s punching ball. He was lying on the pavement, trying to move and failing at that. His fur was charred in more than one point, as if someone had used him to extinguish cigarettes.
Both canines sniffed at the air, but the stench of ozone was so strong that even a human nose could perceive it clearly. Five pairs of eyes scanned the room for burning cables or devices, but there was nothing that suggested such occurrence.
Kevin took his radio and called for paramedics. Light and Colombina tried to help the stranger cat to stand. The creature barely managed to open his eyes. His voice was a weak croak. “What…what…”
“Now relax: help is on the way. You’ll be fine.” Ew, this creature was the source of that ozone stench. What was he, a robot?!
“…Date.” Talking was a great stress on his weakened body, but it must be terribly important for him to know, if he was making the effort. “What date?”
Light told him.
The mysterious black cat seemed comforted by the information. “I’m on time…” then he allowed himself to faint.

Episode 15


Posted: Mon Dec 05, 2011 10:31 am
by angelusbr
Glad to se Peanut forgave Max.