Project Gone Rogue: a Housepets Branch off/Fan fiction

What do you call a fic that's not a fic

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Project Gone Rogue: a Housepets Branch off/Fan fiction

Post by MrNeonShot »

Entry #1

Alpha's Journal, 2013A.D.
Outside, in front of the Present Library, I can see snow falling lightly to the ground.
It's oddly cold, for summer. That's probably for our new project. Did they seriously create a dimensional jumper device? Why is it generating snow? and Why would they send a bunch of muts into it? All should be answered soon, but the rest have to pick out they're books.

Beta's Diary, 2013
So it's raining sugar outside now, and it's really cold. The sky probably wants Ice Cream.
I found a Dinosaur Book!

Gamma's Diary, 2013A.D.
It's snowing outside. I'm guessing power fluctuations? Maybe they are sending other stuff in front of us just to see if it will work? I don't know. Alpha is writing beside me, looking kind of worried,
but unshaken. We are supposed to be writing our thoughts before we go, so I guess these are mine.
Why are we being sent away?

Delta's Journal, 2013A.D.
So, I'm sitting inside the Library so as to not bring a sickness to the other dimension.
I've decided to grab some books of architecture, and survival books. Alpha thinks his basic survival training will keep him alive, and Gamma thinks her extra training will help her. I'm not sure what Beta thinks anymore, but I do know one thing.
You can never be too prepared.

Epsilons Journal, 2013A.D
I've started the machine with out them. The scientists wanted me to be left behind. Probably for a research study, but I don't care. I can't leave them, it might be dangerous. I'm surprised that I haven't been caught yet. Oh well, I have my training books, my knife, and a pack of matches. Probably not the best tools, but I can work with it. Wish me luck!

The scientists watch epsilon through the security camera's.
"So Epsilon failed the assignment?" asks a young male scientist.
Epsilon looks at the machines monitor. The pre-set destination still reads "Babylon Garden". Epsilon looks around anxiously, hoping nobody knows what he's doing. Hoping he isn't caught. Unknowingly, this is still apart of a testing program.
"Obeying orders would have had him end up at the same place as the others. But because he decided not to wait, we'll do this the hard way." The older scientist holds a collar with a funky block, and a beeping light. The collar was a recovery beacon, which they didn't tell the others about.
The group of men watch Epsilon step into the machine. The monitor reads a countdown. "1:00, 0:59,..."
The older scientist typed on a keyboard, with a stern face. He does a couple more clicks, and the machine monitor shuts off.
Epsilon looks concerned, but seeing nobody coming immediately, he stays seated.
What the older scientist did was change the destination. Epsilon would be sent anywhere, and he would have to find the others by himself.
Inside the security office, the countdown says "0:10, 0:09, 0:08..."
Epsilon has a thinking look about him, but then realizes what's happening. The scientists watch his attempts to pry the door open.
"Lock the door!" shouts the old scientist.
The door locks, and Epsilon is even more anxious.
"0:03, 0:02, 0:01..."
A bright light shines through the University.
The security camera's show that Epsilon is gone, sent into another dimension nobody knows about.

a housepets branch off

"Babylon Garden", and other references to the original comic belong to
Rick Griffin.

Entry #2

Epsilon lifted his aching body off the ground.
"Thought that would be a little less bumpy..." Epsilon said to himself, as he rubs his arms.
Epsilon takes a look at his surroundings. He is in a ditch, beside a Hair salon. Down the road a short ways,
there is a Car Dealership.
"So if I need an escape route, I can steal a car." He joked with himself.
Epsilon leaves the ditch and heads to the stop light. When he left home, it was cold and bright outside.
The sudden warmth and darkness was a nice change. Epsilon sniffed the air.
"The pollen is slightly different than Texas. Oh well." Epsilon looks to the left, and see's a huge bridge.
"No use going that way." Epsilon thought. He looked to the right to see what else was new. A run down,
80's logo restaurant of "Taco Pal" was just down the road. The sign read "Open 24 hrs".
Epsilon started walking down the road.

"Alpha, your up first." A voice rings through the make-shift waiting room.
Alpha stands from his crate and asks "Where is Epsilon?"
A short pause later, and the voice replies "Epsilon seems to have stayed in bed."
"Probably ate to much sugar from the sky. I did that when we got here." Beta says randomly, and just trails off
in his own little universe.
A young, human lady walks in, wearing a lab coat, and directs Alpha to the back room.
"Take a seat in the vault, please." The lady indicates the open machine.
"Thank you, ma'am." Alpha walks into the room. The vault shuts behind him.
He takes a quick sniff in the air. "Cleaning solutions?" he says out loud.
"Just a precaution. SOMEONE dragged mud into the machine before and contaminated your water supply. Keeping the room clean
is essential to the jumping process." The voice of an old scientist rings.

Gamma watched Delta fumbling his thumbs.
"Whats the matter, Delta? Anxious?" Gamma scooted closer to Delta to listen.
"Why wouldn't Epsilon be here?" Delta said, looking more thoughtful than concerned.
"I'm supposed to be his best friend." Delta said, with out looking at Gamma.
"And you feel betrayed?" Gamma said, not sure what to say, she's not that good at comforting.
"Don't be silly, he wouldn't have missed it for the world." He thinks, then moves his finger, pointing to the right.
"Either A. He is having a panic attack, and I should go help him. B. He snuck in and went before us."
or C. He's been taken for another research thing." Delta put his hand back under his chin.
"Or all 3 at once." Gamma looked forward with a 'Bad Poker Face' and slid back to her original spot with out a word.
"1:00, 0:59, 0:58..." The countdown begins.

Epsilon walked inside the "Taco Pal", and took a seat.
Epsilon could hear a voice in the back saying "Who forgot to lock the front door?"
A small whispered conversation was no match for a dogs hearing.
"...~I don't want to go up there, what if he's a murderer?"
Some more whispering, and an "Alright, I'll go look."
Epsilon decides not to look directly at them, but instead, watched a reflection in the glass.
A slightly bulky guy walked around the counter. Holding the side of his waist, he tapped Epsilons shoulder.
"Uhh, sir." He stammered. "We're uh... closed for tonight, that's it." He scratched the back of his head with
a worried smile.
"I thought this was a 24hr. Restaurant." Epsilon replied.
"Umm..." The guy walked away and came back. "That's for the drive thru only, so if you could just..."
Epsilon looked at the guy, who made hand gestures to "skiddadle". Epsilon stood and bid the guy "Good night".
As Epsilon walked out, he saw in the reflection the man sigh with relief.
The man took his position at the drive thru window and started the radio.
*Knock Knock Knock* The man jumped at the sudden disruptive knock. He opened the window and looked down.
Seeing the little purple dog, he was anxious. "What do you want now?" he asked.
"I just need a map, I don't know where I am." Epsilon shouted at the window.
There was a short pause, and then the man replied "There's a 24hr. Gas station just 2 miles from here."
"Is it drive through only?" replied Epsilon, with a little bit of annoyance in his voice.
"Er... no?"The guy replies.
Epsilon decided it was stupid to stay there, so he decided to head to the gas station down the road.

"0:10, 0:09, 0:08,..." the countdown chimes. Alpha is seated, eyes clenched and waiting.
Is this place hostile? Where will I be? There are next to no records about this dimension.
What will I do without anyone? Hide?" Alpha thought to himself.
"0:03, 0:02, 0:01,..." counted Beta.
"Here we g--" Alpha began, but vanished.

Research log, 2013A.D
Alpha was successfully sent to Babylon Gardens, and is waiting in a forest.
Epsilon has been sent across the country, and will have to use his tracker
to find the others. Luckily, Epsilon will be given the task to track down
the other dimensional jumper subjects, when they are sent.
Epsilon has been equipped with a recovery tracker, and a University charge card.
The card not only is used as a charge card, but also as an I.D.
Unfortunately, because he would be using it in another dimension, we have
no idea how it will effect him.
Further log work to be written.
~Arthur Rakes
Dimension Jump lead scientist
Entry #3

Epsilon stood under the lights of the 24 hr. Gas Station. Turns out,
24 hr. Gas Station is the restaurants name. Epsilon looked off in
annoyance at the redundancy of this dimension.
"Is it so hard to find a map?" He told himself as he sat on the porch.
Epsilon decided to stay outside for the time being. He pulled out a
survival book, and threw it away. "Dead weight." He said as he threw another.
Epsilon looked at his Confederate Flag knife for a short time, then put it
back. He then proceeded to stand, and walk inside. When he went to open
the door, he saw his reflection. His collar was disfigured for some reason.
Epsilon took his collar off and ran his fingers along the sides.
He saw a small watch-like thing on the inside, red and blue along the edges.
Epsilon was looking at the back, then decided to turn it over.
The front was a simple black screen, with a map on it.
"So, where am I?" thought Epsilon. He looked at the buttons to see if he
could figure it out. Epsilon pressed one button, and 2 blips showed up on
the map. The first one was located in Lilly, Alabama, which was probably him.
The second, Epsilon wasn't sure about, but it was on the border of Georgia
and Florida.

Alpha opened his eyes to see that he wasn't sitting on anything. He dropped
to the ground with a thud. "Note to self, next time, stay standing." Alpha
said to himself. He looked around to see he was in a cemetery, next to a grave
that held some poor bloke named "Arthur Rake". Alpha got up and looked around.
Being the middle of the night, the graveyard was surprisingly not that scary.
Almost cheerful. "That's very odd." Alpha said.
"What is?" asked a small voice in the air.
"Umm, this gravestone. It says he was born in 1959, but died in 1958."
Alpha replied.
"Yeah, I never really understood that grave, but then again, there are a lot
of strange gravestones." The voice said back.
"So you're here a lot?" asked Alpha.
"Yeah." The voice said. Then the owner of the voice stepped around the corner.
"I'm the watch dog." She crossed her arms and stared at Alpha.
"Well, this is..." Alpha trailed off.
"Unless you can give me a good explanation, I'm going to have to knock your block off."
said the watchdog. She was an Australian shepherd, about average size, but Alpha didn't
want to test her skills. She had spatters of black and blue thrown into he fur.
Her eyes were blue, her vest was blue, but her collar was red.
"Nice collar. I was here looking after my owners grave." Alpha said.
"At 3:00 in the morning?!" she replied.
"After he went, so did my home." Alpha replied, already pulling his best out.
"What's his name?" the watchdog asked.
"err..." thought Alpha. He looked behind the watch dog and read the first thing.
"Michael Hutch, bless his soul." Alpha said. Suddenly, Alpha was being attacked
by the watchdog. "You sick [censored]!" Shouted the watchdog.
Alpha was lying attempting to crawl away from the vicious watchdog.
"If she wasn't trying to kill me, I would be enjoying this." Thought Alpha.
The watchdog had her jaw around Alpha's throat, ready to snap when a sharp
"Oi!" rang out. A man with a flashlight came running up.
the watchdog loosed her grip on Alpha, expecting to run immediately, but to her
surprise, just stayed there.
"Why isn't he running?" she thought. Then she noticed the position she was in.
She was sitting ontop of Alpha, in what looked like a couples kiss.
The watchdog started explaining "This isn't what it looks like-"
"This is totally what it looks like" Alpha interrupted.
A loud *BANG* could be heard from the dark figure that was approaching.
"Oh [censored], he thinks I'm my sister..." Said the watchdog as she fan-girled
off of Alpha.
"Come on, fleabag." the watchdog said as she helped alpha off the ground.
They ran for a good ways, until the watchdog had to get a breather.
"How are you not tired right now?" the watchdog asked.
"Well, to put it simply." Alpha looked toward the writer- Hey wait a second, stop
breaking the fourth wall. As if hearing what I just said, Alpha chuckled and said
"I can go all night, bab-" Before Alpha could get it out, the watchdog smacked him
in the face.
"Ouch. What was that for?" asked Alpha.
"THAT was for lying," she smacked him again.
"THAT was for making me look like we were doing something other than me trying to kill you."
she smacked him again, then said "And THAT was for breaking the fourth wall." She rubbed her hand
as she walked away.
"Breaking the fourth wall?" asked Alpha.
"What about breaking the fourth wall?" the watchdog asked.
"Nevermind. What's your name?" Alpha asked as he sat down.
"What do you think?" the watchdog replied, while making hand gestures at the vest, and her blue spots.
"Red." replied Alpha with a serious voice. "No wait, Spots!" *SMACK*
"It's Blue, [censor] it!" she shouted. "Blue Belle, with an 'E'."
Blue sat next to Alpha and leaned on his shoulder. By now, they were out of the cemetary.
"So, Michael Hutch. He's your owner, wasn't he?" Alpha said as he adjusted himself to feel comfortable.
"Yeah." Blue said, as she unknowingly, leaned her head on his shoulder.
"Sorry for lying to you." Alpha said.
"You can explain yourself in the morning, it's really late." Blue said as she nesteled down.
Alpha decided to say one last thing before he went to sleep.
"Good night, ice cream." expecting a smack in the face, he was met with a light tap on the cheek.

We made a small miscalculation on Alpha's jump.
We assumed that Babylon Gardens would be at the highest energized point.
In the end, Alpha was sent to the wrong place. We only have so many times to find Babylon Gardens,
So we refuse to send any more clones to that location.
In other news, Epsilon has activated his tracking device, so he can find Alpha by himself.
Awaiting further reports.
~Arthur Rake
Lead scientist of the Dimensional Jumper Program.
Entry #4

[grammatically corrected by Silly Zealot]
"Beta, sit in the chair." said the young female scientist.
"No thanks, standing feels more comfortable." Beta replied.
Beta was finally ready for the dimensional jump, and was being sent to the next energy high point. At that moment, the scientists had the feeling that 3 was the charm, so they decided to send Beta with a communicator in case he managed to reach Babylon Gardens.
"Call us as soon as you know where you are, okay, sweetie?" the scientist said.
"Yes ma'am. I'll be sure to tell you if I make it to the past." Beta replied ashe began looking at random parts of his surroundings.
"Sweetie, you're not going to the-"
"Have I been teleported yet?" Interrupted Beta.
"Not yet. Remember to call us, okay?"
"The past looks a lot like the machine I was just in. I'll find the Unicorns soon." Beta said as he tried to walk into a wall.
"No, that's not it." Beta murmured as he paced around the room.
"0:03, 0:02, 0:01,..." Then a the bright light went off.
"How did Beta get on the jumper program?" asked the young male scientist (let's call him Bob until I figure out a name for him ~writer)I personally don't think your note on the scientist is necessary at all, and it kind of breaks the drama. Hehe.
"Beta usually has a lucky streak, so we sent him. If he doesn't find it, meh, no harm done." Rake replied in a nonchalant way.

Beta landed on his feet, completely unshaken.
"Why was I taken to the present?! I was about to find the Unicorns!" Beta exclaimed in an angry manner that would have looked comical to anyone around.
Beta started walking around in a sad mood. Suddenly, he ran into a pool, filled with chocolate moose.
"Chocolate? Why would someone fill a pool with Dinosaur killer?!" Beta exclaimed, as he pulled himself out of the pool.
"Hey! what are you doing in my pool?" shouted a voice from the top of the massive chocolate moose pudding.
"Not my fault. Someone put a pool in my way." Beta said, looking at the sky. "Is that you, Doctor Scary face?! YOU SENT ME TO THE WRONG TIME, THIS IS THE PRESENT!" Shouted Beta.
"This is just sad." Rock said to himself. "Have you lost your way, little lamb?" Shouted Rock from his pool chair.
"I don't know. Where am I?" Beta turned around towards the direction of the voice. Seeing the small ferret, Beta stared for a little while, then looked back up.
"There is a funny rabbit sitting on a pool filled with dinosaur killer. I'm starting to think you sent me to a different planet or something." Beta shouted.
"I'm talking to you-- you know what?--"
"GUESSING GAMES!" interrupted Beta. "I love guessing games."
Rock lost track of the yellow dog, but quickly found him again above his shoulder when he looked to his right.
"You are, um, you are... a bunny!" Beta exclaimed. "What do I win?"

Shortly after the ordeal, Beta found himself, sitting outside the gate of the Milton state.
"Don't you like playing tackle football?" shouted Beta to the wolf security team, who were really worn out after trying to kick Beta out.
"Go away! you're giving us unwanted attention!" shouted one of the wolves as he walked back inside, rubbing his arms.
"What unwanted attention? There're only 3 major news helicopters flying around your house!" Beta shouted back.
Beta waited for a couple minutes, until he realized he was alone (with the exception of the now 5 helicopters flying around.)
Beta decided he would have to go and find out where he was now. He walked down the road for a bit, but got frustrated at the constant whirring of helicopter blades.
"Go away! You are very annoying!" shouted Beta as loud as he could. The helicopters were starting to scare him, so he kept shouting.
"You are very loud, and I want you to leave!" Beta shouted, but to no avail. Beta started freaking out. He ran swirves down the road as he yelled
"Why won't you leave me alone?!"

Blue woke up in a hospital bed. As she sat up, she started to say "What the-"
"Easy, you were hit by a metal slug from one of the bullets the guy shot at us. Stay down and try not to move too much." Alpha adjusted Blue's Pillow as she laid back down.
"Why are you helping me?" asked Blue, who was getting rather annoyed by Alpha.
"Because your welcoming committee was so nice, so I decided to bring you a gift." Alpha held a glass of water to her lips. She took a sip from it, but pushed it away immediately after.
"You were about to go and explain yourself." Blue said.
"Right. I was looking for big-"
"No," interrupted Blue. "The truth."
"Alright, alright. I thought for sure the Bigfoot story would work. I was separated from my sister, Gamma, and was looking for her. I thought she would be in the graveyard,
but she wasn't there. I thought she would be you, but she wasn't. When I saw you were a watch dog, I panicked. Sorry about that."
Alpha asked if he should lift her feet up, but she refused.
"That sounds believable, but, I don't think I caught your name." Blue said as she relaxed.
"My name is Alpha." Alpha replied.
"Alpha. You sure are a born leader." Blue meant to say that sarcastically, but sounded serious.
"Thanks, you're not so bad yourself!" Alpha said in a quizzical manner. "Is that joke where it's supposed to go?"
"Probably not." Blue laughed, but then held her sides in pain.
"Easy, easy." Alpha rushed to do something, but wasn't sure whatto do, so he put his paws (or hands) on her shoulders.
After a short while, Blue spoke up. "Thanks, Alpha. Thanks for helping me. I'm glad to have a friend around to help me out."
"No problem, Ice Cream." Alpha's nickname was met with an attempted slap in the face, that Alha quickly dodged.
"I missed." Blue said with a grunt of annoyance.

Beta was running in a serpentine line, when he ran into a small, cute, little Pomeranian dog.
"Sorry, I'm running from the helicopters." Beta said slowly.
"Why are you running from the helicopters?" asked the Pomeranian.
"I don't really know. I guess I was in a restricted bunny base." Beta replied.
"O-kaay?" The Pomeranian said, pretending what he said made sense.
"I gotta run now. WWWWWAAAAAHHHH..." Beta started yelling and running in serpentine again.
The Pomeranian shrugged and continued walking while thinking "That was the weirdest dog."
Suddenly, Beta ran up behind her again. "It was nice to meet you, pretty lady."He quickly said.
He then continued running but, instead of yelling again, he continued asking the helicopters to leave him alone.

Eventually, Beta caught sight of a sign. "Bay- borion. Bay-billion. gard- gray dens. Baybillion gray dens. Not the place I'm looking for."
Beta thought for a moment. "What was I supposed to do?" Beta put his hand on his neck. He tapped his collar with his fingers, to find the communicator the scientist gave him.
He stared at it for a moment, and then said "No, that's not what I want."
He searched through his collar some more, this time finding a small yellow and green watch thing. He looked at it, and found that there was a map on it.
"I know!" exclaimed Beta. "I need to find Alpha!"
Beta ran to a bus station. When the bus came, Beta stepped inside.
"Here is the route. Where are you heading?" asked the female driver.
"I don't know." Beta stood there quietly for a short time.
"Well, if your not going anywhere-" The bus driver began to angrily, but was cut off.
"Will this help?" asked Beta, holding something he found sitting next to the Miltons Pool.
They were plane tickets to Florida, and a bedazzled credit card on it.
"This will do nicely, mister Milton." The bus driver said, as she shut the door.
"Thank you, nice lady!" Beta shouted as he ran to the back. He sat down, and immediately fell asleep.

We managed to lose track of Beta, so we have no idea where he is.
Alpha seems to have also gone off the radar.
Epsilon has fallen asleep in front of a restaurant.
We know little about this place, and we are awaiting reports.
~Arthur Rake
Lead scientist of the Dimensional Jumper Program
[Spell checked everything, and has been updated. ~Neon]

Entry #5

Epsilon woke up to someone kicking his sides.
"Hey, no dogs allowed!" shouted an angry voice.
Epsilon looked over, to see a 42 year old chubby man.
"Well, off with you!" he shouted.
"Do you know where I can get a map-"
"NO! LEAVE, STUPID MUT!" shouted the over aggresive man
Epsilon stood, stared the man in the eyes, then walked off.
"See you later, flubber." Epsilon waved as he walked away. While Epsilon was walking away, he noticed a couple other dogs, pointing and staring.
He decided he didn't want any more help from the idiots of this dimension, and kept walking. He walked a 20 paces, when he heard shouting behind him.
"Hey, hey you! Grape Dog!" shouted the pack, running on the other side of the street. Epsilon looked both ways before crossing.
"Epsilon. What's up?" asked Epsilon to the dogs.
"What were you doing in front of the 24 hr. Gas Station?" asked a German Shepherd.
"I was sleeping." Epsilon replied.
"No dog has ever approached the 24 hr. Gas Station and walked away." The dogs said, but suddenly started running.
"Spoke too soon!" Epsilon turned around to watch a Dog Catcher truck pull up.
"Are you the dog who was found sleeping in front of the 24 hr. Gas Station.
"Why does it matter?" asked Epsilon.
"The sign says No Dogs Allowed." replied the dog catcher. "Do you know what I'm going to do?" the dog catcher asked.
"Invite me to the Annual Dog Pound worker ball?" asked Epsilon.
"The dog pound workers doesn't have balls." the man thought for a moment, then walked away. "Have a nice day, sir."
"You, too." The dog catcher truck pulled away, and Epsilon started walking again, when he heard the pack of dogs walking back again. Seeing Epsilon still free, they ran up.
"Duuudddeee..." said a border collie. "What did you tell him?"
"I asked him if he was taking me to the annual dog pound worker ball." Epsilon replied. "Back home, that's what the dog pound would ask me to go to."
"That was boss." replied the collie.
Epsilon kept walking down the road. "Wait! where are you going?" asked the pack.
"Just walking along." replied Epsilon.
"You want to come to our club house?" asked the German Shepherd.
Epsilon thought about going, but decided he didn't want to.
"No thanks, I'm kind of busy--"
"Pleeeaaassseee?" asked a small Australian shepherd. Not wanting to disappoint the kid, Epsilon changed his mind.
"Alright, lead the way."

Blue woke up in the hospital bed, noticing it was the morning now. Then, she got a bad feeling.
"Where is Alpha?" Thought Blue. She stood up and walked to the door. "Excuse me, nurse?"
"Yes, Mrs. Cream" the nurse replied.
"Have you seen a cute blue border collie any where?" asked Blue, not noticing the word "cute".
"He went to the gift shop. He wanted to get you a surprise." replied the nurse. Blue smiled at the thought.
"Thank you, ma'am." Blue went to shut the door, when the nurse said "Congratulations!"
"Congratulations?" Blue sat on the bed, and waited for Alpha to walk in. Suddenly, Alpha opened the door.
Alpha walked in with something behind his back. "So, where were you?" asked Blue.
"I was at the gift shop." replied Alpha coolly as he walked closer to Blue.
"What ever for?" asked Blue, pretending she didn't know anything about it.
"To get you a gift." Alpha replied. Alpha walked up to Blue and got on one knee.
"Blue, knowing you for this short time, made me realize my love for you." Alpha pulled out a tiny blue box, and opened it, revealing a silver ring.
"Will you marry me?" Alpha asked, with a small smile on his face.
"Blue... Blue!" Alpha shook Blue out of her imagination.
"Er.. Alpha! I do-- I mean" Blue stuttered as Alpha pulled out a stuffed bear that read "It's a Girl!"
Blue looked at Alpha with a stern face, then smacked him in the face.
"I can explain." Alpha replied rubbing his face. "They didn't have anything that said 'You survived a bullet!', so I got you this."
Blue sat staring at Alpha with a stern face, then smiled.
"Thank you, Alpha." she excepted the teddy and smelled it.
"There was one that said 'Sorry for your loss', but I figured this would be better."
Blue smiled and lay back down. "Wanna watch some t.v?" Blue asked.
"sure!" Alpha grabbed the remote and turned it on.
"This just in: Muscular Yellow Dog STEALS Milton Ferrets Bank Card"
A small ferret rolled up on the screen. "It was HORRIBLE! He managed to take down our entire security team and steal our card before the authorities came!"
The name "Simon Milton" rolled under the screen. "We have footage of the culprit running down the street."
The screen showed Beta, running down the road. "Why are you following me?! Go away!"
"If you know anything about this dog, or his whereabouts, contact this number '*cough*- MiltonRox'"
"The screen went back to the local news. "BETA?!" shouted Alpha.
"You know him?" asked Blue, with a little surprise.
"Yeah, he's my brother. What did he get himself into? He usually doesn't do that." Alpha thought about what he just said.
"Actually, he might have done it with out knowing. But taking out an entire security team? No... He's gonna have to explain himself when I find him."
Alpha sat down on the chair and breathed deeply. Blue heard Alpha's stomach growling. "Have you gotten anything to eat?" asked Blue
"Not yet." Alpha replied. Another gurgle from his belly could be heard. "Go get something to eat."
"Alright, alright." Alpha stood and walked to the door. "A nurse will be coming by pretty soon to get you something to eat."
"Okay, see you soon." replied Blue. Alpha left, and Blue was alone again.
"Oh Alpha, I love you too!"
"Run away with me! Help me find my troubled brother."
"Anything for you" *smooch* *smooch* *make out noises*
"Stop it!" shouted Blue to snap herself out of it.
Entry #6

Am I going to write anything for Gamma and Delta in this one? not yet, be patient.

Epsilon followed the dog pack to their tiny club house. It looked like something straight up out of a peanuts gallery comic. A red Dog house, with a sleeping dog on top, and a bird perched on it's nose. "In here, Epsilon!" said the little dog. Epsilon went inside to something a bit unexpected.
It had a giant whole in the ground. One by one, they dropped into the whole, climbing a ladder down to about 10 ft. Epsilon took a rung and asked
"How long did it take you to dig this?"
"Not long, only 2 days. That's including the ladder."
Epsilon got to the ground and followed them to a passage. At the end of the passage, was a big room, dirt walls, dirt floor, and a concrete ceiling, with support beams holding up the roof. It had a lighting system, candles, a pulpit of some sorts, and about ten chairs. There was a lot of open space for more stuff, but all in all, it was pretty impressive.
"Most of us live here, instead of the dog pound." said the little Australian Shepherd.
"What about the dogs in the animal shelter?" asked Epsilon.
"We have a tunnel, leading to the different cells of the pound." said the German Shepherd.
"How did you not run into any sewer pipes?" Epsilon asked.
"Are they big, and hard to carry?" asked the Australian Shepherd.
"Yeah, we had to get a special digger to remove those."
"How can you afford all that?" asked a very surprised Epsilon.
"I'm kind of super rich." replied the Australian Shepherd.
"Woah woah, wait... you paid for all these renovations?" interrupted the German Shepherd.
"You didn't know?" asked Epsilon.
"It USED to be just the red dog house, and we would meet outside. Then one day, we came in and saw a giant whole inn the ground.
We went in, and saw everything, and just assumed people from the club got together to do this." The German shepherd replied.
"Well, as impressive as everything is, I never got your names." stated Epsilon. All at once, introductions were flying everywhere. The ones Epsilon managed to get were the German Shepherds name, Angus, The Australian Shepherds name, Idaho, and the beagle on top of the roof, Loopy.
"Okay, that dog house is TOTALLY a Peanuts Gang spoof." thought Epsilon.
"So, did you get permission to do those tunnels?" asked Epsilon.
"Not from the city, but with the Pet Shelter, yes. They're going to keep it a secret, as long as the dogs or cats stay out of trouble." replied Idaho.
"Yeah, I'm still working on getting some ping pong, some ice hockey, maybe a bowling alley, but there is still a lot of work. And when you have no where to go, just come sleep in here! we have loads of memory foam that can be used as a bed. We have rain tarps for blankets, but that's it." Idaho offered.
"Thanks, Idaho." Epsilon said, shaking Idaho's paw.
"No problem." replied Idaho.
"So... now what?" asked Epsilon.

"I call the meeting of the Lost Pets to order!" a mallet slammed down on the pulpit where Angus stood.
"Shall we do the pledge?" Angus asked the crowd of new dogs and cats. In unison, they all said yes. Everyone stood to their feet and put their paw over their heart. Everyone took a deep breath, as if they were about to let out a loud scream. Then, they all sat back down.
"What about the pledge?" a confused Epsilon asked.
"Oh, since this is a very new club, we haven't assigned a pledge. We stand and breath so that it symbolizes that there SHOULD be a pledge there." Idaho said.
"Read the minutes of the last meeting, Mr. Idaho." said Angus. Idaho moved from his spot next to Epsilon and stood in front of the pulpit. He pulled out some notes and read out loud. "We started with the pledge, which lasted 3 seconds. Then we stated old stuff, which, because this is new, wasn't anything, so we moved on to new projects. We added 10 chairs, and talked about activities that we could add. We didn't vote on a single one. Then we Adjourned the meeting."
"Does anyone have any objections to the minutes?" asked Angus. No one had any objections, so they moved on.
"Old projects. The activities we should have set up in here. The activities currently running are:
Air Hockey
Ping Pong
and Bowling.
We will start with Air hockey." A small Yorkshire terrier stood up and started his debate. "I think we should have an air hockey table, because it is all around fun.
It is easy to clean, and only requires a power outlet. Cleaning is easy, because all you need to do is wipe it down. If the wholes get clogged, we just need to get a vacuum and suck the dirt out." The Yorkshire terrier sat back down.
"Ping Pong" Angus announced, and a bull dog stood.
"I believe having a ping pong table in here could help with hand-eye coordination, it's also easy to clean, and unlike the air hockey table, which is a great idea by the way,"
The Yorkie nods at the bull dog. "The ping pong tables could double as a table, in case we have a barbeque, or a banquet in here."
"What's the difference between the 2?" Epsilon quietly asked Idaho.
"The barbeque lets you go in what ever you want, the banquet means you have to wear a bow tie." Idaho replied.
"Thank you, Bully. And now, Idaho." Angus announced as Idaho stood and walked to the front.
"I suggested bowling alleys because It would be great fun. The down side is it does require mopping and waxing, and the installation is a killer.
But, I am prepared to offer all three. Because Air Hockey is awesome, and so is ping pong, and we do need tables, I have decided to pay for all three activities."
There was a lot of clapping afterwards, but then Idaho holds up a paw for silence.
"Unfortunately, We can not install a bowling ally underground."
This was followed by a chorus of "awww"
"But the bright side," Idaho continued, "I heard that the old "Pizza Party", previously owned by 24 hr. Gas Station,"
This was followed by murmured questions.
"Is going under. So, in order to save it, I bought the franchise."
This was followed by a chorus of cheering.
"But there is one thing. Because the owners, and workers, were pet haters, they all quit."
"They ALL quit?" Angus interrupted.
"Yes, not a single worker. This is where the club comes in. In order to run the place, We need workers.
I can get some help running the bowling alley, but there is also a go kart track, which needs supervisors, and someone who knows how to drive.
Since no body knows how to drive, I am going to close that section down."
"I could stay and teach someone how to drive, but I am busy, and I need to find these blips." Epsilon thought.
"--and then the laser tag just needs an automatic computer program."
"Okay, so we just need everyone we can get our paws on."
"Well, I've already got the chefs and servers hired, but us pets will do the games and stuff. After work hours, we can have the place to ourselves."
"Okay, so does anyone second this motion?" Angus asked.
"I second." The beagle that sleeps on the roof speaks up.
"Alright, so all in favor, say 'I'."
Epsilon, expecting complete silence, was surprised by the chorus of "I's" That came forth.
"The I's have it. Now, what will we do with this place?"
"We still need shelter, so we can just make dorm rooms for the pets to sleep and bathe in."
"Alright, we'll do that." Angus announced.
"So, we basically did old AND new projects, so now we can get to the special."
Idaho stood Epsilon up on the podium.
"This dog, was able to sleep, on the very porch of our enemy, and walk away clean."
"Except for the bruise on my side, but other than that..." Epsilon interupted Angus.
"Ouch. Anyways, he is the hero of the month, for standing up to oppresion!"
There was a chorus of clapping and cheering, and for a brief moment, Epsilon felt good.
But, he shook off the feeling, and stopped the cheering with a wave of his paw.
"Thank you, but all I did was walk away--"
"That's why we're cheering for you, Epsilon!"
This was followed by more cheering. They walked on stage and picked Epsilon up. They surfed him across the crowd, all around the massive room.
Suddenly, Epsilon was gone. Idaho looked around, hoping Epsilon wasn't lost in the crowd.
Idaho looked towards the entrance and watched Epsilon leave the room. Idaho ran after Epsilon.
"Wait!" shouted Idaho, who was strugling to leave the crowd. Epsilon kept walking, and then started climbing the ladder. Idaho climbed up after Epsilon, but when he got up,
there was no sign of Epsilon. Idaho pulled himself out of the dog house, and looked around outside. It was bright, partly cloudy. Suddenly, it went dark.
Idaho felt a gag wrap around his mouth. His paws were tied, and he was put in a sack. He felt himself suspended in mid air. He tried to shout for help, but he wasn't loud enough.
He felt himself lifted, thrown, then land hard onto something metal. He felt throbbig pain in his leg. It hurt so much, he couldn't help but let tears fall down his face.
Suddenly he could hear muffled shouting.
"Let us out, stupid [Ce...." The last word was muffled, followed by a loud CRACK.
Suddenly, the bag flung off of Idaho, and he was being lifted in mid air. He could make out the face of the manager of 24 hr. Gas Station.
The oldish, fat man lifted his fist, and pounded Idaho's face hard. Idaho welped, then his vision went black.

Alpha is of no concern now, but he is in a hospital, for some reason. Even though we are
Abandoning him, we do need to keep tabs on our property.
Speaking of keeping tabs, Epsilon has suddenly gone off the radar. We have no idea where he is,
but he is still escential to our project. We are sending Sigma in to his last known location.
Sigma has the best tracking out of all of them, and is equal to the fighting skills of Beta's
previous self. As always, awaiting further reports.
~Arthur Rake
Lead Scientist of the Dimesional Jumper Program.
[Now, just in case you still have a problem with the censored words, the swearing is probably at King level, so it's not THAT much.
Plus, wouldn't you be angry if you were kidnapped? This is just making a realistic(ish) story. In any case, I am sorry if it offends you.]

Entry #7

Epsilon wakes up with a splitting headache. He swears under his breath as he sits up. He looks to his right and sits silently still, watching the broken body of Idaho, in hopes that he's alive. He watches for a long time, but no movement. Not a single sign saying he's alive. Epsilon attempts to stand and run to his side, but he's tied up. He flops to the ground, and inch by inch, crawls over to Idaho's body. He nuzzles him with his nose. Nothing. He puts his nose right on his mouth, hoping to find some sign of life. He sits there for what felt like hours, until finally a short breath inhales into the lungs of the broken Idaho. Epsilon sighs with relief, but is in a problem. He can't move from the spot. Idaho opens his eyes to see Epsilon on top of him, with his mouth right up to his.
"Umm, Epsilon..." Idaho says faintly.
"Sorry, I can't seem to move." Epsilon explains, as he tries to wiggle away from Idaho.
"I gotcha..." Idaho attempts to push Epsilon away, but stops and whimpers in pain.
"I'm so sorry about what happened. I didn't know sleeping on a porch would drive a human crazy." Epsilon apologizes.
"It's not your fault. That manager probably couldn't stand to see a buisness... of his... be bought by... a dog..." Idaho breaths.
Epsilon manages to flop beside Idaho before falling on him.
"See if you can untie me." Epsilon says. Idaho reaches for the ropes on Epsilon's paws.
"What are we going to do?" asks Idaho, as he unties the knots. Epsilon uses his free paws and unties the other bonds on his feet.
"Be prepared to scream as loud as you can, and keep your eyes closed." Epsilon stands, limps over to the side of the door, where the door opens.
"Okay, now." Epsilon covers his ears, expecting a very loud scream, but hears a slight scream, then a grunt in pain.
"I can't, I think my ribs are broken." Idaho explains, with new tears streaming down his face. Epsilon walks over to the whimpering form of Idaho.
"Hey. I can only imagine the pain your going through, but if I yell, they are going to expect an attack." Epsilon thinks for a moment.
"I could try knocking on the door..." Epsilon walks over to the door.
"Keep your eyes closed." Epsilon orders Idaho. Epsilon knocks on the door as loud as he can. He hides beside the door, waiting for someone to come.
a couple minutes later, and no one comes. He slams on the door wildly, hoping that they would hear him, but no one comes.
"Darn it!" Epsilon slams his fist on the door one last time, leaving an indention in the metal. Epsilon sits back down beside Idaho.
"Looks like we are going to be stuck here for a while." Epsilon sighs.
"Since we'll be here for a while, would you tell me a story?" Idaho asks.
"What do you want to hear?" Epsilon replies.
"I know next to nothing about you, so, tell me about your life." Idaho suggests.
Epsilon sits in silence for a bit. After a long pause, Epsilon replies
"You don't want to hear that..." Epsilon sits quietly.
"Please?" Idaho attempts to get something from Epsilon.
"Sigh... Do you know anything about Texas S&M?" Epsilon starts.
"I know some about Texas A&M. Is that what your talking about?" Idaho replies.
"Sort of. Does Texas A&M have a cloning program?" Epsilon asks. Idaho thinks for a moment, then answers
"Yes, although I find it impossible, and pointless."
"Yeah, I mean, they except families who have lost their favorite pet, in hope that they might get him back as a clone."
"Uh hu..."
"But, because of the cloning process, it makes the complete opposite of what the family wanted."
"But, my theory is, if you get a pet that has super anger issues, you could get the best friend any family has ever had."
"Wrong." Epsilon interrupted.
"What do you mean? The cloning process does the exact opposite of what the original was-"
"No." Epsilon starts drawing in the dust.
"So, the original, lets say he could be the best pet in the world. Because of the cloning process, the aggression levels have no time to settle.
So, you could get a very agitated pet from the original. So, if you get the worst pet in the world, what would you get?"
Idaho thinks about it for a second, then replies "I would think you would get a pretty bad monster."
"You would get a blood thirsty dog, earth bent on killing anything in existence. At Texas S&M, they did a cloning program, to genetically alter the clones during the process." Epsilon says, not really drawing anything in the dust.
"The first project, they wanted to make a genetically superior army of dogs."
"Alright..." Idaho said, getting interested in the story.
"Because they didn't filter the candidates, they ended up with a bad batch of clones."
"Well, what did they do?"
"They sent the good ones from the batch to destroy the bad ones."
"Who were the good ones?" asked Idaho.
"The good ones were Alpha, Beta, and Sigma."
"So, is Alpha, Beta, and Sigma your brothers or something?"
"Beta and Sigma are. Because they came from the same DNA sample, they re-used that DNA, over and over, and what ever went missing from it, they added from the next Candidate." Epsilon explained.
"Anyways, back to the story. Alpha, Beta, and Sigma were ruthless killers. But, they had something the others lacked. Self control. They hunted the other wild muts down one by one, and ended them swiftly. Beta was the best of the three. He took down more than both of them put together. But, one day, Beta was told something that nobody wanted him to know. He looked closer into the cloning program, and found something horrible. For the Rogue II candidates, they were going to genetically alter them at a different time, later in their life."
"So, why is that a problem?" asked Idaho.
"Because it doesn't hurt anyone when the template is just a DNA template. Altering them after birth or later could result in a psychological break down.
So, Beta and I hunted down the leaders of the project. One by one they fell, until finally, we were caught. They finished the Rogue II DNA and cloned them.
Me and Beta were held in chryostasis* until the others grew to be 12. All of them were taken to be genetically altered. But, we were unfrozen, and were taken to a special place. They torched us, me and Beta. They opened our minds and replaced our memories. We were implanted with memories that we didn't have, so we could be their soldiers once more. But, where Beta got brain damage and his memories taken away, I could still remember, because of my genetic alterations.
My mind can last longer than others, and can do things that anyone couldn't dream of."
Idaho interrupted the story to ask "What can your mind do?"
Epsilon thought for a moment, then remembered something.
"So, why did the chicken cross the road?" Epsilon asked.
"To get to the other side" answered Idaho with a blank face.
"Yes, now that used to be a funny joke, but because it is so predictable, people don't find it funny. Now here is another joke.
2 men walk into a bar......... knock knock"
"I don't get it." Idaho said.
"When they hit the bar, their heads went knock knock. It's a knock knock joke."
Idaho started laughing a bit, but then held his sides.
"Sorry. But, the point is, your brain constantly tries to stay ahead of the conversation, predicting where the story will end.
When you get a completely unexpected answer, your brain has excess energy. What happens when your excess energy has nowhere to go?
You laugh."
"That's interesting... what relevance does that have to the explanation?"
"Well, because of my genetic alterations, when something surprises me... My mind can shut down a buildings power."
Idaho looked like a light bulb went off in his head. "Is that door electrically locked?"
Epsilon walked over to the door. He put his ear on the door, listening for some sound of electricity.
"Yes, it is."
"So, if we take out the power, it could unlock the door."
"Alright, I see where your going, but how are you going to surprise me enough to knock out the power?"
Idaho thought for a second, then spoke out.
"I'm a girl."
"I knew that." answered Epsilon.
"How could you possibly know?! My friends all think I'm just a young boy, my family has me registered as a boy, I had the writer say that I was a boy--"
"Your lips are slightly different then other guys, your voice is not of a young boy dog, but a teenage female,"
Epsilon points at the different features, then continued to different reactions.
"You blushed when you found me on top of you, guy dogs may whimper, but not as much, and last but not least, I am attracted to you."
Idaho blushed slightly, then Epsilon sat back next to her.
"So, what else can you think of that I haven't already?" Epsilon asks Idaho. Idaho grabs Epsilons face and kisses him, right on the mouth.
"I did think of this, but it doesn't surprise me." Epsilon says, pulling away from Idaho. She grabs him again and pulls him to the ground.
She looks at him with longing eyes, then kisses him again.
"What are you--" before Epsilon could finish, she kissed him again. Every time Epsilon tried to speak, Idaho would kiss him again, and again.
Then, eventually, Epsilon stopped struggling and let her kiss him, assuming she just needed comfort of some sort. She pulls herself over to his hear then whispers
"I'm really a guy."
Epsilon jumps, yelling, and the door flies open.
"Just kidding! I'm still a girl! Did that surprise you?" Idaho looked over at the door, sparking, and glitching open.
"I guess I did." Idaho answers her own question. Epsilon, still surprised that Idaho managed to surprise him, smiled, then helped her to her feet.
She whimpered slightly as she stood up.
"Let's get out of here." Epsilon suggested. He carried her out of the room, and down a long hall, kind of like what you would see in 'House at the End of the Street'.
"So, if your Alpha, why is your name Epsilon?"
"Even though implanting memories that I didn't have, and torturing me was punishment enough, they still felt they needed more to it. So, they changed my name to Epsilon. Because they implanted me being named Epsilon all my life, I call myself Epsilon, even though I was born Alpha."
"Interesting." Idaho said.
"I have a question for you."
"Go for it."
"How do you believe me so easily?" asked Epsilon.
"I didn't at first, but I just liked the story. I wanted a reason to kiss you, so I went along with it.
But now that the door opened up, I do think that's proof enough." explained Idaho, slightly blushing.
"How do you know there wasn't a power outage or something?" Epsilon asked as he carried her up a flight of stairs.
"I don't know, but I still choose to believe you." Idaho said.
Epsilon and Idaho made it up to surface, then looked around the corner of a room. Inside, there was a couple humans, frying something on a fryer.
Epsilon looked around, then saw the Manager sitting on a chair. Epsilon hid behind the corner and listened.
"... Then after we teach that [censor] a thing or two about respect, we show the purple one a thing or two as well..."
Epsilon heard the splash of hot oil sizzle, as the sound of the boiling liquid was lifted, then poured out back into the pot.
Epsilon looked around. Noticing a window above the stairs they just climbed, Epsilon quietly pulled himself up the window.
He unlatched the window and opened it. "Just as I thought. We are at ground level." Thought Epsilon.
He walked back to Idaho, lifted her up, then slid her under the window.
"Your turn." whispered Idaho. Expecting Epsilon to take her hand, she watched Epsilon close the window, then walk around the corner.
"Epsilon? What are you doing?!" Idaho whispered as loud as she could. She listened closely to what was happening inside.
She could hear the sound of screaming, and the splash of oil frying something. Then, the police came.
Angus ran, with a patrol of police dogs. "Angus!" Idaho whispered, but not intentionally, she just couldn't raise her voice louder because it hurt.
Angus heard her, then found her, lying next to the window. "Epsilon is in trouble! I think they might be frying him."
Suddenly, there was quiet, then disturbance in the front yard. Angus helped Idaho up, and carried her to the front.
"Don't worry, little buddy, everything is under control." Then he stopped, and stared at a figure walking out.
Epsilon just opened the door, and casually walked out, flinging a ladle away from him.
"It's a bit messy in there, but I think they'll live." He walked over to Angus, and took the surprised Idaho from his paws.
She wrapped her paws around Epsilons neck, then kissed him.
"Woah, Idaho... Your gay now?" asked Angus.
"What? oh right. I forgot to mention it earlier, but I'm a girl." Idaho looked back at Epsilon, then kissed him lightly on the cheek.
Epsilon has just shown back up on the radar, but it's too late. Sigma is on his way to Epsilon right now.
I feel annoyed that we wasted some man power, but we couldn't take the chance.
Further reports are to be awaited.
~Arthur Rake
Lead Scientist of the Dimensional Jumper Program

How did you like the plot twist? Write what you thought about today's post in the comments below.

All new entry's will be posted in the comments below.
Entry #8 released 7/22/13
Last edited by MrNeonShot on Mon Jul 22, 2013 1:52 pm, edited 12 times in total.
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Re: Project Gone Rogue

Post by copper »

Looks interesting! Dimensional jumps are a great way to explore characters! :D

Cannot wait to see how this turns out~
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Re: Project Gone Rogue

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Thanks, copper!
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Re: Project Gone Rogue

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Always happy to see another writer/ Fan Ficcer around! Keep it up! :D
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Re: Project Gone Rogue

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New section released
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Re: Project Gone Rogue

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I see.... at least it is just across the country and not on the other side of the globe! :D

Do you mind constructive criticism, or just in it to tell a good story? :)
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Re: Project Gone Rogue

Post by MrNeonShot »

Go for it, if you have any idea's, that would be great.
I was so tempted to send Alpha straight to Babylon Garden(s), but that's basically the whole goal I had in mind.
Anyways, I hope your enjoying it, and keep watching for updates.

Also, I think Babylon Gardens location is unknown (as much as I know), so It might even be across the bridge...
Depending on where Rick Griffin wants to put it.
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Re: Project Gone Rogue

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New entry
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Re: Project Gone Rogue

Post by Legotron123 »

Apparently we're not the only ones who wonder where Babylon guardens is.
Play The Hayseed Knight. This isn’t self promotion, I just really like the game.

You ever realize that the two longest pieces of literature in existence are both fanfics? Weird right?
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Re: Project Gone Rogue

Post by copper »

So they are in the 50s right now?

Alpha fancies himself a ladies' Dog, eh? Oh what fun we will have reading about his exploits... :lol:
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Re: Project Gone Rogue

Post by MrNeonShot »

copper wrote:So they are in the 50s right now?

Alpha fancies himself a ladies' Dog, eh? Oh what fun we will have reading about his exploits... :lol:
No, they are still in 2013, but Blue's sister is kind of a loose one. She'll probably make out with anyone that walks by, even at a cemetary. Thats where the confusion comes in.
Glad you are enjoying, and feel free to suggest where Gamma, Beta, and Delta should end up.
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Re: Project Gone Rogue

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Well, I do know of this small town in Florida called Mayo....

I meant because of the Gravestone....
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Re: Project Gone Rogue

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Actually, I just got on google maps and picked a small town on the border of Georgia and Florida.
But, I have been on the bridge where Epsilon was. I was on my way to Pensicola for a gathering of sorts.
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Re: Project Gone Rogue

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Cool! I live in North Florida, so I can tell you a bit about it. :P
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Re: Project Gone Rogue

Post by MrNeonShot »

copper wrote:Cool! I live in North Florida, so I can tell you a bit about it. :P
Cool, Pensacola was awesome. Spending a day at the beach is what I wish I could have done, but we only stayed for a couple hours. Then we went to cici's pizza, where I do I d a long lost favorite soda of mine. mello yello.
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Re: Project Gone Rogue

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Just in case you are wondering, I am currently working on Beta's jump, so It will be posted soon.
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Re: Project Gone Rogue

Post by Silly Zealot »

Plot hole!:
MrNeonShot wrote:Gamma watched Delta fumbling his thumbs.
"Whats the matter, Delta? Anxious?" Gamma scooted closer to Delta to listen.
"Why wouldn't Epsilon be here?" Delta said, looking more thoughtful than concerned.
"I'm supposed to be his best friend." Delta said, with out looking at Gamma.
"And you feel betrayed?" Gamma said, not sure what to say, she's not that good at comforting.
"Don't be silly, he wouldn't have missed it for the world." He thinks, then moves his finger, pointing to the right.
"Either A. He is having a panic attack, and I should go help him. B. He snuck in and went before us."
or C. He's been taken for another research thing." Delta put his hand back under his chin.
First, Delta fumbles his thumbs (A dog with thumbs?! Everything has gone mad! : P), and then it says that he "resumed" putting his hand under his chin.
MrNeonShot wrote:"Is it so hard to find a map?" He told himself as he sat on the porch.
Shouldn't it be "a" porch? The text did not mention any building with a porch was there to begin with.
MrNeonShot wrote:Epsilon decided to stay outside for the time being. He pulled out a
survival book, and threw it away. "Dead weight."
Epsilon's logic: "It's not useful to me right now, so I better just throwing away."
Shouldn't they actually memorize those books instead of bringing them along, anyway?
MrNeonShot wrote:"You sick [censored]!" Shouted the watchdog.
Woho, there! The foul language does give a lot of emotion to the characters, it's true, but even if they are censored, you have to be careful of when you apply them. There are children reading this things!
MrNeonShot wrote:"If she wasn't trying to kill me, I would be enjoying this." Thought Alpha.

A loud *BANG* could be heard from the dark figure that was approaching.
"Oh [censored], he thinks I'm my sister..." Said the watchdog as she fan-girled
off of Alpha.
"You sick [censored]!" indeed! :lol:
MrNeonShot wrote:"Well, to put it simply." Alpha looked toward the writer- Hey wait a second, stop
breaking the fourth wall. As if hearing what I just said, Alpha chuckled
and said
"I can go all night, bab-" Before Alpha could get it out, the watchdog smacked him
in the face.
"Ouch. What was that for?" asked Alpha.
"THAT was for lying," she smacked him again.
"THAT was for making me look like we were doing something other than me trying to kill you."
she smacked him again, then said "And THAT was for breaking the fourth wall." She rubbed her hand
as she walked away.
"Breaking the fourth wall?" asked Alpha.
"What about breaking the fourth wall?" the watchdog asked.
"Nevermind. What's your name?
" Alpha asked as he sat down.
Ha! That was actually funny!
MrNeonShot wrote:"It's Blue, [censor] it!" she shouted. "Blue Belle, with an 'E'."
Still too many bad words (yes, I know they are only three or four, but it's still more than the average.), really nice name for the watchdog, though! : )
MrNeonShot wrote:"Good night, ice cream." expecting a smack in the face, he was met with a light tap on the cheek.
They are a romantic couple now? In less than an hour? After he lied to her about why he was intruding in the cementery? And using her dead owner as a escape goat?
MrNeonShot wrote:
copper wrote:So they are in the 50s right now?

Alpha fancies himself a ladies' Dog, eh? Oh what fun we will have reading about his exploits... :lol:
No, they are still in 2013, but Blue's sister is kind of a loose one. She'll probably make out with anyone that walks by, even at a cemetary. Thats where the confusion comes in.
Glad you are enjoying, and feel free to suggest where Gamma, Beta, and Delta should end up.
Honestly, Copper, I'm surprised you didn't realize that that was just an old gravestone.

I think that what is going on here is that Arthur Rake, Lead scientist of the Dimensional Jumper Program, is going to be transported back in time to several decades before he was even born. This fanfic's author is giving us a hint about it's ending right off the hook!, And I think I know how:
Epsilon will find the rest of his team.
He will tell them about how Arthur betrayed him and threw him at a random point on the alternate dimension.
Epsilon's team will gang up to get back home and pay Arthur in kind.
They send him to the far past.
He becomes trapped in the past and dies from old age in 1958, perhaps even exactly one year before he was actually born.

Did I get any of that right?
Last edited by Silly Zealot on Mon Jul 15, 2013 2:04 am, edited 1 time in total.
20th century fox? Given that this is the year 2020, that fox must be dead by now. Sadface! : (

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Re: Project Gone Rogue

Post by MrNeonShot »

So, first the plot holes.
I thought about the thumb thing for a while before I posted it, but seeing as the Housepets Universe has anthropomorphic animals (some characteristics of humans), they would have hands, and further more, thumbs.
Delta put his hand under his chin. I thought I had made him put his hand under his chin before. My mistake :p

Blue Belle has swearing problems ever since her owner died, Alpha IS going to bring this up to her.
Don't take this the wrong way, but, children are only going to see it as just a censor bar, unless they fill it in themselves.
Nevertheless, the censors will die down.

The place with the porch previously mentioned is the 24 hr. Gas Station Restaurant.
right here.
Epsilon stood under the lights of the 24 hr. Gas Station. Turns out,
24 hr. Gas Station is the restaurants* name. Epsilon looked off in
annoyance at the redundancy of this dimension.
"Is it so hard to find a map?" He told himself as he sat on the porch.
*word corrected in this comment, not in story.

Epsilon's logic with the survival book.
Epsilon, as well as the others, received military training, expecting a wild, and possibly apocalyptic environment (not explained in the story).
He thought he would need more survival training with the book, but decided it was dead weight.
To reply to your question, yes. But, he probably has memorized the book, but decided he didn't want to take chances, and already has the requirements to survive that world.

I'm glad you liked the fourth wall joke! I'm glad to get positive feedback. :)

Blue Belle's name
Thanks, glad you like it! :)

They are a romantic couple?
No, but it's a section I have thought out. Just need to finish Beta's jump, then I'll work on that.
It's a secret for now >:)

So, now to your assumption of the end.
Arthur Rake will be sent back in time 'til before he was born... spoilers... that's my way of saying, I haven't thought of that.
Epsilon will find the rest of his team.
Yes and no. Beta is going to find Epsilon and help him locate the rest with some equipment... You'll see in Beta's jump.
Epsilon will tell them how Arthur Rake betrayed them, and how they threw him at a random point in the alternate dimension.
Well, that, and some stuff copper has a small amount of knowledge about. spoilers.
Epsilon and his team will gang up to get back home and pay Arthur in kind.
That would take them a VERY long time.
They send him to the far past.
Time travel isn't possible yet, so no.

So your next question is probably "Then what is the gravestone?"
Okay I have this one idea, kind of like what happened at the end of Doctor Who, season 7 part 2.
When the Doctor and Clara went to trenzalor*, and they saw River Song's grave.
It turned out to be a secret passage?
Maybe Arthur Rakes grave will be a secret passage.
or, the years are coordinates to a secret base with another dimensional jumper device.

Anyways, I hope that explains some things, and if you like the story, keep watching for updates, there is no schedule, so yeah.
If you want to check out what the characters look like, check them out on my deviantART,
Keep in mind, I haven't drawn Delta and Epsilon yet.
thanks for reading,
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Re: Project Gone Rogue

Post by copper »

Silly, I try not to spoil anything, nor do I put forth any serious guesses in anything I post.... I mostly just asked about the gravestone itself, putting forth a suggestion to get the ball rolling.

I rather like this fic so far, keep it up!

Hmm, thety look interesting to say the least.
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Re: Project Gone Rogue

Post by MrNeonShot »

copper wrote:Silly, I try not to spoil anything, nor do I put forth any serious guesses in anything I post.... I mostly just asked about the gravestone itself, putting forth a suggestion to get the ball rolling.

I rather like this fic so far, keep it up!

Hmm, thety look interesting to say the least.
Sorry if you were expecting more (about the characters), I was trying out a new style of drawing.
Hutch (Richmond Acres) is probably my favorite Housepets style character.

The spoilers I did post I thought was appropriate, and didn't reveal too much.
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Re: Project Gone Rogue

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Re: Project Gone Rogue

Post by Legotron123 »

Success has temporary slipped out of their grasps because they sent a dog with no reading skills.
Play The Hayseed Knight. This isn’t self promotion, I just really like the game.

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Re: Project Gone Rogue

Post by MrNeonShot »

Legotron123 wrote:Success has temporary slipped out of their grasps because they sent a dog with no reading skills.
Lol, yeah.
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Re: Project Gone Rogue

Post by copper »

He forgot to call in...
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Re: Project Gone Rogue

Post by MrNeonShot »

copper wrote:He forgot to call in...
Sure did.
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Re: Project Gone Rogue

Post by Silly Zealot »

MrNeonShot wrote:I'm glad you liked the fourth wall joke! I'm glad to get positive feedback.
ALL of us love being sung praises for our doings, but one must also be permanently prepared for negative feedback, or even offensive remarks. In fact, one must not only be prepared for it, but also embrace it, cherish it, marry it, and have a child named Improvement.

That being said:
MrNeonShot wrote:Beta was running in a serpentine line, when he ran into a small, cute little Pomeranian dog.
"Sorry, I'm running from the helicopters." Beta said slowly.
"Why are you running from the helicopters?" asked the Pomeranian.
"I don't really know. I guess I was in a restricted bunny base." Beta replied.
"O-kaay?" The Pomeranian said, pretending what he said made sense.
"I gotta run now. WWWWWAAAAAHHHH..." Beta started yelling and running in serpentine again.
The Pomeranian started walking again, thinking "That was the weirdest dog."
Suddenly, the dog runs up behind her again. "It was nice to meet you, pretty lady."
He then runs off again, this time he doesn't start yelling. Instead, he just started asking it to leave again.
At first, the narration is in simple past, but on the second half, it is in simple present, and some grammar mistakes are still visible.

Beta is funny as it comes!, But it's true, Why is he on the Jumper Program?
They say that it is because of him being super lucky, but he seems to be either a child, or bad in the head. You don't send children or someone who is bad in the head into high-risk professional missions, no matter how lucky they are.
20th century fox? Given that this is the year 2020, that fox must be dead by now. Sadface! : (

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Re: Project Gone Rogue

Post by MrNeonShot »

Silly Zealot wrote:
MrNeonShot wrote:I'm glad you liked the fourth wall joke! I'm glad to get positive feedback.
ALL of us love being sung praises for our doings, but one must also be permanently prepared for negative feedback, or even offensive remarks. In fact, one must not only be prepared for it, but also embrace it, cherish it, marry it, and have a child named Improvement.

That being said:
MrNeonShot wrote:Beta was running in a serpentine line, when he ran into a small, cute little Pomeranian dog.
"Sorry, I'm running from the helicopters." Beta said slowly.
"Why are you running from the helicopters?" asked the Pomeranian.
"I don't really know. I guess I was in a restricted bunny base." Beta replied.
"O-kaay?" The Pomeranian said, pretending what he said made sense.
"I gotta run now. WWWWWAAAAAHHHH..." Beta started yelling and running in serpentine again.
The Pomeranian started walking again, thinking "That was the weirdest dog."
Suddenly, the dog runs up behind her again. "It was nice to meet you, pretty lady."
He then runs off again, this time he doesn't start yelling. Instead, he just started asking it to leave again.
At first, the narration is in simple past, but on the second half, it is in simple present, and some grammar mistakes are still visible.

Beta is funny as it comes!, But it's true, Why is he on the Jumper Program?
They say that it is because of him being super lucky, but he seems to be either a child, or bad in the head. You don't send children or someone who is bad in the head into high-risk professional missions, no matter how lucky they are.
Have you ever heard of Red vs. Blue? Beta is a character based off of Michel J. Caboose, I even write his character with that voice in mind.
You may ask, why does that matter?
Because, I was talking with my friend Jesse, and he had a theory.
In Project Freelancer, The best freelancer found out something he shouldn't have.
So, they erased his mind, and possibly damaged his brain. They sent him with Agent Florida to Blood Gulch, where he would live the rest of his days as
a dishonorably discharged Blue. That person, was Michel J Caboose, codename Connecticut.
Connecticut was a girl, blah blah
What if she was a replacement, so when anyone asked bout Connecticut, Connie would be brought up instead of Caboose.
Okay, so what AI would Caboose have?

Okay, so as cool as that sounds, what relevance does that have to the story?
Well, that's for you to find out.
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Re: Project Gone Rogue

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Re: Project Gone Rogue

Post by copper »

Seems Blue Belle fell pretty hard and fast for Alpha.

Alas, poor Epsilon. Always getting kicked around. :roll:
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Re: Project Gone Rogue

Post by MrNeonShot »

copper wrote:Seems Blue Belle fell pretty hard and fast for Alpha.

Alas, poor Epsilon. Always getting kicked around. :roll:
Yeah, Epsilons going to go through a lot of crap before this is over.
I have tidbits of how this is going to end, but I have next to no storyline in between, but it usually comes to me as I'm writing.
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Re: Project Gone Rogue

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Re: Project Gone Rogue

Post by Legotron123 »

I see the old gas station owner isn't happy that his store was bought by something he hates.
It's like if the krusty krab was bought by plankton.
Play The Hayseed Knight. This isn’t self promotion, I just really like the game.

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Re: Project Gone Rogue

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More like the Mickey buying Pete's town on Epic Mickey.
Something like that.
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Re: Project Gone Rogue

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Re: Project Gone Rogue

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Didn't see that coming.
Play The Hayseed Knight. This isn’t self promotion, I just really like the game.

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Re: Project Gone Rogue

Post by MrNeonShot »

Yeah, at first, Alpha and Blue' s story was going to be Epsilon and Idaho's story, but more angst, and no comedy. But, I couldn't decide whether I wanted a big brother, little brother relationship or what. But, it just didn't work with Idaho being a guy, so now the character is a girl. Now I have a super dramatic plan for the future.

In other news, I'm not sure if I want to throw Gamma and Delta into the story until way later.
But what are your idea's for Sigma? Will.
He become a girl as well? Nah.
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Re: Project Gone Rogue: a Housepets branch off/fan fic

Post by copper »

Huh.... alright then. At least Epsilon got to be a hero and not the scapegoat or what not. Let us hope no one presses charges. :?

I wonder if Angus will be trying to Woo Idaho now that he knows...
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Re: Project Gone Rogue: a Housepets branch off/fan fic

Post by MrNeonShot »

Yeah, I wonder...
Nervous chuckle...
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Re: Project Gone Rogue: a Housepets Branch off/Fan fiction

Post by MrNeonShot »

Well, I maxed my characters on the original post, so I'm releasing the new entry Here!
Entry #8

Beta managed to get to an airport, but he lost his flight. Multiple people ran to help him, thinking he was a Milton.
Had they not watched the news yet? Well, their satellite TV was powered down, and is up for maintenance. Lucky Beta.
So, the flight was going to be leaving in an hour. Beta sat in a chair, then looked over at the butler-looking person sitting next to him, then asked
"Do I have to sit here? It's really boring."
"You can do what ever you want, sah."
"Can I ride a dinosaur?" Beta asked.
"What?" the confused butler asked.
"Well, you said I could, so I'll go look for a dinosaur." Beta stood, then walked away, walking past people and saying "Pardon me."
Beta walked past a cafe, smelling the cinnamon baking in an oven, made him walk in.
"Excuse me, ma'am" Beta asked one of the guy workers.
"Ey! who you callin--" The guy looks down, and see's Beta's V.I.P tag.
"Pardon me, what would you like?" the worker asked the confused, but very rich dog.
"Do you have any dinosaurs here?" Beta asked.
"No, but we have cake pops. Dog friendly, want one?"
"Okay." Beta hands the guy the card, that he thought everyone was so keen on holding.
The worker swipes the card, then hands Beta a cake pop.
"Thank you, nice lady!" Beta walks away and sits in a booth. He didn't notice, but he sat next to a black dog. She looks at him and smiles.
"Hi, I'm Daisy!" The dog announces in a peachy tone.
"Hi, I'm Beta!" Beta replies in his regular tone.
"Hi, I'm Daisy!" Daisy says again, and is met with the same statement as last time announced.
"Hi, I'm--" Daisy starts, but is cut off when Beta asks
"Would you like a cake pop?" The dog thinks, then nods.
"Hey! Nice Lady! Can you get me another cake pop!"
"Yes sir..." The worker grumpily pulls out another cake pop. He walks over to Beta and the black dog and hands Beta the cake pop.
"Would you like anything else?"
"Did you get any dinosaurs?"
"No sir--"
"Then I don't think so, but thank you for asking!" Beta takes the pop, then hands it to Daisy. When Beta notices the worker hadn't left the table, he hands him his card.
"Go away, I'm talking to this nice doggy." The worker walks away with the card, swipes it, then goes back to return it.
"Thank you, sir." Beta takes the card again, then turns back to talk to Daisy.
"It's so hard to find a good dinosaur these days."
Daisy nods, then says in a serious tone
"Hi, I'm Daisy..."
"I know, right?" Beta eats his cake pop, then continues to have a nice, one sided conversation with Daisy.

Alpha helps walk Blue out of the Hospital.
"Feeling better?" Alpha asks.
"I'm a little sore, but other than that, I'm fine."
"That's good." Alpha slowly let Blue walk on her own.
Blue shakes a little, then walks without shaking.
"That was remarkable recovery time."
"Sure was. You think the writer ran out of idea's?"
"Probably. I guess he just thought we were getting boring, sitting in a hospital."
The write makes Alpha and Blue look at each other, lift their hands simultaneously, then bonk each other on the head.
"We won't break the fourth wall ever again, we super duper promise." Blue and Alpha say, making the writer laugh.
"What was that about a promise?" Alpha asks, after being let out of the trans.
"What promise?" Blue asks.
"That you will be with me forever." Blue imagines Alpha say. She blushes, then says
"Never mind." Blue walks to the edge of the street.
"So, where do you want to go?" asks Blue.
"Anywhere with you, babe." Blue's imagination kicks in again. She darts to the left, cursing her love--
Er, likability towards Alpha.
"Can we go somewhere that has computers readily open?" Alpha asks.
"The library should be open today. I'll take you." Blue walks with Alpha down the road.

When Blue and Alpha make it to the library, they walk inside, and immediately sit on the computers.
[Password Required] Shows up on the screen.
Alpha types in the letters B-U-F-F-A-L-O.
The password excepts, then he waits for the computer to start up.
"How did you know that would work?" Asks a surprised Blue.
"I didn't. The writer was just showing his love for Doctor Who."
Blue bonks Alpha on the head.
"I promise to never break the fourth wall ever again."
"Fourth wall?" Blue asks
"What about it?" Alpha replies.
So, Alpha goes to Mozilla Firefox, then types in "Milton Ferrets".
[Multimillionaire ferrets, owns a theme park, invests in a lot of ferret things, Unstoppable Dog.]
Alpha clicks the Unstoppable Dog, then finds Beta as the cover photo.
Alpha reads through the report, then finds [The tickets were to get to a House in South Pennsacola, Florida.
That is where the dog is most likely headed.]
Alpha looked at Blue, then asked "You want to take a road trip to Florida?"
"Sure" Blue replies.
"Sure?" Alpha asks Blue.
"Is that a problem?" replies Blue.
"Well, no, I'm happy, but I was expecting 'I just can't drop everything and run away with you, I have friends--"
Blue interrupted Alpha.
"My sister lives in Alabama not far from South Pensacola. I wouldn't mind visiting her."
"Well that's lucky..." Alpha said, then noticed the Milton's address.
[*cough* *cough* Babylon Gardens]
"After we get Beta back, we have to explain that it was a misunderstanding to the Milton's."
"How do you know it was an accident?" Blue asks.
"I know Beta, he wouldn't intentionally steal something." Alpha replies.
"Well then, let's work on getting some plane tickets."
"Or we could drive." Alpha raises an eyebrow.
"Flying is faster, plus, neither of us knows how, and taking a cab would be pretty expensive."
"Your right, lets just fly."
So, Alpha and Blue walked out of the library, and went looking for the airport.

Idaho woke up, cuddling a sleeping Epsilon beside her.
Epsilon has Bandages all up his arm, and wrapped around his sides.
She looked down and noticed they were lying under a sheet. Idaho wanted to check her bandages, so she moved the sheet off their body.
She blushed as she noticed Epsilon holding her close. Her sides had bandages on them as well. She moved the sheet down even more.
Idaho gingerly moved Epsilon's bandaged leg off of her legs, then noticed the bandages on one.
"Guess we got hurt pretty bad." She voiced out loud.
She found the remote, then turned the TV on. "Milton ferrets robbed from-- *chk*"
Idaho changes the channel to a local news channel.
"2 dogs, Idaho and someone who's identity isn't confirmed, so we'll call him Grape. Grape and Idaho were kidnapped On Friday morning.
They were beat and thrown into a room, left to die. Grape managed a daring escape for Idaho, but was captured by the kidnappers before he could get out.
They planned to burn him with hot oil, but he managed to escape. The details are unconfirmed, but the kidnappers left with severe burns all along their faces
and torso's, so they will be in recovery, then sent to jail." The reporter finishes with her name, then signs off.
Idaho remembers Epsilon closing the window behind her, walking casually into the kitchen, then the screams of the people.
She remembers Angus carrying her to the front yard, where Epsilon walked casually out, throwing a ladle away.
Idaho pulls Epsilon sleeping form closer to her body and cuddles with him, being afraid of what happened to them earlier.
Epsilon wrapped his arms around her, then pulled her closer, holding her, as if to tell her "Everything is all right."
She sinks in to his warm, broken body, then falls asleep again. Suddenly, the door opens, and a nurse walks in.
"Epsilon, what did we tell you about separate beds?" The nurse says, putting her hands on her hips.
"She was afraid, so I came to comfort her." Epsilon replied, with out moving from his position.
"Get back in your bed." The nurse orders.
Epsilon looks up, then back at Idaho. He gently removes her grip on his back, then slides out of the bed. Epsilon kisses Idaho lightly on the head,
then limps to his bed.
"Now you stay there, and try not to move too much." The nurse ordered, then left the room again. Idaho peeked her eye open, making sure the nurse was gone.
Then, she slipped out of her bed, then limped over to Epsilon's bed. She lays down, then wraps her limbs around Epsilon.
"She didn't say anything about me." Idaho put her head into Epsilon's chest, then closed her eyes.
Epsilon wraps his arms around her, then lets her use his chest as a pillow. He closes her eyes as Idaho makes a sigh of happiness.


Sigma is tracking Epsilon to the Hospital, and is preparing a new recovery device for him.
Epsilon managed to lose his red and blue one, so we are sending a new one, this time with his name
Inscribed on the back.

Alpha is trying to find an airport, which means he is going somewhere.
We currently do not know his intentions, so we have sent Sigma with orders to stop Alpha from
finding Epsilon.
Awaiting further reports,
~Arthur Rake
Lead scientist of the Dimensional Jumper Program
Who is the mysterious Sigma? What will Beta find in Pensacola? Who is Blue's sister?
This time, I won't answer, you guys discuss it in the comments.
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Re: Project Gone Rogue: a Housepets Branch off/Fan fiction

Post by Legotron123 »

I get the feeling that the scientists would have a easier time if they had given all of the test subjects a communicator.
Play The Hayseed Knight. This isn’t self promotion, I just really like the game.

You ever realize that the two longest pieces of literature in existence are both fanfics? Weird right?