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Re: fan fic: Tough memories Rated PG-13

Posted: Tue Oct 25, 2011 11:53 pm
by copper
Great to hear! I can't wait.

Re: fan fic: Tough memories Rated PG-13

Posted: Wed Oct 26, 2011 6:58 am
by TensaZangetsu
I just got caught up with everything, and I really like this story. Keep up the great work.

Re: fan fic: Tough memories Rated PG-13

Posted: Wed Oct 26, 2011 2:48 pm
by Luna werewolf
yay. This is getting interesting...

Re: fan fic: Tough memories Rated PG-13

Posted: Tue Nov 01, 2011 6:42 pm
by musclecar326
Alrighty so i have a new chapter about halfway done. But the problem is that i won't have much time to type. I have quarter finals on Friday and a test or two before then, so ill be studying and doing reviews.But I promise ill get it up by this weekend and it'll be a good one considering i switched the story to 3rd person.

Re: fan fic: Tough memories Rated PG-13

Posted: Sun Dec 04, 2011 3:34 am
by musclecar326
Well hello, im truly sorry that i haven't posted anything for over a month but i almost forgot about my story. For this new chapter that i do so everly owe to everyone is newly written in 3rd person and has a big twist.

Chapter 10

Cocoa woke with a start to the sound of loud rasps on the door. He stretched with a huge yawn, and the cricking of his back. The rasp came again this time louder. "I'm coming." Cocoa said.

He shuffled his way over to the door, sliding the lock across. Slowly he opened the door still a little asleep. The door nearly flew into the wall once he saw Spark standing there.

"Oh hey your awake, how you feeling?" Spark asked.

"Pretty good right now, I got some stitches in my head. The doctor told me to rest, I woke up from a nap a few minutes ago." Cocoa explained.

Spark was a little pouty at that. "Aww crud, I was hoping to go to the park and play a game or two. But now you can't because of my stupid push into the curb." Spark skulked.

"No no, don't think like that I'm thankful that you did push me otherwise I might not be here right now. You can still come inside and maybe play a board game or two." Cocoa said.

"I guess I could," Spark agreed while walking in. "Which one do you wanna play?"

"Let's play Monopoly, I have the pet version." Cocoa said, "Its a great game that's fun to pla...." He stopped mid sentence as he saw tears in Spark's eyes. "What's wrong did I say something wrong."

"No it wasn't you it's just my old dad's favorite game was Monopoly pet version. We played for hours some times just acting like big-shots." Spark said, she then wiped the tears away from her eyes.

"I'm sorry for bringing that memory back, we can play another game. How about checkers?" Cocoa asked.

"It's ok, I'm actually happy, I don't get to remember the old days very often. And that sounds great." Spark answered.

Cocoa went into the closet nearby and pulled out the board from underneath two boxes. Once he had it tugged out, he turned around to leave when the two boxes tipped off the shelf. They came crashing down onto Cocoa knocking him to the ground. "Augh!" Cocoa yelled when they landed on him.

Spark came rushing over and pulled the boxes plus their content off of Cocoa. "Are you alright?" Spark asked once she could see him.

"I'm ok, it just surprised me." Cocoa answered.

"You know, your a very clumsy dog. Maybe we should just go for a walk outside." Spark suggested.

"I know I am, it's what caused every one of my injuries so far. Sure let's go before something else happens." Cocoa said, he got up and walked to the door with Spark next to him.

Cocoa opened the door and signaled for her to go first. Once they were both on the porch, Cocoa closed the door. It was a bright and sunny day with not a single cloud in the sky. It smelled of freshly cut grass and flowers. As they stepped of the porch, a new smell hit them both. The smell of a freshly baked apple pie sitting on the windowsill of the house across the street. The concrete was warm on their paws as Cocoa and Spark walked to the sidewalk. As they walked next to each other just enjoying the sounds and sights, Cocoa knew this was a fantastic start to a great friendship.

************* 1 Year Later *************

It didn't feel like a year at all to Cocoa since he had met Spark for the first time after becoming a pet. But it was, he still hadn't revealed his secret to Spark yet. He didn't feel like she needed to know about what he was before becoming a dog. It didn't matter now that they were an item. It took almost 11 months just to court her and ask her out on an official date. Cocoa had tried so many times to ask her out but every attempt either failed or he chickened out of. Many of his attempts sent him to the hospital instead of Spark's heart. Every month was a new attempt and usually another injury. Luckily Trevor had enough money to pay for all the hospital bills. Cocoa got a lot of attention from Spark when he was injured, that attention nearly melted his heart. He also gained a lot of new friends like Peanut, Grape, Joey, Max, Fiddler, Keys, Fido, and Sabrina. It felt great now that he had friends and a girlfriend. The last attempt he made to ask out Spark was not only a very successful one but also very romantic. Cocoa had rose petals laid all over the floor and up the stairs in Spark's house. He was waiting in her room with a single white rose and a little box. As she opened the door, Spark almost broke out into tears of the sheer romantics of the moment. As she went over to Cocoa he kneeled and presented the box to her. Inside was a beautiful necklace in the shape of an angel with "fake" diamonds surrounding the outline. At that moment Spark started crying as Cocoa put the necklace onto her her. After he was done Cocoa asked her out on a date as he gave her the rose. She said yes of course.

Since then they have been out on 5 dates, had several snuggles, and even one magical kiss. At the present moment Cocoa was laying on the couch with Spark snuggled up against him. They were watching "All dogs go to heaven" when the phone in the kitchen rang.

"Sorry honey but I have to get that, Trevor isn't home." Cocoa said as he slipped out of Spark's grasp and walked to the kitchen.

"Who is it?" Spark asked once he had picked up the phone.

"Hello, yes this is Cocoa." After that the only thing that could be heard was silence throughout the house. cocoa was leaning against the wall then proceeded to slide down until he was sitting.

Spark noticed that tears were streaming down Cocoa's face as his face got sadder and sadder. She quickly hopped off the couch then walked over to him. His face was soaking wet and his head was leaning on his arms that were on top on his knees. The phone suddenly dropped out of his hand as the other person hung up. "What happened Cocoa, come on tell me." Spark told him.

They was at least 2 minutes of solid crying and sobbing coming from Cocoa. Before he was able to croak in between sobs that...

"Trevor was... killed... in a car crash." Cocoa was able to say before another wave of sadness washed over him.

The rest of the night was spend on the floor in the kitchen with Spark comforting Cocoa as he slowly calmed down. By the time both of them had fell asleep it was nearly morning.

The sun awoke the sleeping pair as late morning was starting. Spark got up first and grabbed the phone off the floor to call her Mom and tell her what happened. It took a few minutes for Cocoa to find the strength to stand back up. By then Spark was done talking with her mom.

"My mom is on her way over here to help comfort you and to make us some breakfast." Spark explained. She got barely a nod out of Cocoa before he wandered off toward the stairs. Spark just looked after him.

Cocoa slowly made his way up the steps, and almost crawled his way into Trevor's room. He went over to the dresser and grabbed the picture of him and Trevor hugging. Cocoa stood there and stared at the picture remembering all their memories from the past. Tears started to form in his eyes again as he started to wander among old memories...

Re: fan fic: Tough memories Rated PG-13

Posted: Sun Dec 04, 2011 3:01 pm
by TensaZangetsu
Oh, such a tragedy! I feel so sorry for Cocoa

Re: fan fic: Tough memories Rated PG-13

Posted: Sun Dec 04, 2011 5:03 pm
by RandomGeekNamedBrent
so sad... I have a feeling KizerZin will comment here saying he loves it.

also, is it not weird for Cocoa, a human turned dog, to be dating the cat he had as a human?
1) he's human inside and this was his pet
2) that makes him a cat lover, so Bino should be picking on him.

Re: fan fic: Tough memories Rated PG-13

Posted: Sun Dec 04, 2011 5:07 pm
by TensaZangetsu
RandomGeekNamedBrent wrote:so sad... I have a feeling KizerZin will comment here saying he loves it.

also, is it not weird for Cocoa, a human turned dog, to be dating the cat he had as a human?
1) he's human inside and this was his pet
2) that makes him a cat lover, so Bino should be picking on him.
People are allowed to love whoever they want!
And I'll smack the mess out of bino!
He fan be a cat lover... Even though I can't stand them.

Re: fan fic: Tough memories Rated PG-13

Posted: Mon Dec 05, 2011 2:08 am
by musclecar326
Ok first brent, after that long year cocoa has pretty much forgotten himself that he wasn't always a dog. So he doesn't feel any weirdness between him and Spark anymore. And bino is not teasing Cocoa because only his friends know that he is dating a cat, and Spark and Cocoa have not made it public yet. Also i plan to start trying to update every weekend but we'll see how that goes.

Re: fan fic: Tough memories Rated PG-13

Posted: Wed Dec 07, 2011 3:41 am
by copper
Nice update to a great story! Poor Cocoa. Guy just can't catch a break.

Re: fan fic: Tough memories Rated PG-13

Posted: Thu Dec 22, 2011 12:59 am
by musclecar326
Alright so i have started the next chapter but have been unable to finish it do to lots of homework and other things using up my free time. But since i have 11 days off of school, soon ill be able to both finish the chapter plus type another one after that. So wait a few more days and ill have a new update up.

Spoiler alert! I have also put some thoughts into another story. Highlight this below if you want a small preview of what is to come next chapter of Tough Memories.
Cocoa gets into some trouble and will need the everyone to get him out of it. He tries to run away from all the troubles he's been having.

Re: fan fic: Tough memories Rated PG-13

Posted: Wed Dec 28, 2011 12:17 am
by musclecar326
Ok first sorry about how short this update is but what with all the holidays around this time i lost motivation for a little while but then got it back quick. And with my motivation back i might just keep writing until i get the next one done :D

Chapter 11

Spark awoke on the couch blinking her eyes lazily. As she gazed around the room, the morning sun was just peeking through the windows. It was silent, not a sound was being made in the house. As Spark stood up she wondered how her boyfriend was doing. Last time she had seen him, he'd been staring into different pictures of him and Trevor. The carpet was soft under her feet as Spark made her way over to the stairs. The gentle crunch of the stairs was almost soothing. The upstairs seemed warmer yet more dark, 'well that's weird' thought Spark. The door to Trevor's old room was wide open with nobody inside. She didn't think much of it, thinking he was in the bathroom or possibly his own room. But as Spark searched the house, checking every room every place that Cocoa could be. He just wasn't anywhere! Finally after having checked every room twice, Spark stopped in the kitchen thirsty and very worried. She reached for the fridge when she noticed a note attached to the door. Spark swiped it of the fridge quicker then she could run. The note read; "Hello Spark, please do not worry over me. I could not see you in anymore pain or sadness just because of me. I knew that soon someone from the pound would come for me bringing me back to that dreadful place. I will not go back no matter what. I do not want to lose you or any of my friends. While I sat upstairs remembering the past, so many thoughts flooded my mind making me feel overwhelmed. There were many paths I could choose for the future and I know I chose the right path. Hopefully I'll be able to see you around sometime but for now this is... Goodbye my sweet." Tears were now streaming down Sparks face as she realized what Cocoa had decided to do. The sadness only lasted a few moments before determination and fear wedged their way into her mind. She had to go get help!

Taking the note with her, Spark dashed out of the house and down the street to Fido's house. The only thing she could hope was that he was home and willing to help.

Cocoa wandered through the woods with the dull green and brown backpack hanging on his shoulders. The weight in his heart felt heavy for leaving Spark behind but he had to keep moving. The best way to avoid being caught and brought back to the pound would be get very deep in the woods and keep his collar. The ground below his paws, was wet yet hard. The air smelled of flowers and fresh air, as Cocoa made his way deeper into the woods a familiar scent drifted into his nostrils. The smell of freshly baked cookies, only following his nose Cocoa picked his way through the thick brush. The smell got stronger and stronger until he found himself in a clearing with a nice dog house in the middle of it. There were the cookies! On the windowsill being cooled. Trying very hard to be sneaky he crept up to the house making sure to make no noise at all. Once Cocoa had his back against the side of the dog house he slowly lifted his paw up and grabbed a cookie off the plate. The cookie was gone into his month and down into his stomach before he could blink. Looking around carefully and even checking the inside of the house for anyone. No one was around, this was the perfect moment. Cocoa swiped the plate of cookies off the windowsill and started to chow down. Just as he was picking up the last cookie a twig snapped not far away. He quickly got up and saw the mess he had made. There were crumbs everywhere the plate was upside down, and the last cookie lay on the ground with a piece of dirt on it. Soon h heard voices getting closer and closer. There was no way he wanted to get caught like this. Grabbing his backpack with haste he ran out the other side of the clearing. There was a dead tree laying on the ground a few yards ahead, clearing it in a single leap he ducked behind it. Waiting for the scene to play out behind him. After only a few seconds there came the sound of a scream, then frantic talking about what might have happen. The next feeling came sadness, and then just as Cocoa was about to stand up and take off again. The voice called out in a thunderous voice, "WHOEVER ATE MY COOKIES IS GOING TO PAY!!"

Cocoa nearly jumped out of his skin hearing that booming voice. He got so startled that he jumped out and sprinted out of there without even looking where he was going. The next thing Cocoa knew, he was in midair then landed in a face full mud. Cocoa was covered head to toe in sticky, dirty mud. As he stood up and tried to wipe himself clean he noticed a road not that far ahead of him. Cocoa took his time with getting near the road making sure to check for people or pets every few seconds. There were no houses, businesses, or people around just that one road. Knowing that getting away from Babylon gardens was the best idea he started to walk on the side of the road headed in the opposite direction of his home.

As Fido opened the door, there stood Spark with a tear stained face and a crumpled up note in her hand. Before he could say anything she blurted out, "Cocoa is gone!"

"I know it is sad that he has to go back to the pound now that Trevor is gone but you have to accept that." Fido said thinking that it was the best possible answer he could say.

"No! He ran away!" Spark was already getting teary eyed.

"What?! When?" Fido asked now very interested in what she had to say.

"When I woke up this morning he was no where to be found, and he left this note on the fridge." Spark told him as she held out the crumpled note.

Once Fido was done reading the note all seriousness increased ten fold. "We need to look for him before he gets into too much trouble or worse gets hurt!"

Spark was nearly crying, Fido couldn't just stand there. He extended his arms inviting her in for a hug. She accepted gladly and leaned into his shoulder and started to bawl. At just that moment Sabrina happened to be walking by. She gazed over and saw her boyfriend hugging another cat lovingly. Fido glanced up but she just looked away and stormed off. 'Well that's another thing I'm going to have to fix' Fido thought as Spark loosened her grip from him. Now he had to get the K-9 unit together to find and follow Cocoa's scent and find him before anything bad happened.
hope you enjoyed it and please comment. You might help motivate me to write another quickly.

Re: fan fic: Tough memories Rated PG-13

Posted: Wed Dec 28, 2011 7:02 pm
by RandomGeekNamedBrent
well, I wouldn't think Sabrina would be the type to jump to conclusions like that.

Re: fan fic: Tough memories Rated PG-13

Posted: Wed Dec 28, 2011 7:57 pm
by TensaZangetsu
One drama bump after the next. I am loving this story
with all the police dogs, and Spo with his snide comments!!!

Re: fan fic: Tough memories Rated PG-13

Posted: Tue Jan 03, 2012 10:28 pm
by copper
Looks good so far! Cocoa is just so accident prone! Every update he is sent in the air it seems... :roll:

I wonder if it was Sasha, Bino, or King who yelled out. I think those are the only two who know about the dog house King built.

Re: fan fic: Tough memories Rated PG-13

Posted: Sat Jan 14, 2012 1:13 pm
by Luna werewolf
Lovin' it!

I hope something happens like Coaco is adopted by Spark's owners.

But, I hope Coaco doesn't spiral down into the despairing madness that tempts us all.

What's Coaco's fur pattern? And Sparks? Because, I might decide to do some fan art. If that's ok.

Re: fan fic: Tough memories Rated PG-13

Posted: Tue Jan 17, 2012 2:09 pm
by Luna werewolf
Here's the fanart

